HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031221 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20031003I& EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE Tributary to Futch Creek Stream and Wetland Enhancement Project New Hanover County, North Carolina Prepared by: 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 B U C K Cary, North Carolina 27511 Ar Phone: 919.463.5488 Fax: 919.463.5490 www. buckengin eering. com July 2003 Tributary to Futch Creek Erosion Control Narrative Introduction This narrative is submitted as part of the proposed Sediment and Erosion Control Plan for the Tributary to Futch Creek Stream and Wetland Enhancement Project. The construction of the project will involve the sloping back of one stream bank, the installation or Cross- Vane and Step Pool structures and the enhancement of 2 acres of an existing bottomland wetland. Project Description New Hanover County proposes to stabilize and enhance approximately 1,600 feet of stream and enhance 2 acres of wetlands for water quality improvement purposes. The stream that runs through the site is an unnamed tributary to Futch Creek. In its existing condition, the tributary is an incised, channelized stream that provides drainage for the surrounding area. The goal of the project is to stabilize the stream as a means of controlling erosion and to reduce the amount of sediment now entering the tributary to Futch Creek. Two acres of an existing wetland ecosystem located just below the tributary will be enhanced via planting. Depending upon site conditions and the degree of existing disturbance, some minor earthwork may be proposed for the enhanced area. Specifically, existing spoil piles and/or berms may be reshaped to provide a more natural topography and flow regime through the enhanced wetland area. By stabilizing the bed of the stream, increasing the flood prone area, reducing the slope of the stream channel, and allowing the water to flow through a dense stand of wetland vegetation, water quality will be improved as sediment and other particles settle out in the slower moving water. Chemical activity associated with wetland ecosystems will further improve water quality. Watershed size (i.e. drainage area) at the outlet of the project is approximately 0.3 square miles. Most drainage originates off-site from neighboring lands and roadways upstream. The proposed design involves the stabilization of the stream channel by installation of cross-vane structures, an increase in the flood prone area via grading, and the enhancement of 2 acres of wetlands. This stream stabilization project area is located within a larger site development project. Sagewood at Plantation Landing is a single and multi-family housing development that encompass a total of 44.2 acres. This development surrounds the tributary to Futch Creek Stream and Wetland Enhancement Project. A second phase, Future Phases at Plantation Landing, is in the early stages of planning and will ajoin the wetland enhancement area. Site Conditions The Futch Creek watershed is located in northeastern New Hanover County, approximately 8 miles southeast of Castle Hayne. Futch Creek begins as a series of channelized ditches east of Highway 17 and flows approximately 3 miles to the Intracoastal Waterway and Middle Sound, approximately seven miles north of Wrightsville Beach. The project reach begins just south of Highway 17, and extends downstream to existing wetland areas. The total watershed area at the downstream end of the project reach is approximately 0.3 square miles. Futch Creek is classified as SA and HQW by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. The "SA" designation indicates a tidal salt water system suitable for marketable shell fishing. All waters designated as "SA" are also minimally designated as "HQW," or High Quality Waters. Soil survey data were obtained for the project site from the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS, 1977). Based on this information, the northeastern streambank of Tributary to Futch Creek and the adjoining property are mapped as the Baymeade (Be), Johnston (JO), Leon (Le), and Murville (Mu) series. The southwestern bank of Tributary to Futch creek is primarily Johnston soil with upslope soils mapped as Kenansville (Ke), Lynn Haven (Ly) and Rimini (Rm). One lobe of Rimini soil exists upstream of Tributary to Futch Creek on the project property. Of the soils series identified by the county soil survey, the Johnston, Leon, Murville, and Lynn Haven series are considered hydric by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS, 1995). Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures Erosion control methods to be used in the project include Sediment Fence (Silt Fence); Temporary Sediment Traps; Special Stilling Basins; Temporary Seeding and Mulching, Permanent Seeding, and Coconut (Coir) Fiber Erosion Control Matting. All sediment and erosion control measures are to be built according to the plans and specifications. Additionally, a temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit and a Stream Crossing will be permitted, installed, and maintained as part of the larger development associated with Sagewood at Plantation Landing. Channel grading will occur in Phases as identified on the plan sheets. Each phase, or section, of channel will be isolated by the use of impermeable dikes and the section dewatered with a pump around operation. Water pumped from the isolated section of the channel will be filtered through a special stilling basin to remove sediment. Silt checks will be constructed at regular intervals within the stream channel at locations shown on the plans to trap sediment. Material excavated from the channel banks will be temporarily stock piled to ensure balance between cut and fill. Stockpiles will be located as shown on the plans and silt fences will be used to prevent erosion of the stockpiles toward the open channels on site. Excavated material that exceeds cut/fill needs will be moved to a central stockpile area within the Sagewood at Plantation Landing site development project area. This soil will be used on site in the overall site grading process. Design Standards Erosion control practices, methods, and procedures described in these plans and specifications are based on those presented in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Maintenance Plan All temporary erosion and sediment control practices will be evaluated for stability and operation by qualified personnel on a daily basis. Any needed repairs will be performed immediately to maintain all practices as designed. The project engineer will be responsible for the maintenance of temporary on-site erosion control measures: Buck Engineering Douglas Smith - Project Manager 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27511 (919) 459-9027 The maintenance requirements for permanent measures will be the responsibility of the land owner: New Hanover County c/o Chris O'Keefe New Hanover County Planning Department 230 Marketplace Drive, Ste. 150 Wilmington NC 28403 (910) 798-7444 General Construction Sequence The following construction sequence shall be used during implementation of the plan. 1. The Contractor will use the existing construction access, if available. If a stabilized construction entrance is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit: 6.06.1 2. The Contractor shall prepare the staging area(s) and stockpile area(s) as shown in the plans. If necessary, erect any safety fences, silt fences, or barriers. Stockpile materials that will be needed during the initial stages of construction. 3. The Contractor shall install a temporary sediment trap at the downstream most location as identified on the plans. 4. The Contractor will use the existing stream crossing, if available. If a stream crossing is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Stream Crossing: 6.70.1 5. The Contractor shall install temporary coffer dams and pump around operations for Phase 1 at locations specified on the plans. The portion of the channel isolated shall be dewatered and the removed water shall flow through a special stilling basin according to project special provisions. 6. The Contractor shall begin excavation of the stream channel and bank. Excavation shall begin on the upstream end and work downstream. 7. Once a section of channel has been excavated to design grades, instream structures, matting and plants shall be installed in that section per the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager and the channel made ready to accept flow. 8. The Contractor shall remove the downstream coffer dam, then the upstream coffer dam, and finally the pump around operation, thereby allowing water to flow into the completed portion of the channel. 9. Once a section of new channel is completed and water routed in, the Contractor may begin construction of the next section (Phases 2 through 7) of the channel beginning again at Step 4. 10. The wetland enhancement area will be planted according to plan in the eighth and final Phase of the project. Depending upon site conditions and the degree of existing disturbance, some minor earthwork may be proposed for the enhanced area. Specifically, existing spoil piles and/or berms may be reshaped to provide a more natural topography and flow regime through the enhanced wetland area. 11. Once a stream or wetland work Phase is complete the Contractor will apply temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and mulch to any other areas disturbed during construction. Permanent seeding mixtures shall be applied as shown on the vegetation plan. Temporary seeding shall be applied in all areas susceptible to erosion (i.e. disturbed ditch banks, steep slopes, and spoil areas) such that ground cover is established within 30 working days following completion of any phase of grading. Permanent ground cover shall be established for all disturbed areas within 30 working days or 120 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction. 12. The Contractor shall insure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site. •13afoad juauuaauuquA pun uopuaaa puupam pun uoiluzil!gLIS uauaalS xaaa?) gaIn3 of Sauingi.aZ aql aoj dmW uoiluaoZ laafoad .03122,1'. EXHIBIT D: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FUTCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT The following construction sequence shall be used during implementation of the plan. 1. The Contractor will use the existing construction access, if available. If a stabilized construction entrance is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit: 6.06.1 2. The Contractor shall prepare the staging area(s) and stockpile area(s) as shown in the plans. If necessary, erect any safety fences, silt fences, or barriers. Stockpile materials that will be needed during the initial stages of construction. 3. The Contractor shall install a temporary sediment trap at the downstream most location as identified on the plans. 4. The Contractor will use the existing stream crossing, if available. If a stream crossing is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Stream Crossing: 6.70.1 5. The Contractor shall install temporary coffer dams and pump around operations for Phase 1 at locations specified on the plans. [Limits of each phase are identified on the erosion control measures plan sheets.] The portion of the channel isolated shall be dewatered and the removed water shall flow through a special stilling basin according to project special provisions. 6. The Contractor shall begin excavation of the stream bank. Excavation shall begin on the upstream end and work downstream. 7. Once a section of bank has been excavated to design grades, instream structures, matting and plants shall be installed in that section per the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager and the channel made ready to accept flow. 8. The Contractor shall remove the downstream coffer dam, then the upstream coffer dam, and finally the pump around operation, thereby allowing water to flow into the completed portion of the channel. 9. Once a section of new channel is completed and water routed in, the Contractor may begin construction of the next section (Phases 2 through 7) of the channel beginning again at Step 4. 10. The wetland enhancement area will be planted according to plan in the eighth and final Phase of the project. Depending upon site conditions and the degree of existing disturbance, some minor earthwork may be proposed for the enhanced area. Specifically, existing spoil piles and/or berms may be reshaped to provide a more natural topography and flow regime through the enhanced wetland area. 11. Once a stream or wetland work Phase is complete the Contractor will apply temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and mulch to any other areas disturbed during construction. Permanent seeding mixtures shall be applied as shown on the vegetation plan. Temporary seeding shall be applied in all areas susceptible to erosion (i.e. disturbed ditch banks, steep slopes, and spoil areas) such that ground cover is established within 30 working days following completion of any phase of grading. Permanent ground cover shall be established for all disturbed areas within 30 working days or 120 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction. 12. The Contractor will install the interpretive sign at a location identified by the Project Engineer/Manager. The sign will be provided to the contractor by the client. 13. The Contractor shall insure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Bid C Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS E1 Temp Silt Fence 400 LF E2 Filter Fabric, Type 2 Non- Woven 750 Sy E3 Special Stilling Basin 8 EA E4 Diversion Pump and System 1 LS F1 Temp Seeding (Rye Grain) 280 LBS F2 Seeding and Mulching 2.15 ACRES G Coconut (Coir ) Fiber Matting 10,500 SY H1 Excavation, Fill, Grading 2300 LS H2 Site Preparation 1 LS Il Stone Boulders (4' x 3' x 2') 440 TONS I2 Class 1 Stone, Plain Ri -ra 80 TONS 13 r Class A Stone, Plain Rip-rap -ra 45.00 TONS 14 Class -B Stone, Plain Rip-rap -ra 12 TONS I5 #57 -Stone loo TONS J 1 Tree and Shrub Plantings 1450 EACH J2 Wetland Vegetation Plantings 525 EACH K Live Stakin 1200 EACH L -Interpretive Sign Installation 1 J LS Office Use Only: Form Version May 2002 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) 1. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ? Section 10 Permit ? Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: Nationwide 13 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (verify availability with NCWRP prior to submittal of PCN), complete section VIII and check here: ? If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ? II. Applicant Information NCT?ANnS /401 G®??? IF 1. Owner/Applicant Information C f ?'I !? tl U Name: New Hanover County 0 C T ? 3 200;3 Mailing Address: New Hanover Count Planning De artme Attn: Mr. Chris O'Keefe : * , V01 230 Marketplace Drive, Suite 150 Wilmington NC 28403 Telephone Number: 910-798-7444 Fax Number: 910-798-7053 E-mail Address: cokeefe@nhcgov.com 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Douglas Smith Company Affiliation: Buck Engineering Mailing Address: 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary NC 27511 Telephone Number: 919-463-5488 Fax Number:-919-463-5490 E-mail Address: dsmith@bucken ing eering.com Page 1 of 8 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Tributary to Futch Creek, Stream and Wetland Enhancement Work 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): Not Yet Recorded 4. Location County: New Hanover Nearest Town: Wilmington Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Sagewood at Plantation Landing Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Highway 17 North to Futch Creek Road. Right on Futch Creek Road, Development of left. 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Property size (acres): approx. 45 acres 7. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Futch 8. River Basin: Cape Fear (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Site is currently being cleared for development. Page 2 of 8 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Excavation and stabilization (with matting and vegetation) of one eroding stream bank. Installation of natural channel design structures, specifically rock cross-vanes to prevent further downcutting of the streambed. Additional wetland species plantings. Vast majority of the work is completed with a track hoe and manual labor. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: channel and bank stabilization and reduction in soil loss through erosion control. Overall improvement of water quality. Enhancement of the natural wetland and stream ecosystem. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. None associated with this work. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. None associated with this work. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 3 of 8 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Temporary diversion of the stream flow, via pump and hose, during construction. Clearing and excavation of one streambank to be stabilized and replanted. 2. Individually list wetland impacts below: Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** (es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Type of Wetland*** 1 Enhancement of hydrology and planting of vegetation 2 No In-line Emergent/bottomland hardwood * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) Indicate if wetland is isolated (determination of isolation to be made by USACE only). List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 2 Total area of wetland impact proposed: 2 3. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts below: Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? (please secif ) 1 stabilization 1645 Tributary to Futch Creek 2 feet Perennial 2 stabilization 30 Futch Creek 3 feet Perennial * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.us?,s.gov. Several intemet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS snaps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.niapguest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 1,675 Page 4 of 8 4. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.) below: Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) None * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 5. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Impacts are central to the nurnose of the nroiect, which is to provide a more stable channel and a more appropriate cross-sectional form. Impacts will be very temporary and only that portion which can be stabilized by the end of the work day will be disturbed. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. Page 5 of 8 USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Not applicable 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCWRP at (919) 733-5208 to determine availability and to request written approval of mitigation prior to submittal of a PCN. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/w!P/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Page 6 of 8 IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ® No ? If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No ® If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total * Zone t extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. Page 7 of 8 If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0260. Riparian buffer restoration enhancement and preservation are an inherent goal of this project. XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. Not applicable XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Not applicable XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). It is imperative the construction of this project coincide with the overall site development, which is currently underway. to. A ant/Agent's Sigiia&re Date (Agent's sigAture is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 8 of 8 TRIBUTARY TO FLITCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT New Hanover County, North Carolina CONSTRUCTION BID PACKAGE 0r r # 2uo;? Prepared for: New Hanover County lATERQ!.!AL1TY,3:7: j%i Prepared by: Buck Engineering PC 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27511 (919) 463-5488 September, 2003 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 TABLE OF CONTENTS FLITCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................. ........................ 3 3 NOTICE TO BIDDERS .......................................................................................... ........................ 5 EXHIBIT A: CONTRACT BID FORM ................................................................. ........................ EXHIBIT B: CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................... ........................ 7 34 EXHIBIT C: DIRECTIONS TO PROJECT SITE .................................................. ...................... EXHIBIT D: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE .................................. ......................34 EXHIBIT E: PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................... ......................37 A. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................... ......................37 37 ....................................................................... B. CONSTRUCTION SURVEY ........ .. ........"" 37 ............................................. MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION C ..... ..... . D. SAFETY FENCE .......................................................................................... ....................... 39 39 POLLUTION CONTROL STRUCTURES ................................................... E ....................... . TEMPORARY SEEDING, PERMANENT SEEDING AND Mulching ...... F ....................... 45 . COCONUT (COIR) FIBER MATTING ....................................................... G .......................47 . EXCAVATION, FILL, GRADING, AND SITE PREPARATION ............. H .......................49 . 1. STONE .......... .............................................................................................. .......................50 51 J. PLANTINGS .................................................................................................. ....................... 54 K..LIVE STAKING .......................................................................................... ....................... 55 INTERPRETIVE SIGN INSTALLATION ................................................... L ....................... . APPENDIX A: SELECTED EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES COPIED FR OM THE NC SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MANUAL ................ ........................ 56 2 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 NOTICE TO BIDDERS SCOPE OF WORK 1. The scope of work is for the construction phase of the enhancement of streams and wetlands at the Tributary to Futch Creek. The Owner is New Hanover County. The Engineer/Project Manager is Buck Engineering PC. 2. As part of the scope of work, the Contractor will excavate one bank of the existing channel of Futch Creek, install in-stream structures, reforest the banks and enhance an existing wetland area by planting and minor earthwork. Work shall be in accordance with the construction plans, specifications, and under the observation of the Engineer/Project Manager. The Contractor will install erosion control materials such as silt fence, broadcast seed, fiber matting, and bare root, container, and live stake plantings. The Contractor will build in-stream structures at locations within the new stream channel as shown on the construction plans and as indicated by the Engineer/Project Manager. All work will follow the construction plans and project specifications and will be observed by the Engineer/Project Manager. The Engineer/Project Manager will accept or reject all or portions of the work. The attention of the Contractor is directed to Sheet 2 of the construction plans which specifies the sequence of construction that is to be followed by the Contractor in providing the scope of work. 3. Time is of the essence regarding completion of the construction. Construction is scheduled to begin (to be determined), 2003, subject to final approvals by all applicable regulatory agencies, and construction activities must be completed by Contractor no later than (to be determined), 2003. Preference will be given to Contractors that demonstrate the ability to finish the project in a timely manner. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Two copies of the Contractor's proposal for this scope of work should be sent to: Doug Smith Buck Engineering PC 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27511 Ph: 919-463-5488 Fax: 919-463-5490 2. Bids will be received up to 5:00 PM, on (to be determined), 2003. The Owner anticipates that a successful bid will be chosen by (to be determined), 2003. Complete plans, specifications and contract documents are enclosed with this bid package. Prospective bidders must attend a pre-bid conference and Site visit at 10:00 AM on (to be determined), 2003 (map and directions are attached hereto as Exhibit Q. The pre-bid meeting is required and Contractors may not bid unless they attend. 3 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 4. Contractors are hereby notified that they must have proper licenses under the State laws governing their respective trades. 5. In undertaking the scope of work, the Contractor will strictly adhere to all permit and regulatory agency requirements applicable to the scope of work and the Contractor will be liable to the Owner for all costs incurred by the Owner resulting from the Contractor's failure to adhere to such requirements. 6. No bid may be withdrawn after the opening of bids for a period of 30 days. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 7. Proposals must include the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, with all blank spaces for bids properly filled in and all signatures properly executed. 8. The Owner's standard terms and conditions of purchase for construction services, as attached hereto as Exhibit B, will apply. 9. As a condition of final payment, the Contractor must submit a final release of liens. 10. As part of its proposal, the Contractor must submit a summary of qualifications, including a list of references for previous contracts of a similar nature. 11. As part of its proposal, the Contractor must submit a copy of its most recent financial statement and certification of its insurance coverage. 12. The Contractor will submit monthly invoices to the Owner on a percent complete basis. Percent complete assessments will be subject to the review and approval of the Engineer/Project Manager. Approved invoices will be paid by the Owner within 30 calendar days from receipt. 4 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EXHIBIT A: CONTRACT BID FORM FUTCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Page 1 of 2 Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Bid C Mobilization/Demobilization 1 IS E1 Temp Silt Fence 400 LF E2 Filter Fabric, Type 2 Non-Woven 750 SY E3 Special Stilling Basin 8 EA E4 Diversion Pump and System 1 LS F1 Temp Seeding (Rye Grain) 280 LBS F2 - Seeding and Mulching 2.15 ACRES G Coconut (Coir ) Fiber Matting 10,500 SY H1 Excavation, Fill, Grading 1 LS H2 Site Preparation 1 LS 11 Stone Boulders (4' x 3' x 2') 440 TONS 12 Class 1 Stone, Plain Rip-rap 80 TONS 13 Class A Stone, Plain Rip-rap 45.00 TONS 14 Class B Stone, Plain Rip-rap 12 TONS 15 #57 Stone 100 TONS J 1 Tree and Shrub Plantings 1450 EACH J2 Wetland Vegetation Plantings 525 EACH K Live Staking 1200 EACH L -Interpretive Sign Installation 1 LS TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID (ITEMS C THRU L) : New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EXHIBIT A: CONTRACT BID FORM FLITCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Page 2 of 2 Number and composition of crews Subcontractors Start date Estimated completion date Measures to insure timely completion Respectively submitted this day of 2003. (Name of firm or corporation making bid) (License Number) (Classification) Witness: Signature: Title: (Owner, Partner, Pres. or VP) Address: (Federal ID Number) (Limitation) 6 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EXHIBIT B: CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FUTCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EXHIBIT D: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FLITCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT The following construction sequence shall be used during implementation of the plan. 1. The Contractor will use the existing construction access, if available. If a stabilized construction entrance is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit: 6.06.1 2. The Contractor shall prepare the staging area(s) and stockpile area(s) as shown in the plans. If necessary, erect any safety fences, silt fences, or barriers. Stockpile materials that will be needed during the initial stages of construction. 3. The Contractor shall install a temporary sediment trap at the downstream most location as identified on the plans. 4. The Contractor will use the existing stream crossing, if available. If a stream crossing is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Stream Crossing: 6.70.1 5. The Contractor shall install temporary coffer dams and pump around operations for Phase 1 at locations specified on the plans. [Limits of each phase are identified on the erosion control measures plan sheets.] The portion of the channel isolated shall be dewatered and the removed water shall flow through a special stilling basin according to project special provisions. 6. The Contractor shall begin excavation of the stream bank. Excavation shall begin on the upstream end and work downstream. 7. Once a section of bank has been excavated to design grades, instream structures, matting and plants shall be installed in that section per the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager and the channel made ready to accept flow. 8. The Contractor shall remove the downstream coffer dam, then the upstream coffer dam, and finally the pump around operation, thereby allowing water to flow into the completed portion of the channel. 9. Once a section of new channel is completed and water routed in, the Contractor may begin construction of the next section (Phases 2 through 7) of the channel beginning again at Step 4. 10. The wetland enhancement area will be planted according to plan in the eighth and final Phase of the project. Depending upon site conditions and the degree of existing disturbance, some minor earthwork may be proposed for the enhanced area. Specifically, existing spoil piles and/or berms may be reshaped to provide a more natural topography and flow regime through the enhanced wetland area. It. Once a stream or wetland work Phase is complete the Contractor will apply temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and mulch to any other areas disturbed during construction. Permanent seeding mixtures shall be applied as shown on the vegetation plan. Temporary seeding shall be applied in all areas susceptible to erosion (i.e. disturbed ditch banks, steep slopes, and spoil areas) such that ground 35 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 cover is established within 30 working days following completion of any phase of grading. Permanent ground cover shall be established for all disturbed areas within 30 working days or 120 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction. 12. The Contractor will install the interpretive sign at a location identified by the Project Engineer/Manager. The sign will be provided to the contractor by the client. 13. The Contractor shall insure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site. 36 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EXHIBIT E: PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS FLITCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT A. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS The Contractor is required to install instream structures using a track hoe with a hydraulic thumb of sufficient size and capability to manipulate boulders larger than 4 feet x 3 feet x 2 feet (up to a maximum of 5 tons). The Contractor will be required to provide, at a minimum, one track hoe with an operator at all times during construction of the stream channel. The track hoe must have a hydraulic thumb. A loader with an operator is strongly recommended, as well. In general, one operator will excavate and shape the new channel and install instream structures and bank stabilization practices. The loader shall haul excess soil to the final location shown on the plans. A labor crew shall install seeding, matting and plantings immediately following completion of a Phase by the heavy equipment. Construction is scheduled to begin (to be determined), 2003 and to be completed no later than (to be determined), 2003. B. CONSTRUCTION SURVEY The construction survey will be performed by Buck Engineering and shall include location and layout of structures, slope and bench limits and wetland features. The Contractor is not required to provide construction surveying or layout services and will not bid on this item. However, the Contractor is required to keep laser level equipment, along with a competent person skilled in its use, onsite for maintaining grades. C. MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION SCOPE The work shall consist of the mobilization and demobilization of the Contractor's forces and equipment necessary for performing the work required under the contract. This work shall not include mobilization and demobilization for specific items of work for which payment is provided elsewhere in the contract. Mobilization will not be considered as work in fulfilling the requirement for commencement of work. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Mobilization shall include all activities and costs for transportation of personnel, equipment, and operating supplies to the site; establishment of offices, and other necessary facilities for the Contractor's operations at the site; premiums paid for performance and payment bonds, including coinsurance and reinsurance agreements as applicable; and other items as specified in this specification. 37 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 Demobilization shall include all activities and costs for transportation of personnel, equipment, and supplies not included in the contract from the site; including the disassembly, removal and site clean up for this contract. This work under Section C includes mobilization and demobilization required by the contract at the time of the award. If additional mobilization and demobilization activities and costs are required during the performance of the contract as a result of the changed, deleted, or added items of work for which the Contractor is entitled to an adjustment in contract price, compensation for such costs will be included in the price adjustment for the item or items of work changed or added. METHODS Items of work to be performed in conformance with these specification and construction details, therefore, are: 1) This item shall consist of all work necessary to mobilize and demobilize construction equipment as described above. 2) The Contractor is required to properly identify and secure the construction accesses, staging areas, and material handling areas. Prior to construction activities, the Contractor shall identify and mark boundaries of the staging area as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. Acceptable materials for identifying the construction areas include highly visible tape and safety fencing. 3) Stockpile all construction materials, including boulders, riprap, stone, erosion control materials, etc. in the staging area. Any soil materials that are stockpiled shall have a silt fence properly installed to ensure materials are contained. Silt fence installation specifications are provided in Section E: POLLUTION CONTROL and will not be bid under this section. 4) The Contractor shall provide watertight tanks or barrels sealed with plastic sheets to be used to dispose of chemical pollutants, such as drained lubricating or transmission oils, greases, soaps, concrete mixer wash water, asphalt, etc., produced as a by-product of the construction work. At the completion of construction, facilities shall be disposed of without causing pollution. 5) Chemical toilets shall be placed at least 100 feet from streams, in the staging area, and away from heavy equipment. At the completion of construction work, facilities shall be disposed of without causing pollution. 6) The Contractor will identify all underground and aboveground utilities and is responsible for ensuring that these utilities are not damaged during construction. The Contractor will promptly notify the project Engineer Project Manager if there are conflicts between the utilities and the design. 38 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 BASIS OF PAYMENT Mobilization and demobilization activities as described above shall be paid for on a lump sum basis. Half the lump sum will be payable following mobilization and the remaining half of the lump sum will be payable following demobilization. D. SAFETY FENCE It is anticipated that no safety fencing will be needed for the proposed work. E. POLLUTION CONTROL STRUCTURES SCOPE The work under this Section E shall consist of installing structural measures or performing work to control erosion and minimize the production of sediment and other pollutants to surrounding water resources during construction operations. Pollution control for any disposal area outside of the project limits is the responsibility of the Contractor and at no cost to the Owner. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The Contractor shall refer to the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (copies of selected practices in Appendix A) and the following specifications: Sediment Fence (Temporary Silt Fence); Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit; Temporary Stream Crossing (Ford); Temporary Sediment Traps; and Special Stilling Basins. Estimated quantities of material requirements are given on the plan sheets. METHODS The measures and works shall include, but are not limited to, the following: Sediment Fence (Temporary Silt Fence) - Geotextile silt fences shall be used to trap sediment from areas of limited runoff. Silt fence shall be properly anchored to prevent erosion under them. These works are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to its original state when they are no longer needed or permanent measures are installed. Locations for silt fence are shown on the plans. Refer to silt fence specifications (6.62) in the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control manual (copy provided in Appendix A). Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit - A construction entrance is necessary for the project to allow access to the site. An entrance may be built as part of the development construction. This entrance may remain in place and the contractor will be permitted to use the existing entrance. The contractor will share 39 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 maintenance responsibilities with the site developer. If the entrance is not available then an entrance will need to be constructed. The location of the gravel construction entrance/exit is shown on the plans. The construction entrance shall be constructed according to specifications 6.06 of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (copy provided in Appendix A). Temporary Stream Crossing (Ford) - A temporary stream crossing (Ford) is necessary for the project to allow crossing of the existing stream channel. A crossing may be built as part of the development construction. This crossing may remain in place and the contractor will be permitted to use the existing crossing. The contractor will share maintenance responsibilities with the site developer. If the crossing is not available then a crossing will need to be constructed. The location of the temporary stream crossing is shown on the plans. The ford crossing shall be constructed according to specifications 6.70 of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (copy provided in Appendix A). Temporary Sediment Traps - Temporary sediment traps will be installed at the end of the each section (phase) of stream channel as work within the section (phase) is being constructed. These works are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to a stable condition when they are no longer needed or permanent measures are installed. The locations of the temporary sediment traps are shown on the plans. The temporary sediment traps shall be constructed according to specifications 6.60 of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (copy provided in Appendix A). Special Stilling Basins - Special stilling basin(s) shall be a water permeable fabric bag that traps sand, silt, and fines as sediment laden water is pumped into it. Special stilling basins will be installed at the discharge end of the flexible pipe used in the set up of the temporary pump around operation. The temporary pump around operation is used to divert stream flow around each section (phase) of stream channel as work within the section (phase) is being constructed. Special stilling basins are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to a stable condition when they are no longer needed. The locations of the special stilling basins are shown on the plans. The temporary pump around operation is detailed in the project plan sheets. The special stilling basin(s) shall be placed so the pumped water flows into and through the bag without causing erosion. The neck or spout of the bag shall be tied off tightly to stop the water from flowing out of the bag without going through the walls. The special stilling basin(s) shall be replaced and disposed of when it is 3/4 full of sediment or when it is impractical for the bag to filter the sediment out at a reasonable flow rate. Prior approval from the Engineer/Project Manager must be received before removal and replacement. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing a sufficient quantity of bags to contain silt from pumped effluent during construction. 40 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 The special stilling basin(s) shall be a bag constructed to a minimum size of 10'X 15' made from a non-woven fabric. It shall have a sewn-in 8 in. (maximum) spout for receiving pump discharge. The bag seams shall be sewn with a double needle machine using a high strength thread. The seams shall have minimum wide width strength as follows: Test Method ASTM D-4884 Minimum Specifications 60 lb/in The fabric used to construct the bag shall be stabilized to provide resistance to ultra-violet degradation and meet the following specifications for flow rates, strength, and permeability: Property Test Method Units Min. Specs. Weight ASTM D-3776 oz/yd 8.0 Grab tensile ASTM D-4632 lb 200.0 Puncture ASTM D-4833 lb 130.0 Flow rate ASTM D-4491 gal/min/sf 80.0 Permittivity ASTM D-4991 ft/sec 1.5 UV Resistance ASTM D-4355 % 70.0 Diversion Pump and System - A pump shall be used to convey the base stream flow around the work area during channel excavation, installation of structures, and stabilization. The pump used must be able to convey approx.1.5 cubic feet per second (approximately 600 gallons per minute). This conveyance discharge is an estimate only; the contractor is responsible for determining and obtaining the actual pump size necessary. The pump includes temporary flexible hose or pipe in sufficient length to pump the water from the upstream side of the reach to the downstream end of the reach as shown on the plans. A second pump will be required to dewater the section of channel isolated by the impervious dikes, as shown on the plan sheets. Impervious Dikes An impervious dike is a temporary channel block that prevents water from entering the section of channel under construction. Impervious dikes are used in concert with the diversion pump and system for the purpose of diverting'normal stream flow around the construction site. The impervious dike shall be constructed in such a manner, and of materials, acceptable to the Engineer/Project Manager. Acceptable materials shall include, but not be limited to, sheet piles, sandbags, and/or the placement of an acceptable size stone lined with polypropylene or other impervious fabric. Earth material shall not be used to construct an impervious dike when it is in direct contact with the stream. Filter Fabric, Type 2 Non-woven - is a polypropylene nonwoven, needlepunched fabric. This engineered geotextile is stabilized to resist 41 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 degradation due to ultraviolet exposure. It is resistant to commonly encountered soil chemicals, mildew and insects, and is non-biodegradable. Separation /Stabilization Geotextiles Guide Specification Aashto M 288-2000 Class 1 Nonwoven Geotextile Part I General 1.1 Work Included This work shall consist of one of the following: furnishing and placing a geotextile for use as a permeable separator to prevent inter-mixing of dissimilar materials such as: subgrades and aggregate layer in a road, stone layers in erosion control structures and stone layers in in-stream structures. The geotextile shall be designed to allow passage of water while retaining in-situ soil and stone material. 1.2 References ASTM D4491 - Permitivity ASTM D4751 - Apparent Opening Size ASTM D4632 - Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D4833 - Puncture Resistance ASTM D4533 - Trapezoidel Tear ASTM D3786 - Mullen Burst ASTM D4353 - Sampling of Geotextiles for Testing ASTM D4355 - Ultraviolet Stability ASTM D4873 - Guide for Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetics ASTM D698 - Standard Test Method for Moisture-Density Relations of Soil and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures (Standard Proctor) 1.3 Delivery, Storage, and Handling A. The geotextile rolls shall be furnished with suitable wrapping for protection against moisture and extended ultraviolet exposure prior to placement. B. Rolls shall be stored in a manner which protects them from the elements. C. If stored outdoors, they shall be elevated and protected with a waterproof cover. D. At no time shall the geotextile be exposed to ultraviolet light for a period exceeding fourteen days. E. The geotextile rolls shall be labeled as per ASTM D 4873, "Guide for Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetics". 1.4 Method of Measurement The geotextile shall be measured by the number of square yards computed from the payment lines shown on the contract drawings or from payment lines established in writing by the engineer. This excludes seams and overlaps but shall include geotextiles used in the crest and toe of slopes. Slope preparation, excavation and backfilling, bedding, and cover material are separate pay items. 42 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 1.5 Basis of Payment A. The accepted quantities of geotextile shall be paid for per square yard in place. Payment will be made under: Item E2: Filter Fabric, Type 2 Part 2 Products 2.1 Manufacturer and Local Supplier Amoco Fabrics and Fibers Company, Austell, GA 30168 Ikex Inc., Middlesex, NC 27557 (252) 235-4300 2.2 Products A. Fibers used in the manufacture of separation and stabilization geotextiles shall consist of a material composed of at least 85 percent by weight polyolefins, polyesters, or polyamides. B. The geotextile and the threads used in sewing geotextiles shall be resistant to chemical attack, rot, and mildew. C. The geotextile shall have no tears or defects which adversely alter its physical properties. D. The geotextile shall be Amoco Style 4552 or approved equal, and shall meet the physical requirements of Table 1-1. Amoco Style 4552 is a nonwoven geotextile which meets AASHTO M 288-2000 requirements for Class 1 geotextile used in separation and stabilization applications. TABLE 2-1: Filter Fabric, Type 2 Property Test Method Minimum Average Roll Value (English) Minimum Average Roll Value (Metric) Grab Tensile ASTM-D4632 180 lb 0.800 kN Grab Elongation ASTM-D-4632 50% 50% Mullen Burst ASTM-D-3786 330 psi 2274 kPa Puncture ASTM-D-4833 105 lb 0.465 kN Trapezoidal Tear ASTM-D-4533 75 lb 0.330 kN UV Resistance ASTM-D-4355 70 % at 500 hrs 70 % at 500 hrs AOS(1) ASTM-D-4751 70 sieve 0.212 mm Permittivity ASTM-D-4491 1.5 sec-1 1.5 sec-1 Flow Rate ASTM-D-4491 110 gal/min/ft2 4470 Umin/m2 Part 3 Execution 3.1 Site Preparation The installation area shall be prepared by clearing all debris or obstructions which may damage the geotextile. Trees and large bushes should be cut at ground level. In most cases, all native vegetation, roots and topsoil must be removed from the subgrade prior to geotextile placement. 