HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0021632_Residual Annual Report 2014_20150223kl�'oo �2lC CITY OF BURLINGTON COMPOGRO COMPOST PERMIT NO. WQ0021632 BURLINGTON, NC JANUARY 21, 2015 For information regarding the contents of this report, the City of Burlington Composting facility or the - "COMPOGRO" process, please contact any or all of the following individuals: - SHANE FLETCHER, RESIDUALS MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR City of Burlington Composting Facility Phone (336) 570-6138 —email: sfletcher@ci.burlington.nc.us ROBERT C PATTERSON JR, WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR City of Burlington Phone (336) 222-5133 —email: rpatterson@ci.burlington.nc.us GLENN MCGIRT, LABORATORY SUPERINTENDENT City of Burlington - Phone (336) 222-5133 — email: gmcgirt@ci.burlington.nc.us i ERIC DAVIS, WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS MANAGER -- City of Burlington Phone (336) 222-5133 —email: edavis@ci.burlington.nc.us -2- Annual Report for the City of Burlington Composting Facility: 2014 Section 1 Introduction & Background Information Section 2 Certification and Summary Annual Distribution & Marketing Summary Form (DENR FORM DMSDF) Compost Distribution/Disposal Summary Form by Month Amendment Delivery Log (received at the Compogro facility) Section 3 Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction and Laboratory Data City of Burlington Laboratory Certification Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Form (DENR FORM RF) Fecal Coliform Results Section 4 Compost Analyses TCLP Summary of Metals Analysis (DENR FORM RSSF) PAN Calculations Metals Analysis — (A&L Laboratory) Section 5 Supporting Data Summary of Temperatures demonstrating compliance with Class A PR and VAR requirements C:\Users\sfletcher\Documents\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFO\Compost_Annual pages 2-9.doc -3- Introduction In 1999, the Burlington City council agreed to allocate funds to construct a small-scale compost facility at the South Burlington WWTP capable of processing 5.5 dry tons of biosolids per day. Although the compost facility would not be large enough to compost 100% of the daily sludge production of the wastewater plant, it would be large enough to answer some important questions such as: 1. Could the City produce a quality and compliant compost at a reasonable cost? 2. Is the local demand for compost enough to warrant an expansion of the compost operations? 3. How will the cost of processing compost to a Class A residual compare to the cost of hauling Class B sludge from year-to-year? Construction on the compost facility began in 2001 and the first sludge was dewatered in 2002. The compost facility operated in a `test' mode in the time between the completion of construction and the time the permit to operate a compost facility was received from the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources in September of 2003. This annual report has been assembled as a condition of the Distribution of Residual Solids (503) Permit, #WQ0021632. I. DESIGN CRITERIA Design Flow: 5.5 dry tons feed sludge per day Equipment Description: Number Equipment Purpose 2 Grinder pumps Transfer residuals from existing storage tanks V 1 2-meter belt press Dewater feed sludge to 16% — 20% solids 1 Berth for 2nd 2-meter belt press (future) C:1Userslsfletcher\Documents\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFOICompost_Annual pages 2-9.doc I Conveyor 1 25,500 ft2 Open area 1 1,710 ft2 Covered area 1 1,875 ft2 Covered area 1 Agricultural Feed Mixer 1 35,700 ft2 Covered area 11 5-Horsepower blowers 1 153 yd3 Trammel screen 1 15,000 ft2 Open area 1 900 ft2 biofilter 1 4,900 ft2 biofilter 1 Polymer Feed System Transfer dewatered sludge to mixing area Storing amendment material Blending dewatered residuals and amendment material Storing amendment material Blending dewatered residuals and amendment material Composting blended residuals/amendment material Aerating static piles (Maximum of 22 static piles) Screening composted product and recovery of amendment Final curing and maturation and storage of Class A product Capture and treat odor -generating compounds in the facility Capture and treat odor -generating compounds in the facility Assist with the dewatering of residuals II. PROCESS DESCRIPTION The goal of the Compogro compost facility is to consistently produce a Class A EQ material that is suitable for a variety of uses on land that has no post -application restrictions. Class A residuals have the greatest degree of pathogen reduction and are considered to be very safe. All domestic residuals which are to be distributed to the public for use for landscaping must meet one of the alternatives for Class A pathogen reduction found in 40 CFR Part 503.30. Class A pathogen reduction must meet one of the following criteria: 1. A fecal coliform density must be less than 1,000 MPN (most probable number) per gram of total solids (dry weight) 3�)H 2. A Salmonella sp. bacteria must be less than 3 MPN per 4 grams of total solids (dry weight) C:1Userslsfletcher\Documents\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFO\Compost_Annual pages 2-9.doc -5- The City of Burlington -,has selected the former criteria (fecal coliform <1,000 MPN) as the preferred method to determine compliance with the pathogen reduction requirements. This is achieved by following the time and temperature guidelines in 40 CFR 503. In addition to the pathogen reduction requirements, Compogro must also meet all of the Vector Attraction Reduction (VAR) requirements of Class A residuals. All domestic residuals which are to be distributed to the public for landscaping must meet one of the alternatives for vector attraction reduction listed in 40 CFR 503.33. The City achieves compliance by following the time and temperature guidelines provided by the USEPA. The City of Burlington Compogro Compost facility has developed a system for building aerated piles and collecting and recording data necessary to ensure that all the requirements of Class A compost are being achieved. A copy of the sampling plan along with all the information necessary to demonstrate compliance with 40 CFR 503 rules for the Calendar Year 2014 are included with this report. III. RECORDKEEPING PROCEDURES A record of the aerated static pile temperatures is enclosed to demonstrate that the piles meet the required temperatures for the designated time to achieve pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction. The document is titled Compost Pile Temperature's. Aerated static piles are assigned an identifying number that establishes the date that the pile was built, and the blower that was used to aerate the pile. The format is year, month, day, and blower number. For example, the number 4 030109-07 would indicate that the pile was started on January 9, 2003 and was aerated using blower 7. Each pile is monitored for temperature with at least four thermometers. We are satisfying the 40 CFR C:\Users\sfletcher\Documents\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFMCompost_Annual pages 2-9.doc M 503 pathogen reduction requirements by keeping the compost above 131 degrees F for three (3) consecutive days (72 hours minimum). We are satisfying the 40 CFR 503 vector attraction reduction requirements by keeping the compost above 104 degrees F and an average of greater than 113 degrees l F for a minimum of fourteen (14) consecutive days. In reviewing these logs you will see that we are maintaining the aerated static piles for longer than 21 days, and keeping the temperatures elevated for longer than the regulations require. The piles on the Compost Pile Temperature log sheet were followed onto the curing piles and into the finished compost product piles. The City has included copies of residuals analyses for the finished compost product from A&L Eastern Agricultural Laboratories, Inc. All of the results support the EQ designation of the compost and are included in a separate section of this report. IV. "COMPOGRO" COMPOST SAMPLING PROCEDURES The Static Aerated Piles The aerated static piles are constructed under a roof to protect the pile from wind and rain. Before building the pile, the base or bed is made with a 4 inch perforated airline placed down the center of the bed. The airline is connected to a blower creating positive or negative pressure so that air can be forced or pulled through the compost pile. The blowers are controlled by timers that turn them on or off as needed to supply airflow to the piles. After the biosolids and amendment (wood chips and leaves) are mixed together, the mixture is placed on the 4 inch perforated pipe to build the static aerated pile and to begin the composting process. The mixture of biosolids and amendment is then covered with a six to eight (6 — 8) inch blanket of amendment to insulate the pile. C:1Userslsfletcher\Documents\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFO1Compost_Annual pages 2-9.doc -7- After building a pile, a minimum of four (4) thermometers with 48-inch probes are placed at various locations and depths throughout the pile to monitor the temperatures of the compost pile. The temperatures are recorded daily to track the composting process. Results are entered into a database to track each pile with a unique identifier to make sure it meets the regulatory requirements. The thermometers are left in place during the time required to achieve compliance with the time and temperature requirements for the process to further reduce pathogens (PFRP) and for vector attraction reduction. We have not had any trouble reaching the prescribed time and temperature requirements in our static piles. Curing and stabilization After our static compost piles have met the requirements for time and temperature, the compost is moved to the curing pile for a minimum of 21 days for further stabilization. We keep one thermometer in the curing pile (which can be a combination of several aerated static piles) and record those temperatures as well. We have found that the curing process often requires more than 21 days and may take as many as 50 days. Sampling Finished Compost for Fecal Coliform, Metals and Nutrients After the curing process is completed the material is screened to separate the reusable amendment from the compost. At this point the finished compost is ready to be sampled and analyzed for fecal coliform to demonstrate successful pathogen reduction. The finished compost pile is sampled for fecal coliform in the following manner. C:1Userslsfletcher\Documents\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFOICompost_Annual pages 2-9.doc -8- A core sampler is disinfected for use to collect the samples. The core sampler is used to take core samples within the compost pile at different depths and locations through out the compost pile to get a good composite sample of the product. We collect four (4) cores in a sealable plastic bag or sterile fecal bottle to make one composite sample, and collect a minimum of three (3) composite samples for each batch of finished compost. That means that we are taking samples of twelve (12) different locations in the pile. The fecal samples are collected in sterile fecal bottles and are sent directly to the lab for analysis. The samples are either hand delivered to the City of Burlington wastewater lab (Certificate No. 188) or shipped to the Summit Environmental Technologies Lab in Akron, Ohio. A dry solids analysis and the fecal test require about four days turnaround from sample collection to reporting of the data. Sample results are recorded and laboratory reports are maintained in the files. Similar sampling techniques are used to collect samples for nutrient and metals analyses. Those samples are contained in the sealable plastic bags and sent to A&L Eastern Agricultural Laboratories, Inc. in Richmond, VA. This data will be used to formulate the information sheets that are given to the purchaser of the compost. These analyses will be performed within 60 days of distribution of the finished product, and the results will be maintained on file. Test for Re -growth of Fecal Coliform If the compost is not distributed within 60 days of an acceptable analysis, the pile will be resampled for fecal coliform using the same technique as above immediately (approximately one week) prior to distribution. C:1UserslsfletcheADocuments\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFOICompost_Annual pages 2-9.doc CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING/ SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PERMIT #: WQ0021632 FACILITY NAME: City of Burlington Compogro Composting Facility PHONE: (336) 570-6138 COUNTY: ALANL NCE OPERATOR: Shane Fletcher FACILITY TYPE (please check one): ❑ Surface Disposal (complete Part A (Source(s) and "Residual In" Volume only) and Part C) R1 Distribution and Marketing (complete Parts A, B, and C) Was the facility in operation during the past calendar year? El Yes ❑vo No If No skip parts A, B, C and certify form below Part A*: Part B*: Sources s) (include NPDES # if Volume (dry tons) Recipient Information Month (Admendment/ Volume (dry applicable) Agent Residual In Product Out Name(s) � ) Intended use(s) Bulking A g tons January S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 0 0 0 see attached sheets 6.69 landscape February S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 0 0 0 see attached sheets 3.55 landscape March S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 0 0 0 see attached sheets 12.02 landscape April S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 0 0 0 see attached sheets 45.46 landscape May S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 0 0 0 see attached sheets 22.47 landscape June S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 51.63 13.37 46.15 see attached sheets 12.31 landscape July S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 48.78 12.41 43.44 see attached sheets 3.33 landscape August S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 0 0 0 see attached sheets 7.35 landscape September S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 86.18 21.01 76.1 see attached sheets 23.59 landscape October S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 0 0 0 see attached sheets 12.78 landscape November S. Burlington WWTP NC002387 0 0 0 see attached sheets 3.53 landscape December S. Burlin on WWTP NC002387 0 0 0 see attached sheets 7.4 landscape Totals: Annual (dry tons):tons):1 186.59 46.79 165769 160.48 Admendment s used-T Leaves and woodchi s I Bulking Agent(s) used: * If more space than given is required, please attach additional information sheet(s). 0 Check box if additional sheet(s) are attached Part C: Facility was compliant during calendar year 2014 with all conditions of the permit (including but not limited to items 1-3 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. El Yes ❑ No If No, please provide a written description why the facility was not compliant. 1. All monitoring was done in accordance with the permit and reported for the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 2. All operation and maintenance requirements were compiled with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 3. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well. "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware tha •ere-sig ificant penalties for submitting false informaiton, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." `2 S' Signature of Permittee Date Signature of Preparer** Date (if different from Permittee) **Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) DENR FORM DMSDF (5/2003) r---------- -� CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE January 2014 Peace Haven Farms 16 3.15 46 Landscaping January2014 J L Williams 2 0.39 46 Landscaping January 2014 Mark Ball 16 3.15 46 Landscaping January Totals 34 6.69 Pile # 46 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 564 compost % dry 69.77 1 cubic yard ( dry pounds ) 393.50 Recipient Log 2014.xis CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE February 2014 Tony Montaro 1 0.20 46 Landscaping February 2014 J L Williams 1 0.20 46 Landscaping February 2014 Ruthie Garner 16 3.15 46 Landscaping February Totals 18 3.55 Pile # 46 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 564 compost % dry 69.77 1 cubic yard (dry pounds) 393.50 Recipient Log 2014.x1s CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE March 2014 Fabian Lujan 16 3.15 46 Landscaping March 2014 Paul Browning 1 0.2 46 Landscaping March 2014 Harvey Eichner 1 0.20 46 Landscaping March 2014 Sarah Stevens 10 1.97 46 Landscaping March 2014 Maranda Lyon 1 0.20 46 Landscaping March 2014 John Thomasson 6 1.18 46 Landscaping March 2014 Peace Haven Farms 16 3.15 46 Landscaping March 2014 Mary Penlenland 10 1.97 46 Landscaping March Totals 61 12.02 Pile # 46 Notes 1 cubic yard ( pounds ) 564 compost % dry 69.77 1 cubic yard (dry pounds ) 393.50 Recipient Log 2014.x1s i CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE April 2014 Joel Kaczmarek 18 3.54 46 Landscaping April 2014 Clyde Christmas 48 9.44 46 Landscaping April-2014 David Shepard 16 3.15 46 Landscaping April-2014 John Thomasson 5 0.98 46 Landscaping April-2014 Quarry Hills 10 1.97 46 Landscaping April-2014 Richard Miller 15 2.95 46 Landscaping April-2014 Ray Morris 6 1.18 46 Landscaping April-2014 Steve Barnett 32 6.24 47 Landscaping April-2014 Brian Coleman 16 3.12 47 Landscaping April-2014 Smithers ( Ron Alcon) 64 12.49 47 Landscaping April-2014 John Coble 1 0.2 47 Landscaping April-2014 South Burlington Wastewater Plant 1 0.2 47 Landscaping April Totals 232 45.46 Pile # 46 Notes Pile # 47 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 564 1 cubic yard ( pounds) 564 compost % dry 69.77 compost % dry 69.18 1 cubic yard( dry pounds) 393.50 1 cubic yard( dry pounds) 390.17 Recipient Log 2014.x1s I CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE May 2014 Nancy Sandlin 2 0.39 47 Landscaping May 2014 James Doby 2 0.39 47 Landscaping May 2014 Ma Bhatti 2 0.39 47 Landscaping May 2014 Larry James 1 0.2 47 Landscaping May 2014 Eric Henry 16 3.12 47 Landscaping May 2014 Michelle Easterday 2 0.39 47 Landscaping May 2014 First Taste 1 0.2 47 Landscaping May 2014 Ken Melton 2 0.39 47 Landscaping May 2014 Bruce Rouse 1 0.2 47 Landscaping May 2014 Cathey Taylor 2 0.39 47 Landscaping May 2014 Leamon Slaughter 2 0.39 47 Landscaping May 2014 John Coble 1 0.2 47 Landscaping May 2014 Cindy Fox 10 1.95 47 Landscaping May 2014 Mr B's 16 3.12 47 Landscaping May 2014 Michael Generelli 16 3.12 47 Landscaping May 2014 Karen Harrison 16 3.14 47 Landscaping May 2014 Shrub Worx 4 0.78 47 Landscaping May 2014 Anthony Caradonna 1 0.20 47 Landscaping May 2014 Gene Hunter 16 3.12 47 Landscaping May 2014 Chris Purvis 2 0.39 47 Landscaping May Totals 115 22.47 Pile # 47 Notes 1 cubic yard ( pounds ) 564 compost % dry 69.18 1 cubic yard ( dry pounds ) 390.17 Recipient Log 2014.x1s CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE June 2014 Doug Martin 1 0.2 47 Landscaping June 2014 Sue Showferty 1 0.2 47 Landscaping June 2014 Michael Hyder 2 0.39 47 Landscaping June 2014 Michelle Easterday 2 0.39 47 Landscaping June 2014 Shirley Faulkner 1 0.2 47 Landscaping June 2014 Paul Taylor 2 0.39 47 Landscaping June 2014 Mr B's Garden Center 16 3.12 47 Landscaping June 2014 Randy Minor 16 3.12 47 Landscaping June 2014 Harold Eagle 4 0.78 47 Landscaping June 2014 Eric Henry 16 3.12 47 Landscaping June 2014 William Sharpe 1 0.2 47 Landscaping June 2014 South Burlington Wastewater Plant 1 0.2 47 Landscaping June Totals 63 12.31 Pile # 47 Notes 1 cubic yard( pounds) 564 compost % dry 69.18 1 cubic yard ( dry pounds) 390.17 Recipient Log 2014.xis CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE July 2014 William Sharpe 3 0.59 47 Landscaping July 2014 Jon Cates 1 0.20 47 Landscaping July 2014 Ricky Graves 2 0.39 47 Landscaping July 2014 Harold Eagle 1 0.20 47 Landscaping July 2014 Caleb Fox 10 1.95 47 Landscaping July Totals 17 3.33 Pile # 47 Notes 1 cubic yard(pounds)564 compost % dry 69.18 1 cubic yard (dry pounds) 390.17 Recipient Log 2014.xls CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B" RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE August 2014 Stephen Loy 2 0.42 47 Landscaping August 2014 Quarry Hills CC 10 2.10 47 Landscaping August 2014 John Renoylds 4 0.84 47 Landscaping August 2014 William Sharpe 1 0.21 47 Landscaping August 2014 Edwin Love 2 0.42 47 Landscaping August 2014 Paul Doby 4 0.84 47 Landscaping August 2014 Denny Gnau 1 0.21 47 Landscaping August 2014 Larry James 1 0.21 47 Landscaping August 2014 Majorie McNamara 10 2.10 47 Landscaping August Totals 35 7.35 Pile # 47 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds)564 compost%dry 74.51 1 cubic yard (dry pounds) 420.23 Recipient Log 2014.xis -7- ---- - - - I' - - -- - CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE September 2014 David Stanley 1 0.22 48 Landscaping September 2014 Greg Button 1 0.22 48 Landscaping September 2014 Valerie Clasen 1 0.22 48 Landscaping September 2014 Courtney Covington 4 0.88 48 Landscaping September 2014 Paul Doby 4 0.88 48 Landscaping September 2014 James Doby 4 0.88 48 Landscaping September 2014 Andrew Morris 16 3.53 48 Landscaping September 2014 Paul Browning 2 0.44 48 Landscaping September 2014 Wally Fonville 6 1.32 48 Landscaping September 2014 James Chrisp 32 7.06 48 Landscaping September 2014 Dan Walker 32 7.06 48 Landscaping September 2014 Ken Broach 4 0.88 48 Landscaping September Totals 107 23.59 Pile # 48 Notes 1 cubic yard(pounds)564 compost% dry 78.24 1 cubic yard (dry pounds) 441.27 Recipient Log 2014.x1s CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE October 2014 Jon Cates 1 0.22 48 Landscaping October 2014 Mark Yancey 1 0.22 48 Landscaping October 2014 COB Rec Dept 6 1.32 48 Landscaping October 2014 Debra McGuire 1 0.22 48 Landscaping October 2014 J E Long 15 3.31 48 Landscaping October 2014 Harvey Eichner 1 0.22 48 Landscaping October 2014 Sara Stevens 16 3.53 48 Landscaping October 2014 Manual Rios 6 1.32 48 Landscaping October 2014 Mary Beth Moore 1 0.22 48 Landscaping October 2014 Wan Zhenhong 3 0.66 48 Landscaping October 2014 Jimmy Long 1 0.22 48 Landscaping October 2014 Albino Ontiveros 6 1.32 48 Landscaping October Totals 58 12.78 Pile # 48 Notes 1 cubic yard(pounds)564 compost%dry 78.24 1 cubic yard( dry pounds) 441.27 Recipient Log 2014.x1s CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE November 2014 Albino Ontiveros 2 0.44 48 Landscaping November 2014 Larry James 2 0.44 48 Landscaping November 2014 Top Notch 12 2.65 48 Landscaping November Totals 16 Pile # 48 Notes 1 cubic yard(pounds)564 compost%dry 78.24 1 cubic yard(dry pounds) 441.27 Recipient Log 2014.x1s 3.53 CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B" RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE December 2014 Accu-Cut Lawn & Landscaping 32 7.40 48 Landscaping Landscaping December Totals Pile # 48 Notes 1 cubic yard(pounds) 564 compost%dry 81.98 1 cubic yard(dry pounds) 462.36 32 7.40 Recipient Log 2014.xis i CITY OF BURLINGTON I COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY AMENDMENT DELIVERY TRACKING LOG DATE COMPANY NAME TYPE OF AMENDMENT ESTIMATED CUBIC YARDS Janua -2014 None Februa -2014 None March-2014 None April-2014 None Ma -2014 None June-2014 None Jul -2014 None Au ust-2014 None September-2014 None October-2014 City of Burlington Leaves 1,575 November-2014 As lundh Tree Service Woodchips 4 City of Burlington Leaves 25 December-2014 City of Burlington Leaves 230 Totals 1834 AMENDMENT TRACKING LOG 2014-1 PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION AND LABORATORY DATA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF THE ' ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES LABORATORY CERTIFICATION PROGRAM In accordance with the. provisions of. N.C.G.S. 143-215.3 (a).(1), 143-215.3 (a)(10) and NCAC 2H.0800. 2'014 City of Burlington WWTP Laboratory Is hereby certified to perform environmental analysis as listed on Attachment I and report monitoring data to DWR for compliance with NPDES effluent, surface water, groundwater, and pretreatment regulations. By reference 15A NCAC 2H .0800 is made a part of this certificate. This certificate does not guarantee, validity of data generated, but indicates the methodology, equipment, quality control procedures, records, and proficiency of the laboratory have been examined and found to be acceptable. This certificate shall be valid until 12/31/2014 Certificate No. 188 s J. Kent Wiggins Attachment I North Carolina Wastewater/Groundwater Laboratory Certification Certified Parameters Listing Lab Name: City of Burlington VWI TP Laboratory Address: P.O. Box 1358 Burlington, NC 27215-1358 Certificate Number: 188 Effective Date: 05/07/2014 Expiration Date: 12/31/2014 Date of Last Amendment: 05/14/2014 The above named laboratory, having duly met the requirements of 15A NCAC 21-1.0800, is hereby certified forthe measurement of the parameters listed below. CERTIFIED PARAMETERS INORGANIC BOD SM 5210 B-2001 (Aqueous) SM 5210 B-2001 (Hach 10360-2011, Rev. 1.2) (LDO) (Aqueous) TOTAL RESIDUAL CHLORINE SM 4500 Cl G-2000 (Aqueous) COLIFORM FECAL SM 9222 D-1997 (MF) (Aqueous) SM 9222 D-1997 (MF) 24hr 503 (Non -Aqueous) Colilert @18 (Aqueous) SM 9221C E-2006 (MPN) 24hr 503 (Non -Aqueous) CONDUCTIVITY SM 2510 B-1997 (Aqueous) CYANIDE SM 4500 CN- E-1999 (Total) (Aqueous) DISSOLVED OXYGEN SM 4500 O G-2001 (Aqueous) Hach 10360-2011, Rev. 1.2 (LDO) (Aqueous) AMMONIA NITROGEN SM 4500 NH3 D-1997 (Aqueous) TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN SM 4500 Norg B-1997 (SM 4500 NH3 C-1997) (Aqueous) Hach 10242 (Aqueous) NO2 + NO3 NITROGEN SM 4500 NO3- E-2000 (Aqueous) Hach 10206 (Aqueous) TOTALPHOSPHORUS SM 4500 P E-1999 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) Hach 8190 TNT (Aqueous) pH SM 4500 H+B-2000 (Aqueous) RESIDUE SETTLEABLE SM 2540 F-1997 (Aqueous) RESIDUE SUSPENDED SM 2540 D-1997 (Aqueous) "TEMPERATURE SM 2550 B-2000 (Aqueous) TURBIDITY SM 2130 B-2001 (Aqueous) VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION Option 1: Reduction in Volatile Solids Option 5: Aerobic Treatment above 40deg C Option 8: Moisture Reduction with Solids METAL ALUMINUM EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4. 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3111 D-1999 (Aqueous) ANTIMONY EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) ARSENIC EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3113 B-2004 (Aqueous) BARIUM EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) BERYLLIUM EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) CADMIUM EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3113 B-2004 (Aqueous) CHROMIUM TOTAL EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3111 B-1999 (Aqueous) _ SM 3113 B-2004 (Aqueous) COBALT EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) COPPER EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) This certification requires maintance of an acceptable quality assurance program, use of approved methodology, and satisfactory performance on evaluation samples. Laboratories are subject to civil penalties and/or decertification for infractions as set forth in 15A NCAC 21-1.0807. L Attachment I North Carolina Wastewater/Groundwater Laboratory Certification Certified Parameters Listing Lab Name: City of Burlington WWTP Laboratory Address: P.O. Box 1358 Burlington, NC 27215-1358 The above named laboratory, having duly met the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.0800, is hereby certified for the measurement of the parameters listed below. CERTIFIED PARAMETERS SM 3111 B-1999 (Aqueous) SM 3113 B-2004 (Aqueous) IRON EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3111 B-1999 (Aqueous) LEAD EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3113 B-2004 (Aqueous) MANGANESE EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3111 B-1999 (Aqueous) MOLYBDENUM EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) NICKEL EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3113 B-2004 (Aqueous) SELENIUM EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3113 B-2004 (Aqueous) SILVER EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3111 B-1999 (Aqueous) SM 3113 B-2004 (Aqueous) THALLIUM EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) VANADIUM EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) ZINC EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 3111 B-1999 (Aqueous) Certificate Number: 188 Effective Date: 05/07/2014 Expiration Date: 12/31/2014 Date of Last Amendment: 05/14/2014 This certification requires maintance of an acceptable quality assurance program, use of approved methodology, and satisfactory performance on evaluation samples. Laboratories are subject to civil penalties and/or decertification for infractions as set forth in 15A NCAC 2H.0807. ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM Facility Name: City of Burlington Compogro Composting Facility Permit Number: WQ0021632 WWTP Name: South Burlington WWTP NPDES Number: NCO023876 Monitoring Period: From 1/1/2014 To 12/31/2014 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alternative 1 Alternative 2 T Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Alternative 5 X I Alternative 6 ff If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost X Heat Drying Heat Treatment Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray Pasteurization Class B: Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion If applicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: rXiluWaulu Pathogen Density um er ot Frequency Sample Analytical Parameter Level in Excee- of Tech - Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units dencesType nicue 2 x 10 to the 6th power NUN per gram of total solids or 2 x 10 to the 6th I Fecal ColiforM power CFU per gram of total solids 1000 mpn per gram 60 days or SM9221ELT I of total solid (dry < 2 16.20 655 MPN 0 prior to Comp BEC weight) distribution Salmonella bacteria 3 MPN per 4 (in lieu of fecal grams total solid coliform) (dry weight) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33) - Please indicate option performed: Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 1 Option 4 10ption 5 X Option 6 Option 7 1 Option 8 1 Option 9 Option 10 No vector attraction reduction options were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Shane Fletcher Residuals Man. Coord. P e er Name and Title (typ or print) Signature of Preparer Date NA Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date DENR FORM RF (5/2003) File: Compost Annual PVRP 2014 Tab: PVRF COMPOST ANALYSIS a MAX- 1 X, i M CITY AF $UwNCTON Laboratory Services Report Date: 111712014 Sample ID: Finished Pile #46 ID #: 131002 Cetificate of Analyses Initial testing 160 day repeat PASS Failure Repeat no.-1 FAIL Sample #: D E F F-Dup Sample Date: 1 /13/2014 1 /13/2014 1 /13/2014 1 /13/2014 Sample Time: 840 843 850 850 PH., 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.4 Y Solids: 69.4 72.0 68.7 70.0 Fecal Coliform: ®/per' /ge:h'�yJyy�w"V: AI I -/�i/ry ®r'm - / a7�.t- <2.6 <2.4 <2.6 <2.6 v. k 'G,zsv ��f' :S:k3�ane.: AL.y4 �'S{i4 m''1d,'in�;'1�`; .`K�k. '.-.4'S5C-,� average of C= c2.6 Geometric mean= c3 ]MPAIldrygrm Certified by: Glenn Mc6irt Laboratory Supervisor NC Wastewater Certification #188 NC Water Supply Certification #37612 CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON - NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 . CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER (~!1=ST FACIL. TY_ rl SAMPLE LOCATIOr%: SAMPLED BY: )ATE: DELIVERED BY: DATE: RECEIVED IN LAB BY: / DATE• ! 3� / V. TIME. SHIPPED BY: DATE: TIME: p -ORW)c -ors-0 _i �Ll_ __ .�1� L� ..-wJ ewe a�M�it�I! ` YES ` N® ° Will t _ - -- -- NCDENR DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE COWLIANOE ENF®ACEMENT UM ,cv9 WAR a*'Dori d%WW@rWD crrY oF BuRuNaToN Laboratory Services Report Date: 311 41ZOI 4 Sample ID: Finished Pile #46 M #., 131002 Cetificate of Analyses Initial testing 160 day repent Failure Repeat no. I PA FAIL Sample Ar A 8 C C-®up Sample ®ate: 3/11/2014 3/11/2014 3/11/2014 3/11/2014 Sample Time: 900 905 908 908 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 Za Solids: 71.1 72.5 74.4 74.4 Fecal Coliform: grm) 34 52 1 13 64 MN E(MPVIdry Certified by: average of Cz 38 Acometric mean= 41 AIPNIdry grm Glenn Supervisor NC Wastewater Certification #188 NC Water Supply Certification #37612 I :y- CITY OF 13URLIh1G`ION POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BUR,INGTON - NC 27216-1358 - 336-570-6135 CONTACT PERSON ® SHANE FLETCHER CphIP®ST FACILITY ` JGMQOST /'/s�� s hid i Q SAMPLE I.oCATIor� c SAMPLED BY: DATE: 3L,/ DELIVERED BY: RECEIVED IN LAB BY: �• l b o1 a `I'IME' DATE: • SHIPPED BY: TIME' - DATE: . 1 'e { - of this 14CDZNR-DWQ L�dt7'�i77a CiidRGZ ♦I®MpCZ ZNS�1J�Y.� ICE i 4/i��8 YFS N® I Page: 1 of 2 Report Number: 13-343-0204 Account Number: 45475 Submitted Bv: SHANE FLETCHER Send To: CITY OF BURLINGTON SHANE FLETCHER POB 1358 BURLINGTON , NC 27216-1358 Lab Number: 96935 Sample Id : #131002 �L wwwaleastem.com z,. ig" A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc:y 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (604) 743-9401 Fax (804) 271.W6, Project: #131002b r NC CERT#257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 12/5/2013 08:30:00 Date Received: 12/09/2013 00:00 Date Reported: 12/16/2013 Total Solids * 67.71 677100 100.0 JM 12/09/2013 14:30 SM-2540G Moisture'` 32.29 100.0 JM 12/09/201314:30 SM-2540G Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 2.24 22400 10.0 JM 12/10/2013 08:39 SM-4500-NH3C-TKN Total Phosphorus 0.58 5800 100 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C Total Potassium 0.51 5060 100 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C Total Sulfur 0.26 2610 100 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C Total Calcium 1.74 17400 100 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C Total Magnesium 0.32 3170 100 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C Total Sodium 0.06 615 100 KM 12112/201312:33 SW 6010C Total Iron 4570 100 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C Total Aluminum 5400 100 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C Total Manganese 631 5 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C Total Copper 68 5 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C Total Zinc 214 5 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C Ammonia Nitrogen 0.52 5230 10.0 JM 12/10/2013 08:39 SM-4500-NI3C Organic N 1.72 17170 10.0 12/10/2013 08:39 CALCULATION Nitrate+Nitrite-N 20.4 2.00 JM 12/10/2013 08:40 SM-450ONO3F Total Cadmium <2.0 2.0 KM 12/12/2013 12:33 SW 6010C All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. r rla not be reproduced in whole or art, nor may any reference be made Our reports and letters are for the exclusive anri confidential use of our clients; and r < / p p to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising. news release, or other public announcements [nifhout obtaining our prior written authorization. Debbie Holt I Page: 2 of 2 Report Number: 13-343-0204 Account Number: 45475 Submitted By: SHANE FLETCHER Send To: CITY OF BURLINGTON SHANE FLETCHER POB 1358 BURLINGTON , NC 27216-1358 Lab Number: 96935 Sample Id : #131002 wwwaleastern.com A&L Eastern Laboratories Inca : 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax (804) 271-WG ` Project: #131002 NC CERT#257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Total Chromium 76 5 KM Total Nickel 16 5 KM Total Lead 12 5 KM Total Arsenic <3.0 3.0 KM Total Mercury <0.4 0.4 KM Total Selenium <5.0 5.0 KM Calcium Carbonate Equivalent <0.01 <100 100 MW Total Volatile Solids 85.93 859300 100.0 JM Total Molybdenum <5 5 KM Comments: CCE, SULFUR AND ORGANIC NITROGEN NOT FOR COMPLIANCE PURPOSES. QUALIFIER: THE MATRIX SPIKE WAS OUT OF LIMITS FOR "Al" AND "Ca". ALL OTHER QC DATA IS ACCEPTABLE. Date Sampled: 12/5/2013 08:30:00 Date Received: 12/09/2013 00:00 Date Reported: 12/18/2013 12/12/2013 12:33 12/12/2013 12:33 12/12/2013 12:33 12/12/2013 12:33 12/11/2013 09:00 12/12/2013 12:33 12/10/2013 13:05 12/09/2013 14:30 12/12/2013 12:33 All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients. and may not be reproduced in whole orpart, nor may any referee;ce be made to the vvork, the results, or the company ur any advertising, news release, or other pubiir, announcements o ithout obtaining our pnor,:ritten authorization. Debbie Holt SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW-7471 B SW 6010C AOAC 955.01 SM-2540G SW 6010C I --- - — — — - - �� oA 6 �(� � �+�'ry� �-t ;�, �T 'p �''(ry�i�i �T (��►{��N jIj{� �j�ij'Nunn� I lI jm�� �)3-30302D4 _ � �U� S,AWLt MA S1VJ.1-.1 TAL R (II1111U�I IfI�EIluII1�1 �I t� �EII��I�� - 45175.s ;.r,.,v. CIT'fOFSURLlNG7.QN ti A&L Easter ..La �►,3,�z vv�� �^i".