HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090478 Ver 2_Shoreline Stabilization_20090921))) PERENNIAL Environmental Services September 18, 2009 Cyndi Karoly Division of Water Quality Wetlands; Stormwater Branch 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 RE: Request for Written Approval for DWQ # 09-0478 Version 2 Dear Ms. Karoly, 5700 Northwest Central Drive Suite 210 Houston, Texas 77092 LSU S EP 2 1 2003 DAR - WATER QUALITY WETLAM S AND STORIIWWATER (!RANCH On behalf of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company (Transco), we are re-submitting the above referenced DWQ#09-0478 pre-construction notification (PCN) for the 85 North Expansion Project (Project). A courtesy copy of the PCN was previously submitted April 23, 2009 and assigned the above referenced project number. We are re- submitting the same PCN and construction plans in application for written approval for North Carolina 401 Water Quality Certification. In brief, the proposed Project consists of the addition of 8.25 miles of new 42-inch pipe within Iredell and Rowan Counties, North Carolina. To minimize impacts to sensitive resources, Transco proposes to collocate the pipeline loop along the existing Transco ROW which contains three of their existing pipelines. As detailed in the attached PCN, the Project will involve the crossing of 18 intermittent streams resulting in the temporary impact of 234 linear feet (0.03 acres) of these waterbodies. Two manmade ponds will also be crossed totaling 390 linear feet (0.91 acres) of impact. Conventional trench excavation techniques will be utilized for the Project and generally be limited to 24 to 48 hours, thereby minimizing impacts by limiting the duration of disturbance. Whenever possible, pipeline construction at stream crossings will be conducted during low flow periods to minimize sedimentation and turbidity, stream bank and bed disturbances, and limit the time it takes to complete in-stream construction. Transco will employ best management practices to minimize potential erosion and sedimentation impacts as a result of construction activities. Such measures include the avoidance of bank vegetation removal, except at equipment bridge areas, until the time of crossing and the placement of silt fence and/or straw/hay bales around spoil piles to prevent spoil from flowing into the waterbody. All material excavated for stream crossings will be stored within adjacent upland areas, thus no sidecast material will be stored in the waterbody. Extra temporary work areas have been setback from the stream banks, as depicted in the individual waterbody crossing drawings included within the PCN attachment. Transco will install temporary sediment barriers around disturbed areas to further minimize potential erosion and sedimentation impacts. Once the pipe is placed in the trench, the excavated material will be immediately replaced and the stream banks and streambed will be restored to their pre-construction contours. Upon completion of construction, Transco will install permanent erosion control measures to protect the stream from erosion and/or sedimentation. Stream banks and riparian areas will be revegetated using appropriate seed mixes to further stabilize the banks. Transco proposes to utilize a construction corridor greater than 40 feet at stream crossings, as depicted in the individual waterbody crossing drawings included within the PCN attachment. The 100 foot wide construction corridor is necessary to accommodate the trench size required for the installation of large diameter (42-inch) pipe and the installation and maintenance of equipment bridges necessary for movement of equipment across the ROW with minimal impact to waterbodies. We appreciate your review of this PCN submittal in request for written approval to proceed with the Project. If you have any questions please feel free to call (713) 462- 7121 or e-mail me at dbeckme er ,perennialenv.com. Thank you, David Beckmeyer Principal Ecologist Perennial Environmental Services, LLC oq-o1+18Va- WATF,9pG Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form 111111: Milk A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: Section 404 Permit ® ? Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 12 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ® Yes ? No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): ® 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular ? Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ? 401 Water Quality Certification - Express ? Riparian Buffer Authorization 1e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification: ? Yes ®No For the record only for Corps Permit: ? Yes ® No If. Is payment Into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of Impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. ? Yes See Question 3A ® No 1g. Is the project located In any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h below. ? Yes ® No 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ? Yes ? No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: 85 North Expansion Project 2b. County: Iredell and Rowan Counties 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Mooresville 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Please see attached Landowner List 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): 3d. Street address: 3e. City, state, zip: 3f. Telephone no.: 3g. Fax no.. 3h. Email address: Page 1 of 12 PCN Form - Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant Is: ? Agent ® Other, specify: 4b. Name: Frank Canneto 4c. Business name (if applicable): Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC 4d. Street address: 2800 Post Oak Blvd. 4e. City, state, zip: Houston, Texas 77056 4f. Telephone no.: 713-215-2830 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Email address: Frank.canneto@williams.com b. AgentlConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: David Beckmeyer 5b. Business name (if applicable): Perennial Environmental Services, LLC 5c. Street address: 5700 Northwest Central Drive, Suite 210 5d. City, state, zip: Houston, Texas 77092 5e. Telephone no.: 713-462-7121 5f. Fax no.: 713-462-6209 5g. Email address: dbeckmeyer@perennialenv.com Page 2 of 12 B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification la. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Please see attached mapping 1c. Property size: 161.93 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to proposed project: Sills Creek 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: WS-11; HOW 2c. River basin: Yadkin River 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use In the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The Project area lies within an area that is relatively fiat. Currently there are three existing Transco pipelines within their maintained right-of-ways. The Project contains the following land uses: Agricultural Land 98 06 acres; O en Land 30 54 . p . acres; Upland Forest 19.43 acres; Industrial/Commercial Land 4.89 acres; Residential Land 4.31 acres; Transportation Corridors 3.17 acres; Managed Pine Forest 0.57 acre; and Open Water 0 96 acre . . 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: No wetlands were delineated within the Project area. 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 234 feet 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: This pipeline expansion will enable Transco to deliver natural gas more efficiently throughout its natural gas pipeline system. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The proposed Project consists of the following: addition of gas cooling fans at compressor station (Station) 150 In Iredeli County, compressor modifications at Station 155 in Davidson Count 8 25 mil f 42 i y, . es o - nch natural gas pipeline along Transco's existing mainline system, and the use of four contractor/pipe yards to aid in the construction of the proposed pipeline loop in Iredell and Rowan Co ti NC un es, . This proposed pipeline expansion project will be collocated along Transco's existing maintained rights-of-way, which contain 3 existing natural gas pipelines. The only component of the Project crossing waterbodies will be the pipeline portion. The types of equipment to be used during construction of the Project include bulldozers, rotary trenching machines track-m t d b , oun e ackhoes, tractor trailers, side boom cranes, welders, pipe bending machines, and x-ray machines. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project (including all prior phases) In the past? ? Yes ®No ? Unknown Comments: 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? ? Preliminary ? Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: Name (if known): JOther 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. Page 3 of 12 PCN Form - Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 6. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past? ? Yes ®No ? Unknown 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ? Yes ®No 6b. If yes, explain. Page 4 of 12 C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary la. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ? Wetlands N Streams - tributaries ? Buffers N Open Waters ? Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number - Permanent (P) or Type of Impact Type of wetland (if known) Forested (Corps - 404, 10 DWQ Area of Impact Temporary T - non-404, other) (acres) W1 ?P?T ?Yes ?Corps ? No ? DWQ W2 ? P ? T ? Yes ? Corps ? No ? DWQ W3 ? P ? T ? Yes ? Corps ? No ? DWQ W4 ? P ? T ? Yes ? Corps ? No ? DWQ W5 ? p ? T ? Yes ? Corps ? No ? DWQ W6 ? P ? T ? Yes ? Corps ? No ? DWQ 2g. Total wetland impacts 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream Impact number - Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact Permanent (P) or (PER) or intermittent (Corps - 404, 10 DWQ - non-404 stream width length (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? , other) (feet) feet) S1 ? P ? T ? PER ? Corps ? INT ? DWQ S2 ? P ? T ? PER ? Corps ? INT ? DWQ S3 ? PEI T ? PER ? Corps ? INT ? DWQ 84 ? P ? T ? PER ? Corps ? INT ? DWQ S5 ? P ? T ? PER ? Corps ? INT ? DWQ S6 ? P ? T ? PER [] Corps ? iNT 1-1 DWQ Q 3h. Total stream and tributary Impacts 31. Comments: Please see attached Table Page 5 of 12 PCN Form -Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then Individual) list all open water Impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number - (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or -Temporary T 01 ? P ® T OW-IR 001 Excavation Pond 0.63 02 ? PH T OW_IR 002 Excavation Pond 0.28 03 ?P?T 04 ?P?T 4f. Total open water Impacts 0.91 4g. Comments: 6. Pond or Lake Construction if and or cake construction proposed, then complete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetiand Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number of pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 P2 6f. Total 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ? Yes ? No if yes, permit ID no: 51. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer Impacts below. If an impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ? Neuse ? Tar-Pamlico ? Other: Project is in which protected basin? ? Catawba ? Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer Impact number - Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Temporary Impact required? B1 ?P?T ?Yes ? No B2 ?P?T ?Yes ? No B3 ? P?T ?Yes ? No 6h. Total buffer Impacts 6i. Comments: Page 6 of 12 D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed Impacts in designing project. Transco has collocated the proposed Project along its existing ROWs which contain three of their pipelines. Although there are stream crossings at angles less than 75° proposed due to the construction of the 85 North Expansion Project there would be greater environmental impacts if the pipeline were to be located within a new ROW. Due to the length of the proposed project there are stream crossings proposed that do cross two streams above the confluence of those streams. The 85 North Expansion Project would result In greater environmental Impacts if the pipeline were to be located within a new ROW. Although Sills Creek is crossed twice by the proposed project, relocating the 85 North Expansion Project to a new ROW would result In greater environmental impacts, such as clearing of forested areas, disturbing of non-previously disturbed areas, the potential to impact wetland areas with the creation of a new ROW, and the potential to Impact additional streams with the creation of a new ROW. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed Impacts through construction techniques. Construction activities at stream and river crossings will be in accordance with all federal, state and local regulations and permit requirements. Whenever possible, pipeline construction at stream crossings will be conducted during low flow periods. Construction during low flows will minimize sedimentation and turbidity, stream bank and bed disturbances, and limit the time it takes to complete In-stream construction. During construction, clearing, and grading of vegetative cover could increase erosion along stream banks. Compaction of soils by heavy equipment near stream banks may accelerate erosion of the banks and the transportation of sediment carried by stormwater runoff Into waterbodies. To minimize these erosion impacts Transco will avoid stripping the bank vegetation, except at bridge areas, until the time of crossing. Transco will install temporary equipment bridges to reduce the potential for turbidity and sedimentation resulting from construction equipment and vehicular traffic crossing waterbodies for access along the ROW. Equipment bridges will be constructed of timber mats, portable prefabricated bridges, or railcars. Equipment bridges will be designed to accommodate normal to high stream flow and will be maintained to prevent restriction of flow during the period of time the bridge is in use. To minimize sedimentation during pipeline construction across minor or intermittent waterbodies, trench spoil will be placed at least 10 feet from the top of the bank, unless Impractical due to topography. Silt fence and/or straw/hay bales will be placed around the spoil piles to prevent spoil from flowing Into the waterbody. In-stream construction will generally be limited to 24 to 48 hours, thereby minimizing impacts by limiting the duration of disturbance. Transco will implement provisions to set extra work areas 50 feet from the stream banks to the maximum extent practicable and Install temporary sediment barriers around disturbed areas. Once the pipe is placed in the trench, the excavated material will be immediately replaced and the stream banks and streambed will be restored as close as possible to their pre-construction contours. Upon completion of construction, Transco will install permanent erosion control measures to protect the stream from erosion and/or sedimentation. Stream banks and riparian areas will be revegetated using appropriate seed mixes to further stabilize the banks. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ? Yes ® No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigation Is required by (check all that apply): ? DWQ ? Corps ? Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? Payment to in-lieu fee program ? Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete If Using a Mltlgatlon Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity Page 7 of 12 PCN Form - Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3c. Comments: 4. Complete If Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. ? Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ? warm ? cool scold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 6. Complete If Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) - required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an Impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? ? Yes ® No 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of Impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. Zone 6c. Reason for Impact 6d. Total Impact (square feet) Multiplier 6e. Required mitigation (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation Is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved In-lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 8 of 12 E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers Identified ithi f h ? Yes ® No w n one o t e NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan Included? If no, explain why. Comments: El Yes El No 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent Imperviousness of this project? 0% 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? N Yes ? No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: Currently a Stormwater Management Plan is being prepared. This plan will Include specific BMPs that include but are not limited to silt fence and a revegetation plan. 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? Certified Local Government DWQ Stormwater Program ? DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction Is this project? ? Phase 11 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ? NSW apply (check all that apply): ? USMP ? Water Supply Watershed ? Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ? Yes ® No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ? Coastal counties 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply N HQW ? ORW (check all that apply): ? Session Law 2006-246 ? Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ? Yes ® No 6. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ? Yes ? No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ? Yes ? No Page 9 of 12 PCN Form - Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) la. Does the project Involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the Yes ® No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ? Yes ? No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ? Yes ? No Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ? Yes ® No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ? Yes ® No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s); 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result In 0 Yes ® No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis In accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. All wastewater generated during construction activities will be contained within porta-poties and disposed of properly. Page 10 of 12 PCN Form - Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur In or near an area with federally protected species or ? Yes ® No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act ® Yes ? No Impacts? Sc. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. El Raleigh ® Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? The Asheville Ecological Field Office of the USFWS responded to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) data request In a letter dated 12-04-08. Within this letter the USFWS "believe the requirements under section 7( c) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA), are fulfilled". This letter has been included as an attachment to this PCN. USFWS. 2008. North Carolina's Federally Listed Species, http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/es/Countyfr.html. Accessed March 2008. USFWS. North Carolina Ecological Services: Smooth Coneflower (Ech€nacea laevigata). http://www.fws.gov/nc- es/plant/smooconefl.html. Accessed September 2008. USFWS. 