HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030422_MONITORING INFO_20181022r MASONITC. Open to extraordinary_ Division of Water Quality ATTN: DWQ Center Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 RE: Semi -Annual Storm Water DMR COC #NCG030422 To Whom It May Concern: October 18, 2018 Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested 20i8 N Enclosed are the results for the 31 consecutive samples to satisfy the Tier II requirements listed in our Permit. We have enclosed an original and one copy of the 311 consecutive sample taken to satisfy the Tier II requirements in Masonite's Charlotte North Carolina Entry Door Plant Stormwater Plan. Since this is the 3rd consecutive sample taken with results of Zinc below the expressed limit we will revert back to semi- annual testing. Our next sample results will be conducted between January ist and June 30th 2019. If you have any questions concerning the results, please contact me at 704-921-3507 or for Technical questions contact Richard Kearse at (803) 747 — 4473. Si erely, Frank uire Plant Manager Enclosure cc: Denise Wlodyka Richard Kearse Masonite Exterior Door Division 7300 Reames Road, Charlotte, NC 28216 • Telephone: (704) 921-3507 www.masonite.com Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: October 18, 2018 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation COUNTY Mecklenburg PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories, Inc. Lab Cert. #t 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 09/27/2018 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2018 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or ® Monthly' Sept. month DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW [—]Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply ❑SA ®Other: C ❑ No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) ' 24-hour rainfall amount, inches' Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/total Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons toxic Organicss Benchmarks =__> _ - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L° 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 1 09/27/18 0.32 < 5.0 mg/L 7.07 0.005 0.003 0.032 < 5.3 mg/L NA 6 09/27/18 0.32 < 5.0 mg/L 7.21 0.007 < 0.002 0.028 < 5.3 mg/L NA ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. Z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. ' See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Not Applicable Name (Print name) Not Applicable _ Title (Print title) Not Applicable _ (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "ON meLL" where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Not Ap Ilcable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must Implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one copy of this DMA?. Including all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results (or at end of monitoring perlod in the case o f "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware th,4t there ar�ignificant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Fra Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 10/18/2018 (Date) SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 M11 open to extraordinary. Division of Water Quality ATTN: DWQ Center Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 RE: Tier it Storm Water DMR COC #NCG030422 To Whom It May Concern: SF_ . C September 21, 2018 Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested RECEIVED SEP 2 4 20% CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Enclosed are the results for the second consecutive sample to satisfy the Tier II requirements listed in our Permit. We have enclosed an original and one copy of the second consecutive sample taken to satisfy the Tier II requirements in Masonite's Charlotte North Carolina Entry Door Plant Stormwater Plan. The July Simi -Annual report was the first of the 3 consecutive samples to satisfy Masonite's Tier II requirements. If you have any questions concerning the results, please contact me at 704-921-3507 or for Technical questions contact Richard Kearse at (803) 747 — 4473. S' re# Fran c Wire Plant Manager Enclosure cc: Denise Wlodyka Richard Kearse Masonite Exterior Door Division 7300 Reames (toad, Charlotte, NC 28216 • Telephone: (704) 921-3507 www.masonite.corn Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: September 21, 2018 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation COUNTY Mecklenburg PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories, Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 08/28/2018 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2018 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or ® Monthly' Tier Il Aueust (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply ❑SA ®Other: C ❑ No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&GITotal Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons toxic Organicss Benchmarks =__> - - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/0 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 1 08/28/18 0.11 15.0 mg/L 6.77 0.008 0.002 0.058 < 5.2 mg/L NA 6 08/29/18 0.11 18.0 mg/L 6.65 0.007 < 0.003 0.061 < 5.32mg/L NA ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. a See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), 1 certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Not Applicable Name (Print name) Not Applicable Title (Print title) Not Applicable (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX ma/I. where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note. If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, IncheS3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Not Applicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must Implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an on inal and one cony of this DIOR Including all "No Dlschar e" reports, within 30 days ot receipt of the lab results or at end of monitoringeriod In the case of "No Discharge" Mortsl to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 9/20/2018 (Date) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 1 M11 MASONITE. Open to rytmGrdifwy Division of Water Quality ATTN. DWQ Center Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 RE: Semi -Annual Storm Water DMR COC #NCG030422 To Whom It May Concern: August 21, 2018 Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested RECEIVED AUG 222018 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION We have enclosed an original and one copy of the semi-annual (July - December) storm water Tier 1 Report for Masonite's Charlotte North Carolina Entry Door Plant. If you have any questions concerning the results, please contact me at 704-921-3507. Sin rely, Frank Mcguire Plant Manager Enclosure cc: Denise Wlodyka Richard Kearse Masonite Exterior Door Division 7300 Reames Road, Charlotte, NC 28216 • Telephone: (704) 921-3507 www.masonke.com Semi-annual Stormwater Aharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: August 14, 2018 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation COUNTY Mecklenburg PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories, Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected _07/23/2018 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2018 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ® July -Dec or ® Monthly' Jul month DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW [—]Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply ❑SA ®Other: C ❑ No discharge this period?z It Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic Organics, Benchmarks =__> - - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L" 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L i mg/L 1 07/23/18 0.14 5.0 mg/L 7.19 0.004 < 0.002 0.057 < 5.2 mg/L NA 6 07/23/18 0.14 5.3 mg/L 7.03 0.002 < 0.002 0.033 < 5.3 mg/L NA ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 'For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 'The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. a See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (far metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilitiesot incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater P _ ion Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO . nitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Not Applicable Name (Print name) Not Applicable Title (Print title) Not Applicable (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 -- 9.0 SU Not Applicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part iB * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: A report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must imoent Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an on anal and one copy o this DMR including all "Na Dischar e" re orts within 30 da s o recei t o the lob results or at end o monitorin eriod in the case of "No Discharge" reuorts) to: Division of water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware thaf)hereNe sioificant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 8/13/2018 (Date) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Re for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: MY 13, 2018 CERTIFICATE OP COVERAGE NO. NCG030422 SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2018 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation SAMPLE PERIOD ®Jan -June []July -Dec COUNTY Mecklenbure or ❑ Monthly'_ (month) PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW []Trout ❑PNA LABORATORY PAR Laboratories Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 �+G []Zero -flow ❑Water Supply [:]SA © Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected ECEIVE® ®Other: C _03/06/2018 JUL 18 2018 CENTRAL FILES Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results pwR SECTION �] No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches' Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic Organics' Benchmarks =__> - - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/O 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 1 03/06/18 0.42 12.0 mg/L 6.47 0.005 < 0.002 0.093 < 5.1 mg/L NA 6 03/06/18 0.420 14.0 mg/L 6.42 0.007 < 0.002 0.108 < 5.2 mg/L NA 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 'The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring miy be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Not Applicable Name (Print name) Not Applicable Title (Print title) Not Applicable (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Nate: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier I, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks ==_> - - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 Su Not ARRlicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 N;vte: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION 8. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an on final and one copy of this DMR including all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 day, o revel t of the lab results for at end of monitorina period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. am awarg that there are s' nificant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations," Mcguire Permit Date:11/1/2012-10/31/2017 7/13/2018 Gate] SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: January 10, 2018 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation COUNTY Mecklenburg PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories, Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 11/20/2017 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2017 RFt ,F9AiWPR)PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ® July -Dec JAN �'� r or El Monthly'- month �A&ARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW [—]Trout ❑PNA DWR SEGTiopi ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply [:]SA INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT ®Other: C ❑ No discharge this period?z Outfall No. Date Sample 1 r Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids � pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic Organics s Benchmarks ==> _ - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 1S mg/L 1 mg/L I 11/20/17 0.20 9.0 mg/L 6.25 0.003 < 0.002 0.350 < 5.1 mg/L NA 6 11/20/17 0.20 16.0 mg/L 6.35 0.003 < 0.002 0.320 < 5.3 mg/L NA 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall, z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3 The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. 4 See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Not Applicable Name (Print name) ftotAp Alcable Title (Print title) Not Applicable _.. (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches; Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Not Applicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B • See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier Z or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an on inal and one copy of this DMR including all "No Discharge" re orts within 30 days of recei t of the lob results for at end of monitoring erlod in the case of "No Discharae" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 7,- re th t thergnificant pena ties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." ' `�I'�#4uv;,�ev 1 10 2018 Mcguire (Date) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: June 12� 2017 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation COUNTY Mecklenbure PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 05/05/2017 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2017 SAMPLE PERIOD ® Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or ❑ Monthly' month DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA []Zero -flow ❑Water Supply []SA ®Other: C ❑ No discharge this period?' L' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 1 (mo/dd/yt] . 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches 3 Total Suspended'Solids pH, Staridardlunits Copper Lead Zinc `Non-Palar:0&G/:; ' . Total Petroleum "Hydrocartions Total'Toxic tis ;,Or anlcs; 8enc hmark5"= >�r - - ' ` 100'mg/LorMmg'/L -' , �6M 9.0� 0.607 mg/L; 0.03 mg/L, a0 067,mg/L•-° 15•mg/L- 1 mg/L'''� 1 05/05/17 0.92 64.0 mg/L 6.70 0.005 0.002 0.055 < S.1 mg/L NA 6 05/05/17 0.92 6.0 mg/L 6.69 0.010 0.002 0.062 < 5.2 mg/L NA 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3 The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. 