HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090576 Ver 1_More Info Received_20091006Permit No. D9 - 051 Io (to be provided by DWQ) III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent Lifial below. If requirement has not been met, attach justification. D '?='fl ((V'?? 1L.?3 Pagel Plan O C T 6 2009 Initials Sheet No. JFK' rL 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: DENR-WATEROiAL,'Ty Design at ultimate build-out, WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH - Off-site drainage (if applicable), Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), Basin dimensions, Pretreatment system, High flow bypass system, Maintenance access, Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Overflow device, and Boundaries of drainage easement. •JF K 5 io 2. Partial plan (1" = 30' or larger) and details for the wet detention basin showing: Outlet structure with trash rack or similar, Maintenance access, Permanent pool dimensions, Forebay and main pond with hardened emergency spillway, - Basin cross-section, Vegetation specification for planting shelf, and - Filter strip. C N? 1A) J Plc S46 3. Section view of the wet detention basin 0 " = 20' or larger) showing: Side slopes, 3:1 or lower, - Pretreatment and treatment areas, and Inlet and outlet structures. JPK NIA 4. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified ?M4C? on the plans prior to use as a wet detention basin. -, Ply `L « 5. A table of elevations, areas, incremental volumes & accumulated volumes for overall pond and for forebay, ?p? Ll to verify volume provided. C 6. A construction sequence that shows how the wet detention basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. J py, 7. The supporting calculations. 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0&M) agreement. N 9. A copy of the deed restrictions (if required). 10. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Part III. Required Items Checklist, Page 1 of 1 Permit HCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part Ill) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. (to be provided by DWQ) ?OF W A tF9QG 4jO o 1. PROJECT IMFORUTION Project name JCC-LIBRARY PROJECT Contact person JASON KENNEDY, CLH DESIGN, P.A. Phone number 919-319-6716 Date Drainage area number Site Characteristics L L Drainage area Impervious area, post-development ? % impervious Y. Q Design rainfall depth x Q' Storage Volume: Non-SA Waters I _ Minimum volume required I Volume provided Storage Volume: SA Waters A 1.5' runoff volume Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff L Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff L Minimum volume required Volume provided Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre/post control of the 1yr 24hr storm peak flow required? 1-yr, 24-hr rainfall depth Rational C, pre-development Rational C, post-development Rainfall intensity: 1-yr, 24-hr storm Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow control Elevations Temporary pool elevation Permanent pool elevation SHWT elevation (approx. at the perm. pool elevation) Top of 1 Oft vegetated shelf elevation Bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf elevation Sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond) Sediment cleanout, bottom elevation Sediment storage provided Is there additional volume stored above the state-required temp. pool? Elevation of the top of the additional volume 10/4/2009 14,941,080 fe 5,976,432 ftz 40.00 % 1.0 in 510,487 ft3 510,487 ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 to OK OK, volume provided is equal to or in excess of volume required. N (Y or N) 3.0 in 0.42 (unitless) Assu?r?? o°rd lr'Af t "uwJ FLIL DESMOL f{07o rNAPfX'JW`ei 0.52 (unitless) ...,? 4.80 in/hr OK 707.95 ft3/sec 872.59 ft3/sec 164.64 ft3/sec 136.47 fmsl 135.10 fmsl 130.00 fmsl 135.10 fmsl 133.43 fmsl 133.10 fmsl 132.10 fmsl 1.00 ft N (Y or N) fmsl Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Permit No (to be provided by DWQ) II. DESIGN INFORMATION &A • 1 wt Surface Areas Area, temporary pool 366,555 ftz Area REQUIRED, permanent pool 236,069 ftz SA/DA ratio 1.58 (unitless) Area PROVIDED, permanent pool, APermyoo 356,100 ft' OK Area, bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf, Abot shelf 338,528 ft2 Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Abot_Pond 332,575 ft` Volumes Volume, temporary pool 510,487 ft3 OK Volume, permanent pool, Vperm_pool 1,239,957 ft3 Volume, forebay (sum of forebays if more than one forebay) 65,204 ft3 Forebay % of permanent pool volume 5.3% % Insufficient forebay volume. SAIDA Table Data Design TSS removal 85 % Coastal SAIDA Table Used? n (Y or N) Mountain/Piedmont SA/DA Table Used? y (Y or N) SA/DA ratio 1.58 (unitless) Average depth (used in SA/DA table): Calculation option 1 used? (See Figure 10-21b) 1 (Y or N) Volume, permanent pool, Vperm_pool 1,239,957 It, Area provided, permanent pool, Apefm_pool 356,100 ft` Average depth calculated 3.48 ft OK Average depth used in SA/DA, da,, (Round to nearest 0.5ft) 3.5 It OK Calculation option 2 used? (See Figure 10-2b) N (Y or N) Area provided, permanent pool, Apermiml 356,100 ft Area, bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf, Abot shelf 338,528 ft` Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Abot_pond 332,575 ftz "Depth" (distance blw bottom of 1Oft shelf and top of sediment) 0.33 ft Average depth calculated 3.48 ft Average depth used in SA/DA, day, (Round to nearest 0.5ft) 3.5 ft Drawdown Calculations Drawdown through orifice? Diameter of orifice (if circular) Area of orifice (if-non-circular) Coefficient of discharge (Cc) Driving head (Hn) Drawdown through weir? Weir type Coefficient of discharge (C.) Length of weir (L) Driving head (H) Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow k"N?L >?Et1Ye1? Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow Storage volume discharge rate (through discharge orifice or weir) Storage volume drawdown time Additional Information Vegetated side slopes Vegetated shelf slope Vegetated shelf width Length of flowpath to width ratio Length to width ratio Trash rack for overflow & orifice? Freeboard provided Vegetated filter provided? Recorded drainage easement provided? Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is: Y (Y or N) 30.00 in inz 0.60 (unitless) 1.37 ft N (Y or N) (unitless) (unitless) ft ft 707.95 ft3/sec 872.59 ft3/sec 11.00 ft3/sec 4.11 days OK OK -? Fro, D •? Doom Co-ie-s P? ct+ct? OK, draws down in 2-5 days. 3 :1 OK 10 :1 OK 18.0 ft OK 5 :1 OK 1.6 :1 OK n (Y or N) Trash rack or similar device recommended. 2.0 ft OK n/a (Y or N) OK nla (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) OK N/A Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Parts I. & It. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 W r a 0 r ao O v o fS < o o g 3 3 3 0 OR O o ? O„ Q < 0 m 3 m O p M .T m d 0 7 O v v d 0, N Q a m d m 0 Q O 7 0 0 0 0 3°=0ci ? fD A W O N W ? N) W fb La 00 W N N C O W W N CO Cn PD W (n p V 4P W v W W W m O ( N n O 0 C? / j ? 0 01 0 O CD a- 0 9 O 3 O_ 0 7 CL m lD !D m0 3 m o 1 M - 0 M ; C C W CD N O 3 0 3 A? O O0 o in- O m W C1 y < O (D :: '< c 3 o O o O W W W ? 0 CA Cn fA ? V M ul 1, -P, AV O V 00 ;p sl., -:P -T ;* Q, T O 1 w Oo w V w p w 01 w p w A w W w N ? w .? w to N N N 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 " O W W V M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W V W V W M W Cn W (n W A W W W N N co U7 V O W OO P) P) N O W A A CA V CD O) WO (O CO A O N V O 0 O 0 O V Cn O 0 CCil 00 00 -+ O N O O (n Cn w W W m W C, ? CW w N w - fo = .? 8 :, A 0 V " " Co Oo Co O C8 O -4 A ? V W V V M W -' fr ? .A AA N co O N 0 4 0 En N 0 " 0, N ' IQ W "I N 0 w 0 W O N w CO ? O O V V Cn A Co O A CO A O> N w ? A 8 O W R ? i C) 0 -' N W co Cn co A N - 4m V co CO V O w w w w w w w w 00 ?J Q) Cn U7 A W N o 0 0 -' 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w w w w V V 0 07 V O w O A w Co 'm (3 8 cn co 0 w M N w 00 P -4 A w C0 0 0 a 0 (VO O N Im E V w v O , V B CD Cp 0 0 0 0 V V mg < 0 N CD 0 CD 00 0 D CD w C) CD 3 CD 7 N O C 3 CD m cn < -1 O O O O mr- r < 0 0 3 O 0 s R (D n O 7 d(Od 3 V C1 ?; CD 0 O Co. o c N o 2) 3 O C. N !n 7 C? CD 3 CD 7 SU O G 3 CD J Incremental Drawdown Time Incremental Draw Down Calculation Project Information Project Name: JCC-Library CLH Project #: 08-114 Designed by: JPK Date: 10/4/2009 Checked by: Date: OBJECTIVE: To Provide 2-5 day drawdown of Temporary Pool (Water Quality Volume) Outlet Pipe - Town of Smithfield Pond * Maximum Drawdown Time for Stone Bed (Source: Malcolm Orifice Equation) I Zone 3 Zone 2 U Q3 = 0.0437 Co * D2 (Z-D/24-Ei)A0 2) Q2 = 0.372 Co * D*(Z-Ei)A(3/2) Orifice Diameter (D) = 30.0 in Outlet Pipe of Pond Cd = 0.6 Ei = 135.1 (Orifice Inv.) Zone 2 Range = 135.1 to 137.600 (ft) Zone 3 Range = 137.600 to 142.00 (ft) Incremental Drawdown Method Countour Contour Area Incremental Volume Stage, Z Zone Q Drawdown Time s ft cu ft ft cfs min 135.10 358,952 0 0.00 2.00 0.000 -- 135.20 359,376 35,916 0.10 2.00 0.212 2,827 135.30 359,800 35,959 0.20 2.00 0.599 1,001 135.40 360.223 36,001 0.30 2.00 1.100 545 135.50 360,647 36,044 0.40 2.00 1.694 355 135.60 361,071 36,086 0.50 2.00 2.367 254 135.70 361,495 36,128 0.60 2.00 3.112 193 135.80 361,919 36,171 0.70 2.00 3.922 154 135.90 362,342 36,213 0.80 2.00 4.791 126 136.00 363,190 36,277 0.90 2.00 5.717 106 136.10 363,863 36,353 1.00 2.00 6.696 90 136.20 364,536 1.10 2.00 7.725 79 136.30 365,209 1.20 2.00 8.802 69 136.40 365 882 n 1.30 2.00 9.925 61 136.50 366 555 36,622 1.40 2.00 1 Total 5,915 Drawdown Time = Incremental Volume / Q / 60sec/min Summary Total Volume = 507,231 cf Total Time = 5,915 min Total Time = 4.11 days Total Time = 98.59 hours 10/5/2009 08-114_Supplement_WetBasin_Rev.8_Per Design Plansxls.xls 1 of1 Permit No. _0 1- I>$ 7 (" (to be provided by DWQ) Ill. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST requirement has not been met, attach justification. Pagel Plan Initials Sheet No. Q C T 6 20 RK 09 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: ENR _ ER 4 Q?nY Design at ultimate build-out, ftTtA SANOSTI ?RAfM' ATflq BRgtyCFf - Off-site drainage (if applicable), Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), Basin dimensions, Pretreatment system, High flow bypass system, - Maintenance access, Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), Overflow device, and Boundaries of drainage easement. JP K 2. Partial plan (1" = 30' or larger) and details for the wet detention basin showing: Outlet structure with trash rack or similar, Maintenance access, - Permanent pool dimensions, Forebay and main pond with hardened emergency spillway, Basin cross-section, Vegetation specification for planting shelf, and Filter strip. ? 1,? 1 a) J PI/_ S46 3. Section view of the wet detention basin (1" = 20' or larger) showing: Side slopes, 3:1 or lower, - Pretreatment and treatment areas, and J P K N !A - Inlet and outlet structures. 4. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified on the plans prior to use as a wet detention basin. Piz CALLS 5. A table of elevations, areas, incremental volumes & accumulated volumes for overall pond and for forebay, to verify volume provided. 6. A construction sequence that shows how the wet detention basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. J Py, 7. The supporting calculations. Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0&M) agreement. 9. A copy of the deed restrictions (if required). 10. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Part III. Required Items Checklist, Page 1 of 1 Permit NCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part III) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. (to be provided by DWQ) O?O? W ??T ?9QG o 1. PROJECT INFORMATI0IV Project name JCC-LIBRARY PROJECT Contact person JASON KENNEDY, CLH DESIGN, P.A. Phone number 919-319-6716 Date 10/4/2009 Drainage area number ` Site Characteristics - Drainage area 14,941,080 fe u Impervious area, post-development 5,976,432 ff2 m % impervious 40.00 % SL Design rainfall depth 1.0 in Z p- Storage Volume: Non-SA Waters Minimum volume required 510,487 ff3 OK Volume provided 510,487 ft3 ? OK, volume provided is equal to or in excess of volume required. Storage Volume: SA Waters Q 1.5" runoff volume f3 Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft3 Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft3 Minimum volume required ft3 Volume provided ft3 Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre/post control of the 1yr 24hr storm peak flow required? N (Y or N) 1-yr, 24-hr rainfall depth 3.0 in Rational C, pre-development 0.42 (unitless) ASULMAV 7-076 trk'O9A Ut6-J Rational C, post-development 0.52 (unitless) ?..? ?Pew pcs « Liu% %mkPtrVLo"-r' Rainfall intensity: 1-yr, 24-hr storm 4.80 in/hr OK Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow 707.95 ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow 872.59 ft3/sec Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow control 164.64 ft3/sec Elevations Temporary pool elevation 136.47 fmsl Permanent pool elevation 135.10 fmsl SHWT elevation (approx. at the perm. pool elevation) 130.00 fmsl Top of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation 135.10 fmsl Bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf elevation 133.43 fmsl Sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond) 133.10 fmsl Sediment cleanout, bottom elevation 132.10 fmsl Sediment storage provided 1.00 It Is there additional volume stored above the state-required temp. pool? N (Y or N) Elevation of the top of the additional volume fmsl Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9117/09 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Permit (to be provided by DWQ) 1L DESIGN INFORMATION 'P :R- '? t??N ' Surface Areas Area, temporary pool 366,555 ft2 Area REQUIRED, permanent pool 236,069 ft2 SAIDA ratio 1 58 (unitless) Area PROVIDED, permanent pool, APerm 356,100 ft` OK Area, bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf, Abot_ shelf 338,528 ft` Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Abot_pond 332,575 ft` Volumes Volume, temporary pool 510,487 ft3 OK Volume, permanent pool, Vperm_pml 1,239,957 ft3 Volume, forebay (sum of forebays if more than one forebay) 65,204 ft3 Forebay % of permanent pool volume 5.30% % Insufficient forebay volume. SA/DA Table Data Design TSS removal 85 % Coastal SAIDA Table Used? n (Y or N) Mountain/Piedmont SAIDA Table Used? y (Y or N) SAIDA ratio 1.58 (unitless) Average depth (used in SAIDA table): Calculation option 1 used? (See Figure 10-2b) 1 (Y or N) Volume, permanent pool, VPerm-P-i 1,239,957 ft' Area provided, permanent pool, Apermyool 356,100 ft` Average depth calculated 3.48 ft OK Average depth used in SAIDA, day, (Round to nearest 0.5ft) 3.5 ft OK Calculation option 2 used? (See Figure 10-2b) N (Y or N) Area provided, permanent pool, Apernnjml 356,100 ft` Area, bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf, Abat Aef 338,528 ft` Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Amt-pond 332,575 ft2 "Depth" (distance b/w bottom of 1Oft shelf and top of sediment) 0.33 ft Average depth calculated 3.48 ft OK Average depth used in SAIDA, d.„ (Round to nearest 0.5ft) 3.5 ft OK Drawdown Calculations Drawdown through orifice? Diameter of orifice (if circular) Area of orifice (if-non-circular) Coefficient of discharge (Cc) Driving head (He) Drawdown through weir? Weir type Coefficient of discharge (C.) Length of weir (L) Driving head (H) Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow RI? ???MI?1. l?Eltlon Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow Storage volume discharge rate (through discharge orifice or weir) Storage volume drawdown time Additional Information Vegetated side slopes Vegetated shelf slope Vegetated shelf width Length of flowpath to width ratio Length to width ratio Trash rack for overflow & orifice? Freeboard provided Vegetated filter provided? Recorded drainage easement provided? Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is: Y (Y or N) 30.00 in in' 0.60 (unitless) 1.37 ft N (Y or N) (unitless) (unitless) ft It 707.95 ft3/sec 872.59 ft3/sec 11.00ft3/sec -'? Frrw??¢k? Dowry Cr+Lc.s A--W ct -61' 4.11 days OK, draws down in 2-5 days. 3 :1 OK 10 :1 OK 18.0 ft OK 5 :1 OK 1.6 :1 OK n (Y or N) Trash rack or similar device recommended. 