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NCC232312_Site Plan or Location Map_20230802
DowSign Envelope ID:B9CFC2E0.69B7.4261-A9CC-636DEC9C0420 r 1 l 1 INDEX OF SHEETS DESIGN DATA PE SEAL CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS Roadway/Site Plans „ ter~ DESIGN SPEED =40 MPH , CAR Cover Sheet 1 ,.��" "'�.,, New Property Lin — ,,,�l N 0 Existing Property Line General Notes 2A ^• •N�°Y+^• Maintained as R/W Line _,,.——— ——— Typical Sections 3A-1-3A-2 FUNC.CLASSIFICATION: �F k. 2 t5nle E N' = Existing Structures Site Details 3A-3-3A-10 PRIVATE STREET FW ar2115 '2�` Railroad Tracks „uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupllll y ✓ ',,,O;NN.IJO ;:o Fence —, x Site Layout 3B-1 / Site Grading Detail 3B-2-3B-3 .,,,,,„„.. 6/23/2023 Slope Stake Line Summaries 3C-1-3C-2 Survey Control 3D-1 CCU DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL Limits of Disturbance Line — LOD LOD — Roadway Plans 4-6 CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS"' > UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED / Limits of Construction Line — LOC LOC Roadway Profiles 7-9 INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT C1 Temporary Construction Easement — e e e — Transportation Management Plans TMP-1-TMP-3 Record Drawings Lease Easement E E Pavement Marking Plans PM-1-PM-4 Drainage Easement POE-POI-POE Erosion Control Plans EC-1-EC-6 Slope Easement — ,P Landscape&irrigation Plans LS-1-LS-5 Drainage Utility Easement —DUE-DUE-DUE— Signing Plans SIGN-I-SIGN-4 Construction Plans for Relocation of Utility Easement POE Entrance Sign&Aircraft Concrete Foundations S-1-S-2 Water and Sewer Plans U-1-U-16 Post Construction Controls Easement PCCE PCCE PCCE_ Water Quality Basin C_loo_C_109 Airport Overlook Drive and Airport Overlook Site Conservation Easement —CE CE CE— Lighting Plans L109 Existing Gas Line —u C Cross Sections X-1-X-33 (Project Number: 4020901837-5) Existing Water Line w w w Architecture Proposed Water Line —.—.—.— Existing Sanitary Sewer —n ss SS Appendix B&Abbreviations G-1-G6 U, U, UT Architectural Plans A-1-A-5 Project Features: Existing Underground Telecommunicationsle UE UE Plumbing Plans&Fixture Schedule P-1 Existing Underground Electric Existing Storm Drainage Mechanical Plans M-1-M-5 Grading,Paving,Curb&Gutter,Drainage, ` J I Electrical Plans E-1-E-5 Proposed Storm Drainage Erosion Control,Site Facilities and Utilities Accessible Rampcc M ITS Conduit Plans ITS-1-ITS-25 en GC Memorial Plans AM-1-AM-4 End Project ~y Existing Tree ° ries TOTAL SHEETS 169 WM>' .." 0 O Q Existing Water Meter ❑ C1 r III �L� Sta. 48+20.00 Existing Water Valve E N d r 1 a Begin Construction _ * I, n Existing Gas Valve ca r '�.L�_ D -DR2-Sta.10+54.31 Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole O 6 I Proposed Sanitary Sewer Manhole LI CD Proposed RTR l 4 U 8 -© (By Others) `� \ End Construction Existing Storm Drain Manhole (D• E iiiiiiir 5 L ?1P .T �� WLO Sta.29+43.98 _ ��� �_� 00 DR ( N Proposed Storm Drain ManholeProposed o f:' Dom_ (CL —�.�� pgD• Existing Telephone Manhole l�" Airport C? _ - �T. ED) � L p0 j'� T Overlook Site �• _ �, �� \ O1�/ Proposed Telephone Manhole O Cr) 7':41*�i o L ® — A ,� - a Existing Electric Manhole 0 •,�II o . O r \.n5 ' o Future ASR +1�` 20 Proposed Electric Manhole 0 -g I� Existing Catch Basin B QI �� 7// � `� O�� ��\ Proposed Catch Basin • BEGIN PROJECT L —— 17\ Concrete Plant // 1� n(By Others)/ \ JI O�\\ Existing Light Pole # 4 �l Future Design//� „ vy Proposed Light Pole VICINITY MAP ii�� \ \ \, Existing Utility Pole ii -DI , Grading By Others TCp I Gu Wire NTS End Construction i Proposed Septic Field � y �O II Proposed Utility Pole 'u, r \DR1-Sta.12+00.00O qIronPin Oo• C Existing Fire Hydrant 15 Begin Pro ect o � \\ \ Proposed Fire Hydrant � -L- Sta. �00.00 �� �7 �v Existing Drop Inlet 0 C_ Proposed Drop Inlet `� Tree Protection O Know what's below. �/ 0 Call before you dig. Proposed Guardrail II Silt Fence — V� OlyG�pORT OVERL 0 Proposed Curb&Gutter,Conc.Drive,Sidewalk W �� E�8 I Proposed Asphalt Pavement Proposed Rip Rap Ditch Proposed Gravel ��-! :! I I;II II�� P CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED 1 i,, I Proposed Pavement Removal � O TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD HI. Asphalt Milling ' 1 I/\ C\ tea/ PLANS PREPARED BY: A GRAPHIC SCALES LOCATION MAP 40 80 120CD 5.1h- NTS REVISIONS DATE �1 Plan View 1--y 1 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 07/11/2023 40 80 120 CI 2 Horz.Profile Z STV Engineers, Inc. PROJECT LENGTH = 0.496 MILES 3 8 16 24 Vert.Profile 900 West Trade St., Suite 715 (AIRPORT OVERLOOK DRIVE) 4 Cle Charlotte, NC 28202 5 10 15 •1 ,5 NC License Number F 0991 2018 NCDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 5 Cross Section CD ,__J' J a 100% Plan Submittal 05/15/2023