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TERRAQUEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, P.C. 100 E. RUFFIN ST., MEBANE, NC 27302 (919)‐563‐9091 PHONE (919)‐563‐9095 FAX May 17, 2017 Jaclynne Drummond Compliance Hydrogeologist NCDEQ, Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section, Asheville Regional Office 2090 US Highway 70, Swannanoa, NC 28778 Re: Semi‐Annual Groundwater Monitoring Event (April 2017) Lee County Landfill ‐ Sanford, NC NCDWM – Solid Waste Section Permit # 53‐01 Terraquest Project No. 02296 Dear Ms. Drummond: On behalf of the Lee County Department of Public Works, Terraquest Environmental Consultants, P.C. is reporting the results of a biannual ground and surface water sampling event that took pace at the Lee County Landfill in Sanford, NC on April 13, 2017. In accordance with NCDWM‐SW’s reporting requirements, a Solid Waste Section Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form is attached. The data from the event including analytical results, groundwater elevations, and field measured groundwater parameter data is summarized on the attached Table 1. The location of the site is shown of Figure 1, the vicinity of the site on Figure 2, and site’s layout on Figure 3. Figure 4 presents the recent potentiometric surface. The full analytical report is also attached. The following summarizes the event: On April 13, 2017, Terraquest personnel sampled monitoring wells MW5, MW6, MW9, MW10, MW12, and MW14, and collected one surface water sample, SW2. All water samples were analyzed per SW‐846 8260B (VOCs) and SW‐846 7470A (mercury) and 6010C (RCRA Metals). All water samples were collected following technical methods and standard procedures as outlined on the enclosed sheets. Terraquest personnel also collected dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and conductivity measurements from each of the sampled monitoring wells following purging of the well and directly from the surface water body at the SW2 location. These measurements are listed on the attached Table 1. The analytical results revealed detectable concentrations of petroleum‐type compounds in monitoring well MW12 only. Benzene was reported at a concentration in excess of the standard set forth under Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code Subchapter 2L .0202(g). Results of the RCRA Metals analysis indicate that all of the monitoring wells and the TERRAQUEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, P.C. 100 E. RUFFIN ST., MEBANE, NC 27302 (919)‐563‐9091 PHONE (919)‐563‐9095 FAX surface water sample had a detection of at least one metal. The analytical results are summarized in Table 1. A potentiometric surface map (Figure 4) depicting an interpreted groundwater flow direction at the site as measured on April 13, 2017 is attached. Based upon the water levels in monitoring wells, the groundwater flow direction is to the southeast toward Mare Brand Creek. This flow direction conforms with historical flow directions. Table 1 lists the groundwater elevations for the monitoring wells. If you have any questions regarding the sampling event or analytical report, please contact Ryan Kerins at (919)‐563‐9091 or Mr. Joseph Cherry of the Lee County Public Works Department at (919)‐774‐8440. Thank you. Sincerely, TERRAQUEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, P.C. Ryan D. Kerins Michael J. Brown P.G. Project Manager President Page 1 of 3FACILITY PERMITWELL ID CAS Number SWS IDPARAMETERRESULT UNITS QUALIFIERDILUTION FACTORCOLLECT DATEEXTRACTION DATE*ANALYSIS DATE53‐01 5301‐MW4 SW328328Top Of Casing345.9feet53‐01 5301‐MW4 SW318318Depth To Water11.55feet53‐01 5301‐MW4427Groundwater Elevation334.4feet53‐01 5301‐MW5 SW328328Top Of Casing351.1feet53‐01 5301‐MW5 SW318318Depth To Water6.73feet53‐01 5301‐MW5Groundwater Elevation344.4feet53‐01 5301‐MW5 SW320320pH (field)6.2753‐01 5301‐MW5 SW356356Dissolved Oxygen2.75mg/L53‐01 5301‐MW5 SW325325Temperature18.6deg. C53‐01 5301‐MW5 SW323323Conductivity141 microS/sec53‐01 5301‐MW5 71‐43‐216Benzene<0.16ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 108‐88‐3 196Toluene<0.14ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 100‐41‐4 110Ethylbenzene<0.19ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 1330‐20‐7 346Total Xylenes<0.2ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW5Tetrahydrofuran<0.236ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 7439‐97‐6 132Mercury<0.07ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 7440‐38‐2 14Arsenic7.03ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 7440‐39‐3 15Barium311ug/L1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 7440‐43‐9 34Cadmium2.26ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 7440‐47‐3 51Chromium4.88ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 7439‐92‐1 131Lead11.4ug/L1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 7782‐49‐2 183Selenium14.7ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW5 7440‐22‐4 184Silver0.826ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 SW328328Top Of Casing402.1feet53‐01 5301‐MW6 SW318318Depth To Water10.90feet53‐01 5301‐MW6427Groundwater Elevation391.2feet53‐01 5301‐MW6SW320320pH (field)4.8553‐01 5301‐MW6 SW356356Dissolved Oxygen4.33mg/L53‐01 5301‐MW6 SW325325Temperature17.7deg. C53‐01 5301‐MW6 SW324324Conductivity37 microS/sec53‐01 5301‐MW6 71‐43‐216Benzene<0.16ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 108‐88‐3 196Toluene<0.14ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 100‐41‐4 110Ethylbenzene<0.19ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 1330‐20‐7 346Total Xylenes<0.2ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW6Tetrahydrofuran<0.236ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 7439‐97‐6 132Mercury<0.07ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 7440‐38‐2 14Arsenic<4.0ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 7440‐39‐3 15Barium42.6ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 7440‐43‐9 34Cadmium<0.300ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 7440‐47‐3 51Chromium<0.300ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 7439‐92‐1 131Lead<3.30ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 7782‐49‐2 183Selenium16.3ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW6 7440‐22‐4 184Silver0.969ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW7 SW328328Top Of Casing360.3feet53‐01 5301‐MW7 SW318318Depth To Water8.73feet53‐01 5301‐MW7427Groundwater Elevation351.6feet53‐01 5301‐MW9 SW328328Top Of Casing384.2feet53‐01 5301‐MW9 SW318318Depth To Water10.94feet53‐01 5301‐MW9427Groundwater Elevation 373.3feet53‐01 5301‐MW9 SW320320pH (field)4.6253‐01 5301‐MW9 SW356356Dissolved Oxygen5.80mg/L53‐01 5301‐MW9 SW325325Temperature16.5deg. C53‐01 5301‐MW9 SW324324Conductivity102 microS/sec53‐01 5301‐MW9 71‐43‐216Benzene<0.16ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 108‐88‐3 196Toluene<0.14ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 100‐41‐4 110Ethylbenzene<0.19ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 1330‐20‐7 346Total Xylenes<0.2ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW9Tetrahydrofuran<0.236ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 7439‐97‐6 132Mercury<0.07ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 7440‐38‐2 14Arsenic<4.0ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 7440‐39‐3 15Barium175ug/L1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 7440‐43‐9 34Cadmium0.332ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 7440‐47‐3 51Chromium1.88ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 7439‐92‐1 131Lead5.36ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 7782‐49‐2 183Selenium20.3ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW9 7440‐22‐4 184Silver1.45ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/2017 Page 2 of 3FACILITY PERMITWELL ID CAS Number SWS IDPARAMETERRESULT UNITS QUALIFIERDILUTION FACTORCOLLECT DATEEXTRACTION DATE*ANALYSIS DATE53‐01 5301‐MW10 SW328328Top Of Casing377.0feet53‐01 5301‐MW10 SW318318Depth To Water8.44feet53‐01 5301‐MW10427Groundwater Elevation368.6feet53‐01 5301‐MW10 SW320320pH (field)4.5453‐01 5301‐MW10 SW356356Dissolved Oxygen4.27mg/L53‐01 5301‐MW10 SW325325Temperature16.1deg. C53‐01 5301‐MW10 SW324324Conductivity100 microS/sec53‐01 5301‐MW10 71‐43‐216Benzene<0.16ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 108‐88‐3 196Toluene<0.14ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 100‐41‐4 110Ethylbenzene<0.19ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 1330‐20‐7 346Total Xylenes<0.2ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 67‐64‐13Acetone1.6ug/LJ1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW10Tetrahydrofuran<0.236ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 7439‐97‐6 132Mercury<0.07ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 7440‐38‐2 14Arsenic<4.0ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 7440‐39‐3 15Barium170ug/L1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 7440‐43‐9 34Cadmium<0.300ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 7440‐47‐3 51Chromium0.306ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 7439‐92‐1 131Lead<3.30ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 7782‐49‐2 183Selenium17.1ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW10 7440‐22‐4 184Silver1.31ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW11 SW328328Top Of Casing399.6feet53‐01 5301‐MW11 SW318318Depth To Water11.29feet53‐01 5301‐MW11427Groundwater Elevation388.3feet53‐01 5301‐MW12 SW328328Top Of Casing337.4feet53‐01 5301‐MW12 SW318318Depth To Water4.23feet53‐01 5301‐MW12427Groundwater Elevation333.2feet53‐01 5301‐MW12 71‐43‐216Benzene4.67ug/L1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 108‐88‐3 196Toluene0.24ug/LJ1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 100‐41‐4 110Ethylbenzene<0.19ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 1330‐20‐7 346Total Xylenes0.31ug/LJ1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW12Tetrahydrofuran<0.236ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 108‐90‐7 39Chlorobenzene22.9ug/L1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 75‐00‐341Chloroethane24.2ug/L1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 106‐46‐771 1‐4‐Dichlorobenzene5.40ug/L1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 75‐34‐3751,1‐Dichloroethane3.58ug/L1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 95‐50‐1691,2‐Dichlorobenzene0.36ug/LJ1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 7439‐97‐6 132Mercury<0.07ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 7440‐38‐2 14Arsenic16.5ug/L1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 7440‐39‐3 15Barium1,510ug/L1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 7440‐43‐9 34Cadmium6.65ug/L1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 7440‐47‐351Chromium9.81ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 7439‐92‐1 131Lead46.7ug/L1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 7782‐49‐2 183Selenium15.8ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW12 7440‐22‐4 184Silver1.21ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW13 SW328328Top Of Casing363.93feet53‐01 5301‐MW13 SW318318Depth To Water8.22feet53‐01 5301‐MW13427Groundwater Elevation355.7feet Page 3 of 3FACILITY PERMITWELL ID CAS Number SWS IDPARAMETERRESULT UNITS QUALIFIERDILUTION FACTORCOLLECT DATEEXTRACTION DATE*ANALYSIS DATE53‐01 5301‐MW14 SW328328Top Of Casing358.61feet53‐01 5301‐MW14 SW318318Depth To Water6.92feet53‐01 5301‐MW14427Groundwater Elevation351.7feet53‐01 5301‐MW14 SW320320pH (field)6.3653‐01 5301‐MW14 SW356356Dissolved Oxygen5.78mg/L53‐01 5301‐MW14 SW325325Temperature16.2deg. C53‐01 5301‐MW14 SW324324Conductivity55 microS/sec53‐01 5301‐MW14 71‐43‐216Benzene<0.16ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 108‐88‐3 196Toluene<0.14ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 100‐41‐4 110Ethylbenzene<0.19ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 1330‐20‐7 346Total Xylenes<0.2ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW14Tetrahydrofuran<0.236ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 7439‐97‐6 132Mercury<0.07ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 7440‐38‐2 14Arsenic<4ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 7440‐39‐3 15Barium109ug/L1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 7440‐43‐9 34Cadmium0.578ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 7440‐47‐3 51Chromium1.27ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 7439‐92‐1 131Lead<3.3ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 7782‐49‐2 183Selenium16ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐01 5301‐MW14 7440‐22‐4 184Silver1.55ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐015301‐SW2 SW320320pH (field)5.8353‐015301‐SW2 SW356356Dissolved Oxygen6.34mg/L53‐015301‐SW2 SW325325Temperature18.1deg. C53‐015301‐SW2SW324324Conductivity78 microS/sec53‐015301‐SW2 71‐43‐216Benzene<0.16ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐015301‐SW2 108‐88‐3 196Toluene0.18ug/LJ1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐015301‐SW2 100‐41‐4 110Ethylbenzene<0.19ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐015301‐SW2 1330‐20‐7 346Total Xylenes<0.2ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐015301‐SW2Tetrahydrofuran<0.236ug/LU1 4/13/20174/19/201753‐015301‐SW2 7439‐97‐6 132Mercury<0.07ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/201753‐015301‐SW2 7440‐38‐2 14Arsenic<4.0ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐015301‐SW2 7440‐39‐3 15Barium63.6ug/L1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐015301‐SW2 7440‐43‐9 34Cadmium<0.300ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐015301‐SW2 7440‐47‐3 51Chromium<0.300ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐015301‐SW2 7439‐92‐1 131Lead<3.3ug/LU1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐015301‐SW2 7782‐49‐2 183Selenium17.2ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/201753‐015301‐SW2 