HomeMy WebLinkAbout12022 Amity Garden WM#1666 NCBP Supplement Letter 20100624 S&ME, INC. / 3718 Old Battleground Road / Greensboro, NC 27410 / p 336.288.7180 / f 336.288.8980 / www.smeinc.com June 24, 2010 North Carolina Brownfields Program 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Attention: Mr. Will Service Mr. Joe Ghiold Mr. Bruce Nicholson Reference: Redevelopment Plan – Supplemental Information Charlotte (E) Proposed Wal-Mart Store # 1666-04 Amity Gardens Shopping Center 3800-3900 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina NC Brownfield Project No. 12022-08-60 S&ME Project No. 1354-06-263-K Dear Mr. Service, Ghiold and Nicholson: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) respectfully provides this Supplementary Information letter to supplement the May 2010 Revised Redevelopment Plan (Redevelopment Plan) for the above referenced project on behalf of our client. BACKGROUND A telephone conference was held on June 14, 2010, with Mr. Joe Ghiold and Mr. Will Service representing the North Carolina Brownfields Program (NCBP). Mr. Austin Watts of Kimley-Horn & Associates, Mr. Shannon Varner and Mr. Ashley Story of Troutman Sanders LLP, and Ms. Julie Bennett-Hudel of S&ME, participated collectively representing our client Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. The goal of the June 14, 2010, conference call was to resolve the final outstanding issues regarding the Redevelopment Plan. There were four basic issues raised by NCBP personnel regarding the Redevelopment Plan: 1) logistics of the pressure differential monitor placement; 2) establishment of pressure monitoring goals in terms of a percentage of time above the suggested pressure differential; 3) dewatering; and 4) voluntary targeted soil remediation. Each of the issues is addressed below. 1. PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL MONITOR AND PROBE PLACEMENT Two differential pressure transmitters will be installed. Each differential pressure transmitter is equipped with two probes. The differential pressure transmitters will be installed with one common control panel connected to a telemetry unit that will Supplement to Revised Redevelopment Plan – Proposed Walmart #1666-04 June 24, 2010 East Independence Blvd., Charlotte, NC S&ME Project No. 1354-06-263K electronically send out a notice if the differential pressure is below a specified level, in this situation, 2 Pascal. The telemetry unit will be installed with branch circuit protection and relays within a single control lockable box. The telemetry unit and control box will log and record the pressure differential readings, convert them from inches of water to Pascal, and transmit the data via a standard telephone line to S&ME. The control panel will be mounted on an interior wall of the structure such that the probes will be co-located with a plumbing or other penetration. One probe from each transmitter will be placed within the interior of the facility to record the pressure within the building and the other probes will be placed in the subsurface in such a manner as to record the pressure within the passive venting system. The terminus of the subsurface probes will be placed in the 6 inch thick zone of the washed stone (number 57 stone) and/or within the perforated HDPE flat pipe. The location of each subsurface probe will be identified in such a manner to facilitate alignment of the interior probe with those placed in the subsurface. The interior probe will be placed on an available surface, in as close as practical, a vertical line with the subsurface probe (i.e. on a wall, ceiling, or column). The equipment manufacturer has indicated that each probe may be extended to a distance of 100 feet from the pressure differential transmitter without hindering system performance. Greater distances may still meet system performance requirements; however, we have elected to take the conservative approach and not extend the probe runs beyond 100 feet. S&ME will provide the NCBP with a notification of system start-up to include a Record Drawing diagram. Verbal and/or email updates will be provided to NCBP regarding the system performance during the first two weeks of system operation. Further correspondence with NCBP regarding the system will be via the requested three 60-day monitoring reports and the final monitoring report to be provided within 30 days of the end of the seven (7) month monitoring period. The seven (7) month monitoring period will begin following the two (2) week start up period. 2. PRESSURE MONITORING GOAL As specified by NCBP and documented in the Redevelopment Plan, a pressure differential of 2 Pascal or greater (interior to subsurface) is targeted and documentation of a monitoring period of seven (7) continuous months is to be maintained. In previous correspondence, NCBP had not established a percentage of time for the 2 Pascal or greater goal. During our June 14, 2010, teleconference, it was agreed that a pressure differential of 2 Pascal or greater, maintained during 90% of time in which the system is operating under normal conditions as averaged over the total seven (7) month monitoring period would indicate that the goal is met. Periods of power outages and periods of system repair and/or maintenance (HVAC, venting system, or pressure monitoring system) are specifically excluded from normal operating conditions. Three 60-day monitoring reports will be provided during the monitoring period and conclude with one final report. The final report will document the pressure differential data collected over the seven month monitoring period. The final report will also present 2 Supplement to Revised Redevelopment Plan – Proposed Walmart #1666-04 June 24, 2010 East Independence Blvd., Charlotte, NC S&ME Project No. 1354-06-263K the average percent of time the system has achieved the 2 Pascal goal during normal operating conditions over the total seven (7) month monitoring period. 