HomeMy WebLinkAbout19870423 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19871202 State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street · Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary December 2, 1987 R. Paul Wilms Director Mr. Robert H. Goslee 513 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Subject: Proposed Fill in Headwaters or Isolated Wetlands Lewis Frost Property Brunswick County Dear Mr. Goslee: Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification to place fill material in several isolated areas on the Lewis Frost Property, we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2176 issued November 4, 1987. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers I Nationwide Permit No. 26. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Mills at 919/733-5083. '. Sincerely, ",; ,;nal S;:::led By William C~ Mills , For R. Paul Wilms RPW/dkb Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regional Office Pollution Prevention Pays P.o. Box 27(81, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7(81 Telephone 919-733-7015 An E(lUal OppOrtUnity Affinnative Action Employer ROBERT H. GOSLEE & ASSOCIATES LANDSURVEVORS LAND PLANNERS ROBERT H. GOSLEE R.L.S. MANLEV D. CARR R.L.S. S13 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON. NC 28401 TELEPHONE 919-763-1941 September 25, 1987 RECEIVF:l) Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 SEe 2 t31987 ~AJi~A~~,4U!Y}gru)N ,ON.;, bRANCH Dear Mr. Mills, I am enclosing an application for a Fill Permit and a print of the property belonging to Mr. Lewis Frost for your review. I have sent copies of the application and print to Mr. David Cotton in Wilmington at the Department of Environmental Management. Your prompt response to this would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, ?!~tJtZ- Manley D. Carr MDC/na Enclosure cc/David Cotton , 4," DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402.1890 IN REPLY REFER TO September 14, 1987 Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Nationwide Permit No. 26 Mr. Manley D. Carr , Robert b. Goslee & Associates 513 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Dear Mr. Carr: Thank you for your letter of September 8, 1987, in which you forwarded plats of the Corps of Engineers Section 404 jurisdiction line and a subdivision map for Mr. Louis Frost's property. As explained, the owner proposes to fill three Carolina bays and three manmade ponds totalling 0.62 acres on this tract located between U.S. Highways 17 and 74 of S.R. 1499 south of Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina. For the purposes of the Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330, published in the Federal Register on November l~, 1986, lists nationwide penuits. Authorization was provided for discharges of dredged or fill material into non-t.idal rivers, streams, and their lakes and impoundments, including adjacent wetlands, that are located above the headwaters and other non-tidal waters of the United States, including adjacent wetlands, that are not a part of a surface tributary system to interstate waters or navigable waters of the United States. For this nationwide permit to be valid, you must comply with the conditions as enclosed. The District Engineer has determined that the individual and cumulative adverse effects of your work on the environment will be minimal. (There will be a loss and/or substantial adverse . modification of less than 1 acre of wetlands subject to our regulatory jurisdiction pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.) Your work is authorized by nationwide permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. Please be aware that this authorization does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain any required State or local approval. "\ CONDITIONS a. Any discharge of dredged or fill material will not occur in the proximity of a public water supply. b. The activity will not'jeopardize a threatened or endangered species as identified under the Endangered Species Act, or destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. c. Any discharge of dredged or fill material will consist of -suitable material free from toxic pollutants. d. If the activity may adversely affect historic properties which the National Park Service has listed on, or determined eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places, or if significant historic properties are encountered before or during work, the permittee will notify the District Engineer. e. An individual state water quality certification must be obtained or waived. Conditions of certification will be considered to be special conditions of the Federal nationwide permit. :-..J -2- If ,yo~ have questions, please contact Mr. Ernest Jahnke, Regulatory Bran.ch, telephone (919) 343-4467. Enclosure Sincerely, <k~~t ~~:1tRegUlatotY Branch ,-.,'.'