HomeMy WebLinkAbout17038 Goodyear Approval to PC Amendment Package 20180202From:Minnich, Carolyn To:"Franchina, Dave" (Dave.Franchina@klgates.com); emcmillan@crescentcommunities.com Cc:Lins, Brittany N.; Nicholson, Bruce; Wahl, Tracy; Liggins, Shirley; michael scott Subject:17038 Goodyear Amendment Approval to Public Comment Date:Friday, February 02, 2018 10:26:00 AM Attachments:17038 Goodyear Approval to PC Amendment 20180202.pdf17038 Goodyear NI Amend Draft 20180201.docx17038 Goodyear Amend Draft 20180130.docx17038 Goodyear SNI Amend Draft 20180201.docx17038 Goodyear Exhibit 2_Amend 20180125.docximage002.png Dear Mr. Franchina and Mrs. McMillan; Based on acceptance by the Prospective Developer of drafts of the required amendment documents - - the Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property (NI), Summary of Notice of Intent toRedevelop a Brownfields Property (SNI), and the Amendment to the Notice of Brownfields Propertyand Amendment to the Brownfields Agreement -- and DEQ's approval of the plat component of the Amendment NBP, Prospective Developer may now proceed to the tasks required by NCGS § 130.310.34(a) in connection with the required public notice and comment period of at least 30 daysregarding the subject brownfields project. Those tasks are as follows: 1. Publish the approved SNI in a newspaper of general circulation serving the area in which the brownfields property is located, 2. Conspicuously post a copy of the SNI at the brownfields property, 3. Mail or deliver the SNI to each owner of property contiguous to the brownfields property, 4. Provide a copy of the full NI to the local location where it will be available for public review as stated in the SNI, and 5. Provide a copy of the full NI, consisting of the one-page NI and the Amendment NBP andAmendment to the Brownfields Agreement with its exhibits (the survey plat, and the legaldescription), to all local governments having jurisdiction over the brownfields property. Pursuant to NCGS § 130.310.34.(b), the public comment period shall begin following completion of the above tasks. The NI and SNI, with a date filled in representing our belief as to how long itwill take you to complete those tasks by February 15, 2018, are attached hereto. The commentperiod shall not end any sooner than 30 days after you complete the tasks. NCGS § 130.310.34(b) also requires the Prospective Developer to submit documentation of the public notices to DEQ prior to DEQ entering into a Brownfields Agreement. That documentationshall be submitted by promptly providing to me, preferably at Carolyn.minnich@ncdenr.gov or atBrownfields Program, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646, the following: Affidavit of publication of the SNI from the newspaper or a copy of the SNI published in the newspaper which shows the name of the newspaper and the date of publication, Photos of the SNI posted at the site, one close up to show the wording and one far enough to show the posting location relative to the property, Copies of the cover letters and copies of the mailing receipts stamped by the post office or copies of the delivery service receipts for the SNI sent to contiguous property owners, A letter from confirming receipt of the full NI from each local government entity and the entity where the document will be available for viewing. Thank you for your attention to these matters. If you have any questions or require additional information, you may contact me.     Carolyn Minnich Brownfields Project Manager Division of Waste Management Department of Environmental Quality   704 661 0330 office/mobile Carolyn.Minnich@ncdenr.gov 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646     Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.   17038-13-060/Goodyear DRAFT 20180201 NOTICE OF INTENT TO AMEND NOTICE of BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY and BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT Site Name: Former Goodyear Service Center Brownfields Project Number: 17038-13-060 North Carolina’s Brownfields Property Reuse Act (the “Act”), North Carolina General Statutes (“NCGS”) § 130A-310.30 through 130A-310.40, provides for the safe redevelopment of properties that may have been or were contaminated by past industrial and commercial activities. This Notice of Intent to Amend a Notice of Brownfields Property (Notice) and Brownfields Agreement (Agreement) has been approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) and by the parties who desire to amend the Notice and the Agreement (Prospective Developer and the owner of the Brownfields Property). The Notice of Intent provides a proposed Amendment to Notice of Brownfields Property and Brownfields Agreement (Amendment), a description of the proposed changes to the Notice and Agreement, Exhibit “A” – Revised Legal Description to the Amendment, and a revised Exhibit “B” - Survey Plat to the Notice. The party (“Prospective Developer”) who desires to amend the Notice and Agreement must provide a copy of this Notice to all local governments