HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070343 Ver 1_Site Plan_200702263 1 1 E I I ICI i . ~ s f ~ i I ~ 4 ~ r.-- JY ter"'"'.. - w-- ~ .r- ~ r • •,ct~• 2 ~ " ~ I ~ I u~ ~ y~ h~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ (N~ d ~ ~ cRia ~ , J y _ J_, ..r ~ - - - B'S~~ ~ ~ 230.38 Q r - 12 _ ~ ~ > ~ 1- Lt r e.- ~j +~-.ate J 2i~.39 f ' I • ~ ~ ~ r r r r ~ - _ i ~ ~ r _ F1 ~ i r F`T~ ~ - 15 Rc .02 5.02' 'j ~ ' ..w--- ~ .~-r-- 1 + ~ ~4 ~ # i 1 h w~ . ~ .o I 1 11 ~ R. ~ I N ~ i h di ~ ~ ~ 3 ' ~ t ~ ~2"E i7 ~ i / 044 h~ 977949.4 S ~ i 1 + S 30' ~ Q T< ~ i 0 ~g,5$ $ 22.45 ACRES 4 SQ. ~T' .r o z ~ ~ I i` d Cti / ~ + ACRES -Qa • N v i ~ ~ Q ~ Qe ~ tv / ~ ` ~ e~ + i / / ~ h ~q. i ~ i q 1~ ~ / a P ~ ~ ~i'v ~g"Rb / 4 °This certifies thot #his copy of this plot identifres as waters and wetlands ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ aN areas of waters and wetands regulated pursuant to Section 404 of the J ~ 60 966 i ~ Clean Water Act as alefermined by the undersigned on this date. Unless ~ y GP / there is a change in the law, or our published regulations, this 2k~ / determination may be relied on for a period not to exceed five years from ~ ~ 1,h o ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y this date. This detenninaGon was made utilizing the 1987 Corps of / ~ A o / o° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E ineers Wetland Delineation Manual. I rsJ WETLAHID CALLS CALLS 26°22 i8 E c` ~ ~ S / e CP ~ Lt 1 N 36'20'34" E 37. 15 ~~w 2U in U.S Arm Co of En 'nears Representative L12 5 54'47'25° E 6. 4" E 37.69' / / .80 y ~ 9r i" .41' 217 ~ / Q E 6 ~ / ~ W + i E ~i 7t.86' / ~ ~ ~~M ~ o L13 S 30'55'47 E i 7t. ~ assn N L14 S 17'45'51 ° W 40. A f / / I W 40.71 / .CB. ~ Q v'° rTtle L15 N 18'26' 18" W 13. 9" W :;13.37' t / 46 ~ Q " / ~ IFS 1; ~ ~ L16 N 38'05'1 3" W 77. 3 W :77.58 / e 4p NCO • ~ chi ~ z Date L17 S 42'12'29° E ` 21. L18 S 20'4530 E ! 47. E ` 21.73' / / • + S ? Q ? E; 47.28' rp h~ NOTE: Surveyor nor MSP do Associates DOES NOT certify to any information L19 S 32'58'09" E 77. 'O ~ 0 E ' 77.96' * • con#ained in or mating to the above certification. This map is only on L20 S 23'27' 11 ° E 46. ~ exhrT~it to this certification. 1' E 46.23' / ~ Q ~ ~ „ L21 S 12'08'20" E 45. L22 S 20`15'29° E 147, E .45.64' Nl, a° E 147.83' INTERAi1TE ~ L23 N 50'08'22° W i 49. " , 2 W 49.24 t1NE BEARING DISTANCE ~ ip q 124 N 41'02'25" W ; 12. 5" W i 12.7T " / 4r ~ L43 S 52'29 25 E 30.20 ~~p .j~ ~ L25 N 18'26'18" W 228, ~ ~ w ~ " 3" W 228.13' L44 S 34'35'30" E 15.77' ~ p~ ~ . ~ L26 N O6'I4 55 W 56. LS W~ 4~G or L27 S 24'02'23° E 51. 