HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC231161_Site Plan or Location Map_20230421 / 1 / 2' t 'ql 'p SPILL PAD USING 4"MIN O', 30" gg--I \ EXISTING GROUNO DIAMETER NATIVE STONES IY DRAIN PIPE (BROWN AND BEIGE TONES) /TS IM O COMMON AREA `v 1` PB 91 PG 106 /L // IBM NCDOT TYPE 2 CEOTEXTILE J � 1 1 I �� / TOP OF PIPE Z o N �\ ______ ,� 23" / ELEV.87.52' 1 APPRIOVEDE ESUAL.101 OR 1^�W Y = i/'" w J F 2 \ F �_- L- /6" i -r — �- -I �� _ _ ��; THICKNESS pu -�--�- - 'V / >--=J-- >,�� INv.our=aa.52' '� \ — 11 III I _I W'> • -�- �� �` ->--->- ->--->--->--=T>---> -� -- 14 \In •� - / �_-- DRAINPIPE Z4 w �- >_- > > I> x=La _, mF."`Loo—__,a 2,. _�/jf • DISSIPATOR PNAD Al AND B1 •T^ _� s >- > > h •■ ��. •• § f // 1 iW --> -> • • ■ • ■ ■ ■ �' �� so 1 �� CJ n I / / 6' TOP MIN WIDTH / sa y h Iems, / J _..1 nI I',, -/''�, . �I 1,I.% -1 9l.� I / / \\ GRASS ue O II I ��,n.r1�� ■h.- hI $ / / 1 y Ot as u I - �' i I / 1„ DEPTH „u11-W-J1 w� I I / DISSIPATER PAD Al - aco le 3 1 �� ���� ° // INV: 90.0 DISSIPATER PAD 81 III II N Y. /./ I -`l INV: 96,0 I A,I I �I�'I ,.-1 �� --- BIONET LINER ' _ TEMPORARY LINER I dole_©'' �—■ ® I /,/ I .•,�NCAgo'-. All II'� Ai, _w r I/ OP FE Y �I 1OT 5 f I, / or 511 SWALES zQ�o ti;�v . I I . 11 ,, nI PB 91 PG 108 Nis fi t`/ InI ��11 �I�II . 5r. �./ �01/09/2033 EXISTING BERM AND 11 W �I'�� / / /' "s,-t1;F,�' EP. `:5307 - ¢INF ., DITCH ON LOT 513 LL - 1/ / l'' ,.,2)4 J'Otts MMEMMI LOT 513 I.II 3 I� _No.... p Cam' r 12" MIN PB 91 PG 106 I $ly •I� II�i i� / / i DTH THE H n� 1P� ow I / / 1` - _ II II 1. �_ AIN LOOK _ 2" COVER N-12 HDPE PPE FEE 101,5 1 ' i INSTALL WTM 1.0% I I1 II I / I min W__ ._ 9 / - - MINIMUM SLOPE ''^^I I fi GARAGE FLOOR CATCH BASIN W -I /// / RIM: 92.5 I, FFE 10•.5 t-2,, /^ INV: 91.0 - ROOF DRAIN PIPE TYPICAL SECTION Z C5 r I�,�� �II� __ �y414j , �--�_ NTS °O z r— —I '�1 g��5�' 1.0miaMlai' .5 �6/ /c // B2 L-- — I / a x -- --- ---INV: 98.0/ a° / / � 100.5 eaoo � / A / W Z x / i- 3 N CATCH SIN / O Q V 1.o ®/// RIM: 97.O /' E_\ I--- W 4 INV: 95.5 '• a 100.3 \ /// BW 97. / O/ 1� WI-I / .s,'�_ A / -// 2'- z 3. LANDSCAPE WALL PROVIDE .a 1--1 L ,, eregGK u� / / WALL DRAINAGE PER W NE '� MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION. a, A Tn:11ppp.; R.• / N ELECTRIC ew:laq.2 �// LOW SPOT FT`+.i TRANSFORMER I /// FLOWLINE IN / DRIVEWAY /'' /1--- ,/,7—PEDESTAL RIDGE POINT IN DRIVEWAY 102.3 ELECTRIC_ '� /�'PROPOSED FLOWLIE ,, / 'Da ,02.000MMUNICATION '/� I \`\ //J PEDESTAL // -/- // �7 A _ '`I TOP OF CURB 101.5 2 /......... / �� / \ EXISTING PRECAST MANHOLE WITH OPEN ' / ��\\�\ <ifs\ 7 THROAT LID. Y / , RETAIN EXISTING MANHOLE, CONVERT OPEN CP \ THROAT LID TO GRATED INLET AND RESHAPE \ pN ;/ CONCRETE TO DRAIN TO GRATE. SEE DETAIL 840.52 AND 840.37 ON SHEET C4. HASSELL0' I \ / 1 RIM: '-101.0 FIELD ADJUST TO RECEIVE z z / 1 DRAINAGE FROM MODIFIED DRIVEWAY APRON. o w 1V PRIVATE s1I) \ I H g \ 1 2 OV II 0 ¢ 1 / Fy \ t 1 1 i m / .L ' F N p o Y / w / ¢ DATE: DECEMBER 5,20. BALTANGTS, .... ..........`\` \ \\ i' / EDESIGN HEBEON N / NOT FOR USE ON ANY OTHER SITE OR PROJECT :WTE Al oxxPCIOVILICCNSULTAMS NCNC, ``\ \ ` — / 811 Wp COPYRIGHT]I \\ / 8 +�--. ,,1 / SHEET NO. \`N -- \ � GRAPHIC SCALE .`\ /-- 10 0 5 10 20 C 1 -/ Know what's below. ��, --- Call before you dig. nc =h 1) (0r call:1-800-632-4949) 1 inch 10 ft. I Z:\Shared Solders\Projects\CoronaU9063\DWG\Production\29063 GC.dwg,Cl,1/9/2023 10:17:43 AM e VICINITY MAP: 1 -.1 5, * cir,....T .. COMMON AREA I a= $8 vn., • ' \ S, PB 91 PG 106 /� / 1BM CAVERNORS CLUB - / 0 (7 N s 2l 23,/ / TOP OF PIPE .,,,,,..,,, ' F■r -��0ev�0� ! � .. _ v 7 7' ,' �. ... .. - 'Ord "-� J N i SILT FENCE / A,'- ;D 7s" (TYP•) �- _ v ea 6' �•. - TREE PROTECTION ,� _' � - , I ri.__ a° - -_�--�.-�� FENCE(TYP.) I i INV.OUT=85.52' �'� ` 7'. SITE W s 11> > r• --> r�>- > J- >- i � H i W > > > > > ej a��°I �,., �� "�' -� >- > > > _mv- ��1PFm=uo-�" 12" 'It �y % 4 6 0 >_- > -->- > SF srtoo-s_s a �aA��7,,r r �1/ L �� ��� �� I' ...._1).. d att d L / �o�/ SILT OUTLET "L � Ca /�/ _ is - - - n�I U 7 - `91 ry I / FENCE (TYP.) �� = t4PV.4,441i.1. zn s. s iL-r_� j 30 sEr: > i y,_ i 4 J04> a T 1 11'il1 -- - �� II 2 / DISSIPATER PAD Al i- fA'�� '� 0.0 ra-� Ii- 1 �� I b / INV: 90.0nnra�.INV: 96.0 A :\I - r - I • ,., Ira„ 6 IA aiee ,,r p", I 1 ® I/ ';/ ,:4O�I � !'II 1 OT / LOT 511 CONTACT INFORMATION: LEGEND: � ` 11 I 1j1 �, // PB 91 PG 106 OWNER / FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY: LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE/CLEARING LIMITS I. lao _ 045307 A I 1 Ip 555 / / KERI AND BRENDEN O'ROURKE SILT FENCE- er g- o17o9izo3s EXISTING BERM AND 1 I W '� / 2305 TERRMINI DR EXISTING CONTOUR - '4 - P` 1 NOINEE I 01"y / APEX, NC 27502 PROPOSED CONTOUR "''',A""aot,,- DITCH ON LOT 513 I 1 \ --.-I j' ,,,q JpN`�. -- - / korourke459®gmail.com TREE PROTECTION FENCE mr mr '•,,,,, n *+I,, ..- s>a- TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH-- LOT 513 ,,II$ -� 1--- ---1-- PB 91 PG 106 I I r= I t'i • - �r �� ,4 / INLET PROTECTION ENGINEER: nr b�11 limy I / (TYP) ANDREW JONES, P.E. SILT FENCE OUTLET 1 TM_ CIVIL CONSULTANTS, INC. �q AII MAIN LOORO / 3708 LYCKAN PARKWAY, SUITE 201 CATCH BASIN/YARD INLET PROTECTION 111 IIn ® --- - FFE 101.5 DURHAM, NC 27707 �b I �I „. -- // (919) 381-2407 WATTLE MEDD I 'I ='!