2.0 ft OK nla (Y or N) OK nla (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) OK N/A Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 3 Y m t' r m ? e o < ,. o c g o ,30„ ID 0 Er 3 0 m O p a n 2 m CD 0 7 0 v v y d d 6'Oi N o : Q O 7 O 000 R A m m ? W W W W W m J) C CD N N W W N CO Ch N W CJ7 O V A W Cn V W A m V CO W CJ) V CT CT W NOO -?O? 0 CD 1C J _ c 0 D) m O (D V O a O 3 O_ O a 3 d o C) CD .0 Cep v?O3 O 00_ 'm m o7i CD 0 ° 0_ o_ m m W V W V O m N 0<1 0 =:E R' m ?Q 1 O < C 0 3 W O m . A A V 4 O CD CT 0 l< w OO w ,4 w p w j w m w A w W w ! Q ? W ? W ? N ? N ? N N 0 a a 0 0 0 - - O (O m V m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W V W V W m W CT W Cn W A W W W N N ? ? m (n V W O C W Cb ? m N N V O W 0 A 0 A V m 0 V CO A W ) ? CD UI N OD O O m m 0 0 0 (n 0 0 0 W W W 0) W A co - W - W W N W -? m O CT _..? W O v -4 (D V " N) C O 4 . p A OD O O W O -4 A m m V (7O V V i O W -' m ? N CO O N CO A CO Cn W CO f 71 N N W ? ? m A W ? O (>t w . m A w O N W CO Cn m 0 V V m CO 0 A CO ;p m N W A A D O w ) O 8 T C 0 ' W 0 A N V M N V CO CO -4 C) w w w ca w w w w co V 9) p p A W N 0 0 0 ? o O O - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W W W W l j pp 90 A W 8 CO m O 0 O O N Cl) m N -' W 0 p -4 -.-O, CO -0 0 0 0 0 CVO O N 0) m O O I W -4 w 0) -co 0 0 0 0 m 4 V CT mD o ? o y CD CD J 7 CD T O O D D ll 7 D 3 D 7 J DD J m 0 0 0 mr.c <` -D03= < 0 P ID 0 D =3 8 co) ?E3 0 c ai = m CEO a N O D N a y 7 D 3 D 7 v 3 D U DD Incremental Drawdown Time Incremental Draw Down Calculation Project Information Project Name: JCC-Library CLH Project #: 08-114 Designed by: JPK Date: 1014/2009 Checked by: Date: OBJECTIVE: To Provide 2-5 day drawdown of Temporary Pool (Water Quality Volume) Outlet Pipe - Town of Smithfield Pond * Maximum Drawdown Time for Stone Bed (Source: Malcolm Orifice Equation) I Zone 3 Zone 2 AA 0 Q3 = 0.0437 Cc * D2 (Z-D/24-Ei)A("2) Q2 = 0.372 Co * D*(Z-Ei)AI3i21 Orifice Diameter (D) = 30.0 in Outlet Pipe of Pond Cd = 0.6 El = 135.1 (Orifice Inv.) Zone 2 Range = 135.1 to 137.600 (ft) Zone 3 Range = 137.600 to 142.00 (ft) Incremental Drawdown Method Countour Contour Area Incremental Volume Stage, Z Zone Q Drawdown Time s ft cu ft ft cfs min 135.10 358,952 0 0.00 2.00 0.000 -- 135.20 359,376 35,916 0.10 2.00 0.212 2,827 135.30 359,800 35,959 0.20 2.00 0.599 1,001 135.40 360,223 36,001 0.30 2.00 1.100 545 135.50 360,647 36,044 0.40 2.00 1.694 355 135.60 361,071 36,086 0.50 2.00 2.367 254 135.70 361,495 36,128 0.60 2.00 3.112 193 135.80 361,919 36,171 0.70 2.00 3.922 154 135.90 362,342 36,213 0.80 2.00 4.791 126 136.00 363190 36,277 0.90 2.00 5.717 106 136.10 363.863 36,353 1.00 2.00 6.696 90 136.20 364,536 36,420 1.10 2.00 7.725 79 136.30 365,209 36,487 1.20 2.00 8.802 69 136.40 365,882 36,555 1.30 2.00 9.925 61 136.50 366,555 36,622 1.40 2.00 11.092 55 Total 507,231 5,915 Drawdown Time = Incremental Volume / Q / 60sec/min Summary Total Volume = 507,231 cf Total Time = 5,915 min Total Time = 4.11 days Total Time = 98.59 hours 10/5/2009 08-114_Supplement_WetBasin_Rev.8_Per Design Plansxls.xls 1 of l 0q-05'1(o CLH design, p.a. 400 Regency Forest Drive, Suite 120 Cary North Carolina 27918 Phone: (919) 319-6716 Fax.- (919) 319-7916 OCT ? 4 2009 RMCH 08/21/09 TO: DWQ FROM: Jason P. Kennedy, RE - CLH Design, P.A. RE: JOHNSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE - LIBRARY PROJECT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN CC: File: 08-114 To whom it may concern: Please find below information regarding the existing stormwater management plan for a portion of the Johnston Community College Campus. The site of the proposed Library project is covered under an existing stormwater management plan previously prepared by the Town of Smithfield. The development plans for the Library does not include any new stormwater BMP's. Stormwater runoff from the site is treated for 85% TSS removal and nutrient reduction by the existing Town of Smithfield stormwater pond located north of College Drive. Please find attached the original design summary of the existing stormwater pond. Also attached is a drainage area map for the existing stormwater pond, showing that Library site is located inside the contributing drainage of the existing pond. I 1998 AWWA / W EA CONFERENCE NORTH CAROLINA SECTION STORMWATER RETENTION POND SMITHFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by MARTY STONE, P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER `l'I•iLt WO{)n"M COMPANY November 9, 1998 THE WOOTEN COMPANY Engineering + Architecture 6 Planning 120 North Boylan Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 STORMWATER. RETENTION POND SMITHFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA Marty Stone, P.E. Project Engineer The Wooten Company INTRODUCTION The Town of Smithfield, located in Johnston County, North Carolina, is bisected along a north/south axis by the Neuse River. The Spring Branch watershed drains into the Neuse River from the east (reference area map). The watershed consists of a developing residential and commercial area in the upper reaches and a developed historic district and central business district in the lower reaches. Many homes and businesses have been built within the floodplain. In some areas development has encroached on the stream, restricting not only normal flow conditions, but also access for proper maintenance. Heavy rainfall has resulted in fl'equent flooding of properties adjacent to the stream. Intense development in the upper (eastern) region of the watershed along the I-95 corridor and the Johnston Community College campus have compounded the flooding problem due to increased runoff The Town needed a cost effective solution to the flooding problems. The solution had to be aesthetically pleasing and provide for unproved stortwater quality consistent with the then proposed Neuse River Rules. The Wooten Company has worked with the Town of Smithfield to develop a plan to construct a sub- regional retention pond in the upper reaches of the drainage basin. The retention pond was designed to attenuate the discharge of stormwater to downstream structures to allow for the utilization of the existing piping and channels. Furthermore, the pond was designed in accordance with best management practices to provide stormwater quality improvements prior to discharge. Additionally, the pond would serve as a focal point for a park in East Smithfield and a natural wildlife habitat for the community college. Of the three alternatives considered in the original study, a sub-regional retention pond to reduce stormwater peak flows was the most cost effective and aesthetically pleasing solution. The retention pond further served to meet the Town's objective to be proactive in protecting the water quality of the Neuse River. INITIAL PL.ANIUNG In 1996 there was a major emphasis placed on stormwater management as a result of Hurricanes Bertha slid Fran and other major rainfall events during the yeas. During large rainfall events, existing stormwater facilities were stressed which resulted in several flooding events along Spring Branch. Furthermore, there was local pressure to solve the problem in East Smithfield by increasing the cmTying capacities of the drainage system without further stressing the downstream structures. East Smithfield is the area of Smithfield which lies to the east of the CSX Transportation railroad. The area has a very flat topography and limited existing storm drainage. _I - i\N • , r •i r ri j ti SPRING BRANC WATERSHED i s i .> s? 0 k I ,'F/rREAST PINE E rRETENTION POND ,ti SMITHFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA mpany fngineenng N TS Awning Archifectere EAST SMITHFIELD/PINE ACRES RETENTION POND Woolen Initially, diversion of stormwater from the upper watershed to adjacent watersheds was considered. Diversion of stormwater seemed to be the most probable solution because of the lack of availability of land for a retention pond and the extreme costs to make improvements to Spring Branch. Diversion was considered through the installation ofa 60-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe or through the construction of an open ditch. In the early design stages, it was determined that neither the pipe nor the ditch alternatives would be sufficient for the Town's needs and both had some design drawbacks. The pipe and ditch alternatives were dropped from consideration for the following reasons: 1. The ditch became very large and a potential liability for the Town while trying to carry the desired flows at minimum grades. 2. The ditch was going to impact a red-cockaded woodpecker habitat and wetlands. 3. The pipe would only carry approximately 10% of the flow from the watershed and was expensive. Thus, it had a very high cast-to-benefit ratio. 4. The pipe was a potential public hazard because portions of the pipe would have been approximately 20' underground. Measures would have been needed to keep children from entering the pipe. 5. Both alternatives were designed against grade and crossed watershed boundaries. 6. Both alternatives required tunneling under I-95. 7. Both alternatives would be high maintenance due to minimum grades. 8. Finally, neither the pipe nor the ditch would improve water quality. This was an important issue because Smithfield is within the Neuse River Basin. The Town wanted to control its flooding while considering the then proposed Neuse River Rules in order to get a head start in protecting water quality in the Neuse River. IIROPQS D N .tiS . RIVER Rili F-4 The Neuse River Rules were developed as a draft plan in mid-1996. Within the rules, guidelines were provided for urban stornwater management for all municipalities greater than 5000 in population. The guidelines stated that all projects within the Neuse River Basin that required a sedimentation and erosion control plan would be required to meet stormwater provisions. The provisions could be met by using either low density or high density development. Low density development was limited to one acre lots or 120/a built-upon area and would not allow for stormwater conveyance systems (must utilize natural drainage features). Agh density development was required to have stormwater management systems in accordance with requirements stated in the North Carolina Administrative Code Section 15A NCAC 2H.1000 - Stormwater Management, paragraph .1006 - Stormwater Requirements: High Quality Waters. For Smithfield, the high density option was chosen because of existing and proposed development and existing infrastructure within the basin. In order to meet the requirements of the high density option for high quality waters, the design was based on paragraphs .1008 (c) and (e) of the Stormwater Management section of the North Carolina Administrative Code and "Stormwater Best Management Practices" as published by the North Carolina Department ofLnvironment, Health and Natural Resources in 1995. The "Stormwater Best Management Practices" document explains how to design BMP's to satisfy the requirements of the code. Because water quantity was a concern, a retention pond was the best choice for improving -3- water quality *. Wiens bo& vsdw Voifty *rA tidy to n*t'the Towwa needs, the N. S fit) sad'l a a Afi'tttW*W smvtge Vah" to oft btu of Ow *04 Vok"M 40 rQF bhp 3t sr sw m t DESIGN Sizing the pond permanent pool surfhce area to allow for an expected *,3* " removal efficiency was required as the initial phase of the design. The chart provided by the BMP's gives the surface area to drainage area mtio!(AMi based on permanent pool depth and amount of impervious area as a percentage ofthe total drainage area. For this pond, *.*t 34b* ant # i MMt'MN `aM I'# iii4 r' t, A 6-oa *~sa l*VOqdk* Ibt maw,voW Also, to ensure water quality, the pond had to minimize dead storage and short circuiting by maintaining a length to width ratio A *e> The length to width ratio was met by constructing a baffle of earthen material across the pond at a diagonal with the surface of the baffle located at normal pool depth. This allowed for the length to width ratios from the two discharges, one from the north side ofUS 70 and the other from Johnston Community College, to be 4:1 and 3:1, respectively. The baffle also created an environment favorable for wetland plants which can help to remove nutrients from the water. Furthermore, for wetland plants, an aquatic shelf at 6:1 was designed to extend around the perimeter of the pond. This shelf would also serve as a safety feature in case someone was to fail into the pond. As part of the pond layout and permanent water quality pool, a forebay was incorporated into the design. The forebay was designed to contain each of the two discharges coming into the pond and to encourage early settling of sediments. Earthen material was used to construct the forebay such that water coming in through the two inlets would be forced around the edge of the pond to a 65-foot weir section set at normal pool before entering the main body of the pond. This would allow sediments to fall out before entering the pond at a location which could be cleaned out from the batiks using a trackhoe or small drag line without having to drain the pond. Also, the forebay was made 10 feet deep to allow longer periods between cleanouts. Refer to Exhibit 2 for important pond features. Above the normal pool, a temporary water quality pool was designed to retain the first inch of runoff Ibr I'le 5'4*s. The first inch volume was calculated using the Sanpie Method by Schueler (1987). The required volume to retain wa.r(g (design rainfall in inchesX0.05 + 0.049cle impervious)X 12)(drainage area in acres) where the design flow equaled 1 inch and the drainage area was 343 acres. With the principle spillway, which will be discussed later, the temporary pool could drain to 100/a volume remaining after 2 days and to less than 2% remaining in 5 days. Once the pond's permanent pool depth, surface area, and required temporary pool volume were determined for water quality issues, design considerations were addressed to reduce flooding. The pond was designed to retain the l0 year storm and to release it at a rate such that the existing downstream drainage system could be utilized. %Wom-dw to 40, tom, A MOMMI .' This presented a problem because the elevation difference between the two existing upstream culvert discharges and the existing downstream structure was less than 5 feet which did not allow for enough storage given a 6-acre surface area. Therefore, the wet surface area of the pond had to be enlarged to retain a larger volume of runoff while keeping in mind the availability and cost of land. -4- H In order to size the outlet structure and pond surface area combination that would meet the as developed by the Army Corps of Engineers were used for routing. Through routing, the discharge pipe was sized as a 304nch SDR 21 high density polyethylene (HOPE) pipe and the wet surface area was increased to 7.2 acres. During a 10-year storm event, the peak inflow of 342 cfs was limited to a maximum discharge of approximately 30 cfs (reference Exhibit 3). HDPE piping was chosen because of its superior hydraulic properties and when butt-fused together, there are no joints to leak. to the pipe to prevent seepage through the dam. Additionally, because of the low head conditions and slight slope of the discharge pipe, no special piping was needed to drain the temporary pool in the required range of2 to 5 days. To prevent dam overtopping during the 100-year storm, a 50-foot wide emergency spillway was designed in the form of a broad-crested weir to discharge sheet flow overland. The emergency spillway was lined with filter fabric'and NCDOT Class 2 rip rap. During a I00-year storm event, the pond surface area would cover approximately 10 acres. After all the engineering criteria for a functional pond was addressed, the client's criteria for an aesthetically pleasing and natural looking pond were incorporated into the final layout and design of the pond. The pond was laid out so it fit into the surroundings via the pond's geometry and landscaping around its perimeter. The pond was located across from a community college and adjacent to a residential community and ball fields. The location of the pond created other interesting engineering problems which had to be dealt with in design. First, after locating the pond, how to get the runofffrom the north side of US 70 had to be answered. Because the existing piped drainage system was inadequate to carry the runoff being delivered to it from the ditch draining the north side of US 70, a 950-foot bypass had to be constructed around a church to the pond. An open ditch bypass was not possible because of the adjacent ball fields. Therefore, a piped system had to be designed. Because of the limited head available, either 2 - 54- inch reinforced concrete pipes or 1- 5-foot by 5-foot reinforced concrete box culvert had to be used. The box culvert was chosen because it was the more economical solution. Another obstacle which had to be dealt with was an existing 10-inch gravity sewer which ran approximately across the center of the proposed pond location. The sewer drained to a pump station on the west side of the pond location. There was not enough grade available to reroute the 10-inch line around the southwest side of the pond because of the additional 700 feet of line needed. Therefore, the line was up sized to a 12-inch gravity line and laid at the absolute minimum grade to maintain 2 feet per second. Then, because the new invert was lower than the existing, an 8-foot diameter wet well was installed to make up for lost volume in the existing wet well and the pump station controls were reworked. CONC USION Since its construction was completed in December 1997, the pond has been tested by several major rain events with no resulting flooding in the downstream reaches of the pond: The sub-regional approach has resulted in a cost effective solution for the flooding problem along Spring Branch. The design features of the pond will work to improve stormwater quality. Finally, with the landscaping -6- "a It .. - (p) AOM MJAUg JQjNM Nr v ? e?i .M. ? W 3 ? Q I 1 1 1 1 I I t I o ? I r M 1 n o I ? o Ck j # I .? 