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NCS000389_MONITORING INFO_20170204
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCS PERMITS PERMIT NO. I'd C5�- DOCTYPE ❑FINAL PERMIT �, MONITORING REPORTS ❑ APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ -Z-al YYYYMMDD DAKAmericas February 26, 2018 REF: NPDES Permit No. NCS000389 Division of Water Quality N.C. DENR Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville NC 28301 -5043 ATTN: Mike Lawyer Dear Sirs: MAR 01 2018 FAYETTEVILLE F��ONAL OFFICE RECEIVED MAR - 5 20% DEO-FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Please find attached the Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report for 2016, Stormwater Permit # NCS000389. Sincerely, Donald Allbright ORC, Safety/Health/ Environmental Technician CERTIFIED MAIL # 7016 1370 00001045 4575 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000389 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2018 YEAR 8 -- PERIOD 2 January 1, 2018 --- June 30, 2018 FACILITY NAME DAK RESINS LLC COUNTY CUMBERLAND PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Sharon Frost 'PHONE NO. (910)433-8227 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) TBLAC DWQ # 37 ` Environmental Chemist, Inc. R EC E I VE D (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTE R DESIGNEE) AES, Inc. A U G 01 20 i8 By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete to the best of my knowledge. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements CENTWt L FILES DWR SECTION Outfall No. Data Sample' Collected TOTAL RAINFALL COD 1,4 DIOXANE , pH OIL & GREASE YEAR 8 PERIOD 2, INCHES MG/L. MG1L SU MGIL 003 YEAR 8 PERIOD 2 No Flow No Flow No Flow No,Flow F 5/15/2018 0.7 <30 <.005 7.1 <5 G 5/15/2018 0.7". 114 <.005 6.7 <5 , H 5115/2018 0.7 60 0.066. 7 <5 , I 1 5/15/2018 0.7 <30 0.0054 6.8 <5 J 5/15/2018 0.7 60 0.063 1 7.4 1 <5 41E 004 YEAR 8 PERIOD 2 No Flow No Flow I No Flowl No Flow I noes mrs Tacnrty perTorm venicre maintenance Activities using more man as ganons or new motor on per montn r yes A no STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): e 511512018 0.7 tl Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center .Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or.those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fines and Imprisonment for knowing violations. ' 7/19/2018 (Signature of Permittee) (Date) _ , DAKAmericas February 4, 2017 REF: NPDES Permit No. NCS000389 Division of Water Quality N.C. DENR Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville NC 28301 -5043 ATTN: Mike Lawyer Dear Sirs: s FEB - 8 2017 r h { Please find attached the Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report for 2016, Stormwater Permit # NCS000389. No rain fall produced a sampling event which meet all the requirements for sampling and could safely be sampled for year 7 period 1. Sincerely, Donald Allbright ORC, Safety/Health/ Environmental Technician CERTIFIED MAIL 0 70161370 00001045 4087 IPermit Number: NCS000389 ITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC TY Cumberland E No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2017 Total no, of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2017 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No las this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other 'as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No �: 3 .G .:�Ri r, fie`,",sr°o;s"r: WH- f. .1. ?r F ...x��piq J xt t'Ralnfatl5£> , K. $g COD_: �� z '14"Diozane 'j,JiaIffi = H 01148� CreaseLR p<. ; ! t o tl"W% nt }i . 'rZ Date Sample Collected, mm Idd1 yy 218/20171 0.3 411 0.044 71 <4.76 10129/20171 430 0.018 7.21 <5 Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2017 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No ...l A"A"'� R '�. .�.-_.... m F tS , , " MW &C 5 P' 1 yyqYYq{YIr�, 1 y "COD =14 Dlozan� pH iOH iease g aw 7\. t:Yi a rt�ry5 1� x" �,Mi, 7�� r ` $m, !tr § gsm xo Irtches�, ymgll�b: mg1Lz 3tandacd,�mglL'I�� Benchmark L'zF ,;, y 92Q� 0 a ;, y ( $ to=9 t ry �30 i U. a AMR WIN � Ea� IIIIRM.. r MOVE Date Sample Collected, W0.850N.0- mm Iddl yy 2/15/2017 41.61 0.0471 7.4 0.95 IYear 8 Period 1 INO FLOW Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT Kil Ir1 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY CumBerland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2017 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No arame erj Lft ■mot Rainfall COD 1!4 Dioxane 0 pH Oil l;, Grease Inches mglL mglL Standard mglL 8ertchmark Ioi120 NKQ_3�= B two 9 Date Sample Collected, mm Iddl yy 2/8/2017 0.3 <30 <.005 8.8 0.76 10/29/2017 11 <30 <.005 7.11 <5 ermit Number: NCS000389 'ACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC ;OUNTY Cumberland 'HONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2017 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfell was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other 'as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No Rainfall COD 1!4 Dloxane pW as mL O�If�1�Ggrease inchglmglL