•r /::/ SITE INFORMATION: RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ��� is i 1\ / Al I �1� � ��-�� - / �i A2 COUNTY ZONING: RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT-1 1 I� � / CATCH BASIN TONES r - I A I 1 {' GARAGE FLOOR ��-y�� RIM: 92.5 �_ PARCEL AREA: 0.18 ACRES MATTING �L�'��� I I oA II I FFE 100.5 I� /I- -:/ DISTURBED AREA. 0.19 ACRES (8,000 SF) Z_ INV: 91.0 1 ,' I i G6i 1i�/ -�_ BOULDER WALL r r - l �1r - WWI r / -�_ �l a 1 � i I aI 'S?3 �� -,__ CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: o � l INK-NI I `1 <����' �- 1. SUBMIT A LAND DISTURBING PERMIT APPLICATION AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY (Ya 0 f- -I- _. I 1 ��-��J, „0.5 v i 6 0��o �/' OCCURRING. ' g .M __1��-� ' / /f U �y B2 I 6 4/ 2. ORGANIZE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH CHATHAM COUNTY WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT TO REVIEW 1-� - - RIM:100.0 / I v , �• �/ �/ /'' SITE PLAN PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. LAND-DISTURBING PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS WILL BE a x Z E. INV: 98.0/ iw_1003 /b7 ,96'/�+ /'� PROVIDED AT THIS MEETING. in W 0 Z �, 'U robs OW 100.3 ,� / A. -�--- �Doo CA CH BASIN , 3. INSTALL ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION DISCUSSED DURING THE U1 -->� L , /�V Y RIM: 97D ' PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING. MINIMAL CLEARING MAY OCCUR IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA OF ALL MEASURES TO PROVIDE Z -\ /i" INV: -STANDARD 12" DIAMETER FOR INSTALLATION. .l O a 0 :00.3 \ 13% yv / BM.s' WATTLE(TYP) 3.1.INSTALL TREE PROTECTION FENCE, SILT FENCE, SILT FENCE OUTLETS, CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION, AND Q _ i! / SWALES WITH THEIR SPECIFIED LINERS AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. ,� 3.2.INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, WATTLES, AND CONCRETE WASHOUT. a '.4' /�% 2'-3' LANDSCAPE WALL. PROVIDE 3.3.COMPLETE SITE CLEARING, GRUBBING, ROUGH GRADING, FOUNDATION, AND RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION. O L ' 5 C/ •'-."�\' - . / '/ WALL DRAINAGE PER 3.4.FOLLOWING ROOF INSTALLATION, CONNECT GUTTERS TO DRAINAGE PIPING. W o R25' ,40•, /Wa�'� �'L MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION. 3.5.COVERT EXISTING OPEN THROAT INLET TO GRATED INLET. /.r. /•/. t/../ tr a, W /•1 �� ��r"ii s, ,, 3.6.FOLLOWING THE INSTALLATION OF THE PROPOSED CATCH BASINS, INSTALL CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION UN ELECTRIC /•�,/ O:+,4�"S,/� / LOW SPOT UPSTREAM AREA IS FULLY STABILIZED. x TRANSFORMER j-- AVOW O ''I,�]/ / DRIVE NE IN /. I,,/. I•,/-„le,• �/ DRIVEWAY /�' 4. PERMITTED LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES MAY BEGIN ONCE MEASURES ARE INSTALLED. ��/R/OISIW!► RIDGE POINT IN DRIVEWAY.! ri I /"�I�'�' / pEOESTA� 5. COMPLETE SELF-INSPECTIONS WEEKLY AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OR A 0.5"OR GREATER RAINFALL EVENT. �� j . , // /,. PROPOSED FLOWLINE , .. 0 _, ,�r,� ; COMMUNICATION 6. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. SILT FENCE, INLET /PR 'q s•p�,L �,�I,_d. �. PEDESTAL PROTECTION AND OTHER SIMILAR MEASURES MUST BE CLEANED OUT WHEN THEY ARE HALF FULL. CLOGGED SILT �,7.�,�������/y1�`�Z//>�'' �� �' FENCE OUTLETS MUST BE REFRESHED/REPLACED. SILT FENCE CANNOT HAVE HOLES OR TEARS. �/' - r��l�7V 9. w E..�/ R8' g. 7. GROUND COVER SHALL BE PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS: \ 7.3.STABILIZE BASINS WITH GROUND COVER IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION. (IF APPLICABLE) �/' % / q0 ����� , 1^v TOP OF CURB 101.5 7.4.STABILIZE DIVERSION DITCHES INTENDED TO BE IN SERVICE FOR (14) DAYS OR MORE WITH TEMPORARY SEEDING „„../.....'/' j / EX -D ik}ET p�,,,,,i0 l� ' ` AND EROSION CONTROL MATTING. (IF APPLICABLE) 11 • I 7.S.FOR ALL AREAS OF MODERATE AND/OR STEEP SLOPES, STABILIZE AREA WITH SEED AND MATTING IF THE SLOPE ../� / / .P=101s2 \I HAS NOT BEEN DISTURBED FOR A PERIOD OF (7) DAYS. �/' i / TEMPORARY �> ��'t \ lip 7FPRTOVIDE LANDUDDISTUOVER RBING FF CIEY INT TC RESTRAIN EROSION AKON ANY WIHNORT140NCAOF THE LENDARSIDE UPON WHICH OF TEMPORARILY /� , / \ EXISTING PRECAST MANHOLE W1TH OPEN ( )CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE �c/ d5" / % THROAT LID. OR PERMANENTLY SUSPENDING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY. �? � / 7.7.ESTABLISH PERMANENT GROUND COVER SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING COMPLETION TEMPORARY 12" y y RETAIN EXISTING MANHOLE, CONVERT OPEN OF CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT AND/OR PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. DIAMETER WATTLE �1P \ THROAT LID TO GRATED INLET AND RESHAPE pPA %/ CONCRETE TO DRAIN TO GRATE. CONCRETE Fi.• SEE DETAIL 840.52 AND 840.37 ON SHEET C4. 8. RE-INSTALL ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AND/OR INCREASE MAINTENANCE WASHOUT AND SIGN \ / FREQUENCY WHERE APPROVED MEASURES FAIL TO PREVENT ACCELERATED EROSION, OFF-SITE SEDIMENTATION, OR \ / ` RIM: ,�101.0 FIELD ADJUST TO RECEIVE REPETITIVE NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUES. I HASSELL / i DRAINAGE FROM MODIFIED DRIVEWAY APRON. 0 w W PRIrAa n0 I \ I 9. MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AT THE BACK OF CURB TO RESTRICT ALL VEHICLE ACCESS TO THE a CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. ALL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN UNLESS I 1 APPROVED IN THE FIELD BY CHATHAM COUNTY WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT STAFF (APPROVED FIELD 0 OV I I REVISION). o ¢ a / PA I 10. MODIFICATIONS TO THE APPROVED AND PERMITTED PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED, BY CHATHAM COUNTY r WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT STAFF ONLY, PRIOR TO REMOVAL OR INSTALLATION. CONTACT CHATHAM w o /( pp 'r COUNTY WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT STAFF TO REQUEST AN INSPECTION AND OBTAIN A SIGN-OFF ON THE a m / } PLANS OR AN APPROVED FIELD REVISION. 0 3 N / 1 \ i 11. ONCE GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE COMPLETE, TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE REMOVED, AND THE w o DRAINAGE SWALE SCHEDULE SITE IS STABILIZED CALL CHATHAM COUNTY WATERSHED PROTECTION DIVISION STAFF TO SCHEDULE THE FINAL Ic INSPECTION. Cross-Section 2-Year Rainfall 10-Year Rainfall Swale Liner DATE: DECEMBER 5.2022 12. ONCE THE FINAL INSPECTION IS COMPLETE THE PERMIT WILL BE CLOSED AND NO ADDITIONAL GROUND DISTURBING rws DR...ANDrNE DEs,oN REBEoN Approx. Left Bottom Right Min. Bottom Drainage Flow Flow Shear Flow Flow Shear Installed ACTIVITIES CAN OCCUR ARE THE PROPERTY OF CIVIL CONINC THE INFORMATION ON THIS SULTANTS, IS / Length Side Width Side Depth Slope Area Runoff Q2 Depth Velocity Stress Oro Depth Velocity Stress Service Width' Swale NOT FOR USE ON ANY OTHER SITE OR PROJECT THE REPRODUCTION OR OTHER USE OF THIS Swale Designation (ft) (X1) (ft) (X1) (ft) (%) (ac.) C-Value (cis) (ft) (f)s) (psf) (cfs) ()) (fps) (psf) Specification' Duration (ft) Designation WRDRAWING IN WHOLE OR IN ITTEN CONSENT WITHOUT u,c505.wc.. SWALE- 1 70 3 - 3 1.0 7.90 0.01 0.41 0.02 0.07 2.33 0.57 0.03 0.09 1.87 0.72 BioNet S75BN Temporary 6.7 SWALE- 1 NSEle PROHIB�ITEonsu 8110 COPYRIGHT PPM CIVIL CONSULTANTS,INC SWALE-2 55 3 - 3 1.0 4.50 0.01 0.35 0.02 0.33 1.81 0.21 0.03 0.42 1.44 0.26 BioNet S75BN Temporary 6.7 SWALE-2 SWALE-3 60 3 - 3 1.0 3.60 0.02 0.35 0.04 0.32 3.95 1.00 0.05 0.40 3.15 1.25 BioNet S75BN Temporary 6.7 SWALE-3 Notes: / SHEET NO. Liner products specified aboee are manufactured by Tensar North American Green.Similar products may be substituted with Engineer's approwl. / GRAPHIC SCALE 2.Install all products per manufacturers recommendations. Where a permanent liner is specified,install liner prior to initial seeding. 