3.2 Geotextile Placement A. The geotextile shall be unrolled as smoothly as possible on the prepared 43 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 subgrade in the direction of water flow. B. Geotextile rolls shall be overlapped in the direction of water flow. C. If required, the geotextile may be held in place prior to subbase placement with pins, sand bags, or piles of fill or rock. D. On curves, the geotextile may be folded or cut to conform to the curve E. The fold or overlap shall be in the direction of water flow and shall be held in place as prescribed above. F. The geotextile shall not be dragged across the subgrade. G. Damaged geotextiles shall be repaired immediately. H. Damaged geotextile shall be repaired at no cost to the owner. 3.3 Aggregate Placement A. The aggregate base or subbase (aggregate) shall be placed by end dumping adjacent to the geotextile or over previously placed aggregate. End dumping or tail gate dumping of aggregate on the geotextile will not be permitted. B. The aggregate shall be spread from the backdumped pile using a trackhoe. C. A sufficient thickness of aggregate should be in place prior to dumping to minimize the potential of subgrade pumping and localized subgrade failure. D. The aggregate shall be placed on the geotextile in lifts not less than 6-in. thick. For low volume roads, the minimum lift may be reduced to a 4-in. thickness at the discretion of the engineer. E. Traffic shall not be permitted directly on the geotextile. Sudden stops or turns by equipment operating on aggregate placed over the geotextile shall be avoided. A smooth drum roller shall be used to achieve specified aggregate density. F. Any ruts occurring during construction shall be filled with additional aggregate and compacted to the specified density. Vibratory compaction shall not be used on the initial lift over the geotextile. Other - Additional work as required by the Federal, State, or Local Government. All pollution control measures and works shall be adequately maintained in a functional condition as long as needed during the construction operation. All temporary measures shall be removed and the site restored to as nearly original conditions as practical. BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment for all pollution control measures will be made as follows. Such payment will be full compensation for the work as described in the above paragraphs and attached specifications. Sediment fence will be paid on a per linear foot basis and shall include all material and labor costs incurred in its proper installation, maintenance and removal under Section El: TEMP SILT FENCE. 44 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 The gravel construction entrance/exit, temporary stream crossing (Ford) and temporary sediment traps, will be paid for under Section E2: FILTER FABRIC and Section I: STONE. Payment shall include all material, equipment and labor costs incurred in the construction, maintenance and removal of these pollution control devices. The special stilling basin(s) to be paid for will be the actual number of bags used during construction as specified and accepted by the Engineer/Project Manager. The quantity of special stilling basin(s) as measured will be paid for at the contract unit price each for E3: SPECIAL STILLING BASIN. Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work covered by this provision, including but not limited to, furnishing all materials, placing and maintaining the special stilling basin(s), and removal and disposal of silt accumulations and bag. The filter fabric and stone associated with the use of the special stilling basins will be paid for under Section E2: FILTER FABRIC and Section 1: STONE. All other labor, and materials shall be considered incidental to the price of the special stilling basin and no separate payment shall be made for such. The diversion pump and system and impervious dikes will be paid as a lump sum price under Section E4: DIVERSION PUMP AND SYSTEM. This pay item covers equipment, materials, and labor associated with furnishing, installing, maintain, and moving the pump and hose used to convey base stream flow during construction and with the construction and de-construction of the imperious dikes. The cost for the stone required as a part of the pump around operations will be paid under Section I: STONE. All other labor, equipment and materials necessary to install, maintain and move the system shall be considered incidental to the price of the diversion pump and system and no separate or additional payment shall be made. The above prices and payments will be considered full compensation for all work covered by this section. F. TEMPORARY SEEDING PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCHING SCOPE The work under this section shall consist of temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and mulching measures to control erosion and minimize the production of sediment and other pollutants to water and air during construction operations. Seeding will be used on all areas susceptible to erosion during and immediately following construction, including, but not limited to excavated banks, access areas, staging areas, and areas where excess soil will be spread. Seeding will take place immediately after construction activities are completed in any disturbed areas. Temporary seeding and permanent seeding shall take place simultaneously 45 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 and shall be immediately followed by mulching. The work shall consist of preparing the area, furnishing and placing seed and mulch, and anchoring mulch in the designated areas as specified. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Temporary Seeding For temporary seeding, apply the following vegetation at the listed rates and times. A combination of the two seed types shall be used during the boundary months of March, April, August and September to ensure survival. Temporary Seeding (September to March): Rye grain 3 lbs per 1,000 sq ft or 130 1bs per acre Temporary Seeding (April to August): Browntop Millet 1 lb per 1,000 sq ft or 45 lbs per acre Permanent Seeding For permanent seeding, apply the following vegetation at a rate of 15 pounds per acre. Riparian Seed Mix (Bottom of Channel to Top of Bank) 33% Virginia wild rye Elymus virginicus 33% Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 34% Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea Riparian Seed Mix (Top of Bank and Upland) 30% Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii 30% Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 30% Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans 10% Switch Grass Panicum virgatum Mulching Mulching shall be used to provide temporary protection of soil surfaces from erosion. Mulching should be performed within 48 hours of seeding. Grain straw mulch should be applied on seeded areas at a rate of 3 bales per 1,000 sq ft (130 bales per acre). Apply mulch uniformly. METHODS It is anticipated that the soil will be sufficiently loosened after construction to allow for immediate planting of seed. A mechanical spreader shall be used to broadcast seed. Seed shall not be broadcast by hand. 46 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 BASIS FOR PAYMENT The quantity of temporary seeding will be paid for at the contract unit price per pound of seed applied to the ground surface. The price includes all incidental costs associated with obtaining and installing the seed under SECTION Fl: TEMPORARY SEEDING. The quantity of permanent seeding and mulching will be paid at the contract unit price per acre of disturbed area seeded and mulched. The price includes all incidental costs associated with obtaining and installing the seed under SECTION F2: SEEDING AND MULCHING. G. COCONUT (COIR) FIBER MATTING SCOPE Furnish materials, install and maintain Coconut (Coir) Fiber Matting in locations shown on the plans or in locations as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. Locations will primarily be on new stream banks. Other problem areas may also require the placement of coconut fiber matting. Work includes providing all materials, excavating and backfilling, and placing and securing Coconut (Coir) Fiber Matting. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The coconut (coir) fiber erosion control matting shall be a machine-produced 100% biodegradable semi-permanent erosion control matting with a 100% coconut fiber matrix with a functional longevity of approximately 4 to 6 years. The matting shall be of consistent thickness with the coconut fiber evenly distributed over the entire area of the matting. Wood Stakes are the only acceptable means of securing the matting to the ground surface. Staples are not acceptable and shall not be used. Wood Stakes shall be 12" in length and 2" square, notched. The Coconut (Coir) fiber matting shall meet the following specifications: Property Test Method BioD - Mat 70 Weight oz./s d ASTM D 3776 23.0 Weight /s .m 780 Wet tensile strength ASTM D 4595 MD Ibs/ft 1488 CD Ibs/ft 1032 MD k N/m 2 CD k N/m 15.0 5.0 % Open area Calculated 48 Thickness inch ASTM D 1777 0.35 Recommended sloe > 1.1 Recommended flow (fps) 12 - Recommended shear stress Ibs/s .ft 4.5 "C Factor 0.002 47 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 METHODS Place the coconut (coir) fiber matting immediately upon final grading. Provide a smooth soil surface free from stones, clods, or debris that will prevent the contact of the matting with the soil. Apply seed prior to installing matting. Begin at the bottom of the slope by anchoring the matting in a 6-inch (15 cm) deep by 6-inch (15 cm) wide trench. Backfill and compact the trench after stapling (staking) with 5 evenly spaced stakes. Walking backward down the stream, allow the matting to unroll slowly; ideally the matting roll will rest against your shin as you walk. Stake the matting according to recommended staking pattern for specific product and slope. (See staking pattern guide that comes with the product.) Place matting loosely and in full contact with the soil. The edges of the parallel matting must be staked with approximately 2 inches (5 cm) of overlap such that the edge of the downstream matting is under the one just upstream. When matting must be spliced down the slope, place matting end over end (shingle style) with approximately 6 inches (15 cm) overlap. Stake through overlapped areas using 5 stakes. Place stakes across the matting at ends, junctions and trenches approximately 1.3 ft (40 cm) apart. Place stakes along the outer edges, down the center of each strip of matting and along all lapped edges approximately 2 feet (61 cm) apart. The Engineer/Project Manager may require adjustments in the trenching or staking requirements to fit individual site conditions. Cut excess matting and anchor at end of slope. The contractor shall be responsible for the repair and maintenance of the coir fiber matting installed throughout the construction period. Minor and major repair work may be necessary at times during the construction period, particularly if the site experiences significant storm events. Repair and maintenance will be at the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager and this work shall be incidental to this pay item and at the expense of the contractor. BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of coconut (coir) fiber matting measured will be paid for according to the actual number of square yards installed along the surface of the ground and accepted by the Engineer/Project Manager. The quantity of coconut (coir) fiber matting, determined as provided above, will be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard installed for ITEM G: COCONUT (COIR) FIBER MATTING. Payment shall include all material, equipment and labor costs incurred in obtaining, installing, maintaining and repairing the coir fiber matting, including stakes. 48 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 H. EXCAVATION FILL GRADING AND SITE PREPARATION SCOPE The Contractor shall excavate and grade the stream channel and created wetland areas according to the design plans and as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. Typical cross sections and approximate contours are provided in the drawings. The excavated material will be placed in stockpiles at locations identified on the project plan sheets. It may be necessary to re-use excavated material from the stockpile areas to balance cut and fill operations during project construction. Following the completion of each phase of the project stockpiled material shall be hauled to locations outside of the project limits as identified on the plans. This item also includes site clearing, as necessary to perform the work. The installation of instream structures or erosion control measures will not be bid under this section. METHODS General Grading The Contractor shall ensure that final grades on all stream channel are within 0.2 foot of the design contours, elevations, and slopes unless otherwise directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. The contractor shall be instructed as to the target elevation and slope and it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain the elevation and slope during grading. The contractor shall have on site, at all times during grading operations, a laser level and a person skilled in its use to assist the track hoe operator during channel excavation. Site Preparation Clearing of the stream channel banks and some areas within the enhanced wetland, will be necessary. Any cleared trees, snag, roots, stumps, etc. shall be chipped and distributed on site or hauled off and disposed of. BASIS OF PAYMENT The total volume of material to be excavated has been estimated in cubic yards. Payment for all excavation, grading, and site preparation work as described above shall be paid for on a lump sum basis regardless of discrepancies in estimated and actual cubic yards of material excavated. Payment shall include all material, equipment and labor costs incurred in site preparation, clearing, excavating, stockpiling, filling, grading, hauling excavated material and disposing of cleared debris. Excavation, fill, and grading shall be at the contract lump sum price as ITEM HI: EXCAVATION, FILL, AND GRADING. Site preparation, which includes all labor material and equipment for the handling, hauling and disposal of cleared material, shall be at the contract lump sum price as ITEM 1-12: SITE PREPARATION. 49 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 I. STONE SCOPE The work covered by this section consists of furnishing, stockpiling, placing and maintaining approved stone to be utilized to construct cross-vane structures, weir structures, all pollution control structures, and for use in other locations as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Stone for "# 57 Stone"; "Class A Stone"; "Plain Rip-rap, Class B Stone"; "Plain Rip-rap, Class 1 Stone"; and "Stone Boulders" shall consist of blasted granite quarry stone stockpiled onsite and approved by the Engineer/Project Manager. The stone shall be sound, tough, dense, resistant to the action of air and water, and suitable in all other respects for the purpose intended. All stone shall meet the approval of the Engineer/ Project Manager. While no specific gradation is required, the various sizes of the stone shall be equally distributed within the required size range. The size of an individual stone particle will be determined by measuring its long dimension. REQUIRED STONE SIZES (INCHES) CLASS Minimum Average Maximum # 57 Stone 0.25 0.5 1.5 Class B Stone, Plain Rip Rap 5 8 12 _ Class A Stone, Plain Rip Rap 2 4 6 Class 1 Stone, Plain Rip Rap 5 10 17 Stone Boulders 36 48 60 Boulders of approximate dimension 48" x 36" x 24"" (-I cubic yards, 5 Tons max.) shall be individually picked by the Contractor from the quarry for use in the cross-vane structures. Boulders shall be relatively flat on either side in the same dimension, preferably the long dimension and must have square ends. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer/Project Manager, excavation to prepare subgrade for the installation of rock cross vanes and weir structures shall be consecutive and continuous. Once the excavation of a structure has begun, the structure will be completed by the end of the workday. All equipment shall be removed from the stream at the end of each workday Filter Fabric, Type 2, non-woven Filter Fabric, Type 2, non-woven shall be used in the construction of cross-vane structures, weir structures, and pollution control structures. Filter fabric is used for sealing structures and filtering and trapping sediment 50 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 METHODS The Contractor shall place stone, in locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager, to the thickness, widths, and lengths as shown on the plans and described in the specifications, or directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. All stone shall be placed to form pollution control structures, rock cross-vanes, or weir structures in accordance with the plans, neatly and uniformly, and shall meet the approval of the Engineer/Project Manager. The quantity of rock cross-vanes to be constructed will be affected by actual conditions that occur during the construction of the project. The quantity of structures may be increased or decreased at the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager. The actual type and construction of the structures may also be altered at the discretion of the Engineer/Project Manager to better conform to site conditions. Such variations in quantity or form will not be considered as alterations in the details of construction or a change in the character of the work. BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of all boulders and stone to be paid for will be the actual number of tons of stone that has been delivered to and stockpiled on the project as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. The stone will be measured by being weighed in trucks on certified platform scales or other certified weighing devices. Payment will include the purchasing, transportation to the project site, and installation of the stone. Stone purchased in excess of what is required for the project shall not be paid for and shall be removed from the project site at the expense of the contractor. Payment shall include all material, equipment and labor costs incurred in obtaining, hauling, handling, installing, placing, and disposing of excess stone. Stone shall be paid for at the contract unit price per ton as ITEM I: STONE. Filter fabric, used to seal the rock cross-vanes and weir structures shall be paid for on a per square yard installed basis as ITEM E2: FILTER FABRIC, TYPE 2 NON-WOVEN. Payment shall include all material, equipment and labor costs incurred in obtaining, handling, and installing filter fabric, type 2, non-woven. J. PLANTINGS SCOPE The work under this section shall consist of the supply, transport, and planting of plants for the purpose of streambank stabilization, wetland creation and enhancement of stream and wetland habitat. 51 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The Contractor shall provide plants and labor, materials and equipment for the installation of the plants. Plantings shall be installed according to the following species distribution: Inner Berm to Top of Bank Common Name Scientific Name 15% Swamp Tupelo Nyssa biflora 15% Overcup Oak Quercus lyrata 15% River Birch Betula nigra 15% Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana 14% Swamp Red Bay Persea palustris 13% Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera 13% Ironwood Carpinus caroliniana Top of Bank Common Name Scientific Name 17% Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii 17% Laurel Oak Quercus laurifolia 17% Water Oak Quercus nigra 17% Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana 17% Swamp Red Bay Persea palustris 15% Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera Downstream End of Futch Creek Common Name Scientific Name 20% Swamp Tupelo Nyssa biflora 20% Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 20% Carolina Ash Fraxinus caroliniana 20% Parsley-leaf Hawthorne Crataegus marshallii 20% Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis Created /Enhanced Wetland Areas Common Name Scientific Name 15% Soft Rush Juncus e&sus 15% Wool Grass Scirpus cyperinus 15% Green Arrow-arum Peltandra virginica 14% Broadleaf Arrowhead Sagitaria latifolia 13% Pickerelweed Pontederia cordata 13% Lizard's Tail Saururus cernuus 15% Tussock Sedge Carex stricta 52 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 METHODS The contractor shall obtain and install potted plant material. If potted plants are not available, bare root plants will be considered and the use of bare roots with be at the discretion of the Project Engineer/Manager. Plants shall carefully be planted. Care shall be given not to rip limbs or bark from the shrub and tree plants nor damage the herbaceous wetland vegetation. Plants should be planted as soon as practicable after delivery. Otherwise, plants will be carefully stockpiled and cared for (watering, shading, etc.) during storage. The solidity of the plants shall be carefully preserved. Installation of shrub and tree plants shall be located in designated areas along the top of the stream bank or in floodplain restoration areas as indicated on the project plans or as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. Herbaceous wetland vegetation with be planted in designated areas in the created wetland area, as well as in the wetland enhancement area. Soil in the area of vegetation planting shall be loosened to a depth of at least 1 foot. This is only necessary on compacted soil. The planting trench or hole shall be deep and wide enough to permit the roots to spread out and down without J-rooting. The plant stem shall remain upright. Soil shall be replaced around the planted vegetation and tamped around the shrub or tree firmly to eliminate air pockets. The contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance and replacement of damaged plantings installed throughout the construction period. Minor and major maintenance and replacement work may be necessary at times during the construction period, particularly if the site experiences significant storm events. Maintenance and replacement will be at the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager and this work shall be incidental to this pay item and at the expense of the contractor BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of plantings will be paid for at the contract unit bid price per plant installed and accepted by the Engineer/Project Manager. Unit price payments will be considered full compensation for all work covered by this Section, including, but not limited to, furnishing, stockpiling, installing, and maintaining plantings, as well as replacing damaged or dead plantings. Tree and shrub plants shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each as ITEM J 1: TREE AND SHRUB PLANTINGS. Herbaceous wetland vegetation shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each as ITEM J2: WETLAND VEGETATION PLANTINGS 53 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 K. LIVE STAKING SCOPE The work under this section shall consist of the installation of live stakes on stream banks to be protected from erosion. The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining and delivering the live stakes to the project site, and installation of the live stakes. The contractor may also purchase live stakes from a plant nursery. Staking must take place during the dormant season (November - March). EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Live stakes may be of the following species: Black Willow Salix nigra Silky Willow Salix sericea Silky Dogwood Corpus amomum Elderberry Sambucus canadensis If silky willow and black willow are used, they should make up no more than 30% of the total number of stakes planted. The remaining 70% of stakes should be silky dogwood and elderberry. METHODS Live stake materials should be dormant and gathered locally or purchased from a reputable commercial supplier. Stakes should be at least 1/2 inches and no more than 2 inches in diameter and between 2 and 3 feet in length, and living based on the presence of young buds and green bark. Stakes shall be angled on the bottom and cut flush on the top with buds oriented upwards. All side branches shall be cleanly trimmed so the cutting is one single stem. Stakes should be kept cool and moist to improve survival and to maintain dormancy. Planting shall take place between November 15 and March 15. Stakes should be installed 2 to 3 feet apart using triangular spacing or at a density of 300 stakes per 1,000 ft2 along the stream banks as indicated in the plans. Site variations may require slightly different spacing. Stakes shall be driven into the ground using a rubber hammer or by creating a hole and slipping the stake into it. The stakes should be tamped in at a right angle to the slope with 4/5 of the stake installed below the ground surface. At least two buds (lateral and/or terminal) shall remain above the ground surface. The soils shall be firmly packed around the hole after installations. Split stakes shall not be installed. Stakes that split during installations shall be replaced. BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of live stakes planted will be paid for according to the actual number 54 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 of live, viable stakes planted in a manner acceptable to the Engineer/ Project Manager. Live stakes shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each as ITEM K: LIVE STAKES and includes all labor, material and equipment necessary for the collection, delivery, and proper installation of the stakes in the stream bank. L. INTERPRETIVE SIGN INSTALLATION SCOPE The work under this section shall consist of the installation of an interpretive sign at a location to be determined in the filed by the Project Engineer/Manager. The sign will be provided to the contractor and the contractor will be responsible for the proper handling and installation of the sign. The installation of the sign will likely require the excavation of a post hole and the mixing and placement of concrete mix of a type and quantity appropriate for this type of this task. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The contractor will provide labor, equipment and materials necessary for the correct and appropriate method of installation as determined by the manufacturer of the sign and as directed by the Project Engineer/Manager. The sign will be provided, but all other tools, equipment and materials are considered incidental to the installation. METHODS The sign shall be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications. It is anticipated that installation will require the excavation of a small diameter hole of sufficient depth to adequately support the sign. Installation will likely specify the placement of concrete mix (type to be determined) around the sign post. The contractor shall follow all of the sign manufacturer's recommendations, as well as those of the concrete manufacturer as listed on the product label. BASIS OF PAYMENT The installation of the interpretive sign will be paid for at the contract lump sum price as ITEM L: INTERPRETIVE SIGN INSTALLATION and includes all labor, material and equipment necessary for the installation of the sign. 55 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 APPENDIX A: SELECTED EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES COPIED FROM THE NC SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FUTCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT 56 BUCK 8000 Regency Parkway LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 Phone: 919 463.5488 ENGINEERING Fax: 919.463.5490 ???yyy www.buckengineering.com v ? h TO: Division of Water Quality RE: Permit Application 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Futch Creek ATTENTION: DATE: Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Telephone: (919) 733-1786 September 30, 2003 JOB NO. Buck #138 We are sending via: 0 Overnight 0 Regular Mail ? Pick-up 0 Hand Delivered The following items: 0 Correspondence 0 Plans F1 Specifications XD Other as listed below: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3 8/18/03 Permit Application for Tributary to Futch Creek Stream and Wetland Enhancement Proiect. ... ! .a, 0C I 20o THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: BX For Approval e As Requested B Approved As Submitted e Returned For Corrections For Your Use For Review And Comment Approved As Noted Forward To Subcontractor REMARKS: COPY TO: D. Smith, BUCKENGINEERING SIGNED: Processing Office Use Only: Form Version May 2002 ?r USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. 1' (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) 1. II. 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ? Section 10 Permit ? Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: FILE COPY Nationwide 13 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (verify availability with NCWRP prior to submittal of PCN), complete section VIII and check here: ? 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ? Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: New Hanover County Mailing Address: New Hanover County Planning-] 0(J T .. 4 200"r 230 Marketplace Drive, Suite 150 Wilmington NC 28403 Telephone Number: 910-798-7444 Fax Number: 910-798-7053 E-mail Address: cokeefe@nhcgov.com 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Douglas Smith Company Affiliation: Buck Engineering Mailing Address: 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 Cary NC 27511 Telephone Number: 919-463-5488 Fax Number: 919-463-5490 E-mail Address: dsmith@bucken in?g.com Page I of 8 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of' the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than I 1 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. L Name of project: Tributary to Futch Creek Stream and Wetland Enhancement Work 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): Not Yet Recorded 4. Location County: New Hanover Nearest Town: Wilmington Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Sagewood at Plantation Landing Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Highway 17 North to Futch Creek Road. Right on Futch Creek Road, Development of left. 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Property size (acres): approx. 45 acres 7. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Futch Creek River Basin: Cape Fear (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Site is currently being cleared for development. Page 2 of 8 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Excavation and stabilization (with matting and vegetation) of one eroding stream bank. Installation of natural channel design structures specifically rock cross-vanes to prevent further downcutting of the streambed. Additional wetland species plantings. Vast majority of the work is completed with a track hoe and manual labor. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: channel and bank stabilization and reduction in soil loss through erosion control. Overall improvement of water quality. Enhancement of the natural wetland and stream ecosystem. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. None associated with this work. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. None associated with this work. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 3 of 8 L Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Temporary diversion of the stream flow, via pump and hose during construction. Clearing and excavation of one streambank to be stabilized and replanted. 2. Individually list wetland impacts below: Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** (es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Type of Wetland*** 1 Enhancement of hydrology and planting of vegetation 2 No ]n-line Emergent/bottomland hardwood * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local Floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.1eina.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) Indicate if wetland is isolated (determination of isolation to be made by USACE only). List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property Total area of wetland impact proposed: 2 3. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts below: 2 Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent'? (please secif ) I stabilization 1645 Tributary to Futch Creek 2 feet Perennial 2 stabilization 30 Futch Creek 3 feet Perennial * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usgs.gov. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.maPxpiest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 1,675 Page 4 of 8 4. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.) below: Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Imp` tct* Area of Impact (acres) (ifName ofapplicabblele) Wat) Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary' sound, bay, ocean, etc.) None * List each impact separately and identity temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: tut, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 5. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Imnacts are central to the nurnose of the nroiect, which is to provide a more stable channel and a more appropriate cross-sectional form. Impacts will be very temporary and only that portion which can be stabilized by the end of the work day will be disturbed. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. Page 5 of 8 USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.htmi. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Not applicable 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCWRP at (919) 733-5208 to determine availability and to request written approval of mitigation prior to submittal of a PCN. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/w1:p/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Page 6 48 IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ® No ? If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 213 .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No ® If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total * Zone I extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; "Lone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. Page 7 of'8 If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or.0260. Riparian buffer restoration enhancement and preservation are an inherent goal of this project. XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. Not applicable XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Not applicable XIIL Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). It is imperative the construction of this project coincide with the overall site development, which is currently underway. kym! L' & _1' ?' O to-k-&? Applicant/Age t s Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 8 of 8 TRIBUTARY TO FLITCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT New Hanover County, North Carolina CONSTRUCTION BID PACKAGE Prepared for: New Hanover County Prepared by: Buck Engineering PC 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27511 (919) 463-5488 September, 2003 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 TABLE OF CONTENTS FUTCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................................................................................... 3 NOTICE TO BIDDERS .................................................................................................................. 3 EXHIBIT A: CONTRACT BID FORM ......................................................................................... 5 EXHIBIT B: CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 7 EXHIBIT C: DIRECTIONS TO PROJECT SITE ........................................................................34 EXHIBIT D: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ........................................................34 EXHIBIT E: PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................37 A. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ...........................................................................................37 B. CONSTRUCTION SURVEY ..............................................................................................37 C. MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION .................................................................... 37 D. SAFETY FENCE ................................................................................................................. 39 E. POLLUTION CONTROL STRUCTURES ..........................................................................39 F. TEMPORARY SEEDING, PERMANENT SEEDING AND Mulching ............................. 45 G.COCONUT (COIR) FIBER MATTING ..............................................................................47 H.EXCAVATION, FILL, GRADING, AND SITE PREPARATION ....................................49 1. STONE ...............................................................................................................................50 J. PLANTINGS ......................................................................................................................... 51 K..LIVE STAKING ................................................................................................................. 54 L. INTERPRETIVE SIGN INSTALLATION ..........................................................................55 APPENDIX A: SELECTED EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES COPIED FROM THE NC SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MANUAL ........................................ 56 2 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 NOTICE TO BIDDERS SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work is for the construction phase of the enhancement of streams and wetlands at the Tributary to Futch Creek. The Owner is New Hanover County. The Engineer/Project Manager is Buck Engineering PC. 2. As part of the scope of work, the Contractor will excavate one bank of the existing channel of Futch Creek, install in-stream structures, reforest the banks and enhance an existing wetland area by planting and minor earthwork. Work shall be in accordance with the construction plans, specifications, and under the observation of the Engineer/Project Manager. The Contractor will install erosion control materials such as silt fence, broadcast seed, fiber matting, and bare root, container, and live stake plantings. The Contractor will build in-stream structures at locations within the new stream channel as shown on the construction plans and as indicated by the Engineer/Project Manager. All work will follow the construction plans and project specifications and will be observed by the Engineer/Project Manager. The Engineer/Project Manager will accept or reject all or portions of the work. The attention of the Contractor is directed to Sheet 2 of the construction plans which specifies the sequence of construction that is to be followed by the Contractor in providing the scope of work. 3. Time is of the essence regarding completion of the construction. Construction is scheduled to begin (to be determined), 2003, subject to final approvals by all applicable regulatory agencies, and construction activities must be completed by Contractor no later than (to be determined), 2003. Preference will be given to Contractors that demonstrate the ability to finish the project in a timely manner. NOTICE TO BIDDERS 1. Two copies of the Contractor's proposal for this scope of work should be sent to: Doug Smith Buck Engineering PC 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27511 Ph: 919-463-5488 Fax: 919-463-5490 2. Bids will be received up to 5:00 PM, on (to be determined), 2003. The Owner anticipates that a successful bid will be chosen by (to be determined), 2003. Complete plans, specifications and contract documents are enclosed with this bid package. 3. Prospective bidders must attend a pre-bid conference and Site visit at 10:00 AM on (to be determined), 2003 (map and directions are attached hereto as Exhibit Q. The pre-bid meeting is required and Contractors may not bid unless they attend. 3 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 4. Contractors are hereby notified that they must have proper licenses under the State laws governing their respective trades. 5. In undertaking the scope of work, the Contractor will strictly adhere to all permit and regulatory agency requirements applicable to the scope of work and the Contractor will be liable to the Owner for all costs incurred by the Owner resulting from the Contractor's failure to adhere to such requirements. 6. No bid may be withdrawn after the opening of bids for a period of 30 days. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 7. Proposals must include the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, with all blank spaces for bids properly filled in and all signatures properly executed. 8. The Owner's standard terms and conditions of purchase for construction services, as attached hereto as Exhibit B, will apply. 9. As a condition of final payment, the Contractor must submit a final release of liens. 10. As part of its proposal, the Contractor must submit a summary of qualifications, including a list of references for previous contracts of a similar nature. 11. As part of its proposal, the Contractor must submit a copy of its most recent financial statement and certification of its insurance coverage. 12. The Contractor will submit monthly invoices to the Owner on a percent complete basis. Percent complete assessments will be subject to the review and approval of the Engineer/Project Manager. Approved invoices will be paid by the Owner within 30 calendar days from receipt. 4 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EXHIBIT A: CONTRACT BID FORM FUTCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Page 1 of 2 Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Bid C Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS El Temp, Silt Fence 400 LF E2 Filter Fabric, Type 2 Non-Woven 750 SY E3 S ecial Stilling Basin 8 EA E4 Diversion Pump and System 1 LS FI Temp Seeding (Rye Grain) 280 LBS F2 Seeding and Mulching 2.15 ACRES G Coconut (Coir) Fiber Matting 10,500 SY H1 Excavation, Fill, Grading 1 LS H2 Site Preparation 1 LS 11 Stone Boulders (4' x 3' x 2') 440 TONS 12 Class 1 Stone, Plain Rip-rap 80 TONS 13 Class A Stone, Plain Rip-rap 45.00 TONS 14 Class B Stone, Plain Rip-rap 12 TONS 15 #57 Stone 100 TONS Jl Tree and Shrub Plantings 1450 EACH J2 Wetland Vegetation Plantings 525 EACH K Live Staking 1200 EACH L Interpretive Sign Installation 1 LS TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID (ITEMS C THRU L) : 5 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EXHIBIT A: CONTRACT BID FORM FLITCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Page 2 of 2 Number and composition of crews Subcontractors Start date Estimated completion date Measures to insure timely completion Respectively submitted this day of 2003. (Name of firm or corporation making bid) (Federal ID Number) (License Number) (Classification) (Limitation) Witness: Signature: Title: (Owner, Partner, Pres. or VP) Address: 6 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EXHIBIT B: CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FUTCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EXHIBIT D: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FUTCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT The following construction sequence shall be used during implementation of the plan. 1. The Contractor will use the existing construction access, if available. If a stabilized construction entrance is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit: 6.06.1 2. The Contractor shall prepare the staging area(s) and stockpile area(s) as shown in the plans. If necessary, erect any safety fences, silt fences, or barriers. Stockpile materials that will be needed during the initial stages of construction. 3. The Contractor shall install a temporary sediment trap at the downstream most location as identified on the plans. 4. The Contractor will use the existing stream crossing, if available. If a stream crossing is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Stream Crossing: 6.70.1 5. The Contractor shall install temporary coffer dams and pump around operations for Phase l at locations specified on the plans. [Limits of each phase are identified on the erosion control measures plan sheets.] The portion of the channel isolated shall be dewatered and the removed water shall flow through a special stilling basin according to project special provisions. 6. The Contractor shall begin excavation of the stream bank. Excavation shall begin on the upstream end and work downstream. 7. Once a section of bank has been excavated to design grades, instream structures, matting and plants shall be installed in that section per the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager and the channel made ready to accept flow. 8. The Contractor shall remove the downstream coffer dam, then the upstream coffer dam, and finally the pump around operation, thereby allowing water to flow into the completed portion of the channel. 9. Once a section of new channel is completed and water routed in, the Contractor may begin construction of the next section (Phases 2 through 7) of the channel beginning again at Step 4. 10. The wetland enhancement area will be planted according to plan in the eighth and final Phase of the project. Depending upon site conditions and the degree of existing disturbance, some minor earthwork may be proposed for the enhanced area. Specifically, existing spoil piles and/or berms may be reshaped to provide a more natural topography and flow regime through the enhanced wetland area. ll. Once a stream or wetland work Phase is complete the Contractor will apply temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and mulch to any other areas disturbed during construction. Permanent seeding mixtures shall be applied as shown on the vegetation plan. Temporary seeding shall be applied in all areas susceptible to erosion (i.e. disturbed ditch banks, steep slopes, and spoil areas) such that ground 35 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 cover is established within 30 working days following completion of any phase of grading. Permanent ground cover shall be established for all disturbed areas within 30 working days or 120 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction. 12. The Contractor will install the interpretive sign at a location identified by the Project Engineer/Manager. The sign will be provided to the contractor by the client. 13. The Contractor shall insure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site. 36 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EXHIBIT E: PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS FU'CCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT A. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS The Contractor is required to install instream structures using a track hoe with a hydraulic thumb of sufficient size and capability to manipulate boulders larger than 4 feet x 3 feet x 2 feet (up to a maximum of 5 tons). The Contractor will be required to provide, at a minimum, one track hoe with an operator at all times during construction of the stream channel. The track hoe must have a hydraulic thumb. A loader with an operator is strongly recommended, as well. In general, one operator will excavate and shape the new channel and install instream structures and bank stabilization practices. The loader shall haul excess soil to the final location shown on the plans. A labor crew shall install seeding, matting and plantings immediately following completion of a Phase by the heavy equipment. Construction is scheduled to begin (to be determined), 2003 and to be completed no later than (to be determined), 2003. B. CONSTRUCTION SURVEY The construction survey will be performed by Buck Engineering and shall include location and layout of structures, slope and bench limits and wetland features. The Contractor is not required to provide construction surveying or layout services and will not bid on this item. However, the Contractor is required to keep laser level equipment, along with a competent person skilled in its use, onsite for maintaining grades. C. MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION SCOPE The work shall consist of the mobilization and demobilization of the Contractor's forces and equipment necessary for performing the work required under the contract. This work shall not include mobilization and demobilization for specific items of work for which payment is provided elsewhere in the contract. Mobilization will not be considered as work in fulfilling the requirement for commencement of work. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Mobilization shall include all activities and costs for transportation of personnel, equipment, and operating supplies to the site; establishment of offices, and other necessary facilities for the Contractor's operations at the site; premiums paid for performance and payment bonds, including coinsurance and reinsurance agreements as applicable; and other items as specified in this specification. 