1 i O I t r r I 1 1 - tl' 1 1 ti CI (qaj olaagaqu t? W around the pond, the facility fits into a natural setting allowing its use as a focal point for a proposed park and wildlife habitat. In conclusion, the pond is an aesthetically pleasing and well performing retention basin which meets (lie needs orthe'rown of Smithfield. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ron Owens, Town of Smithfield Vance Brooks, P.E., Project Manager, The Wooten Company Dan Boone, P.E., Civil/Lnvironmental Department Head, The Wooten Company -8- n F (D N n i m 0 0 rn rr d >y rt ID 0 N I ?i I 0 0 0 C') 9 c? 0 as -? N d 0 n o ? ? x G C? 0 O CD N w `t N 0] G' (D N N N I? 0 0 (D Ct u pi tt (D 0 N I I 0 e \ \ \ ? J Q 0 0 0 Ln 0 C* CD o ? n 7 O 0 >v N 'd CD CD I 244311 ",::? j:ar;h L'veiga, Lhn• p ti!cJ lop ed strahon a. © bI ReRater of Deeds 0 19 in ft Recorded in Soon tj Page N, p g Sr /I Re of mtelae Tax I Pecordtng 71me, Book and Page Tax Lot No ........................................................................................... Parcel Identifier No..................................... ...... ............................ :..• Verified by ....................................................................... County on the ................ day of .............. .......................................... , 18............ by Mail after recording to ....GRANTEE ...........................•.•.•................................................................................................................................. ...................... ...... -.1 .............. ......................................................... ... ......................................................................................................... This instrument was prepared by ..SPENCE...A..SPENCE.,...R..A..,-Post..Office..Sox..133.5.,...Smithfield.,...MC..... 2757"7... Brief description for the Index NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED October THIS,DEED made this ..14th.... day of ....... SEPfEMBE{t................................. 19....87..., by and between GRANTOR I . JOHNSTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION GRANTEE TOWN OF SMITHFIELD, A NC MUNICIPAL CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 761 SMITHFIELD, NC 27577 R I Eater is syyreorlsie block for each party: same, addrtm sad, u appropriate, character of entby, e4 earperatien or psttamab1p, The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter an required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of .................. S14M- FIELD••••••......••••• ........... D"FIELO............. Township, ........... JOHNST.ON..................... County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: BEING ALL OF TRACT C, 0.950 ACRES, ACCORDING TO A SURVEY ENTITLED, "RECOMBINATION SURVEY AND PROPOSED EASEMENT FOR TOWN OF SMITHFIELD," PREPARED BY M. M. WEEKS LAND SURVEYING SAID PLAT BEING RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 50, PAGE 319, JOHNSTON COUNTY REGISTRY. N. C. Not Anon. Form No. 60 1977 - Jw,w won.- a Mmd by av, "Ah "N N. C. ow A- - 1981 BOaK 6 4 3 PHE 13 7 ;'00111 G 1) 3 PHE 3 3 0 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in .............................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book ........................ page ......................... . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. ,. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has bereunto set his band and seat, or it corponter has eawod this teal 10A Lta nrpente tome by its duty authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority a Its 1304 d e/ Dtre i1V % •?ore carouse. A ----------------- -- -- -- -- -- a» - 1?lsT0CRUM.OQ ----- . -(Corporate n ey: ----- ---------•- ---- --- - -- ---- _-_.-.- 1 aiirt, ?• :_,r.:caq+t ................................President AIRMAN OF THE BO `' `+ '`: ,!•?/" as n °?1 ATTEST: mss.. - . ............................................................... LLL??777 - SECRETARY TO THE ....... ................... Secretary (corporate seal) ----.(SEAL) SRAL-STAMP 1. WORTH CAROLINA, ..................................county. 9 0 I. a Notary Public of the County and state aforeuld, certify that ------------------------------------------- M -------------•------------------------------------ Grantor, personally appeared before me this day and aekaewledged the .x.@091481 of the tongoing lastreateat. Witness fay O head and official stamp of seal, this day of ...............................11...... M ¦ 0 My commission expires: ------------------------------- --.................................... Notary Pu?Ite +til, ••:.. Sit" - STAMP NORTH CAROLINA. --------- aWKSTM............ county. y a Notary Public of the County sad State aforesaid, cerWy that :e ..... .` :; seeY?t?tj)?.of Personally came before me this day and acknowledged that .... he ......... .. ..... . ,1QHNSZON_i?SlNTIf__6AAf?0 OE. EQI?J!??SZN._ tenucs?InoolKxxtool 11.r t'A Aesi dt siren and as the act of the 69ka, the foregoing 1 strameaewar signed In a by ?q i?4hi _ n D ItlretrNK seated with Its corporate seal sad attested by _ .I 1 c lu'..l .. ?.?,1ty??llse crap. S. ].. .1•?.• . Witness my hand and official stamp or seat, this L Riley of III 9MOG All 41 My eemmisslon OKPIM: -4 l2es ---- ? -- - f:?))1t?er Pnblle The foregoing Certlaeste(s) of ._...r_•-_?A.el e._...fai--__- ----- W..? -----_°----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --•--------------------------------------°_-..------°°-------_.-.._----------------------------------------------°------------------------ Is/stiff certlaed to be correct. This instrument and this certificate are duty registered at the date and time and in the Beek and Page shown on the -?Gy Ant pa ere COUNTY ... ? /fl . -7 ----- C.,----:t0---------------------------------REOISTER OF DEEDS FOR ------- - By ... ...................Deputy/Argoolpa}seelaler floods. • ------------- Pro. N. C. Ear Anoc. Form No. 6 O t977 -A,..wlsrrlr • a., I,s:.. s.. m, rwlw,en. N. e. 77016 Sim ' hlostl b, ArN -1% IM N. C. Y Anse. - 1901 I IF SINCE F'ROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Engineering • Environmental • Geotechnical 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-23021 USA 1881 ® T 919.828.34411 F 919.582.0304 September 29, 2008 Mr. Herman Kight Johnston Community College P.O. Box 2350 Smithfield, NC 27577 Re: Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation Report New Library Building Johnston Community College Smithfield, North Carolina F&R Project No. J66-091G Dear Mr. Kight: 09 - O SlIp OCT PD f2@[#flWR s 2009 WETtAN SAS ORMWA ERBRANGi Froehling and Robertson, Inc. (F&R) has completed the authorized Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation for the referenced project site in Smithfield, North Carolina. This report contains a description of the project information furnished to F&R, a discussion of general subsurface conditions encountered during the exploration and geotechnical engineering recommendations for the proposed construction. We have enjoyed working with you and appreciate the opportunity to serve as your geotechnical consultant on this project. If you need further information, or if we can provide additional services, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 00 Michael S. Sabodish, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. Geotechnical Engineer `CAR0'// CL 0 S :hael J. Scarlett, P.E. ic9 • Gt . • • ?` rRineering Services Manager 4111111110 HQ: 301S DUMBARTON ROAD RICHMOND, VA 23228 USA T 804.264.2701 F 804.264.1202 www.fandr.com VIRGINIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA • EASTERN EUROPE "A HUB Program Participant" q f SINCE FAR SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT NEW LIBRARY BUILDING JOHNSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SMITHFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. J66-091G Prepared For: JOHNSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE 245 College Road P.O. Box 235 Smithfield, NC 27577 Prepared By: FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Phone: (919) 828-3441 • Fax: (919) 828-5751 September 29, 2008 9 4 SINC@ FAR 188. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE & SCOPE OF SERVICES ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of Study .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Scope of Services .............................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................. 1 2.1 Site and Proposed Grading Information ........................................................................................ 2 3.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 Field Exploration .............................................................................................................................. 2 3.2 Laboratory Testing ........................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................. 4 4.1 Regional Geology ............................................................................................................................. 4 4.2 Subsurface Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 4 4.2.1 Surficial Organic Soils ........................................................................................................ 5 4.2.2 Native Soils ........................................................................................................................ 5 4.3 Soil Moisture and Groundwater Conditions .................................................................................... 6 5.0 ENGINEERING EVALUATION & RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................... 8 5.1 General Development Considertions ........................................................................................... .. 8 5.2 Site Preparation .............................................................................................................................. .. 9 5,3 PWR Excavation ............................................................................................................................. 10 5.4 Structural Fill Placement and Compaction .................................................................................. 11 5.5 Foundations ................................................................................................................................... 12 5.6 Seismic Design Criteria .................................................................................................................. 14 5.7 Floor Slabs ...................................................................................................................................... 14 5.8 Pavements ..................................................................................................................................... 15 5.9 Cut and Fill Slopes ......................................................................................................................... 16 5.10 Temporary Excavation Recommendations .................................................................................. 16 6.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL ............................................................................................................ 17 7.0 LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 18 APPENDIX A - FIGURES APPENDIX B - BORING LOGS APPENDIX C - LABORATORY TEST RESULTS APPENDIX D- SEISMIC ANALYSIS RESULTS l P SINCE IHH1 1.0 PURPOSE & SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.1 PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of this subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation was to explore the subsurface conditions and assess the feasibility of new library construction within the specific area of development and to provide geotechnical design recommendations for foundation, floor slab and pavement structure construction as well as recommendations related to site preparation, earthwork and quality control measures. This work was performed in general accordance with F&R's Proposal No. 0966-063G, dated July 18, 2008. 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES F&R's scope of services included the following: • Completion of 14 soil test borings (B-10 through B-23) to depths ranging from approximately 15 to 25 feet below the existing ground surface; • Description of the proposed construction and anticipated structural loads; • Descriptions of the site subsurface conditions including the preparation of typed Boring Logs and Subsurface Profiles; • Description of the site groundwater conditions; • Site preparation and earthwork construction recommendations; Foundation recommendations including design parameters (e.g., frost penetration depths, bearing capacity and bearing elevation), settlement estimates and construction procedures; • A seismic site classification and preliminary liquefaction evaluation utilizing N-values obtained from the soil test borings. • Floor slab design, pavements and construction recommendations; • Recommendations for quality control and materials testing. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION F&R understands the proposed development will consist of the construction of a new library building to be located at the previously determined wetland location on the campus of the Johnston Community College. The proposed construction will also include a parking area to the John.slon Conummily College I,R/t Projecl No. J66-0916 A+ew Library Buildbig Seplemlmr 29, 2008 u7MC1 FAR f 7181 west and storm water BMP to the northeast. Based on the information provided in the Request for Proposal and review of the provided site plan, the proposed construction will consist of a two-story, brick and metal stud building with an area of approximately 35,000 ft2. Specific structural loading information is not available at this time, but maximum column loads are anticipated to be on the order of 100 to 150 kips based on our past experience with similar structures on the JCC campus. Based on the most recent conversations with the project architect (Mr. Stephen Wilt, MBAJ), the Finished Floor Elevation (FFE) for the new library building is set at Elevation (EL) 147. 2.1 SITE AND PROPOSED GRADING INFORMATION The project site is located on the south side of College Road, just southwest of the intersection of Highway 70 in Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina as (see Figure 1, Site Vicinity Map). The project site is located in a previously identified wetlands area on the south side of College Road and directly north of the existing Britt Building. Several drainage features and/or swales drain the property to the west and northwest. The building site is relatively flat with ground surface elevations in the area of proposed construction range from approximately EL 143 to 147. Based on information provided to us by MBAJ, it appears that the proposed building area will require 2 to 4 feet of fill across the building pad, while parking and drive areas are already at finished grade or will require approximately 3 feet of fill in the vicinity of boring B-11. 3.