HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160372 Ver 2_Year 0 Monitoring Report_20190820Mitigation L. Project Information UpI( ID#* Select Reviewer:* Mac Haupt Initial Review 08/20/2019 Completed Date Mitigation Project Submittal - 8/20/201, - Version * Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site? * Type of Mitigation Project:* V Stream r- Wetlands W Buffer r- Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Lindsay Crocker Project Informatio- Existing 20160372 (DWR) (nunbers only no dash) ID#:* Project Type: F DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Stony Fork County: Johnston Document Information r Yes r Email Address:* lindsay.crocker@ncdenr.gov Existing Version: (nurnbersonly) Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation As -Built Plans File Upload: Stony Fork_ 97085_MY0_2019.pdf 13.04MB Rease upload only one RDF of the conplete file that needs to be subnitted... Signature Print Name:* Lindsay Crocker Signature: As-built Baseline Monitoring Report Stony Fork Restoration Site Upper Neuse River Basin - 03020201 Monitoring Year 00 DMS Contract 6830 DMS Project Number 97085 DWR #: 2016-0372 USACE Action ID: 2016-00875 Johnston County, North Carolina Prepared for: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Baseline Data Collected: May 2019 Date Submitted: July 2019 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring and Design Firm Prepared by:                    KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 783-9214 Project Contact: Tim Morris Email: tim.morris@kci.com June 2019   KCI ASSOCIATES OF N ORTH C AROLINA, P.A. www.kci.com Employee-Owned Since 1988 MEMORANDUM Date: August 7, 2019 To: Lindsay Crocker, DMS Project Manager From: Adam Spiller, Project Manager KCI Associates of North Carolina, PA Subject: MY-00 Monitoring Report Comments Stony Fork DMS #6830, Contract 006830 Neuse River Basin CU 030202018 Johnston County, North Carolina Please find below our responses in italics to the MY-00 Monitoring Report comments from NCDMS received on August 5, 2019, for the Stony Fork Restoration Site. As-Built Drawing Comments:  Vegetation: the table of planted species in the as-built drawings doesn’t match some of the shown planted vegetation on Table 6. Please update the table on as-built drawings to include additional planted (and red-line additional spp. as necessary).  This As-built drawings have been updated to reflect the actual number and species that were planted at the site. In addition, several stems classified as planted stems in Table 6 have been re- classified as volunteers. Baseline/MY0 Comments:  Cover Page, Add the River Basin and 8-digit CU number  This change has been made.  Page 1, last paragraph: Pressure transducer or camera is missing on SF3. Is the crest gauge there serving as a surrogate to provide bankfull info in lieu of flow gauge?  The stream gauge on SF3 is a pressure transducer, like those measuring flow on the tributaries. While the data collected from this gauge could be used to determine flow, it is currently only being interpreted to provide verification of bankfull events. The text of the report has been updated to make this clearer.  Page 2, second paragraph: the vegetative success for stream buffer and riparian buffer success criteria are intermingled. Please provide sentences separating the two success criterium for clarity. Also, insert the other parameters for success from the Mitigation Plan, including flow requirements and <10% change for riffles to be comprehensive and ensure that they match (check bankfull event success). You may directly copy and paste the success criteria (7.0) from the Mitigation Plan or reference the Mitigation Plan if easier.  This change has been made. E NGINEERS  S CIENTISTS  S URVEYORS  C ONSTRUCTION M ANAGERS 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 783-9214 (919) 783-9266 Fax KCI ASSOCIATES OF N ORTH C AROLINA, P.A. www.kci.com Employee-Owned Since 1988  Vegetation Table 5: see comment on As-Built drawings above. Please provide number of stems and species planted to include as a separate table in the baseline report also.  This change has been made.  Page 25, check riffle slope in the profile section, max-min appears to be swapped.  Tables 7a through 7h were reviewed and no cases of max-min being swapped were found.  Long-pro: can you overlay design thalweg? This appears to show in the legend on a few reaches, but it not visible.  This change has been made.  Table 1. Please re-name the ‘Restoration Footage’ column to ‘As-Built Restoration Footage.’ Provide a column to the left of ‘Restoration Footage’ that shows the ‘MP Restoration Footage’ (DMS understands there are slight differences on SF2 and SF3). Make a footnote that project credits are based on Mitigation Plan credits. There is a lot of confusion as to what the IRT would like to use for crediting, and DMS would like to make the numbers as visually clear as possible.  This change has been made. The Project Components table on the As-built drawings has also been updated to reflect the correct number of credits. Electronic Deliverables:  Need asset shapefiles. Stream asset should be attributed by reach name and restoration approach. Riparian buffer shapefiles should be attributed by restoration approach (R, E, P) and broken out to show width if the credit ratio is different (i.e. buffer restoration TOB-100, restoration 101- 200’). These asset segments should essentially match the submitted segments in Table 1.  This change has been made.  Need TOB feature and planted area.  This change has been made.  Ensure all shapefiles are submitted in NAD 83 (State Plane). Currently, these are GCS for the monitoring features.  This change has been made.   Sincerely, Adam Spiller Project Manager Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 Baseline Monitoring Document TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 1 BASELINE CONDITONS ........................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 1. Project Site Vicinity Map .............................................................................................................. 3 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 4   Appendix A – Background Tables Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits ................................................................................... 6 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History .......................................................................................... 7 Table 3. Project Contacts .............................................................................................................................. 8 Table 4. Project Information ......................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix B – Visual Assessment Data CCPV .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Photo Reference Points ............................................................................................................................... 17 Vegetation Plot Photos ................................................................................................................................ 19 Appendix C – Vegetation Plot Data Table 5. Species and Quantity of Planted Stems ........................................................................................ 22 Table 6. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species ...................................................................... 23 Appendix D – Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data Table 7. Baseline Stream Data Summary ................................................................................................... 26 Table 8. Cross-section Morphology Data Table ......................................................................................... 34 Longitudinal Profile Plot ............................................................................................................................. 36 Cross-section Plots ...................................................................................................................................... 43 Pebble Counts ............................................................................................................................................. 59 Appendix E – As-Built Plan Sheets As-Built Plan Sheets ................................................................................................................................... 73 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 1 Baseline Monitoring Document PROJECT SUMMARY The Stony Fork Restoration Site (SFRS) was completed in May 2019 and restored a total of 6,810 linear feet of stream and 949,747 square feet of riparian buffer under the Neuse Buffer Rule (NCAC Rule 15A 02B.029). The SFRS is a riparian system in the Upper Neuse River Basin (03020201 8-digit cataloging unit) in Johnston County, North Carolina. The site’s natural hydrologic regime had been substantially modified through the relocation and straightening of the existing stream channels, impacted by land clearing, and cleared of any riparian buffer. This completed project will restore impacted agricultural and timber lands to a stable stream ecosystem with a functional riparian buffer and floodplain access. The SFRS is protected by a 24.4 acre permanent conservation easement, held by the State of North Carolina. The site is located approximately 5.5 miles north of Benson, NC. Specifically, the site is 0.2 mile west on Elevation Road from its intersection with Federal Road (SR-1331). The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) published the Neuse River Basin Priorities in 2010. These were updated in for the Neuse 01 cataloging unit (CU) in 2015 due to extensive mitigation needs and changes in watershed conditions since 2010. The project 14 digit CU 03020201150010) was identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in the updated priorities. The goals and priorities for the SFRS are based on the information presented in the Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities: maintaining and enhancing water quality, restoring hydrology, and improving fish and