HomeMy WebLinkAbout19940039 Ver 1_Complete File_19940228MEMO DATE: TO SUBJECT: 6? acy-le-5 ?Pgj '5- From: s?nre (')' Mir ao. iny, r QU- 1 North Carolina Department of Health, and Natural Resources Environment, LJV 9 Printed on Recycled Paper MEMO TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Cw S -b" a Y; I Vj'I'C'L 90? It> From: i,:s STATE 4 , North Carolina Department of Environment , ;?„ }erg Health, and Natural Resources g? .? ? ? ? ? Printed on Recycled Paper MEMO DATE: V2_ 7 TO: SUBJECT: BRA-f C4e_- ?l/v z p '6J I 45& - C,6 7G Ls5"A-,D ?S4 Z J, P ti .? qc- s,?j 2l3/??/ P1-K60 '^/ G 'w - /7'? SAO 4-11-S ' s-11`4s Pov Az'6 l au-st-r ire Pt, gc_s_ /--w ,o ?? •^ 0 > (,tNSµ/?-?= cs? Gt/I?CL,.4?roS L? ?cc?3 l Nei ?P? 7bh GaL pEl.r? odse-af i t1l 4SI-1•5 W'e k'V L-t + -P s 1 fr Pi vk ,sUc„10?k T-0 Lam ESN `'? 'h rJ1?. ?!? l-lFt?C ?n./b(,? ?' +?t W FD V From: 7?? ?QQ?«-"R+Z•WV ?,??1.??.N ANt.c_ ? 'iL?z.tZ+?E9 S6?r?? North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 7??? ?J? Printed on Recycled Pape State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • • Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor O FE B. Howes, Secretory C F =1 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E„ Director March 25,. 1994 Mr. David John Kilpatrick Box 645 Kenansville N.C. 28349 Dear Mr. Kilpatrick Subject: Proposed fill in Wetlands or Waters Hog house and lagoon construction Duplin County DEM Project #94039 We have reviewed your request for 401 Water Quality Certification to place fill material in up to 3 acres of wetlands or waters which are tributary to Stockinghead Creek for hog house and lagoon construction located at Highway 50 in Duplin County as described in your submittal dated 18 February 1994. Based on this review, we have determined that the proposed fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2671. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification is necessary for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 26. This action completes DEM's review under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The facilities shall be located as far west in the woods as practicable as showing in yellow on the attached map. If this Certification is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. 1786. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919-733- Sincerely, ` r reston How r), Jr . P . E . ?I J 94039.1tr Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Wilmington DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper ley %b X53 13 ` t ?l ._ !•? /yam ... ti 9 A A A !v _^1 a MEMORANDUM PRINT NAMES: Reviewer • ff ' ?^ TO: John Dor_ney WQ Supv.: i. Planning Branch DATE: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (USE N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) *** PERMIT YR: 94 PERMIT NO: 0000039 COUNTY: DUPLIN APPLICANT NAME: DAVID JOHN KILPATRICK PROJECT-TYPE: SWINE OPERATION PERMIT-TYPE: NW26 COE_#: 199401075 DOT #: RCD_FROM_CDA: APP DATE_FRM_CDA: 0?/? / REG_OFFICE: WIRO A RIVER AND-SUB-BASIN-#: 03 0(--2-2- STREAM-CLASS: C 5 - WL_IMPACT?: ?Y/N WL_REQUESTED:S STR INDEX NO : WL_TYPE: *40 u w[ WL,SCORE(#): MITIGATION?: Y/a) WL_ACR_EST?:(>/N WATER IMPACTED BY FILL?: Y/() MITIGATION-TYPE: IL114 MITIGATION_SIZE:.ti//q DID YOU REQUEST MORE INFO?: Y/9 IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: Y16) RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): ISSUE ISSUE/COND DENY COMMENTS : C cc: Regional Office Central Files DE1v1 q ID: ACTION ID: /?9d 7 Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): a JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIR P. O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535;. ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 f Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY 2 Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT 0 ! ENGINEE] SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIKp OFF` ' iAGENIE PLEASE PRTN'T 1. Owners Name: 2. Owners Addes: 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): of `f ? "O 71 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number. 5. Location of work (MUST ATT CH MAP). Nearest Town or City: loMi? Specific-Locatio (Include road numbers, landm ,etc.); iv D _ f 6. Name of Closest Stream/River. / 7. River Basin: AL- 8 Is this project located m a watershed classed as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS H? YES [ ] NO [`t.] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO If yes, explain. ` 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., - -s -- wetlands, located on project site: 210.: ? 42 524 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: /f r Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: ?- (Work): v??,?; Gad G 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8.1/2" X 11" drawings only): 13. Purpose of proposed work: 6 i 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this ctiviry ust be ed out i we ds. Als note mea taken to minimize wetland impacts. ??,? : - - e a?, 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlif?Service (USFVh) and/or fTati"arine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed orproposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critic4i habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [ ] NO j`J I RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservaticn Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of hist properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [ ] NO [ ,] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was *performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line... -_-' _ . -..... --. .. _. D. If a stormwater management plan is. required for this p ject, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage sposal? ' ?N r eee,.,titititi4 3 _I •t ? S ° ? O I 1 =I 6• r'': :9 : el ? , 8I ..,_, .,o? ? eI , o .. el 9 ? _I Y ^_? ??? gl a ;'! =1 ? ?• al ?I r I _ _I' ? o gI j a. .1 el dl ^' r J d 3 sl ? ? t S 6' SY _ yA b .'r'• SYf ?, FAS ' h U19dJ :1 i' g ? ? ° L s't . -= i +t p r '? Ii N - P A 6. q 1 nl ,! r• .1 ? b a E •? v, 9 .6 m. .; ?°I. ti"/• ? r. :}: iii tsv3HSaox 71 SM1 ? x y rv ;. °al b .5'.• ....•... h .'U zcfvo W !? 1.6 C 1` fYS It cma N l??1 j 3d z 1.6 O} ? t: zit °al 1t\ ? .t\ M1 a al ij .:y al ,y a. a $ 8 YV tt; p: }•..........0 • ° o f /N ..? !! f ??• \? U t1 Is A 21 ,.z _ e I } S - Is16?d 1,C Q• .1 J al t+ 8' p \ El q ry aI \1 =I ty\. >I 0 S s? "I \o _I °I 1 fAS ?? 6S a, ee?? ?6 1 O\ 1 ul\\ .:f\\ el y Y Y 0.1 e.? sl e,. ? 1 8I I : ?I 1 ?I .1 \ ? :3f d. ?I °Ip E a e =? a. ?I 7 ":;: A I I 9 B• O b ? [' q p, ul 5 ° nl f ? ? - ? ^I °wl ?: t:• , irl ;4 Zl I al n o, 'f. O 11 ,t• C5x O! ?? ?I -I 77 ?ryI _6 fps <1 y =1 ??c Z6 ^I =1 1]'~ ^I .1. L h g o =I r v161 . - :I C a .y ? a. qo "I A r" d -I r m. 1.9 1.\ Z q a1 a °_I s•?: ^I =I xk ?i kkk •w, / \\?) I(I as II ) 4000 3 al %/ l aJiri ?. 869 1000 3000 29.5 900 % 800 700 u i 2000 600 500 \\ / \ u \ 400 I/ 1000 300 ll as O 200 u l- ? 386.8 100 01 0 J -' Feet Meters f 1 .3048 2 .6096 3 .9144 23.0 \ 551 4 1.2192 5 1.5240 _ j 6 1.8288 7 2.1336 8 2.4384 9 2.7432 23.0 l 3867 10 3.0480 To convert feet to meters multiply by .3048 To convert meters to feet multiply by 3.2808 1737 3866 'I Dobson \\--- Chape Chapel `.\ \ Brock 25.5 /y6 o= ?.? 3865 1961 225; o 20 0 23.0' O Kilpatrick 2? 3864 Levi 20.5 • / % o? - \ ire ` ,.? ? ?0 rl9s3i 50 -Am, ki, • 4 - W t? 1 3663000-N it/I , , \ 34-52'30" \ - INTERIOR-JEOlOG10 GICAL SURVEY 77'52'30" I 236000-E rcr 14 11 KM R 9 . 0t1 ??? p?R?y 13 t / ? r F ?4 I 2 ? t c O xt ?. 