HomeMy WebLinkAbout10047 Atherton VIMS Final- approval 20180608 State of North Carolina | Environmental Quality | Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center | 217 West Jones Street | Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 919 707 8200 T June 12, 2018 Sent Via E-mail Rob Foster AMEC Foster Wheeler 2801 Yorkmont Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Subject: Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Approval- New Construction Atherton Mill Street Brownfields Property 2100 South Blvd Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Brownfields Project No. 10047-06-060 Dear Mr. Foster, The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Brownfields Program received the revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) dated June 8, 2018 for the above referenced Brownfields Property. DEQ Brownfields reviewed this document and determined that comments made provided by DEQ Brownfields to previous versions of this VIMS have been incorporated as required. Therefore, DEQ Brownfields approves the VIMS. Please be advised that this approval from DEQ Brownfields does not waive any applicable requirement to obtain any necessary permits, licenses or certifications which may be required from other state or local entities. If you have questions about this correspondence or require additional information, please feel free to contact me by phone at 704-661-0330 or by email at carolyn.minnich@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Carolyn Minnich Carolyn Minnich Brownfields Project Manager ec: Bob Horsley BHorsley@edens.com Jim McKenney JMcKenney@edens.com Jim Saloka jsaloka@edens.com Joselyn Harriger, Joselyn.Harriger@ncdenr.gov Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal Atherton Mill Property New Structures Proposed for the Area South of 2000 South Boulevard 2100 South Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No.: 10047-06-060 Prepared for: Atherton Mill (E&A), LLC 1221 Main Street, Ste. 1000 Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Prepared by: Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 2801 Yorkmont Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 (704) 357-8600 June 8, 2018 Project No.: 6228-12-0051 Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal June 8, 2018Atherton Mill Redevelopment –New Structures Proposed South of 2000 South BoulevardAmec Foster Wheeler Project: 6228-12-0051 ii Table of Contents Section 1. Introduction .................................................................................................1 Section 2. Design Basis................................................................................................1 Section 3. Quality Assurance/Quality Control ............................................................2 Section 4. Post-Construction/Pre-Occupancy System Effectiveness Testing .........2 Section 5. Post-Occupancy Testing ............................................................................3 Section 6. Future Tenants & Building Uses ................................................................3 Section 7. Reporting .....................................................................................................4 Section 8. Design Submittal Exhibits ..........................................................................5 FIGURE 1:DRAWING:A0-08 -Overall Edge of Slab Plan –Level 1 FIGURE 2:Location/Routing of Vapor-Vent®System Components FIGURE 3:Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling Locations TABLE 1:Summary of 2018 Exterior Soil-Gas Vapor Analytical Results TABLE 2:Summary of 2012 Sub-Slab Vapor Analytical ResultsTABLE 3:Summary of Indoor Air Constituents of Concern Analytical Results (Units 75/80) TABLE 4:Summary of Indoor Air Constituents of Concern Analytical Results (Unit 87) APPENDIX A:Geo-Seal 46-mil Barrier & Vapor-Vent Package APPENDIX B:Pipe Cap Specifications Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal June 8, 2018Atherton Mill Redevelopment –New Structures Proposed South of 2000 South BoulevardAmec Foster Wheeler Project: 6228-12-0051 Section 1. Introduction Based on historical assessment data that identified volatile organic components (VOCs) in sub- slab soil vapor and groundwater at the subject property,a “Vapor Intrusion Requirement Zone” was established and outlined in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Waste Management (DWM), Brownfields Program (BFP) on December 12, 2016. Atherton Mill (E&A), LLC (Prospective Developer) and Crescent Communities, LLC are constructing additional retail, residential and parking structures on the property. Per the Brownfields Agreement (BFA), between the Prospective Developer (PD) and the NCDEQ, a Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal is needed relative to the new construction being built within the Vapor Restriction Zone at the subject property. The new construction consists of a 6-story slab-on-grade, mixed-use building located to the south of the existing 2000 South Boulevard building. The new building (2100 South Boulevard) will generally consist of commercial/retail space on the lower level with open-air parking. Residential- use space will be on the second floor and above.This construction package provides product information for a Geo-Seal®46-mil Vapor Intrusion Barrier System and Vapor-Vent®Soil Gas Collection Systems (Appendix A)with Aura passive ventilator pipe caps on each riser pipe (Appendix B). In consideration of the proposed design,Atherton Mill (E&A), LLC requested Amec Foster Wheeler to perform soil-gas sampling and analysis within the proposed building footprint.On March 4, 2018, Amec Foster Wheeler mobilized to the subject property to collect twelve soil-gas soil samples (AC-1 through AC-12). The soil-gas samples were collected and analyzed in general accordance with the NCDEQ, DWM “Vapor Intrusion Guidance”, dated March 2018. The Guidance requires one soil-gas sample be collected per 1,000 square feet of first floor building area. Amec Foster Wheeler established a 31’ by 31’ grid pattern for the first-floor building area containing approximately 25 sample locations. For this phase of testing, soil-gas sampling points were installed in approximately every other grid “square” for a total of twelve sampling points. The grid squares and soil-gas sampling points are depicted on the attached Drawing (Figure 1). Results of the soil-gas analysis were compared to the NCDEQ,DWM Residential and Non- Residential Sub-Slab and Exterior Soil-Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs). Samples were analyzed for ten Constituents of Concern (CoC).The laboratory analysis identified concentrations of Trichloroethene (TCE)that exceeded the DWM Residential Sub-Slab and Exterior Soil-Gas Screening Level (14 µg/L) in five of the twelve samples (AC-1, AC-2, AC-4, AC-5 and AC-6) at values ranging from 15 to 100 µg/m3. A summary of the laboratory analytical results is included in Table 1. Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal June 8,2018AthertonMillRedevelopmentAmecFosterWheelerProject:6228-12-0051 The current soil-gas data was compared to soil-gas data collected by Amec Foster Wheeler in 2012 in the same portion of the property. Specifically, analysis of soil-gas sample SG-5 collected in 2012 (Figure 3)was compared to the analytical data for soil-gas sample AC-7 collected in 2018 (Figure 1). Soil-gas sample AC-7 was collected approximately 25 feet east and at least two feet deeper than soil-gas sample SG-5. TCE was identified in sample SG-5 at 95.1 µg/m3(Table 2). TCE was identified in sample AC-7 at 3.3 µg/m3 suggesting that the TCE concentrations in the soil-gas have declined over time in this area. Section 2.Design Basis In accordance with the BFA for the property, vapor mitigation measures will be installed in newly constructed buildings within the “Vapor Intrusion Requirement Zone”. Amec Foster Wheeler proposes that “passive”vapor intrusion barrier and soil-gas collection systems be installed beneath the proposed ground floor slabs in areas shown on the Overall Edge of Slab Plan -Level 1 (Drawing Sheet A0-08) included with this submittal as Figure 1.Figure 2 shows the proposed locations of the soil-gas collection/venting system components. Prior to construction of the Level 1 (ground-floor) slabs in occupied areas of the building, a Vapor- Vent®system will be installed in the washed stone sub-base (3 to 4 inches thick).The washed stone sub-base allows for air and vapor movement toward the Vapor-Vent material.A Geo-Seal® 46-mil Vapor Intrusion Barrier System will then be installed prior to construction of the floor slab. The Vapor-Vent®and 46-mil Vapor Intrusion Barrier systems will be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. The location/routing of the Vapor-Vent®system components will be determined based on subsurface utilities within the footprints of the occupied lower level of the building, as well as foundations and other subsurface construction considerations.A drawing depicting the components’locations and routing will be provided in the system installation report.In general, the following configurations of the Vapor-Vent®system components are recommended: Place sub-slab Vapor-Vents®no closer than 25 feet from the edge of the building slaband no further apart than 50 feet on center.We understand that the BFP will allow thevapor vents to be installed a minimum of 10 feet from the edge of the building slab, if needed. Provide one three-inch diameter vent riser for every 5,000 square feet of space on the lower level, with a minimum of two risers per building footprint area (not tenant space). Vent riser maximum spacing shall be 100 feet, and a maximum of two vent risers can becombined into one discharge stack/point. Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal June 8,2018AthertonMillRedevelopmentAmecFosterWheelerProject:6228-12-0051 Label vent risers and discharge piping with the words “SOIL GAS”at intervals no greater than 10 linear feet.The label will also provide contact information related to questionsand/or repairs. Perform leak/low-pressure testing on the vent risers and discharge piping in accordancewith local sanitary sewer leak/low-pressure testing procedures. Vent riser length (solid pipe portion of riser from under slab to discharge point)shall be a maximum of 100 feet in length. Vent riser piping will be installed above the proposed slab elevation and routed through a vertical shaft to the roof for discharge.The ventilator caps that draw a slight vacuum on the system when the wind blows will be installed at the top of each vent riser pipe.The specifications for these is included as Appendix B.These caps will also prevent rainfall from entering the riser pipes.At this time, installation of active electric-powered in-line fans is not proposed (i.e., the system will be passive).If the results of the Pre-Occupancy System Effectiveness Testing (Section 4) warrant that “active”depressurization of the sub-slab area is necessary, the installation of in-line fans will be considered. Information on the Geo-Seal®products is included as an Appendix A,and includes: manufacturer product data sheets, component specifications, and system drawings/details, including design diagrams for sealing the system slab penetrations and edges.Amec Foster Wheeler will perform oversight of the system installation,document the as-built conditions/configuration of the system,as well as perform quality assurance testing of the system in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Section 3.Quality Assurance/Quality Control Atherton Mill (E&A), LLC will retain Amec Foster Wheeler to provide field quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC)inspections during installation of the VIMS including placement of sub-slab stone/gravel, soil-gas collection materials, piping and vapor barrier. The inspections will be performed by qualified, manufacturer-trained/certified personnel under the supervision of the design engineer,and will include field logs and photographs. Amec Foster Wheeler personnel will also oversee smoke testing to be performed by the vapor barrier installation contractor and take barrier coupon thickness measurements of the vapor barrier material.The smoke testing and barrier coupon thickness measurements will be performed in accordance with manufacturer requirements.Amec Foster Wheeler will provide notice (at least 48 business hours) to the BFP prior to inspections. Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal June 8,2018AthertonMillRedevelopmentAmecFosterWheelerProject:6228-12-0051 Section 4. Post-Construction/Pre-Occupancy System Effectiveness Testing Based on Amec Foster Wheeler’s previous pilot/influence testing data on sub-slab washed stone materials,the presence of effective similar vapor intrusion mitigation systems operating at the subject property and VIMS manufacturer experience/designs,Amec Foster Wheeler does not propose pilot/influence testing be performed prior to occupancy of the structures. The purpose of the QA/QC inspections described in Section 3 is to verify the effectiveness of the VIMS. Further evaluation of the VIMS’effectiveness will be accomplished by collecting and analyzing post-construction indoor air quality (IAQ) samples prior to occupancy of the structures equipped with VIMS, unless approval to otherwise verify the effectiveness of the system is obtained from BFP personnel. Section 5. Post-Occupancy Testing Because proposed VIMS is planned to be operated passively, Amec Foster Wheeler does not propose post-occupancy pressure testing.Furthermore, since 2016, Atherton Mill (E&A), LLC’s consultant, Amec Foster Wheeler, performed semi-annual monitoring of the IAQ in two tenant spaces in the adjacent building (2000 South Boulevard Unit 75/80 and Unit 87) equipped with Geo-Seal®VIMS. The IAQ data is summarized on Tables 3 and 4.The monitoring results have not identified concentrations of CoCs equal to or above the approved target monitoring goals for indoor air, suggesting effective mitigation of the intrusion of vapors. If the results of the post-construction/pre-occupancy IAQ testing do not identify constituents of concern at concentrations that exceed the target indoor air monitoring goals, then no further IAQ testing will be performed. Section 6. Future Tenants & Building Uses Atherton Mill (E&A), LLC will require future tenants to provide notification to the Owner in advance of performing modifications to the piping and floor slabs. Modifications to the VIMS piping and/or floor slabs must be approved by the Owner and such modifications will be documented in a report provided to the BFP. Section 7. Reporting Upon completion of post-construction testing, a report will be prepared, sealed by a Professional Engineer,and submitted to the BFP for review and approval. The report will summarize the installation, QA/QC measures, post-construction/pre-occupancy system effectiveness testing, and provide an opinion of whether the VIMS was installed in conditions consistent with the VIMS Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal June 8,2018AthertonMillRedevelopmentAmecFosterWheelerProject:6228-12-0051 design and objectives. Certain components of these reporting requirements including indoor air sampling may be performed and reported under a North Carolina Licensed Geologist (LG)seal. In the appendix section, the report will include as-built drawing(s), inspection logs including photographs and field logs, and safety data sheets for materials used during construction that could contribute to background indoor air contamination. Section 8. Design Submittal Exhibits A drawing depicting the proposed ground floor slabs entitled Overall Edge of Slab Plan –Level 1 (Drawing Sheet A0-08) is included with this submittal as Figure 1.Figure 2 shows the proposed locations of the soil-gas collection/venting system components.Furthermore, this construction package provides product information for the Vapor-Vent®Soil Gas Collection System and the Geo-Seal®46-mil Vapor Intrusion Barrier System (Appendix A)and Aura Ventilator Pipe Cap Specifications (Appendix B). Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal June 8, 2018Atherton Mill Redevelopment –New Structures Proposed South of 2000 South BoulevardAmec Foster Wheeler Project: 6228-12-0051 FIGURES AREAS WHERE VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER ANDSOIL-GAS COLLECTION SYSTEMS WILL BE INSTALLEDAPPROXIMATE LOCATION AND SAMPLE IDENTIFICATIONOF SOIL-GAS SAMPLE (MARCH 2018)AC-3AC-5AC-4AC-3AC-2AC-1AC-7AC-6AC-9AC-8AC-12AC-11AC-101000 SQUARE FOOT"GRID" LINE (TYP.)BOUNDARY FOR "VAPOR BARRIER" ZONE LEGENDAREAS WHERE VAPOR INTRUSIONBARRIER WILL BE INSTALLEDAPPROXIMATE PROPOSED LOCATIONOF 3-INCH DIAMETER VENT RISER PIPEVAPOR-VENT®VAPOR-VENT® (TYP)NOTES·ACTUAL VAPOR-VENT® AND VENT RISER PIPE LOCATIONS WILL BE ADJUSTED BASED ON SITE CONDITIONS.·THE LOCATION/ROUTING OF THE VAPOR-VENT® SYSTEM COMPONENTS WILL BE DETERMINED BASED ON SUBSURFACE UTILITIESWITHIN THE FOOTPRINTS OF THE OCCUPIED LOWER LEVEL OF THE BUILDING, AS WELL AS FOUNDATIONS AND OTHER SUBSURFACECONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS. A DRAWING DEPICTING THE COMPONENTS' LOCATIONS AND ROUTING WILL BE PROVIDED IN THESYSTEM INSTALLATION REPORT.·THE SUB-SLAB VAPOR-VENTS® WILL EXTEND BETWEEN TENANT SPACES BENEATH FLOOR SLABS THAT WILL LIKELY BE CONSTRUCTEDSEPARATELY.·PLACE SUB-SLAB VAPOR-VENTS® NO CLOSER THAN 25 FEET FROM THE EDGE OF THE BUILDING SLAB AND NO FURTHER APART THAN50 FEET ON CENTER. WE UNDERSTAND THAT THE BFP WILL ALLOW THE VAPOR VENTS TO BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET FROMTHE EDGE OF THE BUILDING SLAB, IF NEEDED.·PROVIDE ONE THREE-INCH DIAMETER VENT RISER FOR EVERY 5,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE ON THE LOWER LEVEL, WITH A MINIMUMOF TWO RISERS PER BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA (NOT TENANT SPACE).·VENT RISER MAXIMUM SPACING SHALL BE 100 FEET, AND A MAXIMUM OF TWO VENT RISERS CAN BE COMBINED INTO ONE DISCHARGESTACK/POINT.·LABEL VENT RISERS AND DISCHARGE PIPING WITH THE WORDS “SOIL GAS” AT INTERVALS NO GREATER THAN 10 LINEAR FEET. THELABEL WILL ALSO PROVIDE CONTACT INFORMATION RELATED TO QUESTIONS AND/OR REPAIRS.·PERFORM LEAK/LOW-PRESSURE TESTING ON THE VENT RISERS AND DISCHARGE PIPING IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL SANITARYSEWER LEAK/LOW-PRESSURE TESTING PROCEDURES.·VENT RISER LENGTH (SOLID PIPE PORTION OF RISER FROM UNDER SLAB TO DISCHARGE POINT) SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 100 FEET INLENGTH.·VENT RISER PIPING WILL BE INSTALLED ABOVE THE PROPOSED SLAB ELEVATION AND ROUTED THROUGH A VERTICAL SHAFT TO THEROOF FOR DISCHARGE. THE VENTILATOR CAPS THAT DRAW A SLIGHT VACUUM ON THE SYSTEM WHEN THE WIND BLOWS WILL BEINSTALLED AT THE TOP OF EACH VENT RISER PIPE.APPROXIMATE PROPOSED LOCATIONOF PIPE CHASE THROUGH WHICHVENT RISER PIPING WILL BE COMBINEDINTO ONE DISCHARGE STACK/POINTISSUE/REVISION DESCRIPTIONYREVDMENG.APPR.CLIENT LOGO:REVIEWED BY:SCALE:DATUM:PROJECTION:TITLE:PROJECT:DATE:DRAWING NO.REVISION NO.PROJECT NO.:DRAWN BY:CLIENT:2801 YORKMONT ROAD, SUITE 100CHARLOTTE, NC 28208TEL:(704) 357-8600 FAX: (704) 357-8638LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 NC GEOLOGY: C-247Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.AS NOTEDPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION6228-12-0051REVISION#06/08/2018ATHERTON MILL REDEVELOPMENTCHARLOTTE, NCDATUMPROJECTIONDRAWNREVATHERTON MILL (E&A),LLC1221 MAIN STREET, STE. 1000COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA 292012LOCATION/ROUTING OF VAPOR-VENT®SYSTEM COMPONENTS PREPAREDBY DATE CHECKEDBY DATE JOB NUMBER FIGURE012024036048060Feet 26228-12-0051 Source: Mecklenburg County Aerial Photography, dated 2009.!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 SG-11 SG-5 SG-6 SG-4 SG-2 SG-1 SG-8 SG-9 SG-12 SG-10 SG-3 SG-7 SUB-SLAB VAPOR SAMPLING LOCATIONSATHERTON MILL PROPERTY2000, 2100, 2130 & 2140 SOUTH BOULEVARDCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA!(Sub-Slab Vapor Samples Collected on October 10, 2012 !(Proposed Sub-Slab Vapor Samples Not Collected AJF RCF11/12/12 11/12/12 Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal June 8,2018AthertonMillRedevelopmentAmecFosterWheelerProject:6228-12-0051 TABLES Constituent AC-1 AC-2 AC-3 AC-4 AC-5 AC-6 AC-7 AC-8 AC-9 AC-10 AC-11 AC-12 DWM Residential Sub-Slab and Exterior Soil-Gas Screening Level (SGSL) DWM Non-Residential Sub-Slab and Exterior Soil-Gas Screening Level (SGSL) Benzene 4.6 6.1 2.3 3.8 1.8 3.8 3.8 2.0 1.8 2 1.5 J 1.9 120 1600 Carbon tetrachloride <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 160 2000 Chloroform <2.4 <2.4 3.9 1.1 J 0.88 J 21 <2.4 8.1 11 4.6 2.1 J 6.9 41 530 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 85 1100 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 36 470 Ethyl Acetate 22 22 24 26 20 26 24 10 24 21 17 16 490 6100 Ethylbenzene 7.3 7.5 11 7.9 6.4 12 12 9.2 11 10 9 10 370 4900 Tetrachloroethene (PCE)17 14 17 5.4 11 53 37 35 16 18 15 22 280 3500 Trichloroethene (TCE)22 26 8.4 15 63 100 3.3 <2.7 1.1 J <2.7 8.9 1.7 J 14 180 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 4.6 3.9 5.7 4 4.4 5.9 5.9 6.7 5.4 5.3 5.3 4.9 420 5300 Notes: 1. Concentrations shown in µg/m3 Prepared By/Date:LMM 3/21/18 2. DWM= Division of Waste Management Checked By/Date:RCF 3/21/18 3. Bold values indicate a concentration exceeding the laboratory reporting limit 4. Shaded values indicate a concentration exceeding the DWM Sub-Slab and Exterior Soil-Gas Screening Level (SGSL) 5. Samples collected on March 4, 2018 6. J - Detected, but below the Reporting Limit (lowest calibration standard), therefore, result is an estimated concentration Table 1: Summary of 2018 Exterior Soil-Gas Vapor Analytical Results Atherton Mill Redevelopment Charlotte, North Carolina Amec Foster Wheeler Project: 6228-12-0051 Constituent SG-1 SG-2 SG-3 SG-4 SG-5 SG-6 SG-7 SG-8 SG-9 SG-10 SG-11 SG-12 IHSB Residential Acceptable Soil-Gas Concentrations IHSB Industrial/Commercial Acceptable Soil-Gas Concentrations Acetone 88.9 84.3 119 21.2 227 56.4 124 56.2 499 39.3 37.3 17.2 64,000 280,000 Benzene 1.1 0.48 0.92 0.76 3.7 <0.44 1.9 0.74 1.6 0.54 0.58 2.6 31 160 Bromomethane <1.1 1.2 <1.1 <1.2 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <2.3 <1.1 <1.1 <1.2 NSL NSL 2-Butanone (MEK)17.2 10.3 15.9 4.9 95.2 3.8 11.2 6.9 25.4 6.8 3.3 1.3 10,400 44,000 Carbon disulfide 2.2 99.8 98.7 <0.94 25.9 7.6 24.9 2.6 38.1 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 1,460 6,200 Carbon tetrachloride <0.92 <0.92 <0.86 <0.95 <0.92 <0.86 <0.86 <0.92 <1.8 <0.92 <0.92 1.0 41 200 Chloroethane <0.78 151 <0.72 <0.80 <0.78 <0.72 <0.72 <0.78 <1.6 <0.78 <0.78 <0.84 NSL NSL Chloroform <1.4 <1.4 <1.3 2.5 4.3 2.9 9.2 2.7 <2.9 3.3 <1.4 26.1 11 53 Chloromethane <0.60 <0.60 <0.56 <0.63 <0.60 <0.56 <0.56 <0.60 <1.2 <0.60 0.96 <0.65 188 780 Cyclohexane 1.2 1.5 2.2 2.3 <1.0 <0.94 <0.94 <1.0 5.