wildlife habitat (NCEEP, 2009). The project will support the following basin priorities: ‐ Managing stormwater runoff ‐ Improving/restoring riparian buffers ‐ Reducing sediment loading ‐ Improving stream stability The goals for the project are to: ‐ Restore channelized and agriculture impacted streams to stable C/Cb channels. ‐ Restore a forested riparian buffer to provide bank stability, filtration, and shading. The project goals will be addressed through the following objectives: ‐ Relocate a channelized stream to its historic landscape position. ‐ Install cross-sections sized to the bankfull discharge. ‐ Create bedform diversity with pools, riffles, and habitat structures ‐ Plant the site with native trees and shrubs and an herbaceous seed mix. Project planting and construction were completed in May 2019. The SFRS involved restoration and establishment of a functioning stream ecosystem with 6,810 linear feet of stream restored by re-meandering the stream and by tying the bankfull elevation to the historic floodplain where feasible. The entire site was planted to establish a forested riparian buffer. The site was constructed as designed with no major modifications from the design plan. The monitoring components were installed in May 2019. Four automatically recording pressure transducer stream gauges that take a reading every 10 minutes were installed in the upper third of T1, T1-A, T2 and T3 to document flow within those reaches. Cameras were installed in the vicinity of each of these gauges and set to record a short video once a day to provide additional verification of flow. An additional automatically recording pressure transducer stream gauge was installed near the bottom of the main stem (SF3) to record the occurrence of bankfull events. To determine the success of the planted mitigation areas, seven 10 m x 10 m permanent vegetation monitoring plots were established. An additional five 10 m x 10 m random vegetation monitoring plots were sampled as well. The locations of the planted stems relative to the origin were recorded within the permanent plots and the species and height of each planted stem were recorded for all plots. Any volunteers found within the plots were also grouped into size categories by species, but separate from the planted stems. Twelve permanent photo Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 2 Baseline Monitoring Document reference points were established and will be taken annually. Sixteen permanent cross-sections (eight riffle cross-sections and eight pool cross-sections) were also established and a detailed longitudinal profile of the stream was taken. Wolman pebble counts were performed at all of the riffle cross-sections. The cross- section measurements will be repeated in future monitoring years, but the longitudinal profile will only be repeated if there are concerns about bed elevation adjustments. Reports will be submitted to DMS each year and the first year of monitoring will take place in 2019. First year monitoring data is scheduled to be collected in November 2019, six months after baseline data collection. Vegetative success criteria for the stream mitigation is 260 woody stems/acre after five years, and 210 woody stems/acre after seven years. Trees in each plot must average seven feet in height at Year 5 and ten feet in height at Year 7. Volunteer species must be present for a minimum of two growing seasons and must be a species from the approved planting list to count toward vegetative success. A single species may not account for more than 50% of the required number of stems within any plot. A minimum of four bankfull events must also be recorded during the monitoring period. All project streams must show a minimum of 30 continuous days of flow within a calendar year for three out of the first four years of monitoring. Bank height ratios (BHR) should not exceed 1.2 and the entrenchment ratios (ER) should be 2.2 or greater. BHR and ER at any measured riffle cross-section should not change more than 10% from the baseline condition during any given monitoring interval (e.g. no more than 10% between years 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 5, or 5 and 7). Visual assessments will also be used to identify problem areas. Vegetative success criteria for the areas proposed for riparian buffer credit is 260 woody stems/acre at the end of five years of monitoring. Trees in each plot must average seven feet in height at Year 5. There should be a minimum of four native hardwood tree species, with no species greater than 50% of the stems. Volunteer species must be from the approved planting list to count toward vegetative success. BASELINE CONDITIONS The site was planted in May 2019 with tree tube protection installed around approximately 1 out of every 14 of the planted stems. The baseline conditions monitoring was conducted May 6 through 15, 2019. The average plot stem density from the twelve surveyed plots is 1,523 planted stems/acre. Baseline monitoring was conducted during dormancy, so most of the stems were not identified to species. During MY01, these trees will be identified to species. The baseline survey found that the stream was constructed as designed and all structures were installed as planned with small variations called out in the as-built plans. The profile and cross-section survey found that the dimension and profile of the stream are as designed, with some small variation as is typical for stream restoration projects. o o o ooo o o oo o o o o oooo o o o o o o o o ooo o o o oo o o o o o ooo o o o oooo o o o oo o ooo o ooo o o o o o o o o o o oooo o o oo o oo o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o oooooooo ooo oooooo oooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o oo o o o oo o o o oo o o o o o ooo o oo o oo o o oo o o o o o o oo o o ooo o oooo o o o o oo ooo o o o o o o o o o o ooo o o oo o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o oo o o o o oo o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o ÊÚ §¨¦40 §¨¦95 50 27 242 242 £¤301 BENSON B l a c k Creek ÊÚ WAKE JOHNSTON WAYNE NASH SAMPSON HARNETT WILSON ÊÚ Project Site Location County Boundary Major Roads Minor Roads o Airports (none within a 5-mi radius) Major Rivers and Streams Cities and Towns Elevation RdFederal RdÜ 0 10.5 Miles FIGURE 1. VICINITY MAP, STONY FORK RESTORATION SITE, JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 4 Baseline Monitoring Document REFERENCES NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2010. Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities 2009. Raleigh, NC. Last accessed 5/2019 at: https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Mitigation%20Services/Watershed_Planning/Neuse_River_Bas in/FINAL%20RBRP%20Neuse%202010_%2020111207%20CORRECTED.pdf9 NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2014. NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2014. Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Guidelines. Last accessed 1/2016 at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?p_l_id=60409&folderId=18877169 &name=DLFE-86604.pdf NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2014. Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Guidelines. Last accessed 6/2015 at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?p_l_id=60409&folderId=18877169 &name=DLFE-86606.pdf Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 5 Baseline Monitoring Document APPENDIX A Background Tables Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 6 Baseline Monitoring Document *Mitigation Plan footage used for credit calculations. **Crossings have been removed from creditable linear footage for all project streams Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non-riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Phosphorous Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RE R RE R RE Linear Feet/Acres 6,405 405 450,285 sf 499,462 sf Credits 6,405 181 425,434 59,904 TOTAL CREDITS 6,586 480,338 Project Components Project Component -or- Reach ID Stationing/ Location Existing Footage/ Square Footage Approach (PI, PII etc.) Restoration -or- Restoration Equivalent MP Restoration Footage* As-built Restoration Footage Mitigation Ratio SF1 10+00 – 21+55 1,235 PI/PII R 1,155 1,155 1:1 SF2 21+55 – 49+54 2,453 PI R 2,707** 2,714** 1:1 SF3 49+54 – 56+08 618 PI R 624** 624** 1:1 T1 100+00 – 105+10 365 PI/PII R 510 510 1:1 T1A 150+00 – 151+59 47 PI/PII R 159 159 1:1 T2-1 200+00 – 203+34 327 N/A EII 334 334 2.5:1 T2-2 203+34 – 206+71 326 PI/PII R 337 337 1:1 T2-3 206+71 – 215+26 780 PI/PII R 855 855 1:1 T3-1 300+00 – 300+71 72 PI/PII EI 71 71 1.5:1 T3-2 300+71 – 301+29 82 PI/PII R 58 58 1:1 Buffer Restoration TOB to 100’ N/A 413,194 N/A R 413,194 413,194 100% Buffer Restoration 101-200’ N/A 37,091 N/A R 37,091 37,091 33% Buffer Enhancement TOB to 100’ N/A 74,802 N/A E 74,802 74,802 50% Buffer Preservation TOB to 100’ N/A 424,660 N/A P 424,660 424,660 10% Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 7 Baseline Monitoring Document Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Mitigation Plan Sept. 5, 2018 Final Design - Construction Plans Oct. 15, 2018 Construction Grading Completed May 3, 2019 Planting Completed May 6, 2019 Baseline Monitoring/Report July 2018 Vegetation Monitoring May 9, 2019 Stream Survey May 15, 2019 Table 2. Project Activity & Reporting History Stony Fork Restoration Sites, DMS Project #97085 Component Summation Restoration Level Stream (linear feet) Riparian Wetlands (Acres) Non-Riparian Wetlands (Acres) Buffer (square feet) Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 6,405 450,285 Enhancement 74,802 Enhancement I 71 Enhancement II 334 Creation Preservation 424,660 (175,029 allowable for credit) High Quality Preservation TOTAL CREDITS 6,586 480,338 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 8 Baseline Monitoring Document Table 3. Project Contacts Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Design Firm KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Tim Morris Phone: (919) 278-2512 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Construction Contractor Fluvial Solutions, Inc. Stony Fork and T3 PO Box 28749 Raleigh, NC 27611 Contact: Mr. Peter