HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE0474_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20110421STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET RESCISSIONS PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE 0 COMPLETE FILE -HISTORICAL DATE OF RESCISSION ❑ �0 L� 0 7 YYYYMMDD A NIFWA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director April 21, 2011 Jason McCoy Hart & Cooley Inc - Hart & Cooley 5030 Corporate Exchange Blvd Se Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Subject: Rescission of NPDES Stormwater Permit Certificate of Coverage Number NCGNE0474 Hart & Cooley Inc - Hart & Cooley Columbus County Dear Permittee: Dee Freeman Secretary On 12/20/2010, the Division of Water Quality received your request to rescind your coverage under Certificate of Coverage Number NCGNE0474. In accordance with your request, Certificate of Coverage Number NCGNE0474 is rescinded effective immediately. Operating a treatment facility, discharging wastewater or discharging specific types of stormwater to waters of the State without valid coverage under an NPDES permit will subject the responsible party to a civil penalty of up to $25,000 per day. It is the intention of DWQ that enforcement proceedings will occur for persons that have voluntarily relinquished permit coverage when, in fact, continuing permit coverage was necessary. If, in retrospect, you feel the site still requires permit coverage, you should notify this office immediately. Furthermore, if in the future you wish to again discharge to the State's surface waters, you must first apply for and receive a new NPDES permit. If the facility is in the process of being sold, you will be performing a public service if you would inform the new or prospective owners of their potential need far NPDES permit coverage. If you have questions about this matter, please contact Brian Lowther at (919) 807-6368, or the Water Quality staff in our Wilmington Regional Office at NPDES SW. Sincerely, X�j 1�14& for Coleen H. Sullins, Director cc: Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater Permitting Unit Fran McPherson, DWQ Budget Office - please waive applicable fees Wetlands and Stormwater Branch One 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 NorthCarolina Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 p Syr`�� Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919.807.64941 Customer Service: 1-877.623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org Aat!?lL r An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Acton Employer Patterson, Robert; _sue From: Willis, Linda Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 4:20 PM To: Patterson, Robert Subject: RE: NCGNE0474 rescission request, Columbus County Don't know who these guys are.. I'll need some time to check them out. LW From: Patterson, Robert Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 9:54 AM To: Willis, Linda Subject: NCGNE0474 rescission request, Columbus County Linda, Hart & Cooley, Inc. requested that we rescind their no exposure. They have been closed down since July 10, 2009. Does WiRO have any concerns with this request? Robert D. Patterson, PE Environmental Engineer NCDENR I DWQ I Stormwater Permitting 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (Mail) S 12 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 1 91L, Floor (Location & Parcels) (919) 807-6375 Phone 1 (919) 807-6494 Fax I Rol�ert.Patterso ancdenr,gov Email Website: http: ortal.ncdenr•or web w ws su rA Before printing this email, please consider your Budget and the environment. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. `3art&Cooley. «Starr cnn.ftrlence Mart Fi Ctxdey. Inv. 610.650,8200 A 5030 Corporatc Exchange Blvd, fil: 616.650,0399 f (rand Rapids, N11 49512 info@hartc<tnl,cnin wwxv.hartandeui dev.wan CERTIFIED MAIL -- 7008 0150 0003 2024 2017 December 13, 2010 SW NPDES Pen -nit Coverage Rescission Stormwater Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: No Exposure Certification NCGNE0474 Request for Rescission To Whom It May Concern: This letter is on behalf of Hart & Cooley, Inc. (H&C) who previously operating a manufacturing facility, under No Exposure Certification NCGNE0474, at 233 US Highway 701 Bypass, Tabor City, NC 28463. H&C ceased all manufacturing operations at this facility effective July 10, 2009 and has no plans to restart any type of industrial operations; therefore, there is no potential for stormwater exposure to industrial activities. Please find enclosed the completed Rescission Request Form for No Exposure Certification NCGNE0474. H&C maintains no staff at this Tabor City facility location. I oversee the management of environmental affairs for all our facilities. Should you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please contact me at (616) 656-8214. Sincerely, Hart & Cooley, In Kevin Starken Corporate Environmental Engineer Enclosure CC: Athan Vinolus A7i* RCDENK NOR C.-O.— DE TMCNT Or E'1.OHMC- a 0 N4LW.ti FIES RCES Division of Water Quality / Surface Water Protection National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systeni FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Date Received Year Month Da 2v10 12.. 