..' Copies Furn~shed (without enclosure): Mr. William Mills " ~.' . Water Quality Section Division of Environmental North Carolina Department Resources and Community Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina Management of Natural Development Mr. John Parker North Carolina De-partment of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687' Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 27611-7687 .- .~ . APPllCA TlON C fOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATF.R QUALITY CERTifiCATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT fOR MAIOR DEVELOPMENT OeplInment of Adtn'n'str~tion (GS 146-12) Sute oH"onh ClIf'olln~ Ocp~nment of N~turlll Resources ~nd Commun'tv Oewlopment (GS 113.229, 1<43.21S.3(~1(1). 10.21S.3(c), 113A.118 OeplInment of the Annv Corps of Enc'neen, Wflmlnlton O'"rlct (33 CfR 209.320.329) P1e~$C type or print ~nd fill in ~1I bl~nks. If infOf'lNtion is not ~ppliable, so indiate by pI~cin8 N/A in bbnk. I. Appliant Inform~tion A. N.1me Go, ,4-6 l~ll /' First 573 C-nE(77J VT '~r. Street, P. O. Box or Route AI, c.. St.1le %66747 II Middle B. Address WtUYIJ~~7?)rI City or Town II. loacion of Proposed Project: A. County BelJNSuJlc..."- B. 1. City, town, community or I~ndm~rk LeWI~ ~ 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes_No )(. C. Creek, river, sound or b.lY upon which project is loc.1ted or ne.1rest named body of water to project z.g~ Zip Code rt'i-76.$-/9t/1 Phone LAt.lt.&u; (.J)'Mtr\lJaJ'rry Ill. Des<ripcion of Project A. I. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work X 8. Purpo~ of exc.1vation or fill I. ^cce~~ ch,lOnel knglll width depth 2. Uo;ll b..sin Icn~:r wid lh deplh ~ 3. fill are.i'~ ~t\~4t;,'DS~:~ "Z4~gt~ width depth:J:6'./~ ~ef}~f fI.c/e 4. Olher length width deplh C. I. Bulkhead length Aver~e disUnce waterw.1rd of MHW (shoreline) 2. Type o( bulkhead construction (material) O. f:.xc.lvaled materi~1 (toUI (or projcct) 1. Cubic yards 2. Ty~ of material L fill maleri.1llo be placed below MHW (sec also VI. A) I. <":ubic Y.1rds 2. Type of m.1lerial IV. l.1nd Ty~, DispoS.J1 Area, ,lInd Construction EquiptWmt: A. Docs the arc,ll to be exc~v.1ted include any mar~nd, sW.lmps or other wetland? Yes No X B. Docs the disp<l\.ll are.. include .lny m.arshl.lnd, s~ps or other wetland ? Yes ~ No C. Dispos.al Area .L.. .} , 11 /I..1JJ_ 0' rI 1. loc.ltion 3 Shl4IiJ l..t...OR"Ji!JJ.){.. ~e; ~~ l.lll/\Il.; t.3 SMf~ (OtJS ;.,s ~"a~ ~ Map 2. .00 you cl.1im title to dispoS.1l.1rc.1? yes ' D. fill m,lIerial source if lill is to be trucked in Dr.! ~i1'E ~W\ 'EXCAua.nc.,.,) 61=- f)\'Tt:Mcc; ! :KoADWA.YS. L li<ow ,:,ill ""''''''. m.,,,.., be en" 'pp<<"od """on con"Oll~ ~ '~L. :-U't& ~....: A =0 .., -ffi. e1CI':.71u€. ~t.)G ibJE'S t Co-vt-r,yc..1t'1> ~ \7\_ _ f!iN.~_Nr._Geo_ftJ'D~J!,- DillS I. I Yilt' of equipment to he used 1)011I\1' Te<.t:~ ; ---r7lAc.. ~'R. G. Will m..rshl.lnd be crossed in tran~orting equipmalt to project sile? If yes, explain ~(I') ~Ml .' ~ .. .. _ ;V... Intended Use of Pro;ecc Aru (Oesc:ribe) A. 1. Priv~te X 2. Comf1lCfc~1 3. Housing Development or Industri~1 4. Olher x 8. 1. lot size(s) .,. J 5"0 00 a kr 2. Elev~tion of lot(s) ~bove'm~high W~ter 3. Soil type.lnd texture 4. Type of building fxilitics or structures 1<e:.IOtE,.N-U'k; ~k S. Sewa,e dispoul ~nd/or waste water tre~tment A. Existing B. Describe 6. 'und a~sif"lQtion' (cirde one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL CONSERVATION OTHER VI. Peruini.. to Fill md W~tcr Quality: A. Docs the proposed proie<:t involve the plxcmcnt of fill materqls below mean high water? Y cs_ No ~ B. 1. Will my runoff or dischuge enter .1dj.lcent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of lhe area following project completion? Y cs_ No A- 2. Type of discharge 3. Location of discharge VII. Present rate of shoreUne erosion (if known): VIIL List permit numbcq and issue dales of PftWous ~t of Army Corps of Engi~ SUte permits for u,7rl!>t1t fb. {.Q~ work in project ala, if applicable: /)q;f- ()I=~!( C.Cl.tf /Ja..kIJWII>>f ~;f Ala. Z~ -Z;~7YO 9~-i7 IX. Len,th of time required to (:OffIplete project: / ,V 1rA2. X. In .1ddition to ahe completed application form, thefollowfnc items must be provided: A. Attxh.l c:opy of the ~ (with State appliQtion only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if appI"lCant is not claiming to be the owner of said property. then forwNd a c:opy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to Qrry out the proiect on his I~nd_ B. Attach.1n ~rate work pl.1t drawn to SQJe on 8~ X 11" white p~per (see instruction booklet for deuils). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high qu~lity copics accepted. C. A copy of the ~pliation and pl~t must be SCfWd upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certif"lCd Imil or by publiation (G.S. 113-229 (d))Entcr date served D. List Ilimcs and c:omplete addresses of the ripNiln Iandownen with property adjoining applic~nt's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to igencies Iisled below. Planned COMMUNITY RURAL (See CAMA local und Use t'1~n Synopsis) XI. CcrtiCation requirement: I certify Chat to the best of my knowledge, the proposed xtivity complies with the S~te of North CuoUna's approved c;oastal mallilcment prognm and will be conduc:ted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this ~plk:atlon wUl allow only the development described In this appli. Qtion and pial AppliCants should therefore describe in the ~pllQtion and plat all anticipated devel. opmen, ..'Wltles, Indudi"" construction, excavatlan, fillln" and la~. 