HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCB0057_Reuse_SwiftCreek_CAMonthlyReport8_DIN28732_20180117Swift Creek Corrective Action Plan Implementation
Monthly Project Update – Prepared by ERM NC, Inc.
Report #8 – January 17, 2018
ReUse Technology, Inc.
Former Swift Creek Coal Combustion By Product
(CCB) Structural Fill, CCB0057
Battleboro, North Carolina
ERM NC, Inc. (ERM) has been contracted by ReUse Technology, Inc. (ReUse) to implement the
Groundwater Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the Former Swift Creek Coal Combustion By
Product (CCB) Structural Fill, CCB0057 approved by NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management
on March 12, 2015. As requested by NCDEQ, ERM will provide monthly updates to summarize
site activities including any changes in conditions as the project progresses.
ERM has subcontracted Earnhardt Grading, Inc. (Earnhardt) of Lowesville, North Carolina to
provide site preparation, excavation, grading, geosynthetic installation and final site
stabilization. ERM and Earnhardt have been on the Swift Creek site full time beginning April
24, 2017 for construction activities. ERM has compiled weekly update status reports that are
attached for reference.
Summary of Activities
Since the previously issued Monthly Project Update dated November 30, 2017, ERM and
Earnhardt Grading remained onsite full time conducting corrective action plan activities up to
January 12, 2018. These activities included:
Completed installation of 40-mil Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) liner over
the entire CCB closure footprint.
Completed installation of double sided 6-ounce drainage geocomposite above the 40-mil
Completed installation of liner system anchor trench, perforated pipe, anchor trench
drains and backfilling with washed stone.
Completed importing of offsite soils for protective final cover over the liner system.
Installated a minimum 2 feet of protective cover soils over the entire liner footprint.
Maintaining erosion and sedimentation control measures per NCDEMLR – Division of
Land Quality approved plans (approved March 31, 2017).
Surveying as-builts for placement of final cover soils.
Final seeding and stabilization of the disturbed project area.
At the end of this eighth month of construction activities, ERM and Earnhardt have completed
100% of the construction related activities in the approved CAP. Due to heavy rains/snow in
the vicinity of the project, there have been several days lost to production due to weather
and/or wet conditions.
ERM NC, Inc.
15720 Brixham Hill Avenue
Suite 120
Charlotte, NC 28277
(704) 541-8345
(704) 541-8416 (fax)
Swift Creek Monthly Update Report #8 Page 2
January 17, 2018
Site Observations
To date there have been no visual indications of dust migration offsite.
Erosion and sedimentation control measures are functioning appropriately and there
have been no observations of offsite sediment releases.
Monitoring wells have been marked with construction fence and maintained throughout
construction activities.
Please let us know if you should have any questions or require additional information
concerning this report or attachments.
ERM NC, Inc.
David W. Wasiela, P.E.
Project Engineer
Attch: Weekly Update Reports
Weekly Update Reports
ReUse Technology, Inc.
Swift Creek Project
Weekly Update –December 6, 2017
Key Items Completed Last Week:
Project Related
1. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17.
2. The liner crew completed installing all liner materials including the liner and
geocomposite material. The liner crew demobilized from the site on Wednesday
3. Earnhardt continued receiving off-site soil for the final cover of the liner from 11/29/17
through 12/5/17.
4. The anchor trench was completed on 12/5/17.
5. A portion of the final cover material was placed on the liner between 11/29/17 and
12/5/17 (see progress plan).
6. Progress Plan and photo log are attached for reference.
Two (2) Week Look Ahead (12/6/17 – 12/20/17):
7. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time.
8. The final cover soil will be added following completion of the anchor trench and import
of final cover soil.
9. Importing of off-site soil for final cover.
10. Demobilization of unused equipment.
11. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities as needed.
Vertex / Ace Related
12. ERM issued a revised invoice for the Earnhardt retainage from first two applications on
11/22/17. There have been no additional follow up questions concerning invoices or
the Request for Change Order issued on 11/16/17. Jonathan Friedrich is supposed to
check in with insurer on Thursday the 7th concerning Request for Change Order status.
Permit Related
13. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that
erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad
replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet.
14. NCDEQ - The monthly update was submitted to NCDEQ on Thursday 11/30/17 .
Currently, all CCR materials have been transported for final placement and covered
with liner. The liner crew completed all liner activities on 11/29/17. Following import
of final protective cover material, the cover will be installed and final seeding and
stabilization will occur following the final cover efforts. Delays have been weather
related due to above average rainfall in this region of North Carolina.
ReUse Technology, Inc.
Swift Creek Project
Weekly Update –December 13, 2017
Key Items Completed Last Week:
Project Related
1. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17.
2. The site continued receiving off-site soil for the final cover of the liner. Team unable to
receive off-site soil on Friday and Monday due to excess rain.
3. Final cover soil continued to be placed on the liner last Wednesday and Thursday12/6-
7/17 and Tuesday 12/12/17.
4. All equipment was removed from the office trailer which is scheduled to be taken off-
site on Wednesday 12/13/17.