20 RESCISSION REQUEST FORM — I2/20/0 - r' '4lL r> Please fill out and return this form if you no longer need to maintain your NPDES stormwater permit. 1) Enter the permit number to which this request applies: Individual Permit (or) Certificate of Coverage N I C I 5 N I C G I N I E 1 0 1 4 7 4 2) Owner/Facility Information: ' Final correspondence will be mailed to the address noted below Owner/Facility Name: Hart & Cooley, Inc Facility Contact Kevin 5tarken Street Address 5030 Corporate Exchanee Blvd SE (Facility located at 233 US Hwy 701 By-p, Tabor City, NCI City Grand Rapids State: MI ZIP Code: 49512 County Kent (Facility is in Columbus County, NQ E-mail Address: Kevin.Starken@hartcool.com Telephone No. 616-656-8214 Fax: 616-6S6-6387 3) Reason for rescission request (This is required information. Attach separate sheet if necessary): ® Facility closed or is closing on July 10, 2009. All industrial activities have ceased such that no discharges of stormwater are contaminated by exposure to industrial activities or materials. ❑ Facility sold to on . If the facility will continue operations under the new owner it may be more appropriate to request an ownership change to reissue to permit to the new owner. ❑ Other: 4) Certification: I, as an authorized representative, hereby request rescission of coverage under the NPDES Stormwater Permit for the subject facility. I am familiar with the information contained in this request and to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. Signature Date /2- /Z 1D Ron Mattia Director of Human Resources Print or type name of person signing above Title Please return this completed rescission request form to: 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, Nortt) Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919.807-63001 FAX: 919.807-6492 %Customer Service: 1.877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwalerquality.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer SW NPDES Permit Coverage Rescission Stormwater Permitting unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 NorthCarolina NatlrralCtf ArWA 0-�! Division of Water Quality 1 Surface Water Protection RCDENRNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Nom-C w.—t7[rr,n r.Eert oc NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION for Exclusion Ern,wor+r+crrt •xo N.awwL Rcsamccs NCGNE0000 NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Datc Rcccivcd Ycar Month Day Ccrtificaie of Coves c National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System application for exclusion from a Stormwater Permit based on NO EXPOSURE: Submission of this No Exposure Certification constitutes notice that your facility does not require permit authorization for its stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity in the State of North Carolina because it qualifies for a no exposure exclusion. A condition of no exposure at an industrial facility means all industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm resistant shelter (with some exceptions) to prevent exposure to rain, snow, snowmelt, and/or runoff. industrial materials or activities include, but are not limited to. material handling equipment or activities, industrial machinery, raw materials, intermediate products, by-products, final products, or waste products. Material handling activities include the storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, final product or waste product. A storm resistant shelter is not required for the following industrial materials and activities: drums, barrels, tanks, and similar containers that are tightly sealed, provided those containers are not deteriorated and do not leak. "Sealed" means banded or otherwise secured and with locked or non -operational taps or valves; adequately maintained vehicles used in material handling; and final products, other than products that would be mobilized in stormwater discharges (e.g., rock salt). A No Exposure Certification must be provided for each facility qualifying for the no exposure exclusion. In addition, the exclusion from NPDES permitting is available on a facility -wide basis only --not for individual outfalls. If any industrial activities or materials are, or will be, exposed to precipitation, the facility is not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. By signing and submitting this No Exposure Certification form, you certify that a condition of no exposure exists at this facility or site and are obligated to comply with the terms and conditions of 40 CFR 122.26(g). You are required to reapply for the No Exposure Exclusion once every five (5) years. For questions, please contact the DWQ Regional Office for your area. (See page 5) (Please print or type) 1) Mailing address of ownerloperator (address to which all certification correspondence will be mailedl: Name UAL �c.l C1s e Street Address City Telephone No. ,A i, — 000c) 2) Location of facility producing discharge: State t_ ZIP Code a 7 St�- e) Fax: Facility Name "TCV=0.r G_ Facility Contact C 3uzz �—OA Street Address 5 a PAe- 4 City M0W-K k"t I c G State Nc_ ZIP Code -27.S6 0 County Telephone No. _g143 q-[, p — O Fax: 61 M LKop — OQ 7 7 Page 1 of 5 SWU-NE-060607 Last revised 06/06/07 NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification 3) Physical location information: Please provide a narrative description of how to get to the facility (use street names, state road numbers, and distance and direction from a roadway intersection). 