HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023906_Annual Performance_20190903 • WILSON NORTH CAROLINA August 28, 2019 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED System Performance Annual Report NC DEQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Subject: 2019 Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Report RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DWR City of Wilson—Hominy Creek Water Reclamation Facility SEP 0 3 Z019 NPDES Permit No. NC0023906 Water Quality Permitting Section Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed are three copies of the City of Wilson's 2019 Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Report. The reports were mailed to customers during August 2019. The report is based on fiscal year July 1, 2018—June 30, 2019. The report is submitted as required by the N.C. Clean Water Act of 1999. Please contact me at(252)399-2491 or via email at jpridgen@wilsonnc.org if you need .•.i Iona . . 1. Sincerely, .10 Jimmy Pri.!.en Water Recl. ati n Manager cc: Barry Parks, Director of Water Resources Regional Supervisor, DWR Raleigh Regional Office - Surface Water Protection CITY OF WILSON INCORPORATED 1849 WATER RECLAMATION DIVISION I PO BOX 10 I WILSON,NORTH CAROLINA 27894.0010 I (252)399-2491 I (252)399-2209 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER r Our Mission is to "Protect our Environment and Water Quality, through Teamwork and Excellent Service, now and for future generations." This report provides Information concerning the City of Wilson's wastewater collection and treatment system performance for July 1,2018 to June 30,2019 as required In the North Carolina Clean Water Act of 1999(House Bill 1160). HOMINY CREEK WATER Sanitary Sewer Overflows(SSOs) Once at the WRF,the treatment process begins.The Returning the Water to Nature or Reusing RECLAMATION FACILITY(WRF) ,,_4' treatment plant is designed to treat 14 MGD.The plant the Water �" Elm Gay •'#' " -'9. currently averages treating 10 MGD.The following de Most of this clean water now called effluent is dis 95s , '`''-; charged into Contentnea Creek but some of the effluent Wilson scribes the treatment process: is sent to the City's reclaimed water system(beneficial , Physical Methods-Primary Treatment reuse) to be used for irrigation or industrial process , 4-2M ,•.' ° _ • Bar Screens-catch and remove large material water and cooling water. CD I (wood,rocks,etc)as theyflow ast. �.M 264 `�'^ ♦ _ - f - ' - • p Grit Chamber-removes heavy particles that What's Left Behind 30, =-1 *, Infiltration/inflow(I/I)is unwanted water that enters settle rapidly like gravel,sand,seeds and coffee Now,what about the material that has been removed `ucamaA' s ...8 the sewer collection system through deteriorating old- grounds.As the water enters the chamber, from the water?These solids are called residuals;heavy f &ackC`eek _E er pipes,leaking manholes,illegal connections such as gravity causes the grit to settle to the bottom. matter that must be treated in order to safely return to t' Stantonnnarg roof drains,etc. During heavy rains pipes can become • Sedimentation(settling)Tanks-as water the environment. The WRF is located in Wilson at 3100 Stantonsburg Road. overloaded from I/I and cause SSOs. Pipe stoppages flows into the tanks,heavy organic particles It is a state-of-the-art regional treatment plant that pro- caused by fats,oils and grease can also lead to SSOs. settle to the bottom and are withdrawn and The following steps are used to further treat the cesses wastewater for approximately 20,000 metered Replacing and rehabilitating these lines and manholes pumped to the solids handling facilities for residuals: customers and a service population of approximately reduces I/I into the sanitary sewer system,thus pro- additional treatment.Floatable material is • Enclosed heated tanks called digesters use 52,500.The City of Wilson also treats wastewater from testing the public health,improving treatment plant skimmed off and pumped to the solids microorganisms to turn the residuals into inert the Town of Black Creek,the Town of Lucama and the efficiency and reducing system maintenance. Gen- handling facilities. (inactive),harmless organic matter. Town of Sims. erators provide emergency back-up