HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990699 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19990628 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION' \8 MITC~ELL ACRES SUBDIVISON \' . i, GRANVILL~OUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ',.,i. ',I'.. ~" t\It ~ ~ ~ "1-"1 ~} : \\ ',,) if) . /,') "", . ,,~~/ .;~, ", /., .~'<..~ \~>'" , I <"4:~/J, ""'/ +~'," '-. PCN':Application To: .', ). Mr. Todd Tugwell U:S.'Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 120 Raleigh, N.C. 27615-6846 ~ .-~- and Mr. John Dorney N.C. Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Project Engineer: Property Owner: Mr. John Lee Hamme 1 51 Belle Street Henderson, NC 27536 (252) 492-6870 Mr. Harold Mitchell 1661 NC Highway 96 Franklinton, NC 27525 (919) 528-0407 10 JUNE 1999 Robert]. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive - Durant Office Park Raleigh, North Carolina 27616-3175 Tel: (919) 872-1174 Fax: (919) 872-9214 RJG&A Project No. 9920 CONTENTS OF PCN Title Page, Contents, Project Description Figure 1: Project Location Map PCN Application Form Figure 2: Existing Stream and Wetland Figure 3: Proposed Impacts to Waters Wetland Determination Data Forms Notification Memo to FWS and SHPO Total Pages PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2 pages 1 page 5 pages 1 page 1 page 4 pages 1 page 1 5 pages Mitchell Acres is a 112 acre residential subdivision containing approximately 80 lots in southeastern Granville County. The subdivision entrance is on NC-96 3,500 feet east of the NC-96/SR 1700 intersection and 2,500 feet northwest of the NC-96/SR 1711 intersection. Much of the western portion is already developed, and the remainder is in forest or pasture. A meandering 10 to 15 foot wide headwater tributary of Ford Creek (Class C-NSW tributary of the Tar River) crosses the eastern portion of the property, making the easternmost 15 acres inaccessible by vehicle. The owner, Mr. Harold Mitchell, proposes to construct a 20-foot wide paved road in a 50-foot wide right-of-way which will cross the stream and a small isolated floodplain depression wetland to provide access to the eastern portion of the development. The property is less than 200 feet wide in the vicinity of the proposed stream and wetland crossing, rendering wetland avoidance and a perpendicular stream crossing impossible. RJG&A advised the project engineer, Mr. John Hamme, to minimize the length of stream impact to the extent practicable, as reflected in the proposed road design described in this PCN. The affected stream segment is presently 165 feet long measured along the centerline of the meandering channel. The substratum is predominantly sand, with small patches of gravel and cobble. The banks are forested, and no aquatic vegetation is present in the stream. The stream drainage basin area at the proposed crossing is 0.38 square mile, which we believe is too small to support aquatic protected species known from Granville County. The central 120 feet of the existing stream segment will be straightened and piped through 93 feet of 60 inch diameter corrugated steel culvert pipe. Reinforced concrete endwalls will stabilize each end of the culvert. The culvert invert will be at or slightly below the existing streambed elevation. Beyond each end of the culvert, 23 feet of stream will be artificially stabilized with rip-rap on the bottom and side slopes. Above normal high water the tops of the stream banks will be stabilized with vegetation. The total length after construction will be 140 feet, or 25 feet shorter than the existing stream. The wetland affected is a 0.055 acre isolated floodplain depression located 50 feet east of the stream bank. No surface connection with the stream is evident. It contains young alluvial hardwood forest vegetation, with canopy trees 6 to 10 inches dbh. Hydrologic and soil indicators suggest that this wetland is frequently saturated 6 to 1 2 inches below the surface, but rarely ponded. No standing water or surface saturation was present during the delineation (29 April 1999) despite moderate rainfall the previous day and night. This wetland is unlikely to provide habitat for aquatic wildlife. OXFORD 15 MI. WIL TON 1.3 MI. OEM ID: CORPS ACTION ID: NATIONWIDE: l?~RMJ:T REQUESTED (P:tOVIDE: NATIONWIDE: l?ERMI'l' ~) : AI W P J 3 + I Lf PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION AEPLICATION FOR NATIONlnDE l?~TS THAT REQUIRE: 1) HO'rD"1:O%:OH 'rO ~ COlU'S or ENG::::m:r:RS 2) APPLZo:!:C!I toR SZC:ZC!I 401 ~c::AXZON 3) COO1U:lnm!rZON ~ 'rm: HC Orv-ISJ:ON or COASnL MANA~ SZND ':mE ORJ:Gnu.L AND (1.) COPY OF nD:S COMl?Un:D FORM TO ':mE APPRO~ Fn:I.D OETICZ OF mE CORPS OF ENGINEZRS (SZZ AGZNCY ADDRESSZS SE:EZT). SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION Of ENV!RO~~TAL MANAG~T (SEZ AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEZI). PUASZ p~nrT. 1. OWNERS NAME: HflROLD HlrcHELL 2. ~..A!r.ING ADDRESS: jiP6/ H{GHW~Y 9', FRftAl/(UNTOIV NC r:J75~S . SOBDIVISION NAME: I1/TCHELL ACReS CITY: FRPtN/(LINTOAJ STATE: NC ZIP CODE: ':<75;25 PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLODING SuBDIVISION N~~~ (!: DI:FSRENT FROM ~_ULING ~...DDRESS ABOVE): t:N'TffANCE TO MITCHELL IlaES 1$ ON N S/l>E. OF A/C-1/', 3,500 fEET EAST OF NC-9' IrfIb SR 1700 1N7E~ScC.rloN j ,,2.0 MILes SE OF WILTON} NC 3. TELEP:iONE Nmf..BER (HOMEl: qlq- S,;zCS - 0'-/07 (wORK): 4.'I: }~PLI~~..BLE: AG~~'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPOR}_TE OfF!C!