Standard 8eficF rierk20 Nt0.49= 30 Date Sample Collected, mm Iddl yy Year 7 Period 2 INo Flow Year 8 Period 1 jNo Flow 1011 Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2017 Total no. of SDO9 Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No DAKAmericas " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." �► _GNP,1 • i Signature Date STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFAL MONITORING �RV J� D Permit Number: NCS000389 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDA If: Z 17 YEAR 8 — PERIOD 1 July 1, 2017 --- DgR01r Q;017 F FACILITY NAME DAK RESINS LLC GCNTRPLi~1l-ESCOUNTY CUMBERLAND PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Sharon Frost DWR S�C�10 PHONE NO. (910)433-8227 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) f TBL NC DWQ # 37 `„pr_�s9-.3 �,i7_ ii Environmental Chemist, Inc. (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) AES, Inc. By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete to the best of my knowledge. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Ir STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 10/29/2017 Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (inches): 1 1617 Mail Service Center _ Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fines and Imprisonment for knowing violations. 1 /19/2018 (Signature of Permit e) (Date) _ STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000389 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR:y7,017 YEAR 8 -- PERIOD 1 July 1, 2017 --- December 31, 2017 FACILITY NAME DAK RESINS LLC COUNTY CUMBERLAND PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Sharon Frost PHONE NO. 910 433-8227 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) TBL' NC DWQ # 37 Environmental- Chemist, Inc. (SIGNATURE OF PERMI OR DESIGNEE) AES, Inc. By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete to the best of my knowledge. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Ouffall No. Date Sample Collected TOTAL RAINFALL COD. 1A DIOXANE' pH OIL & GREASE YEARS PERIOD 1 INCHES MGIL ' MGIL ' Sul MGIL 003 No Flow No Flow No Flowl No Flow F 10/29/2017 1 <30 0.017 7.6 <5 10/29/2017 1 <30 0.018 7.2 <5 H No Flow No Flow No Flow No Flow i 10129/2017 1 <30 <.005 7.4 <5 J 10/29/2017 1 <30 <.005 9 7.1 <5 004 No Flow No Flow I No Flow No Flow uoes inns Tacnrty perrorm venue maintenance Activities using more inan as gauons oT new motor ou per montn r yes A no STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS:_ Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 10129/2017 Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (inches): 1 1617 Mail Service Center -Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 " I certify, under penalty of law, that -this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly, responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted Is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am ware that there are significant penalties for submitting false inforrriation, Including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. 1 /19/2018 (Signature of Penni ) (Date) i• DAKAmericas RECEIVED FEB 4 9 2017 CENTRAL FILES OWR SECTION February 4, 2017 REF: NPDES Permit No: NCS000389 Division of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh N.C. 27699-1617 ATTN: Central Files Dear Sirs: There was no rain fall event which meet all requirements and could safely be sampled for Year 7 Period 1. We will continue to monitor for the next rainfall event which meets the requirements for sampling. Sincerely, Donald Allbright Wastetreatment ORC CERTIFIED MAIL # 70161370 00001045 4018 Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. (910)433.821r--- STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDO9 Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was, In Tier 2 lost year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other lWas this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No ME Ai hii 004W ft- �"COD f"- 1;4.Did) 1' -06 �mg/R V 0 -30, Date Sample Collected, mm Idd/ yy 6/15120161 1.1 22.2 0.0931 7.01 0.761 Year 7 Period 1 INO FLOW--r I I I I STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000389 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR:-201 YEAR 6 -- PERIOD 2 January 1, 2016 -- Jun lit FACILITY NAME DAK RESINS LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Sharon Frost CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) TBL NC DWQ # 37 ESC Lab Science # 375 AES, Inc. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements RECOVED JUL 2 9 2016 CENTRAL FILES , 2016 DWR SECTION COUNTY CUMBERLAND PHONE NO. (910)4334227 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEEE 0 QQ DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report Is accurate complete to the best of my knowledge. Outrall No. Datet. Sample ' Collected. . TOTAL RAINFALL COD i 1',4 DIOXANE . " . pH - • OIL & GREASE 6 INCHES MGIL MGIL SU MGIL 003 YEAR 6 PERIOD 2 1.1 No Flow No Flow No Flow No Flow F YEAR 6 PERIOD 2 1.11 ".4 0.009 7 0.76 G YEAR 6 PERIOD 2 1.1 50.2 <.005 6.8 0.76 H YEAR 6 PERIOD 2 1.1 22.2 <.005 6.7 0.76 1 YEAR 6 PERIOD 2 1.1 <30 0.093 6.1 <4.76 J YEAR 6 PERIOD 2 1.1 22.2 0.093 7 0.76 004 (Formerly DTF) YEAR 6 PERIOD 2 1.1 <30 0.16 6.6 0.76 Does this tacility perform vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? yes X no STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: ` 'Division of Water Quality Date 6/16/2016 _ Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (inches): 1.1 1617 Mail Service Center Event duration (hours): 4 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fines and Imprisonment for knowing violations. 7/19/2016 (Signature of Permitte (Date) (Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDO9 Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWO to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No Date Sample Collected, mm lddl yy Year 6 Period 2 Year 7 Period 1 IPermit Number: NCS000389 ACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC ;OUNTY um er an HONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWO to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SOO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumbefland PHONE No. (9101433-8227 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY um er an PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Outfall No. is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No ararret6 ju is a K0_L �1i _ _�1 �_.. 5 Rainfall COD '1!4 Dioxane H 011 S Grease p Inches mglL mglL Standard mg1L Benchmarlc� E120= O:4= Bjta1m Date Sample Collected, mm lddl yy mok 6/15/201 fi 1.1 50.2 a.005 6.8 ca.76 Year 7 Period 1 NO FLOW IPermit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. (910) 433-8227 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SOO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDO9 Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SOO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No Rainfall r �9_04 a, PRIM, wnqqkk6vW"V Mx "' "'w$44P wvw P 10 D,-.'�, �'-no ,1,4"MWJCdfi nn rdf n pH n 10% :0rdase: K 10 M Date Sample Collected, mm/ddlyy 1 6/15120161 1.1 22.2 <.005 6.7 0.76 lYear 7Period l NO FLOW Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWO to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No 4rameter11 un Rainfall COD '1!4 DioxaneMWpH OII 11Grease n Inches mglL mgll. Standard mg1L Date Sample Collected, mm /ddl yy MM M 6/15/2018 1.1 <30 0.093 6.1 <4.76 Year 7 Period 1 INO FLOW Number. NCS000389 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No Year 7 Period 1 JNo Flow Number. NCS000389 CILITY NAME' DAK Americas, LLC UNTY Cumberland ONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) . ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year 7 No this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other 'as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No (Permit Number: NC9000399 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC . COUNTY Pumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Outfall No. F Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted.? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No aramater, urn is lialnfall COD 1,4 Qioxane pH NlIffireOdOIDInchea mglL ' mglL $#andard i3enchmar� M2 IN12'4M IWL§to 9 90 Date Sample Collected, mm Iddl yy 6115/20161 1.1 44.4 0.009 7 Year 7 Perlod 1 INOFLOW Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOs Monitored Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) 7 No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year 7 No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No 7 arame. &!Lnits un ota NIfll[ _ __ _ = 0�. ,.�j� �■! Rainfall GOD 4 Dioxane pH D31 &Grease Inc es mg1L mglL Standard mglL Benchma ic' ! 1� JjjjMjjjjjL0!4= MIJL6jto1� Date Sample Collected, mm Iddl yy 6115/2016 1.1 60.2 <.005 6.8 Year 7 Perlod 1 INO FLOW IPermit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfail currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other ►as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No arameter,1u�l RalnfaN COD 1,4 Dioxane pF! Oil Grease inches N r mglL Standard mq't Benctimark� �i WNW MU 4M EK6 tNL Date Sample Collected, mm 1dd1 yy 6115120161 1.1 22.2 <.0051 6.7 0.76 Year 7 Period 1 INO FLOW JPermit Number: NCS000389 Y NAME DAK Americas, LLC fCumberland No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SOO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDO9 Monitored 7 is this outfell currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the Past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SOO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No fl 3 vS� if�ii:r4 •�.... �.,w,w-W....,fA F.;" k1,.F �ra� i�'iY.:1L}la.fa.iN.rY4� ..,h, 1, a:�-.� .u�"�� " Rainfall s ,�x N .4 i -Y., �s�.�..a.a..-0,AF ,yg aye _ VPkQ ....m, _ U V5 IL71 t? �. m ���� P ". M - '' 1i- ta" �' . a ft '�3M[ '.��A� CO9D*4 F14 Diozane y pH, '.Staniiard _ Y mEf►L; x. a.:f ��I , �::�` :..�� .