HomeMy WebLinkAbout19068 Dunavant EMP FINAL 20180426Environmental Management Plan Dunavant Street 2250 Hawkins Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 19038-15-060 H&H Job No. RMR-002 Revised April 26, 2018 CONTENTS Completed EMP Template Form Tables Table 1 Summary of Soil Analytical Data Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Data Table 3 Summary of In-Situ Soil Characterization Analytical Data Figures Figure 1 Sample Location Map Figure 2 Soil Impacts Above Residential PSRGs Map Figure 3 Groundwater Impacts Above 2L Standards Map Figure 4 In-Situ Soil Characterization Sample Location Map Appendices Appendix A Site Plan Appendix B Redevelopment Schedule Appendix C Grading and Storm Drainage Plan Appendix D Export Soil Pre-Approval Letters Appendix E Contingency Plan 1  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM  ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN  This form is to be used to prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for projects in the  North Carolina Brownfields Program at the direction of a project manager for the program.  Prospective Developers and/or their consultants must complete and submit this form and all  pertinent attachments to their project manager prior to any site earthmoving or other  development related activities. For the resultant EMP to be valid for use, it must be completed,  reviewed by the program, and signed by all signers at the bottom.  Consult your project  manager if you have questions.      Date:  4/26/2018    Brownfields Assigned Project Name:   Dunavant Street    Brownfields Project Number: 19038‐15‐060    Brownfields Property Address:  2250 Hawkins Street, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County    Brownfields Property Area (acres):  approximately 4.36 acres    Is Brownfields Property Subject to RCRA Permit? ☐ Yes  ☒ No  If yes enter Permit No.: Click here to enter text.    Is Brownfields Property Subject to a Solid Waste Permit? ☐ Yes ☒ No  If yes, enter Permit No.:      Prospective Developer (PD):  RRPIV 2250 Hawkins JV LLC c/o Ram Realty Advisors  Phone Numbers: Office: (561) 282‐4606…..Mobile:  Email:  kgeller@ramrealestate.com  Primary PD Contact: Rachel Russell  Phone Numbers: Office: (704) 377‐6734 Mobile:  Email:  Environmental Consultant: Hart & Hickman, PC (Attn: Ralph McGee)  Phone Numbers: Office: (704) 887‐4621 …..Mobile:  Email: rmcgee@harthickman.com  Brownfields Program Project Manager: Carolyn Minnich  Office:  (704) 661‐0330  GENERAL  COMMUNICATIONS  2  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    Email:  carolyn.minnich@ncdenr.gov    Other DENR Program Contacts (if applicable, i.e., UST Section, Inactive Hazardous Site Branch,  Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste): Click here to enter text.      Advance Notification Times to Brownfields Project Manager: Check each box to accept minimum  notice periods (in calendar days) for each type of onsite task:  On‐site assessment or remedial activities:  Within 10 days ☒ Construction or grading start:  Within 10 days ☒ Discovery of stained soil, odors, USTs, buried drums or waste, landfill, or other signs of previously  unknown contamination:  Within 48 hours ☒ Implementation of emergency actions (e.g. dewatering, flood, or soil erosion control  measures in area of contamination, venting of explosive environments):  Within 48 hours ☒ Installation of mitigation systems:  Within 10 days ☒ Other notifications as required by local, state or federal agencies to implement  redevelopment activities: (as applicable):  Within 30 days ☒ 1) Type of Redevelopment (check all that apply):  ☒ Residential  ☐ Recreational ☐ Institutional ☒ Commercial ☒ Office  ☒Retail ☐ Industrial  ☒ Other  specify: open space, parking lot    2) Summary of Redevelopment Plans (attach conceptual or detailed plans as available):  a) Do plans include demolition of structure(s)?: ☒ Yes  ☐ No  ☐ Unknown  b) Do plans include removal of building foundation slab(s) or pavement:  ☒ Yes ☐ No  ☐ Unknown  c) Provide brief summary of redevelopment plans, including demolition, removal of building  slabs/pavement and other structures:  Redevelopment plans include demolition of the vacant office building (2,073 square ft) and four  warehouse structures (4,416 to 19,919 square ft) located on the 2115 Dunavant Street property  and the vacant 4,230‐square ft industrial warehouse and storage garage building located on the  2135 Dunavant Street property. The 2205 Dunavant Street property is currently vacant and  undeveloped. The PD will redevelop the subject site with a multi‐tenant residential/commercial  building, asphaltic paved parking areas, driveways, and open urban spaces.  A copy of the  current Site Plan prepared for redevelopment of the Brownfields property is included in  Appendix A.  NOTIFICATIONS TO THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM  REDEVELOPMENT  3  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014      3) Which category of risk‐based screening level is used or is anticipated to be specified in the  Brownfields Agreement?  ☒ Residential   ☐ Non‐residential or Industrial/Commercial    Note: If children frequent the property, residential screening levels shall be cited in the Brownfields  Agreement for comparison purposes.    4) Schedule for Redevelopment (attach construction schedule):  a) Phase I start date and anticipated duration (specify activities during each phase):  4/16/2018  The Project Redevelopment schedule is as follows:  Stake‐Erosion and Land Clearing (04/2018); Demo Buildings (04/2018 to 05/2018); Grading (06/2018 to  07/2018); Stormwater (07/2018 to 08/2018); Sewer and Water (08/2018); and Building Construction  (07/2018 to 05/2020).  A copy of the current redevelopment schedule is included as Appendix B.    b) If applicable, Phase 2 start date and anticipated duration (specify activities during each  phase): Not Applicable      c) Additional phases planned? If yes, specify activities if known:  ☐ Yes  ☒ No  ☐ Not in the foreseeable future  ☐Decision pending  d) Provide the planned date of occupancy for new buildings: 5/1/2020      Contaminated Media (attach tabulated data summaries for each impacted media and figure(s) with  sample locations):  Part 1. Soil: ☒ Yes   ☐ No ☐ Suspected  Part 2. Groundwater:   ☒ Yes  ☐ No ☐ Suspected  Part 3. Surface Water:   ☐ Yes  ☒ No ☐ Suspected  Part 4.  Sediment: ☐ Yes  ☒ No   ☐ Suspected  Part 5. Soil Vapor:   ☐ Yes  ☐ No ☒ Suspected  Part 6. Sub‐Slab Soil Vapor:  ☐ Yes ☐ No  ☒ Suspected  Part 7. Indoor Air: ☐ Yes  ☐ No   ☒ Suspected      1) Known or suspected contaminants in soil (list specific compounds): As noted in H&H’s Phase I  and II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report dated June 10, 2014, petroleum constituents  CONTAMINATED MEDIA  PART 1. SOIL – Please fill out the information below, using detailed site plans, if available, or estimate  using known areas of contaminated soil and a conceptual redevelopment plan. Provide a figure  overlaying new construction onto figure showing contaminated soil and groundwater locations.  4  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    including ethylbenzene, naphthalene, and 1,2,4‐trimethylbenzene were detected at concentrations  above IHSB Residential Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) in a soil sample labeled TMW‐2  and collected at a depth of 10 to 12 ft below the ground surface (bgs) from the central portion of  the 2115 Dunavant Street portion of the Site. Results of March 2018 In‐Situ Soil Characterization  assessment activities identified the petroleum‐related compounds ethylbenzene, naphthalene,  1,2,4‐trimethylbenzene, and 1,3,5‐trimethylbenzene at concentrations exceeding the Residential  PSRGs in soil samples collected in the northwestern portion of the2115 Dunavant Street property.  A 12,000‐gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST) and a 2,000‐gallon gasoline UST were  were reportedly removed from the 2135 Dunavant Street property were reportedly removed in  August 1989.  Delta Environmental completed Phase II ESA soil sampling activities and identified  benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes in confirmation soil samples collected from depths of 5  ft bgs and 8 ft bgs in the former UST excavation at concentrations above current IHSB PSRGs. Total  petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) (13,000 mg/kg) were also detected in a soil sample collected at a  depth of 13 to 15 ft bgs at a concentration above the current DEQ Action Levels. According to  previous reports, petroleum impacted soil may have been placed back into the UST excavation. Law  Environmental reportedly conducted follow up assessment of the former UST basin in August 1993  but did not detect concentrations of TPH in a confirmation soil sample collected during assessment  of the former UST basin at a depth of 13 to 15 ft below the ground surface. Malcolm Pirnie  conducted additional assessment of the former UST basin in August 1998 and did not detect VOCs  or SVOCs in confirmation soil samples.  Laboratory analytical results of soils samples collected during Phase II ESA activities performed by  H&H in 2014 indicate that the SVOC benzo(a)pyrene was detected at concentrations above the  Residential PSRG in a surficial soil samples collected in the central portion of the property. A grading  plan is included in Appendix C and a Site Map with soil sample locations is provided as Figure 1. Soil  sample data from previous reports are summarized in Table 1 and depicted on Figure 2.  2) Depth of known or suspected contaminants (feet): Petroleum‐related compounds were detected  above Residential PSRGs in a soil sample labeled TMW‐2 collected at 10‐12 ft bgs in the central  portion of the 2115 Dunavant Street portion of the Site.  Additionally, petroleum‐related  compounds were detected in soil samples labeled EX‐4‐2 collected from 4‐5 ft bgs and 9‐10 ft bgs in  the northwestern portion of the 2115 Dunavant Street portion of the Site.  Petroleum‐related compounds were also detected in soil samples collected from 8 ft bgs in the  former UST basin area of the 2135 Dunavant Street portion of the Site. Although, subsequent soil  samples collected from the former UST basin do not confirm the presence of impacts.  Benzo(a)pyrene was detected at a concentration exceeding the Residential PSRG in surficial soils  located in the central portion of the 2205 Dunavant Street property. Arsenic has been detected at  concentrations exceeding the Residential PSRG in shallow soil samples collected on the 2135 and  2205 Dunavant Street portions of the Site.  3) Area of soil disturbed by redevelopment (square feet):  Approximately 190,000 square feet will be graded to level the property and to implement positive  drainage flow across the Site into the proposed stormwater drainage system. Grading activities will  be conducted in accordance with a grading plan utilizing grading equipment (i.e. backhoes, front end  loaders, bull dozers etc.) and the Site development contractor will implement best management  practices (i.e. implementation of silt fencing, berming, and covering stockpiled soil with plastic) to  manage soil on site during Site redevelopment activities and to prevent redistribution of soils onto  adjacent properties.  4) Depths of soil to be excavated (feet): Grading activities will include excavations of up to 8 ft bgs  along Dunavant Street and portions of the Site along Hawkins Street to reach final proposed grade  5  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    and construct the pad for the proposed mixed‐use building. Construction of building footers,  foundations and utility installations may require additional excavations of up to 3 to 5 ft bgs.  5) Estimated volume of soil (cubic yards) to be excavated (attach grading plan): Up to  approximately 6,000 cubic yards of soil are planned to be cut and re‐used on‐site as fill during  grading activities.  6) Estimated volume of excavated soil (cubic yards) anticipated to be impacted by contaminants:  2115 Dunavant Street ‐ Based on the depth of petroleum‐impacted soil identified in the soil sample  collected from 10 to 12 ft bgs in the TWM‐2, and in the soil samples collected from 4‐5 ft bgs and 9‐  10 ft bgs in soil sample EX‐4‐2 and the depth of excavation during proposed grading activities  proposed for this area, the potential to encounter impacted soils is low.  2135 Dunavant Street ‐ Excavation for grading purposes is proposed in the area of the former USTs.  However, results of all soil samples collected from the UST basin since 1989 indicate that impacted  soils discovered at the time of UST removal were removed from the Site.  2205 Dunavant Street – Grading activities proposed for this portion of the subject Site include  surface grubbing and shallow excavations in areas where PAHs and arsenic have been detected  above the Residential PSRGs in shallow soil.  H&H does not anticipate encountering or excavating other contaminated soils during Site  redevelopment except through an unexpected occurrence (i.e., discovery of an orphan UST).  If unexpected impacted soil is encountered during grading activities, the soils will be segregated  from other soils and stockpiled on and covered with a minimum of 10‐mil plastic to allow for  construction activities to continue. H&H will collect a composite soil sample from the stockpile for  laboratory analysis (as described in the Managing Onsite Soil section below) to determine the  appropriate use of the impacted material.  7) Estimated volume of contaminated soil expected to be disposed of offsite, if applicable:  Approximately 10,000 cubic yards of soil will be excavated during grading in areas at the Site that  are not impacted from historical Site use based on results of March 2018 In‐Situ Soil  Characterization Assessment activities. The PD intends to export excess soil generated in areas of  the Site that do not have compound concentrations above Unrestricted‐Use PSRGs or typical metal  concentrations consistent with background levels identified at the Site. A tabular summary of  laboratory analytical results for in‐situ soil characterization soil samples is provided as Table 3 and  the in‐situ soil characterization sample locations are shown on Figure 4.  Based on soil assessment laboratory analytical results, DEQ Brownfields and the DEQ Solid Waste  Section provided pre‐approval to export soil from select areas at the Site to a C&D landfill facility or  to the NoDa Textile Brownfields property in letters dated April 10, 2018 (DEQ Solid Waste Section)  and April 17, 2018 (DEQ Brownfields; NoDa Textile transfer letter). Copies of the letters are  provided in Appendix D.  Soil in areas with known impacts (based on previous assessment results) that will be disturbed  during grading and potential export soil described above with compound concentrations above  Unrestricted‐Use PSRGs, will be placed in locations at the Site that will be covered with impervious  surfaces or a minimum of 2 ft of clean fill.  Export of impacted soil is not anticipated at this time.  IMPORTED FILL SOIL      1) Will fill soil be imported to the site? ☐ Yes   ☒ No   ☐ Unknown  2) If yes, what is the estimated volume of fill soil to be imported? Import soil for use as beneficial fill  is not anticipated at this time. Should import soil be needed during redevelopment of the  Brownfields property, the PD will contact DEQ Brownfields and the procedures outlined in item #4  6  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    below will be implemented. However, the PD plans to import limited amounts of organic rich  topsoil from a reputable landscape material vendor for use in proposed landscaped areas.  3) If yes, what is the depth of fill soil to be used at the property?    Not applicable at this time.  If a range of depths, please list the range.    