7)1tgjTj_%� m;� _tom Aicxr ��1 ,4Y (Zo i7IC Lc NoVt?rvtPc X (A copy of a map with the facility clearly located on it should be included with the certification application.) 4) Is the facility located on Native American Lands? ❑ Yes "o 5) Is this a Federal facility? ❑ Yes I;-lo 6) Latitude '35i b'6 Longitude ? p� {deg, min, sect 7) This NPDES Permit Application applies to which of the following: ❑ New or Proposed Facility Date operation is to begin [Existing Date operation began -D.e _o,, �z.— 19 9 f 8) Was this facility or site ever covered under an NPDES Stormwater Permit? ❑ Yes 11I_Tqo If yes, what is the NPDES Permit Number? 9) Standard Industrial Classification: Provide the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code) that describes the primary industrial activity at this facility SIC Code: 7 (o L 10) Provide a brief description of the types of industrial activities and products produced at this facility: TCkELcr_ 15 A PJ06,." tpr_4 0P IWly6- AO P UtVj(A74,% 11) Does this facility have any Non-Discharge'permits (ex: recycle permits)? It7-.o 0 Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current Non -Discharge permits for this facility: Ex osure Checklists (12. - 14) 12) Are any of the following materials or activities exposed to precipitation, now or in the foreseeable future? (Please check either "Yes" or "No.") If you answer "Yes" to any of these items, you are not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. a. Using, storing, or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment, and areas where residuals from using, storing or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment remain and are exposed to stormwater b. Materials or residuals on the ground or in stormwater inlets from spills/leaks c. Materials or products from past industrial activity d. Material handling equipment (except adequately maintained vehicles) e. Materials or products during loading/unloading or transporting activities f. Materials or products stored outdoors (except final products intended for outside use [e.g., new cars] where exposure to stormwater does not result in the discharge of pollutants) ❑ Yes CWo ❑ Yes t?No ❑ Yes 9l'No ❑ Yes 21% ❑ Yes alVo © Yes 1211<0 Page 2 of 5 SWU-NE-0606W Last revised 06106/07 NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification g. Materials contained in open, deteriorated or leaking storage drums, barrels, tanks, ❑ Yes C►v,110 and similar containers h. Materials or products handled/stored on roads or railways owned or maintained by ❑ Yes 2<0 the discharger i. Waste material (except waste in covered, non -leaking containers [e.g., dumpsters)) ❑ Yes af4o }. Application or disposal of process wastewater (unless otherwise permitted) ❑ Yes >�o k. Particulate matter or visible deposits of residuals from roof stacks and/or vents not ❑ Yes 2" o otherwise regulated (i.e., under an air quality control permit) and evident in the stormwater outflow I. Empty containers that previously contained materials that are not properly stored ❑ Yes 2/No (i.e., not closed and stored upside down to prevent precipitation accumulation) m. For any exterior ASTs, as well as drums, barrels, tanks, and similar containers ❑ Yes C5 No stored outside, has the facility had any releases in the past three (3) years? 13) Above Ground Storage Tanks (ASTs): If you answer "No" to any of the following items, you are not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. a, Are exterior ASTs or piping free of rust, damaged or weathered coating, pits, or i�es ❑ No deterioration, or evidence of leaks? b. Is secondary containment provided for all exterior ASTs? If so, is it free of any M-Yes ❑ No cracks, holes, or evidence of leaks, and are drain valves maintained locked shut? 14) Secondary Containment: If you answer "No" to any of the following items, you are not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. a. Is secondary containment provided for single above ground storage containers ides ❑ No (including drums, barrels, etc.) with a capacity of more than 660-gallons? b, Is secondary containment provided for above ground storage containers stored in close proximity to each other with a combined capacity of more than 1,320- gallons? c. Are release valves on all secondary containment structures locked? IPI<es ❑ No ['Yes ❑ No Page 3of5 SW U-NE-060607 Last revised 06/06/07 NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification 15) Hazardous Waste: a. Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility? ❑ Yes Q`No b. is this facility a Small Quantity Generator (less than 1000 kg. of hazardous waste 0 Yes 524D generated per month) of hazardous waste? c. Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator (1000 kg. or more of hazardous waste ❑ Yes ID40 generated per month) of hazardous waste? If you answered yes to questions b. or c., please provide the following information; Type(s) of waste: How is material stored: Where is material stored. - How many disposal shipments per year: Name of transport i disposal vendor: Vendor address: 16) Certification: I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand the eligibility requirements for claiming a condition of "no exposure" and obtaining an exclusion from NPDES stormwater permitting. l certify under penalty of law that there are no discharges of stormwater contaminated by exposure to industrial activities or materials from the industrial facility or site identified in this document (except as allowed under 40 CFR 122.26(g)(2)). I understand that I am obligated to submit a no exposure certification form once eve five 5 ears to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality and, if requested, to the operator of the local municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) into which the facility discharges (where applicable). 1 understand that I must allow the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, or MS4 operator where the discharge is into the local MS4, to perform inspections to confirm the condition of no exposure and to make such inspection reports publicly available upon request. In the event that the site no longer qualifies for a No Exposure Exclusion, I understand that I must obtain coverage under an NPDES permit prior to any point source discharge of stormwater from the facility. Additionally, I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations, l certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. (Date Signed) Please note: This application for the No Exposure Exclusion is subject to approval by the NCDENR Regional Office prior to issuance. The Regional Office may inspect your facility for compliance with no exposure conditions prior to that approval. The Regional Office may also inspect your facility at any time in the future for compliance with the No Exposure Exclusion. Page 4 of 5 5WU-NE-060607 Last revised 06106/07 NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 B(i) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article; or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the [Environmental Management) Commission implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). There is currently no fee for a No Exposure Exclusion. Final Checklist This application should include the following items: ❑ This completed application and all supporting documentation. 0 A map with the location of the facility clearly marked. Mail the entire package to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Note The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of a No Exposure Exclusion. For questions, please contact the DWQ Regional Office for your area. DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: Asheville Office ...... (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville Office ... (910) 433-3300 Mooresville Office ... (704) 663-1699 Raleigh Office ........ (919) 791-4200 Washington Office ...(252) 946-6481 Wilmington Office ... (910) 796-7215 Winston-Salem ...... (336) 771-5000 Central Office .........(919) 733-5083 Page 5 of 5 5WU-NE-060607 Last revised 06I06107 Ju 4,Y ; vvA� �^ � or+ pso��ssin9 unit isstasn`a F NIA TF Michael F. Easley, Governor `O�� 9pG William G, Ross Jr„ Secretary Norlh Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources c Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality January 4, 2008 Mr. Louis R. Long, Jr. Duke Realty Corporation 1800 Perimeter Parkway Morrisville, NC 27560 Subject: No Exposure Certification NCGNE0447 Duke Realty Corporation-Tekelec 5200 Paramount Parkway, Morrisville, NC Wake County Dear Mr. Long: The Division has reviewed your submittal of the No -Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting form, which we received on August 21, 2007. Based on your submittal and signed certification of no exposure at the above referenced facility, the Division is granting your certification as provided for under 40 CFR 126.22(g), which is incorporated by reference in North Carolina regulations. Please note that by our acceptance of your no exposure certification, you are obligated to maintain no exposure conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for a no - exposure exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge. Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. Your conditional no -exposure exclusion expires in five years (December 31, 2012). At that time you must re -certify with the Division, or obtain NPDES permit coverage for any stormwater discharges from your facility. Your certification of no exposure does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Sarah Young at (919) 733-5083, ext. 502, or at sarah,young@ncmail.net. Sincerely, 4;:, -) /_ oz, � for Coleen H. Sullins cc: Raleigh Regional Office -Danny Smith Central Files — w/attachments Stormwater Permitting Unit Files Wake County N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Cenler Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 WMENR Customer Service 1-877.623.6748 N C Gr)j I Division of Water Quality / Surface Water Protecti r� NCDENRNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System