< : a�� hr�. ` t3enchmark ,� :' Y12Q; . .,0.4 TIO� S POA9-" �: ,30` �.r:, �� 4 RK li �• �a Date Sample Collected, mm Idd/ yy 6/15/2016 1.1 <30 0.093 6.1 <4.76 Year 7 Period 1 NO FLOW (Permit Number: NCS000389 Y NAME DAK Americas, LLC f Cumberland No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOe Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No --"NDAK�Americas "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature Date DAKAmericas "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." !a .I- / 7 Signature Date DAKAmericas February 23, 2016 REF: NPDES Permit No. NCS000389 Division of Water Quality N.C. DENR Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville NC 28301 -5043 ATTN: Mike Lawyer Dear Sirs: V RECEIVED DEQ/DWR FEB 2 G 2016 FAYETiEVILLEOROONAL OFFICE Please find attached the Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report for 2015, Stormwater Permit # NCS000389. Sincerely, Donald Allbright ORC, Safety/Health/ Environmental Technician CERTIFIED MAIL # 7015 1660 0000 74418118 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000389 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2015 YEAR 8 -- PERIOD 1 July 1, 2015 --December 31, 2015 FACILITY NAME DAK RESINS LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES). DONALD ALLBRIGHT CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) TBL NC DWQ # 37 ESC Lab Science # 376 AES Inc. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements REC,E VED FEET i, N IL - CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION COUNTY CUMBERLAND ONE N0. 910 433-8227 (SIGNATURE•OF PERMITTE R DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report Is accurate complete to the best of my knowledge. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected TOTAL RAINFALL COD 1,4 DIOXANE pH OIL & GREASE 20 5 INCHES MGIL MGIL SU MGIL . 003 YEAR 6 PERIOD 1 0.25 no flow no flow no flow no flow 004 YEAR 6 PERIOD 1 0.25 no flow no flow no flow no Now F YEAR 6 PERIOD 1 0.25 <30 0.026 7.3 0.76 G YEAR 6 PERIOD 1 0.25 <30 0.03 7.4 0.76 H. YEAR 6 PERIOD 1 0.25 . <30 0.047 <4.63 I YEAR 6 PERIOD 1 0.25 <30 0.011 <4.63J YEAR 6 PERIOD 1 0.25 <30 <.005 ]j4j 0.63 noes tnis facility perform venicie maintenance Activities using more tnan 55 gallons of new motor oil per monin'r yes x no ♦A STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 12/14/2016 Total Event Precipitation (Inches): 0.65 Event duration (hours): 1 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files s 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility o imprisonment for knowing violations. oZ - 3 (Signature of Pe (Date) Number: NCS000389 Y NAME DAK Americas, LLC r Cumberland No. (916) 433-8227 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No ras this ouffall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this ouffall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other 'as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No 77 7 "T "VVU" a Rerameter,lf(unl%)�.7', 7,; K 4:DI6ian6 Z., p 'H ah.& )IL&' 4.,j p m to a d nd r pa Benchmark '0, - & Data Sample Collected, mm /dd/ yy 6/2/2 0.31 <30 0.12 7.1 0.8 12114120151_ 0.261 <301 0.0261 7.31 0.761 1 lermit Number: NCS000389 ACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC ;OUNTY CumSeRand HONE No. (910)433-8227 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SOO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2015 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other 'as this SOO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities 7 No I .rSi W ,..�a_rameter�,+��g 4 .nt u' F a ...�. '.: .y� �?t4Jis }�c* ,� 'aEk t �,�� � .Fi'?S'i. COD 1;4 Diftf -6 �pH,; OII'8 Grease' °inches mgl€. - mg1E, Standarii mg1L ." M WMiyl., Benchriiark_ " . - ' � 70 0-R 6,#Eto 9AN FAW40AMIMMUNWA, ... . Date Sample Collected, mm Iddl yy 6/2/2015 0.35 68.3 0.029 7.1 <4.8 12/1412015 0.25 <301 0.0261 7.41 0.76 Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2018 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No 3 k,)�:. ' � i.•;:P'�.'tf .r.'i: :...'_ ,,..h.•'f ..:...:..-h $ % . •. ;. 'ss.s. ...: d ��& 'lTr � - 'iS 6 wt '�;t a� '�yJ..::.. _'k `C ,N 3 7x. r :C, t .x•:y ;.,,t if „ .. .. �.i �1 p�4, �■ ..arame 1 Y� ..... .... .. 1. .. a 'i S: .... .„"' .,;.s.�-,.. #3;'.': 'i x�.' Y t .i M _.x2- r t �* - '9' tw D 1. -Lr: ,€,I t. 1, _ j y i.'r m , ,<agr . SV, , S + . .._ Ky. COD yx� 1 4 Dloxane 1 C"+69 .,. ,, pii .y A a's Oil 81 Grease F,p: �' Rainfall. i - ;:%,m ,.,1 _y.n..X':.`r6 r. 1:;� Standard `m8►i. y.V M��' Date Sample Collected, mm lddl yy 612J20151 66-31 0A42 7.11 0.8 0.35 12/14/2015 0.251 <301 0.0471 7.41 0.63 Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. 7 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2015 Total no. of SDO9 Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) 7 No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities 7 No arameter;. un _. .. 4?:: ` = + <, x;,, ` z Rainfall' COD: Inehes'. mg1L n-+.,;, _ :. e ff'V v rryzns c 01 Y.- - 14 Dioxane mg1L 5 pH ,; Standards. OII 8 Greases �- rriglL r' a 4 ,120;. , ,$ , . 0 4 :_.'