37 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 Demobilization shall include all activities and costs for transportation of personnel, equipment, and supplies not included in the contract from the site; including the disassembly, removal and site clean up for this contract. This work under Section C includes mobilization and demobilization required by the contract at the time of the award. If additional mobilization and demobilization activities and costs are required during the performance of the contract as a result of the changed, deleted, or added items of work for which the Contractor is entitled to an adjustment in contract price, compensation for such costs will be included in the price adjustment for the item or items of work changed or added. METHODS Items of work to be performed in conformance with these specification and construction details, therefore, are: 1) This item shall consist of all work necessary to mobilize and demobilize construction equipment as described above. 2) The Contractor is required to properly identify and secure the construction accesses, staging areas, and material handling areas. Prior to construction activities, the Contractor shall identify and mark boundaries of the staging area as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. Acceptable materials for identifying the construction areas include highly visible tape and safety fencing. 3) Stockpile all construction materials, including boulders, riprap, stone, erosion control materials, etc. in the staging area. Any soil materials that are stockpiled shall have a silt fence properly installed to ensure materials are contained. Silt fence installation specifications are provided in Section E: POLLUTION CONTROL and will not be bid under this section. 4) The Contractor shall provide watertight tanks or barrels sealed with plastic sheets to be used to dispose of chemical pollutants, such as drained lubricating or transmission oils, greases, soaps, concrete mixer wash water, asphalt, etc., produced as a by-product of the construction work. At the completion of construction, facilities shall be disposed of without causing pollution. 5) Chemical toilets shall be placed at least 100 feet from streams, in the staging area, and away from heavy equipment. At the completion of construction work, facilities shall be disposed of without causing pollution. 6) The Contractor will identify all underground and aboveground utilities and is responsible for ensuring that these utilities are not damaged during construction. The Contractor will promptly notify the project Engineer Project Manager if there are conflicts between the utilities and the design. 38 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 BASIS OF PAYMENT Mobilization and demobilization activities as described above shall be paid for on a lump sum basis. Half the lump sum will be payable following mobilization and the remaining half of the lump sum will be payable following demobilization. D. SAFETY FENCE It is anticipated that no safety fencing will be needed for the proposed work. E. POLLUTION CONTROL STRUCTURES SCOPE The work under this Section E shall consist of installing structural measures or performing work to control erosion and minimize the production of sediment and other pollutants to surrounding water resources during construction operations. Pollution control for any disposal area outside of the project limits is the responsibility of the Contractor and at no cost to the Owner. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The Contractor shall refer to the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (copies of selected practices in Appendix A) and the following specifications: Sediment Fence (Temporary Silt Fence); Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit; Temporary Stream Crossing (Ford); Temporary Sediment Traps; and Special Stilling Basins. Estimated quantities of material requirements are given on the plan sheets. METHODS The measures and works shall include, but are not limited to, the following: Sediment Fence (Temporary Silt Fence) - Geotextile silt fences shall be used to trap sediment from areas of limited runoff. Silt fence shall be properly anchored to prevent erosion under them. These works are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to its original state when they are no longer needed or permanent measures are installed. Locations for silt fence are shown on the plans. Refer to silt fence specifications (6.62) in the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control manual (copy provided in Appendix A). Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit - A construction entrance is necessary for the project to allow access to the site. An entrance may be built as part of the development construction. This entrance may remain in place and the contractor will be permitted to use the existing entrance. The contractor will share 39 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 maintenance responsibilities with the site developer. If the entrance is not available then an entrance will need to be constructed. The location of the gravel construction entrance/exit is shown on the plans. The construction entrance shall be constructed according to specifications 6.06 of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (copy provided in Appendix A). Temporary Stream Crossing (Ford) - A temporary stream crossing (Ford) is necessary for the project to allow crossing of the existing stream channel. A crossing may be built as part of the development construction. This crossing may remain in place and the contractor will be permitted to use the existing crossing. The contractor will share maintenance responsibilities with the site developer. If the crossing is not available then a crossing will need to be constructed. The location of the temporary stream crossing is shown on the plans. The ford crossing shall be constructed according to specifications 6.70 of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (copy provided in Appendix A). Temporary Sediment Traps - Temporary sediment traps will be installed at the end of the each section (phase) of stream channel as work within the section (phase) is being constructed. These works are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to a stable condition when they are no longer needed or permanent measures are installed. The locations of the temporary sediment traps are shown on the plans. The temporary sediment traps shall be constructed according to specifications 6.60 of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (copy provided in Appendix A). Special Stilling Basins - Special stilling basin(s) shall be a water permeable fabric bag that traps sand, silt, and fines as sediment laden water is pumped into it. Special stilling basins will be installed at the discharge end of the flexible pipe used in the set up of the temporary pump around operation. The temporary pump around operation is used to divert stream flow around each section (phase) of stream channel as work within the section (phase) is being constructed. Special stilling basins are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to a stable condition when they are no longer needed. The locations of the special stilling basins are shown on the plans. The temporary pump around operation is detailed in the project plan sheets. The special stilling basin(s) shall be placed so the pumped water flows into and through the bag without causing erosion. The neck or spout of the bag shall be tied off tightly to stop the water from flowing out of the bag without going through the walls. The special stilling basin(s) shall be replaced and disposed of when it is 3/4 full of sediment or when it is impractical for the bag to filter the sediment out at a reasonable flow rate. Prior approval from the Engineer/Project Manager must be received before removal and replacement. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing a sufficient quantity of bags to contain silt from pumped effluent during construction. 40 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 The special stilling basin(s) shall be a bag constructed to a minimum size of 10'x 15' made from a non-woven fabric. It shall have a sewn-in 8 in. (maximum) spout for receiving pump discharge. The bag seams shall be sewn with a double needle machine using a high strength thread. The seams shall have minimum wide width strength as follows: Test Method ASTM D-4884 Minimum Specifications 60 lb/in The fabric used to construct the bag shall be stabilized to provide resistance to ultra-violet degradation and meet the following specifications for flow rates, strength, and permeability: Property Test Method Units Min. Specs. Weight ASTM D-3776 oz/yd 8.0 Grab tensile ASTM D-4632 lb 200.0 Puncture ASTM D-4833 lb 130.0 Flow rate ASTM D-4491 gal/min/sf 80.0 Permittivity ASTM D-4991 ft/sec 1.5 UV Resistance ASTM D-4355 % 70.0 Diversion Pump and System - A pump shall be used to convey the base stream flow around the work area during channel excavation, installation of structures, and stabilization. The pump used must be able to convey approx.1._5 cubic feet per second (approximately 600 gallons per minute). This conveyance discharge is an estimate only; the contractor is responsible for determining and obtaining the actual pump size necessary. The pump includes temporary flexible hose or pipe in sufficient length to pump the water from the upstream side of the reach to the downstream end of the reach as shown on the plans. A second pump will be required to dewater the section of channel isolated by the impervious dikes, as shown on the plan sheets. Impervious Dikes An impervious dike is a temporary channel block that prevents water from entering the section of channel under construction. Impervious dikes are used in concert with the diversion pump and system for the purpose of diverting normal stream flow around the construction site. The impervious dike shall be constructed in such a manner, and of materials, acceptable to the Engineer/Project Manager. Acceptable materials shall include, but not be limited to, sheet piles, sandbags, and/or the placement of an acceptable size stone lined with polypropylene or other impervious fabric. Earth material shall not be used to construct an impervious dike when it is in direct contact with the stream. Filter Fabric, Type 2 Non-woven - is a polypropylene nonwoven, needlepunched fabric. This engineered geotextile is stabilized to resist 41 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 degradation due to ultraviolet exposure. It is resistant to commonly encountered soil chemicals, mildew and insects, and is non-biodegradable. Separation /Stabilization Geotextiles Guide Specification Aashto M 288-2000 Class I Nonwoven Geotextile Part 1 General 1.1 Work Included This work shall consist of one of the following: furnishing and placing a geotextile for use as a permeable separator to prevent inter-mixing of dissimilar materials such as: subgrades and aggregate layer in a road, stone layers in erosion control structures and stone layers in in-stream structures. The geotextile shall be designed to allow passage of water while retaining in-situ soil and stone material. 1.2 References ASTM D4491 ASTM D4751 ASTM D4632 ASTM D4833 ASTM D4533 ASTM D3786 - Permitivity - Apparent Opening Size - Grab Tensile Strength - Puncture Resistance - Trapezoidel Tear - Mullen Burst ASTM D4353 - Sampling of Geotextiles for Testing ASTM D4355 - Ultraviolet Stability ASTM D4873 - Guide for Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetics ASTM D698 - Standard Test Method for Moisture-Density Relations of Soil and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures (Standard Proctor) 1.3 Delivery, Storage, and Handling A. The geotextile rolls shall be furnished with suitable wrapping for protection against moisture and extended ultraviolet exposure prior to placement. B. Rolls shall be stored in a manner which protects them from the elements. C. If stored outdoors, they shall be elevated and protected with a waterproof cover. D. At no time shall the geotextile be exposed to ultraviolet light for a period exceeding fourteen days. E. The geotextile rolls shall be labeled as per ASTM D 4873, "Guide for Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetics". 1.4 Method of Measurement The geotextile shall be measured by the number of square yards computed from the payment lines shown on the contract drawings or from payment lines established in writing by the engineer. This excludes seams and overlaps but shall include geotextiles used in the crest and toe of slopes. Slope preparation, excavation and backfilling, bedding, and cover material are separate pay items. 42 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 1.5 Basis of Payment A. The accepted quantities of geotextile shall be paid for per square yard in place. Payment will be made under: Item E2: Filter Fabric, Type 2 Part 2 Products 2.1 Manufacturer and Local Supplier Amoco Fabrics and Fibers Company, Austell, GA 30168 Ikex Inc., Middlesex, NC 27557 (252) 235-4300 2.2 Products A. Fibers used in the manufacture of separation and stabilization geotextiles shall consist of a material composed of at least 85 percent by weight polyolefins, polyesters, or polyamides. B. The geotextile and the threads used in sewing geotextiles shall be resistant to chemical attack, rot, and mildew. C. The geotextile shall have no tears or defects which adversely alter its physical properties. D. The geotextile shall be Amoco Style 4552 or approved equal, and shall meet the physical requirements of Table 1-1. Amoco Style 4552 is a nonwoven geotextile which meets AASHTO M 288-2000 requirements for Class 1 geotextile used in separation and stabilization applications. TABLE 2-1: Filter Fabric, Type 2 Property Test Method Minimum Average Roll Value (English) Minimum Average Roll Value (Metric) Grab Tensile ASTM-D-4632 180 lb 0.800 kN Grab Elongation ASTM-D-4632 50% 50% Mullen Burst ASTM-D-3786 330 psi 2274 kPa Puncture ASTM-D-4833 105 lb 0.465 kN Trapezoidal Tear ASTM-D-4533 75 lb 0.330 kN UV Resistance ASTM-D-4355 70 % at 500 hrs 70 % at 500 hrs AOS(1) ASTM-D-4751 70 sieve 0.212 mm Permittivity ASTM-D-4491 1.5 sec-1 1.5 sec-1 Flow Rate ASTM-D-4491 110 gal/min/ft2 4470 L/min/m2 Part 3 Execution 3.1 Site Preparation The installation area shall be prepared by clearing all debris or obstructions which may damage the geotextile. Trees and large bushes should be cut at ground level. In most cases, all native vegetation, roots and topsoil must be removed from the subgrade prior to geotextile placement. 3.2 Geotextile Placement A. The geotextile shall be unrolled as smoothly as possible on the prepared 43 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 subgrade in the direction of water flow. B. Geotextile rolls shall be overlapped in the direction of water flow. C. If required, the geotextile may be held in place prior- to subbase placement with pins, sand bags, or piles of fill or rock. D. On curves, the geotextile may be folded or cut to conform to the curve E. The fold or overlap shall be in the direction of water flow and shall be held in place as prescribed above. F. The geotextile shall not be dragged across the subgrade. G. Damaged geotextiles shall be repaired immediately. H. Damaged geotextile shall be repaired at no cost to the owner. 3.3 Aggregate Placement A. The aggregate base or subbase (aggregate) shall be placed by end dumping adjacent to the geotextile or over previously placed aggregate. End dumping or tail gate dumping of aggregate on the geotextile will not be permitted. B. The aggregate shall be spread from the backdumped pile using a trackhoe. C. A sufficient thickness of aggregate should be in place prior to dumping to minimize the potential of subgrade pumping and localized subgrade failure. D. The aggregate shall be placed on the geotextile in lifts not less than 6-in. thick. For low volume roads, the minimum lift may be reduced to a 4-in. thickness at the discretion of the engineer. E. Traffic shall not be permitted directly on the geotextile. Sudden stops or turns by equipment operating on aggregate placed over the geotextile shall be avoided. A smooth drum roller- shall be used to achieve specified aggregate density. F. Any ruts occurring during construction shall be filled with additional aggregate and compacted to the specified density. Vibratory compaction shall not be used on the initial lift over the geotextile. Other - Additional work as required by the Federal, State, or Local Government. All pollution control measures and works shall be adequately maintained in a functional condition as long as needed during the construction operation. All temporary measures shall be removed and the site restored to as nearly original conditions as practical. BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment for all pollution control measures will be made as follows. Such payment will be full compensation for the work as described in the above paragraphs and attached specifications. Sediment fence will be paid on a per linear foot basis and shall include all material and labor costs incurred in its proper installation, maintenance and removal under Section E I: TEMP SILT FENCE. 44 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 The gravel construction entrance/exit, temporary stream crossing (Ford) and temporary sediment traps, will be paid for under Section E2: FILTER FABRIC and Section I: STONE. Payment shall include all material, equipment and labor costs incurred in the construction, maintenance and removal of these pollution control devices. The special stilling basin(s) to be paid for will be the actual number of bags used during construction as specified and accepted by the Engineer/Project Manager. The quantity of special stilling basin(s) as measured will be paid for at the contract unit price each for E3: SPECIAL STILLING BASIN. Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work covered by this provision, including but not limited to, furnishing all materials, placing and maintaining the special stilling basin(s), and removal and disposal of silt accumulations and bag. The filter fabric and stone associated with the use of the special stilling basins will be paid for under Section E2: FILTER FABRIC and Section I: STONE. All other labor, and materials shall be considered incidental to the price of the special stilling basin and no separate payment shall be made for such. The diversion pump and system and impervious dikes will be paid as a lump sum price under Section E4: DIVERSION PUMP AND SYSTEM. This pay item covers equipment, materials, and labor associated with furnishing, installing, maintain, and moving the pump and hose used to convey base stream flow during construction and with the construction and de-construction of the imperious dikes. The cost for the stone required as a part of the pump around operations will be paid under Section I: STONE. All other labor, equipment and materials necessary to install, maintain and move the system shall be considered incidental to the price of the diversion pump and system and no separate or additional payment shall be made. The above prices and payments will be considered full compensation for all work covered by this section. F. TEMPORARY SEEDING, PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCHING SCOPE The work under this section shall consist of temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and mulching measures to control erosion and minimize the production of sediment and other pollutants to water and air during construction operations. Seeding will be used on all areas susceptible to erosion during and immediately following construction, including, but not limited to excavated banks, access areas, staging areas, and areas where excess soil will be spread. Seeding will take place immediately after construction activities are completed in any disturbed areas. Temporary seeding and permanent seeding shall take place simultaneously 45 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 and shall be immediately followed by mulching. The work shall consist of preparing the area, furnishing and placing seed and mulch, and anchoring mulch in the designated areas as specified. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Temporary Seeding For temporary seeding, apply the following vegetation at the listed rates and times. A combination of the two seed types shall be used during the boundary months of March, April, August and September to ensure survival. Temporary Seeding (September to March): Rye grain 3 Ibs per 1,000 sq ft or 130 Ibs per acre Temporary Seeding (April to August): Browntop Millet I lb per 1,000 sq ft or 45 lbs per acre Permanent Seeding For permanent seeding, apply the following vegetation at a rate of 15 pounds per acre. Riparian Seed Mix (Bottom of Channel to Top of Bank) 33% Virginia wild rye Elym.us virginicus 33% Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 34% Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea Riparian Seed Mix (Top of Bank and Upland) 30% Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii 30% Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 30% Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans 10% Switch Grass Panicum virgatum Mulching Mulching shall be used to provide temporary protection of soil surfaces from erosion. Mulching should be performed within 48 hours of seeding. Grain straw mulch should be applied on seeded areas at a rate of 3 bales per 1,000 sq ft (130 bales per acre). Apply mulch uniformly. METHODS It is anticipated that the soil will be sufficiently loosened after construction to allow for immediate planting of seed. A mechanical spreader shall be used to broadcast seed. Seed shall not be broadcast by hand. 46 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 BASIS FOR PAYMENT The quantity of temporary seeding will be paid for at the contract unit price per pound of seed applied to the ground surface. The price includes all incidental costs associated with obtaining and installing the seed under SECTION F I: TEMPORARY SEEDING. The quantity of permanent seeding and mulching will be paid at the contract unit price per acre of disturbed area seeded and mulched. The price includes all incidental costs associated with obtaining and installing the seed under SECTION F2: SEEDING AND MULCHING. G. COCONUT (COIR) FIBER MATTING SCOPE Furnish materials, install and maintain Coconut (Coir) Fiber Matting in locations shown on the plans or in locations as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. Locations will primarily be on new stream banks. Other problem areas may also require the placement of coconut fiber matting. Work includes providing all materials, excavating and backfilling, and placing and securing Coconut (Coir) Fiber Matting. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The coconut (coir) fiber erosion control matting shall be a machine-produced 100% biodegradable semi-permanent erosion control matting with a 100%r, coconut fiber matrix with it functional longevity of approximately 4 to 6 years. The matting shall be of consistent thickness with the coconut fiber evenly distributed over the entire area of the matting. Wood Stakes are the only acceptable means of securing the matting to the ground surface. Staples are not acceptable and shall not be used. Wood Stakes shall be 12" in length and 2" square, notched. The Coconut (Coir) fiber- matting shall meet the following specifications: Property Test Method BioD - Mat 70 Weight oz./s d ASTM D 3776 23.0 Weight s .m 780 Wet tensile strength ASTM D 4595 MD Ibs/ft 1488 CD Ibs/ft 1032 MD k N/m 21.7 CD k N/m 15.0 % Open area Calculated 48 Thickness inch ASTM D 1777 0.35 Recommended sloe > 1:1 Recommended flow (fps) 12 Recommended shear stress Ibs/s .ft 4.5 "C Factor 0.002 47 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 METHODS Place the coconut (coin) fiber matting immediately upon final grading. Provide a smooth soil surface free from stones, clods, or debris that will prevent the contact of the matting with the soil. Apply seed prior to installing matting. Begin at the bottom of the slope by anchoring the matting in a 6-inch (15 cm) deep by 6-inch (15 cm) wide trench. Backfill and compact the trench after stapling (staking) with 5 evenly spaced stakes. Walking backward down the stream, allow the matting to unroll slowly; ideally the matting roll will rest against your shin as you walk. Stake the matting according to recommended staking pattern for specific product and slope. (See staking pattern guide that comes with the product.) Place matting loosely and in full contact with the soil. The edges of the parallel matting must be staked with approximately 2 inches (5 cm) of overlap such that the edge of the downstream matting is under the one just upstream. When matting must be spliced down the slope, place matting end over end (shingle style) with approximately 6 inches (15 cm) overlap. Stake through overlapped areas using 5 stakes. Place stakes across the matting at ends, junctions and trenches approximately 1.3 ft (40 cm) apart. Place stakes along the outer edges, down the center of each strip of matting and along all lapped edges approximately 2 feet (61 cm) apart. The Engineer/Project Manager may require adjustments in the trenching or staking requirements to fit individual site conditions. Cut excess matting and anchor at end of slope. The contractor shall be responsible for the repair and maintenance of the coir fiber matting installed throughout the construction period. Minor and major repair work may be necessary at times during the construction period, particularly if the site experiences significant storm events. Repair and maintenance will be at the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager and this work shall be incidental to this pay item and at the expense of the contractor. BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of coconut (coir) fiber matting measured will be paid for according to the actual number of square yards installed along the surface of the ground and accepted by the Engineer/Project Manager. The quantity of coconut (coir) fiber matting, determined as provided above, will be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard installed for ITEM G: COCONUT (COIR) FIBER MATTING. Payment shall include all material, equipment and labor costs incurred in obtaining, installing, maintaining and repairing the coir fiber matting, including stakes. 48 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 H. EXCAVATION, FILL, GRADING, AND SITE PREPARA'T'ION SCOPE The Contractor shall excavate and grade the stream channel and created wetland areas according to the design plans and as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. Typical cross sections and approximate contours are provided in the drawings. The excavated material will be placed in stockpiles at locations identified on the project plan sheets. It may be necessary to re-use excavated material from the stockpile areas to balance cut and fill operations during project construction. Following the completion of each phase of the project stockpiled material shall be hauled to locations outside of the project limits as identified on the plans. This item also includes site clearing, as necessary to perform the work. The installation of instream structures or erosion control measures will not be bid under this section. METHODS General Grading The Contractor shall ensure that final grades on all stream channel are within 0.2 foot of the design contours, elevations, and slopes unless otherwise directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. The contractor shall be instructed as to the target elevation and slope and it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain the elevation and slope during grading. The contractor shall have on site, at all times during grading operations, a laser level and a person skilled in its use to assist the track hoe operator during channel excavation. Site Preparation Clearing of the stream channel banks and some areas within the enhanced wetland, will be necessary. Any cleared trees, snag, roots, stumps, etc. shall be chipped and distributed on site or hauled off and disposed of. BASIS OF PAYMENT The total volume of material to be excavated has been estimated in cubic yards. Payment for all excavation, grading, and site preparation work as described above shall be paid for on a lump sum basis regardless of discrepancies in estimated and actual cubic yards of material excavated. Payment shall include all material, equipment and labor costs incurred in site preparation, clearing, excavating, stockpiling, filling, grading, hauling excavated material and disposing of cleared debris. Excavation, fill, and grading shall be at the contract lump sum price as ITEM HI: EXCAVATION, FILL, AND GRADING. Site preparation, which includes all labor material and equipment for the handling, hauling and disposal of cleared material, shall be at the contract lump sum price as ITEM H2: SITE PREPARATION. 49 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 1. STONE SCOPE The work covered by this section consists of furnishing, stockpiling, placing and maintaining approved stone to be utilized to construct cross-vane structures, weir structures, all pollution control structures, and for use in other locations as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Stone for "# 57 Stone"; "Class A Stone"; "Plain Rip-rap, Class B Stone"; "Plain Rip-rap, Class I Stone"; and "Stone Boulders" shall consist of blasted granite quarry stone stockpiled onsite and approved by the Engineer/Project Manager. The stone shall be sound, tough, dense, resistant to the action of air and water, and suitable in all other respects for the purpose intended. All stone shall meet the approval of the Engineer/ Project Manager. While no specific gradation is required, the various sizes of the stone shall be equally distributed within the required size range. The size of an individual stone particle will be determined by measuring its long dimension. REQUIRED STONE SIZES (INCHES) CLASS Minimum Average Maximum # 57 Stone 0.25 0.5 1.5 Class B Stone, Plain Rip Rap 5 8 12 Class A Stone, Plain Rip Rap 2 4 6 Class 1 Stone, Plain Rip Rap 5 10 17 Stone Boulders 36 48 60 Boulders of approximate dimension 48" x 36" x 24"" (-I cubic yards, 5 Tons max.) shall be individually picked by the Contractor from the quarry for use in the cross-vane structures. Boulders shall be relatively flat on either side in the same dimension, preferably the long dimension and must have square ends. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer/Project Manager, excavation to prepare subgrade for the installation of rock cross vanes and weir structures shall be consecutive and continuous. Once the excavation of a structure has begun, the structure will be completed by the end of the workday. All equipment shall be removed from the stream at the end of each workday Filter Fabric, Type 2, non-woven Filter Fabric, Type 2, non-woven shall be used in the construction of cross-vane structures, weir structures, and pollution control structures. Filter fabric is used for sealing structures and filtering and trapping sediment 50 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 METHODS The Contractor shall place stone, in locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager, to the thickness, widths, and lengths as shown on the plans and described in the specifications, or directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. All stone shall be placed to form pollution control structures, rock cross-vanes, or weir structures in accordance with the plans, neatly and uniformly, and shall meet the approval of the Engineer/Project Manager. The quantity of rock cross-vanes to be constructed will be affected by actual conditions that occur during the construction of the project. The quantity of structures may be increased or decreased at the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager. The actual type and construction of the structures may also be altered at the discretion of the Engineer/Project Manager to better conform to site conditions. Such variations in quantity or form will not be considered as alterations in the details of construction or a change in the character of the work. BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of all boulders and stone to be paid for will be the actual number of tons of stone that has been delivered to and stockpiled on the project as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. The stone will be measured by being weighed in trucks on certified platform scales or other certified weighing devices. Payment will include the purchasing, transportation to the project site, and installation of the stone. Stone purchased in excess of what is required for the project shall not be paid for and shall be removed from the project site at the expense of the contractor. Payment shall include all material, equipment and labor costs incurred in obtaining, hauling, handling, installing, placing, and disposing of excess stone. Stone shall be paid for at the contract unit price per ton as ITEM I: STONE. Filter fabric, used to seal the rock cross-vanes and weir structures shall be paid for on a per square yard installed basis as ITEM E2: FILTER FABRIC, TYPE 2 NON-WOVEN. Payment shall include all material, equipment and labor costs incurred in obtaining, handling, and installing filter fabric, type 2, non-woven. J. PLANTINGS SCOPE The work under this section shall consist of the supply, transport, and planting of plants for the purpose of streambank stabilization, wetland creation and enhancement of stream and wetland habitat. 51 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The Contractor shall provide plants and labor, materials and equipment for the installation of the plants. Plantings shall be installed according to the following species distribution: Inner Berm to Tou of Bank Common Name Scientific Name 15% Swamp Tupelo Nyssa biflora 15% Overcup Oak Quercus lyrata 15% River Birch Betula nigra 15% Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana 14% Swamp Red Bay Persea palustris 13% Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera 13% Ironwood Carpinus caroliniana Top of Bank Common Name Scientific Name 17% Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii 17% Laurel Oak Quercus laurifolia 17% Water Oak Quercus nigra 17% Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana 17% Swamp Red Bay Persea palustris 15% Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera Downstream End of Futch Creek Common Name Scientific Name 20% Swamp Tupelo Nyssa biflora 20% Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 20% Carolina Ash Fraxinus caroliniana 20% Parsley-leaf Hawthorne Crataegus marshallii 20% Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis Created /Enhanced Wetland Areas Common Name Scientific Name 15% Soft Rush Juncus of fusus 15% Wool Grass Scirpus cyperinus 15%o Green Arrow-arum Peltandra virginica 14% Broadleaf Arrowhead Sagitaria latifolia 13% Pickerelweed Pontederia cordata 13% Lizard's Tail Saururus cernuus 15%o Tussock Sedge Carex stricta 52 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 METHODS The contractor shall obtain and install potted plant material. If potted plants are not available, bare root plants will be considered and the use of bare roots with be at the discretion of the Project Engineer/Manager. Plants shall carefully be planted. Care shall be given not to rip limbs or hark from the shrub and tree plants nor damage the herbaceous wetland vegetation. Plants should be planted as soon as practicable after delivery. Otherwise, plants will be carefully stockpiled and cared for (watering, shading, etc.) during storage. The solidity of the plants shall be carefully preserved. Installation of shrub and tree plants shall be located in designated areas along the top of the stream bank or in floodplain restoration areas as indicated on the project plans or as directed by the Engineer/Project Manager. Herbaceous wetland vegetation with be planted in designated areas in the created wetland area, as well as in the wetland enhancement area. Soil in the area of vegetation planting shall be loosened to a depth of at least I foot. This is only necessary on compacted soil. The planting trench or hole shall be deep and wide enough to permit the roots to spread out and down without J-rooting. The plant stem shall remain upright. Soil shall be replaced around the planted vegetation and tamped around the shrub or tree firmly to eliminate air pockets. The contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance and replacement of damaged plantings installed throughout the construction period. Minor and major maintenance and replacement work may be necessary at times during the construction period, particularly if the site experiences significant storm events. Maintenance and replacement will be at the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager and this work shall be incidental to this pay item and at the expense of the contractor BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of plantings will be paid for at the contract unit bid price per plant installed and accepted by the Engineer/Project Manager. Unit price payments will be considered full compensation for all work covered by this Section, including, but not limited to, furnishing, stockpiling, installing, and maintaining plantings, as well as replacing damaged or dead plantings. Tree and shrub plants shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each as ITEM J 1: TREE AND SHRUB PLANTINGS. Herbaceous wetland vegetation shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each as ITEM J2: WETLAND VEGETATION PLANTINGS 53 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 K. LIVE STAKING SCOPE The work under this section shall consist of the installation of live stakes on stream banks to be protected from erosion. The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining and delivering the live stakes to the project site, and installation of the live stakes. The contractor may also purchase live stakes from a plant nursery. Staking must take place during the dormant season (November - March). EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Live stakes may be of the following species: Black Willow Salix nigra Silky Willow Salix sericea Silky Dogwood Cornus antomum Elderberry Sambucus canadensis if silky willow and black willow are used, they should make up no more than 30% of the total number of stakes planted. The remaining 70% of stakes should be silky dogwood and elderberry. METHODS Live stake materials should be dormant and gathered locally or purchased from a reputable commercial supplier. Stakes should be at least 1/2 inches and no more than 2 inches in diameter and between 2 and 3 feet in length, and living based on the presence of young buds and green bark. Stakes shall be angled on the bottom and cut flush on the top with buds oriented upwards. All side branches shall be cleanly trimmed so the cutting is one single stem. Stakes should be kept cool and moist to improve survival and to maintain dormancy. Planting shall take place between November 15 and March 15. Stakes should be installed 2 to 3 feet apart using triangular spacing or at a density of 300 stakes per 1,000 ft2 along the stream banks as indicated in the plans. Site variations may require slightly different spacing. Stakes shall be driven into the ground using a rubber hammer or by creating a hole and slipping the stake into it. The stakes should be tamped in at a right angle to the slope with 4/5 of the stake installed below the ground surface. At least two buds (lateral and/or terminal) shall remain above the ground surface. The soils shall be firmly packed around the hole after installations. Split stakes shall not be installed. Stakes that split during installations shall be replaced. BASIS OF PAYMENT The quantity of live stakes planted will be paid for according to the actual number 54 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 of live, viable stakes planted in a manner acceptable to the Engineer/ Project Manager. Live stakes shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each as ITEM K: LIVE STAKES and includes all labor, material and equipment necessary for the collection, delivery, and proper installation of the stakes in the stream bank. L. INTERPRETIVE SIGN INSTALLATION SCOPE The work under this section shall consist of the installation of an interpretive sign at a location to be determined in the filed by the Project Engineer/Manager. The sign will be provided to the contractor and the contractor will be responsible for the proper handling and installation of the sign. The installation of the sign will likely require the excavation of a post hole and the mixing and placement of concrete mix of a type and quantity appropriate for this type of this task. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The contractor will provide labor, equipment and materials necessary for the correct and appropriate method of installation as determined by the manufacturer of the sign and as directed by the Project Engineer/Manager. The sign will be provided, but all other tools, equipment and materials are considered incidental to the installation. METHODS The sign shall be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications. It is anticipated that installation will require the excavation of a small diameter hole of sufficient depth to adequately support the sign. Installation will likely specify the placement of concrete mix (type to be determined) around the sign post. The contractor shall follow all of the sign manufacturer's recommendations, as well as those of the concrete manufacturer as listed on the product label. BASIS OF PAYMENT The installation of the interpretive sign will be paid for at the contract lump sum price as ITEM L: INTERPRETIVE SIGN INSTALLATION and includes all labor, material and equipment necessary for the installation of the sign. 55 New Hanover County Contract #03-0300 APPENDIX A: SELECTED EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES COPIED FROM THE NC SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FLITCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT 56 EXHIBIT D: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FUTCH CREEK STREAM AND WETLAND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT The following construction sequence shall be used during implementation of the plan. 1. The Contractor will use the existing construction access, if available. If a stabilized construction entrance is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit: 6.06.1 2. The Contractor shall prepare the staging area(s) and stockpile area(s) as shown in the plans. If necessary, erect any safety fences, silt fences, or barriers. Stockpile materials that will be needed during the initial stages of construction. 3. The Contractor shall install a temporary sediment trap at the downstream most location as identified on the plans. 4. The Contractor will use the existing stream crossing, if available. If a stream crossing is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Stream Crossing: 6.70.1 5. The Contractor shall install temporary coffer dams and pump around operations for Phase 1 at locations specified on the plans. [Limits of each phase are identified on the erosion control measures plan sheets.] The portion of the channel isolated shall be dewatered and the removed water shall flow through a special stilling basin according to project special provisions. 6. The Contractor shall begin excavation of the stream bank. Excavation shall begin on the upstream end and work downstream. 7. Once a section of bank has been excavated to design grades, instream structures, matting and plants shall be installed in that section per the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager and the channel made ready to accept flow. 8. The Contractor shall remove the downstream coffer dam, then the upstream coffer dam, and finally the pump around operation, thereby allowing water to flow into the completed portion of the channel. 9. Once a section of new channel is completed and water routed in, the Contractor may begin construction of the next section (Phases 2 through 7) of the channel beginning again at Step 4. 10. The wetland enhancement area will be planted according to plan in the eighth and final Phase of the project. Depending upon site conditions and the degree of existing disturbance, some minor earthwork may be proposed for the enhanced area. Specifically, existing spoil piles and/or berms may be reshaped to provide a more natural topography and flow regime through the enhanced wetland area. 11. Once a stream or wetland work Phase is complete the Contractor will apply temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and mulch to any other areas disturbed during construction. Permanent seeding mixtures shall be applied as shown on the vegetation plan. Temporary seeding shall be applied in all areas susceptible to erosion (i.e. disturbed ditch banks, steep slopes, and spoil areas) such that ground cover is established within 30 working days following completion of any phase of grading. Permanent ground cover shall be established for all disturbed areas within 30 working days or 120 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction. 12. The Contractor will install the interpretive sign at a location identified by the Project Engineer/Manager. The sign will be provided to the contractor by the client. 13. The Contractor shall insure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Bid C Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS E1 Temp Silt Fence 400 LF E2 Filter Fabric, Type 2 Non- Woven 750 SY E3 Special Stilling Basin 8 EA E4 Diversion Pump and System 1 LS F1 Temp Seeding (Rye Grain) 280 LBS F2 Seeding and Mulching 2.15 ACRES G Coconut (Coir) Fiber Matting 10,500 SY H1 Excavation, Fill, Grading 2300 LS H2 Site Preparation 1 LS 11 Stone Boulders (4' x 3' x 2') 440 TONS 12 Class I Stone, Plain Rip-rap 80 TONS 13 Class A Stone, Plain Rip-rap 45.00 TONS 14 Class B Stone, Plain Rip-rap 12 TONS 15 #57 Stone 100 TONS it Tree and Shrub Plantings 1450 EACH J2 Wetland Vegetation Plantings 525 EACH K Live Staking 1200 EACH L Interpretive Sign Installation 1 LS EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE Tributary to Futch Creek Stream and Wetland Enhancement Project New Hanover County, North Carolina Prepared by: BUCK 6000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 Phone: 919.463.5406 - Fax: 91 9.463.5490 www. huckenglneering. com JUly 2003 Tributary to Futch Creek Erosion Control Narrative Introduction This narrative is submitted as part of the proposed Sediment and Erosion Control Plan for the Tributary to Futch Creek Stream and Wetland Enhancement Project. The construction of the project will involve the sloping back of one stream bank, the installation or Cross- Vane and Step Pool structures and the enhancement of 2 acres of an existing bottomland wetland. Project Description New Hanover County proposes to stabilize and enhance approximately 1,600 feet of stream and enhance 2 acres of wetlands for water quality improvement purposes. The stream that runs through the site is an unnamed tributary to Futch Creek. In its existing condition, the tributary is an incised, channelized stream that provides drainage for the surrounding area. The goal of the project is to stabilize the stream as a means of controlling erosion and to reduce the amount of sediment now entering the tributary to Futch Creek. Two acres of an existing wetland ecosystem located just below the tributary will be enhanced via planting. Depending upon site conditions and the degree of existing disturbance, some minor earthwork may be proposed for the enhanced area. Specifically, existing spoil piles and/or berms may be reshaped to provide a more natural topography and flow regime through the enhanced wetland area. By stabilizing the bed of the stream, increasing the flood prone area, reducing the slope of the stream channel, and allowing the water to flow through a dense stand of wetland vegetation, water quality will be improved as sediment and other particles settle out in the slower moving water. Chemical activity associated with wetland ecosystems will further improve water quality. Watershed size (i.e. drainage area) at the outlet of the project is approximately 0.3 square miles. Most drainage originates off-site from neighboring lands and roadways upstream. The proposed design involves the stabilization of the stream channel by installation of cross-vane structures, an increase in the flood prone area via grading, and the enhancement of 2 acres of wetlands. This stream stabilization project area is located within a larger site development project. Sagewood at Plantation Landing is a single and multi-family housing development that encompass a total of 44.2 acres. This development surrounds the tributary to Futch Creek Stream and Wetland Enhancement Project. A second phase, Future Phases at Plantation Landing, is in the early stages of planning and will ajoin the wetland enhancement area. Site Conditions The Futch Creek watershed is located in northeastern New Hanover County, approximately 8 miles southeast of Castle Hayne. Futch Creek begins as a series of channelized ditches east of Highway 17 and flows approximately 3 miles to the Intracoastal Waterway and Middle Sound, approximately seven miles north of Wrightsville Beach. The project reach begins just south of Highway 17, and extends downstream to existing wetland areas. The total watershed area at the downstream end of the project reach is approximately 0.3 square miles. Futch Creek is classified as SA and HQW by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. The "SA" designation indicates a tidal salt water system suitable for marketable shell fishing. All waters designated as "SA" are also minimally designated as "HQW," or High Quality Waters. Soil survey data were obtained for the project site from the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS, 1977). Based on this information, the northeastern streambank of Tributary to Futch Creek and the adjoining property are mapped as the Baymeade (Be), Johnston (JO), Leon (Le), and Murville (Mu) series. The southwestern bank of Tributary to Futch creek is primarily Johnston soil with upslope soils mapped as Kenansville (Ke), Lynn Haven (Ly) and Rimini (Rm). One lobe of Rimini soil exists upstream of Tributary to Futch Creek on the project property. Of the soils series identified by the county soil survey, the Johnston, Leon, Murville, and Lynn Haven series are considered hydric by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS, 1995). Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures Erosion control methods to be used in the project include Sediment Fence (Silt Fence); Temporary Sediment Traps; Special Stilling Basins; Temporary Seeding and Mulching, Permanent Seeding, and Coconut (Coir) Fiber Erosion Control Matting. All sediment and erosion control measures are to be built according to the plans and specifications. Additionally, a temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit and a Stream Crossing will be permitted, installed, and maintained as part of the larger development associated with Sagewood at Plantation Landing. Channel grading will occur in Phases as identified on the plan sheets. Each phase, or section, of channel will be isolated by the use of impermeable dikes and the section dewatered with a pump around operation. Water pumped from the isolated section of the channel will be filtered through a special stilling basin to remove sediment. Silt checks will be constructed at regular intervals within the stream channel at locations shown on the plans to trap sediment. Material excavated from the channel banks will be temporarily stock piled to ensure balance between cut and fill. Stockpiles will be located as shown on the plans and silt fences will be used to prevent erosion of the stockpiles toward the open channels on site. Excavated material that exceeds cut/fill needs will be moved to a central stockpile area within the Sagewood at Plantation Landing site development project area. This soil will be used on site in the overall site grading process. Design Standards Erosion control practices, methods, and procedures described in these plans and specifications are based on those presented in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Maintenance Plan All temporary erosion and sediment control practices will be evaluated for stability and operation by qualified personnel on a daily basis. Any needed repairs will be performed immediately to maintain all practices as designed. The project engineer will be responsible for the maintenance of temporary on-site erosion control measures: Buck Engineering Douglas Smith - Project Manager 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27511 (919) 459-9027 The maintenance requirements for permanent measures will be the responsibility of the land owner: New Hanover County c/o Chris O'Keefe New Hanover County Planning Department 230 Marketplace Drive, Ste. 150 Wilmington NC 28403 (910) 798-7444 General Construction Sequence The following construction sequence shall be used during implementation of the plan. 1. The Contractor will use the existing construction access, if available. If a stabilized construction entrance is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit: 6.06.1 2. The Contractor shall prepare the staging area(s) and stockpile area(s) as shown in the plans. If necessary, erect any safety fences, silt fences, or barriers. Stockpile materials that will be needed during the initial stages of construction. 3. The Contractor shall install a temporary sediment trap at the downstream most location as identified on the plans. 4. The Contractor will use the existing stream crossing, if available. If a stream crossing is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: Temporary Stream Crossing: 6.70.1 5. The Contractor shall install temporary coffer dams and pump around operations for Phase 1 at locations specified on the plans. The portion of the channel isolated shall be dewatered and the removed water shall flow through a special stilling basin according to project special provisions. 6. The Contractor shall begin excavation of' the stream channel and bank. Excavation shall begin on the upstream end and work downstream. 7. Once a section of channel has been excavated to design grades, instream structures, matting and plants shall be installed in that section per the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager and the channel made ready to accept flow. 8. The Contractor shall remove the downstream coffer dam, then the upstream coffer dam, and finally the pump around operation, thereby allowing water to flow into the completed portion of the channel. 9. Once a section of new channel is completed and water routed in, the Contractor may begin construction of the next section (Phases 2 through 7) of the channel beginning again at Step 4. 10. The wetland enhancement area will be planted according to plan in the eighth and final Phase of the project. Depending upon site conditions and the degree of existing disturbance, some minor earthwork may be proposed for the enhanced area. Specifically, existing spoil piles and/or berms may be reshaped to provide a more natural topography and flow regime through the enhanced wetland area. 1. Once a stream or wetland work Phase is complete the Contractor will apply temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and mulch to any other areas disturbed during construction. Permanent seeding mixtures shall be applied as shown on the vegetation plan. Temporary seeding shall be applied in all areas susceptible to erosion (i.e. disturbed ditch banks, steep slopes, and spoil areas) such that ground cover is established within 30 working days following completion of any phase of grading. Permanent ground cover shall be established for all disturbed areas within 30 working days or 120 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction. 12. The Contractor shall insure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site. Project Location Map for the Tributary to Futch Creek Stream Stabilization and Wetland Creation and Enhancement Project. MAP[;V ?jdscorner., '"` ., ° O: Skin O Walkers ?11 - st H21el?d t, So ;r vamac7aw 40 ° Walkers store ° Tho as Landinv 1 11 Currie Little Kelly BarlowP rx,Ct ° 1 Long Creek ? Long Bluff Landing a ells cross, ads' oodside urf Clty Mooretown HeddeBluff Landingrlboro psail y HIpstea psall Beach- CastVHay'ne 419' BVown Ta oHOOper y I `,t 17 ' 132 ? Phoenix Wrightsboro ° East rook / Ogden Hzr? i ri °n•., 74 i.. 421 74 J ?Batarora wo?odbu 17 IOU t1oni I, La vale ( 1 •, dYf 76 Seagate -MA UV[ST-- O mi rl WI, jP` '?'`t ?asonboro s u Henrytown j Silver Lak'a jY Murraysville Bell swamp 133 ° i?yT °? 132 ?c, O OW f `SG M"yrtle crov+e z "Mill Creek t KelYdall eh? a ? sea Belez 9rtle souY{d m , ¢ F S zeY soiling Spring Lakes Carolina•eeach ?" ao aOgden ag2a]AaDQuest.corm Inc., 02003 GDT, In ??9• •._ ,v.--^? v?,y i 74 •: MAP9VEST ,y ,? 0 70om „N'indem ere , tyr?r r Z + 210 n •2003 GDT. Inc. e rR - ry a+Fk - .Fry b fj. ?g+r, , 4c a 8r e`n; „ QS c r A r Crooke,,, Wild -Dunes Cir Or A 1 c w, fie` ?g cd` Gre??ay Rd MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Non-Discharge Branch Regional Contact: Noelle Lutheran WQ Supervisor: Rock Striver Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Tributary to Futch Creek, Stream and Wetland Project Number 03 1221 Recvd From APP Received Date 10/3/03 Recvd By Region Project Type Stream and Wetland Enhancement Work County New Hanover County2 Region Wilmington Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. ME 13 BLH O Y O N 18-87-19 SA 14QW 30,624. _200F_ 1,675.0 -? Stream O Y O N F`F-F-F77-F- 1,675.00' 1 Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Wetland enhance BLH 2.00 F -SVeam enhance Stream F_ 1,675.00 I-- r I F_ Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? Q Y O N Did you request more Info? Q Y O N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? Q Y O N Is Mitigation required? Q Y Q N Recommendation: QQ Issue O Issue/fond O Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) Comments: This office has no objection to this prof .rP .t as proposed. Use of rock cross vanes has been justified by design engineer. Written concrrence from DWQ is not required provided that all of the conditions of Water Quality ertification #3399 are met, cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 Triage Check List Date: 10 I7103 Project Name: F111" Cr Stre'i ' j Wet lahj & 1, am cc vVl(h7 DWQ#: 0;/22- 1 County: lVew d-Aover- To: ? ARO Mike Parker ? WaRO Tom Steffens ? FRO Ken Averitte WiRO Noelle Lutheran ? MRO Alan Johnson ? WSRO Daryl Lamb ? RRO Steve Mitchell From: t a r t y L Telephone : (919) 7/ 31-17/ The file attached is being forwarded to your for your evaluation. Please call if you need assistance. ? Stream length impacted ? Stream determination ? Wetland determination and distance to blue-line surface waters on USFW topo maps Minimization/avoidance issues ? Buffer Rules (Neuse, Tar-Pamlico, Catawba, Randleman) ? Pond fill ? Mitigation Ratios ? Ditching ? Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? ? Check drawings for accuracy ? Is the application consistent with pre-application meetings? ? Cumulative impact concern Comments: I'47 A pi-4 1 S-F-,„ /ve H". 6v2/ CO A - 'a S nyle e0c. 1[ t/ t f RIOnC Cuo -t0^'f W 01tK Cy-oil vixel i/, lIR)t' of S'???yH,i faf/ Mvcl, 4r I' '. 7 ?rvP 'n C?tvn f-I?n ?o r t? '1 ?r,'ee-e o? ? dretw ne?ual(r ?Ipe? e0, 4 411(0' k1 't i BUCK PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. ~ ~ 0138R 1 t,.. ~ / ~~r ! ~ ~ ~ ~ / / .~+rr' EC2 t / ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ PROJECT ENGINEER 1 / / ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / / i 1 ~ ~ , N , ` ~ i / ~i f , / , ~ STAGING AND , ;AGING AND ~.y;. ` , ~ r - 4 1 • I ` 1 ~ STOCKQILE AREA ~KQILE AREA , ~ i I - _ _ _ _ ~ ' ' FOR P}iASES 1-3 , ~ ~ . ~ 1 2 P SES 1-3 ~ ~ P ELIMI ~ , , r R NARY PLANS t~ ` _ . DO NOT U8B FO CO ~ t~ , . 1 , _ ~ R NBTRUCTION 1, ~i w ~ ~ i PROPOSE6 _ ~ ~ ~ PROPO ED PHASE 3 - 250 r o i. 1 ~ FIRE HYQR FIRE HYDRANT ~ 16+00 TO 18+50 ! ,1 - ~ ~ v;~ i / I//~. 4 i ~1, - ~ , ~ t I i ' s 'ti . 1 ~ , Z N ~ Wes., i ~ i ; W ~ ' y ~ PHASE. 2 =300 ~ ~ lNE ~TYP) , UT ~ , ca . 13+00 T~ 16+00 ~ ~ 1 _ / I • \ ~ °>•g; ~ ~ ~ 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 tS ~'r=uw1 Q _F ~ ~ • Cary, North Carolina 27511 i ~ ~ E 7• t ~ t ~ Phone: 919.463-5468 _ ~ ; ~ ~ 'i PHASE 1 300 It ~ t,.. _ ~ SNtiINHSFRINd Fax: 919-063-5490 ~ f Z 10+00 TO 13+00 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ y~~ e. 4, ~ , ~ T > ~ j / ~ " , /P~ y1J I STREAM CROSSING..,., M.~;. ' ~ ALL DISTURBED ~ 55 1 r~ BANKS°~' / r ;.r;~ / : ~ -.i r,,,--,- (PERMITTED AND INSTALLED "BY~ OTHER$ ~ = _ _ . _ _ ~ r k - s WILL BE TR TED WITH / ~ ~'r~ ' ' 105.00' ' COIR FIBER TTING j ~ - ;Y 36 SD I ~ - _ _ ~ r ~ , ` ~ ~ 26'57"W ' I r w - O i ~ ~ N , i i C~•_ - IDE 'ANTI' • I 30 W T ,-,~~~r•.. I Z s 3 ~p~EME - ~ SEWER ~,.~a~ , I ~ t,. - ~ _ ~ /r ,mil I ~ , Q ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ . iJ!! , ; , H ~ CUT LIN (TYB _ - J - - I ~ ~ ~ 9 I ~ 0 ~ ~ 1. ~ ; ~ Ii I 1 ~ ` ~ , ~ ~ s ~~r~~ ~t ~ r~ i I' ~ ; t'~~ ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ t %i ~ ~ , t, I _ i ~ ~~V ~ ~ \ I • ~ J ~ I - Y ti ~ i / • ~ ' ~ ~ ! , I , I NOTES. -itl t' / ~ I ~ TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTR UCTlON ENTRANCE AND ii:l~ 1~ 1 / . • ~ ~ t ~ `•t TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING SHALL BE PERMITTED ` ' UNDER THE SAGEWOOD PROJECT BY ~ ; W 'fit. 1 l / N~,;i ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY. i_;: • O~,((yy ...i........~. ~ ~ ~ PERMIT NUMBER; GP 2303 g , ~RI~§ ~~RE-W~ 1""~•• 1_,,,,,,~ ~ ' ~ TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE L (OFFSITE) AND TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING SHALL GREEN - _ $1__~-____ - - 1 rrL'11'^" _ _ _ .,.r., ~ '~-8 ~ BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED BY SITE DEVELOPER. 1~-E -4-F--~J`~ t wr - -'t'~--- ~ r - _ _ _ _ SOIL STOCKPILE AREA LOCATED ON LOT56. REFERT i ~ ~ _ 0 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET FROM CHANNEL. _ ~ _ ~ _ _ _ _ w _ _ / V ~!r w~ err 1 w~ ~ ~ `r' / / ~ / I.I~~~`~~___-__~r-~~~~~~..~ 1,/ fir/ ~ ' ~ ! .r 1, . / ~ l / ` ~ \ ~ / \ i r > / / ~ .lam / ~ / < ~ / ` ~.I~ I' .`r~~ i , ~ f l • ..-d-~1' f ~ e . t 1 / f: ~ ~ ,,•~y • ~ '1 1 ~ ~~J - ~ t .r~,.~„ - r ,0, ` . 1 • ~ y6 ; PHASE 4 = 250'- - r i i ' 18+50 TO .71+00 _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ t , 55 % J^ % . ti ~ . r _ ~ ~ ~ 1,~i~"~ STAGIN AND ~ ~ t` 1 \ , STOCKPI AREAS" ~ ' J ~ i/ J. - - FOR P SES~ 4-6 - - . ~ EMENT +l- 2 ACRES '-r HD ENHANC ,r , _ _ RASE ~6 - - , R ~ _ ~ - - F s~ PHASE 5 = 2 0' 23+50 TO 26 50 _ • _ - s~ ` ~ ~ l p~.. 3 ~ + + ALL DISTURBEQ~ SANKS_ _ _ _ - _ - _ 0 ~ 21 00 TO 23 ti r S S ! WILL BE~1'REA'f~ED.,, T}i~ ~ _ Q _ W~ AN r _ _ _ - _ ` _ Fq rq. ! OIR, -FIBER MATfIN 'i - - \ ~ ~ 1r s ti_ _ " _ ~ 0 - ~ _ - ~ ~ . _ fr~ , Z ~ - . . _ , a _ _ , ~ jam'" ~ ~ _ ~ r i - - r _ j _ 1 l t i r ~ , - ~ _i~ - 1r' J j ~ i r ~ ~ - - ~ ;t, l ~ ~ ,j, i l - ~ r } J - " . l(1 - ~ - .:~„s~`.~ ~ Pli ~ - _ _ _ ' ' I ~ ~ I ( ~ Ali Ali, t l i i i 5 / ~ ~ ` ~ r' _ . ' f ' ~ - ~ 'j,'ttiit ii, 1 1 t E ~ ~ 1 i'1 r_.... ,ti,l ~1, Z ' - : - ~ - _ ~ i f f 0 _ _ _ . • _ _m_. .mot t:1 „ ~'4 `t / ~ • l i ~ !!It ~ ~ ~ - _ , ~ 1+~J~ 1~ ~ r i i - 1 - ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ , 7 ,.t. ~ 1 t f: ~ u~ C. IJ 1. r 1 . I ~ 1 ;w„~;r~,f..~...~~,~. ~ ..iii :;t - r' f~ ~ i ~ 1 h.! / .i . t ' t 7 l ~i I 1, ' f / i 1 ~ A ~,~A i ; li;? ~ ~ t / .1 ~ I, ~ . ~ ~.~:,.,r r ~ ~ J{ ~ , . ~ ~ w ~4 ~ : 1 t _ ` ' ~ r i,l+ PHASE t` ~ _ . \ r~I, t P SE 7 HA - i~ ,I I TO ~-LOC THE FIELD ~-LOCATED IN '1: ~ ~ > - ~i , I ~ ` : -AS~PER DIRECTU IRECTION OF PROJECT EROSION ONT D C R PER OL : - ~ - - ,y, ENGINEER. ~ GINEER. MEAS RE U S i,. s~ ~ ~ i. , • - , ~ , i - - l;it; EXCAVATE RIG - . a: _ . _ _ . % ~,•t G THIS REr CAVATE RIGHT BANK (AT 2:1) . ~ ~ - ALON DNG THIS REACH. 50 25 0 50 100 / li ~ , y~t~' !Pii ~ - ~~;~~i~i SCALE F BUCK PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. 01388 RF-1 m TYPE 1 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL BE PLANTED 10 FT. ON CENTER, RANDOM PROJECT ENGINEER SPACING, APPROXIMATELY 436 PLANTS PER ACRE. N TYPE 2 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL BE PLANTED 10 FT. ON CENTER, RANDOM N SPACING, APPROXIMATELY 436 PLANTS PER ACRE. NOTE: TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL BE IL T TI I I PAID FOR AS'TREE AND SHRUB PLANTINGS TYPE 4 SHALL BE PAID FOR AS "LIVE STAKING" PRELIMINARY PLANS P DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION I T 1. LOCATE AHEALING-IN SITE IN A SHADY, WELL PROTECTED AREA. 2. EXCAVATED A FLAT BOTTOM TRENCH 12 INCHES DEEP AND PROVIDE DRAINAGE. i i I I ~II 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 2 inch Phone: 919-463-5488 n I I ENGIN>IrERINCi Fax: 919.463-5490 l~ ~l I TYPE II AND _ SEED MIX TYPE II a ~ I I p} z Z I- Y i Q X Fa- W~ N 0-p w ~w N J 1. INSERT PLANTING BAR 2. REMOVE PLANTING BAR 3. INSERT PLANTING BAR AS SHAOWN AND PULL HANDLE AND PLACESEEDING AT 2 INCHES TOWARD PLANTER TOWARD PLANTER. CORRECT DEPTH. FROM SEEDING. 3. BACKFILL THE TRENCH WITH 2 INCHES OF WELL ROTTED SAWDUST. PLACE A 2 INCH LAYER OF WELL ROTTED SAWDUST AT A SLOPING ANGLE ATONE END OF THE TRENCH. -j•-r . `'4. ~r~ ~ 'J - STREAM HEETS RF 2 FOR AREAS TO BE PLANTED SEE PLAN S Temporary Seed Mix ' ~ 5 . Winter Rye (Fall-Winter), Brown-top Millet (Spring-Summer) I ENHANCED WETLAND TREES AND SHRUBS (TYPE IV) TO F TOP OF BENCH TO 1/2 SLOPE (TYPE ) Cor cientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Common Name S Swamp Tupelo Nyssa biflora Swo Swamp Tupelo Nyssa biflora Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 4. PLACE A SINGLE LAYER OF PLANTS ovE Overcup Oak Quercus lyrata Carolina Ash Fraxinus caroliniana River Birch Setula nigra Parsley-leaf Hawthorne Crataegus marshallii AGAINST THE SLOPING END SO THAT Rive THE ROOT COLLAR IS AT GROUND LEVEL. ~ Sw~ Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis Sw~ Swamp Red Bay Persea palustris Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera RIPARIAN SEED MIX (BOTTOM OF CHANNEL TO 6. LEAVE COMPATION wa • . ~ iror Ironwood Carpinus caroliniana 112 SLOPE (SEED MI TYPE I) 4. PULL HANDLE OF BAR 5. PUSH HANDLE FORWARD LE OPEN. WATER t HO RD PLANTER FIRMING FIRMINGSOILATTOP. TOWA THOROUGHLY. Common Name Scientific Name 1; AT BOTTOM. r $OIL TOI TOP OF BANK TO 1/2 SLOPE (TYPE II) Switch Grass Panicum virgatum Virginia Wild Rye E/ymus virginicus :~+ti: ~r: Coi Common Name Scientific Name Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea Sw Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii • TE ~a~ IN T LA N P Laurel Oak Quercus laurifolia RIPARIAN SEED MIX (TOP OF BANK AND UPLAND) Water Oak Quercus nigra (Seed Mix Type ) . Sw Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana Common Name Scientific Name wa Swamp Red Bay Persea palustris Big Bluestein Andropogon gerardii Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera Little Bluestein Schizachyrium scoparium • ' • , ~ • ' • ~ PLANTING BAG Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans Switch Grass Panicum virgatum • DURING PLANTING, SEEDLINGS WETLAND VEGETATION PLANTING (TYPE III) ' ~ ~ ' • • • ~ . SHALL BE KEPT IN A MOIST we ' CANVAS BAG OR SIMILAR ` NTAINER TO PREVENT THE co CO Sol Common Name Scientific Name Soft Rush Juncus effusus ROOT SYSTEMS FROM DRYING. ~ ~ Wool Grass Scirpus cyperinus GE A 2 INCH LAYER OF WEL ROTTED W 5. PLA MAINTAINING ~ VER THE ROOTS KBC PLANTING BAR G re Green Arrow-arum Peltandra virginica Broadleaf Arrowhead Saggitaria latifolia SAWDUST 0 ~ t3 rc A SLOPING ANGLE. ~ PLANTING BAR SHALL HAVE A p;o 1 Pickerelweed Por?tederia cordata BLADE WITH A TRIANGULAR ~;Z; Lizard's Tail Saururus cernuus Tussock Sedge Carex stricta CROSS SECTION, AND SHALL Tu; - ~ BE 12 INCHES LONG, . i ' ' 4 INCHES WIDE AND LIVE STAKING ' TER. uv 1 INCH THICK AT CEN Co ~ ROOT PRUNING sill Common Name Scientific Name Silky Dogwood Corpus amomum ALL SEEDLINGS SHALL BE ROOT SiIN PRUNED, IF NECESSARY, SO THAT Silky Willow Salix Sericea ' ' ' • ' NO ROOTS EXTEND MORE THAN ' ~ . • NCHESBELOWTHE 101 ' ~ ROOT COLLAR. N TAKI VE LI TOP OF STREAMBANK ' SQUARE CUT TOP 6. REPEAT LAYERS OF PLANTS AND SAWDUST • 2'-3' BETWEEN STAKES BUDS FACING UPWARD AS NECESSARY AND WATER THOROUGHLY. . • • . • • 2'-3' BETWEEN STAKES • ' LIVE CUTTING F BANK MIN. 112" DIA TOE 0 ~ 18"-30"LENGTH PLANTING PROCEDURE FOR NER GROWN TREES AND SHRUBS CONTAI . ' ~ ~ ~ BOTTOM OF CHANNEL - I o 0 • ~ ~ ~ ~ ANGLE CUT 30 - 45 DEGREES 1"DEEP "X" ON BOTTOM OF R00T BALL 1"DEEP TION VIEW OF LIVE STAKING SPECIFICATION CROSS-SEC LIVE STAKE DETAIL ~ VERTICAL SLICE ~ UNG ROOTS OF CONTAINER REMOVE THE PLASTIC CONTAINER AND TOP 0 CUT THE CIRC FILL THE HOLE 314 FULL OF TAMPED SOIL TOP OF TOP OF STREAMBANK ~ GROWN TREES MATH A SHARP UTILITY STREAN STREAMBANK • • • • ~ ' ~ KNIFE. MAKE 4 VERTICAL SLICES ON THE ~ SIDES AND AN "X" ON THE BOTTOM. ALL ~ SLICES SHOUDL BE 1 INCH IN DEPTH ~N . . ' ` ' ' ••i ~ • NT STAKES FROM • , • , , , . PLA ~ 4" OF MULCH © ® ~ ~ ' ~ : TOP OF BANK TO TOE OF BANK ~ MINIMUM OF 2 • 1, ~ • 1 ~ ~ . • .y. z FROM TRUNK 1. .1 . • ~o WATER ~ '.I; NOTES: TOE OF S TOE OF SLOPE , 1. STAKES SHOULD BE CUT AND INSTALLED ON THE SAME DAY. T LL TAKES THAT HAVE BEEN SPLIT. 2. DO NOT INS A S THE REMAINING 1I4 OF THE HOLE ~ FILL UNLESS SOIL IS POORLY DRAINED, 3. STAKES MUST BE INSTALLED WITH BUDS POINTING UPWARDS. 4. STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO BANK. v~ UNTH WATER TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS AND MOUND SOIL AROUND EDGES OF HOLE 4" 5. STAKES SHOULD BE 112 TO 21NCHES IN DIAMETER AND 1$" TO 30" LONG. c ~ SETTLE THE SOIL. FINISH FILLING THE HOLE TO 6"HIGH. ADD A MINIMUM OF 4" OF AKING SPECIFICATION 6. STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED LEAVING 115 OF STAKE ABOVE GROUND. PLAN VIEW OF LIVE ST ~ WITH SOIL AFTER ALL THE WATER HAS DRAINED APPROVED MULCHING MATERIAL. KEEP ~ MULCH ABOUT 2" FROM THE TRUNK BUCK PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. M .'j, ~ 01388 Rf-2 e r ...jr , ~ W f \ I f . PROJECT ENGINEER ~ \ 1 \ \ ~ s E 11 ~ ~L } r r \ 'i , I \ \ < < ~ .S t , ~ ~ , i _ _ ~ 1, t ~ 1 l \ \ PRELIMINARY PLANS . I ~ - i ~ S \ ~ ~ ti ~ ~ A „ DO NOT U8B FOR CONSTRUCTION j 1 S ~ ~ ~ 1. 1. ~ ~ V A ~ i ~ , ~ _ ~ ~;:3;,ti~ \ \ i i i I ~ ~ ~ ` J \ ~ ` ~ i `r r ~ \ ) \ 1, i ~ \ \ '1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 5 t ~ ~ S `t r r i " ~ s„,r ` 1 \ 1' j' ,i ` r~ ~ Ott ' \ ~ " ' 8000 Re enc Parkwa Suite 200 " Q Ca 9N h y r ~ ry, ort Carohna 27511 ' ~ / ~ \ s.< CT ~ Phone: 919-483-5488 ~,,.r'.F~"""~~"''-~'~"-'".~:.~°,a ~ »a"4 ,w W B'iNQ•INa'H~iBING Fax: 919.463-5490 l it E ! ! j , \ " F, r , 1 ! F J„f t .J r / . , _ ,s;> _ , , U PHASE BEGINNING STATION ENDING STATION ~ ~~i , 10+00 13+ 1 i ~ i ~ 1 ! , .~it r e ~ 'a 1~ f ! cry r T r s ~ sl a.~ ~ ~ ~ 2 13+00 16+00 Q ~ ~ 3 16+00 16+50 ~ f ~ ~r 1 w 4 18+50 21+00 ! r ! i ,r i 1 ~ / ! ~ . ' ~ gyp( ,r~~ ~ \ ~ ~ : ~ O 5 21+00 23+50 x f,":: G" r 3 ! r / • ~ 6 23+50 26+50 ~ ' i~ a 1 ~ ~ ` c O 7 REACH TO RECEIVE TWO STRUCTURES _ ~ ` ~ ~ ` N 8 ENHANCED WETLAND ~ ~ RY \ ~ ~ ti ~ \ \ S. _ Z ; 30 W10~ ~ . ~ 's i , ~ , ` i>{;~ r, ~ ~ , \ k , ~ ~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r- , Q ,yin, TYPE I, TYPE II, AND ~ F- ;,:,:3a .,,,~~.r~ ~ LIVE STAKING REF R ATI ~ ~ ~ ~,~~n.:~ 0 EST ON \ N ~ ` 4 ` ,~i TYPE III AND TYPE IV ; ` i WETLAND REFORESTATION x~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ y,,.~ ' 1 i ~ ~ I \ ~ ~ ~ ~ i w ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ti 1 ~ t, % \ \ ~ ~ \ ~t f `ti ! 7 ,y1 r~ ( ~ \ ` ` i 1 t i \ i a lll.~, r~ ! ? E \ \ ~ ~ \ ` . , } till ` ' \ ! ! \ , \ 5 al;1• I ! \ ! J \ ilk! t ; ! ! \ r, i y ~ 9 Iliii' ! 1 ! r/ 1\ li4i~ ; \.r' ! it / \ 0 ~ , ky1~ i f.'' ~ ~ ~ 1 Ngl~ ! j v i1$il 1 \ \ ~ \ ~ X31' I ! I I \ \ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ \ \ ~tll i ! 7w{1, 1 / 1 \ ~ ~ NOTES: y~l~ n ~ i ~ ~ \ , ' ~ 1. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE OFF-SITE _ 1 T \ ' ` ~ \ i ~ f )SHALL \ \ 's ~ f BE BUILT AND MAINTAINED BY OTHERS. 111 _y.. h / • Mil `1 ~1 ~ ~ s 2. FOR PLANT SPECIES, LIST, AND DISTRIBUTION REFER TO SHEET R -1. F ~ r - , ' ' " \ /n ~ ~r / ~ / / i I ~ r/ ~ r/ - \ \ \ i ~ \ ! 1 \ ~ / ? r~ r. i - ! - ~ \ ~ ~ ~ I ~ r r'' ~ ,r ~ ~J ~ " ! r ~ t .w ` f 1 i ,r, j ,,~r ' ~ ~ 111\ ` - / I / / , , ~ ~ 11" ~ , \ / i r ! ~ ~ ; , ~ 111..,.\ / i r t ~ i~ ~ f i ~ i~ / i i ~ r~r J~'~y~ r , 1 I / / I ? ' 1 " q \ r Q l \ ~ r~ - N ~ / _ , r r~.: r r.._....,...._,....._ _ _ _ _ _ , k O t. s .Y ~ ! i r . ~ ~ 9~i ~c,~ / \ ~ Y°""` 7 ~ ~ t ' 1 I ~ _ ,lam,, ~ 1 1 ~ , ~ ~ ~ I I F 'I ~ \ 7 Q i '*w ~ ~ ~ 7 f I~ / ~ F~ 1 , \ i _ rt f~.: _ h f \ \ t _ r,. ,;.~~;y,3' , s. O `r i~ ~ / ~ i i~ _ r 1 l~ i` r r _ .f, ~ ~ f j i I i i ~ ~ ! - - . l~ , ~ \ i f r 1 _ I f ' ' r ~ i !i! r rig , !i. II 1~ i 1 ~ :;r~ / ~ t~ / ~ J ~~t I _ ~ l '~,0 ~.3 I~ ~ 1 \ .s 1 ~ ~ i t~ f, ! 4 ~ ! / ~ 5 5 ~ I / e r r j 1l~ I i / ~ ~ 1 ~ / .r " r / / ~ i \ 1~' ~ ~ ~ ~~~.r?tx~'.41 it ! ! / i / (l. / / 1. ~ ~ ! / % ~ 1 j ' ~ ' ~t 1 1 ` 1 , ~ 1 t ! ` r !r if j ! 4 ~ it I j 1 t 1 ( . 1 Z ; a ! t 1 t i ~ ~5 f' ,y 1 1 U' _ r ~1 i 1 ~ ~ ! i' ' ~ ! ,,~I ~ ~ ~ + \ i y t i f REFORESTATION /VEGETATION • ~ PLANTING PLAN _ ~ l I f (n4{} / ! / r f tlt~' 5:1F1 I 2 50 5 0 50 100 r ..~J r / / !'t ma`r' 'ea, ! 4l I SCALE N ersls IIIQC[ PAW~t7P Rttr~xcs xA sir mr,~. xa tl~ra $ . ~ - ~ 4 ,~,y r ~ PROJECT SITE ~ ~5 ~ Grp 5C0 ~4~, Cemetery Rd. ~ 1o v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ a m ~ o ~.s\ Futch Leek I T i~ ~ F`Q, ~7 ~ G O y ~ • o~ ~ oec° ~ ~ 3 C ° G 2.p~ ~ ~s. B lend \ y ~ arm 'r. ~ yr F a o I pr. 70,x, •.e Q~ _ Q 1, Abbey Glen W~ay R r pp.