2003. Dwarf-Flowered Heartleaf In North Carolina. http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/plant/dfheart.html. Accessed September 2008. USFWS. 1997. Bog Turtles of North Carolina. http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/reptile/bogtur.htmi. Accessed September 2008. USFWS. Schweinitz's Sunflower (Hexastyiis naniflora). http://www.fws.govlnc-es/plantfschwsun.html. Accessed September 2008. North Carolina Atlas of Freshwater Mussels and Endangered Fish. Carolina creekshell Villosa vaughaniana. http://www.ncwlldllfe.org/pg07 wildlifespeciescon/pg7blal_17.htm. Accessed September 2008. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. 2008. County Element Search Results. Accessed November 2008. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur In or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ? Yes ® No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? NMFS. 2008. Essential Fish Habitat. http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/habitatthabitatprotection/efh/. Accessed June, 2008. Page 11 of 12 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ? Yes ® No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? NC SHPO Issued a concurrence letter dated 02-16-09 with the findings of no effect to historical or archeological resources described In the reports cited below. A copy of this letter is Included as an attachment to this PCN. 2008 Bland, Myles, Kelly A. Driscoll, and Paul L. Jones. Phase I Archaeological Investigations for Williams Gas Pipeline- Transco's Proposed 85 North Expansion Project - Iredell Loop In Iredell and Rowan Counties, North Carolina FERC Docket No. PF08-21. November 2008. Florida History, LLC, Tampa, Florida. 2008 Bland, Myles, Kelly A. Driscoll, and Paul L. Jones. Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Investigations for Williams Gas Pipeline-Transco's Proposed 85 North Expansion Project - Iredell Loop In Iredell and Rowan Counties, North Carolina: Access Roads FERC Docket No. PF08-21. November 2008. Florida History, LLC, Tampa, Florida. 2008 Bland, Myles, Kelly A. Driscoll, and Paul L. Jones. Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Investigations for Williams Gas Pipeline-Transco's Proposed 85 North Expansion Project - Iredell Loop In Iredell and Rowan Counties, North Carolina: Pipe Yards FERC Docket No. PF08-21. November 2008. Florida History, LLC, Tampa, Florida. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur In a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ®(es ? No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: No buildings will be constructed within the mapped 100-year floodplain. 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? http://mse.fema.gov/webapp/wcs/stores/serviet/CategoryD!splay David Beckmeyer } { 04/23/09 Applicant/Agent's Printed Name Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature Is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is rovided. Page 12 of 12 3. Stream Impacts 3a. Stream Impact number- Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) ap Label eature ID 3b. Type of Impact 3c. Stream name 3d. Perennial (PER) or Intermittent (INT)? 3e. Type of jurisdiction (Crops-404,10 DWQ - non- 404, other 3f. Average stream width (feet) 3g. Impact length (linear feet) Temporary Acreage Impacts S1 (T) Stream 1 S-IR-001 excavation UT1 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 5.0 13 0.00149219 S2 (T) Stream la S-I11-001A excavation Sills Creek INT Corps-404 4.5 13 0.00134298 S3 (T) Stream 2 S-IR-002 excavation UT2 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 3.4 13 0.00101469 S4 (T) Stream 3 5-IR-003 excavation UT3 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 2.7 13 0.00080579 S5 (T) Stream 4 S-1R-004 excavation UT4 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 3.4 13 0.00101469 S6 (T) Stream 5 S-IR-005 excavation UTS to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 3.0 13 0.00089532 S7 (T) Stream 7 S-IR-007 excavation UT6 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 6.0 13 0.00179063 S8 (T) Stream 8 S-IR-008 excavation UT7 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 3.3 13 0.00098485 S9 (T) Stream 9 S-1R-009 excavation UT8 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 6.1 13 0.00182048 S10 (T) Stream 11 S-IR-011 excavation UT9 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 3.0 13 0.00089532 S11 (T) Stream 13 S-IR-013 excavation Sills Creek INT Corps-404 17.8 13 0.00531221 S12 (T) Stream 15 5-1R-015 excavation UT10 to Sills Creek iNT Corps-404 4.3 13 0.00128329 S13 (T) Stream 18 S-IR-018 excavation UT11 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 3.2 13 0.000955 S14 (T) Stream 20 S-IR-020 excavation UT12 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 5.3 13 0.00158173 $15 (T) Stream 21 S-IR-021 excavation UT13 to Sills Creek ]NT Corps-404 3.1 13 0.00092516 S16 (T) Stream 23 S-IR-023 excavation UT14 to Silis Creek INT Corps-404 3.5 13 0.00104454 S17 (T) Stream 24 5-1R-024 excavation UT15 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 4.3 13 0.00128329 S18 (T) Stream 27 5 1R 026 excavation UT16 to Sills Creek INT Corps-404 2.8 13 0.00083563 Total Stream and tributary Impacts 234 0.02527778 O M LC) O I- h I- to N(? in co t- dl 0 l- LO M M in T- l? t M - Lo 'It I w N co w CO f` N 00 00 T O 0 h O 0 M N ? I? N "gr I? O 0) I? to O I? c CO N o N N v- N h P- LO O O O N T Cl) N O 00 (? T 00 (D ? T tO i rn ? O S N I+ S O ? N ti ; O o ti 6 F - ti O) F ° ? ' 3 3 6 i~ 6 I` O 6 0) 6 I?- 6 V u r T N T i( N T t( r T U N T U r r (p O t( r T ( M O W) N T in N T U N r I- O r- V- T N T r in N T Cp t? u) r T Lc) N !?L ?h r T u > r T u3 N T u5 N T u T T u T T N T W) T T u T T W) T T L T T T T N T L N T T T CO N 00 N CO N OD N 00 N CO N ? N 00 N CA N 00 N DD C N 00 . CO N CO N CD N h N 00 N T T OO N 00 N ? N OO N OD N GO N CO N CO N CO N 00 N OO N OO C q OO . Cd N OO N OO N OO N w a? y Z Z Z Z Z Z > Z W Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z }} Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z N m cu ? m o 0 o oy ° 9 m ro m m ro a) a) a) a) a) ? ° a) C? 'S 5 «+ 7 «. '> > '> N N y C a a s i + n .> fn > ++ c 5 ++ 2 w '>> N = > > '> N to fff > , > N ' >NN > N > > 0 p p 2 O c O c O L O c O peo p0- 8 o, O j c • c +? p j -pp c C c o p?p p? p j ? c gyp. 8 +- N 0) Q (a C ., O O O O 0 O N O O O +s 0 8 o 8 8 8 8 S a O O 2 M 2 M N M c? ? U M ? 20 1 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 M M M 2 2 2 2 2 m o E tY m c (1) c J C a ? O a >> C N ??pp a O ?p J 0 0 1 O 0 0 0 ?(pp 0 O N C a O O MP .0 M M 00 ) 0 c E (a L U c o a T v ? o o 0 ') 4) m ° W o ` ° ° 3 o - °) = N E ? c 3 ° c o a 3 '5 U o V N tY a lY c M c o a c o a y U v2 a r cn b - $ c o a - m t g t 0 O C a Q C C3 0 ? c J o m ? a 12 p = pp c N m Z V M ? J ? N ? U d Y :3 r2 (J) Z O Z c O S 05 05 C c °I Z cc J XO c J ° c J Y Y ? a V O U) OR C) N ?OtJ ? 00 U 0 tn O 0 COO ? N qT O to N N .3 t- Q ?o Q tn OV 000 N ti M' m g c o p Q rl-l M N c+? F (ONI tn (OO ,r rn d0 N N N cN N N N N I • 0) t 0) C) 0), coo V) N cV O ..t a - c o c ° 0 v N E 2t, m M a) N 0 c o = 0) c ° _ N c to c o Q O -9(D O N y r m ? o cis U U ? E ? °) m p ? U a) ' i E (o c 0 E M _ = ) 2 0 °) 1: 0 -14 to b Z U) S a) AD s N E to a ,v C (C ? N ? o co O c E a) C N E a ,_ N , rn •- > C y - t o N U' E m c E ? C E m E w *a o ° c IT E tp m T m a m - ?$ U O w U ? N ° 0 0 M p C p o c li o ? u w ? ! 2: C D o z = _ ? - ? ? 2 aoi ' ? ' -le ? m c ? ? no p n v - Y o r 2 Lo c p a) U 12 C m CO c M c? tL E m tS m S o S T LL r- ° IY R Z - ? S ? 0 I ca m Z M (Eo n OR, ? m o p g c o a, S) ° U ? g P Ul ? L2 L " o o ? ot L otS ? -- tb ? vi L Ln ? 06 ? ? 06 t: 96 0 ? U) 1 oa ? 06 ca L o? orS m m 2 g m ? 2 g g 21 2 2 2 2 2 n 2 E m 2 2 2 2 2 nncDcDLO rn?r RA mL6n NrN?e- N co N N N 10 a+ ?UUUUU Z Z Z Z Z m ? 2 N N V? N(9 N N (,D M O 0 0 v 2 ° i? 2 $ .Y! U c?vr .j a) QOO, fA as E c "D o a) 3 t) ? ? OC C m N o m ONCODLO '? n u) 0 00 . O Q I,- Ce) 0 m L C O 23 C ea L O v C O 0 co (j _j A C N E J Z" D J ?? c Q Y COQ' O pa) Q N? d3 a) 18 5Caa$ INDIVIDUAL WATERBODY CROSSING DRAWINGS I? ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA u- o n r 'V ? a m Y Y Z W m Z Q w W Q co w ? m ? V O Z N O Z J O O -2 O H .0 N H V co lD t0 l0 N N N l0 W l l Ln ? u u N N N LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE- TRANSCO R/W -- X- --/ R----- EXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C" EXISTING 0'C LINE -"A' C C C C ? C C " rte. - - - ' - " C - G C. " " EXISITNG 30 MAINLINE B r z N 49°29'31„ E - - ?- p FLOW LAT. = 35°35'42" TRANSCO R/W PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP " ' LONG.= 80°45 07 i r ......- ... ...i .. .. r .. r -• 4 S-IR-001 /- '... J -- - •-. . t, ??2 . LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PLAN 1" = 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TIRE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT willb a PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-001 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1294.96 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O.NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NDRNMNG UMBER: 26-09-50/256264 SHEEP 1 WO: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.:MA IN D 10:15:11 AM 1/6/2009 OF 2 R:\A6009-00\WCP\LP129l61\Ab .n \WalerboEies\26-09-50_5-IR-001_1.0 n ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y H- Y Z Z p Q O] W co 11 Q LL O Z O Z C3 O d _ 0- v ID N N N LD LD D 'n to Ln ?-o ? N N N 890 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND 890 5' MIN 840 ??? 