0//7#-&,7 ~4dk Applic~nl's Si"n.1turc OA Tf. _. '.. -" .\ ."0 .. ;. PLEASE BE SURE THAT: - Both copies Me completed - All bl~nks ~re filled in - You hilve Signed bOth copies If you have My questions.. aU your ~I field office. . ~. Mail ~ copy to: District Engineer Wllmlnaton District Corps of Engineers 'P~'O;8Qj(.l890' Wilmln&ton, N. C. 28402 (Note: attach Corps transmittal letter) Phone: 919/343-4631 B,l..l.. lY\,oW D.II. e,,'WI.~. W~ av.sd~ PO.GO')( '2.'). 687 ~1~.'2.1'J!"'7'87 AND Mall ~ copy to your I'eIionaI f"leld Off"1Ce as Indkated on the map below: Eut of Chowan River Md nor1h of Albenwte Soun . to VlrJlnIa border, Indudi,. nord1em Due Count and outer banks to 0aK0ke Inlet. CoasuI MMacemcntField Services 108 S. Water Street Eliubeth Oty. NC 27909 919/338-0206 South of hmlic:o River Md Beaufort County to New River Inducn,. barrier Islands from Ocracoke Inlet to north of New RJwr Inlet. CoasuI Manapment field Service~ P. O. Box 769 Morehad City, NC 28SS7 9J9/733-2160 or 726-7021 South of New River Inlet to South Carolina border. Coastal MaRlJemenl Field Services 7225 WrlthtsviUe Avenue WUmintton. NC 28403 .919/256...161 - '" /-~ APPl CCA T ION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FIll ;,. WATF.R QUALITY CERTIFICATION CAMA PERMIT FOR MAIOR DEVELOPMENT EASEMENT IN LANDS COVER EO BY WATER Oep..,tment of AchnlnlS(r~tion (GS 146-12) SUlCe o"':"or1h C~rolln~ o.PIr1menc of N~tur~' ftesourccs ~nd Communlcv Oewlopmenc (GS 113-229,1<43.215.3(1)(1).143,215.3(<:), 113A.118 Oeplr1menc of the Annv ~s of Enc1n..n, WllmlftlCon O'strlc:t (33 CfR 209.320']29) Ple~~ type or print ~nd fill in.1l1 b~nk$. If inf~tion is not .1ppliable, so ind'iQtc' by pf.1cfn<< N/A in.bf~nk. ......\. '"'., t. Appfiant 'nfO(m~tion A. N~mc ;/ Middle Go S/Ce ;::6~T L~t, .-. First 57.3 (;./J E (TN C/T 'S;?-r: . Street, P. O. Box or Route tuI(')y};Al6~rI AI, c.. City or Town St.1te II. loation of Proposed Project: A. County ~lItJc;,uJlC' _~ B. 1. City, town, community or l~ndm.1rk L.e.WI... ~D 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes_No "X. C. Creek, river, sound or b~y upon which project is loc~ted or n~rest n~med body of w~ter to project 8. Address z.g~ Zip Code 11'1-763-/9# Phone LA~lhu: (..Q1Y\m\l~'1 ry '". Description of Project A. I. M~inten~nce of existing plaicct 2. New work X B. Purpo!>C of cxc~v~tion or fill I. ^'cc!>~ ch~nnc/ le'ngt" width depth 2. HO;H b;Jsin len~h width depth _ 3. fill ~re.tl~~lI~h"ili~:~ "~a~gtr4 widthdeplh xlj 'l~ lJt:e:I2~ff r/rj~ 4. Other length width depth C. I. Bulkhe...d 'ength Aver~e distMce waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhe~d construction (material) O. txc,)v~ted materi..., (toUI (or project) I. Cubic y~rds 2 Type of materi~1 E. f ill m~teri<1lto be pl~ced beloW MHW (!>Ce ~Iso VI. A) I. Cubic Y<1rds 2 Type of m~tcrial IV. L~nd Type, OiSflOS.l1 Are~, and Construction Equipcwent: ^. Dues the ~re~ to ~ cxc~vatcd include ~ny m~rshbnd, sw~mps or other wetland? Yes No X 8_ Docs the dispcl~1 ...re.. ioe/ode any marshl~nd, SW.1mpS or Other wctl~nd? Yes~ No C. Dispos..al Area J... . ~ () /I ..lJi. 0 -f l. Loe>!;." 3 <5,.".,/Il<.<;cwil< :: too. Lot(\<- t 3 '3-n. ~I~;.,s ~^..... ~ Ma(.! 2. .00 you c1~im title to dispogl are~? YE'> , D. I il/ oWNial source if I ill ;s to be trucked in 01\1 c:; ITe -Cen"" 'EXCAua nb-,..1 O~ f)11't:.U..~ ~ :i2oAOUJA.YS. I:. H,)w will C)(c..lv~tcd m.:llcri..., be cnlr...pped ~nd erosion controlled? Iy\,a-hrz, I AL l..tJIu.. 1':.: CI..)+JlflIlP.e:O ,~ --Mg I. l , C 01...lTtl." c..~" I?"\ t!N Ie:., N ~ t:> L_SV. l OW7 ,. , ."p~' of equipment 10 he used 1)OIll\:P TetK.t:. e~Ac.. n1l. . G. Wjll m~rsh'~nd be crossc-d in tr<1n)t)oriing equipmattlO project site? If yes, expl~;n ~lr" ~Mf .... ,"~ 'ntended Use of Pro;ecc Aru (Oe$c:rfbe) A. 1. Privue X 2. Commef'c~1 3. Housinc Development or 'ndustri~1 X 4. Other B. I. Lot ~jze(s) . +', IS"O 00 a kr 2. Elev.Jtion of 'ot(s) .Jbove'm~high W.Jter . .~. 3. Soil type..OO texture 4. Type of building f~ilitieS or str~tures t<&<;lo~d,/.k.- Gk S. Sew. dispoul and/or waste w.ilter tre~tment A Existing B. Describe 6. 'undOmiflQtion'(circleone) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL CONSERVATION OTHER VI. Peruininc to Fill Met Water Quality: A. Does the Pf'OP()Sed project involve the pbcement of fill mater~ls below mean high water? Yes _ No X- B. 1. Will ~y runoff or. discharge enter ~~cent w.ilters as .iI result of project ~ctivity or planned use of the . ar~ followin, project completion? Yes_No~ 2. Type of discharle 3. LOQtion of disch.ilrge VII. Present roUe of shoreline erosion (if known): VUL Ust penn;t nwnbef1anci, is:sc.Ie dates ~ ~sOep.w1ment of ArrnyCorps,of Engi~ S~~ permltS.for''' U~I#!,. i.e- u;e work in profec:tara,'wiPPIiQble: o!JUJ-r "1=.4201$/ C.06. /7a/x,I.JWIIJk ~,f Ala. Z~ . ~7YO 9-14-91 IX. l.encth of time ftquhd tocomp&ete ~:/. V,rA.