HomeMy WebLinkAbout12033 N Tryon Nisbet Oil Vapor Intrusion Evaluation_20130205 Vapor Intrusion Evaluation Nisbet Oil Property 2120 North Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. CLT-300 February 5, 2013 Via Email February 5, 2013 NC DENR Brownfields Section 1314 Mallard Ridge Rd Tega Cay, SC 29708 Attn: Carolyn F. Minnich Re: Nisbet Oil Property Vapor Intrusion Evaluation 2120 North Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. CLT-300 Dear Carolyn: This vapor intrusion evaluation was conducted on the referenced property to facilitate Brownfield planning. The subject 2.16-acre parcel is currently occupied by Nisbet Oil, a bulk oil distributor. The property contains an office and petroleum product warehouse, a bulk aboveground storage tank (AST) warehouse, an exterior AST containment area for diesel, varsol, and waste oil ASTs, and a bulk fuel truck loading rack. The petroleum product warehouse stores small volume containers such as buckets, drums, and/or totes and the bulk AST warehouse contains nine 6,000-gallon ASTs of oil. A former gas station and a truck repair shop previously occupied the southeastern and eastern portions of the property, respectively. A site location map is included as Figure 1 and a site map is provided as Figure 2. Step 1: Groundwater Screening Groundwater data collected in 2008 at the Nisbet Oil property consisted of collecting five samples from four temporary wells and one monitoring well. The temporary monitoring wells were installed to depths ranging from 28 to 30 ft bgs. Each well was constructed of a 1-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC riser and a 10-ft length of 0.01-inch slot screen installed to bracket the water table. The monitoring well MW-2 was installed during prior assessment activities at the site, to a depth of 30 ft bgs with a 15 ft screen which bracketed the water table. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from approximately 17 to 25 ft bgs. Following depth-to-water measurement, each well was purged a minimum of one well volume Carolyn F. Minnich February 5, 2013 Page 2 S:\AAA-Master Projects\City of Charlotte - CLT\CLT-300 Brownfield Grant Activities\North Tryon Vapor Intrusion Evaluations\Nisbet Oil Vapor Evaluation\Nisbet Oil Vapor Intrusion Evaluation Text.docx using a peristaltic pump and dedicated tubing or a polyethylene 3 ft bailer, and the water quality parameters (pH, conductivity, and temperature) were measured. H&H then collected ground water samples after stabilization of the water quality parameters or if the well purged dry. The sample locations are depicted on Figure 2. The groundwater samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Method 6200B and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA Method 625. One groundwater sample collected from a temporary monitoring was also analyzed for RCRA Metals by EPA Method 6010B. The analytical results of the groundwater samples indicate detections of VOCs in one groundwater sample, MW-2. No PAHs were detected in the groundwater samples. No other compounds of concern were detected in the groundwater samples. H&H compared this 2008 data with the current July 2012 IHSB Residential and Industrial/Commercial Vapor Intrusion Screening Criteria. The data and applicable screening criteria are shown on Table 1. Concentrations of 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethane, and 1,1-dichloroethene were detected in the groundwater sample collected from MW-2 at concentrations below residential and industrial/commercial IHSB screening criteria. The adjacent property to the south is identified as the Swofford property, and is underlain by a 1,1-DCE plume (Figure 2). The groundwater flow direction at the Swofford property is to the east, cross-gradient to the subject site. Further, the detected 1,1-DCE concentration in MW-2 (18 µg/L), located cross- gradient of the plume, is below the IHSB screening criteria. Thus, 1,1-DCE impacts above IHSB screening criteria from the Swofford Property are not likely to migrate onto a significant portion of the subject property. Step 2: Soil Vapor Assessment/Screening Soil vapor assessment has not been conducted at the property to date. However, Liesch Associates, Inc. completed a Supplemental Site Investigation Report for the Former Claire Manufacturing Site (a.k.a. Swofford property) in June 2011. Field activities for this report included the collection of several soil vapor samples in 2010; however, only one sample was located adjacent to the Nisbet Oil property. This sample, VI-7, is shown on Figure 2, and the data has been summarized in Table 2. Based on the soil vapor analytical data, several VOCs were detected in the sample; however only 