7440‐22‐4 184Silver1.37ug/LJ1 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 4/18/2017 Analytical Report L7D0252 Project Lee County Landfill Project Number 02296 May 02, 2017 Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Mebane, NC 27302 Minority Women Business Enterprise Small Disadvantaged Business Enterprise 1412 Tech Blvd Phone #:813-620-2000 Website:www.ftsanalytical.comTampa, FL 33619 Minority Women Business Enterprise Small Disadvantaged Business Enterprise May 02, 2017 Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Ryan Kerins RE: Lee County Landfill We are reporting the results of the analyses performed on the samples recieved on 4/14/2017 under the project name referenced above and identified as the lab Work Order L7D0252. All results being reported under this Report apply to the samples analyzed and properly identified with a Laboratory ID number. Subcontracted analyses are identified in this report with either the NELAC certification number of the subcontracted lab, or the complete subcontracted report attached to this report. Unless otherwise noted in a Case Narrative, all data reported in this Analytical Report are in compliance with NELAC standards. The uncertainty of measurement associated with the results of analysis reported is available upon request. Should insufficient sample be provided to the laboratory to meet the method and NELAC Matrix Duplicate and Matrix Spike requirements, then the data will be analyzed, evaluated and reporting using all other available quality control methods. The validity and integrity of this report will remain intact as long as it is accompanied by this letter and reproduced in full, unless written approval is granted by FTS Analytical Laboratories. This report will be filed for at least 5 years in our archives after which time it will be destroyed without further notice, unless otherwise agreed upon. The samples received, and described as recorded in Work Order L7D0252 will be filed for 60 days, and after that time they will be properly disposed without further notice, unless otherwise agreed upon. We reserve the right to return to you any unused samples, extracts, or solutions if we consider so necessary (e.g., samples identified as hazardous waste, sample sizes exceeding standard practices, controlled/regulated substances, etc.) We thank you for selecting FTS Analytical to serve your analytical needs. If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. We will be happy to help. Mebane, NC 27302 Sincerely, Chad Bechtold VP of Client Services Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Samples in this Report Sample Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received MW5 WaterL7D0252-01 14-Apr-2017 10:0013-Apr-2017 11:55 MW6 WaterL7D0252-02 14-Apr-2017 10:0013-Apr-2017 11:10 MW9 WaterL7D0252-03 14-Apr-2017 10:0013-Apr-2017 10:45 MW10 WaterL7D0252-04 14-Apr-2017 10:0013-Apr-2017 10:55 MW12 WaterL7D0252-05 14-Apr-2017 10:0013-Apr-2017 11:35 MW14 WaterL7D0252-06 14-Apr-2017 10:0013-Apr-2017 10:30 SW2 WaterL7D0252-07 14-Apr-2017 10:0013-Apr-2017 12:15 Page 3 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Analysis Case Narrative Method 8260B Batch B7D0296 The Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicate recoveries for 8 compounds were above control limits. However, the Blank Spike and Blank Spike Duplicate recoveries for these analytes were within acceptable limits. Sample affected: L7D0252-01. Method 8260B Batch B7D0305 The precision (RPD) of the Blank Spike and Blank Spike Duplicate was outside control limits for Acetone and 2-Hexanone. The precision (RPD) was within limits in the Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicate; therefore, the data was accepted. Page 4 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Hits Summary Sample: MW5 MethodCAS #Date AnalyzedDilUnitsMDLResultRLQual Analyte Lab ID: L7D0252-01 0.0100 mg/L0.00400 1J0.00703 4/18/17 17:02 7440-38-2 EPA 6010CArsenic 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.311 4/18/17 17:02 7440-39-3 EPA 6010CBarium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 1J0.00226 4/18/17 17:02 7440-43-9 EPA 6010CCadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 1J0.00488 4/18/17 17:02 7440-47-3 EPA 6010CChromium 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 10.0114 4/18/17 17:02 7439-92-1 EPA 6010CLead 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 1J0.0147 4/18/17 17:02 7782-49-2 EPA 6010CSelenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 1J0.000826 4/18/17 17:02 7440-22-4 EPA 6010CSilver Sample: MW6 MethodCAS #Date AnalyzedDilUnitsMDLResultRLQual Analyte Lab ID: L7D0252-02 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 1J0.0426 4/18/17 17:10 7440-39-3 EPA 6010CBarium 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 1J0.0163 4/18/17 17:10 7782-49-2 EPA 6010CSelenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 1J0.000969 4/18/17 17:10 7440-22-4 EPA 6010CSilver Sample: MW9 MethodCAS #Date AnalyzedDilUnitsMDLResultRLQual Analyte Lab ID: L7D0252-03 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.175 4/18/17 17:11 7440-39-3 EPA 6010CBarium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 1J0.000332 4/18/17 17:11 7440-43-9 EPA 6010CCadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 1J0.00188 4/18/17 17:11 7440-47-3 EPA 6010CChromium 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 1J0.00536 4/18/17 17:11 7439-92-1 EPA 6010CLead 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 1J0.0203 4/18/17 17:11 7782-49-2 EPA 6010CSelenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 1J0.00145 4/18/17 17:11 7440-22-4 EPA 6010CSilver Sample: MW10 MethodCAS #Date AnalyzedDilUnitsMDLResultRLQual Analyte Lab ID: L7D0252-04 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.170 4/18/17 17:13 7440-39-3 EPA 6010CBarium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 1J0.000306 4/18/17 17:13 7440-47-3 EPA 6010CChromium 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 1J0.0171 4/18/17 17:13 7782-49-2 EPA 6010CSelenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 1J0.00131 4/18/17 17:13 7440-22-4 EPA 6010CSilver 10.0 ug/L0.350 1J1.60 4/19/17 16:44 67-64-1 EPA 8260B APP IAcetone Page 5 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Hits Summary (Continued) Sample: MW12 MethodCAS #Date AnalyzedDilUnitsMDLResultRLQual Analyte Lab ID: L7D0252-05 0.0100 mg/L0.00400 10.0165 4/18/17 17:15 7440-38-2 EPA 6010CArsenic 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 11.51 4/18/17 17:15 7440-39-3 EPA 6010CBarium 1.00 ug/L0.110 13.58 4/19/17 17:06 75-34-3 EPA 8260B APP I1,1-Dichloroethane 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 10.00665 4/18/17 17:15 7440-43-9 EPA 6010CCadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 1J0.00981 4/18/17 17:15 7440-47-3 EPA 6010CChromium 1.00 ug/L0.140 1J0.360 4/19/17 17:06 95-50-1 EPA 8260B APP I1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 10.0467 4/18/17 17:15 7439-92-1 EPA 6010CLead 1.00 ug/L0.170 15.40 4/19/17 17:06 106-46-7 EPA 8260B APP I1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 1J0.0158 4/18/17 17:15 7782-49-2 EPA 6010CSelenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 1J0.00121 4/18/17 17:15 7440-22-4 EPA 6010CSilver 1.00 ug/L0.160 14.67 4/19/17 17:06 71-43-2 EPA 8260B APP IBenzene 1.00 ug/L0.150 122.9 4/19/17 17:06 108-90-7 EPA 8260B APP IChlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.260 124.2 4/19/17 17:06 75-00-3 EPA 8260B APP IChloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.140 1J0.240 4/19/17 17:06 108-88-3 EPA 8260B APP IToluene 1.00 ug/L0.200 1J0.310 4/19/17 17:06 1330-20-7 EPA 8260B APP ITotal Xylenes Sample: MW14 MethodCAS #Date AnalyzedDilUnitsMDLResultRLQual Analyte Lab ID: L7D0252-06 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.109 4/18/17 17:17 7440-39-3 EPA 6010CBarium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 1J0.000578 4/18/17 17:17 7440-43-9 EPA 6010CCadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 1J0.00127 4/18/17 17:17 7440-47-3 EPA 6010CChromium 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 1J0.0160 4/18/17 17:17 7782-49-2 EPA 6010CSelenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 1J0.00155 4/18/17 17:17 7440-22-4 EPA 6010CSilver Sample: SW2 MethodCAS #Date AnalyzedDilUnitsMDLResultRLQual Analyte Lab ID: L7D0252-07 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.0636 4/18/17 17:19 7440-39-3 EPA 6010CBarium 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 1J0.0172 4/18/17 17:19 7782-49-2 EPA 6010CSelenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 1J0.00137 4/18/17 17:19 7440-22-4 EPA 6010CSilver 1.00 ug/L0.140 1J0.180 4/20/17 14:58 108-88-3 EPA 8260B APP IToluene Page 6 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-01 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW5 RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 11:55 CAS # 7 RCRA Metals by Method 6010C 0.0100 mg/L0.00400 10.00703 J 4/18/17 17:024/17/17 13:30 7440-38-2Arsenic 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.311 4/18/17 17:024/17/17 13:30 7440-39-3Barium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 10.00226 J 4/18/17 17:024/17/17 13:30 7440-43-9Cadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 10.00488 J 4/18/17 17:024/17/17 13:30 7440-47-3Chromium 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 10.0114 4/18/17 17:024/17/17 13:30 7439-92-1Lead 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 10.0147 J 4/18/17 17:024/17/17 13:30 7782-49-2Selenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 10.000826 J 4/18/17 17:024/17/17 13:30 7440-22-4Silver Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 630-20-61,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 71-55-61,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 XU 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 79-34-51,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 XU 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 79-00-51,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 75-34-31,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 75-35-41,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 XU 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 96-18-41,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 XU 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 96-12-81,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 XU 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 106-93-41,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 95-50-11,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 107-06-21,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 78-87-51,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 106-46-71,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 ug/L0.280 10.280 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 78-93-32-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 ug/L0.320 10.320 XU 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 591-78-62-Hexanone 2.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 XU 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 108-10-14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 ug/L0.350 10.350 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 67-64-1Acetone 2.00 ug/L0.490 10.490 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 107-13-1Acrylonitrile 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 71-43-2Benzene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 74-97-5Bromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 75-27-4Bromodichloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 XU 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 75-25-2Bromoform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 74-83-9Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 75-15-0Carbon disulfide 1.00 ug/L0.330 10.330 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 56-23-5Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 108-90-7Chlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 75-00-3Chloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 67-66-3Chloroform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 74-87-3Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 156-59-2cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.100 10.100 XU 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 10061-01-5cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 124-48-1Dibromochloromethane Page 7 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-01 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW5 (Continued) RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 11:55 CAS # Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 74-95-3Dibromomethane 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 100-41-4Ethylbenzene 1.00 ug/L0.310 10.310 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 74-88-4Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 ug/L0.510 10.510 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 179601-23-1m,p-Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.420 10.420 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 75-09-2Methylene Chloride 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 95-47-6o-Xylene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 100-42-5Styrene 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 127-18-4Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 108-88-3Toluene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 1330-20-7Total Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 156-60-5trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 1006-10-26trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 110-57-6trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 79-01-6Trichloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.530 10.530 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 75-69-4Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 ug/L0.720 10.720 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 