3 . _.. J / q DEM ID: ACTION ID: &Z, a? d 7 Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): Q G JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIR( P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 ATIN: CESAW CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVY PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: 2. Owners Addes; .?..., V1 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): oR 9 l/p "O 711 (Work): a5,? O f"d 0 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number. 5. Location of work (MUST ATTCH MAP). Coup: - Al?? 4 , ( Nearest Town or City: Specific Locatio (Include road numbers, landinaarks , etc.): 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: % ._ -5 22Qe- 7. River Basin:. 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [ ] NO 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., ' including wetlands, located on project site: V O.?Z . .00 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: C9?c.e? Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: -, 6 12. De of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1/2" X 11" drawings only): 13. Purpose of proposed .?ir?aePcc' 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this tivity ust be ed out i we ds. , note m taken to minimize wetland impacts. GSP:LLA?4?1 17- all, 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Ail Service (US S) and/or ati arineFisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed orproposed for listing endangered orthreatened species or critic habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? • YES( ] NO RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. lb. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of hist properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [ ] NO [ ,] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this p ject, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage sposal? L- I I-cl-fl :,. - U State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director February 3, 1994 David John Kipatrick P.O. Box 649 Kenansville, N.C. 28349 Dear Mr. Kipatrick: Re: Proposed wetland fill Swine operation Duplin County DEM #94039, COE # 199401075 ?EHNR The Division of Environmental Management has reviewed your submittal for a 401 Certification for fill of 5 acres of wetlands for construction of a swine operation, Duplin County. Your application was not complete since we did not receive seven copies of the "Joint Form for Nationwide Permit". Also the map which accompanied the initial copy of the application was illegitable. Please provide information regarding the location of your project. This information is needed by DEM in order for us to decide whether this modification is practicable. I can be reached at 733-1786 if you have any questions. Until this information is received, I will request (by copy of this letter) that the Corps of Engineers place this project on hold. Sincerely, 94039.on cc: Wilmington DEM Regional Office Wilmington District of COE Wilmington Field Office COE, Jeff Richter Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper s ?13 " ! #+ e Y v r ?,+"?? s ? t ?+. k _.,7 -cr y. ? ?es?'';1 ?' ? ON . f ?, a ` ?xz y+aar ?scfiuF i+.??x#i.? ?kk t' pxr yi 4 u u ae, ?E:j? • t 'F;2` r fif??...? ?? ? .r. ? ! ? 1 . -,.?§§ ,??.q, ?»"+?'?????s:??'.r ?i:{?'1i7,a ._?"?C ? t i.!ir, r Sr,Y Y ! 'r. i H. + # f; s iP ? r K?+?? ?? ?.# ? ?, ?, T, ;: a } 4•,?? ? ?°,?x; 1 ?3 ? "? S rte ? ieW. ?,'s`?'4 February 4, 1994 ) q f and Nationwide Permit No. 26 (Headwaters and Isolated Kenansville, North Carolina 28349 Dear Mr. Kipatrick: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch _:_-..Action ID No. 199401075 Waters) Mr. David J. Kipatrick J` Box 645 Reference your application of December 29, 1993, for Department of the Army (DA) authorization to fill and excavate 5 acres of wetlands to construct swine operation facilities at your property located 6 miles east of NC Highway 50 opposite the intersection of Stockinghead Road, Duplin County, North Carolina. For