C ­ C rT­ NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION for Exclusion �+vNad„[rn w„o N.aiFw FILSGXfCea NCCN EOOOO NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION GEiNCY UsE ONLY Datc Rccciccd I colilicateot'Cavcr',it!c I National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System application for exclusion from a Stormwater based on NO EXPOSURE: Submission of this No Exposure Certification constitutes notice that your facility does not re authorization for its stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity in the State of. Carolina because it qualifies for a no exposure exclusion. A condition of no exposure at an it facility means all industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm resistant shelter exceptions) to prevent exposure to rain, snow, snowmelt, and/or runoff. Industrial materials or activities include, but are not limited to: material handling equipment or'as3iuities, industrial machinery, raw materials, intermediate products, by-products, final products, or waste products. Material handling activities include the storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, final product or waste product. A storm resistant shelter is not required for the following industrial materials and activities: drums, barrels, tanks, and similar containers that are tightly sealed, provided those containers are not deteriorated and do not leak. "Sealed" means banded or otherwise secured and with locked or non -operational taps or valves; adequately maintained vehicles used in material handling; and final products, other than products that would be mobilized in stormwater discharges (e.g., rock salt). A No Exposure Certification must be provided for each facility qualifying for the no exposure exclusion. In addition, the exclusion from NPDES permitting is available on a facility -wide basis only —not for individual outfalls. if any industrial activities or materials are, or will be, exposed to precipitation, the facility is not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. By signing and submitting this No Exposure Certification form, you certify that a condition of no exposure exists at this facility or site and are obligated to comply with the terms and conditions of 40 CFR 922.26(g). You are required to reapply for the No Exposure Exclusion once every five (5) years. For questions, please contact the DWQ Regional Office for your area. (See page 5) (Please print or type) 1) Mailing address of owner/operator (address to which all certification correspondence will be mailed): 2) Name -D(A e_c r Street Address Sao City r1d orbelcojA4 State P c, ZIP Code Telephone No. !� Iq �& I -- (dodo Fax: Location of facility producing discharge: Facility Name 97 5760 Facility Contact MC-1.A j -7v- %'f i I u-tz i! or% Street Address Sao PAAAM o u1.1=AIL ,j City MorV-K01Lc C State iWc._ ZIP Code 07S-6 O County Ld A 1<C Telephone No. q Iq 'f( p_ - 'SZa O Fax: 111 L460 — 00 7 Page 1 of 5 n SWU-NE-060607 Last revised 06/06/07 � � �h � ri ! f' �� �� NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification 3) Physical location information: Please provide a narrative description of how to get to the facility (use street names, state road numbers, and distance and direction from a roadway intersection). -Do EK TL-+( L<=l2ASS t?j%eAMoc'rPT tF Ay/ T (IOM "97 Le-t JO VO coMPL.EX (A copy of a map with the facility clearly located on it should be included with the certification application.) 4) Is the facility located on Native American Lands? ❑ Yes "o 5) Is this a Federal facility? ❑ Yes lD40 6) Latitude 3s� �6 Longitude 7J9, (deg, min, sec) 7) This NPDES Permit Application applies to which of the following: ❑ New or Proposed Facility Date operation is to begin Er�-Existing Date operation began 1911 8) Was this facility or site ever covered under an NPDES Stormwater Permit? © Yes I- o If yes, what is the NPDES Permit Number? 9) Standard Industrial Classification: Provide the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code) that describes the primary industrial activity at this facility SIC Cade: ? 6 6 L 10) Provide a brief description of the types of industrial activities and products produced at this facility: `tFkELCt- 15 A PR-4U i6F 'T&Le-10HeeJK 5061 f6fc M P 1'1tlg-D064-t COyuMLNIC/1744 11) Does this facility have any Non-Discharge'permits (ex: recycle permits)? D'"' ❑ Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current Non -Discharge permits for this facility: Exposure Checklists (12. - 14.) 