~~,}...DDRESS, PHONE NUMB ER: 5. LOCATION or WORK (PROVIDE A ~~, PREFER}..BLY A COP~ or aSGS TOPOGaAEHIC ~~ OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WITH S~;LEl : COONTY: G~AMVILLE NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: WIL TON See AmcHE.p ",AP: USGS ToPo QUAl) : 6RISSOH, NC 1 S2ECIFIC LO~~ION (INCLUDg ROAD NUMB gRS, LAND~_~ , ETC.): AFfEc. TED STREIrH /tNP WETLAN)) ItRE ~,'tOO FED ~lJE NORTH OF NC.-9' IrN'b Sf( /711 (N7C.((S~GTION. 6. IMPACTED OR ~~ST STREAM/R-~R: u r PaRD CREEl< RIVER BASIN: mR RIVE.R 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER C!.A.SSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDll.L SALTWATER (S~), HIGCi QOll.LITY ~ATERS (HQW), OOTST]..NDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (liS-! OR ~S-!I)? YES (] NO ~ IF YES, EXPLl:7'N: Fo~P CRfek. IVlt> 7f(IBUiItRIES 1r~E. CLASSIFIE.l> C -NSW. ib. IS THE PROJECT LO~~TED WITH!N A NORTH ~~OLINA DIVISION Of COF~T~.L ~_1;.NAG~..EN'!' 11..RE.;' OF ENVIRONMENTll.L CONCERN (AEC)? YES (] NO (Xl 7c. IF THE PROJECT IS LO~;'TED WITE!N A.COll~Tl1~ COUNTY (SEE l'AGZ 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT IS THE L11.ND USE PLAN (LUl') DESIGNATION? NA Sa. HAVE 11.NY SECTION 404 l'E~~TS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES (] NO CKl IF YES, PROVZDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF !?REVIOOS PERMIT }.ND 11.NY ADDITIONll.L INFO~-ATION (INCLUDE PHCTOCO!?Y Of 401 CERTIFICATION) : 8b. ARE ADDITION}~ PE~~T REQOESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE FUTURE: YES (] NO [Xl IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 9a. ESTDf.ATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN. TPACT OF LAND: "J. acre s 9b. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES Of WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 2 lOa. NUMBER OE' ACRES OE: WETLANDS IMPltCTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: E"ILLING: o. OSS IIue EXc..~VATION : nOODING: OTHER: TOnI. AOES TO BE IM:li'ACT.ED: o. ass a,r~ . DRAINAGe:: lOb. (1) STREAM C:~ TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, PROVIDE DIST.ANCZ BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER RELOCATION) : LDfGni BEFORE: . /1#5' IT AE"l'ER: /"fO F'l' ~m BEFORE (based on no~al high water c~ntours) : ~m AFTER: '13 lilt. ft. p~' in '0" culvert; ;23 It" It. Sfqbi/lzed witlt rlp-rflp em" 15 -f<<r wiefe A~GZ DEP'rR BE;E'ORE: f'!' AFTER: 10 fo IS' <<f eath ~,J 10 be M - - 110 CHANGE. F'!' (2) STRE~~ CK~EL IMPACTS WILL RESULT F~OM: (C:iECK ~~ TH.~T }~~~Y) PLrtC~~NT OE' PIPE IN ca~EL: CIS feet OP=:"~ CHANNEL RELOO.TION: CHANNEL EXCAVATION: CONSTRUCTION OE' A D~~/FLOODING: OTHER: 4' Irn. ft. -to be /in~ witA rlp-rtzp.. , . 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OE' A POND IS PROPOSED, w~~T IS THE SIZE OE' THE WATERSHED DRAINING TO THE POND"? NA wrlAT IS THE EXPECTED POND SORE':..CE ~_Q,.E.}_? Nit . . 12. DESCRIPTION OE' PROPOSED WORK INC~ODING DISCOSSION OE' TYPE OE' MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED (ATTACH PUo..NS: 8 1/2" X 11" DRAWINGS ONLY) : CLcPrR, GRUB, IM/l) 6-RAbE.. 50FT WIPS ~dlrJ:> RIGHT-Or-WAY. STRAIGH7E.N 1:20 FccT dF M1fANI>E.RIN6 STRfltH A-Nl> PlpC THlftOfJ6H 1'3 FE~r OF {,o''/ CULVERT (CSP). {5E.'/Olll> e~cH cNl> OF CIJl.Vc..~T, S11f8IlIZ& .zs FEET OF NA-rlJfU1L CH~N^,cL WItH Rf'-~AP ON 80TTOH /tAl]) S//).ES. 13. PUR20SE OE' PROPOSED WORK: ROllI:> TO IJcC6SS SU8DIVISION Lors IN cItS7C~N PO/f?TlON OF Pie opeRTY. :3 . ." 14. STAT::: REASONS WHY IT IS aE!.!ZVED THAT THIS ACT...VITY MOST BE: CARRIED OOT IN WETUO..NDS. (INCLlJDE ANY MEASURES TAKEN TO MIN!M!ZZ: WETL}..ND i'M"ACTS) : mE eX/ST/w6 STReAM l>/VI'/)es rHE PROPERTY. C.~OSSING IS tlNI'IVOIPASlc# WE-TLAAlP IMPACt /s ALSO tlNAI/O/DABLe pue 70 THE SH1i"6 of THe PRoPE~TY; ve~y Nit If ROW AT srlf6fM /W€rLAAll:> C~05s/NG.. . 15. yoa ARE REQOIRED TO CONTACT THE 0'. S. r:Sii AND WILDLIFE SE:RV:CC~ (Usrns) AND/OR NATIONAL M..~T'NE E'!SHERl:ES SERVIC::: (NME'S) (SE~ AGENCY ADDRESSES Sh~:::T) REGllDING Th~ P?ESE."tC::: or ANY ::=:DERALLY LIST:::D OR ??OPOSED rOR LIST!NG END~_~GZRED OR THR~~T~"tED S2~C!ES OR CRIT!~~ a~~ITAT .IN TrZ P~RM~T A-~ Ta~T M..~ BE AFE'ECT~D BY TEE P?OPOSZD.P?OJECT. DATE CONTACT~D: J.f .jUAlc /1'19 (ATTAC:i RESPONSES FROM THESE AGz...'iCIES.) 16. yoa ARE REQ1JIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE H~STORJ:C PP.ESERV]..TION OE'E'!C:::R (SHPO) (SE~ AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING TF.E PP.ESENCE OC HISTORIC P?OI?:::RTIES IN THE P~RM~T AREA W'r.ICH ~_U BE AE':=:CTED BY THE P?OI?OSED P?OJECT. D.P-.TE CONTACT:::D:' 1./ :fUN6 1911 - 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPE.."tDITURE or PUBLIC roNDS OR TEE aSE OE' PUBLIC (STAT:::} LAND? YES (] NO W (IE' NO, GO TO 18) a. IE' YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQaIRE PRE?ARATION OC AN ENVJ:RONME.i."tTAL DOCUMENT PURSiJANT TO THE REQC1I~TS OC TEE NORTH c:..