HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC212356_ESC Approval Submitted_20210422From:
Matthew Osborne
Amy Leach
Brant Godfrey; Kent Wall
RE: [EXTERNAL] Woodview Estates Phase 2 (A/P #: EN2000138) (Ctyworks Tracking Number: )
Monday, April 19, 2021 9:30:59 AM
Use this email for documentation of Erosion Control Plan approval for the NCGO1 e-NOI system.
Number of Recipients:
08/28/2020 12:27:28 PM
Sent by:
Matthew Osborne
Review Completed - Woodview Estates Phase 2
Application Type: 04.02) Grading/Erosion Control Permit
Workflow: 04.02) Grading & Erosion Control
Project: Woodview Estates Phase 2
A/P #: EN2000138
Acreage to be Disturbed: 6.25
https://winston-salem. idiplans. com/secure/proj ect/?prof ectid=427293
Hello Amy Leach,
Thank you for submitting your project to City of Winston-Salem. Review of the plans for this project have been
completed. The design is adequate to meet the ordinance standards and the plans have been approved.
If you have not already done so, please provide an original signed and notarized Financial Responsibility/Ownership
form. This document is required prior to the issuance of the Grading/Erosion Control Permit. If this has already been
provided, then please disregard this statement.
If this project will disturb more than 1 acre the Grading/Erosion Control Permit cannot be issued until documentation
is provided that coverage under the NCGO1 Construction Stormwater Permit (NPDES) has been obtained. Please
obtain coverage under the permit at the following website (https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/Forms/NCGOl-NOI). Once
coverage is obtained please upload a copy to the project documents in the electronic plan review system. The
Grading/Erosion Control Permit will not be issued until proof of coverage under NCGO1 is provided.
Should you have any questions as you move forward please feel free to contact our offices. We will be happy to assist
I worked with State representatives to create the language of this email to ensure it meets all the needed requirements for
the e-NOI system to gain approval and obtain NCGO1 coverage. Let me know if you need anything additional.
Matthew Osborne, CFM, CPESC
Erosion Control/Floodplain Program Manager
City Of Winston-Salem
Field Operations Department
Erosion Control Division
PO Box 2511 (Mailing)
100 E. First Street, Suite 328 (Physical)
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Office: 336-747-7453
Mobile: 336-462-7480
Fax: 336-727-2792
Electronic Plan Review Application Portal:
Electronic Plan Review Application Instructions:
NOTICE: Beginning May 1, 2018, all Grading/Erosion Control, Floodplain Development, and Watershed Protection
Permit Submittals MUST be submitted electronically.
From: Amy Leach <all@evans-eng.com>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 9:22 AM
To: Matthew Osborne <matthewo@cityofws.org>
Cc: Brant Godfrey<bgodfrey@hubbardcommercial.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Woodview Estates Phase 2 (A/P #: EN2000138) (Cityworks Tracking Number: )
Good Morning Matt,
I am trying to fill out the NCG01 form online for this project, but I do not have a copy of the grading permit to upload. Can
you please send it to me.
Woodview Estates Phase 2
Project Number: 427293
Jurisdiction: City of Winston-Salem
A/P #: EN2000138
Cityworks Tracking Number:
8440 DULL ROAD City of Winston-Salem. NC
Amy Leach
Evans Engineering, Inc.
4609 Dundas Drive
Greensboro, NC 27407
Main Office: (336) 854-8877
Fax: (336) 854-8876
Direct:(336) 279-7452
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