12) Are any of the following materials or activities exposed to precipitation, now or in the foreseeable future? (Please check either "Yes" or "No.") If you answer "Yes" to any of these items, you are not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. a. Using, storing, or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment, and areas where residuals from using, storing or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment remain and are exposed to stormwater b. Materials or residuals on the ground or in stormwater inlets from spills/leaks c. Materials or products from past industrial activity d. Material handling equipment (except adequately maintained vehicles) e. Materials or products during load inglunloading or transporting activities f. Materials or products stored outdoors (except final products intended for outside use [e.g., new cars] where exposure to stormwater does not result in the discharge of pollutants) ❑ Yes ®-fVo ❑ Yes 14-No ❑ Yes gi no El Yes 2-No ❑ Yes Duo ❑ Yes WN-0 Page 2of5 SWU-NE-060607 Last revised 06/06/07 NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification g. Materials contained in open, deteriorated or leaking storage drums, barrels, tanks, ❑ Yes t-lo and similar containers h. Materials or products handled/stored on roads or railways owned or maintained by ❑ Yes 11lo the discharger i. Waste material (except waste in covered, non -leaking containers [e.g., dumpsters]) ❑ Yes UKNO 3. Application or disposal of process wastewater (unless otherwise permitted) ❑ Yes 1�`No k. Particulate matter or visible deposits of residuals from roof stacks and/or vents not ❑ Yes lI No otherwise regulated (i.e., under an air quality control permit) and evident in the stormwater outflow I. Empty containers that previously contained materials that are not properly stored ❑ Yes l�to (i.e., not closed and stored upside down to prevent precipitation accumulation) / m. For any exterior ASTs, as well as drums, barrels, tanks, and similar containers ❑ Yes CT Na stored outside, has the facility had any releases in the past three (3) years? 13) Above Ground Storage Tanks (ASTs): If you answer "No" to any of the following items, you are not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. a. Are exterior ASTs or piping free of rust, damaged or weathered coating, pits, or M-es ❑ No deterioration, or evidence of leaks? ,-. . , b. Is secondary containment provided for all exterior?-ASTs? If so, is it free of any V'es ❑ No cracks, holes, or evidence of leaks, and are drain valves maintained locked shut? f" 14) Secondary Containment: If you answer "No" to any of the following items, you are not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. a. Is secondary containment provided for single above ground storage containers tomes ❑ No (including drums, barrels, etc.) with a capacity of more than 660-gallons? b. Is secondary containment provided for above ground storage containers stored in close proximity to each other with a combined capacity of more than 1,320- gallons? c. Are release valves on all secondary containment structures locked? t7- es ❑ No W1'es ❑ No Page 3 of 5 SWU-NE-060607 Last revised 06/06/07 NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification 15) Hazardous Waste: a. Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility? ❑ Yes 5B<o b. Is this facility a Small Quantity Generator (less than 1000 kg, of hazardous waste ❑ Yes Ulo generated per month) of hazardous waste? c. Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator (1000 kg. or more of hazardous waste ❑ Yes lik l�o generated per month) of hazardous waste? If you answered yes to questions b. or c., please provide the following information: Type(s) of waste: How is material stored: — Where is material stored: How many disposal shipments per year: Name of transport / disposal vendor: Vendor address: 16) Certification: certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand the eligibility requirements for claiming a condition of "no exposure" and obtaining an exclusion from NPDES stormwater permitting. I certify under penalty of law that there are no discharges of stormwater contaminated by exposure to industrial activities or materials from the industrial facility or site identified in this document (except as allowed under 40 CFR 122.26(g)(2)). I understand that I am obligated to submit a no exposure certification form once every five (5) years to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality and, if requested, to the operator of the local municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) into which the facility discharges (where applicable). I understand that'.) must allow the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, or MS4 operator where the discharge is into the local MS4;'to perform inspections to confirm the condition of no exposure and to make such inspection reports publicly available upon request. In the event that the site no longer qualifies for a No Exposure Exclusion, I understand that I must obtain coverage under an NPDES permit prior to any point source discharge of stormwater from the facility. Additionally, I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. I certify that i am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Printed Name of Person Signing: LOC4/'S R • L Olt 11 , JI Title: 100'IAM /r [� S ;ne a✓ % �Ar✓/✓r!:1nv. iae_� d s Lure of Applicant) (Date Signed) Please note: This application for the No Exposure Exclusion is subject to approval by the NCDENR Regional Office prior to issuance. The Regional Office may inspect your facility for compliance with no exposure conditions prior to that approval. The Regional Office may also inspect your facility at any time in the future for compliance with the No Exposure Exclusion. Page 4 of 5 SWU-NE-060607 Last revised 06/06107 NCGNE0000 No Exposure