HomeMy WebLinkAbout19981257 Ver 1_Complete File_20030617 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Mrs. Pamela Boaze Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. PO. Box 241 Whittier, North Carolina 28789 17 June, 2003 Dowdle Mountain Mitigation Project Macon County DWQ # 981257 ~, 6'Olf Dear Mrs. Boaze: Thank you for the benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring report for the Dowdle Mountain mitigation project in Macon County. Our office received this report on May 30th. The report summarizes data collected prior to construction in 2000 and for two post construction sUrveys in 2001 and 2002 from a site on Queens Creek and three locations on the South UT. The report is well written; however, I do have some questions. o Are you aware of any appropriate regional reference information that might apply to these data? You note that there were no appropriate upstream reference reaches and current protocols for collection from DWQ were not formalized prior to construction. o You noted in the pre-construction section that there are two smaller tributaries of the Southern UT and that one carries a heavy sediment load. Were any restoration activities conducted on these features? o Your methods section notes that samples were collected from the upper fence line (fence), at a livestock crossing (crossing) and from below a culvert (culvert), but results listed in the benthos tables indicate that the data were collect in upstream to downstream order as fence, culvert and then crossing. Which is accurate? o You note that benthos data were collected during the pre-construction survey following two years of drought conditions. Do you feel that these drought conditions were responsible for the differences between communities at the 'fence' station and other locations (Le. many fewer taxa and lower abundance values)? o When was the construction begun and completed? Thanks again for this report. cc: Mike Parker, Asheville Regional Office Dave Penrose File Copy 1 Wetlands/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Telephone 919-733-1786 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 FAX # 733-9959 50% recycledllO% post consumer paper " State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES --, }5 . Mrs. Pamela Boaze v\ ,if'.. vJ Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. ~rY I.M Vrg .. PO. Box 241 V . Whittier, North Carolina 28789 rrtf.~ Dear~: ~, 9>o~ z.e ,. . Tha~r the benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring report for the Dowdle Mountain mitigaf n project in Macon County. Our office received this report on May 30th, The report summarizes. data c lected prior to construction in 2000 and for two post construction surveys in 200 1 and 2002 from a site Queens Creek and three locations on the South UT. The report is well written; however, I do have s e questions. ,0 gJune,2003 Dowdle Mountain Mitigation Project Macon County DWQ # 981257 D Are you aware of any appropriate regional reference information that mi t apply to these data? You note that there were no appropriate upstream reference reaches an protocols for collection from DWQ were not formalized prior to construction. D You noted in the pre-construction section that there are two smaller tributaries of the Southern UT and that one carries a heavy sediment load. wa-s any restoration activities conducted on these features? ~ D Your methods section not~that samples were collected