5. Demobilized unused equipment.
6. Progress Plan and photo log are attached for reference.
Two (2) Week Look Ahead (12/13/17 – 12/27/17):
7. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time.
8. Final cover soil will continue to be placed.
9. Importing of off-site soil for final cover.
10. Demobilization of unused equipment.
11. Christmas holiday schedule is to be off for 12/25/17 and return to the site on 12/26/17.
12. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities as needed.
Vertex / Ace Related
13. ERM will issue the November services invoice today based on communication from
Vertex to proceed including Change Order amount.
Permit Related
14. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that
erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad
replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet.
15. NCDEQ - The next monthly update will be submitted to NCDEQ following placement
of final cover soils.
Currently, all CCR materials have been transported for final placement and covered
with liner. Following import of final protective cover material, the cover will be installed
and final seeding and stabilization will occur following the final cover efforts. Delays
have been weather related due to above average rainfall in this region of North Carolina.
ReUse Technology, Inc.
Swift Creek Project
Weekly Update –December 20, 2017
Key Items Completed Last Week:
Project Related
1. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17.
2. The site continued receiving off-site soil for the final cover of the liner.
3. Final cover soil continued to be imported from off site and placed on the liner since last
Wednesday 12/13/17.
4. Tom Sears with Full Circle Solutions was on-site Wednesday 12/13/17 for a site walk
and to discuss the schedule moving forward. Mr. Sears was escorted by ERM during the
site visit. He did not have additional questions while on-site. Dave Wasiela followed up
with Tom Sears on 12/14/17 and left a voice message to ask if he had any additional
questions concerning the site. We have not received any further communications to
5. Demobilized unused equipment.
6. Progress Plan and photo log are attached for reference.
Facing North – Final Cover Access Road
Two (2) Week Look Ahead (12/20/17 – 1/3/17):
7. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time.
8. Final cover soil will continue to be placed.
9. Importing of off-site soil for final cover.
10. Demobilization of unused equipment.
11. Christmas holiday schedule is to be off for 12/25/17 and return to the site on 12/26/17.
12. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities as needed.
Vertex / Ace Related
13. ERM issued the November services invoice on 12/13/17 and provided Vertex a copy of
the November monthly report on 12/19/17 per their request.
Permit Related
14. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that
erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad
replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet.
15. NCDEQ - The next monthly update will be submitted to NCDEQ following placement
of final cover soils.
Currently, all CCR materials have been transported for final placement and covered
with liner. Following import of final protective cover material, the cover will be installed
and final seeding and stabilization will occur following the final cover efforts. Delays
have been weather related due to above average rainfall in this region of North Carolina.
ReUse Technology, Inc.
Swift Creek Project
Weekly Update –December 27, 2017
Key Items Completed Last Week:
Project Related
1. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17.
2. The site finished receiving off-site import soil for the final cover of the liner on Friday
3. Final cover soil continued to be placed on the liner the remainder of last week and
beginning Tuesday 12/26/17 of this week.
4. Final cover placement of the western slope is complete with operations moving towards
the eastern slope.
5. Progress Plan and photo log are attached for reference.
Two (2) Week Look Ahead (12/27/17 – 1/10/18):
6. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time.
7. Final cover soil will continue to be placed.
8. Demobilization of unused equipment.
9. New Year holiday schedule is to be off for 1/1/18 and return to the site on 1/2/18.
10. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities as needed.
Vertex / Ace Related
11. ERM has not had any further conversations with or questions from Vertex since
Permit Related
12. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that
erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad
replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet.
13. NCDEQ - The next monthly update will be submitted to NCDEQ following placement
of final cover soils.
Currently, all CCR materials have been transported for final placement and covered
with liner. Following import of final protective cover material, the cover will be installed
and final seeding and stabilization will occur following the final cover efforts. Delays
have been weather related due to above average rainfall in this region of North Carolina.
ReUse Technology, Inc.
Swift Creek Project
Weekly Update –January 3, 2018
Key Items Completed Last Week:
Project Related
1. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17.
2. Final cover soil continued to be placed on the liner since last Wednesday 12/27/17.
3. No work was completed on Monday 1/1/18 due to New Year’s holiday.
4. Team demobilized unused equipment.
5. Progress Plan and photo log are attached for reference.
Two (2) Week Look Ahead (1/3/18 – 1/17/18):
6. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time.
7. Final cover soil will continue to be placed and should be completed this week.
8. Team will complete final grading following the completion of the final cover placement.
9. Final seeding and site stabilization is scheduled for Monday 1/8/18
10. Demobilization of the remainder of the equipment.
11. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities as needed.
Vertex / Ace Related
12. ERM will issue the December services invoice next week.
Permit Related
13. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that
erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad
replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet.
14. NCDEQ - The next monthly update will be submitted to NCDEQ next week following
placement of final cover soils.
Final cover soils placement should be completed this week. Installation of permanent
rip rap channels and outlet protection are scheduled for this week. Final grading for
permanent access roads, preparation for seeding and demobilization of equipment is
scheduled for next week.
ReUse Technology, Inc.
Swift Creek Project
Weekly Update –January 10, 2018
Key Items Completed Last Week:
Project Related
1. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17.