~OLINA ENVJ:RONMENTAL POLICY ACT'? YES (J NO ~ NPt b. IF YES, HAS THE DOC~~T BEEN REVIEWED THROO'Gd THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OE' ADM!NISTRAT!ON STATE CLEARING'dOaSE'? YES (J NO M N A IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THu"t SiJBMIT AP~ROPR~.TE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOaSE. TO DIVISION or ENVIRONl"~T.AL ~.JlliAGE:MENT REG;UIDING COMPLIANC::: WITH THE NORTH c:..\ROLINA ENV!RONl"~TAL POLICY ACT. COESTIONS REGARDING THE STAT::: CLEARINGdOaSE ~-vIEW PROCESS SHOOLD BE DIRECT:::D TO MS. CHRYS BAGuZTT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGdOaSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPA..qTMENT or ADMINISTR..'\TION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) i33-6369. 4 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOlJLD BE INCLuDED WJ:TH THIS AP!?!.Ic..';X!ON IF ;?ROPOSED ACT!Y!TY INVOLVES THE DISCS11...RGe: Of EXC.-;'V1tXED OR ITLL M.1tTERLU, INTO WETLANDS: a. WETLAND DELINEATION l:!.'lU' SHOWL~G ALL WE'l'LANDS, STRD.lA'...5, LAKES . AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY 'FOR NAT!ONWIDE PERMIT ~~ERS 14, 18, 21, 25, 29, AND 38). ALL STFL\M.S (INTERM:!TTEN'l' AND PE~T) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE ~..AP. l:!.1U' Sc..UES SHOC'LD BE 1 INC;f EQOALS SO FEET OR 1 INCH EQOALS 100 FEET OR THEIR ~QOrvALENT~ b. IF AVA!!.A.BLe:, REPRESENTATrvE PHOTO~H Of WET!.ANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY, PROJECT. c. IE' DELINEAT!ON WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSOLTANT, INCLUD~ ALL DATJ.. SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT Of THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH A COPY OE' THE STORMWAl'ER M.1l.NAGEMENT PLAN IE' REQuIRED. e. 'ioTrlAT IS !.AND USe: OF SURROC'NDING ;?ROPERTY,? . Forest; A.,9riCtA/fu~e,7 (Jlfd Low -7)~"5i, ~sitieH'hit/ t. IE' ~~!?LICABLE, ~_T IS PROPOSED ME:HOD OF SE~_GE DISPOSAL? Ind/V,.du.al S eftic. S'yst~f1IS g. SIGNED ~.ND DATED AGENT AuTHORIZATION LETTEa, I: ~~!?LIC~3LE. NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. l-f.AY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TOr 1) ,ISSUAN~ OF A: SECTION 404 CORPS OF' ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR ~R OF A 401 Drv!SION OF ENVIRONMENTAL l-f~GEMENT (WATER QUALITY) ~RTIFICATION, AND 3) (IN TEE TW7:NTY COASXAL COUNTIES ONLY) I A !.ETTER nOM 'l'l::.i:. NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING TID: PROPOSED ACTIVJ:TY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE: NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. ~ ln1~jJ OWNER'S/AGENT'S SIGNATURE 6 _0 7~9' 'I , Dll.TE (AGENT'S SIGNF.TURE VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE Ow~R IS PROVIDED (lag.)) - . 5 .. ~. I I I I I I I I I ~ I c I _~_________,_, I I I I I I I I I I I I III I,' , I ~,' , _J~ ~ I , ~~ ~, I~~ . I , ~_ I ~ 'k ItD /_ I r ~ c ~ I I , ,/ ~ I,' /' I , I , I, .- , " , 1,' /' , (.. " lit) ......../ , c ~ , I c I , I , I I I I I ..o~ I 11'I ~ I ei~, tit, o I- Lx: ~:! ~QC ~ ~ < It: ~ lLJ ~ :~ I I I I I A ~ ~ t: cot: UJ Qc \- V) ... I z '3 I IX ~, Z ... 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Of 13... Q. "'0.. , :g~ ~(J) 0:0 0..1- a:: o >- UJ > - a:: cD :5 :;:) ,." >- <D cn.....1O CD ;;; r- 1-0 OUJ(\j:i}II.IClI !.I!ZUJ ~~ ~<a:: "!j!mll.l <~~c..:U~= IO Z "lI.. zUJ UJ<~~ UJ ~Z ~ a:: UJ 0 UJlDcn:r: Z UJ a:: ....I I Z::: UJ ., 0_"'0 J C)-Z Z UJ>- UJ ICD e 11.I a: L&l1I.I :~~= L&le[UlI.. g:13m Jk+ ~ 13 .... 2 -' ~ a::r: o..U -I- a:- o :i})- :g; 2i~ a:O Q.o: 13 L&I U l!5 lI. Z ... a:: ~::::l -; >13 Cz ~.... 13~ 11.I.... :g~ tlJ~ lEu :r: U l- e )- ; 13 C o a:: e .... z -' L&I Z ....I a:: ~ z L&I U 13 )- ; o e[ o a: 13 L&I Z -' )--' '=; ~13 b I- a::z <D a: Cl'" Cl ~ eL&l 11.I....1 11.I1- m ~ :!ll:;! o u Q.U 2i....l o~ a: L&I OlI:u D- ~ Q. 15m 13 .L&I lI.N -A~ r--S .~ (\1....1 ClIe[ ~ a: D- a: ~ > u DATA fORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) wet/awl Action 10. Date: ;(9 ItPf(IL 1'1'17 Applicant/Owner: HARDL]) HITCHELL proj ect/Site: MITCHELL ACPES Address: "'I HIGHWAY 9' FRItI'(KL/NTD/IJ NC ;(7S;?S Location: 1./000 Feet East of NC-<J' <<V1d SR 1700 intersectior1 ; J.o miles SE of Wilton Wa terway: FoRD CR, TRIg TO U\R RIVER County: G~ANVILLE Investigator: GERAt.'l> POTTE1!N State: North Carolina R.:J'. GOL'PSTfJN ~ ASsoclllTE:S 0# Do Normal Circumstances exist on the ~ite? Is the site significantly d!~turbed (Atypical Situation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? (Explain on reverse) Communi ty ID: ALLUVIAL FOREST Transect ID: W&TL/tNt> GA VEGETATION ~r~~~IBI_ ~ > /....'.,......~,... ....... ~~<:'..~:t{\."............n I .: ~ " .........),..;..~.....v.~ ~~..........y ~,. i\, ~ .h ..~'),. v: ~. ...(..(...,., ~'- ,--:<:;,o;:>(.(:.~r.>;I" H ..>h.....i/ ....,.~"^.-: '. ,:,/..."....~'.,"';'ur... ~~ :~ ..,....,.1].., . " ""~" .J~", ....\;.." jl ",...,-,,'.... I; ...,.....'.': .. :' .,".... ..... ....,,',..~.., ,,"' .. 'I ,V~~"\" ' "," 1" ,l~':':,$~, ,';'" ;;'(< ,..~:.',..,,';"';<v ,~,"..' ''','',''--,<' g\:c,^,'W~,...,. "'..'