from the upper fence line (fence), at a t./ livestock crossing (crossing) and from below a culvert (culvert), but results listed in the benthos tables indicate that the data were collect in upstream to downstream order as fence, culvert and then crossing. Which is accurate? D You note that benthos data were collected during the pre-construction survey following two years of drought conditions. Do you feel that these drought conditions were responsible for the differences between communities at the 'fence' station and other locations (Le, many fewer taxa and lower abundance values)? ~ n D When was the constructio~ p '^ oJ/. <..., l~ ' Thanks again for this report. Sincerely, John Dorney CC: Mike Parker, Asheville Regional Office Dave Penrose File Copy Wetlands/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Telephone 919-733-1786 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 FAX # 733-9959 50% recycledll 0% post consumer paper , Main Office at: 25 Water Tower Lane Whittier, NC 28789 Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. PO Box 241 Whittier, NC 28789 Tel (828) 497-6505 Fax (828) 497-6213 Email fwa@dnet.net May 28, 2003 'Mr-n ~n! f~ . ... . n . Y -LANDi;} 14n1~rv~U' F' 'If, 'l..4rHJ . MAY :1 0 2003 d.l ~'f'e uflJ!i Y J.:R QUAL./"! ~l'" , , ! I i:JcCTlON John Dorney Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650 A {etv 'jr~,. (~ . ",. . /\ J..) 7 /~/ ot . RE: Dowdle Mountain Mitigation Project WQC #981257 COE #199930622 Queens Branch and South UT Monitoring if4 /)(,4 Pamela M. Boaze ~~ . ~~ The Dowdle Mountain Mitigation Project req~ed monit?ring ~n t~e restored streams at ) '< ,J, I ~ Queens Branch and the South UT. Attached IS the benthic momtonng report for the )1 ~ I itdo' , Dowdle Mountain Mitigation Project on Queens Branch and the South UT. This includes sf ~ofJ ( the pre-construction sampling results from August 2000, and two post construction f f J'v sampling results from September 2001 and August 2002. er1(/ c,(;.. If you have any questions or need further infurmation, please reel free to contact me. f II ft(J . ~. ./(S~/ ~~ .. -J / / \ QV , ~\ cc: US ACE David Baker Duke Energy Corporation - Steve Bush Attachments AJ~ t:t;v Iv O~ j;~ f, pu )p6~ Ii) ;J ~ ~ ~ Dowdle Mountain Mitigation Project Queens Branch and South Unnamed Tributary Restoration Little Tennessee River Buffer Enhancement . North Unnamed Tributary - Wetland Enhancement J f WQC#981257 COE #199930622 r t I r ;J ~? -0l,r Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Report .Y P n f\ I- li j ~f Pre-Construction Sampling, August 2000 VX 1/ .f ~' Post-Construction September 2001 and August 2002 [,,-</fe/I' I \ (. >( r D CU~I f'~ PROJECT SlTE (j)~/M S ;; The Queens Branch Restoration Project in Macon County, NC is located on a 7 acre ~~l ok;') property offHwy. 28 within the floodplain and alluvial terrace of the Little Tennessee ~ftJ,u River (Figure 1). The project involves the Little Tennessee River and three tributaries to /, f\ "" eJolf the Little Tennessee River - two unnamed tributaries (north and south UT) and Queens ,.