= 6 to;:9 . , r Date Sample Collected, mm 1dd1 yy 61212015 0.351 <30 <.0051 6.91 0.8 12/14/2015 0.251 <301 0.011 71 0.63 Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2015 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year 7 No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other 'Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No sl V } s� Y In III ia� = COIa. r :1x4:Dioxane u- �kx '..o .ti- H t , f P s y4r.�.3-.r., VIVA rease �.fi-` u� '` �„ •t 7 j.. �._ e a tandard ..,aj0,Ln r � ,, ... . ,Inches ���,mjyL; �S ���� x _ r.[ .-. •. 9 � F0. a 4 '�.,r,.M . . ,0.` ti V ,to 9 . 30 .fi L 'l! . ... :. Hate Sample Collected, OMEN mm lddl yy 6/2/2015 0.351 <301 <0051 <4.8 6.91 12/1412015 0.25 ___<301 <0051 81 0.63 Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2016 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other 'as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No ,aramun _ . Ralniatl coo Inches mglL 1,a Dioxane H r mg/ Standard OII S Grease mglL Benchmafk� �124� 0EU0!4= B to 9M �30� Date Sample Collected, mm Idd1 yy Year S Period 2 No Flow Year B Period 1 INo Flow Number: NCS000389 Y NAME DAK Americas, LLC fCumberland No.(9101333-8227 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2015 Total no. of SDO9 Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No DAKAmericas "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature z-23-1Co Date STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000389 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2015 jYEAR 5 -- PERIOD 2 January 1, 2015 --- June 30, 2015 FACILITY NAME DAK RESINS LLC..- COUNTY CUMBERLAND PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) ._Wayne Williams.: ti Donald Allbrlght PHONE NO. (910)433-8227_ CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) TBL NC DWQ # 37 cwpgn i ESC Lab Science 9 375 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE DESIGNEE) AES, Inc. By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete to the best of my knowledge. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date- Sample Collected 00340 82388 00400 00556.s TOTAL RAINFALL COD I 1,4 DIOXANE I. pH - OIL B GREASE INCHES MG/L MG/L SU MGIL 003 YEAR 5 PERIOD 2 0.35 No Flow No Flow No Flow No Flow F YEAR 5 PERIOD 2 0.36 <30 0.12 7.1 0.8 G YEAR 5 PERIOD 2 0.35 66.3 0.029: 7.1 0.8 H YEAR 5 PERIOD 2 0.35 66.3 0.042 7.1 0.8 I YEAR 5 PERIOD 2 0.35 <30 <.005 6.9 0.8 J YEAR 5 PERIOD 2 0.35 <30 <.005 6.9 0.8 004 (Formerly DTF) YEAR 5 PERIOD 2 0.35 58.6 0.008 6.3 0.8 uoes tnis racuiry perform venicie maintenance Activities using more tnan ob gallons of new motor oil per montn7 yes x no w STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 6/2/2015 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.35 Event duration (hours): 2 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Fifes 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and'evaivate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Inclu g the posse es and imprisonment for knowing.rriolations. i 711612015 g ature o rrm ) (Date) i i• DAKAmericas July 16, 2015 JUL 2 1 � 2015 REF: NPDES Permit No. NCS000389 CENTRgt FILES Division of Water Quality CwR 3SC71a N.C. DENR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh N.C. 27699-1617 ATTN: Central Files Dear Sirs: Please find attached the analytical monitoring for Year 5 Period 2 for Stormwater Permit # NCS000389. No rainfall event produced a flow from Outfall 003. All Outfalls sampled were below Benchmark Values. Sincerely, Donald Allbright Wastetreatment ORC CERTIFIED MAIL # 7014 3490 0000 9433 2133 A DAKAmericas -;W, loorj!'� February 23, 2015 REF: NPDES Permit No. NCS000389 Division of Water Quality N.C. DENR Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville NC 28301 -5043 ATTN: Mike Lawyer FEB 2 7 2015 Dear Sins: Please find attached the Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report for 2014 Period 2 and for Stormwater Permit # NCS000389. Sincerely, Donald Allbright ORC, Safety/Health/ Environmental Technician CERTIFIED MAIL # 7007 3020 0000 0809 5470 It Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Eumberland PHONE No. 3 227 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2014 Total no. of SDO9 Monitored 7 this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No i i. -__ .-.... u �,Y R�sinfall ^COD 1 4Dloxane pZ< 'Oil?WGrease � I= 9 I=Y inches mglL mglL Standard :mglL " 13.6 chmark , 0.4 .: 8 fo 9 . 3Dq . .. °t Date Sample Collected, mm lddl yy 4/15120141 58.5 <.051 6.921 0.8 1.71 11►22/2014 0.71 7.5 <.0051 7.521 0.7 (Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. 4 3 7 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2014 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No las this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other ►as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No meter � un is v: � F' 5. ' �W - .� _61:s: h � � 3q.;St'+4t, r ;Rainfall ,j , COD„ 3 fYW<''. 