108-05-4Vinyl acetate 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 75-01-4Vinyl chloride Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)53-159110%4/19/17 15:37 10706-07-0 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)30-186111%4/19/17 15:37 460-00-4 Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)70-130100%4/19/17 15:37 2037-26-5 Total Mercury Analysis by Method 7470A 0.000200 mg/L0.0000700 10.0000700 U 4/21/17 13:464/21/17 13:46 7439-97-6Mercury VOCs by Method 8260B 5.00 ug/L0.236 10.236 U 4/19/17 15:374/19/17 12:53 109-99-9Tetrahydrofuran Page 8 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-02 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW6 RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 11:10 CAS # 7 RCRA Metals by Method 6010C 0.0100 mg/L0.00400 10.00400 U 4/18/17 17:104/17/17 13:30 7440-38-2Arsenic 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.0426 J 4/18/17 17:104/17/17 13:30 7440-39-3Barium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 10.000300 U 4/18/17 17:104/17/17 13:30 7440-43-9Cadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 10.000300 U 4/18/17 17:104/17/17 13:30 7440-47-3Chromium 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 10.00330 U 4/18/17 17:104/17/17 13:30 7439-92-1Lead 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 10.0163 J 4/18/17 17:104/17/17 13:30 7782-49-2Selenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 10.000969 J 4/18/17 17:104/17/17 13:30 7440-22-4Silver Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 630-20-61,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 71-55-61,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 79-34-51,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 79-00-51,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 75-34-31,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 75-35-41,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 96-18-41,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 96-12-81,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 106-93-41,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 95-50-11,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 107-06-21,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 78-87-51,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 106-46-71,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 ug/L0.280 10.280 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 78-93-32-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 ug/L0.320 10.320 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 591-78-62-Hexanone 2.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 108-10-14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 ug/L0.350 10.350 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 67-64-1Acetone 2.00 ug/L0.490 10.490 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 107-13-1Acrylonitrile 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 71-43-2Benzene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 74-97-5Bromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 75-27-4Bromodichloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 75-25-2Bromoform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 74-83-9Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 75-15-0Carbon disulfide 1.00 ug/L0.330 10.330 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 56-23-5Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 108-90-7Chlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 75-00-3Chloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 67-66-3Chloroform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 74-87-3Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 156-59-2cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.100 10.100 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 10061-01-5cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 124-48-1Dibromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 74-95-3Dibromomethane Page 9 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-02 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW6 (Continued) RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 11:10 CAS # Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 100-41-4Ethylbenzene 1.00 ug/L0.310 10.310 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 74-88-4Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 ug/L0.510 10.510 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 179601-23-1m,p-Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.420 10.420 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 75-09-2Methylene Chloride 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 95-47-6o-Xylene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 100-42-5Styrene 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 127-18-4Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 108-88-3Toluene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 1330-20-7Total Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 156-60-5trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 1006-10-26trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 110-57-6trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 79-01-6Trichloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.530 10.530 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 75-69-4Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 ug/L0.720 10.720 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 108-05-4Vinyl acetate 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 75-01-4Vinyl chloride Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)53-159113%4/19/17 15:59 10706-07-0 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)30-186114%4/19/17 15:59 460-00-4 Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)70-130104%4/19/17 15:59 2037-26-5 Total Mercury Analysis by Method 7470A 0.000200 mg/L0.0000700 10.0000700 U 4/21/17 13:464/21/17 13:46 7439-97-6Mercury VOCs by Method 8260B 5.00 ug/L0.236 10.236 U 4/19/17 15:594/19/17 12:53 109-99-9Tetrahydrofuran Page 10 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-03 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW9 RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 10:45 CAS # 7 RCRA Metals by Method 6010C 0.0100 mg/L0.00400 10.00400 U 4/18/17 17:114/17/17 13:30 7440-38-2Arsenic 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.175 4/18/17 17:114/17/17 13:30 7440-39-3Barium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 10.000332 J 4/18/17 17:114/17/17 13:30 7440-43-9Cadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 10.00188 J 4/18/17 17:114/17/17 13:30 7440-47-3Chromium 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 10.00536 J 4/18/17 17:114/17/17 13:30 7439-92-1Lead 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 10.0203 J 4/18/17 17:114/17/17 13:30 7782-49-2Selenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 10.00145 J 4/18/17 17:114/17/17 13:30 7440-22-4Silver Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 630-20-61,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 71-55-61,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 79-34-51,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 79-00-51,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 75-34-31,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 75-35-41,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 96-18-41,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 96-12-81,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 106-93-41,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 95-50-11,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 107-06-21,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 78-87-51,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 106-46-71,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 ug/L0.280 10.280 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 78-93-32-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 ug/L0.320 10.320 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 591-78-62-Hexanone 2.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 108-10-14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 ug/L0.350 10.350 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 67-64-1Acetone 2.00 ug/L0.490 10.490 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 107-13-1Acrylonitrile 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 71-43-2Benzene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 74-97-5Bromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 75-27-4Bromodichloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 75-25-2Bromoform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 74-83-9Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 75-15-0Carbon disulfide 1.00 ug/L0.330 10.330 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 56-23-5Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 108-90-7Chlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 75-00-3Chloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 67-66-3Chloroform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 74-87-3Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 156-59-2cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.100 10.100 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 10061-01-5cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 124-48-1Dibromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 74-95-3Dibromomethane Page 11 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-03 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW9 (Continued) RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 10:45 CAS # Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 100-41-4Ethylbenzene 1.00 ug/L0.310 10.310 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 74-88-4Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 ug/L0.510 10.510 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 179601-23-1m,p-Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.420 10.420 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 75-09-2Methylene Chloride 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 95-47-6o-Xylene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 100-42-5Styrene 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 127-18-4Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 108-88-3Toluene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 1330-20-7Total Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 156-60-5trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 1006-10-26trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 110-57-6trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 79-01-6Trichloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.530 10.530 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 75-69-4Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 ug/L0.720 10.720 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 108-05-4Vinyl acetate 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 75-01-4Vinyl chloride Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)53-159117%4/19/17 16:22 10706-07-0 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)30-186113%4/19/17 16:22 460-00-4 Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)70-130102%4/19/17 16:22 2037-26-5 Total Mercury Analysis by Method 7470A 0.000200 mg/L0.0000700 10.0000700 U 4/21/17 13:464/21/17 13:46 7439-97-6Mercury VOCs by Method 8260B 5.00 ug/L0.236 10.236 U 4/19/17 16:224/19/17 12:53 109-99-9Tetrahydrofuran Page 12 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-04 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW10 RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 10:55 CAS # 7 RCRA Metals by Method 6010C 0.0100 mg/L0.00400 10.00400 U 4/18/17 17:134/17/17 13:30 7440-38-2Arsenic 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.170 4/18/17 17:134/17/17 13:30 7440-39-3Barium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 10.000300 U 4/18/17 17:134/17/17 13:30 7440-43-9Cadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 10.000306 J 4/18/17 17:134/17/17 13:30 7440-47-3Chromium 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 10.00330 U 4/18/17 17:134/17/17 13:30 7439-92-1Lead 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 10.0171 J 4/18/17 17:134/17/17 13:30 7782-49-2Selenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 10.00131 J 4/18/17 17:134/17/17 13:30 7440-22-4Silver Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 630-20-61,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 71-55-61,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 79-34-51,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 79-00-51,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 75-34-31,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 75-35-41,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 96-18-41,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 96-12-81,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 106-93-41,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 95-50-11,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 107-06-21,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 78-87-51,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 106-46-71,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 ug/L0.280 10.280 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 78-93-32-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 ug/L0.320 10.320 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 591-78-62-Hexanone 2.