HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191015 Ver 1_18-07-0027SignedEffectsConcForm_20190730Project Tracking No. (Internal Use 18-07-0027 ,G►t HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: W-5601DP County: Johnston WBS No.: 50138.1.121 Document Type: Fed. Aid No: HSIP-1003(146) Funding: State X Federal Federal X Yes No Permit USACE Permits : Type s : ProiectDescription: Install a four-way stop at SR 1003 (Buffalo Road) and SR 1702 (Archer Lodge Road) and a two-lane curb and gutter with sidewalks from SR 1702 (Archer Lodge Road) to beyond the town hall no off -site detourspecified in review request). CiTX4X4ARV nF HiCTOMIC ARCHITFCTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities results and conclusions: HPOWeb reviewed on 1 August 2018 and yielded no NR, DE, SL, LD, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Johnston County current GIS mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated a partly developed APE with cultivated fields, a municipal park, and mostly residential and institutional resources dating from the 1890s to the 2010s (viewed 1 August 2018). The APE extends 100 feet beyond each end of the proposed 0.26-mile project length and 100 feet to either side of the SR 1003 (Buffalo Road) centerline. Of fourteen above -ground resources, five pre -date 1970; of those five two are unexceptional/altered examples of their types and three require additional investigation and evaluation for National Register eligibility to establish compliance with Section 106 for historic architecture. The properties of concern are: the White Oak Baptist Church and Cemetery (#13943 Buffalo Road, NCPIN: 178002-57-4800) and the former Archer Lodge School Teacherage (#14045 Buffalo Road, NCPIN: 178001-48-9460). Comprehensive historic architectural survey of the county and update (1980; 2003-4), as well as later studies, recorded no properties in the APE. County GIS/tax materials and other visuals, like Google Maps "Streetview," clearly illustrated the relative placement of all resources and the proposed work, which indicated the need for field investigation and NR eligibility evaluation of the two properties noted above (viewed 1 August 2018). The project will be reviewed under both GS 121-12(a) and Section 106. NCDOT engaged Louis Berger to prepare eligibility evaluations for the White Oak Baptist Church and Cemetery (JT1994) and the Archer Lodge School Teacherage (JT1995), presented in a March 2019 report on file at NCDOT—Historic Architecture and NCHPO. The study finds that the church and cemetery do not meet NR eligibility requirements and recommends the teacherage as eligible. NCHPO agreed with the findings in April 2019 (see attached memo). An effects consultation with HPO and FHWA is required under Section 106 to determine how the proposed project may or may not affect the eligible resource; the consultation is scheduled for 7 May 2019. Historic Architecture and landscapes GFFEC7S ASSESSMEN7:(orm /or Ylinor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programtnalic Agreement. Page 1 of 3 ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: (former) Archer Lodge Status: DE School Teachera e Survey Site No.: IT1995 PIN.- 178001-48-9460 Effects ❑ No Effect X No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: Proposed work confined to new sidewalk (5' wide) and planting strip (4' wide) along Buffalo Road frontage and 10' temporary construction easement, which does not impact any contributing element. Driveway access will be preserved; no utility easement required (utilities on opposite side (NE) Buffalo Road); no vegetation removal. Slight ROW increase, 30' to 45'. List of Environmental Commitments: Protect existing landscaping during construction; augment with new plantings in consultation with property owner. FHWA Intends to use the State Historic Preservation Office's concurrence as a basis for a "de minimis" finding for the following properties, pursuant to Section 4(f): Archer Lodge School Teacherage and community center park. W-5601113112, Johnston County WBS No. 50138.1.121 Tracking No. 18-07-0027 Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMI;'N'l:foi•m for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 1007 /'rogranmratic Agreement. Page 2 of 3 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. Photos X Correspondence XDesign Plans Cdew 1'> FINDING BY NCDOT AND STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Historic Architecture and L4ndscapes — ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS NCDOT Architectural Historian Lka.L- J-L-&U4,-1 6 , 7 ~ I State Historic Preservation Office Representative Date Federal Agency Representative Date W-5601DP, Johnston County WBS No. 50138.1.121 Tracking No. 18-07-0027 Historic Architecture and Lanthcapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT jorm.jor Nlinor Transportation Projects as Quahried in the 2007 Progranmtatic Agreement. Page 3 of 3 `a OSR 1702 `o �- (Archer Lodge Road) 't0 O� 1 o \saa Project Area Ci:ry tal IY I q2 � II tJn uaa Gcll — � i Lsh Club oy, C W-5601DP Buffalo/Archer Lodge Roads Johnston County WBS No. 50138.1.121 Base map: HPOWeb, nts NCDOT — Historic Architecture August 2018 Tracking No. 18-07-0027 Properties to be Evaluated W-5601DP Buffalo/Archer Lodge Roads Johnston County 1. White Oak Baptist Church and Cemetery. #13943 Buffalo Road. NCPIN: 178002-57-4800. 2. House. #14045 Buffalo Road. NCPIN: 178001-48-9460. NCDOT — Historic Architecture August 2018 Tracking No. 18-07-0027 I i 3 5 ' 025 r 2 RUNOFF IJ_ PT 3; 4b. Pi ed 1p f. " ,0 7Do rnn RRR , AW Em MF Ilk lk g 4 'K � } n f ,..