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.1 NSL NSL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 <1.8 <1.6 2.3 9.7 <1.6 <1.6 <1.8 <3.5 <1.8 <1.8 <1.9 22 110 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.5 2.8 2.8 2.5 3.5 2.9 3.1 2.6 <2.9 3.2 3.3 2.8 200 880 1,1-Dichloroethane <1.2 <1.2 <1.1 <1.2 <1.2 <1.1 <1.1 <1.2 <2.4 <1.2 <1.2 3.7 150 770 1,2-Dichloroethane <059 <0.59 0.64 <0.61 <0.59 <0.55 <0.55 <0.59 <1.2 <0.59 <0.59 <0.64 9.4 47 1,1-Dichloroethene <1.2 <1.2 <1.1 <1.2 <1.2 <1.1 <1.1 2.6 <2.3 <1.2 <1.2 10,500 420 1,760 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.2 <1.2 <1.1 <1.2 <1.2 10.2 <1.1 <1.2 <2.3 <1.2 <1.2 96.7 NSL NSL trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.2 <1.2 <1.1 <1.2 <1.2 <1.1 <1.1 <1.2 <2.3 <1.2 <1.2 14.4 126 520 Ethylbenzene 1.4 <1.3 2.6 <1.3 7.1 <1.2 <1.2 <1.3 3.8 <1.3 <1.3 <1.4 97 490 4-Ethyltoluene <1.4 <1.4 4.8 <1.5 8.2 <1.3 <1.3 <1.4 6.6 <1.4 <1.4 <1.6 NSL NSL n-Heptane 2.4 <1.2 <1.1 1.3 <1.2 <1.1 <1.1 1.4 2.5 <1.2 1.5 <1.3 NSL NSL n-Hexane <1.0 <1.0 <0.96 2.6 <1.0 15.9 37.0 12.9 <2.1 <1.0 <1.0 <1.3 1,460 6,200 2-Hexanone <1.2 2.2 3.9 <1.2 21.9 <1.1 1.9 1.5 7.8 2.1 <1.2 <1.3 NSL NSL Methylene Chloride <1.0 <1.0 <0.95 5.6 <1.0 58.4 71.5 26.4 <2.0 <1.0 1.5 <1.1 1,300 5,300 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<1.2 1.6 1.9 <1.2 10.1 <1.1 2.4 <1.2 3.3 <1.2 <1.2 <1.3 6,200 26,000 Naphthalene 6.5 2.8 5.7 2.3 11.4 <1.4 <1.4 89.2 197 7.3 3.4 <1.7 6.2 26 Styrene 2.6 <1.3 3.6 <1.3 <1.3 <1.2 <1.2 <1.3 2.8 <1.3 <1.3 <1.3 2,000 8,800 Tetrachloroethene (PCE)1.5 2.2 1.9 3.0 14.4 11,100 17,100 27.2 24.2 8.5 1.8 30,200 83.4 350 Tetrahydrofuran <0.86 <0.86 4.0 <0.89 <0.86 <0.80 <0.80 <0.86 <1.7 <0.86 <0.86 <0.93 NSL NSL THC as Gas 2,900 1,170 1,780 1,510 2,080 4,730 5,690 955 3,450 1,610 246 9,890 NSL NSL Toluene 5.4 8.0 23.0 5.5 170 5.6 5.7 3.1 16.7 <1.1 1.9 1.7 10,400 44,000 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <2.2 <2.2 2.8 <2.2 <2.2 <2.0 <2.0 <2.2 <4.3 <2.2 <2.2 <2.3 4.2 17.6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.6 <1.6 <1.5 <1.7 5.9 71.4 184 1.6 5.8 2.2 <1.6 1,490 10,400 44,000 Trichloroethene (TCE)<0.79 1.1 3.8 <0.82 95.1 26,200 37,400 39.3 87.9 3,330 8.9 94,600 4.2 17.6 Trichlorofluoromethane 17.6 <1.6 <1.5 <1.7 <1.6 1.6 1.8 1.7 <3.3 1.7 1.8 1.9 1,460 6,200 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 3.7 7.3 28.9 5.5 43.2 2.1 2.1 5.0 21.2 2.1 1.9 <1.5 14.6 62 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 2.0 2.6 8.7 3.1 14.1 <1.3 <1.3 2.2 7.5 1.5 <1.4 <1.5 NSL NSL m&p-Xylene 5.2 2.7 6.3 <2.6 32.5 <2.4 2.6 <2.5 14.0 <2.5 3.4 <2.7 200 880 o-Xylene 2.7 1.4 3.8 1.6 15.4 <1.2 <1.2 <1.3 6.1 <1.3 1.4 <1.4 200 880 Helium <5.8 <3.8 11.5 <3.8 <3.2 <4.2 <3.3 <4.4 <9.6 <4.4 <5.9 <5.0 NSL NSL Notes: 1. Concentrations shown in µg/m3 Prepared By/Date:AJF 4-5-13 2. IHSB = Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch 3. NSL = No standard lists Checked By/Date:RCF 4-5-13 4. Bold values indicate a concentration exceeding the laboratory reporting limit 5. Shaded values indicate a concentration exceeding the IHSB Residential Acceptable Soil-Gas Concentration 6. THC = Total Hydrocarbons 7. Helium was used as a leak check 8. Samples collected on October 10, 2012 9. Blue shaded values indicate a concentration exceeding the IHSB Industrial/Commercial Acceptable Soil-Gas Concentration Table 2: Summary of 2012 Sub-Slab Vapor Analytical Results Atherton Mill Property Charlotte, North Carolina Amec Foster Wheeler Project: 6228-12-0051 Constituent of Concern A-1 A-2 PM-75 IA-75/80 IA-75/80(2018) Date Sampled 4/8/2016 8/3/2016 2/8/2017 8/30/2017 2/7/2018 Inhalation - RfC (mg/m3) Inhalation - IUR (µg/m3)-1 Target Indoor Air Monitoring Goal for Carcinogens (a) Target Indoor Air Monitoring Goal for Non- Carcinogens (b) Benzene 0.79 0.63 0.65 0.56 0.66 3.0E-02 7.8E-06 IRIS 98 130 Carbon tetrachloride 0.32 0.45 0.53 0.41 0.41 1.0E-01 6.0E-06 IRIS 128 440 Chloroform 0.21 0.14 J 0.19 0.15 J <0.17 9.8E-02 2.3E-05 ATSDR/IRIS 33 430 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.21 0.097 J <0.21 <0.21 <0.21 8.0E-01 1.1E-05 IRIS/CalEPA 70 3500 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.065 J 0.074 J <0.14 <0.14 0.11J 7.0E-03 2.6E-05 PPRTV/IRIS 29 31 Ethyl Acetate 2.0 8.7 0.81 0.91 1.4 7.0E-02 NA PPRTV NA 310 Ethylbenzene 0.20 1.1 0.52 0.47 0.46 1.0E+00 2.5E-06 IRIS/CalEPA 310 4400 Tetrachloroethylene 0.16 J 0.21 J 0.21 J 0.40 0.35 4.0E-02 2.6E-07 IRIS 2900 180 Trichloroethylene 0.33 0.22 0.10 J <0.19 <0.19 2.0E-03 4.1E-06 IRIS 190 8.8 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.097 J 1.6 0.57 0.86 0.53 7.0E-03 NA PPRTV NA 31 Notes: 1. Concentrations shown in µg/m3,unless otherwise noted.Prepared/Date:LMM 2/22/2018 2. m3 = cubic meters Checked/Date:RCF 2/22/18 3. mg = milligram 4. µg = micrograms 5. RfC = Reference Concentration 6. IUR = Unit Risk 7. NA = Not Available 8. J = Value estimated, concentration detected above the method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit. 9. CalEPA - California Environmental Protection Agency 10. IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System 11. ATSDR - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 12. PPRTV - Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values 13. (a) Target Indoor Air Monitoring Goal (Carcinogens) = (TCR * AT c)/(ET * EF * ED * IUR) 14. (b) Target Indoor Air Monitoring Goal (Non-Carcinogens) = (RfC * THI * AT nc * 1000)/(ET * EF * ED) 15. Concentration in bold font exceeded the applicable target indoor air monitoring goal (highlighted). Retail Worker ATnc = Averaging Time (Noncarcinogen, hours)35,040 ET = Exposure Time (hours per day)8 ATc = Averaging Time (Carcinogenic, hours)613,200 EF = Exposure Frequency (days per year)250 TCR = Target Cancer Risk 1.00E-05 ED = Exposure Duration (years)4 THI = Target Hazard Index 1 Note: Median tenure for retail workers ranges from 2.8 years to 3.3 years for January 2004 through January 2014 (Employee Tenure in 2014, Bureau for Labor Statistics, September 2014. Exposure duration rounded upward to 4 years). Atherton Mill Property - Former Units 75 and 80 Charlotte, North Carolina Amec Foster Wheeler Project: 6228-12-0051 Table 3: Summary of Indoor Air Constituents of Concern Analytical Results Source Retail WorkerToxicity Values Constituent of Concern 87-PM PM-87 IA-87 IA-87 (2018) Date Sampled 10/20/2016 2/8/2017 8/30/2017 2/7/2018 Inhalation - RfC (mg/m3) Inhalation - IUR (µg/m3)-1 Target Indoor Air Monitoring Goal for Carcinogens (a) Target Indoor Air Monitoring Goal for Non- Carcinogens (b) Benzene 1.3 0.84 0.53 0.92 3.0E-02 7.8E-06 IRIS 98 130 Carbon tetrachloride 0.46 0.50 0.40 0.37 1.0E-01 6.0E-06 IRIS 128 440 Chloroform 0.30 0.14 J 0.14 0.26 9.8E-02 2.3E-05 ATSDR/IRIS 33 430 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 J <0.21 <0.21 <0.28 8.0E-01 1.1E-05 IRIS/CalEPA 70 3,500 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.080 J 0.81 <0.14 0.17J 7.0E-03 2.6E-05 PPRTV/IRIS 29 31 Ethyl Acetate <0.13 4.3 0.89 2.2 7.0E-02 NA PPRTV NA 310 Ethylbenzene 2.2 1.1 0.5 0.86 1.0E+00 2.5E-06 IRIS/CalEPA 310 4,400 Tetrachloroethylene 1.3 2.0 0.9 1.3 4.0E-02 2.6E-07 IRIS 2,900 180 Trichloroethylene 0.21 0.17 J <0.19 0.48 2.0E-03 4.1E-06 IRIS 190 8.8 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 3.2 4.9 1.5 1.9 7.0E-03 NA PPRTV NA 31 Notes: 1. Concentrations shown in µg/m3,unless otherwise noted.Prepared/Date:LMM 2/22/18 2. m3 = cubic meters Checked/Date:RCF 2/22/18 3. mg = milligram 4. µg = micrograms 5. RfC = Reference Concentration 6. IUR = Unit Risk 7. NA = Not Available 8. J = Value estimated, concentration detected above the method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit. 9. CalEPA - California Environmental Protection Agency 10. IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System 11. ATSDR - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 12. PPRTV - Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values 13. (a) Target Indoor Air Monitoring Goal (Carcinogens) = (TCR * ATc)/(ET * EF * ED * IUR) 14. (b) Target Indoor Air Monitoring Goal (Non-Carcinogens) = (RfC * THI * AT nc * 1000)/(ET * EF * ED) 15. Concentration in bold font exceeded the applicable target indoor air monitoring goal (highlighted). Retail Worker ATnc = Averaging Time (Noncarcinogen, hours)35,040 ET = Exposure Time (hours per day)8 ATc = Averaging Time (Carcinogenic, hours)613,200 EF = Exposure Frequency (days per year)250 TCR = Target Cancer Risk 1.00E-05 ED = Exposure Duration (years)4 THI = Target Hazard Index 1 Note: Median tenure for retail workers ranges from 2.8 years to 3.3 years for January 2004 through January 2014 (Employee Tenure in 2014, Bureau for Labor Statistics, September 2014. Exposure duration rounded upward to 4 years). Source Retail WorkerToxicity Values Atherton Mill Property - Former Unit 87 Charlotte, North Carolina Amec Foster Wheeler Project: 6228-12-0051 Table 4: Summary of Indoor Air Constituents of Concern Analytical Results Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal June 8,2018AthertonMillRedevelopmentAmecFosterWheelerProject:6228-12-0051 APPENDIX A Geo-Seal®46-mil Barrier & Vapor-Vent®Package Geo‐Seal® 46-mil Vapor Intrusion Barrier System 02 56 19.13-1 Geo-Seal® M11 Vapor Intrusion Barrier 02 56 19.13 Fluid-Applied Gas Barrier Version 1.5M Note: If membrane will be subjected to hydrostatic pressure, please contact Land Science Technologies™ for proper recommendations. PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and Division 1 specification sections, apply to this section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This section includes the following: 1. Substrate preparation: 2. Vapor intrusion barrier components: 3. Seam sealer and accessories. B. Related Sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this section: 1. Division 2 Section “Earthwork”, “Pipe Materials”, “Sub-drainage Systems”, “Gas Collection Systems”: 2. Division 3 Section “Cast-in-Place Concrete” for concrete placement, curing, and finishing: 3. Division 5 Section “Expansion Joint Cover Assemblies”, for expansion-joint covers assemblies and installation. 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Provide a vapor intrusion barrier system that prevents the passage of methane gas and/or volatile organic compound vapors and complies with physical requirements as demonstrated by testing performed by an independent testing agency of manufacturer’s current vapor intrusion barrier formulations and system design. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data for each type of vapor intrusion barrier, including manufacturer’s printed instructions for evaluating and preparing the substrate, technical data, and tested physical and performance properties. B. Project Data - Submit shop drawings showing extent of vapor intrusion barrier, including details for overlaps, flashing, penetrations, and other termination conditions. C. Samples – Submit representative samples of the following for approval: 1. Vapor intrusion barrier components. D. Certified Installer Certificates – Submit certificates signed by manufacturer certifying that installers comply with requirements under the “Quality Assurance” article. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who has been trained and certified in writing by the membrane manufacturer, Land Science Technologies™ for the installation of the Geo-Seal® System. B. Manufacturer Qualification: Obtain vapor intrusion barrier materials and system components from a single manufacturer source Land Science Technologies. C. Field Sample: Apply vapor intrusion barrier system field sample to 100 ft2 (9.3 m2) of field area demonstrate application, detailing, thickness, texture, and standard of workmanship. 1. Notify engineer or special inspector one week in advance of the dates and times when field sample will be prepared. 2. If engineer or special inspector determines that field sample, does not meet requirements, reapply field sample until field sample is approved. 3. Retain and maintain approved field sample during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed methane and vapor intrusion barrier. An undamaged field sample may become part of the completed work. D. Pre-installation Conference: A pre-installation conference shall be held prior to application of the vapor intrusion barrier system to assure proper site and installation conditions, to include contractor, applicator, architect/engineer, other trades influenced by vapor intrusion barrier installation and special inspector (if any). 02 56 19.13-2 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to project site as specified by manufacturer labeled with manufacturer’s name, product brand name and type, date of manufacture, shelf life, and directions for storing and mixing with other components. B. Store materials as specified by the manufacturer in a clean, dry, protected location and within the temperature range required by manufacturer. Protect stored materials from direct sunlight. If freezing temperatures are expected, necessary steps should be taken to prevent the freezing of the Geo-Seal CORE and Geo-Seal CORE Detail components. C. Remove and replace material that cannot be applied within its stated shelf life. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Protect all adjacent areas not to be installed on. Where necessary, apply masking to prevent staining of surfaces to remain exposed wherever membrane abuts to other finish surfaces. B. Perform work only when existing and forecasted weather conditions are within manufacturer’s recommendations for the material and application method used. C. Minimum clearance of 24 inches is required for application of product. For areas with less than 24-inch clearance, the membrane may be applied by hand using Geo-Seal CORE Detail. D. Ambient temperature shall be within manufacturer’s specifications. (Greater than +45ºF/+7ºC.) Consult manufacturer for the proper requirements when desiring to apply Geo-Seal CORE below 45ºF/7ºC. E. All plumbing, electrical, mechanical and structural items to be under or passing through the vapor intrusion barrier system shall be positively secured in their proper positions and appropriately protected prior to membrane application. F. Vapor intrusion barrier shall be installed before placement of fill material and reinforcing steel. When not possible, all exposed reinforcing steel shall be masked by general contractor prior to membrane application. G. Stakes used to secure the concrete forms shall not penetrate the vapor intrusion barrier system after it has been installed. If stakes need to puncture the vapor intrusion barrier system after it has been installed, the necessary repairs need to be made by a certified Geo-Seal applicator. To confirm the staking procedure is in agreement with the manufactures recommendation, contact Land Science Technologies. 1.8 WARRANTY A. General Warranty: The special warranty specified in this article shall not deprive the owner of other rights the owner may have under other provisions of the contract documents, and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by the contractor under requirements of the contract documents. B. Special Warranty: Submit a written warranty signed by vapor intrusion barrier manufacturer agreeing to repair or replace vapor intrusion barrier that does not meet requirements. Warranty does not include failure of vapor intrusion barrier due to failure of substrate prepared and treated according to requirements or formation of new joints and cracks in the attached to structures that exceed 1/16 inch (1.58 mm) in width. 1. Warranty Period: 1 year after date of substantial completion. Longer warranty periods are available upon request to the manufacturer. C. Labor and material warranties are available upon request to the manufacturer. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Geo-Seal; Land Science Technologies™, San Clemente, CA. (949) 481-8118 1. Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer 2. Geo-Seal CORE 30 mil spray layer and Geo-Seal CORE Detail 3. Geo-Seal FILM 5 protective layer 2.2 VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER SPRAY MATERIALS A. Fluid applied vapor intrusion barrier system – Geo-Seal CORE; a single course, high build, polymer modified, asphalt emulsion. Waterborne and spray applied at ambient temperatures. A nominal thickness of 30 dry mils, unless specified otherwise. Non-toxic and odorless. Geo-Seal CORE Detail has similar properties with greater viscosity and is roller or brush applied. Manufactured by Land Science Technologies. 02 56 19.13-3 2.3 VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER SHEET MATERIALS A. The Geo-Seal FILM 11 layer is a chemically resistant, high strength, cross laminated sheet comprised of an 11 mil high density polyethylene. B. The Geo-Seal FILM 5 layer is a chemically resistant, high strength, cross laminated sheet comprised of a 5 mil high density polyethylene. C. Sheet Course Usage 1.As foundation base layer, made to receive the Geo-Seal CORE layer. 2.As a top sheet for the Geo-Seal CORE layer. D. Geo-Seal FILM 11 physical properties. Properties Test Method Results Film Thickness 11 mil Classification ASTM E 1745‐09 Exceed Class A,B and C Tensile ASTM E 154‐93 50 lbs./in Puncture Resistance ASTM D 1709 2400 grams Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E 96 0.020 Perms Life Expectancy ASTM E 154‐93 Indefinite Chemical Resistance ASTM E 154‐93 Excellent E. Geo-Seal FILM 5 physical properties. Properties Test Method Results Film Thickness 5 mil Classification ASTM E 1745‐09 Exceed Class C Tensile ASTM E 154‐93 21 lbs./in Puncture Resistance ASTM D 1709 500 grams Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E 96 0.110 Perms Life Expectancy ASTM E 154‐93 Indefinite Chemical Resistance ASTM E 154‐93 Excellent 2.4 AXILLARY MATERIALS A. Sheet Flashing: 60-mil reinforced modified asphalt sheet good with double-sided adhesive. B. Reinforcing Strip: Manufacturer’s recommended polypropylene and polyester fabric. C. Gas Venting Materials: Geo-Seal Vapor-Vent HD or Geo-Seal Vapor-Vent Poly, and associated fittings. D. Seam Detailing Sealant Mastic: Geo-Seal CORE Detail, a high or medium viscosity polymer modified water based asphalt material. 1.Back Rod: Closed-cell polyethylene foam. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions under which vapor intrusion barrier will be applied, with installer present, for compliance with requirements. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 SUBGRADE SURFACE PREPARATION A. Verify substrate is prepared according to manufacturer’s recommendations. On a horizontal surface, the substrate should be free from material that can potentially puncture the vapor intrusion barrier. Additional protection or cushion layers might be required if the earth or gravel substrate contains too many jagged points and edges that could puncture one or more of the system components. Contact manufacturer to confirm substrate is within manufactures recommendations. B. Geo-Seal can accommodate a wide range of substrates, including but not limited to compacted earth, sand, aggregate, and mudslabs. 02 56 19.13-4 1. Compacted Earth: Remove pieces of debris, gravel and/or any other material that can potentially puncture the Geo- Seal FILM 11 base layer. Remove any debris from substrate that can potentially puncture the Geo-Seal system prior to application. 2. Sand: A sand subgrade requires no additional preparation, provided any material that can potentially puncture the Geo- Seal FILM 11 base layer is not present. 3. Aggregate: Contact the manufacturer to ensure the aggregate layer will not be detrimental to the FILM 11 base layer. The gravel layer must be compacted and rolled flat. Ideally a ¾” minus gravel layer with rounded edges should be specified; however the Geo-Seal system can accommodate a wide variety of different substrates. Contact Land Science Technologies if there are questions regarding the compatibility of Geo-Seal and the utilized substrate. Exercise caution when specifying pea gravel under the membrane, if not compacted properly, pea gravel can become an unstable substrate. NOTE: Angular substrates will likely require the use of a 4 oz. geotextile cushion layer, contact Land Science Technologies for additional information. 4. Mudslabs: The use of a mubslab under the Geo-Seal system is acceptable, contact Land Science Technologies for job specific requirements. C. Mask off adjoining surface not receiving the vapor intrusion barrier system to prevent the spillage or over spray affecting other construction. D. Earth, sand or gravel subgrades should be prepared and compacted to local building code requirements. 3.3 CONCRETE SURFACE PREPARATION A. Clean and prepare concrete surface to manufacturer’s recommendations. In general, only apply the Geo-Seal CORE material to dry, clean and uniform substrates. Concrete surfaces must be a light trowel, light broom or equivalent finish. Remove fins, ridges and other projections and fill honeycomb, aggregate pockets, grout joints and tie holes, and other voids with hydraulic cement or rapid-set grout. It is the applicator’s responsibility to point out unacceptable substrate conditions to the general contractor and ensure the proper repairs are made. B. When applying the Geo-Seal CORE or Geo-Seal CORE Detail material to concrete it is important to not apply the product over standing water. Applying over standing water will result in the membrane not setting up properly on the substrate C. Surfaces may need to be wiped down or cleaned prior to application. This includes, but is not limited to, the removal of forming oils, concrete curing agents, dirt accumulation, and other debris. Contact form release agent manufacturer or concrete curing agent manufacturer for VOC content and proper methods for removing the respective agent. D. Applying the Geo-Seal CORE to “green” concrete is acceptable and can be advantageous in creating a superior bond to the concrete surface. To help reduce blistering, apply a primer coat of only the asphalt component of the Geo-Seal CORE system. Some blistering of the membrane will occur and may be more severe on walls exposed to direct sunlight. Blistering is normal and will subside over time. Using a needle nose depth gauge confirm that the specified mil thickness has been applied. 3.4 PREPARATIONS AND TREATMENT OF TERMINATIONS A. Prepare the substrate surface in accordance with Section 3.3 of this document. Concrete surfaces that are not a light trowel, light broom or equivalent finish, will need to be repaired. B. Terminations on horizontal and vertical surfaces should extend 6” onto the termination surface. Job specific conditions may prevent a 6” termination. In these conditions, contact manufacturer for recommendations. C. Apply 60 mils of Geo-Seal CORE to the terminating surface and then embed the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer by pressing it firmly into the Geo-Seal CORE layer. Next, apply 30 mils of Geo-Seal CORE to the FILM 11 base layer. When complete, apply the Geo- Seal FILM 5 bond layer. After the placement of the Geo-Seal FILM 5 bond layer is complete, apply a final 30 mil seal of the Geo- Seal CORE layer over the edge of the termination. For further clarification, refer to the termination detail provided by manufacturer. D. The stated termination process is appropriate for terminating the membrane onto exterior footings, pile caps, interior footings and grade beams. When terminating the membrane to stem walls or vertical surfaces the same process should be used. 3.5 PREPARATIONS AND TREATMENT OF PENETRATIONS A. All pipe penetrations should be securely in place prior to the installation of the Geo-Seal system. Any loose penetrations should be secured prior to Geo-Seal application, as loose penetrations could potentially exert pressure on the membrane and damage the membrane after installation. B. To properly seal around penetrations, cut a piece of the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer that will extend 6” beyond the outside perimeter of the penetration. Cut a hole in the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer just big enough to slide over the penetration, ensuring the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer fits snug against the penetration, this can be done by cutting an “X” no larger than the inside diameter of the penetration. There should not be a gap larger than a 1/8” between the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer and the penetration. Other methods can also be utilized, provided, there is not a gap 02 56 19.13-5 larger than 1/8” between the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer and the penetration. C. Seal the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer using Geo-Seal CORE or Geo-Seal CORE Detail to the underlying cut piece of Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer. D. Apply one coat of Geo-Seal CORE Detail or Geo-Seal CORE spray to the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer and around the penetration at a thickness of 30 mils. Penetrations should be treated in a 6-inch radius around penetration and 3 inches onto penetrating object. E. Embed a fabric reinforcing strip after the first application of the Geo-Seal CORE spray or Geo-Seal CORE Detail material and then apply a second 30 mil coat over the embedded joint reinforcing strip ensuring its complete saturation of the embedded strip and tight seal around the penetration. F. After the placement of the Geo-Seal FILM 5 bond layer, a cable tie should then be placed around the finished penetration. The cable tie should be snug, but not overly tight so as to slice into the finished seal. OPTION: A final application of Geo-Seal CORE may be used to provide a finishing seal after the Geo-Seal FILM 5 bond layer has been installed. NOTE: Metal or other slick penetration surfaces may require treatment in order to achieve proper adhesion. For plastic pipes, sand paper may be used to achieve a profile, an emery cloth is more appropriate for metal surfaces. An emery cloth should also be used to remove any rust on metal surfaces. 