the purposes of the Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters. Your work is authorized by this nationwide permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions and provided you receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM). You should contact Mr. John Dorney, telephone (919) 733-1786, regarding this water quality certification. This nationwide permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain other required State or local approval. This verification will be valid for two years from the date of this letter unless the nationwide authorization is modified, reissued or revoked. `Also, this verification will remain valid for the two years if, during that period, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the nationwide permit authorization. If during the two years, the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the .nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. -2- ru .4u G 7•/y?. A .? ?( ? F +i H' x .-. 9 Fe .% n yro f •?f F yy t?? S f F ? c ^ ? m l J zx e? ?. 8? x; 0. Vna . ; U ? 3 ? ? JA dq r .? A pr t F Z ^I cA a 1 11 6 !., • . p 4 Z A ;I ?ryII t .i ?? `r I v I ? ? ? eI r LI ? OI b 6( ' w P ;: a _I ? _ e e V _ a u ? y P :1'- S J 5 ?» o t? FS a :?i 6, era. • sr, r( eI eI r. .I ?A ? eI ? _, : i=l f , \° '% .. 1 \ S 4 fir y ? FAS M1P J• A eI \M1 . ? a h ? g n r. u79u0' :z i I r- p ,? b r' r. / _ e i , r _ ° ' - o - o ?? p PI. ? sI a A n ? ? '?. a 17 nab ? f'• . ryq h c • a ? h ? '? P ... gI. , f, ^ ? ?• ".'+' 6 _ B 01 aI ! ?t? ? ?ti B ^I ? tasl _ M11 ? x° °? C4 =1 r y h• 1. !fi 1,6 11 m V _ p. ,, atyb « t, ?:J _nI h ^1 ^ i ? 9dYJ t h 1 _ ^I • n Z ;f ? ` r. o a ,,, a >,? 1.6 a °I 01 `'' ' t u I• till . k _ ' 1 R;• y 15 a o P • tl Q ? I.b ?q I al a_ a ,r C? j 4 _I a °I AS h a \? a '' \ , F is C a 0*1 ., .a`„ CS% t• 9 B. p j i: w I p a . 5 p °nl ? A • FFS Y ^ c $ C , _ ?I ` o. 7 6. CI C. Ll wI I ? ?.-.? 6. o, CS% ...• - a• O o ."iI /yam -? Q'!n+? =1 qq ? ` V 1 1 ) 12 01 F / ry IP . d I \ 1.9 _ I , P. ? ? d J P p =1 ? _ T . s QQII 21 ' L• 9 vI y ? 'i' t:f% ? T tt -fir ? 1L " !y ock / / \\)) as _ ? ?a II ? 1 I ? 4000 ii 3869 100 0 ?•> ?„ - °?, ? •ri ii ,295 -? /..?- ,J' ?.. • I 3000 900 800 100 i 2000 600 500 b 400 300 1000 o o\ 26. 200 0 100 0 3868 •. a --- ?i?., \_ ,' 0 _ ?- i j ? Feet Meters y r? ?\ 1 r? 1 i? 1 .3048 11 1 ,, w\ J J 2 .6096 \ ?V - 3 .9144 z3.0 ) - 55' 4 1.2192 5 1.5240 / 6 1.8288 7 2.1336 \ \ j \\ 8 2.4384 i 9 2.1432 23.0 3e67 10 3.0480 y \ To convert feet to meters multiply by .3048 _ i- - To convert meters to feet multiply by 3.2808 s • -"1 Dobson -- Chapel ' Chapel \ \\ ' ` Brock 25.5 6 3865 1961 22 2 jZ o % 23.0' --- ??? ',1 _-•w•- `114 ry ?\ Kilpatrick \\ 3864 evi 44r 20.5 o DQ V(,3j =L?- '14 it /_ Cr ??ge 1 -- 3e63888nN -... 1`? •?'? 34°52'30„ --? . .., ANT EPIOR-UL OLOOIG?l SURVEY. PE gTON, vIP OIPI?-lYe1 77°SiG^'301i soy ?S, 2 34 .1a• v 236000-E ?_ s f' s :r E 3 ; DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 February 4, 1994 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch `:•Action ID No. 199401075 and Nationwide Permit No. 26 (Headwaters and Isolated Waters) Mr. David J. xipatrick ?`.• Box 645 >- Kenansville, North Carolina 28349 Dear Mr. Kipatrick: Reference your application of December 29, 1993, for Department of the Army (DA) authorization to fill and excavate 5 acres of wetlands to construct swine operation facilities at your property located 6 miles east of NC Highway 50 opposite the intersection of Stockinghead Road, Duplin County, North Carolina. For the purposes of the Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CPR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters. Your work is authorized by this nationwide permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions and provided you receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM). You should