~' Branch. The three tributaries meet the criteria of headwaters, i.e. less than 5 cfs aver~e t- <~F. annual flow. The drainage areas for the streams were 0.024 square miles for the north UT, 0.492 square miles for Queens Branch, and 0.206 square miles for south UT. ~ 'I j;;;. ;> , '. (pAr 1ll\ir Ad 0# +J..c-. . (ftj.:JlJ ~7 ' The project restor 900 liner feet (If) of stream. It Iso preserved and enhanced 2.39 acres of riparian b . ure 2). Historica this property has been agriculture, both cropland and pasture. The northern UT appeared to have been channelized and relocated during the period of agriculture land use. The three tributaries have been heavily impacted by grazing and direct access by cattle to the full length of stream beds. The south UT was also impacted by a direct sewage discharge from the house on the property. The restoration plan addressed the tour stream areas through rehydrating wetlands, restoring dimension and pattern to stream channels, fencing out livestock and planting riparian buffers. Preconstruction conditions can also be seen in the photographs of the project site (Appendix A). REFERENCE SITE r \jPt) source: USGS 7.5' Quadrangle Alarka, NC ........~ , Scale: 1-=2000' i ~ ~ Location of the Queen Branch - Little Tennessee River mitigation site ENVIRO SERVICES,INC. DOWDLE MOUNTAIN MITIGATION Queen Branch - Little Tennessee River Site Macon Co" N.C. Project No. EA99032 Date July 1999 Figure 1 JIl"""""'lIlIIII --~ I Scale: 1-=200' I Location of the mitigation tributaries and associated buffers ENVlRON SERVICES, INC. DOWDLE MOUNTAIN MmGATION Queen Branch - Little Tennessee River Site Macon Co., N.C. Project No. EA99032 Date July 1999 2 Figure METHODS tvt)~ . )ur.J-t 7 Kr~f./ _t?7.. t? f.!Jp ~v ()t-.-~ Qual-4 collection methods were used for sampling Queens Br and the south VT as the drainage areas were <1.0 square miles in size. The pre-c nstruction sampling preceded the guidelines required by NCDWQ, but fell wit' the techniques ofthe Qual- 4. Preconstruction samples were taken at four sites - 0 on Queens Branch at the livestock crossing, and three on the south VT (Figure 3 . The south VT was sampled at the upper fence line, at a livestock crossing mid-stream, and below a culvert as shown on Figure 3. No water quality measurements, pebble counts or cross section surveys were taken as the restoration preceded the benthic monitoring requirements from North Carolina Division of Water Quality in December 2001. Samples were sent to Pennington and Associates, Inc. in Coo keville, TN for the identification. Pre-Construction August 2000 11 ~/'ej? -{f-ir ;t ~ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Degraded conditions were observed in all three stre from two smaller tributaries. one of which carried a eavv sediment load. There was 'significant bank erosion, channel widening from livestock access, and channel braiding. L'-' ~ residential sewage discharge occurred below the fence line site, bllt above the '-" \ crossing and culvert monitoring sites. This stream was heavily utilized by cattle for a .Q Ir' water and for cooling. Substrates were mainly silt, sand, and some gravel. Habitat was V{r mainly runs with some riflle and pool areas. The attached results show the pre-construction conditions on the three sampling reaches on south VT, and the sampling site on Queens Branch (Table 1). Queens Branch had fewer species, lower abundance and EPTs than the sites on the south VT. EPTs were present at all sampling sites. The most downstream site on the South VT exhibited the highest abundance and taxa ofEPTs. Tolerant species such as Oligo chaeta and f. Chironomidae were abundant, especially on the nutrient impacted south VT. t ...., Preconstruction conditions and during construction conditions are shown in attached '1 () 0 ouJ' pictures (Appendix A). The pre-construction sampling occurred during the second year/" tv of drought conditions in the region. Dowdle Mountain Mitigation Site Queens Branch and South Unnamed Tributary I Biological Monitoring Sites J: Alarka, NC Quadrangle Macon County, NC 1000 L- o 1000 2000 3000 Feet I wi Figure 3 TABLE 1. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FOR THE DOWDLE MOUNTAIN STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, QUEENS BRANCH AND SOUTH TRIBUTARY, MACON COUNTY, NC. AUGUST 2000. (}6f~r I ~ 7 SPECIES T.V.** F.F.G.*** Queens Soutti UT Souttftrr S~th.UT ? ' Branch Fence Culvert CrossIng PLATYHELMINTHES Turbellaria Tricladida Planariidae Cura foremanii MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Veneroida Sphaeriidae ANNELIDA Oligochaeta Haplotaxida Enchytraeidae Lumbricidae Naididae Nais behningi Nais communis Tubificidae w.o.h.c. Lumbriculida Lumbriculidae Hirudinea Branchiobdellida ARTHROPODA Crustacea Decapoda Cambaridae Cambarus sp. Collembola Isotomidae Insecta Ephemeroptera Baetidae Baetis sp. Baetis intercalaris Plauditus sp. Ephemerellidae Eurylophella sp. Heptageniidae Epeorus sp. Epeorus rubidus/subpallidus Stenonema sp. Stenonema modestum Isonychiidae Isonychia sp. Leptophlebiidae Odonata Calopterygidae Calopteryx sp. Cord u leg astrid ae Cordulegaster sp. Gomphidae Lanthus sp. Pennington and Associates, Inc. 4.97 *8 FC CG *8 CG 8.89 CG 8.81 CG 7.11 CG 7.03 CG 7.03 CG *8 P 7.62 CG *4 CG 4.99 CG *4 CG 4.34 SC *4 SC 1.27 CG 1.22 CG *4 SC 5.5 SC 3.45 FC *2 CG *5 P 7.78 P *3 P 5.73 P *1 P 1.77 P C A C R R C C R R R R C (9 R C R R C R A R C C C C R R R C R C R _---_' 7 ~0 { -- c =x:R R~ R R R C R R R R R R Page 1 of3 Queens Branch Report File 2000 5/23/03 TABLE 1. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FOR THE DOWDLE MOUNTAIN STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, QUEENS BRANCH AND SOUTH TRIBUTARY, MACON COUNTY, NC. AUGUST 2000. SPECIES T.V.** F.F.G.*** Queens South UT South UT South UT Branch Fence Culvert Crossing Plecoptera Leuctridae Leuctra sp. 0.67 SH R C A Nemouridae Amphinemura sp. 3.33 SH R Peltoperlidae SH CCY 7 Ta/laperla sp. 1.2 SH CC D Perlidae *1 P R Acroneuria sp. *1 P R C Perlodidae *2 P Mafirekus hastatus 1.15 P R Heteroptera Veliidae R R C Rhagovelia obesa P C Trichoptera Hydropsychidae *4 FC R D 7 Dipfectrona modesta 2.21 FC C ~ c{ Hydropsyche sp. *5 FC Leptoceridae *4 CG R Lepidostomatidae *1 SH ~ c; ~ '7 Lepidostoma sp. 0.9 FC Limnephilidae *4 SH R R Pycnopsyche sp. 2.52 SH R Odontoceridae 0 SC R Philopotamidae *3 FC Dolophilodes sp. 0.81 R Psychomyiidae *2 CG R Coleoptera Curculionidae CG R R Elmidae *5 SC R Optioservus sp. 2.36 SC R R Oulimnius latiusculus 1.78 CG R R Stenelmis sp. 5.1 SC R Psephenidae *4 SC Ectopria sp. 4.16 SC R R Diptera Ceratopogonidae R Atrichopogon sp. 6.49 R Chironomidae C C C Brillia f1avifrons 5.18 SH C Constempelfina sp. *4 CG R R Corynoneura sp. 6.01 CG R A C Cricotopus sp. *7 CG R C C Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 2 of 3 Queens Branch Report File 2000 5/23/03 TABLE 1. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FOR THE DOWDLE MOUNTAIN STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, QUEENS BRANCH AND SOUTH TRIBUTARY, MACON COUNTY, NC. AUGUST 2000. SPECIES T.V.*. F.F.G.