4) PRIOR TO ITS PLACEMENT AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY, provide plan to analyze fill soil to  demonstrate that it meets acceptable standards and can be considered clean for use at the  Brownfields property (Check all that apply):  ☒ Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260  ☒ Semi‐volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270  ☒ Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium (speciated), mercury, lead,  selenium and silver)  ☐ Metals –Hazardous Substance List ‐14 (antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium  (speciated according to IHSB protocol), copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver,  thallium, and zinc)  ☐ Metals – EPA Priority Pollutant List – 13 (arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium (speciated  according to IHSB protocol), copper, mercury, nickel, lead, antimony, selenium, silver, thallium, and  zinc)  ☐ Other Constituents & Analytical Method: Click here to enter text.  ☐ Known borrow material (DESCRIBE SOURCE AND ATTACH SAMPLING PROFILE):  The PD does not plan to collect samples of landscaping materials obtained from a commercial vendor  prior to placement at the Site. DEQ will be notified of the volume of landscaping material needed and  the proposed source of the material prior to placement in proposed landscaping areas.  If the PD plans to import fill material from the Vulcan Materials Company quarry located near Pineville,  NC or from the Martin Marietta quarry located on Beatties Ford Road in Charlotte, NC, no samples of  the import material will be collected as adequate analytical data is available in the DEQ Brownfields  database to demonstrate material from these facilities is suitable for use as structural fill at a  Brownfields property.  If fill soil is obtained from and off‐Site property that is not a known permitted quarry, a sampling plan  will be developed and submitted for DEQ review. DEQ approval of the sampling plan and analytical  results will be obtained prior to transporting import soil to the Site. The specific sampling rate will be  outlined in the aforementioned sampling plan. However, if the proposed borrow source has not been  previously developed (i.e., virgin land), soil samples will be collected for laboratory analyses indicated  above at a general rate of one per 500‐1,000 cubic yards. If the borrow source property has been  previously developed, soil samples will be collected for laboratory analyses indicated above at a general  rate of approximately one per 400 cubic yards. Fill soil will be considered suitable for use at the Site if it  does not contain compound concentrations above NCDEQ PSRGs for Residential Use or typical metals  concentrations which are consistent with background levels identified at the Site.    MANAGING ONSITE SOIL      1) If soil in known or suspected areas of contamination is anticipated to be excavated from the  Brownfield Property, relocated on the Brownfields Property, or otherwise disturbed during site  grading or other redevelopment activities, please provide a grading plan that clearly illustrates  7  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    areas of cut and fill (approximate areas & volumes are acceptable, if only preliminary data  available).    2) HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION – Does the soil contain a LISTED WASTE as defined in the  North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section under 40 CFR Part 261.31‐261.35? ☐ Yes ☒ No    If yes, explain why below, including the level of knowledge regarding processes generating the  waste( include pertinent analytical results as needed). Click here to enter text.    If yes, do the soils exceed the “Contained‐Out” levels in Attachment 1 of the North Carolina  Contained‐In Policy?  ☐ Yes ☐ No    NOTE: IF SOIL MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE AND EXCEEDS THE  CONTAINED‐OUT LEVELS IN ATTACHMENT 1 TO THE NORTH CAROLINA CONTAINED‐IN POLICY THE  SOIL MAY NOT BE RE‐USED ON SITE AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH DENR  HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS.    3) HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION – Does the soil contain a CHARACTERISTIC WASTE?:  ☐ Yes ☒ No  If yes, mark reason(s) why below (and include pertinent analytical results).    ☐ Ignitability  ☐ Corrosivity  ☐ Reactivity  ☐ Toxicity  ☐ TCLP results  ☐ Rule of 20 results (20 times total analytical results for an individual hazardous  constituent on TCLP list cannot, by test method, exceed regulatory TCLP standard)    If no, explain rationale: Soil assessment data does not indicate detections capable of exceeding TCLP  criteria using the Rule of 20.    NOTE: IF SOIL MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A CHARACTERISTIC HAZARDOUS WASTE, THE SOIL MAY NOT  BE RE‐USED ON SITE AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH DENR HAZARDOUS WASTE  SECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS.    4) Screening criteria by which soil disposition decisions will be made (e.g., left in place, capped in  place with low permeability barrier, removed to onsite location and capped, removed offsite):  ☒ Preliminary Health‐Based Residential SRGs 2/1/2018  ☐ Preliminary Health‐Based Industrial/Commercial SRGs  Click here to enter a date.  ☐ Site‐specific risk‐based cleanup level, or acceptable concentrations determined via  calculated cumulative risk. Enter details of methods used for determination/explanation:  Not Applicable  8  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    5) Check the following action(s) to be taken during excavation and management of said soils:    ☒ Manage fugitive dust from site:  ☒ Yes  ☐ No  If yes, describe method; If no, explain rationale: Significant areas of contaminated soil are not  expected to be encountered or disturbed during future Site redevelopment activities based upon  previous soil sampling data and field screening soil samples during previous assessment activities. The  grading contractor will take into account conditions such as wind speed, wind direction, and moisture  content of soil during soil grading and stockpiling activities to minimize dust generation. In the unlikely  event that contaminated soil is encountered during Site redevelopment that requires excavation,  particular attention will be paid by contractors to implement dust control measures as needed based on  Site and atmospheric conditions (i.e. by controlled water application, hydro‐seeding, and/or mulch,  stone, or plastic cover).  Potentially impacted soil will be managed as described below.    ☒ Field Screening:  ☒ Yes ☐ No  If yes, describe method; If no, explain rationale: During soil disturbance at the Site, the  workers or contractors will observe soils for evidence of potential significantly impacted soil. Evidence  of potential significantly impacted soil includes a distinct unnatural color, strong odor, or filled or  previously disposed materials of concerns (i.e. chemicals, tanks, drums, etc.). Should the above be  noted during Site work, the contractor will contact the project environmental engineer to observe the  suspect condition. If the project environmental engineer confirms that the material may be impacted,  then the procedures below will be implemented. In addition, the environmental engineer will contact  the DEQ Brownfields project manager within two business days to advise that person of the condition.     As noted above, the PD plans to export approximately 10,000 cubic yards of soil during grading  activities. Export soil will be excavated from select areas at the Site as indicated in the Brownfields  Property Export Soil Review letter prepared by the DEQ Solid Waste Section and the Soil Transfer  Approval letter for the Site and the NoDa Textile Brownfields property prepared by DEQ Brownfields  (Appendix D). An environmental professional will make daily Site visits to provide oversight during  excavation activities and field screen soil for potential impacts prior to transport off‐Site.    ☐ Soil Sample Collection:  ☐ Yes  ☒ No  If yes, describe method (e.g., in‐situ grab, composite, stockpile, etc.); If no, explain rationale:  Collection of additional soil samples is not anticipated based on results of previous Site assessment  activities. If significant soil impact is encountered during grading and/or installation or removal of  utilities, excavation will proceed only as far as needed to allow grading and/or construction of the utility  to continue and/or only as far as needed to allow alternate corrective measures described below.  Suspect significantly impacted soil excavated during grading and/or utility line installation or removal  may be stockpiled and covered in a secure area to allow construction to progress. Suspect impacted soil  will be underlain by and covered with minimum 10‐mil plastic sheeting. At least one representative  sample of the soil will be collected for analysis of total VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals plus hexavalent  chromium. If the results of analysis of the sample indicate that the soil could potentially exceed toxicity  characteristic hazardous waste criteria, then the soil will also be analyzed by the toxicity characteristic  leaching procedure (TCLP) for those compounds that could exceed the toxicity characteristic hazardous  9  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    waste criteria. Impacted soil will be handled in the manner described below based upon the laboratory  analyses:  i. If no organic compounds are detected in a sample (other than which are attributable to  sampling or laboratory artifacts) and metals are below Unrestricted‐Use PSRGs or are consistent with  Site‐specific background levels, then the soil will be deemed suitable for use as on‐Site fill or as off‐site  fill. The proposed location(s) for off‐site placement of soil (other than a permitted facility) along with  the receiving facility’s written approval for acceptance of the soil will be provided to DEQ for approval  prior to taking the soil off‐site.  ii. If detectable levels of compounds are found which do not exceed the DEQ IHSB Residential  PSRGs (other than which are attributable to sampling or laboratory artifacts or which are consistent with  Site‐specific background levels for metals) and the TCLP concentrations are below hazardous waste  criteria, then the soil may be used on‐Site as fill without restriction  iii. If detectable levels of compounds are found which exceed the DEQ IHSB Residential PSRGs  (other than which are attributable to sampling or laboratory artifacts or which are consistent with  background levels for metals) and the TCLP concentrations are below hazardous waste criteria, then the  soil, with DEQ’s written approval, may be used on‐Site as fill below an impervious surface, or at least 2 ft  of compacted clean soil.  If the impacted soil with concentrations above Residential PSRGs is moved to  an on‐Site location, its location and depth will be documented, covered with a geotextile fabric so that  its location can be identified if encountered in the future, and its location will be provided to DEQ in an  updated survey plat.  iv. Impacted soil may be transported to a permitted facility such as a landfill provided that the soil  is accepted at the disposal facility. If soil is transported to a permitted facility, the permitted facility’s  written approval to dispose of soil from the Site will be included with the final EMP report.  In the  unlikely event that the sample data indicates concentrations above TCLP hazardous waste criteria, then  the soil must be transported off‐site to a permitted disposal facility that can accept or treat hazardous  waste.  ☒ Stockpile impacted soil in accordance with NCDENR IHSB protocol in the current version of  the “Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup”, and providing erosion control, prohibiting  contact between surface water/precipitation and contaminated soil, and preventing  contaminated runoff.   Explain any variances:      ☒ Analyze potentially impacted soil for the following chemical analytes:  ☒ Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260  ☒ Semi‐volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270  ☒ Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium (speciated), mercury,  lead, selenium and silver)  ☐ Metals –Hazardous Substance List ‐14 (antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium,  chromium (speciated according to IHSB protocol), copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel,  selenium, silver, thallium, and zinc)  ☐ Metals – EPA Priority Pollutant List – 13 (arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium  (speciated according to IHSB protocol), copper, mercury, nickel, lead, antimony, selenium, silver,  thallium, and zinc)  ☐ Other Constituent(s) & Analytical Method(s):  If suspected contaminated soil is identified during Site redevelopment activities, soil will be sampled and  analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals. VOC and SVOC concentrations will be compared to  Residential PSRGs.  Metal concentrations will be compared to Residential PSRGs and Site‐specific  10  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    background concentrations or background concentrations established for other properties in the  surrounding area.    ☒ Proposed Measures to Obtain Pre‐Approval for Reuse of Impacted Soil within the  Brownfields Property Boundary  ☒ Provide documentation of analytical report(s) to Brownfields Project Manager  ☒ Provide documentation of final location, thickness and depth of relocated soil on  site map to Brownfields Project Manager once known  ☒ Use geotextile to mark depth of fill material (provide description of material)  ☒ Manage soil under impervious cap ☒ or clean fill ☒ Describe cap or fill: No such placement is currently anticipated. If contaminated soil is  encountered, it will be placed under impervious materials or at least 2 ft of clean fill. Potential  impervious caps include future building foundations and paved areas. (provide location  diagram)  ☒ Confer with NC BF Project Manager if Brownfield Plat must be revised (or re‐  recorded if actions are Post‐Recordation).  ☐ Other: Note that impacted soil is that exceeds Residential PSRGs    ☒ Final grade sampling of exposed soil (i.e., soil that will not be under buildings or permanent  hardscape): [if not checked provide rationale for not needing]  Provide diagram of soil sampling locations, number of samples, and denote Chemical  Analytical Program with check boxes below (Check all that apply):  ☒ Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260  ☒ Semi‐volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270  ☒ Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium (speciated), mercury,  lead, selenium and silver)  ☐ Metals –Hazardous Substance List ‐14 (antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium,  chromium (speciated according to IHSB protocol), copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel,  selenium, silver, thallium, and zinc)  ☐ Metals – EPA Priority Pollutant List – 13 (arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium  (speciated according to IHSB protocol), copper, mercury, nickel, lead, antimony, selenium, silver,  thallium, and zinc)  ☐ Pesticides  ☐ PCBs  ☐ Other Constituents & Analytical Method:   Following completion of soil disturbance  for any future Site development (i.e., after grading and utility construction), an environmental  professional will be contracted to assess the Site for areas that are not covered with clean fill soil,  building foundations, sidewalks, or asphalt or concrete parking areas and driveways, or other similar  impervious areas and a plan will be prepared for final grade sampling for DEQ Brownfields review and  approval.    OFFSITE TRANSPORT & DISPOSITION OF EXCAVATED SOIL  NOTE: Unless soil will be transported offsite for disposal in a permitted facility under applicable  regulations, no contaminated or potentially contaminated soil may leave the site without approval  from the brownfields program. Failure to obtain approval may violate a brownfields agreement,  endangering liability protections and making said action subject to enforcement. Justifications  provided below must be approved by the Program in writing prior to completing transport activities.    11  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    ☒ Transport and dispose of impacted soil offsite (documentation of final disposition must be sent to  Brownfields Project Manager)  ☒ Landfill – analytical program determined by landfill  ☒ Landfarm or other treatment facility  Click here to enter text.  ☐ Use as Beneficial Fill Offsite – provide justification:  Click here to enter text.  ☒ Use as Beneficial Fill at another Suitable Brownfields Site – (Note: a determination that a  site is a “Suitable Brownfields” site will require, at a minimum, that similar concentrations of the same  or similar contaminants already exist at both sites, use of impacted soil as beneficial soil will not  increase the potential for risk to human health and the environment at that site, and that notarized  documentation of the acceptance of such soil from the property owner of the receiving site is  provided to Brownfields. Provide justification: Please refer to the Brownfields Property Export Soil  Review letter provided for the Site by the DEQ Solid Waste Section and the Soil Transfer Approval letter  for the Site and the NoDa Textile Brownfields property provided by DEQ Brownfields provided in  Appendix D.    MANAGEMENT OF UTILITY TRENCHES  ☐ Install liner between native impacted soils and base of utility trench before filling with clean fill  (Preferred)    ☒ Last out, first in principle for impacted soils (if soil can safely be reused onsite and is not a  hazardous waste), i.e., impacted soils are placed back at approximately the depths they were  removed from such that impacted soil is not placed at a greater depth than the original depth from  which it was excavated.    ☐ Evaluate whether necessary to install barriers in conduits to prevent soil vapor transport, and/or  degradation of conduit materials due to direct impact with contaminants? Result: Yes □ No □  If no, include rationale here.   Click here to enter text.  If yes, provide specifications on barrier materials    Other comments regarding managing impacted soil in utility trenches:  Although not anticipated, in the event contaminated soil and/or vapors are encountered in utility  trenches during redevelopment activities, the trench will be evacuated and appropriate safety screening  of the vapors will be performed to protect workers. If results indicate further action is warranted in  response to vapors to protect workers, appropriate engineering controls (such as use of industrial fans)  will be implemented.  The contractor and workers will observe soil for potential impacts during utility installation activities.  Evidence of potential significant impacted soil includes a distinct unnatural color, strong odor, or filled or  previously disposed materials of concerns (i.e. chemicals, tanks, drums, etc.).  Should the above be  noted during utility work, the contractor will contact the project environmental engineer to observe the  suspect condition. If the project environmental engineer confirms that the material may be impacted,  then the procedures outlined Managing On‐Site Soil above will be implemented. In addition, the  environmental engineer will contact the DEQ Brownfields project manager within two business days to  advise that person of the condition.  12  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014       What is the depth to groundwater at the Brownfields Property? During groundwater assessment  activities conducted on the 2115 Dunavant Street property by H&H in April 2014, groundwater was  measured at depths ranging from approximately 12 to 14 ft bgs. During Groundwater assessments  conducted on the 2135 Dunavant property by Malcolm and Pirnie in September 1997 and August 1998,  groundwater was measured at depths ranging from approximately 15 to 20 ft bgs. During groundwater  assessment activities conducted on the 2205 Dunavant Street property by ERM in November 2006,  groundwater was measured at depths ranging from approximately 17 to 18 ft bgs.    Is groundwater known to be contaminated by    ☐onsite   ☐ offsite   ☒ both   ☒ or unknown  sources? Describe source(s): The locations of previous groundwater samples are shown on Figure 1. A  summary of previous groundwater data is provided in Table 2 and depicted on Figure 3.  As noted in H&H’s June 10, 2014, Phase I and II ESA report for the 2115 Dunavant property, results of  analysis of a groundwater sample collected from the temporary well completed in boring TMW‐2,  indicate the presence of the VOCs benzene and naphthalene at concentrations above their respective  NC 2L groundwater standards. Laboratory analytical results also indicate that naphthalene was detected  at concentrations exceeding the 2L Standard in a groundwater sample collected from temporary  monitoring well TMW‐3 installed in the southern portion property.  Results of Phase II ESA activities conducted at the 2135 Dunavant property by Law Environmental in  September 1993, Cooper Environmental in October 1996, and by Malcolm Pirnie in September 1997 and  August 1998 indicate that multiple petroleum constituents including benzene and several chlorinated  solvents including PCE, TCE, and cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene were detected in groundwater at concentrations  above their respective DEQ groundwater standards.  During Phase II ESA activities conducted at the 2205 Dunavant Street property by ERM in October 2006  and January 2008, chlorinated solvents including PCE, TCE, and 1,2‐dichloroethane were detected in  groundwater samples collected on the property at concentrations above their DEQ groundwater  standards.    What is the direction of groundwater flow at the Brownfields Property? Groundwater at the Site is  expected to mimic topographic gradient and flow toward the west‐southwest.    Will groundwater likely be encountered during planned redevelopment activities?    ☐ Yes    ☒ No  If yes, describe these activities: Encountering groundwater during future redevelopment of the Site is  not anticipated at this time.    In the event that contaminated groundwater is encountered during redevelopment activities (even if  no is checked above), list activities for contingent management of groundwater (e.g., dewatering of  groundwater from excavations or foundations, containerizing, offsite disposal, discharge to sanitary  sewer, or sampling procedures): Although not anticipated at this time, appropriate worker safety  measures will be undertaken if groundwater gathers in an open excavation within an area determined  to be impacted during construction activities. The accumulated water will be allowed to evaporate,  tested and disposed off‐site (if impacted), or tested and discharged to the storm sewer (if not impacted  above DEQ surface water standards) in accordance with applicable municipal and State regulations for  erosion control and construction stormwater control.  PART 2. GROUNDWATER – Please fill out the information below and attach figure showing  distribution of groundwater contaminants at site  13  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014       Attach a map showing the location of surface water at the Brownfields Property.    Is surface water at the property known to be contaminated:    ☐ Yes  ☒ No    Will workers or the public be in contact with surface water during planned redevelopment activities?  ☐ Yes ☒ No    In the event that contaminated surface water is encountered during redevelopment activities, or  clean surface water enters open excavations, list activities for management of such events (e.g.  flooding, contaminated surface water run‐off, stormwater impacts):  If surface water run‐off gathers in an open excavation within an area determined to be impacted during  construction activities, appropriate worker safety measures will be undertaken. If less than or equal to  approximately 1 foot of surface water accumulates across an open excavation, the water may be  allowed to evaporate or it may be tested and disposed off‐site (if impacted) or tested and discharged to  the storm sewer (if not impacted above DEQ surface water standards). If greater than approximately 1  foot of water accumulates across an open excavation, the water will be tested and disposed off‐site (if  impacted), or tested and discharged to the storm sewer (if not impacted above DEQ surface water  standards) in accordance with applicable municipal and State regulations for erosion control and  construction stormwater control.    Is sediment at the property known to be contaminated:    ☐ Yes  ☒ No    Will workers or the public be in contact with sediment during planned redevelopment activities?  ☐ Yes ☒ No    If yes, attach a map showing location of known contaminated sediment at the property.    In the event that contaminated sediment is encountered during redevelopment activities, list  activities for management of such events (stream bed disturbance):      Do concentrations of volatile organic compounds at the Brownfields property exceed the following  vapor intrusion screening levels in the following media:    IHSB Residential Screening Levels:  Soil Vapor:   ☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown  Groundwater: ☒ Yes   ☐ No  ☐ Unknown    IHSB Industrial/Commercial Screening Levels:  Soil Vapor:   ☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown  Groundwater: ☒ Yes   ☐ No  ☐ Unknown  PART 3. SURFACE WATER – Please fill out the information below.  PART 4.  SEDIMENT – Please fill out the information below.  PART 5.  SOIL VAPOR – Please fill out the information below.  14  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014      Attach a map showing the location of soil vapor contaminants that exceed site screening  levels. If applicable, at what depth(s) is soil vapor known to be contaminated?  Not  Applicable  Will workers encounter contaminated soil vapor during planned redevelopment activities?  ☐ Yes   ☐ No  ☒ Unknown    In the event that contaminated soil vapor is encountered during redevelopment activities  (trenches, manways, basements or other subsurface work, list activities for management of  such contact:  In the unlikely event contaminated soil vapors are encountered during future redevelopment  activities, the area will be evacuated and appropriate safety screening of the vapors will be  performed. If results indicate further action is warranted, appropriate engineering controls (such as  use of industrial fans) will be implemented.        Are sub‐slab soil vapor data available for the Brownfields Property?   ☐ Yes  ☒ No ☐ Unknown    If data indicate that sub‐slab soil vapor concentrations exceed screening levels, attach a map  showing the location of these exceedances.    At what depth(s) is sub‐slab soil vapor known to be contaminated? ☐ 0‐6 inches ☒ Other, If  other describe:  No sub‐slab vapor samples have been collected at the Site.    Will workers encounter contaminated sub‐slab soil vapor during planned redevelopment activities?  ☐ Yes   ☐ No  ☒ Unknown    In the event that contaminated soil vapor is encountered during redevelopment activities, list  activities for management of such contact: In the unlikely event soil vapors are encountered  during future redevelopment activities, worker breathing zone will be monitored using a calibrated  photoionization detector. If results indicate further action is warranted, appropriate engineering  controls (such as use of industrial fans) will be implemented.       Are indoor air data available for the Brownfields Property?    ☐ Yes   ☒ No    ☐ Unknown    If yes, attach a map showing the location where indoor air contaminants exceed site screening levels.    If the structures where indoor air has been documented to exceed risk‐based screening levels will  not be demolished as part of redevelopment activities, will workers encounter contaminated  PART 7.  INDOOR AIR – Please fill out the information below .  PART 6. SUB‐SLAB SOIL VAPOR ‐please fill out the information below if existing buildings or  foundations will be retained in the redevelopment.  15  EMP Form ver.1, October 23, 2014    indoor air during planned redevelopment activities?  ☐ Yes   ☐ No ☒ Unknown    In the event that contaminated indoor air is encountered during redevelopment activities, list  activities for management of such contact: In the unlikely event there is evidence of potential  indoor air issues (i.e. unusual odors) during future redevelopment activities, the area will be  evacuated and appropriate safety screening of the indoor air will be performed. If warranted,  safety screening procedures will include periodically screening indoor air for volatile organic vapors  with a calibrated photoionization detector when workers present in the lower level of the mill  building identify potential indoor air issues. If results indicate further action is warranted,  appropriate engineering controls (such as use of industrial fans) will be implemented.      Is a vapor intrusion mitigation system proposed for this Brownfields Property?  ☒ Yes ☐ No  ☐ Unknown    If yes, provide the date the plan was submitted to the Brownfields Program.  3/14/2018  Attach the plan.    Has the vapor mitigation plan been approved by the NC Brownfields Program?  ☐ Yes  ☒ No ☐ Unknown  Has the vapor mitigation plan been signed and sealed by a North Carolina professional engineer?  ☒ Yes    ☐ No      What are the components of the vapor intrusion mitigation system?  ☒ Sub‐slab depressurization system  ☐ Sub‐membrane depressurization system  ☐ Block‐wall depressurization system  ☐ Drain tile depressurization system  ☒ Passive mitigation methods  ☒ Vapor barriers  ☒ Perforated piping vented to exterior  ☒ Other method: If warranted based upon post‐construction indoor air sampling data, the passive  system can be activated by installing blowers.         Please provide a contingency plan in the event unknown tanks, drums, fuel lines, landfills, or  other waste materials are encountered during site activities.      PART 9. CONTINGENCY FOR ENCOUNTERING UNKNOWN TANKS, DRUMS, OR OTHER WASTE  MATERIALS  PART 8 – Vapor Mitigation System – Please fill out the information below .  Table 1 (Page 1 of 2)Summary of Soil Analytical DataDunavant Street Charlotte, North CarolinaBrownfields ID: 19038-15-060H&H Job No. RMR-002Location Sample ID SB-1 (5-7') SB-3 (5-7') SB-4 (6-8') TMW-2 (10-12') 1P/7' 1F/5' 1F/8' UST-S-1 UST-S-2 DD-S-1 DD-S-2 BN-S-1 BN-S-2 BN-S-3 Depth (ft bgs) 5-7 5-7 6-8 10-127588811111Sample Date 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2013 August 1989 August 1989 August 1989 7/30/1998 7/30/1998 7/30/1998 7/30/1998 7/30/1998 7/30/1998 7/30/1998Protection of Groundwater 1Residential2Industrial3 UnitsVOCs (8260B)Acetone<0.0548 <0.0575 <0.05490.308-- -- -- NA NA NA NA NA NA NA25 12,000 140,000Benzene<0.00219 <0.0023 <0.00220.00662 0.00413.9 12<0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.00560.0073 1.2 5Carbon disulfide<0.00548 <0.00575 <0.00549 <0.00673 -- -- -- NA NA NA NA NA NA NA4.1 160 740.0Ethylbenzene<0.00219 <0.0023 <0.00228.97BRL21 51<0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.005613 6.1 27Isopropylbenzene<0.00219 <0.0023 <0.00220.39-- -- -- <0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.00562.3 410 2,100Naphthalene<0.00548 <0.005750.005499.59-- -- -- <0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.00560.39 4.1 18n-Butylbenzene<0.00219 <0.0023 <0.00220.259-- -- -- <0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.00564.5 780 12,000n-Propylbenzene<0.00219 <0.0023 <0.00226.29-- -- -- <0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.00562.6 780 5,100p-Isopropyltoluene<0.00219 <0.0023 <0.00220.236-- -- -- <0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.00561.24 -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.00219 <0.0023 <0.00220.12-- -- -- <0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.00564.1 1,600 23,000Toluene<0.00219 <0.0023 <0.00220.317 0.0006120 120<0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.00568.3 990 9,700Trichlorofluoromethane<0.00219 <0.00230 <0.0022 <0.00269 -- -- -- <0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.005625 4,700 70,0001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.00219 <0.0023 <0.002232.6-- -- -- <0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.005612 63 3701,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.00219 <0.0023 <0.002214.0-- -- -- <0.006 <0.0059 <0.0063 <0.0058 <0.006 <0.0059 <0.005611 56 320Xylenes (Total)<0.00548 <0.00575 <0.0054945.50.000685 210<0.012 <0.012 <0.013 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.0119.9 120 530SVOCs (8270D)Benzo[a]anthracene<0.0670 <0.0657 <0.0670 <0.0663 NANA NA<0.400 <0.390 <2.1 <1.9 <2.0 <1.9 <1.80.35 1.1 21Benzo[a]pyrene<0.0670<0.0657<0.0670<0.0663 NA NA NA<0.400 <0.390 <2.1<1.9<2.0<1.9 <1.80.12 0.11 2.1Benzo[b]fluoranthene<0.0670 <0.0657 <0.0670 <0.0663NA NA NA<0.400 <0.390 <2.1 <1.9 <2.0<1.9 <1.81.2 1.1 21.0Benzo[g,h,i]perylene<0.0670 <0.0657 <0.0670 <0.0663 NA NA NA <0.400 <0.390 <2.1 <1.9 <2.0 <1.9 <1.815,600 -- --Benzo[k]fluoranthene<0.0670 <0.0657 <0.0670 <0.0663 NA NA NA <0.400 <0.390 <2.1 <1.9 <2.0 <1.9 <1.812 11 210.0Chrysene<0.0670 <0.0657 <0.0670 <0.0663 NA NA NA <0.400 <0.390 <2.1 <1.9 <2.0 <1.9 <1.836 110 2,100Fluoranthene<0.0670 <0.0657 <0.0670 <0.0663 NA NA NA <0.400 <0.390 <2.1 <1.9 <2.0 <1.9 <1.8670 480 6,000Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene<0.0670 <0.0657 <0.0670 <0.0663 NA NA NA <0.400 <0.390 <2.1 <1.9 <2.0 <1.9 <1.81.1 3.9 21Naphthalene<0.0670 <0.0657 <0.06700.271NA NA NA<0.400 <0.390 <2.1 <1.9 <2.0<1.9 <1.80.39 4.1 18Pyrene<0.0670 <0.0657 <0.0670 <0.0663 NA NA NA <0.400 <0.390 <2.1 <1.9 <2.0 <1.9 <1.8440 360 4,500HSL Metals (6010C/7471/7196)AntimonyNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA --0.90 6.3 93ArsenicNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA <0.634.0 1.2 1.0--5.8 0.68 3.0BerylliumNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA --63 31 470CadmiumNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA <1.31.4<1.2 <1.2 --3.0 14 200Chromium⁴NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA110 23 20 26--360,000⁴23,000⁴350,0004Chromium VI (Hexavalent)NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA --3.8 0.31 6.5CopperNA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA --700 630 9,300LeadNA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA59 140 48 59--270 400 800ManganeseNA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA --65 380 5,600NickelNA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA --130 310 4,700SeleniumNA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA<0.63 <0.58 <0.60 <0.59 --2.1 78 1,200SilverNA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA<6.3 <5.8 <6.0 <5.9 --3.4 78 1,200ThalliumNA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA --0.28 0.16 2.3ZincNA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA --1,200 4,700 70,000MercuryNA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA0.085 0.11 0.049 0.043--1 2.3 9.7Notes:1) Analytical results compared to the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) protection of groundwater preliminary soil remediation goals (PSRGs) revised February 20182) Analytical results compared to the IHSB Residential based PSRGs revised February 20183) Analytical results compared to the IHSB Industrial based PSRGs revised February 20184) Because Chromium (VI) was not detected, Chromium (III) screening criteria used for total ChromiumOnly those compounds detected in at least one sample shown aboveBold indicates an exceedance of Protection of Groundwater PSRGGray shading indicates an exceedance of Residential PSRGUnderlined indicates exceedance of Industrial PSRGMethod number follows parameter in parenthesisTotal Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) were detected at concentrations of 0.130 mg/kg, 6,300 mg/kg, and 13,000 mg/kg in August 1989 soil samples 1P/7', 1F/5', and 1F/8', respectively. TPH was not detected at concentrations above laboratory reporting limits in the August 1993 soil sample collected by Law. VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compoundsNA = not analyzed; -- = Not applicable or Not Known; BRL = Constituent not detected at or above laboratory reporting limitmg/kg = milligrams per kilogram2135 Dunavant Street2115 Dunavant StreetScreening Criteria mg/kgS:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\EMP\Site Analytical Data3/19/2018Table 1 (Page 1 of 2)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 1 (Page 2 of 2)Summary of Soil Analytical DataDunavant Street Charlotte, North CarolinaBrownfields ID: 19038-15-060H&H Job No. RMR-002Location Sample ID PS-SB-1 PS-SB-2 PS-SB-3 SB-1 (9-10') SB-2 (1-2') SB-2 (5-6') SB-3 (7-8') SB-4 (4-5') SB-4 (10-11') Depth (ft bgs) 2-4 14-16 12-14 9-10 1-2 5-6 7-8 4-5 10-11Sample Date 10/18/2006 10/18/2006 10/18/2006 5/2/2014 5/2/2014 5/2/2014 5/2/2014 5/2/2014 5/2/2014Protection of Groundwater 1Residential2Industrial 3 UnitsVOCs (8260B)Acetone<0.024 <0.021 <0.018 <0.0501 <0.04830.172<0.0570.0811 0.0689 25 12,000 140,000Benzene<0.0036 <0.0032 <0.0027 <0.00200 <0.00193 <0.00234 <0.00207 <0.00198 <0.001990.0073 1.2 5Carbon disulfide<0.012 <0.011 <0.0089 <0.00501 <0.00483 <0.00585 <0.005170.0146<0.004974.1 160 740.0Ethylbenzene<0.0059 <0.0053 <0.0045 <0.00200 <0.00193 <0.00234 <0.00207 <0.00198 <0.0019913 6.1 27Isopropylbenzene<0.012 <0.011 <0.0089 <0.00200 <0.00193 <0.00234 <0.00207 <0.00198 <0.001992.3 410 2,100Naphthalene<0.0059 <0.0053 <0.0045 <0.00501 <0.00483 <0.00585 <0.00517 <0.00495 <0.004970.39 4.1 18n-Butylbenzene<0.018 <0.016 <0.013 <0.00200 <0.00193 <0.00234 <0.00207 <0.00198 <0.001994.5 780 12,000n-Propylbenzene<0.012 <0.011 <0.0089 <0.00200 <0.00193 <0.00234 <0.00207 <0.00198 <0.001992.6 780 5,100p-Isopropyltoluene<0.018 <0.016 <0.013 <0.00200 <0.001930.139<0.002070.00509 0.00298 1.24 -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.018 <0.016 <0.013 <0.00200 <0.00193 <0.00234 <0.00207 <0.00198 <0.001994.1 1,600 23,000Toluene<0.0059 <0.0053 <0.0045 <0.00200 <0.001930.013<0.00207 <0.00198 <0.001998.3 990 9,700Trichlorofluoromethane 0.024<0.0053 <0.0045 <0.00200 <0.00193 <0.00234 <0.00207 <0.00198 <0.0019925 4,700 70,0001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.012 <0.011 <0.0089 <0.00200 <0.001930.00384<0.00207 <0.00198 <0.0019912 63 3701,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.012 <0.011 <0.0089 <0.00200 <0.00193 <0.00234 <0.00207 <0.00198 <0.0019911 56 320Xylenes (Total)<0.012 <0.011 <0.0089 <0.00501 <0.00483 <0.00585 <0.00517 <0.00495 <0.004979.9 120 530SVOCs (8270D)Benzo[a]anthraceneNA NA NA <0.06660.0824<0.0666 <0.0667 <0.0669 <0.06660.35 1.1 21Benzo[a]pyreneNA NA NA <0.06660.121<0.0666 <0.0667 <0.0669 <0.06660.12 0.11 2.1Benzo[b]fluorantheneNA NA NA <0.06660.27<0.0666 <0.0667 <0.0669 <0.06661.2 1.1 21.0Benzo[g,h,i]peryleneNA NA NA <0.06660.134<0.0666 <0.0667 <0.0669 <0.066615,600 -- --Benzo[k]fluorantheneNA NA NA <0.06660.0767<0.0666 <0.0667 <0.0669 <0.066612 11 210ChryseneNA NA NA <0.06660.114<0.0666 <0.0667 <0.0669 <0.066636 110 2,100FluorantheneNA NA NA <0.06660.143<0.0666 <0.0667 <0.0669 <0.0666670 480 6,000Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyreneNA NA NA <0.06660.118<0.0666 <0.0667 <0.0669 <0.06661.1 3.9 21NaphthaleneNA NA NA <0.0666 <0.0659 <0.0666 <0.0667 <0.0669 <0.06660.39 4.1 18PyreneNA NA NA <0.06660.125<0.0666 <0.0667 <0.0669 <0.0666440 360 4,500HSL Metals (6010C/7471/7196)AntimonyNA NA NA <11.9 <11.6 <13.3 <11.8 <12.2 <12.10.90 6.3 93ArsenicNA NA NA <2.39 <2.33 <2.664.33 6.05<2.435.8 0.68 3.0BerylliumNA NA NA <1.19 <1.16 <1.33 <1.18 <1.22 <1.2163 31 470CadmiumNA NA NA <1.19 <1.16 <1.33 <1.18 <1.22 <1.213.0 14 200Chromium⁴NA NA NA30.6 21.2 15.4 392 40.6 43.5360,000⁴23,000⁴350,0004Chromium VI (Hexavalent)NA NA NA <5.83 <5.79 <6.55 <5.82 <6.09 <5.943.8 0.31 6.5CopperNA NA NA40.2 14.3 65.3 29.7 20.6 25.7 700 630 9,300LeadNA NA NA8.15 5.47 11.3 5.81 44.9 9.81 270 400 800ManganeseNA NA NA600 86 361 1,570 247 491 65 380 5,600NickelNA NA NA10.4 2.87 10.9 110 11.4 11.5 130 310 4,700SeleniumNA NA NA <2.39 <2.33 <2.66 <2.35 <2.44 <2.432.1 78 1,200SilverNA NA NA <1.19 <1.16 <1.33 <1.18 <1.22 <1.213.4 78 1,200ThalliumNA NA NA <2.39 <2.33 <2.66 <2.35 <2.44 <2.430.28 0.16 2.3ZincNA NA NA84.4<11.6106 152 49.1 33.1 1,200 4,700 70,000MercuryNA NA NA <0.118 <0.118 <0.13 <0.120 <0.121 <0.1161 2.3 9.7Notes:1) Analytical results compared to the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) protection of groundwater preliminary soil remediation goals (PSRGs) dated February 20182) Analytical results compared to the IHSB Residential based PSRGs dated February 20183) Analytical results compared to the IHSB Industrial based PSRGs dated February 20184) Because Chromium (VI) was not detected, Chromium (III) screening criteria used for total ChromiumOnly those compounds detected in at least one sample shown aboveBold indicates an exceedance of Protection of Groundwater PSRGGray shading indicates an exceedance of Residential PSRGUnderlined indicates exceedance of Industrial PSRGMethod number follows parameter in parenthesisTotal Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) were detected at concentrations of 0.130 mg/kg, 6,300 mg/kg, and 13,000 mg/kg in August 1989 soil samples 1P/7', 1F/5', and 1F/8', respectively. See Page 1 note associated with 1993 TPH results.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compoundsNA = not analyzed; -- = Not applicable or Not Known; BRL = Constituent not detected at or above laboratory reporting limitmg/kg = milligrams per kilogramScreening Criteria 2205 Dunavant Streetmg/kgS:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\EMP\Site Analytical Data3/19/2018Table 1 (Page 2 of 2)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2 (Page 1 of 1)Summary of Groundwater Analytical DataDunavant Street PropertiesCharlotte, North CarolinaBrownfields ID: 19038-15-060H&H Job No. RMR-002Location Sample ID TMW-1 TMW-2 TMW-3 MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 PS-GW-1 PS-GW-3Sample Dates4/15/2014 (VOCs) 5/2/2014 (SVOCs)4/15/2014 (VOCs) 5/2/2014 (SVOCs)4/15/2014 (VOCs) 5/2/2014 (SVOCs)9/26/1997 9/26/1997 9/26/1997 9/26/1997 10/23/2006 10/23/2006DEQ 2L Groundwater Standard1DWM VI Residential GWSL²DWM VI Non-Residential GWSL³ UnitsVOCs (8260B)Benzene <1.005.26<1.00290<5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 1 16 69.3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.00 <1.00 <1.0074<5.0 6.2 <5.0 7.4 5.4 70 -- --1,2-Dichloroethane <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 --1.0<1.0 0.4 22.4 97.8Ethylbenzene <1.00 119 <1.00 110 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 600 34.9 152Isopropylbenzene <1.00 21.8 <1.00 40 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 70 177 745Isopropyl Ether <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 38 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 1.8 0.82 J 70 1,390 5,860Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) <1.00 1.95 2.42380<5.0 <5.0 <5.0 3.2 <1.0 20 4,500 19,700Naphthalene <5.0064 6.53<10 <10 <10 <10 <1.0 <1.0 6 34.8 146n-Propylbenzene <1.00 23.1 <1.00 31 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 70 486 2,040p-Isopropyltoluene <1.00 6.88 <1.00 <5.0 <5.0 -- -- <1.0 <1.0 -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene <1.00 3.36 <1.00 9.6 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 70 -- --tert-Butylbenzene <1.00 1.32 <1.00 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 70 -- --Tetrachloroethene <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <5.0 <5.07.0<5.01.2 1.60.7 11.5 48.4Toluene <1.00 6.77 <1.00 16 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 600 3,840 16,100Trichloroethene <1.00 <1.00 <1.00300<5.06009.0841103 1.04 4.35Trichlorofluoromethane <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 -- 5.9 17 2,000 --- ---1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.00 141<1.00 53<5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 400 5 2101,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.00 91.1 <1.00 19 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 400 3.5 150Xylenes (Total) <3.00 233 <3.00 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <3.0 <3.0 500 76.9 323PAHs (8270D)Naphthalene <2.0416.4<1.96 NA NA NA NA NA NA 6 34.8 146Notes:1) Analytical results compared to 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Groundwater Standards, revised April 20132) Analytical results compared to Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Residential Groundwater Screening Level (GWSL) revised February 20183) Analytical results compared to DWM Vapor Intrusion Non-Residential GWSL revised February 2018Only those compounds detected in at least one sample shown aboveBold indicates an exceedance of the DEQ 2L Groundwater Standard Gray shading indicates an exceedance of the DWM VI Residential GWSL Underlined indicates an exceedance of the DWM VI Non-Residential GWSLMethod number follows parameter in parenthesisVOCs = volatile organic compounds; PAHs = polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons -- = Not applicable or Not Known"J" indicates a laboratory estimated concentration detected between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory reporting limit. µg/L = micrograms per LiterScreening Criteria 2115 Dunavant Street 2135 Dunavant Street 2205 Dunavant Streetµg/LS:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\EMP\Site Analytical Data3/19/2018Table 2 (Page 1 of 1)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 4Summary of In Situ Soil Characterization Analytical Results Dunavant Street2250 Hawkins StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-002Excavation BasinCharacterization DepthSample IDEX-1S EX-1-1 EX-1-2 EX-1D EX-1-1 EX-1-3 EX-2S EX-2-2 EX-2-3 EX-2D EX-2-1 EX-2-2Sample Date3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018Sample TypeComposite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite GrabGrabSample Depth (ft bgs)1-5 2-3 4-5 5-10 8-9 6-7 1-5 1-2 3-4 5-10 8-9 6-7VOCs (8260B) mg/kgAcetoneNA<0.026<0.027NA<0.029 <0.046NA <0.033 <0.029 NA <0.027 <0.0342512,000 140,0002-Butanone (MEK)NA<0.019 <0.020NA<0.022 <0.035NA<0.024 <0.022NA<0.020 <0.025175,500 40,000n-ButylbenzeneNA<0.00077 <0.00080NA<0.00087 <0.0014NA <0.00098 <0.00087 NA <0.00081 <0.00104.57801,200sec-ButylbenzeneNA<0.0011<0.0011NA<0.0012 <0.0020NA <0.0014 <0.0012 NA <0.0012 <0.00144.11,600 23,000tert-ButylbenzeneNA<0.00099<0.0010NA<0.0011 <0.0018NA <0.0013 <0.0011 NA <0.0010 <0.00133.11,600 23,000EthylbenzeneNA<0.00088 <0.00092NA<0.0010 <0.0016NA <0.0011 <0.00099 NA <0.00093 <0.0011136.127Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)NA<0.00077 <0.00080NA<0.00087 <0.0014NA <0.00098 <0.00087 NA <0.00081 <0.00102.34102,100p-Isopropyltoluene (p-Cymene)NA<0.00088 <0.00092NA<0.0010 <0.0016NA <0.0011 <0.00099 NA <0.00093 <0.00111.24----NaphthaleneNA<0.00077<0.00080NA<0.00087 <0.0014NA <0.00098 <0.00087 NA <0.00081 <0.00100.394.118n-PropylbenzeneNA<0.00077 <0.00080NA<0.00087 <0.0014NA <0.00098 <0.00087 NA <0.00081 <0.00102.67805,100TolueneNA<0.00088<0.00092NA<0.0010 <0.0016NA <0.0011 <0.00099 NA <0.00093 <0.00118.39909,7001,2,4-TrimethylbenzeneNA<0.00088 <0.00092NA<0.0010 <0.0016NA <0.0011 <0.00099 NA <0.00093 <0.001112633701,3,5-TrimethylbenzeneNA<0.00066 <0.00069NA<0.00075 <0.0012NA <0.00084 <0.00074 NA <0.00069 <0.000861156320m+p XyleneNA<0.0019 <0.0019NA<0.0021 <0.0034NA <0.0024 <0.0021 NA <0.0020 <0.00249.8120500o-XyleneNA<0.00077<0.00080NA<0.00087 <0.0014NA <0.00098 <0.00087 NA <0.00081 <0.00109.8140590SVOCs (8270D) mg/kg1-Methylnaphthalene<0.081NA NA<0.091 NA NA<0.078NA NA<0.089NA NA0.11 18 732-Methylnaphthalene<0.074NA NA<0.083 NA NA<0.071NA NA<0.081NA NA3.1 48 600Naphthalene<0.11NA NA<0.12 NA NA<0.10NA NA<0.12NA NA0.39 4.1 18Metals (6020/SW-846) mg/kgArsenic2.3NA NA <1.2 NA NA2.3NA NA<1.1NA NA5.80.683Barium42NA NA40NA NA27NA NA59NA NA5803,100 47,000Cadmium<0.13 NA NA <0.14 NA NA<0.13NA NA<0.14NA NA314200Chromium (total)45NA NA89NA NA37NA NA69NA NANENENEHexavalent Chromium<0.098 NA NA1.1. DL-03, JNA NA<0.24, DL-03NA NA<0.27, DL-03NA NA3.8 0.31 6.5Trivalent Chromium 45NA NA87.9NA NA37NA NA69NA NA360,000 23,000 350,000Lead 10NA NA10NA NA9.4, M-10NA NA7.9, M-10NA NA270 400 800Mercury 0.049NA NA0.019, JNA NA0.068NA NA0.11NA NA1.0 2.3 9.7Selenium<17NA NA<20, DL‐04, V‐05NA NA <3.5 NA NA <3.8 NA NA2.1 78 1,200Silver<1.2NA NA<1.4, DL‐04NA NA<0.49, DL-04NA NA <1.3, DL-04 NA NA3.4 78 1,200Notes1)North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) (February 2018).With the exception of metals, only those compounds detected in at least one sample are shown.