HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC232021_NOT Closeout Documents_20240829 Sedimentation/Construction Stormwater Inspection Report
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Land Resources: 2090 US Highway 70, Swannanoa,NC 28778 (828) 296-4500
County: Henderson Project: French Broad River Floodplain River basin: French Broad
Person financially responsible:North State Environmental Inc.-Brandon Spaugh Project#: HENDE-2023-027
Address: 2889 Lowery Street,Winston Salem,NC 27101
1. Project Location: Pleasant Grove Rd,Etowah
Pictures: Yes-Digital
2. Weather and soil conditions: Clear,Dry Initial inspection: Yes
3. Is site currently under notice of violation? No
4. Is the site in compliance with S.P.C.A.and rules? Yes If no,check violations below:
5. Violations:
6. Is the site in compliance with NPDES Permit NCG010000 Construction Stormwater requirements? Yes
7. Has sedimentation damage occurred since last inspection? No If Yes,where? (check all that apply)
Degree of damage:
8. Contact made with(name): N/A Title:
Inspection report: Sent Report Date given/sent: August 06,2024
9. Corrective action needed:
10. Comments: Site inspection was performed by request for close out.The site is stabilized and approved for
close out.Please visit deq.nc.gov/ncg01 to file the eNOT and close out the NCGO1 General
Construction Stormwater Permit.
Reported by: Josh Wilson Others present: N/A
Date of inspection: August 01,2024 Time arriving on site: 11:00 AM Time leaving site: 11:05 AM