HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC231013_Email RE Construction SW COC_20230418Georgoulias, Bethany
From: lase rfiche.ncdenr.gov@mccicloud.io
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 1:23 PM
To: kellie.ncrealtor@gmail.com
Cc: Holloman, Tevye L; Georgoulias, Bethany; JohnThomas@ThomasEngineeringPA.com;
Subject: [External] Construction Stormwater General Permit Coverage
Attachments: Certificate of Coverage.pdf
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Dear Construction General Permit Permittee:
You have been granted coverage under North Carolina's NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activities.
Your Certificate of Coverage (COC) number is NCC231013, and your COC is attached.
This COC has been issued for Wyncroft Village Subdivision in Lenoir County, in response to the Notice of Intent (NOI)
application submitted on 4/5/2023.
You are required to follow the conditions of the NCG010000 General Permit (or NCG250000 General Permit, if
applicable) for the duration of your construction activity. You will be covered by this COC until you submit an electronic
Notice of Termination (eNOT), provided you remain current with your annual permit fees.
Remember, you must submit the ORIGINAL SIGNED NOI CERTIFICATION FORM that was uploaded to the eNCI to the
Stormwater Program at the address on that form. The original signed NOI Certification Form is required to fulfill federal
application requirements.
If you have any questions, please contact the Stormwater Program at (919) 707-3640, or visit https://deg.nc.gov/NCG01.
The INC DEMLR Stormwater Program
512 N. Salisbury Street, Archdale Building 6th Floor, 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
ARPA grant funding indicated? No
ARPA Project No. (if applicable):
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