HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191059 Ver 1_B-5703_Aquatic Species Survey Report_20190809Aquatic Species Survey Report Replacement of Bridge No. 60 on US 401 Over Lower Little River Cumberland and Harnett Counties, North Carolina TIP B-5703 WBS Element # 45657.1.1 Prepared For: Of gORTH C4 9 F Pr�far OF iRp�°S�o� NC Department of Transportation Raleigh, North Carolina Contact Person: Jared Gray Biological Surveys Group North Carolina Department of Transportation j gray( ,ncdot. gov 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1598 May 30, 2019 Prepared by: 900 Ridgefield Drive, Suite 350 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact Person: Neil Medlin Manager, Natural Resources nmedlin@rkk.com 919-878-9560 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................1 2.0 Waters Affected........................................................................................................1 2.1 NPDES Dischargers............................................................................................1 2.2 303(d) Classification...........................................................................................1 3.0 Target Species Description......................................................................................2 3.1 Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni)...................................................................2 3.1.1 Characteristics......................................................................................2 3.1.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements...............................................2 3.2 Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistocholas).......................................................2 3.2.1 Characteristics......................................................................................2 3.2.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements...............................................2 4.0 Survey Efforts...........................................................................................................3 4.1 Stream Conditions at Time of Survey: Lower Little River................................3 4.2 Methodology.......................................................................................................3 4.2.1 Mussels................................................................................................3 4.2.2 Fish.......................................................................................................3 5.0 Results.......................................................................................................................4 5.1 Mussels...............................................................................................................4 5.2 Fish......................................................................................................................4 6.0 Discussion/Conclusions............................................................................................5 7.0 References.................................................................................................................6 Appendix A. Figures: Figure l: Project Vicinity & Survey Location Figure 2: NCNHP Element Occurrences Figure 3: NPDES Dischargers and 303(d) Listed Streams 1.0 Introduction The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes the replacement of Bridge No. 60 over Lower Little River on US 401 in Cumberland and Harnett counties (Appendix A, Figure 1). The Lower Little River is located in the Cape Fear River Basin. The Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistocholas) is currently listed for both Cumberland and Harnett Counties by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as protected species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni), was proposed to be listing as Threatened under the ESA on October 11, 2018. Two additional species were proposed to be listed under ESA on May 22, 2019, the Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi) and the Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiosus), are both noted for Harnett County but are not know from the Cape Fear Basin and are not evaluated further in this report. A review of the NC Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) records, last accessed on May 04, 2018, indicated that no element occurrence (EO) exists for a target species within a 5-mile buffer of the project location (Figure 2). The closest occurrence for Cape Fear Shiner (EO ID 27861) is approximately 10.3 stream miles upstream on the Cape Fear River. This EO was first and last observed on July 23, 2007. The closest occurrence for Atlantic Pigtoe (EO ID 24770) is approximately 18.5 stream miles downstream on the Cape Fear River. The only observation date listed for this historical EO is Pre-1972. As part of the federal permitting process that requires an evaluation of potential project related impacts to federally protected species, Rummel, Klepper, and Kahl (RK&K) was contracted by NCDOT to conduct the freshwater mussel and fish surveys targeting the Atlantic Pigtoe and Cape Fear Shiner. 2.0 Waters Affected The Lower Little River is located in the Cape Fear River Basin (HUC# 03030004). From the project location, the Lower Little River flows approximately 6.5 stream miles to the Cape Fear River. 