�'� 17/.17 liihee�u..�nii D.•...:BL k.�. .:.t' Y"' �'�''K „,`�:.. y: Office Information. Rept# - -- - ---'" Gnformation A� Submitted B :Ch a Ta : Go To r, Rru ec. AcCt #45475 her +Ci ;:of Buff.,._ _fin Sftiaae FletcMLLi P,-.O0135 ° ;Emaile ate: 4{ RWIIi gton 'e NC o7 'I1�t358 �nstcker n Lett Numbor} (!_a/b* Us�je Only Sfampl18 ID Ca�rQrtaineK T ,RRe�cj�Ji�_ ui� 'f% f; Past% ` o 2 ' ' ,. �e���ary . T■ • hyfo r l�'!.�'d . Sa le a r R , B. ..... Qate . Tiir►e ° ,. eds . ... .: Si 4 _ Please Place a "X" by L3esired ` s s Internal Lab,c g: ; SLBUI�L: >SthtEe°�b TKN P K S Ca Ne ;fie AI Mn� Cu� Zn NH4rMN xyy ��// h y /\ �/ 1l 1�/ x ... x �u I\: �n �/ h :£d Cr Ni Ob As Mg. Se PH _ . - . _ _;'+ °fie Solids % - O �g ,N MP Ci_ . B Ba 1►, A X x x A X x SO4 Sb Co Stt 7i - V 'Be . _ i4LK SS Avail P 'Sal K Cond WIN SOLO 601. NA; O&G SP.GR. TSS . S1e 20 SIweW0 SleveNeQ , ASH . Cso:- CaCO3. MgCO3: U C/N TOC Env TOTAL. _ MOW TOTAL no TN TKNW NH4W N- 03 ' DRQWW PA`O9RT AZ CERT STU PC13S REACT CN FECAL. 'TCLP ICIA �j -Certification Needed: fdC _ Spec nstnxtions - or Remarks Comments IT crrY Vi ou raTON Laboratory Services Report Date: 411112014 Sample SD: Finished Pile #47 XD #: 140403 Cetificate of Analyses Initial testing 60 day repeat Failure Repeat no. PASS FAIL Sample #. A R C C-Dup Sample Date: 4/7/2014 4/7/2014 4/7/2014 4/7/2014 Sample Time: 905 908 911L 911 pfi: 6.1 5.4 5.8 5.8 Ya Solids: 66.2 68.8 68.8 68.3 Fecal) Colliiform: <M/�NI®ry 9rin3 196 11 11 11 ,,�i,'e ,: p,t. di x,. pyR47LM ,cy'`f3° azZa ��.''t average of C= 11 !Geometric mean= 29 MPAI/dry grin Certified by: Glenn McGat Laboratory Supervisor NC Wastewater Certification #188 NC Water Supply Certification #37612 t', y- CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON - NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR C®MPOST FECAL COLIFORM SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATior4: SAMPLED BY: DATE: DELIVERED BY: DATE: RECEIVED IN LAB BY: U 09// DATE:- 7 ?-1 e� TIME: o .3 V o SKIPPED BY: DATE: _ i°AViE: sue,_ 1 YES PTO, NCDZNR•DWQ WATZR QUALIITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1ACIT IWATil a*lovrrs rvvvmv F 514, (All MY OF BURLINGTON Laboratory Services Report Date: 619120.14 Sample M: Finished Pile #47 ID A 140403 Ceffficate of Analyses Initial testing 160 day repeat Failure Repeat no I PASS FAIL Sample #.- A 8 C C-Dup Sample Date: 6/3/2014 6/3/2014 6/3/2014 6/3/2014 Sample Time: 0800 0802 0804 0804 PH: 6.2 6.1 6.3 6.3 Y. Solids: 74.8 74.3 75.5 74.7 Fecal Coliform: (MPNIdry grm) 321 321 65 31 I Certified i average or&= rf o Geometric mean= 170 MPNIdry.grm NC Wastewater Certification #188 NC Water Supply Certification #37612 1 SAI SA] DA DE DA t s CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON - NC 27216-1358. 336-570-6138 . . . CONTACT PERSON ® SHANE FLETCHER CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR -d MPOSU FECAL COLIFORM'SAMPLE Tmu; & fa - RECEIVED INwy1wW _4tjMiWFAM - � A-1— DATE% -- SHIPPED BY: I DATE: 75KE.- 0 1. MIT, wa Wiwi Will the romalft of Wit mmnle he nwo for commumm mmaima. YES NO NCDZNR-DWQ WATZR QUALrff SECTION NON-DISM43M COWLLLN" z"amccum" ur4T ffl-p% NO crrYoFBuRmNaToN Laboratory Services Report Date: 713012014 Sample M: Finished Pile #47 ID A 140403 Cefificate of Analyses Initial testing 160 day repeat Failure Repeat no. I PASS FAIL Sample A- A 8 C C-Dap Sample Date 7/28/2014 7/28/2014 7/28/2014 7/28/2014 Sample Time: 920 922 924 924 PH., 6.3 6.2 6.2 Z Solids; 74.6 -6.4 74.4 75.2 76.0 Fecal Colitorm: (MPNIdry grm) <2 <2 I <2 <2 N Certified by, average or c.-= I(-, Geometric mean= 'ez grm Laboratory Supervisor NC Wastewater Certification #188 NC Water Supply Certification #37612 CITY OF BURLING TON POST OFFICE BOX 1358, BURLINGTON - NC 272I6-1358 . �. 336- 70-6138 CONTACT PERSON o SHANE FLETCHER ! flip 1 1IEW1 It ` CHAIN OF CUSTOM' Q1411 , S` (° FECAL COLIFORM SAMPLE ,SAMPLE LMATIO14:� ;gbe'V7 SAMPLED BY:_OJ!4 -,DATE: f DELIVERED BY:_ - DATE: -24-1 1 RECEIVED IN LAB BY:= DATE: r SKIPPED BY: , DATE: is i7rjlln t 1-1• :' e.771 IY , ! •�lir�k.- . ...� ir, i. `'� �! : _ ?ao e- pgay YES NO NCDENA DWQ WATZR QUALTrY SECTION NON-DISCRARGIZ COMPLIANCE Z RCi% N by UN "o ,AC.ls v•rr QWMNL T' f'IPWqPWIW Page: 1 of 2 Report Number: 14-099-0204 Account Number: 45475 Submitted By: SHANE FLETCHER Send To: CITY OF BURLINGTON SHANEFLETCHER POB 1358 BURLINGTON , NC 27216-1358 A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 4 L - 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax (804) 271.6446 wwwaleastem.com Project: #140403/NC CERT#257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 4/7/2014 09:00:00 Lab Number: 98885 Date Received: 04/09/2014 00:00 Samole ld • #140403 Date Reported: 04/15/2014 Total Solids * 69.18 bult$UU iUU.0 ,-. -- - -- - - Moisture * 30.82 100.0 JM 04/09/2014 15:40 SM-2540G Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 2.39 23900 10.0 JM 04/10/2014 08:55 SM-4500-NH3C-TKN Total Phosphorus 0.43 4270 100 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Potassium 0.45 4470 100 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Sulfur 0.27 2690 100 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Calcium 1.62 16200 100 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Magnesium 0.32 3180 100. KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Sodium 0.05 511 100 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Iron 4320 100 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Aluminum 3500 100 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Manganese 675 5 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Copper 71 5 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Zinc 213 5 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Ammonia Nitrogen 0.41 4130 10.0 JM 04/10/2014 08:55 SM-4500-NH3C Organic N 1.98 19770 10.0 04/10/2014 08:55 CALCULATION Nitrate+Nitrite-N 52.6 2.00 JM 04/10/2014 08:55 SM-450ONO3F Total Cadmium <2.0 2.0 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. 4LL n not be reproduced in mhofe or part, nor nxay any reference be made 6�dg Our reports and fetters are for (lie exc6tsive and confidential use at our -;fronts. <3n.1 r ,V a, to the v ork. the results, or the company in any advertising neuis release, or other public ar:neunrernenis v, rghout obtaining otrr prior atmrtter+ autixui— tion. Debbie Holt Page: 2 of 2 Report Number: 14-099-0204 Account Number: 45475 Submitted By: SHANE FLETCHER Send To: CITY OF BURLINGTON SHANE FLETCHER POB 1358 BURLINGTON , NC 27216-1358 Lab Number: 98885 Sample Id: #140403 s A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax (804) 271-WS wwnaleastern.com Project: #140403/NC CERT#257 ry� REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 4/7/2014 09:00:00 Date Received: 04/09/2014 00:00 Date Reported: 04/15/2014 Total Chromium 69 5 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Nickel 16 5 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Lead 10 5 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Arsenic <3.0 3.0 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Total Mercury <0.4 0.4 KM 04/11/2014 09:00 SW-7471 B Total Selenium <5.0 5.0 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Calcium Carbonate Equivalent <0.01 <100 100 JM 04/14/2014 11:30 AOAC 955.01 Total Volatile Solids 86.38 863800 100.0 JM 04/09/2014 15:40 SM-2540G Total Molybdenum <5 5 KM 04/10/2014 15:15 SW 6010C Comments: CCE, SULFUR AND ORGANIC NITROGEN NOT FOR COMPLIANCE PURPOSES. QUALIFIER: THE MATRIX SPIKE WAS OUT OF LIMITS FOR "Fe" AND "Se". ALL OTHER QC DATA IS ACCEPTABLE. All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Car repwts and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients. and may not be reproduced in whole or part, nor may any reference be made to the work. the results, or the company a;r atay advertisirry. news release, or other pu ;C anlio!lncements without-Waining ourprior ivotten authorizarton. Debbie Holt aluawueo� s ialmou Jo suoMaUl Madi >~3J1 dMI W33A No S133d b3�. Alk-Nsuo Ntc®N MbHN 131J. Nb 909d �A1 dtlJ� A Wl �� fly dN'IA� a '!AS NW4 lau03 3! IoS d PAV 1'fil us qS bAS t ow N A llpS,. %': M x slA SAGA. H SS H Qd PO X x X x x X, x ?� x x x IrI-EAN N-fiHN nA uWWIL, X' spdtoS q nip0 e3eld SSE.Old �� h A swi,t a x Q (0aul u .IS '. �n1s H = rt�ylrj aka g Pam» jr Sa S I StPouI d P®I ueeg ,= a;a sa al3aald :paad Buell 4_Q ail eis :Rio(] pold I_,: ! �aupaueo� aid lseg (uo es sp50T u.N�4 f���a4s1�) � 1) Jaqul�ij� flaw 8SS1.9Ad SZb#b a�oa�l o ,tagoleld su9I5 -. 1-AdoA 8 Pa314�q+�S U011VWAoiu{ .halo n a» i0bt £tL'b08 .tas aza VA-PUODUP. VO'a. a3►q� TZ9L!Ljo—lul no -12YV 1C•D£:£1 ILieA y 1Lt71Y V (� DIOt gQ.p L9ZAtlN �N/£UbOD4 lod $ Y QL ,� 1ClN lL V SLDsb ma1aNrT�lnBfjar��ujro �4z* eOZo-seavt j(Jj'( jlljj! ��j���l��ilrl�f�� Page: 1 of 2 Report Number: 14-211-0209 Account Number: 45475 Submitted By: SHANE FLETCHER www.aleastem.com Send To: CITY OF BURLINGTON SHANE FLETCHER POB 1358 BURLINGTON , NC 27216-1358 Lab Number: 56774 Sample Id : 140403 A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax (804) 271.6446 ..X Project: 140403/NC CERT#257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 7/28/2014 09:25:00 Date Received: 07/30/2014 00:00 Date Reported: 08/05/2014 Total Solids " 74.51 745100 100.0 JM 07/30/2014 14:10 SM-2540G Moisture" 25.49 100.0 JM 07/30/201414:10 SM-2540G Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 2.34 23400 10.0 JM 07/31/2014 09:00 SM-4500-NH3C-TKN Total Phosphorus 0.51 5080 100 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Total Potassium 0.53 5280 100 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Total Sulfur 0.28 2790 100 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Total Calcium 1.82 18200 100 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Total Magnesium 0.36 3610 100 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Total Sodium 0.10 976 100 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Total Iron 5490 100 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Total Aluminum 4500 100 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Total Manganese 810 5 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Total Copper 86 5 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Total Zinc 249 5 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C Ammonia Nitrogen 0.41 4090 10.0 JM 07/31/2014 09:00 SM-4500-NH3C Organic N 1.93 19310 10.0 07/31/2014 09:00 CALCULATION Nitrate+Nitrite-N 13.0 2.00 JM 07/31/2014 09:00 SM-450ONO3F Total Cadmium <2.0 2.0 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. 6/w Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and contldentiai use of our clients. anal r:nay not be reproduced )r7 vvhoie or part; nor may any reference be made ,6 /&g to the work. the results, or the cornparny nr any advertising, news release, or other pabhc announcements tvirhout ohtarning ourpnor written authorization. Debbie Holt I Page: 2 of 2 Report Number: 14-211-0209 Account Number: 45475 Submitted By: SHANE FLETCHER Send To: CITY OF BURLINGTON SHANE FLETCHER POB 1358 BURLINGTON , NC 27216-1358 Lab Number: 56774 Sample Id : 140403 L A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax (804) 2714"S www.aleastem.com Project: 140403/NC CERT#257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Total Chromium 79 Total Nickel 20 Total Lead 14 Total Arsenic <3.0 Total Mercury <0.4 Total Selenium <5.0 Calcium Carbonate Equivalent 0.56 5600 Total Volatile Solids 84.01 840100 Total Molybdenum <5 Comments: CCE, SULFUR AND ORGANIC NITROGEN NOT FOR COMPLIANCE PURPOSES. Date Sampled: 7/28/2014 09:25:00.�..a` . Date Received: 07/30/2014 00:00 Date Reported: 08/05/2014 5 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C 5 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C 5 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C 3.0 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C 0.4 KM 07/31/2014 09:00 SW-7471 B 5.0 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C 100 JM 07/31/2014 14:30 AOAC 955.01 100.0 JM 07/30/201414:10 SM-2540G 5 KM 07/31/2014 13:09 SW 6010C All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Our )-;ports and letters are to the exclusihle and confi(Jential use of our cheats. and inay not be leproduced 117 whole, or part, nor tnay any reterenr e be made to the t ork, the results, or the company rn any advertising. news retease, or w her public annouocernenis tv/theut obtainng our prior awrttev authorization. Debbie Holt SAMPLE TRANSMITTAL F 14-2114209 45476 07-30-2014 A&L Eastern L CM OF BCUCREURNTG42T5O7 132149 140403,N 76*7f Whimnine. Road Rinhmnn, Information Office Information Customer Information Rtpt# Submitted BV Cha7rgeIT-0 S Co To Project 81h Shane Retcher atBurflMon Ar.d #45475 Pm Email Budlin'0100, N-0,27-2111!.435.8 Use Lab Number (Lab Use Only) I ID ContalnerType, .. Sam led -;?-2*-/Y date i Date Flood: N . )qo q, Glass (Yes or 104 Sartipled Time: 6q7-,S- Time Flood: e Re prar Plastic (Ye'z0f.,W) � Sam led W. 7 R d� Flood By: 45k." Relinquished St. iSignaAre Date I T Received Bv* (Signatune) �� ate Time p /In Please Place a' "X" by Desired Tests Internal Lab Code: 'SLBURL Solids % TKN p x S Ca ma No Fe Al Mn Cu Zn NH4-N NO3-N x x x x x x x x x x X. x x x x Cd Cr NI Pb As Hg 50 Of CeCO3 E4. % Volatile— salkis org-N Ana Cl B Ba x x x x x x X- X. x X. x SO4.An Sb Co sit Ti V Be ALK SS Avail P Sol ':K Cond WIN SOL 8 SOL NA O,&G SP.GR. TS5 akrje= Sieve M ShmN160. ASH 'coo CaCOIJ lY%CO3 MOO WN TOC Env TOTAL P205 TOTAL K20 TN TKNW N . H4W M03W ORGN-W .PACERT AZ CERT. BTU PC85 REACT CN FECAL TCLP ICR State Certification Needed: NC Special Inshuclions or Remarks Comments arYoFouniNaToN Laboratory Services Report Date: 812012014 Sample M: Finished Pile #48 M Ar 140818 CeNficate of Analyses I Initial testing 160 day repeat I PASS I Failure Repeat no. FAIL Sample A 8 C C-Dup Sample Date: 8/18/2014 8/18/2014 8/18/2014 8/18/2014 Sample Time: 830 833 836 836 PH., 6.0 6.3 6.2 6.2 Y, Solids: 76.4 79.7 78.5 78.9 Fecal Coliform: (MPNIdry grm)Z <2 <2 <2 <2 m"a m .. -R p�MRk- x M I -SN"'N Certified average of C= 4z Geometric mean= eZ MPNIdry grm Supervisor NC Wastewater Certification #188 NC Water Supply Certification #37612 CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 336-570-6133 . CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST SAMPLE SAMPLE LOC SAMPLED BY DATE: elwl DELIVERED TO C.O.B. LAB BY: TIME: Fo DATE: el-le� TIME: 6 RECEIVED IN C.O.B. LAB BY: DATE: 1 TIME: SHIPPED FROM C.O.B. LAB BY: DATE: TUKE: RECEIVED IN A & L LAB BY; DATE; . TIME: SEND COPY OF REPORT TO: SHANE FLETCHER CITY OF BURLINGTON P.O. BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 TELEPNONE 336-570-6138 FAX 336-570-6139 REMARKS PLEASE RUN RUN pH, RUN SO4 RUN SL1 & SL2 plus the fogowi®g- RUN NH4-N, NO3-N, ORGANIC N, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, As, Hg; Se, CaCO3 equiv., Volatile Solids, Mo, Cl SAMPLE I.D.f * WiN the results of this sample be used for comolimse reporting. NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE_ ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER nAT WJFr•a Urn �'TfftA �cn.j YES NO crrY OF BURLINGTON Laboratory Services Report Date: 1011712014 Sample ID: Finished Pile #48 M A, 140818 Cetificate of Analyses Initial testing 160 day repeat I PASS I Failure Repeat no. FAIL Sample #.- A 8 C C-DUP Sample Date; 10/14/2014 10/14/2014 10/14/2014 10/14/2014 Sample Time: 845 848 850 850 PH., 6.4 6.5 6.4 6.4 7. Solids; 82.5 80.2 82.5 81.5 Fecal Coliform: (MPNIbry grin) 424 87 655 663 -4 average of C= 659 Geometric mean= 290 1 MPNIdry grm Certified by: Glenn MGirt �� Laboratory Supervisor NC Wastewater Certification #188 NC Water Supply Certification #376.12 SAMPLE LOCATION: DELIVERED BY: Im CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON - NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 . CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER CQ24IP ST FACILITY 1 l 4.