HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191337 Ver 1_I-5507 Mussel Survey Report_20191004Freshwater Mussel Survey Report
Widening and Interchange Improvements for 1-485
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
TIP Number I-5507
WBS Element # 43609.1.1
Prepared For:
9,�far OF SAp�SQOQv
NC Department of Transportation
Raleigh, North Carolina
Contact Person:
Jared Gray
Biological Surveys Group
North Carolina Department of Transportation
j gray( ,ncdot. gov
1598 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 27699-1598
August 24, 2018
Prepared by:
900 Ridgefield Drive, Suite 350
Raleigh, NC 27609
Contact Person:
Neil Medlin
Project Manager
Table of Contents
Waters Affected............................................................................................................1
2.1 NPDES Dischargers................................................................................................1
2.2 303(d) Classification...............................................................................................1
Target Federally Protected Species Description.......................................................2
3.1 Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata)..........................................................2
3.1.1 Characteristics..........................................................................................2
3.1.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements...................................................2
Survey Efforts...............................................................................................................2
4.1 Stream Conditions at Time of Assessment: ............................................................ 3
4.1.1 Sugar Creek at SR 1128 (Westinghouse Boulevard)...............................3
4.1.2 Little Sugar Creek at NC 51 (Pineville -Matthews Road) ........................3
4.1.3 McAlpine Creek at SR 4982 (Lancaster Highway).................................3
4.1.4 Fourmile Creek at SR 3649 (Elm Street).................................................3
4.2 Methodology...........................................................................................................3
Appendix A. Figures:
Figure 1: Project Vicinity & Survey Location
Figure 2: NCNHP Element Occurrences
Figure 3: NPDES Dischargers and 303(d) Listed Streams
1.0 Introduction
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to make improvements to
I-485 from I-77 to US 74 in Mecklenburg County (Appendix A, Figure 1). The project is located
predominantly within the Catawba River Basin with only a small portion within the Yadkin Pee -
Dee River Basin. The Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata) is currently listed for
Mecklenburg County by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as a protected species
under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
A review of the NC Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) records, last accessed on July 20, 2018,
indicated there are element occurrences (EOs) for the target mussel species within a 5-mile
buffer of the project (Figure 2). The closest current occurrence for Carolina Heelsplitter (EO ID
28415) is located on Sixmile Creek, approximately three stream miles from the project study
area. The EO was first observed on February 22, 2007 and last observed on June 7, 2011. A
historical EO for the Carolina Heelsplitter (EO ID 13485) intersects the project study area on
Sugar Creek. The only observed date listed for this EO was pre-1918.
2.0 Waters Affected
Most of this project is located within the Catawba River Basin (HUC# 03050103). Streams
potentially affect by the project in the Catawba River Basin include Sugar Creek, Kings Branch,
Little Sugar Creek, McMullen Creek, McAlpine Creek, Fourmile Creek, Sixmile Creek, and
unnamed tributaries (UTs) to these streams. A portion of the project area around the I-485 and
US 74 interchange is located within the Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin (HUC# 03040105). The
only streams in this basin potentially affected by the project are the upper headwaters of UTs to
North Fork Crooked Creek.
2.1 NPDES Dischargers
There are multiple NPDES permitted dischargers in locations that could directly affect streams
within the project study area (Figure 3). In addition to the numerous minor permitted facilities
discharging to project study area streams (primarily the Sugar Creek and Little Sugar Creek
catchments), there are three major facilities discharging into the project streams. The Irwin
Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) (NPDES permit # NC0024945) discharges into
Irwin Creek just above its confluence with Sugar Creek. The Sugar Creek WWTP (NPDES
permit # NC 0024937) discharges into Little Sugar Creek above the project study area. The
McAlpine Creek WWTP (NPDES permit # NC0024970) is the third major discharger. Although
the facility discharges into McAlpine Creek just below the project study area, the discharge has
the potential to create an instream environment inhospitable to freshwater mussels and thereby
block possible recolonization of mussels into the project study area from any downstream
2.2 303(d) Classification
Multiple streams that intersect the project study area or have UTs that intersect the project study
area are on the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) - Division of
Freshwater Mussel Survey; 1-5507, Mecklenburg County August 2018
Page 1
Water Resources 2016 303(d) list of impaired streams (Figure 3). Sugar Creek and Little Sugar
Creek are on the list for exceeding copper standards. McMullen Creek, Sixmile Creek, and
North Fork Crooked Creek are on the list for Poor bioclassification ratings. McAlpine Creek is
on the list for receiving a Fair bioclassification.