contact Mr. John Dorney, telephone (919) 733-1786, regarding this water quality certification. This nationwide permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain other required State or local approval. This verification will be valid for two years from the date of this letter unless the nationwide authorization is modified, reissued or revoked. `Also, this verification will remain valid for the two years if, during that period, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the nationwide permit authorization. If during the two years, the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the .nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify,, suspend, or revoke the authorization. -2- Questions or comments may.be addressed to mr. Jeffrey Richter, Wilmington Area Field office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-4636. i FilB Y"?S 1 ?i'ry J??154?h GIs' TO: MR. JOHN DORNEY FROM: JOHN KILPATRICK SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT A SWINE OPERATION DATE: FEBRUARY 18, 1994 THE TRACT OF LAND UNDER CONSIDERATION IS LOCATED APPROX- IMATELY 6 MILES EAST OF THE TOWN OF KENANSVILLE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 50, NORTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROAD 1141 AND NORTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROAD 1961. THERE IS 409 ACRES IN THIS OLD FAMILY HOMESTEAD. WE WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO CONSTRUCT A SWINE FINISHING FACILITY TO SUPPLEMENT OUR LOST OF INCOME THAT IS ANTICIPATED WITH THE ERODING TOBACCO PROGRAM THAT WE ARE FACE WITH; THIS HAS BEEN OUR MAIN SOURCE OF INCOME FOR THE PAST. THE LAND THAT WAS DETERMINED WETLAND ON 10/19/1993 IS MORE OF EQUAL ELEVATION ON A HILLSIDE THAN A LOW AREA . AS INDICATED ON THE TOPOGRAPHY MAP ANY EROSION THAT MAY POSE A THREAT TO THE ENVIRONMENT CAN EASILY BE CONTAINED AND CON- TROLED. DUE TO THE DISTANCE OF NEARBY RESIDENCE AND SPRAY FIELD, CLEARED AREA FOR TREATMENT OF WASTE WATER- CROP LAND, NEEDED TO MEET THE BASIC REQUIREMENTS ARE ONLY TWO OF THE REASONS THAT IT IS DESIRED NOT TO CONSTRUCT THE FACILITIES IN THE ALREADY CLEARED ACREAGE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ON THIS PROJECT, IF APPROVED THIS WOULD LIGHTEN THE FINANCIAL BURDEN THAT THE TOBACCO POUNDAGE HAS HAD IN THE PAST ON OUR FAMILY OWNER AND FARM. SINCERELY, JOHN KILPATRICK JOHN KILPATRICK P.O. BOX 645 KENANSVILLE, N.C. 28349 TELEPHONE # 910-296-0400 06:30- 1500 WORK 910-296-0711 NIGHT JAN-18-1994 14:375 FROM EHNR WILM REG OFFICE TO 8-919-733-13-38 P.01 01-14- 994 04:25PM FROM iu p71YJJJkJGYJYJ+ r.WA. NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE HABITAT r-nuc,=m%tATTf%k, TTIIt'(?tAll 1 BE Post-V brand fax transmittal memo 7M p w pages . y (ORtie From cN Co. ?. Phone e fax M Fax # M?F1F*?iAii•????•????f?MA???'?MM'???M?i?4.?IF???f??MiM4???????4ff??11•?•**?'? ORIGINATOR'S NAME ADDRESSEE'S NAME FAX NUMBER: 919/728-8796 VERIFICATION NUMBER: 919/728-5090 SUBJECT: COMMENTS: r DATE SENT: 9 4 NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING TRANSMITTAL SHEET: FAX NUMBER: 916 C.33a w? co^ JAN-18-1994 14:35 FROM EHNR WILN REG OFFICE TO 8-519-733-1338 P.02 U1-14-177°. YJ+• ?ui i.v- -- -• - ' r+?•Nn'vv1+.+ i8 a 1 RAMS ENTRY INFORMATION DATE: PROJECT MANAGER NAME f ?^ !. ACTION ID: r(675 2. INITIAL DATA ENTRY AUTHORITY: 5jeroi (JO 4 APPLICATIOM DATED: Vd 0#jrclp DATE ACTION INITIALLY RECEIVED: x 9 CURRENT ACTION TYPE: INTENDED PROJECT USE: (COMMERCIkL, Ea>Tg, FEDERAL, COUNTY, CITY, OTHER) 3. PARTICIPANT ENTRY PROPERTY { FIRST: 7>41110 OWNER { MIDDLE: zoowd SALUTATION; LAST: ADDRESS TINE 2, XX ZIP COD .28'3 541 CITY: • ?3 : STATE : ,? C? PHONE: 5. PROJECT LOCATION ENTRY LOCATION RANKING: ITE 1 CITY: we- So (haljr cou a sua? STATE: NC 6. PROJECT WATERWAY ENTRY LOCATION RANKING: SIrE ! RIVER BASIN: WATERWAY: ST?eil-f&Y.s ilt40 C 2: B. ACTION STATUS STATUS CODE: DATE STATUS BEGAN: z. T7 ? TE SI-..TEA SIT? 3 Z o? Awu PAC, ? IM - _ c-RENES CHECK ONE : STANDARD PERMITS - R -RMIT NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED PERMITTED ------- MITIGATED •--? ENDORCEMENT VIOLATION RESTORTED NO'T'E (Y/N) : ARE THERE ANY PR, i ; IS THERE AN AGENT? o!