HomeMy WebLinkAbout12018 Hondros WP SG Sampling-Approval 20180215 State of North Carolina | Environmental Quality | Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center | 217 West Jones Street | Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 919 707 8200 T February 15, 2018 Sent Via E-mail Matthew McDuffie, P.G. ECS Southeast LLP 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 MMcDuffie@ecslimited.com Subject: Work Plan Approval Hondros Brownfields Property Granite Point Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Brownfields Project No. 12018-08-060 Dear Mr. McDuffie, On January 11, 2018, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Brownfields Program received the Draft Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan dated January 9, 2017 (Work Plan) for the above referenced Brownfields Property. DEQ Brownfields reviewed this document, and determined that comments made by DEQ Brownfields on January 25, 2018 to previous versions of this work plan have been incorporated as requested. Therefore, DEQ Brownfields approves the Work Plan dated February 13, 2018. Please be advised that this approval from DEQ Brownfields does not waive any applicable requirement to obtain any necessary permits, licenses or certifications which may be required from other state or local entities. If you have questions about this correspondence or require additional information, please feel free to contact me by phone at 704/661-0330 or by email at carolyn.minnich@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Carolyn Minnich Carolyn Minnich Brownfields Project Manager SOIL GAS SAMPLING WORK PLAN GRANITE POINT BROWNFIELDS PROJECT - HONDROS PROPERTY NATIONS FORD ROAD AND ARROWOOD ROAD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT ID. 12018-08-60 ECS PROJECT NO. 49.5825A PREPARED FOR SIGNATURE CONSTRUCTION, LLC FEBRUARY 13, 2018 Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan Nations Ford Road and Arrowood Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5825A February 13, 2018 February 13, 2018 Mr. Carolyn Minnich NCDEQ Brownfields Program 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina, 28115 Reference: Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan Nations Ford Road and East Arrowood Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49:5825A Dear Ms. Minnich: ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) has prepared a work plan to collect soil gas samples at the above-referenced property. This plan has been developed at the request of Signature Construction, LLC, as required by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) – Brownfields Program. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us. Sincerely, ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP Christopher D. Orrell, G.I.T. Matthew H. McDuffie, P.G. Assistant Staff Project Manager Senior Project Manager 704-200-3436 704-378-9003 correll@ecslimited.com mmcduffie@ecslimited.com John S. Lair, P.G. Principal Geologist 910-726-3035 jlair@ecslimited.com cc: Billy Ponko – Signature Construction, LLC Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan Nations Ford Road and Arrowood Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5825A February 13, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 3 2.0 PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS ....................................................................................................... 3 3.0 OBJECTIVE OF THE WORKPLAN .................................................................................................. 4 4.0 SAMPLE COLLECTION ................................................................................................................. 6 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Sample Location Map TABLES Table 1 Groundwater Sample Results Table 2 Soil Gas Sample Results Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan Nations Ford Road and Arrowood Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5825A February 13, 2018 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION The subject property is located at 9101 Nations Ford Road in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The subject property consists of an approximate 16.39 acre parcel that is currently vacant, wooded land and is identified as Mecklenburg County tax parcel identification numbers (PIN) 20517108, 20517120, and 20517121 (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Previous investigations by ECS Carolinas, LLP and others identified the presence tetrachloroethene (PCE) and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in on-site soil vapor and groundwater. Based on these findings, the subject property was accepted into the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Brownfields Program, and a Brownfields Agreement (BFA) was executed between NCDEQ and Arrowood Nations Ford Property, LLC in February 2010. ECS understands that the planned redevelopment of the subject property includes construction of a multi-family residential development. Based on the concentrations of PCE and other VOCs in soil vapor and groundwater, the potential risk of exposure to indoor air exists. ECS was retained to design a vapor mitigation system that includes a vapor barrier and passive and/or active venting system for the planned multi-family residential development (ECS Proposal Number: 49-7802). In an effort to further define on- site impacts, ECS has prepared this work plan summarizing proposed investigation of potential vapor intrusion risks. 