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September 23, 2009
To: September 17, 2009 Bonner Bridge Merger Team Meeting Attendees
From: Beth Smyre, PE
Project Planning Engineer
Subject: NC 12 Replacement of Herbert C. Bonner Bridge, (Bridge No. 11) over:
Oregon Inlet, Dare County, WBS No. 32635, Federal-Aid No. BRS-
2358(15), TIP No. B-2500
Merger Team Meeting Summary
A merger team meeting was held on September 17, 2009 for the subject project. The following
people were in attendance:
Scott McLendon US Army Corps of Engineers USACE)
Ron Sechler National Marine Fisheries Service MFS
Clarence Coleman Federal Highway Administration FHWA)
Ron Lucas FHWA
Chris Militscher US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA
Kathy Matthews USEPA
Rosemary Hall USEPA
Mike Murray National Park Service PS
Thayer Broili NPS
Sara Winslow NC Division of Marine Fisheries CDMF
Travis Wilson NC Wildlife Resources Commission CWRC
Jim Gre son NC Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM
Jim Hoadle NCDCM
Cathy Brittin am NCDCM
Renee Gledhill-Earle State Historic Preservation Office SHPO
David Wainwright NC Division of Water Quality (NCDW )
Amy Simes NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources
Jerry Jennings NCDOT- Division 1
Greg Thorpe NCDOT- Project Development & Environmental Analysis
Rob Hanson NCDOT- PDEA
Brian Yamamoto NCDOT- PDEA
RALEIGH NC 27699-1548
TELEPHONE: 919-733.3141
FAX: 919-733-9794
B-2500 Merger Team Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2009
Phil Harris NCDOT- Natural Environment Unit
Bruce Ellis NCDOT-NEU
Elizabeth Lusk NCDOT- NEU
Michael Turch NCDOT- NEU
Karen Lynch NCDOT- NEU
Steve Mitchell NCDOT- NEU
Kathy Herring NCDOT- NEU
LeiLani Paugh NCDOT- NEU
Morgan Weatherford NCDOT- NEU
Kerry Vallant NCDOT- Transportation Planning Branch
Dave Henderson NCDOT- Hydraulics
Lonnie Brooks NCDOT- Structure Design
Don O'Toole NC Department of Justice
Mark Lau isch NCDOT- Roadside Environmental Unit
Virginia Mabry NCDOT- Transportation Program Management
Victor Barbour NCDOT- Technical Services
KJ Kim NCDOT- Geotechnical Engineering
Harrison Marshall NCDOT- Human Environment Unit
Ray McIntyre NCDOT- TIP Development Unit
Thomas Stoddard NCDOT- TIP Development Unit
John Page PB
Representatives from the USFWS (Raleigh and Manteo offices) were not present.
Part I: Discussion of Wetland Mitigation for Phase I
The meeting consisted of discussion of anticipated impacts due to the construction
of Phase I to wetlands, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), and National Park Service
(NPS) property; this was followed by a discussion of appropriate mitigation or
conservation measures for each impact type. This project will follow a phased mitigation
approach with the proposed phased construction of the preferred alternative. Impacts to
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) property will be discussed at a later date since.
USFWS representatives were not in attendance.
The Team reviewed Figures E-2g and E-2h from the FEIS and Table 1 from the
merger packet that illustrated the biotic communities, including wetlands, which were
delineated within the Parallel Bridge Corridor. Table 1 provides a range of impacts to
identified wetland types including man-dominated, salt shrub, maritime grassland,
overwash, maritime shrub thicket, reed stand, and CAMA wetlands of salt flat, brackish
marsh, smooth cord grass, and black needlerush.
The final impact numbers could change based on the final design and landing
points of the bridge but will be within the same scale as reported on Table 1. The
dominant species and quality of wetland was questioned for the man-dominated type on
the table. The merger team would like to see the NCWAM types indicated. NEU will
review the area called man-dominated and assess the type and quality of all
wetlands according to NCWAM.
B-2500 Merger Team Mecting Minutes
September 23, 2009
All agencies agreed that offsite wetland mitigation is not preferred for this project.
FHWA questioned the use of existing wetland mitigation sites for offsetting impacts.
USACE pointed to the exceptional quality and type of habitats associated with the Outer
Banks as justification for alternative mitigation and allowed within the new federal
mitigation rule. USACE noted that credits from existing wetland mitigation sites could
eventually be utilized to compensate for impacts for Phase I. NPS requires that all
impacts to Park Service property is mitigated within the park. Other agencies agreed that
alternative mitigation or conservation measures would be acceptable. NPS suggested that
a phragmites control program could be an appropriate mitigative measure using a 4:1
ratio. NCWRC recommended that any measures take into account site conditions and
adjacent phragmites populations, which may require a larger treatment area other than
what is dictated by ratios. Additional areas could be used to offset impacts from future
phases of the roadway project. NCDWQ will have to discuss fulfillment of no-net-loss
policy with their management. NCWAM has been suggested previously by NCDWQ as a
method to demonstrate no-net-loss of functions through wetland enhancemeht.'NCDCM
stated the Dare County Land Use plan requires 25% of the mitigation within the county.
NEU will coordinate with the NPS to develop an appropriate, practicable
phragmites control proposal for review by NCDOT and agencies as mitigation for
wetland impacts.