840 FLOW 77 790 --- ' 790 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP PROFILE T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 59.5' LT. OF STA. 2562+20 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 833.36' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 1983. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE DATE I BY I REVISION DESCRIPTION I W.O. NO. TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT W/ll/a/?iS PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-001 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1294.96 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY. AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: ry MBER: 26-09-50/256264 SHEET 2 WC: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: MA I N D 2P^7:3{3 PM /20/2009 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA W W W C..1U Z Z Z ^ W W Y W W Y V Lu W U Z Z J LL LL Y Z Z W J LL Q U Q N n } C7 (7 ?ZZ co co to M } U H Z -{/ ? -- LL J LL O ? Lu d NN O J O W !- a- N O^- dND_ -- O ^ X X dWW O O IC D = X 2 W MVt- 00 O O LDV I.D c to tD Ln M LD to LD t t t t t t t t t co O"m OO O M M wwLD N N ti ti ti P- Ln U-1 Lo Ln Ln Ln Ln 11-1 11-1 NNN NNN N N N TRANSCO R/W LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE EXISTING 36 MAINLINE "C" - _.._ N 30 " ?A IN I c?- ------..- c c , EXISITNG 30" MAINLINE "B" -- C C --;-- -? `N 49°29'31" E TRANSCO R/W . FLOW ?- LAT. = 35°35'47" ' PROPOSED ?2' IREOELL LOOP . LONG.= 80°44'60"' \ S-IR-001A _ LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE u , PL AN 1 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATIO N 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT w%ll%aI11S PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP SILLS C REEK - S-IR-001A GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1295.11 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O.NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100 CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NUMBER:26-09-50/257054 SHEET W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: MA I N D 12:47:21 PM 1/13/2009 0? 2 R:\A8009-00\WGP\LP129461\Ma n \WoteboGies\26-09.50_S-IR-001A_7_. ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y W Y W Y Z ¢ Z Q (> Q Cfl 00 N W J W O J O d N 0 O O ? c ? t + O O ti ("d ? 'c N N N 3' MIN NATURAL GROUND NATURAL GROUND 3' MIN. 860 , 5' MIN. 810 810 Fes - PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP _ 760 760 PROF I LE T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 118.9' LT. OF STA. 2569+62 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 802.68' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND ANY EX[STINC FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. DRAWING NO. I REFERENCE TITLE DATE I BY I REVISION DESCRIPTION I W.O. NO. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD 1983. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT W/II/an1S_ PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP SILLS CREEK - S-IR-001A GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1295.11 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY, AP DATE: 12/13ID ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 " = 1O0' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NDRAWNG UMBER: 26-09-50/257054 SHEET 2 W0: 1066814 UNIVLD.:MAIN ?peros a? v2onaos OF 2 ROWAN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA CD 0 Q m Y Y Z W LaJ Z Y Z J Q O L,J m W ? Q > co ? U CD Q F- LL Lu O Z N Z J O Lu _ CD 2 = J O a O O a- H d N ? a Qi ? N M t t V Q M M + t M N N Q" Q, , N Ol Qn n 1') Ln Lf N N L L N N t a ve a IIA/ _- TRANSCO R/W EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A". / LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE C ,'y ' C , C :,.? C - EXISITNG 30 MAINLINE B /., EXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C" -? ---- ---.-- - - ' _ N 49°42 04" E. 'FL'D#Y ? t 0 ED . .PROPOS IRE ELL LOOP ? S-IR-002 ;LAT. = 35°36'01" LONG.= 80°44'40' r - - -•-•----'- ?-' - - - - - d 4 L R3 ? L - - • ---- /T LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE-/ I 4 PL AN 1" = 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT Willies PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-I R-002 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1295.52 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO, DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION WA. N0. CHK. APP. DRAWN By. AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NDRAWING UMBER: 26-09-50/259231 SHEET 1 W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: MA I N D 10:28:54 MA 1/6/2009 R:\AB009-00\WGP\LP129461\Mo in \Walerbodies\26-09-50_5-IR-002_l.tlOF 2 n ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y ? Y Z Z Q ? Q m L'i m 4_ Q CD O Z O Z m CD O ? O m v N M M t t + N N N Ln Oi Ql CQ LC'1 Lfl N N N 860 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND NATURAL GROUND 3' MIN. 860 5' MIN. 810 810 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP FLOW 760 760 F'HOFILL T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HOR1Z.: 1" = 100' 59.7' LT. OF STA. 2591+80 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 823.56' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 1983. OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT NNW & PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP *? UNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-002 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1295.52 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O.NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/200ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY DATE: DRAAAB" 26-09-50/259231 SHEET 2 WO: 1066814 UNN.I.D.:MAIN DI-!, T a PM 1120/2009 OF 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA w 0 r a co co Z YF- YY J Z wZ Q'm WQ r mwmcn n "V ? w?vW ~ w O Z t/10 0- Z J O -co Q M ? N M M M M t t t t M Q Q Q Ln LA Ln Ln In ? lfl N N N N / r r d ? a TRANSCO R/W i EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A" f LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE " ' " c C- ;EXISITNG 30 MAINLINE , ? B EXISTING 36" MAINLINE"C `' ----_ -- - ?- ??---- --- ' N 49°42 04" E FLOW R PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP ` LAT. = 35°36'02" LONG. = 80° 44'38 ° r-- - - ---x --- S-IR-003 ?'- -- - - --? COAIC LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE r PL AN 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PE RMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION , 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT wilibi s PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP ?/ UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-003 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1295.56 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTON W.O.NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID'. SCALE: 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY. DATE: NIRAVVING UMBER: 26-09-50/259435 SHEET 1 WO: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.:MA IN D 747:42 AM 1/14/2009 OF 2 R+\AB009-00\WCP\LP129461\Ma in \Wotabodies\26-09-50_5-IR-003_I.d n ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ? Y Z 0 Q W p7 Q W Z CD Z d O ul ti M M Q Q n ?n 860 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND NATURAL GROUND 3' MIN. 5' MIN. 860 810 10 8 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP F7 760 760 F'KUh I L t T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 77.3' LT. OF STA. 2593+39 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 825.40' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAG 1983. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO, REFERENCE TITLE DATE I BY I REVISION DESCRIPTION I W.O. N0. TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION i3 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT w/ll/aws- PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP ?/ GAS PIPELINE UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-003 AT M.P. 1295.56 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/112: ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 l DO' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: ry MBER: 26-09-50/259435 sh'EET 2 W0: 1066814 UNN. LD.: NA I N oe P. n o zoos OF 2 PATHY.. ROWAN COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA W 0 r 21 Q ZWZ A W>W Z?Z W=W ~ C3 W W , '?/ Z WaW ZWOW Z Z U >O> J W Q Q ->U> J Q Q W J Y - ]e Y J Z W Z W W W W ZaWa r- aQaZ r W - r Q p W Q r CD W a' CD L.7 LD HJW QW lx O>O J I.LLJH cr ? O pm ? H ? LJ a ti Q W Z Z - - ILWWtYW aWOW Wa d O ZtnO Z J ~ ~ t/1 N 0 3 L7 a C.D aOp p M Cl 3: L7 3 0 ap pOtr co a tr O ='O X X aa. W.rW aWaJ Waa a .J LNG W W V C'In MM Q'Lnti co am Diw co OtDO MQ LDwm Ln O M LD W V Q Q O P- ti Ln + + + t t + + + + t t + + + + + + Ln Ln Ln Ln Lo 00000 W LD LD LD LD LD 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 00 CC) 00 O O O O am Q o LD 10 LD ID ID NNCV NN LD Lo Ln LD LD w N... N CV LO D Lp LD N N N N w LD N N '? ,- SITS OF DISTURBANCE m ,TRANSCO R/W --•- EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A" x °i----?• •? , 'EXISITNG 30" MAINLINE "B" s , ,? ,. ban . ?_. N 52°45'23" E ?EXIST>NG 36" MAINLINE "C" FLOW 4 4 - 35°36'1 S-IR-004: TRANSCO R i LONG.= 80°44'25" PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP- LIMITS OFbISTURBANCE PL AN I" = loo' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT Willble PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP ?/ UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-004 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1295.82 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRPT10N W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: _ 100, CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NDRAWNG UMBER: 26-09-50/260843 SHEET 1 W0: 1066814 UNN.I.D.:MAIN D 2'49'03 PM 1/6/2009 Of 2 R+\A8009-00\WCP\LP129461\Ala n \Weterbodies\26-09-50_S-IR-00!