power for pump Primary treatment removes approximately 45% of • Belt filter presses are used to remove water from The term water reclamation defines the treatment or stations and help prevent SSOs. the pollution. the residuals to reduce the volume that must be processing of wastewater to make it reusable with spe- of. cific treatment reliability. Reclaimed water must also Duringfiscalyear 2018-2019,the Cityof Wilson expe- Biological Methods-Secondary Treatment y p • The treated residuals(organic material) with d i wt d Slu dge uge-wastewater is mixed comply with very stringent water quality criteria.The rienced four(4)reportable SSOs.The WRF treated 3.6 • Activatedare used by area farmers as a fertilizer and soil term water reuse defines the use of treated wastewater billion gallons of wastewater during this period. millions of microorganisms.During constant amendment. for beneficial uses, such as agricultural irrigation and aeration(mixing air containing oxygen into the industrial cooling.The City of Wilson is committed to September 17,2018 wastewater)the microorganisms absorb oxygen reusing reclaimed water in areas that drinking water is Cause-Inflow and infiltration during Hurricane and feed on the pollutants. Biogas not needed such as irrigation water for Wedgewood Golf Florence • Final Settling Tanks-solids made up of A by-product of the digestion process described above is Course,the Burt Gillette Athletic Complex and industrial microorganisms from the activated sludge a the production of methane gas(biogas).The WRF uses process/cooling water. The reclaimed water system is • Intersection of Kincaid Avenue&Canal Driveg part of the biogas produced as fuel to heat the digesters, Total: 6,850 gallons process settle to the bottom.Some of the thus significantly reducingthe amount of time required part of the City's water conservation plan. 9 Y q microorganisms are sent back to the activated to digest the solids.The excess is burned off bya waste NPDES PERMIT COMPLIANCE • Intersection of Mercer Street&Park Drive sludge process to continue eating pollutants and g Total: 4,250 gallons some are removed and sent to the solids gas burner.The City has future plans to install a system The WRF was compliant with all NPDES permit that will utilize the excess biogas to generate energy limits this year. • Intersection of Park Avenue&Beacon Street handling facilities for disposal. that can be used to operate other equipment or used for Total: 5,700 gallons Secondary treatment removes approximately 95%of green energy credits. Table Definitions&Key • Intersection of Vick Street&Vance Street the pollution;HOWEVER,in order for the WRF to com- PPM(Parts per Million)-a unit of measurement. Total: 4,500 gallons ply with permit limits additional treatment is needed. Parts per million compares to 1 minute in 2 years. "What The Customer Can Do BOD(Biochemical Oxygen Demand)-a required Customers who observe a sanitary sewer over- Physical/Chemical/Biological Methods- AdvancedTreatment To Help" test that determines the amount of oxygen required flow should report these as emergencies to the Please follow these simple steps to help the City of bymicroorganisms to consume Cityof Wilson's Unified Communications Center at • Nutrient Removal-nutrients(phosphorous g pollutants.BOD is and nitrogen)can cause an overabundance of Wilson continue to provide a high standard of water qual measured in PPM. (252)399-2424. ity and protect our environment. algae growth in waterways.As the algae dies, TSS(Total Suspended Solids)-a required test that Clientes que observan un desbordamiento del dre- microorganisms feed on the decaying matter DO NOT use the toilet as a measures the amount of suspended solids in a sample. naje sanitrario,deben reporter estas situaciones de using up oxygen needed by fish and other wastebasket- place a waste- TSS are measured in parts PPM. emergencia al centro de comunicaciones unificadas aquatic life.This depletion of oxygen can lead basket in each bathroom for FC(Fecal Coliform)-a required test used to de la Ciudad de Wilson,al telefono(252)399-2424. to fish kills.Phosphorous and nitrogen are the disposal of solid waste,dis •t' posable diapers,condoms,and determine the presence of disease causing organisms. removed biologically and chemically