► TIME: RECEIVED IN LAB BY: J// DATE: ) �/ q //y SKIPPED BY: - DATE: TIME: :, _i!rjp jar YES NO NCDENR-DWQ WATZR QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE Z"ORCZMZN`f UNIT 1&14F MATT QWlMvMrW f%Wlhl Mlg crrY'oF Buptmmmm Laboratory Services Report Date: 421.1212014 Sample ID: Finished Pile #48 M #.- 140818 Cefticate of Analyses Initial testing 160 day re -,mat I I PASS I Failure Repeat no FAIL Sample #.- - A B C C- Dup Sample Date: 12/9/2014 12/9/2014 12/9/2014 12/9/2014 Sample Time: 810 812 814 814 PH., 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.2 7. Solids: 80.2 83.8 82.0 81.0 Fecal Coliform: (MPNIdry 6 2 2 16 average of C= 9 Geometric mean= 5 -1 MPAlldry grin Certified by: Glenn Supervisor MC Wastewater Certification #188 MC Water 5f/PP/Y Certification #37612 t'i CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON - NC 27216-1358 336-370-6138 . CONTACT PERSON ® SHANE FLETCHER at:. SAMPLE LOCATI0I4': SAMPLED BY: DATE: DELIVERED BY DATE: RECEIVED IN LAB BY DATE: SPED BY: DATE: TYE:_ a - DL/Z NCDZNR--p�*i7��^ �C QUALITY ALIi •) SZCTFON NdN-DISCHARGE C®A"LIANCZ ZNFORCEAMN7 WW id.im veTT QWlDX"VW i+TrverVTt c- YES NO Page: 1 of 2 Report Number: 14-232-0209 Account Number: 45475 Submitted By: SHANE FLETCHER Send To: CITY OF BURLINGTON SHANE FLETCHER POB 1358 BURLINGTON , NC 27216-1358 A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 99, 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (604) 743-8401 Fax (804) 271-WG mmaleastem.com Project: 140818/NC CERT#257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date sampled: 8/18/2014 08:38:00 Lab Number: 57139 Date Received: 08/20/2014 00:00 Sample Id : 140818 Date Reported: 08/28/2014 Total Solids * 78.24 782400 100.0 RD 08/20/201413:30 SM-254OG 21.24 100.0 RD 08/20/201413:30 SM-2540G Moisture 2.11 21100 10.0 JM 08/21/2014 08:30 SM-4500-NH3C-TKN Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 100 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Phosphorus 0.67 6650 0.58 5830 100 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Potassium 0.34 3360 100 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Sulfur 2.02 20200 100 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Calcium 0.40 4000 100 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Magnesium 775 100 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Sodium 0.08 6630 100 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Iron 6000 100 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Aluminum 773 5 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Manganese 101 5 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Copper 290 5 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Zinc 0.45 4460 10.0 JM 08/26/2014 07:39 SM-4500-NH3C Ammonia Nitrogen 1.66 16640 10.0 08/21/2014 08:30 CALCULATION Organic N 51.6 2.00 JM 08/21/2014 08:30 SM-450ONO3F Nitrate+Nitrite-N <2.0 2.0 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C Total Cadmium All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. edin wioie or art, norma anyreference be madejv�d(�&g Our repass and ratters are for the exclusive and confidential use of uur clients, and may not be rpprodt c p Y to the work. trip resaits, or the companyin any advertising. news release, or other -public announcernenfs without obtaining otrr pna-1rontten authorization. Debbie Holt Page: 2 of 2 Report Number: 14-232-0209 Account Number: 45475 Submitted By: SHANE FLETCHER Send To: CITY OF BURLINGTON SHANE FLETCHER POB 1358 BURLINGTON , NC 27216-1358 L A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax (804) 271.WS Wwnaleastern.com Project: 140818/NC CERT#257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 8/18/2014 08:38:00 Lab Number: 57139 Date Received: 08/20/2014 00:00 Sample Id : 140818 Date Reported: 081/28/2014 Total Chromium 109 Total Nickel 28 Total Lead 16 Total Arsenic <3.0 Total Mercury <0.4 Total Selenium <5.0 Calcium Carbonate Equivalent <0.01 <100 Total Volatile Solids 78.93 789300 Total Molybdenum <5 Comments: CCE, SULFUR AND ORGANIC NITROGEN NOT FOR COMPLIANCE PURPOSES. 5 icm vaiur/-U r4 ia.UU '�Vv UU rv� 5 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C 5 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C 3.0 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C 0.4 KM 08/21/201414:00 SW-7471B 5.0 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C 100 JM 08/22/201411:39 AOAC 955.01 100.0 RD 08/20/201413:30 SM-2540G 5 KM 08/27/2014 15:00 SW 6010C I All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our elrents and may not be reproduced in whole orhart, nor may any reference be made to the v.ork. the results, or the company 4a any advertising. news release, or oNrer public announcurnents ti-'Whout oblaln+ng our pnrr ttraten atrfhnrizatron. Debbie Holt SA11rIPLB TRi A4 7621'V 14-232-0209 CITY OF BURLINGTON 2D �014 140818INC CERT06 1255:19 STDDYY Offlce Information _ ' Ae # Submitted B Cha . ®To Copy To P"o act Shan Fleteber -Cityo3 Burlington Acct #45475 POB 1 Email Buriing�ton NC 2721,6-1358 stletCtlerf�cl.bwlinafion.nc;us Lab Number (Lab Use Only) amp D Car�inet T to Sam . lead Date: �/717 •-' �� i�a�1d` Glass (Yes or Sam led Time, Time Recall: o Plastic or Rio Sampled By. L . ,4,A, Rsbd By., q., R:, Aetin wished B . Si na ure Date. Time RecoNed 8 , S natture Data Time. Please Place a u " by .D'esiredjes- , : Code- Intemal,Lab-code: sLBUR.L 'Solids% TKN P K SS CA M No Fta Al Mn Cu Zn N NO3-N x x x x x x x x x X x x X X x Cr Ni PbAs Fri/ so 11 CaCO3 .90 Volatile 'Solids �b Ov-N Mo Cl 6 Be x x x. � x x y A x x A x 804 Sb CID Sn TI v Be ALK SS AdaiU P Sol K Cond WIN SOL 18 SOL NA Oiler SP.GR. TSS sieveS SieveM0 'Sietie#i00 ASH CaO CaCO3. MqCO3 M O C/N TOC Env TOTAL.. P205 TOTAL K20 TN TKNW NH4W NO3W O.1=R, W PA CieR'd' AZ CERT BTU PCBS REACT CN FECAL TCLP ICR J'm"mmwm� State Celttification Needed: IBC Special nsft ns or Rernqom Comments Page: 1 of 2 Report Number: 14-317-0204 Account Number: 45475 Submitted By: SHANE FLETCHER www.aleastern.com Send To: CITY OF BURLINGTON SHANE FLETCHER POB 1358 BURLINGTON , NC 27216-1358 A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax t804) 271-6446 Project : 140808 NC CERT#257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 11/10/2014 08:00:00 Date Received: 11/13/2014 00:00 Lab Number: 58681 Date Reported: 11/18/2014 Sample Id: 140808 81.98 819800 100.0 JM 11/13/201414:30 SM-2540G Total Solids 100.0 JM 11/13/2014 14:30 SM-254OG Moisture 18.02 10.0 JM 11/14/2014 09:40 SM-4500-NH3C-TKN Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 2.59 25900 KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Phosphorus 0.71 7140 100 100 KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Potassium 0.58 5770 100 KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Sulfur 0.35 3500 100 KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Calcium 2.27 22700 100 KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Magnesium 0.42 4150 KM 11/14/2014 12:25 SW 6010C Total Sodium 0.06 576 100 100 KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Iron 7090 100 KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Aluminum 4600 5 KM 11/14/2014 12:25 SW 6010C Total Manganese 852 5 KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Copper113 5 KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Zinc 313 10.0 JM 11/14/2014 09:40 SM-4500-NH3C Ammonia Nitrogen 0.40 3960 11/14/2014 09:40 CALCULATION Organic N 2.19 21940 10.0 JM 11/14/2014 09:40 SM-450ONO3F Nitrate+Nitrite-N 58.3 2.00 2.0 KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Cadmium <2.0 All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. 41&aa�� r rt. nor ma an reference be made Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole o pa Y Y to the work, the ,estrus. or ilie company in any advertising, noiws release. or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Debbie Holt s Page: 2 of 2 Report Number: 14-317-0204 Account Number: 45475 Submitted By: SHANE FLETCHER Send To: CITY OF BURLINGTON SHANE FLETCHER POB 1358 BURLINGTON , NC 27216-1358 L A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743.9401 Fax (804) 271-WO www.aleastem.com Project: 140808 NC CERT#257 REPORT OFANALYSIS Date Sampled: 11/10/2014 08:00:00 Lab Number: 58681 Date Received: 11/13/2014 00:00 Sample Id : 140808 Date Reported: 11/18/2014 i`+0 b KM 11/14/201412:25 SW 6010C Total Nickel 44 5 KM 11/14/2014 12:25 SW 6010C Total Lead 17 5 KM 11/14/2014 12:25 SW 6010C Total Arsenic <3.0 3.0 KM 11/14/2014 12:25 SW 6010C Total Mercury <0.4 0.4 KM 11/14/201409:00 SW-7471B Total Selenium <5.0 5.0 KM 11/14/2014 12:25 SW 6010C Calcium Carbonate Equivalent 1.46 14600 100 JM 11/14/2014 14:10 AOAC 955.01 Total Volatile Solids 76.29 762900 100.0 JM 11/13/201414:30 SM-254OG Total Molybdenum <5 5 KM 11/14/2014 12:25 SW 6010C Comments: CCE, SULFUR AND ORGANIC NITROGEN NOT FOR COMPLIANCE PURPOSES. QUALIFIER: THE MATRIX SPIKE WAS OUT OF LIMITS FOR "NO3/NO2-N" AND "Se". ALL OTHER QC DATA IS ACCEPTABLE. All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Our raports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or part. nor may any ieferance be made to the work, the results. or the company in env advertising, neivs release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior iiritten authorization. Debbie Holt 'e, Sl llvi [ 1. I11M 4 �'{�jI 9�MiI H1�1 11�-t�'3-2014 p1U ill �"]Afpp1 L 1 :,Ty of sukuNGT t4 12 as 23 7621 Whit Pim 1 nformation MAcct#45475 >vus�omer Inforrt�at�on Submitted ChargeTo Cop To Project. Shame Fletcher C of,13u� n POD 1358 Email Butlinitori NC '27216-9358 suet sr®ci.b�trDnacan nc us I:ab'I0,hber (tab Use O . j Samp t Container -Type es or �"? or_No M11WES-6-k. Flelln wished :.. Si nature Date Time: led Dais: ` Samd; Tune: 1_. D- Date ecd: T.+rrle Reed - 4� t C� Sam led' :Received B . 5i atu�re Reed B . Date Time Please Place .a "X"- by Desired Tests Urtemal � Code; ------ Soijds % X TKN x P x t x S x OR x x Na X Fe x At x -Woo Mn x Cu . X Zn Nti4�N X N08-N x Cci` p.°;: Cr NI Pb As so H 1,.08 ..% 1% 'Solids % N dlo rA B Sa SO+r�= z1-1° x -- `- Sb Co /� Sn x TI VF Be ALNG SS x Avail P Sol K Cord WIN SOL 8 SOL- NA O&G SP.GrR: TSS sieve m Sievetlt o)i Sieve#foo ASH -Cao cam wcOS 0 C/N TOO Env_i TOTAL P206 TOTA" KK20 TN TKNW NH4W NO3W ORGN-W +PA Ct~T AZ CERT ow PCBS REACT CN FECAL TCLP ICH i Steto C Iffiicafion Neoded: NC- !RFinstwzrons or Rema Comments FTA 01 /29/2014 American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Report No.: 011714-05_09 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on 01/17/2014. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. All sample results are reported on an "as -received" wet basis unless otherwise noted. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards for methods listed on the laboratory's current fields of accreditation (EPA 8260, 8082, 8081, 8151, 8270, 6010, 6020, 1010, 9045, 7471, 1.010,1311, 150.1, 200.7, 200.8, and 245.1) except as noted. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis. Pursuant to NELAP, this report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. If you have any questions please contact the laboratory manager at 330-634-9906 or via email at samy@A]tericantestinowhnoLogies.com sin ely s f Lo"toManager SL- Test performed by an approved subcontract laboratory BRL- Below Reporting limit The results relate only to the items tested. ATT shall have no liability to the client or client's customer with respect to decisions or recommendations made, actions taken or courses of conduct implemented by either the client or the client's customer as a result of or based upon the Test Results. In no event shall ATT `s liability with respect to the Test Results exceed the amount paid to ATT by the client therefor. r- f - 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Pagel of 31 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTestingrechnologies.com City of Burlington, NC American Testing Technologies, Inc. _ Atta: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/17/2014 Date Reported: 01/29/2014 Date Collected: 01/14/2014 Time Collected: 9:10 AM Client ID #: South Compost (SCP) Laboratory ID #: 011714-07 Date of Analysis: 01/21/2014 Certificate of Analysis Metals-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results units Regulatory Method Limits Number Arsenic <1.0 mg/L 5.0 6010C Barium <10 mg/L 100.0 6010C Cadmium <0.5 mg/L 1.0 6010C Chromium <1.0 mg/L 5.0 6010C Lead <1.0 mg/L 5.0 6010C Mercury <0.02 mg/L 02 7470A Selenium <0.5 mg/L 1.0 6010C Silver <1.0 mg/L 5.0 6010C r Final r r -ewed by: Final M er 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Page 14 of 31 Toll Free: 877-63"906 Phone: (330) 634.9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTesting echnologies.com I AUFT American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/17/2014 Date Reported: 01/29/2014 Date Collected: 01/14/2014 Time Collected: 9:10AAM Client ID #: South Compost (SCP) Laboratory ID #: 011714-07 - Date of Analysis: 01/24/2014 Certificate of Ana1VS18 Volatiles-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results Units Regulatory Method Limits Number Benzene ' <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B Carbon tetrachloride <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B Chlorobenzene <0.1 mg/L 100 8260B Chloroform <0.1 mg/L 6.0 9260B 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.1 mg/L 0.7 8260B Methyl ethyl ketone <2.0 mg/L 200 8260B Tetrachloroethene <0.1 mg/L 0.7 8260B Trichloroethene <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B Vinyl chloride <02 M91L 0.2 8260B Final r re wed by: Lj�jo— o mtger I i1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Page 15 of 31 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTestingTechnologi American Testis Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/17/2014 Date Reported: O1/29/2014 Date Collected: 01/14/2014 Time Collected: 9:10 AM Client ID #: South Compost (SCP) Laboratory ID #: 011714-07 Date of Analysis: 01/25/2014 Certificate of AnaIvsis BNA-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results Units Regulatory Method Limits Number 1,44-Xchlorobenzene <0.05. mg/L' 7.5 8270C 2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.05 mg/L 0.13 8270C Hbxachlorobenzene <0.05 mg/i. 0.13 8270C Hexachlorobutadiene <0.05' mg/L 0.5 8270C Hexachloroethane <0.05 mg%L, 3.0 8270C Nitrobenzene <0.05 mg/L 2.0 8270C Pyridine <0.05 mg/L 5.0 8270C o-Cresol <0.5 mg/L 200 8270C mp-Cresol <0.5 mg/L 200 8270C Pentachlorophenol <0.5 mg/L 100 8270C 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.5 mg/L 400 8270C 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.5 mg/L 2.0 8270C Final o re 'ewed by: LabotAry er 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Page 16 of 31 ToM Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTestingrechnologies.com I City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01A 2014 Date Reported: 01/29/2014 Date Collected: 01/14/2014 Time Collected: 9:10 AM Client ID #: South Compost (SCP) Laboratory ID #: 011714-07 Date of Analysis: 01/25/2014 Pesticides-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results Chlordane <0.005 Endrim <0.005 Heptachlor <0.005 Heptachlor epoxide <0.005 Lindane <0.005 Methoxychlor <0.1 Toxaphene <0.1 Final r o re wed by: I Labo er ■ American Testing Technologies, Inc. Certificate of Analysis Units Regulatory Method Limits Number mg/L 0.03 8081B mg/L 0.02 8081B mg/L' 0.008 8081B mg/L 0.008 8081B mg/L 0.4 8081B mg/L 10.0 8081B mg/L 0.5 8081B 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Page 17 of 31 foil Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 63449907 Website: www.AmericanTestingrechnologies.com American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/17/2014 Date Reported: 01/29/2014 - Date Collected: 01/14/2014 Time Collected: 9:10 AM Client ID #: South Compost (SCP) Laboratory ID #: 011714-07 Date of Analysis: 01/28/2014 Certificate of Analysis Herbicides-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results Units 2,4-D <1.0 mg/L 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) <1.0 mg/L Final ep viewed by: La to Atager Regulatory Method Limit Number 10.0 8151A 1.0 8151A 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Page 18 of 31 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTestingfechnologies.com American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/17/2014 Date Reported:.01/29/2014 Date Collected: 01/14/2014 Time Collected: 9:10 AM Client ID #: South Compost (SCP) Laboratory ID #: 011714-07 1 Certificate of Analysis Parameter Results Units Method Date of Number Analysis Reactive Cyanides <0.5 mg/kg 01/25/2014 Reactive Sulfides <25 mg/kg 01/25/2014 pH (Lab) 5.42 S.U. 9045D 01117/2014, @1430 Flash point >140 OF 1010A 01/20/2014 Final ep r viewed by: Lal,rato agar 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Page 19 of 31 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 6349907 Website: www.AmericanTestingTechnologies.com ♦ ANALYSIS REQUEST AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD American Testing Technologies, Inc. PROJECT REFERENCE PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCAjlt�t -re-t.' (STATE) r1(o• PROJECT MANAGER P.O. NUMBER CONTRACT NO. CLI (SITE) CLIENT PHONE CLIENT FAX CLIEN'NAME CLIENT E-MAIL �4 Na L-fitr CLIENT ADDRESS ,^� ��� � y �.•�n SAMPLE SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION DATE TIME -llq,j2.11 P � C-WD OW aTtirw lT�L a9,T S C-64 ion REUN HEQ1ll�D 8Y (Sc6NATURE) RECEIVED W. RE7 (SIGNATURE) TIME DATE DATE TIME MATRIX TYPE Serial Number 002091 American Tes011111g Teche019gies, lnc. 