.Mm....,"-',:,^'M""..""..",^., .....,..,ll u~"",,.. ""... ....(o;.;;w,....,...""uu,,,,... ,,; <............y.,,,"^...,""',:,"',"',w,^'~"'.<,^".y,w;;:=u>,.,.u.,, L"""" """""^ym:<<,,,$}j 1. LIRIODENPIOA/ TUL.IPIF. -m5 FAC 2. ILE~ DeCI DUf! SI1~ F AC-W - 3. LI Qu I Dftt18AIf ~TY~Ac. ~t; FAG 1- 4. L- OIJ I~ II ..J7l PO Nt cA V/~ FAc. - . 5. fL.lrT fiN!) S OCCl~cNT. ~'5 Fk..W - '6. 91101-X (( OTUAJDIF. V/N FA c. 7. PI NIJ.5 TltEt>A ~f; FAC. 8. ftTHYlflflM FILlX-FcH HER FAC. 9. LI Ll1US A-HE~/OIN ,4 S/-l~ Ff'tc..W 10. 1t~/SAEt11l WIPHYLL. HER FAC.W- ,11. Itc.&~ ~tJ€.R()M St-/R' , f Ac. 12. ~OSIt Cft/fOLl1Hf H-EIQ FAC. U 13 _ LIAJ1>~fJr 8rN2tJIN sttR FPtc. W 14. CIIREX CIU N I T1! HER F Ac.w + Yes ~ No Yes No --1L- Yes No' L PlotID: Percent of Dominant. Species that ~re OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC-) l?~ iIo Remarks: SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase) : Taxonomy (Subgroup): CH'ewltcLIl Fluv~rMerrlic ])ysfrochreffs . SOMEWIIA, Dra~nage Class: POORLY Field Observations Confi~ Map Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) 0- " (0- 1;<' B 2.5,/ 4/.:z. Mottle Colors Mottle Abun- (Munsell Moist) dance/Contrast Texture, Cone. Structure 10 YI< fD/Lf c 0 ~ n10">1 / rAt's!.,.", ct Hydric Soil Indicators' . ~' - Histosol , Concretions " It1stic Epipedon Hiqh Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils_ Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture R~ime . Listed on Local Hydric Soils List - Reduci~ Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List - X Gleyed or LOW-Chroma Colors Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Sheet 1 of 2 1'.;2. HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) : Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge === Aerial Photographs Other x No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: - (in.) Depth to Water in Pit: ~(in.) Depth to Saturated Soil:~(in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Inundated ')(. X Oxidized Root Channels in U er 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves x Saturated in U er 12 Inches Water Marks Local Soil Surve Data Drift Lines FAC-Neutral Test Other (E lain in Remarks) Sediment De osits X Draina e Patterns in Wetlands , Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soils Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Yes ~ No Yes -1L No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Sheet 2 of 2 Wer\A~d, p. a. ftYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) : Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge === Aerial Photographs Other x No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: - (in.) Depth to Water in Pit: ~(in.) Depth to Saturated Soil: W (in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: "~'''''''~^Y~''''''''^=~''''''''''l ~nY^""'Y';;'~~W"OY''''''''~Y''~~w.iim~-'W~'Yml '. '., '<,,' . .,,, "'.', " . .,~ '" .,"". " , , '" ., y.", , . '''')''7:. """',,,'i:':rt "" ' ~~,^'~'d,^,.L,x.:.nnm"''';; ~,:,n:l.'^.,,<,",~ ~~ Inundated )( Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches X Saturated in Upper 12 Inches X Water-Stained Leaves Water Maries Local Soil Survey Data Drift Lines FAC-Neutral Test Sediment Deposits Other (Explain in Remarks) X Drainaqe Patterns in Wetlands Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soils Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Yes ". No Yes ..1L No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes X No Remarks: Sheet 2 of 2 Ur1flr\d, p. ~ ffYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) : Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge === Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: (in.) Depth to Water in Pit: ===:(in.) Depth to Saturated Soil: ~(in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Oxidized Root Channels in U er 12 Inches Saturated in U er 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves Water Marks Local Soil Surve Data Drift Lines FAC-Neutral Test Sediment De osits Other (E lain in Remarks) Draina e Patterns in Wetlands Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soils Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes 2L- No Yes No ~ Yes No -L Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No -X-- Remarks: Sheet 2 of 2 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) tip/tine( Action 10. Applicant/Owner: Address: , Location: 0 et E st of Wa terway: FoRD CR, TRIg 1"0 T1'tR RIVER. Investigator: GE~AL:t> poTTEeN R.:T. GOLPSTEiN ~ A5S0clllTE:S "" Do Normal Circumstances exist on the ~ite? 'Is the site significantly d!~turbed (Atypical Situation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? (Explain on reverse) Community ID: ALLUVIAL FOI?ES,T Transect 1D: UPLItNp GA VEGETATION ;19 /1'PRIL Irrr MITCHELL ACPES Carolina Yes 1L- No Yes No Yes No, PlotID: ..1L. .1L l. '-/~/O Df3."b~ON Tl4uPIF: T}<e FAC 2. /LEX bEc..1 Du,4 SItR Fltc.w - 3. LI IX U/ DAM8fl,e s rY'Me., ,l'<c FAC. 1- 4. ILEX o P/fc fl SttR FAG -. 5. PIN/)' s mEM fr<e: FAC. '6. Th.,../( 0 1)fN~OJl 1M/). VltJ FftG. 7. ..tce~ RIJBRUl1 rr<S FAC- 8. LO NlCEItA 11tfJONlCll VIN Fire. - 9. lJ f.