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES 3.1 FIELD EXPLORATION As requested, F&R advanced a total of 19 soil test borings at the locations depicted on the Boring Location Plans provided in Appendix A of this report (see Figures 2 & 3). Of these 19 borings, borings B-5 through B-9 were advanced in our preliminary exploration, while borings B- 10 through B-23 were advanced in our final exploration. F&R understands that the soil test boring locations were selected by others. Borings B-5 through B-9 and borings B-12 through B- 20 were advanced in the area of the proposed building. Borings B-10 and B-11 were advanced Johnston C onntyunily College 2 1- R Project No. J66-0916 New Library Building September 29, 2008 sircr: Iasi in the area of future parking and drive areas, while borings B-21 and B-23 were advanced in the area of the proposed storm water BMP. Boring B-23 was an exploratory boring and is not located in area proposed to be developed at this time. The test borings were advanced to termination depths ranging from approximately 15 to 25 feet below the existing ground surface. The soil test borings were established in the field by representatives from F&R using GPS locating techniques. The ground surface elevations presented in the boring logs were obtained by GPS methods. The test borings were advanced by ATV mounted drill rigs using 2-1/4" inside diameter (I.D.) hollow stem augers for borehole stabilization. Representative soil samples were obtained using a standard two-inch outside diameter (O.D.) split barrel sampler in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils (Standard Penetration Test). The number of blows required to drive the split barrel sampler three consecutive 6-inch increments is recorded and the blows of the last two 6-inch increments are added to obtain the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-values representing the penetration resistance of the soil. Standard Penetration Tests were performed almost continuously to a depth of 10 feet and at a nominal interval of approximately S feet thereafter. A representative portion of the soil was obtained from each SPT sample, sealed in an eight-ounce glass jar, labeled and transported to our laboratory for final classification and analysis by a geotechnical engineer. The soil samples were classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), using visual-manual identification procedures (ASTM D 2488). A Boring Log for each test boring is presented in Appendix B. 3.2 LABORATORY TESTING F&R selected three (3) soil samples and subjected them to routine geotechnical index testing consisting of Natural Moisture Content, Grain Size Distribution, and Atterberg Limits determinations. The purpose of the index testing was to aid in our classification of the soil samples and development of engineering recommendations. The laboratory testing was Johnsion Conununify College 3 F&R Project No. J66-091G New Library Building Seplember 29, 2008 S 131 CE FAR m X881 performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM standards. The laboratory test results are summarized in the following table and also presented in Appendix C of this report. Grain Size Sam le Natural Atterberg Distribution Sample p M i t Li it USCS # Depth o s ure m s Percent Passing Soil Content (ft) Class. M LL PI # 4 #200 B-11 6.5-8.0 25.2 53 32 9 91 CH B-14 8.5-10.0 28.6 61 36 1.9 98.1 CH B-23 3.5-5.0 14.4 30 14 42.4 57.6 CL 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY The project site is geologically located along the western border of the Coastal Plain physiographic province near the contact with the Piedmont. In this area, it appears that near surface soils consist of relatively shallow marine sediments (Terrace and Upland deposits of gravels, sands and sandy clays) of the Coastal Plain that overlie residual soils of the Piedmont physiographic province. It is noted that the Coastal Plain soils are derived from marine deposition and vary in thickness from only a few feet along the western border of the Coastal Plain (in the area of this project) to over 10,000 feet in some areas along the coast. 4.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface Profiles have been prepared from the boring data (B-5 through B-9 and B-10 through B-23) to graphically illustrate the subsurface conditions encountered at the site and are provided in Appendix A as Figures 4 & 5. More detailed descriptions of the subsurface conditions are presented on the Boring Logs, which are provided in Appendix B of this report for your review. Strata breaks designated on the Boring Logs and Subsurface Profiles, and discussed herein, represent approximate boundaries between soil types. The transition from one soil type to another may be gradual or occur between soil samples. Johnston Community College New l ibrag 13ufkling 1-&KP) oject No. J(b-091G September 29, 2008 S,NCIi F&R 4.2.1 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS The surficial organic soils (Organic Laden Soils) observed in a majority of the soil test borings typically consisted of brown-gray to gray, silty/clayey sandy soils with root-mat and organic material. These surficial soils generally extended in a majority of the test borings from the ground surface to depths ranging from 2 to 6 inches. We note that these measurements were made by the drillers from observations of the soil sample recovered in the split barrel sampler and should be considered approximate. We also note that the transition from organic laden soils to underlying materials may be gradual and therefore the observation and measurement of surficial organic soils depths is subjective. Actual organic laden soil thicknesses/depths should be expected to vary or be different at other locations of the project site. Roots were noted extending down beneath the organic laden soil layer to depths of approximately 2.0 to 3.5 feet in some of the test borings. Based on F&R's experience, stripping depths of 9 to 12 inches or greater are anticipated during the site development. 4.2.2 NATIVE SOILS Below the surficial organic soil, the native soils encountered in the test borings typically consisted low plasticity silty clays, silty sands and/or clayey sands (USCS - CL, SM and SC soils). Underlying the layers of silty clays and sands and clayey sands, layers of moderate to highly plastic silty clayey soils (USCS - CL and CH soils) were encountered to depths of approximately 10 feet below existing ground surface. The high plastic clays were encountered in 9 of the 14 soil test borings (B-10, B- 11, B-12, B-14, B-16, B-17, B-18, B-19 and B-20) typically in the lower 10 to 15 feet of the soil profile. Underlying the moderate to highly plastic clays, silty sands (USCS - SM) and clean sands (USCS -SP) extend to boring termination. The soils in the upper 5 feet of the soil profile are typically dry to moist with the exception of borings B-14 through B-20 where wet and saturated soils were encountered. The consistency of the soils in this area were loose and soft to hard. Loose soils represented by SPT N-values of 10 blows per foot (bpf) or less were encountered in 4 soil test borings from ground surface to depths typically ranging from approximately 2 to 5 feet. Very soft to soft soils represented by SPT N-values of 4 blows per foot (bpf) or less were encountered in 10 soil test borings from ground surface to depths typically ranging from .Iohnaro» communils, College 5 MR Project No. J66-09I G New Libraq Building September 29. 2008 51NC1 EAR ,9lI approximately 2 to 5 feet. The consistency of silty and or clayey soils below a depth of 5 feet typically ranged from firm to very stiff (SPT N-values typically ranging from 5 to 16); the relative density of the silty sands and sandy soils below a depth of 10 feet typically ranged from very loose to medium dense (SPT N-values typically ranging from 2 to 19 bpf). Soils classified as Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) was encountered in one soil test the boring (B-17) at a depth of approximately 19 feet below existing ground surface. PWR is defined, for engineering purposes, as native undisturbed materials exhibiting Standard Penetration Resistances in excess of 100 bpf. The SPT N-values at this location ranged from 50 blows per 1" of penetration to 50 blows per 3" of penetration and was typically sampled as very hard fine sandy silt (ML). 4.3 SOIL MOISTURE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS In general, soils recovered from soil test borings were typically dry to moist. However, as reported in the above section, wet and saturated soils were noted in several of the test borings, typically in the upper 3.5 feet of the soil profile (B-13, B-14, B-15, B-16, B-17, B-18, B-19 and 13- 20). Deeper wet soils extending to depths ranging from 10 to 15 feet below the ground surface were also noted in the above borings as well as borings B-12, B-21, B-22 and B-23. Groundwater levels were recorded in all of the test borings upon the completion of drilling and after 24-hours following drilling operations. Additionally, temporary PVC piezometers were installed in 6 of the test borings to obtain stabilized water levels. The following table provides a summary of observed groundwater readings: Johnston comurrority College _ 6 I-"& R Project No. J66-t)91G New 1_ibrnry Building September 29, 2008 $InCE. FAR Boring Groundwater depth (ft) below the existing ground surface # IAD** After 24 hours B-10 10.0 7.6/cave @ 10.0 B-11 Dry 11.0/cave @ 11.5 B-12* 11.0 6.4 B-13* Dry Dry B-14 4.0 0.0 B-15 6.5 0.0 B-16 2.0 0.0 B-17 0.0 0.0 B-18 0.0 0.0 B-19 13.0 0.0 B-20* N/A 10.2 B-21* 12.0 9.0 B-22* 9.5 8.4 B-23* 12.0 5.3 **IAD - immediately after drilling; NIA - information not available; *temporary Piezometers were installed As indicated in the above table, groundwater was observed at the existing ground surface in several of the borings (B-14, B-15, B-16, B-17, B-18 and B-19) either immediately after drilling or after a stabilization period of 24 hours had elapsed. Due to the presence of the wetlands and drainage swales in the vicinity or the proposed construction, high water conditions may be anticipated during periods of inclement weather and during seasonally wet periods. It should also be noted that the groundwater levels fluctuate depending upon seasonal factors such as precipitation and temperature. As such, groundwater conditions at other times may vary or be different from those described in this report. Johnston Comunmi{y College 7 FP? Project No. J66-09IG New Librai-v Building September 29, 2008 SIMCF FAR m 5.0 ENGINEERING EVALUATION & RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS The conclusions and recommendations contained in this section of the report are based upon the results of the 19 soil test borings (5 in the preliminary exploration and 14 in the final exploration) performed at the site, and information provided regarding the proposed development. It is our opinion that the subsurface conditions encountered on the project site are suitable for the proposed development provided the recommendations presented in this report are followed throughout the design and construction phases of this project. The most recent boring data indicates that the upper 4 to 5 feet of subsurface soils within the building location are very soft and loose and wet to saturated in most areas. We expect that some improvement in the stiffness or consistency of these soils would be required for support of buildings and pavements. In general, it will likely be necessary to undercut the upper 4 to 5 feet of the silty clay and clayey sand surface soils in the building area if these soils are relatively soft (3 to 5 bpf or less) and unstable at the time of construction. The undercut materials would need to be replaced with adequately compacted structural fill. Additionally, it remains advisable to raise grades 4 to 5 feet above existing grades in building areas in order to reduce the foundation loading on the moderate consistency native soils below the undercut levels and to elevate subgrades to a few feet above possible shallow groundwater levels. Stabilization of the subgrades below undercut levels in the building area can likely be accomplished with placement of an initial 1.5 to 2 foot thick lift of clean sand. Installation of a stabilizing geotextile such as Mirafi 500X or equivalent over the exposed subgrade, prior to placement of the sand bridge lift, should be considered to effectively improve stabilization procedures. Due to high groundwater levels, it is recommended that French drains be installed at a minimum of 3 feet below the existing site grades during undercut activities. The French drains should be installed in a grid pattern throughout the building area and drain to the storm water sewer. The depth of the French drains will be a function of the invert elevations of existing or planned storm water lines. Johnston Community College 8 F&R Project No. .166-091 Cr New Libraq 13rtNriing Seplember 19, 2008 61 NCI' F&R_ G) 1681 In pavement areas, subgrade repair may be necessary depending on finished grades in these areas. Subgrade repairs may consist of the installation of a stabilizing geotextile such as Mirafi 50OX or Geogrid such as a Tensar BX1100 or equivalent over the exposed subgrade and thickening of the ABC stone in these areas. Subgrade repairs may be less extensive than indicated above depending on the stability of subgrade conditions at the time of grading operations. As previously discussed, installation of temporary drainage ditches to lower groundwater levels will likely be required in undercut areas. The ditches should extend a minimum of four feet below anticipated existing subgrade elevation. Sump pumping out of the ditches may be required if positive gravity discharge from the ditches is not available. After the undercut areas are repaired, the ditches may be made permanent or converted into subsurface drains (No. 57 washed stone wrapped in a commercial drainage fabric, Mirafi 180N or equivalent) depending on grading requirements and outlet elevations. The proposed library building can be supported on conventional shallow spread foundations bearing on properly compacted structural fill overlying approved native soils. Foundations can be designed using a net allowable soil bearing capacity of 2,000 psf. 5.2 SITE PREPARATION Initial site preparation should include stripping of surficial vegetation, surficial organic soils and other deleterious materials from within the proposed development areas. The stripping should extend a distance of at least 5 feet beyond the proposed construction limits. Following stripping we recommend that all areas at or below final subgrade elevations be proofrolled with a loaded (20 ton minimum) tandem axle dump truck, scraper, or other similar heavy construction equipment to confirm the stability of the subgrade soils and detect the presence of soft or unstable areas. A geotechnical engineer or his representative should observe the exposed subgrades for all structural areas as well as the proofrolling operations. Soft, unstable conditions, noted during subgrade evaluations and/or proofrolling, should be repaired as Johnston c01711nnnUv eb,lege 9 1'&R Proiecl No. J66-091 G New Many Building September 29, 2008 SINCE F&R directed by the project geotechnical engineer. Such repairs may include, but are not necessarily limited to aeration and re-compaction or undercut and replacement of soft soils. Based on the results of the test borings, F&R anticipates that some undercut/repair work will be required to establish stable subgrades over the entire portion of the proposed building area due to the presence of very soft or loose consistency (WOH to 8 bpf) surface soils encountered in all of the borings within the building footprint to depths of typically 4 to 5 feet. Although some of these very soft/loose/saturated soils will be removed during site stripping activities, some will likely be present following stripping and may require undercutting and/or other repair activities (e.g., drying and re-compaction) along with utilization of select granular fill and stabilization fabric or Geogrid in order to establish stable subgrades that are suitable to support the proposed building and pavements. 