2. The site received 2.5” of snow on Wednesday night (1/3/18).
3. Final cover soil continued to be placed on the liner and was completed on Friday
4. Final grading occurred Monday and Tuesday (1/8-9/18).
5. Rip rap was installed at all 4 anchor trench drain locations and the surface drainage area
on both sides of MW-4 on 1/9/18.
6. Team prepared and demobilized unused equipment.
7. Progress Plan and photo log are attached for reference.
Two (2) Week Look Ahead (1/10/18 – 1/12/18):
8. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site until construction completion which is
scheduled to be Friday (1/12/18).
9. Final seeding and site stabilization will occur on Wednesday 1/10/18
10. Demobilization of the remainder of the equipment.
11. ERM is scheduled to meet with Tom Sears of Full Circle on Wednesday 1/10/18 to tour
the site.
Vertex / Ace Related
12. ERM will issue the December services invoice this week following the receipt of
Earnhardt Grading’s Application #8.
Permit Related
13. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that
erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad
replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet.
ERM will notify Land Quality Section when construction is complete.
14. NCDEQ - The next monthly update will be submitted to NCDEQ early next week
following seeding of final cover soils.
Currently, all CCR materials have been transported for final placement and covered
with liner. All soil import has been completed and the final protective cover soil has
been placed. The final seeding and stabilization will occur on Wednesday (1/10/18).
Following completion of the site stabilization the remainder of the equipment will be
demobilized. Delays have been weather related due to above average rainfall in this
region of North Carolina.
ReUse Technology, Inc.
Swift Creek Project
Weekly Update –January 17, 2018
Key Items Completed Last Week:
Project Related
1. Earnhardt Grading and ERM demobilized from the site on Friday 1/12/18.
2. The site received 1.2” of rain on Friday 1/12/18.
3. Final seeding of the cover soil was completed on Thursday 1/11/18.
4. Team prepared and demobilized unused equipment.
5. Photo log is attached for reference.
Two (2) Week Look Ahead (1/17/18 – 1/31/18):
6. ERM and Earnhardt Grading will review final as-built drawings and certified
construction quantities.
7. ERM will plan to conduct a site visit towards the end of January to inspect site status
following final seeding.
8. ERM will plan to contact NCDOT to coordinate installation of replacement monitoring
wells MW-5S and MW-5D.
Vertex / Ace Related
9. ERM issued the December services invoice on Tuesday 1/16/18 following the receipt of
Earnhardt Grading’s Application #8.
Permit Related
10. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that
erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad
replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet.
ERM will notify Land Quality Section that construction is complete following our visit
towards the end of January.
11. NCDEQ - ERM notified Jackie Drummond via email that ERM and Earnhardt Grading
would be leaving the site on Thursday 1/11/18 (email with reply attached).
Dave Wasiela
From:Drummond, Jaclynne <jaclynne.drummond@ncdenr.gov>
Sent:Friday, January 12, 2018 9:51 AM
To:Dave Wasiela
Cc:Tom Wilson
Subject:RE: [External] Swift Creek Update
Hi Dave,
Thank you for the update and thank you so much for your hard work and dedication on this project.
Have a great day,
Jaclynne Drummond
Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section
NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
828.296.4706 Office
828.299.7043 Fax
Asheville Regional Office (ARO)
2090 US Highway 70
Swannanoa, NC 28778
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be
disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: Dave Wasiela [mailto:Dave.Wasiela@erm.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 11:47 AM
To: Drummond, Jaclynne <jaclynne.drummond@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Tom Wilson <Tom.Wilson@erm.com>
Subject: [External] Swift Creek Update
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
Hope you are well Jackie. We are finishing up Swift Creek this week. Final seeding was finished today and have a few
pieces of equipment to demobilize. Final as‐built survey was completed for cover soils as well. I will send you a monthly
update next week so you get a chance to see the final product. After that we can discuss what you would like to see as
far as a final submittal package. Thanks and have a great day.
David Wasiela, P.E. (NC,SC)
Senior Engineer, CSM Practice
15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 120│Charlotte, North Carolina │28277
Direct 704 409 3428 │ F 704 624 7928 │ M 980 355 4535 │ O 704 541 8345
E Dave.wasiela@erm.com│ W www.erm.com
This electronic mail message may contain information which is (a) LEGALLY PRIVILEGED, PROPRIETARY IN NATURE, OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY
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system. Thank you, ERM NC, Inc.
Photo Log of Previous Week’s Activities:
Final Cover Soil Complete – Facing East – 1/11/18
Final Seeding Complete – Facing East – 1/12/18
Facing North from top of closure area – 1/10/18
Facing North from top of closure area – 1/12/18
From south end of project facing north – 1/10/18
From south end of project facing north – 1/12/18
South end of project seeded, rip rap channels in place – 1/12/18
North end of project, access road to MW-7 & MW-8 – 1/12/18
(Following 1.2 inches of rainfall)
East side of closure area with access – 1/12/18
West side of closure area; storm water bench – 1/12/18
Top of closure area facing south – 1/12/18