~CU ~ PH 'E LLO<; TRF: fAC.W - 10. ItTffYlflW1 F/UX-FEH. ttE(l FAG ,ll. U/>tu.S IfME/I2/UtNA ~E: f/'tC. w 12. cltRe'l- CRIN I T7f /tel€ F~c,w + 13. '-INbCleA 8E.N2.0IN ~fttQ f A-c..W 14. ~/SItE:HA Tf(IPHYL. I-tER F Itc w - f mi . Q/~o Percent 0 Do nant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC-) O~ (e Remarks: SOILS Map Uni t Name (Series and Phase) : Taxonomy (Subgroup): CHEW/fCL!I F/uvarueYlh'c D"sttr)cltr~/d.s ./ , Drainage Class: Field Observations Map Type? Yes SOMewhaf Poor/II Con:fi~ No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) O-~ to - l;t B ,;;. 5 Y '1/ 3 Mottle Colors Mottle Abun- (Munsell Moist) dance/Contrast Texture, Conc. Structure Hydric Soil Indicators' . '. Histosol . Concretions !(istic Epipedon !liqh Orqanic Content in Surface Layer in SandY soils_ Sulfidic Odor Orqanic Streakinq in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Reqime . Listed on Local !lydric Soils List - - Reducinq Conditions Listed on National HVdric Soils List - _u Gleved or LOW-Chroma Colors Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Sheet 1 of 2 o</;z. HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) : ___ stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge ___ Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Water in Pit: ---- Depth to Saturated Soil: >Ia Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Oxidized Root Channels in U er 12 In( Water-Stained Leaves Saturated in U er 12 Inches Water Marks Local Soil Surve Data Drift Lines FAC-Neutral Test Sediment De osits Other (E lain in Remarks) e Patterns in Wetlands Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION III Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soils Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ~ No Yes No ...jL Yes No ...A- Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No ..lL Remarks: Sheet 2 of 2 Robert]. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27616-3175 a.mail: Rjga@aol.com Tel: (919) 872-1174 Fax: (91 9) 872-9214 http://members.aol.com/rjga June 4, 1999 MEMO TO: U.S. Fish & Wildlife. Service - Endangered Species Office N.C. Division of Archives & History - State Historic Preservation Office FROM: Gerald Pottern RE: Mitchell Acres Subdivision Road - Granville County 404/401 Pre-Construction Notification Application This memorandum constitutes notification to your agency regarding the project described below, as required by the Army Corps of Engineers for Section 404/401 permitting in jurisdictional waters of the U.S. We solicit your comments regarding potential impacts of this project on protected species or archaeological and historic sites. Please call me at the phone number above if you need further information. Mitchell Acres is a 11 2 acre residential subdivision containing approximately 80 lots in southeastern Granville County, located on NC-96 3,500 feet east of the NC-96/SR 1700 intersection. Much of the western portion is already developed, and the remainder is in forest or pasture, A meandering 10 to 15 foot wide headwater tributary of Ford Creek (Class C-NSW tributary of the Tar River) crosses the eastern portion of the property, making the easternmost 15 acres inaccessible by vehicle. The owner, Mr. Harold Mitchell, proposes to construct a 20- foot wide paved road in a 50-foot wide right-of-way which will cross the stream and a small isolated floodplain depression wetland to provide access to the eastern portion of the development. The property is less than 200 feet wide in the vicinity of the proposed stream and wetland crossing, rendering wetland avoidance and a perpendicular stream crossing impossible. The stream segment to be affected is 1 65 feet long measured along the centerline of the meandering channel. The substratum is predominantly sand, with small patches of gravel and cobble. The banks are forested, and no aquatic vegetation is present in the stream. The stream drainage basin area at the proposed crossing is 0.38 square mile, which we believe is too small to support protected mussels or Harperella. The central 1 20 feet of existing stream will be straightened and piped through 93 feet of 60 inch diameter CSP culvert pipe. Beyond each end of the culvert, 23 feet of stream will be artificially stabilized with rip-rap on the bottom and side slopes. Above normal high water the tops of the stream banks will be stabilized with vegetation. The total length after construction will be 140 feet. The wetland affected is a 0.055 acre isolated floodplain depression located 50 feet east of the stream bank. No surface connection with the stream is evident. It contains young alluvial hardwood forest vegetation, with canopy trees up to 10 inches dbh. Hydrologic and soil indicators suggest that this wetland is frequently saturated 6 to 1 2 inches below the surface, but rarely ponded. It is unlikely to provide significant amphibian breeding habitat. Environmental Assessments. Environmentallmpact Statements. Jurisdictional Wetland Delineations · Endangered Species Surveys GlSIGPS Mapping . Reservoirs. Archaeological Surveys and Testing. Water Supply Projects · Real Estate Risk Assessments · Lake Management Walershed Management. lnstream Flow Analyses. Mitigation Plans. Stream Restoralion · Municipal Solid Waste Landfills · Sewerlines Wastewaler Treatment Plants. 