HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030175_MONITORING INFO_20181119 (2)STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. Iv G& D 3 01 �7 5 DOC TYPE ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ..MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ 90i q 11 J 9 YYYYMMDD • Semi-annual Starmwater Distarge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted o- a • tq CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG03_Q4 FACILITYNAME S0pci(A\A '?YOAy,(,k \eCY\YV?,LXJC S COUNTY F, (\.Qr.r� - PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES CA 0c, Gi u; N LABORATORY 'Pc,ce_ Lab Cert, 4 1 2 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Starmwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results -• SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR Zo 1 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June L�4July-Dec or ❑ Monthly' (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA RE �r! ,e ❑Zero -flow [:]Water Supply ❑SA ©Other U�. 4A;Aa(P �(Pc T-euY Nov z g 2 , 8 CANT I' SASE REMEi' BER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 F'ND/OR 3 � FI OWR ECT10N ❑ No dischorge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample , Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic s Organics Benchmarks -_ > - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L° 6.0 — 9.0 0,007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L oo iv•i�• ,� o,� .$ �•y 0.006 401005 0.03y ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. Z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. " See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. s Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433,11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22;'and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 FacilitiesZYiat incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollul'17fi Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitc7�ng may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TfO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), € certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." ` Ak1 sA Q�ec6S Name (Pri t name} Title (Print title) �' n 4 (Signature) nature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format_ Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, [PQL, Nan -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period! Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: ifR report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implen, t Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3'responses. See General Permit text • FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART fl SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANYONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one copy of this DMR, includinq all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results for at end of monitorina period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CE:;TIFIC T ION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (.Signature of Pe Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 • Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring.Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted 6 4.1� CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG03 0 1 _ 5 FACILITY NAME 54C_CSC4% fA �Y'oa,�,&LA- AeL1•Ntnvi0 S iC 5 COUNTY %X(&&CV-, I PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES �kGt i IGt LABORATORY 1 - Lab Cert. # y Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR a-b t 0 SAMPLE PERIOD [e.lan-June ❑ July -Dec or ❑ Monthly' (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA RECEIVED ❑Zero -flow []water Supply \❑SA Other U 1. 4-A ' l Gt i`�o( V/ JUN 14 20 RR 4EASE RENIEMIIER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 Ai\JD/OR 3, CENTFR41L Fr;�cS MAIR S�CTIOi\' ❑ No discharge this period?Z Outfall No. Date Sample 1 Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, S#andard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic 5 Organics Benchmarks =_=> - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L4 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 00 5• 6• r t AS 4Q,5 0,00 }5 & of g c 5. o 0.004 S 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. 4 See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. s Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469,12, for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; •and far cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 • • • Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan'shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included :n the stormwater Poiiution Prevention Plan," _4ngfc��j 19cc,4L�1Ley Name (Print name) ea-alt Title (Print title) ' 47 (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not rel2ort Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier2, or Tier responses. See Genera! Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > SS gal of new oil per month. No discharge this period?z Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches' Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 4 • 0 Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3'responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER ATTHE SAME OUTFALLTRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. + TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER ATANY ONE OUTFALL? YE5 ❑ NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an oriainal and one coov of this DMR, includina al! "No Discharge" retorts, within 30 days of receipt of the tab results (or at end of monitoring period in the case o "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU (MUST SIGN TI-US CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORNIATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Pey-nit?ee) (Date) Permit Date: 11/1/2022-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Semi-annual Stormwater DiscFiar e Monitorin Re ort for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCGO30000 Date submitted f• 10- 11� CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG03 O 3 5 FACILITY NAME 45 C(; ti�lo ��(:k �P_( 41✓tO�OG11 C� COUNTY PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES �AGtt io, CC.G, t1iV) LABORATORY ��(� Fj►r1G*a �V�j [ A� Lab Cert. # L Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Moriituring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR Q�O l SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June FTJuly-Dec or ❑ Monthly' (month, DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA s ❑Zero-flow[-]WaterSupply ❑SA ®Other,? .��"ke On e Jr-GY- PLEASE RENIENIBER TO SIGN ON PA.G'ES 2 Aii1JU/OR 3 -3 ❑ No discharge this period �2 Outfall No. Date Sam le p Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfalE amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic Organics5 Benchmarks =__> _ - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L' 6.0 — 9.0 0,007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L Doi id•0(0•i } 0.2151Vl <A.5 m L 0,0 i�j �P.005 0.0a,b C G.n a,� F' ' ENTki-:4 f s0�.` 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive bench MWlR2 edance for the same parameter at the same outfall. For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. 4 See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmarl< applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling'is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in,40 CFR 433.11, for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22;'and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/201Z-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Polluf Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for 1 1"O rnonit"O may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permst monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Name (Prin name) Do ra��ans br`eC r Title(Print) T (Signature) (Dd te) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQl_, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. T Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implemen t Tier 1, Tier Z or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No dischorge this period'z Outfall No. Date Sample Collected) (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches" Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (5GT-HEM) Tota[ Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 su Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/7./2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you most implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or pier 3're5ponses. See General Permit text". FOR PART AAND PARTS MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCECDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B • Z EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALLTRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION R. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE DUTFALL? YES ❑ NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an oriainal and one copv of this DMR, includina all "No Dischara" reports, within 30 days of receive of the lob results (or at end of monitorina period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1.617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 21699-1617 YOU MUST aICN THIS CERTIFICATION FOP ANY INVORMATION DEPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this docuDnent and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of IAermittee) O If (Da eJ Permit Date: 11/1-/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Semi-annual Stormwater Discar e Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG03 0 y —+ j FACILITY NAME COUNTY PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES LABORATORY`R! Q, POaG%/G�� Lab Cert. 4 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: 5tormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR A6L b SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June .[e� July -Dec or ❑ Monthly'_ _ (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA [_]Zero -flow ❑Water Supply ❑SA ©Other 'M i [i Ut}f __ 1 �� RECEIVED AUG 2 � 2017 DENR- PLEASE R£IV1E14IBER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 AND/OR 3 ❑ No discharge this period?2 putfall No. Date Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids WATER pERM07 pH, Standard units iNG Copper [.ead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic Organics s Benchrnarks ==_> _ - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L4 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 001 -1 to a. 5 0. ► <p.oUS 0. 03 0 --1 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 1- For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3l"he total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. s Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as founa in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22;'and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). RECEIVED AUG 2 3 2011 Permit Date. 