3.6 GEO-SEAL FILM 11 BASE LAYER INSTALLATION A. Install the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer over substrate material in one direction with six-inch overlaps. B. Secure the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base seams by applying 60 mils of Geo-Seal CORE between the 6” overlapped sheets. C. Visually verify there are no gaps/fish-mouths in seams. D. For best results, install an equal amount of Geo-Seal FILM 11 base and Geo-Seal CORE in one day. Leaving the Geo-Seal FILM 11 layer unsprayed overnight might allow excess moisture to collect on the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer. If excess moisture collects, it needs to be removed. NOTE: In windy conditions it might be necessary to encapsulate the seam by spraying the Geo-Seal CORE layer over the completed Geo-Seal FILM 11 base seam. 3.7 GEO-SEAL CORE APPLICATION A. Set up spray equipment according to manufacturer’s instructions. B. Mix and prepare materials according to manufacturer’s instructions. C. The two catalyst nozzles (8001) should be adjusted to cross at about 18" from the end of the wand. This apex of catalyst and emulsion spray should then be less than 24" but greater than 12” from the desired surface when spraying. When properly sprayed the fan pattern of the catalyst should range between 65° and 80°. D. Adjust the amount of catalyst used based on the ambient air temperature and surface temperature of the substrate receiving the membrane. In hot weather use less catalyst as hot conditions will quickly “break” the emulsion and facilitate the curing of the membrane. In cold conditions and on vertical surfaces use more catalyst to “break” the emulsion quicker to expedite curing and set up time in cold conditions. E. To spray the Geo-Seal CORE layer, pull the trigger on the gun. A 42° fan pattern should form when properly sprayed. Apply one spray coat of Geo-Seal CORE to obtain a seamless membrane free from pinholes or shadows, with an average dry film thickness of 30 mils (0.75 mm). F. Apply the Geo-Seal CORE layer in a spray pattern that is perpendicular to the application surface. The concern when spraying at an angle is that an area might be missed. Using a perpendicular spray pattern will limit voids and thin spots, and will also create a uniform and consistent membrane. G. Verify film thickness of vapor intrusion barrier every 500 ft2. (46.45 m2), for information regarding Geo-Seal quality control measures, refer to the quality control procedures in Section 3.9 of this specification. H. The membrane will generally cure in 24 to 48 hours. As a rule, when temperature decreases or humidity increases, the curing of the membrane will be prolonged. The membrane does not need to be fully cured prior the placement of the Geo-Seal FILM 5 bond layer, provided mil thickness has been verified and a smoke test will be conducted. I. Do not penetrate membrane after it has been installed. If membrane is penetrated after the membrane is installed, it is the responsibility of the general contractor to notify the certified installer to make repairs. J. If applying to a vertical concrete wall, apply Geo-Seal CORE directly to concrete surface and use manufacturer’s recommended protection material based on site specific conditions. If applying Geo-Seal against shoring, contact manufacturer for site specific installation instructions. 02 56 19.13-6 NOTE: Care should be taken to not trap moisture between the layers of the membrane. Trapping moisture may occur from applying a second coat prior to the membrane curing. Repairs and detailing may be done over the Geo-Seal CORE layer when not fully cured. 3.8 GEO-SEAL FILM 5 BOND PROTECTION COURSE INSTALLATION A. Install Geo-Seal FILM 5 protective bond course perpendicular to the direction of the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base course with overlapped seams over nominally cured membrane no later than recommended by manufacturer and before starting subsequent construction operations. B. Sweep off any water that has collected on the surface of the Geo-Seal CORE layer, prior to the placement of the Geo-Seal FILM 5 bond layer. C. Overlap and seam the Geo-Seal FILM 5 bond layer in the same manner as the Geo-Seal FILM 11 base layer. D. To expedite the construction process, the Geo-Seal FILM 5 bond layer can be placed over the Geo-Seal CORE immediately after the spray application is complete, provided the Geo-Seal CORE mil thickness has been verified. 3.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Geo-Seal system must be installed by a trained and certified installer approved by Land Science Technologies. B. For projects that will require a material or labor material warranty, Land Science Technologies will require a manufacturer’s representative or certified 3rd party inspector to inspect and verify that the membrane has been installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. The certified installer is responsible for contacting the inspector for inspection. Prior to application of the membrane, a notice period for inspection should be agreed upon between the applicator and inspector. C. The measurement tools listed below will help verity the thickness of the Geo-Seal CORE layer. As measurement verification experience is gained, these tools will help confirm thickness measurements that can be obtained by pressing one’s fingers into the Geo-Seal CORE membrane. To verify the mil thickness of the Geo-Seal CORE, the following measurement devices are required. 1. Mil reading caliper: Calipers are used to measure the thickness of coupon samples. To measure coupon samples correctly, the thickness of the Geo-Seal FILM-11 sheet layers (11 mils each) must be taken into account. Mark sample area for repair. 2. Wet mil thickness gauge: A wet mil thickness gauge may be used to quickly measure the mil thickness of the Geo- Seal CORE layer. The thickness of the Geo-Seal sheet layers do not factor into the mil thickness reading. NOTE: When first using a wet mil thickness gauge on a project, collect coupon samples to verify the wet mil gauge thickness readings. 3. Needle nose digital depth gauge: A needle nose depth gauge should be used when measuring the Geo-Seal CORE thickness on vertical walls or in field measurements. Mark measurement area for repair. To obtain a proper wet mil thickness reading, take into account the 5 to 10 percent shrinkage that will occur as the membrane fully cures. Not taking into account the thickness of the sheet layers, a freshly sprayed membrane should have a minimum wet thickness of 32 (5%) to 34 (10%) mils. Methods on how to properly conduct Geo-Seal CORE thickness sampling can be obtained by reviewing literature prepared by Land Science Technologies. D. It should be noted that taking too many destructive samples can be detrimental to the membrane. Areas where coupon samples have been removed need to be marked for repair. E. Smoke Testing is highly recommended and is the ideal way to test the seal created around penetrations and terminations. Smoke Testing is conducted by pumping non-toxic smoke underneath the Geo-Seal vapor intrusion barrier and then repairing the areas where smoke appears. Refer to smoke testing protocol provided by Land Science Technologies. For projects that will require a material or labor material warranty, Land Science Technologies will require a smoke test. F. Visual inspections prior to placement of concrete, but after the installation of concrete reinforcing, is recommended to identify any punctures that may have occurred during the installation of rebar, post tension cables, etc. Punctures in the Geo-Seal system should be easy to identify due to the color contrasting layers of the system. 02 56 19 © 2015 Land Science Technologies Vapor-Vent™ SOIL GAS COLLECTION SYSTEM Version 1.6 SECTION 02 56 19 – GAS CONTROL PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Substrate preparation. 2. Vapor-Vent™ installation. 3. Vapor-Vent accessories. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 2 Section “Earthwork”, “Pipe Materials”, “Sub-drainage systems”, ”Gas Control System”, “Fluid-Applied gas barrier”. 2. Division 3 Section “Cast-in-Place Concrete” for concrete placement, curing, and finishing. 3. Division 5 Section “Expansion Joint Cover Assemblies”, for expansion-joint covers assemblies and installation. 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Provide a gas venting material that collects gas vapors and directs them to discharge or to collection points as specified in the gas vapor collection system drawings and complies with the physical requirements set forth by the manufacturer. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Product Data for each type of gas venting system specified, including manufacturer’s specifications. B. Sample – Submit representative samples of the following for approval: 1. Gas venting, Vapor-Vent. 2. Vapor-Vent accessories. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who is certified in writing and approved by vapor intrusion barrier manufacturer Land Science Technologies for the installation of the Geo-Seal® vapor intrusion barrier system. B. Manufacturer Qualification: Obtain gas venting, vapor intrusion barrier and system components from a single manufacturer Land Science Technologies C. Pre-installation Conference: A pre-installation conference shall be held prior to installation of the venting system, vapor intrusion barrier and waterproofing system to assure proper site and installation conditions, to include contractor, applicator, architect/engineer and special inspector (if any). 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to project site as specified by manufacturer labeled with manufacturer’s name, product brand name and type, date of manufacture, shelf life, and directions for handling. 02 56 19 © 2015 Land Science Technologies B. Store materials as specified by the manufacturer in a clean, dry, protected location and within the temperature range required by manufacturer. Protect stored materials from direct sunlight. C. Remove and replace material that is damaged. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER A. Land Science Technologies, San Clemente, CA. (949) 481-8118 1. Vapor-Vent™ 2.2 GAS VENT MATERIALS A. Vapor-Vent – Vapor-Vent is a low profile, trenchless, flexible, sub slab vapor collection system used in lieu or in conjunction with perforated piping. Vapor-Vent is offered with two different core materials, Vapor-Vent POLY is recommended for sites with inert methane gas and Vapor-Vent is recommended for sites with aggressive chlorinated volatile organic or petroleum vapors. Manufactured by Land Science Technologies B. Vapor-Vent physical properties VENT PROPERTIES TEST METHOD VAPOR-VENT POLY VAPOR-VENT Material Polystyrene HDPE Comprehensive Strength ASTM D-1621 9,000 lbs / ft2 11,400 lbs / ft2 In-plane flow (Hydraulic gradient-0.1) ASTM D-4716 30 gpm / ft of width 30 gpm / ft of width Chemical Resistance N/A Excellent FABRIC PROPERTIES TEST METHOD VAPOR-VENT POLY VAPOR-VENT Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D-4632 100 lbs. 110 lbs. Puncture Strength ASTM D-4833 65 lbs. 30 lbs. Mullen Burst Strength ASTM D-3786 N/A 90 PSI AOS ASTM D-4751 70 U.S. Sieve 50 U.S. Sieve Flow Rate ASTM D-4491 140 gpm / ft2 95 gpm / ft2 UV Stability (500 hours) ASTM D-4355 N/A 70% Retained DIMENSIONAL DATA Thickness 1” 1” Standard Widths 12” 12” Roll Length 165 ft 165 ft Roll Weight 65 lbs 68 lbs 2.3 AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. Vapor-Vent End Out B. Reinforced Tape. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions under which gas vent system will be installed, with installer present, for compliance with requirements. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 SUBSTRATE PREPARATION A. Verify substrate is prepared according to project requirements. 