having jurisdiction over the Brownfields Property. The proposed Amendment to Notice of Brownfields Property and Amendment to Brownfields Agreement is attached hereto; the proposed Amendment contains the other required elements of this Notice. Written public comments may be submitted to DEQ within 30 days after the latest of the following dates: the date the required summary of this Notice is (1) published in a newspaper of general circulation serving the area in which the Brownfields Property is located, (2) conspicuously posted at the Brownfields Property, and (3) mailed or delivered to each owner of property contiguous to the Brownfields Property. Written requests for a public meeting may be submitted to DEQ within 21 days after the period for written public comments begins. Those periods will start no sooner than February 15, 2018, and will end on the later of: a) 30 and 21 days, respectively, after that; or b) 30 and 21 days, respectively, after completion of the latest of the three (3) above-referenced dates. All comments and meeting requests should be addressed as follows: Mr. Bruce Nicholson Brownfields Program Manager Division of Waste Management NC Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 17038-13-060/Goodyear DRAFT 20180201 SUMMARY OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO AMEND a NOTICE of BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT And BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT Site Name: Former Goodyear Service Center Brownfields Project Number: 17038-13-060 Pursuant to NCGS § 130A-310.34, Crescent South Tryon, LLC, as Prospective Developer, has filed with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) a written request that the Notice of Brownfields Property, recorded on September 30, 2016, in Book 31213, Pages 48-87 of the Mecklenburg County Registry (“Notice”) pursuant to the Brownfields Property Reuse Act, NCGS § 130A-310.30, et. Seq. (the “Act”), and the Brownfields Agreement between DEQ and Prospective Developer, attached to said Notice as its Exhibit “A” (“Agreement”), be amended to add a 0.49-acre parcel (Mecklenburg County tax parcel 125121-01) to the Former Goodyear Service Center Brownfields Property covered by said Notice, and to revise, as necessary, Exhibit “B” – Survey Plat and Exhibit “C” – Legal Description to said Notice. The Brownfields Property is being redeveloped with one or more buildings for uses which may include retail, hotel, office, open space, parking, multi-family residential and, subject to DEQ’s prior written approval, other commercial uses. An Amendment to Notice of Brownfields Property and to Brownfields Agreement (“Amendment”) has been prepared and is acceptable to DEQ and to Prospective Developer. DEQ has determined that the Amendment and the revised Survey Plat and Legal Description must be publicly noticed. The full Notice of Intent to Amend a Notice of Brownfields Property and Brownfields Agreement includes: (a) the proposed Amendment between DEQ and Prospective Developer; (b) Exhibit “A” – Revised Legal Description (which serves as the revised Exhibit “C” to said Notice, referenced above, and which describes the amended Brownfields Property); and (c) the revised Exhibit “B” – Survey Plat (which Plat depicts the amended Brownfields Property). The full Notice of Intent to Amend a Notice of Brownfields Property and Brownfields Agreement may be reviewed at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Public Library, Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room, 310 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202, (704) 416-0150; or at the offices of the N.C. Brownfields Program, 217 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC or by contacting Shirley Liggins at that address, at shirley.liggins@ncdenr.gov, or at (919) 707-8383. Written public comments may be submitted to DEQ within 30 days after the latest of the following dates: the date this Notice is (1) published in a newspaper of general circulation serving the area in which the Brownfields Property is located, (2) conspicuously posted at the Brownfields Property, and (3) mailed or delivered to each owner of property contiguous to the Brownfields Property. Written requests for a public meeting may be submitted to DEQ within 21 days after the period for written public comments begins. Those periods will start no sooner than February 15, 2018, and will end on the later of: a) 30 and 21 days, respectively, after that; or b) 30 and 21 days, respectively, after completion of the latest of the three (3) above-referenced dates. All public comments and public meeting requests should be addressed as follows: Mr. Bruce Nicholson Brownfields Program Manager Division of Waste Management NC Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 1 17038-13-060 Goodyear DRAFT 20180130 301302875 v5 Prepared by NCDEQ. Return to: K&L Gates Attn: D. Franchina 214 N. Tryon St., 47th Floor Charlotte, NC 28202 Amendment recorded in Book _____, Page _____ Associated Amended Survey Plat recorded in Plat Book _____, Page _____ AMENDMENT TO NOTICE OF BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY AND AMENDMENT TO BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT Site Name: Former Goodyear Service Center Brownfields Project Number 17038-13-060 This AMENDMENT TO NOTICE OF BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY AND AMENDMENT TO BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT (“Amendment”) is entered into effective as of the ___ day of ______________, 2017 by the North Carolina Department Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) and Crescent South Tryon, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company who is registered to do business in North Carolina (“Prospective Developer”). The Amendment is consented to by Asana Partners Fund I TRS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, owner of the Property, as defined herein (the “Owner”). WHEREAS, on September 30, 2016, a Notice of Brownfields Property was recorded in Book 31213, Pages 48-87 of the Mecklenburg County Registry (“Notice”) pursuant to the Brownfields Property Reuse Act, N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 130A-310.30, et. seq. (the “Act”), with regard to the property described on Exhibit “C” of the Notice - Legal Description, referenced in the Notice as the “Brownfields Property” and consisting of 3.0 acres. A Brownfields Agreement between DEQ and Prospective Developer (the “Agreement”), Exhibit “A” to the Notice, was attached to the Notice. Exhibit “B” to the Notice – Survey Plat, was recorded in Plat Book 59, Page 956 of said Registry; 2 17038-13-060 Goodyear DRAFT 20180130 301302875 v5 WHEREAS, the Prospective Developer has requested in writing that the Notice and the Agreement be amended to include the additional property known as Mecklenburg County tax parcel 125-121-01, with an address of 600 South College Street and consisting of 0.49 acres, thereby increasing the size of the Brownfields Property to 3.49 acres. Exhibit “A” to this Amendment – Revised Legal Description, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, describes the Brownfields Property as amended. WHEREAS, the additional property described above was used as part of a planing mill from 1900-1911, a livery from 1911-1926, a garage from 1926-1951, and a multi-tenant office building from 1951 until the present. It is unclear whether the current multi-tenant office building is the same structure as the former garage. Additionally, printing operations may have occurred at the additional property around the 1950s, and the additional property may have been used as a warehouse. WHEREAS, the Prospective Developer has requested in writing that the Notice and the Agreement be further amended to revise, as necessary, Exhibit 2 to the Agreement (to add additional sample locations and to update applicable screening levels) and Exhibit “B” to the Notice - Survey Plat (to revise the boundary of the Brownfields Property) in order to achieve the objectives of this Amendment; and WHEREAS, DEQ has agreed that the Notice and the Agreement be so amended, and the undersigned has been delegated the authority by the Secretary of DEQ to execute this Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertakings set forth below, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the parties hereto represent to each other and agree to the amendment of the Notice and Agreement as follows: 1. The Brownfields Property shall be defined as including all property described in the Revised Legal Description, attached hereto as Exhibit “A” to this Amendment. Exhibit “A” to this Amendment shall replace Exhibit “C” to the Notice. 2. All references in the Notice, in the Agreement and in the revised Exhibit “B” to the Notice - Survey Plat, to the acreage included in the Brownfields Property shall be changed from 3 acres to 3.49 acres. 3. Exhibit “B” – Survey Plat was revised on ________________ 2018 and is attached hereto. The Notice and Agreement, as amended, and the revised Exhibit “B” – Survey Plat, shall include an annotation as to the date said revised Survey Plat was recorded in the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds, as well as the Plat Book and Page of recordation. 4. Exhibit 2 to the Agreement, revised to add sampling locations and to update applicable screening levels, is attached to this Amendment. 