HomeMy WebLinkAbout8003_RowanCountyRemediationPlan_GWMR_20170915 September 15, 2017 Project No. 06-36572017 Ms. Jaclynne Drummond North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management – Solid Waste Section 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 RE: LANDFILL GAS REMEDIATION PLAN ADDENDUM ROWAN COUNTY LANDFILL, PERMIT NO. 80-03 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Dear Jackie: On behalf of Rowan County, Golder is submitting this Addendum to the Landfill Gas Remediation Plan in support of recent elevated methane readings in compliance monitoring wells MMW-3 and MMW-4 during the July and August 2017 monitoring events. As you know, Rowan County submitted a Landfill Gas (LFG) Remediation Plan on July 31, 2013, which was approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) in a letter dated September 5, 2013. The approved LFG Remediation Plan was prepared in response to methane exceedances in MMW-2, MMW-5, MMW-6, and MMW-8. In response to these exceedances the County took the following actions:  Implemented Phase I of the LFG Remediation Plan which consisted of opening the leachate cleanouts (allowing methane gas to vent freely and potentially relieving vapor pressure within the landfill).  Commenced monthly methane monitoring of the methane compliance monitoring wells [until three consecutive monthly methane monitoring events were conducted without a detection of methane above the lower explosive limit (LEL)].  Installed permanent methane monitoring devices in all on-site structures.  Installed replacement methane monitoring wells along the compliance boundary at MMW-2A, MMW-5A, and MMW-6A.  Continued monitoring MMW-2, MMW-5, MMW-6, and MMW-8 as assessment monitoring points. Using these steps, compliance for the methane monitoring program was achieved in November 2013. Phase II of the approved LFG Remediation Plan, included the installation a landfill gas collection and control system (GCCS), which was also required by 15A NCAC 2D .0524 and 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart WWW (New Source Performance Standards for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills). Furthermore, the County applied for a Title V permit on August 12, 2013, which was issued on January 5, 2015 allowing the installation and operation of a GCCS. Construction of the GCCS was completed on September 8, 2017. As part of the construction process and prior to initial operation of the GCCS, the landfill sumps were sealed. Due to this action, vapor pressure may have built up within the landfill causing LFG to likely migrate over the anchor trench. Elevated vapor pressure was presented as the potential cause of the LFG migration in the original remediation plan, and is likely the same scenario occurring now. g:\projects\rowan\0636572017\phase 300 methane reports\200 delv\250 finals issued\253 final lfg remediation plan addendum\2017-09-06 lfg remediation plan addendum.docx Golder Associates NC, Inc. 5B Oak Branch Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 USA Tel: (336) 852-4903 Fax: (336) 852-4904 www.golder.com Golder Associates: Operations in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America and South America Golder, Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation Ms. Jaclynne Drummond September 15, 2017 NCDEQ – DWM Solid Waste Section 3 Project No. 06-36572017 Jeff Boyd, Landfill Supervisor, Rowan County Department of Environmental Management, 789 Campbell Road, Woodleaf, North Carolina 27054; (704) 278-2211 Mike Plummer, P.E., HDR, 440 S. Church Street, 10th Floor, Charlotte, NC 28202-2075, mplummer@hdrinc.com; (704) 