HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000446_OTHER_20040526STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET M54 PERMITS PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE ❑FINAL PERMIT 0 ANNUAL REPORT ❑ APPLICATION 0 CQMPLIANCE �THER DOC DATE ❑ a b b -1 YYYYMMDD OF WArFR `Ors 4G May 26, 2004 Town of Apex Dan J. LaMontagne, PE Environmental Programs Manager PO Box 250 Apex, NC 27502 Michael F. Easley. Governor Witham G. Koss Jr.. 5ccrcnuy North Carolina Deparoncat of E livironment and Naloral Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. C Directur Division of Water Quality COICCn H. sullies, Deputy Dlre'Ctr1r Division of Water Quality Subject: NPDES Permit Number NCS000446 Town of Apex Additional Information Request Dear Mr. LaMontagne: After a review Of your permit application materials, I found that it was well written and with minor changes to Section 7, there is sufficient content to continue with review and drafting Of your permit. The following items should be addressed: I. Please add it BMP in section 7.3.1 that specifically mentions employee training for applicable town staff to detect and report illicit discharges. Target staff should include anyone that would be in a position to identify illicit discharges during their- regular work routine. 2. In section 7.3.8, elaborate on how YOU Will inform public employees, businesses, and the general public of the hazards associated with illicit discharges and the improper disposal of waste. 3. In section 7.6.2, you listed the Public Works and Utilities Department and vehicle maintenance as the only affected operations of the Pollution Prevention 1 Good Housekeeping minimum measure. Are there other operations in your community that could be affected? ['lease be specific. Other operations could include Parks and Recreation (Equipment upkeep, grounds maintenance, golf course maintenance, swimming pool maintenance), Emergency Services (vehicle cleaning and maintenance, disposal of har_ardOus materials, grounds maintenance), Animal Shelter (proper disposal of animal waste), and the Sheriff's Department (fleet maintenance, disposal of animal waste). Please revise Section 7 of the Town of Apex's Stormwater Management Program Report with the additional information requested and send a copy of the updated section to my attention so that I may update the copy of the Program Report that the Division has reviewed. N, C. Division of Water Quality 1017 Nbil Service tenter Ralcigh. North Carolina 27699-1017 (919) 733-7015 NCt]t+t3t C OSionlcr scrvicc 1-977-623-6749 Please provide the requested information by Friday, July 2, 2004. If you feel you need more time to respond to these concerns, just let me know. Please contact me with any questionS about this request at (919) 733-5083, ext. 537. Sincerely, Jonathan Diggs Environmental Engineer cc: Stormwater and General Permits Unit Raleigh Regional Office \NATMichael F. Easley.Governor O�O RQG WiIli;trn G. Koss Jr.. Secrclary Noah Carolina I)cp;rrlmcnl of 1-nvironmcnl and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, f'. F. DireclOr Division of Water Quality Q [ COIC(t] 11. Sullins, Deputy DINC101' Division of Water Quality May 25, 2004 Town of Apex Dan J. LaMontagne, PE Environmental Programs Manager PO Box 250 Apex, NC 27502 Subject: NPDES Permit Number NCS000446 Town of Apex Additional Information Request Dear Mr. LaMontagne: After a review of your permit application materials, I found that it was well written and with minor changes tD Section 7, there is sufficient content to continue with review and drafting of your permit. The following items should be addressed: 1. Please add a 13MIl in section 7.3.1 that specifically mentions employee training f()r applicable town staff to detect and report illicit discharges. Target staff should include anyone that would be in a position to identil'y illicit discharges during their regular work routine. 2. In section 7.3.8, elaborate on how you will inform public employees, businesses, and the general public of the hazards associated with illicit discharges and the improper disposal of waste. 3. In section 7.6.2, you listed the Public Works and Utilities Department and vehicle maintenance as the only affected operations of the Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping minimum measure. Are there other operations in your community that could he a1'1'ecteCI ? Please be specific. Otiheroperations could inciude Parks anci Recreation (Equipment upkeep, grounds maintenance, gOlf COL11.5e maintenance, swimming pool maintenance), EITICrgency Services (vehicle cleaning and maintenance, disposal of hazardous materials, ghounds maintenance), Animal Shelter (proper disposal of animal waste), and the Sheriff's Department (f7lcet maintenance, disposal of animal waste). Please revise Section 7 of the Town of Apex's Stormwater Management Program Report with the additional information requested and send a copy of the updated section to my attention so that I may update the copy of the Program Report that the Division has reviewed. N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Cenlcr lkalcigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 NCDENR Cuslomcr Scrvicc. 