3 17038-13-060 Goodyear DRAFT 20180130 301302875 v5 Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 130A-310.35(e), this Amendment shall be recorded in the Mecklenburg County Registry and indexed on the grantor index in the name of the Prospective Developer and the Owner of the Property as shown in the Notice and on the grantee index in the name “Secretary of Environmental Quality.” Also pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 130A-310.35(e), if practicable, a marginal entry shall be made on the Notice showing the date of amendment and the book and page where this Amendment is recorded. The undersigned has been delegated the authority by the Secretary of DEQ to execute this Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment as of the day and year first above written. DEQ: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY By: ______________________________________ Name: Michael E. Scott Title: Director, Division of Waste Management STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ________________ I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that he/she signed the foregoing document: ___________________________. Date: _____________, 2018 _________________________________ Official Signature of Notary (Official Seal) _____________________________, Printed Name of Notary Public [signatures continue on following page] 4 17038-13-060 Goodyear DRAFT 20180130 301302875 v5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment as of the day and year first above written. PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER: Crescent South Tryon, LLC A Delaware limited liability company By: _____________________________________________ George L. Hodges, III Senior Vice President of Crescent Communities, LLC The Manager of Crescent South Tryon, LLC State of _______________________________ _____________ COUNTY I, _________________________, a Notary Public of the county and state aforesaid, certify that_________________________ personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is an Authorized Signatory of Crescent South Tryon, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the company, the foregoing was signed in its name by him. WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this ____ day of_______________, 20__. ____________________________________ Name typed or printed: Notary Public My Commission expires: ___________________ [Stamp/Seal] [signatures continue on following page] 5 17038-13-060 Goodyear DRAFT 20180130 301302875 v5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PROPERTY OWNER As the current owner, or representative of said owner, I hereby acknowledge recordation of this Amendment. OWNER: Asana Partners Fund I TRS, LLC A Delaware limited liability company By: _____________________________________________ [TBD] State of _______________________________ _____________ COUNTY I, _________________________, a Notary Public of the county and state aforesaid, certify that_________________________ personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is an Authorized Signatory of Asana Partners Fund I TRS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the company, the foregoing was signed in its name by him. WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this ____ day of_______________, 20__. ____________________________________ Name typed or printed: Notary Public My Commission expires: ___________________ [Stamp/Seal] 6 17038-13-060 Goodyear DRAFT 20180130 301302875 v5 EXHIBIT “A” REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEGINNING at an existing concrete monument marking the westerly right of way of South College Street, having a variable width public right of way and also marking the northeastern right of way of East Hill Street, a John Belk Freeway service road; THENCE with East Hill Street North 42 degrees 20 minutes 21 seconds West for a distance of 359.99 feet to a new #5 rebar on the easterly right of way of South Tryon Street, having a variable width right of way; THENCE with the right of way of South Tryon the following seven (7) courses and distances: 1) North 40 degrees 20 minutes 17 seconds East for a distance of 124.45 feet to an existing concrete monument; 2) THENCE North 38 degrees 38 minutes 21 seconds East for a distance of 87.37 feet to a new #5 rebar; 3) THENCE North 50 degrees 51 minutes 13 seconds East for a distance of 82.10 feet to an existing iron rod; 4) THENCE North 40 degrees 32 minutes 29 seconds West for a distance of 2.03 feet to a calculated point; 5) THENCE North 50 degrees 51 minutes 44 seconds East for a distance of 47.00 feet to a calculated point; 6) THENCE South 39 degrees 08 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 2.00 feet to a calculated point; 7) THENCE North 50 degrees 44 seconds 24 minutes East a distance of 54.27 feet to an existing iron at the southerly right of way of East Stonewall Street having a variable width right of way; THENCE leaving the right of way of South Tryon Street and with East Stonewall Street the following three (3) courses and distances; 1) South 41 degrees 34 minutes 38 seconds East for a distance of 198.25 feet to a calculated point; 2) THENCE South 41 degrees 36 minutes 55 seconds East for a distance of 114.49 feet to an existing nail; 3) THENCE South 42 degrees 12 minutes 39 seconds East a distance of 89.06 feet to an existing pk nail at the right of way of the aforementioned South College Street; THENCE leaving the right of way of East Stonewall Street and running with South College Street for the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) South 49 degrees 06 minutes 33 seconds West a distance of 259.62 feet to a point on a wall; 2) THENCE South 54 degrees 37 minutes 24 seconds West for a distance of 129.