5.3 PWR EXCAVATION As previously noted, PWR was only encountered in one boring (B-17) at a depth of approximately 19 feet below existing ground surface. Due to the depth of PWR encountered, it is not anticipated that PWR excavation will be required during grading and foundation installation activities. However, depending on the invert elevations of site utilities PWR may be encountered in the vicinity of boring B-17. Site utility plans were not available at the time of reporting, therefore an estimate of PWR excavation cannot be determined. If PWR is encountered at the site, heavy excavating equipment with ripping tools (e.g., D-8 dozer with single shank ripper) is typically effective in removing softer PWR (i.e., PWR with N- values of 50/4" to 50/6") during mass grading activities. However, removal of harder PWR (i.e., PWR with N-values of 50/0" to 50/2") and hard rock during mass grading in open areas will not likely be possible with ripping equipment and may require hammering, chipping or blasting. Removal of softer PWR (50/4" to 50/6") from confined excavations (e.g., utility excavations) may be able to be accomplished using a large track hoe (e.g., CAT 330 with rock teeth); however, excavation will likely be slow and light blasting is typically performed to pre-loosen the PWR. Removal of harder PWR (50/0" to 50/3") and hard rock in confined excavations will Johnston Conwwni{v College 10 Felt Projec! No. J66-09IG New Obiwy Building Seplemlvr 29. 2008 sIMCI: FAR not likely be possible with conventional equipment and typically requires blasting. The speed and ease of PWR and rock excavation will depend upon the equipment utilized, experience of the equipment operators and geologic structure of the PWR. 5.4 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION It is expected that the low to moderately plastic on-site undercut soils cannot be used as structural fill material due to their moisture condition being wet or saturated. Low to moderately plastic soils are generally considered fair to good materials for use as structural earth fill provided they are at a moisture content suitable to proper placement and compaction. A majority of the soils encountered in the test borings were moist to saturated. Depending upon site conditions at the time of construction, some soils may require moisture conditioning (drying of wet soils or wetting of dry soils) prior to use as fill. As such, it is recommended that earthwork be performed during the summer months (mid May through October) when weather conditions are more conducive to moisture conditioning of fill materials. All structural earth fill should be compacted at a moisture content within + 3 percent of the optimum moisture content. All structural earth fill (i.e., fill placed in load bearing areas or slopes) should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches and be compacted to at least 95 percent of its Standard Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D-698. The only exception to this is that the top 12 inches of subgrades should be compacted to at least 98 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum. All areas requiring grade increases that are steeper than a slope of 4 Horizontal to 1 Vertical (4H:1V) should be plowed, stepped and leveled to assure that fill is placed on near level surfaces. All structural fill material should be placed and compacted under the full- time observation of a qualified geotechnical engineer or engineering technician working under the direction of a geotechnical engineer. The placement and compaction of all fill material should be tested in order to confirm that the recommended degree of compaction is achieved. As previously stated, the on-site soils have sufficient silt/clay content to render them moisture sensitive. The on-site soils will become unstable (i.e., pump and rut) during normal construction activities when in the presence of excess moisture. Soils with a moisture content greater than 3 Johnston Community College I F&R Proieci No. J66.091 G New Libraq Building Septrmlxr 29. 2008 SINCE r 198. percent above the optimum moisture content are generally considered to have excessive moisture. During earthwork and construction activities, surface water runoff must be drained away from the construction areas to prevent water from ponding on or saturating the soils within excavations or on subgrades. Excavated, ripped or blasted PWR and rock, if encountered may be used as structural fill material. Special placement and compaction procedures for the PWR and other rock materials should be provided by the project geotechnical engineer prior to earthwork. All structural fill (soil/PWR/rock) placement and compaction activities should be monitored on a full-time basis by a geotechnical engineer or qualified engineering technician working under the supervision of a geotechnical engineer. 5.5 FOUNDATIONS As previously indicated, the proposed library building can be supported on conventional shallow spread foundations bearing on properly compacted structural earth fill placed over approved native soils. Spread foundations constructed in accordance with the recommendations presented in this report can be proportioned for a net allowable soil bearing capacity of 2,000 psf. All exterior foundations should bear at least 2 feet below the adjacent finished grade for bearing capacity and frost protection considerations. Interior foundations should bear at a nominal depth of at least 1-foot. Wail and column foundations should have minimum widths of 24 and 30 inches, respectively. Final foundation sizes should be determined by the project structural engineer based on the actual design loads, building code requirements and other structural considerations. F&R recommends that the footing excavations and bearing grades be observed by a qualified geotechnical engineer or his representative prior to placement of reinforcing steel and concrete. The purpose of the engineering observation would be to confirm that the foundations bear in suitable soils at the proper embedment depths, and that unsuitable soft or loose materials are undercut and backfilled with approved structural fill material. Hand auger Johnston Conumufifv College 12 F&R Project No..166-191G New Library Building September 29, 2008 SINCE leas borings with Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing may be recommended for selected foundations to verify the consistency of the bearing soils. If soft or otherwise unsuitable soils, such as highly plastic soils, are encountered at the footing bearing level, undercutting and repair of footing bearing grades will likely be required and should be performed as directed by the project geotechnical engineer. If undercut excavations are backfilled with NCDOT No. 57 washed stone, the stone should be placed up to the planned bearing grade; the washed stone should be placed in lifts no greater than 2 feet thick and compacted with a heavy vibratory plate compactor. We also recommend that footing concrete be placed the same day to seal the washed stone layer or that a "mud seal" of lean concrete be poured over the surface of the washed stone to prevent entry of rainfall and runoff water. For foundations constructed in accordance with the previous recommendations, we have estimated that maximum settlements will be on the order of 1 inches or less. Maximum differential settlements are anticipated to be approximately 50 percent of the estimated total settlements. We anticipate that such settlements would be structurally acceptable; however, this should be determined by the Project Structural Engineer. Based on the soil profile encountered at the site, it is our opinion that a seismic design Site Class "D" (as presented in Section 1615 of the 2006 International Building Code) should be used for structural design purposes. Exposure to the environment may weaken the soils at the footing bearing level if excavations remain open for long periods of time. The foundation bearing surface should be level or suitably benched and free of loose soil, ponded water and debris. If the bearing soils are softened by surface water intrusion or exposure, the softened soils must be removed from the foundation excavation immediately prior to placement of concrete. Foundation excavations must be maintained in a drained/de-watered condition throughout the foundation construction process. If the foundation excavations must remain open overnight, or if rainfall becomes imminent while the bearing soils are exposed, we recommend that the footings are over- excavated and a 2 to 4 inch thick "mud mat" of lean concrete (1,500 psi) be placed on the Johnston Conununi(v College 13 F&R Project No. J66-09l G New Librmy Building September 29, 2008 51XC1 FAR IXeI bearing soils before placing the reinforcing steel. In addition, F&R stresses the need for positive perimeter surface drainage around the building area to direct all runoff water away from the building and foundations. 5.6 SE1smic DESIGN CRITERIA Our experience indicates that the existing soils and subsurface conditions at this site are susceptible to liquefaction. Liquefaction is deformation caused by repeated disturbance of a saturated cohesionless soil (sand). Under cyclic loading, similar to loading that would occur during a seismic event, soils (typically sands) tend to loose shear strength and temporarily attain a semi-fluid like state. A study of earthquakes in the last century presented a range of liquefaction-induced damage, including failure of slopes, foundation failures and even flotation of buried structures. As a result of liquefaction, densification of relatively low-density soils can result in significant amounts of settlement under constructed facilities and subsequent structural damage. A liquefaction analysis was performed based on the information obtained during the subsurface exploration. Seed's simplified procedure correlating liquefaction potential to the standard penetration test resistance N-value (based on the actual performance of soil deposits during earthquakes) was used to estimate potentially liquefiable zones of sand. The results of this analysis showed that, using a maximum ground acceleration of approximately 0.22g, and an earthquake magnitude of 5, potentially liquefiable layers of sand are not present below the existing ground surface. 5.7 FLOOR SLABS The building ground floor may be designed as a slab-on-grade. We recommend that a modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 200 pounds per cubic inch (pci) be used for slab design. The subgrade soils for support of floor slabs should be prepared as outlined in previous sections of this report. Utility and other construction excavations performed in the prepared floor slab subgrade should be backfilled in accordance with previously referenced structural fill criteria to Johnslon Communrly College 14 F&R Project No. J66-09IG New l ibrao,13nilding Seplember 19, 1008 SIMCIi l'1 aid in providing uniform floor support. The floor slab should be supported on at least 4 inches of ABC stone to provide a uniform well-compacted material immediately beneath the slab. The floor slab should be underlain by a vapor barrier to minimize the potential for floor slab dampness. Vapor barrier construction should be performed in accordance with applicable ACI guidelines. Floor slab design and construction should incorporate isolation joints around columns, utility penetrations, and along bearing walls to allow for differential movement to occur without damage to the floor. 5.8 PAVEMENTS Subgrade preparation in paved areas should be performed as outlined in previous sections of this report, including proofrolling of subgrade and base course materials. Exposed pavement subgrades should be re-compacted to at least 100 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density just prior to base stone placement. As reported earlier in this report, the typical on-site soils consisted of low to medium plasticity silty clays and loose silty sands (USCS - CI-/SM soils). However, moderate to highly plastic, sandy silty clays (CH) were also encountered in some areas of the project site. Highly plastic clayey soils with a PI greater than 35 are prone to swelling and are not considered to be good pavement subgrade material and should be undercut and backfilled with properly compacted suitable earth fill material or ABC stone if encountered at or within 2 feet of the proposed soil subgrade. We recommend that rigid concrete pavement be utilized in dumpster areas or other area subjected to concentrated loading. The concrete pavement should consist of at least 6 inches of 4,000 psi air-entrained concrete overlying a 6 inch thick base course of compacted ABC stone. We emphasize that good base course drainage is essential for successful pavement performance. The ABC stone should be maintained in a drained condition at all times. Water build-up in the base course could result in premature failures. Proper drainage may be aided by grading the site such that surface water is directed away from pavements and construction of Johnstau Community College 15 FRR Project No. J66-0916 Ncw Libray Building September 29. 2008 S INC1: F&R 1661 swales adjacent to pavements. All pavements should be graded such that surface water is directed towards the outer limits of the paved area or to catch basins located such that surface water does not remain on the pavement. Flexible asphalt pavements, concrete pavements, and bases should be constructed in accordance with the guidelines of the latest applicable North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. Materials, weather limitations, placement and compaction are specified under appropriate sections of this publication. Concrete pavement construction should be in accordance with applicable American Concrete Institute (ACI) guidelines. 5.9 CUT AND FILL SLOPES F&R recommends designing the permanent project slopes at 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3H:1V) or flatter. The top and base of the slope should be located a minimum of 10 feet from structural limits. If steeper slopes are planned, F&R should be contacted to perform slope stability analysis. It is F&R's opinion that 3H:1V slopes will normally be stable from a slope stability standpoint provided the fill slopes are constructed of properly compacted structural fill. However, seepage and surface runoff may cause the slopes to slough and erode resulting in shallow surface failures. The slopes should be vegetated as soon as possible to prevent surface sloughing and erosion. If sloughing or erosion occurs, the use of a vegetation/erosion control mat, turf reinforcement material or geotextile and large stone may be required to stabilize the slopes. A Swale or shallow ditch should be constructed near the top of slopes to prevent surface water from flowing onto the slopes. We recommend that all cut and fill slopes be observed by a geotechnical engineer or his representative during construction. Additional slope drainage and protection measures may be required in certain areas depending upon conditions observed at the time of slope construction. 5.10 TEMPORARY EXCAVATION RECOMMENDATIONS Mass excavations and other excavations required for construction of this project must be performed in accordance with the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Johnston CommuniIV College 16 1---&R Project No. J06-091G New 1_ibraq Building September 29. 2008 £INC1: F&R 1181 Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines (29 CFR 1926, Subpart P, Excavations) or other applicable jurisdictional codes for permissible temporary side-slope ratios and/or shoring requirements. The OSHA guidelines require daily inspections of excavations, adjacent areas and protective systems by a "competent person" for evidence of situations that could result in cave-ins, indications of failure of a protective system, or other hazardous conditions. All excavated soils, equipment, building supplies, etc., should be placed away from the edges of the excavation at a distance equaling or exceeding the depth of the excavation. 6.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL As previously discussed, the Geotechnical Engineer of record should be retained to monitor and test earthwork activities, and subgrade preparations for foundations, floor slabs and pavements. It should be noted that the actual soil conditions at the various subgrade levels and footing bearing grades will vary across this site and thus the presence of the geotechnical engineer and/or his representative during construction will serve to validate the subsurface conditions and recommendations presented in this report. We also stress the importance of performing hand auger and DCP testing in the footing excavations in order to confirm the anticipated subsurface conditions and define footings that should be undercut and repaired as outlined in this report. We recommend that F&R be employed to monitor the earthwork and foundation construction, and to report that the recommendations contained in this report are completed in a satisfactory manner. Our continued involvement on the project will aid in the proper implementation of the recommendations discussed herein. The following is a recommended scope of services: • Review of project plans and construction specifications to verify that the recommendations presented in this report have been properly interpreted and implemented; • Observe the earthwork process to document that subsurface conditions encountered during construction are consistent with the conditions anticipated in this report; • Observe the subgrade conditions before placing structural fill including proofroll observations; • Observe the placement and compaction of any structural fill and backfill, and perform laboratory and field compaction testing of the fill; • Observe all foundation excavations and footing bearing grades for compliance with the recommended design soil bearing capacity. Jobnston Community College 17 FUR Projeel No. J66-091(1 New 1 ibimy Building Seplenlmr 29, 2008 siar,e 119o 7.