Jelenevsky Phone: (919) 605-6134 Construction Contractor KCI Environmental Technologies and Construction T1, T1A, and T2 4505 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Tim Morris Phone: (919) 278-2512 Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. PO Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27830 Contact: Mr. Charlie Bruton Phone: (919)783-9214 Monitoring Performers KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Adam Spiller Phone: (919) 278-2514 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 9 Baseline Monitoring Document Table 4. Project Information Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Project Name Stony Fork Restoration Site County Johnston County Project Area 24.4 acres Project Coordinates (lat. and long.) 35°26'55.0"N, 78°31'18.5"W Planted Acreage (acres of woody stems planted) 24.4 acres Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Coastal Plain River Basin Neuse USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03020201 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03020201150010 DWQ Sub-basin 03-04-04 Project Drainage Area (acres) 497 acres Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 5% CGIA Land Use Classification Managed Herbaceous Cover 53% (262 ac), Mixed Hardwoods/Conifers 31% (150 ac), Low Density Developed 9% (42 ac), Medium Density Residential 5% (24 ac), Transportation/Impervious 3% (13 ac) Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters Stony Fork T1 and T1A T2 T3 Length of reach (linear feet) 3,141 412 1,433 154 Valley confinement Drainage area (acres) 497 12 150 29 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Perennial Intermittent Perennial Intermittent NCDWQ Water Quality Classification C; NSW C; NSW C; NSW C; NSW Stream Classification (existing) G4c G4 G4 G4 Stream Classification (proposed) C4 C4 C4 C4 Evolutionary trend (Simon) Channelized, Stage III Channelized, Stage III Channelized, Stage III Modified with pond, Stage III FEMA classification None None None None Existing Wetland Summary Information Parameters Size of Wetland (acres) 0.33 (WA and WE) 0.06 (WB) 0.14 (WC and WF) Wetland Type Headwater Forest Bottomland Hardwood Forest Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Mapped Soil Series Gilead sandy loam Bibb sandy loam Bibb sandy loam Drainage class Moderately Well Drained Poorly Drained Poorly Drained Soil Hydric Status Non-hydric Hydric Hydric Source of Hydrology Surface Water Stream Floodplain Stream Floodplain Restoration or Enhancement Method N/A N/A N/A Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 10 Baseline Monitoring Document Table 4, continued Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States – Section 404 Yes Yes 404 permit Waters of the United States – Section 401 Yes Yes 401 permit Endangered Species Act No N/A N/A Historic Preservation Act No N/A N/A Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/ Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance No Yes N/A Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A   Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 11 Baseline Monitoring Document     APPENDIX B Visual Assessment Data   ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ Star t SF1 T2-1 SF2 T2-2 T1 T1A T3-1 T3-2 T2-3 SF3 Sheet 1 Sheet 4 Sheet 3 Sheet 2 4 6 5 3 2 1 75 2 83 4916121 0 14134 5 6 7 2 3 1 R1 R5 R4 R2 R3 Source: Google Earth, 2018 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEW STO NY FOR K RESTORATION SITEJOHNSTON COUNTY, NC ±0 310155Feet Stream Mitigation R (6,405 lf / 6,405 SMCs) EI (71 lf / 47 SMC s) EII (334 lf / 134 SMCs) Buffer Mitig ation R 0-100'(413,194 sf / 413,194 credits) R 101-200'(37,091 sf / 12,240 credits) E (74,802 sf / 37,401 credits) P (424,660 sf / 17,503 credits) Project Easement Cross-Sections ^_Photo Points Flow G auge Camera Bankfull Gauge Vegetation Monitoring Plots Success Criteria Met Success Criteria Not Met Overview ^_ ^_ Star t SF1 SF2 T1 T1A T3-1 T3-2 27+0026+0025+0024+0023+0022+0021+0020+0019+0018+0017+0016+0015+0014+0013+0012+0011+0010+003 0 1 +0 0 3 0 0 +0 0 151+00 1 5 0 + 0 0 104+00103+001 0 2 +0 0 101+00100+0029+0028+002 1 12 3 491211 1 0 4 1 R1 R2 Source: Google Earth, 2018 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEW STO NY FOR K RESTORATION SITEJOHNSTON COUNTY, NC ±0 10050Feet Stream Mitigation R (6,405 lf / 6,405 SMCs) EI (71 lf / 47 SMC s) EII (334 lf / 134 SMCs) Buffer Mitig ation R 0-100'(413,194 sf / 413,194 credits) R 101-200'(37,091 sf / 12,240 credits) E (74,802 sf / 37,401 credits) P (424,660 sf / 17,503 credits) Project Easement Cross-Sections ^_Photo Points Flow G auge Camera Bankfull Gauge Vegetation Monitoring Plots Success Criteria Met Success Criteria Not Met SHEET 1 of 4 ^_27+0042+0041+0040+0039+0038+0037+0036+0035+0034+0033+0032+0031+0030+0029+0028+0044+0043+003 5 6 3 42 3 R2 R3 Source: Google Earth, 2018 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEW STO NY FOR K RESTORATION SITEJOHNSTON COUNTY, NC ±0 10050Feet Stream Mitigation R (6,405 lf / 6,405 SMCs) EI (71 lf / 47 SMC s) EII (334 lf / 134 SMCs) Buffer Mitig ation R 0-100'(413,194 sf / 413,194 credits) R 101-200'(37,091 sf / 12,240 credits) E (74,802 sf / 37,401 credits) P (424,660 sf / 17,503 credits) Project Easement Cross-Sections ^_Photo Points Flow G auge Camera Bankfull Gauge Vegetation Monitoring Plots Success Criteria Met Success Criteria Not Met SHEET 2 of 4 ^_ ^_ T2-3 SF3 42+0041+0056+0055+0054+0053+0052+0051+0050+0048+0047+0046+0045+0044+0043+00214+00213+00 2 1 2 +0 0211+00210+00209+0049+00215+00208+00207+0020 6 +0 0 6 5 75 6 816157 6 3 R5 R4 Source: Google Earth, 2018 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEW STO NY FOR K RESTORATION SITEJOHNSTON COUNTY, NC ±0 10050Feet Stream Mitigation R (6,405 lf / 6,405 SMCs) EI (71 lf / 47 SMC s) EII (334 lf / 134 SMCs) Buffer Mitig ation R 0-100'(413,194 sf / 413,194 credits) R 101-200'(37,091 sf / 12,240 credits) E (74,802 sf / 37,401 credits) P (424,660 sf / 17,503 credits) Project Easement Cross-Sections ^_Photo Points Flow G auge Camera Bankfull Gauge Vegetation Monitoring Plots Success Criteria Met Success Criteria Not Met SHEET 3 of 4 ^_ ^_ T2-1 T2-2 T2-3 SF3 51+0050+0048+00214+00213+00 2 1 2 +0 0211+00210+00209+0049+00215+00208+00207+0020 6 +0 0 205+00 204+00203+00202+00201+00200+004 5 7161514135 6 7 R4 Source: Google Earth, 2018 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEW STO NY FOR K RESTORATION SITEJOHNSTON COUNTY, NC ±0 10050Feet Stream Mitigation R (6,405 lf / 6,405 SMCs) EI (71 lf / 47 SMC s) EII (334 lf / 134 SMCs) Buffer Mitig ation R 0-100'(413,194 sf / 413,194 credits) R 101-200'(37,091 sf / 12,240 credits) E (74,802 sf / 37,401 credits) P (424,660 sf / 17,503 credits) Project Easement Cross-Sections ^_Photo Points Flow G auge Camera Bankfull Gauge Vegetation Monitoring Plots Success Criteria Met Success Criteria Not Met SHEET 4 of 4 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 17 Baseline Monitoring Report   Photo Reference Photos PP1U – MY-00 – 5/15/19 PP1D – MY-00 – 5/15/19 PP2U – MY-00 – 5/15/19 PP2D – MY-00 – 5/15/19 PP3U – MY-00 – 5/15/19 PP3D – MY-00 – 5/15/19 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 18 Baseline Monitoring Report   PP4U – MY-00 – 5/15/19 PP4D – MY-00 – 5/15/19 PP5U – MY-00 – 5/15/19 PP5D – MY-00 – 5/15/19 PP6U – MY-00 – 5/15/19 PP6D – MY-00 – 5/15/19 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 19 Baseline Monitoring Report   Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 1 – MY-00 – 5/15/19 Vegetation Plot 2 – MY-00 – 5/15/19 Vegetation Plot 3 – MY-00 – 5/15/19 Vegetation Plot 4 – MY-00 – 5/15/19 Vegetation Plot 5 – MY-00 – 5/15/19 Vegetation Plot 6 – MY-00 - 5/15/19 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 20 Baseline Monitoring Report   Vegetation Plot 7 – MY-00 – 5/15/19 Vegetation Plot R1 – MY-00 – 5/15/19                   Vegetation Plot R2 – MY00 – 5/15/19 Vegetation Plot R3 – MY00 – 5/15/19                   Vegetation Plot R4 – MY00 – 5/15/19 Vegetation Plot R5 – MY00 – 5/15/19 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 21 Baseline Monitoring Report       APPENDIX C Vegetation Plot Data                  Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 22 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 5. Species and Quantity of Planted Stems Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085Common Name Scientific Name 1 Gallon Containers Bare Root Live Stakes Sycamore Platanus occidentalis 145 3120 Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii 142 Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 2720 River Birch Betula nigra 3120 Willow Oak Quercus phellos 3220 Tulip Poplar Liriodenron tulipifera 145 3320 Southern Red Oak Quercus falcata 26 2300 White Oak Quercus alba 27 1900 Persimmon Diospyros virginiana 900 Pin Oak Quercus palustris 70 900 Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 400 Black Willow Salix nigra 2525 Silky Willow Salix sericea 2525 Silky Dogwood Cornus ammomum 400 2525 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 23 Baseline Monitoring Report Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)11Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)225566Oak (Quercus sp.) 11 22 11 77Pin Oak (Quercus palustris)2211Red Maple (Acer rubrum)2River Birch (Betula nigra)1111Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)22 33 44 11Sugar Berry (Celtis laevigata)Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxi) 33 111111Sweet Bay (Magnolia virginiana)1Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)3311 1111 11Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)3311White Oak (Quercus alba)14Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)11 2 2Unknown 15 15 22 22 22 22 4 4 5 5 13 13 16 1627 27 26 26 26 26 20 20 17 23 20 20 22 226 6 4 4 446 6 6 8 556 61093 1052 1052 809 688 809 890Current Plot Data (MY00 2019)Table 6. Stem Count by Plot and SpeciesStony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085Plot 06 Plot 07110.025 0.025Plot 01 Plot 02 Plot 03 Plot 04 Plot 051Speciessize (ACRES)Species countStems per ACREStem countsize (ares)0.02511110.