HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00018_Report_201805210 Q, �b �io V EDEN NORTH CAROLINA L� May 21, 2018 City of Eden P. O. Box 70 Eden, NC 27289 (336) 623-2110 Option 4 FAX (336) 623-4041 Mr. Jay Zimmerman, Director Division of Water Resources NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Semi -Annual Progress Report — Report #2 May 2018 EPA Administrative Order on Consent CWA-04-2017-4753 Dear Mr. Zimmerman: Eden A&#AWft2C1V 1 I s !Ill011 11 &��'a RAY `� 2018 b �1R�r•,WgT�RR��.,. Please accept the enclosed Semi -Annual Progress Report as required by our EPA Administrative Order on Consent CWA-04-2017-4753. As this is our first submittal of this report, please advise of any issues in its preparation or formatting or the information contained herein. Sincerely, Terry Shelton Public Utilities Director Office 336-612-8055 Email tshelton@eder CC: Ms. Laurie Jones, EPA Region 4, Environmental Engineer Brad Corcoran, City Manager www.EdenNC.us and www.ExploreEdenNC.com W, EDEN NORTH CA^RO LINh May 21, 2018 City of Eden P. 0. Box 70 Eden, NC 27289 (336) 623-2110 Option 4 FAX (336) 623-4041 Denisse D. Diaz, Chief Clean Water Enforcement Branch Water Protection Division Attn: Ms. Laurie Jones U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 61 Forsyth Street, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960 Semi -Annual Progress Report — Report #2 May 2018 EPA Administrative Order on Consent CWA-04-2017-4753 Dear Ms. Jones, Eden �U.AMC 1 I I I I I 2011 Please accept the enclosed Semi -Annual Progress Report as required by our Administrative Order on Consent CWA-04-2017-4753. As this is our first submittal of this report, please advise of any issues in its preparation or formatting or the information contained herein. Sincerely, /-U-t d&z� Ter ry helton Public Utilities Director Office 336-612-8055 Email tshelton@edennc.us CC: Jim Zimmerman, Director Division of Water Resources NCDENR Brad Corcoran, City Manager www.EdenNC.us and www.ExploreEdeuNC.com IL City of Eden Eden bcgka P. O. Box 70a Eden, NC 27289 (336) 612-8055 FAX (336) 623-4041 2011 EPA Administrative Order on Consent - Semi -Annual Progress Report No. 2, May 2018 May 18, 2018 RE: EPA Administrative Order on Consent (Issued April 19, 2017) Docket No. CWA-04-2017-4753 Item IV. Documentation and Report Submittal 23. The City Shall Submit to the EPA Written Semi - Annual Progress Reports This Semi -Annual Report is submitted to the EPA by the City of Eden, North Carolina, to comply with the requirements of the Administrative Order on Consent. This report is prepared and submitted specifically to comply with Item IV., Paragraph 23. The City's primary plan to stop SSOs is based on the Wastewater Collection and Transmission Systems Remediation Plan (WCTSRP), as well as utilization of the MOM (Management, Operation and Maintenance programs) that was developed during our first Administrative Order. The remediation plan contains detailed information of the places where Eden has had recurring SSOs and developed remediation measures in those locations to stop SSOs. The City of Eden was awarded $33 million in grants and loans from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, through the Division Water Infrastructure (DWI) in the spring of 2017. The City is also providing match funding of $1.6 million. All of this funding is designated to rehabilitate the City's aging sewer collection and treatment system to keep and maintain compliance with all current federal and state regulatory standards. The WCTSRP contains an aggressive five-year capital project plan to address issues in our collection and treatment system. Administrative Order on Consent Item IV Paragraph 23. The City shall begin to submit these Semi -Annual Reports to the EPA within thirty (30) days after the end of the first six (6) months after the effective date of this Order on Consent and shall continue to submit such reports every six (6) months thereafter until the submission of the Final Report as set forth below. The City shall submit to the EPA written semi-annual progress reports (Semi -Annual Reports) that include: EPA Administrative Order on Consent - Semi Annual Progress Report No. 2 1 of 6 Pages (a) A description of the actions which have been taken toward achieving compliance with this Order on Consent during the previous six (6) months; The City of Eden is taking the following actions to prevent, reduce and stop SSOs in our Collection System. The implementation or enhancement of our programs that we developed in our first Administrative Order is now part of routine operations. The Management, Operation, and Maintenance Programs (MOM) have been our daily guide to preventive work to avoid SSOs and establish stronger improved system maintenance programs. The Wastewater Collection and Transmission Systems Remediation Plan TRP is now our overall plan in our long-term approach to address our SSOs issues. Our Collection and Distribution crews have been working on point sources inflow and infiltration that occur in rain events and other illicit sources that are found during daily