2.1 NPDES Dischargers There are no NPDES permitted dischargers located such that they could affect the water quality in the Lower Little River at the project site. 2.2 303(d) Classification The Lower Little River is not on the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) - Division of Water Resources 2016 303(d) list of impaired streams or the 2018 draft list. Aquatic Species Survey; B-5703, Cumberland and Harnett Counties May 2019 Page 1 3.0 Target Species Description 3.1 Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni) 3.1.1 Characteristics The Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni (Conrad 1834)) is a small, freshwater mussel that rarely exceeds 60 mm in length. The shells are usually compressed and have a sub -rhomboid outline; however, specimens from headwater streams tend to be more elongate than those found in larger waterways. The umbo extends well above the dorsal margin and the posterior ridge is angular and very distinct. The periostracum is yellowish brown or greenish brown with a parchment -like texture. The nacre is somewhat shiny and can be white, salmon, orange or iridescent blue. Maximum age for the Atlantic Pigtoe is approximately 58 years and it is a short-term brooding (tachytictic) species. Specifically, the species becomes gravid and releases glochidia multiple times between late June through early July. Identified fish hosts for this species include the Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and Shield Darter (Percina peltata). 3.1.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements The Atlantic Pigtoe is a southern Atlantic Slope species that is found from the James River basin in Virginia south to the Altamaha River basin in Georgia. Within North Carolina, the Atlantic Pigtoe historically inhabited the Roanoke, Tar -Pamlico, Neuse, Cape Fear, Yadkin -Pee Dee, and Catawba river basins. It appears that this mussel may be extirpated from the North Carolina portion of the Catawba River basin and potentially some areas within all river basins. The Atlantic Pigtoe occupies riffles and runs in medium to large streams. Specifically, it typically inhabits moderately fast velocity areas that contain stable gravel, or sand and gravel substrate. 3.2 Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistocholas) 3.2.1 Characteristics The Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistocholas (Snelson 1971)) is a small (approximately 50 mm long), yellowish minnow with a black band along the lateral line. The shiner also has yellow fins, a black upper lip, and a lower lip that bears a thin black bar. The Cape Fear Shiner forages primarily on plant and animal material. In addition, the digestive tract of the Cape Fear Shiner is long and coiled, unlike most other minnows within the genus Notropis. 3.2.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements The Cape Fear Shiner is endemic to the upper Cape Fear River Basin in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina. The species is known from tributaries and mainstreams of the Cape Fear, Deep, Haw and Rocky Rivers in Chatham, Harnett, Lee, Moore and Randolph counties. Aquatic Species Survey; B-5703, Cumberland and Harnett Counties May 2019 Page 2 This shiner is generally associated with gravel, cobble, and boulder substrates, and has been observed in slow pools, riffles, and slow runs. These areas occasionally support Water Willow (Justicia americana), which may be used as cover or protection from predators (e.g. Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris), bass (Micropterus spp.) and crappie (Pomoxis spp.)). The Cape Fear Shiner can be found swimming in schools of other minnow species but is never the most abundant species. 4.0 Survey Efforts Freshwater mussel and fish surveys were conducted in association with this project by RK&K personnel Neil Medlin (Permit # 18-ES00030), Matt Martin and Hal Bain on June 21, 2018. The survey location was moved from the project site downstream to NC 217. The NC 217 crossing was selected due to the presence of extended reaches of shallow water which allowed for more effective survey efforts. The NC 217 location also increased the potential for colonization of the survey reach by the target species from Cape Fear River populations. 4.1 Stream Conditions at Time of Survey: Lower Little River at NC 217 The Lower Little River at NC 217 was twenty-seven meters wide and exhibited run and riffle flow regimes. The banks were approximately two meters high with some erosion/undercutting present. The maximum depth was 1.5 meters with an average depth of 0.5 meter. The substrate was primarily sand and gravel with clay, cobble and boulder also present. No beaver activity was observed at the survey location. A moderate width, forested buffer is present within the survey location. 4.2 Methodology 4.2.1 Mussels A mussel survey was conducted from approximately 400 meters downstream of the bridge crossing to approximately 100 meters upstream of the crossing for a total of approximately 500 meters. Areas of appropriate habitat were searched, concentrating on the stable habitats preferred by the target species. Visual surveys were conducted with view buckets (bathyscopes) along with tactile methods that were employed where appropriate. All freshwater bivalves were recorded and returned to the substrate. Timed survey efforts typically provide Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) data for each species. 4.2.2 Fish A fish survey was conducted from approximately 400 meters downstream of the bridge crossing to approximately 100 meters upstream of the crossing for a total of approximately 500 meters. The survey was conducted using a Smith -Root Model LR-24 backpack electrofishing unit and dip nets. The stream was sampled with one biologist operating the electrofishing unit while the other biologists collected the stunned fish with dip nets. All stunned fish were collected and temporarily placed in a 5-gallon bucket. All fish were identified and released onsite. Aquatic Species Survey; B-5703, Cumberland and Harnett Counties May 2019 Page 3 5.0 Results 5.1 Mussels A total of 2.25-person hours of survey time were spent in the survey reach with three freshwater mussel species and one freshwater clam observed. No Atlantic Pigtoe were observed during the survey. Table 1. CPUE for Freshwater Mussels in the Lower Little River, June 21, 2018 