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (29.9 µg/m3) was detected at a concentration slightly above the IHSB residential screening criteria (14.6 Carolyn F. Minnich February 5, 2013 Page 3 S:\AAA-Master Projects\City of Charlotte - CLT\CLT-300 Brownfield Grant Activities\North Tryon Vapor Intrusion Evaluations\Nisbet Oil Vapor Evaluation\Nisbet Oil Vapor Intrusion Evaluation Text.docx µg/m3). The primary constituent of concern at the Swofford property, 1,1-DCE, was not detected in the soil gas sample. Step 3: Indoor Air Sampling This step has not been conducted at the property to date. Step 4: Recommendations Based on the on-site groundwater results and the soil vapor sample collected at the Swofford property and current development plans for the subject property (mixed-use residential and commercial buildings with commercial use on the ground floor), H&H does not recommend additional vapor intrusion assessment or mitigation at the Nisbet Oil Property. Should you have any questions or require any additional information concerning this submittal, please feel free to contact me at (704) 586-0007. Sincerely, Hart & Hickman, PC Bruce Hickman Principal Engineer Attachments cc: David Wolfe, City of Charlotte (Electronic Copy) Cindy Nolan, US EPA (Hard Copy) Geoffrey Curme, Mount Vernon Asset Management, LLC (Hard and Electronic Copy) Peter McGrath, Moore & VanAllen (Electronic Copy) S:\AAA-Master Projects\City of Charlotte - CLT\CLT-300 Brownfield Grant Activities\North Tryon Vapor Intrusion Evaluations\Nisbet Oil Vapor Evaluation\Soil and Ground Water Results 1/28/2013 Table 1 Hart & Hickman, PC Sample ID NO-DPT-2 NO-DPT-3 NO-DPT-5 NO-DPT-7 MW-2 Date 11/25/2008 11/25/2008 11/24/2008 11/24/2008 11/24/2008 VOCs (6200B) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 12 1,500 6,300 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 2.5 65 330 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 18 38 160 PAHs (625)ND ND ND ND ND Varies Varies RCRA Metals (6010B) Barium NA NA 73 NA NA ---- Chromium NA NA 14 NA NA ---- Notes: 1) NC DENR Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (July 2012) 2) NC DENR IHSB Industrial/Commercial Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (July 2012) Concentrations reported in µg/L Laboratory analytical method shown in parentheses NS=not specified; NA=Not Analyzed VOCs=volatile organic compounds; PAHs=polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons H&H Job No. CLT-300 Table 1 Summary of Groundwater Sampling Results Nisbet Oil Property Charlotte, North Carolina IHSB Residential Acceptable Groundwater Concentration 2 IHSB Industrial/ Commercial Acceptable Groundwater Concentration 3 Table 2 Summary of Vapor Analytical Detections Nisbet Oil Property Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Project No. CLT-300 S:\AAA-Master Projects\City of Charlotte - CLT\CLT-300 Brownfield Grant Activities\North Tryon Vapor Intrusion Evaluations\Nisbet Oil Vapor Evaluation\ Soil Vapor Analytical 01 21 2013 1/28/2013 Table 2 Hart & Hickman, PC Sample ID VI-7 Sample Date 01/18/10 VOCs by EPA TO-15 (µg/m3) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 29.9 62 14.6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 7.8 NE NE 2-Butanone (MEK)6.2 44,000 10,400 2-Propanol 29.1 NE NE 4-Ethyltoluene 9.4 NE NE Acetone 46.8 280,000 64,000 Benzene 3.7 160 31 Cyclohexane 16.1 NE NE Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.0 880 200 Ethanol 60.9 NE NE Ethyl acetate 28.7 NE NE Ethylbenzene 15.2 490 97 Methylene Chloride 21.7 5,300 1,300 n-Heptane 30.3 NE NE n-Hexane 6.8 6,200 1,460 Propylene 6.7 NE NE Toluene 30.0 44,000 10,400 Trichloroethene 4.2 17.6 4.2 m&p-Xylene 57.1 880 200 o-Xylene 16.9 880 200 Notes: 1. NC DENR Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Industrial/Commercial Vapor Intrusion Screening Table (July 2012) 2. NC DENR Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Table (July 2012) Data collected by Liesch Associates, Inc. for Supplemental Site Investigation Report , Former Claire Manufacturing Site, June 22, 2011 (a.k.a. Swafford Property) Bold value exceedds IHSB Residential Soil Gas Screening Level NE = Value not established µg/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter IHSB Residential Vapor Intrusion Soil Gas Screening Level2 (µg/m3) IHSB Industrial/Commercial Vapor Intrusion Soil Gas Screening Level1 (µg/m3) 0 2000 4000 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET N U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) TITLE PROJECT SITE LOCATION MAP NISBET OIL PROPERTY 2120 NORTH CHURCH STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: JOB NO: REVISION NO: FIGURE: 10-30-12 0 1 CLT-300 CHARLOTTE EAST, NC 1967 REVISED/INSPECTED 1988 DERITA, NC 1993 SITE