4 See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31), Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 5WU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring maybe waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Not Applicable Name (Print name) Not Applicable Title (Print title) Not Applicable (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, the must be reported in the format "<XX m L" where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: if you report a sample value In excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See Genera! Permit text Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. No discharge this period ?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/ r) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Not Applicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B " See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART It SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an orf iinnal and one copy of -this DMR, includina all "No Discharae" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results for at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Discharae" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this -document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted Is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are ,,significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 6/12/2017 (Date) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 A Few, Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report Forguidance on filling out this form, please visit: http:/,/j2orMLncdenr.org/web f Ir/nodes-stormwater/ Permit No.: N/C/ Facility Name: --L County:!( Inspector: _ Date of Inspection Time of Inspection: Total Event Precipitation (inches): 5 'CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or "Measureable Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See information below.) kyes ❑ No Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a "representative storm event" or "measureable storm event" (requirements vary, depending on the permit). Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. Most permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a "representative storm event" or during a "measureable storm event." However, some permits do not have this requirement. Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may rontain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. ! A "measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: e or Designee) Page 1 of 2 SWU•242, Last modified 10/25/2012 1. Outfall Description: .�lC1 Outfall No. SM-r_ Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) /Carl Deceiving Stream: Describe the industrial activities that occur within the o tfall drainage area: _ 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge usingbasic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (Le., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): 1V4A 6- 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: D 2 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 1 2 3 4 5 b. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 2 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? a. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes Yes 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? Yes 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe N11tq Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWU-242, last modified 10/25/2012 1. Outfall Des ription: Outfall No. sj Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) a06 Receiving Stream: Describe the industrial activities that occur within �outfall drainage area: OVZ 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: _ 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the d'schar e may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 0 2 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: " 1 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 0 2 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes No B. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes C No 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? Yes 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWU-242, East modified IGJ25/2012 1. outfall Ues ription: �/�� outfall No. W Structure [pipe, ditch, etc.) Receiving Stream: Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: OIL6grZ _ 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): AAO 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 0 2 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 0 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 6 2 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes No 8. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes No 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? Yes No 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWU-242, Last modified 10/ZS/2012 RESEARCh & ANALyTICA1 Report of Analysis LA ORATORiES, hic. 512/2017 For: Universal Steel, Inc.{,..•�Clj i 630 Bassett Drive d Thomasvitle NC os NC C Zi Attn: Angie Smith NC#37701 Client Sample ID: SW-1 Lab Sample ID: 33838-01 Site: Universal Steel Collection Date: 424/2017 8.45 Parameter MeOwd. RM-ult Emits $WL Ana &Mh►sis DaielTime Copper, Total EPA 200.7 0.008 mg/L 0.005 SK 4262017 Hydrocarbon O&G EPA 1664 Revision B/Silica <5 mglL 5 JF 41282017 Gel Lead, Total EPA 200.7 <0.005 mg/L 0.005 SK 4262D17 pH SM 4500 H+B-2000 6.8 Std. Units 4/24/2017 0845 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) SM 2540 D-1997 10 mg/L 5 AA 4/252017 Zinc, Total EPA 200.7 0.019 mg/L 0.01 SK 4262017 Client Sample ID: SW-2 Lab Sample ID: 33838-02 Site: Universal Steel Collection Date: 4242017 8:50 arse Resuk Units Rea Limit Anatvst A to IJ a s Datffimme Copper, Total EPA 200.7 <0.005 mg/L 0.005 SK 4/262017 Hydrocarbon OSG EPA 1664 Revision B/Sillca <5 mg/L 5 JF 426/2017 Gel Lead, Total EPA 200.7 <0.005 mg/L 0.005 SK 4262017 pH SM 45W H+B-2000 6.8 Sid. Units 4/241=7 0850 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) SM 254013-1997 10.2 mg/L 5 AA 4252017 Zinc, Total EPA 200.7 0.061 mg/L 0.01 SK 4262017 P.O. Box 473 106 Short Street Kemersville, North Carolina 27284 Tel: 338-996-2841 Fax: 336.996-0326 www.randlalabs.com Page 1 ral coa basic v1d RESEARCh & ANA[yTICAL LABORATORIES, INC. Report of Analysis 5/2/2017 Client Sample ID: SW-3 Lab Sample ID: 33838-03 Site: Universal Steel Collection Data: 4/24/2017 8:55 Parameter Method RmB Units Rep Limit An, _aas� �a�Daf�Tfine Copper, Total EPA 200.7 <0.005 rng/L 0.005 SK 4128J2417 Hydrocarbon OSG EPA IWA Revision B/Silica <5 mg/L 5 JF 4/26/2017 Gel Lead, Total EPA 200.7 <0.005 rng/L 0.005 SK 4262017 pH SM 4500 H+B-2000 6.8 Std. Units 4242017 0855 Total Suspended Solds (TSS) SM 2540 D-1997 10.4 mg/L 5 AA 4252017 Zinc, Total EPA 200.7 0.053 mg/L 0.01 SK 4/26MO17 NA = not om*wd P.O. Box 473 106 Short Sheet Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 Tel: 336-MB-2841 Fax: 336-996-0328 www.randalabs.com Page 2 ral_coa basic vid RESEARCh & ANAlyricA LAbORATORiES, INC. Analytical / Process Consultations Phone (336) 996-2841 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WATER! WASTEWATER misc. • • REQUESTED ANALYSIS E/!11/rii+ .' fe�d�� I1 lip' ■ ��■■■■■■■ ■EMOMME■■■■NOON rMY:ri� I :l�J■■E■■ .JENEENE■■N NOME f Ar �� MENNEN E� FAMME■EMEOE ■ ■ON ' _.r t • �-EM E■■■�I��i ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■� rrr! mm■■■■■OM ME■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ .. ■■ �=NO■■== ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ mm■SEEmm ■■■■SOME■■NOOSE mmommo■m■EEM■O■■E■■M =IMMIMMON■■■■ ■OEN■ONEN ■■ONN �mm■■■mmm ■ESN■O■■■ ■MOMM MM■■■■E■ 11■�■EEMEOO■■ NOOSE — ■■MEEE ■ MMOMM = .■■■■SM ■ IMMMMEM ■■■.E■ MMOMMr MMEMMOMMEMOMM NEE■■. EEE .I ■■■■■■■■■■■. �M■■�■■�� ■" .■■ ■MSEESSN■■■■■ ..■....=NONE..■. :............. . FEW 1 RESEARCh & AN,IyTiCAI [A ORATORIES, INC. Analytical / Process Consiltations Phone (3363 996-2841 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WATER I WASTEWATER I MISc, • . . • • off• /lam f ) SAMR,RmmE. (PLEASE PRINT) f Or �m CC ImCI mmmmmm- ONES �■��rrr■ ��■ ■■■■f NOON rr■■r■rr ■rr . AVAIMMIMMENIOM rfimmm ■�■■■� ■■■ j'��// / 1► r■■���■�■�r■ so morNE �r�rr■...!./ rE. �■�■ NI 0101100110 on ■■SM1■■r 1MMMM1 ■■■i■�■�■■■r■marmorrr IM■E■■■■SIMMINso Ism�■■rMI■r■■ ���■■�■■ �rrrrr��■■r■r r■r� �■rr�rrrr■�r�r:■ �-■■������ � r■� ■�■r■■� rr■r■■rr■rrrr■r �■■■ mmmo■mmm ■■■■rrrr010101 Ems r IM MINNIMMEN■■■�■�■■■ MEMENEEN i mmommm■rM1■rrr■ r ■■ ■■r� ■■NE ■■r■■■r■ ■ ONESSENE■■ mom 110 ■■rrmmMAW ■rrrrr�■■��� ■�r■ . pj. r- �, a �,RE ,a UL SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT RECEIPT -C RESEARCh & ANAlyTiCAi AbORATWES, INC. Analytical / Process Consultations Phone (336) 996-2841 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WA"PFR l w8 QTFWATFp I FAMr 3 w • REQUESTED ANALYSIS V,;4 �"Nl liu�I�:,•! I -I %11 ll ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Monosson ■■■■ ■■ m■■■■■■ MONO■■■■■■/■ ■■■mom■■■■ice■M■N■■■■N■■■■ ■ M mommomN MNM■■MM■■■■ soon .. / ■■■■■■■ MEMO ME NM■ r=M■NNmm M■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ��■■■■■■ M■■MN■■■■■M■M■ �m■M■NMM ■■■■NO■■■■■■ ■■■ ==NONE== ENN000OSOMMO ■■ i■■■■■■■ �■ momom■ ■■■■■■■■■■s on �ONE ■■■ ■NN■N■■■■NO■ ■ Mom mm ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �Mo■'■■■■■ ■MENO■■N■M■■ ■■ ��■�■�■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■no 0 1■■■' r , SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT REG EIPT � IF 0 ALITO-Kh NCDENR Stormwater Discharge Qutfall (SDQ) Qualitative Monitoring Report For guidance on filling out this form, please risir hap:i/Wrtal.nedenr_org/web/wa/ws/sulnndessw#tab-4 Permit No.: N/C/ G 10/3/0/0/010/ or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/C/G/0/3/0/4/2/2/ Facility Name: Masonite Corporation. Charlotte Entry Door Plant County: Mecklenburg Phone No. (704)921-3507 Inspector: Russell Everett Date of Inspection- 05/05/17 Time of Inspection- 09:45 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.92 Was this a "Representative Storm Event' or "Measureable Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See information below.) Ys No Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a "representative storm event " or "measureable storm event" (requirements vary, depending on the permit). Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. Most permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a "representative storm event" or during a "measureable storm event." However, some permits do :not have this requirement. Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. i JA "representative storm event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and (that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event treasuring greater than 0.1 inches jhas occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. IA "measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site I joutfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for ; ;local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ IRe Tonal Office. By this signature, I certify tha this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: Permittee or SWU-242. Last modified 10/2$/2012 Page 1 of 3 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. I Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) Earthen ditch Receiving Stream:. Mclnbu Crsek Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: Chemical unloading & transport of waste materials to waste storage building 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: Very fight brown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): None 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where I is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where I is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes V6 S. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes V6 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? Yes 10 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe N/A Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 3 SWU-242. Last modified 10/2512012 I 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. 6 Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) Earthen ditch Receiving Stream: McIntyre Creek Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: Chemical unloading & transport of waste materials Lowaste storage building. 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: very light brown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): None 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where I is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where I is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: l VY 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge'' Yes fa 8. is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes W6 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? XwLh No 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe NIA Note: I.ow clarity, high solids, andtor the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 3 of 3 SWU-242, t.asi modified 10125120t2 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: January 26 2017 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation COUNTY _Mecklenburg PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories, Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 12/19/2016 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2016 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ® July -Dec or ❑ Monthly" (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply ❑SA ®Other: C ❑ No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected" (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches' Total Suspended Solids pH Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total'Toxic Organics Benchmarks =_> _ - 100 mg/L or SO mg/L 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 1 12/19/16 .2 < 2.5 mg/L 6.05 0.005 0.003 0.054 < 5.3 mg/L NA 2 12/19/16 .2 < 2.5 mg/L 6.04 0.005 0.004 0.102 < 5.2 mg/L NA 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3 The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. " See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Not Applicable Name (Print name) Not Applicable Title (Print title) Not Applicable (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX me/V where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar 0&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks IS mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Not Applicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/20.12-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: if you report a sample value In excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART it SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one cony of this DMR including all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results for at end of monitoring period In the case of "No Discharge" reports) ta: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons dir y responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that a are �ant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 1/26/2017 (Date) Permit Date:11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Division of Water Quality ATTN: DWQ Center Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 RE: Semi -Annual Storm Water DMR COC #NCG030422 To Whom It May Concern: X December 14, 2016 Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested 7779 5038 4309 Fedex Tracking # Rec �a16 DES 1 L��LES 0WR GESEC-�IpN We have enclosed an original and one copy of the semi-annual (July - December) storm water sampling results for Masonite's Charlotte North Carolina Entry Door Plant. If you have any questions concerning the results, please contact me at 704-921-3507. Sincerely, z R ert Morri Plant Mana r Enclosure M. Denise Wlodyka Masonite Exterior Door Division 7300 Reames (toad, Charlotte, NC 28216 • Telephone: (704) 921-3507 www.masonite.com Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge, MonitoringRepoo for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCGO30000 Date submitted: December 14, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation ` COUNTY Mecklenburg PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories Inc. Lab Cert. 0 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 10 08 2016 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2016 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ® July -Dec or ❑ Monthly' lmonthl DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HCkW"--❑Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow- ❑Water Supply [:]SA ®Other: C ❑ No discharge this period?z outfall No. Date -Sample le Pl Collected (mo/dd/yr). 