3.0 Target Federally Protected Species Descriptions
3.1 Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata)
3.1.1 Characteristics
The Carolina Heelsplitter was first described in 1852. This species has an ovate, trapezoid -
shaped shell. The outer surface of the shell varies from greenish brown to dark brown in color,
and shells from younger specimens have faint greenish brown or black rays. The nacre (inside
surface) is often pearly white to bluish white, grading to orange in the deepest part of the shell.
However, in older specimens the entire nacre may be a mottled pale orange. The shell of the
largest known specimen of the species measures 4.6 inches (11.684 centimeters) in length.
3.1.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements
It was historically known from several locations within the Catawba and Pee Dee River systems
in North Carolina and the Pee Dee and Savannah River systems, and possibly the Saluda River
system in South Carolina. In North Carolina, the species is now known only from a handful of
streams in the Pee Dee and Catawba River systems. Today, only ten populations are known to
survive. The species exists in very low abundances, usually within six feet of shorelines,
throughout its known range.
The general habitat requirements for the Carolina Heelsplitter are shaded areas in large rivers to
small streams, often burrowed into clay banks between the root systems of trees, or in runs along
steep banks with moderate current. The more recent habitat where the Carolina Heelsplitter has
been found is in sections of streams containing bedrock with perpendicular crevices filled with
sand and gravel, and with wide riparian buffers.
4.0 Survey Efforts
A freshwater mussel habitat assessment was conducted in association with this project on July 3,
2018 by RK&K employees Neil Medlin (Permit # 18-ES00030) and Hal Bain. Four named
streams that offered the most potential to have appropriate mussel habitat were selected to be
assessed. Other smaller streams and UTs were briefly observed but were either very small (> 1.0
meter wide), had unstable substrates, were completely dry, or exhibited a combination of these
characteristics and did not provide suitable Carolina Heelspitter habitat.
Freshwater Mussel Survey; 1-5507, Mecklenburg County August 2018
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4.1 Stream Conditions at Time of Assessment:
4.1.1 Sugar Creek at SR 1128 (Westinghouse Boulevard)
This location is downstream of the I-485 crossing. Sugar Creek at this site was approximately
15-20 meters wide with a shifting sand substrate. Both banks had been stabilized with boulders
above and below the SR 1128 road crossing with other sections of the banks having areas of
erosion. An effluent odor was noted at the time of the assessment.
4.1.2 Little Sugar Creek at NC 51 (Pineville -Matthews Road)
This location is downstream of the I-485 crossing. The stream in this area varied between 10 and
15 meters wide with an average depth estimated to be 0.25 meter. The unstable substrate was
dominated by shifting sand and silt. Stream banks at the road crossing had been stabilized with
riprap but other areas of the banks were heavily eroded.
4.1.3 McAlpine Creek at SR 4982 (Lancaster Highway)
This location is also downstream of the I-485 crossing and downstream of the McAlpine Creek
and McMullen Creek confluence. The stream width at this site varied between 12 and 15 meters
and the stream banks had some areas of erosion. The substrate was composed almost entirely of
unstable, shifting sand and the average depth was 0.25 meter. Although the water in the stream
was clear, abundant growths of filamentous blue-green algae were observed at the site.
4.1.4 Fourmile Creek at SR 3649 (Elm Street)
This location is inside (toward the center of Charlotte) of I-485 and approximately 1.25 stream
miles above the McAlpine Creek confluence. Fourmile Creek at this road crossing was only two
to four meters wide and in one riffle section was approximately one meter wide and a few
centimeters deep. Although the stream had a complete canopy at this location, significant areas
of bank erosion were noted.
5.0 Methodology
Due to the lack of Carolina Heelspitter habitat in any of the streams assessed, no mussel surveys
were conducted.
6.0 Results
No mussel surveys were conducted for this project.
6.0 Discussion/Conclusions
In addition to the current assessment, streams potentially affected by the project were also
assessed by NCDOT on March 10, 2014. The only mussel survey conducted during that
assessment was on Fourmile Creek at SR 3448 (Trade Street). No evidence of freshwater
Freshwater Mussel Survey; 1-5507, Mecklenburg County August 2018
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mussels was found during the survey. Observations made during the 2014 assessment noted all
other named streams were turbid and had shifting sand and silt substrates. A NCDOT survey on
July 16, 2008 was conducted in McAlpine Creek, immediately upstream of the inner I-485
bridge. A fragment of one valve of an Eastern Elliptio (Elliptio complanata) was documented
during the survey along with an unstable sand substrate in the stream.