1-977-623.6748 Please provide the requested information by Friday, June 25, 2004. If' you Feel you need more time to respond to these concerns, just let me know. Please contact me with any questions about this request at (919) 733-5083, ext. 537. Sincerely, Jonathan Diggs Environmental Engineer cc: Stormwater and General Permits Unit Raleigh Regional Office NIAT� Michael F. Easley, Governor `ono R pG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources r Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director �_ y Division of Water Quality 4 March 13, 2003 Don LaMontagne, PE Environmental Programs Manager Town of Apex P.O. Box 250 Apex, North Carolina 27502 Subject: NPDES Phase II Stormwater Program Application for discharge permit Application Number NCS000446 Wake County Don LaMontagne, PE: The Division of Water Quality's Stormwater and General Permits Unit hereby acknowledges receipt of your NPDES Phase II Stormwater permit application package on March 11, 2003. The submitted package contained the required form SWU-264, comprehensive stormwater program narrative, and $715.00 application fee. A preliminary review of your application package has been conducted and it appears to be complete. No further information is required at this time. This application has been assigned application number NCS000446. Please include this number with all future correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Darren England at telephone number (919) 733-5083, extension 545. Sincerely, Bradley Bennett Stormwater & General Permits Unit ♦apr NCDENR N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-8053 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Apex Worksheet Public Education and Outreach Program Objectives i Raise public awareness on the causes and impacts of stormwater pollution. i lrlfornl the public on steps they can take to reduce or prevent stormwater pollution. BMPs RM1' Measurable Goals (a) Public EdLrcation and Outreach Develop a public education program and implement within Program 12 months of the permit issue date. Incorporate outreach elements for significant minority and disadvantaged communities. OK (b) Informational Web Site Develop and maintain internet web site. Post articles on stormwater, information on water quality, stormwater projects and activities, and ways to contact stornlwater- management program stuff. OK (c) Public education materials for Develop general stormwater educational rn.rtCrial targeting schools, homeowners, and/or school children, homeowners, and business. businesses OK (d) Public education material Distribute written material through utility irrrilouts, at dissenlination S ccial civic events, or at high traffic businesses. OK Additional BA41s identi/tail under Public E'thicallon and Otrtr-ectch Program Storm Drain Markings 77re To n's spec{ icwion,for neiv curb inlet covers requires that the cover be embossed ,vith the words "Otunp No Wasted Drains to Walerways ". Storm drain tnemhole comers will he required to he embossed with the words "Storm Selver'. Public Involvement and Participation Program Objectives Provide opportunities for the public to participate in program development and implementation and review. Reach out and engage major economic and ethnic groups. i Comply with applicable state and local public notice requirements. BMPs Apex Worksheet BNII' Measurable Goals (a) Program development Conduct a least one public Irlceting to allow the public an opportuniiy to review and comment on the storinwater inaria ement pro ram Needs to do this Q A^ (b) Vohtntcer Program / Community Organize and implement a volunteer stormwater related involvement program designed to promote ongoing citizen participation. Needs to have more public iirput to comment ati and review, r storinivoter Program, Additionril BMPs identified under Public Involvement and Participation Program Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program Objectives The permittee shall develop and implement a program to detect and address illicit discharges, including illegal dumping. The plan should include provisions for: mapping of the storm sewer system to include, at a minimum, outfalls and receiving stream names, i identifying illicit discharges through dry weather visual inspection and/or field testing of indicator parameters, tra1611- the SOLH-COS Of' illicit dtSChar'gCS, removing the sources of illicit discharges, implementing enforccrnent procedLlrCS and actions, educating employees, bUSI11CSSCS, and the general public oil the hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste, providing the public a means to notify appropriate authorities when illicit discharges are observed, and program evaluation and assessment. The permittee shall cffcctively prohibit illicit discharges into the storm sewer system. BMPs BMP Measurable Goads (a) Develop I Implement Illicit Develop and implement an Illicit Discharge Detection and Discharge Detection and Elimination Program Plan in accordance with 15A NCAC Elitninaiion Program Plan 2H .0126. Include provisions for program assessment and evaluation. (b) Establish/Maintain Ordinance Establish and maintain adequate authority/ordinances to prohibit illicit discharges and enforce approved Illicit Apex Worksheet BN1P Measm-able Goals Discharge Detection and L""Iiiiiinatlon Program iv.4444i--F'#f?' I u OK (c) Storm Sewer Systern Mapping Complete identil'ication, locations ofand mapping of stormwater drainage system components. At a minimum, mapping components includes rams, lines. ma , cu s, outfalls and receivin *streams. (teed to add receiving streaiits) (d) Illicit