HomeMy WebLinkAbout05006 Browns Solvent Summary of GW Toluene 20100308\ I .. 'V i/lMACTEC engineering and constructing a better tomorrow March 8, 201 0 ~/-.---~-'----~ Ms. Car~y6Minnich No Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ivision of Waste Management Brownfields Program 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Subject: Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results for Toluene /Brownfi~entSite / 293>'crlffith Street . harlotte, North Carolina ( MACTEC Project: 6 -10-5182 / " r Ms. Minnic . \ ' On behalf of Mr. Frank McCleneghan, MA<tTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) is providing this summary of groundwater arlalyticalr,~sults for toluene for the subjec~ property. Land Use Restrictions (LUR) specified iJi the the ~HrQwnfields Agreement requir~ bi-annual sampling of two monitoring wells (MW-I adp MW-4) to monitor the levels of toluene: within the groundwater at the site. Well MW-I is situ~ted with.i,Bo-th~pner tank basin at the !rear of the ilding while well MW-4 is located in the opposite ,comer of th-e'Rroperty, downgradient of the rel . \ / \,"'0",-----,--­' The Brownfields agreement stiP::~iliafif th~ toluene concentr,~tion ~' w,~ll MW~l rem~ins;' below the established Gross Contaminant Lev;~(qCL) of 257,000 flg/L for'tW,Q., copse Lti,,:~ sampling events, then the property own6 may p~tion the NC Brownfields Program "(or /!] termination of the bi-annua! groundwater sampling requit€~ent. Ms. M' .ch requested to review ./:' \ a summary table of historical analytical data to date (Tabl 1) to nfirm he observed dec~as€" toluene concentrations. _./~ Since the last two consecutive sampling events (February 2010 and August 2007) identified concentrations of toluene below the GCL, on behalf of our client, MACTEC requests removal of the LUR and tennination of the bi-annual groundwater sampling requirement. MACTEC is pleased to have the opportunity to offer our environmental services on this project. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Rob Foster at (704) 357-5530. Sincerely, MACTEC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, INC. h ~.-IU Kerry A. Reed, P.E., LEED AP Senior Engineer cc: Frank McCleneghan, Piedmont Properties MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 2801 Yorkmont Road, Suire 100 • Charlolle, NC 28208 • Phone 7043578600. Fax 704357,8638 license Number: F-0653 www.mactec.com Prilllcd wI,II Elll'ironmeIJ/(llIy·RespOII.fihle ProdlU'ff Plens<'Renc/(;: Summary o/Groundwater Ana(ytical Results/or Toluene March 8,2010 2935 Griffith Street, Charlotte, North Carolina MACTEC Project: 6228-10-5182 Table 1 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results for Toluene MW-l /lg!L MW-4 j.!g/L February 10,2010 6,160 <1 August 28, 2007 85,000 <1 November 14,2003 420,000 <1 Notes: All results m flglL Prepared by:~I a GeL for Toluene = 257,000 flglL Reviewed by: ~/&,/IO -­ " \ " \ \ \ \ \ \ I' IJ -/('j \ \ \ \ I \ I I I I I ) I I I 1 I. / ~--/ I ~ M.ACTEC Engin, 2801 Yorkmont Roaa, license Number F-0653