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Johnston Community College for the specific application to the referenced property in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. These conclusions and recommendations do not reflect variations in subsurface conditions that could exist intermediate of the boring locations or in unexplored areas of the site. Should such variations become apparent during construction, we reserve the right to re-evaluate our conclusions and recommendations based upon on-site observations of the conditions. In the event changes are made in the proposed construction plans, the recommendations presented in this report shall not be considered valid unless reviewed by our firm and conclusions of this report are modified or verified in writing. As previously stated, a final geotechnical engineering evaluation should be performed once the project design progresses. Johnston Connnnnily College 18 1. c4 R Project No. J06-09I G New Libraq Building September 29, 2008 r Geotedroical Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Prejecu Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the spe- cific needs of their clients. A geotechnical engineering study con- ducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a construc- tion contractor or even another civil engineer. Because each geot- echnical engineering study is unique, each geotechnical eng- neering report Is unique, prepared solely for the client. No one except you should rely on your geotechnlcal engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who pre- pared It And no one--not even you-should apply the report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the HM Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical engineering report did not read It all. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. A Geoteehnical Engineering Report Is Based on A Unique Set of project-Specific factors Geotechnlcal engineers consider a number of unique, project-spe- cific factors when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client's goals, objectives, and risk management pref- erences; the general nature of the structure involved, Its size, and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site Improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically Indicates other- wise, do not rely on a geotechnical engneefing report that was: e not prepared for you, e not prepared for your project, • not prepared for the speck site explored, or e completed before Important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical engineering report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse, • elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure, a composition of the design team, or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnlcal engineer of project changes--even minor ones--and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. Do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report whose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; by man-made events, such as construction on or adjacent to the stte; or by natural events, such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctua- tions. Always contact the geotechnical engineer before apply- Ing the report to determine if It is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnicai Findings Are Protessional Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditons throughout the site. Actual sub- surface conditions may differ-sometimes sign Ificantly-4rom those Indicated In your report. Retaining the geotechnical engi- neer who developed your report to provide construction obser- vation is the most effective method of managing the risks asso- ciated with unanticipated conditions. ?- Geolechoical Engineering Report A ROOM Recommendations Are ht Hinal Do not overrely on the oonstructlon recommendations Included in your report. Those recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recom- mendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responslbillty or 110110 for the report's recommendations if that engineer does not perform construction observation. A Geotechnkal Englneeri11119 Report IS Subject To Misinterpretation Other design team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical engineering reports has resulted In costly problems. Lower that risk by having your geotechnical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review per& nent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering report. Reduce that risk by having your geoteohnical engineer participate In prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. go Not Redraw the engineer's togs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their Interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs Included in a geotechnical engineering report should never be redrawn for Inclusion In architectural or other design drawings. Only photo- graphic or electrdriic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report end Gtddamce Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface condi- tions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give contractors the complete geotech- nical engineering report, but preface It with a clearly written let- ter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy Is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebld conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sum cleat time to perform additional study. Only then might you be In a position to give contractors the best Information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and contractors do not recognize that geotechnical engineering Is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappoint- ments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce such risks, geot- echnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations", many of these provisions Indicate where geotechnical engl- neers responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. GeoenvIronmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geoenvfronmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering report does not usually relate any geoenvironmen- tal findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regu- lated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have fed to numerous pro}ect fallures. If you have not yet obtained your own geoenvironmental Information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk management guidance. Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for someone else. Rely on Your Geotechnical Engineer for AddMonai Assistance Membership in ASFE exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk management techniques that can be of genulne ben- efit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with your ASFE-member geotechnical engineer for more information. erw •r r iru I ? 8811 Colesvllle Road Suite G106 Silver Spring, Mp 20910 Telephone: 301.565-2733 Faesimlle: 301-559-2017 ema0: W®asfe.org www.cisfe.org copyright 2000 by ASIT, Inc. Unless ASFE grants written permission to do so, duplication of this document by any means whatsoever is expressly proiNw. Reuse of the wording In this document, In whole or In part, also Is expressly prohibited, and may be done only with the express permission of ASFE or for purposes of review or scholarly research. ItGER1000.10M SIM CF. F&R less APPENDIX A Figure 1- SITE VICINITY MAP Figure 2 - BORING LOCATION PLAN (preliminary borings) Figure 3 - BORING LOCATION PLAN (final borings) Figures 4 & 5 - SUBSURFACE PROFILES ( SITE VICINITY MAP North * 1 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. CLIENT: Johnston Community Cokae Engineering. Environmental. Geotechnical PROJECT: New Libra Site 310 Hubert Street LOCATION: Smithfield Johnston Count North Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-23021 USA F&R PROJECT No: J66-091G 7919.828.3441 I F 919.828.5751 DRAWN BY: D. acey Iaal® www.fandr.cwm Sentpm r 9(W I creI c• e? k-.- cl/N for u... 4 I LEGEND I I? Approximate F&R Boring Location (?'- #WFj" 7 ---,( I SINCE FROEMLINO & ROBERTSON, INC. PRELIMINARY BORING LOCATION PLAN Engineering • Environmental • Geotechnical CLIENT: Johnston Community College PROJECT: New Library Site go 310 Hubert Street LOCATION: Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-23021 USA F&R PROJECT No.: J66-0916 T 919.828.3441 IF 919.828.5751 - FIGURE 8 A 7 www.fandr.com DRAWN BY. D. Racey CHECKED BY. M. Sabodish DATE: September 2008 SCALE: NTS "' NO.: NN e 1 .r? \ 1-1 -12 y\\?\ ?\\`\\\? `\ NNN 9-10 f I / l •B-14 t \ N- IN. B-43 N"NN N" / ?s• ! B-17 'R ESIEL) N% 'N GS to Nli ?UIN CA 71 * Y/ •13,,22 F, a /?%//? ? ?? ?/?..\? ???`,l ! jf / ?..._??? X7',;9 l NN IN, LEGEND Approximate F&R Boring Location lY SCALE (FEET) 0 SO' 100' 1"=100 SINCE FROEF-ILING & ROBERTSON, INC. BORING LOCATION PLAN Engineering • Environmental • Geotechnical CLIENT: Johnston Community College ._...._.._._ ..__...._..__.__W.__...... _._ .__....__........... ._._.._.-....-.-----------------. F?n PROJECT: New Library Site K 310 Hubert Street LOCA __.__. T__._.._ION _ : __ Smith fieid .---.- , Jon . lohnsto n _ County, . North .-•------._..-- ---_ Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 USA ---___..__..__._.._.._._..._..._ T 919.828.3441 F 919.828.5751 f&R PROJECT No. J66 091G _...-__Aw._N .. DR Joel © BY D Racey CHECKED BY - : M. Sabodish . FIGURE www.fandr.com .. DATE . .. ..... ?......_. _-- - _: No.: : September 2008 j SCALE_ 1? N N oo h ? ? G .. _.._ .. .. . . • • . • • r • • : :'. iii • • . . . • . • • . • • • . v .?a N • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •1_•_ cF O O c% w w O Q w U 4 ts. O M_ U 7 u, o U c .? o d , ? ,? c pp cpv o a c? N ? ? y n F cn V) z F O w ., Q ? U w F V a o A J Q U Z v ? x w w' F O ? w O ? C03 J z w m w 2 O z W O *is j w x, 7C z W CC Ow W C7 z w i w N ?2 O (?1 •S 00 O N <Y u z _ n? m N N O N .................. PHI x T: O O: ..... .. N .......... CA N n ..... ... .? RE M ......... ................. A oi l ? M: IA n h .... .? ........... .............. ... MERE N n1 IA oo o r ° ......... W 1 ' o ° ? h N N P h r-. .... oil w N N• ?C DD CK oil :C * ......... h d z w U u. w a u. O V w a: 5 Qa 7 an c O 0 U ° G' c o a' 4) h °o C Cl z 0 w 0 A U E f u E 7 ?n w [- O w ? O U ems. ..1 A J 4 U Z v Z z? O z a `.' CO) 1-a on Z on W Co 2 Z cc p ca z w Z Z RY Fr O w OC Z N. Z w F. w b _ ?Y) m • a0 M N r r ?p pp N .........- ................. ..... ........ ...... OR ... . .... ... .. .... ............. i ? ? r ?° r oo r o ......... ..... ........ .......... ... .............. A 7 ?A o M M 10^'J 'NO13.VA ITA N O h SINCE F&R feel APPENDIX B BORING LOGS ¦rC-Net ?NF11, KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATION Correlation of Penetration Resistance with Relative Density and Consistency Sands and Gravels Silts and Clays No. of Relative No. of Blows, N Density Blows, N Consistency 0- 4 Very loose 0- 2 Very soft 4-10 Loose 2- 4 Soft 10 - 30 Medium dense 4- 8 Firm 30 - 50 Dense 8-15 Stiff Over 50 Very dense 15 - 30 Very stiff 30 - 50 Hard Over 50 Very hard Particle Size Identification (Unified Classification System) Boulders: Diameter exceeds 8 inches Cobbles: 3 to 8 inches diameter Gravel: Coarse - 3/4 to 3 inches diameter Fine - 4.76 nun to 3/4 inch diameter Sand: Coarse - 2.0 mm to 4.76 mm diameter Medium - 0.42 mm to 2.0 mm diameter Fine - 0.074 mm to 0.42 mm diameter Silt and Clay: Less than 0.07 rnm (particles cannot be seen with naked eye) Modifiers The modifiers provide our estimate of the amount of silt, clay or sand size particles in the soil sample. Approximate Content Modifiers < 5%: Trace 5% to 12%: Slightly silty, slightly clayey, slightly sandy 12% to 30%: Silty, clayey, sandy 30% to 50%: Very silty, very clayey, very Field Moisture Description Saturated: Usually liquid; very wet, usually from below the groundwater table Wet: Semisolid; requires drying to attain optimum moisture Moist: Solid; at or near optimum moisture Dry: Requires additional water to attain optimum moisture SINCE FAR UN IF I ED SO IL CLASS IF ICAT ION SYSTEM (USCS) MAJOR D IV IS ION TYP ICAL NAMES GW Well graded gravels GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVEL More than 50% (little or no fines) • GP Poorly graded gravels of coarse fraction larder GM Silty gravels than No. 4 sieve GRAVELS f with fines GC Clayey gravels SW Well graded sands SANDS CLEAN SAND More than 507 (little or no fines) SP Poorly graded sands of coarse fraction smaller SM Silty sands, than No. 4 sieve SAND sand/silt mixtures with fines Clayey sands, RIO, SC sand/clay mixtures Inorganic silts, sandy ML and clayey silts with slightly plasticity SILTS AND CLAYS Sandy or silty clays Liquid Limit is less than 50 CL of low to medium plasticity J OL Organic silts of low plasticity Inorganic silts, MH sandy micaceous or clayey elastic silts SILTS AND CLAYS Inorganic clays of Liquid Limit is greater than 50 CH high plasticity, fat clays Organic clays of OH medium to high Plasticity Peat and other highly HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT organic soils PWR (Partially Weathered Rock) Rock M ISCELLANEOUS Asphalt MATERIALS . ABC Stone y Concrete ? + Surficial Organic Soil r .u• BORING LOG ReportNo.: J66-091 SINCE 0 ?Q FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECMNICAL v } e e I Date: Auu. 07/Sept. 08 Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Sinithrield, Johnston County, NC tal Boring No.: B-5 (I of I) Dep h 23.6' Elm Existing Ground Surface Location: Type ofBoring: 2.25" ID HSA Started: 8/13/07 Completed: 8/13/07 Driller. D. Tignor Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS (Classification) * Sample Blows aln l fcct N Value (blows/ ft) REMARKS NATIVE SOILS: Loose, dry to moist, dark gray, silty fine SAND (SM). 2-3-2 15 5 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs : 8 0' inside HSA 0 0 2 0 . . ' . 0 0 . 3 5 Firm, wet, dark gray, fine sandy CLAY (CL). 2.2-5 2.0 7 24 His.: 6.5 inside PVC . . Medium dense, wet, gray, silty fine SAND (SM). 6-11-5 3 5 16 0 0 6 5 5.0 . . Stiff, moist, gray-orange mottled, silty CLAY (CH). 3-4-5 6.5 9 8.2 2.3-6 9 0 0 13 5 10,0 . . Loose, saturated, tan, slightly silty fine to medium SAND (SP). 3-2-5 13.5 7 0 0 18 5 15.0 . . PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as 50/3° 18.5 50/3" 0 0 23 6 brown/gray, fine sandy SILT. . . Boring Terminated at 23.6 feet 5010.5" 50/0.5" . .................w..w ,v4,...,,a, --& - w "t-Imam n"niuics uiuppmg w w arrve L- V.V., I.J /a,- r.u. sprat-spoon sampler rn successive 6• InCreltleltts. The sutra of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Tcsi value, "N". BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE ?Q FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Qc ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL - GEOTECHNICAL Iasi Date: AUt?. 07/Sent. ON Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC -Boring No.: B-6 (1 of 1) Total 23.7' Elev: Existing Ground Surface Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" Ill HSA Started: 8/13/07 Completed: 8/13/07 Driller: D. Tignor Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS (Classification) Sample Blows Sample Dfcepelh N Value (blows/ Q) REMARKS : NATIVE SOILS: Medium dense, dry, gray-brown mottled, silty fine SAND (SM), with roots & fine 9-11-10 O.U 21 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Jim : 21 5' inside 11SA 0.0 2.0 gravel. 5 1:0 . . 24 Hrs.: 8.0'/cave @ 13.5' Loose, wet, gray, clayey fine SAND (SC), with rootlets 1-2-3 5 . 2-1-4 3.5 5 0 0 6 5 5.0 . . Stiff, moist, gray-orange mottled, silty CLAY (CFI)_ 3A-5 6.5 9 - 4-5-7 8'S 0 12 10. - 5-7-7 13.5 14 0 0 18 5 15.0 18 . . :- Very loose, saturated, yellow-orange, slightly silty fine to medium SAND (SP). 2-2-2 .5 0 4 5 1- 2 2 .0 0.0 0 0 3.5 7 3 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as dark 50/3° . 2 . brown, silty medium SAND, with fine gravel. Boring Terminated at 23.7 feet. "Nuiriber of blows required lot, a 140 lb automatic hammer dropping 3U" to drive 2" U.U., 1,373" I.D. split-spoon sampler in successive G" increments. ' he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Test value, "N". BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE ?p FROEHL.ING & ROBERTSON, INC. a ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL t a e t Date: Aug. 07/Sent. 08 Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: B-7 (I of 1) Tot th 23.8' Elev: Existing Ground Surface Location: Type ofBoring: 2.25" ID HSA Started: 8/13/07 Completed: 8/13/07 Driller: D. Tignor Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS * Sample Sample N Value REMARKS (Classification) Blows ?j (blows/ It ) NATIVE SOILS: Finn, moist, bray, fine sandy, silty 34-2 GROUNDWATER DATA: CLAY (CL). 1 b 0 I-Irs : 19 0' inside HSA 0 0 2 0 .5 . . ' . . Very soft, saturated, bray, silty CLAY (CL), with OFI-WO11 - 2.0 1 24 Hrs.: 7.0 inside PVC U U 3 5 rootlets. . . Stiff, moist, bray-orange mottled, silty CLAY (CFI), 3?_6 3.5 10 with rootlets. 5.0 0 0 6 5 . . Medium dense, moist, orange, clayey fine SAND 6-7-10 6'S 17 (SC). O U 8 5 8.0 . 8.5 Stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy, silty CLAY (CH). 3-4-7 11 10.0 0 0 13 5 . . Loose, saturated, tan-gray, fine SAND (SP). 5-3-4 13.5 7 15.0 0 0 18 5 . . Medium dense, saturated, gray, fine SAND (SP). 4-3-12 18.5 15 20.0 U U 23 5 . . PARTI LLY 5 23.5 0.0 23.8 A WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as gray-green, silty fine SAND. Boring Terminated at 23.8 feet. *-A _7 to A r__ AA ._-FT • ..• .....••.....y ............ .. ." ? au ma' uauauv1 VILII)P,II1,' JV W VrIVC 4 V.L., i.JlJ w. spilt-spoon sampler to successive G" increlents. The sum ole second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Test value, "N". SINCE BORING LOG FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. p ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL R Renort No.: J66-091 ua,ti. nug. v inJCNI, vo Client. Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: 0-8 (1 of 1) 'th 23.9' Llev: Existing Ground Surface Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" ID HSA Started: 8/13/07 Completed: 8/13/07 Driller: D. Tignor Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION On MATERIALS * Sample Sam le p De h Value b REMARKS (Classification) Blows t ep ( of ) NATIVE SOILS: Soft, moist, gray, fine sandy CLAY WO"-2 GROUNDWATER DATA (CL), with roots. 3 : 0 Has : 11 0' i id HSA 0 0 2 0 5 1 . . ns e . . Medium dense, moist, gray-brown mottled silty fine 10-12-8 :b 24 I-Irs.: 5.07cave @ 6.0` 0 0 3 S SAND (SM), with fine gravel. 20 . . Medium dense, moist, light gray, silty fine SAND 4'77 3.5 14 (SM), 5.0 0 0 6 5 . . Medium dense, saturated, gray-brown mottled, clayey 7-10-11 6.5 21 fine to medium SAND (SC). 0 0 8 5 8.0 . . • Loose, saturated, gray, fine to coarse SAND (SW). 6-4-4 8.5 8 10.0 4-3-5 13.5 8 0 0 15 0 . . Medium dense, saturated, bray, fine to coarse SAND 15.0 & GRAVEL (SW-GW). 9-11-13 18-5 24 20.0 0 0- 23 5 . . PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK l d 50/5" 23.5 0.0 23.9 : samp e as blue-green, silty fine SAND. ,A,------- mot.- - - _ •.. Boring Terminated at 23.9 feet. .,. ..,.,. ..-.-.-_- _..........._.,...._.... - . .-... ................ ..................t,,,,.s r., --'- < --, ,.o i? 1.1i- aa)ni-s]nwn >uii l]Rer m successive o-- increments. Ine stun of the second and third increments of penetration is tetmcd the Standard Penetration Test value, "N". BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE ?Q p FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. pcn ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL / -•tr teat Date. Aup. 071Sent. 09 Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: B-9 (1 of 1) net th 23.6' Ftev: Existing Ground Surface Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" ID HSA Started: 8/13/07 Completed: 8/13/07 Ddllcr: D. Tignor Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION Or MATERIALS * Sample al"Pl N Value REMARKS (Classification) Blows feet (blows/ 11) NATIVE SOILS: Firm, moist, gray, fine sandy, clayey 2 4-3 GROUNDWATER DATA: SILT (MH), with rootlets. 7 0 I•Irs : 18 0' inside HSA 0 0 2 0 5 . . ' . . Very stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 12-12-10 22 24 Hrs.: 5.5 inside PVC 0 0 3 5 . . Medium dense, wet, tan, fine SAND (SP). 13-11-9 3.5 20 5.0 0.0 6,5 Medium dense, saturated, tan-orange, clayey fine to 6-6-5 6'S 11 medium SAND (SQ. 0 0 8 5 g0 . $'S Loose, saturated, gray, medium SAND (SP). 6 4 4 8 10.0 0 0 12 0 . . • Loose, saturated, gray, fine to coarse SAND (SW). 2.2_3 13.5 5 15.0 0 0 18 5 . . • Medium dense, saturated, gray, fine to coarse SAND 5.3_7 18.5 l0 (SW). 20.0 0 0 5 . 0 0 23. PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as 50/1" 50/1 . gray-green, silty fine SAND. Boring Terminated at 23.6 feet. *U.....L.... ,. fl.t ....... ........ :..... r -_ ..n ? .....'-"'.e_ .._._ a ....... . . .... ,.. y...., ?..va ..v w awwmau? IRllllllwI UivpPwg JU N Ur1ve L V.U., I .J /J" 1.U. splll-spoon sampler In successive 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is lenned the Standard Penetrntion Test value. "N". BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE FRO EHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL 04? 1881 hate- Oo/17/200k Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: I3-10 (1 of 1) qe iii 15.0' I:lev: 147.2ft j: Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" ID HSA Started: 9/8/08 Completed: 9/8/08 i)riller: J. Gilchrist L-'levation Depth 1 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample Depth h N Value (blows/ ft) REMARKS 14 _ SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL 3-6-8 ' _ GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Stiff dry gray fine sand SILT 14 0 Hrs : Dr inside HSA 145 2 2 0 , , , y ML i h l I. . y ' . . ( ), w t root ets. 4-4-3 0 2. 0 Hrs.: 10.0 upon HSA 143 7 3 5 Firm, moist, tan/gray mottled fine sandy CLAY 7 removal 24 Hrs : 7 67cave @ 10 0' . . (CL) 3-3-3 3.5 . . . Loose, moist, or, m!c/gray mottled, clayey fine to 6 140 7 6 5 medium SAND (SC). 0 . . Loose, moist, orange, clayey fine to medium SAND (SC). 2-3-4 G.5 7 1 8 7 8 5 8.0 - . . Loose, moist, tan, clayey fine to coarse SAND (SQ. 2-3-5 8.5 8 133 7 13 5 10.0 . 132.2 . - 15,0- OF, Firm, moist, tan-gray, silty CLAY (CH), with trace medium sand. Boring Tenninated at 15.0 feet. 2-3-4 I3.5 15A 7 ------ *Number of blows required fir a 140 Ib automatic hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. split-spoon sampler in successive 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration 'test value, "N" BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE ?Q FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. pc ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL i e a t Date: 09/17/2008 Client: Johnston Community College_ -- Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC _- Goring No.: B-11 (1 of 1) l?gtIj 15.0' l:ilev: 143.9ft f location: Type of Goring: 2.25" ID HSA Starled: 9/8/08 Completed: 9/8/08 Driller. J. Gilchrist - Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MA1'ERIAI,S • Sample Sample 1' N Value ItI MNZKS (Classification) Glows f?1 (blows/ ft) 13.6 6.3 . _ . SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL, - 2.3-6 - - -- •-.._.- ....._..? GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Loose moist ra /oran e mottled 9 0 Hrs : Dry inside HSA 141 9 2 0 , , g y g , 1.5 . ' . . clayey fine to medium SAND (SC). 4.2 2 2.0 0 Hrs.: Dry/cave @ 13.4 Loose, moist, gray, slightly clayey fine to medium 4 24 Hrs.: 11.07cave @ 11.5' SAND (SC), with rootlets. WOH-1-4 3.5 5 5.0 137 4 6 5 . . Stiff to very stiff, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH). 2-4-5 6.5 9 8.0 J 4-5-7 8 12 10.0 5-7-9 13.5 16 125.9 15.0 60. __-? - --15,0 - --- ---- ---- - - ?ai.,..?.,, ,. n.?,. E3oring 'I erlninated at 15.0 feet. "Laws- 0. ?nvwa icyuucu 7V1 a , 9V W autof I lilt it; nanimer dropping fv- it) drive z- 0-u., I..i /..)" I.U. split-spoon sampler In successive 6" increments, The slim ofthe second and third increments of"penetration is leaned the Standard Peneiralion Test value, "N" BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE ?Q FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Qc ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL tae , Date: 09/17/2008 client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: B-1.2 (1 of 1) pct th 20.0' Llev: 145.6ft f Location: Type oCliorinJ: 2.25" ID HSA Started: 9/8/08 Completed: 9/8/08 Driller: J. Gilchrist Elevation Depth DECRIFTION OF MATERIALS (Classification) ' Sample _ _Blows Sample Depth _{feel N Value {Ulows/ R} RE-'MARKS 145.3 .3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL 2-3-5 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Loose moist ra /oran e mottled 8 0 Hrs 0' inside HSA : 7 143 6 2 0 , g , y g , 0 . . H i ' . . clayey fine to medium SAND (SC). 1.2.1 2. rs.: I inside PVC 0 .0 Soft to very soft, moist, orange/gray/brown mottled, 3 24 Dirs.: G.4' inside PVC fine to medium sandy CLAY (CL). 1.1.1 3.5 2 139 1 6 5 5.0 . . Firm, moist, orange/gray mottled, fine to medium sandy CLAY (CL). 3-3-4 G.5 8 0 7 2-2-5 . 8.5 7 3 10.0 ] 2.] 13.5 Firm, moist to wet, gray, silty CLAY (CH). 2-2-4 13.5 G 15.0 127.1 18.5 .: Loose, saturated, orange, fine to coarse SAND (SP). 3-3-5 18.5 8 125.6 20.0 Boring Terminated at 20.0 feet. °Nunther of blows required for a 140 IU automatic hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375' I.D. split-spoon sampler in successive 6" increments. 1-he sum of the second and third increments o1 penetration is tenned the Standard Penetration 'l'est value, "N". BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE ?Q FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Qc ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL r se, Datc: 09/17/2008 Client: Johnston Community College ? -- - --------_____.._.-_ Project: New Library Site, Sinithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: B-13 (1 of 1) Depth 15.0' Wev: 144.9ft ? Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" ID HSA Started: 9/8/08 Completed: 9/8/0 8 Driller: J. Gilchrist I-"Ievation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Sample Sample Depth N Value REMARKS (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows/ A) NATIVE SOILS: Very loose, moist, dark brown, fine WOH-1-1 - GROUNDWATER DATA: sandy SILT (ML), with rootlets. 2 0 Hrs : Dry inside HSA 142 9 2 0 1 5 . . . Soft, moist to wet, gray, fine to medium sandy CLAY 7-2-2 2.0 4 0 I-Irs.: Dry inside PVC 24 Hrs.: Dry inside PVC 141 4 (CL)' . 3.5 3.5 Firm, moist, orange/gray mottled, fine sandy CLAY 2.3.4 7 (Cl,). 5.0 138 4 6 5 . . Stiff, dry to moist, gray, silty CLAY (CL). 3-6-10 6.5 16 4-6-7 8.5 13 10.0 131 4 13 5 . . Stiff, moist, orange-tan, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL). 3-6-7 13.5 13 129 9 15 0 . . Boring Terminated at 15.0 feet. 15.0 *N h f - R P I'^ Q 04 v_ V? z 0 M tun er o blows r?ginred for a 140 Ib automatic hammer dropping 30 to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" 1.1.x. split-spoon sampler in successive 0" increments The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penclration Test value, "N" BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE ? EROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. & ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL - GEOT£CHNiCAL .b 1 8 8 1 Date: 09/17/2008 Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC _ ?- Boring No.: 13-14 (1 of I) 'De'' h 11 15.0' Elev: 143.3ft f Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" Ill HSA Started: 9/11/08 Completed: 9/11/0 8 Driller: J. Gilchrist l levation Depth DIiscizi riON OF MAIIRIAI S (Classification) ... . .. _ . * Sample Blows Sample 1lcl)i) N Value (blows/ ft) REMARKS 143.0 0.3 . .. . _ ....... SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL 1'1'1 _ GROUNDWATER DATA: Ver soft moist to wet ra fine sand CLAY (CL) 2 0 Hrs : 12 0' inside HSA , y , g y, y , 1.5 . . 0 0' 139 8 3 with rootlets. -- -- 1-1-1 2.0 2 Hrs.: 4. upon HSA removal 24 Hrs : 0 0' . .5 - - Soft to firm, moist to wet, gray/orange mottled, silty CLAY (CL). 2-2-2 3.5 4 . . 5.0 2-3-3 6.5 6 0 134.8 8.5 Firm to stiff, moist, tan-gray, silty CLAY (CH). 2-3-5 .5 8 10.0 3-4-5 13.5 I A 9 128.3 15.0 Boring Terminated at 15.0 feet. . -P V *Number of blows required for a 140 11) automatic hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" 11). split-spoon sampler in successive G' increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Test value, "N" BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE ?Q FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Qc ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL 0.• t 8 s , Date: 09/17/2008 Client: Johnston Coziiinuiiity College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: 8-15 (1 of 1) 1 jet b 20.0' Elev: 143.2ft Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" ID HSA Started: 9/9/08 Completed: 9/9/08 Driller: C. Price Elevation 1 Depth 3 0 DI:SCRIPT10N OF MATERIALS (Classification) " Sample _ Blows _ Sample Depth ?re11? N Value (blows/ ft) REMARKS . SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL 2-3-3 GROUNDWATER DA'T'A: NATIVE SOILS: Loose moist ra silt fine SAND 6 0 Hrs : 12 0' inside HSA 141 2 2 0 , , g y, y SM i h 1.5 . . ' . . ( ), w t trace clay. 1.2.2 2.0 0 firs.: 6.5 upon HSA 139 7 3 5 Soft, wet, dark gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL), 4 removal 24 fi 0 0 . . with rootlets. 5-9-11 35 rs.: . Medium dense, saturated, gray, silty fine to medium 20 SAND (SM), with trace mica. 5.0 5-10-11 6.5 21 134 7 8 5 0 . :` Loose, saturated, gray, fine to coarse SAND (SP). 6-5-4 '5 9 129 7 13 5 10.0 . . Firm, wet, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL). 2-2-3 13.5 5 124 7 18 5 15.0 . 123 2 . 20 0 Medium dense, saturated, orange, slightly silly fine to medium SAND (SM). 12 5-7- 18.5 19 . *N t . fbl Boring Terminated at 20.0 feet. f um ??r o om, req I a oI a 140 lb automatic hammer dropping 30 to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. split-spoon sampler in successive 6" increments. The still) of the second and third increments of penetration is tented the Standard Penetration Test value, "N". BORING LOG Report No.: 366-091 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTL-CHNICAL 011? 1881 1 Date: 09/17/2008 Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: B-16 (1 of 1) De1 tl 15.0' E'Jev: 143.1ft Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" 1D HSA Started: 9/9/08 Completed: 9/9/08 Driller: J. Gilehrist Llevatiat Depth UESCRIvrm OF MATERIALS • Sample Sample 1 N Value RI MARKS (Classilication) Blows P c j (blows/ ft) 142.6 0.5 _ SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL WOH-1-1 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Ver soft wet ra fine to 2 0 Hrs : 8 5' inside HSA , , g y y, medium sandy CLAY (CL). OH-WOI-I 1.5 2.0 . . 0 Hrs.: 2.0' upon HSA 2 removal 139 6 3 5 24 Hrs : 0 0' . . ?.5 . . Firm, moist, orange/brown/gray mottled, fine to 1-2 3 5 medium sandy silty CLAY (CL). 5.0 - 136.6 6.5 - Firm to stiff, moist, gray, CLAY (CI-I). 2-3-5 6.5 8 8.0 _ 3-4-G 8 10 10.0 129.6 13.5 Medium dense, saturated, tan-orange, silty fine to 3-6-11 13.5 17 X. medium SAND (SM). 128.1 15.0 15,0 Boring Terminated at 15.0 feet. 4Number ol'blows required for a 140 lb automatic hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. splil-spoon sampler in successive 6" increments. The stun ofthe second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Test value; "N". BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE ?Q FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Qc ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL - GEOTECHNICAL s a e ti Date: 09/17/2008 Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC 13oring No.: B-17 (1 of 1) Fetal 25.0 Elev: 143.5ft l.,ocatimt: 't'ype of 13oring: 2.25" Ill HSA Started: 9/11/08 Completed: 9/11/08 Driller: J. Gilchrist 1_`levation Depth DESCRIPTION OP MATERIALS (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample i)epth list) N Value biolvs/ ft ( ) ^- 12GMARKS -143.2 ?.3_. ._. ._ __...._.__.__......._..___.._. SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL 1-WOI-I-1 .0 --- -__- _._.._._-.._ GROUNDWATER DKI'A: NATIVE SOILS: Ver soft to soft fine wet ra 1 0 Hrs : 4 0' inside HSA y , , g y, 1.5 2 0 . . 0 H 0 0' HSA 140 0 3 sandy CLAY (CL). 1.1.2 . 3 rs.: . upon removal 241-It•s :O U' . .5 --- Loose, moist, gray, slightly clayey fine SAND (SC). 2-2-3 3,5 5 . . 