1"WMI xane a 'K ''%� 'e pH f, , 0.3•rg'y WO &''Greased %fi "-P'�' i i q ', , 3, . p �K"N"z Inches: : YmglLy w'Stan dardymglL 4 wmglLw; Benchmark, y1200 4 a;6Yto 9 s 30 �; { Date Sample Collected, !q mm Idd! yy 411512014 1.7 76.2 <.05 6.75 0.7 1 11122/20141 0.71 96.31 0.0161 7.561 0.8 (Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. (910)433-8227 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2014 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfali currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities 7 No stems. r unMR! 11i Ralniall *�s GO 14Dlo H n hk&and. IIBG' ;;t F`saad � m L{ rm E: k,...s i. Benchmark i .?. 20;z to s.. saw r�yy.•s Date Sample Collected, 0 E mm !dd! yy 4/15/2014 0.7 1.7 41.40 <.050 6.81 11122120141 0.71 66.81 <0051 7.361 0.8 Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY EumBeriand PHONE No. 433-8227 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2014 Total no. of S009 Monitored 7 this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other 'as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No c.." ',AC?� .` A'.% R6'^�I1.V•tl'AN�,�. «. �. &+i 1� ti"'w'"' � „arame er Un��sF. 1"�'L" vi'. '`. a<, Y 0 Ui'F, �, ip w�+M1Fd .:..-._S YA ,tU 8 �� R�+6X°`�QQ . . sn,,-i y 3� N._ yGOp,i4 Dl � E- Wolr&pese,ncies s $r >. mR,9l darcOiane dS s Benchmark VW,r:, e. Date Sample Collected, N"3.8N180 N6.9pn<4.51 mm lddl yy 5/1412014 �--11,2/16120UJ0.451 <051 <30 <.0051 7.21 0.6 Number: NCS000389 Y NAME DAK Americas, LLC um an No. 7 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2014 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWO to reduce monitoring frequency Other as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No t ry k '.,, ,;s .a ramer, un V', Ff ✓; :�„ 3,_. <. 1 ''� ..d .: :� 0�¢ Dvi: .b Rain#all COD, �.r.. 1,4 Dioxane q pH , a"OII 8 Greased; A ; Inches; mglL :Standard.�'" mg1L _ Benchmark 124 0 4 , : 6 to 30' ' f: '. : z> 5 }l : .8 ...t .. Date Sample Collected, INN mm Iddl yy - 5/1 2 141 3FZ--.8 112 <.05 7.2 <4.8 11/22/2014 0.7 35.3 0.0077 7.07 <4.8 Number: NCS000389 Y NAME DAK Americas, LLC f Cumberland No. 9 7 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2014 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other 'as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No ,arametertrt is Rainfall COD 1,4 Dloxane qH.1111111111111111 Inches mgll. ' mgll, Standard Oil 8 Grease mglL Benchiriark� i�120� tQ'46 to 9 Date Sample Collected, mm lddl yy MIN No Flow INO Flow Year 4 Period 2 Year 5 Period 'I Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. 9433-8227 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2014 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 7 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) 7 No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No { „ MOW, ft ,}N1F : ..Ia ? f;o C M IN 7� �p k..'�Ry Rainfall ; COD ;1,4 Dlazane H ` a �"`Oli & Greases* �° 'dt _,Y lnches.s;: ?° mglL IBenohmark s �°,x. -Y}a ,q,• + : s .'k, ai. E r Date Sample Collected, mm lddl yy 5114/20, 3.8 38.4 6.76 0.3 11/22/2014 * 0.7 1 87.7 1 0.0096 7.22 0.8 *DAK Purchased Dupont Facility sampling under Permit # NCS000056 * Permit #NCS000056 was resinded outfall 004 was added to Permit #NCS000389 DAKAmericas " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 1a3 Jails Date STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 11/22/2014 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.7 Event duration (hours): 14 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. (Signature of Permittee) (Date) DAKAmericas December 12, 2014 REF: NPDES Permit No. NCS000389 RECEIVED Division of Water Quality DEC 17 2014ENCT N.C. DENR 6N SECTIL FILES 1617 Mail Service Center N Raleigh N.C. 27699-1617 ATTN: Central Files Dear Sirs: Please find attached the analytical monitoring for Year 5 Period 1 for Stormwater Permit # NCS000389. No rainfall event produced a flow from Outfall 003 or Outfall I. Sincerely, '�D uy-'� Donald Allbright Wastetreatment ORC CERTIFIED MAIL # 7007 3020 0000 0809 5500 f, STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000389 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2014 YEAR 5 -- PERIOD 1 July 1, 2014 --- December 31, 2014 FACILITY NAME DAK RESINS LLC C COUNTY CUMBERLAND PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Donald AllbrigW R� GHONE NO. 1810i433-8227 � CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) TBL NC DWQ # 37 1 �415 ESC Lab Science # 375 �p+N (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE & DESIGNEE) AES, Inc. CENTRAL FILES By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate pWR SECTION complete to the best of my knowledge. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Ouffall No. Data Sample Collected TOTAL RAINFALL COD 1,4 DIOXANE pH OIL & GREASE 20 4 INCHES MG/L MG/L SU MG/L 003 YEAR 5 PERIOD 1 0.45 No Flow No Flow No Flow No Flow Outfell I YEAR 5 PERIOD 1 0.45 <30 <.005 7.2 0.6 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? yes X no Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK RESINS LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL MONITORING REPORT SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2014 YEAR 5 -- PERIOD 1 July 1, 2014 --- December 31, 2014 Wayne Williams Jacob Sessoms TBL NC DWQ 0 37 ESC Lab Science # 375 AES, Inc. COUNTY CUMBERLAND PHONE NO. (9101433-8227 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OWDESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete to the hest of my knowledge. Outfall No. Data Sample Collected TOTAL RAINFALL COD 1,4 DIOXANE pH OIL & GREASE 11/2212014 INCHES MGlL MGlL SU MGIL 003 YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 0.7 No Flow No Flow No Flow No Flow F YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 0.7 7.5 <.005 7.52 0.7 G YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 0.7 96.3 0.015 7.56 0.8 H YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 0.7 55.8 <.005 7.36 0.8 I YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 0.7 1 No Flow No Flow No Flow No Flow S YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 0.7 35.3 0.0077 7.07 0.8 004 (Formerly DTF) YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 0.7 87.7 0.0096 7.22 0.6 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? yes X no � { + _, i , 1 } l � � � � � �� � 1 • " "' f ,. � R • 1 • '" • � � �� a STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 12/1 B12014 Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.46 Event duration (hours): 8 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the Information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. L - /- 9- IS (Signature of Permittee) (Date) DAKAmericas June 5, 2014 REF: NPDES Permit No. NCS000389 Division of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh N.C. 27699-1617 ATTN: Central Files Dear Sirs: Please find attached the analytical monitoring for Year 4 Period 2 for Stormwater Permit # NCS000389. No rainfall event produced a flow from Outfall 003.Outfall I exceeded the Benchmark Limit for COD. Tier 1 protocol has been followed. Sincerely, oho.�o� Donald Allbright Wastetreatment ORC CERTIFIED MAIL # 7007 3020 0000 0809 5906 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000389 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2014 YEAR 4 -- PERIOD 2 January 1, 2014 -- June 30, 2014 FACILITY NAME DAK RESINS LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) DONALD ALLBRIGHT CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) TBL NC DWQ # 37 ESC Lab Science # 375 AES, Inc. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements COUNTY CUMBERLAND PHONE NO. (910I433-8221 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTE@ OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete to the hest of my knowledge. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 00340 82388 00400 00556 TOTAL RAINFALL COD 1,4 DIOXANE pH OIL & GREASE INCHES MGIL MGIL SU MGIL 003 YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 3.8 No Flow No flow No flow No Flow I YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 3.8 180 <.050 6.9 <4.5 J YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 3.8 112 <.050 7.2 0.8 004 (Formerly DTF) YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 3.8 44.4 <.05 7.1 <4.7 uoes this tacmry perform venicie maintenance Acntrmes.using more inan oo ganons,ot new motor oli per montn-r yes A no f RECEIVED JUN 12 2014 CENTRAL FILE; 0WQl80G v N STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event duration (hours): 5/15/2014 3.8 8 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information, inc ing the possibility of fines and Imprisonment for knowing violations. - ho I V (Si ature of Permittee] - (Date) DAK Americas February 3, 2014 REF: NPDES Permit No. NCS000389 Division of Water Quality N.C. DENR Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville NC 28301 -5043 ATTN: Mike Lawyer E E B 5 2014 Dear Sus: Please find attached the Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report for 2013 Year 3 Period 2 and Year 4 Period 1 for Stormwater Permit # NCS000389. Sincerely, Donald Allbright ORC, Safety/Health/ Environmental Technician CERTIFIED MAIL # 7007 3020 0000 0809 5838 DAKAmericas May 19, 2014 REF; NPDES Permit No. NCS000389 Division of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh N.C. 27699-1617 ATTN: Central Files Dear Sirs: Please find attached the analytical monitoring for Year 4 Period 2 for Stormwater Permit # NCS000389. No rainfall event produced a flow from Outfall 003. Was unable to sample Outfalls Ij and 004 will be sampled at a later date. Sincerely, Donald Allbright Wastetreatment ORC CERTIFIED MAIL # 7007 3020 0000 0809 5876 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NCS000389 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2014 YEAR 4 -- PERIOD 2 January 1, 2014 --- June 30, 2014 FACILITY NAME DAK RESINS LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) DONALD ALLBRIGHT CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) TBL NC DWQ # 37 ESC Lab Science # 375 AES, Inc. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements COUNTY CUMBERLAND PHONE NO. (910)433.8227 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTLEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete to the hest of my knowledge. Outfall No. Data Sample Collected 00340 82388 00400 00556 TOTAL RAINFALL COD 1,4 DIOXANE pH OIL Ili GREASE 371972 INCHES MGIL MG/L SU MGIL 003 YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 1.7 No Flow No flow No flow No Flow F YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 1.7 58.5 <.050 6.9 0.8 f G YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 1.7 76.2 <.050 6.8 0.7 f . H YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 1.7 41.4 C050 6.8 0.7 I YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 1.7 J YEAR 4 PERIOD 2 1.7 " 004 (Formerly DTF). , YEAR.4,PERI0D 2 , 1.7 " * Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using mare than 55�gallons of, new motor.oil per month?, yes X no " Was unable to sample outfalls I,J and 004 during this rain event will sample at a later date. ! f W RECEIVED MAY 2 2 2D14 'CENTRAL FILES 0WQI80G STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 4/15/2014 Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (inches): 1.7 1617 Mail Service Center Event duration (hours): 5 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision In accordance with a system designed,to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Information, the information submitted Is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, luding the possibility of fines,and imprisonment for- knowing violations. 4 h,0 ( nature of Permittee) ' . (Date) S t ' 4 Permit Number: NCS000389 Y NAME OAK Americas, LLC f Cumberland No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2013 Total no. of SDO9 Monitored Outfall No. F Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 fast year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWO to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SOO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No 4E9 5 2014 8 arame eri url Rainfall COD 1,4 Dioxane H p Inches mglL rngA Standard OII 8 Grease mglL - Date Sample Collected, mm Iddl yy 6/3/2013 0.5 <30 <.05 7.42 <5 11/26/2013 1.851 <30 <.051 7.071 <5 � � . l._, � � '! 51' ., J � i .,' ' e i � f� �. � � . � .. , ' � r ' r V T e._ .. ♦ � . 4 - - �� Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTEALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2013 Total no. of SDOs Monitored 6 Is this outfail currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWO to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No arame erl units Rainfall ''0 1,4 Dioxane inches tng1L mg1L p H Standard OII p Grease mglL Date Sample Collected, mm Iddl yy 613/20131 0.51 1661 <051 6.671 <51 OMNI 11126/20131 1.851 1121 <051 7.061 <5 Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2013 FEB 5 VA Total no. of SDOs Monitored 6 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfali was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No �arameter� un Rainfall �t DECO.151 Dioxane H lL mg1L Standard 1•��� Oli 8► Greasees mg1L Date Sample Collected, mm Iddl yy 6/3/20131 0.61 55.8 <.051 6.851 <5 11/26/20131 1.861 71.3 <.05 7.161 <5 L � � � T' f � � � � � .. I i l q i i Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2013 Total no. of SDOs Monitored Is Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWO to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No FEB 5 2011 .� 1. �r ; °Rainfill �� �, � .,�-: J 4 P"1 COD; � a f� �Y'a;'- 5, � 1i<.j05i6.9j3i •A�. : :� MNFl� rtOil &FGrease °� :,r' _ aj�x.. Js' 'i . � m9�1-Benchmark i'�d a ?� f ': Date Sample Collected, "0.5038.41.93 mm 1dd/ yy 613/2013 <5 11126/2013 1.851 <30 <.061 6,951 <5 i i i . -, _ °'' .. • � _ - J'i' � � + , ,r r � , �,t � k - � � � .. � .1 � A s (Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2013 Total no. of SDOs Monitored Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No FEB 65 2014 arameter� un Rainfall O i,4 DioxaneH Standard QII &GIaseL01-MMUNM mg Benchi�ark�- Date Sample Collected, mm lddl yy 613120131 0.51 47.3 <.05 6.76 <5 11/2612013 1.851 <30 <.051 6.7 <5 Permit Number: NCS000389 FACILITY NAME DAK Americas, LLC COUNTY Cumberland PHONE No. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT 2013 Total no. of SDO9 Monitored F J5 5 2014 this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) ? No 'as this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year ? No this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discounted ? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other 'as this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities ? No �_� _ •- ,;:. � , s j , � _ / ' � r , z � . � - '� � � S f + DAKAmericas FEB 5 2014 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." IFA Signature ©ate Y DAKAmericas January 9, 2015 REF: NPDES Permit No. NCS000389 Division of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh N.C. 27699-1617 Al TN: Central Files Dear Sirs: Please find attached the analytical monitoring for Outfall I, Year 5 Period 1. No rainfall event produced a flow from Outfall 003 for this period. Sincerely, Donald Allbright Wastetreatment ORC C�� I31 �� 1 � ��u /� l 1E:3r1iI�Yl��il►�EIQiIiI�Iil:Iil • ' • ,