wwar,tttttreotuhtiesoEROSION CONTROL PERMIT
INSTRUCTIONS: All motions must be eompleW. Section E amst bo CASE N1JMl3AfI
completed in the ptesemcc of a Notary Pnblic
PIN (Nurmben): 981881472200000 Pm)wtName ve
Latitude: U.568732 Longitude: -82-837732 Amoput of fee cmdend: S $677.25
ProjectLoeatbn-Hfahway/$ovd. 120 Starnes Cove Rd Asheville NC 28&%
Proposed Use: 1S%*e FamBy RrrWmce Q Multi-Fandly o Vmmoon Reuel o Commerda19%h svr A*$er o tither
Proposed Dhhrbed At" anchtde a ffstte borrow and wsw are=): 1.29 —acre(s)
Section 26-228(b) ofthe Bummmbe Coumly Soil Erosion end Sedimentation Control Ordinance: "Erosion control plops shall be
accompanied by a notarized statement offinanciai responsihility and owmeship". This stamement shall be signed by the person
financially respor %le for the land diMubing activity or his attorricy, in ALct Tbo undersigned states that hdobe is Me person
ftnsneW ty rw po=bk for land disturbing activity described in this application and acknowledges reccipt of a copy of the County of
Buncombe Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Cartoi Ordfixnx sad that he/she has thereby been advised Of the rogmmments therein as
well as the pcmaltJas WO rewurccs available to the County in the event of violation of the Ordinance, inclu ji W mvocetion of the Land
D stmbmg Permit and all building permits issued in connection with the project coveted by the application,
Name of Bushms; Helmsman Homes, LLC _ Name of Applicant: Er i C
Wlins Address P 0Box 390 Mooresville. NC 28117
street aadreea: 236 Race"y Drive, Suite 7, Mooresville, NC 28117
P mail address:
Cell: Fro:
Name oPLeendowoer(s) of Record: Helmsman HOMOS, LLC
mailing Addrasa PO BOX 39W, Moofesville, NC 28117
Rrxorded in Deed Book No: 6269 Pa= 1081
Section 26-228(b) of the Buncombe County Soil Erasion and Sadimentstioa Control Otdiaan='If the pentium 8naneiaily responsible
is OW a madde nt of North Carolina, a North Carolina agent mast be designated in the statement for the putpoee of receiving notice of
compliance or non-compliance with the plan, the Act, this ordinance, or tales or orders adopted or issued puissant to this ordiumm'
Thu person noW below is the designated North Caroline agent and is duly authorized by the financially responsible person to aaept
acid convey cwrt enplane regarding the aforemeation d project,
NFT, s Wmat;
Mailing Address: _
Frtnarl address: _
Telephone: call: Fax: —
Signemn;. Date:
I, the undersigned, attest tbtit I am the financially responsible party or an maborfaed spies entative with sigatory sabority fbr the
financially rile per, responsible for the eOnobvet iom activities and maintanasre of the site unitl ownmbip is completed fbr Me
r affivnced pwj=L I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the County of Buncombe Soul Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Ordinance and have tbaeby beets advised of the requirements therein as troll as the pemamea and resources available to the County in
the event of violation of the Ordinance. The above information is n ire and correct to the best of my kwwledge and belief and was
peovidedbyme undo
Nmra; c- r ! /5� Ti0c; Arz-atp~
,Signature: Daft: C J ,,, "001erls erpr rr
I >� a Notary Pubho for the County or �, ` �P1 .+�° ,u (, _ -'- E!TD'••.�
StateoP Jfll,:1JAA- baby car fythat �riC /h. (,jIgid
appcued betf= me this day and under oath ac mowietdged that the above loan wasa x&ufed by him and is correct to e b t r(�� A , c
kwwledp and belief r t71 a , Z
witness my hand and seal, thin dry of 20� `G . 2.
Notary s% 0 11102-6
P V , J t
0MCE Revww Few; $ Permit No.. Chet§ No:
M Data Paid: Received by. Date booed
The County of Ancombe does not dirubuulare an the basis ofdimbi8ty m the admLvion or amiss to, or treatment ar employment in,
ier Program or adivldes. Requex& for appropriate oral &q aids and servtnes, when necessary to tfir a person with a disability an
equal oPP-Amiy to PandPaa in or evdoy the, benefits of Co WV semic+rA Program,*, or acth+dp, may be made by cantacft
Bunoombe County Erartan Control, (828) 250-4848. BwWombe Comity's T'DD imimber Lr (828) 250-4WL