Mussel surveys for the current assessment locations on McAlpine Creek and Fourmile Creek
were previously conducted on April 23, 1993 (NCWRC Aquatics Database). No mussels of any
species were observed during those surveys. A mussel survey was also conducted on Kings
Branch at SR 1155 on June 30, 1994 (NCWRC Aquatics Database). No mussels were observed
during the survey and the stream habitat was noted to be "highly degraded with sediment".
The streams within the project study area generally have poor water quality as evidenced by the
number of streams on the 303(d) list. Degraded instream habitat has also been noted in multiple
mussel surveys and multiple stream assessments. Based on the results of multiple stream
assessments and prior mussel surveys, and poor water quality of project study area streams,
completion of the project will not affect the target mussel species.
Biological Conclusion for Carolina Heelsplitter: No Effect
Freshwater Mussel Survey; 1-5507, Mecklenburg County August 2018
Page 4
7.0 References
Adams, W. F., J. M. Alderman, R. G. Biggins, A. G. Gerberich, E. P. Keferl, H. J. Porter, and
A.S. Van Devender. 1990. A report on the conservation status of North Carolina's
freshwater and terrestrial molluscan fauna. N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission,
Raleigh. 246 pp, Appendix A, 37 pp.
Eads, C. B. and J.F. Levine. 2008. Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata) and Tar River
Spinymussel (Elliptio steinstansana) Conservation Research: July 2007-June 2008. Final
report submitted to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Raleigh, NC. 18
LeGrand, Jr., H.E., J.T. Finnegan, S.E. McRae, S.P. Hall. 2010. Natural Heritage Program List of
the Rare Animal Species of North Carolina. N.C. Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh,
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources. 2018.
2016 North Carolina 303(d) List.
https:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeg/Water%Quality/Planning/TMDL/303 d/2016/2016_NC_Categor
y5 303d_list.pdf (Accessed 07/20/18).
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. NPDES Wastewater Treatment Facility
Permits. http://data-
ncdenr.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/a86af4f7549343419b4c8l77cedb3e4b_0 (Accessed
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). 2018. nheo-2018-07. Natural Heritage
Element Occurrence polygon shapefile. July 2, 2018.
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Unpublished Aquatics Database.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2011. Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata)
Species Profile. Raleigh Ecological Field Office Web site.
https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_carolina_ heelsplitter.html (Accessed 11/30/16).
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1997. Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata)
Recovery Plan. Atlanta, Georgia. 30 pp.
Freshwater Mussel Survey; I-5507, Mecklenburg County August 2018
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Appendix A
I a:
USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, WEDDINGTON, NC
49 ��
w - -�- �-; -1.
Legend -r` 1/ - y. Cj r
Prepared By: Prepared For:
Freshwater Mussel Survey Date: August 2018
1�OF NORTHC IMPROVEMENTS to 1-485 Scale o 1 2 Miles Figure
yp 49 FROM 1-77 to US 74
Ar'<vs AqL1-5507 Job No.
9 ode MECKLENBURG Drawn by: ICheckedby:
MV-0-086002 NC 31038
NC0004375, NCO 4705
NC0004839 6004723 [,
C0084280 T
4 NCO058084
N00077763 �NC0086517
4 0211
NC0079758 29 -
711 �� _
NC0083887 06
QA979 N OAST887 74
0497 NC00 4945
00595 `^C to
�J9 NCO024937 `
160 ;0�6673 NC0084301 -
5-Mile Buffer
Study Area
303D listed streams
Prepared By: Prepared For:
1�p4 NORT/r Oy9O
�P Ly
F. NCO051632 N 003471
NC0049 „
NCO085057 NCO03503
NC0065773 NCO064734
I C0071781," `NCO063932 NC0067644
N 0085359
OFF lmffiz—
Nruts uiscnargers ana
303(d) Listed Streams
FROM 1-77 to US 74
N 063789 N
74 ..y�
Date: August 2018
Scale Figure
0 1 2 Miles
Job No. 3
Drawn by: GSM ICheckedby: