HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC191959_Project Site Lat/Longs_20190917 Site Name Proposed Stream Recommendation Proposed Impacted(LF) Potential 404 Permitting Route USACE PCN Submittal Required DWR 401 Permitting Required Stream re-alignment, in stream structures Cherry Branch Site (riffle,vanes,J-hooks),bank grading and 840 NWP 27 Yes Yes planting and stabilization(brush toe with lifts,brush mattress) Stream Re-alignment, in stream structures (riffle),bank grading and planting and Comet Drive Site stabilization(brush toe with lift,brush 231 NWP 27 Yes Yes mattress) stream re-alignment, in stream structures Meadowbrook Terrace Site (riffle),bank grading and planting and 202 NWP 27 Yes Yes stabilization(brush toe with lift) Retrofit flashboard riser and lower pond water surface. Bank grading, in stream structures (vane,riffles),minor stream 510(The Oak Site) / The Oaks Site/Haywood Townes Site realignment,bank stabilization(brush toe) 168 (Haywwod Townes NWP 27 Yes Yes Site) Pond retrofit grading for stormwater wetland Patton Park Site 570 NWP 27 Yes Yes Bank Grading, in stream structures (Vane, Maple Street Site rock step),minor stream realignment 85 NWP 13 No No Bank grading, in stream structures(cross vane,riffles,vanes, log drops),bank Allen Branch Lakewood Road Site stabilization(geolift), and riparian planting 3904 NWP 27 Yes Yes includes supplemental planting of live-stakes and riparian seed mix along UT to Allen Allen Branch @ US64 Site Branch along Old Chimney Rock Rd 803 NWP 27 Yes Yes Add constructed riffle to armor the stream Jordan Street Site bed over a buried sanitary sewer crossing 31 NWP 13 No No Wash Creek Site Geolift installation along left bank 200 NWP 13 No No Geolifts along both banks to stablize banks Fitzsimmons Street Site at an aerial santiary crossing. Herbaceous 33 NWP 13 No No planting in sewer easement. Establish stone toe along both banks by moving existing onsite riprap and live stake Spartanburg Highway Site right bank. Install rock Aprons below 155 NWP 13 No Yes existing stormwater outfalls TOTAL IMPACTS 7732 Lat Long 35.344317 -82.455447 35.337709 -82.47863 35.334102 -82.472015 35.33273 -82.484556 35.334499 -82.469224 35.325821 -82.458697 35.348251 -82.444139 35.345363 -82.432843 35.313134 -82.47842 35.312704 -82.464675 35.295264 -82.445723 35.287714 -82.425288