HomeMy WebLinkAbout19961134 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19961211x 0 W • (D 0 F, w n m O rt F• rt p' Gf C'1 O W W 9C p ri CL O N F? c,.oz ?• • ?n w ? w ft 1U N Ul G ? n r rn W ? r? N b rn z n ? rt 0 N n rt n (D O U) rti t? C n O rD rh x A > w ? yr O O M li C ? ^I S x r•. o w o y K C7 z (? v, O H 00 O ? K• H r? A i '. t; w ? k k l State of North Carolina IVA Department of Environment, 3"r Health and Natural Resources AT4 tv • Division of Water Quality James Hunt, Governor ED E F1 Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director December 19, 1996 Caldwell County WQC 401 Project #961134 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. Richard A. Carlton J.R. Property, Inc. 44th Ave. Dr., N.W. Hickory, NC 28601 Dear Mr. Carlton: You have our approval to impact acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of constructing a dock and boat slips at Naushon Development on Lake Hickory, as you described in your application dated 3 December 1996. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2674. This certification allows you to use General Permit Number 030 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, o ard, Jr. P.E. Pn H Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Xew4e11111•Dormy . Central Files 9601134.ltr Division of Water Quality - Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer - 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper A _ _. ) Fob-11-97 02:29P Hky hmartt lung vascular FAX COVER SHEET FROHi 704 324 9189 P_01 HICKORY HMART. LUNG. AND VASCULAR ASSOCIATES. P.A. RICHARD A. CARLTON. H.D. HARK H. HERRINGTON, N.D. 420 NORTH CENTER STREET HICKORY NC 28601 (704) 323-1100 FAX (704) 324-9189 PAGES i or SENT EY: tba4;t:P4-4---'. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEHS WITH THE RECEPTION OF THIS FAX, PLEASE CALL (704) 323,1100. .o. Oar DATE i ;?- t f - T.7 ATTENTION: nn -- , rev v j ? U /h,/, 0 HAVE A GREAT DAY1 Fob-11-97 02-30P Hky hmart lung vascular 704 324 9189 P_02 J. P. PROPEM, INC. 377 44TH AVENUE DR., N.H. HICKORY, N.C. 28601 704-323-9751 December 3, 1996 North Carolina Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Wetlands & Technical Review P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626 Attn: John Dorney Re: Naushon Development Dear Mr. Dorney Attached in a mite plan for a shoreline development at tha above referenced subdivislon. Application is being made to Duke Power Company for the required F.E.R.C. permit to construct a dock, with 4 floating boat slips at this subdivision. We ask that you advise us within 60 days, by return mail, of any comments you may have eoncerning this development or any permits your authority may require. Your comments are a requirement of the F.E.R.C. per application. Thank you for your cooperation and prompt response. Please advise me if additional information it needed, you may contact me or my office managar, Marti Pollack, at 704-323-1100. Please mail reply to Richard A. Carlton, 420 North Center Street, llickory, N.C. 28601. Sincerely, Ric rd A. Carlton Encl. or Fmb-11-97 02-30P Hky hcaart lung uascular 704 324 9189 P_03 1. Naushon development is approximately twenty-eight acres which have been divided into eight lots. There are tour lake frontage lots with a fifth access lot for the four interior lots. The access lot is approximately one-half acre in size and will have a boat dock with four slips for the four interior lots. This is presently owned by JP Property, Inc. and will be conveyed to a home owners association and the people who purchase the four interior lots. At present the contact person will be Dr. Richard Carlton, 420 North Center Street, Hickory, N.C. 2. The property is located in Caldwell County. To reach the development from Hickory, you travel on 321 North, go right at Grace Chapel Road. Approximately one-half mile after the bridge over Gunpowder creek you need to take a left onto cunpowder Road. From there you go approximately one-half mile to the beginning of Naushon Development. Enclosed is a map that shows how the property has been divided and the proposed site for the residential boat dock. 1 40 a ?P 4 S. G VICIWIT ( MA? Fob- 11 -97 02 - 30P Hky hd2art lunch vascular 704 324 9189 P-04 /9#- r / , r i ?r .0 lb Fob-11-97 02:30P Hky himart lung vascular 704 324 9189 P_05 t !r!? . .. •x..96 .?