€ , X. In ~dition to the c:ompIete4~kation fonn.the foalowlnc items muSt be provided: A. Attxh .~ copy of the~. (widfStite applicltion only) or other .instrument under which .;appIiant cI.ilims title to the ~ffected propeny. OR If apprecantis not.c~imingto be the owner of said property, then forward .iI c:opy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to arry out the proieCton his 'and. B. Att.lch.Jn ~r.ilte work plat driWrito $Qfe on 8Y.r Xl1" white p.ilper (see instruction booklet for det.lils). Note: Ori,i~1 drawings Preferred - only high quality copies accepted. . . C. A copy of the ~plic:ation and pl~tmust be sened upon adjaCent riP.ilri.ilt1l~ndowners by registered or certified INil or by publigtion (G.S.113-229 (d))Enw date served Pf.ilt1ncd COMMUNITY RURAL (See CAMA Loal land Use "I~n Synopsis) D. list ~mes W complete ~ddresses of the riparg" ~ndowners with property adjoining applic.Jnt's.. Such owners Nve 30 days in which to submit comments toigencies listed below. XI. Certifeauon ftquil'ement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed xtivity complies with the State of North CuoUna's apprcwed ~~ m.ilnagetnent progr~ and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued purs&gnt to this appllearJon wUf altow only the development described In this appli. atian and plu. AppliCants should therefore describe in the appUatlon and plat all anticip.ilted devel. opment ~ctivities, Inc'udine construction, excavation, fillin& and land clearing. ~~~ ~JUtfP..7 I DAH Applicant's Sign.alur(' , \ , (' "... ,,",' ~ - , . , PLEASE BE SURE THAT: . . -'. . . .. iihr~ completed ~;~. . .J'~;S are tiffed in - Youh~veSfgnea bOth cOpies " you ~.~ queSdons__ql. your ~Iflefdofflce. ,Cl t, 'r : :,> 811..l. 1Y\,'u..s DIva . ev~. ~. . . ~G[~~'.87. . ~1ik.-z.l~JI'_ 7i.g;' M~ff.QQI copy to: District Enc'neer Wilmln,ron Dfstrfct Corps of E",ineen .f,..Q.,e.oxJ~89.0... ... Wilmfncton. N. C. 28402 (Note: attacb Corps tr.1nsmittalletter) Phone: 919/343-4631 AND Mail2!!! COpy to your IeIionaf field offk:e as Indicated on the map below: East, of Chowan River .. nor#l of Albem.v1e Sou, toVitllnla boider,'~Udincnonhern Dare <AUOI and outer banbto Oc:racoke Inlet. "~ MWlemtntFieId Services '.lOSS; Wjter Street EllubeCh City, He 27909 919/338<<!06 -^ 1 ~~ " \..., SouCh ., hInIico River aid BeaufOrt Cowtty to New River Inducfin, barrier IUnds from Oaxoke Inlet to.nonh of ~ AAw'lnIet. CoastaIM~fFfela service,: P. O.Box769 .. .. MorehadClty, NC 28SS7 919/733-2160 or 726-7021 Souch of New River Inlet to South Caroffnaborder. Coaml M1nllentent Field Services 7225 WrllhtsvlUe Avenue WUmlnlCon, He 28403 .919/256....161 ...---~ " .A. ~..".,....", APPllCA TlON . ffiR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR Fill WATF.R QUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANOSCOVEREO BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAIOR DEVELOPMENT Oeputmcn( of Adtnfnf5C,.Clon (G$ 146-121 SUCe oHilorth CAroUn. Oep.rtmenc 0( N.cu,.' It_rees .nd Communltv Ocwlopmenc (GS 113.229, ,..3.215.3(.1(11. 143.215.3(c), 113A-118 Oep.rtmenc of Ihe Anny Corps of Enc'nMrs, WlIm'nrCon Olurlct (n CfR 209.320-3291 Pte~$C type or prioUnd fill in ~Il b~nks. IfinfOONtioo is noUppHable, so io("ic~tiby pI~dol N/A ;n.bl~nk. ..... \. ~. ~ l. AppI;Qot Inform~tion A. N~me J::6674T II Middle Go )"/c~ L~t, ",..... First 513 . (.-/) E <<Ai t/T ''9 r: Street, P. O. Box or Routc MUn;Al6r?JrI A/,e City or Town SUtc II. Loation of Proposed Project: A, County I3ell"')~o...lI(' .\::.. S_ 1. City, town, community or I~ndm~rk Lc.WI; ~ 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Ycs____No ')( C. Creek, river, sound or b~y upon which project is loc~tcd or n~rcst n~mcd body of w~tcr to project B. Address z.g~ Zip Code 119-763-/9# Phone LA-NW~ (.o1V'\m\l~'1 ry III. Descript;on of Project A. I. M~inteo~nce of existing projcct 2. Ncw work X B. Purpo!le of cxc~vuion or fill I. ^'ce~~ ch,JOne' '('ngth width depth 2. Ho;ll b<ls;n len~h width dcpth _ 3. hll.are<l-1 ~1I~ho;~~:~ '{'Z(!~gtr' width depth :re I fA; ~el2~f flu/I! 4. Othcr length width dcpth C. I. Bulkhe.1d length Aver~e distMlCe w~terW~rd of MHW (shoreline) 2_ r ype of bu/khe~d construction (m~teri.ll) O. bccJv.ltcd m.lteri.l/ (total for projcct) I. Cubic y ~rds 2 T ypc of m~ ted.ll L F ill m~leri~/ to be pl~ced be/o,,", MHW (!lee ~Iso VI. A) I. Cubic Y.lrds 2 Type of m~terial 'V. land Type, OiSflO~/ Are~, ~nd Construction Equipcwent: A Docs the ~re.l ((J be eXC4v~ted include ~ny m<lrshbfld, sW.lmps or other wet/.lnd? Yes No X 8. Docs the dispo\J/ ~rc.. inc/ode ~ny m.lrsh/.lnd, SWMnpS or other wet/~nd? Yes x:. No C. 7.;'PZ:~~: 3 '5"'411 ~ 1bJ'" k Cdf.- 1 3 Srn.# D~";,,, N; Q."