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Bold indicates an exceedance of Protection of Groundwater PSRGGray shading indicates an exceedance of Residential PSRGUnderlined values indicates an exceedance of Industrial PSRG.ft bgs = feet below ground surface; VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NA = not analyzedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in an estimated concentration. M-10=The reporting limit verification for the AIHA lead program is outside of control limits for this element. Any reported result at or near the detection limit may be biased on the high side.DL-04=Elevated reporting limit due to high concentration of an interfering analyte(s). DL-03=Elevated reporting limit due to matrixMS-16= The matrix spike is outside of control limits. pH and ORP results were indicative of reducing conditions. Analysis is in control based on LCS recoveries.V-05=Continuing calibration did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side for the compound. Reported results is estimated.R-04=Duplicate relative percent difference is a less useful indicator of sample precision for sample results that are <5 times the reporting limit.MS-19=Sample to spike ratio is greater than or equal to 4:1. Spiked amount is not representative of the native amount in the sample. Appropriate or meaningful recoveries cannot be calculated. MS-11=Matrix spike recovery outside of control limits. Possibility of sample matrix effects that lead to a high bias forreported result or non-homogeneous sample aliquots cannot be eliminated.MS-07=Matrix spike recovery is outside of control limits. Analysis is in control. Possibility of low bias for reported result or non-homogeneous sample aliquot cannot be eliminated.EX-1Deeper SoilShallow SoilEX-2Shallow SoilDeeper SoilScreening CriteriaProtection of Groundwater (1)Residential PSRGs (1) Industrial PSRGs (1)S:\AAA‐Master Projects\Ram Realty ‐ RMR\RMR‐002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\In Situ Soil Characterization Rpt\tables\for use\In Situ Soil Characterization Data Summary Table_201803193/19/2018Table 4 (Page 1 of 6) Hart & Hickman, PC Table 4 Summary of In Situ Soil Characterization Analytical Results Dunavant Street2250 Hawkins StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-002Excavation BasinCharacterization DepthSample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Depth (ft bgs)VOCs (8260B) mg/kgAcetone2-Butanone (MEK)n-Butylbenzenesec-Butylbenzenetert-ButylbenzeneEthylbenzeneIsopropylbenzene (Cumene)p-Isopropyltoluene (p-Cymene)Naphthalenen-PropylbenzeneToluene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzenem+p Xyleneo-XyleneSVOCs (8270D) mg/kg1-Methylnaphthalene2-MethylnaphthaleneNaphthaleneMetals (6020/SW-846) mg/kgArsenicBariumCadmiumChromium (total)Hexavalent ChromiumTrivalent ChromiumLeadMercurySeleniumSilverEX-3S EX-3-1 EX-3-3 EX-3D EX-3-1 EX-3-2 EX-4S EX-4-2 EX-4-3 EX-4D EX-4-2 EX-4-33/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite GrabGrab1-5 2-3 4-5 5-10 9-10 6-7 1-5 4-5 2-3 5-10 9-10 7-8NA <0.030 <0.032 NA <0.026 <0.029 NA <9.2 <0.037 NA <48 <0.0282512,000 140,000NA<0.022 <0.024NA<0.019 <0.021NA<2.2 <0.028NA<12 <0.02117 5,500 40,000NA <0.00089 <0.00096 NA <0.00077 <0.00086 NA27<0.0011 NA88<0.000834.5 780 1,200NA <0.0013 <0.0014 NA <0.0011 <0.0012 NA3.7<0.0016 NA14<0.00124.1 1,600 23,000NA <0.0011 <0.0012 NA <0.00099 <0.0011 NA <0.11 <0.0014 NA <0.59 <0.00113.1 1,600 23,000NA <0.0010 <0.0011 NA <0.00088 <0.00098 NA4.7<0.0013 NA38<0.00095136.127NA <0.00089 <0.00096 NA <0.00077 <0.00086 NA2.6<0.0011 NA18<0.000832.34102,100NA <0.0010 <0.0011 NA <0.00088 <0.00098 NA1.8<0.0013 NA19<0.000951.24----NA <0.00089 <0.00096 NA <0.00077 <0.00086 NA6.5<0.0011 NA59<0.000830.39 4.1 18NA <0.00089 <0.00096 NA <0.00077 <0.00086 NA11<0.0011 NA74<0.000832.6 780 5,100NA <0.0010 <0.0011 NA <0.00088 <0.00098 NA0.46<0.0013 NA2.8<0.000958.3 990 9,700NA <0.0010 <0.0011 NA <0.00088 <0.00098 NA87<0.0013 NA630<0.000951263370NA <0.00076 <0.00082 NA <0.00066 <0.00074 NA35<0.00095 NA210<0.000721156320NA <0.0022 <0.0023 NA <0.0019 <0.0021 NA28<0.0027 NA110<0.00209.8120500NA <0.00089 <0.00096 NA <0.00077 <0.00086 NA9.5<0.0011 NA81<0.000839.8140590<0.086NA NA<0.095 NA NA <0.17NA NA1.0NA NA0.111873<0.078NA NA<0.086 NA NA <0.16NA NA2.4NA NA3.148600<0.12NA NA<0.13 NA NA <0.23NA NA0.53NA NA0.394.118<1.2NA NA<1.3NA NA2.8NA NA<1.2NA NA5.80.68316NA NA45NA NA31NA NA23NA NA5803,100 47,000<0.14NA NA<0.15NA NA0.26NA NA<0.14NA NA31420066NA NA51NA NA38NA NA26NA NANENENE<0.26, DL-03NA NA<0.29, DL-03NA NA<0.27, DL-03NA NA<0.26, DL-03NA NA3.8 0.31 6.566NA NA51NA NA38NA NA26NA NA360,000 23,000 350,0008.1, M-10NA NA8.5, M-10NA NA26, M-10NA NA11, M-10NA NA270 400 8000.069NA NA0.035, JNA NA0.10NA NA0.019, JNA NA1.0 2.3 9.7<3.8 NA NA <4.2 NA NA <3.8 NA NA <3.9 NA NA2.1 78 1,200<2.7, DL-04 NA NA <1.5 NA NA <1.3, DL-04 NA NA <1.4, DL-04 NA NA3.4 78 1,200Notes1)North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) (February 2018).With the exception of metals, only those compounds detected in at least one sample are shown.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Bold indicates an exceedance of Protection of Groundwater PSRGGray shading indicates an exceedance of Residential PSRGUnderlined values indicates an exceedance of Industrial PSRG.ft bgs = feet below ground surface; VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NA = not analyzedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in an estimated concentration. M-10=The reporting limit verification for the AIHA lead program is outside of control limits for this element. Any reported result at or near the detection limit may be biased on the high side.DL-04=Elevated reporting limit due to high concentration of an interfering analyte(s). DL-03=Elevated reporting limit due to matrixMS-16= The matrix spike is outside of control limits. pH and ORP results were indicative of reducing conditions. Analysis is in control based on LCS recoveries.V-05=Continuing calibration did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side for the compound. Reported results is estimated.R-04=Duplicate relative percent difference is a less useful indicator of sample precision for sample results that are <5 times the reporting limit.MS-07=Matrix spike recovery is outside of control limits. Analysis is in control. P MS-19=Sample to spike ratio is greater than or equal to 4:1. Spiked amount is not representative of the native amount in the sample. Appropriate or meaningful recoveries cannot be calculated. MS-11=Matrix spike recovery outside of control limits. Possibility of sample matrix effects that lead to a high bias forreported result or non-homogeneous sample aliquots cannot be eliminated.EX-3Shallow SoilDeeper SoilEX-4Shallow SoilDeeper SoilScreening CriteriaProtection of Groundwater (1)Residential PSRGs (1) Industrial PSRGs (1)S:\AAA‐Master Projects\Ram Realty ‐ RMR\RMR‐002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\In Situ Soil Characterization Rpt\tables\for use\In Situ Soil Characterization Data Summary Table_201803193/19/2018Table 4 (Page 2 of 6) Hart & Hickman, PC Table 4 Summary of In Situ Soil Characterization Analytical Results Dunavant Street2250 Hawkins StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-002Excavation BasinCharacterization DepthSample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Depth (ft bgs)VOCs (8260B) mg/kgAcetone2-Butanone (MEK)n-Butylbenzenesec-Butylbenzenetert-ButylbenzeneEthylbenzeneIsopropylbenzene (Cumene)p-Isopropyltoluene (p-Cymene)Naphthalenen-PropylbenzeneToluene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzenem+p Xyleneo-XyleneSVOCs (8270D) mg/kg1-Methylnaphthalene2-MethylnaphthaleneNaphthaleneMetals (6020/SW-846) mg/kgArsenicBariumCadmiumChromium (total)Hexavalent ChromiumTrivalent ChromiumLeadMercurySeleniumSilverEX-5S EX-5-1 EX-5-3 EX-5D EX-5-1 EX-5-3 EX-6S EX-6-2 EX-6-3 EX-6D EX-6-1 EX-6-33/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite GrabGrab1-5 4-5 2-3 5-10 9-10 6-7 1-5 1-2 3-4 5-10 9-10 8-9NA <0.032 <0.030 NA <0.025 <0.025 NA <0.027 <0.037 NA <0.030 <0.0292512,000 140,000NA<0.024 <0.023NA<0.019 <0.018NA<0.020 <0.028NA<0.023 <0.022175,500 40,000NA <0.00094 <0.00090 NA <0.00075 <0.00074 NA <0.00082 <0.0011 NA <0.00091<0.000874.57801,200NA <0.0013 <0.0013 NA <0.0011 <0.0011 NA <0.0012 <0.0016 NA <0.0013 <0.00124.11,600 23,000NA <0.0012 <0.0012 NA <0.00096 <0.00095NA <0.0010 <0.0014 NA <0.0012 <0.00113.11,600 23,000NA <0.0011 <0.0010 NA <0.00085 <0.00084NA <0.00093 <0.0013 NA <0.0010 <0.0010136.127NA <0.00094 <0.00090 NA <0.00075 <0.00074 NA <0.00082 <0.0011 NA <0.00091<0.000872.34102,100NA <0.0011 <0.0010 NA <0.00085 <0.00084NA <0.00093 <0.0013 NA <0.0010 <0.00101.24----NA <0.00094 <0.00090 NA <0.00075 <0.00074 NA <0.00082 <0.0011 NA <0.00091<0.000870.394.118NA <0.00094 <0.00090 NA <0.00075 <0.00074 NA <0.00082 <0.0011 NA <0.00091<0.000872.67805,100NA <0.0011 <0.0010 NA <0.00085 <0.00084NA <0.00093 <0.0013 NA <0.0010 <0.00108.39909,700NA <0.0011 <0.0010 NA <0.00085 <0.00084NA <0.00093 <0.0013 NA <0.0010 <0.00101263370NA <0.00081 <0.00078 NA <0.00064 <0.00063 NA <0.00070 <0.00094 NA <0.00078 <0.000751156320NA <0.0023 <0.0022 NA <0.0018 <0.0018 NA <0.0020 <0.0027 NA <0.0022 <0.00219.8120500NA <0.00094 <0.00090 NA <0.00075 <0.00074 NA <0.00082 <0.0011 NA <0.00091<0.000879.8140590<0.078NA NA<0.089NA NA<0.086NA NA<0.092NA NA0.111873<0.071NA NA<0.081NA NA<0.078NA NA<0.084NA NA3.148600<0.10NA NA<0.12NA NA<0.11NA NA<0.12NA NA0.394.1181.9, JNANA<1.2NA NA<1.1NA NA<1.2NA NA5.80.68342NA NA89NA NA72NA NA43NA NA5803,100 47,0000.14, JNA NA<0.14NA NA<0.13NA NA<0.14NA NA31420036NA NA33NA NA61NA NA26NA NANENENE<0.24, DL-03NA NA<0.27, DL-03NA NA<0.26, DL-03NA NA<0.11, DL-03NA NA3.8 0.31 6.536NA NA33NA NA61NA NA 26 NA NA360,000 23,000 350,00020, M-10NA NA6.4, M-10NA NA8.2, M-10NA NA6.0, M-10NA NA270 400 8000.086NA NA0.054NA NA0.063NA NA0.0082, JNA NA1.0 2.3 9.7<3.2 NA NA <3.9 NA NA <3.7 NA NA <3.9 NA NA2.1 78 1,200<1.1, DL-04 NA NA <1.4, DL-04 NA NA <1.3, DL-04 NA NA<0.55, DL-04NA NA3.4 78 1,200Notes1)North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) (February 2018).With the exception of metals, only those compounds detected in at least one sample are shown.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Bold indicates an exceedance of Protection of Groundwater PSRGGray shading indicates an exceedance of Residential PSRGUnderlined values indicates an exceedance of Industrial PSRG.ft bgs = feet below ground surface; VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NA = not analyzedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in an estimated concentration. M-10=The reporting limit verification for the AIHA lead program is outside of control limits for this element. Any reported result at or near the detection limit may be biased on the high side.DL-04=Elevated reporting limit due to high concentration of an interfering analyte(s). DL-03=Elevated reporting limit due to matrixMS-16= The matrix spike is outside of control limits. pH and ORP results were indicative of reducing conditions. Analysis is in control based on LCS recoveries.V-05=Continuing calibration did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side for the compound. Reported results is estimated.R-04=Duplicate relative percent difference is a less useful indicator of sample precision for sample results that are <5 times the reporting limit.MS-07=Matrix spike recovery is outside of control limits. Analysis is in control. P MS-19=Sample to spike ratio is greater than or equal to 4:1. Spiked amount is not representative of the native amount in the sample. Appropriate or meaningful recoveries cannot be calculated. MS-11=Matrix spike recovery outside of control limits. Possibility of sample matrix effects that lead to a high bias forreported result or non-homogeneous sample aliquots cannot be eliminated.EX-5Shallow SoilDeeper SoilEX-6Shallow SoilScreening CriteriaProtection of Groundwater (1)Residential PSRGs (1) Industrial PSRGs (1)Deeper SoilS:\AAA‐Master Projects\Ram Realty ‐ RMR\RMR‐002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\In Situ Soil Characterization Rpt\tables\for use\In Situ Soil Characterization Data Summary Table_201803193/19/2018Table 4 (Page 3 of 6) Hart & Hickman, PC Table 4 Summary of In Situ Soil Characterization Analytical Results Dunavant Street2250 Hawkins StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-002Excavation BasinCharacterization DepthSample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Depth (ft bgs)VOCs (8260B) mg/kgAcetone2-Butanone (MEK)n-Butylbenzenesec-Butylbenzenetert-ButylbenzeneEthylbenzeneIsopropylbenzene (Cumene)p-Isopropyltoluene (p-Cymene)Naphthalenen-PropylbenzeneToluene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzenem+p Xyleneo-XyleneSVOCs (8270D) mg/kg1-Methylnaphthalene2-MethylnaphthaleneNaphthaleneMetals (6020/SW-846) mg/kgArsenicBariumCadmiumChromium (total)Hexavalent ChromiumTrivalent ChromiumLeadMercurySeleniumSilverEX-7S EX-7-1 EX-7-2 EX-7D EX-7-2 EX-7-3 EX-8S EX-8-2 EX-8-3 EX-8D EX-8-1 EX-8-33/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite GrabGrab1-5 1-2 4-5 5-10 9-10 6-7 1-5 4-5 1-2 5-10 5-6 8-9NA<0.026 <0.033NA<0.032 <0.028NA <0.034 <0.029NA<0.022 <0.03025 12,000 140,000NA<0.020 <0.025NA<0.024 <0.021NA<0.026 <0.021 NA <0.017 <0.02217 5,500 40,000NA<0.00079 <0.00099NA<0.00096 <0.00084NA <0.0010 <0.00086NA<0.00067 <0.000894.5 780 1,200NA<0.0011 <0.0014NA<0.0014 <0.0012NA <0.0015 <0.0012NA<0.00095 <0.00134.1 1,600 23,000NA<0.0010 <0.0013NA<0.0012 <0.0011NA <0.0013 <0.0011NA<0.00086 <0.00113.1 1,600 23,000NA<0.00090 <0.0011NA<0.0011 <0.00096NA <0.0012 <0.00098NA<0.00076 <0.001013 6.1 27NA<0.00079 <0.00099NA<0.00096 <0.00084NA <0.0010 <0.00086NA<0.00067 <0.000892.3 410 2,100NA<0.00090 <0.0011NA<0.0011 <0.00096NA <0.0012 <0.00098NA<0.00076 <0.00101.24 -- --NA<0.00079 <0.00099NA<0.00096 <0.00084NA <0.0010 <0.00086NA<0.00067 <0.000890.39 4.1 18NA<0.00079 <0.00099NA<0.00096 <0.00084NA <0.0010 <0.00086NA<0.00067 <0.000892.6 780 5,100NA<0.00090 <0.0011NA<0.0011 <0.00096NA <0.0012 <0.00098NA<0.00076 <0.00108.3 990 9,700NA<0.00090 <0.0011NA<0.0011 <0.00096NA <0.0012 <0.00098NA<0.00076<0.00101263370NA<0.00068 <0.00085NA<0.00082 <0.00072NA <0.00088 <0.00074NA<0.00057 <0.000761156320NA<0.0019 <0.0024NA<0.0023 <0.0020NA <0.0025 <0.0021NA<0.0016 <0.00229.8120500NA<0.00079 <0.00099NA<0.00096 <0.00084NA <0.0010 <0.00086NA<0.00067 <0.000899.8140590<0.082 NA NA <0.090 NA NA<0.085NA NA<0.087NA NA0.111873<0.075 NA NA <0.081 NA NA<0.077NA NA<0.079NA NA3.148600<0.11 NA NA <0.12 NA NA<0.11NA NA<0.12NA NA0.394.118<1.1 NA NA <1.2 NA NA1.8, JNA NA<1.1NA NA5.80.68334NA NA99, MS-19NA NA88NA NA130NA NA5803,100 47,0000.17, JNA NA <0.14 NA NA<0.13NA NA<0.14NA NA31420039NA NA50, MS-07NA NA45NA NA24NA NANENENE0.13, DL-03, MS-16, JNA NA0.28, DL-03, JNA NA<0.26, DL-03NA NA<0.26, DL-03NA NA3.8 0.31 6.538.87NA NA49.72NA NA 45 NA NA24NA NA360,000 23,000 350,00021NA NA5.5NA NA9.8, M-10NA NA5.6, M-10NA NA270 400 8000.026, JNA NA0.0073, R-04, JNA NA0.075NA NA0.031, JNA NA1.0 2.3 9.7<18, DL-04, V-05NA NA<19, DL-04, MS-07, V-05NA NA <3.5 NA NA <3.7 NA NA2.1 78 1,200<1.2, DL-04 NA NA <1.4, DL-04 NA NA <1.2, DL-04 NA NA <1.3, DL-04 NA NA3.4 78 1,200Notes1)North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) (February 2018).With the exception of metals, only those compounds detected in at least one sample are shown.