• .':: • ; i.+,: • / r. . ? ? .:.-' 1 ?': ??Ny1V1?'5.1?..f 4"•'(..,%?1.,?`,?.11•? y : 1, A? ' 'n fJ? ^'.a ' •? ?:}x .^ ?.?.}?wlirit.,,T'.???P '9gyY, fit'' •'. K .; I f' .?r??yA?.t'r,?.?.?:+l at'(??1 i?rj?? ..?1?, ': ii•? a „? .?{,. S+}-.?.. , f'' .?? 1.'-',? jw:?{?qh,?? ,fare '' ?."?,', " .. .I.? :?{?'' • T,"w????'I• 1?; ^'1:• ,,:???i r, ,1 'J f r/. ? ? /? '.. , ,?• rv???? fk?.' :rjd,l,,;t '?i??/9. ;??' tr^Li?'!'14?'•?"' 'r„? "G??•+.,• "?'?i?.« •?•,'?? i1 ? r•t'••'"• ; :'?yf?."';I;.•M>`=rI''•n??•.,'tilrff 1 a;.'?? tIt'f. ,?„T•,l';v+``1 :?:'•..;..I•?rt.': * rr? •? `' ;:'\'• ,' ? Ir?'?:I I , ?t - . 47 an .1 IL 23 ;L7 7 N., 41 17 V o r IA ?? ? •.+, •'Ir, of lrt, ...•., ??/ ! n a ' ??? ? may, ?//a, h iA t j? 4% > Iv •. ' . ate`-- ' In [+ ?? D ' i; r •d rl r ?H v .p+ a C ?• irk Lw r fv ...1 r d r" (' 1't ,? r. ,.+ -rt r it r , - ,jJ u h u IA y r r, . 1pn -i?-- - X- `S J P. PROPERTY, INC. ?? 1 S 4TH AVENUE DR., N.W. HICKORY, N.C. 28601 704-323-9751 December 3, 1996 North Carolina Department of Environment, ro Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626 Re: Naushon Development Gentlemen, hill qVF r-'*0M DEC 10 1996 WATFA Q? ?nr I% 401 1SSLIS? Attached is a site plan for a shoreline development at the above referenced subdivision. Application is being made to Duke Power Company for the required F.E.R.C. permit to construct a dock, with 4 floating boat slips at this subdivision. We ask that you advise us within 60 days, by return mail, of any comments you may have concerning this development or any permits your authority may require. Your comments are a requirement of the F.E.R.C. per application. Thank you for your cooperation and prompt response. Please advise me if additional information is needed, you may contact me or my office manager, Marti Pollack, at 704-323-1100. Please mail reply to Richard A. Carlton, 420 North Center Street, Hickory, N.C. 28601. Sincerely, Ric and A. Carlton Encl. 1. Naushon development is approximately twenty-eight acres which have been divided into eight lots. There are four lake frontage lots with a fifth access lot for the four interior lots. The access lot is approximately one-half acre in size and will have a boat dock with four slips for the four interior lots. This is presently owned by JP Property, Inc. and will be conveyed to a home owners association and the people who purchase the four interior lots. At present the contact person will be Dr. Richard Carlton, 420 North Center Street, Hickory, N.C. 2. The property is located in Caldwell County. To reach the development from Hickory, you travel on 321 North, go right at Grace Chapel Road. Approximately one-half mile after the bridge over Gunpowder Creek you need to take a left onto Gunpowder Road. From there you go approximately one-half mile to the beginning of Naushon Development. Enclosed is a map that shows how the property has been divided and the proposed site for the residential boat dock. r .? sr -6/ i eti nr ?? Qv a? V1C1N1'TY MA P V /"N 3x t r?ttrl t4? j y -ra"* !a! rl." ?r•r: tx,?.?.t.c.,.w.,gn•9? ?t?r?1.?v+\1 t.'t?J,. „?i ?t?.Rr•'I f ! r `•, + i r ? Y!, 1 r ri .?'r• r?: t? •?1 ,•1. i tl -r J. `? 1??\?.?, ?'• - ? ?{~a(?i..'+1'/rY.?? 't4r•1 t•' 't P???y?y ?t41? ' i f9+r?, r! -r +y ?• .F -• ?? ?. J? '? f?h1'^G'? sai .? i .+. bra ,. X p \ ?? it ?f j t l 3 i? r ''.Y . r:. f. 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