10 0 5 10 20 (� '/ Know what's below. . . . F/�./.f -�, ,�. Call before you dig, ••-•� inchh =1) __ (Or call:l-800-632-4949) 1 5 = 10 ft. Z:\Shared Folders\Projects\Corona\29063\DWG\Production\29063 GC.dwg,Q,1/9/2023 10:16:06 AM r 1 ALL DISTURBED AREAS WHO A..wM. a•+. """'`"°°wtl" IIIW n �1r, - •ADDITIONAL SODDING O Species Rate\/ate)Dates March 1-August 31 September 10-February 23 a.° "°"�"' wu ..F-. I.• , »A INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND = F. Rye(//,,,,..,,,,...^, January May 5o0 Tall Fescue 100 Tall Fescuemr° .°N.W.kaa"N IN SECTION 6.12"SODDING"OF - },&■ Fl grain)) 120 1 "a 1 Ok Centipede OM Centipede +•Pe,OW,v THE NCDEQ DEARER EROSION SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE SMOOTH BEFORE IF THERE IS A BERM AT THE TOP OF SLOP(., f p O AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLACEMENT FOR PROPER SOIL CONTACT. ANCHOR UPSLOPE OF THE BERM. 1l W M• .j Annual lespedeza(Kobe) 50 250 Bemludagrass(hulled) 3R. Bermudagrass(unhulled) _,,, ae a..N PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. J IW :. x".MSW. rw..P� 50oK Fertilizer soon Fertilizer ,s ... German millet May 1-August 15 40000 Limestone 40009 Limestone m MMNrIDyaNQ STAPLING PATTERN AS OVERLAP ®•- ANCHOR IN 6"X 6 M1IIN.'THL:\t l f w.-.I r..v.rn..F o° " F AND STAPLE ATI2 INTERVALE MN.2" Cr)Rye(grain) 120 August 15-December•31 ... �°;,;,",,�, _ Mn a PER MMEN MANUFACTURERS t'T WASTE AND BORROW AREAS c S RECOMMENDTAIONS }w March 1-August 31 September 10-February 28 ^"°•°'"•"' """""••""w"" '. 1)DO - N 4�MORE DURING SUMMAR MONTIIS MIN.6"OVERLAP. =C Soil Amendments 'rya Tag Fescue 750 Tall Fescue ",...P., RrNs ANY ARAING MAIRTRIN[MASS rx �` O W Follow recommendations of soil rests or apply 2,000 lb/acre d cultural 25a Bermudagrass(hulled) 250 Be0mudagrass(unhulled) °°' r1)AFTER EMT GROWING w.NRE PP➢ c[e ground n" P D 1 STAPLE OVERLAPS MAX 5"SPACING. - ` =y N limestone and 7501b/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. sous Fertilizer saute FertilizerRms. rFB-r :N,T< v i W 4000a Limestone 4000W Limestone ". 4 I. Mulch BRING MATERIAL DOWN TO ALEVEL 6 B 9 Apply 4,000 lh/acre straw.Anchor straw bytar With asphalt,netting, mulch Noce:50#of ss may be substimced for either Centipede Bermud only PPY �R P [[Ing,or a Bahragn y npede or egress upon request. "' 1y_ �- "ram"w.w......^ DOINOT STRETCHW BLANKETS/MATTING T CONFORMF AREA,TURN AT I THE END UNDER 4"AND • . anchoring tool A dist with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring n TIGHT-ALLOW THE ROLLS TO TO ANY tooL On cut and fill slopes 2.1 or steeper Centipede shall be applied at the race of 5Ib/aae and add 20#of ,- - - I - J w � IRREGULARITIES. STAPLE AT I).INTERVALS. ^ _ ' Seccea Lee .1 era from anti 1-December 31. tlueV geT.T;" _ r� s,,.r,-„"„,,,,,,,,,m,,,,"„" LIME,FERTILIZE,AND SEED HF.POAF.MSTAI.LATION. Ped ter➢ .,.....,.....,.°F:.::. rr� ^"' r i,,, FOR SLOPES I.F.SS THAN 3H:1 V,ROLLS MAY BE .1 W Maintenance 4:.- ("°`-,I r"'""" �°�"~... PLACED IN HORIZONTAL.STRIPS. PLANTING OF SHRUBS,TREES,ETC SHOULD OCCUR • Y= Referlilize ifgrowth is not full ad Reseed,refeetibze and mulch immediate) I'rtilizer shall be 10-20-20 anal A different analysis of fertilizer may be usedprovided the 1-2-2 ,,,•<°,,,, „„",°,,,",,,�„�m„°,",y AFTER INSTALLATION. r 1 C p ➢ square. ➢ analysis. ➢ Y following MI - other dame ratio is rained d theof Rica adjusted to d the same amount of plant food as a ^ '�' MAINTENANC OTES r1 V. erosion or o damage. PP j Pm pan '�- ", ,....4r(t�1�f�'/I' 99syyy . A 10-20-20 analysis and directed "..1 I,{4^ I I)INSPECT MATING WEEKLY AND AFTER SIGNIFICANT RAIN EVENTS.REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. =a O /r{R�`'.� III IMAI El PARMANINT STABILIZATION MN 4 - - _ i` ` r• MATTING.REPAIR ANDS CURE A2)GOOD CONTACF WITH S REQUIRED IF DA MUST BE AMAGED OR UNDERCUT.INED,AND EROSION MUST NOT OCCUR BENEATH 00 :B4 prA'rxsMCoDNTr cxo'tx �lprYn noun Fir tco 90 MINOR MANUAL 0IC trn.u.NaoranwwoOcco1s CONSIDERATIONS norvs. Lmo' �,BnY """ - •"•"••••+° ""'" Cxay�tfO 3)MONITOR AND REPAIR AS NECESSARY UNTIL GROUNDCOVER IS ESTABLISHED. i.e.. IN 1 _ ..... EI/DLO.1.AA PRIOR TO MAT MI IA VI It IN IWrAaNID..a - _ toFORTH C.110.11. a TEMPORARY SEEDING/MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS M,aDN -1 PERMANENT( SEEDING/MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS �,��,..A SODDING INSTRUCTIONS 'M -1 'STANDARD MATTING INSTALLATION(SLOPES) 0 Opp 3 SHEET 1 or 1. s1DPTleI ."_ wIw 'OQ-FES4544 '• 2QP o H*y- I)INSPECTAFTER RAIN MAINTENANCE NOTES: C-0`NANMUM o . 71a `.'TUT AND DETER OF 1 NCH aAMETER "Tv1R IMMEDIATELY. 1.REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN HALF' - VARIABLE AS DIRECTED B THE ENGINEER - STEEL POST P 5]WASHm SmNE �Ea?61P 045307 OZ GOO ROUND MUST BE MAINTAINED HEIGHT OP STONE AND CLEAR GALVANIZED HARDWARE WIRE III 09/20$3 AND EROSION MUST NOT OCCUR BENEATH MATTING REPAIR HARDWARE OP DEBRIS TO PROVmE EXTENDS TO TOP OF BOX n SECURE AS R REQUIRED v Rv UNTIL RruT ADEQUATE FLOW EON STANDARD MET.POSTS r o"w cRouxo Es '.,,.•.... S\+I ;-.FN�NePP:'y``' RAMS,TAKING CARE NOT TO ti•A\! ! BLT FENCE FABRIC HARDWARE CLOM BY IZNCHES 1 •4°O' N, xDAMAGEDOR UNDE _ FENCE FABRIC TO D.cRLM �8 ceouNOcoveR IS Psrneusxeo • Rn 45 DAMAGE OR UNDERCUT HARDWARE MNNENMRESO GAUGE NSADED TO SECOND & ,REyy JO• DURING SEDIMENT REMOVAL. �S:i•• ••.