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 24 Baseline Monitoring Report Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085SpeciesPlanted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted TotalBald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)11Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)22Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)2 2 66335 5 2929Oak (Quercus sp.)1 1 11332 2 1818Pin Oak (Quercus palustris)33Red Maple (Acer rubrum)2River Birch (Betula nigra)22Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum)10 10Sugar Berry (Celtis laevigata)22Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxi)1177Sweet Bay (Magnolia virginiana)1Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)2299Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)1166 331414White Oak (Quercus alba)1125Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)33Unknown8 8 16 16 40 40 17 17 21 21 199 19915 19 24 24 52 52 24 24 24 24 297 30780.2068444433221216607 971 2104 971 971 1502 1553Current Plot Data (MY00 2019) Annual MeansTable 6, continued.size (ares)size (ACRES)Stem count111110.025 0.025 0.025MY00 (2019)Plot R50.025Stems per ACREPlot R1 Plot R2 Plot R3 Plot R4Species count0.025 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 25 Baseline Monitoring Report      APPENDIX D Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data   Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 26 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 7a. SF1 Data Summary Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built Dimension - Riffle Min Mean Max n Bankfull Width (ft) 7.2 14.8-18.8 9.7 9.3 1 Floodprone Width (ft) 8.7 >50 100 >80 1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.9 1.3-1.8 0.7 0.8 1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.2 1.9-2.4 1.1 1.2 1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2) 6.4 25 7.0 7.0 1 Width/Depth Ratio 8.1 9.0-14.0 13.5 12.2 1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.2 >2.5 10.3 8.7 1 Bank Height Ratio 2.9 1.0-1.2 1.0 1.0 1 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) * 60 30-55 30-55 Radius of Curvature (ft) * 16—87 20-29 20-29 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) * 3.5—12.9 9.6-13.6 9.6-13.6 Meander Wavelength (ft) * 66—191 93-132 93-132 Meander Width Ratio * 4.1 3.1-5.7 3.1-5.7 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 23.40 31.55 40.95 17 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.009 0.013—0.035 0.009-0.015 0.0031 0.0141 0.0137 17 Pool Length (ft) * 14—33 21-46 12.47 28.73 41.34 17 Pool Spacing (ft) * 2.7—7.1 5.6-7.3 44.28 68.72 142.01 17 Substrate and Transport Parameters SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% /Be% 3/40/57/0/0/0 0/4/90/7/0/0 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 (mm) 0.15/1.2/2.2/7.5/11/-0.4/7.1 Gravel Gravel 9.4/16/22/33/53/70 Channel length (ft) 1235 1155 1155 Drainage Area (SM) 0.27 1.49 0.27 0.27 Rosgen Classification G4c C4 C4 C4 Sinuosity 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.009 0.005 0.009 0.01 * : no data shown for pools, radius of curvature or meanders in existing stream do to channelization / lack of bed diversity Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 27 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 7b. SF2 Baseline Stream Data Summary Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data (SF) Design As-built Dimension - Riffle Min Mean Max n Bankfull Width (ft) 5.0-10.0 14.8-18.8 11.3 12.2 12.4 12.6 2 Floodprone Width (ft) 7.4-14.5 >50 100 53.3 67.0 80.7 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.0-1.4 1.3-1.8 0.8 0.9 0.95 1.0 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.3-2.2 1.9-2.4 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2) 6.9-8.9 25 9.4 10.6 11.6 12.5 2 Width/Depth Ratio 3.7-11.2 9.0-14.0 13.5 12.8 13.5 14.1 2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.4-1.5 >2.5 8.8 4.2 5.4 6.6 2 Bank Height Ratio 1.6-2.1 1.0-1.2 1.0 1 1 1 2 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) * 60 37-65 37-65 Radius of Curvature (ft) * 16—87 22-33 22-33 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) * 3.5—12.9 9.3-13.1 9.3-13.1 Meander Wavelength (ft) * 66—191 105-148 105-148 Meander Width Ratio * 4.1 3.3-5.8 3.3-5.8 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 17.58 39.07 86.38 36 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.003-0.008 0.013—0.035 0.009 - 0.015 0.0021 0.0118 0.0256 36 Pool Length (ft) * 14—33 24-52 12.51 28.83 52.39 34 Pool Spacing (ft) * 2.7—7.1 5.2-7.4 43.01 81.44 178.86 34 Substrate and Transport Parameters SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% /Be% 20.3/30/49.8/0/0/0 5/8/54/33/0/0 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 (mm) 0.33/0.61/1.2/6.2/9.8/0.3/5.5 Gravel Gravel 5.9/31/45/61/98.5/140 Channel length (ft) 2453 2802 2802 Drainage Area (SM) 0.41 1.49 0.41 0.41 Rosgen Classification G4c—G5c C4 C4 C4 Sinuosity 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.008 0.005 0.008 0.008 * : no data shown for pools, radius of curvature or meanders in existing stream do to channelization / lack of bed diversity Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 28 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 7c. SF3 Baseline Stream Data Summary Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data (SF) Design As-built Dimension - Riffle Min Mean Max n Bankfull Width (ft) 10.5 14.8-18.8 12.6 11.6 1 Floodprone Width (ft) 14.4 >50 100 92.4 1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.2 1.3-1.8 0.9 1.1 1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.3 1.9-2.4 1.4 1.7 1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2) 12.5 25 11.8 12.9 1 Width/Depth Ratio 8.9 9.0-14.0 13.5 10.4 1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.4 >2.5 7.9 8.0 1 Bank Height Ratio 2.0 1.0-1.2 1.0 1.0 1 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) * 60 46-77 46-77 Radius of Curvature (ft) * 16—87 28-35 28-35 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) * 3.5—12.9 11.7-14 11.7-14 Meander Wavelength (ft) * 66—191 148-176 148-176 Meander Width Ratio * 4.1 3.7-6.1 3.7-6.1 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 7.4 35.2 52.4 7 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.006 0.013—0.035 0.01 0.0032 0.0075 0.0175 7 Pool Length (ft) * 14—33 35-62 12.4 33.9 39.7 7 Pool Spacing (ft) * 2.7—7.1 6.7-8.0 92.0 103.1 114.4 7 Substrate and Transport Parameters SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% /Be% 10/0/0/0/0/0 21/21/40/18/0/0 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 (mm) 1.1/6.0/8.3/12/15/-0.7/3.3 Gravel Gravel 0.06/0.77/16/29/70/120 Channel length (ft) 618 654 654 Drainage Area (SM) 0.84 1.49 0.84 0.84 Rosgen Classification G4c C4 C4 C4 Sinuosity 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.006 0.005 0.008 0.006 * : no data shown for pools, radius of curvature or meanders in existing stream do to channelization / lack of bed diversity  Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 29 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 7d. T1 Baseline Stream Data Summary Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data (SF) Design As-built Dimension - Riffle Min Mean Max n Bankfull Width (ft) 3.4 14.8-18.8 5.0 4.2 1 Floodprone Width (ft) 4.5 >50 50 45.0 1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.3 1.3-1.8 0.4 0.2 1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.4 1.9-2.4 0.6 0.5 1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2) 0.9 25 1.9 0.9 1 Width/Depth Ratio 12.7 9.0-14.0 13.5 18.6 1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.3 >2.5 10 10.8 1 Bank Height Ratio 4.5 1.0-1.2 1.0 1.0 1 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) * 60 23-37 23-37 Radius of Curvature (ft) * 16—87 11-17 11-17 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) * 3.5—12.9 11.6-14.4 11.6-14.4 Meander Wavelength (ft) * 66—191 58-72 58-72 Meander Width Ratio * 4.1 4.6-7.4 4.6-7.4 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 4.53 18.2 29.1 11 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.035 0.013—0.035 0.014-0.04 0.00 0.024 0.045 11 Pool Length (ft) * 14—33 11-29 7.29 40.2 65.6 11 Pool Spacing (ft) * 2.7—7.1 6.2-8.8 35.7 45.7 60.3 11 Substrate and Transport Parameters SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% /Be% 10/3/21/66/0/0 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 (mm) Silt-Clay Gravel Gravel 37/65/78/94/130/170 Channel length (ft) 365 510 510 Drainage Area (SM) 0.02 1.49 0.02 0.02 Rosgen Classification G5 C4 C4 C4 Sinuosity 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.035 0.005 0.020 0.019 * : no data shown for pools, radius of curvature or meanders in existing stream do to channelization / lack of bed diversity Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 30 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 7e. T2-1 Baseline Stream Data Summary Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built Dimension - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 4.5-5.7 14.8-18.8 5.0 Floodprone Width (ft) 5.7-30.7 >50 50 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.8-1.7 1.3-1.8 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.2-2.1 1.9-2.4 0.6 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2) 3.6-9.4 25 1.9 Width/Depth Ratio 3.4-5.4 9.0-14.0 13.5 Entrenchment Ratio 1.3-5.4 >2.5 10 Bank Height Ratio 1.5-4.1 1.0-1.2 1.0 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) * 60 25-40 25-40 Radius of Curvature (ft) * 16—87 12-15 12-15 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) * 3.5—12.9 14 14 Meander Wavelength (ft) * 66—191 70 70 Meander Width Ratio * 4.1 5.0-8.0 5.0-8.0 Profile Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.009-0.020 0.013—0.035 0.016 Pool Length (ft) * 14—33 6-16 Pool Spacing (ft) * 2.7—7.1 6.4-8.0 Substrate and Transport Parameters SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% /Be% d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 (mm) Silt-Clay Gravel Gravel Channel length (ft) 327 334 334 Drainage Area (SM) 0.23 1.49 0.04 0.04 Rosgen Classification G5c C4 C4 C4 Sinuosity 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.014 0.005 0.012 * : no data shown for pools, radius of curvature or meanders in