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Website: www.AmerlcanTesUngrechnologles.com Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9908 f` REQUIRED ANALYSIS PAGE OF l STANDARD REPORT �1/4 W �9r d�ia� . DELIVERY ,�4 l•- f DATE DUE EXPEDITED REPORT 2 DELIVERY Q Wf J (SDATE DUFF} NUMBERFCOOLERS SUBMITTED PER SHIPMENT. i,r. li..!? I:i.};t;,�. 'yt:1'` tl •1 idj i'+ �' NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SUBMITTED REMARKS REUNQU DATE / TIM� � RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) RECEIV . (SIGNATUR DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURq LABORATORY USE ONLY CUSTODY INTACT CUSTODY A.T.T. ORATORY REMARKS YES �" SEAL NO. LOG.No. No O 0//'7 /Y LAB� D c/ DATE TIME DATE TIME ORIGINAL • RETURN TO LABORATORY WITH SAMPLES) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the corresponding Annual Report Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed than those required to be summarized on this form. Permit Number: WQ0021632 Laboratory: Facility Name: City of Burlington Compogro Composting Facilit) NPDES # or WQ#: NCO023876 WWTP Name: South Burlington WWTP R 'd al Anal sic Data 1) A & L Laboratories (NC Cert. # 257) 2) 3) 4) 5) %,a u Sample or Composite Date 12/16/13 4/7/14 7/28/14 8/18/14 11/10/14 Percent Solids 67.71 69.18 74.51 78.24 81.98 Arsenic <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 Cadmium <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 Chromium 76 69 79 109 145 Copper 68 71 86 101 113 ti Lead 12 10 14 16 1 17 Mercury <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 Molybdenum <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Nickel 16 16 20 28 44 Selenium <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 Zinc 214 213 249 290 313 Total Phosphorus 5800 4270 5080 6650 7140 TKN 22400 22900 23400 21100 25900 Ammonia -Nitrogen 5230 4130 4090 4460 3960 Nitrate and Nitrite 20.4 52.6 13 51.6 58.3 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are signific enalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer Date DENR FORM RSSF (5/2003) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the corresponding Annual Report Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed than those required to be summarized on this form. Permit Number: WQ0021632 Laboratory: 1) Facility Name: City of Burlington Compogro Composting Facility 2) NPDES # or NCO023876 3) WQ#: 4) WWTP Name: South Burlington WWTP 5) A & L Laboratories NC Cert. # 257 ►%WOLVr-r:7 WZ. W • _ or ====EEMMM-Mmm' ---- -- --= ------ -- - --- - - -- - ------ --- ------------ - --- ---- --- - --- ----- -------- ------= - --- ----- --- "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penaltie for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." I A7it Signature of Preparer Date DENR FORM RSSF-B (5/2003) City of Burlington CompoGro Composting Facility Permit # WQ0021632 Reporting Period 2014 PAN Calculation Worksheet Phone: (336) 570-6138 County: Alamance Date of Report 12116/2013 4/15/2014 8/5/2014 8/2b/2U14 FP#46 FP#47 FP#47 FP#48 TKN 22,400 23,900 23,400 21,100 Ammonia -Nitrogen 5,230 4,130 4,090 4,460 Nitrate and Nitrite 20.4 52.6 13.0 51.6 PAN* 1 4,352.4 4,094.6 3,989.0 3,945.6 Date of Report 11/18/2014 FP#48 TKN 25,900 Ammonia -Nitrogen 3,960 Nitrate and Nitrite 58.3 PANT 4,232.3 All units are expressed as mg/kg unless indicated otherwise PAN is a calculated value obtained by using the formula: PAN=[(MR)(TKN-NH3)]+[0.5(NH3)]+(NO3+NO2) a mineralization rate (MR) of 0.1 was used to make these calculations The information used to calculate the PAN values were obtained from laboratory analysis. A&L Laboratories (NC certification #257) provided the TKN, Ammonia and Nitrate/Nitrite values for the analysis conducted during 2014 e] Tab: TaC:\Users\sfletcher\Documents\Compost Annual 2014\Compost Annual 2014\Compost Annual PVRP 2014b] SUPPORTING DATA Report of Fecal Coliform Analysis Reporting Period 1 /1 /2014 to 12/31 /2014 Laboratory Certification #: 188 Report Date Result FP # 1/17/2014 2.6 46 1 /17/2014 2.4 46 1117/2014 2.6 46 3/14/2014 34 46 3/14/2014 52 46 3/14/2014 13 46 4/11 /2014 196 47 4/11 /2014 11 47 4/11 /2014 11 47 6/9/2014 321 47 6/9/2014 321 47 6/9/2014 65 47 7/30/2014 2 47 7/30/2014 2 47 7/30/2014 2 47 8/20/2014 2 48 8/20/2014 2 48 8/20/2014 2 48 10/17/2014 424 48 10/17/2014 87 48 10/17/2014 655 48 12/12/2014 6 48 12/12/2014 2 48 12/12/2014 2 48 Geometric Mean 16.20 Maximum 655 Minimum 2 * indicates a result that was less than the value reported. Whole numbers were used for calculation purposes. C:\Users\sfletcheADocuments\Compost Annual 2014\Compost Annual 2014\Compost Annual PVRP 2014] City of Burlington Compogro Compost Annual Report Summary for the Calendar Year 2014 Daily Compost Pile Temperature Data Permit Number — WQOO21632 NPDES Number— NCOO23876 Pile Identification Number 1. 130325-09 2. 130415-08 3. 130415-07 4. 130415-06 5. 130627-09 6. 130702-08 7. 130708-07 8. 130710-06 9. 131029-09 10. 131030-08 11. 131030-07 12. 131120-06 C:1UserslsfletchehDocuments\Compost Annual 20141Compost Annual 20141AnnualCompostReportTOC.doc i COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOCN 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 3/26/13 130325-09 77 72 116 62 58 46 131002 sj 3/27/13 130325-09 121 104 152 92 134 46 131002 br 3/28/13 130325-09 150 148 160 146 146 46 131002 br 3/29/13 130325-09 149 142 160 148 147 46 131002 Si 3/30/13 130325-09 150 142 160 147 149 46 131002 s' 3/31/13 130325-09 151 148 162 148 147 46 131002 Si 4/1/13 130325-09 138 155 132 132 132 46 131002 do 4/2/13 130325-09 136 150 140 130 122 46 131002 do 4/3/13 130325-09 131 145 115 125 140 46 131002 s' 4/4/13 130325-09 135 142 134 126 136 46 131002 Si 4/5/13 130325-09 131 140 130 125 128 46 131002 s' 4/6/13 130325-09 132 140 132 125 130 46 131002 s' 4/7/13 130325-09 133 140 131 129 130 46 131002 Si 4/8/13 130325-09 133 140 134 130 128 46 131002 br 4/9/13 130325-09 130 140 123 132 126 46 131002 br 4/10/13 130325-09 132 140 133 130 126 46 131002 Si 4/11/13 130325-09 133 140 133 131 128 46 131002 mbk 4/12/13 130325-09 134 140 134 132 128 46 131002 mbk 4/13/13 130325-09 133 140 134 130 128 46 131002 mbk 4/14/13 130325-09 134 140 134 132 128 46 131002 gw 4/15/13 130325-09 132 140 130 130 128 46 131002 gw 4/16/13 130325-09 137 140 150 138 120 46 131002 gw 4117/13 130325-09 146 140 160 155 130 46 131002 Si 4/18/13 130325-09 145 150 150 140 140 46 131002 Si 4/19113 130325-09 141 155 130 140 140 ; 46 131002 Si 4/20/13 130325-09 136 152 132 124 136 46 131002 mbk 4/21/13 130325-09 129 148 124 110 132 46 131002 Si 4/22/13 130325-09 126 145 120 110 130 46 131002 br 4/23/13 130325-09 124 140 115 115 125 46 131002 br 4/24/13 130325-09 127 140 120 122 125 46 131002 mbk 4/25/13 130325-09 131 135 135 130 125 46 131002 mbk 4/26/13 130325-09 131 135 135 130 125 46 131002 mbk 4/27/13 130325-09 #DIV/01 46 131002 mbk 4/28/13 130325-09 #DIV/0! Not 46 131002 mbk DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 579 COMPOST PILE TEIVIPERA,rURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average ®� DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 4/29/13 1303.5-09 130 138 132 122 126 FP# FP ID# 46 131002 gw 4/30/13 130325-09 130 138 132 122 126 46 131002 gw 5/1/13 130325-09 130 140 130 120 130 46 131002 Si 5/2/13 130325-09 131 140 130 125 130 46 131002 Si 5/3/13 130325-09 132 140 130 130 128 46 131002 Si 5/4113 130325-09 131 140 126 128 128 46 131002 Si 5/5113 130325-09 131 140 126 128 128 46 131002 Si 5/6/13 130325-09 131 140 126 128 128 46 131002 Si 517/13 130325-09 130 140 125 130 125 46 131002 Si 5/8113 130325-09 130 140 125 130 125 46 131002 Si 519/13 130325-09 130 140 125 130 125 46 131002 Si 5/10/13 130325-09 130 140 124 130 125 46 131002 Si 5/11/13 130325-09 130 140 125 130 125 46 131002 Si 5/12/13 130325-09 130 140 124 130 125 46 131002 s' 5/13/13 130325-09 129 140 120 130 125 46 131002 Si 5/14113 130325-09 129 140 120 130 125 46 131002 br 5/15/13 130325-09 129 140 120 130 125 1 46 131002 br 5/16/13 130325-09 131 140 130 130 125 46 131002 s' 5117/13 130325-09 128 140 115 130 125 46 131002 s' 5/18/13 130325-09 127 140 1 116 128 125 46 131002 br 5/19/13 130325-09 127 140 115 128 125 46 131002 br 5/20/13 130325-09 127 140 115 129 125 46 131002 s' 5/21/13 130325-09 127 140 115 129 125 46 131002 s' 5/22/13 130325-09 127 140 115 129 125 46 131002 br 5/23/13 130325-09 127 140 115 129 125 1 46 131002 br 5/24/13 130325-09 127 140 115 129 125 46 131002 Si 5/25/13 130325-09 129 140 118 128 130 46 131002 Si 5/26/13 130325-09 126 140 112 126 124 46 131002 br 5/27/13 130325-09 125 140 110 122 128 46 131002 br 5/28/13 130325-09 125 140 110 122 128 46 131002 Si 5/29/13 130325-09 125 140 110 122 128 46 131002 Si 5/30/13 130325-09 125 140 110 122 128 46 131002 Si 5/31/13 130325-09 125 140 110 122 128 46 131002 Si 6/1/13 130325-09 125 140 108 122 128 46 131002 s' DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 580 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP_ TFMP TFMP IIUT Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 6/2/13 130325-09 125 140 108 122 128 46 131002 s' 6/3/13 130325-09 126 140 110 125 128 46 131002 S' 6/4/13 130325-09 126 140 110 125 128 46 131002 s' 4/17/13 130415-06 83 90 85 70 85 46 131002 s' 4/18/13 130415-06 106 120 115 80 110 46 131002 S' 4/19/13 130415-06 138 140 150 125 135 46 131002 s' 4/20/13 130415-06 154 155 156 150 155 46 131002 1 Si 4/21 /13 130415-06 157 160 158 148 162 46 131002 s' 4/22/13 130415-06 158 162 160 145 165 46 131002 mbk 4/23/13 130415-06 158 165 155 145 165 46 131002 mbk 4/24/13 130415-06 156 164 155 140 164 46 131002 mbk 4/25/13 130415-06 151 160 155 132 158 46 131002 mbk 4/26/13 130415-06 151 160 155 132 158 46 131002 4/27/13 130415-06 #DIVIO! 46 131002 ; 4/28/13 130415-06 #DIV/O! ;.�`; ° '�., „_"=. 46 131002' 4/29/13 130415-06 145 152 149 128 150 46 131002�' 4/30/13 130415-06 145 152 149 128 150 s. 3 46 131002 5/1 /13 130415-06 142 150 148 120 150 �:r° r.: ; �. 46 131002 5/2/13 130415-06 140 145 145 120 150 46 131002 5/3/13 130415-06 143 145 140 135 150 46 131002 5/4/13 130415-06 142 145 138 135 150 46 131002 mbk 5/5/13 130415-06 142 145 136 136 150 46 131002 mbk 5/6/13 130415-06 142 145 136 136 150 46 131002 mbk 5/7/13 130415-06 139 142 135 134 145 46 131002 mbk 5/8/13 130415-06 139 142 140 130 144 46 131002 mbk 5/9/13 130415-06 139 142 140 130 144 46 131002 mbk 5/10/13 130415-06 138 142 140 130 140 46 131002 mbk 5/11/13 130415-06 138 142 140 130 140 46 131002 _ mbk 5/12/13 130415-06 138 142 140 130 140 46 131002 Si 5/13118 130415-06 138 140 140 130 140 46 131002 S' 5/14/13 130415-06 138 140 140 130 140 46 131002 Si 5/15/13 130415-06 138 140 140 130 140 46 131002 S' 5/16/13 130415-06 138 140 140 130 140 46 131002 Si 5/17/13 130415-06 135 138 138 125 140 46 131002 so DAILY TEMPS.As Page 581 COMPOST FILE TEMPERmURE°S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TPRAP TPNAP TEMP TFMP TFMP_ TEMP. INT Average �a DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 5118/13 130415-06 134 136 136 124 140 46 131002 Si 5/19/13 130415-06 133 134 136 124 �139 46 131002 s' 5/20113 5/21/13 130415-06 130415-06 133 133 134 134 136 136 124 124 139 J 139 46 4.6 131002 131002 s' Si 5/22/13 130415-06 133 134 136 124 139 46 .131002 Si 5/23/13 133 134 136 124 139 46 131002 Si 5/24/13 _13041.5-06 130415-06 133 134 136 124 139 46 131002 br 5/25/13 130415-06 133 136 136 120 140 46 131002 br 5/26/13 130415-06 132 134 136 118 140 46 131002 br 5/27/13 130415-06 130 134 132 112 140 46 131002 br 5/28/13 130415-06 130 134 132 112 140 46 131002 br 5/29/13 130415-06 130 134 132 112 140 46 131002 br 5/30/13 130415-06 130 134 132 112 140 46 131002 br 5/31/13 130415-06 130 134 132 112 140 46 131002 br 6/1/13 130415-06 129 130 135 112 140 46 131002 Si 6/2/13 130415-06 128 128 134 110 140 46 131002 Si 6/3/13 130415-06 127 132 135 100 140 46 131002 s' 6/4/13 130415-06 127 132 135 100 140 46 131002 s' 4/16/13 130415-07 71 70 1 70 75 70 46 1 131002. s' 4/17113 130415-07 110 120 115 85 1 118 46 131002 s' 4118/13 130415-07 144 142 155 125 152 46 131002 Si 4/19/13 130415-07 158 155 160 158 158 46 131002 s' 4/20/13 130415-07 157 156 156 160 156 46 131002 s' 4/21/13 130415-07 151 156 150 154 144 46 131002 s' 4/22/13 130415-07 152 160 15 1154 145 46 131002 Si 4123/13 130415-07 151 165 140 152 145 46 131002 s' 4/24/13 130415-07 146 160 135 152 135 46 131002 s' 4/25/13 130415-07 143 160 135 150 125 46 131002 s' 4/26/13 130415-07 143 160 135 150 125 46 131002 Si 4/27/13 ,130415-07 #DIV/OI 46 131002 Si 4/28/13 130415-07 #DIV/01 46 131002 Si 4129/13 130415-07 140 155 134 142 128 46 131002 w 4/30/13 130415-07 140 155 134 142 128 46 131002 w 5/1/13 130415-07 139 152 134 142 126 46 131002 s' DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 582 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP ID# 5/3/13 130415-07 134 150 125 138 124 46 131002 sj 5/4/13 130415-07 132 148 120 136 122 46 131002 gw 5/5/13 130415-07 133 148 124 136 125 46 131002 gw 5/6/13 130415-07 133 148 124 136 125 46 131002 sj 5/7/13 130415-07 130 148 124 134 115 46 131002 sj 5/8/13 130415-07 128 148 120 130 115 46 131002 gw 5/9/13 130415-07 128 148 120 130 115 46 131002 gw 5/10/13 130415-07 126 145 115 130 112 46 131002 s' 5/11/13 130415-07 128 148 120 130 115 46 131002 sj 5/12/13 130415-07 126 145 115 130 115 46 131002 gw 5/13/13 130415-07 124 145 112 130 110 V 46 131002 gw 5/14/13 130415-07 122 145 112 120 110 46 131002 s. 5/15/13 130415-07 124 145 112 130 110 46 131002 Si 5/16/13 130415-07 124 145 112 130 110 46 131002 Si 5/17/13 130415-07 120 144 105 125 105 46 131002 Si 5/18/13 130415-07 118 142 102 125 102 46 131002 sj 5/19/13 130415-07 117 142 102 124 100 46 131002 sj 5/20/13 130415-07 117 142 102 124 100 46 131002 sj 5/21 /13 130415-07 117 142 102 124 100 46 131002 Si 5/22/13 130415-07 117 142 102 124 100 46 131002 sj 5/23/13 130415-07 117 142 102 124 100 46 131002 Si 5/24/13 130415-07 117 142 102 124 100 46 131002 sj 5/25/13 130415-07 117 140 104 120 102 46 131002 sj 5/26/13 130415-07 115 140 100 I 120 100 46 131002 s. 5/27/13 130415-07 114 142 , 98 118 98 46 131002 sj 5/28/13 130415-07 114 142 98 118 98 46 131002 Si 5/29/13 130415-07 114 142 98 118 98 46 131002 Si 5/30/13 130415-07 114 142 98 118 98 46 131002 sj 5/31/13 130415-07 114 142 98 118 98 ! 46 , 131002 br 6/1113 130415-07 111 140 92 115 95 46 131002 br 6/2/13 130415-07 110 140 92 112 94 46 131002 mbk 6/3/13 130415-07 111 140 92 115 I 95 46 131002 br 6/4/13 130415-07 140 95 115 95 46 131002 br 5/2/13 —+-111 130415-07 134 150 120 140 125 46 131002 do DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 583 COMPOST FILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 4/16/13 130415-008 91 130 80 75 , 80 FP# FP IN 46 131002 mbk 4/17/13 130415-08 4/18/13 i 30415-08 129 143 120120 125 145 145 155 130 145� 46 46 131002 131002 br br 4/19/13 4/20/13 4/21/13 130415-08 130415-08 130415-08 148 150 149 125 g 162 132 166 142 164 155 152 i 144 150 150 146 46 46 46 131002 131002 131002 mbk br br 4/22./13 4/23/13 4/24/13 4/25/13 130415-08 a 130415-08 130415-08 ,304/5-08 150 151 151 150 150 160 160 160 160 155 '155 155 144 144 145 i40 � c� 145 q 145 144 4 1 4 � 46 46 46 46 , 131002 131002 131002 mbk s' s' s 4/26/13 L 130415-08 150 11330 '155 140 144 46 131002 Si 4/27/13 130415-08 #DIV/O! Temps 46 131002 mbk 4/28/13 1_30415-08 #DIV/O! 46 131002 mbk 4/29/13 130415-08 146 158 151 138 _ 1388 46 131002 mbk 4/30/13 130415-08 146 158 _ 151 138 138 46 131002 mbk 5/1/13 130415-08 146 160 150 135 138 46 131002 mbk 5/2/13 130415-08 145 160 150 130 138 46 131002 mbk 5/3/13 130415-08 142 158 148 125 138 46 131002 mbk 5/4/13 130415-08 140 156 146 122 136 46 131002 mbk 5/5/13 130415-08 139 154 145 120 135 46 131002 mbk 5/6/13 130415-08 139 154 145 120 135 46 131002 tm 5/7/13 12,0415-08 138 150 145 120 138 46 131002 tm 5/8/13 130415-08 138 150 _ 145 120 138 46 131002 tm 5/9/13 130415-08 138 150 145 120 138 46 131002 mbk 5/10/13 130415-08 138 152 145 118 135 46 131002 mbk 5/11/13 130415-08 138 152 145 118 135 46 131002 tm 5/12/13 130415-08 138 152 145 118 135 46 131002 tm 5/13/13 130415-08 136 155 144 110 135 46 131002 tm 5/14/13 130415-08 136 155 144 _ 110 135 46 131002 mbk 5/15/13 130415-08 136 155 144 110 135 46 131002 mbk 5/16113 130415-08 136 155 144 110 135 46 131002 tm 5/17/13 130415-08 134 155 140 105 135 46 131002 tm 5/18/13 130415-08 132 154 136 104 135 46 131002 tm 5/19/13 130415-08 131 154 133 102 133 46 131002 mbk 5/20/13 130415-08 132 154 133 104 135 46 131002 1 mbk 5/21/13 130415-08 132 154 133 104 135 46 131002 tm 5/22/13 130415-08 132 154 133 104 135 46 131002 tm 5/23/13 130415-08 132 154 133 104 135 46 131002 tm 5/24/13 130415-08 132 154 133 104 135 46 131002 mbk 5/25/13 130415-08 131 154 140 100 130 46 131002 mbk 5/26/13 130415-08 130 154 138 1 98 130 46 131002 1 mbk DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 584 - COMPOST PILE TEMPEMTURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP TFMP TFMP TFMP INT Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 5/27113 130415-08. 