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 108-10-14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 ug/L0.350 11.60 J 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 67-64-1Acetone 2.00 ug/L0.490 10.490 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 107-13-1Acrylonitrile 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 71-43-2Benzene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 74-97-5Bromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 75-27-4Bromodichloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 75-25-2Bromoform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 74-83-9Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 75-15-0Carbon disulfide 1.00 ug/L0.330 10.330 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 56-23-5Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 108-90-7Chlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 75-00-3Chloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 67-66-3Chloroform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 74-87-3Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 156-59-2cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.100 10.100 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 10061-01-5cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 124-48-1Dibromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 74-95-3Dibromomethane Page 13 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-04 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW10 (Continued) RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 10:55 CAS # Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 100-41-4Ethylbenzene 1.00 ug/L0.310 10.310 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 74-88-4Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 ug/L0.510 10.510 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 179601-23-1m,p-Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.420 10.420 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 75-09-2Methylene Chloride 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 95-47-6o-Xylene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 100-42-5Styrene 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 127-18-4Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 108-88-3Toluene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 1330-20-7Total Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 156-60-5trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 1006-10-26trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 110-57-6trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 79-01-6Trichloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.530 10.530 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 75-69-4Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 ug/L0.720 10.720 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 108-05-4Vinyl acetate 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 75-01-4Vinyl chloride Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)53-159115%4/19/17 16:44 10706-07-0 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)30-186110%4/19/17 16:44 460-00-4 Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)70-130101%4/19/17 16:44 2037-26-5 Total Mercury Analysis by Method 7470A 0.000200 mg/L0.0000700 10.0000700 U 4/21/17 13:464/21/17 13:46 7439-97-6Mercury VOCs by Method 8260B 5.00 ug/L0.236 10.236 U 4/19/17 16:444/19/17 12:53 109-99-9Tetrahydrofuran Page 14 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-05 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW12 RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 11:35 CAS # 7 RCRA Metals by Method 6010C 0.0100 mg/L0.00400 10.0165 4/18/17 17:154/17/17 13:30 7440-38-2Arsenic 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 11.51 4/18/17 17:154/17/17 13:30 7440-39-3Barium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 10.00665 4/18/17 17:154/17/17 13:30 7440-43-9Cadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 10.00981 J 4/18/17 17:154/17/17 13:30 7440-47-3Chromium 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 10.0467 4/18/17 17:154/17/17 13:30 7439-92-1Lead 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 10.0158 J 4/18/17 17:154/17/17 13:30 7782-49-2Selenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 10.00121 J 4/18/17 17:154/17/17 13:30 7440-22-4Silver Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 630-20-61,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 71-55-61,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 79-34-51,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 79-00-51,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.110 13.58 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 75-34-31,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 75-35-41,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 96-18-41,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 96-12-81,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 106-93-41,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.360 J 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 95-50-11,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 107-06-21,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 78-87-51,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.170 15.40 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 106-46-71,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 ug/L0.280 10.280 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 78-93-32-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 ug/L0.320 10.320 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 591-78-62-Hexanone 2.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 108-10-14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 ug/L0.350 10.350 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 67-64-1Acetone 2.00 ug/L0.490 10.490 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 107-13-1Acrylonitrile 1.00 ug/L0.160 14.67 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 71-43-2Benzene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 74-97-5Bromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 75-27-4Bromodichloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 75-25-2Bromoform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 74-83-9Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 75-15-0Carbon disulfide 1.00 ug/L0.330 10.330 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 56-23-5Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 ug/L0.150 122.9 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 108-90-7Chlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.260 124.2 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 75-00-3Chloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 67-66-3Chloroform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 74-87-3Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 156-59-2cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.100 10.100 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 10061-01-5cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 124-48-1Dibromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 74-95-3Dibromomethane Page 15 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-05 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW12 (Continued) RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 11:35 CAS # Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 100-41-4Ethylbenzene 1.00 ug/L0.310 10.310 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 74-88-4Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 ug/L0.510 10.510 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 179601-23-1m,p-Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.420 10.420 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 75-09-2Methylene Chloride 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 95-47-6o-Xylene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 100-42-5Styrene 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 127-18-4Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.240 J 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 108-88-3Toluene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.310 J 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 1330-20-7Total Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 156-60-5trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 1006-10-26trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 110-57-6trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 79-01-6Trichloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.530 10.530 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 75-69-4Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 ug/L0.720 10.720 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 108-05-4Vinyl acetate 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 75-01-4Vinyl chloride Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)53-159107%4/19/17 17:06 10706-07-0 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)30-186106%4/19/17 17:06 460-00-4 Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)70-130100%4/19/17 17:06 2037-26-5 Total Mercury Analysis by Method 7470A 0.000200 mg/L0.0000700 10.0000700 U 4/21/17 13:464/21/17 13:46 7439-97-6Mercury VOCs by Method 8260B 5.00 ug/L0.236 10.236 U 4/19/17 17:064/19/17 12:53 109-99-9Tetrahydrofuran Page 16 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-06 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW14 RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 10:30 CAS # 7 RCRA Metals by Method 6010C 0.0100 mg/L0.00400 10.00400 U 4/18/17 17:174/17/17 13:30 7440-38-2Arsenic 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.109 4/18/17 17:174/17/17 13:30 7440-39-3Barium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 10.000578 J 4/18/17 17:174/17/17 13:30 7440-43-9Cadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 10.00127 J 4/18/17 17:174/17/17 13:30 7440-47-3Chromium 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 10.00330 U 4/18/17 17:174/17/17 13:30 7439-92-1Lead 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 10.0160 J 4/18/17 17:174/17/17 13:30 7782-49-2Selenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 10.00155 J 4/18/17 17:174/17/17 13:30 7440-22-4Silver Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 630-20-61,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 71-55-61,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 79-34-51,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 79-00-51,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 75-34-31,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 75-35-41,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 96-18-41,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 96-12-81,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 106-93-41,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 95-50-11,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 107-06-21,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 78-87-51,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 106-46-71,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 ug/L0.280 10.280 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 78-93-32-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 ug/L0.320 10.320 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 591-78-62-Hexanone 2.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 108-10-14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 ug/L0.350 10.350 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 67-64-1Acetone 2.00 ug/L0.490 10.490 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 107-13-1Acrylonitrile 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 71-43-2Benzene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 74-97-5Bromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 75-27-4Bromodichloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 75-25-2Bromoform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 74-83-9Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 75-15-0Carbon disulfide 1.00 ug/L0.330 10.330 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 56-23-5Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 108-90-7Chlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 75-00-3Chloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 67-66-3Chloroform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 74-87-3Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 156-59-2cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.100 10.100 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 10061-01-5cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 124-48-1Dibromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 74-95-3Dibromomethane Page 17 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-06 (Water) Client Sample ID: MW14 (Continued) RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 10:30 CAS # Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 100-41-4Ethylbenzene 1.00 ug/L0.310 10.310 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 74-88-4Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 ug/L0.510 10.510 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 179601-23-1m,p-Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.420 10.420 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 75-09-2Methylene Chloride 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 95-47-6o-Xylene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 100-42-5Styrene 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 127-18-4Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 108-88-3Toluene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 1330-20-7Total Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 156-60-5trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 1006-10-26trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 110-57-6trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 79-01-6Trichloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.530 10.530 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 75-69-4Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 ug/L0.720 10.720 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 108-05-4Vinyl acetate 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 75-01-4Vinyl chloride Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)53-159111%4/19/17 17:29 10706-07-0 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)30-186110%4/19/17 17:29 460-00-4 Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)70-130101%4/19/17 17:29 2037-26-5 Total Mercury Analysis by Method 7470A 0.000200 mg/L0.0000700 10.0000700 U 4/21/17 13:464/21/17 13:46 7439-97-6Mercury VOCs by Method 8260B 5.00 ug/L0.236 10.236 U 4/19/17 17:294/19/17 12:53 109-99-9Tetrahydrofuran Page 18 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-07 (Water) Client Sample ID: SW2 RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 12:15 CAS # 7 RCRA Metals by Method 6010C 0.0100 mg/L0.00400 10.00400 U 4/18/17 17:194/17/17 13:30 7440-38-2Arsenic 0.0500 mg/L0.00200 10.0636 4/18/17 17:194/17/17 13:30 7440-39-3Barium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 10.000300 U 4/18/17 17:194/17/17 13:30 7440-43-9Cadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 10.000300 U 4/18/17 17:194/17/17 13:30 7440-47-3Chromium 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 10.00330 U 4/18/17 17:194/17/17 13:30 7439-92-1Lead 0.0500 mg/L0.0113 10.0172 J 4/18/17 17:194/17/17 13:30 7782-49-2Selenium 0.0500 mg/L0.000600 10.00137 J 4/18/17 17:194/17/17 13:30 7440-22-4Silver Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 630-20-61,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 71-55-61,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 79-34-51,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 79-00-51,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 75-34-31,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 75-35-41,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 96-18-41,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 96-12-81,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 106-93-41,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.140 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 95-50-11,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 107-06-21,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 78-87-51,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 106-46-71,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 ug/L0.280 10.280 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 78-93-32-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 ug/L0.320 10.320 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 591-78-62-Hexanone 2.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 108-10-14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 ug/L0.350 10.350 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 67-64-1Acetone 2.00 ug/L0.490 10.490 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 107-13-1Acrylonitrile 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 71-43-2Benzene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 74-97-5Bromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 75-27-4Bromodichloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.170 10.170 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 75-25-2Bromoform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 74-83-9Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 75-15-0Carbon disulfide 1.00 ug/L0.330 10.330 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 56-23-5Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 108-90-7Chlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.260 10.260 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 75-00-3Chloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 67-66-3Chloroform 1.00 ug/L0.250 10.250 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 74-87-3Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 156-59-2cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.100 10.100 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 10061-01-5cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.150 10.150 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 124-48-1Dibromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.240 10.240 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 74-95-3Dibromomethane Page 19 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Sample Results (Continued) ResultAnalyte MDL Date AnalyzedQual Units Lab Sample ID: L7D0252-07 (Water) Client Sample ID: SW2 (Continued) RL Dil Date Prepared Sampled: 4/13/17 12:15 CAS # Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 100-41-4Ethylbenzene 1.00 ug/L0.310 10.310 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 74-88-4Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 ug/L0.510 10.510 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 179601-23-1m,p-Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.420 10.420 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 75-09-2Methylene Chloride 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 95-47-6o-Xylene 1.00 ug/L0.180 10.180 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 100-42-5Styrene 1.00 ug/L0.160 10.160 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 127-18-4Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.140 10.180 J 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 108-88-3Toluene 1.00 ug/L0.200 10.200 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 1330-20-7Total Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.210 10.210 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 156-60-5trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.110 10.110 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 1006-10-26trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 110-57-6trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 79-01-6Trichloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.530 10.530 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 75-69-4Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 ug/L0.720 10.720 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 108-05-4Vinyl acetate 1.00 ug/L0.190 10.190 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 75-01-4Vinyl chloride Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)53-159114%4/20/17 14:58 10706-07-0 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)30-186108%4/20/17 14:58 460-00-4 Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)70-130100%4/20/17 14:58 2037-26-5 Total Mercury Analysis by Method 7470A 0.000200 mg/L0.0000700 10.0000700 U 4/21/17 13:464/21/17 13:46 7439-97-6Mercury VOCs by Method 8260B 5.00 ug/L0.236 10.236 U 4/20/17 14:584/20/17 9:07 109-99-9Tetrahydrofuran Page 20 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control VOCs by Method 8260B MDL Batch: B7D0296 Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017Blank (B7D0296-BLK1) 5.00 ug/L0.236 U 0.236Tetrahydrofuran Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017LCS (B7D0296-BS1) 5.00 50.0 70-13083ug/L41.3 0.236Tetrahydrofuran Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017LCS Dup (B7D0296-BSD1) 5.00 50.0 2070-13099 18ug/L49.4 0.236Tetrahydrofuran Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017Source: L7D0252-01Matrix Spike (B7D0296-MS1) 5.00 50.0 ND 48-155123ug/L61.4 0.236Tetrahydrofuran Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017Source: L7D0252-01Matrix Spike Dup (B7D0296-MSD1) 5.00 50.0 ND 2048-155126 3ug/L63.1 0.236Tetrahydrofuran Batch: B7D0305 Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017Blank (B7D0305-BLK1) 5.00 ug/L0.236 U 0.236Tetrahydrofuran Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017LCS (B7D0305-BS1) 5.00 50.0 70-130109ug/L54.5 0.236Tetrahydrofuran Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017LCS Dup (B7D0305-BSD1) 5.00 50.0 2070-13091 18ug/L45.6 0.236Tetrahydrofuran Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017Source: L7D0269-10Matrix Spike (B7D0305-MS1) 5.00 50.0 48-155106ug/L52.9 0.236Tetrahydrofuran Page 21 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0305 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017Source: L7D0269-10Matrix Spike Dup (B7D0305-MSD1) 5.00 50.0 2048-155111 5ug/L55.5 0.236Tetrahydrofuran Page 22 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B MDL Batch: B7D0296 Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017Blank (B7D0296-BLK1) 1.00 ug/L0.240 U 0.2401,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 U 0.1601,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.180 U 0.1801,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 U 0.2501,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.110 U 0.1101,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.200 U 0.2001,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.210 U 0.2101,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.190 U 0.1901,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 ug/L0.180 U 0.1801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 ug/L0.140 U 0.1401,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.180 U 0.1801,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.150 U 0.1501,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.170 U 0.1701,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 ug/L0.280 U 0.2802-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 ug/L0.320 U 0.3202-Hexanone 2.00 ug/L0.260 U 0.2604-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 ug/L0.350 U 0.350Acetone 2.00 ug/L0.490 U 0.490Acrylonitrile 1.00 ug/L0.160 U 0.160Benzene 1.00 ug/L0.200 U 0.200Bromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 U 0.250Bromodichloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.170 U 0.170Bromoform 1.00 ug/L0.250 U 0.250Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 ug/L0.260 U 0.260Carbon disulfide 1.00 ug/L0.330 U 0.330Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 ug/L0.150 U 0.150Chlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.260 U 0.260Chloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 U 0.160Chloroform 1.00 ug/L0.250 U 0.250Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 ug/L0.210 U 0.210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.100 U 0.100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.150 U 0.150Dibromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.240 U 0.240Dibromomethane 1.00 ug/L0.190 U 0.190Ethylbenzene 1.00 ug/L0.310 U 0.310Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 ug/L0.510 U 0.510m,p-Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.420 U 0.420Methylene Chloride 1.00 ug/L0.200 U 0.200o-Xylene 1.00 ug/L0.180 U 0.180Styrene 1.00 ug/L0.160 U 0.160Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.140 U 0.140Toluene Page 23 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0296 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017Blank (B7D0296-BLK1) 1.00 ug/L0.200 U 0.200Total Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.210 U 0.210trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.110 U 0.110trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.190 U 0.190trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 ug/L0.190 U 0.190Trichloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.530 U 0.530Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 ug/L0.720 U 0.720Vinyl acetate 1.00 ug/L0.190 U 0.190Vinyl chloride 50.0 53-159Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)11457.1 ug/L 50.0 30-186Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)11256.2 ug/L 50.0 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)10351.6 ug/L Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017LCS (B7D0296-BS1) 1.00 50.0 80-13089ug/L44.7 0.2401,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 65-13089ug/L44.6 0.1601,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 65-13091ug/L45.4 0.1801,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 75-12586ug/L43.1 0.2501,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 70-13585ug/L42.4 0.1101,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 70-13077ug/L38.4 0.2001,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 75-12589ug/L44.3 0.2101,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 50.0 50-130101ug/L50.3 0.1901,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 50.0 80-12086ug/L43.2 0.1801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 50.0 70-12089ug/L44.4 0.1401,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 70-13088ug/L44.1 0.1801,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 75-12586ug/L43.0 0.1501,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 50.0 75-12587ug/L43.4 0.1701,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 100 30-15089ug/L89.4 0.2802-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 100 55-130102ug/L1020.3202-Hexanone 2.00 100 60-13595ug/L94.9 0.2604-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 100 40-14092ug/L92.2 0.350Acetone 2.00 125 40-14067ug/L84.1 0.490Acrylonitrile 1.00 50.0 80-12084ug/L41.8 0.160Benzene 1.00 50.0 65-13083ug/L41.6 0.200Bromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 75-12090ug/L45.0 0.250Bromodichloromethane 1.00 50.0 70-13092ug/L46.1 0.170Bromoform 1.00 50.0 30-14566ug/L32.8 0.250Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 50.0 35-16080ug/L40.2 0.260Carbon disulfide 1.00 50.0 65-14089ug/L44.3 0.330Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 50.0 80-12083ug/L41.6 0.150Chlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 60-13580ug/L39.8 0.260Chloroethane Page 24 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0296 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017LCS (B7D0296-BS1) 1.00 50.0 65-13587ug/L43.4 0.160Chloroform 1.00 50.0 40-12571ug/L35.4 0.250Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 50.0 70-12580ug/L40.0 0.210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 70-130105ug/L52.5 0.100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 60-13591ug/L45.3 0.150Dibromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 75-12586ug/L43.0 0.240Dibromomethane 1.00 50.0 75-12591ug/L45.4 0.190Ethylbenzene 1.00 50.0 65-13083ug/L41.4 0.310Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 100 75-13091ug/L90.6 0.510m,p-Xylenes 1.00 50.0 55-14082ug/L41.1 0.420Methylene Chloride 1.00 50.0 80-12089ug/L44.5 0.200o-Xylene 1.00 50.0 65-13587ug/L43.7 0.180Styrene 1.00 50.0 45-15081ug/L40.3 0.160Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 