*.. Queens South UT South UT South UT Branch Fence Culvert Crossing Diptera 'XC Cryptochironomus fu/vus 6.38 P R Macropelopia sp. *7 "y Nilotanypus sp. 3.9 P R Odontomesa fu/va 5.89 =) Orthoc/adius sp. 5.34 CG '-----------. ""- ..... c; Para/auterbomiella nigroha/teralis 4.77 CG ---- Parametriocnemus /undbecki 3.65 CG C A A - 'f\ Po/ypedilum convictum 4.93 SH C A C Po/ypedilum fallax 6.39 SH R R Po/ypedilum ha/tera/e 7.31 SH R Po/ypedilum i/linoense 9 SH C C C Rheocricotopus robacki 7.28 CG R Rheotanytarsus sp. 5.89 FC R C R Synorthoc/adius semivirens 4.36 CG R Tanytarsus sp, 6.76 FC R C C Thienemannimyia gp. 8.42 P R C C Theinemannie//a xena 5.86 CG A A A Tribe/os sp. 6.31 CG R Tvetenia bavarica gp. 3.61 CG R Zavrelia sp. 5.3 CG R R Culicidae *8 FC R Dixidae Dixa sp. 2.55 C R Psychodidae *10 CG R Simuliidae *6 FC Simulium sp. 4 FC R C A Tipulidae *3 SH Dicranota sp. 0 P R Limnophila sp. *4 P R Pseudolimnophila sp. 7.22 P C Tipu/a sp. 7.33 SH R CHORDATA- Caudata R Osteichthyes R TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS 73 112 224 360 TOTAL NO. OF TAXA 21 20 51 60 TOTAL NO. OF EPT 16 13 74 155 TOTAL NO. OF EPT TAXA 6 8 14 18 NC BIOTIC INDEX (ASSIGNED VALUES) 5.15 5.26 4.62 3.96 NC BIOTIC INDEX 5.35 5.39 4.73 4.09 .HilsenhoffTolerance Values used when North Carolina Tolerance Values are not available ..North Carolina Tolerance Values range from 0 for organisms very intolerant of organic wastes to ...Functional Feeding Group: CG=Collector/Gatherer, FC=Filtering/Collectors, SC=Scrapers SH=l ....Not included in analysis Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 3 of3 Queens Branch Report File 2000 5/23/03 Post-Construction September 2001 . ~f \ ut (d ,0 \ .). . ~d\)). . . . I ') r-- \ .~5 v ? ~v / The first sampling event occurred one year following construction. The sites, especially the south VT ones, still showed signs of impacts due to the restoration project with the number of organisms decreased considerably (Table 2). Most ofthe Diptera and O~ochaeta species had disappeared and the numbers dropped from abundant and ~ I common to rare. This was most likely due to the removal of the direct sewage outfall. C ~ Improvemem was observed on Queens Branch, where there was a decrease in the total ::;--- number of organisms, but an increase in EPT numbers and species. On the south VT, number of organisms and species decreased significantly. EPT taxa showed an increased abundance at the south VT fence site, but a decrease at the south VT culvert site and crossing site. Vegetation was becoming established throughout the riparian buffer ~ bank stabilization appeared to be in place. Live stakes and herbaceous vegetation did quite well, but many of the young trees were lost to drought. The sampling occurred during continued drought conditions in the region. Post Construction August 2002 Queens Branch results showed moderate gains over 2001, with the EPT counts remaining close to the same as 2001, and some increase in the number of species overall (Table 3). I ~7 All sampling sites on south VT continued to show improvement in the number of u ;I ~(,.r{ . organisms, species diversity, and especially EPT richness and abundance. It was no~ t that the increase also included Diptera species, but Chironomidae remained rar~e benthic community has responded well to the restoration project on the south VT despite the drought conditions and further improvements are expected when normal rainfall returns. Increased vegetation was observed in the photographs of the project site (Appendix B). A summary of the biological monitoring for the three years is included on T~k4. 