�}•• E ON TO �, MINIMUM 12JtE GAUCE 1 T: I., ,S :'IIIIIIIIII111I911I@I': INTERN'A'MRES 2.REPLACE STONERS NEEDED. sTED.FExcE Pose f': I•• r. .:HIS DR AIRnRNE P� ANC¢NOTES. WIRE FENCE [[�FENCE POST ,,.,.:•O:J::•:y:•�,. •-/,.,r•. , :... ......• ry. MAINTENANCE iO.�i• "ilYE%SD CONJUNCTION a WI "A� _ SEDIMENT WHEN HALF I'O:J ..-^rApE ON HIRE FENCE ON RE FENCE OF SILT-FENCE.M 'II`-1iBn�usaA. Ilrnn Irnlan-rt� rt Irr�i�rtar-ii�n'Raai�l�`A`-�r-i�= 1 1 -- r4H"i --- --IIInnI-II II-II-IIaII II sIaII-II II-II-II-II-x-Il-x-x-x- -- INarAI.I.MATrINu ..Y v:'. - - - HARDWARE T"� -.o:. I REPAIR ELY WHEN EARS. - ,, R PLAN VIEW HA :�' inns: -- _ 801E - -_ IIRST. _ TEARS. - - USE SILT FENCE OUTLETS ONLY SHEN - ,. - .. - c '� WASHED STONE FL TER •�•0��."".p•1"---..-...•.... r We.r. OTHER - DRAINAGE AREA DOES NOT EXCEED 1 1 �T\ _ FRONT VIEW ACRE AND THERE IS A LOW AREA. USE --'•-•• " ORR.IN,I, ,III,. J.THE DESIGN LIFE OF A SYNTHETIC SILT ROW DID _ECTON Irt.�' IS` AS REPAIR OF SILT FENCE ALLURES. VATTING SHOULD BE USED IN AL I. 111 1,•°• °.,�, :.Ya H.H..,f DaILrFENEEMGSTBE ., :..,,: CONCENTRATED RtwoIP IS CONVEYED `.:..:. )I--- ;. REPLACED. STEEL POST ' I -- HARDWARE CLOTH- L� J NSRgUN RCFEET MMr WIRE FENCE IN CHANNELS,ROLL our STRIPS OF NETTING PARAI.1 I 1.It DIRECTION OPPtownNDovaaTxe eRornc'rrvF,L An. -1/ I L{.o EDw WOVEN WIRE FABRIC Ids-s• T f 8 t • IT{1• � L ieitill•.0 - USE SAT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA NAREAe SIDE VIEW I J �. 1� II lag i • T L L{-v 471 w 1{' CONCENTRATE LINEAR S DITCHES,IN OFEXCEED SILT FENCE FABRIC M y B NEVER RECEIVED TO O FENCEM WERANMUNLESS APPROVAL HAS I1(I fy 4• 8 {{r" BEEN 0.ECEIVEDT0W50 FROM APPROPRIATE AGENCIES. c REMOVE nOTPS _ ¢ palE ei EUIL MIHNcx¢sWHEN sruclrvcFABRc R0000 PREVENT END R F ....... 1Y r I\\I,.• oR Ne,nNew Y��-'_ . _• `^4 EACH END OF FENCE UPHILL IN A I PA P•a zwEHTRBwrD - . 11 W... O �. _ I.CURL .�, µGil � xALFxelcxrofsroxE. AT BECOMESREFRESH STONE [ II •�9 5.A°IwcxoMND Of TOE OF FENCE SHOULD BE REINFORCED WITH I2 N WITH $k �24neh �� ONES DDT ne DINE WASH STONE WHEN FLOW WILL RUN 't.:.,:. DEBARS. w :NMxi APPLY nNO TO BOTTOM AND vIn' 9dBP &SOOVSRI BY ANCHOR I, PARALLEL AIR OFSLLT FENCE. FAILURES USE sat FENCE OUTLET DETAIL • COMPACTED FlLL ANoiApUwA�Re LOTH FENCE �, - - -1111. ' .0 OVER CREST OF s1ipL5TDRS.nNDANCHOREv NnttTRDNcx AS SHOWN ABOVE AND OVERLAPPING 115)WASHED SmNE PLACED m A HEIGHT ANCHOR SKIRT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER nCES FOIIN _ : /\1 MHAY BALES ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR SILT FENCE MINIMUMCOYER OVER SKIRT �s. 1 T g y\C 6 12'-1B"MINIMUM ABO,E TOP OF BO% IE T L I WIT �r_ L. BURY A "L-�- 11 CI) SII1F VIEW FRONT VIEW AND ME FENCE FENCE. o 400EL5 000 r a THE TRENCH L CD w 'y 1-4 cHATxAM COUNTY cHArxaM colRm cHATxAM COUNTY CHATHAM WNW L1✓ W ..............---.. ..a........ 1.N,AILN.IN..K �_ I"N,AIL".IN.N. �_ u1.",.. -1 1.N,AILN.IN.N.' STANDARD MATTING INSTALLATION mumD STANDARD CATCH BASIN/YARD INLET PROTECTION �aM, STANDARD SILT FENCE ron.DD STANDARD SILT FENCE OUTLET 1018.014 Z E-I B1T11F l:al �.� _�.m B1T111. l:al s,I.1I ::-....r:._ SHEET o Q a W I.�1 _ J)J)I I����y y )� SD IG PxOTECwD B F(NON4 AS`us SAVED RDRDNt BF TOM wini �]�P w,�'TAL. ::�:^ �1Mt 70'-EP MINIMUM = SECTION n-n BUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP a xsAu 1REE PRDnrnw FExa AI 1Rn DRv "n'r.acuE w."-.", pN UpSLONE SDE-2 STAKES �' sm STE MAINTENANCE NOTES: U 11: DR Al EDGE Of O SRMIBED MEa As uTxM. - ", tie 4<"A'4 1.CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE SNOW ON PUNS,PRIOR TO GOMtN.011 OF '"Diana emu °• r, MI ee,-p s P SLOPES WATTLE MAINTAINED ROUTINELY TO AVOID CONSIa.sons TREE PxoTECIFEE za lO Bars A unuw MNMD � Y. �ooxW uAT1lx`..- ':.� u}.� .. S.SEDIM rr frt OOLHa REM ROADWAYS © Q EDMEIIII / FROM PROIECr SHALL BE REMOVED R a1F ft LIE AA INN wxCr 2 Bi21AND BE I I P��-QM. ewoew °Mang d4 ••• . • a"s, .._ J IMMRDATELY. F FROM BDw SD[a OF TIC L Vi 31 NM mcax7.,mM FCl GNC LAM.. Q a BD ES oa0wnvWHICHEVER .yL'.� 'meP,�< KEEP CAGY 1 t��� ��� :�1 11 � � 1�1 a�� z4M��D�Dox E� E«� Mawr~ NALCROSS 'PROPOSED� Ni. � oDRixa utvumvs Tx PRmEcnax FEH101A wars I '' A f1 PLAN VIEW 4)Nsrnu wWT oc(wA ro A Hnwr an zoPE so Flow wu xor _�_�__ /,•r z tr nlAi fttNO mamaor atom. rE f ®E:2®®® LI I-.,... sErnaN 1y „- wAs AR TAE Mo,roll,ROPE,oR as oIRECTEo. � b! / Ia ram N w. 5)INSTALL A MINIMUM Of TWO UPSLOPE BtA.S AND FOUR I? E FRB" A 15 TS T M tO'R'14 5 a0A."a U It Acme ORI,.a woo„"AW ewes MIN.2 B0MEB CH NMUM 4 STAKES ON DOWNaOPE DONNE E STARES AT AN ANGLE M WEDGE WATTLE TO GROUNDAT BOTTOM. PLAN VIEW �. c 1.-_� ..tt Rex •W GROUND UPSLOPE " LH FORMED TA ESUMALE O NOT26 INCH DIAMENR STEEL ORE THAN2 NCH x LENGTH. TOT _ ,•--.:� (� © © © .awne,x From- -III. :: inAeneww ©TYPE'BELOW GRADE' I ON x.°D""Iescunar � _ B)FFTER NSTALNNRONDOF STAPLES.INKANNY OAPSFanew CwsTHEW RUCn __ .__ :: Awr • ..mom unmxc 1WATTLE EMISTNO ROADWAY ro-o•MMluuu _ RI-1N j 111 111 T AHD ., fa BaMEW,AMONy NOTES V-DITCH SECTOR MEW _ eFwm� z STAKES ON IrvsLav NTH MARINA �^ II -- - •• - --,, rms1000 1.ACTUAL LAYOUT TO BE DETERMINED N THB,HELD. m"••" TH s 11y-_ ,i� ---,- :w' 2 ACONCRETE WASHOUT SIGN SHALL BE INSTALLED a • ^®•••'^• MxINWND E pjjpp N9LOmPAENES u Nxt OF WATTLE \� / ..:Lm•�.f'- ,74 Y fN REASONABLY WITHIN 3U USED CONSTEMPOIAAY CONCRETE WASHOUT. rAw roes ' L-III,(-W- -- i STAPLES II I=II II\:II. U U U {I` U� 3.MATERIALS USED TO CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY ' y =.1111111111 IIIII= L !-Y 0.G ` `1.JS RrN MIA POST CONCRETE WASHOUT SHALL BE REMOVED PROM THE ( .�� nD stiles FILTER Ilry rl:ill.- ' - I 1-IP91 II MMIr1lV SITE AND DISPOSED OF OA RECYCLED. ': - M Its n MMrm,n.v. 4.HOLES,DEPRESSIONS OR OTHER GROUND RI-1 _ W- Y Y i DISTURBANCE CAUSED BY THE REMOVAL OP THE n NAm"D MINT STAKE INSTALLMENT A\ CROSS SECTION 'A1 '�1 TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT SHALL BE �- D.MSTAPIF IVSTAII �.M \ \ BACKFILLHD,REPAIRS AND STABILIZED TO PREVENT ,°-wn.,Ni". 