Scientific Name Common Name # live #shells Abundance/ CPUE Freshwater Mussels CPUE lli do com lanata Eastern Elli do 8 0 3.56/hr. lli do con araea Carolina Slabshell 4 0 1.78/hr. lli do roanokensis Roanoke Slabshell 7 0 3.1/hr. Freshwater Clams Corbicula uminea[Asian Clam R-C* * R=Rare, C=Common 5.2 Fish Fifteen fish species were identified during the survey with a total of 474 individuals observed (Table 2). No Cape Fear Shiners were collected. A total of 1202 shocking seconds were utilized during this survey. Table 2. Fish Species in the Lower Little River, June 21, 2018 Scientific Name Common Name No. Individuals Cyprinella analostana Satinfin Shiner 45 epomis macrochirus Bluegill 4 Cyprinella nivea Whitefin Shiner 362 uxilus albeolus White Shiner 8 ercina crassa Piedmont Darter 8 theostoma flabellare Fantail Darter 2 Anguilla rostrata American Eel 1 oturus insi nis Tessellated Darter 5 otro is sce ticus Sandbar Shiner 15 e omis auritus Redbreast Sunfish 9 ybopsis zanema Santee Chub 6 undulus lineolatus Lined Topminnow 1 cantharchus pomotis Mud Sunfish 1 otropis hudsonius Spottail Shiner 5 icropterus sp. Bass 2 Aquatic Species Survey; B-5703, Cumberland and Harnett Counties May 2019 Page 4 Scientific Name lCommon Name No. Individuals Total Number of Individuals 474 Total Number of Species 15 lectrofishing Seconds 1202 6.0 Discussion/Conclusions The mussel and fish surveys did not document either of the target species. Based the survey results and the distance from the project site to closest NCHNP EO (over 18 stream miles to a historical EO), completion of the project will not affect the Atlantic Pigtoe. Biological Conclusion for Altantic Pigtoe: No Effect Although no Cape Fear Shiners were collected during the fish survey, an NCNHP EO (located on the Cape Fear River) is slightly over 10 stream miles from the project site. Given the mobility of the species and the relative proximity of the known occurrence, the presence of the Cape Fear Shiner at the project location cannot be completely discounted. Biological Conclusion for Cape Fear Shiner: May Affect; Not Likely to Adversely Affect Aquatic Species Survey; B-5703, Cumberland and Harnett Counties May 2019 Page 5 7.0 References North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources. 2018 North Carolina 2016 303(d) list and draft 2018 list. Available: hllps:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeg/Water%Quality/Planning/TMDL/303d/2016/2016 NC_Categor X 5 303d_list.pdf (August 2018). North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. NPDES Wastewater Treatment Facility Permits. Available: http://data- ncdenr.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/a86af4f7549343419b4c8l77cedb3e4b_0 (August 2018). North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). 2018. nheo-2018-10. Natural Heritage Element Occurrence polygon shapefile. (October 2018). North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. 2019. Unpublished Aquatics Database. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. 2019. Atlantic Pigtoe Species Profile. Available: http://www.ncwildlife.orWLeaming/Species/Mollusks/Atlantic-Pigtoe. (February 2019). North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. 2019. Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistocholas) Species Profile. Available: https://www.ncwildlife.org/Leaming/Species/Fish/Cape-Fear-Shiner#2513 695-overview. (February 2019). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1988. Cape Fear Shiner Recovery Plan. Atlanta, GA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2017. Species status assessment report for the Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni). Version 1.2. Atlanta, GA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2019. Atlantic pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni) Species Profile, Environmental Online System (ECOS). Available: https:Hecos.fws. og v/ecpO/profile/speciesProfile?spcode=FO3K. (February 2019). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2019. Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistocholas) Species Profile. Available: hlt2s://www.fws.gov/southeast/wildlife/fishes/cape-fear-shiner/. (February 2019). Wolf, E. D. 2012. Propagation, Culture, and Recovery of Species at Risk Atlantic pigtoe. Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program, Project No. 11-108. Aquatic Species Survey; B-5703, Cumberland and Harnett Counties May 2019 Page 6 Appendix A Figures � �{ Pad � r✓ � ,+nR evel � r . � ' 1 ilOT ,I ! yk5 +p t3Ch� N�4 `T USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, BUNNLEVEL, NC " 17 401 wt y z SURVEY LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION 5. % r 4 _N '14 Prepared By: Prepared For: Freshwater Mussel Survey Date: May 2019 OF NORTH Oy BRIDGE # 60 ON US 401 Scale 0 1,500 US Feet Figure s AqL. 90 y OVER LOWER LITTLE RIVER Job No i� B-5703 B-5703 y9 �P eNT OF TRPNr'� Drawn by: CUMBERLAND COUNTY GSM Checked by: KNM ems. 4 ,ty r.. s S' Wasp ,j 17 �...' 401 ! Legend ❑ Project Location W ❑ Survey Location m- 5-Mile Buffer CAPE Cape Fear Shiner NC OneMlp, NC ant In ,,r., r d1GAnalysls, t 911 B aor Prepared By: Prepared For: NC NHP Date: May 2019 Element Occurrence Scale s OFNOaTyBRIDGE # 60 ON US 401 0 1 Miles Figure y. OVER LOWER LITTLE RIVER Job No. B S]O3 B-5703 2 Y �pO Drawn by: ICheckedby: ���TOF THA� CUMBERLAND COUNTY GSM KNM N T�9 or NCO07895 NC0064521 ,ty -IVTNC 0560 NCO 317 17 �...' - . . 401 • _­ _ Linilk 401 ! Legend t J NPDES Sites W ❑ Project Location LL ER' ❑ Survey Location EPA a CAPE F _ _ VQ 5-Mile Buffer° - 303 d Llsted Streams NC One Map, NC In;tr rdlGAnalysls, t 911 B aor Prepared By: Prepared For: NPDES Dischargers and Date: May 2019 303(d) Listed Streams Scale OQ NOaiy BRIDGE # 60 ON US 401 0 Mies Figure • y OVER LOWER LITTLE RIVER Job No. B S]O3 B-5703 I 3 Y �pO Drawn by: Checked by: ���TOF THA� CUMBERLAND COUNTY GSM KNM