existing stream do to channelization / lack of bed diversity  Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 31 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 7f. T2-2 Baseline Stream Data Summary Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built Min Mean Max n Bankfull Width (ft) 4.5-5.7 14.8-18.8 7.6 9.7 1 Floodprone Width (ft) 5.7-30.7 >50 50 43.4 1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.8-1.7 1.3-1.8 0.6 0.6 1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.2-2.1 1.9-2.4 0.8 1.0 1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2) 3.6-9.4 25 4.3 5.8 1 Width/Depth Ratio 3.4-5.4 9.0-14.0 13.4 16.4 1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.3-5.4 >2.5 6.6 4.5 1 Bank Height Ratio 1.5-4.1 1.0-1.2 1.0 1.0 1 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) * 60 28-45 28-45 Radius of Curvature (ft) * 16—87 16-23 16-23 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) * 3.5—12.9 11.2-11.8 11.2-11.8 Meander Wavelength (ft) * 66—191 85-90 85-90 Meander Width Ratio * 4.1 3.7-5.9 3.7-5.9 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 20.0 29.0 56.7 6 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.009-0.020 0.013—0.035 0.014 0.01 0.018 0.028 6 Pool Length (ft) * 14—33 14-24 10.8 17.6 22.8 6 Pool Spacing (ft) * 2.7—7.1 5.7-6.6 47.0 48.8 51.2 6 Substrate and Transport Parameters SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% /Be% 6/45/15/33/0/0 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 (mm) Silt-Clay Gravel Gravel 26/35/42/51/74/110 Channel length (ft) 326 337 337 Drainage Area (SM) 0.23 1.49 0.15 0.15 Rosgen Classification G5c C4 C4 C4 Sinuosity 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.014 0.005 0.012 0.011 * : no data shown for pools, radius of curvature or meanders in existing stream do to channelization / lack of bed diversity Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 32 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 7g. T2-3 Baseline Stream Data Summary Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built Dimension - Riffle Min Mean Max n Bankfull Width (ft) 4.5-5.7 14.8-18.8 9.0 8.6 1 Floodprone Width (ft) 5.7-30.7 >50 50 80.9 1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.8-1.7 1.3-1.8 0.6 0.7 1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.2-2.1 1.9-2.4 1.0 1.2 1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2) 3.6-9.4 25 5.8 6.0 1 Width/Depth Ratio 3.4-5.4 9.0-14.0 13.9 12.3 1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.3-5.4 >2.5 5.6 9.4 1 Bank Height Ratio 1.5-4.1 1.0-1.2 1.0 1.0 1 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) * 60 32-45 32-45 Radius of Curvature (ft) * 16—87 18-23 18-23 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) * 3.5—12.9 10.2-11.1 10.2-11.1 Meander Wavelength (ft) * 66—191 92-100 92-100 Meander Width Ratio * 4.1 3.6-6.0 3.6-6.0 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 25.8 33.6 38.9 15 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.009-0.020 0.013—0.035 0.012-0.015 0.002 0.014 0.024 15 Pool Length (ft) * 14—33 12-34 8.48 35.6 91.4 14 Pool Spacing (ft) * 2.7—7.1 5.1-7.0 45.7 57.3 77.4 14 Substrate and Transport Parameters SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% /Be% 4/7/65/24/0/0 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 (mm) 0.031/0.13/0.21/2.0/6.1/0.1/8 Gravel Gravel 18/35/45/77/120 Channel length (ft) 780 855 855 Drainage Area (SM) 0.23 1.49 0.23 0.23 Rosgen Classification G5c C4 C4 C4 Sinuosity 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.014 0.005 0.011 0.011 * : no data shown for pools, radius of curvature or meanders in existing stream do to channelization / lack of bed diversity  Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 33 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 7h. T3 Baseline Stream Data Summary Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built Dimension - Riffle Min Mean Max n Bankfull Width (ft) 4.2-4.8 14.8 5.0 5.2 1 Floodprone Width (ft) 5.0-5.9 >50 50 38.0 1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4-0.6 1.3-1.8 0.4 0.4 1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.6-0.7 1.9-2.4 0.6 0.7 1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft2) 1.9-2.6 25 1.9 2.1 1 Width/Depth Ratio 6.9-12.6 9.0-14.0 13.5 13.0 1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.2 >2.5 10 7.2 1 Bank Height Ratio 3.2-3.4 1.0-1.2 1.0 1.0 1 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) ** 60 16-26 16-26 Radius of Curvature (ft) ** 16—87 11-14 11-14 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) ** 3.5—12.9 8.6-9.4 8.6-9.4 Meander Wavelength (ft) ** 66—191 43-47 43-47 Meander Width Ratio ** 4.1 3.2-5.2 3.2-5.2 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 34.3 36.9 39.5 2 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) ** 0.013—0.035 0.0025 0.006 0.0098 0.014 2 Pool Length (ft) ** 14—33 7-15 38.43 1 Pool Spacing (ft) ** 2.7—7.1 4.2-5.4 Substrate and Transport Parameters SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% /Be% 8/67/25/0/0/0 9/15/58/19/0/0 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 (mm) N/A Gravel Gravel 0.3/8.2/18/35/72/140 Channel length (ft) 154 129 129 Drainage Area (SM) 0.05 1.49 0.02 0.02 Rosgen Classification G4 C4 C4 C4 Sinuosity 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.007 0.005 0.0016 0.005 ** :channel affected by former pond  Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 34 Baseline Monitoring Report Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5MY+Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 206.8 206.6 192.5Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area - 1.0 1.0Thalweg Elevation 204.8 205.3 190.9LTOB Elevation 206.8 206.6 192.5LTOB Max Depth (ft) 1.9 1.2 1.6LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)11.5 7.1 12.5Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5MY+Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 192.0 182.1181.74Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area - 1.0 -Thalweg Elevation 190.1 180.8 179.4LTOB Elevation 192.0 182.1 181.7LTOB Max Depth (ft) 1.9 1.4 2.4LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)13.6 10.6 14.5Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5MY+Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 176.0175.26 206.99Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area 1.0 - -Thalweg Elevation 174.3 172.6 205.9LTOB Elevation 176.0 175.3 207.0LTOB Max Depth (ft) 1.7 2.7 1.1LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)12.8 20.7 3.7Cross-Section 7 (Riffle) Station 50+76, SFCross-Section 8 (Pool) Station 51+25, SFCross-Section 9 (Pool) Station 300+78, T3Table 8. Cross Section Dimensional Morphology Summary Stony Fork Stream Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085Cross-Section 1 (Pool) Station 13+32, SFCross-Section 2 (Riffle) Station 13+59, SFCross-Section 3 (Riffle) Station 27+57, SFCross-Section 4 (Pool) Station 27+93, SFCross-Section 5 (Riffle) Station 41+58, SFCross-Section 6 (Pool) Station 41+95, SF  Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 35 Baseline Monitoring Report Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5MY+Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 207.1 198.2198.39Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area 1.0 1.0 -Thalweg Elevation 206.4 197.7 197.2LTOB Elevation 207.1 198.2 198.4LTOB Max Depth (ft) 0.7 0.5 1.2LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2.1 0.9 0.8Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5MY+Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull Area#####187.9180.87Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area - 1.0 -Thalweg Elevation 186.9 186.9 179.1LTOB Elevation 188.4 187.9 180.9LTOB Max Depth (ft) 1.5 1.0 1.8LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)9.3 5.8 11.2Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 180.7Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area 1.0Thalweg Elevation 179.6LTOB Elevation 180.7LTOB Max Depth (ft) 1.2LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)6.0Cross-Section 15 (Pool) Station 210+94, T2Cross-Section 16 (Riffle) Station 211+23, T2Table 8. Cross Section Dimensional Morphology Summary Stony Fork Stream Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085Cross-Section 10 (Riffle) Station 300+94, T3Cross-Section 11 (Riffle) Station 103+63, T1Cross-Section 12 (Pool) Station 103+85, T1Cross-Section 13 (Pool) Station 204+25, T2Cross-Section 14 (Riffle) Station 204+45, T2       SWS = ‐0.01x + 218.61SBKF= ‐0.0095x + 218.71961971981992002012022032042052062072082092101000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000Elevation (ft)Station (ft)Longitudinal ProfileStony Fork ‐ Reach 1Monitoring Year 00, 2019DesignMY00Water SurfaceBankfullCross SectionStructure SWS = ‐0.0076x + 212.33SBKF = ‐0.0078x + 214.111741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002150 2650 3150 3650 4150 4650Elevation (ft)Station (ft)Longitudinal ProfileStony Fork ‐ Reach 2Monitoring Year 00, 2019DesignMY00Water SurfaceBankfullCross SectionStructure SWS = ‐0.0055x + 202.12SBKF = ‐0.0058x + 204.961701711721731741751764950 5050 5150 5250 5350 5450 5550 5650 5750Elevation (ft)Station (ft)Longitudinal ProfileStony Fork ‐ Reach 3Monitoring Year 00, 2019DesignMY00Water SurfaceBankfullCross SectionStructure SWS= ‐0.0194x + 398.65SBKF= ‐0.0224x + 430.6919419519619719819920020120220320420520620720820921010000 10050 10100 10150 10200 10250 10300 10350 10400 10450Elevation (ft)Station (ft)Longitudinal ProfileStony Fork ‐ T1Monitoring Year 00, 2019DesignMY00Water SurfaceBankfullCross SectionStructure SWS= ‐0.0318x + 682.25SBKF= ‐0.0316x + 678.7919920020120220320420520615000 15020 15040 15060 15080 15100 15120 15140Elevation (ft)Station (ft)Longitudinal ProfileStony Fork ‐ T1‐AMonitoring Year 00, 2019DesignMY00Water SurfaceBankfullStructure SWS= ‐0.0113x + 417.92SBKF= ‐0.0112x + 416.7817417517617717817918018118218318418518618718818919020300 20500 20700 20900 21100 21300 21500Elevation (ft)Station (ft)Longitudinal ProfileStony Fork ‐ T2Monitoring Year 00, 2019DesignMY00Water SurfaceBankfullCross SectionStructure SWS= ‐0.0049x + 354.38SBKF= ‐0.005x + 35820420520620720820921030000 