discharge detection lmplement inspection program to detect dry weather flows at Systern outfalls. Establish procedures for tracing the sources of illicit discharges. OK (e) Employee cross -training Conduct training for town staff on detecting and reporting illicit discharges. Need to add (f) Public education Inform public employees, businesses, and the general public of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste. Contact high -priority bllsi11esses Need to do more hei:d (g) Pub] c'reportrjig Establish reporting mechanism for the public to report Illicit discharges. Additional BMPs identified imdei- Illicit DlschatWa Detection and ISliminalion Pi-ogiYiin Construction Site Runofl' Controls Program Obaectlyes i Develop, implement, and enforce a program to recluse pollutants in stormwater runoff from construction activities disturbing one or more acres of' land surface and those activities less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development. Instead of� originating a new program, the permittee may elect to comply with the ob.3ectives above by releying on NCDENR Division of Land Resources (DLR) Erosion and Sediment Control Program, either as administered by DLR, of as delegated by the DLR to another entity with appropriate jurisdiction, inCludtng, tile permittee. B MPs BMP Measurable Goals a. An ordinance for erosion and sediment control Develop and implement an ordinance or other I-cgulatory mechanism requiring erosion and sediment controls at Apex Worksheet BMP• Measurable Goals. construction sites and providing for sanctions 10 ellsure compliance. b. Requirements on construction site operators Require construction site operators to implement erosion and sediment control BMPs and to control construction site waste that may cause adverse water quality impacts. c. Plan reviews Establish procedures that incorporate water quality considerations in construction site plan reviews. d. Public information procedures Establish procedures for receipt and consideration of erosion and sedimentation information submitted by the public. c. Inspection and enforcement rocedures Establish procedures for site inspection and enforcement of control measure requirements. Adrlirionul BAM idenlif'ied under Construction Site Runol]'Controls Program Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Program Objectives Develop, implement and enforce a program to address stormwater runoff From new development / redevelopment that disturbs an acre or more of land surface, including projects less than an acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale. Ensure long term operation and maintenance of BMPs. Ensure controls are in place to minimize water quality impacts. The permittee may elect to comply with the objectives For Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Program by substituting alternative BMPs to those identified below, and by identifying them in the approved Stormwater Management Plan. In every instance the substituted alternate BMP must be at least as protective of water quality as the BMP listed. RMPc BMI, Measurable Goals a. Establish a Post -Construction Site Develop, implement, and enforce a program to address Runoff Controls program. stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment in accordance with 15A NCAC .0126 and the federal regulations incorporated by reference iherein. b. Establish a post -construction Bevelall- Maintain adequate authority and/or ordinances ordinance. to implement and enforce po$t-construction runoff controls rogralll. yWon Apex Worksheet IMP Measurable Goals OK c. Develop community education Develop gmdailec material or training class for local developers explaining the local post -construction approval rocess Not there YK Need to have this mentioned d. Establish compliance and Take appropriate ac(ions to address non-compliance and enforcement procedures. ensure enforcement of (lie Program. OK e. Ensure structural BMP design, Establish pre -construction review of plans inspection during construction, operation, and construction, and post -construction acceptance procedures. maintenance compliance. Require annual BMP inspection reports. Review annual reports. OK f. Control sources of fecal coliform to Develop inspection and control procedures, and conduct an the maximum extent practical. O&M awareness program for on -site wastewater trc,l[Il1Cnt systems and owners. Coordinate with the county health department. OK Apex Worksheet g. Establish it buffer requirement Require that built -upon areas be located at least �30feef landward of all perennial and intermittent surface waters. For the purpose of - this permit, it surface water shall be present 11' the feature is shown of either the most recent version of the soil survey map prepared by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture or the recent version of the 1:24,000 scale (7.5 minute) quadrangle topographic maps prepared b the United States Geologic Serve (USDA). OK 100 ft 1)u fers air all j�ereitnial. s3icurits'ani! _5p fl`br ffcrs ail (!Zl rnlG'r'lTl2tt8rlt"S1riL'[Tr11S h. Ensure long term project Require recorded {feed restrictions and protective covenants conformity with the permittee's to ensure that subsequent development activities will Program objective of minimizing maintain the projects consistent with the permittee's Post - water quality impacts Construction Site Runoff Controls Program. i. Establish