HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC231368_ESC Approval Submitted (2)_20230508 FAYETTEVILLE
Project: Ramsey Street CCSS Date: 3/28/2023
4247 Ramsey Street Reviewer: Michael Monge
Inf.Permit#: EII12272022-00068
Status: Issued
Exp.Date: 3/28/2025
Stormwater Control Measure(SCM)Type: EXEMPT
Applicant: Owner:
James Reed Russ Reinhart
Gradient,PLLC MV Commercial Construction LLC
230 Donaldson Street,400B 823 Gervais Street, Suite 200
Fayetteville,NC 28301 Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (910) 824-7731 Phone: (803) 798-3800
Email:jreed@gradientnc.com Email: Russ.Reinhart@mvg.com
To All Concerned Parties:
The below comments are being provided in response to the SECOND submittal for the above
referenced project that was received by our office on December 22,2022.
In accordance with Sec. 23-26g of the City of Fayetteville Code of Ordinance, plan
approval is solely an acknowledgement of satisfactory compliance with the
requirements of the regulations. The approval DOES NOT constitute a representation
or warranty to the applicant or any other person concerning the safety,appropriateness
or effectiveness of any provision, or omission from the stormwater design plan.
Post-Approval Requirements
All items within this section must be completed prior to Final Inspection from our office unless otherwise noted.
1. A copy of the permit and the approved plans with the approval stamp shall remain on site at all
times during construction.
2. The total impervious area is currently at 55,486 SF. Please keep in mind that if any development is
to occur in the future, any additional impervious area(to include,but not limited to, additional
buildings, concrete, asphalt, gravel, etc.)will be added to this on a cumulative basis. The lot was
permitted for 60,878 SF once the 5,392 SF threshold has been reached, stormwater controls will be
required retroactively in accordance with Article III of the Stormwater Control Ordinance.
433 Hay Street I Fayetteville, NC 28301 I www.fayettevillenc.gov I An Equal Opportunity Employer
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3. If any portion of the Dry Extended Detention Basin is used for sedimentation and erosion control
during construction, it must be cleaned out and returned to the design state.
Additional Remarks
Please provide the required information so that we can move forward in completing the review and
approval of your project. If comments are not addressed within 45 business days of this comment list,
the file will be considered inactive and a new submittal for the same or substantially the same
project shall be required along with the appropriate fee.
If you have any questions or desire to set up a meeting to address these comments,please feel free to call
the undersigned at(910)433-1240.
Signed: (�
Michael Monge
Engineering Specialist I
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