operations. Funding for the Remediation Plan projects and daily operations problems has been appropriated. We currently believe we have sufficient financing in place to complete the Remediation Plan projects based on current cost estimates. Our engineering firm, W. K. Dickson (WKD), prepared the Engineering Report (ER) that was submitted to DWI to meet the first Milestone Date of June 1, 2017, as per our funding requirements. WKD has been in constant contact with DWI to discuss and answer questions regarding the ER. Due to the complexed nature of the Remediation Plan that DWI required more time than normal to complete their review of the projects and required extensive explanation and revision of some projects. DWI completed their approval of the ER on April 9th, 2018. WKD has proceeded with as much design work as possible before the approval of the ER. The design work on three major projects (Junction Pump Station Rehab, Bridge Street Pump Station Rehab, and the Digester rehab/replacement at the Mebane Bridge Wastewater Treatment Plant) has moved forward for these critical assets. The rest of the projects in the remediation plan are underway at this time. The following is our Milestone Dates for performing planning and engineering steps toward beginning construction to meet funding requirements. After November 2017, milestone dates have been revised by DWI to reflect the date (April 9, 2018) when the Engineering Report Funding Approval was issued by letter. EPA Administrative Order on Consent and Water Improvement Projects Milestone Dates: Engineering Report Submittal June 1, 2017 Engineering Report Approval by Water Infrastructure November 1, 2017 Bid and Design Package Submittal October 1, 2018 (revised) Bid and Design Package Approval by Water Infrastructure February 1, 2019 (revised) Advertise Project, Receive Bids, Submit Bid Information, and Receive Authority to Award June 1, 2019 (revised) Execute Construction Contracts July 1, 2019 (revised) During the last ten months, while the Engineering Report has been in review with DWI, while limited design work was continued by WKD, none of the physical repairs or construction of in the Remediation Plan have been started. However, during this time the City of Eden Collection and Distribution work crews have identified and eliminated several significant sources of inflow and infiltration. Our Video Camera and Inspection crews have been very aggressive in their continued investigative efforts, working during rain events and doing flow measurements and identifying additional potential point sources. EPA Administrative Order on Consent - Semi Annual Progress Report No. 2 2 of 6 Pages During the last six months the City of Eden's Collection and Distribution division repaired the following source of 1/1: On April 5, 2018, crews repaired a gap that had formed in an 8-inch sewer outfall line off of Rivercrest Drive. This line is in the floodplain of the Dan River. During Storm events and especially during flooding this section of sanitary sewer line has been taking on a lot of water. This inflow source has been stopped. During the last six months, contractor Sam W Smith, Inc. completed the following major sewer project to help the City deal with inflow during storm events involving four primary pump stations. The Covenant Branch -Meadow Greens Force Main Relief project was for practical purposes was completed and operating by January 2018. This engineered project was designed to alleviate excess flow from an overloaded force main and redirect into another by operation of remotely controlled valves that allows flow from a small force main to be diverted into a large Force Main with more capacity. Since its completion, this bypass relief system appears to have reduced the likelihood of overflows at both the Covenant Branch and the Meadow Greens Pump Stations. When a recent storm event a storm event deposited 1.5 inches of rain within twenty-four hours, neither station had overflow where previously under the same conditions one would have been imminent. Progress on the Remediation Plan by our Engineering Firm WKD during the last six months: WKD is approximately 50% complete with all design activities of the Remediation Projects. Design activities were slowed because of the longer review period of the Engineering Report. The original approval date was anticipated on November 1, 2017, but DWI did not issue the Letter of Approval until April 9, 2018. Advancement of the final design has cautiously progressed between November 1, 2017, and April 9, 2018, to deter redesign or duplication of efforts in the event DWI requested or directed revisions or alterations to the design basis of the Engineering Report. Because of the longer review, WKD and the City of Eden negotiated a revised design and bid schedule. Although the design schedule has been lengthened, this schedule adjustment does not jeopardize the overall objective of the Remediation Projects being completed and in operation within the five years allowed by the Administrative Order on Consent. An updated and detailed schedule is shown as Attachment