02 56 19 © 2015 Land Science Technologies 3.3 PREPARATION FOR STRIP COMPOSITE A. Mark the layout of strip geocomposite per layout design developed by engineer. 3.4 STRIP GEOCOMPOSITE INSTALLATION A. Install Vapor-Vent over substrate material where designated on drawings with the flat base of the core placed up and shall be overlapped in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. B. At areas where Vapor-Vent strips intersect cut and fold back fabric to expose the dimpled core. Arrange the strips so that the top strip interconnects into the bottom strip. Unfold fabric to cover the core and use reinforcing tape, as approved by the manufacturer, to seal the connection to prevent sand or gravel from entering the core. C. When crossing Vapor-Vent over footings or grade beams, consult with the specifying environmental engineer and structural engineer for appropriate use and placement of solid pipe materials. Place solid pipe over or through concrete surface and attach a Vapor-Vent End Out at both ends of the pipe before connecting the Vapor-Vent to the pipe reducer. Seal the Vapor-Vent to the Vapor-Vent End Out using fabric reinforcement tape. Refer to Vapor-Vent detail provided by Land Science Technologies. D. Place vent risers per specifying engineer’s project specifications. Connect Vapor-Vent to Vapor-Vent End Out and seal with fabric reinforced tape. Use Vapor-Vent End Out with the specified diameter piping as shown on system drawings. 3.5 PLACEMENT OF OVERLYING AND ADJACENT MATERIALS A. All overlying and adjacent material shall be placed or installed using approved procedures and guidelines to prevent damage to the strip geocomposite. B. Equipment shall not be directly driven over and stakes or any other materials may not be driven through the strip geocomposite. GEO-SEAL FILM 11GEO-SEAL FILM 5GEO-SEAL CORE(30 MIL)ELEVATORPIT DETAIL1011 CALLE SOMBRA TITLESAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 949.366.8000 OFFICEWWW.LANDSCIENCETECH.COMSCALEDATE © 2015 Land Science Technologies 1  Geo-Seal Quality Control Certified Applicator Authorized installation of Geo-Seal can only be accomplished by one of Land Science Technologies Certified Applicators. Membrane Inspections For projects that will require a material or system ( workmanship and material) warranty, Land Science Technologies will require a manufacturer’s representative or certified 3rd party inspector to inspect and verify that the membrane has been installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. The applicator is responsible for contacting the inspector for inspection. Prior to application of the membrane, a notice period for inspection should be agreed upon between the applicator and inspector. Material Yield Material yield is one of the first indicators in determining if the Geo-Seal CORE layer has been installed correctly. A baseline standard for yield is as follows: Material Container 30 dry mils 60 dry mils 80 dry mils 55 Gallon Drum 1,870 ft2 935 ft2 660 ft2 275 Gallon Tote 9,350 ft2 4,675 ft2 3,300 ft2 330 Gallon Tote 11,220 ft2 5,610 ft2 3,960 ft2 The estimated yield is 34 ft2 per gallon for a 30 dry mil application using the recommended thickness, unless otherwise noted by a specified engineer or regulatory agency. Yields can decrease based on the complexity of the foundation. Projects containing many penetrations and areas where a lot of detailing is required might reduce the material yield to 32 ft2 or 30 ft2 per gallon for a 30 mil membrane.. Millage Verification The measurement tools listed below will help verify the thickness of the Geo-Seal CORE layer. As measurement verification experience is gained, these tools will help confirm thickness measurements that can be obtained by pressing one’s fingers into the Geo-Seal CORE membrane. To verify the mil thickness of the Geo-Seal CORE, the following measurement devices are required: Mil reading caliper: Calipers are used to measure the thickness of coupon samples. To measure coupon samples correctly, the thickness of the Geo-Seal sheet layers must be taken into account (This is best done by obtaining a sample of the Geo-Seal FILM 11 layer and then zeroing out the caliper to the Geo-Seal FILM 11 layer). Mark sample area for repair. Wet mil thickness gauge: A wet mil thickness gauge may be used to quickly measure the mil thickness of the Geo- Seal CORE layer. The thickness of the Geo-Seal sheet layers do not factor into the mil thickness reading, but the softness of the subgrade might result in inaccurate readings. NOTE: When first using a wet mil thickness gauge on a project, collect coupon samples to verify the wet mil gauge thickness readings. Needle nose digital depth gauge: A needle nose depth gauge can be used when measuring the Geo-Seal CORE thickness on vertical walls or in field measurements. Mark measurement area for repair. To obtain a proper wet mil thickness reading, take into account the 5 to 10 percent shrinkage that will occur as the membrane fully cures. Not taking into account the thickness of the sheet layers, a freshly sprayed membrane should have a minimum wet thickness of 32 (5%) to 33 (10%) mils. © 2015 Land Science Technologies 2  Visual Inspections The guidelines outlined in this section provide ways to quantify and observe the proper installation of the Geo-Seal system. However, a visual inspection should also be done to ensure any visual imperfections are not present, i.e. fish-mouths, punctures, voids, etc. During a visual inspection, punctures in the Geo-Seal system should be easy to indentify due to the color contrasting layers of the system. Membrane Testing Log To aid in the inspection process and properly document the Geo-Seal membrane inspection, create a membrane testing log. We recommend creating the log by using the foundation plan (plan view) of the structure and then creating a 500 square foot grid over the foundation. If this is not able to be done, enclosed is a membrane testing log template that can also be used. (Appendix E) Wet Mil Thickness Readings A wet mil thickness gauge is one method to verify the mil thickness of the Geo-Seal CORE layer. An advantage to this method is the ability to verify the Geo-Seal CORE thickness by minimizing destructive coupon sampling. 1. Create a membrane testing log by obtaining a copy of the foundation plan and then draw a 500 square foot grid over the foundation plan. Make two copies of the membrane testing log; one should be used when collecting coupon samples and the other should be used when conducting the smoke test. 2. Note time, date, project name, inspector name, temperature and weather conditions on testing log. 3. Number each quadrant and inspect sequentially. 4. When arriving at each quadrant quickly assess if there are any conditions that might present any challenges in establishing a proper seal. Note areas and discuss with applicator. 5. Conduct a visual inspection of the membrane. Look for areas where a proper seal was not created, i.e. a fish-mouth at the termination and areas where the membrane might be sprayed thin. Mark areas needed for repair in the field with florescent paint or with chalk. Also make a note on the testing log. 6. Conduct a thickness sample in the area that is suspected to be sprayed thin and take three readings within 3” of one another. When beginning a project, verify the wet mil gauge thickness reading bycutting a coupon sample and measuring the thickness with a caliper. Once wet mil thickness readings have been confirmed and established, confirm wet mil thickness periodically by taking a coupon sample and caliper measurement. 7. After sampling 5 quadrants it is at the discretion of the inspector to continue collecting samples every 500 ft2 or 1,000 ft2. 8.This method will verify the thickness of the Geo-Seal CORE layer prior to it fully curing. Observed shrinkage of the Geo-Seal CORE layer during the curing process ranges from 5% to 10%. When taking uncured samples assume a minimum of 10% loss for horizontal surfaces and 5% for vertical surfaces. Assuming a 10% loss, the gauge should read a mil thickness between 33 and 35 mils (≥33 mils). 9.If using a wet mil gauge to verify a fully cured membrane the gauge should read 30 mils. 10. When testing is complete, send a copy of the membrane testing log to Land Science Technologies. Keep the coupon samples for the file, or send them to Land Science Technologies. © 2015 Land Science Technologies 3  Coupon Sampling Coupon sampling is the most accurate way to verify the Geo-Seal CORE thickness. However, please note that taking too many coupon samples, or destructive samples, can be counter-productive. To collect a coupon sample the following steps should be followed: 1. Create a membrane testing log by obtaining a copy of the foundation plan and then draw a 500 square foot grid over the foundation plan. Make two copies of the membrane testing log, one should be used when collecting coupon samples and the other should be used when conducting the smoke test. 2. Note time, date, project name, inspector name, temperature and weather conditions on testing log. 3. Number each quadrant and inspect sequentially. 4. When arriving at each quadrant quickly assess if there are any conditions that might present any challenges in establishing a proper seal. Note areas and discuss with applicator. 5. Conduct a visual inspection of the membrane. Look for areas where a proper seal was not created, i.e. a fish-mouth at the termination and areas where the membrane might be sprayed thin. Mark areas needed for repair in the field with florescent paint or with chalk. Also make a note on the testing log. 6.Calibrate mil reading caliper to account for the thickness of the Geo-Seal FILM 11 layer. This is best done by obtaining a sample of the Geo-Seal FILM 11 layer and then zeroing out the caliper to the Geo-Seal FILM 11 layer. 7. Collect a coupon sample in the area that is suspected to be sprayed thin. Use a box cutter to cut a 3 square inch sample from the membrane. Measure each side to confirm the specified minimum thickness has been obtained. Number each sample and save in the job file. Mark the area for repair in the field and on the site plan. 8. After sampling 5 quadrants it is at the discretion of the inspector to continue collecting samples every 500 ft2 or 1,000 ft2. 9.Samples may be collected prior to the Geo-Seal CORE layer fully curing. Observed shrinkage of the Geo-Seal CORE layer during the curing process for horizontal surfaces is 10%. Assuming a 10% loss, a minimum of 33 mills thickness should be measured for a cured measurement of 30 mils. 10. When testing is complete, send a copy of the membrane testing log to Land Science Technologies. Keep the coupon samples for the file, or send them to Land Science Technologies. Smoke Testing This test is intended to visually verify and confirm the proper installation of the Geo-Seal system. Land Science Technologies requires a smoke test on all projects in order to obtain a warranty. The smoke test will be performed by the applicator. Smoke testing should occur after the Geo-Seal CORE layer has been installed and mil thickness verified. Smoke testing may occur after the Geo-Seal FILM 5 protective layer is installed, if preferred by the applicator. Upon completion of the original smoke test, additional smoke tests can be conducted per the membrane manufacturer’s, specifying engineer or regulatory agency’s request. To conduct a smoke test follow these steps: 1. One smoke test can cover between 2000-3000 square feet per test. However, coverage will greatly depend on the sub grade under the membrane. On sites where multiple smoke tests will be needed, use the first two smoke tests to estimate the coverage area per test. 2. Visual verification of soundness of seams, terminations and penetrations should be performed. Identify/correct any apparent deficiencies and/or installation problems. 3. Note time, date, project name, inspector name, temperature and weather conditions on testing log. In addition, record humidity, barometric pressure, and wind speed/direction. Confirm wind speed is below 15 mph. Visual identification of leaks becomes more difficult with increasing wind speed. 