..,., 0.., hi.p 2. .00 you cI.lim title to disposal ~re~? y~ D. f ill mollcrial source if I ill is to be trucked in 0'-1 c:;,~ !-er,W\ 'EXC;;PQ +t,o~ O~ f)1'TtJ./-..t; t :QoAOWA.Y!>>, l:. H./w will cxcav.1lcd m~tcrj.ll be enlr.lpped .l~d crO$ion controlled? tv'Ia11rQ I A.L u. )Iu.. ~ eJ...)+~.LI. ppen I~ -thg C O~T"O'" c..'f:"P tr\ tS'I. Ie" c;. t:> L _ SVA r OW7 I ''1'(1(' "' equipmenl 10 br used 'DoM1' TeLt'"_t:. 8 ~ACnR. G. Will m4rshl.1nd be crossrd in (r~n~oriing cquipmmt to project sile? If yes, expl.1in 1-..\(1') ~M!p "". ~~ 'ntended Ute o( Pro;ect AI"Q (Describe) A. 1. Priv.1te X 2. Commerc4' 3. Housina Development Of' 'ndllstr4' X 4. Other B. I. lol s;ze(s) . of-. ISO 000. kr 2. Elev.1tion o( lo((s) .1boynn~hieh W.1let 3. Soil type ~nd texture . ~ 4. Type o( building (xii hies 0( sW~tures 1<€,'I:;"nGSA.l1-II'+'''' Gk s. Sew~ dispos.J' .1nd/Of' W.1ste W.1ler tre.1tment A. Exlsline Pl.1Oned 8. Describe 6. 'und OassifK..1tion'(circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA LOQI und Use ~1.1n Synopsis) VI. Peru;n;nc to Fi"~ W.1ter Qt.gJity: . .. A Does the proposed project inYOlve the p~menl of fil/ m.1ter4ls below tne.1n high w.1ter? Yes_ No X- B. 1. Will my runoff 0( dischvle enter ~~cent W.1ters .1S .1 result of pro;ect .1ctivity 0( pl.1nned use of the . .1ru fol/owIng project completion? Y CS_ No 2S...-. 2. Type o( disch.1rle 3. LOQtion o( disch.1rge VII. Present nate of shorefine erosion (i(known): VlIl List permit numbm.1nd issue eWes of ~s ~t of Army Corps of Encineen,...pr Sate permits (or /"7rl!;"iC. ~w. (pr work in project ara,. if applicable: /){pl- d~ .4201!( C.o. e . /Jd(')VWIOk ~; t A 10 . Z ~ -Z>I't7YO 9~ -i7 ,x. Len,th of time required to complete profect; / . V e-~ X. 'n ~dition to the c;ompCetechpplk3tion form, the followlnc Items must be provided: A At~ .1 copy of the~ (withSqte app,iQtion only) Of' other instrument under Which ~iant C'.1ims title to the .1ffec:ted property. OR if appf"lQI1t is not~biming to be the owner ofS.1id property, then (orwvd .1 copy of the deed Of' other inStrwnent under which the owner c1.1ims title plus written permission from the owner to Qrry out the pro;ec:t on his land. B. AtUch.1n .lCCUr.1te work pl.1t dr.1wnto SQ/e on 8* X 11" white p.1per (see instruction booklet for deuils). Note: Original drawings preferred - onfy high quality copies .1c:cepted. C. A copy of the .lppljQtion .1nd pl.1t must be setwd upon adPunt riP.lri.1l1 l.1ndowners by registered or certified 111.1i1 or by publiation (G.S.113-229 (d))Enter date served D. list n.ames.1nd aHnplete .1ddresses of the ripNQn ~ndowners with property ad;oining .1pplicant's.. Such owners h.1ve 30 d.1Ys in which to submit e:omments to igencies listed below. XI. Certi(iQlion requnment; I certify th.1t to the best of my knowledge, the propOsed ~tivity complies with the State of North UroIin.a'J ~<Wed (;().1stJ/ man.aaement progr.ln1 and wlll,be conducted in a manner consistent with such progr.1m. XII. Any pennie iJsued punuant to this appliQtlon wUl allow only the development descrIbed In this .1ppli. Qtion and P'.1l Applicants should therefOf'e desc:ribe in the appllQtlon and plat .111 .1ntlclp.1ted devel. opment activities, Includilll construaion, exc.1vation, filling, and land during. ~~ Applic~nl'~ Si"n.lIUrc 4J~tl187 I " DATf. '\ r, ,._ .~. '""-. ^\.- ~- PLEASE BE SURE THAT: - 8o-fj,""topieS are eompleted -.. All b1~ks are filled in .. - y au h~~Sfgnecl bOtffc6pieS If YOU ~.My quetdons please all your ~l flefd office. . . ~. Mail .2fJI copy to: 6ft.A.. "",'W D,ll. .ca.v~. ~. ~'l?G~i.i '.87 ~ lii.i.~~JI .~ 7,g; District E",Ineer Wllmlntton District Corps of E""noers P. O.Box 1890. .... WifmfriCtOft. N. t. 28402 (Note: atCKft Corps transmittal tetter) Phone:, 919/34~31 AND ~" ~ COpy to your rqjonaJ f"lekf o1'fke as Indicated on the map below: Ust ofOlowan River Md norCf1 of Albefmrle Sot . to vqJnIa border, lnduclln&nonfIem. Dare Cow and Outer banks to Oc:racoke.lnlet. Coastal M.1nacementFIeId Services 108 S. Water Street E'lubeth City, NC 27909 919/3~ ....".... t 0..., ~, ......, '"" South . of hmlic:o River and Beaufort County to New River Indudlnc banter fsIancfs from Ocnc:oIce Inlet to nonfI of New RJver Inlet. . CoascaI M~fField Servke~ P.O. So,( 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 919/733-2160 or 726-7021 South of New RIYer Inlet to Soucft Caro.fl~ border. Coast.ll Man&lCfnent Field Services 7225 Wrllhtsvllle Avenue WIImU1lton, He 28403 , 9191256....161 .-:;-", - 0694 0912 I fILEO.F.9.i\ ~[GiSJ RATIDH 600Kjti~:L_PAGE 9 I 2- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK 87 JUH I 0 PH ~: 29 RO~ERT ,I.RQUIHSOH fA REGISTEP- U? UEEOS THIS' DEED, made this .~. day of June, l~~;E.ilP.,Y 1':~Jl\i<ay' H.C. between Eva G. Benton, as Executrix of the estate of Leroy Lewis, deceased, par ty of t,ne fir s t par t; and Sandy Spr ings, Inc., a Nor th Car 01 ina corpoi a t ion with a mai 1 ing address of P.O. Box 3732, Wilmington, North Carolina, 28403, party of the second part. !:? 