30020 30040 30060 30080 30100 30120Elevation (ft)Station (ft)Longitudinal ProfileStony Fork ‐ T3Monitoring Year 00, 2019DesignMY00Water SurfaceBankfullStructure Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation-0.02 208.20206.750.00 208.48204.838.80 207.6011.515.13 207.0911.522.98 207.1612.631.31 207.16---39.85 207.12---46.63 206.941.948.31 206.750.949.70 206.38---51.22 206.06---51.94 205.97---53.34 204.9454.38 204.8355.42 204.8656.80 205.3257.72 205.7158.14 206.3458.85 206.3759.73 206.8462.85 206.9464.16 207.4165.60 207.5070.81 207.4276.81 207.1984.90 206.6788.17 206.5188.23 207.01River Basin:Neuse River Site:Stony ForkXS IDXS1Drainage Area (sq mi):0.28Date:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezW / D Ratio:SUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaBankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Thalweg ElevationEntrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:2042052062072082092100 1020304050607080Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS1, Pool, SFBankfullMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 208.25206.570.02 207.96205.338.03 207.557.020.02 206.947.127.09 206.609.333.07 206.68207.837.00 206.7080.740.07 206.641.242.55 206.640.843.74 206.6312.245.20 206.278.745.82 205.911.046.46 205.6947.33 205.5348.00 205.3648.88 205.3349.70 205.3950.83 205.5752.10 206.2353.17 206.5754.42 206.6160.72 206.5066.91 206.7972.44 206.8683.61 206.7383.68 207.06LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:SUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaBankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezDrainage Area (sq mi):0.28River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS22052062072082090 1020304050607080Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS2, Riffle, SFBankfullFlood Prone AreaMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 195.53192.510.11 195.30190.875.15 195.2412.514.10 194.5612.518.74 193.5012.626.01 192.84194.235.57 192.5953.338.13 192.541.640.51 191.591.042.27 191.1912.843.31 190.994.244.16 190.8746.88 191.0549.10 192.1150.84 192.5153.37 192.6059.47 192.6961.76 192.8465.07 193.5569.58 194.2171.03 194.2070.97 194.59LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.46River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS31901911921931941951960 10203040506070Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS3, Riffle, SFBankfullFlood Prone AreaMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 195.33191.990.10 195.01190.069.23 194.4113.613.25 193.8113.619.84 192.7012.524.02 192.37---25.02 192.29---25.76 192.011.926.55 191.381.127.98 190.39---29.30 190.25---30.31 190.06---31.81 190.2532.86 190.7333.55 190.8335.00 191.2538.33 191.9941.46 192.1249.96 192.3559.79 192.8666.06 193.4066.08 193.78LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.46River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS41891901911921931941951960 102030405060Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS4, Pool, SFBankfullMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 183.09182.130.16 182.44180.769.26 182.3910.618.68 182.8710.727.23 182.5412.230.81 182.31183.531.33 182.2080.732.19 181.941.434.05 181.260.934.48 181.0514.135.41 180.766.636.66 180.831.038.24 180.9139.07 180.9240.08 181.0341.75 181.4443.80 182.1346.99 182.3254.92 182.4365.62 182.4075.29 182.4080.82 182.5880.67 183.28LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.46River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS51801811821831840 1020304050607080Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS5, Riffle, SFBankfullFlood Prone AreaMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 183.55181.740.14 183.31179.367.54 182.5714.514.20 182.0814.518.65 181.8312.021.77 181.74---23.23 181.20---23.93 180.802.425.12 179.681.226.48 179.36---27.54 179.38---29.15 180.04---30.14 180.8331.18 181.0834.22 181.8537.38 181.8946.89 181.7959.21 182.4468.65 182.4381.11 182.5681.12 183.18LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.46River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS61781791801811821831840 1020304050607080Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS6, Pool, SFBankfullMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 177.93176.020.08 177.25174.295.05 176.6812.812.15 176.2212.921.90 176.1211.632.98 176.12177.737.38 176.3392.439.83 175.861.741.62 174.7610.442.76 174.648.043.07 174.381.044.02 174.3945.44 174.2946.60 174.5947.84 174.6150.60 175.4353.18 176.0257.32 175.9368.30 175.9679.12 176.1992.31 176.8792.38 177.48LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.83River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS71731741751761771781790 102030405060708090Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS7, Riffle, SFBankfullFlood Prone AreaMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 176.45175.260.10 175.87172.5512.58 175.5620.728.15 175.4720.739.84 175.1713.542.41 175.26---44.84 174.75---46.65 174.102.747.86 173.881.549.81 172.79---51.67 172.55---52.70 172.68---53.95 173.1154.80 173.5455.06 174.1855.56 174.4757.52 175.1159.06 175.3765.89 175.3676.86 176.2981.13 176.6981.12 177.59LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.83River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS81721731741751761771781790 1020304050607080Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS8, Pool, SFBankfullMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 210.71206.99-0.03 210.22205.855.95 209.983.78.84 209.883.710.30 209.705.514.17 208.60---18.51 207.58---21.41 207.100.726.16 206.99---26.65 206.68---26.97 206.64---27.82 205.8728.51 205.8528.97 205.8830.31 206.3130.81 206.6031.19 206.8931.80 207.0133.28 207.0638.10 207.0543.02 207.1350.96 208.0556.37 208.5660.59 208.8260.67 209.34LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.04River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS92052062072082092102112120 102030405060Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS9, Pool, T3BankfullMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 209.76207.100.07 209.23206.407.02 208.722.114.95 207.885.228.27 207.57207.835.56 207.2738.039.10 207.380.741.35 207.270.442.57 206.9513.043.21 206.627.243.88 206.531.044.86 206.4045.53 206.5445.85 206.6446.49 206.9147.25 206.9748.22 207.1049.57 207.0352.47 207.1358.00 207.5565.96 208.2772.00 208.3872.00 209.07LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.04River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS102062072082092102110 10203040506070Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS10, Riffle, T3BankfullFlood Prone AreaMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 198.91198.190.09 198.77197.658.40 198.610.916.84 198.630.924.03 198.494.231.03 198.38198.736.12 198.1948.237.46 198.080.537.98 197.940.238.21 197.7618.638.38 197.6511.638.94 197.661.039.41 197.9539.98 198.1040.92 198.3942.19 198.5342.92 198.5144.40 198.6248.33 198.6955.78 198.8969.12 199.5572.54 199.9072.51 199.57LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.02River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS111971981992002010 10203040506070Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS11, Riffle, T1BankfullFlood Prone AreaMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 199.30198.39-0.03 198.95197.225.00 198.950.812.52 198.990.817.94 198.753.023.83 198.55---30.06 198.57---37.00 198.541.239.90 198.470.341.40 198.39---42.09 198.25---43.81 197.78---44.86 197.4345.49 197.2246.54 197.2547.02 197.3147.40 197.6848.32 198.1249.12 198.4951.12 198.5653.67 198.7455.03 198.9858.02 199.5963.96 199.8975.32 199.7375.31 200.07LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.02River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS121961971981992002010 10203040506070Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS12, Pool, T1BankfullMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 190.20188.380.08 189.71186.857.45 188.949.314.27 188.459.323.57 188.4511.331.29 188.44---34.47 188.38---35.81 188.051.537.90 187.370.839.77 187.28---40.41 187.24---41.15 187.09---42.04 186.8542.63 187.0143.04 187.2044.31 187.7744.98 188.2046.06 188.4449.22 188.6153.70 189.2062.55 189.9762.59 190.57LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.14River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS131861871881891901910 102030405060Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS13, Pool, T2BankfullMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 190.47187.900.18 189.66186.906.74 189.145.813.43 188.545.822.20 188.109.728.40 188.02188.932.97 187.9043.434.24 187.761.035.14 187.340.636.02 187.3216.436.33 187.294.536.46 186.9937.85 186.9338.80 186.9039.41 187.0239.59 187.2540.26 187.1641.66 187.4742.31 187.4342.76 187.9743.76 188.1345.60 188.2150.99 188.4253.97 189.2560.77 189.6062.42 189.7962.59 190.61LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.14River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS141861871881891901910 102030405060Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS14, Riffle, T2BankfullFlood Prone AreaMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 183.66180.870.04 183.01179.051.52 182.8311.26.06 182.1611.218.25 181.6311.826.54 181.30---34.18 181.02---37.17 180.871.839.66 180.361.040.94 180.03---42.07 179.73---42.86 179.36---43.70 179.3845.06 179.0946.23 179.0547.14 180.0348.87 180.8349.44 181.2550.71 181.2053.58 181.2455.77 181.8363.39 181.9976.64 181.9476.67 182.49LTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationDate:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaDrainage Area (sq mi):0.22River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS151781791801811821831841850 10203040506070Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS15, Pool, T2BankfullMY00 Cross-Section PlotsStation Elevation0.00 183.72180.730.03 183.04179.581.64 182.856.07.74 181.458.623.79 181.21181.931.07 180.8780.933.69 180.901.234.55 180.870.735.50 180.6112.337.04 180.199.437.42 179.951.037.72 179.8338.78 179.6340.45 179.6841.03 179.5841.65 179.8242.01 180.0343.06 180.4743.66 180.7344.56 180.7448.93 180.7154.83 181.1261.57 181.3776.48 181.7190.51 181.4490.51 182.30River Basin:Neuse RiverSite:Stony ForkXS IDXS16Drainage Area (sq