5~ Future sampling Sampling at the four sites will continue through 2004. TABLE 2. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FOR THE DOWDLE MOUNTAIN STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, QUEENS BRANCH AND SOUTH TRIBUTARY, MACON COUNTY, NC. SEPTEMBER 2001. SPECIES T.V.- F.F.G.*** Queens South UT South UT South UT Branch Fence Culvert Crossing MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Veneroida Sphaeriidae *8 FC Pisidium sp. 6.48 FC R ANNELIDA Oligochaeta Haplotaxida Lumbriculida 7.03 CG Lumbriculidae 7.03 CG R ARTHROPODA Crustacea Decapoda Cambaridae Cambarus sp. 7.62 CG R R C R Collembola R Insecta Ephemeroptera 7 Baetidae ~ ,;;.uD . Baetis intercalaris 4.99 CG R Plauditus sp. *4 CG R ;Jc!J.~~ ~ -I Timpanoga sp. CG R . f<-> fi "' J I r. Ephemerellidae (>(r l { Ephemera sp. *3 CG Eurylophel/a sp. 4.34 SC Heptageniidae *4 SC Stenonema sp. *4 SC C Isonychiidae Isonychia sp. 3.45 FC C C Odonata Calopterygidae *5 P Calopterx maculata 7.78 P C Hetaerina sp. 5.61 P R Cordulegastridae *3 P Cordulegaster sp. 5.73 P R C R Gomphidae *1 P Lanthus sp. 1.77 P R A C R Plecoptera Leuctridae Leuctra sp. 0.67 SH C A C A vvr!. Peltoperlidae SH Tal/aperla sp. 1.2 SH A C R b Perlidae *1 P Acroneuria abnormis 2.06 P R. R C Eccoptura xanthenes 3.74 P R Pteronarcidae pteronarcys sp. 1.67 SH R Megaloptera Corydalidae Nigronia fasciatus 5.55 P R R Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 1 of 2 Queens Branch Report File 2001 5/23/03 TABLE 2. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FOR THE DOWDLE MOUNTAIN STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, QUEENS BRANCH AND SOUTH TRIBUTARY, MACON COUNTY, NC. SEPTEMBER 2001. SPECIES T.V.** F.F.G.*** Queens South UT South UT South UT Branch Fence Culvert Crossing Trichoptera Brachycentridae *1 SH R ~ Hydropsychidae *4 FC to Diplectrona modesta 2.21 FC C A A A Lepidostomatidae *1 SH Lepidostoma sp. 0.9 FC R R Limnephilidae *4 SH R Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila sp. *1 P R Coleoptera Elmidae *5 SC Stenelmis sp. 5.1 SC R Psephenidae *4 SC Phephenus herricki 2.35 SC R Ptilodactylidae Anchytarsus bico/or 3.64 SH R Diptera Chironomidae Parametriocnemus lundbecki 3.65 CG R Polypedilum f1avum 4.93 SH R R Thienemannimyia gp. 8.42 P R Dixidae Dixa sp. 2.55 R R C Tipulidae *3 SH Dicranota sp. 0 P R Tipula sp. 7.33 SH R R TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS 41 104 74 90 TOTAL NO. OF TAXA 15 17 13 19 TOTAL NO. OF EPT 32 78 61 76 TOTAL NO. OF EPT TAXA 8 8 5 12 NC BIOTIC INDEX (ASSIGNED VALUES) 3.58 2.50 3.24 2.83 NC BIOTIC INDEX 3.02 2.37 2.78 2.92 *Hilsenhoff Tolerance Values used when North Carolina Tolerance Values are not available **North Carolina Tolerance Values range from 0 for organisms very intolerant of organic wastes to 10 for oq ***Functional Feeding Group: CG=Collector/Gatherer, FC=Filtering/Collectors, SC=Scrapers SH=Shredder~ ****Not included in analysis Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Queens Branch Report File 2001 5/23/03 TABLE 3. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FOR THE DOWDLE MOUNTAIN STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, QUEENS BRANCH AND SOUTH TRIBUTARY, AUGUST 2002. SPECIES T.V." F.F.G.... Queens South UT South UT South UT Branch Fence Culvert Crossing MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Veneroida Sphaeriidae *8 FC Pisidium sp. 6.48 FC R R ANNELIDA Oligochaeta Lumbriculida Lumbriculidae 7.03 CG R R ARTHROPODA Crustacea Decapoda Cambaridae Cambarus sp. 7.62 CG C C A A Insecta Collembola I sotomidae R Ephemeroptera Ephemeridae *4 CG Ephemera sp. *3 CG R R Ephemerellidae *1 SC Eurylophella sp. 4.34 SC R Timpanoga sp. CG R Heptageniidae *4 SC Epeorus dispar 1.27 CG R. O~. Stenonema modestum 5.5 SC A A A A Isonychiidae *2 FC Isonychia sp. 3.45 FC A A A Leptophtebiidae *2 CG Paraleptophlebia sp. 0.94 CG R Odonata Aeshnidae *3 P Boyena vinosa 5.89 P R Calopterygidae *5 P Calopteryx sp. 7.78 P C C R R Cordulegastridae *3 P G--~ Cordulegaster sp. 5.73 P R Gomphidae *1 P R Gomphus sp. 5.8 P R Lanthus sp. 1.77 P R fA A~ Plecoptera '---~--- Leuctridae *0 SH Leucfra sp. 0.67 SH C C C Peltoper1idae SH ~ Tallaperla sp. 1.18 SH C A~ Perlidae *1 P Acroneuria abnormis 2.06 P R R C Eccoptura xanthenes 3.74 P R R Per10didae P Malirekus hastatus 1.15 P R C Hemiptera Veliidae P R Megaloptera Corydalidae *0 P Nigronia fasciatus 5.55 P R Trichoptera Glossosomatidae *0 SC G/ossosoma sp. 1.55 SC R Hydropsychidae *4 FC 8 ~ Diplectrona modesta 2.21 FC C A Lepidostomatidae *1 SH Lepidostoma sp. 6.22 FC C A Limnephilidae *4 SH Philopotam idae *3 FC cp R 7 Dolophilodes sp. 0.81 FC A A Pycnopsyche sp. 2.52 SH R R Phryganeidae *4 SH Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 1 of2 Queens Branch Report File 2002 5/23/03 TABLE 3. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FOR THE DOWDLE MOUNTAIN STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT. QUEENS BRANCH AND SOUTH TRIBUTARY, AUGUST 2002. SPECIES T.V.- F.F.G.... Queens South UT South UT South UT Branch Fence Culvert Crossing Oligostomis sp. SH R Psychomyiidae *2 CG Lype diversa 4.05 SC R Rhyacophilidae *0 P Rhyacophila carolina 0 P R C --0 ? Rhyacophila fuscula 1.88 P Uenoidae Neophylax mitchelli 0 R Coleoptera Elmidae *5 CG Optioservus sp. 2.36 SC R Oulimnius latiusculus 1.78 CG R Psephenidae *4 SC Psephenus herricki 2.35 SC R Ptilodactylidae SH Anchytarsus bicolor 3.64 SH R R Diptera Ceratopogonidae *5 P Bezzia/Palpomyia gp. 6.86 P R Chironomidae Cryptochironomus fulvus 6.38 P R Phaenopsectra sp. 6.5 SC R Polypedilum sp. *6 SH R Polypedilum ffavum 4.93 SH R R Polypedilum iIIinoense 9 SH R Thienemannimyia gp. 8.42 P R R Dixidae CG Dixa sp. 2.55 CG R C Simuliidae *6 FC Simulium sp. 4 FC C C Tabanidae PI Chrysops sp. 6.73 PI R Tipulidae *3 SH Dicranota sp. 0 P R C Pseudolimnophila sp. 7.22 P R Tipula sp. 7.33 SH R C R R CHORDATA**** Caudata R TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS 51 218 190 221 TOTAL NO. OF TAXA 17 26 27 32 TOTAL NO. OF EPT 34 147 130 163 TOTAL NO. OF EPT TAXA 8 14 11 17 NC BIOTIC INDEX (ASSIGNED VALUES) 4.63 3.60 3.95 3.58 NC BIOTIC INDEX 4.81 3.41 3.69 3.56 *Hilsenhoff Tolerance Values used when North Carolina Tolerance Values are not available "North Carolina Tolerance Values range from 0 for organisms very intolerant of organic wastes to 10 for organisms very tolerant of organic wastes -Functional Feeding Group: CG=CoIlector/Gatherer, FC=Filtering/Collectors, SC=Scrapers SH=Shredders, P=Predators, PI=Piercer -*Not included in analysis Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Queens Branch Report File 2002 5/23/03 N 0 N 0 N 0 I 0 0 N 0 0 ..c. N 0 I/) C - ~ 'S [D'<"'" I/) 1/)0 & cO Q)C\1 0) Q) C ::l .;:: 0 0 - 0 '2 0 0 0 ::E C\I B '0 0 (5 iD '0 Q) :c m I- ~ m E E ::l (/) ~ Q) :c m I- ,~ "'I-... ~ ~ -+. .~ ". ~ ~ [!