404 and 401 Penn its . Groundwater Monitoring · Biological Assessments. Expert Witness Testimony JUN.22'1999 09:01 #0817 P.001/011 . P~E-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PCN TO: National Marine Fisheries Service Pivers Island, NC I!'!'.X (919)729-9796 State ~istoric Preservation Office Raleigh, NC !;/lX 1919,7)]-Bb~.l ~~'{~tt\1 ~tctN~\) US Fish & Wildlife Service Raleigh, NC FAX (919)8~';-4~56 NC Division of Water. Quality Raleigh, NC FAX (91g) 733-9959 NC Wildlife Resources Commission Creedrnoor, NC FAX (919) 528-98.39 1. ACTION TO: 199920955/199920956 2. APPLICANT: Haz:olc:l Mitchell 3. DATE OF TRANSMITTAL: 6/29/99 4. RESPONSE DEADLINE(5 days from transmittal): 7/2/99 5. COMMENT DEADLINE(10 days from response deadline): 7/12/99 6. SEND COMMENTS TO: RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE RALEIGH, NC ATTN: Todd Tugwell E'AX : ( 91 9) 87 6 - 5823 We are also forwarding the attached PCN to the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service for review and comment concerning any likely affect to any threaten@d or endangered species or their critical habitat within those agencies' jurisdiction. JUN.22'1999 09:01 #0817 p.002l011 RECEIVED JUN 1 6 1995 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION MITCHELL ACRES SUBDIVISON GRANVilLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ,qqq~(Jq55 \qq q9-D qsl.o peN Application To: Mr. Todd Tugwell U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of Neuse Road I Suite 1 20 Raleigh, N.C. 27615-6846 and Mr. John Dorney N.C. Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch 440 1 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Cerollna 27607 Project Engineer: Property Owner: Mr. John Lee Hamme 1 51 Belle Street Henderson, NC 27536 (252) 492-6870 Mr. Herold Mitchell 1661 NC Highwey 96 Frankllnton, NC 275215 (919) 528-0407 10 JUNE 1999 Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive - Durant Office Park Raleigh, North Carolina 27616-3175 Tel: (919) 872-1174 Fax: (919) 872-9214 RJG&A Project No. 9920 JUN.22'1999 09:02 #0817 P. 003/011 CONTENTS OF PCN Title Page, Contents, Project Description Figure 1: Project Location Map peN Application Form Figure 2: Existing Stream and Wetland Figure 3: Proposed Impacts to WC!ters Wetland Determination Data Forms Notification Memo to FWS and SHPO Total Pl!Ige~ 2 pages 1 page 5 pages 1 page 1 page 4 pages 1 page 1i5 pages PROJECT DESCRIPTION Mitchell Acres is a 11 2 acre residential subdivision containing approximately 80 lots in southeastern Granville County. The subdivision entrance is on NC-96 3,500 feet east of the NC-96/SR 1700intersection and 2,500feet northwest of the NC-96/SR 1711 Intersection. Much of the western portion ;s already developed, and the remainder is in forest or pasture. A meandering 10 to 1 IS foot wid. heedwater tributary of Ford Creek (Class C-NSW tributary of the TEll' River) crosses the eastern portion of the property, making the easternmost 15 acres Inaccessible by vehicle. The owner, Mr. Harold Mitchell, proposes to construct a 20-foot wide paved road In IJ 50-foot wide right-of-way which will cross the stream and a smell isolated floodplain depression wetland to provide access to the eastern portion of the development. The property is I.ss than 200 feet wide in the vicinity of the proposed stream and wetland cl'08slng, rendering wetland avoldence and It perpendicular stream crossing impossible. AJG&A advised the project engineer, Mr. John Hamme, to minlml:l':e the length of stream impact to the extent practicable, as reflected in the proposed roed design described In this PCN. The affected stream segment is presently 166 feet long measured along the centerline of the meandering channel. The substratum Is predominantly sand, with small patches of gravel and cobble. The banks are forested, ~Jnd no aquatic vegetation is present In the stream. The streem drainage basin areB at the proposed crossing is 0.38 squere mile, which we believe is too smell to support aquatic protected species known from Granville County. The central 1 20 feet of the existing stream segment will be straightened and piped through 93 f.et of 60 inch diameter corl'ugeted steel culvert pipe. Reinforced concrete endwalls will stabilize each end of the culvert. The culvert invert will be at or slightly below the existing streambed elevation. Beyond each end of the culvert, 23 feet of stream will be artificially stabilized with rip-rap on the bottom and side slopes. Above normsl high water the tops of the stream banks will be stabilized with vegetation. The total length after construction will be 140 feet, or 25 feet shorter than the existing streem. The wetlend affected is a 0.055 acre isolated floodplain depression locelted 50 feet east of the stl'l..am bank. No surface connection with the stream is evident. It contains young alluvial hardwood forest vegetation. with canopy trees 6 to 10 inches dbh. Hydrologic and 9011 indicators suggest that this wetland is frequently saturated 6 to 12 inches below the surface, but rarely ponded. No standing water or surface saturation was present during the delineation (29 April 19991 despite moderate rejnfall the previous day and night. This wetland Is unlikely to provide habitat for aquatic wildlife. #0817 P.004/011 - JUN.22'1999 09:03 #0817 P.005/011 lqqq~o95.5 OEM IO: COP-iS ACUON IO: L q q q ~ 0 9. 