128 154 138 92 128 46 131002 mbk 5/28/13 130415-08 128 154 138 92 128 46 131002 mbk 5/29/13 130415-08 128 154 138 92 128 46 131002 1 mbk 5/30/13 130415-08 128 154 138 92 128 46 131002 mbk 5/31113 130415-08 128 154 138 92 128 1 46 131002 mbk 6/1/13 130415-08 126 154 136 92 122 46 131002 mbk 6/2/13 130415-08 126 154 136 92 121 46 131002 mbk 6/3/13 130415-08 125 155 135 90 120 46 131002 mbk 6/4113 130415-08 126 155 135 95 120 46 131002 mbk 6/28/13 130627-09 129 110 145 110 150 47 140403 mbk 6/29/13 130627-09 148 135 156 140 159 S 47 140403 br 6/30/13 130627-09 157 154 162 148 164 47 140403 br 7/1/13 130627-09 162 165 162 155 164 47 140403 Si 712/13 130627-09 163 175 164 150 162 47 140403 br 7/3/13 130627-09 168 180 170 155 165 47 140403 br 7/4/13 130627-09 163 184 162 144 163 47 140403 Sj 7/5/13 130627-09 153 175 150 135 150 47 140403 br 7/6/13 130627-09 152 175 150 132 150 47 140403 br 7/7/13 130627-09 151 175 150 130 150 47 140403 Si' 7/8/13 130627-09 148 160 150 132 150 47 140403 br 7/9/13 130627-09 158 165 155 155 155 47 140403 br 7/10/13 130627-09 159 165 165 140 165 47 140403 s' 7/11/13 130627-09 165 170 165 158 165 47 140403 sj 7/12/13 130627-09 161 170 164 150 160 47 140403 sj 7/13/13 130627-09 154 164 152 144 154 47 140403 sj 7/14/13 130627-09 147 160 145 136 146 47 140403 sj 7/15/13 130627-09 141 155 140 130 140 47 140403 s' 7/16/13 130627-09 140 155 140 130 135 47 140403 br 7/17/13 130627-09 142 155 1 140 135 138 47 14.0403 br 7/18/13 130627-09 142 152 140 135 140 47 140403 s' 7/19/13 130627-09 142 152 140 135 140 �— 47 sj 7/20/13 130627-09 144 152 142 137 143 47 _140403 140403 S' 7/21/13 130627-09 143 152 142 136 143 47 140403 br 7/22/13 130627-09 142 150 140 135 142 47 140403 sj 7/23/13 130627-09 142 150 140 135 142 47 140403 Si 7/24/13 130627-09 142 150 140 135 47 140403 br 7/25/13 130627-09 141 150 140 _142 135 140 47 140403 8- 7/26/13 130627-09 140 148 138 135 I 140 47 140403 gw - 7/27/13� 130627=09 _°° :#DIV./0!= = temps . . 47 140403 gw 7/28/S:,,. .-,130627-09- %, '#DlV/0[ ,not taken, � �° ���- � � 47 sj 7/29/13 130627-09 140 148 138 135 140 47 _140403 140403 gw 7/30/13 130627-09 140 148 138 135 ! 140 47 140403 gw 7/31/13 130627-09 140 148 138 135 140 47 140403 sj 8/1/13 130627-09 140 148 138 135 140 47 140403 sj 8/2/13 130627-09 140 148 138 135 140 47 40403 sj 8/3/13 130627-09 140 148 138 135 140 47 140403 Si 8/4/13 130627-09 140 148 138 135 —140 47 140403 Si 8/5/13 130627-09 140 148 138 135 140 47 140403 Si DAILY TEMI:'S.xls Page 585 ALL T EMI'ERAFURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TRAP TRAP_ TRAP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PiLE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 8/6113 1 onG27-09 140 148 138 ' 35 14.0 f +:30627-09 137 145 135 " 32 i 35 Q �� 8/8/13 i 3C627-09 139 155 13_'. 132 135 FP# 4.7 �7 47 ER Si s8/7,13 i sj 8/9/13 8/10/13 13Q627-09� 13C627-09 14.0 137 156 134 14,511 136 134 136 �_ 47 140403 47 140403 Si Si 8/11/13 8/12/13 8/13/13 130627-09 130627-09 ^ "�_627-09 136 136 136 142 142 142. 136 136 136 128 128 123 1 136 136 136 -- 47 47 47 '140403 140403 140403 sj br br 8/14.113 1 K627-09 136 142 136 128 136 47 140403 Si 8/15/113 130527-09 136 142 136 128 136 �� 47 140403 s' 8/16/13 130627-09 137 142 136 130 133 �_ 47 140403 br 8/17/13 130627-09 137 143 136 130 137 47 140403 br 8/18/13 137 144 136 130�137 47 140403 sj 8/19/13 _^`''0627-09 30627-09 137 144 136 130 137 47 140403 s' 8/20/13 _ 130627-09 137 144 13G 130 _ 137 47 140403 br 8/21/13 130627-09 136 144 134 128 136 47 140403 br 8/22113 130627-09 137 144 136 130 _ 136 47 140403 si 8/23/13 4 1`0627-09 137 144 136 130 136 47 140403 sj 8/24113 130627-09 137 LLJ 136 132 138 47 140403 br 8/25/13 i30627-09 136 140 136 130 136 9 47 140403 br 8/26/13 130627-09 136 140 136 130 136 47 140403 Si 8/27/13 130627-09 136 140 136 130 136 47 140403 Si 8/28/13 130627-09 136 140 136 130 136 47 140403 Si 8/29/13 i 3062_7-09 136 141-0 136 130 p 136 47 140403 s' ' 8/30/13 130627-09 135 140 138 130 132 47 140403 s' 8/31/13 130627-09 135 140 136 ti 130 134 47 140403 s 9/l/l3 130627-09 136 140 138 130 134 47 140403 Si 9/2/13 130627-09 135 140 136 130 132 47 140403 Si 9/3/13 130627-09 135 140 136 130 132 47 140403 s' 9/4113 130627-09 135 140 136 130 132 47 140403 s' 9/5/13 130627-09 135 140 136 130 132 47 140403 s' 9/6/13 130627-09 135 140 136 130 132 47 140403 Si' 9/7113 130627-09 131 140 128 124 132 47 140403 s' 9/8/13 130627-09 132 140 128 126 132 47 140403 Si 9/9/13 130627-09 132 140 128 126 132 47 140403 do 9/10/13 130627-09 128 142 124 123 124 47 140403 do 9/11/13 130627-09 128 142 124 _ 123 124 47 140403 s' 9/12/13 130627-09 128 142 124 123 124 47 140403 Si 9/13/13 130627-09 128 142 124 123 124 47 140403 do 9/14113 130627-09 128 142 122 123 124 47 140403 do 9/15/13 130627-09 127 142 120 122 124 47 140403 s' 9/16/13 130627-09 126 140 120 122 121 47 140403 Si 9/17/13 130627-09 126 140 120 122 121 47 140403 do 9/18/13 130627-09 126 140 120 122 121 47 140403 do 9/19/13 130627-09 126 140 120 1 122 121 47 140403 Si 9/20/13 130627-09 126 140 120 122 121 47 140403 Si 9/21/13 130627-09 125 140 118 120 120 47 140403 do 9/22/13 130627-09 125 140 118 122 120 47 140403 do DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 586 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 9/23/13 130627-09 125 140 118 122 120 47 140403 Si 9/24/13 130627-09 125 140 118 122 120 47 140403 sj 9/25/13 130627-09 125 140 118 120 120 47 140403 sj 9/26/13 130627-09 124 140 117 120 120 _ 47 140403 sj 9/27/13 130627-09 124 140 117 120 120 47 140403 sj 9/28/13 130627-09 124 140 117 120 120 47 140403 sj 9/29/13 130627-09 124 140 117 120 120 47 140403 sj 9/30/13 130627-09 124 140 117 120 120 47 140403 Si 10/1/13 130627-09 124 140 117 120 120 47 140403 sj 10/2/13 130627-09 124 140 117 120 120 47 140403 S' 7/3/13 130702-08 117 110 125 110 122 i 47 140403 Si 7/4/13 130702-08 127 108 125 140 134 47 140403 7/5/13 130702-08 136 110 130 160 145 47 140403 7/9/13 130702-08 159 135 160 155 185 47 140403 mbk 7/10/13 130702-08 163 140 160 165 185 47 140403 Si 7/11/13 130702-08 166 150 165 165 185 47 140403 Si 7/12/13 130702-08 168 150 165 170 185 47 140403 7/13/13 130702-08 164 150 165 156 185 47 140403 7/14/13 130702-08 161 150 165 144 184 47 140403 mbk 7/15/13 130702-08 161 155 165 140 185 47 140403 sj 7/16/13 130702-08 160 155 165 138 182 ; 47 140403 sj 7/17/13 130702-08 160 155 165 140 180 47 140403 7/18/13 130702-08 160 155 165 140 9 180 47 140403 7/19/13 130702-08 150 155 165 140 140 j 47 140403 mbk 7/20/13 130702-08 162 156 163 149 178 47 140403 sj 7/21/13 130702-08 159 156 163 138 177 47 140403 sj 7/22/13 130702-08 158 158 160 138 175 47 140403 7/23/13 130702-08 157 155 160 138 175 47 7/24/13 7/25/13 130702-08 130702-08 156 156 150 150 160 160 138 138 175 175 47 47 _140403 140403 140403 q mbk sj 7/26/13 7/27/13- 130702-08 130702-08 156 #DIV/O! 155 temps 160 '135 175 47 47 140403 140403sj sj 7/28/13 ° 130702-08 #DIV/O! . not taken � ,.': 47 140403 Si 7/29/13 130702-08 156 155 160 135 175 1 47 14�0403 sj 8/1/13 130702-08 161 155 160 155 i 72 47 140403 sj 8/2/13 130702-08 161 '150 160 155 172 47 14-0403 sj 8/3/13 8/4/13 8/5/13 130702-08 130702-08 130702-08 155 153 153 158 150 150 170 170 170 132 133_ 133 160 160 160 47 { 47 47 140403 1 �.0403 1 r0 !03�p sj N sj mbk 8/6113 8/7/13 130702-08 130702-08 153 154 150 155 170 155 133 135 Fl60 170 47_ 47 -�_ 14,0403 i40403 sj mbk 8/8/13 8/9/13 8/10/13 130702-08 130702-08 130702-08� 154 152 155 155 1 155 158 155 156 158 135 170 132 166 132 '170 1 I�47 9 47 47 _140403 140403 9 140403 sj mbk Si 8/11/13 130702-08 154 158 158 1 68 4/ 140403 mbk 8/12/13 130702-08 146 158 158 130 138 140lf:03 gw 8/13/13 130702-08 154 158 158 130 _� 168 47 14-04-03 gw 8/14/13 130702-08 154 158 168 47 140403 mbk DAILY TEMPS.As Page 587 ALL. EMPERN URES ARE REPORTED iN FAHRENHEIT TFIVIP. TEMP. TEMP. TFIR TEMP. TEMP. INT. H�o,age DATE FILE # Temp LOCJtl LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 una��.omiscamencwm® tam m�ize��.-s�.r��c® 8/1' /13 3 07Q7. 03 15�• 153 158 130 168 811 E;/13 130 7 02-O8 152 153 156 _ 126 168 8/17113 n'- 02-08 154 157 157 �' 32 171 � FP# FP IN _14Q403 140403 140403 gw gw mbk 4.7 47 47 8/1c-/l3 1Q702-08 155 158 A,7 133 ?71 9 4.7 140403 gw 8/19/1 3 30 7 02-08 8120/13 _ 130702-08 155 155 158 153 157 �� 133 157 133 170 170 � 47 4-7 140403 14.0403 gw mbk 8/21/13 130702-08 153 158 156 132 L166 d� 47 140403 gw 8/22./13 30702-08 153 153 154. 134 i66 47 140403 gw 8/23/13 812,11� 130702-08 �— ��j07(,2-08-�, 153 1�4• 5 158 3 d 15� 154 134. � r 1�6 130 166 17Q � �_� � 47 140403 ! d r7 1 Q A3 mbk mbk 8/25/13 0702-08 154 158 158 130 170 j 47 140403 mbk 812.6/13 130702-08 �' 154 153 158 130 170 � 47 140403 mbk 8/27/13 c,NO2-08 8/23/13 �' K 702-08 8/29113 1, U702-08 8/30113 ��^ 30702-08 8/31 /13 130702-08 154 154 154 154 154 158 15f 15's 158 158 156 158 156 _ 155 "s 56 �1 30 170 130 170 130 170 132 170 133_ 170 -1� �_ 1 47 47 4.7 47 140403 " 1 Z10403 3 140403 140403 mbk Si Si Si' s' 9/1113 �130702-08 156 160 158 135 170 47 140403 sj 9/2,�133 13Q702-08 154 155 156 133 170 47 140403 s' 9/3/13 ',30702-08 154 155 156 133�d 170 47 140403 Si 9/4113 130702-08 9 154 155 156 133 170 47 140403 s' 9/5113 130702-08 ` 154 155 156 133 170 47 140403 sf 9/6/13 154 155 156 133 170 47 140403 tm _130702-08 9/7,113 130702-08 918113 130702-08 9/9/13 "_30702-08 152 152 152 158 158 I M _ 15G 156 1156 124 a 124 124 170 ;j 170 1 170 47 47 47 140403 10-0403 II 140403 tm mbk sf 9/10/13 130702-08 151 158 156 120 168 47 1404.03 tm 9/11/13 4,30702-08 151 158 156 120 168 47 140403 tm 9/12/13 130702-08 151 158 156 _� 120 168 47 140403 mbk 9/13/13 130702-08 151 158 156 120 168 47 140403 sf 9/14/13 130702-08 150 158 157 116 169 47 140403 tm 9/15/13 130702-08 149 158 156 114 168 47 140403 tm 9/16/13 13,0702-08 143 156 156 113 168 47 140403 mbk 9/17/13 130702-08 14.8 156 156 113 168 47 140403 sf 9/18/13 130702-08 148 156 156 113 168 47 140403 tm 9/19/13 130702-08 148 156 156 113 Q 168 47 140403 tm 9/20/13 1;W02-08 148 156 156 113 168 47 140403 mbk 9/21/13 130702-08 146 158 157 104 164 47 140403 mbk 9/22/13 130702-08 145 158 157 102 164 47 140403 mbk 9/23113 130702-08 145 158 157 102 164 47 140403 mbk 9/24/13 130702-08 145 158 157 102 164 47 140403 mbk 9/25/13 130702-08 146 158 158 104 162 47 140403 mbk 9/26/13 130702-08 145 156 _ 157 104 164 47 140403 mbk 9/27/13 130702-08 145 156 157 104 164 47 140403 mbk 9/28/13 130702-08 147 160 1 158 104 164 1 47 140403 1 mbk 9/29/13 130702-08 147 160 159 104 164 47 140403 mbk 9/30/13 130702-08 146 158 159 104 164 47 140403 sf 1011/13 130702-08 146 158 159 104 164 47 140403 do DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 588 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 10/2/13 130702-08 146 158 159 104 164 47 140403 do 7/6/13 130702--08 137 110 132 160 147 47 140403 mbk 7/7/13 130702--08 138 110 130 160 150 47 140403 mbk 7/8/13 130702--08 149 '110 150 155� 180 47 140403 sf 7/30/13 130702--08 156 155 160 135 172 1 47 140403 do 7/31/13 130702--08 156 155 160 135 172 47 140403 do 7/9/13 130708-07 118 110 124 115 122 47 140403 mbk 7/10/13 130708-07 143 125 148 148 150 47 140403 mbk 7/11/13 130708-07 151 125 165 155 160 47 140403 sf 7/12/13 130708-07 159 132 165 155 185 47 140403 do 7/13/13 130708-07 146 136 154 140 152 47 140403 do 7/14/13 130708-07 143 140 149 136 148 I 47 140403 mbk 7/15/13 130708-07 148 145 150 145 150 47 140403 mbk 7/16/13 130708-07 148 145 150 148 150 47 140403 sf 7/17/13 130708-07 148 148 150 145 150 47 140403 do 7/18/13 130708-07 148 150 150 145 145 47 140403 do 7/19/13 130708-07 148 150 150 145 145 47 140403 1 mbk 7/20/13 130708-07 145 152 145 139 145 47 140403 mbk 7/21/13 130708-07 145 153 145 139 144 47 140403 mbk 7/22/13 130708-07 145 152 145 140 144 47 140403 mbk 7/23/13 130708-07 145 151 145 140 144 47 140403 mbk 7/24/13 130708-07 145 151 145 140 144 j 47 sf 7/25/13 130708-07 145 151 145 140 144 $ 47 _140403 140403 sf 7/26/13 130708-07 146 150 135 160 140 47 140403 mbk 7127/13 130708-07 #DIV/O! temp —_ 47 140403 tm 7/28/13 130708-07 #DIVIO! not taken— 47 140403 tm 7/29/13 130708-07 146 150 135 160 140 47 140403 mbk 7/30/13 130708-07 143 155 140 135 '140 47 140403 sf 7/31 /13 130708-07 143 155 140 135 140 47 sf 8/1/13 130708-07 143 155 140 135 140 47 _140_403 140403 mbk 8/2/13 130708-07 143 155 140 135 140 47 140403 tm 8/3113 130708-07 141 155 140 130 _ 140 47 140403 tm 8/4113 8/5/13 8/6/13 130708-07 '130708-07 130708-07 141 141 141 155 155 155 140 140_ 140 ; 130 136 13G 140 F I140 _1'4 47 47 747 140403 �U,,0403 FFl1 G403 mbk sf 1f 8/7/13 8/8/13 130708-07 130708-07 140 140 155 155 j 140 140 130 I 135 1 130 1 135 47 47 V0403 1,;0403 mbk tm 819/13 130708-07 140 155 140 G 131 132 ( 47 140403 trn 8/10/13 130708-07 142 156 140 132 138 47 140403 mbk 8/11/13 130708-07 140 152 135 134 1" 8 47 sf 8/12/13 130708-07 140 152 135 134 N 133� 47 _40403 ( 140403 sf 8/13/13 130708-07 140 152 135 134 138_ 47 140403 mbk 8/14/13 130708-07 140 152 135 { 134 138 4 � 47 1 �;G4�03 tm8/15/13 8/16/13 8/17/13 130708-07 130708-07 130708-07 140 140 139 152 150 15:) 135 i34 139 _� 134 138 136 ? 138 ��, 12G7 13� i 47_ 14G4O3 47_!_140403 47 ° 4G4G3 f ! : 1404 tm rnbk mbk 8/18/13 8/19/13 '130708-07 130708-07 _ 140 140 154 154 139 139 129 ; 137 129 ( 13'1 j 47 1404-03 f, 47 ( 140403 j mbk mbk DAILY l-IEMPS.As Page 589 CwaMPOS'T FILE T Eu` PERWURFS ALL TEMPERA URES ARE .REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE ?;i # Tamp LOC.#1 LOCJ. 2 8/20/13 -- 307 08-07 140 154 j 139 8/21/13_;_'.:"07_08-07 14.0 1514 140 8/22113 130708-07 140 i54. 8/23/13 130703-07 140 154 q3?. �i 8/24/13 �_'c0708-07 140 1:5? 138 _� 8/25/13 ���30708-07 140 1-52_ 1V•6 8/2G/13 0708 07 14.0 15.2 i46 '37� c 52 46 8127113 J7_08-07 1 ; 0 1 �,_ �_= 8/23/l3 30708-07 14.0 152 146 8/29/13 1 W708-07 14.0 152 11.6 8/30/13 2.0708-07 1 138 15' � 140 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 129 1 7 �1300 136 ; 128 'I3 123 ; ICIS 128 140� 126 _j 13,6 1 126 136 126 _j I o6 I 126 136 126 A 13"6 1 126 1 1,3�� it FP# 1 FP ID# A7 k 1 0403 47 € 1�U403 D403 47 14-0403 A7 140403 A7 1A0403 47 140403 47 14,040' 47 140403 47 140403 47 140403 mbk mbk mbk mbk mbk mbk sf g w gw gw mbk 8/31113 ', 30708-07 139 154 g 14.0 1<3 fl 135 f g 47I; n0403 mbk 9/1113 130708-07 137 150 d 14.0_L 126 _ 133 47 _; '4.0403 sf 9/213 _1 ?,0708-07 J� 137 150 ;I 14.0 I 126132 1 47 1A0403 gw 91',!13 1307 08 U7 137 1 c 0 14•n 12G 132 �_6 47 P 14U403 gw 9/4,/13 9/5113 !`708-07 13 7 137 15U 150 140 '126 132 �%� 14.0 _; 126 I 132 1 47 140403 47 { 140403 gw mbk 9/6113 � 2,0703-07 137 150 140 126 132 47 140403 mbk 9/7/13 130708-07 136 14-3 140 120 134 _ 47 140403 sf 9/8/13 S0708-07 1,37 150 14.0 122 134 I 4.7 6 140403 gw 919/13 _" 1 30708-07 137 150 140 122 g 134 t j 47 ? i A0403 gw 9/10/13 11 30708-07 135 150 i 138 118 _ 135 47 1 A0403 gw 9/11/13 130708-07 9/12/13 130708-07 135 135 150 150 11 i 138 1 133 118 135 35 � 113 pl, 47 140403 47 140403 mbk mbk 9/13/13 °50708-07 h 135 150 138 11835 i 47 1 lA0403 sf 9/14/13 y 130708-07 130 132 138 _ 112 1 136 1 -� 47 1 140403 gw 9/15/l3 1;;0708-07 134 151 138 11.1 136 1 47 140403 gw 9/16113 9/17113 1,S0708-07 130708-07 133 133 150 150 138 138 108 008 137 137 � 47 47 140403 140403 gw mbk 9/18/13 07U8-07 6 133 150 138 108 137 47 140403 mbk 9/19/13 1 "0708-07 133 150 138 108 137 47 140403 mbk 9120/13 13,0708-07 133 150 138 108 137 47 140403 mbk 9/21/13 130708-07 129 148 139 91 137 47 140403 tm 9122/13 13"0708-07 129 148 N 138 92 137 47 140403 tm 9/23/13 130708-07 129 148 138 92 _ 137 47 14.0403 mbk 9/24/13 4.30708-07 129 148 138 92 137 47 140403 mbk 9/25/13 1:7.',0708-07 128 148 136 93 136 47 1 140403 mbk 9/26/13 130708-07 129 148 136 92 138 47 140403 mbk 9/27/13 130708-07 129 148 136 92 138 47 140403 tm 9/28/13 130708-07 128 148 136 92 137 47 140403 tm 9/29/13 130708-07 128 148 136 92 137 47 140403 mbk 9/30/13 130708-07 128 148 136 92 137 47 140403 mbk 10/1/13 130708-07 127 148 136 92 133 47 140403 mbk 10/2/13 130708-07 127 148 136 92 133 47 140403 mbk 7/11/13 _ 130710-06 118 110 128 125 110 47 140403 tm 7/12113 130710-06 136 110 150 155 130 47 140403 tm 7/13/13 130710-06 151 136 160 159 150 47 140403 mbk 7/14/13 130710-06 156 144 164 158 156 47 140403 mbk DAILY TEMi PS.xls Page 590 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE®S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 7/15/13 130710-06 156 150 165 155 155 47 140403 mbk 7/16/13 130710-06 155 150 162 155 152 47 140403 mbk 7/17/13 130710-06 151 150 155 150 148 47 140403 tm 7/18/13 130710-06 150 '152 155 _ 148 _ 145 _ 47 140403 tm 7/19/13 130710-06 150 152 155 148 145 47 140403 mbk 7/20/13 130710-06 147 153 152 143 140 47 140403 mbk 7/21/13 130710-06 146 153 153 138 140 47 140403 mbk 7/22/13 130710-06 145 155 150 135 138 47 140403 mbk 7/23/13 130710-06 145 155 150 135 138 47 140403 mbk 7/24/13 130710-06 145 155 150 135 138 47 140403 mbk 7/25/13 130710-06 145 155 150 135 138 47 140403 mbk 7/26/13 130710-06 145 155 150 135 138 47 140403 mbk ,7127113- e 130710-06 #DIV/O! temps `_ ° 47 140403 mbk 7/28113 130710-06 #DIV/O! not taken __ ` 47 140403 mbk 7/29/13 130710-06 145 155 150 135 i38 47 140403 mbk 7/30/13 130710-06 142 150 148 135 135 47 140403 mbk 7/31/13 130710-06 142 150 148 135 135 47 140403 mbk 8/1/13 130710-06 142 150 148 135 135 47 140403 mbk 8/2/13 130710-06 142 150 148 135 135 47 140403 mbk 8/3/13 130710-06 136 150 130 130 135 47 140403 mbk 8/4113 130710-06 136 150 130 130 135 p 47 140403 mbk 8/5/13 8/6/13 130710-06 130710-06 136 136 150 150 130 130 130 130 135 135 n 47_ 47 140403 140403 do do 8/7/13 130710-06 138 150 140 130 i 130 47 i 404.03 mbk 8/8/13 130710-06 138 150 140 130 330_�—�_ 47 140403 do 8/9/13 130710-06 139 151 143 130 130 � �47 140403 do 8/10/13 130710-06 138 148 140 132 9 130 47-140403 mbk 8/11/13 130710-06 136 146 140 128 130 47 140403 do 8/12/13 130710-06 136 146 140 128 130 47 140403 do 8/13/13 130710-06 136 146 140 128 130 47 140403 mbk 8/14/13 130710-06 136 146 140 128 3 10 41 j 1404.03 do 8/15113 130710-06 136 146 140 128_ 130_ 47 j 1�F0403 do 8/16/13 130710-06 136 144 _ 142 126 130 47 1 UC403 mbk 8/17/13 8/18/13 130710-06 130710-06 135 136 1445 145 139 140 128 i32 127 ? 128 I-- ��~7 , 47 140_4.03 140403 mbk mbk 8/19/13 130710-06 136 145 140 132 128 47 140403 mbk 8/20/13 130710-06 136 145 140 i32. 