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Bold indicates an exceedance of Protection of Groundwater PSRGGray shading indicates an exceedance of Residential PSRGUnderlined values indicates an exceedance of Industrial PSRG.ft bgs = feet below ground surface; VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NA = not analyzedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in an estimated concentration. M-10=The reporting limit verification for the AIHA lead program is outside of control limits for this element. Any reported result at or near the detection limit may be biased on the high side.DL-04=Elevated reporting limit due to high concentration of an interfering analyte(s). DL-03=Elevated reporting limit due to matrixMS-16= The matrix spike is outside of control limits. pH and ORP results were indicative of reducing conditions. Analysis is in control based on LCS recoveries.V-05=Continuing calibration did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side for the compound. Reported results is estimated.R-04=Duplicate relative percent difference is a less useful indicator of sample precision for sample results that are <5 times the reporting limit.MS-07=Matrix spike recovery is outside of control limits. Analysis is in control. Possibility of low bias for reported result or non-homogeneous sample aliquot cannot be eliminated.MS-19=Sample to spike ratio is greater than or equal to 4:1. Spiked amount is not representative of the native amount in the sample. Appropriate or meaningful recoveries cannot be calculated. MS-11=Matrix spike recovery outside of control limits. Possibility of sample matrix effects that lead to a high bias forreported result or non-homogeneous sample aliquots cannot be eliminated.Deeper SoilEX-7Shallow SoilDeeper SoilEX-8Shallow SoilScreening CriteriaProtection of Groundwater (1)Residential PSRGs (1) Industrial PSRGs (1)S:\AAA‐Master Projects\Ram Realty ‐ RMR\RMR‐002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\In Situ Soil Characterization Rpt\tables\for use\In Situ Soil Characterization Data Summary Table_201803193/19/2018Table 4 (Page 4 of 6) Hart & Hickman, PC Table 4 Summary of In Situ Soil Characterization Analytical Results Dunavant Street2250 Hawkins StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-002Excavation BasinCharacterization DepthSample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Depth (ft bgs)VOCs (8260B) mg/kgAcetone2-Butanone (MEK)n-Butylbenzenesec-Butylbenzenetert-ButylbenzeneEthylbenzeneIsopropylbenzene (Cumene)p-Isopropyltoluene (p-Cymene)Naphthalenen-PropylbenzeneToluene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzenem+p Xyleneo-XyleneSVOCs (8270D) mg/kg1-Methylnaphthalene2-MethylnaphthaleneNaphthaleneMetals (6020/SW-846) mg/kgArsenicBariumCadmiumChromium (total)Hexavalent ChromiumTrivalent ChromiumLeadMercurySeleniumSilverEX-9S EX-9-1 EX-9-2 EX-9D DUP-Comp-1 EX-9-1 DUP-grab-1 EX-9-3 EX-10S EX-10-1 EX-10-2 EX-10D EX-10-1 EX-10-33/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2017 3/2/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018Composite Grab Grab Composite Composite Grab Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab1-5 3-4 2-3 5-10 5-10 9-10 9-10 7-8 1-5 2-3 3-4 5-10 9-10 7-8NA <0.038 <0.031 NA NA <3.7 <0.034 <0.028 NA<0.033 <0.035NA<0.0320.132512,000 140,000NA<0.029 <0.023NA NA<0.91 <0.025 <0.021NA<0.025 <0.026NA<0.0240.021, J 175,500 40,000NA <0.0011 <0.00093 NA NA <0.0580.0018, J<0.00085 NA<0.00099 <0.0011NA<0.00096 <0.000854.57801,200NA <0.0016 <0.0013 NA NA0.20, J 0.0030<0.0012 NA<0.0014 <0.0015NA<0.0014 <0.00124.11,600 23,000NA <0.0015 <0.0012 NA NA0.065, J<0.0013 <0.0011 NA<0.0013 <0.0014NA<0.0012 <0.00113.11,600 23,000NA <0.0013 <0.0011 NA NA <0.050 <0.0012 <0.00097 NA<0.0011 <0.0012NA<0.0011 <0.00097136.127NA <0.0011 <0.00093 NA NA <0.046 <0.0010 <0.00085 NA<0.00099 <0.0011NA<0.00096 <0.000852.34102,100NA <0.0013 <0.0011 NA NA <0.058 <0.0012 <0.00097 NA<0.0011 <0.0012NA<0.0011 <0.000971.24----NA <0.0011 <0.00093 NA NA0.39, J0.0014, J<0.00085 NA<0.00099 <0.0011NA<0.00096 <0.000850.394.118NA <0.0011 <0.00093 NA NA <0.050 <0.0010 <0.00085 NA<0.00099 <0.0011NA<0.00096 <0.000852.67805,100NA <0.0013 <0.0011 NA NA <0.065 <0.0012 <0.00097 NA<0.0011 <0.0012NA<0.0011 <0.000978.39909,700NA <0.0013 <0.0011 NA NA <0.069 <0.0012 <0.00097 NA<0.0011 <0.0012NA<0.0011 <0.000971263370NA <0.00098 <0.00080 NA NA <0.050 <0.00087 <0.00073 NA<0.00085 <0.00090NA<0.00082 <0.000731156320NA <0.0028 <0.0023 NA NA <0.098 <0.0025 <0.0021 NA<0.0024 <0.0026NA<0.0023 <0.00219.8120500NA <0.0011 <0.00093 NA NA <0.050 <0.0010 <0.00085 NA<0.00099 <0.0011NA<0.00096 <0.000859.8140590<0.081NA NA<0.087 <0.090NA NA NA <0.089 NA NA <0.089 NA NA0.111873<0.074NA NA<0.079 <0.081NA NA NA <0.081 NA NA <0.081 NA NA3.148600<0.11NA NA<0.12 <0.12NA NA NA <0.12 NA NA <0.12 NA NA0.394.1181.8, JNA NA<1.1 <1.2NA NA NA <5.9, DL-04 NA NA <5.7, DL-04 NA NA5.80.683130NA NA180 210NA NA NA410NA NA210NA NA5803,100 47,000<0.13NA NA<0.14 <0.14NA NA NA <0.14 NA NA <0.14 NA NA314200120NA NA170 190NA NA NA63NA NA100NA NANENENE<0.25, DL-03NA NA<0.26, DL-03<0.27 NA NA NA<0.11, DL-03NA NA<0.11, DL-03NA NA3.8 0.31 6.5120NA NA170 190NA NA NA63NA NA100NA NA360,000 23,000 350,00016, M-10NA NA3.4, M-10 4.2NA NA NA7.4NA NA2.7NA NA270 400 8000.026, JNA NA0.0096, J 0.013NA NA NA0.011, JNA NA <0.0035 NA NA1.0 2.3 9.7<3.5 NA NA <3.7 <3.9 NA NA NA<19, DL-04, V-05NA NA<19, V-05, DL-04NA NA2.1 78 1,200<0.49, DL-04NA NA <1.3, DL-04 <1.4 NA NA NA <1.4, DL-04 NA NA <1.3, DL-04 NA NA3.4 78 1,200Notes1)North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) (February 2018).With the exception of metals, only those compounds detected in at least one sample are shown.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Bold indicates an exceedance of Protection of Groundwater PSRGGray shading indicates an exceedance of Residential PSRGUnderlined values indicates an exceedance of Industrial PSRG.ft bgs = feet below ground surface; VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NA = not analyzedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in an estimated concentration. M-10=The reporting limit verification for the AIHA lead program is outside of control limits for this element. Any reported result at or near the detection limit may be biased on the high side.DL-04=Elevated reporting limit due to high concentration of an interfering analyte(s). DL-03=Elevated reporting limit due to matrixMS-16= The matrix spike is outside of control limits. pH and ORP results were indicative of reducing conditions. Analysis is in control based on LCS recoveries.V-05=Continuing calibration did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side for the compound. Reported results is estimated.R-04=Duplicate relative percent difference is a less useful indicator of sample precision for sample results that are <5 times the reporting limit.MS-07=Matrix spike recovery is outside of control limits. Analysis is in control. Possibility of low bias for repoMS-19=Sample to spike ratio is greater than or equal to 4:1. Spiked amount is not representative of the native amount in the sample. Appropriate or meaningful recoveries cannot be calculated. MS-11=Matrix spike recovery outside of control limits. Possibility of sample matrix effects that lead to a high bias forreported result or non-homogeneous sample aliquots cannot be eliminated.EX-10Shallow SoilDeeper SoilEX-9Shallow SoilDeeper SoilScreening CriteriaProtection of Groundwater (1)Residential PSRGs (1) Industrial PSRGs (1)S:\AAA‐Master Projects\Ram Realty ‐ RMR\RMR‐002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\In Situ Soil Characterization Rpt\tables\for use\In Situ Soil Characterization Data Summary Table_201803193/19/2018Table 4 (Page 5 of 6) Hart & Hickman, PC Table 4 Summary of In Situ Soil Characterization Analytical Results Dunavant Street2250 Hawkins StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-002Excavation BasinCharacterization DepthSample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Depth (ft bgs)VOCs (8260B) mg/kgAcetone2-Butanone (MEK)n-Butylbenzenesec-Butylbenzenetert-ButylbenzeneEthylbenzeneIsopropylbenzene (Cumene)p-Isopropyltoluene (p-Cymene)Naphthalenen-PropylbenzeneToluene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzenem+p Xyleneo-XyleneSVOCs (8270D) mg/kg1-Methylnaphthalene2-MethylnaphthaleneNaphthaleneMetals (6020/SW-846) mg/kgArsenicBariumCadmiumChromium (total)Hexavalent ChromiumTrivalent ChromiumLeadMercurySeleniumSilverEX-11S EX-11-2 EX-11-3 EX-11D EX-11-1 EX-11-2 EX-12S EX-12-1 EX-12-3 EX-12D EX-12-1 EX-12-2 BKG-1S BKG-1D BKG-2S BKG-2D3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/6/2018 3/6/2018Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite Grab Grab Composite Composite Composite Composite1-5 1-2 4-5 5-10 9-10 6-7 1-5 2-3 4-5 5-10 9-10 8-9 1-5 5-10 1-5 5-10NA0.030, J<0.022NA<0.026 <0.024NA <0.0240.038, JNA <0.025 <0.029 NA NA NA NA25 12,000 140,000NA<0.019 <0.016NA<0.019 <0.018NA<0.018 <0.024NA<0.019 <0.021NA NA NA NA17 5,500 40,000NA<0.00077 <0.00065NA<0.00077 <0.00072NA <0.00073 <0.00096 NA <0.00075 <0.00086 NA NA NA NA4.5 780 1,200NA<0.0011 <0.00093NA<0.0011 <0.0010NA <0.0010 <0.0014 NA <0.0011 <0.0012 NA NA NA NA4.1 1,600 23,000NA<0.00099 <0.00084NA<0.00099 <0.00092NA <0.00093 <0.0012 NA <0.00096 <0.0011 NA NA NA NA3.1 1,600 23,000NA<0.00088 <0.00074NA<0.00088 <0.00082NA <0.00083 <0.0011 NA <0.00085 <0.00098 NA NA NA NA13 6.1 27NA<0.00077 <0.00065NA<0.00077 <0.00072NA <0.00073 <0.00096 NA <0.00075 <0.00086 NA NA NA NA2.3 410 2,100NA<0.00088 <0.00074NA<0.00088 <0.00082NA <0.00083 <0.0011 NA <0.00085 <0.00098 NA NA NA NA1.24 -- --NA<0.00077 <0.00065NA<0.00077 <0.00072NA <0.00073 <0.00096 NA <0.00075 <0.00086 NA NA NA NA0.39 4.1 18NA<0.00077 <0.00065NA<0.00077 <0.00072NA <0.00073 <0.00096 NA <0.00075 <0.00086 NA NA NA NA2.6 780 5,100NA<0.00088 <0.00074NA<0.00088 <0.00082NA <0.00083 <0.0011 NA <0.00085 <0.00098 NA NA NA NA8.3 990 9,700NA<0.00088 <0.00074NA<0.00088 <0.00082NA <0.00083 <0.0011 NA <0.00085 <0.00098 NA NA NA NA12 63 370NA<0.00066 <0.00056NA<0.00066 <0.00062NA <0.00062 <0.00082 NA <0.00064 <0.00073 NA NA NA NA11 56 320NA<0.0019 <0.0016NA<0.0019 <0.0017NA <0.0018 <0.0023 NA <0.0018 <0.0021 NA NA NA NA9.8120500NA<0.00077 <0.00065NA<0.00077 <0.00072NA <0.00073 <0.00096 NA <0.00075 <0.00086 NA NA NA NA9.8140590<0.079 NA NA <0.083 NA NA<0.076NA NA<0.079NA NA NA NA NA NA0.111873<0.072 NA NA <0.076 NA NA<0.069NA NA<0.072NA NA NA NA NA NA3.148600<0.11 NA NA <0.11 NA NA<0.10NA NA<0.11NA NA NA NA NA NA0.394.1183.0NA NA <1.1 NA NA2.2NA NA<1.0NA NA <1.1 <1.229<1.15.8 0.68 373NA NA97NA NA77, MS-19NA NA140NA NA79 180 28 110 580 3,100 47,0000.13, JNA NA <0.13 NA NA0.33, R-04NA NA<0.12NA NA0.49<0.140.97<0.1431420046NA NA43NA NA34, MS-11NA NA45NA NA140 140 47 69NENENE0.12, DL-03, JNA NA <0.10 NA NA<0.23, DL-03NA NA<0.24, DL-03NA NA <0.11, DL-03<0.11, DL-03<0.096, DL-03<0.10, DL-033.8 0.31 6.545.88NA NA43NA NA34NA NA45NA NA140 140 47 69 360,000 23,000 350,00029NA NA7.4NA NA35, M-10NA NA6.4, M-10NA NA83 2.0 10 8.0 270 400 8000.057NA NA0.050NA NA0.022, JNA NA0.045NA NA0.051<0.00350.012, J<0.00331.0 2.3 9.7<17, DL‐04, V‐05NA NA<34, DL‐04, V‐05NA NA<3.4, MS-07NA NA <3.4 NA NA<36, DL-04, V-05<20, DL-04<17, DL-04, V-05<19, DL-04, V-052.1781,200<1.2, DL‐04NA NA<2.4, DL‐04NA NA<0.48, DL-04NA NA<0.48, DL-04NA NA <2.5, DL-04 <1.4, DL-04 <1.2, DL-04 <1.3, DL-043.4 78 1,200Notes1)North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) (February 2018).With the exception of metals, only those compounds detected in at least one sample are shown.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Bold indicates an exceedance of Protection of Groundwater PSRGGray shading indicates an exceedance of Residential PSRGUnderlined values indicates an exceedance of Industrial PSRG.ft bgs = feet below ground surface; VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NA = not analyzedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in an estimated concentration. M-10=The reporting limit verification for the AIHA lead program is outside of control limits for this element. Any reported result at or near the detection limit may be biased on the high side.DL-04=Elevated reporting limit due to high concentration of an interfering analyte(s). DL-03=Elevated reporting limit due to matrixMS-16= The matrix spike is outside of control limits. pH and ORP results were indicative of reducing conditions. Analysis is in control based on LCS recoveries.V-05=Continuing calibration did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side for the compound. Reported results is estimated.R-04=Duplicate relative percent difference is a less useful indicator of sample precision for sample results that are <5 times the reporting limit.MS-07=Matrix spike recovery is outside of control limits. Analysis is in control. P MS-19=Sample to spike ratio is greater than or equal to 4:1. Spiked amount is not representative of the native amount in the sample. Appropriate or meaningful recoveries cannot be calculated. MS-11=Matrix spike recovery outside of control limits. Possibility of sample matrix effects that lead to a high bias forreported result or non-homogeneous sample aliquots cannot be eliminated.EX-11Shallow SoilDeeper SoilScreening CriteriaProtection of Groundwater (1)Residential PSRGs (1) Industrial PSRGs (1)Background SamplesEX-12Shallow SoilDeeper SoilS:\AAA‐Master Projects\Ram Realty ‐ RMR\RMR‐002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\In Situ Soil Characterization Rpt\tables\for use\In Situ Soil Characterization Data Summary Table_201803193/19/2018Table 4 (Page 6 of 6) Hart & Hickman, PC SB-1TMW-1SB-3TMW-2SB-4TMW-3FORMER 12,000 &2,000-GALLONGASOLINE UST BASINFORMER BUILDINGBROOKHILL ROADS. TRYON STREET RAMPART STREETH A W K I N S S T R E E T DI S T R I B U T I O N S T R E E T PS-SB-1PS-GW-1SB-1SB-2SB-4PS-SB-2SB-3PS-SB-3PS-GW-3DUNAVANT STREETFUTURE PARKING2F1F1P2115 DUNAVANT STREET2135 DUNAVANT STREET2205 DUNAVANT STREETMW-4MW-1MW-3MW-2BN-1BN-2BN-3DD-2DD-1UST-1UST-2LEGENDSITE PROPERTY BOUNDARYADJACENT PROPERTY BOUNDARYTEMPORARY MONITORING WELLLOCATION (H&H, 2014 PHASE II ESA)SOIL BORING LOCATION (H&H, 2014PHASE II ESA)PERMANENT MONITORING WELLLOCATION (LAW ENVIRONMENTAL,1993; COOPER ENVIRONMENTAL,1996; MALCOLM PIRNIE, 1997 & 1998)2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 GeologyJOB NO. RMR-002REVISION NO. 0DATE: 6-9-17FIGURE NO. 1DUNAVANT STREET PROPERTIES2115-2205 DUNAVANT STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINASAMPLE LOCATION MAPTEMPORARY MONITORING WELLLOCATION (ERM, 2006)SOIL BORING LOCATION (ERM, 2006)SOIL BORING LOCATION (H&H, 2014PHASE II ESA)UST SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION(SPATCO, AUGUST 1989)UST SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION(MALCOLM PIRNIE, JULY, 1998)NOTE:1.AERIAL IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS(2013).2.SPATCO AUGUST 1989, AND MALCOLM PIRNIE JULY, 1998 SAMPLELOCATIONS HAVE BEEN APPROXIMATED BASED ON FIGURESPRESENTED IN MALCOLM PIRNIE ENVIRONMENTAL SITEASSESSMENT REPORT DATED OCTOBER 1997.SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION (MALCOLMPIRNIE, JULY, 1998)S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\Figures\Site & Sample Location Map.dwg, FIG 1, 6/9/2017 9:08:53 AM, zbarlow SB-1TMW-1SB-3TMW-2SB-4TMW-3FORMER 12,000 &2,000-GALLONGASOLINE UST BASINFORMER BUILDINGBROOKHILL ROADS. TRYON STREET RAMPART STREETH A W K I N S S T R E E T DI S T R I B U T I O N S T R E E T PS-SB-1PS-GW-1SB-1SB-2SB-4PS-SB-2SB-3PS-SB-3PS-GW-3DUNAVANT STREETFUTURE PARKING2F1F1P2115 DUNAVANT STREET2135 DUNAVANT STREET2205 DUNAVANT STREETMW-4MW-1MW-3MW-2BN-1BN-2BN-3DD-2DD-1UST-1UST-2TMW-2 (10-12)ETHYLBENZENE 8.97NAPHTHALENE 9.591,2,4-TMB32.6LEGENDSITE PROPERTY BOUNDARYADJACENT PROPERTY BOUNDARYTEMPORARY MONITORING WELLLOCATION (H&H, 2014 PHASE II ESA)SOIL BORING LOCATION (H&H, 2014PHASE II ESA)PERMANENT MONITORING WELLLOCATION (LAW ENVIRONMENTAL,1993; COOPER ENVIRONMENTAL,1996; MALCOLM PIRNIE, 1997 & 1998)2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 GeologyJOB NO. RMR-002REVISION NO. 0DATE: 6-9-17FIGURE NO. 2DUNAVANT STREET PROPERTIES2115-2205 DUNAVANT STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINASOIL IMPACTS ABOVE RESIDENTIAL PSRGsTEMPORARY MONITORING WELLLOCATION (ERM, 2006)SOIL BORING LOCATION (ERM, 2006)SOIL BORING LOCATION (H&H, 2014PHASE II ESA)UST SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION(SPATCO, AUGUST 1989)UST SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION(MALCOLM PIRNIE, JULY, 1998)NOTE:1. AERIAL IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2013).2. SPATCO AUGUST 1989, AND MALCOLM PIRNIE JULY, 1998 SAMPLELOCATIONS HAVE BEEN APPROXIMATED BASED ON FIGURES PRESENTED INMALCOLM PIRNIE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT DATEDOCTOBER 1997.3. 