low -density development Define low -density projects as having x24A or less built - requirements upon area. Require the use of vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practical. OK 1I2016_Built-uparr'ared j. Make provisipns for additional Establish criteria to identify cluster development conditions requirementsdor cluster on low-deiksity projects at the time of plan revie . Require deve,lapmel> on low density that concentrated development areas be locatec ul upland Projects areas and away from Surface waters an c�dralnagc-ways to the maxirrrrlm extent j ritcticable. Require that undeveloped areas (areas other than bLlll't,,llpoimireas) within the project remain 'In vegetated of natural'S1a1e, and that a maintenance f �� agreement for vegetated or natural area be filed with the A property deed. Recluil-e that built -upon I'CI sign and location, iunoff impact 1 �t �py i mirtiimize on the I _Civii���waters, minimize cod entrated flows, maximize the use of sheet flow t11 OLHTh vegetated areas, and maximize the length of flow throe Th vegetated areas. k. Establish high -density development Define high -density projects as having greater than NON requirements built -upon area. Require the use of structural measures that will control and treat the first inch of stormwater rtin_off from the entire drainage area (whether originating on the project site, of off the project site) contributing to the IIIeasure. Require that the structural measures will: store and discharge the l-year 24-hour stol'rn; release the treatment volume within the range of 48 to 120 hOLIrS; discharge at a rate less than or equal to the predevelopment rate of the l-year. 24-hour storm; remove 85% of the annual TSS load; and conform to the General Engineering Design Criteria established in 15A NCAC 2H .1008(c). 2-year, 10-yr storms, first inch of rainfall, store and discharge the I-yr, 24-I1i stormm discharge lit rate less than predevelopment rate of 1-yr, 24-hi•stoi-m Apex Worksheet I. 1stablish additional shellfish Define low -density projects as having 12% or less built - waters (SA) protection n1Casures u17011 area and within % mile of, and draining to. SA waters. Similarly, define high-dcnsity projects as having 12% or less built -upon area. In addition to the BMP requirements deriving from the density characterization, require BMPs that achieve the highest degree of fecal coliforlff, and that control to the maximum extent practicable klzt s urces of fecal coliforni. Incorporate a pet waste management element in the Program. Prohibit subsequent new point source discharges of stormwater, and prohibit subsequent. expansions (in flow volume or in system capacity) of existing conveyance systems, whether through expansion, redesign, or modification. rra m. Establish additional trout waters For projects draining to Tr waters, require BMPs that avoid (Tr) protection measures a sustained increase in the receiving water telnperature. na n. Establish additional nutrient For projects [Training to NSW waters, require BMPs that sensitive waters (NSW) protection reduce nutrient loading. Implement a nutrient application measures (fertilizer) management element Ill the Program. In areas where the Department has approved it Nutrient Sensitive Water urban Stormwater Management Program, the provisions of the program fulfill the nutrient loading reduction re[ uiremcnt. r'Marient nur'ictgetne it sectioWslufJicicn! fldrlitional BMI's identified railer Post-Coiistruction Site Runoff Controls Progrrrtrl Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Objectives Develop an operation and maintenance program to prevent or reduce stormwater pollLltlOn from municipal operations. This program shall include: ➢ Training municipal employees on pollution prevention measures pertaining to municipal operations such as parks, golf courses, water treatment facilities, transfer stations and open space maintenance, fleet maintenance, new construction or land disturbance, building oversight, planning, and storm sewer system mid literia lice, Inspection and evaluation of municipal operations and Implementation of controls for I-CCIUCIng or' eliminating the discharge Of pollutants from all of the permittee's operations with the potential for generating poliLlted runoff Apex Worksheet BM Ps IIMP Measurable Goals (a) Inspection and evaluation of' Inspect all facilities and operations with the potential facilities and operations for generating polluted stormwater runoff.' owned and operated by the permittce. Specifically inspect the potential sources of polluted runoff, the stormwater controls, and conveyance systems. Document deficiencies and corrective actions. 'Only ivtivtp listed are there more> facilities? (b) Staff training Conduct training on pollution prevention and good housekee ing procedures. OK (c) Review of regulated industrial Conduct annual review of stornwater pollution prevention activities plans for permitted facilities owned and operated by the ermittee. Needs to do this Additional HMPs identified under Pollution Prevention crud Good Housekeeping Used Oil Recycling Recycle all used oil front rnunicipul vehicle maintenance operations. Provide a collection silt for the used oil. Street and Storm Drain Cleaning Develop o schedule for the clertning o siornr drain lincs oral catch basins. Set up a schedrde for street sireeping to remove. loatables fi-om streets and immicipal perking lots.