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 CENTRALSWU-245, last revised 10/25/201.2 FILES Page 1 of 3 ©WR SECTIO Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the 5tormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for-i 1'0 man i1019 may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification staternent: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwak r Pollution Prevention JPlan." L) Name je((Prot name) Y Title (Print title) (Signatui-e) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, €3DL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format "<XX mgLU where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you most implement Tier 1, Tier2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results- only for facilities averaging > SS gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period Dutfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B i See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or pier 3'responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART AAND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCETRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMLNTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEE DANCES IN A ROW FOR THIF SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART I SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FORTHE SAME PARAMETER ATANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one copv of this DMR, includina all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results tor at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN TI-115 CERTIFICA7i0i\1 FOR ANY INFORMATIO3id i?EPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this docutpent and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2a17 (Date) SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Semi-annual Stormwater Discfiar e Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division Of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG03 O 1 7t 5 FACILITY NAME Dyna'PrI r UrVOYZA+ DA COUNTY PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES LABORATORYQate. i���� Lab Cert. # Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR7� b SAMPLE PERIOD 0 Jan -June 0 July -Dec or E Monthly' (mo7rhj. DISCHARGING TO CLASS EORW EHQW Trout EPNA RECEIVED Zero -flow EWaterSupply ESA A 7 ©Other IddAC CQ-;sue �h UG PLEASE RENIENIGER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 AiND/DR 3 DENR-LANs) QUALITY SYORMWATER PERMITTING ❑ No discharge this period?z Outfall No. Date Sample 1 Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids p>i, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic 5 Organics Benchmarks 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L' 6A — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L oti 2 tf� °I. o 0, olq s sz ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here 3 The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligihle for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. " See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Or a 4C�� tlj�(fi�Min contained in t3�e EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (formetal finishing use the definition as fouhti4n. LY f� 3for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CM 469,1.2; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as founr itt,4e Q �.Z2; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). F1 a 41 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for]-1-0 moni019 may be waived. The solvent management plan'shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: -Based upon my inquiry of the person or persuns directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (T O), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the 5tormw er Pollution Prevention Plan." ` Name(Printname) V _ Title (Print title) (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Lirnit, BDL, <PQL, Novi -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you most implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period ?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 -- 9.0 5U Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3'responses- See General Permit text. FOR PART AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B- • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANYONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES 0 NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one copy of this DMR, includinq all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results (or at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Qua€ity Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN 11-IIS CERTIFICATION COR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this docupent and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." {.`Signatm-e or Perrriittee) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 -,�u� -� )Date) SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 �o -o Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted • CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG03 Q SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 201I FACILITY NAME D•+� .oUr COr4ofGtfi`4n %� ar�a4lli+y �p -Te( *V1a ir3 SAMPLE PERIOD +AJan-June ❑July -Dec COUNTY Qa1G�l��T�— T� or ❑ Monthly' (month) PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES µoj ►CA TOr—Lgul V) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW []Trout ❑PNA LABORATORY?[At P}rw kNIJi[A1 Lab Cert. # (_ ❑Zero -flow ❑Water supply ❑SA DECEIVED ®OtherQJ_ Mfa�r_ � Fec.r Comments on sample collection or analysis: � JUL 28 201? PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 ANDIOR 3 CENTRAL FILES Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and.Monitoring Results DWR SECTION ❑ No discharge this period?z Outfall Na, Date Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxi c Organics 5 Benchmarks 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L4 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 00 % O f. l} V• r G. 5 D. o 5 0. 0 `{ G 5. 