5~ NA'l'IONnOF; '~'1' P-!:Q01:SUJ:) (I'!l.OVID& I'Ql.TIONWItl& r!:2\MZ'l' Ill: ~IAIP /3 · 1'+ PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION rOR NATIONWIDE PDKITS THAT !U:Qr.nu: 1) ~~aN \'0 \tD: C:OU~ 01' J:NQ~ 2) U1'I.:r~ON'!'OJ\. :lZC':'J:0N' 401. ~Ir1:~0N' ~) ~J:HJJ.!::IClH ll'%U 1:m: He J:lrv-ts:tcM or <:QAS'UW;. ~ SEND 'mE OlU:GDfAI. AND (1.) copy OF nas c:oMPLEn:D FORK ':0 mE A1'!P!lO~ nn.c O!'T.I:CZ or TB c:oR1'S 02' ENr;~ ($U NdBl:'r ACOJilESSC:S Sa:u:'1'). SEVEN (7) conES SHOt1I.D BE SENT 'r0 'rHE N.C. DIVl:.sION OF ~ROmr..E:N'rAL HANAGE:MEN'r (SEE AGZNCY ADDRESSES 5HE~). P?...xASZ P!t:rN'l'. 1. OWNtP.s NAME ~ Hltl<o/,p MItCHELL IIP'I Hf6HW~Y 9', r~~AI/(l.JNroN NC ';17S~S . 2. MAJ:I.IN<i ADORES!: SOBDtvISION NAME: HfTCIfELL Ac.~~s CITY: FR~NKLlNTDAJ S'rA'rE: NC zn CODE: .;(..,5;15 ~~OJtc~ ~OCA~ION ADDRESS, rNCLUC!NG SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DI:r~~~ fROM KAILING ADOUSS ABOVE); EfoI7TIIM/Ce '"' HITCHELL /#CIIES IS fJN N S/l>e: Of' J/c-r" ~soo FEET EASr bF NC.1' Irf'b S~ 1700 1H7E~SEGTI()N j ~.O MILes SE ()~ WILT'(JN, NC 3. U.t.El?!iONE NT.OOJe:R (HOME): cw,- Sc2~ - 0'107 (WORK): ~.'Ir ~~PtI~~~Lt: AG~'S N~ oa RESiONSI3L~ CORfORAre: OceIC!AL, ADDRESS, PHONE Nm4'J3ER: S. LOCATION or WORK (PROVrOE A ~~, PRE:E~LY A COP~ OF crSGS TO~OGRARHIC MAl' OR AERIAL iHOTOGilARHY WITH SCALE I : COC7NTY: GflAAlVILLE. NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: WIL TON s~c AmcHep MAP: USGS TQPO QUAl> . 6RISSOH, NC 1 JUN.22'1999 09:03 #0817 p.006/011 S~ECIrxc LOCAX!ON (rNCLaC~ ~OAO NOtGER.S , LANDKJU\RS, t'I'C. I: , ItFFEGTE7J STiEAH ItNP WETLANJ) I+~c <<, JOO FEET bUE NORTH 'OF NC.-9' ANJ> S~ /711 rN-re~sr:CTION. f. IMl'AC':ED Oil N!:AlU':S'r S'rREAMJRJ:V'EP.: U'r Fo~P CREEk ~- P.IVER BASnt: Tft~ RIVER 7.. IS PllOJ'!:CT LOC-'\'!tO NEAR \VATU CUSS!!'IEt' AS 't1\OOT, T!D~.1. SALTWAtEA (SA), HIGH Qt7ALIT'! WATUS (HQW), Ot7TSTANDING 1\ESooac~ 91A7~as (O~W), uztP. SUPPLY (WS-X Otl. 915-11) 7 YES [] NO ~ IF y~S, txSl!.AIN: FoIU) C~ IVJf) ~/erJrltRleS 1r~E. CUSS1F'IE.1> C -NSW, 7b. IS TH!: 1l!l.OJt:CT LOCATED WITh"ZN A NO~TH <:AaOI.%NA OIVISION 0 E' COASTAr.. ~ZMENT )~~ OF ENVI::\ONlWtrAL CONC!:lUl (UC)? Y:':S r J NO (Xl 7c. IF T~ PP.OJE:CT IS LOCATED WI'!E!N A. co~TAL COtlNTy (SEZ fAGlt 7 FOR. LIST O~ COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAt IS ~ LANO t7SZ PLAN (LOP) DESIGNAXION7 N~ 821.. HAVE'..NY StC'rION' 404 P!:P.MI'l':3 Sli:tN ~PrnOO'SLY UQaESTtD FOil. OSE ON THIS ~ROE'P;RT"!7 YES [] NO 1)(1 IF YES, PROV'It)!: AC'IION I. 1). N'CMl3!:;" OF i'P.tVIOC'S 1?!:i.MIT AND ANY ADDITIONJl.L INFOElMAT!Otl (INCLOUE PHCTOCO~'! or 401 CEp.TInCAT!ON) : 8b. APL ADDITIONAL l?EPJ!!T P.EQtn:STS tx~ECT!tl FOP. THIS l'P,OP::RTY IN THE ro'r1JRE'? ytS (] NO IX] IF 'rES, De:SCU~E ANTICI!'ATED WOEU<: 9a. tSTIMAtEO TOTAL N'OMBe:R o!' ACilJ!:S IN. TuC'r O!' LAND: ,,~ (;Icres 9b. ESTIMATED TOTAL ~Ea Ot' ACRES or WETLANCS LOCAtED ON iBOJECT SI:E: 2 t: 1'1 JUN.22'1999 09:03 #0817 p.007/011 lOa _ NtJM]!!:Et ot ACUS OE: WETLANDS IMPACTED BY THE PROPOS~D Ii'ltOJEC'r BY: nu,INCd: O. OSS ~cre EX~VA'1'XON: FI,OOCmli : V .dtl."""""'-;- OTHEP.: '1'0'DoL ~ 'to m: I1GIACnD: o.oss- (tel"(! DUINAGC: : ~~ lOb. (1) s'tP.EAK c:-tANN!:t. to at ImlAC't'l!:O BY '1'HE P1l0POS1l.:C S'P.OJEC't (X:: UL"c:.uz.o, PRCvmE DISTWa: ~OrH ~Er01tE AND AFTER RELOcaTION) : Ulfcm BE:FORE; . "~ N AnEP.. : /1.(0 !'T Ie to I~ ET ~f &1,/4 ~~ to be ~'tS AE'rEP.: (basad on nQrmal hiqh water c~ntQU4s) : i in '0 N c.ulllert '* ~3 lilt.ff: witft rlp-"'p al'l IS wi e F'l' }on::p.: I/O CHIIN6E. !'T wm'm BEFORE .. (2) STR~ CiOI.NNEL IMoACTS WILL RESULt ~OM: (C-"i!:C%(.ALL THAT A5'5'!.YI . PI.AC::MEN'l' OJ!" 1i'I:1i'!: IN CtUtNNEI.: 93 her 01i'!:N CHANNEL RELOCA!!ON: C'dANN!:I. EXCAVAtION: CONSTROCTION OE' A D).M/nOODING: ' OTHER: "" l/n. ft. fTJ be /I,,~ wit/. rl.,..nlf. 11. I~ CONST~OCTION OE' A POND IS PROPOS~D, WHAT Is THE SIZE O~ T~ WAtERSHZO DQAINING TO 'IHt POND'? Nil WHAT I:S THE !:X~~C't~!) POND SO'RE".?CE ~.P-O..'? Nit 12. D&SCRIP'l'I:ON or i~OPOS~O WORK INCtODING D!SCOSSION oE' TY~~ or KECHANXCAL EQOtJMENT TO a~ USED (ATTACH PLANS: a 1/2" x 11" C~WI:NGS ONLY) : CLePrR, G-RIJ8, IMItI 6JUll>E. S'OFr WI/)te.....~IA-P RI61I'r-OP'-w~t- ~l1U~/(,H7E.N 120 FEET DF HSAI/I>UIAl6 STRf~H /WI> PIP6 ,lfllOfJ6H '3 "eer OF 'ON CULl/eRr (CSP). (lE."IfJllb elfCH eNb OF CI/LVlAT, S7lt81llzE .u FEET OF 1I4TIJ/tflL C.H~ft/NcL wl1"H ~?-~AP ON 80m"" ~AJ1) S//)e5. J.3 _ i~OS&: or l'P.OiOSED WOaK; RDIIl> 7f) "cc6$S S/ABPIIIISIDN t..6'f"$ . IN EASrEfiN PONT/ON OF ?~O~eRrr. 3 -. JUN.22'1999 09:04 #0817 P. 008/ 011 ...., .. . - ~~ 14 . S'rAT~ ~ONS Wh"Y !T IS B~J:tv!:D Tn': 't'H1:S AC'r%VIT~ He'S'!' BE: CAU.It.O OO'!' IN wC:T~.NDS. (J;NcI.tmJ!: ANt ~t7US TAKEN ':0 M!N!M!:ZE: WEl'L}...ND DGlAC1:S) : mE EX/STI#!6 smfAM l>/VIT>C.j rilE PRopeRTY. . (!.RDSSING IS flN"VO/PA8t6. We.TLltJJP /"'PAc; IS ALSO "NItVOIl)"BL~ f)Ue 'If:) THE SHAPe dF THe P~OPE~T'I; vep.y NA~RDW IfTsntEAH IWerLAAlb C~4S'SING. . lS. 