2.0 PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS Based on a review of the BFA, four environmental investigations have been conducted at the subject property between 2007 and 2009. These investigations include the following:  Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 9101/9111 Nations Ford Road, dated October 17, 2007, and prepared by S&ME, Inc.  Report of Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Park Meadows, dated January 15, 2008, and prepared by ECS Carolinas, LLP.  Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 7.64 Acre Property, dated March 14, 2008, and prepared by S&ME, Inc.  Report of Limited Soil Vapor Sampling and Analysis, dated April 10, 2009, and prepared by S&ME, Inc. Available historical information indicates that portions of the subject property were utilized for agricultural purposes from 1938 through 1968; was subjected to logging and land clearing activities between 1975 and 1983; and that the land tract contained a private residence as well as vacant wooded acreage through the mid-1980s. Since the mid-1980s, the subject property has reportedly lain fallow containing vacant and wooded acreage. In recent years, the presence of vagrants as well as illegal dumping of miscellaneous and household garbage have been reported on the subject property. Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan Nations Ford Road and Arrowood Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5825A February 13, 2018 A review of analytical data collected at the subject property indicates the presence of PCE and other VOCs in onsite soil vapor and groundwater. Specifically, dissolved concentrations of PCE exceeding the NCDEQ applicable standard were reported in groundwater adjacent to the northern property boundary along Arrowood Road (TW-1 and TW-2) in December 2007. Additionally, VOCs concentrations were detected in soil gas samples (VP-1, VP-4, VP-5 and VP-6) in select locations on the subject property. The location of the groundwater and soil gas samples are depicted on Figure 2. The analytical results for the groundwater and soil gas samples are included in Tables 1 and 2. Following a review of available historical land-use and site-specific analytical data, the NCDEQ attributed the reported on-site groundwater and soil gas contaminants to a former dry cleaning facility, an auto repair business, as well as underground storage tank / leaking underground storage tank (UST/LUST) sites to the immediate northwest of the subject property. 3.0 OBJECTIVE OF THE WORKPLAN The objective of this work plan is to evaluate the potential for a vapor intrusion concern for the future use of the site and to obtain VOC concentrations in the soil gas at the site. The soil gas sampling will be conducted in general accordance with the NCDEQ Vapor Intrusion Guidance (April 2014). ECS recommends the collection of soil gas samples within the footprint of proposed building pads in the vicinity of previously reported impacts. The sampling plan is designed to further define soil gas impacts which may represent a vapor intrusion risk and to “forecast” worse case conditions for the proposed redevelopment plan. Owner and Prospective Developer’s Representative: Mr. Billy Ponko Signature Construction, LLC 720 3rd Avenue, S.W. Carmel, IN 46032 bponko@pedcor.net Site Environmental Representative: Mr. Matthew H. McDuffie, P.G. ECS Southeast, LLP 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 mmcduffie@ecslimited.com Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan Nations Ford Road and Arrowood Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5825A February 13, 2018 Reporting A report summarizing the findings of the soil gas sampling outlined in this work plan will be submitted to NCDEQ Brownfields Program. If unidentified and/or unexpected conditions are encountered during the assessment, Signature Construction, LLC will be notified. The responsibility of notifying NCDEQ and other external parties lies solely with Signature Construction, LLC and/or with ECS acting on their behalf. The NCDEQ Brownfields Program (NCBP) contact is: Carolyn Minnich, Brownfields Project Manager Carolyn.minnich@ncdenr.gov NCDEQ, DEQ, NC Brownfields Program Phone: 704-661-0330 Carolyn Minnich, the Brownfields Project Manager, will be notified 5 days prior to starting the field work. Deviation from Approved Plan This work plan is intended to be dynamic and to be adapted to specific and actual site conditions. Accordingly, should such conditions warrant a change either by addition, deletion or modification of a procedure, such may be accomplished with agreement between Signature Construction, LLC’s representative and ECS after consultation with, and subject to approval by the NCBP. Such changes will comply with applicable local, State, and Federal rules and regulations. A written amendment shall be prepared and submitted to NCBP for approval (the use of e-mail correspondence shall suffice for approval, followed by a hard copy or electronic copy provided on Disk or similar media) prior to implementation. Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan Nations Ford Road and Arrowood Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5825A February 13, 2018 4.0 SAMPLE COLLECTION 4.1 Soil Gas Number and Sample Location ECS is proposing to collect one sample from each of the proposed buildings located on-site (twelve total). The soil gas samples will be collected from a depth of approximately fifteen feet below grade. The approximate locations of the proposed samples are shown on Figure 2. Probe Placement and Sample Collection The soil gas samples will be collected by utilizing a Geoprobe drill rig and by driving a five foot stainless steel direct push sampler to a depth of approximately fifteen (15) feet bgs. The soil collected in the sampler will be screened in the field with a flame/photo-ionization detector (FID/PID). Once the boring has reached termination depth, Nylaflow tubing and air stone will be lowered in to the boring. Approximately one foot of clean coarse sand will placed around the air stone. A seal consisting of three feet of bentonite powder will be hydrated with distilled water. The soil gas probe will be allowed to stabilize for four to eight hours before the soil gas sample is collected. The tubing will be properly purged utilizing a dedicated disposable syringe. Three volumes of the tubing and annular space will be purged prior to sample collection. Following purging, the tubing will be connected to a 400 ml Summa canister, which will be used to collect the sample. The Summa canister will be fitted with a flow regulator. The flow rate for both purging and sample collection will be 0.2 liters per minute. The pressure in the canister will be recorded before and after sample collection. Other parameters that will be measured include ambient temperature before and after sample collection and current weather conditions. Prior to sample collection, a shut-in test will be conducted to gauge for leaks in the fittings and regulator. Based on ECS’ correspondence with Ms. Carolyn Minnich with the NCBP, soil gas samples will be collected in accordance to the H&P Mobile Geochemistry, Inc. (H&P) standard operating procedures. Following sample collection, the tubing will be removed and the holes filled with soil cuttings. Soil that cannot fit back in the boring will be thinly spread in the vicinity of the boring. Leak Detection Prior to collecting the soil vapor samples, laboratory grade helium gas will be used as a quality assurance/control measure to confirm the integrity of the probe seal. A plastic cylinder (approximately 1.75 quarts) will be placed and sealed over the sampling point and purged with laboratory grade helium. The probe point tubing and tracer gas tubing will be placed through the cylinder wall via rubber grommets. The cylinder will be placed on a 4-inch rubber gasket and held securely to the slab with a heavy weight. During the purging stage, the cylinder will be flooded with laboratory grade helium via the hose placed through the cylinder wall. A Model MGD-2002 Multi-Gas Leak detector or similar will be connected to the probe tube and the air stream being purged will be measured for helium. A helium concentration of less than five percent helium will be considered acceptable. If concentrations greater Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan Nations Ford Road and Arrowood Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5825A February 13, 2018 than five percent helium are measured, the probe tube seal will be reseated and the leak detection process will be repeated. Sample Analysis Following sample collection, the canisters will be labeled and maintained under chain-of-custody until delivered to H&P in Carlsbad, California. Each sample will be analyzed for the full list of VOCs using EPA Method TO-15 and a Level II QA/QC will be included. The laboratory results will be reported at or below the applicable vapor intrusion screening levels (VISL) and J Flags will be reported. Quality Control One QA/QC sample will be collected and analyzed by Method TO-15. The laboratory will report canister vacuum upon receipt. Sample results from canisters with received vacuum of 0”Hg will not be accepted. An outdoor sample will be collected the day of sampling activities to identify potential background contaminants. Report ECS will prepare a written report documenting the field activities, sampling procedures, sample locations, soil gas probe construction diagrams, laboratory procedures and results, and conclusions. Soil gas sampling field data, including leak testing and pressure readings, weather conditions, and barometric pressure will be included in the report. FIGURES SOURCE: GOOGLE EARTH 2017 SCALE AS SHOWN FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP GRANITE POINT NATIONS FORD ROAD AND EAST ARROWOOD ROAD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5825-A LEGEND SOURCE: KIMLEY-HORN SITE LAYOUT FIGURE 2 SAMPLE LOCATION MAP GRANITE POINT NATIONS FORD ROAD AND EAST ARROWOOD ROAD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5825-A APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED SOIL GAS SAMPLE VP-1 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PREVIOUS SOIL GAS SAMPLE VP-4 VP-5 VP-6 APRROIXMATE LOCATION OF PREVIOUS GROUNDWATER SAMPLE TW-1 TW-2 TABLES TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF SOIL VAPOR ANALYTICAL RESULTS GRANITE POINT NATIONS FORD ROAD AND EAST ARROWOOD ROAD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5825-A Parameter Sample ID VP-1 VP-4 VP-5 VP-6 Collection Date Chloroform BRL BRL BRL 21 Tetrachloroethylene 3400 900 BRL 3200 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene BRL BRL 13 BRL Notes: Results presented in milligram per meter cubed (µg/m3), analogous to parts per million (ppm), the stardards for which are derived using the Guideline of the Inactive Haza BRL = below the laboratory reporting limitBold denotes exceedences above applicable standards ANALYTICAL RESULTS 3/12/09 TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS GRANITE POINT NATIONS FORD ROAD AND EAST ARROWOOD ROAD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5825-A Parameter Sample ID TW-1 TW-2 Collection Date Tetrachloroethylene 19.2 10.9 Notes: Results presented in micrograms per liter (ug/L), analogous to parts per billion (ppb), the standards fo ANALYTICAL RESULTS 12/31/07