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING having an area of 3.536 acres, more or less. Project Number: 4113103Date: August 10, 2016Scale: 1"- 30'3015030Fax: (704) 376-2448Phone: (704) 376-7777Charlotte, NC 28202508 W. 5th St., Suite 125License No.: C-1925LDSIRevision 1:1-22-2018Add parcel 12512101 andadditional soil samples tomapPRELIMINARY 17038-13-060/Goodyear 20180125 draft 301311818 v1 1 Exhibit 2 The most recent environmental sampling at the Property reported in the Environmental Reports occurred in October 2017. The following tables set forth, for contaminants present at the Property above unrestricted use standards or screening levels, the concentration found at each sample location, and the applicable standard or screening level. Screening levels and groundwater standards are shown for reference only and are not set forth as cleanup levels for purposes of this Agreement. GROUNDWATER Groundwater contaminants in micrograms per liter (the equivalent of parts per billion), the standards or screening levels for which are contained in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L (2L), Rule .0202, (April 1, 2013 version); or the 2L Groundwater Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (“IMACs”, October 1, 2010 version): Groundwater Contaminant Sample Location Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding Screening Level (µg/L) 2L Standard1 (µg/L) Tetrachloroethylene TW-2 11/2/2013 3.4 0.7 1. Screening limits displayed for non-carcinogens are for a hazard quotient equal to 0.2. Screening levels displayed for carcinogens are for a 1.0E-5 lifetime incremental cancer risk (LICR). SOIL GAS Soil gas contaminants in micrograms per cubic meter, the screening levels for which are contained in the North Carolina DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels for Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL), October 2017 version: Soil Gas Contaminant Sample Location Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding Screening Level (µg/m3) Non-Residential SGSL1 (µg/m3) Tetrachloroethylene SG-2 7/18/2017 4,000 3,500 SG-6 7/31/2017 30,000 DUP 7/31/2017 34,000 Trichloroethylene SG-6 7/31/2017 210 180 DUP 7/31/2017 350 1Screening levels displayed for non-carcinogens are for hazard quotient equal to 0.2. Screening levels displayed for carcinogens are for 1.0E-5 lifetime incremental cancer risk target. 17038-13-060/Goodyear 20180125 draft 301311818 v1 2 SOIL Soil contaminants in milligrams per kilogram (the equivalent of parts per million), the screening levels for which are derived from the Preliminary Industrial Health- Based Soil Remediation Goals of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch of DEQ’s Superfund Section (October 2017 version): Soil Contaminant Sample Location Depth (ft) Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding Screening Level (mg/kg) Industrial Screening Level1 (mg/kg) Arsenic SB2 4-8 04/29/2006 4.3 3 SB3 8-12 04/29/2006 7.1 GP-1* 8-10 10/26/2013 6.7 GP-2* 17-18 10/26/2013 5.5 GP-3* 13-14 10/26/2013 7.3 GP-4* 12-13 10/26/2013 4.5 GP-1 12 10/22/2013 4.4 GP-5 8 10/22/2013 4.0 GP-6 8 10/22/2013 11 Arsenic GP-7 16 10/22/2013 5.7 3 GP-8 12 10/22/2013 3.7 GP-10 8 10/22/2013 3.3 GP-12 12 10/22/2013 3.2 GP-13 8 10/22/2013 7.6 GP-14 8 10/22/2013 4.3 SB-01 2-4 03/13/2014 6.1 SB-02 2-4 03/13/2014 5.75 SB-03 2-4 03/13/2014 11.7 SB-04 10-12 03/13/2014 6.04 SB-05 10-12 03/13/2014 4.4 SB-06 2-4 03/14/2014 3.75 SB-07 2-4 03/13/2014 6.18 SB-08 2-4 03/13/2014 7.39 SB-09 2-4 03/13/2014 6.53 SB-10 10-12 03/13/2014 4.28 SB4-S2 5 10/15/2017 30 SB6-S3 5 10/15/2017 4.6 SB7-S4 5 10/15/2017 5.5 Chromium VI GP-2 8 10/22/2013 6.87 6.5 Benzo(a)pyrene GP-6 8 10/22/2013 3.7 2.1 GP-13 8 10/22/2013 5.6 1Screening levels displayed for non-carcinogens are for a hazard quotient equal to 0.2. Screening levels displayed for carcinogens are for a 1.0E-6 lifetime incremental cancer risk. 2This sample is a composite of four shallow soil samples in the locations marked “SB-4 (Comp.)” on the plat referred to as Exhibit B to the Amendment to Notice of Brownfields Property and Amendment to Brownfields Agreement to which this Exhibit 2 is attached. 3This sample is a composite of four shallow soil samples in the locations marked “SB-6 (Comp.)” on the plat referred to as Exhibit B to the Amendment to Notice of Brownfields Property and Amendment to Brownfields Agreement to which this Exhibit 2 is attached. 4This sample is a composite of four shallow soil samples in the locations marked “SB-7 (Comp.)” on the plat referred to as Exhibit B to the Amendment to Notice of Brownfields Property and Amendment to Brownfields Agreement to which this Exhibit 2 is attached. *Boring locations on Goodyear Property installed by ECS Carolinas SOURCE: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS: CHARLOTTE EAST, DATED 2013 NORTH CAROLINA QUADRANGLES SCALE: 1:24,000 FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP 600 SOUTH COLLEGE STREET CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 08-10805-A SITE