50.0 75-12084ug/L41.9 0.140Toluene 1.00 50.0 60-14082ug/L40.9 0.210trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 55-14097ug/L48.3 0.110trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 65-13579ug/L39.3 0.190trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 50.0 70-12582ug/L41.2 0.190Trichloroethylene 1.00 50.0 60-14589ug/L44.5 0.530Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 50.0 65-13596ug/L48.2 0.720Vinyl acetate 1.00 50.0 50-14580ug/L40.1 0.190Vinyl chloride 50.0 53-159Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)10954.5 ug/L 50.0 30-186Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)8843.8 ug/L 50.0 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)10250.8 ug/L Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017LCS Dup (B7D0296-BSD1) 1.00 50.0 2080-13091 1ug/L45.3 0.2401,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 2065-13089 0.3ug/L44.7 0.1601,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 2065-13094 4ug/L47.2 0.1801,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 2075-12592 7ug/L46.1 0.2501,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 2070-13586 1ug/L42.8 0.1101,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 2070-13075 2ug/L37.7 0.2001,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 2075-12593 5ug/L46.4 0.2101,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 50.0 2050-130109 8ug/L54.6 0.1901,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 50.0 2080-12092 7ug/L46.1 0.1801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 50.0 2070-12088 1ug/L44.0 0.1401,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 2070-13096 8ug/L47.9 0.1801,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 2075-12589 3ug/L44.4 0.1501,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 50.0 2075-12585 2ug/L42.7 0.1701,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 100 2030-15098 9ug/L98.0 0.2802-Butanone (MEK) Page 25 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0296 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017LCS Dup (B7D0296-BSD1) 2.00 100 2055-130112 10ug/L1120.3202-Hexanone 2.00 100 2060-135103 8ug/L1030.2604-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 100 2040-14056 49ug/L55.9 X 0.350Acetone 2.00 125 2040-14075 10ug/L93.2 0.490Acrylonitrile 1.00 50.0 2080-12085 2ug/L42.7 0.160Benzene 1.00 50.0 2065-13088 5ug/L43.8 0.200Bromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 2075-12092 2ug/L46.0 0.250Bromodichloromethane 1.00 50.0 2070-13094 2ug/L47.2 0.170Bromoform 1.00 50.0 2030-14564 3ug/L31.8 0.250Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 50.0 2035-16080 1ug/L39.8 0.260Carbon disulfide 1.00 50.0 2065-14089 0.9ug/L44.7 0.330Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 50.0 2080-12086 3ug/L42.9 0.150Chlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 2060-13582 3ug/L41.0 0.260Chloroethane 1.00 50.0 2065-13589 3ug/L44.6 0.160Chloroform 1.00 50.0 2040-12570 0.9ug/L35.0 0.250Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 50.0 2070-12583 4ug/L41.6 0.210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 2070-130108 3ug/L54.2 0.100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 2060-13594 3ug/L46.9 0.150Dibromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 2075-12590 4ug/L45.0 0.240Dibromomethane 1.00 50.0 2075-12592 0.8ug/L45.8 0.190Ethylbenzene 1.00 50.0 2065-13076 8ug/L38.1 0.310Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 100 2075-13092 1ug/L91.8 0.510m,p-Xylenes 1.00 50.0 2055-14083 1ug/L41.6 0.420Methylene Chloride 1.00 50.0 2080-12091 2ug/L45.4 0.200o-Xylene 1.00 50.0 2065-13591 4ug/L45.3 0.180Styrene 1.00 50.0 2045-15080 1ug/L39.9 0.160Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 50.0 2075-12086 3ug/L43.0 0.140Toluene 1.00 50.0 2060-14083 2ug/L41.6 0.210trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 2055-14099 2ug/L49.4 0.110trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 2065-13583 6ug/L41.7 0.190trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 50.0 2070-12583 0.4ug/L41.3 0.190Trichloroethylene 1.00 50.0 2060-14588 1ug/L43.9 0.530Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 50.0 2065-135100 4ug/L50.1 0.720Vinyl acetate 1.00 50.0 2050-14579 1ug/L39.6 0.190Vinyl chloride 50.0 53-159Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)11356.3 ug/L 50.0 30-186Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)8441.9 ug/L 50.0 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)10150.5 ug/L Page 26 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0296 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017Source: L7D0252-01Matrix Spike (B7D0296-MS1) 1.00 50.0 ND 54-129111ug/L55.7 0.2401,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 59-13896ug/L48.1 0.1601,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 63-126124ug/L62.2 0.1801,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 62-115118ug/L58.8 X 0.2501,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 69-132105ug/L52.7 0.1101,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 62-13180ug/L39.8 0.2001,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 59-119121ug/L60.3 X 0.2101,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 50.0 ND 50-130145ug/L72.4 X 0.1901,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 50.0 ND 80-120123ug/L61.5 X 0.1801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 50.0 ND 70-12094ug/L46.8 0.1401,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 70-130123ug/L61.3 0.1801,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 75-125111ug/L55.3 0.1501,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 50.0 ND 64-11484ug/L41.9 0.1701,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 100 ND 30-150129ug/L1290.2802-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 100 ND 55-136148ug/L148X0.3202-Hexanone 2.00 100 ND 65-132137ug/L137X0.2604-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 100 ND 40-14071ug/L71.0 0.350Acetone 2.00 125 ND 37-160100ug/L1260.490Acrylonitrile 1.00 50.0 ND 77-118102ug/L50.9 0.160Benzene 1.00 50.0 ND 64-130111ug/L55.6 0.200Bromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 68-125118ug/L59.1 0.250Bromodichloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 53-112123ug/L61.5 X 0.170Bromoform 1.00 50.0 ND 30-14578ug/L39.1 0.250Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 50.0 ND 26-14784ug/L42.2 0.260Carbon disulfide 1.00 50.0 ND 56-13888ug/L43.8 0.330Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 50.0 ND 71-11496ug/L48.1 0.150Chlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 60-13795ug/L47.5 0.260Chloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 65-131114ug/L57.1 0.160Chloroform 1.00 50.0 ND 48-15186ug/L42.8 0.250Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 50.0 ND 22-185103ug/L51.7 0.210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 67-113129ug/L64.4 X 0.100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 ND 53-125123ug/L61.4 0.150Dibromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 75-125120ug/L60.2 0.240Dibromomethane 1.00 50.0 ND 66-12792ug/L46.2 0.190Ethylbenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 65-13098ug/L48.8 0.310Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 100 ND 65-12691ug/L90.8 0.510m,p-Xylenes 1.00 50.0 ND 63-150110ug/L55.2 0.420Methylene Chloride 1.00 50.0 ND 64-12396ug/L47.9 0.200o-Xylene 1.00 50.0 ND 50-13397ug/L48.6 0.180Styrene 1.00 50.0 ND 52-12576ug/L38.0 0.160Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 50.0 ND 65-12396ug/L48.1 0.140Toluene Page 27 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0296 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017Source: L7D0252-01Matrix Spike (B7D0296-MS1) 1.00 50.0 ND 65-13597ug/L48.3 0.210trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 50-125119ug/L59.4 0.110trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 ND 65-135109ug/L54.3 0.190trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 50.0 ND 65-12593ug/L46.4 0.190Trichloroethylene 1.00 50.0 ND 51-14576ug/L37.8 0.530Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 49-13583ug/L41.6 0.720Vinyl acetate 1.00 50.0 ND 52-14085ug/L42.5 0.190Vinyl chloride 50.0 53-159Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)10753.4 ug/L 50.0 30-186Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)8241.0 ug/L 50.0 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)10150.5 ug/L Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017Source: L7D0252-01Matrix Spike Dup (B7D0296-MSD1) 1.00 50.0 ND 2054-129110 1ug/L55.0 0.2401,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2059-13895 2ug/L47.4 0.1601,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2063-126127 2ug/L63.4 X 0.1801,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2062-115116 1ug/L58.0 X 0.2501,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2069-132102 3ug/L51.2 0.1101,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2062-13176 5ug/L37.8 0.2001,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 2059-119123 2ug/L61.4 X 0.2101,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 50.0 ND 2050-130146 0.9ug/L73.1 X 0.1901,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 50.0 ND 2080-120120 2ug/L60.1 0.1801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 50.0 ND 2070-12094 0.7ug/L47.1 0.1401,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 2070-130127 4ug/L63.6 0.1801,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2075-125109 1ug/L54.6 0.1501,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 50.0 ND 2064-11485 1ug/L42.5 0.1701,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 100 ND 2030-150129 0.3ug/L1290.2802-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 100 ND 2055-136151 2ug/L151X0.3202-Hexanone 2.00 100 ND 2065-132138 0.3ug/L138X0.2604-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 100 ND 2040-14081 13ug/L80.7 0.350Acetone 2.00 125 ND 2037-160101 0.1ug/L1260.490Acrylonitrile 1.00 50.0 ND 2077-118102 0.2ug/L50.8 0.160Benzene 1.00 50.0 ND 2064-130114 3ug/L57.2 0.200Bromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2068-125116 2ug/L58.1 0.250Bromodichloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2053-112125 2ug/L62.6 X 0.170Bromoform 1.00 50.0 ND 2030-14582 5ug/L41.1 0.250Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 50.0 ND 2026-14782 3ug/L40.9 0.260Carbon disulfide 1.00 50.0 ND 2056-13887 0.7ug/L43.5 0.330Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 50.0 ND 2071-11495 2ug/L47.3 0.150Chlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 2060-137102 7ug/L51.1 0.260Chloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-131113 0.7ug/L56.7 0.160Chloroform Page 28 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0296 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/19/2017Source: L7D0252-01Matrix Spike Dup (B7D0296-MSD1) 1.00 50.0 ND 2048-15183 3ug/L41.4 0.250Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 50.0 ND 2022-185101 3ug/L50.3 0.210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 2067-113127 1ug/L63.6 X 0.100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 ND 2053-125122 0.6ug/L61.0 0.150Dibromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2075-125119 1ug/L59.6 0.240Dibromomethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2066-12790 3ug/L44.9 0.190Ethylbenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-13098 0.7ug/L49.1 0.310Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 100 ND 2065-12689 2ug/L89.0 0.510m,p-Xylenes 1.00 50.0 ND 2063-150106 5ug/L52.8 0.420Methylene Chloride 1.00 50.0 ND 2064-12394 2ug/L47.0 0.200o-Xylene 1.00 50.0 ND 2050-13397 0.5ug/L48.4 0.180Styrene 1.00 50.0 ND 2052-12572 6ug/L35.8 0.160Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-12395 0.9ug/L47.7 0.140Toluene 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-13593 4ug/L46.4 0.210trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 2050-125117 1ug/L58.5 0.110trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-135110 0.8ug/L54.8 0.190trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-12590 3ug/L44.8 0.190Trichloroethylene 1.00 50.0 ND 2051-14568 10ug/L34.2 0.530Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2049-13577 7ug/L38.7 0.720Vinyl acetate 1.00 50.0 ND 2052-14082 4ug/L40.8 0.190Vinyl chloride 50.0 53-159Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)11356.4 ug/L 50.0 30-186Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)8241.0 ug/L 50.0 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)10050.2 ug/L Batch: B7D0305 Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017Blank (B7D0305-BLK1) 1.00 ug/L0.240 U 0.2401,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 U 0.1601,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.180 U 0.1801,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 U 0.2501,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.110 U 0.1101,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.200 U 0.2001,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.210 U 0.2101,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.190 U 0.1901,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 ug/L0.180 U 0.1801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 ug/L0.140 U 0.1401,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.180 U 0.1801,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.150 U 0.1501,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 ug/L0.170 U 0.1701,4-Dichlorobenzene Page 29 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0305 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017Blank (B7D0305-BLK1) 2.00 ug/L0.280 U 0.2802-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 ug/L0.320 U 0.3202-Hexanone 2.00 ug/L0.260 U 0.2604-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 ug/L0.350 U 0.350Acetone 2.00 ug/L0.490 U 0.490Acrylonitrile 1.00 ug/L0.160 U 0.160Benzene 1.00 ug/L0.200 U 0.200Bromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.250 U 0.250Bromodichloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.170 