1. ! !i ~ E. E. ~ ! .!:!: THAT WHEREAS, Leroy Lewis died, leaving a Last Will and Testawen t wh i ch is duly pc oba ted and recor ded in the Of f ice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Brunswick County, therein naming said party of the first part as his Executrix, and whereas said party of the first part has qualified and is now acting as Executrix; and whereas said Will gave and granted unto said party of the first part as sueh Executrix full power and authority to sell and convey any real estate belonging to the estate and d i r ects sa id prope r ty to be so ld a t public auct ion; and whereas said party of the first part has conducted said auction "and the party of the second part was the highest bidder at said auction. NOW, THEREFORE, said party of the first part, acting as Executrix as aforesaid, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and oth~r valuable consideration to her in hand paid, the receipt of which JS hereby acknowledged, and' under author ity of the power given her'in said will, has bargained and sold and by these presents does bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part and its'heirs and assigns certain lands belonging to the estate and lying and being in the County of Brunswick and State of North Carolina, Northwest Township, and :\:OC<2 pCl.:!:"I:j('1J1rtrly rJpscr.ihed as follows: :0- W All of those certain tracts of land labeled "Tract A" containing 46.38 acres and "Tract B" containing 23.64 ac res and mor e par t icu lar ly descr ibed by reference ,to a Map recorded in Map Cabinet ~ at Page 3~ and labeled "Boundary Survey for Leroy Lewis Estate". ..... .. 0.. v.> SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to that certain fourteen foot wide road easement that, pursuant to the aforesaid map, divided Tract "A" from Tract "B- and is depicted on the map to provide access to the land owners owning property located to the west of these tracts and an easement across the northwest corner of Tract "A" providing access to the Ganey Cemetery, the centerline of said roadways being cescribed as follows: ~ .~ :31 Q z <.) <.) g C() <::J , For a tie line to the beginning point, begin at a point where the centerline of State Road 1438 intersects the cente~line of State Road 1499, also known as the Lewis Hoad., thence north 33 degrees 19 minutes 41 seconds west 540 feet more or less to a PK nail located in the centerline of state Road 1499, thence south 83 degrees 22 minutes 11 seconds west 31.48 feet to a point on the western edge of State Road 1499, the point and- place of beg i.nn i ng . , . ~,5""0' 1'2.!c.. )~1.00 f7..e.y, ~,',~,-..-::::-~-=--- .' .-~'.'t;,,-~;..;..~n ~ ........ ....-....1 : : ~)lA~..o~ ~~~::-Reat.Estate-;, _.' ~ ~.~'. . t':~r.~~A {~~.~~i).~)~, E.xc,'~~ Tax :,~ '~];.:. , . (" p r . . '....~ ~ "{};~.;;~:{. c 1 0 0- .-" . .. II." _ V ~'-;.' jftNIO'~~'~ Q. ~~ III , .' ..... V P.8.I('blu -. .-~ - - ,-.-'-'-"1 fb\e., vj~~ (J n fi(t'-1....) I..' '.' ,(,~ ! ~ 0694 0913 From the beg~nning ~oint established above, south 83 degrees 22 minutes 11 seconds west 643.53 feet to an iron bolt, thence with and along the ingress and egress access road as more particularly set out on a map prepared by G. Douglas 'Jeffreys of the Leroy Lewis estate, said map being recorded in Map Book ~ at Page 332-. To have and to hold together with all belonging to the said assigns in fee simple the aforesaid tract or parcel pr i v i leges and appur tenances party of the second part and its forever. of land, thereunto heirs and In testimony whereof, said party of the first part, acting as Executrix as aforesaid, has hereunto 'set her hand and seal the day and yeat first above written. ~fl~0 (SEAL) EVA G, BENTON, Executrix of the Estate of Leroy Lewis, Deceased STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK My Commission d/r21/tJD / I Expires,: ~ ~ ....".::.~~~,.:,:;.. uJ..~4 , " ,\ ...... .... '. .:~.-~"':- ....- .....'...:1.. OTA~ - - 1 n_~_ - r~v; \ : en ~. ;'. .... - ;: ~'J : . · ~. :. : .. ~. ~ .~ ~..( l' \1. J. . .0.\.\ ;' ':' .~' f" .."..~. Q ...... . ~ ..... e. .... .',' : -:. ~\ ", .' '4., .- .~ -(.t/~""'.."""" \ ~ ." ~:-.... 'i/ ('0 "j ,..... ./I....:..:~:~. :" " This instrument prepared by Elva L. Jess 'ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Brunswick County Ie Foregoing Certificate(s) of Hary L. Simpson, Notary Public ~corded this lOth day of JW1e 19 .ll.Lat (is)(are) certified to be correct. . I 4: 29 o'c1ock~M. .' .' Robert J. Robinson. Register 01 Deeds ? 4J- t ~~~ /I>rc '10,,,, ~ I 0694 0912 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK FILED FO~~[GiSJ~..AlIDN BOOKjfl~__rAGt 9 12- 87 JUN 10 PH 4: 29 ROGERT .I. R8UIHSOH ./ L RE.G1SFP u~ !"