at the personal hygiene products that FC are harmless but are used as indicators of other treatment plant. --- DO NOT belong in the sewer organisms(if FC are present others may be present). How Does Your Publicly Owned • Filtration-removes those particles that system. FC is measured as number of colonies per 100 milliliters Treatment System Work? primary and secondary treatment could not of sample. The treatment system usesthe same physical,chemical remove.The wastewater passes through sand DO NOT pour grease, MGD(Million Gallons per Day)-a unit of measure- and biological processes used by nature to clean water. filters that remove remaining particles.Filtration fats and oils from cook- ment for flow volume. removes 99.9%of the pollution. cook- Do not use the toilet ing down the drain - Everything we know about water,chemistry,bacteria, as a wastebasket • Disinfection-the final stage of treatment uses instead,collect the grease in a hygiene and engineering has gone into this system we sodium hypochlorite(liquid bleach containing container and dispose of it in PLANT PERFORMANCE use to purify our wastewater.The City maintains about chlorine)to disinfect the water.Disinfection kills the garbage. Pollutant Concentration 359 miles of sanitary sewers lines(piping system that off any disease-causing organisms that may collects and transports the wastewater)and 21 pump- remain after passing through the other DO NOT use the sink to dispose of food scraps - Ammonia Nitrogen PPM treatment steps.Chlorine can cause problems in instead, place food scraps in the garbage for disposal ing stations that help carry wastewater from homes, with solid wastes,or better yet,start a compost pile. Average 0.09 rivers and streams so we remove the chlorine Permit Limit 1.0/3.0(summer-monthly/weekly) schools,commercial buildings and industrial sources before discharging the treated water to 2.0/6.0(winter-monthly/weekly) to the treatment plant. Contentnea Creek. Biochemical Oxygen Demand PPM 11111illiairo, 1 Protecting The Neuse River ` Average 1.3 FOR MORE WATER QUALITY The Lower Neuse River Basin Association, Inc. (LNBA) - Permit Limit 5.0/7.5(summer-monthly/weekly) and the NeuseRiver Compliance Association,Inc,(NRCA) " ' ' INFORMATION om p �4 ' 4 10.0/15.0(winter monthly/weekly) are 501(c)(3)non-profit corporations comprised of mu- ,_ >. Total Phosphorus PPM nicipalities and industries located in the Neuse River Ba- ., City of Wilson - Water Resources sin.The mission of these organizations is to monitor and Average 0.21 (252) 399-2492 preserve the waters of the Neuse River and Neuse River Permit Limit 2.00(quarterly) www.wilsonnc.org/water-resources!� estuary through innovative and cost-effective waste- -•.-. Total Suspended Solids PPM N.C. Environmental Education water treatment and reduction strategies. The NRCA _ _i Average 0.2 www.eenorthcarolina.org group is composed of24wastewatertreatmentfacilities _ _ _ Permit Limit 30.0/45.0(monthly/weekly) located in the Neuse River Basin.NRCA was issued North _ Lower Neuse Basin Association Carolina's first basin-wide NPDES permit for nitrogen Total Nitrogen Lbs/Yr www.I n ba.net Pounds Discharged 54,890 control January 1,2003 and was reissued in 2008,2014,and 2019.The group was given a Permit Limit 157,886 River Guardian Foundation, Inc. mandate to reduce their Total Nitrogen discharge by 30%.Through the combined efforts www.riverguardfdn.org of its entire membership,the NRCA exceeded the mandated 30%nitrogen reduction by Fecal Coliform Colonies/100 milliliters(ml)of sample -_: _ NCDEQ removing over 60%of their nitrogen loading to the Neuse River estuary since 1995. Average 3 " (919) 733-2321 The City of Wilson is proud to be a charter member of both the LNBA and NRCA. Permit Limit 200/400(monthly/weekly) _ www.deq.nc.gov Chronic Toxicity - - — Affiliations ---- — Waters Worth It Test Performed Quarterly Passed all . - ww.watersworth it.org The City of Wilson Water Reclamation Division is affiliated with the following organizations: Permit Limit Pass or Fail ,r,. '= . _ - • Water Environment Federation • N.C.Water Works Association '� •and Rivers ��- `_ Flow Million Gallons per Day(MGD) • American Water Works Association • N.C.Pretreatment Consortium i ' ` ``rat Il� =or ` • N.C.Water Quality Association • N.C.Rural Water Association Average 9.95 • __„_.