- 9. L-"`IRS ON SAME SITEo CO-APPLICANTS? JAN-18-1954 14:36 FROM EHNR WILM REG UfI-ICE IU -yZy-IJJ-ZJJ? r.e-? DENU ACTIONID. Nationwide Permit Regvestw {Provide Nat£on' ids t wu, #): , `? ; J'OIN'T FORM FOR RF C ? 9199 Nationwide permits that require notMeadon to the Corps of E 3 Nationwide pe;mits that requhre ;;rpllcation for See-gon 401 ce ication?9 h WU24 N()T0N DISTRICT ENGINEER WA 'E,9 QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF E,'+Tt3IIVFF,RS DI ?iS:O OF g,NVIRONHWAL MANACM;MENT DEPARTMENT OF TIAE ARMY NC L EPA R 1^MENT OF ENVIRO P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL MOURCES ?, HEALTf T, Wilmington, NC 28 02-1890 P.O.2ox 2953S ? ? e A 9) 251511 K?a?t?eigh, NC 27626-0535 4, , ! 30HN DORNEY Taicphone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF'1'HIS C4?vlPLE7-ED APPL.r -, ';" Y SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGIT1Fs•LR.S. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOLZD BE SENT TO 7tiF N-C DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE FRWT, 1- Owners Nettie: 2. Owners Address: 3. Ow wen Phone Nurnbar (Home): `C i' v? -D DQ (Work): 46 It AFpliaabia: Agont'a name cu reeRoaaibte corpcta:: Cfiici?, g?e$g, phone number; S. Location of work =ST AST CH MAP). Cup• dearest Town or City: r SFecific Locati (Ittalode road numbers. Iendr:i G i 6. Nate of Clvscst S tream/River, 7. River 8. Is this project Iocated ibra waterShOd classified as T: c.rt, SA, HQW, ORW. WS I, or WS II? YES j NO 9. Have any Section 404 [??1 , perntf to beta ptCviausly tc. use oh this ProPgr%Y`s YES [ ] NO ?(j If yes, explain, 10. Estimated t0ml number of aucs of waters of the U.S.? ' lading wed4nds, lots" -awl'" _ -4!! -- .7 - _ _ ??• .y FTC, silo: 11. Number of &GM of waters of the U.S., including •?t fkrsdr, S1nPttcfle d by the proPMd 1?w,IOCt: Filled: Dttined: Flooded: JAN-18-1994 14:-36 FROM EHNR WILM REG OFFICE Kc1-tv-J.7??+ er4 • G r rr r < <?u12. 13. ' Prupo3o of proposed U U-y Zy- Z..J.Jd r'. •- ----------- ow K ? Y IS. You arer&q, d to contact the U.S, Piste and W3I M5 a ,Ca (us s) andlor atx ' a.Fist s Service (IgMFS) m$ar=9 eter presence Or arty Fedaraliy 1184?d or pTc-,-*sed for listing endanpred or thmtened Species « habitat is the PKMit M4 that Mq be affooted by to Pru=bsad project,. lUve you r so? • NO RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AN=k ! - NMFS SriOt.'X,.D BE FORWARDED To CORES. 16. You am required to contest the Sta2 FFistoric Psc_cr.,;d;:: officer (SI•iF0) regarding the pt .nce f hi.4 ' properties in the permit area which may be affected b1• ;hu p:-Dposod project? Have you done so? YES NQ RESPONSE FROM THE SHPC SHOULD BE F0F.W?,i'U'r,. TO CORPS, /rZ ' 93 27. Additional infor=don enquired by DEM: A. Wetland daUncation map showing aU wctls„ L, ;ceiznz• find lakes on the pwpcrty, B. If available, repmseAtative photograph oz :e imp4md by project. C. If delineation was•perfomed by a cor?sui :» ;_sio all • ata-sheets relevant to the plaeextmnt of tee douncation line. D. If a mrmwater :uarxaSc-,r=t plan is regi;:<v f,.:;: j=L a=te 40PY• $. What is land use of surrounding property? F. If apglicabte„ what is pmposcd method of ?>ru a 7 VIA, or- Owrror's St Hoye t. 14. Sheep rMcus why the apPH=t boliavta that tWS '.:rlry Oust be-paled out 1 W@ tkri tO 3nWMizt wetland impacts. , -.- note JAN-18-1594 14=57 FROM EHNR WILM REG OFFICE TO 8-91J-1.JJ 1J 1 CJJ 1 ( ?y ..-- Y T zw ?a ?R.?gsv 10M/ ? A' 4- e ? . .s. I ?? ; t1 J •` ?1?e I `t Y yR.` 1 V'? • "? :.;'X 'C . +', - { ? • fl 41 y, . v T!'ST/h1 no TOTAL P.05