mi):0.22Date:5/14/2019Field Crew:T. Seelinger, A. GutierrezSUMMARY DATABankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-Bankfull AreaBankfull Cross-Sectional Area:Thalweg ElevationLTOB Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Bankfull Width:Flood Prone Area Elevation:Flood Prone Width:LTOB Max Depth (ft)Mean Depth at Bankfull:W / D Ratio:Entrenchment Ratio:Bank Height Ratio Based on AB Bankfull Area:1791801811821831841850 102030405060708090Elevation (feet)Station (feet)Stony Fork, XS16, Riffle, T2BankfullFlood Prone AreaMY00 Particle Millimeter CountSilt/Clay < 0.062 S/CVery Fine .062 - .125S3Fine .125 - .25AMedium .25 - .50NCoarse .50 - 1DVery Coarse 1 - 2S1Very Fine 2 - 4Fine 4 - 5.7 G 3Fine 5.7 - 8 R 5Medium 8 - 11.3 A 10Medium 11.3 - 16 V 16Coarse 16 - 22.6 E 16Coarse 22.6 - 32 L 15Very Coarse 32 - 45 S 12Very Coarse 45 - 64 19Small 64 - 90 C 6Small 90 - 128 O 1Large 128 - 180 BLarge 180 - 256 LSmall 256 - 362 BSmall 362 - 512 LD169.4mean 22.3 silt/clay 0%Medium 512 - 1024 DD3516dispersion 2.4 sand 4%Lrg- Very Lrg 1024 - 2048 RD5022skewness 0.01 gravel 90%Bedrock >2048 BDRKD6533cobble 7%Total107D8453boulder 0%D9570bedrock 0%hardpan0%wood/det0%artificial0%Cross-Section 1 Riffle - MY-00Size (mm) Size Distribution TypeNote:0%20%40%60%80%100%0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000% Finer Than (Cumulative)Particle Size - MillimetersParticle Size DistributionStony ForkXS 2 RiffleAs Built Particle MillimeterCountSilt/Clay < 0.062 S/C 3Very Fine .062 - .125S5Fine .125 - .25AMedium .25 - .50NCoarse .50 - 1DVery Coarse 1 - 2SVery Fine 2 - 4Fine 4 - 5.7 G 2Fine 5.7 - 8 R 1Medium 8 - 11.3 A 6Medium 11.3 - 16 V 5Coarse 16 - 22.6 E 10Coarse 22.6 - 32 L 9Very Coarse 32 - 45 S 20Very Coarse 45 - 64 13Small 64 - 90 C 13Small 90 - 128 O 13Large 128 - 180 B 2Large 180 - 256 LSmall 256 - 362 BSmall 362 - 512 LD1611mean 30.9 silt/clay3%Medium 512 - 1024 DD3526dispersion 2.9 sand5%Lrg- Very Lrg 1024 - 2048 RD5038skewness -0.09 gravel65%Bedrock >2048 BDRKD6552cobble27%Total102D8487boulder 0%D95120bedrock 0%hardpan0%wood/det0%artificial0%Cross-Section 3 Riffle - MY-00TypeSize DistributionNote:Size (mm)0%20%40%60%80%100%0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000% Finer Than (Cumulative)Particle Size - MillimetersParticle Size DistributionStony ForkXS 3 RiffleAs Built Particle MillimeterCountSilt/Clay < 0.062 S/C 7Very Fine .062 - .125 S 2Fine .125 - .25 A 3Medium .25 - .50N3Coarse .50 - 1D3Very Coarse 1 - 2 SVery Fine 2 - 4Fine 4 - 5.7 GFine 5.7 - 8 RMedium 8 - 11.3 A 1Medium 11.3 - 16 V 1Coarse 16 - 22.6 E 3Coarse 22.6 - 32 L 10Very Coarse 32 - 45 S 13Very Coarse 45 - 64 18Small 64 - 90 C 19Small 90 - 128 O 13Large 128 - 180 B 7Large 180 - 256 L 2Small 256 - 362 B1Small 362 - 512 LD160.79mean 9.3 silt/clay 7%Medium 512 - 1024 DD3536dispersion 34.0 sand 10%Lrg- Very Lrg 1024 - 2048 RD5052skewness -0.51 gravel 43%Bedrock >2048 BDRKD6570cobble 39%Total106D84110boulder 1%D95160bedrock 0%hardpan0%wood/det0%artificial0%Cross-Section 5 Riffle - MY-00TypeSize DistributionNote:Size (mm)0%20%40%60%80%100%0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000% Finer Than (Cumulative)Particle Size - MillimetersParticle Size DistributionStony ForkXS 5 RiffleAs Built Particle MillimeterCountSilt/Clay < 0.062 S/C 22Very Fine .062 - .125S4Fine .125 - .25A7Medium .25 - .50NCoarse .50 - 1D6Very Coarse 1 - 2S5Very Fine 2 - 4Fine 4 - 5.7 GFine 5.7 - 8 R 1Medium 8 - 11.3 A 2Medium 11.3 - 16 V 6Coarse 16 - 22.6 E 9Coarse 22.6 - 32 L 9Very Coarse 32 - 45 S 5Very Coarse 45 - 64 10Small 64 - 90 C 8Small 90 - 128 O8Large 128 - 180 B3Large 180 - 256 LSmall 256 - 362 BSmall 362 - 512 LD160.062mean 2.1 silt/clay 21%Medium 512 - 1024 DD350.77dispersion 131.2 sand 21%Lrg- Very Lrg 1024 - 2048 RD5016skewness -0.51 gravel 40%Bedrock >2048 BDRKD6529cobble 18%Total105D8470boulder 0%D95120bedrock 0%hardpan0%wood/det0%artificial0%Cross-Section 7 Riffle -MY-00TypeSize DistributionNote:Size (mm)0%20%40%60%80%100%0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000% Finer Than (Cumulative)Particle Size - MillimetersParticle Size DistributionStony ForkXS 7 RiffleAs Built Particle MillimeterCountSilt/Clay < 0.062 S/C 10Very Fine .062 - .125S6Fine .125 - .25A1Medium .25 - .50N3Coarse .50 - 1D5Very Coarse 1 - 2S2Very Fine 2 - 4 2Fine 4 - 5.7 G 2Fine 5.7 - 8 R 8Medium 8 - 11.3 A 9Medium 11.3 - 16 V 5Coarse 16 - 22.6 E 8Coarse 22.6 - 32 L 10Very Coarse 32 - 45 S 9Very Coarse 45 - 64 12Small 64 - 90 C 8Small 90 - 128 O 5Large 128 - 180 B 8Large 180 - 256 LSmall 256 - 362 BSmall 362 - 512 LD160.32mean 4.8 silt/clay 9%Medium 512 - 1024 DD358.2dispersion 30.1 sand 15%Lrg- Very Lrg 1024 - 2048 RD5018skewness -0.37 gravel 58%Bedrock >2048 BDRKD6535cobble 19%Total113D8472boulder 0%D95140bedrock 0%hardpan0%wood/det0%artificial0%Cross-Section 10 Riffle - MY-00TypeSize DistributionNote:Size (mm)0%20%40%60%80%100%0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000% Finer Than (Cumulative)Particle Size - MillimetersParticle Size DistributionStony ForkXS 10 RiffleAs Built Particle MillimeterCountSilt/Clay < 0.062 S/C11Very Fine .062 - .125S2Fine .125 - .25AMedium .25 - .50N1Coarse .50 - 1DVery Coarse 1 - 2SVery Fine 2 - 4Fine 4 - 5.7 GFine 5.7 - 8 RMedium 8 - 11.3 AMedium 11.3 - 16 VCoarse 16 - 22.6 ECoarse 22.6 - 32 L1Very Coarse 32 - 45 S6Very Coarse 45 - 6416Small 64 - 90 C31Small 90 - 128 O24Large 128 - 180 B15Large 180 - 256 L2Small 256 - 362 BSmall 362 - 512 LD1637mean 69.4 silt/clay 10%Medium 512 - 1024 DD3565dispersion 1.9 sand 3%Lrg- Very Lrg 1024 - 2048 RD5078skewness -0.07 gravel 21%Bedrock >2048 BDRKD6594cobble 66%Total109D84130boulder 0%D95170bedrock 0%hardpan0%wood/det0%artificial0%Cross-Section 11 Riffle -MY-00TypeSize DistributionNote:Size (mm)0%20%40%60%80%100%0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000% Finer Than (Cumulative)Particle Size - MillimetersParticle Size DistributionStony ForkXS 11 RiffleAs Built Particle MillimeterCountSilt/Clay < 0.062 S/C 7Very Fine .062 - .125S7Fine .125 - .25A4Medium .25 - .50N22Coarse .50 - 1D13Very Coarse 1 - 2S3Very Fine 2 - 4 1Fine 4 - 5.7 GFine 5.7 - 8 RMedium 8 - 11.3 AMedium 11.3 - 16 VCoarse 16 - 22.6 E 1Coarse 22.6 - 32 L 2Very Coarse 32 - 45 S 4Very Coarse 45 - 64 8Small 64 - 90 C 14Small 90 - 128 O 11Large 128 - 180 B 8Large 180 - 256 L 3Small 256 - 362 BSmall 362 - 512 LD1626mean 43.9 silt/clay 6%Medium 512 - 1024 DD3535dispersion 1.7 sand 45%Lrg- Very Lrg 1024 - 2048 RD5042skewness 0.03 gravel 15%Bedrock >2048 BDRKD6551cobble 33%Total108D8474boulder 0%D95110bedrock 0%hardpan0%wood/det0%artificial0%Cross-Section 14 Riffle - MY-00TypeSize DistributionNote:Size (mm)0%20%40%60%80%100%0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000% Finer Than (Cumulative)Particle Size - MillimetersParticle Size DistributionStony ForkXS 14 RiffleAs Built Particle MillimeterCountSilt/Clay < 0.062 S/C 4Very Fine .062 - .125SFine .125 - .25A3Medium .25 - .50NCoarse .50 - 1D4Very Coarse 1 - 2SVery Fine 2 - 4Fine 4 - 5.7 GFine 5.7 - 8 R 1Medium 8 - 11.3 A 1Medium 11.3 - 16 V 1Coarse 16 - 22.6 E 5Coarse 22.6 - 32 L 10Very Coarse 32 - 45 S 22Very Coarse 45 - 64 26Small 64 - 90 C 14Small 90 - 128 O 6Large 128 - 180 B 3Large 180 - 256 L 1Small 256 - 362 BSmall 362 - 512 LD1618mean 37.2 silt/clay 4%Medium 512 - 1024 DD3535dispersion 2.1 sand 7%Lrg- Very Lrg 1024 - 2048 RD5045skewness -0.10 gravel 65%Bedrock >2048 BDRKD6555cobble 24%Total101D8477boulder 0%D95120bedrock 0%hardpan0%wood/det0%artificial0%Cross-Section 16 Riffle - MY-00Size (mm) Size Distribution TypeNote:0%20%40%60%80%100%0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000% Finer Than (Cumulative)Particle Size - MillimetersParticle Size DistributionStony ForkXS 16 RiffleAs Built Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #97085 71 Baseline Monitoring Report      APPENDIX E As-Built Plan Sheets   SF1 10+00 to 21+55 1,235 Restoration 1 to 11,155 1,15521+55 to 32+62 1,1431,105 1,105SF2* 33+19 to 44+53 1,027 Restoration 1 to 11,134 1,13444+84 to 49+54 283470 47049+54 to 55+52 592598 59855+82 to 56+08 2626 26Tributary 1 100+00 to 105+10 365 Restoration 1 to 1510 510Tributary 1A 150+00 to 151+59 47 Restoration 1 to 1159 159Tributary 2‐1 200+00 to 203+34 326 Enhancement II 2.5 to 1334 134Tributary 2‐2 203+34 to 206+71 318 Restoration 1 to 1337 337Tributary 2‐3 206+71 to 215+26 820 Restoration 1 to 1855 855Tributary 3 300+00 to 300+71 72 Enhancement I 1.5 to 171 47Tributary 3 300+71 to 301+29 82 Restoration 1 to 158 58TOTAL STREAM CREDITS6,586Buffer Restoration TOB to 100'N/A413,194    Buffer Restoration TOB to 100'1.00 413,194    413,194    Buffer Restoration 101‐200'N/A37,091   Buffer Restoration 101‐200'0.3337,091   12,240   Buffer Enhancement TOB to 100'N/A74,802   Buffer Enhancement TOB to 100'0.5074,802   37,401   Buffer Preservation TOB to 100'N/A175,029    Buffer Preservation TOB to 100'0.10 175,029      17,503   480,338    * Crossings have been removed from creditable linear footage for all project streams.TOTAL BUFFER CREDITSMitigation RatioRestoration Footage or AreaMitigation  CreditsRestoration 1 to 1PROJECT COMPONENTS – 6,588 STREAM CREDITS AND 480,338 BUFFER CREDITSSF3*Reach IDProposed        StationingExisting Footage or Square FeetApproach GENERAL NOTES: THIS PLAT DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNDARY SURVEY OF THE PARENT TRACTS. THE PARENT TRACT BOUNDARIES ADJACENT TO THIS EASEMENT ARE NOT CHANGED BY THIS PLAT. DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES IN U.S. SURVEY FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. THE BASIS OF THE MERIDIANS AND COORDINATES FOR THIS PLAT IS THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983 (NAD 83), BASED ON DIFFERENTIAL GPS OBSERVATIONS. ALL DISTANCES ARE GROUND UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NO UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING PERFORMED DURING THE COURSE OF THIS SURVEY. PROJECT LEGEND: Proposed Thalweg w/Approximate Bankfull Limits ------------- Proposed Riffle Enhancement Proposed Riffle Grade Control Proposed Step Pool ------------------------------ Proposed Live Lift --------------------------------- Existing Channel to be Filled ---------------- Proposed Channel Block 0 CONTROL POINTS DESC. NORTHING EASTING ELEV. KCI#27 618367.2470 2141562.051 198.4900 KCI#70 618647.1690 2141408.330 215.5190 KCI#71 618910.1740 2141115.861 277.1050 KCI#79 618217.9490 2142061.939 194.4710 KCI#90 618209.5420 2141067.742 201.9430 KCI#300 618178.5924 2142094.378 192.3853 KCI#301 618590.2717 2142474.796 185.2785 KCI#302 619120.0287 2142959.327 179.2967 KCI#303 619333.5622 2143164.350 177.1733 KCI#304 619462.2658 2142986.297 180.6263 KCI#305 619680.7375 2142807.789 183.4926 KCI#306 619507.7895 2143539.344 173.8932 KCI#401 617998.2136 2140619.690 208.7900 KCI#90CHK 618209.6074 2141067.627 201.8893 KCI#640 618335.4015 2141177.787 200.5566 KCI#641 618110.9101 2140889.317 204.7602 NL 618008.3538 2140585.509 208.5186 NL 618163.5139 2140377.491 225.0919 NL 619953.0220 2142386.066 196.3783 NL 619615.5746 2143665.436 174.2422 NL 619741.1450 2144001.311 191.5167 Existing Tree Line Minor Contour Line Major Contour Line ---720---- ------------------ dl w z J U) o Of O O�� °LL z z� Ow a D Of o (f)Q � o LU Q z � z o GENERAL NOTES & PROJECT LEGEND SHEET 2 OF 8 111111111/ I ' ♦ ♦ 1 1�� I ♦ ltk CAF? SEAL G7 32733 I �� =7,9 Al = j tiA1tyE�Q' A m. •`''111, 11+1j1`'1 -40'-20' 0' 40' 80' BEGIN - J I li�i�r— I — I TRIBUTARY Z�l GRAPHIC SCALEoll PRO✓ECTENG/NEER PRO✓ECTSURI/EYOR I m, / A \\ ALL TOPOGRAPHIC AND FEATURE DATA ARE BASED ON THE AS -BUILT SURVEY - COMPLETED ON MAY 06, 2019. lco 300+ I I _ . • - \ 00\ ' � / � NSERVgTI .