338-6719 (electronic only) G:\PROJECTS\Rowan\0636572017\Phase 300 Methane Reports\200 DELV\250 Finals Issued\253 FINAL LFG Remediation Plan Addendum\2017-09-06 LFG Remediation Plan Addendum.docx g:\projects\rowan\0636572017\phase 300 methane reports\200 delv\250 finals issued\253 final lfg remediation plan addendum\2017-09-06 lfg remediation plan addendum.docx i2 i3 i1 660650670 680 690 700 700 690 680 670 660 650 640640 OLD LANDFILL ENTRANCE SCALE HOUSE PROPERTY LINE 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN EXISTING SEDIMENT BASIN EXISTING SEDIMENT BASIN EXISTING SEDIMENT BASIN FUTURE MSW LANDFILL (PHASES IV &V) FRENCH DRAIN SAMPLE POINT TO SW-1 (SEE NOTE 6) MMW-6A MMW-2A MMW-3MMW-4 MMW-CD MMW-5A 710 710 MMW-1 EXISTING SEDIMENT BASIN EXISTING SEDIMENT BASINMMW-7 MMW-6 706.42MW-9 705.69MW-16 684.64 MW-13 677.59 MW-12 SW-4 664.13MW-23 664.14MW-23A 683.40MW-20 694.65MW-1 681.00MW-24R 658.96MW-6 SW-3 645.84 MW-7 641.47MW-18R 641.50MW-19 706.57MW-17 SW-5 SW-2 MW-25 MW-26 MW-27A MW-28 654.57654.76 658.12 661.42 MW-27 672.03 MMW-5 MMW-2 MMW-8 674.31MW-11 CONSULTANT DESIGN PREPARED REVIEW APPROVED YYYY-MM-DD TITLE PROJECT No.Rev. PROJECTCLIENT Path: \\greensboro\CAD\_2006\0636572 - Rowan Co\PRODUCTION\_E - GW 2016\ | File Name: 0636572015E002.dwgIF THIS MEASUREMENT DOES NOT MATCH WHAT IS SHOWN, THE SHEET SIZE HAS BEEN MODIFIED FROM: ANSI D01 in0636572016 PHASE 100 DRAWING 10 2016-09-29 BSD BSD DYR RPK ROWAN COUNTY ACTIVE LANDFILLS PERMIT NO.80-03 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY GROUNDWATER CONTOUR MAP AUGUST 1, 2016 0 FEET 250 500 SCALE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR FACILITY BOUNDARY APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF WASTE GROUNDWATER SURFACE CONTOURS APPROXIMATE GROUNDWATER FLOW SEGMENT USED TO CALCULATE GRADIENT EXISTING GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL WITH GROUNDWATER ELEVATION PROPOSED GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SURFACE WATER MONITORING POINT COMPLIANCE METHANE MONITORING POINT ASSESSMENT METHANE MONITORING POINT NOT AVAILABLE FRENCH DRAIN MONITORING POINT LEGEND NOTES REFERENCES i1i1 1. TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2 FEET. 2. GROUNDWATER SURFACE CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10 FEET. 3. GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS MEASURED ON AUGUST 1, 2016. 4. GROUNDWATER CONTOURS ARE BASED ON LINEAR INTERPOLATION BETWEEN AND EXTRAPOLATION FROM KNOWN DATA, TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS, AND KNOWN FIELD CONDITIONS. THEREFORE, GROUNDWATER CONTOURS MAY NOT REFLECT ACTUAL GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS. 5. GROUNDWATER CONTOUR LINES SHOW THE WATER TABLE SHAPE AND ELEVATION. THESE CONTOURS ARE INFERRED LINES FOLLOWING THE GROUNDWATER SURFACE AT A CONSTANT ELEVATION ABOVE SEA LEVEL. THE GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION IS GENERALLY PERPENDICULAR TO THE GROUNDWATER SURFACE CONTOURS, SIMILAR TO THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SURFACE WATER FLOW AND TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS. 6. SURFACE WATER MONITORING POINT SW-1 IS APPROXIMATELY 550 FEET OFF THE MAPPING LIMITS SHOWN AND IS COLLECTED FROM SECOND CREEK. 7. MONITORING WELL MW-27A IS UTILIZED FOR WATER LEVEL MONITORING ONLY. 8. THE LOCATION OF THE FRENCH DRAIN MONITORING POINT IS APPROXIMATE. 650 1. OVERALL SITE BASE TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY S&ME ENGINEERING, INC. MW-25 NA SW-4 MW-7645.84 SITE LOCATION MAP 1" = 10,000' SITE LOCATION PE C-2862 PG C-399 GOLDER ASSOCIATES NC, INC.