_t.d n ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y ?- Y Z Z Q 'i Q co W co CD Q CD O Z O Z d = a - CD O - H O M ?O t + + CO co co O O D tD 10 N N N 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND 860 NATURAL GROUND 11 3' M 860 5' M[N._ 810 810 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP FLOW -7 760 760 PROFILE T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 75.3' LT. OF STA. 2607+97 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 822.95' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. DRAWING NO. I REFERENCE TITLE DATE I BY I REVISION DESCRIP'RON I W.O. NO. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD 1983. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION l3 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT Willa,& PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-004 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1295.82 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY. AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 " 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NDRAWING UMBER: 26-09-50/260843 SHEET 2 W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: MA IN D 219 39 PM 1/20/2009 %P ATH% OF 2 ROWAN COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA w O } Q ti w W m U Z W WUW ZZZ ^W^ Y H Y Y w JwJ Z W Z Q O W Q QD Z LD >- ?ZF- co Lu C= co ? U F- w^Lu WHW w Q w O ZNO N dNd O^O Z J d J a X w KXm d w a O - O .r in t- V NV Ln O M O + + + + + + + N M M M ID t0 tD tD N lD tD w NNN tD tD to N N N LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE r a 21 TRANSCO R/W X EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A"? ' P ea d" / ? -. _ ? • ?y rte- - - -d ISIT MAIN INE "B / E G 30' N " X L X -?. - - g a EXISTING 36 MAINLINE "C" 3 ` , N 52°452 E .. - i FLOW „ S-IR-005 TRANSCO R/W / '- LAT. = 35.36'16 v LONG.= 80°44'18" t PROPOSED 42 IREOELL LOOP; LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE, £ 1 PL AN 1" = 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT w%lna??- PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-005 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1295.97 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHIC APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 " = 100 CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: I APPROVED BY. DATE: DRAWING NUMBER: 26-09-50/261613 SHEET 1 WO: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: MAIN D 11:1 ..... O WGP LPt]9461 MO2009 WOterOodies 16-09-50.5-IR-005.1. ?n 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y r- Y Z Z Q O Q co W m CD Q O CD Z O Z co a O O H d h- O M O O .- N + t t ?01 10 N NI NI 850 3 MIN. NATURAL GROUND NATURAL GROUND 3' MIN. 850 5' M.I N.., 800 800 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP F- LO' 750 750 PROF I LE T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 35.9' LT. OF STA. 2615+11 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 806.67' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE NFORMAT ION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAD 1983. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE DATE I BY I REVISION DESCRIPTION I W.O. NO. TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT W/II/aR PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-005 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1295.97 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY. AP 712 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE, 1 100' CHECKED BY: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: N MDRIWIN BER: 26-09-50/261613 SHEET 2 W0: 1066814 UNN.I.D.:PATH/ au vAOiAOOe OF 2 PATH/ ROWAN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA CD 0 r H J J W W co W N O U -O U W U ol Z Z Z Z N O W Y W Y-YW WZm Z Z W T:z Z W J Z W o as a Qaow a o C7 CO co co G 13 3 co W r CO C.D O O M , Z Z fu U~ O O W W- W W Q K W • CD P- HOO OH-OZV7WO N N Q Z J a Vl - ?. .-- CD C d- 3 d O J O d --- = O X XOO O X O - d Q WHF-HW dHW d M cD L(1 u l M 1-- N Q O Q1 1-- O-w to mM Nv V w ti O t t t t t t t t t t t t c 127 Lo Ln I lD w lD w 10 I? m V V V V Q Q Q tD V V Q tD tDw tD w w lD ?D ?D tD tD tD ?D N NNN N NNN N N N N ? f LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE, EXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C" EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A" x ?----- --- -? r ------- r -- - - --?. = --- - . - . C C - --- C C C ? ? C C " L_ ._ : 1 J a EXISITNG 30 MAINLINE "B" XN 52-12'16" E X X ?. _ FLOW ? x a PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP S-IR-007 LAT. = 35°36'34" 1 ? LONG.= 80°43'49" -------------.?-- - - --?- ? - - - - - - --- --?- ? ?- . . LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE \ PL AN 1" = 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT will la PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-007 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1296.54 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O.NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100' CHECKED BY. DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: N IRAWIN MBER: 26-09-50/264649 SHEET 1 W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: NA IN D 3:24:58 PN 1/6/2009 OF 2 R:\A8009-00\wGP\LP129461\Na m \waterbodies\26-09-50_S-IR-007_1.d n ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y H Y Z Z Q w Q co w co O Z O Z d = a O co O T O c v r- + t t t0 t9 l0 v v v 1010 " N N N NATURAL GROUND 810 3' MIN. 3' MIN. - 810 NATURAL GROUND_ 5' MiN 760 76 0 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP 30° 3R ELL FLOW 7 10 710 PROFILE T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 123.7' LT. OF STA. 2647+21 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 761.78' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE DATE I BY I RENSION DESCRIPTION I W.O. NO. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD 1983. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. RMIT DRAWING TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION !.3 APPROVED BY. DATE. DRAWING NUMBER: 2 6 -09-50/264649 SHET T 2 W0; 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: MAI N D 2 21 01 PM 11.1200e 2 /PATH/ 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT / IaB1S PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-007 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1296.54 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN Bl': AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 1 DD' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: /r todl C _N_5 2 ' 10 ' 4 5 E FLOW /? - -. -.-.-. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PL AN 1" = 100' ? s t ? 4 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE EXISTING 36" MAINLINE 'C' 7. - EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A EXISITNG 30" MAINLINE •"B S-IR-008 PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP LAT. = 35°36'40 LONG.= 80°43'41" . - . - . - . - . - . - . - F CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT BRAVING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT will la PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP L/ UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-008 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1296.71 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1" = 100' NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCPoFnON W.O.NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/1j..U CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: N IRAWIN E : 26-09-50/265539 SHEET 7 WO: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: NA I2:sl12 PM__"_ 1/6/2009 e e OF 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA L- CD r a J J ?' m co W O'1 O Z N ? Y ? Y Y J ^ Z W Z Li N Q O W Q r C m w co a CD O U O L O w Q W w O Z t/1 O a - z J O a J a m O ^ O a as .0 Ln N lD V am N Ln + + t t + rn Q Q Lo Ln Ln Ln Ln 'n Ln Ln Ln Ngj N N N N N a t F / a • c ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y H Y Z Z Q O Q co W CO CD Q C) O Z O Z d O CD O O v ? N M M Q + + o Ln Ln t LD LD N c? N 82 NATURAL GROUND 3' MIN. 0 3 MIN. NATURAL GROUND 820 5' MIN 77 0 770 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP F 7 20 720 PROF ILE T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 51.2' LT. OF STA. 2654+52 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 777.84' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR I. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAD 1983. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION ?? 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT WIZIMI& DATE I BY I RENSION DESCRIPTION I W.O. NO. PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-008 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1296.71 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NUM?A 26-09-50/265539 SHEET 2 W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.:MA IN D 2Pe1T37 PM vzoizoos 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA W 0 a Wm W W Z U W U Z Z Z J Y W? Y? Y W Z W W J Z W ? Q ?W Q 00 V W ? > -Cc CD ? W Z? U? W Z W O h- Z N W O !-- N Z J d to CD O X . = O X d h- W ..INa H W ti cn r O O Ln rM co Ln <n ~ t t t } t t v v Q v c v ti ti ti ti ti ti ?D WD ?D tD Lc N N N N N N N LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE I I i EXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C" • ? EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A" -C ? 4 _ -•- - - --•? C - ----- M L " " t EXISIT AIN INE B -XN 53°24'36 EX X `. FLOW --. ? °3652,,, LAT. = 35 '" PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP LONG .= 80°43 23 S-1R-009 I - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .... - . 