HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC191769_ESC Approval Submitted_20191003EngMeerfn,g Smices Department B. f filth Puc�Fi, f'.E_ D.EC TOR LDRTH C_'AROL, NX81 TT-FRN-A'T1(:)1Q�L C-i' uY " Novombcr 22, '2017 mev/ Fiir:in cia Ity 14xs13cpir$ihl-e 1'frrty Jemite Development, LLC:' 1608 High.w.1y 221 Niirth Jirffcrggn, NC 2N640 HE: A.l'L'ROVAL of L ROS I () N and Shall I NI I?NTAT I () K CONTROL P A fti Project, Wrenn Fitrms T.cic4lion: 1410 Grrcrisberu Road, High 1Puint NC 272,60 [ Anal-T)i HLurrbiing Pe Tml t 4 2191 AL' -'[,A ?: SD- I74CIM, I N-17-0393 Dear Sirs: The Higinee-ring Sery ee% Deparmient has completed [lien review pr{a.-�q ror t}e !kitFll 7.r{}04511 Scdimcjitation Como] flan for thr- pr6ut refemweLi above. Bused on our review, the lrlLn IN h=bv approvcd. Thix plo-m will tgNuiiipully tiri}tics thy; grm ding and the bmildiag phase(s) of the abuvc prcaiei:t. Ilie Erm-ion t'ctiand Measures ,hciwn «ri LheCrlan(m) m-t-,appniximab-, 9ome 1It-,1d LLdju! lLmcnt rra{r be req&ed to jnaa e the mewmre work eorr&ctly. An aosi-m Comrol Financial Civaituitcc (Suicty) is rcgtiii od io be subrultod prior to Lmy Land- >Cnigmbing ncti%dtics. Tuns mfundabl-c gunrautco sMl rcu3aul in force until the mroik- is cainpJLtul I n UCCLn-LlanW. }kith Ihti T.�mLl-Distkrrb nco lRmilt and the. vvirk is N)li-Dvcd by the Engulccri fig 9erw i ueti T)ircciA ir_ "[die arm 5LE111 ci F [he gijmrmni�:v mquITUd 15 $2.000 .0(1 P�,-r (11 A IJTlbf- l 4 uv(• slid CaU }w, In t}ie I'Drrn c 1 f' U C.11CLk- [rreaa H�flhle T .es1 ij--r c}F (71-el51, rr{ui Yj I r-n I iecuritV a it i iirel.y l tQnd. The Check, Trrerwouabl ex Letter ci I' C mdl L Dr Fqui a clerk Se-uuTi Ly cxari he dtlm rtii text with the 0 ly (W hold Jn escj)}u N6th a Kinancial Iris-titilbol7 m per �&Cd{rn 7.2.E — Perlhrmanoe Ouarantee• c &thr City ofliigh Point Development Ordirli _ Suregr builds will be Jlesld by xJla i-,Jtv until reltuNr-CL This lcito will survc notice that. A -i p�-r NC OS 15 A NC AC 04B . 01 �tQ (b) and TNTSPECTIONS A ND I N V I i:ti'I']C ].DTI N S1. thifl IetL&r .-1.hA1 I xerVe X, T14 fti thm inspc�ul_Ion c i f' -.i tv-x x1mll 1-x,. carried hilt by the staff' -b H )ej)iJrEiriV-nt fl f' f irtitri mu raenlal Qual i L}' Or Dtlicr gUill i I feel City ¢f High Print, P-C,, Rox D. 2-1 �oLjth Hurrifton Street, Hi.qh Pint. NC 27261 USA Fax: 33,6 M3.4118 phone: 336.033.3194 TDU: 336. .3-85', 7 per4ons autlwraried h iC,c'onuriissicn c1 1�4parlrirh[ jai I rn�ir�rnmctal as ucssar} Csf c�arry out its duties ui76-,r Lht Acl. and No p; oij shL-dI refu rntrw ifr muW.M to gnV m-pm5mcative of the CYommisk-LOn or mny rcpr(-.scutative of a Incal Vic, vemrnffn I who rrquc51 s crr#ry far purposes of lumpeut-LOn. + .is. P,-r High Pfilm Dcveloprnejit Ordiruarrur 2.5.1 O.Cj,I and 2, [his peTmit NO11 1-euom-: mill Lmd VCJid rrnc (1 yvur f um fhc date of issualx e- Yqq u may rcqumt I'll LvHting, a 180-day Permit extension 10 duys pnor to the xpiration date, fir pKid Qausc, ■ The Land Disturbjn8. I}erm It i 5.gj,f,�j by fh�, City of l lids Point i s cA miliii i m a] ba&.d an the appl-Nant's comphaace with Fedv-ral and .9 w [.;7 tvatc r €liialigr laves, itt4uLaLlnnx, mi(I nilcs. + '1 iLk I ,tLV,r �,f' Approval imist be meted aL tfic %%iL,- (if 11w land €iisturbii4 a,cii�iiy ELI«ng with the Land -Di M n•higg Pcnni.r, grid the a.PI)M-A'Al rrL510LM and &dlnimt Control Man. Any deviaiion f nrn pimn rrkuLl L,v bmight to the atrention oI"Lhe T?ogin"z and erosion C:'onu-Dl Inspector prior Lu uhan ge. A q?n4!ifirm of this applu gal is tha[ tl a strvrL5 in ileis pliasc rmmm be kel)t thx a r}1',em inlCnt. Daily cleaning oFstrccts ILVAI be rcgairad. LrDs%ir)rr C MIrol hicasiires to pivvem construmon ltalliG tT4t ing scdirnaut onto the stn-�en mimi N, inanytai.ncd. Wh-m -you are mcculy for th& 1.aTid-Dist, Niig Nxirit ro be issried- pl-cuxe noli I-Y Tuy officc to mmm gc for a prc-ca nsnction n ieeti rkg. PI ease ml I mr i F you [mve any quesrions (i r a rrrrrncn 13. Sincerely, Scutt E. Ford rn�in,,:Lming Sol -vices Dcpaament ca e Allan FDrLner, Pr, vJn Land PlHuniug Associates, I nroromuLuj, 110 West 1 �"' iweilue, Easley, SC=. 29640 C HY of Hfgh Perm. F.O. Box 2.30, 211 SoUih Hor-ilton Street, I ligh f uir11. �C 272161 ;SSA Appendix E SWPPP Logs — Preconstruction Conference Attendance Log SWPPP Inspection Log Rainfall Log SWPPP Contractor and Sub -contractor Log SWPPP Modification Log SWPPP Soil Stabilization Log