3. DEWATERING The deep sewer line will be installed prior to construction of the new structure. The purpose of the dewatering is to remove infiltration water from the sewer line trench during placement of the sewer pipe. Infiltration water will be pumped only from the exposed portion of the trench and will be discharged onsite. The proposed sewer line, at its nearest point, is located approximately 360 feet from the source area of contaminants of concern near the former location of monitoring well MW-1. Groundwater samples collected along the sewer line document that groundwater has not been impacted. A hydrogeologic dewatering assessment (the “May 2010 Dewatering Evaluation”) was conducted and found that the contaminated groundwater in the vicinity of former monitoring well MW-1 would not be captured by the proposed dewatering. In summary, the May 2010 Dewatering Evaluation predicts that under a conservative scenario, contaminants would move less than 7 to 10 feet over a 60-day dewatering period and thus, would not reach the area of dewatering activities during the installation of the sewer line. The total sewer line trench length is approximately 1500 feet. However, it would not be practical to excavation the entire distance at one time. The contractor will excavate the trench a section at a time, in order to install the sewer line, and back fill the trench following placement of the sewer pipe in each section of the trench. It is anticipated that a 120 foot section would be completed in a typical one day time period. However, the maximum anticipated distance to be excavated at any one period of time would be the distance between two manholes. The greatest distance between manholes on this site is approximately 480 feet. Thus, 480 feet of trench line or less would be open at any given time. As groundwater fills the exposed portion of the trench line, the infiltration water will be pumped from the excavation. In the event of rain water infiltration or other surface run off, this runoff water will also be pumped from the excavation area. Wal-Mart will provide specific dewatering requirements in contract documents provided for bid. The project Construction Documents will provide bidders with maximum allowable conditions so that the conservative conditions used for the May 2010 Dewatering Evaluation will not be exceeded. These maximum conditions are as follows: 1. Well points may not be utilized for dewatering. 2. The maximum length of trench open at any one point in time may not exceed 480 feet. 3. No single section of sewer line trench will remain open for more than 60 days. 4. Infiltration water, rain, and surface water run off will be the only fluids removed from the trench line. 3 Supplement to Revised Redevelopment Plan – Proposed Walmart #1666-04 June 24, 2010 East Independence Blvd., Charlotte, NC S&ME Project No. 1354-06-263K 5. S&ME will observe the dewatering operations and document compliance with the above requirements. Documentation will be provided to NCBP following completion of construction activities. If a contractor must exceed these conditions, NCBP will be consulted before proceeding. Contingency Plan for Unanticipated Areas of Dewatering Dewatering is not anticipated to be necessary in areas of the site other than the deep sanitary sewer line. However, in the event that dewatering becomes necessary in locations of known soil and/or groundwater contamination, the dewatering fluids will be containerized, sampled, and analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), with appropriate disposal following receipt of the laboratory analysis. Copies of the analytical data will be provided to NCBP. If the laboratory analysis does not document the presence of VOCs at concentrations above the state groundwater and surface water standards, the dewatering fluids generated from this location shall be discharged onsite. However, if laboratory analytical data documents the presence of VOCs in the dewatering fluids above applicable groundwater and surface water standards, the dewatering fluids from that particular location of the site will be disposed at an approved facility. 4. TARGETED SOURCE AREA SOIL REMEDIATION WORK PLAN The terms of the Brownfield Agreement do not stipulate that any soil remediation be conducted and NCBP personnel have repeatedly indicated that soil remediation is not required. Based on response to comments from NCBP personnel, it is our understanding that the voluntary targeted soil remediation is not required as part of the Redevelopment Plan. Consequently, the voluntary targeted soils remediation is being eliminated from the Redevelopment Plan. Voluntary soil remediation may still be conducted as previously described in the Redevelopment Plan if elected to be performed by our Client. CLOSING Our client desires to begin physical redevelopment activities at the earliest possible date. Thus, we respectfully request your prompt review and written response to this correspondence. In summary our client has agreed to the following as a supplement to the Redevelopment Plan:  Installation of two pressure differential monitors as described above with subsurface probes to be placed within the zone of the 6” thick washed stone (number 57 stone) and/or within the perforated HDPE flat pipe; 4