128 @ 47 �;04.03 mbk 8/21/13 130710-06 137 144 140 1, 132 130 ! I 47 j 140403 tm 8/22/13 130710-06 138 144 142 132 '132 47_ i4.0403 tm 8/23/13 130710-06 138 144 '142 132 ± i32 47 !4.0403 mbk 8/24/1 8/25/13 8/26/13 1130710-06 130710-06 '1307'i0-06 135 133 133 144 142 142 140 138 138 I 128 ¢ 1_28 124. p 'i 28 124 � 128��— ! 47 ;4.04.03 mbk —� 47 �1404.03 mbk 47— 140403 mbk 8/27/13 8/28/13 130710-06 130710-06 133 133 142 142 138 138 124 '1 /.8 124_1_28 1 47 ! 140403 47, 1,0403 mbk trn 8/29/13 8/30/13 8/31/13 130710-06 130710-06 130710-06 133 F132 133 142 142 i4.4 138 138 138 q 'i 24 '128�—� 122 j 126 _ : 124_; 128 � 47 9 ' 4.0�: 03 � 47 I 1404.03 ��. 47i'iO4.03 tin mbk rnbk DAILY T"EM13S.As f'age 591 COMPOSI"FILE TEMPEDUJURFS ALL TENAPERI),"l-Ij RE S ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT T F iili P. TP�/!O. TEMP. TRMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average D,,",TE PIE # Temm LOCM L 0 C.,-. 2 LOC.# 3 LOU- 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FF# FP iiD# mbk 9/1,113 710 - 05 19,1 26 4 7 40403 '140403 9/2113 0-06 142 13 S' 124 1.26 '1 A2 7 47 '140403 mbk mbk 3—L__�-,! N'l 0-06- 33 1 13,; 124 126 9 /1/11- T5 7 C' 133 1 Z.2 126 47 1 140403 tm f, 9/5/13 133 138 1 124 1 e6 9/6L'l 3 1-6 L_.�,3,07'0-06 133 1 124 47 140403 3 47 1/-0403 tm mbk 9/7/13 --`0 '10-06 133 24 126 47 V-0403 mbk ,1 1 4 24 1 126 9/svj� �-'107'1 0-06 133 12- 2, 32 47 140403 Z-0403 rnbk 9/9: )'13 '3071 C-06 1331 1 z-9- ,,8 -.4 14-6 47 1 mbk 9/10113 I. 1-307'10-06_L _128 —14" 1 "C, 107 '126 1 4 7 1 1d.0403 mbk 9/11/13 i ' 30710-06—E 1,18 1/12 136 107 = 126 47 14,(,1403 H 11 tm 9/12/13 71 O-Or' S 9/1313 2,0710-06 V8 --L-, 128 142 1 W, 107 126 142 136 107 126 A7 140403 47 140403 tm mbk 9/14/1,33 F—T,07`0-06 99 136 100 1.5 i 47 1 z-0403 mbk 9/15/1 31307'1 O-05---. 1i J— 126 �� J.I IZ7 136 98_ I_ 47 14-0403 mbl( 9116/13 —307 10-06 125 136 96 126 47 1 /�-0403 mbk 9/17/13 1'2-0710-06 125 140 136 96 126 1 -0403 mbk 9/18/13 12',0710-06 125 —14.0 136 96®k 126 47 140403 sf 9/19/13 30710-06 125 140 A 13CI 96 126 47 p 1 A0403 sf 9/20/13 'l,:07 1 0-06 125 1 A0 13 F, 96 126 1 � 47 1104-03 mbk 9/21/2 J!, "'�'071,0-06 125 14.0 13 .3 24 47 140403 gw 9/22L1 0-06 105 140 138 96 124, 47 140403 —gw 9/2311 3 "30710-06 125 140 138 E 96 124 I 47 1404 03 mbk 9/24113 130710-06 124 14.0 138 e 98 120 47 14.0403 sf _j 9/25/13 0 7,2:2f__j 2�, 14.0 38 98 124 47 140403 sf 9/26/13 ",-.',0710-06 126 140 III's 100 124 47 140403 mbk 9/27/13 ".30710-06 126 140 138 100 124 47 p 140403 gw 9/28/13 13-0 '30710-06 126 140 138 100 124 47 140403 qw 9129/13 " 307'1 0-06 126 140 138 101 124 47 140403 mbk 9/306/F13 - ":'.0710-06 126 140 138 101 124 47 Q 140403 sf 10/1/13 G ' 30710-06 126 24 47 140403 sf 10/2/13 "30710-06 126 1410 138 101 47 140403 mbk 1/23/14 131020-06 122 119 118 103 149 48 140818 gw 10/30/13 31029-09 151 162 160 131 150 48 140818 gw 10/31/13 11/1/13 3 1029-09 31029-09 169 170 190 190 180 181 141 142 42 4 165 167 J@ 48 48 1140818 140818 mbk sf 11/2113 '31029-09 162 170 160 144. 172 48 140818 sf 11/3/13 131029-09 158 165 160 144 164 48 140818 mbk 11/4/13 131029-09 151 160 146 144 155 48 140818 gw 11/5/13 131029-09 146 152 140 142 150 48 140818 gw 11/6/13 131029-09 140 148 138 138 136 48 140818 mbk 11/7/13 131029-09 141 150 138 138 138 48 140818 mbk 11/8/13 131029-09 141 150 138 137 137 48 140818 mbk 11/9/13 131029-09 139 148 138 134 134 48 140818 mbk 11110113 131029-09 139 142 144 134 134 48 140818 mbk 11/11/13 131029-09 138 144 148 130 130 48 140818 mbk 11/12/13 131029-09 138_ 140 149 122 141 48 140818 mbk 11/13/13 131029-09 138 140 '149 _L 122 141 48 := mbk DAILY TEMPS.xls Page 592 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP INIT Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP ID# 11/14/13 131029-09 137 140 148 121 140 48 140818 mbk 11/15/13 131029-09 132 136 130 120 140 48 140818 tb 11/16/13 131029-09 130 136 127 120 138 48 140818 mbk 11/17/13 131029-09 129 136 '132 110 138 48 140818 mbk 11/18/13 131029-09 124 136 132 88 138 48 140818 br 11/19/13 131029-09 126 136 138 90 138- 48 140818 br 11/20/13 131029-09 126 136 138 90 138 48 140818 mbk 11/21/13 131029-09 135 141 136 123 140 1 48 140818 mbk 11/22/13 131029-09 135 141 136 123 140 1 48 140818 mbk 11/23/13 131029-09 137 144 138 122 144 1 48 1 140818 br 11/24/13 131029-09 134 138 134 121 144 48 140818 br 11/25/13 131029-09 128 138 132 100 140 48 140818 mbk 11/26/13 131029-09 129 136 134 105 140 48 140818 mbk 11/27/13 131029-09 129 136 134 106 138 48 140818 mbk 11/28/13 131029-09 130 140 134 105 142 48 140818 br 11/29/13 131029-09 130 139 133 106 140 48 140818 br 11/30/13 131029-09 136 139 132 132 140 48 140818 mbk 12/1/13 131029-09 136 138 132 132 140 48 140818 tb 12/2/13 131029-09 134 138 130 130 139 48 140818 rnbk 12/3/13 131029-09 134 138 130 130 139 48 140818 tb 12/4/13 131029-09 120 138 130 74 139 4E 140818 mbk 12/5/13 131029-09 120 138 130 74 9 1 8 140818 lb 12/6/13 131029-09 120 138 130 74 1 139 48 140818 mbk 12/7113 131029-09 121 137 134 70 142 48 140818 sf 12/8/13 131029-09 123 1411 135 74 142 48 j 140818 mbk 12/9/13 131029-09 122 141 132 75 1 140 ' 48 14-0818 tm 12/10/13 131029-09 122 141 132 75 1 140 1 48 140818 irn 12/11/13 131029-09 120 140 1 130 75 135 1 48 140818 mbk 12/12/13 131029-09 120 140 130 75 135 140818 sf 12/13/13 12/14/13 131029-09 131029-09 120 118 140 136 130 125 75 70 135G, 13'9 p _48 48 1_140818 4E 1140818 mbk trn 12/15/13 12/16/13 13'1029-09 131029-09 117 116 136 136 1 126 125 66 62 139 F— 3T7 �1 48 140818 48 i ;1,0818 tin mbk 12/17/13 131029-09 116 136 125 _62 1 139 — 48_? 140818 1 ";f 12/18/13 12/19/13 12/20/13 131029-09 131029-09 131029-09 116 116 115 136 136 136 125 62 .�- i -39 125 �62 I "139 125 9 61 ' 139 ��_ � 48 140818�bk 48 �14Gu1 u 48 �140818 1 tin trn 12/21 /13 131029-09 113 137 1-15 60 1 '140 1 4T—T i z. j l mbk 12/22/13 131029 09 116 137 125 1 62 141 1 1 48� 'i 40818 tb 12/23/13 12/24/13 131029-09 131029-09 116 116 139 13 125 123 60 14G 48 P 140818 64 48 I 14.0818 mirk tb 12/25/13 131029-09 115 136 1 121 1 _14U _ 62 I 14G�1 1 ! 40 1'14,Uei8 l�bk 12/26/13 131029-09 116 �� 138 i 25 1 62 1 '140 1 _ 1 48.� G8l 8 1 tb 12/27/13 '131029-09 1 116 136 12G 63 �1 1 48 1 ?0818 1 mbk 12/28/13 131029-09 107 13198_ 82_!_135 ) 48 4081U 1 7bk 12/29/13 1 12/30/13 1 12/31 /13 1 131029-09 131029-09 131 G29-09 108 108 108 F77m 134 1 134 I l00 62 136 y 100 62 136 'i 00 j 62 136 '; 1 48 140c"18 1_mok 481<,G818 I br 44 1 ,08 i 8 br DAILY -i-F_MPS.xls :-age 593 C,' )MPU;!T FILETEMPE RA"rURE'S AL.L. 'EMPER6."'FURES AR-z..R-z: PORT Ef) U-4 FAH.REN"HEIT TFNIP TP,MP TPAP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average T or; p LOC','il LOC # 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP I IN DATE , 1 /,/-"!l 4 j, jo 132 g 107 132 94 62 a 1 le.,0818 1 , A I 2 ?,'7 3 40818 mbk mbk— 1 L 029-09 1 C7 132 j r, 62 3 48 1,40818 mbk 1 /!-/j 4j 04 13�) 86 37 48 11-0818 br 1 6il 4 i 02 9-02 102 1 -5 -3 F—c'o 2, 43 CIO '136 43 V-0813 40818 br mbk 1/6,'14 0 2 0- - 00 1-103 130 139 c j- SE� ;I 00 '. 36 46 140813 mbk 1/724 02�-02 103 —1— 48 �Z.UJ318 mbk 029-0�:; 103 130 103 30 1 86 —�—C-o 1126 48 i/-0813 11,0818 br br i o- 1/t 0 2. 9 - 0 c 103 130 �— 86 C, 0, 48 1 1, 21 1 i 98 26 74 L 7 55 4 140818 mbk 1 /1:,/ 14 l' 029-09 "029-09 27 126 97 72 --6s 134 1 48 R 13-1. 48 "IZ.0818 i .0818 tb mbk 11 15 134 48 1 40818 mbk 1/15114 029-09 9 7 126 72 G 34 48 1A081 3 W 126 72 56 l o tb 111 tiL/ LAL, - ,"029-09 1/17/14 029-09 125 96 120 -11 7 )s 135 48 57 1 48 L,40818 mbk —mbk 1/18/14 '3-.029-02__j 94 120 69 60 123 48 '140818 tb 1/19/14 'l-i 1029-09 94 120 69 60j_ 'L2 8 48 V0318 mbk 1/20/14 1 1/21/1-4 31029-09 029-09 94 120 94 120 69 69 60 d 128 48 60 128 48 11 140818 140818 mbk mbk 1/22/1.4 0j 2 9 - 0 9 93 120 65 60 li 27 48 140818 - mbk 1/043/14 029-09 92 120 64 60 Al 26 48 140818 140818 do do 1/2-4114 c3 1022- -09 P e) 120 (34- 60 125 48 1/2 0 2, 9 - 0 c- 90 1E--j 64 C 55 p 12.5 I 48 40818 tb /2 6V 14 029-02 90 116 64 55 'i 25 8 40 1 .1 V•0813 mbk —1 1/217/14 ',',1029-09 90 116 64 55 '25 48 C 140818 do 1/28/14 1129/1.4 'DA 029-09 10/29-02 90 1163 90 11664 64 55 55 1 125 48 48 '140818 140318 do tb 1/30/14 0 2 9 - 0 9 90 116 64 55 125 48 140818 mbk 1/31/14 1 "'1029-09 90 116 6,1. ±J 55 125 43 V-0818 do 2/1.114 1 o". 0 24 9 - 0 9 86 112 60 47 1,23 48 1/10818 do 2/2114 0 2 9 - 0 0, 86 112 60 46 127 48 140818 tb A -1.1 2/3/14 029-09 86 112 60 46 27 A8 140818 mbk 2/4./=14 -4 'c" ,029-02- 86 112 60 46 27 48 140818 do 2/511 A 4 36 112 60 55 116 48 140818 do 2/6/14 1"),1029-09 86 112 60 55 116 48 140818 tb 2/7/14 131029-09 86 112 60 55 116 48 140818 tb 2/8/14 1,31029-09 82 108 58 55 108 48 140818 sf 2/9/14 13,1029-09 83 108 58 55 110 48 140818 gw 2/10/14 131029-09 83 108 58 55 110 48 140818 gw 2/11/14 131029-09 83 108 58 55 110 48 140818 br 2/12/14 131029-09 83 108 58 55 110 48 140818 br 2/13/14 131029-09 83 108 58 55 110 48 140818 tb 2/14/14 131029-09 83 108 58 55 110 48 140818 mbk 2/15/14 131029-09 83 108 58 55 110 48 140818 tb 2/16/14 131029-09 84 108 58 58 110 48 140818 sf 2/1 i7114 131029-09 84 110 48 140818 gw DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 594 COMPOST POLE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC41 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 2/18/14 131029-09 84 108 58 58 110 48 140818 gw 2/19/14 131029-09 84 108 58 58 110 48 140818 br 2/20/14 131029-09 84 108 58 58__ 110 48 140818 br 2/21/14 131029-09 85 '110 _ 60 60 111 _ 48 140818 tb 2/22/14 131029-09 85 110 1 60 60 ill 48 140818 mbk 2/23/14 131029-09 85 110 60 60 ill 48 140818 tb 2/24/14 131029-09 85 110 60 60 ill 48 140818 sf 2/25/14 131029-09 85 110 60 60 111 48 140818 gw 2/26/14 131029-09 85 110 60 60 ill 48 140818 gw 2/27/14 131029-09 85 110 60 60 ill 48 140818 br 2/28/14 131029-09 85 110 60 60 ill 48 lAO818 br 3/1/14 131029-09 67 82 60 54 72 48 1140818 tb 3/2/14 131029-09 68 83 61 54 72 48 mbk 3/3/14 131029-09 67 83 60 54 48 _140818 140818 tb 3/4/14 131029-09 67 83 60 54 _7_2 72 48 140818 sf 3/5/14 131029-09 67 83 60 54 72 48 140818 gw 3/6/14 131029-09 67 83 60 54 72 48 140818 gw 3/7/14 131029-09 67 83 60 54 72 I 48 140818 br 3/8/14 3/9/14 131029-09 131029-09 63 62 74 70 60 60 54 54 64 64 `� 48 48 N 140818 140818 br tb 3/10/14 3/11/14 131029-09 131029-09 61 61 71 71 _60 60 50 50 64 64 ) j 48 48 i 140818 i 1,.0818 mbk mbk 3/12/14 131029-09 61 71 60 50 a 64 j 48 i40818 mbk 3/13/14 3/14/14 131029-09 131029-09 61 61 71 71 60 6050 50 64. 64 48 140818 Q 46 140818 mbk do 3/15/14 131029-09 61 71 60 50 E 64 { 48 1, 0818 do 3/16/14 131029-09 61 71 60 50 64 ; i 48 i 40818 tb 3/17/14 3/18/14 131029-09 131029-09 61 61 '71 71 60 60 _� 50 50 64 64 48 48 j 1140818 140818 mbk mbk 3/19/14 131029-09 61 _ 71 60 50 64 48 j 140818 mbk 3/20114 131029-09 61 71 60 50 1 64 ? 48 140818 do 3/21/14 131029-09 61 71 60 50 64 48 1 14.0818 do 3/22/14 13'1029-09 63 65 60 58 I 69 48 ? 140818 ib 3/23/14 3/24/14 3/25/14 131029-09 131029-09 131029-09 63 63 63 65 65 65 60 60� 60 { 5869 i 5869�—�{ 69 f`—� � 48 1 14•0818 4T-1_ 1..0318 ' 48 d rnbk mbk ; mbk 3/26/14 3/27/14 3/28114 131029-09 131029-09 131029-09 63 63 63 65 65 65 60 60 60 _5_8_4 58 i 69 58 1 69 58 69 j �� _140818 46 I 1 46 1<,0618 48 140818 dc do tb 3/29/14 131029-09 63 66 60 58 I 69 ! 481408'i 8 rnbk 3/30/14 3/31/14 131029-09 131029-09 633 64 65 65 60 B 60 56 71 59 1 71 48 140818 48 j i1110318 I mbk mbk 4/1/14 13'i029-09 65 65 1 60 64 71 43 18 I cc 412114 4/3/14 "�� 1i � 029-09 131029-09 G5 65 �5 65 60 I G�+_ 71 tl ��� _ I 60 i 64 71 1 I �rV 1�.�_�i713 _ 4S� 1 ':0016 do 4/4/14 131029-09 65 G5�i 60 E4 7-1 I .-0618 _tb mbk 4/5/14 4/6/14 13,1029-09 131( 16 68 62 ,�_ 0_; 74 1 j p 48_1 1 0318 1b J4 60 I 744.6, I`�rG8 i 8 I mbk DAILY TEMPS.xis Plage 595 ALL EMPERA-Wr=ES ARE REPORTS D IN FAHRENHEIT TFV,,P_ TEi,r1P. TFi IP. TFNIP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average G,`: i t pi; ;# TanP ®`,`#1�® 2� LOC.*,• 3 �LCC 4 LO®5 Loc.# 6LLFP ID# c. onnu®�acn o..ru...��m �mmcme 417194 ^`.3'029-09 i 67� 6�1 64_�j 66r_L74. 1 _� 48 11,40813 mbk 4/8114 ��^'O'°�nc� 67 10/:+1113 L �1030-07 156 1111 13 f __: ? ; `-n7 i 61 Eq -Eq. �l �`—'-74-- 16 2 _;{_' S 9• _ 52 �_ _ 1 Gs rd ^, c 9 _, ' FU--',I ' S8 140818 4S I n03 i 8 br br '� �J _ 1 Fi8 11/2-!13 _30-07 1, :, � " EO �j— 6?�, 7 �1• 7' — [^ 1t.0818 I mbk _ 11 ! '13 ,— ' 030-07 160 165 �� 4.1 �I ' SE _ 1 `" 1 n 8 ! 40818 mbk_ _ 1114113 13' 030-07 156 170 " 4.8 1 [•0818 tb 11/"-r'13 i_3'030-07 11 /0 3 13" 0 3 0 - 0 7 156 i 5�3 158 14£, "48 168 �P n.8 1 !140818 --__ �_--= 151—j 145 14.3 � 1 G6 � a � 48 d 140818 —� mbk mbk 11l/.'13 31030 07 N 153 151 1 :3 ; 143 �lG6 48 1[•0818 br 116113 3' 030-0 7 !, 153 .— 151 —_��� L 4.5 � 4> _ 1 GG r 4S 1 A0813 br 11ia/13 " '.030-07 14"8 I 152 1,3."_ ^ 10.6 —J_�62 3 48 140818 tb 11/10/13 r '3'030-07 11/'i1/"3 '`'030-07 11l'i %113 1 030-07 145 145 14.,1. 100 149 1 /_.9 0 140 160 48 '140818 ' 3 '3 8 d 58 48 i 140818 135 _ � .2 j 59 48 I i �.0818 mbk mbk tb ll/13/13 i� '0'30-07 1 "4 i�:; ,31' j "32 11 'A r �� 43 14.0818 mbk 11/14/1,3 G_ I. S'030-07 111/5/13 1; 3" 030-07 q .fin 11 / � 6/13 , .� � 030-07 143 139 138 148 S 1�2 �� 132 _ 158 145 125 13.1 155 . ", 2 i 5 I � 42 � 2.4 � 13� � ! 5,� a � �� A8 140818 48 ' 14.0818 O 4� d 140818 mbk br br 11 / i 7 /13 �_ c 000-07 138 i [•4 122 !� 131 154 48 1140818 tb 111l8/13 ? '31030-07 11 /1 3/13 - 3_ 030-07 h 137 —138 14.2 142 122 �$ 131 154 y� 120 _� 130 — 158 i _ 48 j 1n•0813 48 u 140818 mbk mbk 11120/13 1 c " 030-07 138 111%'.1113 I ' c,1030-07 140 1112 2/13 �_ ' c ", 030-07 140 --._ 142 143 1413 - 120 130 'i 58 126 138 ? 152 � 12G _ 138 152 1 'I 48 j 140818 48 14U818 4.8 g 140818 tb mbk mbk 11 /.%3113 030-0 7 139 1 t-4 120 1 37 ,� b� 4S I 1 n0818 f: r 1124/13 3'0,30-07 134 142 112 12-0 j 153 48 tl 140818 br 11 /25/13 12.' 030-07 131 140 109 120 153_ 48 '140818 tb 11/23/13 13'030-07 130 139 110 120 _L 152 48 140818 mbk 11/27/13 ":-'030-07 130 139 1 111 120 151 48 t 140818 mbk 11/28/13 "3 i030-07 1 142 140 139 140 150 48 140818 mbk 11 /29/13 111>0/13 1211/13 P 131030-07 1::1030-07 j ^ 31030-07 124 124 122 138 140 14 92 0-2_ 90 115 112 110 150 P'150 149_ q 48 140818 48 140818 48 140818 tb gw gw 12/2113 31030-07 122 14.0 _ 90 --j 110 14.9 48 140818 tb 12/3/13 12./4113 3''030-07 --' 31 U30-07 122 122 14.0 14.0 90 90 110 149 110 p 14.9 I 48 Q 140818 48 140818 mbk mbk 1215/13 _ 131030-07 122 140 90 110 149 48 140818 tb 12/6/13 131030-07 122 140 90 110 149 48 140818 gw 12/7/13 131030-07 116 137 86 _ 91 149 48 140818 gw 12/8113 131030-07 119 139 89 98 149 48 140818 tb 12/9113 13,1030-07 120 140 _ 90 100 149 48 140818 mbk 12/10/13 131030-07 120 140 90 100 149 48 140818 mbk 12111/13 131030-07 118 136 90 100 145 48 '140818 tb 12/12/13 ' 131030-07 118 136 90 100 145 48 140818 gw 12/13/13 13'1030-07 118 136 _ 90 100 _ 145 48 1110818 gw 12/14/13 131030-07 118 136 90 102 145 48 140818 tb 12/15/13 131030-07 118 138 89 102 144 48 140818 mbk DAILY TEMPS.xis Page 596 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 12/16/13 131030-07 119 138 90 103 144 FP# FP IN mbk 48 140818 12/17/13 131030-07 119 138 90 103 144 48 140818 tb 12118/13 131030-07 119 138 90 103 48 140818 gw 12/19/13 131030-07 119 '138 _ 90 i103 _144 14T _ 48 140818 gw 12/20/13 131030-07 118 137 _ 90 '101 144 1 48 140818 tb 12/21/13 131030-07 111 139 80 80 143 48 140818 br 12/22/13 131030-07 113 139 90 80 143 48 140818 br 12/23/13 131030-07 112 133 90 80 143 48 140818 gw 12/24/13 131030-07 111 136 84 80 143 48 140818 sf 12/25/13 131030-07 112 136 84 82 144 8 140818 br 12/26/13 131030-07 112 136 90 80 143 48 140818 j br 12127/13 131030-07 113 136 j 92 81 144 j 48 140818 tb 12/28/13 12/29/13 131030-07 131030-07 111 112 132 135 80 84 88 86 144 48 48_ 140818 140818 br br 12/30/13 131030-07 110 134 _ 82 85 _144_ 140 _j 48 140818 gw 12/31/13 131030-07 110 134 82 85 j 140 j 48 140818 sf 1/1/14 131030-07 108 134 72 82 143 48 140818 br 1/2/14 131030-07 108 134 72 82 145 48 140818 br 1/3/14 131030-07 108 134 72 82 145 48 140818 tb 1/4/14 131030-07 106 132 70 1 78 143 _ 48 140818 br 1/5/14 131030-07 105 132 68 78 143 1 48 i 140818 br 1 /6/14 131030-07 105 132 68 ! 78 143 _ I I 48_; 1 1 818 gw 1 /7/14 1/8/14 131030-07 131030-07 105 105 132 i32 68 68 _ 78 78 3143 143 P C 43 140818 48 ? 140818 1 sf br 1/9114 131030-07 105 132 68 78 ! 143 ! 48 140818 br 1/10/14 131030-07 103 131 65 76 j '140 _�^ ( j—� 48 140818 tb 1 /11 /14 131030-07 100 125 j 63 70 j�1422 48 1140818 j br 1/12/14 131030-07 99 122 62 68 j 142 I 48 140818 br 1 /13/14 1/14/14 1/15/14 131030-07 131030-07 131030-07 99 79 79 122 122 122 62 62 j ( 62 68 62 �62 142 ! _68 9 48 'f 40818 j— 48 P 140818sf 48_1 140818 gw E_br 1 /16/14 131030-07 79 j 122 62 j 62 1 63 48 140818 br 1/17/14 1/18/14 131030-07 131030-07 79 79 120 122 j 63 6363-�69 62�j 69 i �..3 14,0818 i:b 48 r1,".0818 mok 1 /19/14 1 /20/14 1/21114 1/22/14 1/23/14 1/29/14 1/30/14 131030-07 1 31030-07 131030-07 ( 131030-07 131030-07 131030-07 131030-07 77 78 77 77 96 91 91 j 118 120 i20 119 118 104 104 62 62. ?— 6.4 —= 62 i 62 69 66 ( 60 68 j 60 60 68 G i j 68 138 j 60 j 58 14.0 —60 58 1140 I 48 140818 ado j 4G i 4 08'i 8 ;b j j 48 140818 mbk 48 ! 140818 j do 46 14!! +b 48 140818 mbk j I 48 ` 140818 dr, 1/31/14 131030-07 91 I 104 j 60 358 140 ---',-467 140818 j tb 2/1114 131030-07 85 j 90 j 54 j 55 I 140— 48i<<08118 i_mok 212114 213114 31030-0-1 131030 07 82 82 8 I 45 54 141� j j 46 1 ;061do j 5`-._' 141_ ( 46 1_11.0616 tb 2/4/14 2/5/14 2/6/14 131030-07 131030-07 131030-07 32 83 83 _8c j 86 j 84 j 84 j 45 j 54 54 334 ;— "i 41 52 j 140 52 ; 140 if48 ? 46 j ', z-08" 8 1 46 140818 { do P 140818=d DAILY TEW)SAs "age 597 " Average DATE PILE Tunp LC,,-,.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.