Certification North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 B(i) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article; or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the [Environmental Management] Commission implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10.000). There is currently no fee for a No Exposure Exclusion. Final Checklist This application should include the following items: ❑ This completed application and all supporting documentation. ❑ A map with the location of the facility clearly marked. Mail the entire package to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Note The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of a No Exposure Exclusion. For questions, please contact the DWQ Regional'Office for your area. DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: Asheville Office ...... (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville Office ... (910) 433-3300 Mooresville Office ... (704) 663-1699 Raleigh Office ........ (919) 791-4200 Washington Office ...(252) 946-6481 Wilmington Office ... (910) 796-7215 Winston-Salem ...... (336) 771-5000 Central Office .........(919) 733-5083 Page 5 of 5 SWU-NE-060607 Last revised 06/06/07 r I 1 L U Duke Realty 1 'y Corporation ` 0 W �`���,�� � r,-,!" P'! B o tich��', .�''�A����-1V of �i� � �p� • � � �� R!L OP F ��l�S� ����) LJ�' `� \ Cce11•� 1. � f ��. c_/� -/) 165 Copyright (C) 1998, Maptech, Inc. TEK ELEC Loads R. LongJr.(Buzz) Or r �SFA ET,gr� 9 OPERATOR: U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) STORMWATER NOTICE OF INTENT PROCESSING CENTER DUKE REALTY CORPORATION ATTN: LOUIS RAY LONG JR 1800 PERAMOUNT PARKWAY DRIVE STE 200 MORRISVILLE, NC 27560 TRACKING NUMBER: NCNOE0080 07/31 /2007 FACILITY: TEKELEC 5200 PARAMOUNT PARKWAY MORRISVILLE, NC 27560 Thank you for submitting your NPDES form. EPA cannot process your form because the site location indicated on the form is under jurisdiction of a state which has been authorized by EPA to implement the NPDES program. Check with the state permitting authority noted below to determine the regulatory options available to you in that area. Permitting Authority: Name: Bradley Bennett Organization: North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 1 Division of Water Quality Dept Address: 512 N Salisbury St Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone: (919) 733-5083 EMail bradIey.bennett@ncmail.net If you have general questions regarding the stormwater program, please call: Region 4 Mike Mitchell (404) 562-9303 If you have questions about your form, please call the EPA NOI Processing Center at 1-866-352-7755 (toll free) or, send an inquiry via the online form at http:lllwww.epa.gov/npdes/noicontact. EPA NOI Processing Center Operated by Avanti Corporation 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Mail Code: 4203M Washington, DC 20460 1-866-352-7755 United States Environmental Protection Agency ,- 9 Y r' (,OMB Na. 20'40-p. NPDES A Washington, DC 20460 �1 h �.� Li, j; 1 ; 1 3 110-FOR11 `�, EPA NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION for Exclusion f �1Im NPDES Storm Water Permitting j! JUL 3 20D7 Submission of this No Exposure Certification constitutes notice that the entity identified in Section A does not require permit Lihtibn`ior-ifs storm water discharges associated with industrial activity in the State identified in Section B under EPA's Storm Water Multi -Sector Gen rermit.rli3e4a#>ae�xai�lan of a condition of no exposure. A condition of no exposure exists at an industrial facility when all industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm resistant shelter to prevent exposure to rain, snow, snowmelt, and/or runoff. Industrial materials or activities include, but are not limited to, material handling equipment or activities, industrial machinery, raw materials, intermediate products, by-products, final products, or waste products. Material handling activities include the storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, final product or waste product. A storm resistant shelter is not required for the following industrial materials and activities: - drums, barrels, tanks, and similar containers that are tightly sealed, provided those containers are not deteriorated and do not leak. "Sealed" means banded or otherwise secured and without operational taps or valves; - adequately maintained vehicles used in material handling; and - final products, other than products that would be mobilized in storm water discharges (e.g., rock salt). A No Exposure Certification must be provided for each facility qualifying for the no exposure exclusion. In addition, the exclusion from NPDES permitting is available on a facility -wide basis only, not for individual outfalls. If any industrial activities or materials are or will be exposed to precipitation, the facility is not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. By signing and submitting this No Exposure Certification form, the entity in Section A is certifying that a condition of no exposure exists at its facility or site, and is obligated to comply with the terms and conditions of 40 CFR 122.26(g). ALL INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED ON THIS FORM, Detailed instructions for completing this form and obtaining the no exposure exclusion are provided on pages 3 and 4. A. Facility Operator Information 1. Name: D ILA ltil C'..I I ip-I EI AI LI 'III I IIIol RI p I o I1_IA LCI r to Ifs I I I I I I 1 2. Phone: 111 t Ifl-I ` I %1 1 I OI jI OI 3. Mailing Address: a. Street: I I I SIOI PI I P I 6_1 F_-I I I M F TI 9 A I PI /'till 94 91W I A I `/ I I t1,l1 114 1I 1 I ITI 81 ;L o 0 b. City: )M1 01/Z121 ( IS IV I t I U LI C-I I I I I I I I I I I I c. state: 1A]IC-1 d. Zip Code: r.2,I'71 ST 401- 1 I I I i B. Facility/Site Location Information 1. Facility Name: �f161 t1 Ci Gi 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.a.Street Acid ress: I 1of 01cl IPIAIQIAIRSIOItAItJIi I le 141V-10IAlyI I I I I I I i I I b. City: I 1'_1 O I tt4 I& l ISI V1 f I LI L EI I, I I I I I I I I I I I c. County: ILJI Al iQ 61 1 1 1 1 1 1 d. State: 10- Jc e. Zip Code: 121'7 I SI%r IQ i - I I I I 1 3. is the facility located on Indian Lands? Yes ❑ No 4. Is this a Federal facility? Yes ❑ No 5. a. Latitude: L1 9 IY, (01 I--L_I, b. Longitude: 1 2I 91 ' 19i'TJ I 1J 6. a. Was the facility or site previously covered under an NPDES storm water permit? Yes ❑ No rLAj b. If yes, enter NPDES permit number: 7. SIC/Activity Codes: Primary: IJ %I G I f 1 Secondary (if applicable):S 111� 8. Total size of site associated with industrial activity: 9. a. Have you paved or roofed over a formerly exposed, pervious area in order to qualify ler the no exposure exclusion? Yes ❑ No b. if yes, please indicate approximately how much area was paved or roofed over. Completing this question does not disqualify you for the no exposure exclusion. However, your permitting authority may use this information in considering whether storm water discharges from your site are likely to have an adverse impact on water quality, in which case you could be required to obtain permit coverage. Less than one acre ❑ One to five acres ❑ More than five acres ❑ EPA Form 3510-11 (10-99) Page 1 of 4 c. EOI y%� l� NPDES r� NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION for Exclusion from Form Approved FORM -,EPA OMB No.2040-0211 3510-11 NPDES Storm Water Permitting C. Exposure Checklist Arc any of the following materials or activities exposed to precipitation, now or in the foreseeable future? (Please check either "Yes" or "No" in the appropriate box.) If you answer "Yes" to any of these questions (1) through (11), you are not eligible for the no exposure exclusion. Yes No 1. Using, storing or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment, and areas where residuals from using, storing ❑ 01, or cleaning industrial machinery or equipment remain and are exposed to storm water 2. Materials or residuals on the ground or in storm water inlets from spillsileaks El 211' 3. Materials or products from past industrial activity 4. Material handling equipment (except adequately maintained vehicles) 5. Materials or products during loading/unloading or transporting activities 6. Materials or products stored outdoors (except final products intended for outside use ie.g., new cars] where exposure to storm water does not result in the discharge of pollutants) 7. Materials contained in open, deteriorated or leaking storage drums, barrels, tanks, and similar containers 8. Materials or products handled/stored on roads or railways owned or maintained by the discharger El 21� 9. Waste material (except waste in covered, non -leaking containers [e.g., dumpsters]) El 21, 10. Application or disposal of process wastewater (unless otherwise permitted) 11. Particulate matter or visible deposits of residuals from roof stacks and/or vents not otherwise regulated ❑ (i.e., under an air quality control permit) and evident in the storm water outflow D. Certification Statement certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand the eligibility requirements for claiming a condition of "no exposure" and obtaining an exclusion from NPDES storm water permitting. 1 certify under penalty of law that there are no discharges of storm water contaminated by exposure to industrial activities or materials from the industrial facility or site identified in this document (except as allowed under 40 CFR 122.26(g)(2)). I understand that I am obligated to submit a no exposure certification form once every five years to the NPDES permitting authority and, if requested, to the operator of the local municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) into which the facility discharges (where applicable). I understand that I must allow the NPDES permitting authority, or M34 operator where the discharge is into the local MS4, to perform inspections to confirm the condition of no exposure and to make such inspection reports publicly available upor. request. I understand that I must obtain coverage under an NPDES permit prior to any point source discharge of storm water from the facility. Additionally, I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Print Name: ILIOfC� rlS1 191,4111 1G-1ofN161 ISIQI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Print Title: Signature: Date: 10171,,131017 EPA Form 3510-11 (10-99) Page 2 of 4