0 0 .01-z 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3 The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. a See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. s Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray.tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guideiines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.2.1; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found In 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement farTTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the 71-0 monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), i certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the 5tormwa er Pollution Prevention Plan." Name (Print name) VI Title (Print title) (Si -nature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX-m L" where XX is the numerical value of the detection lirnit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier Z, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period! Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inch es3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =-_> _ 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 5U Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 31/1/2012-10/31/2017 5WU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier Z, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER ATTHE SAME OUTFALLTRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II. SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILfTY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER ATANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail _an_orLQ nal and one copy of this DMR, including all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results (or at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Caroiina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORIMATIOt-1 REPORTED' ' "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permitteel Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 (Date) SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Qua)ity General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted CERTIFICATE OF COVERffA��'T GE NO. N0003 0 V FACILITY NAME t-I iALGrt_'f COUNTY 0 I 6Lci PERSON COLLE ING ��`MPLES LABORATORY ra Lab Cert. # I Z Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR O ! SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June 'D�;.luly-Dec or ❑ Monthly) month DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow [:]waterSupply ❑SAI5j Other_ U'r RECEF" 1 ,Eit) PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 AND/OR 3 JA N 13 2016 CFA)rr, .. ❑ No discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected) (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids DWR pH SEC' Standard units ��FS iQ `opper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic Organi 5 Benchmarks =_�> - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L4 6.0 — 9.0 0r,0007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mf g/L j �} 7- r rdt I "� V �z �D O S Or� �� , f I Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 for sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3 The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. 4 See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22;-and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date:11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be Vv-;aived. The solvent management plan'shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger small sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or Persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." tti 'w U­Q_ l Name (Pri name) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX me/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part 13: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > SS gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period?z Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 _s Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCFFDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANYONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an oriainal and one coov of this OMR. includina all "No Discharae" reports. within 30 days of receipt of the lab results (or at end of monitorina period in the case of "No Discharae" reports) to: Division of Water Quaiity Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. am aware t th re are significant penaltigs for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Sign#ure of('Permittee) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 1/ / (Date) SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report f' for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG03DI 75- SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR C� S FACILITY NAME (' p p o d`o�� l d70 SAMPLE PERIOD Jan -June ❑ July -Dec COUNTY d I or Monthly' (monthl PERSON COLLE ING SA PLES 1A , LC DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA LABORATORY Lab Cert. tt Z ❑Zero-flov� ❑Water Supply SA Comments on sample collection ran iysi FdOtherJ�t ri �� Co- r - �_V'32_0I r c� fDtr M -Ar' g Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 AND/OR 3 ❑ No discharge this period?z Outfall No. Date Sample Collected" (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfaEl amount, Inches; Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/Total Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Toxic Organics Benchmarks 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L4 6.0 - 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L " D ---_-0,0057 Q. 057.< 5 U ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-anrual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. Z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). ��C'.