5" W 56.66' L45 S 06'11'05" E 57.72' ~ v 3" E 51.73' L46 S 61'11'36" E 32.51' y + + p Q L28 5 51'16'19° E 56. z / 0 N c~ E 56.95' L47 S 77'45'24" E 12.15' +ry 4 / + q ^ ~ L29 S 2523'59q E 15. h~ ~ ~ i" E 15.56 L48 S 28'26 28 E 61.30 yl ~~a a; ~ o Lao N at•5s'os" w 40. + ~v3 e~ 3" W 40.02' L49 S 25'44`39" E 53.12' ~ 4r 2" W 43.86' L50 S 43'51'47" E 45.47' ~0 a tai 2 W ~ L31 N 36'5$ 52 W 43. q 47 ° 3" E .19.89' L5i S 25'50'04" E 7.74' + a ~ h q• + 4i q L6 L32 5 59`2013 E 19. ~ 0 ~ L33 S 51'21'24" E ' 42. ~ ~ " I•" E ' 42.68' L52 S 08'ST42" E 6.09' ~ ~ I 4r ~ h,~ L9 L34 S 23'13 22 E 34. E 34.42' L53 N 81'1b'08" E 68.71' ~ ~ ~ G3 L35 S 78'49'43" E 28. q " ~ ~ 5 •r'c~ L36 S 74 37 06 E ' 19. 3" E 28.71' ~ ~ GENERAL NOTES ~o ~ E 19.00 ~ ~ ~ G ~ ~ m , L37 S 79'19'34" W 22. 4" W 22.75' • s N L38 N 82'47'26 W ' 27. t' ° w 27x5' f y L39 N 66'04 09 W 29. • ~ ~ L40 N 5019'10° W 43. W 29.76' ` W 43.35' ~ L41 N 725'22" W 4. t" W 4.75' All distances shown hereon ore horuonfal ground distances unless otherwise 0 1 ¦ G L42 N 07'45 03 E 40. , ~ noted. 3 E 44.56 ~0 ~ 1 6 ~ Qevations shown are based on NGVD-88 Datum. Elevofion de#ermined 1 J Ebro h GPS ovservations usin CDRS Stotions "Wachin on", '7Vew Bern ; Q~ u9 " 9 9t ~6a .o , and "Williamston . Z / ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Areas calculated by coordinate method. Contact proper Authorities Before building near utility {fines, for easement ~ , M 0 ~ "~6 ~ width and restrfctions. UG7ities are approximate and should be verified prior / ~ ~ • N:673 .072 ` AREA A ~ : fo any constnaction ~ 2963.7 SQ. FT. E:249 23.498 Q ~ o ~ { ti / rv~ 0.07 ACRES v ; • This survey has been prepared for the exclusive use of the person or - -a ~ L34 • . entities Homed hereon. No express or implied warranties with respect to . , . • . ® the information shown hereon are to be extended to any persorss or / ~a x,33 . • pti entities other than fhose shown hereon. ~ f ~ o y - , •~'y +Q ~ ^ -v v, / ~ / _ t ,~sz i ~ Z i ~ , a ~ •f, ''•'g•%jk~7 • ~ V \ ~ ~ > ~ ~ • 1 ~ ~ N:673202.996 1, Michael S Perdue, Certify thot this plot was drawn under my supervision t}' ~+0 E:2499725.877 from an actual survey made under my supervision (deed description ~ recorded in Book 1587, pg 470 and Book 1 4D, pg 432; thot the adjoining { . + A ~ r!` ~ boundory lines shown were not surveyed; that the ratio of precision as calculated 1: 15,500 with an ongutar error of 3 seconds per setup and ~ ~ X33 \ ~ ~ o 2 1 , + \ was not adjusted, that Phis pkrt was prepared in accordance with G.S. LEGEND ~ s ~4 . q ,503 ~ . ~ 47-30 as amender Wrtness my original signature, registratron ~ and seat ~ A p~ this 3rd day of Ocfober 2006. .h ~ 4 STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS STANDARD SYMBOLS ~'Y1rY 0 J And further cerb?`y that this survey rs of exrsbng porcels of land, exrsbng Ce cxroN al~sw+ ff acwm aaE NOTE ~ ~ structures and btrildi and does not create a new street or chap ngs ge a casr IxaN N y~y~ a+ . + WETLAND AREAS AND STRE4J1lS MARKED BY OTHERS MSP ~ ~ 't' ~ 0 PLA ?N ~ ENt ~ ® saarvtr art ?~tr>ioLE ofl s ~ ~ / & ASSOCIATES LOCA?ID THESE MARKS AS CED ~ CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING DELTA ANGLE existing streets. cr my I>wE sNx~ w?etaE ~ / THE fIELO. I~OP * ~ `t',r, 2 , Ct 1072.03' 115.78` 115.72' S 33'10'03' E 06'11'16" t C2 2181.75 74<05' 74,04' S 27'17'22' E 01'56'40" a ~ ~ q ~ x oaooo mar ELEVATION / ~ r THE JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION ONLY APPLIES TO C3 301.95' t 10.05' t 09.44' N 40'47'22" W 20'52'55" d " ~ " c cAS ~ cur w~ ~ / ~ i N1=ELANDS r_t7Ci1TED WfTHiN Ti~E PkOP~r t3Ourol3ARtt~ cuv cuvvsaEO -c- ~s 3 WHICH COMPRISE THE SUDJECT SITE, WETLAND WE7tANDS C4 361.95' t 37.46° 136.65 5 38'1 fi 07 t Zr45 33 ~ BERT a.EVnna+ ~ o ~ AREA "6 -w- ~ q eax wATEe Lei ~ ~ 1864.2 S( ~ C5 301.95' 109.56' 108.96' S 37'45 07 E 20'47 21" ARfA "B° / Mrchael S Perdue, PLS,~ L-4322 Date ~ POWER LINE / t aT OPE14 TOP PIPE 1864.2 SQ. FT. ' L29 ~ ° , POB POpri ~ BEX~INING - E - uouw PowFR LNE ~ 0.04 AC / ~ WETLANDS ~ O1ON Ric ere f + ARE4 "C° WE7WVDS 0.04 ACRES Lt S 82'00 24 E tOb.06 RCP t~MiORCED LxaNCRETE PEE ~ }RAFFIC FlAw AR»DYr / ss sunrutr sEWER / ~ AREA "C" $ 5 2 L2 S 08'00'33" W 99.97' . • . Q L3 N 82'02'30 W 99.85' TwE~ LP Ugft POLE / 2755.9 SQ. FT. L,27 s . V ~ " ' 117 N:673391.791 L4 N 07°53 09 E 100.03 ono ¦ ca+cleTE o ~'e+ 0.06 ACRES 5675.0 SQ. FT. L48 sF POI ~ ~a ~ . 3 _-~°~4 E:2499467.555 L5 N 20'05'03" W 9.77' I• .Y ~ _ 1 N:673~97.951 ~ 0.13 ACRES n _ C2R- t2~ r`'• + ~ i a N 95.5n'.ri5 w ax_~~' { N'S n%M tqm ZW iid15 YMYt: tV J cpp COMMM ?IASRC PUME E2499249.407 LZO L2f L22 v 09 is ,s s sT T9 WSL M MM M=M SORCK LNff Z I W r s a Q L7 N 35'59'16" E 60.29' 52 LS S 26'4454' E 14.68' W 3581 y 'wo -+"'e' • 11 L18 121. N 1 12'. 2 L9 N 2715'19" w 49.81' WETLANDS SURVEY s•: •'s i v .s ,s •s ,s • IQs s . . • s • V°.i'7 W -6 4r ' Q L10 S 65'21 21 E 52.28 FOR 0 N:673430.26 r 'e s f 5 N 18'2618 W PN-165 16 6 3049.967 Q E.2499416.774 E:2499416.774 Lt?WE'S HOME CENTERS INC. FIL CWT 0 v . Q . o ***CAUTION*** Mrr & ASSOCIATES ail o CAROE { N.C. ONE CALL: UMUTY LOCATOR SERMCE o S ~'Y r j ~ o SURVEYING , INC. 3 DAYS BEFORE DIGGBJG CALL TOLL FltEE 1-800-632-4949 SEAL ~ A 0!E CALL 5YSiEtl FOR C011AIINtY AND JOB SAFETY. OAKHURST SUBDIVISION ' CIJY.• GREENOLLE COUNTY PITT STATE: NORTH CAROLINA 11 L-4322 CF APM SCALE SECTION2 a < P 0 BOX 3893 GREENVI LE, SC 29(M GREEMOLLE TOWNSHIP q (MB 23, PC. 60 PLEASE N O T E 1 PHONE: (864) 370-2232 o so 120' Aso h OWOWMA7KW A~ THE PRESOVOC SZE AND LOCA79W OF L*JVMV M p~ DATE OF4_SURVEY- 10103106 'SCALE.' 1:60 h4ft S. FAX: (864) 232-3128 UT"IMS IS SYN7NN MERE MIS M'AWi4WN HAS BMV SHOW B45W ON 7HE LOCATA:W OFAMW GROVAV APPUR7ENAAA= AVAEA&EOESYI PLANS AND FLAGS wwwanspsurveymg com FIELD WORK: MSP DRAWN BY MSP REVIEWED BY M3P AND PAWT PLACED BY yw PR07ECi10N smweE NO QERTIP c4y"N IS MADE AS 7V VC AOCUNACY 07: 7HQ9AtAA'/AESS' OF ME M VAWAVON COMW WW MOOn PERWE L-4322 MSP FILE: LOWOREFN MSP JOB/ : 06260 ( d AW UMJTWS AND STRUMUP" SHOW AAMWOV. I I i n I { I 1-0 cues o s 1