'lOC' A1U: R.EQ'O'IPJ:D TO CONTAC'!' THE lJ'. s. n:stl AND WILOLIFt S1!:RVICi: (trsnrs) ANtl/OIl NUIONAL tof..APJ:N!: !1:satP.!!:s SDVIc::t (NM!'S) (s!:!: A<iENC~ ADD~S~ Sh'XZ'I) J.tG.t\.P.OING THt PR~ZNC~ or ANY F=:OOALL'l LIS'!'~ OR ~Roeoszo roll tIST~NG tNCANGt~u OR TH~~D S~ECI!:S OR C::~Tt~ HA!I'r~ . IN TH!:. P!:~T A.P.E.?t. TH}.T tof.AX BE AFnCT~ n 'tst f!tOElOSZ!). PROJECT. C~E CON'rAC'r::O: JI .rUNE 1'/'/'1 (ATTACH RESiONSE:S ." nOK THESE: AGZNC!Es.) 16 . yoa A.El!: UQUIUD ':0 CONTACT ':t'K.e S'tA:'!: }t..!.5'!'ORIC I?!tE:S2!:RVATION O!T!C!:1\ (StiPO) (SE:~ AG2:."fCY ACDElJ:SS(:S' S"'tlEE'l') R!:WUl.DING TP.E E'RESc:NC:: or HISTORIC PP.o~tlll'I:IS U' 'tHE: llEiU!IT ~ w-r:.IC::i ~~.Y B2; A!'n:CTED ax THE iP.OiOSJ:O PtlOJEC'l'. OAT!: CONTACTED:' -1./ fliNG ""." - 17. DOES T~ PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXi'!:NDI'rOPJ!: or PUBLIC FONDS OR TF..E t1SE: OF' PfJlJt-IC (S'l';lTZ) LANO? Y~S [] NO W (Ii' NO, ~ TO 19) a. If ns, OOES 't'~ P9.0~C'! !\EQOIU iil.Ei]'~ION or AN ENV:U.ONllr.!N'DL coc:oKEN'l' P~trANT TO TH!: l\EQti!~'lTS or 'I'~ NORTH ~OtINA !:NVIilO~TAL 'OLIC~ ACT~ n;s [] NO ~ N A lO. IF Y!:S, HAS THE DO~ 8!:~ il..EVI:::'iEO 'rHP.OOG"'rt '!m; NOR.TH c:.u.otINA DEPu''rHE:NT or ADMnUSTAATION STATE CI.E.AlI.tNGHOOSt? Y!:S [J NO" NA IF ANSWER TO ].71:1 IS Y!:S, 'l'liEN St1!~.I'l' Ai9l'.O"~.IATE OOC'r1M!:NTMION rP.OM THE S'l'ATE CLEAJUNG'HOt1:U:- TO OIVIS!ON or !:NVIll.oNMEN'rAL )(..ANA~T P.!:I.iAPJ:)ING COKPloZANC!: nTH THE NOEl.'I'H CAROLj;NA ENVIP.ONMEN'rAL PQtICY ACr. Qt7tS'tIONS Uc;;.JU)ING TK!: STAn CLUJUNGHOOSC: ~V!E'R Ii'ROC::SS SHOC1oO BE DIIl!:C'I'!:O TO ~.s. CRR:!! BAGGZTT, DIP.EC'40R STArt C'L!:AP.!N~rtotJs!:, NOIlTH CAl.OLINA OE?ARTMENT or ADMINtstMTION, 116 nST JONES S'rUE:T, RALEIG"'d, NORTH QJl.OLINA 27603-B003, Ttr..t~t-rON!: (919) 7:3:3-8369. 4 JUN.22'1999 09:04 #0817 p.009/011 ., .' . I" 18. 'rHi: FOLLOnNG t'rl!:MS SKOat.D aE: INCLOOED \VJ:TH rms Ui!.ICAtION IF ~p.otlOStD ACTIV:tn INVotV!:S THt O!SCMARli!: OF EXCAVl\.TED, OR FILL ~E1U.lI..L INTO WETLANDS: .. . RTLANC DELINEAUON zap SHOWING ALL 1lC:T!.ANDs, stPLAt!S, I..A:RZS , AN!) PONOS ON 'l:HE: I?ROP~Rn (MR NA1'!ONWIDE "!:RMr't NCH8!:M 14, 18, 21, H, 29, AND J8). ALL S'rRDMS (INTERMITtENT AND PE~TI ON tHE PROilER'!'! ~ I3E SHOWN' ON THE: MU. ~ SCALES SHOOLD 8E 1 INC."! !:QOAL5 SO FEZ'! OR 1 INCH EQUALS 10 O!1:!:T OR THnll !:Qt7rnu.EN'r. b. IF AVAILA!LE, REP~SENTAT~ iHOTOGAARH OF WEXLANCS TO BE IMPA~tED !~ PROJECT. c. IE' CELIN!:A1'ION OS E'~!'ON"..ED BY A CONSt1L1'ANT, I:Ncttme: ALL DA::.. SHEETS UL~T TO THE PLACi!:MJ:N'r or THE De:LINEA1':J:ON Lnl'!:. d _ ~tACH A CO"~ OF THE STOll.HWA1'ER 1mNAGC:!!ENT ~I.AN !:C' UQa-IREC. II. wt-m.'!:tS UUfO os!: OF 5t1UOONDING "ROE'~'I'Y? ,For'tst.' AJrtCIJ/fuf"t., rJlul /,ow '" 7)~'l$ify ReSt'Jflf17,/ t. Il' AP~LIC'..!LE, WHAT IS PSI.OElOStD ME':'HOO or ~:;WAGZ: DISPOSAL? Ind,vlJU4/ StI(Jf/c S/$f(!"'S g. SIGNtD ~.ND Dl'.'!'E:D AG~'! AC''!IiOEUZATION LZTTE:~, I! AP~LIC}..3LE.. Na~; WE'rLANDS OR WATi:RS OF TF.E O. S. wcr NOT Bi: IMPAC'!'I:D PRIOR TO c 1) ,ISSUANCX OV ~ S~CTION 404 CORPS OF ~GXNEERS Pt~T, 2) EI'l'Hl:lt THE IS~CZ OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVIS:ION OF iNVI~NMENTAL to4~.&.MENT (WATER. QUALITY) CERTIi'ICArION, AND :3 ) (IN 1!EE ~'rY COASnL COUN'1!r%S arx.l"), ]I.. u:. T'l'ER 5MM TE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASv.L ~T STATING THE PlItOPOSEI:l -'CTIVITT IS CONSISn:NT WI'l'B: THE NORTH CAROLZNA COASTAL HANA.G"~T PROGRAM . ~-II11:rU-l/ OWNER'S/AGZNT'S SIGNATURE If -.7~9,! DATE (AGENT'S SIGNATURE VALID ONLY IF AOTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROV1DE:D (lBg.)) , " #0817 P.010/011 JUN.22'1999 09:04 I I I I I I I ! I c I i, J \. I~ ,'ltc I I / 1/ I IJ I ( -11:' .. !:i ;--------- , I J J J , , I , > I , U (f) Z w 0::>- .4J UI- II <(Z II .... --.J :::> ~ 0 -l U UJ ::c lJ.J U I- -l --.J ~ 0 > ... c.::> z z <J: 0:: CJ) ~ CJ) Z 0 0 1'1) a: Uo ~UJ <(I- W<( 0 o::U 1-0 CJ)-l c I ~ , ~ I tC I ~ I lij I ~ I A I ~ ~ I 1: I ~ I ~ 1 .-. Vl ~ ' -::'1 .. <..b ~' ~ t;; i~ - ')( ,i! '-'J I~~ , I .. c l5 )- ~ l:lI: CQ ;:) rt) cnt-lt); ,.... i~ttlNI~ <~. i -l(/)u .~ :r:: 0 . 1- zwz ... UJ -c...l w ....... ...l a::wz ~UJmg:z; ~_a::", _1011.I .., (!) - i z w~ 11.I XIII ...l lil !lI > !i~~~ o a. ~ l;(... I , , I I , , , I , I 1 I ""It"""" '" .:') " " ........,... ~~ " .... ~. to ~" ~d"/ IS-\~~ : 0:. :.~O I'- ~:\ j:~ :<.(1) 'i:" ;ut _:~; ::....~.u) ~:_,:: .. ~ '. ~ ~.. -....,,. ~'G"".o .:Ji.....~: '.. v.o 'to, ~ ~ " i1t ......... "" ' ""fI'. --- c > u 0 cnZ ~ -6""''-'' W ..... 0:::: .. ~ u>- ~ <(I- J! Z ~ \IJ ; -l:::::J ~ ..... ~o <<: ~ wu ~ 0 fa ::c _t- UW ~ .- ft. 0 "," 1----1 I II _---I ~ ~- ...'" > ~ 0 (.9Z Q.. ~ z<:C ~ _0::: . (f)C;> '" Q (f) ~ ~ ft..... 02 U.I 11\ ;1 0:::- ~ uo c :::EW Q: :;~ ~ lI! IE <el- I w<e 0 iil!> o::U ~i 1-0 0 (f).....J I- I~ 0 I JUN.22'1999 09:04 #0817 P .011/011 '" LtJ :5 >- ~ IE: to ~ pf') VI 10>- 1-"",,11I ~~~~r:l!;i t~~ ,15; ... cnulll .. ...... 0 ,0..... ~ z~z I~ W C...J ...J ~ ...J o::w~ ~1&.l1D(/) C5~-a::~ ..., _lOW C)_o Z z w ~~ -l ;> u '" ... = li~~