24-1iourralrifafl'' amount, Inchesk,CrY.i i'•' ��'i fir'"; Total Suspeinded Sollds : �.. ' �:.' ' ; '�� �' + Standard units �' ~ ' - copper sy. 7 �'}� . Lead P.,r Zinc +Y" . IVon Polar;a&G/. Total Petroleum. Hydrocarbons TOtal�Toxlc '.- S ;Organics Benchmarks -==> - - �.100 mg/Ltor:'S06:0'O'007 nig/L1 �;0'03 rng/Lt : 4).067,01g/L'•- 15 mg/L 1°mg%L 1 10/08/16 2.50 12.0 mg/L 6.17 0.007 0.002 0.049 < 5.3 mg/L NA 2 10/08/16 230 7.0 mg/L 6.29 0.009 0.003 0.055 12 rn L NA ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance:for the same parameter at the same outfall. Z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this dlscha►ge,monitoring;report with a checkmark here. 3 The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a�iivaiver of the rain gauge requirement. ° See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. s Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as'found in 40 CFI"433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469,31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), 1 certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the Stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the 14t discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Not Applicable Name (Print name) Nat Applicable Title (Print title) N licable (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported In the format, "cXX ma/L". where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: If you'report a sample value In excess of the benchmark,, you must Implement 77er 1, Tier 1, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period ?2 r i, -�f`^,'Dat"e�5am Outfall No. .r r r e:� �:.�...�' le� -p .Collected steno%dd/Yr1 -• f' '4 ;: f f'•� •jt 24hou``rEnfall arnount; , r.t 4Inche s 'f• ' w::+: t t<,�c �r ..�� �y" f; �•• f 1 'Iar;O&G/TPHiy ��'�'uu_,x ��-r FiPl1�16fr4(IST:FlisM}� ;•- �• -� �'rfi,Ct,�p�a� ..* y� �t• T � t.� 41'.I!'r i' t Q _'+rye;.J. Totall!5uspended Solids rs3s,t� °xi;, :., , t}��r•�"ae -:as. t,.•.,, �pH'' Benchmarks =_�a .gam. k —�...� i'wt.ni I.�',Jre,�.•:f 1-2,, �f-` a {!SMLs; ��"t'hY, .5=h` v F s++ t`5,�ingf>r1o0,mgjard5o t,..ryr`t^'ti" mg/L r, R..t i. ;e. �6.0':a9:03U: Not Applicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B " See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/l/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must Implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General'Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART 11 SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO JE IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: 11 Mail an original and one copy of this DMR, including all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lob results for at end Q,f monitoring period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in,accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted: 'Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the'best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are slgnp/halties for submitting false information, including the possibility of Fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 12/1 0 8 (Date) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 A A NCDENR Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report For guidance on filling out this fonn, please visit: http://Vgrtal.ncdenr.orglweb/wq/ws/su/npdessw#tab4 Permit No.. N/C/ G /013I0/0/0/01 or Certificate of Coverage No.: NIC/G/0/3/0/4/2121 Facility Name: Masonite Co oration Charlotte En Door Plant County: Mecklenburg Phone No. 704 921-3507 Inspector: Russell Everett Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 10/08/16 12:45 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 2450 Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or "Measureable Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See information below.) Vs No RECEIVED UEC 16 2016 Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be z If a "representative storm event " or "measureable storm event " (requirements vary, dep�a �it). lQuaiitative monitoring requirements vary. Most permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed :during a "representative storm event" or during a "measureable storm event." However, some permits do 'not have this requirement. Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. I A "representative storm event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches .has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. 1I A "measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm ,.interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for -- local storm events during the sampling period, and the perminee obtains approval from the local DWQ jRegionalOffice. By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature of Permittee or Designee) Paget of 3 SWU-242. Last modified 1W25l2012 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. 1 Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) Earthen ditch Receiving Stream: McIntyre Creek Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: Chemical unloading & transport of waste materials to waste storage building. _ 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: Licht brown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): None 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 1 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 3 4 5 7. ' Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes i(o 8. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes W6 9, Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall?Yes fro 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe N/A Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 3 SWU-242, Last modifed IW25/2012 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. 6 Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) Earthen ditch Receiving Stream: Mglptyrc Creek Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: Chemical unloading & transport of waste materials to waste storage building. 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: Very light brown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): None 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where l is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 Vy 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes o 8. is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes w6 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? 'Z4- No 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe N/A Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 3 of 3 SWU-242. Last modified 10/25/2012 National Water Information System: Web Interface USGS water Resources Click to hideNews Bulletins USGS Home Contact USGS Search USGS Data Category: Geographic Area: Surface Water ,^, orth Carolina .^. GO € N • Data formats changed in August 2016, and additional water -data changes will be coming through 2017. Read more here • Full News a Click to hide state -specific text Kaaa9-�drne Data from Rapid Deployment Gages associated with Hurricane HkQt aw can be found here USGS 351502080512045 CRN-50 RAINGAGE AT BEATTIES FORD RD, CHARLOTTE, NC ILP ! IL A 0 tAxJ • Available data for this site Time -series: Daily data GO Click to hidestation-specific text This station is operated in cooperation with City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County_, North Carolina. CgA[tLi)7 m This station managed by the Charlotte Field Office. Available Parameters ❑ All 1 Available Parameters for this site R) 00045 Precipitation (Sum) Output format Graph Graph w/ stats Period of Record 1999-07-24 2016-10-26 OGraph w/ (up to 3) parms (DTable OTab-sseparated Days_ ..(9) Summary of all available a for this site GO �._.. � Instantaneous -data availability_ statement -- or -- Begin date 2016-10-0 End date r..._ i 2016-10-111 E Daily Sum E Precipitation, ; total, inches DATE Oct i 2016 01 10.00P i 1 £, F ! 02 =0-00P ;! 1 03 =O.00P t (' 04 O.00P ' 05_ O.00P i _06._ 0.00P i F- _._ 07 0.67P O8� 12.50J 3� 09 o.00P €_ 10 o.00 -P COUNTFT--J 2.50 F- MIN 0.00 Explanation 11 Provisional data subject to revision.—P j! it Questions about sites/data? Feedback on this web site Automated retrievals Help Data Tips Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge MonitoringReport for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: June 17, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Coruoration COUNTY Mecklenburg PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories, Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 05/03/2016 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2016 SAMPLE PERIOD ® Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or ❑ Monthly'_ DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA RLzCLzIV�n 00therlC ❑Water Supply []SA JUN 2 2 2016CENTUU WR seCTILES ON No discharge this period?' outfall No. Date Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic OrganlcsS Benchmarks - - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 1 05/03/16 2.00 < 2.Smg/L 6.60 0.005 < 0.002 0.050 < 5.2 NA 6 05/03/16 2.00 6.2 mg/L 6.71 0.007 < 0.002 0.030 < 5.2 NA ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics Is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469,12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date:11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the 5tormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit.- For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my Inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater olllution Prevention Plan." 0 c�P ,<T S Name (P ' name) 7,Qlu7 Title (Print title) _ Not Applicable _ (Signature) IDat ) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. when results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "OX melt", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: !f you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tfer 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =_=> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Ngt Appilcable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date:11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: if you report a sample value In excess of the benchmark, you must Implement Tier 1, Tier z, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART 11 SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART If SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one ORK of this DMR lncludirrall "No Dlscha e" reyods& within 30 days ol recef t of the lob results or at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Dischame" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and Imprisonment for knowing violations." G Permit Date:11/1/2012-10/31/2017 6/17/2016 (Date) SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 r*21, rtr, HCDEHR Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report F,rr 41fiekmt e itiJ Jiiiine I) Ili thi, Jr Prm, 1tit a>r visit: ItttP_'i � I ticdct7iltL u'ch wgoH -�suonWc> wt Iab--i Pennit No.: Null- P )W,1iOi0001 or Cenilicale of Coverage No.: ti 0001304121?1 Facility Name: , hlasonite Corporation. Charlotte l=ntry Door Plant Count}': 1gcklenbure Phone No. (7�921-3507 Inspector: Russell Everett-- I?ate of Inspection: 05/03/16 Time of Inspection: 11:D0 Total Fvent Precipitation (inches): 2.00 _ Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or "Mcasurcable Sionn Event" as defined by the permit! (See information below.) )j4s No Please verih• ir•hether QuulitUNre ?Monitoring must he perr{orme(Y during a "repreaentutn•c• slorrn event " or "nreasurenhle storm event" (requirements ran% depending on the permit!. ;Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. Mosi pennits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during, a "representative storm event - or during a "measureable storm event." However• some permits do not have this requiremenm. Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm evem that measures greater than 0.1 inches of raintall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours 13 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. JA "measurable storm event" is a stone event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm inter% -al does not apply if the pennilice is able to document that a shorter intervat is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Recional Office. Hv this signature. ]certify that thi fepon is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: or Pege I n1 3 SK'[J•242. La.t ntcrhtird IU I?