2:. LIMITS OF DIST RBA a. y i1 ` . - - - - • - • ` •?? U N CE a PL AN CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAINING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT W/llbia PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-009 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1297.08 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BQ SCALE: _ 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NDRAWIN UMBER: 26-09-50/267450 SHEET WO: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: MA IN D 12510 PN 116/2009 R\A6009-00\WCP\LP129a61\N° n \W°lerb°°ies\26-09-50_5-IR-009_I.dOF 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y ? Y Z Z a o a co w co LL Q CD Z CD CL a 0 CD _j r- o v v v ti ti ti Lo N N N 810 3' MIN. NAT RA GROUND 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND 810 _5' M[N._ 760 760 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP FLOW 710 22.5* 3R ELL 710 PROFILE T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 65.6' LT. OF STA. 2674+81 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 753.60' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA FACILITIES N EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAD 1983. OF THE INFOROW MATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY G. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TD VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 2. A MI NMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT wl??IaI11S_ PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP GAS PIPELINE UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-009 AT M.P. 1297.08 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.0.140. CHK. APP. DRAWN By, AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 " = 1 co, CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: ICI APPROVED BY: DATE: DRAW R: 26-09-50/267450 SHEET 2 W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.:MA IN D 2;21;59 PM 1/20/2009 2 _T11 OF ROWAN COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA 0 LL a m W W Z (> Z H A, J Y Y e w Z W Z W aoW a r ? m W= co U Q U ? ? W W W O Z V) O H C3 Z J N CD J d ? d O - O X H rJ N ? W M co N N fl- CO + co m O co co co m co co co co w w AD w N N N N N LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE TRANSCO R/W " -- - - -EXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C" ` I " " " EXIST . NG 30 MAINLINE A - q C -C C C C ?---- C " " EXISITNG 30 MAINLINE B" N53°24'36" E 'FLOW s LAT. = 35°37'00 TRANSCO R/W PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP LONG.= 80°43'09 S-IR-011°,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - • ? LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PL AN 1" = 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION l? 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT wifibla- PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-011 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1297.35 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 " = 1 OO' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: L APPROVED BY: DATE: N DRA"N MBER: 26-09-50/268882 SHEET 1 __ W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: MA I N D 3:26: 7 PM 116/2009 R?\A8009-00\WCP\LP129461\A1a n \WOterb.di..\26-09-50_S-IR-011_1.0 OF 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y H Y Z Z Q uj Q co uj co a o z o z cl- o c - C:) o d N N I? N Q? t t t co co co co co co ct 1.0 ?o N N N 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND 800 800 NATURAL GROUND 3' MIN. _5' MIN......... 750 750 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP ?FLOIW 700 700 PROFILE T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HOR1Z.: 1" = 100' 62.1' LT. OF STA. 2689+51 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 747.88' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAO 1983. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT willaws- PROPOSED 42° IREDELL LOOP ?? UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-I R-011 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1297.35 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA N0. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY, AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 1 O0' D BY. DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: :D BY: DATE: NUBENR: 26-09-50/268882 SHEET 2 1066814 UNIV. I.D.:MA IN D zo^11a PM 1/20/2009 OF 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ti N N w J m W Y Z W Q U Y W Y Z J ? Z Q U Q co o w co r m - N J W CD 11' O W J O ^ m d co V7 a d ? O O ? d d F- LCl CC M l0 tD O N N M t co + a) + + f + O O O O N ti N ~ M M M M ~ ~ ~ N N N N N N ~ LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LAT. = 35°37'29" LONG.= 80°42'37" - -•---•--- ?., --? S-IR-013 PROPOSED 42 IREDELL LOOP N 60°05'31" E FA G EXISTING 36" MAINLINE i• EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A" •?--•- ?? . -C . C ?•? C C EXISTTNG 30" MAINLINE "B" LIMITS OF DISTURBA NCE PL AN 1 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT wilibl iS PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP SILLS CREEK - S-IR-013 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1298.13 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NUMBER 26-09-50/273026 SHEET 1 WO: 1066814 UNN. I.D.: MA IN D 10:54:18 AM 1/6/2009 2 R:\PE009-00\WGP\LP129461\Ma in\Wateba0ies\26-09-50_5-IR-013_1.4OF ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y W Y W Y Z ? Z Q U Q co N CD CD J CD O O d c - C) O co lD w +O t t O O O M M M ~ r N N N N 770 NATURAL GROUND 770 3' MIN. 5' M[N. NATURAL GROUND 3' MIN. 720 NEW! 720 FLOW PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP 670 7 ' " 670 ° 42 80 O.D. x 0.400 W.T. X70 W/14 MIL FBE d 7.5" CONC. COATING. 1.5 MIL INTERNAL COATING IJKM I LL T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HOR1Z.: 1" = 100' 79.1' RT. OF STA. 2729+71 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 724.11' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAO 1983. OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.D.W. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT willaws PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP SILLS CREEK - S-IR-013 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1298.13 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 1 DD' NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP 7111AT.I. CHECKED BY: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: ry UMBE'R'! 26-09-50/273026 SHEET 2 WO: 1066814 UNN. I.D.: MA I N 22a}' PM V 20/200e OF 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA L. 0 S/ r Q N W J co N m Q U ¢ Y H Y Y Z W Z •- 90 0 W Q W Q co w co _ cr m U O Z?n O CC) Z J O O ^ O F-- N C) t L2 t ti Q 07, } + c co N m N N N N M M M ti N N ti r- 1` N N N / LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE V / ??7' LAT. 35°37'31" LONG.= 80°42'35" S-IR-015 PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP N 60°05'31" E ' F EXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C" EXISTING 30" MAINLINE A G ?/ .._._._._._. ---- C C--?C ii " " - C /-? - B EXISITNG 30" MAINLINE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PLAN 1" = 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT Will le- PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-015 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1298.17 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O.NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 " = 100' CHECKED BY: DATE. ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NDRAWING UMBER: 26-09-50/273244 SHEET 1 W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D:MA IN D 3'29'30 PM V6/2009 R:\AS009-00\WGP\LP129461\IAO n \Woterb,d;-\26-09-50_5-IR-015_1.d OF 2 ROWAN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Y ? Y Z Z Q t] Q CO 'i co CD Q LL Z O Z d CD O ? v T v ?n + t t N N M M ti ? N N N 770 _ NATURAL GROUND 770 3' MIN. 5' MIN. NATURAL GROUND 3' MIN. 720 720 PROPOSED 42" [REDELL LOOP FLOW 670 ' 670 PROF I L E T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 33.1' RT. OF STA. 2732+74 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 721.78' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAD 1983. OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE RE FERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED S. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO, REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION i3 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT WIIIia?Ils PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-015 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1298.17 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY, AP ;DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 1 OD' CHECKED BY: : ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: ry MBENR: 26-09-50/273244 SHEET 2 W0: 1066814 UNN.LD.:MAIN 0 z`zs.zs au noizaos OF 2 anrNz DATE I BY I REVISION DESCFNP71ON I W.O. NO. ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 0 r a co Y H Y m Z W Z Q Lu W Q co W = co ?U O ZLn CD M Z -j _J O - O H dul H O N M o, n t t t co O'1 O'+ lD l0 lD ti ti ~ N N N LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE _.? _,?.-----•? r - - - J LAT. = 35°37'49" LONG.= 80°4157 S-IR-018 ' " PROPOSED 42' IREDEII LOOP N 63°54 12 E ?r FLOW . , EXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C" I , • - _ _ _.