HomeMy WebLinkAbout17060 Perfecting WP IAS-Approval 20180723 July 23, 2018 Sent Via E-Mail David Stoner Shield Engineering 4301 Taggart Creek Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28207 dstoner@shieldengineering.com Subject: Work Plan Approval Perfecting Service Division 332 Atando Ave, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Brownfields Project No. 17060-13-060 Dear Mr. Stoner, The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Brownfields Program received the Revised Additional Assessment Work Plan dated July 20, 2018 for the above referenced Brownfields Property. DEQ Brownfields reviewed this document, and determined that comments made by DEQ Brownfields to the previous versions of this work plan (dated June 29) have been incorporated as requested. Therefore, DEQ Brownfields approves the Work Plan dated July 20, 2018. Please be advised that this approval from DEQ Brownfields does not waive any applicable requirement to obtain any necessary permits, licenses or certifications which may be required from other state or local entities. If you have questions about this correspondence or require additional information, please feel free to contact me by phone at 704/661-0330 or by email at carolyn.minnich@ncdenr.gov Sincerely, Carolyn Minnich Carolyn Mininch Brownfields Project Manager ec: Toole, William wtoole@robinsonbradshaw.com John D. john@autocitync.com Additional Assessment Work Plan Automotive Group, LLC 332 Atando Avenue July 2018 Charlotte, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Site Location and Description ...................................................................................... 1 1.2 Background and Purpose ............................................................................................. 1 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................ 1 2.1 Indoor Air Sampling .................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Additional Soil Sampling ............................................................................................. 3 2.3 Brownfields Receptor Evaluation ................................................................................ 4 2.4 Additional Assessment Summary Report .................................................................... 4 3.0 SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................................... 4 ATTACHMENTS Figure 1 – Site Location/Tax Map Figure 2 – Proposed Indoor Air and Sampling Locations Brownfields Property Receptor Survey Additional Assessment Work Plan Automotive Group, LLC 332 Atando Avenue July 2018 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 1 of 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Site Location and Description The subject site is located at 332 Atando Avenue in Charlotte, NC. See the attached Site Location/Tax Map as Figure 1. The site is comprised of one parcel identified in the Mecklenburg County Geographic Information System as Parcel ID 08506108. The property is approximately 4.24 acres in size and currently contains four (4) interconnected buildings totaling approximately 78,500 square feet of space. The property is owned by the Automotive Group, LLC. The site has historically been used for various forms of metals products manufacturing. Current operations at the site are an automobile parts warehouse, with some associated parts installation services provided to customers, and associated business offices. 1.2 Background and Purpose The Automotive Group, LLC is pursuing a Brownfields Agreement with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). In a letter dated March 12, 2015, the NCDEQ Brownfields Project Manager requested assessment information that the NCDEQ could use to evaluate the site risks. Shield Engineering, Inc. (Shield) conducted the soil and groundwater sampling as detailed in the initial Sampling Work Plan approved by the NCDEQ on February 26, 2016. Thereafter, we prepared and submitted to the NCDEQ a Sampling and Analysis Report dated May, 2017 summarizing the soil and groundwater results. The NCDEQ responded by requesting a sub-slab vapor study largely to assist in determining if there is a source of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) under the buildings at the location, and what effects any detected VOC vapors may have on the indoor air at the location. Shield submitted a Revised Vapor Intrusion Work Plan dated January 18, 2018 which was subsequently approved for implementation by the NCDEQ on January 19, 2018. The work scope outlined in the document was executed in February 2018. The results were summarized in the report titled Sub-Slab Vapor Study Report dated April 3, 2018. NCDEQ reviewed the report and determined that data gaps still exist and requested additional assessment work outlined in their April 10, 2018 comment letter. This Revised Additional Assessment Work Plan outlines the additional assessment activities that will be executed. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK This Revised Additional Assessment Work Plan is based on the above mentioned correspondence and follow-up discussions between Shield and Carolyn Minnich. Ms. Minnich requested indoor air sampling, some sub-slab soil sampling, completion of a Brownfields Receptor Survey, and preparation of a summary report discussing the work done with the results. Ms. Minnich further requested that if there are any elevated indoor air sampling results, copies of that data be submitted to her immediately. Figure 1 shows the initial proposed locations to be sampled. Additional Assessment Work Plan Automotive Group, LLC 332 Atando Avenue July 2018 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 2 of 4 2.1 Indoor Air Sampling We will generally follow the NCDEQ Vapor Intrusion Guidance dated March 2018 (Guidance) during the collection of the indoor air samples. Per the Guidance, we will conduct a Building Survey and Pre-Sampling Evaluation. These surveys were conducted during the sub-slab sampling so a baseline database exists to compare with any new information. It is known that indoor and background potential sources of volatile organic vapors exist at the site. These sources were not removed during the sub-slab sampling. Further evaluation will be made to assess if any potential background sources can be moved away from sampling zones or eliminated entirely. It would be ideal to sample when the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is not operating if that will be possible at the time. Sample point locations will coincide with the locations of the sub-slab samples previously collected. These locations are shown on Figure 2. Since the intent of this work is to evaluate indoor breathing air, sample canisters will be located in the normal breathing zone (4.5 feet to 6 feet off the floor) as possible, where possible. This is a variation from the sub-slab samples as they were collected at floor level. Samples will be collected using 6-liter summa canisters. Each summa canister will have a flow controller set to collect an eight (8) hour (minimum) sample. Pre- and post-collection vacuum readings will recorded on each canister. We will end the sampling period with at least minus five (5) inches of mercury vacuum remaining in each canister prior to closing the canister valves. Temperature and relative humidity data will also be collected when the sample collection starts and finishes. Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) measures will include collecting at least one (1) outdoor “background” air sample per the Guidance to identify possible outside sources of VOC vapors. The background sample will also be collected from a breathing zone height (4.5-6 feet). The sample will be an eight (8) hour minimum duration sample collected while other field sampling is completed. The location will correspond to the regional upwind direction and be in the area between Buildings 4 and 5. See Figure 2. Pre- and post-sampling vacuum readings of the canisters will be documented. Canisters which indicate a pre-sampling vacuum reading greater than 10% lower than what the laboratory notes on the delivery paperwork will not be used. We will have minus five (5) inches of mercury vacuum remaining in the canisters upon completion per the Guidelines. The vacuum reading of each canister will be recorded by the laboratory upon receipt of the canisters at the lab. Additional QA/QC measures will include collecting one (1) duplicate indoor air sample. The duplicate sample will be collected from the AG-2 sample location because this location exhibited the highest concentration of tetrachloroethene (PCE) in the sub-slab sampling event. The location is also potentially related to AG-4 the location that exhibited the second highest concentration in the sub- slab sampling event, although AG-4 is in a different building section. The samples will be located Additional Assessment Work Plan Automotive Group, LLC 332 Atando Avenue July 2018 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 3 of 4 using field measurements to fixed structures in the building since a global positioning system (GPS) device will not work within a building. The samples will be delivered under proper chain of custody to Pace Analytical Services, a NC certified laboratory. The indoor air samples will be analyzed by EPA Method TO-15 with only tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), vinyl chloride (VC), 1,1-dichlorethene (1,1-DCE), and cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2 DCE) being reported as requested in the April 10, 2018 NCDEQ Comment Letter. The detection levels for each parameter will be requested to meet the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch non-residential vapor intrusion soil gas screening levels. Level II QA/QC data packages will be requested. Upon receipt of the laboratory results, Shield will review the indoor air data and compare the results to the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels. If any data is determined to exceed any of the aforementioned screening levels, the laboratory report will be submitted to NCDEQ prior to completion of the summary report. 2.2 Additional Soil Sampling During the Pre-Sampling Evaluation conducted to determine the locations for the sub-slab vapor samples, two previously unidentified rooms were located. These rooms contained a waste oil storage unit which may be a crude separator, an evaporator for the waste oil, and a concrete-patched rectangular area with what appeared to be previous floor drains. It was agreed that this discovery represents a new Area of Concern (AOC). Because of the observed structures and the stained nature of the concrete floor, sub-slab soil samples from this AOC were requested to be conducted by the NCDEQ. An attempt will be made to advance two (2) soil borings on the hydraulically upgradient and downgradient sides of the concrete patched rectangular area inside the building. The attempt will be made to advance the borings as close as possible to the borders of the area. If the borings cannot be advanced inside the building, two borings will be advanced outside of the building. Those locations will be selected in the field with emphasis placed on trying to locate the borings on two different sides of (straddling) the AOC. The soil sample locations will be measured from fixed structures. Each boring will be advanced to a depth of approximately three (3) to eight (8) feet, depending on the ability to hand auger to eight (8) feet. Soil cuttings from the borings will be classified, logged in the field and screened with a photoionization device (PID) for organic vapors. Cuttings with no organic vapor readings will be put back in the borings upon completion. Otherwise cuttings will be placed into a drum for proper disposal. Two soil samples will be collected from one boring and one soil sample will be collected from the other boring. The boring with two (2) soil samples will have one shallow sample from zero (0) to six (6) inches collected for analyses. The two (2) deeper soil samples to be collected for analyses will be from the sample intervals containing the highest PID Additional Assessment Work Plan Automotive Group, LLC 332 Atando Avenue July 2018 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 4 of 4 reading or the bottom of the borings. The soil samples collected for analyses will be submitted under proper chain of custody to Pace Analytical Services. The soil samples will be analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260, semi-VOCs (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270, and the eight (8) RCRA Metals plus hexavalent chromium by EPA Method 6020/7471/7196 as requested in the April 10, 2018 NCDEQ Comment Letter. Level II QA/QC data packages will be requested with qualifiers such as estimated values (J flags) noted. For QA/QC purposes, a trip blank will accompany the sample bottles and samples during shipping. The trip blank will be analyzed for VOCs only. 2.3 Brownfields Receptor Evaluation At the request of the NCDEQ, Shield will gather the required information to complete the attached Brownfields Property Receptor Survey. The completed receptor survey will be submitted with the Additional Assessment Summary Report, discussed below. 2.4 Additional Assessment Summary Report Once the indoor air sampling data is received, it will be reviewed and if the previously mentioned conditions exist, submitted to NCDEQ. The air data will be compared to the IHSB Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels. The soil sample data will be reviewed and compared to the Industrial/Commercial Health Based Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). The QA/QC data will be reviewed and evaluated. All of the sampling data will be summarized in a report containing a description of field activities, tabulated data in comparison to applicable screening levels, and the laboratory data packet with applicable QA/QC documentation. A site plan with well locations, locations of sample points, and current site structures will be provided. Concentration map(s) for contaminants detected above applicable standards will be provided. We will also make the requested revisions to the Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling Report and submit it with the estimated “J” values from the laboratory along with a table of historical analytical data. 3.0 SCHEDULE This Work Plan is being submitted to the NCDEQ for approval. Once the NCDEQ approves the Work Plan, the Indoor Air Sampling and Soil Sampling will be scheduled with the Automotive Group, LLC. Shield will notify the NCDEQ of the date the field work is scheduled. We anticipate the field work taking three (3) days to complete with laboratory results available within two weeks after the sampling. Data evaluation and our report of findings should take about two weeks to complete once the laboratory data is received. We will strive to have the report submitted within one month of receiving Work Plan approval.