1°1'L,,, \ SECTION MEW DITCH / c cresotto MIrr 1 C1000M Cowry EIIHw000eLONRS C000ttGtt00mm MM.mn.wce N"re:EIMA1,511 1-1,11l,.:.HALFNKII.NT11FFAIT,_.1.vn1•AN0R100ISECTIONN..NII.n,I:..nw:,I.I,NINIAD10101CRO SECTION C TMAtEomm EROSION. � :. "."n s -1 -_ r non -_ I:"ns Z �- TREE PROTECTION FENCE STANDARD CONCRETE/PAINT WASHOUT N. �- STANDARD WATTLE M �'- STANDARD CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 511rP`°°TI a OR m W I- QW rt Q DATE: DECEMBER 5,2022 THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGN HEREON ARE THE PROPERTY OF DIVIL CONSULTANTS, INC THE INFORMATION ON THIS DRAWING IS NOT FOR USE ON ANY OTHER SITE OR PROJECT, THE REPRODUCTION OR OTHER USE OF THIS WRITT 1 SE ZINCLTAM$SUINC.. le PROHIBITED. COPYRIGHT EOM CIVIL CONSULTANTS,INC. SHEET NO. C3 ZAShared Folders\Projects\Corona\29063\DWG\Production\29063 GC.dwg,C3,1/9/2023 10:18:36 AM r cio 1 GENERAL NOTES p,.B" D I. As W USE 4000 PSI MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH CONCRETE. II^II INTERNAL MIN. MIN. MIN,CIRCUMFERENTIAL I-Y GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDUNG PRACTICES FOR COMPLUINCE WITH 11�� e ¢ EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE orSTRE CONCRETE WASHOUT Z USE ASTM A1315 GRADE 80 REINFORCING STEEL.USE ASTY A1064 CONCENTRIC DIAMETER WALL TOP/BOTTOM AREA OF STEEL 2¢ THE NCGOI CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMR STRUCTURE VITH LIFER n WELDED WIRE FABRIC(WWI. CONE SECTION -k � � 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. }, e N T. (FT.) THICKNESS SLAB THICKNESS PER VERTICAL FT. oc� . Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result In the construction FABRICATE,ASSEMBLE AND DESIGN PRECAST MANHOLE COMPONENTS (IN. IN. 50.IN. 'iJ 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. -...,- ,,, •-.�' Z p L!. I ( ) ( ) 00 iz activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling "P'••'4, M • r�IUD 0 ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO Y199. i ce 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible,or remove leaking equlpmentfromthe _ T • Q z i sections of the NCGO1 Construction General Permit(Sections E and F,respectively).The project. ;I„IT ,,,,•� -IMP' •o� ;, � •=J i =_ ASSEMBLE RISER AND GRADE RINGS WITH THE STEPS SPACED 12" _i 4 4 B 0.12 1-USO.OH per shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control land approved the Proj •�P_�+- QI �♦. ►• ¢ PYWy P PPro're Y _ 1 i FROM THE TOP TO THE BOTTOM OF THE MANHOLE. 5 5 e G.15 rx� delegated authority having jurisdiction.All details and specifications shown on this sheet 4. Collect all spent fluids,store In separate containers and properly dispose as Jl" o»s �_< WHERE THE MANHOLE IS EXPOSED TO ROAD TRAFFIC,CONSTRUCT �]f 8 8 B • 0.18 a~LLOJ a ota depending on site conditions and the delegated author haven urI diction. hazardous wasteehlcle(recyclewhenposslble). z. THE TOP OF THE MANHOLE FLUSH WITH THE GROUND AND A MINIMUM iff l OOyQ 'n Yn PDY D B B NY gj 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem /••• •FT r '1" '•"w�S•��• OF S"ABOVE THE GRWNO AT OTHER LOCIITION3. Z6„OC SECTIONE:GROUNDSTABIUZATION I 1 ��N �swilic "~ E " �� sa"yT +O has been<omected. I I '- Y x Tx OF FILL TO 30'-3"FROM FINISH GRADE TO TOP OF 6. Bring used fuels,lubricants,coolants,hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products er M D eoi-rai sue. O Required Ground Stabilization Timefremes eae SM•°:JI"1�' ALTERNATE CONE SECTION 2-0 p to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. mBaEL�W'Re .,.„,. C 5 GRADE RING Stabilize within this MU',• "" O W- THE MIN.SLAB THICKNESS'T'IS THE DIMENSION OF THE e THINNEST PORTION OF THE TOP/BOTTOM SLAB. MIN.AREA OF STEEL many calendar t'm,w MS Z- N Is o.oT 1n.• Site Area Description Tlmeframe variations Yg�Pm marnw °1"96 mart STN.. U x • W •TOP MAT OF REINFORCEMENT MAY BE NEGLECTED IF TOP SLAB HAS ECCENTRIC LONE • W days after ceasing UTTER,BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE a F A DISTINGUISHABLE TOP AND BOTTOM. � F land :it 1. Never bury or burn waste.Place litter and debris In approved waste containers. J USE TRAFFIC ye{; OF CIRCUI.R/F W (a) Perimeter dikes, 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers(e.g dumpster,trash CONCRETE WASHOUTS ,N W BEARING FRAME LOCATE WALL REINFORCEMENT _I�e■ males,ditches,and 7 None receptacle)on site toconmin construction and domestic wastes. 1. Do net discharge W 'D'«z W' IN MIDDLE THIRD OF WALL B1{ ge concrete or slurry from the site. O perimeter ditches, 3. Locate waste containers at 50feet away from storm Grain inlets and surface Z i AND GRATE 1 Iy 2. Dispose Of,or recycle settled,hardened concrete residue in accordance with local aMUM p•rn�rn�rrvmir wo.oai J I 1"MIN. MDITIONAL I `"� p 2 0 Wdtlrs UDlss no Other dlternaihles are reasonah liable. < < REe n O (b) Hlgh Quality Water Y aVa and state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility. cLR. _ LL 7 None .T W mom (HQW)Zones 4. Locate waste containers oe not drain do not receive substa stream or of runoff 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in �rI Y x ms.mSTEP STD, u, jD from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain,stream or wetland. addition lacethemizerandassociatedmaterialsonim impervious U me Ns. ,f� a CD.840.6E IF w IC) Slopes steeper than If slopes are 10'or less In length and areD pery <_ • r 50 " D. 3:1 7 not steeper than 2:1,14 days are 5. Coverprovide containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or lot alltemp rsilt fence. `e - ,•,_„ � CLR. USE MIN.AREA OF STEEL IN TOP d� (CIRCUMFERENTIAL 3 secondary containment.Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 4. Install temporary concrete washoutsperlocal requirements,wherea applicable.If an MIN• SLAB OF MIS a e"CTS. 'a -•• REINFORCEMENT) Q = allowedP rY q pP •jet nto.r• EACHwnr/EACH FACE•. 3 R, ¢ a a -7 days for slopes greater than 50'In 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. alternate method or product is to be used,contact your approval authority for s• e LAT TOP SLAB C ;` LONGITUDINAL O length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow.Clean up immediately if review and approval.If local standard details are not available,use one of the two O. o ADDITIONAL y4 EACH REINFORCEMENT d In.co containers overflow. types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. tl SIDE o OPENING(1" ADDITIONAL M+EACH RISEq ¢ v -7 days for perimeter dikes,swales, CLEAR OF BOTTOM FACE SLOE OF OPENING FACE) Q 2 (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 ditches,perimeter slopes and HQW 8. Dispose waste off-site at an approved disposal facility. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk USE GRATED INLET CLFAP OF BOTTOM FAC /11111/ 1100 oa a PLACE BARS DIAGONAL \ ) d ¢ Zones 9. On business d I d di f waste in desi t d waste containers. sections.Starmwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into orOPTION TO CORNERS(TYP.) 2 = aYS,Cean Up an SDoseO gna a oAW C:f W F W 1- -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters.Liquid waste must I.� BA�Pf us J_ -7 days for perimeter dikes,swales, PAINT AND OTHER UQUID WASTE be pumped out and removed from project. g4A 3 Ff p N 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless It ----_ FRAME 4 re "-ilik (f Y = e ditches,perimeter slopes and HOW Zones 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste Into storm drains,streams or wetlands. Can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available.At a minimum, SEE s70.e4o.s+ ease Q Z (1 Areasrwith slopes 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface r FOR STD.MANHOLE Flatte than 4:1 install shown t oorm drain theralernatives ire st reaothewashout able.At amid receive i{ RING AND COVER ¢ there is zero slope waters unless no otheraternativesare reasonably available. spills or overflow. ."•"'• ., �k ♦ Note:After the permanent cessation of construction activities,any areas with temporary 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area,on level ground and install a stone "Set GARO ' 11 >7 >f I -- -- - F d stabilization shall be converted • , �IIc====S 'Y' }} y grouts permanent ground stabilization as soon as 4. Contalnmentmustbelabeled,sized and placed appropriately for theneeds of site. entrance pad in front Washout.Additional may be required by the ;'���pFSIO'J%'�'9 yyvi_ A FI . a practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps,solvents,detergents and other liquid wastes from approving authority. Q♦' _ '■k.. _ 11 USE YIN.AREA OF STEEL activity.Temporary round stabilization shall be maintained In manner to render the construction sites. e. Install at least one sign n concrete trucks tithe washout within the project act !� - BASE SLAB OF C"T IY P ry B 8 directingP j �24530 �- 0.121n1 PER LINEAR W surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. limits.Post signage on the washout itself to Identify this location. 045307 FOOT EACH WAY I PORTABLE TOILETS 4• GROUND STABIUZATION SPECIFICATION 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75%capacity to limit 01/09/2023 1. Install portable toilets on level ground,at least 50 feet away from storm drains, overflow events.Replace the tarp,sand bags or other temporary structural 'e P TYPICAL MANHOLE SECTION Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil.Use one of the streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available.If 50 foot ';1 •!VIi1NEEa�9 SHEET 1 OF 1 components when no longer functional.When utilizing alternative or proprietary techniques in the table below: offset is not attainable, de relocation Of rtMie toilet behind silt fence or I ''v El'1/.10 •s• GRATED INLET OPTION MANHOLE OPTION provide port pace products,follow of thectureretwnl,remove instructions. 840.552 I Temporary StablIWIon Pam aminStabllllaWn on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 10.At the completion of the concrete work,re remaining leavings and dispose of •Temporary grass seed covered with straw or •Permanent grass seed covered with straw or 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high in ana approved disposal facility.Fill pit,ifapplicable,and stabilize anydisturbance z Pby removal ofa ut. other mulches and tackifiers other mulches and tackifiers foot traffic areas. GROOVE WELD(TYP.) a caused by of washout. iit Dom, SEE DETAIL'A' 00 •Roiled eeding •Geo[extlle ant matting such as permanent soil 3. Monitor portable sanitary ec filets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. - - =f iiii. 1'-6" 1'-B" _ ¢¢ •Rolled erosion control 55 seed with or reinforcement matting Utiliz operating unit. hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace • I Sec (� zQ qj without temporary grass seetl •Hytlroseetling with properlyt Z .OH unit. / 2 I ,•� }� M 0 LLJd z •Approprlatelyapplled straw mulch •Shrubs or permanent plantings covered HERBICIDES,PESTICIDES AND RODENTIdDES OOo„, .Plastic sheen with mulch - "g 1. Store and apply herbicides,pesticides and rodents<ides In accordance with label „ F g 0 w<5u_. •Uniform and evenly distributed ground aver EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT restrictions. _ ¢ sufficient to restrain erosion 1. Show stockpile locations on plans.Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least t- 2. Store herbicides,pesticides andse, cides In their original containers with the 3'-8'• O " O)Z yr ow •structural methods such as concrete,asplKltor 50 feet away from storm drain inlets,sediment basins,perimeter sediment controls label,which lists directions for use,ingredients and first aid stepsin case of CLEAR FRAME OPENING r T i" T'9 O QO""¢J retaining walls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably C • C C 'j• Iy O �pc accidental poisoning. W IMF •Rolled erosion control products grass seed available. 3. Do not store herbicides pesticides and rodenti<ides in areas where flooding is Q, L_ THROUGH CENTER CONNECTION n _ - _ •U O F T.T a"" 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of `. en W O possible or where they may spill or leak Into wells,stormwater drains,ground water '� SHOWN BELOW O fA WO POLYACRY f000uS(PAMS)AND FLOCCULANTS for five idetfromthe toe of stockpile. or surface water.these spill occurs,clean area Immediately. a le w F " 2c 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. co 4. Do not stockpile materials onstte. = construction,selecting from the NCDWRList of Approved PAMS/Flottulants. 