~EDS 't"l ' I ,c.. ,Ul TH'IS'DEED, made this ~ day of June, l~Yii;ri:p.,y (:~~~q1y. H.C. between Eva G. Benton, as Executrix of the estate of Leroy Lewis, de c e a sed, par t y 0 f tJ1 e fir s t par t ; and San d y S P r in g s , I n c., a Nor th Carol ina corpot a t ion wi th a mai ling address of P.O. Box 3732, Wilmington, North Carolina, 28403, party of the second part. WIT N E SSE T H: ---------- THAT WHEREAS, Leroy Lewis died, leaving a Last Will and Testalilen t wh i eb is duly pc oba ted and recorded in the Of f ice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Brunswick County, therein naming said party of the first part as his Executrix, and whereas said party of the .first part has qualified and is now acting as Executrix; and whereas said Will gave and granted unto said party of the first part as sueh Executrix full power and authority to sell and convey any. real estate belonging to the estate and directs said property to be sold at public auction; and whereas said party of the first part has conducted said auction-and the party of the second part was the highest bidder at said auction. NOW, THEREFORE, said party of the first part, acting as Executrix as aforesaid, in consideration of the sum of Ten Doll~rs and oth~r valuable consideration to her in hand paid, the receipt of which .~s hereby acknowledged, and"under authority of the power given her' in said will, has bargained and sold and by these presents does bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part and its. heirs and assigns ce~tain lands belonging to the estate and lying and being in the County of Bruns\vick and State of North Carolina, Northwest Township, and more p2~tjc~'~rly ~pscribed as follows: All of those certain tracts of land labeled "Tract A" containing 46.38 acres and "Tract B" containing 23.64 acres and more particularly described by reference to a Map recorded in Map Cabinet R.. at Page 3~ and labeled "Boundary Survey for Leroy Lewis Estate". "- ~ '~ ~ I <:J SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to that certain fourteen foot wide road easement that, pursuant to the aforesaid map, divided Tract "A" from Tract "B" and is depicted on the map to provide access to the land owners owning property located to the west of these tracts and an easement across the northwest corner of Tract "A" providing access to the Ganey Cemetery, the centerline of said roadways being Gescribed as follows: z o <> For a tie line to the beginning point, begin at a point where the centerline of State Road 1438 intersects the centerline of State Road 1499, also known as the Lewis Road, thence nortb 3.3 degrees 19 minutes 41 seconds west 540 feet more or less to a PK nail located in the centerline of State Road 1499, thence south 83 degrees 22 minutes 11 seconds west 31.48 feet to a point on the western edge of State Road 1499, the point and. place of begi.nning. \. 4;,5"0' I~~C.. ) cQ ,. DO \~e". c~. '--'-"~"'~--'- . ~q .~. ,.,... ~.". -..." .-.~'.~;"'-';~~'..,..."...~ . ~ ...".' . .......... :: : ~.tA:c:..CJf' ~~n::- Real. Estate-;, . ; ;~ t-'DRr~NA (;f;~.t-?~:-r EXCIse Tax -- ' .~ " , ... i1 rot.:, : '. 10 \~ttM]i';"', . 8 'z" 0 A. ~.: ~1~: . ,r . ur. ";~..,.~c~.T U . ;,'~: . y (, ;..., ~&~tO'~~ .~ . =-~ 1" . ..... V r.8.H,blfJ -. .:-, .--'-{g) (ere, - ~~~UUJ (J. f t n(~,-v> '.,t '-...1 J " ,:I.,., .. o 69 4 0 9 1 3 From the beginning point est~blished above, south 83 degrees 22 minutes 11 seconds west 643.53 feet to an iron bolt, thence with and along the ingress and egress access road as more particular ly . set out on a map prepared by G. Douglas 'Jeffreys of the Leroy Lewis estate, said map being recorded in Map Book . 7<. at Page 332-. To have and to hold together with all, belonging to the said asslgns in fee simple the aforesaid tract or parcel pr i v i leges and appur tenances party of the second part 'and its forever. of land, thereunto heirs and In testimony whereof, said party of the first part, acting as Executrix as aforesaid, has hereunto 'set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. ~ fl~ Eft (SEAL) EVA G. BENTON, Executrix of the Estate of Leroy Lewis, Deceased STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK My Commission d /)1 / f10 I / Expires: ~ ~. ",<::;",>,... -uJ ,,' .,\,,-,.1 :;J. .. . . .>":'~~~~:...."t. t.::',,".. ': J" . 6T'A~. I .~ ji:/'J \ :80 ~, ;"'; \ ;: ~~: -. ..~.' :.. :~- ~ .~\..( iil~j...O.t.\ ;.....'. '. ,-.,". c:rv \"~.~~ ~~. ~\...41 '. ...~~,. ....~'"' "(.t,4'..".......4.. \ ~ .~ ';'/ (\ r- 10 /'/': . '"' \ I, ::::,'.. :. This instrument prepared by Elva L. Jess rATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Brunswick County le Foregoing Certificate(s) of Hary L. Simpson, Notary Public \J, . :corded this lOth day of June 19 JiLat (is)(are) certified to be correct. I 4:29 o'c1ock~M. " -" Robert J. Robinson, Register 01 Deeds ? "'-I :y ~ ,.I"':"~ ;m., ~J. --.-- -. ---- . 912 __Y;' --: r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK F1LED.Fll.n n . ~ [GjSl!