••• / �� I > 1 /"\ t -`--' \\ BEGIN TRIB 1A I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 / / , I 1 ill 1111 .v v v `- III11►111- 10 ------- _,/ O' ,-_ 1 BEGIN SF1 l � + vD / /' \ -,o o Q i•••�'• -1 '♦••.� /' __, // ��� 1 0 102+OD-/ \` ` \�/ \\ l s \ I \ \ — BEGIN TRIB3 x ® ••• \ BEGIN TRIB 1A I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 / / , I 1 ill 1111 .v v v `- III11►111- ------- _,/ O' ,-_ 1 BEGIN SF1 i•••�'• -1 '♦••.� /' __, // ��� l,, 0X9 \---�� \` ` \�/ \\ l 1 1 -------------------� -- f--------------------------�-- INSTALLED 'RIFFLE ENHANCEMENT' INSTALLED 'LIVE LIFT' CONSERVATIONEASEMENT ------------ --�-------, ----------------------------- -- -- INSTALLED'RIFFLE BEGIN SF2 GRADE CONTROL' (END TRIBUTARY 1) INSTALLED 'STEP POOL'. M N 0 a N Wo Z F n 1� Z u Q U N00 QJ W NU ¢ 2 �F g W0 Z d W z 0 U) Nm Z LL J W � w z I— J v o F -Z Q1 U W O_ c� c/) ~ ILL O z U) I— Z Z U) ��♦, Z w °wag0 Q Q o w F- U) - U o SITE PLAN REACH: SF1, SF2 & T1, T1A, T3 / = ALL TOPOGRAPHIC AND FEATURE DATA ARE BASED ON THE AS -BUILT SURVEY / SEAL COMPLETED ON MAY 06, 2019. 32733 / % O 9'NI��... NAEL 0: / EXISITNG GRAVEL / ACCESS DRIVE / PRO✓ECTSURUEYOR PRO✓ECTENG/NEER / EXISITNG ASPHALT / DRIVE / n — Lo O F ,` / as ♦♦ F ZU Lu �� / pO ' w g� w ,,♦♦ UiEZi Lu � INCOMING DRAINAGE ♦' / X:>Z Lu �� STABILIZED 40/ M U w ❑ -- _ ��.�, / Lu -40'-20' 0' 40' 80' ♦♦♦♦ \ ' / \ U) ou Lu -,mow `.� ♦♦♦ z z� `. GRAPHIC SCALE ♦ = 2 ` / ♦ ♦♦♦ U / \ O ♦, ~O % INSTALLED'RIFFLE% / ♦♦ / `, Q '�vv �� + ��� ♦ ENHANCEMENT' ♦' / - ,�/ 2 o �__, ♦ ♦♦ _ 0 w� INSTALLED 'LIVE ♦' �/ -- - - ` ----- % LIFT, I ,♦♦ % _/ ,♦♦ o N of \\ \ \cl p \ �� ♦' /l di�� co♦' g+ Lu �a 02 z Lu —\\ �' '/ CJI/'—/ ' I a OO ,� \ \ \ \ �\ \ I ,� 1 1 �, / ''/ /' 1 — — ♦♦ of W JCS - J Lu ♦, �\ \�\\ \ \ QA., /// // / / ��/ ♦ ♦♦ ZLLQ In Na' 00 z Lu 970 /0♦♦♦ O '/ii -_ \ / ��♦\♦ Op�F9 \ �'� �p 5�♦ tcy/ \ ♦ / _ _ sy l 4k, \ J ��O INSTALLED \ \ \\\ \ \ \ �� \ \\ \\ \ // / ' `\ \ `, S�Qi♦ ♦ Lu ¢ z STEP POOL'. ♦ - ��♦ ♦ \ \ �� Av vV vv \V AV vA / J) 0 INSTALLED'RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL' ��QO \ \ \ p�.� \ c� \\ II I\ ♦'♦♦ X�l /'� `\ `\� " ' ' �, ' �, ♦'♦ ♦ Z con< O \ ♦;S,cc f ♦��� v v �r7wv 1 A '��. \\ J �i O vv �' / w ,♦♦ Y 0-1 Q �i �O� \` �' I ♦♦ ♦ L� z \ \ \\\ \ N / ♦ } O N 0 Lu z o Qq 0 z 40 40 0 \SRF z \\ \ - _ _ _ ,� _ ; , \ `� / / /' / ♦♦ 55' WIDE EASEMENT - / \ \GNr O \ \ ` ip / / / / ♦♦ EXCEPTION ♦♦ FUTURE ASPHALT INCOMING DRAINAGE �� � 40 DRIVE DRIVE BY OTHERS � �, ` _ _ - � /' \ � \ NTC: MAY zoos STABILIZED �� , ♦♦ - - -- ♦♦ � \ '\ SCALE: GRAPHIC ,�� \ ! ♦♦♦ \ \ SITE PLAN ♦ ♦♦ \ REACH: ♦ SF2 ,4♦ \ SHEET 4 OF 8 v w w Lu T_ U) Lu w U) w z J F Q MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 7 FOR TRIBUTARY 2 �H CARO • , w z ► OR J 10 _ SEAL .�'�� - a . 32733 zi 7 v, _O SF3 ►o \ ; R, O CHAEL 0., z O ►R' � o ►z{ n tl PRO✓EOTENGWEER RRO✓EOTSURVEYOR 1 INCOMING DRAINAGE ► STABILIZED ► 1 dr 1 1 1 ♦1 I' I' -40'-20' 0' 40' 80' GRAPHIC SCALE ,�♦ / 30' WIDE EASEMENT " r ^\ EXCEPTION i i 1 1 ` 1 ` lo r r �� ll � ♦ �.�N"C 0) 0.0 000� �P'�MEN . CON%�R��• INSTALLED 'LIVE LIFT' INSTALLED'RIFFLE ENHANCEMENT' INSTALLED'RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL' INSTALLED 'STEP POOL' w w w cox w w co w z J 2 U H Q ow zj 0 V1 W OZ as UF- LA � i • N o �♦ F w F- r� uu r Z �N �����������.00 w ma ' ` V W : Q J o WW W �-U ¢ Z DF 5 Z� 'o Z_ J (� z LL w V w z /--------���� ^ BEGIN — J cf) O .�'�� o _O SF3 O R, O }Z ti z O Z a = � o � z Q W ALL TOPOGRAPHIC AND FEATURE DATA _ ARE BASED ON THE AS -BUILT SURVEY U) O COMPLETED ON MAY 06, 2019. 0.0 000� �P'�MEN . CON%�R��• INSTALLED 'LIVE LIFT' INSTALLED'RIFFLE ENHANCEMENT' INSTALLED'RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL' INSTALLED 'STEP POOL' w w w cox w w co w z J 2 U H Q ow zj 0 V1 W OZ as UF- LA � i • N o �♦ F w F- r� uu r Z �N �����������.00 w ma ' ` V W : Q J o WW W �-U ¢ Z DF 5 Z� 'o Z_ J (� z LL w V SITE PLAN REACH: SF2 & SF3 w z J cf) O o _O O R, O }Z ti z O Z a = � o � z Q W ALL TOPOGRAPHIC AND FEATURE DATA _ ARE BASED ON THE AS -BUILT SURVEY U) O COMPLETED ON MAY 06, 2019. SITE PLAN REACH: SF2 & SF3 HEN �tllllll fflllll .`'PSH CAHQ��ry` AEXISITNG CCESS DRIVE ;Q SEAL ' 32733 30' WIDE EASEMENT EXCEPTION VA : g • � ♦ riralluttt►t LL� 10R0. E70TSl1RV5r0R RRO✓ECTENGYNEER 5_ + -_ + �� s 4.g� r ' _ ---- END ♦ ♦ /r 11// i 00/+�5 _-- __-- - ; ; �� ALL TOPOGRAPHIC AND FEATURE DATA zu o> � r i l r -- ♦ ► ♦ � ARE BASED ON THE AS-BUILT SURVEY > J i I � ♦ COMPLETED ON MAY 06, 2019. oz - ' +of - 1"n r i ' � -40' -20' 0' 40' 80' zg �� i r ♦ INNER BANK GRADED ATA 3:1 SLOPE GRAPHIC SCALE 0 ' S it _ P�i� m o / r /l i� �--- r i- /� `G,�,, p0 II�� 11z Z w 7N a U) W /rrr /'r���/� 4* ` 7w to <� / /'�// \ ' ' r / �, N 0d' o i �� Nw W rr l ♦� Lu Fr zo U r ♦� INSTALLED o J LIVE LIFT' z (� LLLu �� -0 INSTALLED'RIFFLE w v ��� i ENHANCEMENT' W z J N 0 Z UD U O � F � O � 4 0 �` z O N z Z cn ti Z O Lu Z) Q � `� o Lu z Z � o oars: MAY 2019 scan: GRAPHIC SITE PLAN REACH: SF3 SHEET 6 OF 8 �y{R11{IR►R►►�' ,•�P�H CARO J SEAL _y ? 32733 '��'•�,CHAEL PRO✓ECTENG/NEER PRO✓ECTSURI/EYOR ALL TOPOGRAPHIC AND FEATURE DATA ARE BASED ON THE AS -BUILT SURVEY COMPLETED ON MAY 06, 2019. -40'-20' 0' GRAPHIC S INCOMING DRAINAGE STABILIZED ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ INCOMING DRAINAGE "- STABILIZED �♦ 9 (� ♦♦�lGC� // X%0 ♦�� 0 ♦ -� / / .. ♦ 0 ♦♦♦ ++ BEGIN ♦♦ o TRIB 2-2 ♦ cv INSTALLE - 'STEP PO I 4pi i I ♦♦ ♦ .�♦♦ ► ► ► ► ► 40' 80' . ► CALE - 0 rA7XA - - � EPs ✓ 0.0 - / / 'A ♦ ,-��Qi �� � / � �_�--� III ♦♦ ___-/ ��%;tel/' x� J / _i / �_I-- ♦♦ �'�// Ori ♦♦ !-Oe ♦♦ / / Op ' 00," J / � GIN- TRIB 2-3 . x - _ Z - INCOMING DRAINAGE STABILIZED `♦♦ INSTALLED J ♦ 'LIVE LIFT 6� ♦♦ INSTALLED'RIFFLE ♦♦♦ ENHANCEMENT' I ♦ ♦ ♦ I 1 ♦♦ ♦ I I I ♦♦ INCOMING DRAINAGE ♦ STABILIZED BEGIN TRIB 2-1 D OL' INSTALLED'RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL' 'STEP POOL' AND'RIFFLE ENHANCEMENT' INSTALLED TO STABILIZE INCOMING DRAINAGE I / I/ / i 0 LL 2 Lu U) z O LL M F Lu Lu ow Lu O> w V W (n >_ oz w 0 z as =vLZ U z� ti 0 0 a F- Lu� Z 7 N Lu fniz Q W p) Q00 J Wit Wz NLuU F Z 3 0: d LL Z 0 o JV' I Lu Lu � LL Lu W H z Y 0 C) Q 0IY ILL 0 Z U) O LLI U Q W IY ti U SITE PLAN REACH: TRIB 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Y� 0 LL 2 Lu U) z O LL M F Lu Lu ow Lu O> w V W (n >_ oz w 0 z as =vLZ U z� ti 0 0 a F- Lu� Z 7 N Lu fniz Q W p) Q00 J Wit Wz NLuU F Z 3 0: d LL Z 0 o JV' I Lu Lu � LL Lu W H z Y 0 C) Q 0IY ILL 0 Z U) O LLI U Q W IY ti U SITE PLAN REACH: TRIB 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 RIPARIAN FOREST PLANTING: PLANTING ZONE 1 = 13.4 ACRES 12" - 18" BARE ROOT MATERIAL 968 STEMS/ACRE (9' X 5' SPACING), RANDOM SPECIES PLACEMENT COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME STATUS % OF TOTAL # OF PLANTS AMERICAN SYCAMORE PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS FACW 24 3,120 SILKY DOGWOOD CORNUS AMMOMUM FACW 3 400 BALD CYPRESS TAXODIUM DISTICHUM OBL 3 400 GREEN ASH FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA FACW 21 2,720 RIVER BIRCH BETULA NIGRA FACW 24 3,120 WILLOW OAK QUERCUS PHELLOS FAC 14 1,820 TULIP POPLAR LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA FACU 11 1,420 13,000 PLANTING ZONE 2 = 9.5 ACRES 12" - 18" BARE ROOT MATERIAL 968 STEMS/ACRE (9'X 5' SPACING), RANDOM SPECIES PLACEMENT COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME STATUS % OF TOTAL # OF PLANTS TULIP POPLAR LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA FACU 20 1,900 SOUTHERN RED OAK QUERCUS FALCATA FACU 25 2,300 WILLOW OAK QUERCUS PHELLOS FAC 15 1,400 WHITE OAK QUERCUS ALBA FACU 20 1,900 AMERICAN PERSIMMON DIOSPYROS VIRGINIANA FAC 10 900 PIN OAK QUERCUS PALUSTRIS FACW 10 900 9,300 PLANTING ZONE 3 = 6.2 ACRES (APPROX) SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING ZONE AS NEEDED FOR AREAS CLEARED OF CHINESE PRIVET ONE -GALLON CONTAINER TREES AT 20'X 20' SPACING, OR BARE ROOT TREES IN TREE SHELTERS AT 10' ON CENTER SPACING COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME STATUS % OF TOTAL # OF PLANTS RIVER BIRCH BETULA NIGRA FACW 21 145 AMERICAN SYCAMORE PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS FACW 21 145 WHITE OAK QUERCUS ALBA FACU 4 27 SOUTHERN RED OAK QUERCUS FALCATA FACU 4 26 SWAMP CHESTNUT OAK QUERCUS MICHAUXII FACW 20 142 PIN OAK QUERCUS PALUSTRIS FACW 10 70 WILLOW OAK QUERCUS PHELLOS FAC 21 145 STREAM ZONE: STREAM ZONE LIVE STAKES: 1.5' TO 2' LENGTHS, 1/2' TO 2" DIAMETER, PLANT AT 3' SPACING, RANDOM SPECIES PLACEMENT. COMMON NAME BLACK WILLOW SILKY WILLOW SILKY DOGWOOD 1��1{Ililliii■■ ,•�'.1H CAgo'•■ rQ SEAL 32733 ' :7- ■■liii111151LLti LIVE STAKES SCALE: NTS PRO✓ECTENG/NEER SQUARE CUT BUDS (FACING UPWARD) - \ O NG (05E O 2" IDIAMETER) w a ANGLE CUT 30°-45°� =S OF CHANNEL. JUS ON OUTER BENDS. i OF CHANNEL. NS ON OUTER BENDS. OW u F_(1) r w U w 3 a U w w 0 Z w PLANTING PLAN