U 0.170Bromoform 1.00 ug/L0.250 U 0.250Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 ug/L0.260 U 0.260Carbon disulfide 1.00 ug/L0.330 U 0.330Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 ug/L0.150 U 0.150Chlorobenzene 1.00 ug/L0.260 U 0.260Chloroethane 1.00 ug/L0.160 U 0.160Chloroform 1.00 ug/L0.250 U 0.250Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 ug/L0.210 U 0.210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.100 U 0.100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.150 U 0.150Dibromochloromethane 1.00 ug/L0.240 U 0.240Dibromomethane 1.00 ug/L0.190 U 0.190Ethylbenzene 1.00 ug/L0.310 U 0.310Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 ug/L0.510 U 0.510m,p-Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.420 U 0.420Methylene Chloride 1.00 ug/L0.200 U 0.200o-Xylene 1.00 ug/L0.180 U 0.180Styrene 1.00 ug/L0.160 U 0.160Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.140 U 0.140Toluene 1.00 ug/L0.200 U 0.200Total Xylenes 1.00 ug/L0.210 U 0.210trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 ug/L0.110 U 0.110trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 ug/L0.190 U 0.190trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 ug/L0.190 U 0.190Trichloroethylene 1.00 ug/L0.530 U 0.530Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 ug/L0.720 U 0.720Vinyl acetate 1.00 ug/L0.190 U 0.190Vinyl chloride 50.0 53-159Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)11356.5 ug/L 50.0 30-186Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)11055.0 ug/L 50.0 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)10150.3 ug/L Page 30 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0305 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017LCS (B7D0305-BS1) 1.00 50.0 80-13098ug/L48.9 0.2401,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 65-13098ug/L49.0 0.1601,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 65-13096ug/L47.8 0.1801,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 75-12595ug/L47.4 0.2501,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 70-13594ug/L47.0 0.1101,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 70-13082ug/L40.9 0.2001,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 75-12594ug/L46.8 0.2101,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 50.0 50-130112ug/L55.8 0.1901,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 50.0 80-12097ug/L48.4 0.1801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 50.0 70-12093ug/L46.7 0.1401,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 70-13099ug/L49.5 0.1801,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 75-12594ug/L47.0 0.1501,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 50.0 75-12592ug/L45.8 0.1701,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 100 30-150117ug/L1170.2802-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 100 55-130124ug/L1240.3202-Hexanone 2.00 100 60-135105ug/L1050.2604-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 100 40-14084ug/L84.0 0.350Acetone 2.00 125 40-14077ug/L96.7 0.490Acrylonitrile 1.00 50.0 80-12092ug/L45.8 0.160Benzene 1.00 50.0 65-13090ug/L45.2 0.200Bromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 75-12099ug/L49.7 0.250Bromodichloromethane 1.00 50.0 70-13097ug/L48.6 0.170Bromoform 1.00 50.0 30-14575ug/L37.6 0.250Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 50.0 35-16087ug/L43.7 0.260Carbon disulfide 1.00 50.0 65-14099ug/L49.4 0.330Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 50.0 80-12092ug/L46.0 0.150Chlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 60-13591ug/L45.6 0.260Chloroethane 1.00 50.0 65-13596ug/L47.8 0.160Chloroform 1.00 50.0 40-12575ug/L37.6 0.250Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 50.0 70-12589ug/L44.4 0.210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 70-130117ug/L58.6 0.100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 60-135100ug/L50.0 0.150Dibromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 75-12595ug/L47.5 0.240Dibromomethane 1.00 50.0 75-125100ug/L50.0 0.190Ethylbenzene 1.00 50.0 65-13088ug/L44.0 0.310Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 100 75-130100ug/L1000.510m,p-Xylenes 1.00 50.0 55-14089ug/L44.4 0.420Methylene Chloride 1.00 50.0 80-12098ug/L48.8 0.200o-Xylene 1.00 50.0 65-13597ug/L48.7 0.180Styrene 1.00 50.0 45-15091ug/L45.4 0.160Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 50.0 75-12093ug/L46.4 0.140Toluene Page 31 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0305 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017LCS (B7D0305-BS1) 1.00 50.0 60-14089ug/L44.3 0.210trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 55-140106ug/L52.8 0.110trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 65-13586ug/L43.1 0.190trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 50.0 70-12591ug/L45.3 0.190Trichloroethylene 1.00 50.0 60-14595ug/L47.4 0.530Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 50.0 65-13596ug/L47.8 0.720Vinyl acetate 1.00 50.0 50-14586ug/L43.0 0.190Vinyl chloride 50.0 53-159Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)11657.8 ug/L 50.0 30-186Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)8241.2 ug/L 50.0 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)10050.1 ug/L Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017LCS Dup (B7D0305-BSD1) 1.00 50.0 2080-130107 9ug/L53.3 0.2401,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 2065-130107 9ug/L53.4 0.1601,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 2065-130109 13ug/L54.5 0.1801,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 2075-125105 10ug/L52.6 0.2501,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 2070-13597 3ug/L48.5 0.1101,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 2070-13085 4ug/L42.5 0.2001,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 2075-125108 14ug/L53.9 0.2101,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 50.0 2050-130130 15ug/L64.9 0.1901,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 50.0 2080-120106 9ug/L52.8 0.1801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 50.0 2070-120104 11ug/L52.0 0.1401,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 2070-130111 12ug/L55.6 0.1801,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 2075-125102 9ug/L51.2 0.1501,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 50.0 2075-125101 10ug/L50.5 0.1701,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 100 2030-150127 8ug/L1270.2802-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 100 2055-13098 23ug/L98.2 X 0.3202-Hexanone 2.00 100 2060-135123 16ug/L1230.2604-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 100 2040-140104 21ug/L104X0.350Acetone 2.00 125 2040-14085 9ug/L1060.490Acrylonitrile 1.00 50.0 2080-12098 7ug/L49.2 0.160Benzene 1.00 50.0 2065-13096 6ug/L47.9 0.200Bromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 2075-120108 8ug/L53.9 0.250Bromodichloromethane 1.00 50.0 2070-130109 11ug/L54.5 0.170Bromoform 1.00 50.0 2030-14589 16ug/L44.3 0.250Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 50.0 2035-16089 2ug/L44.5 0.260Carbon disulfide 1.00 50.0 2065-140104 6ug/L52.2 0.330Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 50.0 2080-120100 9ug/L50.1 0.150Chlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 2060-13598 7ug/L49.0 0.260Chloroethane 1.00 50.0 2065-135105 10ug/L52.6 0.160Chloroform Page 32 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0305 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017LCS Dup (B7D0305-BSD1) 1.00 50.0 2040-12579 5ug/L39.3 0.250Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 50.0 2070-12593 5ug/L46.5 0.210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 2070-130126 7ug/L63.0 0.100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 2060-135110 10ug/L55.1 0.150Dibromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 2075-125106 11ug/L53.1 0.240Dibromomethane 1.00 50.0 2075-125108 8ug/L54.2 0.190Ethylbenzene 1.00 50.0 2065-13090 2ug/L44.8 0.310Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 100 2075-130108 8ug/L1080.510m,p-Xylenes 1.00 50.0 2055-14092 3ug/L45.9 0.420Methylene Chloride 1.00 50.0 2080-120106 8ug/L53.0 0.200o-Xylene 1.00 50.0 2065-135106 9ug/L53.2 0.180Styrene 1.00 50.0 2045-15098 8ug/L49.2 0.160Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 50.0 2075-120102 9ug/L50.9 0.140Toluene 1.00 50.0 2060-14094 5ug/L46.8 0.210trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 2055-140117 10ug/L58.3 0.110trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 2065-135100 15ug/L50.0 0.190trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 50.0 2070-125100 10ug/L49.8 0.190Trichloroethylene 1.00 50.0 2060-14596 2ug/L48.2 0.530Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 50.0 2065-135104 8ug/L52.0 0.720Vinyl acetate 1.00 50.0 2050-14588 2ug/L43.9 0.190Vinyl chloride 50.0 53-159Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)11155.4 ug/L 50.0 30-186Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)8040.2 ug/L 50.0 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)10150.5 ug/L Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017Source: L7D0269-10Matrix Spike (B7D0305-MS1) 1.00 50.0 ND 54-12999ug/L49.3 0.2401,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 59-13898ug/L48.9 0.1601,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 63-126101ug/L50.4 0.1801,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 62-11596ug/L48.2 0.2501,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 69-13296ug/L48.1 0.1101,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 62-13186ug/L42.8 0.2001,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 59-11997ug/L48.7 0.2101,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 50.0 ND 50-130111ug/L55.4 0.1901,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 50.0 ND 80-12097ug/L48.6 0.1801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 50.0 ND 70-12094ug/L47.1 0.1401,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 70-130104ug/L52.0 0.1801,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 75-12596ug/L47.8 0.1501,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 50.0 ND 64-11490ug/L45.1 0.1701,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 100 ND 30-150105ug/L1050.2802-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 100 ND 55-136116ug/L1160.3202-Hexanone Page 33 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0305 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017Source: L7D0269-10Matrix Spike (B7D0305-MS1) 2.00 100 ND 65-132109ug/L1090.2604-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 100 ND 40-140109ug/L1090.350Acetone 2.00 125 ND 37-16084ug/L1040.490Acrylonitrile 1.00 50.0 ND 77-11894ug/L46.8 0.160Benzene 1.00 50.0 ND 64-13096ug/L48.0 0.200Bromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 68-125100ug/L50.0 0.250Bromodichloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 53-11296ug/L47.8 0.170Bromoform 1.00 50.0 ND 30-14532ug/L16.2 0.250Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 50.0 ND 26-14791ug/L45.5 0.260Carbon disulfide 1.00 50.0 ND 56-13899ug/L49.4 0.330Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 50.0 ND 71-11491ug/L45.6 0.150Chlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 60-13790ug/L45.1 0.260Chloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 65-13199ug/L49.6 0.160Chloroform 1.00 50.0 ND 48-15170ug/L35.0 0.250Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 50.0 ND 22-18593ug/L46.7 0.210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 67-113108ug/L54.0 0.100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 ND 53-125100ug/L49.9 0.150Dibromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 75-12597ug/L48.7 0.240Dibromomethane 1.00 50.0 ND 66-12797ug/L48.4 0.190Ethylbenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 65-13090ug/L44.9 0.310Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 100 ND 65-12697ug/L97.4 0.510m,p-Xylenes 1.00 50.0 ND 63-15094ug/L46.9 0.420Methylene Chloride 1.00 50.0 ND 64-12395ug/L47.6 0.200o-Xylene 1.00 50.0 ND 50-13396ug/L48.1 0.180Styrene 1.00 50.0 ND 52-12576ug/L38.0 0.160Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 50.0 ND 65-12393ug/L46.6 0.140Toluene 1.00 50.0 ND 65-13593ug/L46.5 0.210trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 50-12599ug/L49.4 0.110trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 ND 65-13565ug/L32.6 0.190trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 50.0 ND 65-12591ug/L45.3 0.190Trichloroethylene 1.00 50.0 ND 51-14599ug/L49.3 0.530Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 49-13597ug/L48.7 0.720Vinyl acetate 1.00 50.0 ND 52-14090ug/L44.8 0.190Vinyl chloride 50.0 53-159Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)11054.8 ug/L 50.0 30-186Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)8542.6 ug/L 50.0 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)9949.4 ug/L Page 34 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0305 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017Source: L7D0269-10Matrix Spike Dup (B7D0305-MSD1) 1.00 50.0 ND 2054-12998 0.9ug/L48.8 0.2401,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2059-13889 9ug/L44.7 0.1601,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2063-126101 0.4ug/L50.6 0.1801,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2062-11597 0.1ug/L48.3 0.2501,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2069-13293 4ug/L46.4 0.1101,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2062-13181 6ug/L40.3 0.2001,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 2059-11995 2ug/L47.7 0.2101,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.00 50.0 ND 2050-130110 1ug/L54.9 0.1901,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) 1.00 50.0 ND 2080-12098 0.6ug/L48.8 0.1801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.00 50.0 ND 2070-12094 0.02ug/L47.1 0.1401,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 2070-13096 8ug/L47.9 