~AT1DN BOOK~__PAllt q 12- 87 JUN I OPM 4: 29 ROGERT .1. RCUlriSON , 'fIJ REGISTER U; UEEDS TH.IS' DEED, made this };4j -' day of June, lsmgiE.ilP.,Y (:.4\~<py, H.C. between Eva G. Benton, as Executrix of the estate of Leroy Lewis, deceased, party of t,he first part; and sandy springs, Inc., a North Carolina corporation with a mailing address of P. O. Box 3732, Wilmington, North Carolina, 28403, party of the second part. !i 1. ! !i ~ .e. .e. ~ ! !i: THAT WHEREAS, Leroy Lewis died, leaving a Last Will and Testalllent' which is duly probated and recorded. in the Office of the Clerk of Super ior Court of Brunswick County, therein naming said party of t~e first part as his Executrix, and whereas said party of the .first part has qualified and is now acting as Executrix; andrwhereas said Will gave and granted unto said party of the first part as suCh Executrix full power and authority to sell and convey any real estate belonging to the estate and directs said property to be sold at public auction; and whereas said party of the first part has conducted said auction ~and the party of the second part was the highest bidder at said auction. NOW, THEREFORE, said party of the first part, acting as Executrix as aforesaid, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and othef valuable consideration to her in hand paid, the receipt of whichjs hereby acknowledged, and"under authority of the power given her'in said will, has bargained and sold and by these presents does bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part and its heirs and assigns certain lands belonging to the estate and lying and being in the. County of Br uns\", i ck and Sta te of Nor th Caro 1 ina, Nor thwest Township, and :WCC pe.!:,1:5<:'1l'.;1rly nf'scri.bed a.s follows: >- w All of those certain tracts of land labeled "Tract A" containing 46.38 acres and "Tract B" containing 23.64 acres and more particularly described by reference ,to a Map recorded in Map Cabinet ~ at Page 3~ and labeled "Boundary Survey for Leroy Lewis Estate". ... ..J 0. '" SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to that certain fourteen foot wide road easement that, pursuant to the aforesaid map, divided Tract "A" from Tract liB" and is depicted on the map to provide access to the land owners owning property located to the west of these tracts and an easement across the northwest corner of Tract "A" providing access to the Ganey Cemetery, the centerline of said roadways being Gescribed as follows: ~ .~ d I <::> z o <.> ~ t'(") '=J For atie line to the beginning point, begin at a point whei~ the centerline of State Road 1438 intersects the centerline of State Road 1499, also known as the Lewis r<.oad, thence north 33 degrees 19 minutes 41 seconds west 540 feet more or less to a PK nail located in the centerline of State Road 1499, thence south 83 degrees 22 minutes 11 seconds west 31.48 feet to a point on the western edge of State Road 1499, the point and- place of beg i.nn i ng. \. ' fI; I fj"ej' 1'2. , c. . ) ~,. DO \"<.ev, .~_-.,~.-,-:::~._-'::- " ,-~'.~:,.-~;.~.1P.'lFn. ~. ....."'.. . "''''-:'''1 ,., :;: ~jl A~.' CJ r ~i.2t1~~ Real. Estate - ;,' -- ; ','. r:~oT~~A {~~,:.;~t,~fj;;),f:, E.XC.'~~ Tax ::: ' ". .. .... ~\r{ ~,..,~. ,i...~;lI~~ . I 8 1 0 B. -Y'- .l.]$.-.. '.' ~J;f '.. ".:~--,-::.-.: " II \, ~. V" (, ..;;. ~U"IO'" ~ .~~ . =-~ >II ...... . . P.8.'ltblu -' .~") " - - .----iQ! iDle" ~~~ (Jr;n(t,-~~.~ \.. '.J J .., ,'" " , . " 0694 0913 From the beginning point established above, south 83 degrees 22 minutes 11 seconds west 643.53 feet to an i~on bolt, thence with and along the ingress and egress access road as more particular ly set out on a map prepared by C, Douglas 'Jeffreys of the Leroy Lewis estate, said map being recorded in Map Book .f< at Page 332-. To have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel t'ogethe r with all pr i v i leges and appur tenances belonging to the said party of the second part .and its asslgns in fee simple forever. of land, thereunto heirs and In testimony whereof, said party of the first part, acting as Executrix as aforesaid, has hereunto .set her hand and seal the day and yeat first above written. ~.fl~~ (SEAL) EVA G. BENTON, Executrix of the Estate of Leroy Lewis, Deceased STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK I, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State anJ CuunLy afores~id, ~o hereby certi~y that Eva G. Benton, act ing as Executt i x under the Wi 11 of Leroy Lewis, deceased, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. . Witness my hand and official seal this L/-~j, day of June, i987. My Commission d /)1 / tJD I I Expires: ~ ~. """~':~;:;::"" MJ. ,.,',' \. ".; .; J. '. . .:>.~':-'T.~..'.'." '.::'1'.. '; ,". . OT'A~ .... ~ j?'/; \ :~e.n ~, (: .... . .. :: ~'l : ;... '~" , : r ~~' :: ..' ~..( I i !-fj. . .0 \.\ ;.:' .: .;, ...." ... CJ v. 'to ,,', J.... " ,~ 0,\ . ~ ....,... .- .;;. v .~"" ,.,' ...\.' .' '.1' <.t~ ....... \ ~ .' '~.f. ,,// co . '\ ,. .... '11:t:::~.:.,. :", ." This instrument prepared by Elva L. Jess 'ATE OF N.ORTH CAROLINA, Brunswick County le Foregoing Certificate(s) or Mary L, Simpson, Notary Public \. . ~corded this lOth day of June 19 ~at (is)(are) certified to be correct. I 4: 29 o'clock~M. .' .- Robert J. Robinson, Register 01 Deeds ?~/-~;J~~ ,Ibrc. 'I .