�P1fR=nr 3UN TO' 2015 Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 1�+.+,,., . , . -. SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 ` ` Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit.. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: Ir "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." r �/I�A_ Name Orint name) D'rg� Pr �vtr Title (P*,,le) (111te) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format "<XX m L" where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 1, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. 0 No discharge this period?2 Outfal! No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 \ J 0 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report CERTIFICATE OF FACILITY NAME COUNTY for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted �1— 0 1 5 E No. NCG03 .L ? Z PERSON COLLE TiNG SA PLES o L LABORATORY eU_c And lu hCA I Lab Cert. # Comments on sample collection{ or analysis: .L Part A: 5tormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results RECEP,ED JAN 1 4 2015 CENTRAL FILES �j DU►/R SECTION SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 910 1 T SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June a July -Dec or ❑ Monthly' (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW []Trout ❑PNA' ❑Zero-flow�yl ❑rWater Su ply ❑SA .Other �' I I C i f �Ct� t7e r—cca-ram PLEASE RENIENIBER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 ANID/OR 3 3 ❑ No discharge this period;2. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 1 (mofdd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic Organics 5 Benchmarks =__> - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L4 6.0 = 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 0. oa " <O,DaG" 2 r < E: ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible For a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. " See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433,11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2017 Page 1 of 3 � m • Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART it SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO K IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an oriainal and one coon of this DMR. includina oil "No Discharae" reoorts, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results (or at end of monitorina period in the case of "No Discharae" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CEPTIFiCA T ION FOR ANY iNFC)RMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed -to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly, onsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature-1 Perr�ttee) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 o/Ar- �ec�( SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the 5tormwater Pol{ution Prevention Plan." /�'liE7GEL Name (Print (Print name)) ALA41 /�!�}/�. A&1tfW_- Title (Print title) �-a iori cltl:I_ ��atc) Note: Results must,be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format. "<XX mg/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period: Outfail No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, 3 Inches Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total suspended solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 -- 9.0 SU Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 r o • • Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Rep or# Sa*kQl2 for North Carolina Division of Water QAalitt—l� General Permit No. NCG030000 GoIIe� d TUjy I S Date submitted ` {� d l 0.G k- CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG03_0 / 7 5-RECENEl 2 LLECTION YEAR oZ T Df rke"ti,,rv�_ SAMPLE PERIOD Jan -June ❑ July -Dec S �°j r �" eo FACILITY NAME 1rQ AUG 11 2014 or Monthly' 1 month COUNTY PERSON COLL TING SAMP ES o CENTRAL of t&RGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW [:]Trout❑PNA LABORATORY A 1 Lab Cert. # Z DWQ/BOG ❑Zero -flow pWater Supply ❑SA Comments on sample collection or analysis: Other ►.da P_ r2 �— o � sv` Wnd ch v Vo-1u { 'TrihtL� rXIOR P) ep 01ZS �PPet $.L4`� e 1( S—nal Yv�.l IL UC _IU2 'LEASE RE.mErMBER TO SIGi�i CiN PAGES 2 A3 � Part A: 5tormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results No discharge this period?2 OutfaEl No. Date Sample Collected) (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic Organics5 Benchmarks ===> - - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L° 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L ool 0 r DDS GQ1dQS .09 <9 D�3 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. Z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. s Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469,12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 m o 0 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management.plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the fast discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Name (Print name) o era*rvS Title tint ti e) f Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX me/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc, in mg/L. Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period?z Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 Su Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWu-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 s Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS, SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANYONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO K IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one copy of this DMR, including all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results for at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: °I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware � at there are significant penaltia"for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (SiZnature'of PermitteQ) (Date) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 SI'ORMWATER DISCIIAIMPE Otl'f'FALL (SD) MONITORING REPORT GFINEIRAL PEIRMIT NO. NCG1030000 SAMPI,I?.S COLLECTED DURING CALEM)AR YEAR: 44 C11Ii'I'1l' 1CA'I'E OI' CU VEItAGE NO. NC(;03 4)" S (1111 samples coilecled during a calendar year, slrulI be reported n1) Inter Ili an Jitimstry.11 ur Ill FACILITY NAME-. L�eJeg ~ 00t C'0iV%p„r rulluwhy; year) COUNTY 1ACI Oj PEIRSON COLLI;CI' N AMI'LE(') g,./R �e PIIONE N . /G-6 CI;It'1'll� 11�D LAI{UIiA'1'URY(S) dX :a r �j (, o rn cr:� L111� 11 1 err[t.�� u►1 /, e Lab it .1(SIC, A l lit; )il 'I;ItMI'I"1 GLOlt I SI El;) Ily Ihis Sigimiure, I certify Thal this report is amirale wid complele to the hcsl of lily knowledge 1 .11 1 11. 17 /1L111L iT 6i111111/1111 p11111III LIN %.1110 Uutfull I)nle 'z:'? 51}(1Sp:' 00400s 1){)556#>> lNlSlp'::;>::,::: [)07211:::::: 010.11.7< 41i1•I1 01I151: 0101$. 0I067 01077 0I1192 781II )la, .l: ' SEtlnnit :. :i'otul ill Olt onrl : 't it Id. l'. ►alai I'`IIY�> 1 ndallnrn (:hrmillum c'oI1p1 r, I,tarl ArQzt (V)cktl tilivcr: l,inc ;.: I'I�I111 C:vlivcleII llorr GrpEiSt Su�p.iirdcd y 1'oxlc r EII19S- i 4 [iTfl9nll ... -- .: :..::: �a s.:..;<i1�11:. :..emu.,;.,:: ::... 1 '.--.:a: ...a11-,;:.....:.--. :...h........ ..... ......... ..:..h:.,<......... ....n ........ ..-gin .. ..._ I:.... ..... W,. ....11.....1, 1..h ,. ... I I I II30/" 1. 304P 1 7. 3 1< 1 I 't 1 <S I, a] I Ca I <S I -. 5' I 14- 1.3CS 1 <S I <a I aGS' I -?f I Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? —yes Xno ( yes, Complete Part B) 13:yclIICJC M111111 lllinCC ACII lty [Yloiulol ulM{(7i. itC[ tllremcni5 />'..r�T��. :.,. ... .:Y nA YA .-:.. nnYY l: :: hf Ali' -. ...—'■[.nrA �:� :... �Af.1 IM ;:: . �.unl STORM EVENTCHARACTERISTICS: TWA Event Precipitation (inches): �• � Event Duration (flours): /d (if more than one sionn event was samplcd 'Total Event Precipitation (ill lies): A. Event Duration (flours): ,SSA ex Z Mail Original and one copy W: � Atin: Central Files Division of Environmenial Mg!. �•� � LU 7�- 4 DFIINR' P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Dorm MRUJ Sw, r y ~; I I -or facilities not using; or storing cyanide, Ilse facility may make ccrtification to the effect that cyanide is nol used or stored ,it the facility and thus obtain a waiver of the cyanide sampling requirement. - By this signature, I certify that cyanide is not being; usc;d or stored al This Facility 2 For facilities nog using or storing; fluoride, the facility inay make certification to the effect ghat fluoride Is riot used or stored at the f-acility and Thus obtain a waiver of the fluoride sampling requirement. By Otis signature, I certify that fluoride.is not being used or stored at this facility 3 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilitics which perform mclal finishing operations, manufacture setuiconduclors, rnannfact tire electronic crystals, or manufacture calhode ray tubes. For purposes of this pernrii, the definition of Tolal 'Toxic Organics is that definition conlained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for lite facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFIZ 433.1 1; for semiconductor manufacture use (lie definition -is found in 40 CFR 469.12; and for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 Ult 469,22). Facilities that develop a solvent management plan to be incorporated into the storntwatcr pollution prevention plan may make a request to I)EM that nnomloring of total toxic organics be waived. The solvent management plan shall Include as a Ininirttum lists of the total toxic organic compounds used; the method of disposal used instead of dumping, such as reclamation, contract hauling, or incineration; and Eire procedures for assuring that toxic organics do not routinely spill or leak into the stormwater. For those facilities allowed such a waiver, the discharger shall sign the the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsibIc for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (1T0), 1 certify that, to, the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the, storrnwatcr or areas which are exposed to rainfall or slonnwalcr runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facilily Is implementing the solvent management plan included in the Storrnwater Pollution Preve t' n Tian." ! T Nune (please taint) Meg -. Title( c e hint) . ! • 1 Signature / Date 4 Applies only for facilities at which fueling occurs. 5 Deler6cnl monitoring is required only at facilities which conduct vehicle cleaning operations. I certify, under penally of law, that this docurnnernl and all allachntenrls were prepared under my direcliun or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure Ihat qualified personnel properly bather and evaluate [lie information submilled. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who Manage the system, or lhose persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information subinitled is, to the best of my knowledge and 'belief, true, accurate, and complete. I :Hill aw;nre llnat.lhere are significant penalties f r submit[ir fa se information, inclu(Iiiig idle possibility of fines and imprisonment for ktnutivinb violations." - j r,a f y (Sig;natlife of Pernlittee) (Date) Fund Mlttr.l .gyp: 1 1 r 'I Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services s E S G RESEARCH ton, NC 27215-5122 • (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 H 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burling ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: VEEDER-ROOT COMPANY WORK ORDER #: 94-02-007-01 FACILITY: Elizabethtown, NC REPORT TO: Mr. Henry Hatcher COLLECTED: 01/30/94 RECEIVED: 02/01/94 SAMPLE: Special Study REPORTED: 02/17/94 Effluent Comp. 1/30/94 PARAMETER METHOD STARTED ANALYZED RESULT EPA 625 BNA Extract,Liquid EPA 625 02/04/94 02/10/94 Attached EPA Pesticides/PCBs, Liq'd EPA 608/8080 02/04/94 02/10/94 Attached NPDES ## NC ag= Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services R E S E A R C H 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 • (910) 584-5564 *Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 PESTICIDES AND PCBIS — LIQUIDS EPA METHOD 608/8080 WORK ORDER #: 94-02-007-01 SAMPLE: Special Study Effluent Comp. 1/30/94 EXTRACTED: 02/04/94 BY: MTT ANALYZED: 02/10/94 BY: ILL QUANTITATION LIMIT MULTIPLIER: 1.12 ONLY ANALYTES THAT WERE DETECTED ARE REPORTED BELOW. ANALYTE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) NONE TO REPORT SURROGATES % RECOVERY 2,4,5,6-TETRACHLORO-m-XYLENE DIBUTYLCHLORENDATE 29.0 20.0 SIMULTANEOUS DUAL COLUMN GC/ECD USED TO CONFIRM ALL REPORTED COMPOUNDS. A COMPLETE LIST OF TARGET ANALYTES AND THEIR QUANTITATION LIMITS ARE ATTACHED AT THE END OF THIS REPORT. Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services I EAll BURLINGTON RESEARCH 615 Huffman Mill Road - Burlington, NC 27215-5122 - (910) 584-5564 - Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext, 202 PESTICIDES AND PCB'S - LIQUIDS EPA METHOD 608/8080 TARGET ANALYTES MULTIPLY THE QUANTITATION LIMITS BELOW BY THE MUTIPLIER GIVEN ON THE REPORT TO DERIVE THE ACTUAL LIMITS FOR EACH SAMPLE. ANALYTE QUANTITATION LIMIT (ug/L) 1 ALDRIN 0.200 2 alpha-BHC 0.200 3 beta-BHC 0.200 4 delta-BHC 0.200 5 gamma-BHC (LINDANE) 0.200 6 CHLORDANE (technical) 0.200 7 4,4--DDD 0.200 8 4,4'-DDE 0.200 9 4,4'-DDT 0.200 10 DIELDRIN 0.200 11 ENDOSULFAN I 0.200 12 ENDOSULFAN II 0.200 13 ENDOSULFAN SULFATE 0.200 14 ENDRiN 0.200 15 ENDRIN ALDEHYDE 0.200 16 HEPTACHLOR 0.200 17 HEPTACHLOR EPDXIDE 0.200 18 METHOXYCHLOR 0.200 19 #MIREX 0.200 20 #PARATHION 0.200 21 TOXAPHENE 2.50 22 PCB 1016 1.00 23 PCB 1221 1.00 24 PCB 1232 1.00 25 PCB 1242 1.00 26 PCB 1248 1.00 27 PCB 1254 1.00 28 PCB 1260 1.00 # NOT NORMALLY A 608/8080 COMPOUND, BUT CAN BE DETECTED BY ECD, AND REPORTED WHEN REQUESTED. Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 • (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 ACID AND BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLE ORGANICS EPA METHOD 625 — LIQUID WORK ORDER #: 94--02-007-01 EXTRACTED: 02/04/94 BY: MTT ANALYZED: 02/10/94 BY: DYC SAMPLE: Special Study Effluent Comp. 1/30/94 QUANTITATION LIMIT MULTIPLIER: 1.12 ONLY ANALYTES THAT WERE DETECTED ARE REPORTED BELOW. ANALYTE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) 25 BIS (2-ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE 237 SURROGATES % RECOVERY 2-FLUOROPHENOL 37.1 PHENOL-d5 41.3 2,4,6-TRIBROMOPHENOL 51.4 2-FLUOROBIPHENYL 88.5. NITROBENZENE-d5 41.0 4-TERPHENYL-d14 174 A COMPLETE LIST OF TARGET ANALYTES AND THEIR QUANTITATION LIMITS ARE ATTACHED AT THE END OF THIS REPORT. Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting g Data Handling Services J BURLINGTON RESEARCH 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 • (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 ACID AND BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLE ORGANICS EPA METHOD 625 - LIQUID TARGET ANALYTES MULTIPLY THE QUANTITATION LIMITS BELOW BY THE MUTIPLIER GIVEN ON THE REPORT TO DERIVE THE ACTUAL LIMITS FOR EACH SAMPLE. ANALYTE QUANTITATION LIMIT (ug/L) 1 4-CHLORO-3-METHYLPHENOL 10.0 2 2-CHLOROPHENOL 10.0 3 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL 10.0 4 2,4-DIMETHYLPHENOL 10.0 5 2,4-DINITROPHENOL 50.0 6 2-METHYL-4,6-DINITROPHENOL 50.0 7 2-NITROPHENOL 10.0 8 4-NITROPHENOL 50.0 9 PENTACHLOROPHENOL 50.0 10 PHENOL 10.0 11 2,4,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL 10.0 12 ACENAPHTHENE 10.0 13 ACENAPHTHYLENE 10.0 14 ANTHRACENE 10.0 15 BENZIDINE 10.0 16 BENZ (a) ANTHRACENE 10.0 17 BENZO (a) PYRENE 10.0 18 BENZO (b) FLUORANTHENE 10.0 19 BENZO (ghi) PERYLENE 10.0 20 BENZO (k) FLUORANTHENE 10.0 21 BENZYL BUTYL PHTHALATE 10.0 22 BIS (2-CHLOROETHOXY) METHANE 10.0 23 BIS (2-CHLOROETHYL) ETHER 10.0 24 BIS (2-CHLOROISOPROPYL) ETHER 10.0 25 BIS (2-ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE 10.0 26 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 10.0 27 2-CHLORONAPHTHALENE 10.0 28 4-CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 10.0 29 CHRYSENE 10.0 30 DIBENZ (a,h) ANTHRACENE 10.0 31 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 10.0 32 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE 10.0 33 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 10.0 34 3,31-DICHLOROBENZIDINE 10.0 35 DIETHYL PHTHALATE 10.0 PAGE 1 Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services Mill BURLINGTON RESEARCH 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 • (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 EPA METHOD 625 TARGET ANALYTES (continued) ANALYTE QUANTITATION LIMIT (ug/L) 36 DIMETHYL PHTHALATE 10.0 37 DI-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE 20.0 38 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE 10.0 39 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE 10.0 40 1,2-DIPHENYLHYDRAZINE 10.0 41 DI-N-OCTYL PHTHALATE 10.0 42 FLUORANTHENE 10.0 43 FLUORENE 10.0 44 HEXACHLOROBENZENE 10.0 45 HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 10.0 46 HEXACHLOROCYCLOPENTADIENE 10.0 47 HEXACHLOROETHANE 10.0 48 INDENO (1,2,3-CD) PYRENE 10.0 49 ISOPHORONE 10.0 50 NAPHTHALENE 10.0 51 NITROBENZENE 