+DUI? I. Outfall Descriptlun: Outtall No. I Structure (pipe. ditch. etc.) Earthen ditch Receiving Stream: Mclntvre Creek Describe the industrial acti: hies that occur within the outfall drainage area: Chemical unloadine S transport of %vastc materials to waste storms building. 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red. brown, blue, etc.) and tint (guff[. medium, dark) as descriptors: Light crown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge ratty have (i.e_, smells strongly of oil. weak chlorine odor, etc.): None a. Clarity. Choose the nurnber which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: I 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharee. where I is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: t( ? 3 a 5 b. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount ot'suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where I is no solid% and 5 is extremely muddy. I 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stomtwater discharge" Yes l6 8. Is there an oil sheen in the storntwater discharee:' Yes V6 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at ibc outfali? Yes V 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Storrnwater Pollution: List and describe MIA -Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions -arrant further investigation. Ngc 2 ut 3 SWIJ•242. La•r nndifwd 1012412912 1. Outfall Description: Outtall No, (i Structure (pipe. ditch, etc.) Earthen ditch _ Receiving Stream: McIntyre Creek Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfail drainage area: Chemical unloadinz S Transport of wisle materials to waste storage builditw. 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc_) and tint (light. medium, dark) as descriptors: Very light brown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, eic.). None A. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where I is clear and 5 is very cloudy: i 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of'lloating solids in the stormwater discharge, where I is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: VK 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: I ttY 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes 10 S. Is there an oil sheen in the storm►water discharge? Yes V6 9. is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? Yes V6 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe N/A Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Pagr 3 of 3 S1i'tt_247, tau nudifeed I0'25t_1012 PROMPT- ^CCU{iaTE• wEL-JADUC LABORATORIES, INC Shipping. 2217 Graham Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28Z73 CHAIN OF CUSTODY Phone (704) 588•8333 Fax {704)588-8335 Mailing: PG Sox 411483 Charlotte, NC 28241.1483 it is essential Vial all inlormation De lecoroea on trus Chain of Castody tlocurtient for acceptance Dy PAR Latotatories. Inc and tr+e North Carohna uepaMneni m tM1vifpnmentai ano fiAVural Hasouroes. Company Name (billing) MASONITE ENTRY DOOR PLANT I Address 7340 REAMES ROAD City, State 6 zip code CHARLOTTE, NC 28216 Point of Contact fi Telephone Number Joseph Hershey 704-914-8743 Comments/ Special Instructions Sample Taken By: SIGNATURE: ,—fir PRINTED NAME , S ARE SAMPLES FOR STATE or EPA REPORTING? YES x NO 'Sample Type: DW WW x GWMW HW Soit Other Sample Temp at time of sampling: e C Sample Temp upon receipt: ° C "Field Preserved: Yes x No _Teflon Liner/Zero Headspace: Yes No n/a �C Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (YIN): N Dechlorination Necessary (YIN): /�IA Bent Sample I.D. sample Location / Number) Comp Grab Presew. Set up Dane/Time C Mection atyses Datelfime equested TORMWATER OUTFALL #1 �) ' X 440C � � �i6 � H, TSS X HMO, �u, Pb, ,Zn X H2SO4 IL & GREASE TORMWATER OUTFACE #1b 6 rl X C40C D I6 H. TSS X HMO, Cu, Pb, Zn X HzSO, OIL & GREASE Kelingln5n Dy: wateii I ime niece ay: / dater I une Relinquished by; Datehime Received by: Date/Time - C=Compo9rte G=Grab DW=Drinking Water WW=Wastewater GWMW=Groundwater Monitoring Well HW-Hazardous Waste " See Other Side pilR PROP-l"T A CCUR ATE:• fil_l.l A Cil_t-- LA130*14A-FORIF_S, INC.' �� �t'N'.PAHI.4NSl'u�l AL Ln: j0F H-:;RSwE-Y 7 300 REAMES :GOAD CHARLOTTE, NC 28216- R7?3 l O. _ AT : S_.. N\ X`: MAY 16 7r":,: Oa/20/16 SCUP? E f:L•4iHER- 123209 SAMPLE ID- MAS ^vJ?'=nL'_ �1 SAMPLE MATRIX- VlW DATE SAMPLED- 05/03/16 TIME SAMPLED- 1000 DATE RECEIV ti)- 05/03/16 SAXPLER- RE RECEIVED BY- D3 TIME RECEIVED- 1100 DELIVERED BY RE :YPE SAMPLE- Grab Page 1 of 2 ANA_vS:ti hKhi_YSIS DATE ?!' BY RESU' ': i;1: , S pH VA7—UE Sv 4500H- 0:51C3/16 1000 yE 6.8c un,t_s O_L Z GREASE EPA 1664 01/09/16 1545 -'I < 5.2 TOTAL SCISPENDSD SOLIDS SM. 2540 D 0:/09/16 0810 D.7 < 2. COPPER, TOTAL `PA 200.7 0::/1i/16 1010 �. C.005 ,:,g/L L-AD, TOTAL EPA 200.7 0:111/i6 C740 C;' < 0.002 g/L Z;�C, TOi'Ai. !PA 200.7 0:/}1116 0853 CT 0.450 g/L `.A 1; 07t F:T Q;ti D.'..ECTQ� P.O. Bo.-, 411.153 • Charivilr. NC' 2S241.1483 Phitnc: {71E.11 58S.1%333 • 1'a%: 1704158s• 3 r &Am RAR PRO MF'T• ACCURATE • R E LIABLE LABORATORIES, INC REPORT OF ANALYSES Attn: JOE .,ERSPEY MASONITE ENTRY DOOR PLANT 7300 REAMES ROAD CHARLOTTE, NC 26216- PROTECT NAME: MAY 16 DATE: 05/20/16 SAMPLE DUMBER- 123210 SAMPLE ID- PAS OUTFALL #6 SAMPLE MATRIX- WW DATE SAMPLED- 05/03/16 TIME SAMPLED- 1020 DATE RECEIVED- 05/03/16 SAMPLER- RE RECEIVED -BY- DJ TIME RECEIVED- 1100 DELIVERED BY- RE TYPE SAMPLE- Grab Page 2 of 2 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE TIME BY RESULT UNITS pH VALUE SM 450OH-- 05/03/16 1020 RE 6.71 units OIL & GREASE EPA 1664 05/09/16 1545 CT < 5.2 mg/L TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS SM 2540 D 05/09/16 0610 DJ 6.2 mg/L COPPER, TOTAL EPA 200.7 05/11/16 1010 CT 0.007 mg/L LEAD. TOTAL EPA 200_7 05/11/16 0740 CT < 0.002 trg/L ZINC, TOTAL EPA 200.7 05/ii/16 0855 CT 0.030 mg/L LABORATORY (DIRECTOR 1' O. Box 411483 83 • ['harinuc. NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 58-S-833 3 • Fax: (704) 588-83 i3 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 ZA% 4 Y Date submitted: December 1.2015 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. N00030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation COUNTY Mecklenbunz PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories. Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 1012712015 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2015 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ® July -Dec or ❑ Monthly)!„ tonth r �� IOMHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW [:]Trout ❑PNA®® ,e V ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply []SA OEL 0 4 Jpls ®Other: C CENT ,AL ONILES PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 AND/OR 3 4 DW No discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected) (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/Total Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Toxic Organics Benchmarks - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 1 10/27/15 1.35 < 2.Smg/L 6.74 < 0.002 0.004 0,039 < 5.4 NA 6 10/27/15 1.35 4.6 mg/L 6.63 0.003 0.002 0.050 < 5.7 NA 1 Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/l/2012-10/31/2017 5WU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring Tay be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Name (Print name) Title (Print title) Not Applicable (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported In numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format "<XX mg/L" where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: if you report a sample value In excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period r2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (5GT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks =__> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Not —Applicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART R_MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO ED IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one Mey of this DMR, including all "No Discharge" re orts within 30 day s a recei t o the lab results or at end o monitoringperiod in the case of "No Discharge" retorts to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are.�gnificant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." M Permit Date:11/1/2012-10/31/2017 12/1/2015 (Date) SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 R "��R PROMPT•AIyGURAY'E•REL.IABLE LABORATORIES, INC 11'N1'\\'.N.A k LABS.CY 111 hC'rr 6 3e � a �D-- REPORT OF ANALYSES �l LLn: DOE HERMIEY MASO!\1'PE ENTRY DOOR PLA1i' Ft03EC:' _ C .� cop 7 300 REAMROAD DATE: 1 1 , 5 C::iARLOTTE, NC 2821E- SkMPLE NUMPER- 1 21 1 09 SAMPLE ID- PAS OUTFA.LL # 1 SAMPLE. uMATRIX- WW DATE SAM✓ :I.Er- 10/27/1 5 TIME SAMPLED- 11 i0 DATF .._,__.'VFD- 10/27/15 SAMPLER- RF RECEIVED, rv_ , TIME RECEIVED- 152C DELIVERED BY- RE TYPE SA!LDLF- Gra Page 1 or 2 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE TIME BY RESULT UNITS pH VALJE SM 450OH-F 10/27/15 1525 D2 6.74 :snits 03 `_. & GREASE. EPA 1664 1 1 /02/15 085C CT < 5.4 mg/L TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS SM 2540 D 11 /02/15 0820 DJ < 2.5 „Ig/L COPPER, TOTAL EPA 200.7 1 1 /03/15 1024 C'1 < 0.002 rag/L LEAD, TOTAL EPA 200.7 11/0R 15 1413 CT 0-004 mg/L ZINC, TOTAL EPA 250.7 110415 0922 W 0.039 mg/7 LAROFATORY DIRECTOR P.O. Box a 11-18.3 • Charlour. € (' _824l- €483 Phone: f 7f141 588-8333 • f as: (704) 5X,, -83 3 PAM P IQ OMP7- ACCURATE- REL 1A 9LE LABORATORIES, INC tt' 11'tV. PA R LA HS.CO NI Attn: „OF EERSHEY MASOV1T? ENTRY DOOR PLAT 7300 P.EAMES ROAD f'SARLOTTE, NC: 28216- P,EPORT OF ANALYSES PROj CT NAME: OCT i 5 DATE: SAMPLE NUMBER- 121110 SAMP-,E ID- :;AS OUTFAILL #6 SAMPLE MATRIX- WW DATE SAMPLED- 10/2.7/15 TIME SAMPI.£.D- 11L5 1 0/27! 15 RECEIVED i.Y- DJ LE RECEIVED- 1520 i,-_LIVERED BY- RE TYPE SAMPLE- Grab Page 2. of 2 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE. TIME BY RESULT UNITS tali VALUE SM 450DE-B 10/27/15 1525 DJ 6.63 units 011 & GREASE EPA 1664 11/02/15 08550 C^ < 5.7 mg/L :'07AL SUSPENDED SOLIDS SM 2540 D 11/02/15 0820 LJ 4.6 mg/L COPPER, TOTAL EPA 200.7 11/03/15 1024 C"_ 0,003 ng/L LEAL',, TCZ'i:. EPA 200.7 1 1 /03/15 14i 3 CT 0.002 mg/L ZINC, TCTAI. EPA 2G0.7 11/03/15 0922 Cs 0.050 ng/L LA3p12F.7OliY REC'l'11 R0. Bm 411483 • Charkme. NC' 28211-1493 Phcmc: 17041 5h8-8333 • Fax: {704158Y-8335 PROt•1PT•ACCLR4TE• REsrIAALE LABORATORIES, INC Shipping: 2217 Graham Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28273 C1HAW OF CUSTODY Phone (704) 588-8333 Fax (704) 588-8335 Mailing: PO Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is essential that all information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR laboratories. Inc- and the North ana Company Name (billing) MASONITE ENTRY DOOR PLANT I Address 7300 REAMES ROAD City, State & zip code CHARLOTTE, NC 28216 Point of Contact & Telephone Number Joseph Hershey 704-914-8743 Taken By: SIGNATURE Comments/ Special Instructions PRINTED NAME ARE SAMPLES FOR STATE or EPA REPORTING? YES x NO *Sample Type: tmr ww x Gwllrtw HW soil Omar Sample 'Temp at time of sampling: ° C Sample Temp upon receipt: ° C —Field Preserved: Yes x No _Teflon Uneri'Zero Headspace: Yes No � n!a � Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (YIN): N Dechlorination Necessary (YIN): /,rL Client Sample I.D. Sample Location I Number) Comp I Grab Present. Set Up Daterl"i a Collection Datw Time a"es RequesWd TORMWATER OUTFALL #1 X <4°C H, TSS X HNC, Cu, Pb, Zn X H2SO4 V IL & GREASE TORMWATER OUTFALL #S X <4°C !� Z7 H, TSS X HNO3 Cu, Pb, Zn X H2SO4 OIL & GREASE Relinquished by: ' C=Composite G=Grab DW=Drinking Water WW=Wastewater GWMW=Groundwater Monitoring Well HW=Hazardous Waste "See Other Side RUDENR Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report For guidance onfrllingout this_jorm, please visit: IM:-_txtirtai.gc4g r.ur�+rh.+� . us su'n dess%k�lah-w4 Permit No.: N/C/ G /0/3/0/010/0/ or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/C/G/Ol3/0l4/2/2/ Facility Name: Masonite Co ration. Charlotte Entry Door Plant County. Mecklenburg Phone No. 704 921-35 7 Inspector: Russell Everett Date of Inspection: 1OR7115 Time of Inspection: t 1:30 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 1.35 Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or "Measureable Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See information below.) Y06 No Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a "representative storm event " or "measureable storm event " (requirements vary, depending on the permit. Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. Most permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed _during a "representative storm event" or during a "measureable storm event." However, some permits do not have this requirement. Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and Pat is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site •outfall. The previous measurable'storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm . interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ ;Regional Office. By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature of Permittee or Designee) Pap? I of 3 SwIJ-2a2_ Last modified 1012512012 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. 1 Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) Earthen ditch Receiving Stream: McIntyre Creel: Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area:. Chemical unloading_& transport of waste materials to waste storage building. 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: Light brown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): None 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: V( 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes W6 8. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes i�o 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfalI?Yes V 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Storm` inter Pollution: List and describe NIA Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 3 S1i'1. 242, Last mudifed 10/25/2012 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. 6 Structure (pipe. ditch, etc.) Earthen ditch Receiving Stream: _ McIntyre Creek Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: Chemical unloading & transport of waste materials to waste stora a buildinje. 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: Very right mown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weal: chlorine odor, etc.). - None 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stonnwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where I is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: I IF 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes Voo & Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes V6 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall?Yes V 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe WA Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 3 of 3 SWLI-2:2, Last modified IaP-5/2012 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: June 25, 2015 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation COUNTY Mecklenburg PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories, Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 6/2/2015 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2015 SAMPLE PERIOD ® Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or ❑ Monthly'_ (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA RECEIVED ❑Zero -flow [:]WaterSupply ❑SA JUN 2 9 2015 ®other: C CENTRAL FILES PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON PAGES 2 AND/OR 3 4 DWR SECTION ❑ No discharge this period?' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/Total Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Toxic Organicss Benchmarks =__> - - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 1 06/02/15 .29 11 mg/L 6.22 0.017 < 0.002 0.040 < 5 NA 4 06/02/15 .29 5 mg/L 6.12 0.029 0.002 0.060 < 5 NA ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 5WU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General, . Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), 1 certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics Into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Name (Print name) Title (Print title) Not Applicable (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported In numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L" where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: If you report a sample value In excess of the benchmark, you must Implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period ?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks ===> - - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L' 6.0 — 9.0 SU Not Applicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must Implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one copy of this DMR, Indudina all No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results for at end of monitorina Period In the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there 1wirigniDagK ienalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 6/25/2015 (Date) Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 p AAwk 11R P40MA7'• ^Cr-UPATO. PC 4ka9L.e LABORATORIES, INC %N «'WXARL.%RSX0%l REPORT OF ANALYSES Attn: JOE HERSHEY MASONITE ENTRY DOOR PLANT 7300 REAMES ROAD CHARLOTTE, NC 28216- PROJECT NAM;: JUN 15 DATE: 06/17/15 SAMPLE NUMBER- 119077 SAMPLE ID- MAS OU2FALL #1 SAMPLE MATRIX- WW DATE SAMPLED- 06/02115 TIME SAMPLED- 1500 DATE RECEIVED- 06/02/15 SAMPLER- RE RECEIVED BY- DJ TIME RECEIVED- 1815 DELIVERED BY- RE TYPE SAMPLE- Grab Page 1 of 2 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE T-114E BY RESULT UNITS pH VALUE SM 450OH-B 06/02/15 1820 DJ 6.22 units OIL n GREASE EPA 1664 06/0 5/15 0715 CT c 5 mg/L TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS SM 2540 D 06/68/15 0835 DJ 11 mg/L COPPER. TOTAL EPA 200.7 06/16/15 1003 CI' 0.017 mg/L LEAD, TOTAL EPA 200.7 06/16/15 1003 CT c 0.002 mg/L ZINC, TOTAL EPA 200.7 06/15/15 1014 CT 0.039 mg/L LABORATORY DIRECTOR P.O. Box 41.1483 - Citariouc, NC 28241-1483 Mom (704) 598-8333 - Fax: OW) 398-8335 PLLR PROMPT. ACCU RoY'E • RLLFA ©t_4 LABORATORIES, INC W WW PAR LA SS.CoM REPORT OF ANALYSES tiLtn: jOE HERSHEY MASONITE ENTRY DOOR PLANT 7300 REAMES ROAD CHARLOTTE, NC 282i6- PROJECT NAME: JUN 15 DATE: 06/17/15 SAMPLE NTUMBER- 119078 SAMPLE ID- MAS OUTFALL #4 SAMPLE MATRIX- WW DATE SAMPLED- 06/02/15 TIME SAMPLED- 1520 DATE RECEIVED- 06/02/15 SAMPLE- RE RECEIVED BY- DJ TIME RECEIVED- 1815 DELIVERED BY- RE TYPE SAMPLE- Grab Page Z of 2 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE TIME BY RESULT UNITS get VALUE SM 450OH-B 06/02/15 1820 DJ 6.12 units OIL & GREASE EPA 1664 06/05/15 0715 CT < 5 mg/L TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS SM 2540 D 06/08/15 0835 DJ 5 mg/L COPPER, 'TOTAL EPA 200.7 06/16/15 1003 CT 0.029 mg/L LEAD, TOTAL EPA 200.7 06/16/15 1003 CT 0.002 mg/L ZINC, TOTAL EPA 200.7 06/15/15 1014 CT 0.060 mg/L a�_4-�-----� LABORATORY DIRECTOR P0. Box 411483 • Charlotte. NC 28241-1483 Phoitc: (7(4) 588-8333 • Fax: (7(W) 588.8335 -PAR. - PROM PT-ACCU F7ATC- RCLIAOL6 LABORATORIES, INC Shipping: 2217 Graham Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28273 CHAIN OF CUSTODY Phone (704) 588-8333 Fax (704) 588-8335 Mailing: PO Sox 411483 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is esserrial that aA information be recorded on this Crain of Custody document tDr acoeptanoe by PAR Laboratories, Inc. and the North CarnOna Denartrnent of Envinmmerttat aid Natural Resourns_ Comp" Name (billing) Comments/ Special Instructions S,r�.,,qlaxo T� 9 MASONITE ENTRY DOOR PLANT Address ��-/rL O✓ 73,00 REAMES ROAD City, State & zip code CHARLOTTE, NC 28216 Point of Contact h Telephone Nmber Joseph Hershey 704-914-8743 Sample -r Taken By: _ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME /t�-r ^ ARE SAMPLES FOR STATE or EPA REPORTING? YES x NO *Sample Type: DW WW x GWMW Hw Soil Other Sample Temp at time of sampling: a C Sample Temp upon receipt: ° C "Field Preserved: Yes x No Teflon Liner/Zero Headspace: Yes No nla >C Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (YIN): / / Dechlorination Necessary (YIN): �JA Client Sample I.D. Sample LocaWn I Number) Comp Grab Presenr. Set Up Dattir ime. Collection Daiarrime "" uested TORMWATER OUTFALL #1 X C40C Sao TSS FH, X HNO3 Cu, Pb, Zn X H2SO4 OIL & GREASE TORMWATER OUTFALL #4 X c4°C �� H, US X HNO3 Cu, Pb, Zn X H2SO1 V IL & GREASE Keunqu py Date" me Kecettreo ay eater t tma ., -ter-- OI;Q �o Z Relinquished by: Daterrlme RsoeWW by: DaterTime ' C=Composite Grab DW=Drinking Water WW=Wastewater GWMW=Ground water Monitoring Well HW=Hazardous Waste —See Other Side Ach MCDENR Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report Forguidance on filling out this farm, please visit: httpm//port2l.nedenr.orgltiyebL=/wsisul3nnd=5w#tah-4 Permit No.: �I IJJJJJ—JJ or Certificate of Coverage No.: Lv/.C/.G/J_/JJ—J_J Facility Name: Masonite Entry Door- Charlotte County: Mecklenburg Phone No. (704) 921-3410 Inspector: Russell Everett Date.of Inspection: 06/02/1-9 Time of Inspection: 15:00 Total Event Precipitation (inches). 0.29 Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or 'Measureable. Storm Event' as defined by the permit? (See information below.) ® Yes ❑ No Please verify whether Qualitative Aonitoring must be performed during a 'representative storm event' or 'measureoble storm event' (requirements vary, depending on the permit). Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. Most permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a "representative storm event" or during a "measureable storm event." However, some permits do not have this requirement. Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. A'representative storm event is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature of PermJyCe'>r Designee) Page l of 2 SWU•242.Last modified 10/2S/2012 1. Outfall Description: putfall No. 005 Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) Pipe to ditch Receiving Stream: Unnamed tributar y of McIntyre Creek Describe the industrial activities that occur within the out -fall drainage area; See attached description from Sup_p 2. Color: Describe the color of die discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: 3. Odor. Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): None 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 !t 3 4 5 S. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 1 1 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 t 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes X 8. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes PO 9, Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? Yes Pb 10. Other Obvious Indicators ofStormwater Pollution: List and describe N/A Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWU-242, ts>a madilied 10/25/2012 M 1. Drainage Zone #1 t'Outfall 001): This drainage zone collects storm water runoff from the northwestern quadrant of the property, including roof drainage and driveway runoff. Storm water is directed into storm water catch basins and is piped to the drainage ditch along Reamer Road at Outfall 001. The discharge from WWI 001 flows into the unnamed tributary of McIntyre Creek located along the southern boundary of the facility property. Total Drainage Area: % Impervious: % Pervious: 39 % LonghWe/LaftAe of Outfall 001: Material Storage Areas (all inside buildings): LoadinglUnloading Areas: Process Areas (inside building): Dust/Particulate Generating Equipment: Waste Handling Equipment: 248,239 ft2 (5.7 acres) 61% 35" 19' 12"N 800 51' 08" W Diesel fuel tank, Raw materials storage, Final products storage, Hydraulic Oil/Used Oil tanks Diesel Fuel unloading, Hydraulic 00 unloading, Used Oil loading, Raw matierials unloading, Final product loading Door production area Door slab production area cyclone/bag filter system. Pre4hang area cydonelbag filter system Door slab production area cyclone/bag filter system rolloff, Pre -hang area cyclone/bag filter system rolloff, Solid waste compactors and containers AN HCUMIRR Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report Forpuldance on filling out this farm, please visit; htt��ll)artal.ucdeiir.oWweb/wu%wslsu/nSsW#itab-4 Permit No.://�/_/�/�_/_ /_/ or Certificate of Coverage No.: Facility Name: .Masonite Entry Door- Charlotte County: Mecklenburg �T Phone No. (704) 921-3410 Inspector. Russell Everett Date of Inspection: O6/02/15 Time of Inspection: 15:10 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.29 Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or "Measureable Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See Information below.) ® Yes ❑ No Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a 'representative storm event" or "measureable storm event- (requirements vary, depending on the permit). Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. Most permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a "representative storm event" or during a "measureable storm event." However, some permits do not have this requirement. Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. By this signature. I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. (Signature of PerjeIttee 4 Designee) Page 1 of 2 sWU•242, last wudit4e4 10/25/2012 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. 002 Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) -PiPe Receiving Stream: Unnamed tributary of McIntyre Creek _ Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area. See attached description From Supp 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: Light brown _ -• — 3. Odor. Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): Nona 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 2 3 IF 5 S. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where l is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 1 if 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 Is extremely muddy: 2 1 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes Fb 8. is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes 00 % Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? 'ems No 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe N/A Note: low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may the indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWU•242, Wu modified 10/25/2012 2. Drainage ZoneOutfa110 This drainage zone collects storm water runoff from the north and southeastern part of the property, including roof drainage and driveway runoff. Storm water is directed into storm water catch basins and is piped directly to Outfall 002 at the unnamed tributary of McIntyre Creek located along the southern boundary of the facility property. Total Drainage Area: • Impervious: • Pervious: Longitude&atitude of Outfall 002: Material Storage Areas (all inside building): Loading/Unloading Areas: Process Areas (inside building): Dust/Particulate Generating Equipment: Waste Handling Equipment: 287,666 ft' (6.6 acres) 37% 63% 350 19' 08" N 80° 50' 57" W Raw materials storage. Final products storage Raw materials unloading, Final product loading Door production area None Solid waste compactors and containers, Recycling rolloffs 11E AWA WJDIR Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report Forguidunce on filling out this form, Please visit Illln�1I37fJ�[t�l:[1t�{��Ilr nz'i�sYlbJsYi�sYsLs��n dessw#�t�l�•4 Permit No.: IYI�J_J_l�l_I l...l�.! or Certificate of Coverage No.: NJC/fJ_.J_,/_J_J_/_ J Facility Name: Masonite Entry Door- Charlotte _ County: Mecklenburg T Phone No. (704) 921-3410 Inspector: Russell Everett Date of Inspection: 0"2/15 Time of Inspection: 15:30 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.29 Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or "Measureable Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See information below.) ® Yes ❑ No Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a "representative storm event"or "measureable storm event" (requirements vary, depending on the permit). Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. Most permits require qualitative monitoring -to be performed during a "representative storm event" or during a "measureable storm event." However, some permits do not have this requirement- Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval. is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature of Permi Page 1 of 2 SWU•242.lam madiRed Ia/2SJ2012 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. 003 Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) Ditch Receiving Stream: Unnamed tributary of McIntyre Creek Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: See attached description from Supp 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light. medium, dark) as descriptors: Medium brown 3. Odor. Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e.. smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): None 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 2 ll 4 5 S. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwaterdischarge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 2 3 4 5 5. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which hest describes the amount ofsuspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 9 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes 110 8. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Ws No 4. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? 'ems No 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe NIA Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 S VU•2i2. UW modified 10/2S/2012 003 3. D_ rya inage Zone #3 (Outfall 0031: This drainage zone collects storm water runoff from an eastern portion of the property, including roof drainage. and driveway runoff. Storm water is directed via overland runoff into a drainage ditch, which drains directly to Outfall 003 at the unnamed tributary of McIntyre Creek located along the southern boundary of the facility property Total Drainage Area: 111,389 ft2 (2.6 acres) % Impervious: 436/o % Pervious: 57% Longitude/Latitude of Outfall 003: 35" 19' 08" N 800 50' 56 W Material Storage Areas (all inside building): Raw materials storage, Final products storage Loading/Unloading Areas: None Process Areas (inside building): Warehouse DusVPartimlate GenerAng Equipment None Waste Handling Equipment None AGWA RCDENR Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report Forguidanreon filling out thisform, please visit: http;//Vortal.nedenr.orelweblwMiwSL.Su.LlttxkesswttL-►b-4 Permit No.: bl/C/J_-.J_IJJJ.J or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/C/Q/._./_,.j,_I_J_/_/ FacilityName: Masonite Entry Door- Charlotte County: Mecklenburg Phone No. (704) 921-3410 Inspector. Russell Everett Date of Inspection: 06/02/15 Time of Inspection: 15:20 Total Event Precipitation (inches,): 0.29 Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or "Measureable Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See information below.) ®'Yes ❑ No Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a "representative stomp event' or "measureablestorrrt event" fregyirements vary, depending on the permit). Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. Most permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a "representative storm event" or during a "measureable storm event" However, some permits do not have this requirement Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. By this signature, I certify that this report is act`te and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature of Permittee or Page .l of 2 SWt!•242, lase modified 10125/2012 1. outfall Description: Outfall No. 004 Structure (pipe, ditch, etc.) Sind to pipe to ditch Receiving Stream: Unnamed tributary of McIntyre Creek Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: See attached description from Supa 2. Color. Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: Medium brown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): None 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where l is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 2 S 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where l is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 12 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stornwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 4 Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes OI B. is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes go 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? 16 No to, Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe NIA Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWU-243. last modified I0/25/2012 004 4. Drainage Zone #4 (Outfall 004) This drainage zone collects storm water runoff from the southern portion of the property, including roof drainage and driveway runoff. Storm water is directed via overland runoff into drainage ditches and pipes, which drain into a storm water retention pond. From the storm water retention pond, the storm water drains to Outfall 004 at the unnamed tributary of McIntyre Creek located along the southern boundary of the facility property. Total Drainage Area: % Impervious: % Pervious: Longitude/Latitude of Outfall 004: Material Storage Areas: Loading/Unloading Areas: Process Areas (inside building): Dust/Particulate Generating Equipment: Waste Handling Equipment: 355182 ft2 (8.2 acres) 47% 53% 35" 19' 07" N 800 51' 02" W Isocyanate and Urethane Resin/ HCFC-141b storage area (inside), Cyclopentane storage area (outside) Isocyanate and Urethane Resin/ HCFC-141b unloading area, Cyclopentane unloading area Door production area Touch-up paint spray booth Hazardous materials storage area 4PWA 41 Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report For guidance onTllingout thisform,please visit: http;lLnortal.nedenr.orgfweb/WQIML�iiinil6i,r<,5w#tats-4 Permit No.: j3/ J_/�^/�_-/ _ /� or Certificate of Coverage No.: Facility Name. Masonite Entry Door- Charlotte _ County: Mecklenburg _ _ Phone No. (704) 921-3410 Inspector: Russell Everett Date of Inspection: 06/02/15 Time of Inspection: 15:40 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0•29 Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or "Measureable Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See information below.) ® Yes ❑ No Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a 'representative storm event' or'rrieasureable storm event' (requirements vary, depending on the permit). Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. Most permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a'representative storm event" or during a "measureable storm event." however, some permits do not have this requirement Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does notapply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature of Permittee Page 1 of 2 S%VU•242. Last modified 10/25/2022 I. Outfall Description: Outfall No. 005 Structure (pipe. ditch, etc.) Pipe to ditch Receiving Stream: Unnamed tributary_ot Mclntyre Creek Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area. See attached desc ption from Supo 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: Medium brown 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor. etc.): 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 2 li 4 5 S. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: 1 x 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 2 3 4. 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes 1O S. is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Ws No 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? We No 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe N/A Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may he Indicative of pollutant exposure. 'these conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 5M-Z 2. Last modlOed I O/2.ri/2012 005 5. Drainage Zone #5 (Outfall 005): This drainage zone collects storm water runoff from the southwestern portion of the property (consisting solely of parking lots). Storm water is directed via overland runoff to the drainage ditch along Reames Road at Outfall 005. The discharge from Outfall 005 flows into the unnamed tributary of McIntyre Creek located along the southern boundary of the facility property. Total Drainage Area: % Impervious: °% Pervious: LongitudelLatitude of Outfall 005: Material Storage Areas: Loading/Unloading Areas: Process Areas: Dust/Particulate Generating Equipment: Waste Handling Equipment: 124,024 ft2 (2.8 acres) 74% 26% 35' 19' 08" N 300 51' 03" W None None None None None Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: December 29, 2014 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation COUNTY Mecklenbure PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORY PAR Laboratories, Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 1117 14 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2014 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ® July -Dec or ❑ Monthly' (month) REC9%VG TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW []Trout❑PNA ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply ❑SA DEC 3 12014 ®Other: C CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION ❑ No discharge this period?z Outfall No. Date Sample p Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, inches Total Suspended Solids P H, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar 0&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total -Toxic Organicss Benchmarks ___> - - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L, 15 mg/L 1 mg/L 1 11/17/14 0.64 9 mg/L 7.51 0.003 < 0.002 0.039 < 5 NA 4 11/17/14 0.64 9 mg/L 6.82 0.002 < 0.002 0.017 < 5 NA ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. 4 See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 . Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring It may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the stormwater P Ilution Prevention Plan." Name (Print name) Title (Print a? ?- f -5/ (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format. "<XX ms/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > SS gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches) Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 iSGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks==> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Not Applicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 �y Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must Implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one copy of this DMR, including all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results for at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Discharge" reports to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are Qniftcantpenalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 12/29/2014 (Date) Permit Date:11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3 of 3 Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG030000 Date submitted: May 12, 2014 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG030422 FACILITY NAME Masonite Corporation COUNTY Mecklenburg PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Russ Everett LABORATORYPAR Laboratories, Inc. Lab Cert. # 20 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Collected 4/15/14 Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2014 SAMPLE PERIOD ® Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or ❑ Monthly'_ (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS E]ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA RECEIVED ❑Zero -flow ❑Water supply ❑SA MAY 13 ZO®Other: C i4 CENTRAL FILES DWQIBOG ❑ No discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Total Suspended Solids pH, Standard units Copper Lead Zinc Non -Polar O&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic Organics, Benchmarks =__> _ - 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L 6.0 — 9.0 0.007 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.067 mg/L 15 mg/L i mg/L 1 2/19/13 1.7 5 mg/L 6.22 0.002 0.002 0.040 11 NA 4 2/19/13 1.7 71 mg/L 6.19 0.002 0.002 0.008 30 NA s Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 2 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. b See General Permit, Table 3 identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. 5 Total Toxic Organics sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 CFR 433.11; for semiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469,12; for electronic crystal manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.22; and for cathode ray tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 CFR 469.31). Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan may so certify, and the requirement for TTO monitoring may be waived. The solvent management plan shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used and the other elements listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing to employ the TTO monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit monitoring requirement for total toxic organics (TTO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stormwater or areas which are exposed to rainfall or stormwater runoff has occurred since filing the last discharge monitoring report. I further certify that this facility is implementing the all the provisions of the solvent management plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan." Name (Print name) Title (Print title) Not Applicable (Signature) (Date) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non -numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be,reported in the format, "<XX mg/L where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period Outfall No. pate Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -polar O&G/TPH by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids pH Benchmarks ===> _ - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L* 6.0 — 9.0 SU Not Applicable Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part IB * See General Permit text, Table 5, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Permit Date: 11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must Implement Tier 1, Tier 1, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART 11 SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one MK gf this DMR Including all "'No Dischar e" re orts within 30 days of receipt of the lab results for at end of monitorina period In the case of "No Discharge" reports) to. Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there 7sigg *t penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 5/12/2014 (Date) Permit Date:11/1/2012-10/31/2017 SWU-245, last revised 10/25/2012 Page 3of3 May 12, 2014 Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested Fed Ex Tracking Number: 5627 0842 1560 Division of Water Quality ATTN: DWQ Center Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 RE: Semi -Annual Storm Water DMR COC #NCG030422 To Whom It May Concern: We have enclosed an original and one copy of the semi-annual (Jan -June) storm water sampling results for Masonite's Charlotte North Carolina Entry Door Plant. If you have any questions concerning the results, please contact me at 704-921-3507. Sincerely, y� b 7Morris Plant Manage Enclosure cc: Denise Wlodyka Masonite Exterior Door Division 7300 Reames Road, Charlotte, NC 28216 • Telephone: (704) 921-3507 www.masonite.com is u� AGNA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary July 9, 2009 Ernest Stone, Safety Manager Masonite Entry Doors Corporation 7300 Reames Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Subject: Follow-up Compliance Evaluation Inspection Masonite Entry Doors Corporation Stormwater Permit Number COC NCG030422 Mecklenburg County, NC Dear Mr. Stone: Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) report for the inspection follow-up evaluation by Heather Sorensen of Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (CMSWS). A follow-up site inspection of the subject facility was not needed for the follow-up evaluation. This evaluation was conducted as part of a cooperative working agreement between Mecklenburg County and the Division of Water Quality. In addition, the evaluation was conducted on behalf of the City of Charlotte in compliance with the City's NPDES Permit, NCS000240, Part II Section H_ Thank you for your assistance and cooperation during the evaluation. The follow-up compliance evaluation found that Masonite Entry Doors Corporation has implemented the corrective actions as stated in the subject facility's response letter dated May 11, 2009, Required paperwork was received for final review on June 23, 2009 and June 29, 2009. The corrective actions included: - • Updating of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the facility, • Conducting proper maintenance of storm drain outfalls and stormwater conveyance systems, • Removal and permanent sealing of the connections from the eyewash to the outside of the facility, • Conducting routine maintenance of the baghouse area, • Removing paint totes to areas not exposed to stormwater, and • Documenting the evaluation of accumulated stormwater releases from the cyclopentane secondary containment area. The enclosed report should be self-explanatory, however should you have any questions concerning this report or have any questions regarding your permit, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Marcia Allocco of this Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, for Robert B. Krebs, Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office Enclosure cc: NPS-ACO Unit Craig Miller, City of Charlotte Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 Fast Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, I G 28115 Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-60401 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Intemet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Equai Qpporfunity 5 Affirma6ve Action Employer — 50% Recycle&10% Post Consumer paper Rusty Rozzelle, Mecklenburg County Nne orthCarolina NaturallJ Permit: NGG030422 SOC: County: Mecklenburg Region: Mooresville Compliance Inspection Report Effective: 11/01/07 Expiration: 10/31/12 Owner: Masonite Entry Door Corporation Effective: Expiration: Facility: Masonite Entry Doors 7300 Reames Rd Contact Person: Jim Martin Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Charlotte NC 28216 Title: Phone. 704-921-3410 Certification: Phone: Inspection Date: 06/29/2009 Entry Time: 09:00 AM Exit Time: 10:00 AM Primary Inspector: Water Quality Program Meckenburg County Phone: 704-336-5449 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Follow-up Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Metal Fabrication Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status: ■ Compliant it Not Compliant Question Areas: ■ Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page: 1 IW Permit: NCG030422 Owner - Facility: Masonite Entry Door Corporation Inspection Date: 06l29t2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Follow-up Inspection Summary: Facility Description: This facility is primarily engaged in the production of entry doors. The facility operates 6:00 a.m. through 11:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and Saturdays as needed. No vehicle maintenance or washing is conducted at the facility but hazardous materials are handled at the facility. Detrex Corporation, Allied Waste, and !Nesbit Oil are waste haulers for the facility. Compliance History: On September 12, 2007, Masonite Door Corporation was issued a City of Charlotte Notice of Violation for the discharge of approximately 1,000 gallons of liquid Polyol resin to the ground surface. Charlotte Mecklenburg Storm Water Services inspected the facility on March 17, 2009. Industrial Operations/City of Charlotte Stormwater Ordinance Review: Eye Wash — On March 17, 2009, one eyewash sink located inside the building near the Line One Foaming Area was observed plumbed outside to the earthen ground. Photo documentation of corrective actions was received on June 23, 2009, The outside connection was removed and permanently sealed. Bag House — On March 17, 2009, particulate material from the bag house was observed outside on a paved surface. A daily checklist of the bag house area was received on June 23, 2009. The facility is conducting routine maintenance of the area. Paint Totes — On March 17, 2009, four 300-gallon totes were observed outside on a paved surface and exposed to stormwater. Facility personnel explained that the totes contain leftover paint and are set outside to dry out, then disposed. Dried paint residue was observed on the outside of the totes. On June 23, 2009, the facility verified that the 300-gallon paint totes have been removed from the premises or are iriside the building in an area not exposed to stormwater. Page: 2 Permit: NCGO30422 Owner - Facility: Masonite Entry Door Corporafion Inspection Date: 06129/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Follow-up Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices•? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ■ n n n # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ■ ❑ n n # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ■ ❑ n n # Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ■ n n n # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? ■ n n Cl # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? ■ n n n Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? ■ n n n Comment: Employee Training was conducted on May 20, 2009_ The permittee has implemented a water inspection form for any stormwater released from the cyclopentane storage tank secondary containment area. Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Analytical MonitoE[qq Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? ■ n n n # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? n n ■ ❑ Comment. - Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? ■ F1 n n # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ■ n n n # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? ■ n n rl # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? ■ 0 n n Page: 3 F Permit: NCG030422 owner - Facility: MasoniieEntry Door Corporation Inspection Date: 06/29/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit Follow-up Comment: Non-stormwater discharges were evaluated on 6/10/09. Representative outfall status was granted by the Division of Water Quality on 7/16/07_ Storrs Drain Outfall #1 — On 3/17/09, standing water was observed in the outfalf due to a recent rain event. Sediment was observed in the outfall with minor erosion observed around the outfall area. Photo documentation of corrective actions was received on 6/23/09. Sedimentation was removed and riprap was added to the outfall. The grassed Swale south of the outfall, along Reames Road, was strawed and seeded for stabilization. Storm Drain Conveyance System — On 3117109, it was observed that a storm drain ditch had been created to accommodate new storm drain structures on the southeast side of the property near the resin unloading area. Sedimentation and erosion of the ditch is apparent. Photo documentation of corrective actions was received on 6/23109. The facility graded the edges of the grassed swale, then applied straw and seeded the area for stabiliza Page: 4 .y NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary March 30, 2009 Ernest Stone, Safety Manager Masonite Entry Doors Corporation 7300 Reames Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Masonite Entry Doors Corporation Stormwater Permit Number COC NCG030422 Mecklenburg County, NC Dear Mr. Stone: Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on March 17, 2009 by Ms. Heather Sorensen of Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (CMSWS). This inspection was conducted as part of a cooperative working agreement between Mecklenburg County and the Division of Water Quality. In addition, the inspection was conducted on behalf of the City of Charlotte in compliance with the City's NPDES Permit, NCS000240, Part II Section H. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation during the inspection. The inspection found that Masonite Entry Doors Corporation has developed and implemented a Stormwater program and this Office commends the permittee's efforts to ensure compliance with your NPDES permit. However, deficiencies were noted as detailed in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Permit and Outfalls, and Summary sections of the attached report. In addition, the facility shall properly plumb and remove all illicit connections to comply with the City of Charlotte Stormwater Ordinance. It is requested that a written response be submitted to this Office by April 29, 2009, addressing the above -noted deficiencies in the enclosed report. In responding to the violations, please address your comments to the attention of Ms. Marcia Allocco at the letterhead address. Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 One Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-W40 4 Customer Service: 1-877-62M748 NorthCarolina Internet www,ncwaterquality.org /a►!� An Equal Opportunity 4 A firmative A ion Employer- 50% Recyclec�110% Post Consumer paper ✓ ' atur ally Mr. E. Stone, Masonite Entry Doors Corporation Compliance Evaluation Inspection, Page 2 March 30, 2009 The subject facility will have 90 days from the letterhead date to come into compliance with the above -noted deficiencies. A follow-up evaluation will be conducted by CMSWS after June 29, 2009, to ensure compliance with the facility's Stormwater Permit and/or compliance with the City of Charlotte Stormwater Ordinance. The enclosed report should be self-explanatory; however should you have any questions concerning this report or have any questions regarding your permit, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Allocco of this Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, for Robert B. Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office Enclosure cc: NPS-ACO Unit Rusty Rozzelle, Mecklenburg County Craig Miller, City of Charlotte Permit: NCG030422 SOC: County: Mecklenburg Region: Mooresville Compliance inspection Report Effective: 11/01/07 Expiration: 10/31/12 Owner: Masonite Entry Door Corporation Effective: Expiration: Facility: Masonite Entry Doors 7300 Reames Rd Contact Person: Jim Martin Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Charlotte NC 28216 Title: Phone: 704-921-3410 Certification: Phone: Inspection Date: 03/1712009 Entry Time: 09:00 AM Exit Time: 01:05 PM Primary Inspector: Water Quality Program Meckenburg County Phone: 704-335-5449 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Metal Fabrication Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status: ❑ Compliant IN Not Compliant Question Areas: ■ Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page- 1 Permit: NCGO30422 Owner— Facility: Masonite Entry Door Corporation Inspection Date: 03/17/09 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Facility Description: This facility is primarily engaged in the production of entry doors. The facility operates 6:00 a.m. through 11:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and Saturdays as needed. No vehicle maintenance or washing is conducted at the facility but hazardous materials are handled at the facility. Detrex Corporation, Allied Waste, and Nesbit Oil are waste haulers for the facility ComplianceHistory: The permitteelfacility does not have any prior compliance issues with the NC Division of Water Quality but on September 12, 2007, Masonite Door Corporation was issued a City of Charlotte Notice of Violation for the discharge of approximately 1,000 gallons of liquid Polyol resin to the ground surface. Industrial Operations/City of Charlotte Stormwater Ordinance Review: Eye Wash — One eye wash sink located inside the building near the Line One Foaming Area was plumbed outside to the earthen ground. The permittee shall properly plumb and remove all illicit connections. Baghouse -- Particulate material from the baghouse was observed outside on a paved surface. The permittee should routinely inspect and properly maintain the area to prevent stormwater contamination. Paint Totes — Four 300-gallon totes were observed outside on a paved surface and exposed to stormwater. Facility personnel explained that the totes contain leftover paint and are set outside to dry out, then disposed. Dried paint residue was observed on the outside of the totes. The permittee should consider storing the totes in a location not exposed to stormwater. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (cont. from Page 4) The facility houses an outside 12,000-gallon cyclopentane tank that sits within a concrete secondary containment structure. Currently the drain valve for the secondary containment structure is kept open and is actuated by a hydrocarbon monitoring system located inside the sump in the containment area. The facility's SPPP states that the monitoring system and valve.actuator are maintained and tested in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. During the inspection facility staff explained that standing water inside the containment structure would ruin the sensor on the monitoring system, which is expensive to replace. Chemical research indicates that cyclopentane is a clear chemical compound with a petrol -like odor and a boiling point of 49°C. The facility is in ongoing discussions with the Division of Water Quality to ensure the current system meets the intent of the secondary containment requirements of General Permit NCG030000. The permit states that secondary containment structures are to be controlled by a manually activated valve or other similar devices, which are to be secured closed at all times with a locking mechanism. In addition, the permit requires that accumulated stormwater in the containment area shall be at a minimum visually observed for color, foam, outfall staining, visible sheens and dry weather flows prior to release of the accumulated stormwater. The permittee should provide the Division with details regarding the reliability of the hydrocarbon sensor, the back-up systems in place, the testing and maintenance procedures of the monitoring system and the frequency with which they are completed to justify a departure from the requirements of the permit. Page: 2 4i PermW NCG030422 Owner — Facility: Masonite Entry Door Corporation Inspection Date: 03/17/09 inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Permit and Outfalls (coat. from Page 5) Storm Drain Outfall #1 — Standing water was observed in the outfall due to a recent rain event. Sediment was observed in the outfall with minor erosion observed around the outfali area. The permittee should conduct proper maintenance of the outfall. Storm Drain Conveyance System — A storm drain ditch had been created to accommodate new storm drain structures on the southeast side of the property near the resin unloading area. Sedimentation and erosion of the ditch was apparent at the time of inspection The permittee should stabilize and conduct proper maintenance of the storm drain conveyance system. Page: 3 p Permit: NCG030422 Owner - Facility: Masonite Entry Door Corporation Inspection Date. 03/17/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a "Narrative Description of Practices"? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ■ n n n # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ■ n u n # Dees the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ■ n n n # Does the Ian include a BMP summary? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ■ n n n # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? n ■ u o # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? ■ n n n # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? ■ n n n # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? ■ n n n Has the Stormwater PolUion Prevention Plan been implemented? ■ n n n Comment: The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) general location map did not include information on whether the receiving stream is 303(d) listed and/or if a TMDL has been developed. The SPPP did not include documentation of the 914/07 release of 5,000 gallons of resin of which 1,000 gallons escaped secondary containment and flowed onto the asphalt drive and grassed drainage Swale. The spill did not reach surface waters. The permittee could not provide documentation to support employee training. The SPPP was reviewed and updated on 11/29/06, 3/18/08, and 2/16/09 and stormwater facility inspections were conducted on 10/9/08, 11/12/08, 12116108, 1/2010909, and 2119/09, Please see the Summary section for additional information regarding secondary containment at the facility. Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? ■ n n n Comment: The permittee conducted qualitative monitoring on 6/21/04, 6/14/06, 9/11 /06, 4116/07, and 11 /25/08. Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? ■ n .n n Page: 4 Permit: NCG030412 Owner - Facility: Masonite Entry Door Corporation Inspection Date: 03/17/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? D D ■ 0 Comment: The facility does not use any Total Toxic Organics (TTO) and therefore testing for TTOs is not required. The permittee conducted analytical sampling on 6/21/04, 6/14106, 2/13/07, 5/28108, and 11125/08. On 11/25/08 the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration at storm drain Outfall #1 was 160 mg1L which exceeded the benchmark concentration and requires a Tier I response. Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? # Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? Comment: Five storm drain outfails have been identified at the facility and the Division of Water Quality granted representative outfall status on July 16, 2007. Documentation has not been included for the annual evaluation for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. On September 4, 2007, Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program (MCWQP) staff reviewed the facility's SPPP and suggested to Mr. Jim Martin, EHS Coordinator for Masonite, that the certification of non-stormwater discharge be completed and signed. See the Summary section of this report for additional information regarding the Permit and Outfalls requirements. Page:5 r MAY S 1 2009 �� ; ...,� iifa's < iMay 7, 2009 DM.- �urface Yitlater NViCt.:iion Ms. Marcia Allocco NC. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Ms. Allocco, In response to the Compliance Evaluation inspection (CEI) report dated March 30, 2009 regarding Storm Water Permit COC NCG030422 please find attached a spreadsheet outlining our first response the specific issues raised during the inspection and a proposed timeline for remediation of the issues. Masonite intends to make every effort to be in full compliance by June 29, as required, and will submit a final report addressing the details of the steps taken to return to compliance. If you have any questions, please contact me at the telephone numbers listed below, or you may contact Trey Waldrip, General Manager of the Charlotte Facility, (704-921-341 l ). Sincere] Ernest Stone SE Regional Safety and Environmental Compliance Manager 7300 Reames Road Charlotte, NC 28216 678-243-9147 cc: Trey Waldrip Denise Wlodyka Masonite Entry 0oor Corporation 7300 Reames Road, Charlotte, NC 28216 • Telephone: (704) 599-0235 • Fax: (704) 921-3462 www.masonite.com Masonite Corporation Charlotte Entry Door Storm Water Permit Number COC NCG030422 May 7, 2009 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Storm Water Compliance Evaluation Inspection Remediation Issue Remedial Action Proposed Timeline Eye wash drainage, Line 1 Correct plumbing 15-May-09 foam area Baghouse fugitive material on Clean and set cleaning schedule 08-May-09 pavement. Paint totes outside Covered and plans underway to 01-Jun-09 use 55gal drums rater than totes Cyclopentane tank Investigate requirements and 15-Jun-09 containment structure developaction Ian. SW Outfall #1 — erosion and Repair underway 01-Jun-09 sediment Stone drain — resin unloading Repair underway 01-Jun-09 area, erosion and sediment Documented training records Re-train and retain training 01-Jun-09 records. Add documentation of Add reference to file to SPPP. 22-May-09 09/04007 spill to SPPP. Receiving stream classification Research being done. 15-Jun-09 Non-stormwater discharge Obeservation to be conducted 01-Jun-09 evaluation June 17, 2009 Ms. Marcia Allocco J U N 2 2 2009 NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Dr �: u:. .., r s;...,. , ..:, on Subject: Response to Compliance Evaluation Inspection Masonite Entry Door Stormwater Permit # COC NCG030422 Dear Ms. Allocco: Attached you will find an outline of the steps we took to correct the deficiencies noted remediate the violations found during the March 17, 2009 inspection by Heather Sorenson of the Charlotte -Mecklenburg Stormwater Services. We have addressed each issue separately and included photos, attachments, and/or a summary of the corrective action taken. We feel that we have addressed each issue completely, and will do everything in our power to maintain the correction in the future. Ms. Sorenson has contacted me and we plan to have a follow-up evaluation of the actions we have taken on June 29, 2009. We look forward to discussing our efforts and the changes we have made and are open to any additional suggestions she may have to further improve our Facility. if there are questions regarding what we have done please feel free to contact me at the number below. Sincerely, ` Q (A n Ernest Stone SE Regional Safety and Environmental Compliance Manager Masonite Entry Door 7300 Reames Road Charlotte, NC 28216 678_243_9147 Masonite Entry Door Corporation 7300 Reames Road, Charlotte, NC 28216 • Telephone: (704) 599-0235 • Fax: (704) 921-3462 www.masonite.com Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCG030422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Description of Issue Eye wash drainage, Line 1 foam area plumbed to ground. Remedial Action Taken Plumbing from Eyewash terminated on the interior of building. The drain to the outside has been plugged. Attachments or Photos Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCGO30422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Description of Issue Baghouse fugitive material on pavement. Remedial Action Taken Daily check of area and cleanup if necessary Attachments or Photos Baghouse Area Fugitive Material Contra! The area around the Baghouse on the Northern side of the building will be checked daily and any Errant material on the pavement will be cleaned and disposed of in the dumpster. Month Year WK1 WK2 WK3 WK4 WK5 Place initials in the proper day as it pertains to the week of inspection Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCGO30422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Description of Issue Paint totes stored outside. Remedial Action Taken Process has moved away from the 300 gal Totes to 55 gal drums. Remaining 300 gallon paint totes have been removed from the premises or are inside the building. Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCGO30422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Description of Issue Cyclopentane tank containment structure drainage operation. Remedial Aaron Taken Electro/mechanical drain valve disabled. Manual drain closed except for draining containment sump. Water inspection form created for release per SWPPP specifications. Attachments or Photos June 10, 2009 Cyclopentane Containment After further investigation of the Cyclopentane containment basin and the sensors in the area I have discerned the following information. There is a motorized valve on the basin release drain that has never been wired and is in the constant open position. Behind the motorized valve there is a manual valve that is kept in the closed position at all times. The water in the catch basin is released manually when it accumulates in the sump and gravity feeds to the drainage swale to the #4 outfall area_ An inspection form using the criteria outlined in the Storm Water Permit will be filled out each time the water accumulates in the basin to determine its safe release. The Sensors in the basin are explosive atmosphere detectors that are connected to the panel near the line one operator station. If the sensors detect that there is a buildup of Cyclopentane in the containment area, the Cyclopentane feed valve to the process is shut down and an alarm sounds in the panel. These sensors do not control the Storm Water drainage valve. Ernest Stone Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCGO30422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Stone Water Inspection from the Cyclopentane Containment Structure The Storm Water in the Containment structure must be inspected and documented for the following: Date of By Not Release Whom Present Present Visible Oil Sheen Foam Outfall Staining Color change from Clear Is there dry weather flow into the containment area? Remedial Action Taken Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCGO30422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Description of Issue SW Outfall #1 -- erosion and sediment Remedial Action Taken Cat Tail plants removed from around outfall outlet. Erosion remediated with rock and to be maintained by the contracted landscaper. Atlachments or Photos Outfall #1 with Cat Tail Vegetation removed and additional rock to prevent erosion, stabilize soil and allow flow of water Outfall #1 South swale runoff of Outfall #1 with sediment removed to allow water to move out of outfall north swale. Grass matting and Straw Bails applied to stop erosion Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCG030422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Description of Issue Storm drain -- resin unloading area, erosion and sediment Remedial Action Taken Drainage ditch contoured and swale created. Area graded and grass matting applied. Area to be maintained by contracted landscaper with grass. Attachments or Photos k ! f ._ _ .. � .. i �� � o j '� bpi f .� ' Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCG030422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Description of Issue Documented training records were not available. Remedkd Action Taken Emergency spill team formed of all Maintenance personnel and documented training has taken place of all team members. An emergency procedure document has been created and placed in the Emergency Response Program Binder. Annual Enviromenta3 Awareness training for all employees scheduled for August 2009. Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCG030422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Description of Issue Add documentation of 09/04007 spill to SWPPP Remedial Action Taken Added a statement to the SWPPP document referring to the file of documents in the EHS office at Charlotte Entry Door facility that describe the spill its impact and the steps take as a result of the spill. Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCG030422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Description of Issue SPPP general location map did not include information on whether the receiving stream is 303(d) listed and/or if a TMDL has been developed. Remedial Action Taken Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to develop a list of waters not meeting water quality standards or which have impaired uses. Listed waters must be prioritized, and a management strategy or total maximum daily load (TMDL) must subsequently be developed for all listed waters. The storm water from the Charlotte facility discharges into an unnamed tributary of McIntyre Creek. McIntyre Creek is not listed on 303(d), and therefore does not have a TMDL established. A statement has been added to the general location map in the SPPP stating that McIntyre Creek is no 303(d) listed. Attachments or Photos An updated General Location map is included in the site copy of the SWPPP. Masonite Charlotte, NC Storm Water Permit Number COC NCG030422 Response to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Inspection Conducted 03117109 Description of Issue Non -storm water discharge evaluation Remedial Action Taken An inventory of the non Stormwater Discharge points was performed and certified with locations noted and added to the SWPPP. Attachments or Photos See Appendix I SWPPP for Inventory of the Non Stormwater Discharge points and their description