~ '<"'" 1.0 C\I 00 1.0 _ I ~'<"'"C') ('I) ~ 1.01.0 ~N~<O~~ 1.0 1.0 (i) Q) ::l ~ -0 Q) I/) c E ~ .2> .!Q m gj ffi m I- 1-1- ~ o)x xx O....mQ.Q.Q)Q) I-WW-o-o 'Oo'Oo.f:.f: o 0 0 o'~'~ ZZZzoo (ij(ij(ij(ijiDiD 000000 I-I-I-I-ZZ C\I o o O)N c '$ e 0'<"'" o 1-0 ::::>C\I ..c. - ::l o (/)0 o o C\I N o o C\I 1::: Q) > 'S 0'<"'" 1-0 ::::>~ ..c. - ::l o (f) C\I o o C\I Q) o c Q) LL,<"," 1-0 ::::>0 ..c.C\I - ::l o CJ) ."'tJ -) t( 0' ~ 1 001.000<00> <O<OI.O,<","~C! C') '<"'" C')~ Ol'--O~'<"'"~~ 0> C\I C") T"" ' . '<"'" '<"'" C') C') ~OO) ~ C') T"" 1.0 C\I I'--~. I'--T""<O ('I)N o o o C\I "" l. ~ (' -- 1 ~ \'\ l) ~ ~ ~ .~ '\SO ~ C\lC') C\I'<"'"~~<OI'-- C\l1.01'--'<"'"~~ ~~ '\ \ \ ~I'-- Ol'--~ O'<"'"I'--OO~~ ....... 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I<~ ~..,~ . ... ~;i':~.;; ..Y, _ __ ...,..~,- ~......~ ~ ~~ t... ,J .. ~-~ '" ...;..- ,,"~ .... - ,.: .. ~.... .... [" "...... ~ --- jI . ?>i}i~ J......,.. ~ - , .. ~ ~ - ,If;' O"! ~ ~.............. _ lJ', " '"' '" ,#'~ ~'" .. f .-.. ..." .;...,.. ..,~,~ '"t.)....~~,;~.~;' t ~ ~ ~ ' ~ .~. .i ~ . ~ t:~:~: ri -./ :,ttJ.~ ""- J", L: r L 4 ;$Q .,..~r.('.~"'..~.....;~, ~'''L",.J' , ;> ..~~" . ~ "'~:'i:,f.t "> - iOI ;i;I .. '!'" ... ......-..~ 'io.. ~ Ittf-'.( .~r- .. Queens Branch mitigation project, Queens Branch crossing site, Macon County, NC, pre- construction August 2000. !.. j '- I~, '.~ Queens Branch mitigation project, Queens Branch, Macon County, NC, pre-construction July 1999. ---..,... .,.....-~. . - "I:."~~. . .. .,. 'F. ~."" . _ ~ - i .. ~ ., '"" .' ... ...-r _.~ t. .;:10 - Queens Branch mitigation project, south unnamed tributary fence site, Macon County, NC, pre-construction July 1999. ''''!:'':o.'\-:' " "-:' ':---'- ....... "?~ '..~."~ ,,- ....~. .~... ~,rr . ...., Queens Branch mitigation project, south unnamed tributary fence site, Macon County, NC, pre-construction July 1999. .1 \ \ . ... "'r:k"J'1f- ~ \ ~ ......J...;J~f\' . . .ItJ~ 'J ""' ~\ ' '(>0 :..~~ [~: ~ ; ~ti ., 1 . Ii,:. ,'" ~. ~ ~ \ " 1. ~ r." 1 ....""~. ~~,~ .t .. . ,"'"', fJ ~ ~~,.,': ~~' " ,.', ~ ,,;. "., ~,t<io\. ...", IIlI ~~..~ ~, ," .. ~"' .;~~~ ~ D I.'': '\-"'~ .. . iii t. - ~ . ~,:r:J ~-' . ~t:,' ,~. ~ .~ ~ <I. illI 'PI", r 'h' ..... ,. 4 ..~ . I"J ~ n....~; n ta ~ ~ : ~.. to ~ ~.'1! . 11 ~ ,: "::'! ~ l ~ \J Li , "...... IIj;j . ,. ~ ~ "'~tl:;. . ..~ ':. ,;IV'." . h' ."'" "\ ~~'7 ~ ~ .' ~t:. . ~-- ~ .. . . ~:~ r . . "-." ;::" l"~~ " .,.f ... " ~ 1 . ." ~ ~ ~~. 'iii , " ~ I . I , ~ I ..J'.. . ., l {;, .. ' 1"',., l' ~..~ .... .. Queens Branch mitigation project, south unnamed tributary fence site, Macon County, NC, pre-construction August 2000, , .. Queens Branch mitigation project, south unnamed tributary crossing site, Macon County, NC, pre-construction July 1999. j \ ~"'..... .. t: t. , ~ ~~:. " " . .. ..~ - _. i" , ~r:t'">'" ,i' ,-_ .... - ,~~ -.. "":i~~ - '~~r~ ~ ~ ~.- . '~:~~~: ~~;: ... ~ ....~.~~,~ ..... . '-~-''''"":::i ~ ,~." '~ ~~ ,il"" .... - .~~ :...........__.r1r '"'"" .. .~~ Queens Branch mitigation project, south unnamed tributary culvert site, Macon County, NC, pre-construction July 1999. ~ i:I t'I ~- III '" ..1: ~ ",'" tJ. \l. ..:l ~ Ii! iI 11:II ~ ....I!l ~ l:J ~ III ~ a ''ill , ~ ~ .. II ~ It') '. IIJ ~ ~ . I .....r~ ~ Q ~ , !" ~I ~ ~ po 2 ~ ~ ~..,.. ,. ':~ ~ eo. ClI ~ ~ _-:.-.....~-~,. CI ~ __ llll: -= - Queens Branch mitigation project, north unnamed tributary on far right and hydric soils, Macon County, NC, pre-construction July 1999. Queens Branch mitigation project, south unnamed tributary fence site during construction, Macon County, NC, 2000. " l~ I''''' ~