The Team reviewed the figure included in the meeting package that illustrated the
SAV survey transects completed by NEU in June 2009. The survey results show that
SAV coverage within the corridor averaged 27.7%, which equates to an estimated 1.68
acres of SAV impacts. Impacts from Table 1 were estimated using 25% average SAV
coverage within the corridor.
NMFS considers the SAV impact area to be the total amount of potential habitat
within the corridor, not just the areas with presence of SAV. This area would be a
maximum of 6.04 acres within the right-of-way of Phase I. NEU can refine this acreage
by eliminating non-habitat areas such as mud, silt, and deep water areas. Other State
agencies would not require any additional mitigation than required by the NMFS.
NCDWQ requested SAV mapping of corridor prior to construction. Removal of the
existing bridge may result in impacts also. Bridge demolition techniques will be
discussed at 4B and 4C meetings. NEU will provide an estimate of the total SAV
habitat area, impacts due to shading, and impacts due to fill.
NCDWQ discussed construction techniques that could increase impacts, such as
jetting piles. The dispersion of material could smother SAV beds. A recent study funded
by NCDOT discusses the range of effects. If preventive or clean-up measures are not
undertaken, the impacts would be considered permanent.
Removal of the existing bridge could be used as on site mitigation of SAV
impacts, with consideration given to impacts from bridge demolition. NPS questioned the
lack of certainty of SAV habitat restoration by bridge removal. However, the same lack of
certainty exists with impacts of the new bridge. NEU will provide an estimate of the
potential SAV habitat area under the existing bridge.
B-2500 Merger Team Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2009
NEU discussed offsite, out-of- kind mitigation of SAV impacts by oyster reef
construction. The SAV mitigation panel recommends funding research as a priority.
Restoring SAV beds can be problematic in such dynamic environments. SAV tends to be
opportunistic and will populate habitat areas as they develop. NMFS will be open-minded
and suggested current USACE dredging projects and other civil works projects as
potential cooperative opportunities to restore SAV habitat.
Dave Lekson (USACE) should be contacted for additional mitigation opportunities.
NCDOT should show due diligence in reviewing onsite mitigation and conservation measures.
Other measures were suggested for wetland mitigation including restoration of piping plover
habitat, control of vegetation encroachment, and enhancement of fisheries. NCDCM also
referred to the Coastal Habitat Protection Plan for targeted areas and measures. All mitigation
pursued should take into account any Section 7 measures.
Part Il: Discussion of Draft Preferred Alternative_Partnership Agreement
The purpose of this portion of the meeting was to discuss the draft (dated September 8,
2009) Preferred Alternative Partnership Agreement that was developed to address how
decisions on future phases of the project would be made. The intent of the agreement was to
identify the responsibilities of all agencies that must be involved before NCDOT can move
forward on future phases and to state protocol for how alternatives for future phases will be
evaluated. The agreement was developed based on the suggestion from the USEPA during, the,
May 21, 2009 merger team meeting that an adaptive management strategy that deferred. .
decisions on later phases would best fit this project, due to the unpredictability of the
environment within the project area. Although the team decided to revise the LEDPA/Preferred
Alternative decision during the May 21 meeting, no concurrence form was signed.
The group discussed whether the Partnership Agreement was necessary in the current
context of the Merger Process; several agencies felt that a Merger Process concurrence form
would be more appropriate. Some members of the team expressed concerns about not having
the authority to sign a Partnership Agreement on behalf of their agency; however, they were
authorized under the current Merger agreement to sign a concurrence form.
The concept of adaptive management, first mentioned during the May 21 merger team
meeting, was discussed. The Department of Interior's Adaptive Management is a policy for,
how to manage a resource over time to achieve a desired outcome. Several agencies questioned
whether an adaptive management plan should be stipulated in any agreement.
The team determined that a Partnership Agreement was potentially more appropriate for
the USFWS and the NPS (as managers of the federal lands along the NC 12 corridor) than to
the other members of the merger team. USEPA suggested that the US Institute for
Environmental Conflict Resolution, an independent and impartial federal program in Arizona,
could assist in the development of a Partnership Agreement between the transportation and
federal land agencies. The Department of Interior has an Office of Collaborative Action and
Dispute Resolution that could also be utilized.
B-2500 Merger Team Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2009
The team discussed revising the draft Partnership Agreement into a Merger Process
concurrence form, which would amend (not conflict with) the Review Board agreement that
was signed on August 27, 2007. The concurrence form should include the following:
Recognition that the Review Board agreed that Phase I should proceed as soon
as possible;
- Review the amount of studies of the project area that have been completed to
- Recognize the available solutions for later phases that were studied;
- Explain why the team agreed during the May 21 meeting that decisions on the
later phases of the project could be postponed; and
- An additional formalized agreement should be pursued with the US Fish and
Wildlife Service and the National Park Service that provides additional
information on how decisions about later phases will be made.
It was also noted that some discussion may be needed about what would trigger NCDOT and
FHWA to reconvene the merger team for future phases. USEPA mentioned that the tenets of
the existing draft Partnership Agreement should be included within the Record of Decision for
the project.
NCDOT asked that the team provide any comments on the existing draft Partnership
Agreement as well as any comments on what would trigger the merger team's involvement on
future phases by Friday, September 25. NCDOT and FHWA will draft a concurrence form _
with the above stipulations and send it to the merger team for review.