137 0 6 5 5.0 . . Firm, moist, gray/orange mottled, silty CLAY (CH). 2-3-3 ?'S 6 8.0 2-3-4 8.5 7 130 0 13 5 10.0 . . Loose, saturated, gray, fine to coarse SAND (SP). 6.4 13.5 8 15.0 124 5 19 0 50/3" 18.5 50/3" . . PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as gray, fine sandy SILT. 5011 23.5 23 50/1 118 5 25 0 . . goring Terminated by Auger Refusal at 25.0 feet. -rvunuler 01 mows required fora 140 rn automatic hammer dropping SQ" to drive 2" 0.0, 1.375" LIB split-spoon sampler in successive b" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Test value, "N". BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE ? FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. & ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL Ise) Date: 09/17/2008 Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: B-18 (1 Of 1) Dep h 15.0' Elev; 143.4ft f Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" ID BSA Started: 9/11/08 Completed: 9/11/08 Driller: J. Gilchrist filevation Depth SCR1PTION OF MATFRIALS Df (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (1'cDeptet h N Value (blows/ Q) _ REMARKS 143.1 0.3 SUIZFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL OI-I-WOH I GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Ver soft to soft wet ra silt 1 0 Hrs : 0 0' y , , g y, y 1.5 . . ' 139 9 3 5 CLAY (CL), with rootlets. 1-1-2 2.0 3 24 Hrs.: 0.0 . . Medium dense, dry, tan-pink, silty fine SAND (SM). 2 9-6 3.5 15 136 9- 6 5 5.0 . . Firm, 11101St to Wet, gray/orange mottled, silty CLAY (CH)' 2-2-3 6.5 5 8.0 2-3-4 8.5 7 129 9 13 5 10.0 . 125 4 . 1 0 Firm, moist, blue-green, fine sandy CLAY (CL), micaceous. 2-3-5 13.5 8 . 5. Boring Terminated at 15,0 feet. 'Number of blows required I'or a 140 1b automalic hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1375' I.D. split-spoon sampler in successive 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is tenned the Standard Penetration 'test value, "N" BORING LOG [tenon No.: J66-091 SINCE Q FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Qc ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL s, I as I Date: 09/17/2008 Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: B-19 (1 of 1) jet th 15.0' Elev: 143-Oft ? Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" ID HSA Started: 9/11/08 Completed: 9/11/08 Driller: J. Gilchrist t;levation Dcptlr DESCRIPTION OF MATF.,RIAL.S (Classification) * Sample Blows La"?ple (feel) N Value (blows/ ft) RE"MARKS _.....14.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL OH-WOH 1 GROUNDWATER DATA: wet NATIVE SOILS: Ver ra silt CLAY soft 1 0 Hrs.: 13.0' inside HSA , g y, y y , (CL-CH), with rootlets. 01,1-WOH 1.5 1 2.0 3 1 24 Hrs.: 0.0' 139.5 3.5 Very stiff, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CL). 4-7-11 .5 18 5.0 136.5 6.5 Stiff, moist, orange/gray molded, silty CLAY (CH), 3-5-6 6.5 11 _ ? 8.0 8 134.5 8.5 Medium dense, moist, gray-tan, clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), with fine quartz gravel' 5-12-IO 'S 22 9 13 5 10.0 12 .5 . ' Loose, saturated, orange, slightly silty fine to coarse SAND (SM), with fine gravel. 7-4-3 13.5 7 128.0 15.0 Boring Terminated at 15.0 feet. *Number of blows required for a 140 Ib automatic hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. split-spoon sampler in successive 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Test value, "N". BORING LOG Report No.. J66-091 SINCE 0 ?Q FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Qc ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL a a ?} gate: 09/17/2008 Client: Johnston Community College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: B-20 (1 of 1) pot th 20.0' t3lov: 143.4ft f Location: Typc of Boring: 2.25" Ill HSA Stancd: 9/11/08 Completed: 9/11/08 ___ Driller. J. Gilchrist Elevation Depih DESCRIPTION OF MAT RIAE.S * Sample Sample Depth N Value REMARKS (Classilication) 1310+vs ?fcct) (blows/ 11) ? l 1 .1 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL W I [-WOH-\ H • GROUNDWATER DA'T'A: NATIVE SOILS: Ver soft saturated dark brown WOH 24 T-Irs : 10 2' inside PVC , , , y silty CLAY (CL), with toots. W 1-I-W -I- 1.5 }l 2.0 . . W OH 139 9 3 5 . . - Medium dense moist gray silty fine SAND (SM). 1-7-12 3.5 , , , 19 5.0 136 9 6 5 . . Stiff, moist, orange/gray mottled, silty CLAY (C}•1). 3-5-5 6.5 10 4 9 - 8 8. 13 . .5 Stiff, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH). -4-6 5 10 _ 10.0 129.9 13.5 .: Loose, saturated, gray, fine to coarse SAND (SP). 3-3-3 13.5 6 15.0 124.9 18.5 Medium dense, saturated, gray, fine to coarse SAND 5-8-5 18.5 13 123 4 20 0 (SP), with fine to coarse gravel. . . Boring Terminated at 20.0 feet. *Number of blo+4;s required fora 140 lb automatic hammer dropping. 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1 375" 11). split-spoon sampler in successive 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration 'l'est value, "N". BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. ENGINEERING - ENVIRONMENTAL - GEOTECHNICAL 0i!0 1881 . Date: 09/17/2008 Client: Jollnston Coinmunity College Project: New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC _ u Boring No.: B-21 (1 of 1) 1 pct th 200 taco; 146.Oft Location: 'T'ype of Boring: 2.25" ID HSA Started: 9/12/08 Completed: 9/12/08 Driller: J. Gilchrist Elevation Depth DESCRIP'f10N OF MATERIALS • Sample Sample Depth N Value / REMARKS -u (Classification) ? . ' ? Blows It'Cl (hlo\YS/ I1) SURFIC IAL ORGANIC SOIL, 0 --- GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Stiff dr ra /oran e mottled fine 11 0 I-Irs : 13 0' inside HSA 144 0 2 0 - , y, g y g , 1.5 . . ' . . sandy silty CLAY (CL). 2-2-4 2.0 0 Hrs.: 12.0 inside PVC Firm to stiff, dry, gray, fine sandy SILT (ML), with 6 24 Hrs.: 9.0' inside PVC rootlets. 6-5-7 3.5 12 5.0 139 5 6 5 . . Stiff, dry, gray/orange mottled, silty CLAY (CL). 3-5-7 6.5 12 137 5 8 5 8.5 . . - Loose, moist, tan/orange/gray mottled, slightly clayey 3-5-5 10 fine to medium SAND (SC). 10.0 132 5 13 5 . . 13.5 Very loose, saturated, orange, fine to coarse SAND 1-1-1 2 .; (SP). 15.0 127 5 18 5 . . .. Loose, saturated, tan, fine to coarse SAND (SP). 1-3-4 18.5 7 126.0 20.0 20. Boring Terminated at 20.0 feet. is filml v? ?nvw5 mquileu nn it ivU 10 ilulumanc nanimer dropping 30 to drive 1- V.1)., I..il?" !.I). split-spoon sampler to successive 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Test value, "N". BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL od? 1881 Date: 09/1712009 Ct;cnl: Johnston (:atnanunity College ?? _-----------??? --_--_?.___ -- Project. New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC Boring No.: B-22 _(1 of 1) I ep q )t 15.0' Elcv: 143.4ft f Location: Type of Boring: 2.25" Ill 1-1 SA Started: 9/12/08 Completed: 9/12/08 Driller: J. Gilchrist Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS * Sample Sample Depth N Value R1:MARl\S (Classification) Blows CecQ (blo,,vs/ fl) 143.1 0.3 SURFIC1AL ORGANIC SOIL 1"2"' 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Firm to hard dr to moist fine 5 0 Hrs : 10 5' inside HSA , y , 1.5 . . ' sandy silty CLAY (CL). 4-7-35 2.0 0 I-lrs.: 9.5 inside PVC 42 24 Hrs.: 8.4' inside PVC 139 9 3 5 . . _ .: Dense, moist, tan-orange silty fine to medium SAND 45-23-12 3.5 , (SM). 35 5.0 136 9 6 5 . . y Medium dense to loose, saturated, slightly silty Fine 4-6-7 6.5 ] 3 to coarse SAND (SM), with fine gravel. 8.0 4-5-5 8'S 10 10.0 3-4-5 13.5 9 128.4 15.0 5 Boring Terminated at 15.0 feet. *Number of blows required for a 140 Ib automatic hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D , 1.375" LD. split-spoon sampler in successive 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments ol'penetration is tensed the Standard Penetration 'l'est value, "N". BORING LOG Report No.: J66-091 SINCE FQ FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Qc ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL 01881 Date: 09/17/2008 Client: Johnston Community College -?? - ?? 11rojecc New Library Site, Smithfield, Johnston County, NC M Boring No.: 8-23 {1 of 1) 1,11 15.0' E,Iev: 144.1ft t Location: 'T'ype of Boring: 2.25" 1D HSA Starte& 9/12/08 Completed: 9/12/08 Driller: J. Gilchrist rle?lauon Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATE-RIALS * San,Ple Sample Depth N Value IZI MARKS 143 8 (Classification) Blows (blows/ 11) . 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOIL 1-1-1 0. GROUNDWATER DATA NATIVE SOILS: Very soft moist ra fine sand 2 01-lrs : 5 2' inside HSA 142 1 2 0 , , g y, y il CL Y 1.5 . . ' . . s ty A (CL). 4-8-17 2.0 0 ]its.: 12.0 inside PVC Very stiff moist brown fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) 25 24 Hrs.: 53inside PVC 140 6 3 5 , , , . . . 3.5 Medium dense, moist, gray/brown mottled, clayey 4-5-12 fine to medium SAND (SC). 17 5.0 137 6- 6 5 . . 6.5 Loose, moist to wet, blue-gray, clayey fine to 5-3-7 10 medium SAND (SC). 135.6 8.5- -5 --- 8.0 8 5 Loose to medium dense, saturated, gray, fine to 3-4-5 . 9 coarse SAND (SP), with fine to coarse gravel. 10.0 4-6-8 13.5 14 129.1 1 S.0 5. Boring Terminated at 15.0 feet. CMh-n r kln.,,c rn,.. :rn. 1 Y....- 1All 11 . .............._....._-____.. ?__. ,n... ., .. .. .? ?__... -_ . . - .......,.,,. ,.. •..,1..,,....v, c. +v ill auwinatu 11F171I1IMI UrPP1111% 30 to drive C- U.U., 1 .3 !J" LU. split-spoon samplcr 111 successive 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments ot'penetration is temicd the Standard Penetration l"cst value, "N". SINCE F&R 1881 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TEST RESULTS U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1123/8 3 6 610 1416 20 30 40 50 60 100140200 100 x w > m a W z tL z z w W a. 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.0 01 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Sample No. Depth Classification LL PL PI Cc Cu B-11 at 6.5-8.0 Light Grey, FAT CLAY (CH) 53 21 32 m B-14 at 8.5 - 10.0 Light Grey, FAT CLAY (CH) 61 25 36 B-23 at 3.5-5.0 Grey-Light Grey, SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) 30 16 14 L L Sample No. Depth D100 D60 D30 1310 %Gravel %Sand %Silt % Clay Q 0 B-11 at 6.5 - 8.0 2 0.0 9.0 91.0 M B-14 at 8.5 - 10.0 4.75 0.0 1 9 98 1 . . u C4 & B-23 at 3.5-5.0 4.75 0.089 0.0 42.4 57.6 J, a V A S INCE GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION FROEHLING $c ROBERTSON INC Report No.: J66-091 , . ENGINEERING - ENVIRONMENTAL - GEOTECHNICAL Client: Johnston Community College < Project: New Library Site Location: Smithfield Johnston County NC I , , Date: 09/17/2008 95 90 85 SO 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 COBBLES GRAVEL SAND coarse fine coarse medium fine SILT OR CLAY 60 00, CL CH 50 P L A 40 S T I C T 30 Y 1 N D 20 E X 10 CL-ML ML MH 0 0 20 4 0 60 8 0 10 0 LIQUID LIMIT Sample No. Depth LL PL PI Fines Classification % Natural Moisture Content • B-11 6.5-8.0 53 21 32 91.0 Light Grey, FAT CLAY (CH) 25.2 m B-14 8.5-10.0 61 25 36 98.1 Light Grey, FAT CLAY (CH) 28.6 A i B-23 3.5-5.0 30 16 14 57.6 Grey-Light Grey, SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) 14.4 s'"°E ATTERBERG LIMITS' RESULTS I FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. NGINEERING - ENVIRONMENTAL - GEOTECHNICAL Report No.: J -091 Client: Johnsto ohnston Community College Project: New Library Site Location: Smithfield, Johnston County, NC ieei -I Date: 09/17/2008 SINCE FAR 1881 APPENDIX D LIQUIFACTION ANALYSIS RESULTS 1 11 LIQUGAC -- Idquefaction Potent.i.al. Analysis -- by NAVFAC/l DI/PEI Project: Title: JCC Library Project Site: Smithfield Proposed Structure: Library Date: 1./0/0 Computed By: Scarlett. ----------- .-:: Factor of Safety No SP'1' Soil Elev. Cyclic Stress Ratio FS Req'd ------------- --------------------- Against N i?(60) NI(60) (ft) Fines Ri.(Des:i.gn) Rf(L,.iquef:) Liquef 1..0 1. 100.0 1 6 9.0 14.4 98.5 1 .i 6.0 9.6 96.6 1 32.00 SM 15.0 0.140.279 1.929 i` 2 96.5 2 20 30.0 48.0 95.0 2 21 1.5 50.4 93.6 2 49.20 St•'1 15.0 0..1.85 12.419 66.980 4.22 3 91.. 5 3 9 13.5 21.6 91A 2.1..60 SE? .0 0.230 0.37'1 1.640 3 86 5 Ele v. of Ground Water Level. .. 96 .5 ft. Ene rgy del i.ver.ed by Sampler -- 90 .0 .. :::.:::::::: :..::::.:::.:::,:-::::::_:::>.::->:::::::::: -<::::-::: Dynamic Properties Layer Unit Ve.rt.ical. Stress S}1F_a Wave No. Weight Total Effective Velocity Modul us (pcf) (psf) (p; f:) (fps) (ksf) 1. 115.0 201.3 201.3 526.9 991.36 2 11.5.0 690.0 539.0 804.5 2311.54 3 100.0 1227.5 759.5 628.5 1.226.5£3 N I:., Shear Max. Surf. Ac-:c., a(max) .- 0.22 y Earthquake Maq., M == 5.0 _ Settlement Layer G/Gmax PI Cyclic Volumetric Settlement: No. Shear Strain M (.%f.fain (<. ) 1 0.8495 10.0 0 . 0053 N/A N/A 2 0.761.3 5.0 0.0087 1\1 /A N/A 3 0.396V 2.0 0.0552 N/A N/A (in) Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Zip Code = 27577 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.05 deg grid spacing Period Centroid Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.209 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.080 (S1, Site Class B) Period Maximum Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.217 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.082 (S1, Site Class B) Period Minimum Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.202 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.078 (S1, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Zip Code = 27577 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SM1 SMs = FaSs and SM1 = FvS1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.6 Fv = 2.4 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.334 (SMs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.192 (SM1, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Zip Code = 27577 SDs = 2/3 x SMs and SD1 =2/3xSM1 . (sec) (g) 0.2 0.223 (SDs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.128 (SD1, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Zip Code = 27577 MCE Response Spectra for Site Class B Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 , Fv = 1.0 Period Sa Sd (sec) (g) (inches) 0.000 0.084 0.000 0.077 0.209 0.012 0.200 0.209 0.082 0.383 0.209 0.299 0.400 0.200 0.313 0.500 0.160 0.391 0.600 0.133 0.469 0.700 0.114 0.547 0.800 0.100 0.625 0.900 0.089 0.704 1.000 0.080 0.782 1.100 0.073 0.860 1.200 0.067 0.938 1.300 0.062 1.016 1.400 0.057 1.094 1.500 0.053 1.173 1.600 0.050 1.251 1.700 0.047 1.329 1.800 0.044 1.407 1.900 0.042 1.485 2.000 0.040 1.563 Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Zip Code = 27577 Site Modified Response Spectra for Site Class Site Class D SMs = FaSs and SM1 = FvS1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.6,Fv = 2.4 (sec) (g) (inches) 0.000 0.134 0.000 0.115 0.334 0.043 0.200 0.334 0.131 0.574 0.334 1.078 0.600 0.320 1.126 0,700 0.274 1.313 0.800 0.240 1.501 0.900 0.213 1.689 1.000 0,192 1.876 1.100 0.175 2.064 1.200 0.160 2.251 1.300 0,148 2.439 1.400 0.137 2.627 1.500 0.128 2.814 1.600 0.120 3.002 1.700 0.113 3.189 1.800 0.107 3.377 1.900 0.101 3.565 2,000 0.096 3.752 Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Zip Code = 27577 Design Response Spectra for Site Class Site Class D SDs = 2/3 x SMs and SD1 = 2/3 x SM1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.6 Fv = 2.4 Period Sa Sd (sec) (g) (inches) 0.000 0.089 0.000 0.115 0.223 0.029 0.200 0.223 0.087 0.574 0.223 0.718 0.600 0.213 0.750 0.700 0.183 0.876 0.800 0.160 1.001 0.900 0.142 1.126 1.000 0.128 1.251 1.100 0.116 1.376 1.200 0.107 1.501 S eMas sMDOTa =1:5B$Fv = 2.4 .. i t 1.600 0.080 2.001 1.700 0.075 2.126 1.800 0.071 2.251 1.900 0.067 2.376 2.000 0.064 2.502 Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Zip Code = 27577 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.05 deg grid spacing Period Centroid Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.209 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.080 (S1, Site Class B) Period Maximum Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.217 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.082 (S1, Site Class B) Period Minimum Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.202 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.078 (S1, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Zip Code = 27577 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SM1 SMs = FaSs and SM1 = FvS1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.6 Fv = 2.4 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.334 (SMs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.192 (SM1, Site Class D) 1.400 0.091 1.751 Zip Code = 27577 SDs=2/3xSMsand SD1 =2/3xSM1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.6 Fv = 2.4 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.223 (SDs, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States