10.0 52 N--NITROSODIMETHYLAMINE 10.0 53 N-NITROSO-DI-N-PROPYLAMINE 10.0 54 N-NITROSODIPHENYLAMINE 10.0 55 PHENANTHRENE 10.0 56 PYRENE 10.0 57 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 10.0 58 DEMETON 2.5 PAGE 2 Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 3's . ELSW BURLINGTON RESEARCH 615 Huffman MiII Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 • (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: VEEDER-ROOT COMPANY WORK ORDER fir: 94-02-007-02 FACILITY: Elizabethtown, NC REPORT TO: Mr. Henry Hatcher COLLECTED: 01/30/94 RECEIVED: 02/01/94 SAMPLE: Special Study REPORTED: 02/17/94 Effluent Grab 1/30/94 PARAMETER METHOD STARTED ANALYZED RESULT EPA 624 Volatiles, Liquid EPA 624 02/01/94 02/02/94 Attached GD3IJ/7S NPDES # NC Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting R Data Handling Services 'Ell BURLIN TN R E S E AGR COH 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 • (910) 584-5564 + Fax {910) 584-5564 Ext, 202 EPA 624 VOLATILE ORGANICS - LIQUIDS WORK ORDER #: 94-02-007-02 PREPARED: 02/01/94 BY: ILL ANALYZED: 02/02/94 BY: ILL SAMPLE: Special Study Effluent Grab 1/30/94 QUANTITATION LIMIT MULTIPLIER: 1 ONLY ANALYTES THAT WERE DETECTED ARE REPORTED BELOW. ANALYTE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) 11 CHLOROFORM 27 TETRACHLOROETHENE 31 TRICHLOROETHENE 18.6 10.7 1.1 SURROGATES % RECOVERY BROMOFLUOROBENZENE 58.3 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE-d4 129 TOLUENE-d8 98.3 A COMPLETE LIST OF TARGET ANALYTES AND THEIR QUANTITATION LIMITS ARE ATTACHED AT THE END OF'THIS REPORT. Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 + (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext, 202 EPA 624 VOLATILE ORGANICS - LIQUIDS TARGET ANALYTES MULTIPLY THE QUANTITATION LIMITS BELOW BY THE MUTIPLIER GIVEN ON THE REPORT TO DERIVE THE ACTUAL LIMITS FOR EACH SAMPLE. ANALYTE QUANTITATION LIMIT (ug/L) 1 #ACROLEIN 4.0 2 #ACRYLONITRILE 1.0 3 BENZENE 1.0 4 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE 1.0 5 BROMOFORM 1.0 6 BROMOMETHANE 1.0 7 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 1.0 8 CHLOROBENZENE 1.0 9 CHLOROETHANE 1.0 10 2-CHLOROETHYLVINYL ETHER 1.0 11 CHLOROFORM 1.0 12 CHLOROMETHANE 1.0 13 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE 1.0 14 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 1.0 15 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE 1.0 16 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 1.0 17 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE 1.0 18 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 1.0 19 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE 1.0 20 trans-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 1.0 21 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 1.0 22 cis-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 1.0 23 trans-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 1.0 24 ETHYL BENZENE 1.0 25 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 1.0 26 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 1.0 27 TETRACHLOROETHENE 1.0 28 TOLUENE 1.0 29 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE 1.0 30 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE 1.0 31 TRICHLOROETHENE 1.0 32 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 1.0 PAGE 1 > Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Asse5sments • NFDES Testing ?: - - Reporting & Data Handling Services q , BURLINGTON RESEARCH 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 • (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 EPA METHOD 624 TARGET ANALYTES (continued) ANALYTE QUANTITATION LIMIT (ug/L) 33 VINYL CHLORIDE 1.0 34 #XYLENES (TOTAL) 1.0 # NOT NORMALLY A EPA 624 COMPOUND, BUT CAN BE DETECTED BY GC/MS, AND REPORTED WHEN REQUESTED. PAGE 2 i, 615 Huffman fAill Road • Burlington. NC 27215 • (919) 584.5564 • Fax (919) 584-5564. Ext. 2D2 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 1 CLIENT: 1!�'�U� _e - revel 7 CO!^� Facility/Site 01 A Ci C T Sampler: (Print)-F''�/ /`�9 C-�,'r Signature) A,, /4 f CONTACT PERSON: - Y /14 Phone Number: { l Purchase Order #: SAMPLE ID SAMPLE COLLECTION SAMPLE TYPE NO. OF CON- TAINERS SENT ANALYSES REQUIRED FOR LAB USE ONLY COMPOSITE HAND AUTO GRAB J r acC 20 a w we o ^ XU a wLU Z O r j uWi a DATE TIME STARTED DATE TIME ENDED Alc&o300Oo ifWArkl &:46 Pry �i a A 1 X; c Or ,q Are c s COC AX& '/30/94 1134194 3 1A4)-- 0361'7S FOR CLIENT UPE: , Relinquished y: (Sig p a Received by: (Signature) Date: / J31 Time: a 3 U n n Shippedpy: (Sig etu e) Received by: (Signature) Date: 13! l �15-4 Time- Method of Shipme : { �n FOR LAB USE ONLY Received in Lab FROM: (Signature) Received f Lab BY: Si ture) Date: Time: _ Z �� 013 v Method of Shipment: p�- Sample Integrity Comment: I tlI BRA 11-91 nptr;lhlA1 . ri IFlkIT RFPC}RT n1r,a—FIRI - Arrr)lINTING Canarv—RRI • LARORATORY Goldenrod —CLIENT - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT r •r - Analytical and Consulting Chemists Oxford Laboratories, Inc. DATE RECEIVED 02-01-94 1316 South Fifth Street DATE REPORTED 02-10--94 W�ungton, N.C. 28401 9 4 W 4 8 4 4 (910) 763-9793 Fax (910) 343-9688 PAGE 1 OF 1 VEEDER ROOT INC. P.O. # T-02443 2100 W. BROAD ST. ELIZABETHTOWN. NC 28337 ATTENTION: HENRY HATCHER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: STORMWATER 01-30-94 .f 1. STORMWATER 01-30-94 RESULTS 1 Cadmium, as Cd, PPM <.002 Chromium, as Cr. PPM <.005 Copper, as Cu, PPM .005 Lead, as Pb,-PPM .015 Nickel, as Ni, PPM <.005 Silver, as Ag, PPM <.002 Zinc, as Zn, PPM .265 Total Cyanide, as CN, PPM <0.005 Oil & Grease, PPM <1 Total Suspended Solids. PPM 4 Iron, as Fe, PPM .305 Fluoride, as F, PPM 0.21 ROGER r.,OXFORD, CHEMIST