HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC191628_ESC Approval Submitted_201908290 Wnston-Salem Phone:: 336-727-2624 Bryce A. Stuart IMunicipal lBuilding 100 (East IFi rst Street, Suite 328 Winston-Salem, INC 27101 IFax:: 336-727-2792 I PUXN` N1N5'&'4\WICPMFNT SFnV1CFS I (;(Y(;4:w �,)!nqlx',(fi(�uIns 'The plans submitted for the above, project have, been reviewed and are, APPROVED. Before an approved plan set can be released, a building permit must be issued, which requires that all permit fees be paid and the associated paper work completed, such as, but not limited to, lien agent and workers' compensation forms. If you need these or other forms they can be found on our website. When these actions have, been completed we, can release your drawings for the project. The approved stamped plans can be found at A printed set of the approved plans must be kept on the job site, at all times. Ifyou did not have, a General Contractor at the time of submittal please supply their information and 11D number with your permit application. ff plans are conditionally approved note that all conditions placed on the project will',have to be met before a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. 10. Erosion Control Plan is under review I (;I(y(:4:WInnst(��'!)Aciiii An Erosion Control Plan has beensubinitted through the electronic plan review systern and is INeil Uldrick currently under review. A Graoling/Exosion Control Permit will not be issued until the Erosion 336-734-1299 Control Plan has been approved. Erosion Control reviews on Building Permits will not be approved n(,,Hu@(,J(Y0K:vS (�uI(j antil the GraolingVFrosion Gmtrol Permit has been issued, a ]reconstruction conference has been 4/25/19 9:36 AIM Conducted on site, and initial Erosion G)ntrol measures have been installed and inspected by the 02.02) Commercial INew Erosion Control Inspector ror the project. Construction or Additions - 1 Re, INoted, resubmitted IE&SC Plan and waiting on approval liin(Jineeis Andy Golden 2059451771 cx�a111111 5/23/19 1 0:58 AIM 02.02) Commercial INew Construction or Additions - 1 Re, IE&SC Plan was approved on 6/19. See permit number 1EIN1 900059 11 1(� : I 1111 X"(1, 11 S Andy Golden 2059451771 6/21/19 3:40 PIM 02.02) Commercial INew Construction or Additions - 2 am�,ti Cro,dod v0h a iBl R,,uab rPio,,kwd Mx,dDp,;cmmR Hro 1Ahdkorhwm, "JC 11) Cty(:4`Nlnst(un E)AcIi i ii -A grading permit must be issued prior to the issuance of the commercial permit. ,Jeff Hunter 335-727-2626 -The proposed building shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the j� f f t� II n��;� ( ;II Q ���� � � u II �:9 submitted elevations as verified by Planning staff. 5/1/1311:,10AIM -Signage requires separate permits. .02) Commercial ei2.ei�� Crarmlrml�rui�l INew ran iran far - � -Label the height of the dumpster screening on Sheet A-801 (unable to measure using architect scale). -An engineered lighting plan must be submitted to the Inspections Division for proposed lighting demonstrating the use of full cut off fixtures, light height of 25' or less, and no more than half foot- candle as measured at the property line. *No outside storage of tires. �ull:rou � ;r ull ;Iln�au�t�t �' 'Ru'e, INoted, submitted lighting plan with foot-candle values Andy Golden 2059451771 :uliII.(XaIIII1II 5/23/19 5:50 IPIM 02.02) Commercial INew Construction or Additions - 1 (;[y (:4: Nnst('u n E)Aai i ii Please label the height of the durmpster screening on Sheet A-801 (unable to ,Jeff Hunter measure, using architect scale). 335-727-2525 -An engineered lighting glen must be submitted to the Inspections Division for jeffpIIn@ uD K: vs u11(j proposed lighting demonstrating the use of full cut off fixtures, light height of25" or 5/3/19 10:24 AIM less„ and no more than half foot- candle as measured at the property line. IPIease 02.02) Commercial INew provide lighting fixture retail„ tyre„ height of poles (if any) etc. Construction or Additions - 2 ull:rour;r ull ;Iln�aurttr �' �"ills'': ICDurmpsterscreening is labeler on section 2 ofsheet A-801. We have also caller I irttiilneeis out the screening height on C-301. Andy Golden 2059451771 -"IMIH" under the light tyre on C-800 is the rmountinrg height. Also added a general : urraytt ulldb ! Ilrt rr ull.:ull' ;, , rulill.a::(uuu°II nets on C-800 stating all prole mounted lights will be 25". The calculation summary 5/21/19 3:37 IPIM on C-800 shows the avrg„ min and max IFc values along the property line. !grad in 02.02) Commercial INew additional spec and detail infra to sheet C-800 for light fixtures. Construction or Additions - 2 35. Text Box 1 ( at (:4"Wou st('uar...E)rIla i11u ,Jeff Hunter 335-727-2525 jeffplln@'Ju tyoNvs u11(j 5/3/19 10:25 AIM 02.02) Commercial INew Construction or Additions - 2 Spaced 20"-75" apart Croohod v0h p fll R,o r Pio,,kwd Mx'dDr;cmmR Hro 1A dkorh dn, "JC y PIC Added spacing requirement to landscape table llln(ineeis Andy Golden 2059451771 cx�a111111 6/21/19 3:40 IPIM 02.02) Commercial INew Construction or Additions - 2 Croohod v0h kflllom, Pi,,kwd Mw,d,� D�cmmB Hro 1Ahdkorhwdn, "JC Pogo