A in this progress report. The updated schedule reflects the grouping of projects to facilitate a phased regulatory review/approval, bid and construction approach. The grouping of projects has been formulated based on project type, size and bid availability (how soon the project will be ready to bid). EPA Administrative Order on Consent Remediation Projects Milestone Dates have been revised as follows (revisions are italicized): Engineering Report Submittal June 1, 2017 (Completed) Engineering Report Approval by Water Infrastructure April 8, 2018 (Completed) EPA Administrative Order on Consent - Semi -Annual Progress Report No. 2 - 3 of 6 Pages Bid and Design Package Submittal Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Bid and Design Package Approval by Water infrastructure Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Advertise Project, Receive Bids, Submit Bid Information, and Receive Authority to Award Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Execute Construction Contracts Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Construction Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Project Closeout September 2018 November 2018 March 2018 October 2018 January 2019 April 2019 November 2018 - January 2019 March 2019 - May 2019 June 2019 - July 2019 January 2019 May 2019 July 2019 February 2019 — February 2021 June 2019 — June 2021 September 2019—September 2021 February 2022 (b) An assessment of the effectiveness of such actions in eliminating SSOs; Although there is much more work needed to stop our collection system's potential for SSOs in intense high rainfall events, we have made major progress in stopping low -intensity rainfall events of up to four inches spread over several days. Projects and spot repairs completed over the last decade have finally reached a point where positive results can be demonstrated with no SSOs. Implementation of the all the rehabilitation projects in the Remediation Plan will allow us to improve our collection and treatment system to where no SSOs should be a very sustainable condition now and into the future. (c) A list, which shall include the date and time, location, cause, ultimate destination, and volume of SSOs that occurred during the previous six (6) months; The City of Eden had no SSOs during the period of this reporting period in this Second Semi -Annual Report. From October 22, until April 22, no SSOs occurred in our sewer collection system. EPA Administrative Order on Consent_- Semi -Annual Progress_ Report No. 2 4 of 6 Pages (d) An analysis of the cause of each such SSO; and (e) A description of the City's plan to address and prevent such SSOs from occurring in the future. There were no SSOs to report on in this section of the semi-annual report for this reporting period. The City of Eden will continue working to complete our Remediation Plan projects to rehab our sewer collection and treatment to prevent SSOs now and in the future. We fully expect to complete the Remediation Plan Projects by February 2022. CERTIFICATION "I certify under the penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." JIX4 S// 41//81 Terry Shelt n Date Public Utilities Director City of Eden EPA Administrative Order on Consent - Semi -Annual Progress Report No. 2 5 of 6 Pages Attachment A - Eden Remediation Program, Revised Schedules by Project/Phase (SUMMARY) Tentative 90% Tentative 100% Grouping Phase Descri tion Design Packa a Design Package 1 N/A WWTP Digester Upgrades 4/18V18//119 1 NIA Junction Basin PS 5118 1 N/A Bridge Street Basin PS 5/18 NIA 8 Additional Planning N/A N/A 9 Project Management N/A 3 10 System -wide Rainfall Dependent Inflow and Infiltration Reduction 7/18 3 11 Bridge Street Basin Replacement and Rehabilitation 9/18 3 12 Dan River Outfall Upsize 9/18 1/19 2 13 Glovenia/Spruce/Chestnut Street Sewer Relocation 5/18 8l18 2 14 1 Junction Street Basin Replacement and Rehabilitation 6/18 9/18 2 15 Smith River Outfall (Junction Basin) Rehabilitation and Siphon Re lacement 7/18 9/18 2 16 Kuder Street Basin Replacement and Rehabilitation 5/18 8/18 2 17 Dry Creek Basin Replacement and Rehabilitation 4/18 7118 1 18 Dogwood Drive and Fourth Street Pump Station Replacements 5/18 8/18 1 19 Bear Slide Pump Station and Indian Hills Pump Station Permanent Standby Generator and Automatic Transfer Switch Installation 5/18 8/18 DWI FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL Start Date End Date 1 N/A _ DWI Final Review and Approval, Group 1 9/18 10/18 2 NIA DWI Final Review and Approval, Group 2 11/18 1/19 3 N/A DWI Final Review and Approval, Group 3 3/19 5/19 BIDDING & CONSTRUCTION PHASES Start Date End Date 1 Bidding - Group 1 11/18 1/19 2 20 Bidding - Group 2 3/19 5/19 3 Bidding - Group 3 6/19 7/19 NIA 21 Division of Water Infrastructure Funding Assistance*2/291 N/A 1. 3 22 Construction Administration 9/21 1 - 3 23 Construction Observation 9/21 1 Construction - Group 1 2/21 2 N/A Construction - Group 2 6/21 3 Construction - Group 3 9/21 1.3 Project Close-out, Documentation 2122 EPA Administrative Order on Consent - Semi -Annual Progress Report No. 2 6 of 6 Pages