� 3 LOC.,� 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FRI` FP 10] 2/1 tb DAILY TBAPS.As Page 598 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURES ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# 48 FP IN 140818 3/27/14 131030-07 78 60 58 58 134 tb 3/28/14 131030-07 78 60 58 58 134 48 140818 tb 3/29/14 131030-07 78 60 58 58 134 48 140818 tb 3/30/14 131030-07 76 60 _ 57 — 54 _ 134 48 140818 tb 3/31/14 131030-07 76 60 55 54 134 — 48 140818 tb 4/1/14 131030-07 76 60 55 54 134 48 140818 tb 4/2/14 131030-07 76 60 55 54 134 48 140818 gw 413/14 131030-07 76 60 55 54 134 48 140818 tm 4/4/14 131030-07 76 60 55 54 134 48 140818 1 gw 4/5/14 131030-07 76 60 60 54 130 48 ; 140818 j tb 4/6/14 131030-07 78 60 60 60 132 + 48 i 140818 j tb 4/7/14 131030-07 78 60 60 60 132 �� 8 140818 tb 4/8/14 131030-07 78 60 60 6U j 132 ! r1 4fi -j 140818 tb 10/31 /13 131030-08 161 163 162 154 163 48 140818 fib 11 /1 /13 131030-08 163 166 164 160 i 63 _ j 48 ! 140818 tb 11/2/13 131030-08 177 174 180 172 182 48 140818 gw 11/3/13 131030-08 170 166 170 164 178 48 140818 trn 1114/13 131030-08 162 160 160 156 172 48 140818 9 gw 11/5/13 131030-08 160 158 158 152 170 48 140818 tb 11/6/13 131030-08 156 154 154 150 i '164 48 '140818 tb 11/7/13 131030-08 155 154 154 148 162 48 140818 tb 11/8/13 131030-08 155 154 154 148 ; iG2 i 48 ' 14,0818 i +,b 11/9/13 131030-08 153 156 150 9 146 i 160 48 '140818 -La 11/10/13 131030-08 147 144 A 144 140 �_'i58 j 48F 1408 88 gvv 11/11/13 11/12/13 11/13/13 11/14/13 11 /15/13 11/16/13 131030-08 131030-08 131030-08 131030-08 131030-08 131030-08 146 145 145 144 141 141 _ 142 140 140 139 136 —{-- 1;�6, i44142 139 139 139 138 I i38 1 156 141 158 141 ; 158 j 140 156 140 i 150 -----I � 138 1,�5 1 jjj 48 48 714G818 tm 48 140818 hw 48 140818 tb 48 e 140818 I tb i 48 !' 140818 tb -- R 48 ;o 11 /17/13 11/18/13 131030-08 131030-08 141 141 136 136 138 A 138 138 i 50 50 ' 48 i 408 8 1 i0 48 `-140818 j to 11 /19/13 11/20/13 131030-08 /31030 08 14.2 14.2 I 138 139 13� • 139 140 i 150 ! 14.0 i50 — 48 1 1 z. G818 ! t5 48 P ',,'t0818 tS 11/21/13 1310310-08 140 138 Ir 130 ! 138 8 ',40_818 br 11 /22/ 13 131030-08 140 ' ;3 _146_ 1 A, 138 " 146 I E 4.8_I 1 %; 081 r 11/23/13 131030-08 143 ( '139 j 140 143 ! 149 ' ; P 48 14<0818 mbk 11/24/13 11/25/13 131030-08 131030-08 141 141 138 138 136 138 142 } 147 ! 139 � 148 � l 4.8 � 48 "'.0818 4 ,:o d i40818 � lb 11 /26/13 11/27/13 11/28/13 131030-08 131030-08 131030-08 140 140 128 13e�138 1 7 0 140 13E� '139�90 ,,9 �; 4 i' t38 I 147 i42 1 �' 48_f 140818 Lr —�-4i �1%rG8'i8 br 1 48 140818 I mbk 11/29/13 131030-08 ;6 137 139 y 140 1 f to 11/30/13 12/1 /13 131030-08 131030-08 138 137 1,18 ! 136 133 j 144 ! i 34_ 13 ; I 142 _1%•0318 d 4.8 C 1%•0_618� .� br 12/2/13 131030-08 1, _13'- 35 ! 13v ° 'i 46 f I 4846818 f _ 1213/13 12/4/13 131030-0$ i 3'I 030-03 138 138 �_i 39 i 39 135 i 138 _i 4G (—� 4.8 1 %.0013 mbk 135 1 36 14 G—I 48 1 % v8 i 8 DAILY-i-LM1DS.xls !='age 599 COMPOST PILE TFMPE-R,,,i'rURE'S ALL. TEMFIERA'� URES APE REPORTE) M FAHRENHEIT TE,,)/;P. TEtN(n--. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. I N T. I I Average T a m, z) I LC.,C,.g 2 LOG.1" 3 LOU 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 N F)A7E LOC.4 F7EFP 1�i 121"'l 3 ',,:',3 A-. m 'm 28 �35 ':42 4�8 140813 br 12/15, l) 0- 1 8 '!38 '140 r 12 13) 1 1318 70 '41 A8 I lAOS18 mbk 12!- '13 f) 0 - C) 138 1,:U) 10,5 1 '36 '1 AC, 1 11C) 8 18 `.b 1)" :10-01 13F, 13,6 '!/'.1 134. 0 AS 140818 ,b tb 12/',,'?/' 1K 1H 1-5 3,1 "'.2. 14.0 `,'�4 IZ-0818 tb tb "�7 -0� �'f5 12/', K, 14-o 5 "L 1 48 .0818 1 12/1-P3 o 1; 140,' 5 3" 7 -,18 'V. tb 12/15P3 3-2 34. 32 3 8 14-0213 tb 12/1 F,1'3 1�q Q 1 24. `2 '36 4-8 14-0818 tb 12/17/13 3' 3 2 34. 1211. 132 136 1ZIO818 tb 12hF, 3 --c) 132 32 136 b 12/10i13 O'So-OF, 13 2 3 12',.. 1 As 1140818 tb 12/2: 9/ 13 OS 0 - 0,-- 13 1 13 105 48 1 Z-0-01 8 tb 1212 1 (13 03-0-08 131 130 120 13 -5 14-0 4,3 14-0818 tb so-o's 134. 3'0T 1 �,, 4� 22 /1. - 3 5 14-4 43 140818 dc An8 120�11 3 3, 030-Y, i 1- 128 120 L-Z-'-�o 135 48 1 Z-081 8 dc 12/24113 'S, 0 " 0 - OR 128 132 ', -92 126 13. 9- 48 14-0813 mbk 12125-1 113 ' ) 033 0 - 0,'- '129 132 122 -11 ', 23 134 A8 140813 —dc 12/26/13 3 0 0- 0.0-, 133 132 124 135 140 -1-8, 140813 dc 12/27113 12/-,,3/', 3 C. 0 30-N 135 0,:',0-0R 127 132 25 '118 13C 148 126 140 4-0, 140818 mbk dc 12/2.',)/,3 123 124 18 123 141 48 140818 dc lWo-0/1 3- J23 124 i'm 2on 140 48 10-0818 mbk 121311113 01@-08 1.8 124 1 V1, 128 140 48 14-0818 dc 111,14 1, 11 0? 0-08 "12:55 1.23 1 Al 5 12"' 139 48 140818 dc 1 / �;'l 4 3 103 0 - 0 IS 125 12 =3� ', 1 E, "1 22 '139 48 140818 mbk 1 /?!l 4 "j. 10 13. 0 - 0 8 125 123 115 122 1 13 9 41 140118 tl 110 4 1 3 10,' :- 0 - 0 8 1 n 42 118 1 113 117 138 1/5.14 1 /6, �14 --F--1 3103:10-08 '10-08 0,:, 120 120 lis 116 1,111 ill 115 139 115 139 48 140818 48 140818 Lb mbk 1/7,14 ',:'1030-08 120 116 IT 48 140818 tb 1 /F,,'l 4 13'0' :10-08 120 114 .1111 115 139 48 140318 mbk 1/�',/14 '31030-08- "120 116 ill �. 15 139 48 140818 tb 1/10/14 ' `��'030-08 120 116 ill, 115 139 48 140818 mbk 1/11/14 131030-08 112 98 106 107 137 48 140818 mbk 1112/14 1,31030-08 110 94 104 104 136 48 140818 mbk 1/13/14 131030-08 110 94 104 104 136 48 140818 br 1/14/14 131030-08 122 94 104 104 186 48 140818 br 1/15/14 131030-08 122 94 104 104 186 48 140818 tb 1/16/14 131030-08 122 94 104 104 186 48 140818 tb 1/17/14 131030-08 122 90 103 105 190 48 140818 mbk 1/18/14 131030-08 122 90 104 105 190 48 140818 tb 1/19/14 1 '�ib 3 0-0 8 106 84 100 98 140 1 48 140818 tb 1/20/14 1 131030-08 109 89 104 10 E F:::::E 48 140818 gw 1/21LI4 L_ 131030-08 109 89 104 104 140 1 48 _L140818 gw DAILY TEiV,,PS.xls Page 600 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 1/22/14 131030-08 107 85 103 102 139 FP# FP ID# 48 140818 mbk 1/23114 131030-08 106 84 103 103 135 48 140818 mbk 1124/14 131030-08 106 84 103 103 _135 _ 135 48 140818 mbk 1/25/14 131030-08 92 70 84 80 _ 48 140818 br 1/26/14 131030-08 92 '70 84 80 135 _ 48 140818 br 1/27114 131030-08 92 70 84 80 135 48 140818 tb 1/28/14 131030-08 92 70 84 80 135 48 140818 tb 1/29/14 131030-08 92 70 84 80 135 48 140818 mbk 1/30/14 131030-08 92 70 84 80 135 — 48 140818 tb 1/31/14 131030-08 92 70 84 80 135 i 48 j 140818 tb 2/1/14 131030-08 86 60 86 64 135 1 48 lA0818 ow 212/14 131030-08 85 57 86 61 j 136 �� 48 140818 gw 213/14 131030-08 85 57 86 61 136 i 48 j 140818 mbk 2/4/14 131030-08 85 57 86 61 136 48 ! 140818 mok 2/5/14 131030-08 85 54 _ 90 —1 _ 60j -135 ~�_ 48 i40818 mbk 216114 131030-08 85 54 90 1 60 9 135 48 j 140818 br 2/7/14 ' 131030-08 85 54 90 1 60 j 135 j 48 140818 br 218/14 131030-08 86 54 94 GO 135 48 1 "0818 ib 2/9/14 131030-08 86 54 94 1 60 135 48 140818 tb 2/10/14 131030-08 86 54 94 T_80 i35 48TT 140818 mbk 2/11/14 131030-08 86 54 94 j 60 135 48 j 140818 j ib 2/12/14 131030-08 86 54 94 60 ! 135 I ' 48 ; i 40818 j tb 2/13/14 2/14/14 2/15/14 131030-08 '131030-08 131030-08 86 85 85 54 54 54 94 1 60 1 135 ! 92 1 80 1 135 92 80 i 135 4.8 1 140818 gw 48 140818 aw 48 r—k40818 mbk 2/16/14 131030-08 85 92 ��0_ 135 ���----_ �,_ �q 48 G818 3 mbk 2/17/14 _ 131030-08 85 _54_ —1 54 E 92 j 60 j 135 1 I i 48 4,0818� _ mbk 2/18/14 131030-08 85 54, 1 92 1 60 ? 135 j 48 143818 I�br 2/19/14 2/20/14 2/21 /14 131030-08 131030-08 i 3 i 030-08 85 85 86 54. 54 54 92 60 ! 135 � 92 60 135 92� 61 136—� �— 48 140818 48 j 1 Z., 48 140818 br ca 2/22/14 2123/14 2/24/'i 4 2/25/14 2/26/14 131030-08 131030-08 i 31030 OS 131030-08 131030-08 85 85 85 85 85 54 54 54 54 54 1 91 j 91 j 91 91 j 91 60 ! 135 l 60 ? '13,5 f �60 Y 135 60 �135 �� c,0 �135 �— _ib j 48 I 140818 rr;bk 4 6' � •0818 j ib 8 1 i 08 i tb i 48 i 1 08'i8 c,,w 4 - �;i+816_; yw 2/27/14 131030-08 85 54 _ 91 I 60 135 j 48 140818 1 r-;bk 2/28/14 13 i 030-08 j 85 54 j 91 i GO—_135 1 P 40_; `; F J81 d_!_ib 3/1/14 3/2/14 3/3114 131030-08 131030708 131030-08 j 81 I 81� 81 j 50 49 50 j 91 50 ` i34 j 40'_ I�t.-GS13 tb 93� ?9 F— 3,1 ( 1 4—� 'z,08183 to 924S !_132 i 43_I 1�:0818_� to 3/4/14 31030-08 81 50 ; 92 j 49 132 140818 -.o 3/5 3/6114 3/7i 14 3/8114 3/9/14 10-08 p 31030-08 1310c,0-08 131030-0-8 j 131030-08 30 81) 85 _ 77 77 50 50 50� +U ' , 40 ' 90 9U 108 � 04 ! 104 49 j 132 .I 49 +132 1_4. ; �; 3'2 ��d 45 —120 1 1z j j 48 1 1 'T0818 l tb �— 4� 140818t 48 1403', 6 j m A �—' 4.6 r 4u318 It —? 48 8 tb 3/ i 0/14 131030-08 L 7— 4_0 1 104 ; A 12,G ? ! j 48 E_ '_��'i_8 i to DAILY T`EMPS.xls Page 601 Gl.QMP0'-,T PILE TEMPERATURES ALLTEMPEEUf'URE-3 ARE REEPORTE.r) IN FAHRENHEIT TF:t'vlP T'r"1 1, P T F: N1 P TFMIP_ TEMP. TEMP. I N, T. Average PILF 4 Tomp LOC #1 LOCJ# 2 L G (-,*. 9 3 LOC.44 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 jLFP#L= 3/1, 1/14- i I)N-08 77, 104 4.4 48 1Z.r)318 f S 1 llb t1l, 3/ ,211'�4- 77 40 1 C4 4A 20 .•0818 3/1' OKn -0,", 77 �-1 11 n,l �20 146-318 —Irw 7 4,'-', 11-0818, 7 120 tb tb � ­:- 311-V14 0-08 Y10" -08 77 40 1 '104 I -A 120 48, V-0818 311! -Pt 4 �' CIO - mbk _' 311 3 i 0 3, 0 - 08 77 40 104 120_,1 48 A081 8 b 311 1714 77 3/1 Sh 4Y 03 0 - 0 8 77 40 104 44 20 140818 '120 43 lAO818 b tb 91014 0-',0-08 7 —4 1,0 '1 fm A 4 120 AS G 1 A081 8 ' tb _3111 3/2T14 ',3'. 0 30-02 77 d 40 104 t4 1 120 j j 48 E 1 A081 8 tb nn 3/21114 -0 12'30-08 77 Z.,D I rj, I Z." ZJ 48. 6 1 A ORD 18, to 3/2211 44 10: 0a 77 44. DO 44. 129 43 140818 p tb 3/2'1/14 1 0 3O - 0 77 120 14-0818 As rribk 312 13, 77 129 tb 3125;/1,4 3/2:-I1.4 i 030-08 77 _41 90 44. °0 4 '2'9 44 129 813 48 140813 tb tb 3/27/1.4 3'0,30-08 77 44. 90 44 129 48 1 140818 tb 3/28/14 77 44 90 44 129 48 '140818 tb 312 77 44 90 j 44 129 48 k 14-0318 tb 3/30/14 1 ^ 31030-08 76 45 82 44 48 140818 _tb 3/3114 C. ' 0 "' 0 - 0S 76 45� 89- 48 140818 mbk 4/'1-/`14 1,31030-08 ___030-08 4/2.114 g 76 76 4.5 8 -, 4.5 82 4 5 33 12 132 4— 48 1410818, 48 140818 tb tb 4/2., 14 3'03,0-08 4/4)'l 4 0 CO - 0 8 76 73 45 82 45 r 82 453 132 /15 132 48 140818 48 140818 tb do 4P 0-rm :'14 03 81 55 130 7 48 IA-0813 —do 4/6"l 4 1 03 :10-06 8_2 58 85 55 130 48 j -140818 tb 4/7114 82 96 85 j 55 130 48 140818 to 418114 "".110,130-08 82 56 86 55 130 48 i 140818 It 11/21/13 120-06 d 1 1122J1 3 131120-06 134 149 134 150 133 150 1332 135 156 140 1 48 1t-0818 48 Q 140818 Lb do 11/23/13 'IC"L 4120-06 164 161 i 160 168 166 48 140818 do 11 /24/13 13 1120-06 165 153 165 168 48 Q 140818 tb 1112 5/13 131120-06 162 150 159 170 48 140818 tb 11/28/13 L 2"'; 120-06 160 150 160 —169 165 165 48 1 A081 8 'Lb 11 /2: 7/13 '311420-06 ¢ 162 154 d 160 161 166 43 14-0818 tb 11128/13 A:11/_ .11110_06 148 140 9 " 4.4 143 166 48 140818 do 11129/13 '131120-06 150 140 150 138 170 48 140818 do 11/30/13 131120-06 148 140 150 134 166 48 140818 tb 12/1/13 131120-06 146 138 149 132 166 1 48 140818 tb 12/2/13 131120-06 146 138 149 132 166 48 140818 tb 12/3/13 131120-06 146 138 149 132 166 48 140818 tb 1214113 131120-06 146 138 149 132 166 48 140818 do 12/5113 131120-06 146 138 149 132 166 48 140818 do 1216/13 131120-06 146 138 149 132 166 48 140818 tb 12f7/13 131120-06 142 134 128 140 164 48 140818 tb 12/8/13 131120-06 144 136 130 147 164 48 140818 mbk 12/9/13 131120-06 147 139 136 147 165 48 140818 mbk DAILY TEMPS.xis Page 602 1 - COMPOST POLE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 140818 tb 12/10/13 131120-06 147 139 136 147 165 48 12/11/13 131120-06 144 132 135 145 163 48 140818 br 12/12/13 131120-06 144 132 135 145 163 48 140818 br 12/13/13 131120-06 144 132 135 _ —145 _ —'163 48 140818 tb 12/14/13 131120-06 139 132 1 130 134 _�— 158 48 140818 tb 12/15/13 131120-06 138 134 130 132 156 48 140818 tb 12/16/13 131120-06 137 132 132 130 155 48 140818 tb 12/17/13 131120-06 137 132 132 130 155 48 140818 mbk 12/18/13 131120-06 137 132 132 130 155 48 140818 mbk 12/19/13 131120-06 137 132 132 130 155 ; 48—,' 140818 I tb 12/20/13 131120-06 137 132 132 130 155 48 140818 br 12/21/13 131120-06 132 130 124 1 153 48 �140818 br 12/22/13 131120-06 136 130 124 13 159 i 48 /40818 tb 12/23/13 131120-06 130 131 120 6_130 4 139 48 140818 tb 12/24/13 131120-06 135 129 129� _i_ 126 �{ 154—F 48 140818 tb 12/25/13 13'1120-06 134 129 129 126 1 152__ { 18 j 140818 tb 12/26/13 131120-06 135 12-0 129 128 154 4E R 140818 mbk 12/27/13 12/28/13 12/29/13 131120-06 131120-06 131120-06 136 131 133 130 126 124 130 125 127 128 155 1,, 154 '124 155 48 g 48 48 140818 140818 'i40818 mbk tb br 12/30/13 131120-06 132 130 I 125 120 9 153 48 140818 i br 12/31/13 131120-06 I�1120-GG 137 133 130 ' 24 145 12 1200153 28 164 48 1 ,0818 I! ;b 48 �18 �P_1u_8tb1/1/14 1 /2/14 1 /3114 _ 131120-06 131120-06 133 133 1 24 124 _r' 127 127 -28 1 `28_f I �4 154 k �_ 4_8 P 140818 tb 4°� i 408 i ib 1/4/14 1/5/14 131120-06 130 { 130 �i24 9 127 124 ' 126 ; i io�1 1IJ2 N 116 I 152 { _I 48 1,.0818 mbk { 48 4G818 mbk 1 /6114 1 /7114 _131120-06 4 131120-06 131 i 20-06 130 130 124 124 126 126 j 116 152 113 `! 52 �� 48 140818 tb r-48 1; 0316 Lr 1 /8114 1/9/14 131120-06 131120-06 130 130 124 j i24 126 126 116 116 152 If 152 �-1 48_ 140818 r br �1. 48 I 1 08i3tb 1/10/14 ? 131120-06 128 122 125 { 114 1 150_1 ! 48 !_140818 ? tb 1/11/14 {_ 131120-06 127 11_24�_125 ?_1 iG 150_' 4 s4v310 q tb 1/12/14 131120-06 127 124. { 125 108 ' 150 _ 48 i 40818 4 t 1 /13/14 1/14/14 131120-06 131120-06 1_2_7� 127 124 1_215_!_108 ' 1150 ? I 124125 10_8 '—_:50 1 43 _1 �, u8187 ib 48_{ ',40318— b 1 /15/14 1116/14 1/17/14 131120-06 131'120-0G 131120-06 127 127 127 { 12_ f 125 108 �150 I �12.4�� 125 ;�!08 ' 150 { 120 124 { 1.0 1 152 _! 1 4.8 �_11,0818 �_tb 48�_ 4818 ' tb 1 /18/14 131120-G6 125 120 j_i 25 105 50 ? —:", 46 ' z:G0 i 8 1 tb 1/19/14 151120-06 123 { 122 ( 120 106 5=150 08,1 mbk 1/20/14 131120-06 { 124 _ i20 c 120 —10�5 150 ��', 4c '140818 ? to 1 /21 / 14 ? 131120-06 124 20 j_i 20 105 15C 48 38 i 8 tb 1/22/14 J (1 20-06 {_i 24 ' 20 21J ! GJ J0 i—r 1 _iJ1 o 1/24/14 1 /25/14 _,31 120-06 .31120-06— { i23 '119 1' U R 1i8 y GS ^49 j P I 4 ; :5018 a 1 �G� 122 K 8;--I �� 48I_48 i 1 :_G �_18 to 1 /26/14 ' i 3'I 120-G6 119 120 9 1_22 1 84 148 —� 48 k ' <<G3', 8 (��:b 1/27/14 131120-0� 1 1i9 _1 120 '122 {-85 14-8 4c: .08i8 13 DAILY-CC-MPS.xl s P= lge 603 FILE" TEiVlF,,-R,,4�,,jURF3, ALL't'EMPERA ",I ARE REFIORTE-1) N FAHRENHEIT TEII)ip. Tt- . TEMP. TEiNIP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. -1--E Ave: PiUE V Tam age LOCftl LOI 2 C.' LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5LOC.# 6 I.Fligl 4?, 0-3 18 mbki 1(2';'I4 9 '29 22 1 F, 5 1/3'S"/. 1 '22 ',Z.R Z-C)81 "'VIC L 7(l Z.n r 2111 2/2''14 12'0-0133 i 1-17—L 21 78 21:'fl d. "A, " I') . /-',- op � 1 "7 c 21 -2 a 1/1-6 .;1-0818 tb 2 j 4 20-( X V7 2l 2/4. . : , t 21"14 1� 7 --- 20 25 J—L— - , , 0 , n '/-0818 rr;bk 21o'J"I 4. _L__ 1 '7 120 '25 7, /-6 A', 1 1,3 ,,L) 2,1714 31 129-05 7 F-1�50 25 78 t 2/&'l J. d '120-06 17 2 5 7.', A8 140813 'I'D 2/Gj'l 4. 1 1',7 1',10 A 2�1 7 r" 1 z - 5 Z�, C. tb 2/'; 1 417 0 /A 4' 08 1 S 1 A -7 12 .0 fir,li A /.()21 2 li 7 29 L ljL 11-0818 lb 2/1 ' V 4 20 -06 7 120 1 6 78 .5 4-13 mbk 2 ll 20-0�,- 117 14 40 1 78 145 48 140818 mbk 2/1 r) L 117 78 '05 br .Ll 2/lrj/14_j_ 1-1, 122 1 ?!s- 7ti i zl�, 48 V-0818 lDr /1 /111. 2 7 13"1249-06 11 1,7 120 1, 125 78 1 A5 42 140818 tb 2112,/1.4 _j 2/101/14--j- "Y 20-01S. u 1 i 7 .,3 '18 145 48 g 1 14-0813 8. tb I A 1,r) t") nrl 111 120 1 25 4 78 1 1r, A- 18 t 2/2.111 A 2/2' 1/14 120-0�, 4 '20-06 118 118 121 126 1 A 4. .26 80 '0 1 1..r:, At -.6 0-8 11-0818 t)) mbk 2011-4 '120-06 1118 120 11 11125 J— 61 1/,6 48 1 --0818 br 212411.4 2/2,rl:/l 4 --'3 ' 120-06 ,.,,�J, -06 1 40 118 118 120 b 120 125 1 ,25 81 81 i 2.4ro 146 43 48 14-0318 1,40318 br t 2/26/1-4 A—l')" 120-06 118 120 125 V 81 IL—IL6 48 140818 tb 2/2.1 714. '311, 120-06 118 120 125 _j 81 48 1440813 tb 20_ , Z. 3 ,1 12 o - o 6 118 120 12.5 81 146 48 140818 tb 3/1./14- 312! 14 1 /2-0-06 120-06 108 108 110 1111 114 11.4 65 66 11 L14 48 43 I 140818 1z-0818 tb mbk 313+14 !::120-06 108 114 g 114 65 1 Ao 4.8 i 140818 br 3/11.114 120-061 108 114 1'jr4 41.8 V-0818 hr 3/5114 1,410-0c, 108 114 y 11.4 (S 5 140 48 1ll-0818 .10 3/6/14 1J1120-06 108 114 114 65 140 48 140818 tb 3/7/14 13,1120-06 108 114 114 65 140 48 14-0818 tb 3/8114 131120-06 103 92 118 62 140 48 140818 tb 3/9/14 131120-06 103 90 116 64 140 48 140818 tb 3/10114 131120-06 103 90 116 64 140 48 140818 mbk 3/11/14 131120-06 103 90 116 64 140 48 140818 br 3/12l1-4—'131120-06 103 90 116 64 140 48 140818 br 3/13/14 13,1120-06 90 90 64 64 140 48 14-0818 tb 3/14/14 1131120-06 90 90 64 64 140 48 '140818 tb 3/15/14 'i 3,1120-06 90 90 64 64 140 48 140818 tb 3/16/14 121120-06 1 90 90 FFF64 _ F- 140 48 —140818 1 tb DAILY TEMPS.xls Page 604 COMPOST FILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. Average DATE PILE # Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOCN 6 FP# FP IN 3/17/14 131120-06 90 90 64 64 140 48 140318 tb 3/18/14 131120-06 90 90 64 64 140 48 140818 do 3/19/14 131120-06 90 90 64 -- =. — 64 -- 34 -- — 140 - -i 4) —__ 48 140818 do 3/20/14 131120-06 9U C-- __ _ 48 140818 tb 3121/14 131120-06 103 _ 0� 116 64—W 1 0 48 140818 mbk 3/22114 131120-06 100 92 108 60 140 48 1,40818 mbk 3123/14 131120-06 100 92 108 60 140 48 140818 mbk 3124114 131120-06 100 92 108 60 140 48 140313 mbk 3125114 131120-06 100 G;? 1.G8 hi'i_� !?nn v _ _ n8 140R18 - 3/26/14 131120-06 100 92 1 103 6_0 140 + 48_; 140813_; br 3/27114 13-1120-06 100_ 2 _ IN 60 140 I 48 tb 3/28114 131 120-06 100 92 103 60 0 L_ � 43 � i4C3 i� to 312'9h 4 131120-08 94 68 f 06 50 142 g 48 i ',, 4C313 b do 3/30/14 131120-03 95 '70__ 1108 i u _ _ 1�'' — YIJ f ;40_813 _do ' 3/3111 G 131120-C8 95 r 0 1 u3_— :9 � 2.3 k� �� C 43_f 40318 tb 131/1 i31120-u�� 95 �03 �� JJ_—_-- -.� 4 J 141J�J IiJ ? 31 f IIII N niok 412114 '131120-08 95 r 0 i 133 5 J 1 113 48 3 fr ok 4/3114 131120-08 95 i 0 _ 1 G3 5,r) 48 'i 408181 ' rr ok 4/4114 131120-06 94_ ( 17 _ �;i� 140 _ 48 � 14G 313 rr bk 4/6114 ���1�0G6 131120v06 � 96, i_��LL---- 70 +415i14 _ 1G6 64 u 140 �'� Ulu --, _ 48 140818 3r 417114 �31120-06 05 C' �_;C:; �&1 f_i. �9 � C'3"3_' ;j 418;14 131 i 20-06 95 % U i 0 � E,w�'�� DAILY TEMPS.xls Page 605