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance O W LB"DIA. F W C7 2. Apply flocalants at or before the Inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. with the approved plan and any additional requirements.Soil stabilization is defined Q' g N „ HOLE a O 3. Apply ilocculants at the concentrations specified in the NCDWR List of Approved as vegetative,physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated - Q,I cei CIF -3 > O W12ARDOUSAsignatTOXICWASTE C PAMS/Flottulantsand in accordance with the manufacturer's Instructions. erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. W 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on-she. �„ ---- J U.= 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging F 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. �, ---- ": W offsite. • rt NORTH CAROLINA Quality 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals,drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. rl ��q'G' I q4 O W 5. Store flocculants in leak-proof containers that are kept under storm-resistant cover a( _ L�-I a Ir 3'-10g4" D�J �� '� or surrounded by secondary containment structures. _ 1t 0'%'EIIVIEOITIIIeAJ-QI Q' F-4 4q•b"%1i4"%q•3"ANGLAEN MITERED CORNERS 1-1 o NCGO1 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE:04/01/11� H U- z W o4 O ,i�' W a o,: ..,'7 ' ' PART III x O F :�t_p �� N ¢ PART III SELF-INSPELTON,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING PART III SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING a I 1 y�, $ELF•INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING W 8"1 SECTION NC-C p WELD -T D Y J SECTION AlSELF-INSPECTION SECTION Co REPORTING J^ , " , (yh' x 4g4") SECTION B:RECORDKEEPING FRAME ¢W Self-Inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table 1.Occurrences that must be reported "I W 1.USX Plan Documentation x 3'-tOgq" below.When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection Permittem shall report the following occurrences: ♦ ¢I- The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site.The U SEE DETAIL'S' P. 134" O cn personnel to be In jeopardy,the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on (a) Visible sediment depa liion inastream or wetland. " ¢ which It Is safe to perform the Inspection.In addition,when a storm event of equal to or approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours,the self-inspection shall be The following items pertaining to the E&SC plan shall be documented in the manner ig // = •. .Q performed upon the commencement of the next business day.Anytime when Inspections described: (b) 011 spills if: i%/ I were delayed shall be noted In the Inspection Record. • They are 25 gallons or more, 111111111111���11I I_'="• IIII���IIIL 8"MIN. •I Manna Document Documentation Requirements • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be less of up within 24 hours, STRUCTURE WALL Fuq,M,,,1, • They cause sheen on surface waters(regardless of volume),or Try normal tagerion records alto Imkd•. (a)Each E&SC Measure has been Installed Initial and date each E&SC Measure an a copy ELEVATION OF GRATES IN "w•1 Wing and does not significantly deviate from the of the approved E&SC Plan or complete,date • They are within 100 felt of surface waters(regardless of volume). DETAIL A STUD ANCHOR SHEET 1 OF 2 averm mute ' r (al Rain gaup pMly VDailyraily rain locations,dimensions and relative elevations and sign an Inspection report that lists each FRAME SYSTEM SECTION 'C-C' 840.37 m„nta, n Nna daily rein wag mans are made,. weekend„ shown on the approved E&SC Plan. EASE Measure shown on the approved E&SC B good working holiday periods,and meFdivdualday rainfall Information^s Plan.This documentation Is required upon the (a) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 0 order a /0 0511ve tom measurement Mr t the E&SC of the E&SC Measuresinitial (Ref:of Clean Water or 0.5.Act 143-2140 .110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3)or Section 102 of CERCLA a un- attended days pro iOh will determine Ira site inspection Is meE&SC Measures are modified after initial (Ref:40 CFR 302.4)or G.5.143-215.85. F Y needed).oars on which no rainfall occurred shall be recorded as z _7,-..: NOTES: Z F um"The permlttee may use another min-monrconng device installation. -111111111111 ¢ U •pprovedbvtne IrIs.n uresm (b)APhne of¢radio has bcen completed. Initial Plananddateacopy oftheananina E&SC (b) Anticipated Lp/PasSesand unanticipated bYPB55es. 1.HOT DIP GALVANIZE FHAME AND GIIATE IN ACCORDANCELL�O'O-'iIxl Ease xl•menn car enonutlon orme messapzatea, Plan^rmmphte,dMeandsignaninapectlanWITM ASTM DESIGNATION A-123 AND AASHTO M-111. 0 eo5 Memurm 7ulandarap cute onetime of me Mrpemon• reportto indicate campletien of the� zand vmmnx come orme parmn cemormingmeimpaetlon, comwction h Noncom II Ith the condtions of this It that ma don health ar the I•- ¢ lours ofa Colon In mdltanon of 05./Ne Me measures were ocermrMP aze. (<) environ p ancew Perm Ven 8er2.GRATE IS DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND H525-44 LOADING ~O¢OH men[.a m QF •cam>1.OI c 4 pmpnon ()Grodantewrislheappmoedmtalled Plinin orooml and atea copyo ndc the an amm�a eEotlo_ce, '� sNH � 24M1DunEosadpuon afmaecenanceneedabr[hemeasure, IaccprdancewnhtheappmvedE&SCRe orttomioatecMplisnowilhappectlanSC m 3.TWO(2)GRATES REpUIRED PER FRAME.ONE(1) QLL Js.Descnsar e4donce,anaris otrarectiveactlonztaten1�I� - ?" - GRATE DEPICTED FOR CLARITY. OONQ Plan. rcportmintlicam compliance with approved Z.Reporting Tmeftames end OtherR Requirements OC dial Starmwater At kaztonce per 1.Identification°Medlullar.gun.Mao... P g eq I't I_� =fy N _L_ Irk • Z z- aSISSNge yul ^.rd ys memtne Eceealan, grwndroverspecificatioan Aftera permlttee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported,he shall contact A a G 4. PROVIDE STEEL CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS o Hla(soo) and n nits 3.game o�me person eedormingmelnap insp.., tl)The maintenance and repair Complete,date and sign an inspection report. e hours ofardn Evidence of malmtpraolsmrmwatar II has on the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the "�I '- ; M OF A.S.T.M.DESIGNATION A-38. ' event>a Inch +Own, w uron we requirements for all E&SC Measures �v1 Doming suspended wilds or discoloration, other requirements listed below.Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be -r- Z • F O ' z4 hours N.indication sediment leaNngmesae, have been performed. reported to the Division's Emergency Responsepersonnel at(BOO)662-7956,(800 C1 5.WELD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5 p rge cV p ) ",�' - W W WELDING CODE. SEAL WELD ALL CONNECTIONS ALONG TOP 6.Description,eNdonre,and dace Nof As site lveattionataken. _ (e)Corrective actions have been taken Initial and dated copy of the approved E&SC 3SS-0368 or(919)733-3300. . © 1,__ ___ co hi)Perimeter*, At least once per If visible sNimmcetlon is found outside site limits,Mena Carnet to E&SC Measures. Plan or complete,date and sign an Inspection _ _ AND BOTTOM HORIZONTAL SEAMS OF CONNECTIONS IN Tuknaerdays afMefalown¢snen ee area: rtto indicate the completion of the Z \\\I ADDITION TO ANY REpUIRED STRUCTURAL WELDS. she na wttnin xa Actiomtaten[oneen up or stabghe the sediment Met hat l•R reRo P I'- 1 hours of Colon In the We limlu, corrcctNe action. Occurrence Reporting Timeframes(After Discovery)and Other Requirements 0 1 8.USE 0h"DOUBLE FILLET WELDS FOR CONNECTING MAIN BARS event I nc oexnpthoevidence,end date ofmmnive actions taken,am (a)Visible sediment •WfMln M hours,an oral or electronic notification. FT TO EDGE BARS AND 14 FILLETS AT ALL THER LOCATIONS. 14 noun Dl 3.An explanation as to the actionsoken to cont.i/tare ¢ 1� , \ •§1g" B . .4 l 4 ma.. deposition in a •WiNI^)calendar dew,a report that contains a description of the ¢ ••I 2.Additional Documentation U •Tq" 7. NOTCHING OF BEARING BARS TO ACCEPT CROSS BAR IS O W (s)suoamsor At least once per stream or wemand sediment and actions taken to address the cause of the deposition. ro • LL the or has viable sedimentation a In addition the E&SC Plan documents above,the following items shall be kept on the DMdan staff may Iva the tremens for report w 14" • •jA" PROHIBITED. wetlands onstte 7celendarddaays am has visible increased mrndity fnsm the construction or site ywe requirement pro O TYP.ALL r:1 1 oronsh andraota away,then a record of me following snanbe made: wse-by-case basis. h.'(WI- OTHER INT. 2¢ (where lawn of a rain 1.Description,evidence and date of corrective acrons taken,and and available for agency inspectors at ail times during normal business hours,unless the •if the stream is named on the 5nbedl list as impaired for sediment- TYP.ALL LL accessible) event 3aD Inch in X.Records of m rts e required repo to the appropriate DMslen Division provides a site-specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this related causes,the permlttee may he required to perform additional CORNERS 3 24 hours Regional OM.per Partin,section c,Item lxl(Nof tnb Permit g,Inspections or apply B Pratt ¢O of this requirement not practical: monitoring,Ins lir marnSa ant Ices if Man w PLAN VIEW o z (6)Ground After each phase 'a.The phase fgradinelinsomtian of perimeter Eric determine that additional regwrdment,are needed to assure compliance Q __�• �„ d a stabilization measures of grading measures,c rings grubbing.Inmlmon of storm (a) This general permit as well as the certificate of coverage,after it Is received. with the federal or state impaired-waters conditions. 0 F drainage facilities,completion of all land-disturbing (b)CM spits and • Within 24 hours,an oral or electronic notification.The notification 1'-11" - - C4 W activity,construction or redevelopment permanent (b) Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days.The permittee shall record release of shall Include Information about the date,time,nature,volume and • _%%� O F mound coven' therequired obe mae ns on the Inspection Record Farm tied the Division or ha2aMous location of the spill or release. W 11p" z x.oewures have ave etmovidedredgrnthestaxnedpe provided by substances per Item ¢ '^ _ H soon mein abeen proveaM within the required similar inspection form that includes all the required elements.Use of Moa(c)abwe _ L Ja �� a C7 m toot Vilaxp Itl do electronically-available records in lieu of the required paper copies Will he allowed if DATE DECEMBER 5.2022 ^�� time.me ov shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard-copy records. (4)Anticipatee •Arcpore aekmeten days before me datryme byppir,Uponlble. Y J bypasses CFR The repots shall Include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and I. KM:. MI. ¢W 122.41(m6311 enact of the bypass. THIS DIPRING AND THE D.Si0N HEREON ■-i1 W NOTE:The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. (c) All data used to complete the Notice of Intent and older inspection records shall be CONSULTANTS, SIDE VIEW Is : M <F maintained fora period of three years after project completion and made available (d)unan Unanticipated • WEALWithi 24 hours,an oral or electronic natincanon. 43" DIA. O co bypasses[40CFR • within 7 calendar days,a report that includes an evaluation of mea<THE INFoRMATION ON THIS DRAWING IS REPRODUCTION OR:rA rt upon request[re)CFR 122.41] 122.41(mN311 qualityand effect of the bypass. THE PROJECT. HITCH PIN an R USE OF THIS -II- -II- (¢)Noncompliance • Within24 hours.an oral arelecuonic notincani.. WRITTEN CONSENTWHOLE co CONSULTANTS,INC.. �g SPRING PIN wins me<andmans • WltlNn7wkndar deys,arepon mat cornalnsa descrlptlon of me le PROHIBITED.Nsu ceF / �'1 of this permit that noncompliance,and its causes;the period of noncompliance, COPYRIGHT eon CIVIL CONSULTANTS,INC. 0 I may endanger including exact dates and times,and if the noncompliance has not ___I; • DETAIL 'B' CENTER LOCK ehealth vn000rene been corretted,theanticipated time noncompliance isexpectedto emkameM140 and steps taken or planned to reduce,eliminate,and SECTION 'A-A' SHEET 20F2 CFR 122.41(1N7N continue, accurence of the noncompliance.PIo CFR R 122.41(1)(6). SHEET NO. • Division staff may waive the requirement fora M report on a 840.37 case-by-case basis. NORTH CAROLINA r 4 a AnY,Jronmental Quality \`/. NCGOI SELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 ZAShered Folders\Projects\Corona\29063\DWG\Production\29063 GC.dwg,C4,1/9/2023 10:19:02 AM