0.1801,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2075-12595 1ug/L47.3 0.1501,2-Dichloropropane 1.00 50.0 ND 2064-11489 2ug/L44.4 0.1701,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.00 100 ND 2030-150108 3ug/L1080.2802-Butanone (MEK) 2.00 100 ND 2055-136119 3ug/L1190.3202-Hexanone 2.00 100 ND 2065-132111 2ug/L1110.2604-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 10.0 100 ND 2040-140110 0.2ug/L1100.350Acetone 2.00 125 ND 2037-16085 2ug/L1070.490Acrylonitrile 1.00 50.0 ND 2077-11887 8ug/L43.3 0.160Benzene 1.00 50.0 ND 2064-13091 6ug/L45.3 0.200Bromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2068-12598 3ug/L48.8 0.250Bromodichloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2053-11295 0.1ug/L47.7 0.170Bromoform 1.00 50.0 ND 2030-14535 8ug/L17.6 0.250Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.00 50.0 ND 2026-14785 6ug/L42.6 0.260Carbon disulfide 1.00 50.0 ND 2056-13890 9ug/L45.1 0.330Carbon tetrachloride 1.00 50.0 ND 2071-11490 1ug/L44.9 0.150Chlorobenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 2060-13786 5ug/L43.0 0.260Chloroethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-13190 10ug/L44.9 0.160Chloroform 1.00 50.0 ND 2048-15167 4ug/L33.6 0.250Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.00 50.0 ND 2022-185102 9ug/L50.9 0.210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 2067-113103 5ug/L51.4 0.100cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 ND 2053-125100 0.3ug/L50.0 0.150Dibromochloromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2075-12596 2ug/L48.0 0.240Dibromomethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2066-12794 3ug/L46.9 0.190Ethylbenzene 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-13085 6ug/L42.4 0.310Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide) 2.00 100 ND 2065-12695 2ug/L95.4 0.510m,p-Xylenes 1.00 50.0 ND 2063-15092 2ug/L45.8 0.420Methylene Chloride 1.00 50.0 ND 2064-12394 1ug/L47.1 0.200o-Xylene 1.00 50.0 ND 2050-13394 2ug/L47.2 0.180Styrene 1.00 50.0 ND 2052-12575 1ug/L37.5 0.160Tetrachloroethylene 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-12390 3ug/L45.0 0.140Toluene Page 35 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Appendix I Low Level VOCs by Method 8260B (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0305 (Continued) Prepared & Analyzed: 4/20/2017Source: L7D0269-10Matrix Spike Dup (B7D0305-MSD1) 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-13587 6ug/L43.6 0.210trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 50.0 ND 2050-12597 2ug/L48.4 0.110trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-13572 10ug/L35.9 0.190trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1.00 50.0 ND 2065-12584 8ug/L41.8 0.190Trichloroethylene 1.00 50.0 ND 2051-14594 5ug/L47.1 0.530Trichlorofluoromethane 1.00 50.0 ND 2049-13592 5ug/L46.2 0.720Vinyl acetate 1.00 50.0 ND 2052-14083 7ug/L41.6 0.190Vinyl chloride 50.0 53-159Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 (SUR)10954.7 ug/L 50.0 30-186Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (SUR)8642.9 ug/L 50.0 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-D8 (SUR)10050.0 ug/L Page 36 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) 7 RCRA Metals by Method 6010C MDL Batch: B7D0249 Prepared: 4/17/2017 Analyzed: 4/18/2017Blank (B7D0249-BLK1) 0.0100 mg/L0.00400 U 0.00400Arsenic 0.0200 mg/L0.00200 U 0.00200Barium 0.00500 mg/L0.000300 U 0.000300Cadmium 0.0100 mg/L0.000300 U 0.000300Chromium 0.0100 mg/L0.00330 U 0.00330Lead 0.0500 mg/L0.0169 J 0.0113Selenium 0.0100 mg/L0.00119 J 0.000600Silver Prepared: 4/17/2017 Analyzed: 4/18/2017LCS (B7D0249-BS1) 0.0100 1.00 80-120101mg/L1.01 0.00400Arsenic 0.0200 1.00 80-12098mg/L0.978 0.00200Barium 0.00500 1.00 80-120101mg/L1.01 0.000300Cadmium 0.0100 1.00 80-120103mg/L1.03 0.000300Chromium 0.0100 1.00 80-120104mg/L1.04 0.00330Lead 0.0500 1.00 80-12099mg/L0.993 0.0113Selenium 0.0100 0.750 80-12091mg/L0.685 0.000600Silver Prepared: 4/17/2017 Analyzed: 4/18/2017LCS Dup (B7D0249-BSD1) 0.0100 1.00 2080-120102 1mg/L1.02 0.00400Arsenic 0.0200 1.00 2080-12098 0.5mg/L0.982 0.00200Barium 0.00500 1.00 2080-120102 0.8mg/L1.02 0.000300Cadmium 0.0100 1.00 2080-120103 0.7mg/L1.03 0.000300Chromium 0.0100 1.00 2080-120104 0.5mg/L1.04 0.00330Lead 0.0500 1.00 2080-120102 3mg/L1.02 0.0113Selenium 0.0100 0.750 2080-12092 0.4mg/L0.687 0.000600Silver Prepared: 4/17/2017 Analyzed: 4/18/2017Source: L7D0245-13Duplicate (B7D0249-DUP1) 0.0100 0.00439 209mg/L0.00480 J 0.00400Arsenic 0.0200 0.0242 201mg/L0.0238 0.00200Barium 0.00500 ND 20mg/L0.000300 U 0.000300Cadmium 0.0100 0.000518 2010mg/L0.000467 J 0.000300Chromium 0.0100 ND 20mg/L0.00330 U 0.00330Lead 0.0500 0.0190 2013mg/L0.0167 J 0.0113Selenium 0.0100 0.00148 203mg/L0.00144 J 0.000600Silver Page 37 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) 7 RCRA Metals by Method 6010C (Continued) MDL Batch: B7D0249 (Continued) Prepared: 4/17/2017 Analyzed: 4/18/2017Source: L7D0248-01Matrix Spike (B7D0249-MS1) 0.0100 1.00 ND 80-120104mg/L1.04 0.00400Arsenic 0.0200 1.00 0.00741 80-12098mg/L0.983 0.00200Barium 0.00500 1.00 ND 80-120102mg/L1.02 0.000300Cadmium 0.0100 1.00 0.00101 80-120103mg/L1.03 0.000300Chromium 0.0100 1.00 ND 80-120104mg/L1.04 0.00330Lead 0.0500 1.00 0.0196 80-12099mg/L1.01 0.0113Selenium 0.0100 0.750 0.000724 80-12092mg/L0.688 0.000600Silver Prepared: 4/17/2017 Analyzed: 4/18/2017Source: L7D0248-01Matrix Spike Dup (B7D0249-MSD1) 0.0100 1.00 ND 2080-120104 0.4mg/L1.04 0.00400Arsenic 0.0200 1.00 0.00741 2080-12097 0.2mg/L0.981 0.00200Barium 0.00500 1.00 ND 2080-120102 0.03mg/L1.02 0.000300Cadmium 0.0100 1.00 0.00101 2080-120103 0.1mg/L1.03 0.000300Chromium 0.0100 1.00 ND 2080-120104 0.2mg/L1.04 0.00330Lead 0.0500 1.00 0.0196 2080-120101 2mg/L1.03 0.0113Selenium 0.0100 0.750 0.000724 2080-12092 0.3mg/L0.690 0.000600Silver Page 38 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 Result RL Units Spike Level Source Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD LimitQual Analyte Quality Control (Continued) Total Mercury Analysis by Method 7470A MDL Batch: B7D0389 Prepared & Analyzed: 4/21/2017Blank (B7D0389-BLK1) 0.000200 mg/L0.0000700 U 0.0000700Mercury Prepared & Analyzed: 4/21/2017LCS (B7D0389-BS1) 0.000200 0.00300 85-11588mg/L0.00263 0.0000700Mercury Prepared & Analyzed: 4/21/2017LCS Dup (B7D0389-BSD1) 0.000200 0.00300 2085-11596 9mg/L0.00287 0.0000700Mercury Prepared & Analyzed: 4/21/2017Source: L7D0217-01Duplicate (B7D0389-DUP1) 0.000200 ND 20mg/L0.0000700 U 0.0000700Mercury Prepared & Analyzed: 4/21/2017Source: L7D0217-01Matrix Spike (B7D0389-MS1) 0.000200 0.00300 ND 85-11594mg/L0.00281 0.0000700Mercury Prepared & Analyzed: 4/21/2017Source: L7D0217-01Matrix Spike Dup (B7D0389-MSD1) 0.000200 0.00300 ND 2085-11597 3mg/L0.00291 0.0000700Mercury Page 39 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. Project: Project Number: Project Manager: Reported: Terraquest Environmental Consultants-Mebane 100 E. Ruffin Street Lee County Landfill 02296 Ryan Kerins 5/2/17 11:30 MWBE SDBE NELAC DoD Accredited Mebane, NC 27302 List of Certifications for FTS - Florida CodeDescriptionNumber ExpiresFacility LANELAC04176LA CERTIFICATE 12/31/2017FTSA ANC483NC CERTIFICATE 12/31/2017FTSL KENTUKY85KENTUKY CERTIFICATE FTSA LFLNELACE84098FL NELAC CERTIFICATE 06/30/2017FTSL AFLNELACE87429FL NELAC CERTIFICATE 06/30/2017FTSA DODLI0-135 DoD CERTIFICATE Renewal in Process 11/30/2016FTSL USDAP330-07-00105 USDA CERTIFICATE FTSA Notes and Definitions Item Definition Dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis. U Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit. A Suspected adol-condensation product. B Analyte detected in the method blank. C Confirmed by GC/MS analysis. E Concentration exceeds calibration range. K Hold Time exceeded. N Tentatively Identified Compound. P >25% difference between primary and secondary columns. S Quantitation based on single-point calibration. X General QC Failure see Case Narrative. J The target analyte was positively identified below the Reporting Limit and above the Method Detection Limit. RPD Relative Percent Difference %REC Percent Recovery Source Sample that was matrix spiked or duplicated. Page 40 of 41 The contents of this report apply to the sample(s) analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. No duplication of this report is allowed, except in its entirety. TECHNICAL METHODS/STANDARD PROCEDURES Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples are collected from temporary or permanent monitoring wells according to established sampling protocol. When multiple monitoring wells or sampling points are sampled, sampling is completed beginning with the least contaminated well to the most contaminated well, if it is known. When permanent monitoring wells for petroleum sites are sampled, the well is purged of a minimum of three well‐bore volumes prior to sample collection in order to assure that sampled water is representative of aquifer conditions. In temporary wells, the first water which migrates into the open borehole is sampled. Samples from both temporary and permanent monitoring wells are collected using individually wrapped disposable polyethylene bailers by field personnel wearing disposable nitrile gloves. Only one well is sampled with a given bailer in order to prevent sample cross‐contamination. During both well purging and sampling, proper protective clothing and equipment is used and is dependent upon the type and level of contaminants present. Also, field personnel change gloves between different samples to reduce the chance of cross‐ contamination. Water samples are transferred from the bailer to laboratory‐prepared sampling containers using slow emptying devices to reduce the chance of contamination loss through volatilization. Preservatives, such as acids, are provided by the laboratory in pre‐prepared containers in which collected samples are placed if in‐field preservation is necessary. The samples are labeled with the project name, project number, sample identification, required analysis, and date and time of collection. The samples are placed on ice, shipped to a certified laboratory, and analyzed before the expiration of an analytical method’s prescribed holding time. Chain‐of‐custody documentation is maintained for each sample collected in the field. Surface Water Sampling Surface water samples, specifically samples from creeks or streams, are collected from a moving/flowing portion of the creek or stream to ensure that stagnant water is not collected. Field personnel are careful to collect samples from flowing areas that are not so turbulent as to cause a loss of volatile contaminants which might have been contained in the creek’s/stream’s water. Samples are collected by field personnel wearing disposable nitrile gloves. Field personnel change gloves between different locations to reduce the chance of cross‐contamination. Samples are collected directly from the appropriate creek or stream location and placed into the appropriate laboratory‐prepared containers. Preservatives, such as acids, are provided by the laboratory in pre‐ prepared containers in which collected samples are placed if in‐field preservation is necessary. The samples are labeled with the project name, project number, sample identification, required analysis, and date and time of collection. The samples are cooled on ice to approximately four degrees centigrade, shipped to a certified laboratory, and analyzed before the expiration of an analytical method’s prescribed holding time. Chain‐of‐custody documentation is maintained for each sample collected in the field. Field Measurements Field measurements taken to determine the pH, conductivity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration of a particular groundwater sample are taken directly after a particular monitoring well has been adequately purged. This ensures that the groundwater parameter data collected is representative of the aquifer conditions at a given location. Once purging of the monitoring well is complete, the decontaminated probe head and cord of the appropriate unit is lowered into the required monitoring well. If the depth to water in a specific monitoring well is greater than the length of cord for a particular unit, a new, disposable bailer is slowly lowered into the appropriate monitoring well and a representative groundwater sample is retrieved. A slow pouring device is fitted onto the end of the disposable bailer and the sample is slowly poured into a new, disposable plastic cup. Groundwater parameter data are then collected from the groundwater in the cup using the required unit. For pH, conductivity, and temperature, a Hanna Instruments Model 991300 portable meter is utilized. This unit is periodically calibrated and maintained in accordance with the unit’s operations manual by field personnel. Prior to data collection, the unit is properly decontaminated to prevent cross‐contamination. The unit is decontaminated between each sample. The procedure used for sample measurement involves lowering the meter’s probe into the new, disposable cup containing the groundwater sample to be measured and slowly stirring the probe to force groundwater across the probe’s membrane. The measurements displayed by the meter are then recorded. For dissolved oxygen concentration measurements, a YSI® Model 55 Handheld Dissolved Oxygen System is utilized. This unit is periodically calibrated and maintained in accordance with the unit’s operations manual by field personnel. Prior to data collection, the unit is properly decontaminated to prevent cross‐contamination. The unit is decontaminated between each sample. The procedure used for sample measurement involves adjusting the unit for the correct altitude where the sampling will take place and adjusting the reported units desired. Once this is done, the unit’s probe is inserted into the groundwater sample to be measured and the probe is slowly stirred to force the groundwater across the probe’s membrane. The measurements displayed by the unit are then recorded.