--_ EXISTING 30"MAINLINE "A" _-- - r .p Q T EX1S]TNG 30" MAINLINE "B" 4 L]M1TS OF DISTURBANCE ? PL AN 11, = 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT w/ll/aA1.S PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-018 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1298.87 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY RENSION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 10D' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NUMBER: 26-09-50/276902 SHEET 1 DRAWING W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: MAIN D 3:]903 PM 8/Z009 R:\A8009- 001W0P\L P 129 M, n \Walerbu0ies\2fi-09-50_5-IR-018_1.d DnF 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y H Y Z Z Q p Q O] w co C Q CD O Z O Z m a - O CD O pN M + + + 00 Q m lD l0 tD N ti N N ?i N 800 NAT RA GROUND 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND 3 MIN. 800 : 5' MIN. 750 750 F L7 _ PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP 700 700 PROFILE T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HOR1Z.: 1" = 100' 10.8' RT. OF STA. 2768+62 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 747.10' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MNIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELNE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAD 1983. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE DATE I BY I REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION i? 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT WIIIIan1s PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP fC/ UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-018 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1298.87 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY, AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: ry MBIER: 26-09-50/276902 SHEET 2 W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: NA I N D 2'25.55 PM 1/20/2009 2 /.PATH% L. ROWAN COUNTY* NORTH CAROLINA W 0 r m _ W ? z H Y Y Y Z w z Q ow ¢ m W= co ? U H A' V O Z Vf O W Z? a 0- p- CD =J O m CD H d V1 H d v O m N N V Lo Ln O O O N N N N N co o C" m c N N N N LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE .-.-.-.-._ _. .I _ LAT. = 35°38'16° PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP LONG.= 80°41'05" S-IR-020 ;N 64°1939" E i - FLOW -iEXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C° . . I I " " " L - - - -'- ? EXIST NG 30 MAINLINE A - - ? C EXISITNG 30" MAINLINE "B" Co C C C M LI ITS OF DISTURBANCE PL AN 1 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-020 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1299.84 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 ° 10 0' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NDRAWING UMBER: 26-09-50/282040 SHEET 1 W0: 1066814 UNN.I.D.:MAIN D 329:72 PIA 1/6/2009 F 2 R;\AB009-00\WGP\LP129e61\Ma n \Woteroodiee\26-09-50_S-IR-020_l.dOn ROWAN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA r ]C H. Y Z Z Q p Q co w m O Q CD O Z O d d O O H ? H- c O m t } + O CD O N N N W m a0 N ni N 3' MIN, NATURAL GROUND 780 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND 780 5' MIN. 730 730 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP FLOW 680 680 F'KUF ILL T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HOR1Z.: 1" = 100' 45.7' RT. OF STA. 2821+27 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 729.04' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAD 1983. OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE RE FERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO, REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT W/ll/a/?js PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP/ UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-020 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1299.84 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIFRON W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 " 1 GO' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NUMBER: DRAWING 26-09-50/282040 SHEET 2 W0: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.:MA IN D 226:21 PM 1/20/2009 OF 2 /PATH''/. ROWAN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA u - CD AA r a m w w w Z U U Z Z H ]C Y W W z Z W Z w w Q Lj W Q > ? co W= C3 U U :2 U Z Z w O Z V O H H CO 6r Z? N N CL CL O J O X X H w W v N N co O Oi l 0 + C. + } } } } M M M V Ln K1 co M M M M M N co co co CO GD N N N N N LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 17. • - • - -- - - - - 7 f LAT. 35°38'25 x LONG.= 80°40'52" I ?S-IR-021 PROPOSED 42- JREDELL LOOP N 49°28'04' E T L P ''FLOW X a ? ? ? ? t t a r EXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C" t -c •f? EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A" C - - - L ' == C -?--- " " " w /EXISITNG 30 MAINLINE B x co LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ' f PLAN 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TIRE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT w%?l/a/11.5 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-021 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1300.09 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 _ 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: I ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY. DATE: NUMB RG 26-09-50/283347 SHEET I W0: 1066814 UNIV. LD.: MAIN 3:30;0 4 PM 1/6/2009 2 R +\A8009-00\WGP\1P129a61\Ma 'n \Walerbodies\26-09-50_5-IR-021_1.4 OF ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y ?- Y Z Z Q p Q [O W m O Z O Z O O CD ..J H N r- o] t } + M M M , M M m nJ m N N N 790 3' MIN. _ 3' MIN.... NATURAL GROUND NATURAL GROUND 790 5' MIN. _ 740 740 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP FLOW 690 690 PROFILE T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 76.8' RT. OF STA. 2832+68 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 739.06' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE ]NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD 1983. G. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE DATE I BY I REVISION DESCRIPTION I W.O. N0. TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT Willa, PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-021 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1300.09 ROWAN COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 1 DO' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY. DATE: NUUMBEF 26-09-50/283347 SHEET 2 W0: 1066814 UNN. LD.: MAIN D ?p2e u1 PM 1/20/2009 OF 2 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA O r a m cc Y H Y Y Z W Z Q'm W Q co W= co A ?U 4 Q CD O ZN O ZJ 1 =-J d O co ? d Vf F- tD LC1 N M + t t M M M ~ ~ ~ 00 co N N N /// H 1 % 4 ' L I MI TS OF DISTURBANCE' r. - • - - - - - , LAT. = 35°38'50' ' ' LONG.= 80°40 16 PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP N 50°18'29" E` FLOW S-IR-023 EXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C" - - . • ? • --- - -. L EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A" ???`? ? ,?-??? ?-a ? x f EXISTTNG 30" MAINLINE "B" LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE Q - V PL AN 1" = too' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION ? 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-023 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1300.84 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPRON W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 c 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NDRAWING UMBER: 26-09-50/287325 SHEET 1 WO: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.: NAIND 131.10 PM 1/6/2009 2 Rt\A8009-00\WGP\LP129461\M° in \W°t° b.di.s\26-09-50_S-IR-023_1. Dn ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y F' Y Z Z Q p Q [O W m CD Q CD Z O Z C _ CD O ? d H t t t M M M N ti t` co N N N NATURAL GROUND 800 , M N. 3 MIN. --NATURAL GROUND 800 _5' M[N 750 750 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP F7 700 700 FHU ILL T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 38.4' RT. OF STA. 2872+71 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 757.87' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD 1983. OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY G. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT wl??/a111S_ PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-023 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1300.84 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100' CHECKED BY: DATE. ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: N MDRAWIN BER: 26-09-50/287325 SHEET 2 W0: 1066614 UNN.I.D.:MAIN D 22746 PM 1/20/2009 OF 2 PATH/ ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CD r ¢ a v m w v M C Z Y Y Y ? Z LCl W Z J Q O W Q CO O W co U O W O O ZN O W CD - jJ D d O CD ci d d _i V7 1- a Lp tf., O O to Lc) t + } } + 00 I m O CD n am m O p O O a0 00 m 0, m m N N N N N N LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE S-IR-024L- l- - _. a! -•_?-•-------- - - LAT. = 35°38'06' -• ?- - - - - -•- - - - - --?• LONG.= 80°39'50° PROPOSED 42' IREDELL LOOP) N 55`21'15' E N 61°39'59° E` ???? EXISTING 36 MAINLINE "C" ??• - - C 1 - --C---/. - - L 14 ?.- -•- -I L - -.- ?' EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A EXISITNG 30" MAINLINE "B" LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PL AN 1" = 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT w%lliki S- PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-024 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1301.35 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 " = 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NUMBER: 26-09-50/290026 SHEET 1 WO: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.:MA IN D 33143 PM 1/6/2009 QF 2 RAA8009-00\WGP\LP7]9aF1v.4mn?n?W1..nnl..??F-na-tn c-ia.... ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y f- Y Z Z Q 0 Q CO W CO LL Q LL O Z O Z d CD O ? O O lD Ln ? N v t t t m O O T O O 00 O? Oi N N N 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND 790 3' MIN. NATURAL GROUND 790 _5` MIN. __ 740 740 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP FLOW 22.5° 3R ELL 22.5° 3R ELL 690 690 PROF I L E T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 34.0' RT. OF STA. 2901+34 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 745.58' (NAVD88) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE DATE I BY I REVISION DESCRIPTION I W.O. NO. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAO 1983. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE "D" STATIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION l- 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT W/l/%aA1S PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-024 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1301.35 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY. AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE NUMBERG 26-09-50/290026 SWEET 2 W0: 1066814 UNN. I.D.: IAA I N D 2 28 10 PM vzonoae /PATH/. OF 2 ROWAN COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA L" O r a ? ? J m W W O U Z v Z Y H ]C Y W Z J W Z W CD ¢ Lu Cr m r w? o co c? U O Z A, m O w- w Ll O w OF- V -i Z J VI d -^ CD O = C) - O X ? d d Vl a ? W M co 0 ti 0 L() ul ko ?O w v+ + t + + + + N N N N N N V V V m V V N N N N N N LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE - 7 7 PROPOSED 42' IREOELL LOOP LAT. = 35°39'31" ' ?S-IR-026 • ?? LONG.= 80°39 09 N48°13'47„E ? . 1 , FLOW -? EXISTING 36" MAINLINE "C" ? EXISTING 30" MAINLINE "A"'?. EXISITNG 30" MAINLINE "B" .. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE _ ,e k PLAN 1" = 100' CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT W/II/a1ns PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-1 R-026 GAS PIPELINE AT M.P. 1302.15 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO, CHK. APP. DRAWN BY: AP DATE: 1211312008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 1 100' CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION: APPROVED BY: DATE: NUMBER: 26-09-50/294260 SHEET 1 WO: 1066814 UNMI.D.:MAIN D 3'J249PM 1/6/2009 OF 2 R+\A8009-00\WCP\LP129461\Ma n \Waterbotlies\26-09-50_S-IR-026-1.tl n ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Y H Y Z Z Q w Q Li] W m O Z Z W W O Z d a O O r- d r M O r` u'? ?D tD N \ t t N N V Q Q Oi " Ql N N N 770 20 31 _MIN. NATURAL GROUNp_ NATURAL GROUND 3' MIN. 5' MIN. 770 670 720 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP 670 FHUh ILL T.B.M. - CONTROL POINT HORIZ.: 1" = 100' 36.0' RT. OF STA. 2943+50 VERT.: 1" = 100' ELEV. = 708.67' (NAVDB8) NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1. THE COMPANY HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE GRID AND REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA FACILITIES NOW EXISTING BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAD 1983. OF THE NFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP NOR DOES IT ACCEPT ANY G. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN LOCATION OR FOR FAILURE TO VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. INDICATE ANY SUCH FACILITIES. 7. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: OPEN CUT 2. A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN THE PROPOSED 8. STATIONS SHOWN ARE MAIN LINE °D" STATIONS. PIPELINE AND ANY EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE MAINTAINED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ACCESS WILL BE ALONG EXISTING TRANSCO R.O.W. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT DRAWING DRAWING NO. REFERENCE TITLE TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPELINE CORPORATION 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT WIIba11 PROPOSED 42" IREDELL LOOP GAS PIPELINE UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF SILLS CREEK - S-IR-026 AT M.P. 1302.15 ROWAN COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRIPTION W.O. NO. CHK. APP. DRAWN BY. AP DATE: 12/13/2008 ISSUED FOR BID: SCALE: 100, CHECKED BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONBTRUCTION. APPROVED BY: DATE: NDRAWING UMBER: 26-09-50/294260 SHEET 2 WC: 1066814 UNIV. I.D.:MA IN D 229'07 PM 1/20/2009 2 /PATH/ SUPPLEMENTAL MAPPING PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED FEBRUARY 5, 2009 AND APRIL 23, 2009 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION & WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT 85 NORTH EXPANSION PROJECT Iredell and Rowan Counties, North Carolina SUBMTTED TO: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC WilIMM& tzzP0*V' January 2009 PREPARED BY: PERENNIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, L.L.C. PERENNIAL Environmental Services at Pmity Gst? f „.f O 80 y ? alit ry 29 ` l G 70 ?u N \ j . irpor 601 1 01 ova U . ?\ 1 Project Location V ° ( Dor e Ile s 15 ? 14 \ ? ?R ,15 a 29 ? a D` o V a 01 -----_-._._ _------ rt 73i 60 e, 8- t;?y ????yRive sL 0tTCOrd t 601 a ? ?w % 14 a jt o Charlotte 73 ; i13 V 21 - ?? Gilead ea J s`? 1 a 29 a ?o `73 T ,N edding? } Via, ?a is \C ? J' d U o 01 -4 O _ PERENNIAL 7k Vicinity Map 85 North Expansion Project Iredell and Rowan Counties, North Carolina Miles 0 2.5 5 Job No: Scale: 1:250,000 r ?? ? r' -.?? ? * ? ? _z i 'yam r ?. ,r Jr _ '; ?\ ??? . y' ti ? xJ ??itAA?? ??eT•-?i? ?s ? _ ? _ 1 r ???LLL ? l? ? r ?_- ...?.. n? off Streams �✓� / a LP `i I'� S ►1 i� Stream 4 ^_, �L. J' �4, � l+a t-.• - _ __, _ .. °�.-_J. s =� !/x '"�� � , t� ��' ' fit.-- of Stream 3 fid •. , �} Stream �: ,i r r y ,H ' " INK oII `�, , '•, r . `�. . /' � ``�,. 1, '_` : 1 a r_ - ,mStream 1a '1•: i Stream 1 '11296 1 ,�� ,�.� "� _ . -'"., � � * 'k: 1' ��. f "•" I 1' 1 - 13 , fop t j I 1 11 y° ti LW 52 Legend > > > 29-- Pipeline PERENNIAL Sheet 1 of 5 Construction Workspace Extra Workspace Open Water Construction Workspace Streams 85 North Expansion Project Access Roads Iredell County, North Carolina Feet e 0 500 1,000 Job No: Scale: 1:12000 Chrlctte File: Date: Dec 2008 ,' , 800 52 Legend zs Pipeline PERENNIAL Sheet 3 of 5 Construction Workspace Extra Workspace Open Water Construction Workspace - Streams 85 North Expansion Project Access Roads Iredell County, North Carolina Feet e 0 500 1,000 Job No: Scale: 1:12000 'C.f"arlOttc File: , 750 177 Stream 26 J 1� i. SM Stream 27` ,Yw , as Legend 29 —Pipeline PERENNIAL Sheet 5 of 5 Construction Workspace Extra Workspace Open Water Construction Workspace Streams 85 North Expansion Project Access Roads Iredell County, North Carolina Feet e 0 500 1,000 Job No: Scale: 1:12000 Charlotte File: Date: Dec 2008 a # s xt y ,? x ?; '? . r a r?PERENNIAL ¢rao?w x,MC, Station Boundary Hydro Workspace Station 150 Iredell County, North Carolina Prepared By: FLM Scale: V = 500' 0 250 500 1,000 Job No.: Station 150 Date: Dec 30, 2008 Feet Aerial Imagery: NC One Map, 2004 File: Z:\GISVV\FLM\Perennial\85 North Expansion\STATION 150\MXD1A STA 150 J? h \ °, 4 ,.'! ?'?'?•'? ?,yt" • "'+'? ` ?x ?}+?.?,5?°?,ix C •..•.'?, ''V'ia' a ti ? ?? ?. ??.?. ? *a • w ? x' :k ?? ?'t?4 k ? ?, Vy,?. 1, • ?' .. "'° w , .r u., ?= r ' ?' : §'?k?` M`xx3.. ?+ae ,„, `? ; 141, t "? :'p N. a' , Ar a?tR'rL" S ,r x - ?,.. a < x: ? =u v el r Y? h'x r 'akd the / Jr / Stream 5 i ?r 7 ..? ats ?"" nx.-r + /. Stream 4 711 IV. M arty a? ._ 33 / a p Z ( W "IN Y Stream 3 _ale °47 jv ?" `wed tl . ... ( ? 1 Stream 2 .r' a`' *xyT O"F '?+ $ / `? 'fix r a k2 <G `i1 w ?7 izt fi "3 ^ elf M,fl Stream 1 a ,.gr'4 p nth i r x, 7J" 5 tkSM = 9 r- _,?R A +w;r-T. / / 414 Tw" Itm f^ y #X ti fm x",'w Stream 1 4 x? ay d ;?,? ?xry a / t 295 ^ ? „?w r? ? v fi ? a 3 ,?A xc: i a b s:" e F`°' kr'i ap,'•` N , ip rr0 'tit wr" Mi" ° 52 Legend 29 ---- Pipeline PERENNIAL Sheet 1 of 5 Construction Workspace Extra Workspace Open Water Construction Workspace - Streams 85 North Expansion Project - Access Roads Iredell County, North Carolina Feet e 0 500 1,000 Job No: Scale: 1:12000 Charlotte File: Date: Dec 2008 % Stream 17 ''U, 611 ' ' ti t dF a? mba ?err stream 16 Y h c jars fk?/ +.'F. } / s XN It 1AM 1298 ?y r Stream, I? M* a y? ?Y?vlb'? _ " Sl.r 14 w 2 l a . n x _'? ? : a H: '4u L. N % Stream, 12 T k ? = "kr "yN.? '; Mk2.r^'? s?4i't M a t k ,4> r K?.r r?`'', < x 006 r^`a . Stream 13 A,,, I /?'tx m?; .'4 r Stream 11 ? % '_. is as ar"'* a f A hu,"",, -' •.. . F a r St-eafT Stream 8 ''w s,e Stream 7 ' ??j / / r Yee 3 L d +4 rr ` „„ v. ` / / ^ v Stream 10 t {dr Olt IZ. ate /, .. sil Stream 6 . 1 44. ?„ f 82 Legend 29 Pipeline PERENNIAL Sheet 2 of 5 Construction Workspace Extra Workspace Open Water Construction Workspace Streams 85 North Expansion Project - Access Roads Iredell County, North Carolina Feet e 0 500 11000 Job No: Scale: 1:12000 Charlotte File: Dec 2" t r * 4 4 4 u ?a , a xiK r $ e• * t r?ra4 w N. ? m' k { L, ,7 {^R $ ak k is mod. Open Wate my „ Y k { a wMi1 . ??*w m" ? t drh }? y 4 e. 1299 a d ` k Stream 19 5 t irok.?. Stream 18 R i, A 's o L err K ?. es Legend 29 Pipeline _ Construction Workspace Extra Workspace Open Water - Streams Access Roads Feet e 0 500 1,000 Stream 20 '`. / m, p 4 i tfi,? f ??. t d xt s ? I Po >b ?,J,+p fy?Y yY ? T" k ?"? SUT: As ' PERENNIAL Sheet 3 of 5 Construction Workspace 85 North Expansion Project Iredell County, North Carolina Job No: Scale: 1:12000 File: Date: Dec 2008 25 91 52 Legend 29 -°-°- Pipeline _ Construction Workspace Extra Workspace Open Water Streams Access Roads 01)) PERENNIAL `°'°'"°-u5o- Sheet 4 of 5 Construction Workspace 85 North Expansion Project Iredell County, North Carolina Feet 0 500 1,000 Job No: GO File: Scale: 1:12000 Date: Dec 2008 `l ,. 4 r. Q n # d r U 4 ,k x ? w + ?n Y J F i ' f ° 6 t 4 , *Rc .= ?A++e".t Pow. ? 4 ek x 7 h s v Stream 26 ' Fw' 4 ?, ? , Stream 27 21- may'- ? ? ti F 82 Legend 29 °-°- Pipeline _ Construction Workspace Extra Workspace Open Water - Streams - Access Roads • 10) ) ? PERENNIAL F,-A rm6 - Sheet 5 of 5 Construction Workspace 85 North Expansion Project Iredell County, North Carolina Feet e 0 500 1,000 Job No: File: Scale: 1:12000 Date: Dec 2008