— _:�„: - • N.C.Water Environment Association Permit Limit 14.00(monthly) — .� r4 7° ° O ° —1 O z = o73m jo ? g of,a � 3 0T COm o 6 ' - a — in CA m tn ��9 [. `•. . r- z „,..?..:',..,,.. ,,..t.:-'. ' 1,, , rt7 Ail: ...1 rN ':-',- ' mil 11 , - Q •-f G Q -‹ CU ift : , XI r- y fD -' Q �h • .. - 1V. .l,Pfli * )2. O N fa.) E.' 5' 0 Y ..11 * N m N i 0 ,,.... LA rp 72 fD .O O .. A. (� 1ii Im 7U invi {p fly �'�'a: ] ;� aY.f(' r��4� 0' wrrt m ç d ti.` (-' J;•,,11;,: ' 61-:',,..- ':: ,'.. . ...A . . ,, _ The Issues of Inflow and Infiltration n - - Inflow and infiltration (I/I) are terms describing ways that stormwater runoff and groundwater make their way into tPIPHLj�1LJLj�wastewater collection pipes and eventually get treated, un necessarily,at wastewater treatment plants. Roof d - - / Connection Uncapped Cleano Inflow is when clear water enters the wastewater system [Inflow] through rain leaders,sump pumps,or foundation drains that Root Intrusion into Sewer Pipe [Infiltration] Storm are illegally connected to sewer lines.Inflow is greatest during -_ Cross-Connection [Inflow] Broken- Faulty Lateral major storm events. Sewer Pipe Connection '° [Infiltration] [Infiltration] `• Infiltration is when groundwater seeps into cracked or broken > 11, Storm Sewer wastewater pipes. Infiltration is a steady contributor to the Faulty Manholefrik`: \ problem, especially when the ground stays saturated due to Cover or Frame Cracked or [Inflow] Broken Pipe steady rainfall. Infiltration quantities often exhibit seasonal �„� [Infiltration] Sanitary ), variation in response togroundwater levels.Storm events can Sewer Main E—Deteriorated Manhole p [Infiltration] trigger a rise in groundwater levels and increase infiltration flows. The highest infiltration flows are observed follow- P at can homeowners do about I/I? . AMA How does the City of Wilson minimize I/1?, A ing significant storm events or following prolonged periods • Familiari% yourself with your house plumbing system. A full time I/I Technician inspects the collection system daily of precipitation. If you have roof downspouts that are piped under- for leaks and other problems.The city utilizes a closed circuit I/I can also be costly to communities. Once clear water gets ground,a sump pump that has no identifiable discharge TV(CCTV)truck that uses a video camera and recording equip- mixed in with wastewater,it must be treated and that results point, or foundation drains that don't discharge to the ment to document leaky joints, breaks in pipes, etc.The city road side ditch or other low point on the lot,you may be also has a crew that rehabs manholes to eliminate leaks. in additional expenses that can increase rates for all users. contributing to the problem. The City has an ongoing Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Increased inflow during heavy rains can cause problems • Disconnect unlawful connections to the sewer system. planned in 5 and 10-year segments to maintain, replace and Contact Water Resources to help you find reasonable expand segments of the wastewater collection system to Inflow is the biggest problem because during major rain events alternatives. meet increasing demands. it quickly consumes pipe capacity needed for future growth.In more extreme rain events, inflow can cause sewage backups • Locatf clean outs on your property and verify that they Collection System Maintenance and Projects completed: are intact. Broken or loose clean-out caps contribute to into homes and businesses.Inflow and infiltration reduce the inflow. Tighten or replace cap. Contact a plumbing ,, 49 miles of pipe cleaned(about 14%of the entire ability of sanitary sewer systems and treatment facilities to professional if needed. 359-mile system—10%required) transport and treat domestic and industrial wastewater. As Do not oven clean out plugs to drain your yard,or pull • 5,500 feet of pipe replaced a result, wastewater treatment processes can be disrupted manhole covers to drain flooded streets or intersections. • 95 sewer services replaced and may allow poorly treated wastewater to be discharged to Let these areas drain naturally.Contact Water Resources • 26 grease blockages cleared from sewer mains the environment. if you observe abnormal flooding.