4. Cap other vent outlet(s) not being used. If the installation has no sub-slab vent system or the membrane is isolated from the vent system, connect the smoke testing system directly to the membrane © 2015 Land Science Technologies 4  using a temporary boot collar or other method. Insert the smoke test hose into coupon sampling locations, creating a seal around the smoke test hose with a rag. 5. Activate the smoke generator/blower system and connect to sub-slab vent riser or directly to the membrane. 6. To confirm the adequate flow of smoke under the membrane cut a 2” vent in the membrane to facilitate the purging of air pockets under it. If working properly, smoke will consistently flow though the 2” vent. If a low rate of smoke flow is observed it is an indication of poor smoke flow under the membrane. If low flow does occur, insert the smoke testing hose into the 2” membrane vent. 7. Mark sampling locations with fluorescent paint or chalk. Repair sampling locations per Land Science Technologies recommendations 8.Maintain operation of smoke generator/blower system for 5-15 minutes following purging of membrane. Thoroughly inspect entire membrane surface. Use fluorescent paint or chalk to mark/label any leak locations. Mark/label leak locations on testing log. NOTE: The duration of the smoke test will vary depending on the size of the area being tested. To help determine the duration, monitor the pressure building up under the membrane. If excessive lifting of the membrane occurs, decrease the duration or pressure of the smoke test. 9. Prepare membrane inspection log. Identify the type of leak found, i.e. poor seal around penetration, fish-mouth, puncture, etc. 10. Repair leak locations marked in step 7 and step 8 per procedures outlined in “Geo-Seal Repair Procedures” section using Geo-Seal CORE or Geo-Seal DETAIL. 11. Repeat steps 4 through 10 as necessary to confirm the integrity of the membrane. 12. Complete the smoke testing inspection form indicating the successful completion of the smoke test. Post Installation Inspection After a manufacturer’s representative or 3rd party inspector signs off on the membrane installation and the steel workers begin to install the rebar, it is recommended to conduct a visual inspection prior to the pouring of concrete. Damages are most likely to occur during this time and it is imperative that punctures are indentified prior to the placement of the slab. The system configuration of Geo-Seal, the top white Geo-Seal FILM 5 layer with a middle black layer, will make rebar punctures easy to identify when conducting a visual inspection. Geo-Seal® FILM-11 Layer The Geo-Seal™ FILM-11 layer is comprised of a high strength, cross laminated HDPE membrane (Class A Rating). The FILM-11 layer is installed over the substrate and the cross laminated HDPE provides the ideal surface for the application of the Geo-Seal CORE component. The FILM-11 layer can be used in lieu of, or in addition to, the standard Geo-Seal BASE layer to increase the performance of the standard Geo-Seal system or to meet the project needs. PROPERTIES TEST METHOD Geo-Seal FILM-11 Film Thickness 11 mil Classification ASTM E 1745-09 Exceed Class A,B and C Tensile ASTM E 154-93 50 lbs / in Puncture Resistance ASTM D 1709 2400 grams Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E 96 0.020 Perms Life Expectancy ASTM E 154-93 Indefinite Chemical Resistance ASTM E 154-93 Excellent Packaging: 12.75’x200’ Land Science Technologies, Inc. / 1011 Calle Sombra / Suite 110 / San Clemente / CA / 92673 Ph. 949-366-8000 / F. 949- 366-8090 www.landsciencetech.com Product Data Sheet Geo-Seal® FILM-5 Layer The Geo-Seal® FILM-5 layer is comprised of a high strength, cross laminated HDPE membrane. The Geo-Seal FILM-5 layer is installed over the substrate and the cross laminated HDPE provides the ideal surface for the application of the Geo-Seal CORE component. The Geo-Seal FILM-5 layer can be used in lieu of, or in addition to, the standard Geo-Seal BASE layer. PROPERTIES TEST METHOD Geo-Seal FILM-5 Film Thickness 5 mil Classification ASTM E 1745-09 Exceed Class C Tensile ASTM E 154-93 21 lbs / in Puncture Resistance ASTM D 1709 500 grams Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E 96 0.110 Perms Life Expectancy ASTM E 154-93 Indefinite Chemical Resistance ASTM E 154-93 Excellent Packaging: 12.3’x150’ Land Science Technologies, Inc. / 1011 Calle Sombra / Suite 110 / San Clemente / CA / 92673 Ph. 949-366-8000 / F. 949- 366-8090 www.landsciencetech.com Product Data Sheet Geo-Seal™ CORE Geo-Seal™ CORE is an elastic water-based co-polymer modified asphaltic membrane spray applied to a minimum dry thickness of 60 mils. The CORE material has exceptional bonding to a wide variety of substrates and will build up to the specified thickness in a single application. Since the CORE material is water-based, there is little or no odor during or after product application, making it safe for use in sensitive areas. This material can also be applied to green concrete as it exhibits exceptional bonding capability that will not delaminate from the intended substrate. The seamless application of the CORE material makes for easy installation around penetrations, uneven surfaces and oddly shaped areas. COVERAGES TEST METHOD UNITS Application to BASE Layer 60 mils (17 ft2/gal) Typical Uncured Properties Specific Gravity ASTM D 244 1.00 Viscosity ASTM D 1200 >25 centipoise PH 12.3 Flammability ASTM D 3143 5000 F Color Brown to Black Non-Toxic No Solvents Shelf Life 6 months Typical Cured Properties Tensile Strength ASTM 412 32 psi Elongation ASTM 412 4.140% Resistance to Decay ASTM E 125 Section 13 4% Perm Loss Accelerated Aging ASTM G 23 No Effect Moisture Vapor Transmission ASTM E 96 0.088 g / ft2 per hour Hydraulic Water Pressure ASTM D 751 26 psi Perm Rating ASTM E 96 (US Perms) 0.21 Methane Transmission Rate ASTM D 1434 Passed Adhesion to Concrete & Masonry ASTM C 836 & ASTM C 704 11 lbf / inch Hardness ASTM C 836 80 Crack Bridging ASTM C 836 No Cracking Low Temp Flexibility ASTM C 836-00 No Cracking at -200 C Resistance to Acids Acetic 30% Sulfuric and Hydrochloric 13% Temperature Effect: Stable 2480 F Flexible 130 F Packaging: 330 gal. totes or 55 gal. drums Approvals: City of Los Angeles RR# 25478, NSF Land Science Technologies, Inc. / 1011 Calle Sombra / Suite 110 / San Clemente / CA / 92673 Ph. 949-366-8000 / F. 949- 366-8090 www.landsciencetech.com Product Data Sheet Geo-Seal™ CORE DETAIL Geo-Seal™ CORE DETAIL is ideally used to perform detailing and repairs to the Geo-Seal system. It is also ideal for those areas where the necessary clearance is not available for the application of the Geo-Seal spray. This proprietary and unique material can be used all at once or over a period of a few days without breaking down or hardening. Geo-Seal CORE DETAIL is water-based and can be applied to green concrete with exceptional bonding capability that will not delaminate from the intended substrate. Geo-Seal CORE DETAIL’s viscosity allows high build applications to be done easily due to its ability to set quickly and get jobs done fast. PROPERTIES TEST METHOD UNITS TYPICAL UNCURED PROPERTIES Specific Gravity 1.034 Viscosity 9m-13m centipoise PH 11.5 Flammability 2700 F Color Brown to Black Non-Toxic No Solvents Shelf Life 6 months TYPICAL CURED PROPERTIES Initial Cure 30 minutes Final Cure 24-24 hours Tensile Strength ASTM 412 32 psi Elongation ASTM 412 3.860% Resistance to Decay ASTM E 125 Section 13 9% Perm Loss Accelerated Aging ASTM G 23 No Effect Moisture Vapor Transmission ASTM E 96 0.088 gal/ft2 per hour Hydrostatic Water Pressure ASTM D 751 28 psi Perm Rating (US Perms) ASTM E 96 0.17 Methane Transmission Rate ASTM D 1434 0 Adhesion to Concrete & Masonry ASTM C 836 7 lbf/inch Hardness ASTM C 836 85 Crack Bridging ASTM C 836 No Cracking Low Temp Flexibility ASTM C 836-00 No Cracking at -200 C Resistance to Acids Acetic 30% Sulfuric and Hydrochloric 15% COVERAGES 60-mils (dry) 19 ft2/gal Packaging: Available in 1 or 5 gal. buckets Approvals: City of Los Angeles RR# 25478 (for methane and waterproofing), NSF Standard 61 for potable water containment Land Science Technologies, Inc. / 1011 Calle Sombra / Suite 110 / San Clemente / CA / 92673 Ph. 949-366-8000 / F. 949- 366-8090 www.landsciencetech.com Product Data Sheet Geo-Seal™ Reinforcement Fabric The Geo-Seal™ Reinforcement Fabric is a textile material composed of staple fibers hydraulically entangled, which is composed of 100% polyester. The basic use of the Geo-Seal Reinforcement Fabric is designed to act as reinforcement when used in conjunction with Geo-Seal CORE spray applied membrane. CHEMICAL EXPOSURE (at room temperature)% STRENGTHENED RETAINED Dimethyl Formamide 1000 hours 100% Ethylene Glycol 1000 hours 100% 1% Sodium Hydroxide 6 hours 100% 60% Sulfuric Acid 150 hours 54% Perchlorethylene 1000 hours 100% Acetone 1000 hours 100% Distilled Water 1000 hours 100% PHYSICAL PROPERTY DATA Weight/Square (lbs.) ASTM D 3776 1.1 Oz./Sq./Yd. (oz.) ASTM D 3776 1.6 Bulk (mills) 22 Dry Tensile-MD (lbs.) ASTM D1777 25 Dry Tensile-CD (lbs.) ASTM D 1777 18 Elongation-MD (per/cent) ASTM D 1682 45 Elongation-CD (per/cent) ASTM D 1682 100 Mullen Burst (P. S. I.) ASTM D 3786 35 Packaging: 6” x 360’, 12” x 360’ Land Science Technologies, Inc. / 1011 Calle Sombra / Suite 110 / San Clemente / CA / 92673 Ph. 949-366-8000 / F. 949- 366-8090 www.landsciencetech.com Product Data Sheet Vapor-Vent™ Vapor-Vent™ is a low profile, trenchless, flexible, sub slab vapor collection system used in lieu of perforated piping. Installation of Vapor-Vent increases construction productivity as it eliminates time consuming trench digging and costly gravel importation. Vapor-Vent is offered with two different core materials, Vapor-Vent POLY is recommended for sites with inert methane gas and Vapor-Vent is recommended for sites with aggressive chlorinated volatile organic or petroleum vapors. VENT PROPERTIES TEST METHOD Vapor-Vent POLY Vapor-Vent Material Polystyrene HDPE Comprehensive Strength ASTM D-1621 9,500 lbs / ft2 11,400 psf Flow Rate (Hydraulic gradient = .1) ASTM D-4716 30 gpm/ft width 30 gpm/ft width Chemical Resistance N/A Excellent FABRIC PROPERTIES TEST METHOD Vapor-Vent POLY Vapor-Vent Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D-4632 100 lbs. 110 lbs. Puncture Strength ASTM D-4833 65 lbs. 30 lbs. Mullen Burst Strength ASTM D-3786 N/A 90 PSI AOS ASTM D-4751 70 U.S. Sieve 50 U.S. Sieve Flow Rate ASTM D-4491 140 gpm / ft2 95 gpm / ft2 UV Stability (500 hours) ASTM D-4355 N/A 70% Retained DIMENSIONAL DATA Vapor-Vent POLY Vapor-Vent Thickness 1” 1” Standard Widths 12” 12” Roll Length 165 ft 165 ft Roll Weight 65 lbs 68 lbs Land Science Technologies, Inc. / 1011 Calle Sombra / Suite 110 / San Clemente / CA / 92673 Ph. 949-481-8118 / F. 949- 366-8090 www.landsciencetech.com Product Data Sheet 8/03 Geo-Seal FILM 5: Material Safety Data Sheet Land Science Technologies PHONE: 949-366-8000 1011 Calle Sombra San Clemente, CA 92673 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Trade Name: Geo-Seal FILM 5Chemical Name: POLYMERIC COMPONENTSSynonyms: N/A Hazardous Ingredients/OSHA: NO HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS THIS PRODUCT IS SUPPLIED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TSCA REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Carcinogenic Ingredients/OSHA/NTP: NONE IARC: NONE Transportation information: CONTAINS NO HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Transportation emergency: Land Science Technologies, 949-366-8000 2.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA Appearance and Odor: White Solid Sheet, Odorless Solubility in Water: Negligible, below 0.1% Specific Gravity (Water = 1): 0.90 Percent Volatiles: None Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): Not Determined Boiling Point: Degrees: Not Determined Vapor Density (Air = 1): Not Determined Melting Point: 320° F Evaporation Rate: (Butyl Acetate - 1): N/AAuto Ignition Temperature: Not Determined 3.FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point: N/AFlammable limits %: Lower N/A Upper N/AExtinguishing Media: Agents approved for Class A hazards (e.g. foam, steam) or water fog.Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Firefighters should wear full bunker gear, including a positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus.Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None identified. 4. REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Conditions to avoid: Keep away from ignition sources (e.g. heat, sparks and open flames).Incompatibility (materials to avoid): None Identified Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: Incomplete burning can produce carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide and other harmfulproducts.Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation: No Skin: No Ingestion: No Health Hazards (Acute & Coronic): Will not present any health hazards under normal processing conditions.Eye & Skin Contact: None Identified.Skin Absorption: Non-toxic.Inhalation: No significant irritation expected.Ingestion: No significant health hazards identified. Carcinogenicity: Unrelated NTP: No IARC: No OSHA Regulated: No 6.PROTECTION AND CONTROL MEASURES Precautions to be taken in handling and storing: Store away from heat, ignition sources and open flame in accordance with applicableregulations.Respiratory Protection: Not required under normal process conditions. Ventilation: Local Exhaust Protective Gloves: Not required. Eye Protection: Not required. Other Protective clothing or equipment: Not required. Work/Hygienic Practices: Wash hands after handling and before eating. 7.EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES In Case of Combustion (550°)” Eye Contamination: Flush with large amounts of water for 20 minutes lifting upper and lower lidsoccasionally. Get medical attention. Skin contact: Thoroughly wash exposed area with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Launder contaminated clothingbefore reuse. Inhalation: If overexposure occurs, remove individual to fresh air. If breathing stops, administer artificial respiration. Get medicalattention.Ingestion: If a large amount of material is swallowed DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. If vomiting begins lower victim's head in an effort toprevent vomit from entering lungs and get medical attention. 8.SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Spill is not applicable. Material is normally in solid form. Land Science Technologies 949-366-8000 1011 Calle Sombra San Clemente, CA 92673 Information presented herein has been compiled from sources considered to be dependable and is accurate and reliable to the best of our knowledge and belief but is not guaranteed to be so. Nothing herein is to be construed as recommending any practice or any product in violation of any patent or in violation of law or regulation. It is the users responsibility to determine for himself the suitability of any material for a specific purpose and to adopt such safety precautions as may be necessary. We make no warranty as to the results to be obtained in using any material and, since conditions of use are not under our control, we must necessarily disclaim all liability with respect to the use of any material supplied by us. 8/13 Geo-Seal FILM-11: Material Safety Data Sheet Land Science Technologies PHONE: 949-366-8000 1011 Calle Sombra San Clemente, CA 92673 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Trade Name: Geo-Seal FILM-11 Chemical Name: POLYMERIC COMPONENTS, GEOTEXTILE Synonyms: N/A Hazardous Ingredients/OSHA: NO HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS THIS PRODUCT IS SUPPLIED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TSCA REPORTING REUQIREMENTS. Carcinogenic Ingredients/OSHA/NTP: NONE IARC: NONE Transportation information: CONTAINS NO HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Transportation emergency: Land Science Technologies, 949-366-8000 2. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA Appearance and Odor: Green Solid Sheet, Odorless Solubility in Water: Negligible, below 0.1% Specific Gravity (Water = 1): 0.90 Percent Volatiles: None Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): Not Determined Boiling Point: Degrees: Not Determined Vapor Density (Air = 1): Not Determined Melting Point: 320° F Evaporation Rate: (Butyl Acetate - 1): N/A Auto Ignition Temperature: Not Determined 3. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point: N/A Flammable limits %: Lower N/A Upper N/A Extinguishing Media: Agents approved for Class A hazards (e.g. foam, steam) or water fog. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Firefighters should wear full bunker gear, including a positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None identified. 4. REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Conditions to avoid: Keep away from ignition sources (e.g. heat, sparks and open flames). Incompatibility (materials to avoid): None Identified Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: Incomplete burning can produce carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide and other harmful products. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur 5. HEALTH HAZARD DATA Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation: No Skin: No Ingestion: No Health Hazards (Acute & Coronic): Will not present any health hazards under normal processing conditions. Eye & Skin Contact: None Identified. Skin Absorption: Non-toxic. Inhalation: No significant irritation expected. Ingestion: No significant health hazards identified. Carcinogenicity: Unrelated NTP: No IARC: No OSHA Regulated: No 6. PROTECTION AND CONTROL MEASURES Precautions to be taken in handling and storing: Store away from heat, ignition sources and open flame in accordance with applicable regulations. Respiratory Protection: Not required under normal process conditions. Ventilation: Local Exhaust Protective Gloves: Not required. Eye Protection: Not required. Other Protective clothing or equipment: Not required. Work/Hygienic Practices: Wash hands after handling and before eating. 7. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES In Case of Combustion (550°)” Eye Contamination: Flush with large amounts of water for 20 minutes lifting upper and lower lids occasionally. Get medical attention. Skin contact: Thoroughly wash exposed area with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. Inhalation: If overexposure occurs, remove individual to fresh air. If breathing stops, administer artificial respiration. Get medical attention. Ingestion: If a large amount of material is swallowed DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. If vomiting begins lower victim's head in an effort to prevent vomit from entering lungs and get medical attention. 8. SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Spill is not applicable. Material is normally in solid form. Land Science Technologies 949-366-8000 1011 Calle Sombra San Clemente, CA 92673 Information presented herein has been compiled from sources considered to be dependable and is accurate and reliable to the best of our knowledge and belief but is not guaranteed to be so. Nothing herein is to be construed as recommending any practice or any product in violation of any patent or in violation of law or regulation. It is the users responsibility to determine for himself the suitability of any material for a specific purpose and to adopt such safety precautions as may be necessary. We make no warranty as to the results to be obtained in using any material and, since conditions of use are not under our control, we must necessarily disclaim all liability with respect to the use of any material supplied by us. 09/08 GEOSEAL CORE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET LAND SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES Phone: 949-366-8000 1011 Calle Sombra, Ste., 110 San Clemente, CA 92673 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Trade Names: Geo-Seal CORE, Geo-Seal CORE Detail Chemical Name: Asphalt Emulsion Synonyms: N/A Hazardous Ingredients/OSHA: CHEMICAL FAMILIES: A. Bitumen/Asphalt B. Synthetic rubber C. Fatty acids D. Polymers Hazard: No evidence of serious health hazards exists. Carcinogenic ingredients/OSHA/NTP: Bitumen IARC: None Ingredient Percentage C. A. S. # Asphalt 50-60% 8052-42-4 Water 20-40% 7732-18-5 Latex: 9003-55-8 Styrene Latex 0-15% 100-42-5 Butadiene Latex 0-15% 106-99-0 Sodium Hydroxide .1-1% 1310-73-2 Amino Ethanol .01-.1% 34375-28-5 2. WARNING STATEMENTS Avoid prolonged or frequent skin contact, as the presence of emulsifying and de-emulsifying agents during application may irritate the skin. 3. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA Appearance: Brown to black Specific Gravity: (H2O = 1): 1.028 (S) 1.034 (R) 1.13 (T) Solubility in Water: Insoluble Percent Volatiles: None Boiling Point: N/A Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): N/A Vapor Density (Air = 1): N/A Evaporation Rate: N\A 4. FIRE PROTECTION Bitumen emulsions are water based products and as such will not burn. In cases of fire in the vicinity of drums, cool with water. 5. REACTIVITY DATA Contact with strong oxidizing agents may create geling and water condensation. 6. HEALTH HAZARD DATA Exposure Limits: Avoid prolonged or frequent skin contact. 7. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS SUMMARY Acute: Skin irritation and rash Chronic: Dermatitis 8. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid inhalation. Avoid prolonged or frequent skin contact. Avoid ingestion. 9. PROTECTION AND CONTROL MEASURES Protective Equipment: Use of clothing, gloves, and/or barrier cream is recommended for skin protection. Respiratory Protection: Inhalation should be avoided, but is not considered to be hazardous. Ventilation: Use local exhaust ventilation when applying in an enclosed area. 10. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES For ingestion: DO NOT induce vomiting. Keep at rest and get prompt medical attention. For eye contamination: Irrigate eyes with water. For skin contact: Wash affected areas of the body with proprietary hand cleaner, then wash with soap and water. Contact physician as needed for any of the above occurrences. 11. SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Contain spillages with sand or earth and remove by normal methods. Dispose of according to State and Local regulations. If the Bitumen enters a water course or sewer, advise respective water authority. The non-cured and cured material is non-toxic and non-flammable and can be disposed of in land fill sites. Other Precautions: For Additional Information Contact: Land Science Technologies 1011 Calle Sombra, Ste., 110 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 366-8000 Information presented herein has been compiled from sources considered to be dependable and is accurate and reliable to the best of our knowledge and belief but is not guaranteed to be so. Nothing herein is to be construed as recommending any practice or any product in violation of any patent or in violation of law or regulation. It is the users responsibility to determine for himself the suitability of any material for a specific purpose and to adopt such safety precautions as may be necessary. We make no warranty as to the results to be obtained in using any material and, since conditions of use are not under our control, we must necessarily disclaim all liability with respect to the use of any material supplied by us. Revised Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal June 8,2018AthertonMillRedevelopmentAmecFosterWheelerProject:6228-12-0051 APPENDIX B Ventilator Pipe Cap Specifications SPECIFICATIONS & DIMENSIONS OF THE AV-3-PVC Net Free Vent Area: Sq. In.: 12 Sq. Ft.: .09 The Aura Vent with a specially designed PVC pipe adapter The Aura Ventilator acts as a rain/snow cap The Aura’s design draws air from the pipe Used to exhaust gases such as Methane/Gasoline Use for radon exhaust systems as a cap to protect the in-line fan from moisture damage Aura design reduces back pressure to fan and optimizes fan cfm AV-3-PVC Aura Pipe Cap CFM Performance Testing using wind only 4 mph 26 5.2 mph 38 7.4 mph 51 9.8 mph 59 11 mph 62 7" 7 3 4 " 4" 3 12 "