1,2,4-TMB = 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE4. ONLY COMPOUNDS DETECTED ABOVE RESIDENTIAL PSRGs ARE SHOWN.SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION (MALCOLMPIRNIE, JULY, 1998)CONSTITUENTCONCENTRATION(mg/kg)SAMPLE DEPTH(FT BGS)SAMPLE IDTMW-2 (10-12')ETHYLBENZENE8.97NAPHTHALENE 9.591,2,4-TMB32.6SB-2 (1-2')BENZO(A)PYRENE0.1211F5' 8'BENZENE 3.9 12ETHYLBENZENE 21 51TOLUENE 120 120XYLENES 85 210SB-3 (7-8')ARSENIC 4.33SB-4 (4-5')ARSENIC 6.05BN-2 (1')ARSENIC1.0BN-1 (1')ARSENIC 1.2DD-2 (1')ARSENIC 4.0 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\Figures\Site & Sample Location Map.dwg, FIG 3, 6/9/2017 9:09:34 AM, zbarlow SB-1TMW-1SB-3TMW-2SB-4TMW-3FORMER 12,000 &2,000-GALLONGASOLINE UST BASINFORMER BUILDINGBROOKHILL ROADS. TRYON STREET RAMPART STREETH A W K I N S S T R E E T DI S T R I B U T I O N S T R E E T PS-SB-1PS-GW-1SB-1SB-2SB-4PS-SB-2SB-3PS-SB-3PS-GW-3DUNAVANT STREETFUTURE PARKING2F1F1P2115 DUNAVANT STREET2135 DUNAVANT STREET2205 DUNAVANT STREETMW-4MW-1MW-3MW-2BN-1BN-2BN-3DD-2DD-1UST-1UST-2MW-1BENZENE290cis-1,2-DCE74MTBE380TCE300LEGENDSITE PROPERTY BOUNDARYADJACENT PROPERTY BOUNDARYTEMPORARY MONITORING WELLLOCATION (H&H, 2014 PHASE II ESA)SOIL BORING LOCATION (H&H, 2014PHASE II ESA)PERMANENT MONITORING WELLLOCATION (LAW ENVIRONMENTAL,1993; COOPER ENVIRONMENTAL,1996; MALCOLM PIRNIE, 1997 & 1998)2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 GeologyJOB NO. RMR-002REVISION NO. 0DATE: 6-9-17FIGURE NO. 3DUNAVANT STREET PROPERTIES2115-2205 DUNAVANT STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINAGROUNDWATER IMPACTS ABOVE2L STANDARDSTEMPORARY MONITORING WELLLOCATION (ERM, 2006)SOIL BORING LOCATION (ERM, 2006)SOIL BORING LOCATION (H&H, 2014PHASE II ESA)UST SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION(SPATCO, AUGUST 1989)UST SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION(MALCOLM PIRNIE, JULY, 1998)NOTE:1.AERIAL IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2013).2.SPATCO AUGUST 1989, AND MALCOLM PIRNIE JULY, 1998 SAMPLE LOCATIONSHAVE BEEN APPROXIMATED BASED ON FIGURES PRESENTED IN MALCOLMPIRNIE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT DATED OCTOBER 1997.3.COMPOUND CONCENTRATIONS ARE BASED ON MOST RECENT LABORATORYANALYTICAL DATA AVAILABLE.4.cis-1,2-DCE = DICHLOROETHENEMTBE = METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHERTCE = TRICHLOROETHENEPCE = TETRACHLOROETHENE1,2-DCE = DICHLOROETHANESOIL SAMPLE LOCATION (MALCOLMPIRNIE, JULY, 1998)CONSTITUENTCONCENTRATION(μg/L)SAMPLE IDMW-1BENZENE290cis-1,2-DCE74MTBE380TCE300PS-GW-3PCE1.6TCE110PS-GW-11,2-DCA1.0PCE1.2TCE84MW-3PCE7.0TCE600MW-4TCE9.0TMW-2BENZENE5.26NAPHTHALENE64S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\Figures\Site & Sample Location Map.dwg, FIG 4, 6/9/2017 9:09:55 AM, zbarlow FORMER BUILDING B R O O K H I L L R O A D S. TRYON STREETRAMPART S T R E E T HAWKINS STREETDISTRIBUTION STREETDUN A V AN T S TRE E T FORMER UST BASIN EX-10 EX-7 EX-4 EX-2 EX-3 EX-6 EX-5 EX-8 EX-9 EX-12 EX-11 BKG-2 BKG-1 EX-1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY SOIL BORING LOCATION BACKGROUND SOIL BORING LOCATION JOB NO. RMR-002 REVISION NO. 0DATE: 3-16-17 FIGURE NO. 4 DUNAVANT STREET 2250 HAWKINS STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA IN-SITU SOIL CHARACTERIZATION SAMPLE LOCATION MAP NOTE: AERIAL IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2017). 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\Figures\In-Situ Soil Characterization Sample Location Map.dwg, FIG 1, 3/16/2018 8:30:26 AM, zbarlow Appendix A Site Plan CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "NC811" (811) OR (1-800-632-4949) AT LEAST 3 FULL BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION OR EXCAVATION TO HAVE EXISTING UTILITIES LOCATED. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ANY LOCAL UTILITIES THAT PROVIDE THEIR OWN LOCATOR SERVICES INDEPENDENT OF "NC811". REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. R Appendix B Redevelopment Schedule 2250 HAWKINS APT03072018MAY 2018 JULY 2018 MARCH 2019JUNE 2018 AUGUST 2018 SEPTEMBER 2018 OCTOBER 2018 NOVEMBER 2018 DECEMBER 2018 JANUARY 2019 FEBRUARY 2019 APRIL 2019 MAY 2019 JUNE 2019 JULY 2019 AUGUST 2019 SEPTEMBER 2019 OCTOBER 2019 NOVEMBER 2019 DECMBER 2019 JANUARY 2020 FEBRUARY 2020 MARCH 2020 APRIL 2020 MAY 2020 FM FMWFMWFMFMFMFMFWFMWFMWFMW M WFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMFMFMFMFMFMWFMWFMWFWFMFMFMFMFWFMWFMFMFMFMWFMWFMWFMWFMFMWFWMWFMFMFMWFMFWFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFWFMFMFMFMWFWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMWFMW FMW FMW FMW M F M F FMW FMW FW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW 01 04 08 15 2518 06 13 16 2320 27 060330 08 10 15 2013 27 2924 0531 07 10 14 1712 21 24 12280108 21140922261631 260205 07 1409 2326 252804 01 04 08 1107172128 15 18 25 08 1104 18221501 15 19 24 26 01 03 10 13 2417 31 1511020515302803101406250103081212 17 2219 24 2926 31 0502 07 1209 14 1916 21 26 2823 0430 06 09 11 131008030128242117141007032920062922052911180209222217192906 16 182603102429193105 20 23 25 27 30 02 04 07 09 11 14 16 18 21 23 25 28 30 01 04 06 08 11 13 15 18 20 22 25 27 02 04 06 09 11 13 16 18 20 23 27 30 03 06 08 10 13 15 17 22 24 27 29 31 03 05 07 10 14 17 19 21 24 26 28 02 04 06 09 11 13 16 18 20 23 25 27 30 01 03 06 08 1012 13 15 17 20 22 24 27 29 01 04 06 08 11 13 15 18 20 22 JUNE 2020 FW FMW FMW FMW FMW M 27 29 01 03 05 08 10 12 15 17 19 22 24 26 29 APRIL 2018 FMWFMWFMWFMW FMW 04 18 21 2507 3011140230272523201816131109060402 2250 Hawkins Apartments OVERALL PROJECT SCHEDULE MARCH 7, 2018 for by Boulevard Real Estate Advisors FM FMWFMW 04 01182125 04 08 15 2507301811 06 13 16 2320 27 060330 08 10 15 2013 27 2924 0531 07 10 14 1712 21 24 12280108 21140922261631 260205 07 1409 2326 252804 01 04 08 1107172128 15 18 25 08 1104 18221501 15 19 24 26 01 03 10 13 2417 31 15141102 FM FM FM FM FWFMW 05 15 3028 03 10 14 FMW FMW 06 M WFMW 25 01 03 08 12 FMW 12 17 2219 24 2926 31 0502 07 1209 14 1916 21 26 2823 FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW 0430 06 09 11 131008030128242117141007032920 FMW 0629220529111802 FMWFMW 0922 FM FM FM FM FM 22 FMWFMW 17 FMW 1929 FW FM FM FM FM FW 06 FMW 16 18 MAY 2018 JULY 2018 MARCH 2019JUNE 2018 AUGUST 2018 SEPTEMBER 2018 OCTOBER 2018 NOVEMBER 2018 DECEMBER 2018 JANUARY 2019 FEBRUARY 2019 APRIL 2019 MAY 2019 JUNE 2019 JULY 2019 AUGUST 2019 SEPTEMBER 2019 FM FM FM FMW FMW 26 FMW FMW FM 03 10 24 29 FMW FW 19 M W FM FM FMW 31 FM FW FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FW FM FM FM FMW 05 FW 20 23 25 27 FMW 30 FMW FMW FMW FMW 02 04 07 09 11 14 16 18 21 23 25 OCTOBER 2019 28 30 01 FMW FMW 04 06 08 11 13 15 FMW 18 20 22 25 27 FMW FMW FMW 02 04 06 09 11 13 16 18 20 NOVEMBER 2019 DECMBER 2019 23 27 M F M F FMW FMW FW FMW 30 03 06 08 10 13 15 17 22 24 27 29 31 JANUARY 2020 FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW 03 05 07 10 14 17 19 21 24 26 28 02 04 06 09 11 13 16 18 20 23 25 27 30 01 03 06 08 1012 FEBRUARY 2020 MARCH 2020 APRIL 2020 FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW FMW 13 15 17 20 22 24 27 29 01 04 06 08 11 13 15 18 20 22 MAY 2020 27 FW FMW FMW 29 01 03 05 08 10 12 FMW FMW 15 17 19 22 24 26 M 29 JUNE 2020 FMW 02 FMWFMWFMWFMW 30 APRIL 2018 272523201816131109060402 Holidays 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 181415 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 DEMO BUILDING SITE DEMO Locate Utility PRE CON COA MOBIL EROSION CONTR CONST ENTRY EROSION INSP 2ND EROSION SITE NTP REMOVE TOP SOIL GRADE BLD PAD A & B EXCAVATE FTG PAD A & B DUKE POWER WORK- SET TRANSFORMERS TEMP Power On DUKE POWER WORK- SET TRANSFORMERS TEMP Power On STRUCTURE ELEVATORS INITIAL INSTALLATION ELEV 1 & 2 FINAL INSTALL ELEVATOR 1 & 2 Power On PHASE 1 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 6 LEVEL 4 ROOFING RT UNITS ELEC @ RTU FRAME LEVEL 3 21422 SF 11 DAYS FRAME LEVEL 4 21422 SF 11 DAYS FRAME LEVEL 5 21422 SF 11 DAYS FRAME LEVEL 6 21422 SF 11 DAYS LEVEL 3 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 5 Parapet framing PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCKMEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCKMECH ELEC MECH ELEC MECH ELEC MECH ELEC MECH ELEC MECH ELEC MECH ELEC MECH ELEC MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCKMEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCKMEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCKMEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTHANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT 2ND TRIM RO CLEAN TEMP ELEC INSP SPKLR HDS SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPS WALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH HANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT 2ND TRIM RO CLEAN TEMP ELEC INSP SPKLR HDS SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPS WALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTHANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT 2ND TRIM RO CLEAN TEMP ELEC INSP SPKLR HDS SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPS WALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTHANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT 2ND TRIM RO CLEAN TEMP ELEC INSP SPKLR HDS SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPS WALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTBUILD OUT ELEC ROOM ELEVATORS BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM ELEVATORS INITIAL INSTALLATION ELEV 1 & 2 FINAL INSTALL ELEVATOR 1 & 2 Power On PHASE 1 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 6 LEVEL 4 ROOFING RT UNITS ELEC @ RTU FRAME LEVEL 3 21422 SF 11 DAYS FRAME LEVEL 4 21422 SF 11 DAYS FRAME LEVEL 5 21422 SF 11 DAYS FRAME LEVEL 6 21422 SF 11 DAYS LEVEL 3 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 5 Parapet framing PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCKMECH ELEC MECH ELEC MECH ELEC MECH ELEC MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTHANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT 2ND TRIM RO CLEAN TEMP ELEC INSP SPKLR HDS SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPS WALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH HANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT 2ND TRIM RO CLEAN TEMP ELEC INSP SPKLR HDS SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPS WALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTHANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT 2ND TRIM RO CLEAN TEMP ELEC INSP SPKLR HDS SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPS WALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTHANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT 2ND TRIM RO CLEAN TEMP ELEC INSP SPKLR HDS SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPS WALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTBUILD OUT ELEC ROOM ELEVATORS BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM EXTERIOR SKIN TERR COL/SO ELEV FTG UNDG ELEC SERVICE NO STAIR SHAFT/FTGPART A COL FTG UPPER TERRACE COLUMNS WALL FOOTINGS F & P COLUMNS F & P WALLS 1ST LIFT STAIR MASONRY UNDG RI SOG TERRANCE WP SPLIT WALL / DRAINS BRACE & BACKFILL UNDG RI UPPERLEVEL SOG UPPER LEVEL TERRACE PODIUM CMU STAIR TOWER 100 CYLND BREAK PART B BANKED ELEV WALL & COL FTG SO STAIR SHAFT/FTG BK ELEV WALLS & COLUMNS COLUMN FOOTINGS F & P COLUMNS WP WALL / DRAINS BRACE & BACKFILL WALL FOOTINGS F & P WALLS WP SPLIT WALL / DRAINS BRACE & BACKFILL 1ST LIFT SO STAIR MASONRY PERM FOOTINGS / RIBBON SOG RESTAU PATIO WALL FTG RESTAU PATIO WALLS PART C COLUMN FOOTINGS F & P COLUMNS UNDG RI WALL FOOTINGS F & P WALLS WP SPLIT WALL / DRAINS PERM FOOTINGS / SOG LOWER BACKFILL PERM FOOTINGS / SOG UPPER UNIT PORCH STEM W FTG UNIT PORCH STEM WALLS UNIT PORCH SOG PART D COLUMN & CMU WALL FTG F & P COLUMNS UNDG RI WALL FOOTINGS 1ST LIFT WEST STAIR MASONRY F & P WALLS WP SPLIT WALL / DRAINS PERM FOOTINGS / SOG LOWER BACKFILL PERM FOOTINGS / SOG UPPER UNIT PORCH STEM W FTG UNIT PORCH STEM WALLS UNIT PORCH SOG PODIUM SECTION 1 PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIPPREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIPPREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SECTION 2 SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIPPREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIPPREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SECTION 3 SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIPPREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SECTION 4 SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIPPREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SECTION 5 SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIPPREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SECTION 6 SECTION 7 SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIPPREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP SHORE /DECK/FORM CONTROL & SLVS REBAR P CYLD BREAKS PREP/STRESS/CUT/STRIP BUILD OUT MAIN ELEC ROOM PHASE 1 LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING OWNER ITEMS CMU ELEVATOR # 1 CMU STAIR TOWER 200 CMU BANKED ELEVATORS CMU STAIR TOWER 300 PHASE 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 6 ROOFING RT UNITS ELEC @ RTU FRAME LEVEL 3 FRAME LEVEL 4 FRAME LEVEL 5 FRAME LEVEL 6 MECH ELEC MECH ELEC LEVEL 6 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 5 Parapet framing PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK MECH ELEC MECH ELEC HANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPSWALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH 2ND TRIM RO CLEANSPKLR HDS FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTMECH ELEC MECH ELEC MECH ELEC MECH ELEC HANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPSWALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH 2ND TRIM RO CLEANSPKLR HDS HANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPSWALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH 2ND TRIM RO CLEANSPKLR HDS HANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPSWALL & TRIM PT BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM BACKSPLASH 2ND TRIM RO CLEANSPKLR HDS FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTMEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCKMEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCKMEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCKMEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCKMEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM INITIAL INSTALL BANKED ELEVATORS ELEVATORS ELEVATORS FINAL INSTALL BANKED ELEVATORS PHASE 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 6 ROOFING RT UNITS ELEC @ RTU FRAME LEVEL 3 FRAME LEVEL 4 FRAME LEVEL 5 FRAME LEVEL 6 MECH ELEC LEVEL 6 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 5 Parapet framing PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK MECH ELEC HANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPSWALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH 2ND TRIM RO CLEANSPKLR HDS FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTMECH ELEC MECH ELEC HANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPSWALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH 2ND TRIM RO CLEANSPKLR HDS HANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPSWALL & TRIM PT BACKSPLASH 2ND TRIM RO CLEANSPKLR HDS HANG S/R GYPCRETE 1ST TRIM OUTCLN CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLS / CONTROLS SET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS FINISH CABINETS CAB TOPSWALL & TRIM PT BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM BACKSPLASH 2ND TRIM RO CLEANSPKLR HDS FLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTFLOORING UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FINAL CLEAN CARPET WINDOW TREATMENTS APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALK FINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTMEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPRC FRMPRE ROCK BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM BUILD OUT ELEC ROOM INITIAL INSTALL BANKED ELEVATORS ELEVATORS ELEVATORS FINAL INSTALL BANKED ELEVATORS 29 UNITS TOWNHOUSES 12 UNITS LOFT A 8 UNITS LOFT B 9 UNITS LOFT C FRAME LOFT B F&P SOD FRAME UPPER LOFT B MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC MECH ELEC MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTOWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTPLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTPLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK FRAME LOFT B F&P SOD FRAME UPPER LOFT B MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTPLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK FRAME LOFT A F&P SOD MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC MECH ELEC MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTOWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTPLBG FIRE SET TUBS PRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBS PRE ROCK MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTPLBG FIRE SET TUBS PRE ROCK FRAME UPPER LOFT AFRAME LOFT A F&P SOD MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTPLBG FIRE SET TUBS PRE ROCK FRAME UPPER LOFT A FRAME LOFT C FRAME UPPER LOFT CF&P SOD OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTOWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTCT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC MECH ELEC MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTCT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK FRAME LOFT C FRAME UPPER LOFT CF&P SOD OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTCT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK 29 UNITS TOWNHOUSES 12 UNITS LOFT A 8 UNITS LOFT B 9 UNITS LOFT C FRAME LOFT B F&P SOD FRAME UPPER LOFT B MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTPLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK FRAME LOFT A F&P SOD MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT CT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTPLBG FIRE SET TUBS PRE ROCK FRAME UPPER LOFT A FRAME LOFT C FRAME UPPER LOFT CF&P SOD OWNER WALKFINAL PUNCH PUFF CLEAN OWNER ACCEPTCT TILE BATH PLBG FIXT ELEC TRIM GRILLSSET HVAC UNIT HWT TEMP ELEC INSP SET METERS CABINETS CAB TOPS BACKSPLASH FLOORING 2ND TRIM RO CLN SPKLR HDS UNIT START UP MEP FINAL INSP PAINT TU TU/ SR FIN CLEAN CARPET WIND SHADES APPL GC PUNCH HANG S/R 1ST TRIM OUTCLNFINISH WALL & TRIM PT MEP INSP FRM PUNCH FRM INSP WALL INSUL INSPMECH ELEC PLBG FIRE SET TUBSPRE ROCK BUILD OUT MAIN ELEC ROOM PHASE 2 PRE & PAINTBRICKELEVATIONS 1 BALC RAILSSTORE FT SIDING ELEVATIONS 2 ELEVATIONS 3 SIDING METAL CANOPIES ELEVATIONS 5 ELEVATIONS 6 ELEVATIONS 7 ELEVATIONS 9 ELEVATIONS 4 BRICK PRE & PAINT STORE FT BRICK SIDING STUCCO PRE & PAINT BRICK STUCCO PRE & PAINT STORE FT BRICK SIDING STUCCO PRE & PAINT CANOPIES STORE FT BRICK SIDING STUCCO PRE & PAINT STORE FT BRICK SIDING STUCCO PRE & PAINT ELEVATIONS 5 ELEVATIONS 7 ELEVATIONS 13 BALC RAILS BALC RAILS BALC RAILS CANOPIES CANOPIES STORE FT BALC RAILS BALC RAILS STORE FT ELEVATIONS 6 AMENITIES INSTALL POOL AND SITE AMENTIES COMPLETE PARKING LOTPARKING PROJECT COMPLETION ON SITE STORM OFF SITE STORM,SAN,WATER ON SITE CURB & GUTTER ON SITE BINDERON SITE STORM OFF SITE STORM,SAN,WATER ON SITE CURB & GUTTER ON SITE BINDER RESTAURANT STEEL EXTERIOR / INTERIOR FRAMING SHEATH STORE FT RO PLBGFIRE MECH ELEC LO VOLTI INSULI GC PUNCHOWNER WALKFIN PUNCHOWNER ACCEPTGC PUNCHOWNER WALKFIN PUNCHOWNER ACCEPTRESTAURANT RESTAURANT STEEL EXTERIOR / INTERIOR FRAMING SHEATH STORE FT RO PLBGFIRE MECH ELEC LO VOLTI INSULI GC PUNCHOWNER WALKFIN PUNCHOWNER ACCEPTRESTAURANT RETAIL STEEL EXTERIOR / INTERIOR FRAMING SHEATH STORE FT RO PLBGFIRE MECH ELEC LO VOLTI INSULI GC PUNCHOWNER WALKFIN PUNCHOWNER ACCEPTGC PUNCHOWNER WALKFIN PUNCHOWNER ACCEPTRETAILRETAIL STEEL EXTERIOR / INTERIOR FRAMING SHEATH STORE FT RO PLBGFIRE MECH ELEC LO VOLTI INSULI GC PUNCHOWNER WALKFIN PUNCHOWNER ACCEPTRETAIL LEASING TERRACE LEVEL LEVEL 2 STEEL EXTERIOR / INTERIOR FRAMING STEELSHEATH WIND/DRSSTORE FTEXTERIOR / INTERIOR FRAMING SHEATH RO PLBG PRE ROCK CERAMIC TILE INSUL TRIM / DRSFINISH PRIMEMECH ELEC LO VOLTI I FRM DROP CLG MECH I I HANG S/R HVAC EQUIP FIRE TEMP POWER MECH TRIM FLOORINGSTART HVAC MILL-WK FINAL INSP WIND TREATFIT EQUIPTOPS OH FEATURES HDWRTOILET PARTMIRROR FITGC PUNCH OWNER WALKFIN PUNCH OWNER ACCEPTRO PLBG PRE ROCK CERAMIC TILE INSUL TRIM / DRSFINISH PRIMEMECH ELEC LO VOLTI I FRM DROP CLG MECH I I HANG S/R HVAC EQUIP FIRE TEMP POWER MECH TRIM FLOORINGSTART HVAC MILL-WK FINAL INSP WIND TREATFIT EQUIPTOPS OH FEATURES HDWRTOILET PARTMIRROR FITGC PUNCH OWNER WALKFIN PUNCH OWNER ACCEPTLEVEL 2 LEASING FIRE RO PLBG PRE ROCKCT PET SPA ELEC RM BO MECH TRIM LVT FLINSUL TRIM / DRSFINISH PRIME MECH ELEC LO VOLTI I FRM DROP CLG MECH FIRE ELEC I I HANG S/R HVACTEMP POWER START HVACMAIL CTR MILLWKMAIL BOXESBIKE RACKSPERS- STORE LOCK UP TERRACE LEVEL TERRACE LEVELFIRE RO PLBG PRE ROCKCT PET SPA ELEC RM BO MECH TRIM LVT FLINSUL TRIM / DRSFINISH PRIME MECH ELEC LO VOLTI I FRM DROP CLG MECH FIRE ELEC I I HANG S/R HVACTEMP POWER START HVACMAIL CTR MILLWKMAIL BOXESBIKE RACKSPERS- STORE LOCK UP TERRACE LEVEL TERRACE LEVEL BUILD OUT MAIN ELEC ROOM LEASING HANG & FINISH S/RSTUDSIN WALL RII PAINT HANG DOORI ELEVATIONS 8 SIDING PRE & PAINT BALC RAILS CANOPIESBRICK BRICK SIDING PRE & PAINT CANOPIES BALC RAILS ELEVATIONS 10 BRICK SIDING PRE & PAINT BALC RAILS ELEVATIONS 11 BRICK SIDING PRE & PAINT BALC RAILS ELEVATIONS 12 BRICK SIDING STUCCO PRE & PAINT BALC RAILS ELEVATIONS 13 BRICK STUCCO PRE & PAINT BALC RAILSSIDING ELEVATIONS 14 BRICK SIDING PRE & PAINTELEVATIONS 14 ELEVATIONS 14 ELEC ROOM CRANE 1 UP CRANE 2 UP CRANE 1 MOVE TO 3 CRANE 2 DOWN BUCKHOIST UP CRANE 3 DOWN BUCKHOIST DOWN Appendix C Grading and Storm Drainage Plan CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "NC811" (811) OR (1-800-632-4949) AT LEAST 3 FULL BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION OR EXCAVATION TO HAVE EXISTING UTILITIES LOCATED. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ANY LOCAL UTILITIES THAT PROVIDE THEIR OWN LOCATOR SERVICES INDEPENDENT OF "NC811". REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. R Appendix D Export Soil Pre-Approval Letters State of North Carolina | Environmental Quality | Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center | 217 West Jones Street | Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 919 707 8200 T April 10, 2018 Sent Via E-mail Mrs. Rachel Russell Krenz Ram Realty Advisors 11516 Turning Hawk Rd Charlotte, NC 28277 Rkrenz@ramrealestate.com Subject: Brownfields Property Export Soil Review Dunavant Brownfields Site 2250 Hawkins Street Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Brownfields Project No. 19038-15-060 Dear Mrs. Krenz, On April 5, 2018 the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Solid Waste Section (SWS) received data from the DEQ Brownfields Program for review and to assist in the evaluation of what type of facility could manage the proposed export soils. Based on our review of the data, DEQ Solid Waste Section agrees with DEQ Brownfield’s recommendations as follows: • Soil from Sections 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 can be exported to the NoDa Textile Brownfields Site (Project Number 19028-15-060), or to a Construction & Demolition landfill (CDLF) or to a Municipal Solid Waste landfill (MSWLF) facility; • Soil from Sections 1 and 9 can be exported to a CDLF or to a MSWLF; • Soil from Section 4 can be exported to a MSWLF facility, additional sampling may allow for disposal at CDLF as approved by DEQ SWS and landfill owner. If you have questions about this correspondence or require additional information, please feel free to contact me by phone at 919-707-8288 or by email at ervin.lane@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Ervin Lane Compliance Hydrogeologist NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section ec: Carolyn Minnich (DEQ Brownfields) Joselyn Harriger (DEQ, Brownfields) Bruce Nicholson (DEQ Brownfields) April 17, 2018 Sent Via email Mr. Mike Sullivan Mrs. Rachel Russell Krenz Crescent Communities, LLC Ram Realty Advisors 227 West Trade Street, Suite 1000 127 W. Worthington Avenue, Suite 290 Charlotte, NC 28208 Charlotte, NC 28203 MSullivan@crescentcommunities.com Rkrenz@ramrealestate.com Subject: Soil Transfer Approval NoDa Textile and Dunavant Street Brownfields Site Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Brownfields Project No. 19028-15-060 and 19038-15-060 Dear Mr. Sullivan and Mrs. Krenz: The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Brownfields Program received a request to import fill from the Dunavant Street Brownfields Property (19038-15-060) to the NoDa Textile Brownfields Property (19028-15-060), submitted by Mr. Sullivan on April 3, 2018 via phone correspondence. In addition, Ralph McGee with Hart & Hickman requested via email on April 10, 2018 that DEQ Brownfields evaluate the soils from 2205 Dunavant Street for export. DEQ Brownfields reviewed the analytical data available from the Dunavant Street Brownfields Property in the draft Environmental Management Plan (EMP) dated March 21, 2018. Soils in quadrants 1 through 12, except quadrant 4, and 2205 Dunavant Street (refer to Figure 1 attached) can be utilized as fill at the NoDa Textile Brownfields Property. DEQ Brownfields incorporated the proposed export analytical data into the February 2018 DEQ Risk Calculator for the receiving NoDa Textile Brownfields Property. With the addition of the Dunavant Street soils to the NoDa Textile Brownfields Property, the Calculated Carcinogenic Risk and the HI were still below the DEQ criteria of 1.0 E-04 and 1. Therefore, these soils are acceptable for export to the NoDa Textile Brownfields Property. Per the Dunavant Street EMP, the soils will be field screened during excavation prior to export from the property. If unanticipated impacts are identified during excavation please refer to the EMP for further actions and cease transfer until appropriate characterization can be completed. Both Brownfields Properties are required, as outlined in the Notice of Brownfields Property Land Use Restriction (LUR) No. 3 for Project Number 19038-15-060 and LUR No. 11 for Project Number 19028-15-060, to complete an annual Redevelopment Summary Report. Details related Mr. Sullivan and Mrs. Krenz April 17, 2018 Page 2 to this soil transfer, including but not limited to, total volume, general description of field screening efforts, etc. should be included with each Property’s report. Based on our evaluation, this requested is approved by the DEQ Brownfields Program. Please be advised that this approval from DEQ Brownfields does not waive any applicable requirement to obtain any necessary permits, licenses or certifications which may be required from other state or local entities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 704/661-0330, or via e-mail at carolyn.minnich@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Carolyn Minnich Carolyn F. Minnich Brownfields Project Manager Division of Waste Management ec: Joselyn Harriger, DEQ Brownfields Bruce Nicholson, DEQ Brownfields Ralph McGee, H&H Chris Corbitt, Terracon FORMER BUILDING B R O O K H I L L R O A D S. TRYON STREETRAMPART S T R E E T HAWKINS STREETDISTRIBUTION STREETDUN A V AN T S TRE E T FORMER UST BASIN EX-10 EX-7 EX-4 EX-1 EX-2 EX-3 EX-6 EX-5 EX-8 EX-9 EX-12 EX-11 LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY COMPOSITE SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION BACKGROUND SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION AREA APPROVED FOR EXPORT TO NODA TEXTILE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY JOB NO. RMR-002 REVISION NO. 0DATE: 4-13-18 FIGURE NO. 1 DUNAVANT STREET 2250 HAWKINS STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA APPROVED EXPORT SOIL LOCATION MAP NOTE: AERIAL IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2017). 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-002 Dunavant Street Brownfields\Figures\Sample Location Map.dwg, FIG 1, 4/13/2018 12:43:19 PM, erichardson Appendix E Contingency Plan Contingency Plan Dunavant Street 2250 Hawkins Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 19038-15-060 H&H Job No. RMR-002 This Contingency Plan is being provided as required by Part 9 of the NC DEQ template Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for future redevelopment at the Dunavant Street Properties Site located in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Current redevelopment plans for the Site include demolition of the existing structures and construction of mixed residential and commercial use buildings. Contingency Actions Results of previous assessment activities conducted on the Dunavant Street Properties Site have identified limited soil impacts. Soil impacts have been identified at 10 to 12 feet below the ground surface (ft bgs) on the 2115 Dunavant Street portion of the Brownfields Property and in shallow soil on the 2135 and 2205 Dunavant Street portions of the Site. Management of soil in areas of known impact during grading activities will be managed in accordance with this EMP. During construction activities, contractors may encounter unknown sub-surface environmental conditions (i.e. tanks, drums, or waste materials) that if encountered, will require proper management. Prior to beginning Site work, H&H will attend a pre- construction kick-off meeting with the PD and the redevelopment contractors to discuss the DEQ approved EMP and various scenarios when it would be appropriate and necessary to notify H&H of the discovery of unknown subsurface features or potentially impacted media at the Site. In the event that such conditions are encountered during site development activities, the environmental actions noted below will be used to direct environmental actions to be taken during these activities and sampling data for potentially impacted soil and the disposition of impacted soil will be provided to DEQ when the data becomes available. 1. If excavation into buried wastes or significantly impacted soils occurs, the contractor is instructed to stop work in that location and notify the environmental consultant. The environmental consultant will review the materials and collect samples if warranted. In this event, confirmation sampling will be conducted at representative locations in the base and the sidewalls of the excavation after the waste or significantly impacted soil is removed. The confirmation samples will be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and the RCRA metals plus hexavalent chromium. Areas of suspected contaminated soil that remain at the Site after excavation is complete above the DEQ IHSB Residential PSRGs will be managed pursuant to this plan and incorporated into the Brownfields plat. 2. If determined to be warranted, confirmation samples will also be used to determine the appropriate corrective measure for soil beyond the excavation limits required for grading and/or utility line installation or removal. Such corrective measures are specified in the items below. 3. If a sub-grade feature or pit is encountered and does not require removal for geotechnical or construction purposes, it will be filled with soil or suitable fill and construction will proceed. Where appropriate, the bottom may be penetrated before back filling to prevent fluid accumulation. If the pit has waste in it, the waste may be set aside in a secure area and will be sampled for waste disposal purposes for TCLP VOCs, TCLP SVOCs, and TCLP metals and disposed off-site at a permitted facility or the waste will be managed in accordance with the Managing On-Site Soil section outlined above in the EMP, whichever is most applicable based on the type of waste present. If the pit must be removed and the observed waste characteristics indicate the concrete may potentially be contaminated to a significant degree, the concrete will be sampled and analyzed by methods specified by the disposal facility. 4. If buried piping is encountered and must be removed to allow installation to proceed, the contractor will inspect the pipe for fluids, collect the fluids where appropriate, and look for signs of a release using field methods. The collected fluids will be sampled for VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals to determine appropriate disposition of the fluid. 5. In the event that soil within an excavation cannot be dried adequately for construction purposes using the methods described above, the soil may be amended with clean soil, aggregate, drying agents, and/or stabilizing agents to achieve the desired geotechnical qualities or placed within the void space beneath impervious surface cover. Amendment may be conducted inside or outside the excavation and the material replaced into the excavation. If an amendment is used, the type of amendment will be provided to DEQ for approval prior to its use. DEQ will be notified prior to movement of the soil to other areas at the site if results of laboratory analysis for soil samples collected from the excavation indicate that compound concentrations are detected above Residential PSRGs (other than which are attributable to sampling or laboratory artifacts or which are consistent with Site- specific background levels for metals). 6. In the event that impacts associated with an UST release are found to be present on the subject Site, they will be addressed through the Brownfields Program.