~y to Po d Re. q ce e ~ 7 ti 3. Pilrke~on Br. ~ u o . 5. In~erlad en Cifn J S Ra 6. Butler National Ln. 5 7. Calla~xass~e Island Dr. S 6. Congressional ln. O o~cQ ~ 6 Cir. ea~ej ~ ~e~r a _.w._..,y..,. w r u ~P .o.....~ . N~ µ ,r> ~ ..,.u, wM~.. ~.w ~w ,,.w~, .v._ ~ , ..r.._._.... r1~ u~'o'`b~ a ~y,a..s.u " Y._..--- . . . ~ ~f .,n,,,..w,+.. A~ ~ i . o`v A f . rhp i Xn i ~ 2 .k ~1 , Y k `fa i, kl. / s,: o t } ~ ~ ti i~' t / ?r / ~ 4~4 ~ ~ ~ 7 f 1 ~ ~5 r jf 'A ~ `r ,.ur f 1 ~ V tt 3 yyd`ot1r ~ ~ ~ ~ v.'J 5 r,' l i t h ~ ~ ~ ,A i A° I ~S. ` t,{ ( ac's a"'~ 5i. ; \ i n l w,d' ,P• t~ ~~~w r, , ~ ~ ~ r ' ` r,/ ~ i ,~;tr~ w3 ~s ~ i ,y' i ~ ~ } r it ~ ~ i I ;i ,s / ,,•r • ~ ~s ~ ~Z. s,~'' / ~ ~i \ '4 ~ ' ~ r~ ~ ~ ( ~ ' ~ / s ,,p' / t ~ ~ i r ; e I i ~ I I °QU o~ W. _ .rv~ w ye..woN .~,w...wwa .w~r>.°'°rr A'm ~ i , ~`*e~,G~ ~C~?i''~~ (-'~'~i`141~u~Mr^ '~r>' :sue j~ ~i~~ 't s ~ r` ~ v',p' ~ E ~ I ``~.a ~efS ~ urN r~ ~ w. ,w.n4w ~n i I ~ ~ - t / -w...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ M.,~V ~ ~~r~ S~ ~t r ~ `v I r" ~1,~" w \ \ Tom.. • ~ WE'fIANO ENMM1NCEMENT H• 2 ACHES ~ ~y~ ~ ~ , ~ CHANNEL STATION 10+00.00 ~ I - ~ ~ ~ , I ~ E ! BEGIN CONSTRUCTION ~ ~ ~ ~ . i ~~t 4 i/ / t~~ s r I ~ _ ~ /G% / ~ I ' _ ~ ~ a ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l / / } ~ ~ I i I ` I ~ \ ~ / ~l) / f E p ~ ~ ~~i M I ~ 1 ~l I / t ~ ~ ~ CHANNEL STATION 26+45.77 I II'j II END CONSTRUCTION I 11 ~ ~ I 03 I I - ~ , II , DCT :.~r~ I I 5 I r~~~ ~~4 ~~r _ I ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ I r . ~ y~',~~ ~ t , ~ m .o,rca .u_s wr`" ""y ..a., nom,.., ..m- w•"~ ~U""is.+"~ rCd`r`>'r8it„ ~Iiri ~ ` „ ;'4 "s''I t11?f'~ k i P V ~ ,.o^ ~ t ~ 1 U.. f , ( ;gym' ~ I ' ( i _ ; a 1` I I 11 J ~ !i r } 4 r i 5 i 1 ~ Y t i L I I SHEET 4 I , SHEET 5 ~ l t t b 1 ps 3 { i s RO ECT XI TING STREAM DATA P E S LES CA IC S GRAPH PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: P ECT LENGTH RO ECT EN INE ?0 G ER 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 EXISTING STREAM TYPE G5c Cary, North Carolina 27511 TREAM LENGTH EXISTING S 25 0 50 100 EXISTING REACH LENGTH 1646 GTH = Phone:919.463~5488 LEN 1646 FEET ~~-~~~~~a~ttz~~ Fax: 919-463-5490 50 WETLAND ENHANCEMENT AI MENT AREA = 2.0 ACRES BANKFULL XSEC AREA 8.9 PLANS BANKFULL WIDTH 8.2 PRELIMINARY PLANS DOUG J. SMITH 1D0 NOT UBB FOR CON9TRUC'Tl[ON 50 25 0 50 100 WiD RATIO 7.5 PROJECT MANAGER BANKFULL MAX DEPTH 2.3 LETTING DATE: PROFILE HORIZONTAL BANK HEIGHT RATIO 4.1 KEVIN 1. TWEEDY PE PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER 5 0 5 10 ENTRENCHMENT RATIO 1.2 CHRIS O'KEEFE NTACT.• C SLOPE 0.013 ~w 11~R' IIANOVER COUNTY PROJECT COORDINATOR P.E. SIGNATURE: PROFILE ERTICAL BUCK PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. 13B 2 PROJECT ENGINEER l~~J~][~. ~~CIEgIE~I~I[ ~~NV]EI~T~~~NA1[, ~~lvg]~~lL~ N.C. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL THALWEG SILT CHECK PRELIMINARY PLANS DECEMBER 1993 UO NOT USB FOR CONSTRUCTION TOP OF BANK I f--I I H I I- SILT FENCE DOUBLE DROP ROCK CROSS VANE 6.06.01 TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEIEXIT -------n.------- WETLAND BOUNDRY 6.60 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP 6.62 SEDIMENT FENCE STEP POOL 6.70.01 TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 d TEMP. SEDIMENT TRAP Phone: 919-463-5488 ENGINEERING Fax: 919.463-5490 1. The prep 6.06. 1. The Contractor will use the existin construction access, if available. If a stabilized construction entrance is not available the contractor shall 9 , prepare onein accordancewith NC Erosion and Sediment Control Plannin and Deli n Manual: Tem orar Gravel Construction EntrancelExit: 9 9 p Y 6.06.1 2. The 2. The Contractor shall prepare the stagin areas} and stockpile area(s) as shown in the laps. If necessar ,erect an safet fences silt fences or 9 p Y Y Y , barri 3. The 1 TITLE SHEET 4. The 2 BUCK STREAM CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS witn barriers. Stockpi I e m ateri al s that wi I I be needed duri ng the i ni ti al stages of construction. 3. The Contractor shall install a temporar sediment tr at the downstream most location as identified on the tans. Y aP p 4. The Contractor will use the existin stream crossin , if available. If a stream crossin is not available, the contractor shall re are ane in accordance 9 9 9 Pp with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Plannin and Desi n Manual: Tem orar Stream Crossin :6.70.1 9 9 p Y 9 INDEX OF SHEETS 5. The SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES arei STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS thro EARTHWORK SUMMARY 6. The 5. The Contractor shall install temporar coffer dams and pum around o erations for Phase 1 at locations ecified on the tans. Limits of each hase Y p p sp p p are identified on the erosion control measures plan sheets.] The ortion of the channel isolated shall be dewatered and the removed water shall flow p throu h a eci al sti I I i ng basi n accordi n to proj ect sp~i al provisions. 9 sp g i v tr k. x 6. The Contractor shall beg n exca anon of the s eam ban E cavation shall b in on the u stream end and work downstream. ~J p CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 7. onc 3 TYPICAL SECTIONS of tn STRUCTURE DETAILS s. the 7. Once a secti on of bank has been excavated to desi n rades, i nstream structures, math n and l ants shat I be i nstal l ed i n that section er the di recd on 99 9 P p of the En ineer/Pro~ect M anager and the channel made ready to accept flow. g 1 8. The Contractor shall remove the downstream coffer dam, then the u stream coffer dam, and final) the um around o eration thereb ~lowin p Y p p p Y 9 w~e 4 TO 5 PLAN/PROFILE VIEW OF EXISTING STREAM 9. Onc CONDITIONS AND PROPOSED STREAM DESIGN the EC-1 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 10. The EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES degr EG2 EROSION CONTROL PLAN VIEW RF-1 VEGETATION SELECTION 11.Onc PLANTING SPECS dist RF-2 REFORESTATION PLAN VIEW fol lo Gale 12. The water to flow into the completed portion of the channel. 9. Once a section of new channel is completed and water routed in, the Contractor ma b in construction of the next section Phases 2 throu h 7 of g } Y ~J the chann~ b i nni n a ai n at Step 4. e5 9 9 10. The wetland enhancement area will be planted according to plan in the eighth and final Phase of the ro~ect. D endin u on site conditions and the p1 ep gp degree of existing disturbance, some minor earthwork may be proposed for the enhanced area. S ecificall , existin oil files andlor berms ma be p Y 9sP p Y resh ed to rovide a more natural topo r hand flow r ime throu h the enhanced wetland area. ap p g ap Y e9 g 11.Once a stream or wetland work Phase is complete the Contractor will Item orar seedin , ermanent seedin and mulch to an other areas apP Y p Y 9 p 9. Y disturbed durin construction. Permanent seeding mixtures shall be plied as shown on the v etation Ian. Tem orar seedin shall be lied in 9 ~ p p Y 9 apP all areas susceptible to erosion (i.e. disturbed ditch banks, steep slopes, and oi{ areas such that round cover is established within 30 workin da s ~ ) 9 9 Y followin com letion of an hale of radin .Permanent round cover shall be established for all disturbed areas within 30 workin da s or 120 9 P Yp g 9 g g y calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction. 12. The Contractor will install the interpretive sign ~ a location identified b the Pro'ect En ineer/Man er. The si n will be rovided to the contractor Y 1 9 ~J 9 p by th by the cl i est. 13. The Item D escription Quantity Unit n r r insure that h i i free of trash n l f v r m 13. The Co t acto shall testes a d e to a aterials poor to demobilization of ui ment from the site. eq p PHASE BEGINNING STATION ENDING STATION 1 10+00 + 13 00 2 13+00 16+00 3 16+00 18+50 4 18+50 21+00 5 21+00 23+50 C Mobilization/Demobilization 1 L S 6 23+50 26+50 E 1 Temp Silt Fence 400 L F 7 REACH TO RECEIVE TWO STRUCTURES E2 Filter Fabric, Type 2 N on-W oven 750 SY E3 Special Stilling Basin 8 EA $ ENHANCED WETLAND E4 Diversion Pum p and System 1 L S F1 Temp Seeding (Rye Grain) 280 LBS F2 Seeding and Mulching 2.15 ACRES G Coconut (Coir) Fiber Matting 10,500 SY (IN CUBIC A Y D~ 5 H 1 Excavation, Fill, Grading 1 LS H 2 Site Preparation 1 L S CUT 11 Stone Boulders (4' x 3' x 2') 440 TONS ii 12 Class 1 Stone, Plain Rip-rap 80 TONS TOTAL LINE STATION TO STATION TOTAL FILL + % BORROW UNDERCUT WASTE UNCLASS. 13 Class A Stone, Plain Rip-rap 45 TONS FLITCH FLITCH CREEK 10+25.00 26+28.76 2281 0 0 2281 14 Class B Stone, Plain Rip-rap 12 TONS 15 #57 Stone 100 TONS J1 Tree and Shrub Plantings 1450 EA C H J2 Wetland V egetation Plantings 525 EA C H TOTAL 2281 0 0 22 1 8 K Live Staking 1200 EA C H L Interpretive Sign Installation 1 LS SAY 2300 0 0 23 00 GRAND TOTAL 0 BUCK PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. 138 3 PROJECT ENGINEER E I N I PRELIMINARY PLANS TOP OF BANK DO NOT USB FOR CONSTRUCTION DO NOT EXCAVATE RIGHT BANK CLASS 1 STONE, a PLAIN RIP RAP HEADER ROCK FLOW ? ~ 0 1 / EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 T R ~ Phone: 919-463-5488 F00 ER OCK ENaINRERINa Fax: 919.463-5490 2' CLASS A STONE, FILTER FABRIC, TYPE 2 PLAIN RIP RAP _ _ SECTION WIO BANKFULL BENCH FLOW PROFILE VIEW TOP OF BANK DO NOT EXCAVATE RIGHT BANK ~ ~ CLASS 1 STONE, PLAIN RIP RAP ~ ~ EX TING GROUND qRl VARIES IS FS EXISTING GROUND ~rQ 2 COIR FIBER MATTING 3• ~1 / 1 / 1 z• ~ ~ i FILTER FABRIC, 2' TYPE 2 SECTION WITH BANKFULL BENCH i ~ r r NOTE: DURING CONSTRUCTION, CORNERS OF DESIGN CHANNEL WILL BE ROUNDED AND A THALWEG WILL BE SHAPED PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. CROSS SECTION PLAN VIEW D BLE R P RO K R V OU D 0 C C OSS 113 113 113 BOTTOM BOTTOM BOTTOM WIDTH OF WIDTH OF WIDTH OF CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL FLOW VARIES 20° TO 25° 112 TO 213 BANKFULL #57 STONE 1' STONE BOULDER, HEADER ROCK STONE BOULDER, ENE BOULDER, HEADER ROCK 1' A STREAMBED r__` WATER FLOW 4% T010°k SLOPE BACKFILL WITH ON•SITE ALLUVIUM r ~ _ 5TREAMBED ~~,1. 1 f11 M1NbIN7i.fM .f c~ r A ~ Q ELEVATION ; r l;, ~ mH ~ MH a N ~ ~ a N BACKFILL WITH ON-SITE ALLUVIUM 0 ~ ~ BACKWATER ; ~ ~ NE STONE BOULDER, FOOTER ROCK ~ ~ r ` POOL ~ ~ #57 STO POOLS EXCAVATED PER FILTER FABRIC, TYPE 2 1' Y l ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Y CLASS 11A STONE MIXTURE, PLAIN RIP RAP P001 z ~ ~ `i z DIRE DIRECTION OF ENGINEER 1_Z~ CLASS 1W STONE MIXTURE, PLAIN RIP RAP Q Q m m FILTER FABRIC, TYPE 2 ~ ~ 6' MINIMUM ~ r ~ ; STONE BOULDER, FOOTER ROCK ` ~ PROFILE VIEW SECTION A - A' ~ ~ ~ ` , r ~ _ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ 6'-8' i ~ ~ SCOUR r ~ POOL ~ ~ - tiJ ~ ti NO GAPS BETWEEN FLOODPLAIN SILL NOTES FOR ALL VANE STRUCTURES: BOULDERS t , 1. BOULDERS MUST BE AT LEAST 4' x 3' x 2'. ~ ' POOLS EXCAVATED PER { • DIRECTION OF ENGINEER 2. INSTALL FILTER FABRIC, TYPE 2 FOR DRAINAGE BEGINNING AT THE MIDDLE OF THE HEADER ROCKS AND EXTEND DOWNWARD TO THE DEPTH OF THE BOTTOM FOOTER ROCK, AND THEN UPSTREAM TO A MINIMUM OF SIX FEET. 3. DIG A TRENCH BELOW THE BED FOR FOOTER ROCKS AND PLACE FILL ON c,, UPSTREAM SIDE OF VANE ARM, BETWEEN THE ARM AND STREAM BANK. - N VIEW PLA 4. START AT BANKFULL AND PLACE FOOTER ROCKS FIRST AND THEN HEADER (TOR) ROCK. 5. CONTINUE WITH STRUCTURE, FOLLOWING ANGLE AND SLOPE SPECIFICATIONS. 6, USE PLAIN RIP RAP, CLASS 11A STONE MIXTURE, PLAIN RIP RAP TO FILL GAPS ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF BOULDERS, AND #57 STONE TO FILL GAPS ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF CLASS 11A STONE MIXTURE, PLAIN RIP RAP. 7. AFTER ALL STONE HAS BEEN PLACED, FILL IN THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE WITH COMPACTED ON-SITE ALLUVIUM OR #57 STONE TO THE ELEVATION OF THE TOP OF THE HEADER ROCK. ~~s~ .i~ - i....... ~ 4 `k ~ 1 ~ I ~ 1 ~ , ~ ~ , BUCK REFERENCE No. SHEET No. ~,r 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ! r ~ ~ ~ ~ 013814 4 Lai i ~ ~ ~'f - PROJECT EN I ~ _ I G NEER ' 1 ! i t ! ~ i ~ , ~ ' ~ ~ r~ ~ 1 1 ~ 1 ~ i ` ` ~ I ~ ~ ( ~ 'I ~ t 1 ' / ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 / ~ ,1 ~ ! ~ ~ 11 11 1 t i ~ t , ~ - s ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t / ~''i ~ , ~ t PRELIMINARY PLAN t _ S ~ , DO N OT USB FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 1 ~ 'r' , ~ t ' t t ~ ~ ~ r 1 ' _ ' 1 ~ ! 1 i ~ . ; ~ 1, t', I ~ ; i i ` / t ~,rt'' , w ~ ~ 1 1 .r , ~ t _ i t 4 ~ ~ T 'S 1 , / i ~ it t ~ t ~ /4 / 1 ~t i , ../I~ ~is / > a" E ~ ; t 11 1 ~w t E ~.~li y'" i W! ~ '~1.... r? ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ i ~ . 2 N~ i 1 tee- / ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ i S 8000 Regency Parkwa Suite 200 I y { ~ ~ : w Cary, North Carolina 27511 ~ t~t. - iii ~ ~ d E w ~ lNE ({`lP) ~ Phone: 919-^483-5488 ~ ~ t } ~ 1 , UT L ~ ~ = ENGINEERINC3 Fax: 919-463.5490 -1 1 i i i 11 1 ~ 55• 5 ~ ~ M - ~ a i ~i ~i f ~ , , ~ I. • f " E ili' ! 1 E ~f~ ,r _ - ~ €N, w RO • , . ,~L CK CROSS VAN t ?I ~ 1 t r % Iii! ~ ~ f. ~ t i ~ i • w:"~ TATION AND ELEVATIONS ~ , x,. _ - ~ , ~ Station EI 1 I _ j i ~ ( / ~ j i, 1 1 ~ ~ / , ~ ~~gg~..^~ va ion ~ ~ ~,~s~ ~ :~,r•, 1 _ ' i I f ~ i ~ ~~!n:!y>. ~ ~F , , ~ ~~~w;.~,>,., ~ 10+20 34 i I i ' 55~ I r~~ ,~~=s-`s' ' fir- yr • M ,~r , . ~ * r,f, STATION 1 - 0 00 00 { ~ _ - _--v.._ t !rN ifFv BEGIN CONSTRUCTION , i, I X05.00 ,,,~r~.- -y,.~ '1,~,". Z ~ ~ ~ I ~ it x•,!•.. ~..i!f ~ ~ ~ ~ = 12+10 29.5 I ; ~ iir,. f,~ .r. . .Q k U 12+40 2. ~ 85 il~~' ~ Y SS ~ _ _ - A~ t~,; . 30 WIDE S , yr~~n~-~ , ~ ~ ,i~ a EA~EMEN j ~ SEWER ~ ~ , ~ ,.~'l Q 13+45 28.5 I ~ ~ - ~ 1, 1 V + ss ~ ~ . 13 95 25.5 ~ r _ o + ~ ~ 14 14 24.5 i a w,~;~ Cl1T LINE (1xA• ~ ~ ` ~~d ~ . , ~ + 14+65 ~ ~ 23.5 ~ , o ~ ~ ~7 ~ X4....1 ~ "'s ~ .f;,,~&;~ , . v. _ _ ~ ~ ~ ' , N 14+85 22.5 ~ ~ t ~ ( ~ , Z 16+50 21 .Calve` $ ..?r^ - ,~a~- _ - xr .-C 'may . ~ i ti , ~ + 17 50 1 ~ ~ 9 cwt , .a,,4~ ~+..~>'-u~ ~ ~ ~ 1 'G~ ~ I 1 ~ 1 + ~ `ZA f7- ` ~I ~ 1 ~ ( ~ 8 95 17 I ~ ~ .1 I` Q I ~ i , ~ ~ t. ' \ _ I ~ \ I ' S I I ~ I + h~'. ~ 22 70 14.5 I , ~ y I ; j • ~ + ~ (I , 23 80 1 , 3.5 + \ ` ~ 25 2 5 12. I 5 I` i ~ ~ ~ + ixl,il , ~ ,I , k I i 1 i ! ~ • ~ , ~ ~ 1 ~I i r ~ 4 EUTCH CREEK M t'. ~ l N ' t~ - , ~ $'N . ~I • ~ I I,~ l } ~ ~ ,...,...,,r.~ I 2, ~ rte' . ~ ~~IY~ W~fb'~-1'~fiy ~ t 50 25 0 5 GREEN _ ~ s ~ Y ~ 'r' . y _ SCA1E , ! f r_r~ + `~'i -i 7~~ -r ~ ! I-' . d- ra ~s-._~ i i 1.~ G ~ ~ I f "I ~ I ~ I "T, ! I , .~....Y. I -I--' '~'~fi°i ~`i' r "Y- ~-r- .,~.L .J-!.._ I _i ~ , ''I ~ l" . I ~ i -7 I ~ , , _ - - ~ ..f_. _ 't'}''r . 1 _ _ - .f.-< ~ - :-~-~-I .i- I ' i C ~ _i .r„! r~,- ~ ,~r_.a.~._ _ + -4---'"T-, ~..F ~ 1 U... ~ 1- i i ' , i r-~ -i-', f. 'f, `t"" _ -I-~.-1 , ' _ _T'~._ ..~.I...~_ _~_1.(_,_. _J""I.r.~ r ~,.I._t' i__I.ti.~_ j. ~ .d._ , -r I i , ~ , f , I ~ 'T I ....I, , _.I...~f., _ ..-...t..!...~_. _ I {f ~ f I ~ ~ r T J . . 1 ( , I ' 1 ~ t :-+...1. . 1 1. ] : 1 ~ 1 _a I I ~ ~ 11- i ~j Ire'-~.; i~ ' 1 6. ~ ' ~i_ , i., i i i I. I ~ } I I 'fi L. ~ 1 - f I _t`.'r ~ - L,..;_ ' d-F~ d . }....r_ . ~ I I I _L.{ _ I I _i ~ i I ~ , I t ~ I ~ ~ ; ~ E -r~ _l.._~.. E . _ 7• ~°a !-y" -;-i--~.._ _ ~ r 1 l„I", 1_T~_ ..._-l..t.,... _ -r^~-y - I i I } I 'J i t _ I r~ j 1~1• I t , ~ - [ r - ~ ! I • ~ t - ~~-r- •-~-t--~- , , t' I° _i'i`' " L ' .-L..1 _ .,1 ..,..J._ t"~-.. , { _ L_ r ~ ' 1 1- J. 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J_.,p. _ _~„r_ _p-1_t ..,~-..~...~.r. .~--~'.~.__.I i--. ~ -7-~ -{^I- _"~__{-T"'[• -t_ ..'.'j._. f i__h_7-. t 3 `.'4._ ".,~.r ' ' _ f ~.....L .~w.! t...{_ y_. i.. ,..r. ~ ~ . , { ~ .j...r ....r 1 I-- ~ _t. r .J~.y_.y..~„ -J_ Y ! °r f i C { I i ~ , T r .r , y. , { t . i_. i j _ S •F-.~~ y 4 a ,-7 1 ' 7 f i , I I ! , ~ , ~ _ ' ' _L. I~~,' ' ,L _i,..i_1 ,.J I_l~z.. ~.j_r. ~ ,f.~.. _ a_ti, .j.+,f_. } I '_.'f r ~ t I a , a , 1 i ? _ _ .1_ _..._}'--•--r-- . I - _ r._.., _T.. {-,w. j__` y_. I s ~'1"t-~ 1 t _ t...r..... f..S ~ I ~ r I ~ I b a t i f ( 4. L . , . N 5--, ~ ~ f j 1 ice; ~f I i 1 I , l i 1 q 1 _i .x _l._ _J . I. - _~'_7. _ ...t...f... ~ y._. ..i ~ 1 1 1 f 1 1 J i ~ _ ~ ' J-s-,.,.. _.1 J. .{_.L _.i, l i_ '-Y _j`T x..1..,1 ' ' 11 _L , ..{_,M _A , _z. .;,_..r_f 1..,°~. .l.• _..p._. L_ t. ,.t_. '.._.x wy_., _L, ._J__..~._f p_.t..y. p .i...;. { ..i...p !„J,_ i ' 1' + 'f - y.. ' , ' ! y I l ~ ~ s ~,.I i , _ ( s 7 ~ ! ~ ! ~ ! i i i E ~ i ! T s i 1 E' t } t ~ : L.~ 1 .x" j t I ' 4 ~ , , 1 ~ a. ~ _ ~ ( i , 1 I 1 + 0 0 25 24 00 + 0 3 s , + 00 2 00 2 BUCK PROJER REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. O138R EC-l ,'J PROTECT ENGINEER D P PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT II8B FOR CONe'RIUCTTON COCONUT (COIR) FIBER MATTING SPECIAL STILLING BASIN PLACE COIR FIBER MATTINCa IN 61NCH DEEP ryOTES: (SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS) TRENCH, STAKE, BACKFILL, AND COMPACT ~ U C K aooo Regency parkway sui~a 200 1. BANKS SHOULD BE SEEDED PRIOR TO cery, Nonn caroiine z~sti RIP RAP OUTLET TO DISSIPATE ENERGY. PLACEMENT OF MATTING. ~ Phone: 979-083-5988 TOP OF STREAMBANK 2. PLACE COIR FIBER MATTING ACCORDING TO ~N6INEER2N6 Fax: 919-083-5490 METHOD AND ROCK MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. SIZE TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD TO ADDRESS 3. MATTING STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED IN A DIAMOND SHAPED PATTERN. SITE CONDITIONS DEWATERING PUMP TOE OF SLOPE 80TTOM OF CHANNEL IMPERVIOUS DIKE (SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS) TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE PLACE COIR FIBER MATTING IN 61NCH DEEP HOSE TRENCH, STAKE, BACKFILL, AND COMPACT CROSS SECTION VIEW EXISTING CHANNEL TRENCH TRENCH T TRENC D ~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TOP OF STREAMBANK TOP OF- STREAMB S7REAMBANK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ STAKES TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE • • 1 1 t • 1 1 • 1 • • t • • • • t • • • • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ COIR FIBER MATTING • , • • • • • • ' ~ , • TO BE FJCTENDED TO TOE OF BANK t • 1 1 • • 1 1 1 1 1 • PLAN VIEW IMPERVIOU5 DIKE (SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS) 2" F•- PUMP-AROUND PUMP Q~.y RIP RAP INLET TO STABILIZE. METHOD AND ROCK SIZE TO N BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD TO ADDRESS SITE CONDITIONS TYPICAL MATTING STAKE SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION FOR TYPICAL PUMP AROUND ECIAL STILLING BASIN AT THE DOWNSTREAM SPECIAL STIWNG BASIN 1. INSTALL SP END OF THE DESIGNATED PROJECT WORKING AREA. - 2. THE CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL THE PUMP AROUND PUMP AND THE TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES HOSE THAT WILL CONVEY THE BASE FLOW FROM UPSTREAM OF THE WORK SITE TO THE RIP RAPPED OUTLET TO DISSIPATE ENERGY. EXISTING GROUND GRADING ACTIVITIES IN THE CHANNEL WILL BE PERFORMED IN THE DRY. TEMPORARY 3. INSTALL UPSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND BEGIN IMPERIOUS DIKES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM PUMPING OPERATIONS FOR STREAM DIVERSION. 4. INSTALL THE DOWNSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE. INSTALL PUMPING APPARATUS IF NEEDED OF THE PORTION OF CHANNEL THAT WILL BE UNDERGOING CONSTRUCTION. THE STREAM FLOW TO DEWATER THE ENTRAPPED AREA. THE PUMP AND HOSE FOR THIS PURPOSE SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO DEWATER THE WORK AREA. FILTER FABRIC, - LOW INTO A SPECIAL STILLING BASIN. TYPE 2 _ THIS WATER WILL ALSO F 15 20 FT WILL BE PUMPED AROUND. WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED IN PHASES AS IDENTIFIED IN 5. THE CONTRACTOR WILL PERFORM STREAM RESTORATION WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE. THE PUMP SHOULD ADEQUATELY CONVEY L CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE. (SEE SHEET 2) AND FOLLOWING THE GENERA 6. THE CONTRACTOR WILL EXCAVATE ANY ACCUMULATED SILT AND DEWATER BEFORE BASE FLOW (2.5 MAX CFS). THE TEMPORARY IMPERIOUS DIKES WILL BE REMOVED WHEN VE IMPERVIOUS DIKES PUMPS, AND REMOVAL OF THE IMPERVIOUS DIKE. REMO THE CONSTRUCTION OF EACH WORKING AREA IS COMPLETE. COCONUT (COIR) FIBER MATTING STARTING WITH THE DOWNSTREAM DIKE FIRST. TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE 7. THE CONTRACTOR WILL COMPLETE ALL GRADING AND STABILIZATION IN ONE DAY WILL BE PLACED ON ALL DISTURBED BANKS. EA BETWEEN THE IMPERVIOUS DIKES. WITHIN THE PUMP AROUND AR " PLETED REMOVE THE STILLING BASINS r. 8.ONCE THE WORKING AREA IS COM , ` AND STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS WITH SEED AND MULCH. a.: EXCAVATED MATERIAL WILL BE TEMPORARILY STOCKPILED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. SILT i~, FENCES WILL BE USED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT MIGRATION TOWARD THE OPEN CHANNELS ON SITE. ;t,; BUCK PR0IECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. 0138R EC 2 ~ ~ f ~ / i ~1'I PROTECT ENGINEER I / i 1 ' ,r f 1 1 l / / ~ , ~ 1 11 ~ _ 1 / ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ .r i / ~ ~ 1 ` ' 1 / ~ ' , r ~ 1 1 ~ ~ STAGING AND s ~ / / ~ ~ SING AND ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ , w,~ s ~ / %'i- STOC ILE AREA 11 / /s, _.1 (?ILE AREA ; - ~ PRELIMINARY PLANS i ' ? i ~ FOR PHASES 1-3 PHASES 1-3 ` ; ? ' - • DO NOT USB FOR CONBTRUCTION t c t 1.~ PHASE 3 250 1`', / ~ ~1 / / , 1 1 %t' ~ ~ PROPO ED PROPO ED ~ , ~ ~ , ~ 16+00 TO 18+50 ' ~ w , ~ / AN - ~ ~ ~ / FIRE HYQR FIRE HYDRANT .1 ~ ~._.M . ~ i i M ~ ~ \ ~ / , , S v m ~ ~ i z N w,.>,~;~ , w > P f ~ , i INE (N 1 ~ W i 1 i / ~UT ~ ~ , _ ~ j , PHASE. 2 - 300 ~ ~ 5 ~ ' "'"=;1 ~~D ~ 8000 Re enc Parkwa Suite 200 9 ~ ~ ~ . _ _ 9 Y Y 1.., ~ 13+00 TQ 16+00 - f ~ f ~ . - ; ~ ~ Q Cary, North Carolina 27511 ' r ` ~ Phone: 919.463-5488 i ~ ; ~ ~ ' ~ S W G NSERING ~ Fax: 919-463-5490 ~ - ~ s EN I t; l f r , ~ f PHASE 1 = 300' ` ~ ` ~ ' ! r / . ' / 10+00 TO 13+00 i " f .~~,"'v'', •~u~' ,V~.~ ..~~'~.ti ~ / ~ ~i ~ i r ray ~ S REA CR r AlL DISTURBED BANKS° ' ~ - , 'I. ~ \ ~'\r.' IN TALLED`BY~,OTHER\ PERMITTED AND S S ~ , _ n~~} O TR TED ^ T - WILL BE WI H t' ~ , 105.00 r~ COIR FIBER MATTING ~ f`~ ~.~f: ~ ~_4~ a,.,. I ~ ~ ~ N 1 ~ Z . m ~ _ I ~ - F- Q t F.. I `;r'" ~ fA I, , 1 ti ~ , ~ , CUT LIN (TY~ ~ ~ ~ _ . r 9 0 ~ ~ r ~ ~ 'l / ~ ~ 1 ~ _ i~ f~ ~ . r lye. ~fA~'~?~2;"X4~;'1,~~~ , ry..- I~ ~ ` , I~ ,t ~ ~ ` ~ i ,r I 1~ ;r'' a ~ ~ ' ~ ~ f1, i % ! ~ ~ ~ l \ y ~~j f' ~ ~ 1 , NOTES: TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND !i; f f r ~ ~ TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING SHALL BE PERMITTED it l,tii ~ ~ 1 / ' F ~rfl ~ \ ,J f~fi -.f ~ ~ UNDER THE SAGEWOOD PROJECT BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY. ~ ~ PERMIT NUMBER: GP 2303 M f~ ~ i N r"f1 ~ 1 ii ~ 1 0 fV7 i I~~_ ' ~ TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ~ _ Hh4- I~~ ~ 1 ~ \ EjRE-IzR ' (OFFSITE) AND TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING SHALL I ~ --~---L BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED BY SITE DEVELOPER. GREEN ~ - , - - - ~ U E--~-F r ^w` - " ~ AREA LOCATED ON LOT56. REFER TO ~ ~,,.cw- . _ , , _ _._.,_..:r._~~- _ _ _ SOIL STOCKPILE - - X ' I ~ - - - -w- SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET i ri FROM CHANNEL. r ~ r - _ _ ice/ ~ ~ , 1 ~ i I ,f ~ ~ , ' ~ 1 i t ~ ~ / ~ ~ --~-1~ i , - - E ter,,.::- , % ~ . ~g1M 1 t t _ ~ i f.'~J r ~ ! (r . nod ~ ~ ~ ,0j~ ~ .T ~ . f ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ • - , , . _ ~ 6T, ..ur J, PHASE 4 ?,50- , , r' ( ; i ~ ~ f, r~r "i~1 - - i i~ 'r: r' ~ ,~`r;~; ' t / ~ Jfs ~ ~ , / - . STAGIN AND , / / ~ / i ~ i + ~ / STOCKPI AREAS ' EMENT +l- 2 ACRES ~ , , ' . ~ ; ,ILAtyD "ENHANC , _ FOR P SE:S~ 4-6 , ~ _ _ : . _ _ - . _ E 6 , _ _ _ - / / \ ~ '~ri y'~ 1 ~ ' / --0t/ _ - ~ ~ ~ Q_.. - - ~ s~ 9~ , _ .ry _ F ~ PHASE 5-20' / , _ _M _ ~ .r. ~ „~p ~r,~. ynk' - . 3 ~ +00 TO 23+ 0 ALL DISTUREIE:U`EI,ANKS _ _ _ - _ / Ow ~ ~ _ fit" Y ~ „rf.; ~ • . r ! r ~ ~ ~i ~s ~ S ~f WILL BE•'TREA7~ED,IN~ITH _ _ = ~ ,FWD Sq I ~ . _ - - ~ _ Q ~ ~~T _ co E R F - I- IR FIBER MARTIN j ! ~ ~ ~ ~ •Yvy. O k~..- _ _ . ~ - . _ _ • ~ ~ UA. i ~ , ~ .a ~ _ i"", r ~ , . ti ti , 5 3 ~i r ~ j • ~ , _ r _ , _ ~ ' 'i ''t - \ ~ t ~ ,d ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ! _ ~ ; m ~ ~ 'w- / i~~~ ' c' ~:r~ - ' - rfl ~ - . ~ / , l ' ~ ~ , ~ , ~ J ~ : ~ - ~'~i;l~ I i ~ / . ~ ~ i 0 - - _ . _ l~,i(; ~ I ~ , i f ~ j, J'~ f 1 iff,'j ~ l ~ ~ _ Q ~ ' ~ _ _ ~ 1 _ - _ , L - l'~ , ~ rl ~P~pt m i I , ~ ~ C"' r:~ °ti 'i ~r ~~~r t Ii.' S S t`' w.,,., ~ ' `r~~ ~i ?art ) r. r 1 ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ L. ~ ~ r, ~ ~ 1 1,1.f ;',n1r~ ~ ~`l V . ~ , ^T`+~~ ~ A-~' ~ - ~ ~ F,f Siff ~ ~ ~ i i pp ~ ~;ir ~;f 1 ~ \ r.a ~~1 rii ,f „T . ~ ~V ! y!.i r+ilr j i r v{~ ~ i i~ ..i, i ' j ~l 1 f i` r , . ~ i _ ~ A\ '~,~r ,i its, ( ~y, i ~ ~ / ~ ~ \ 'V t A V gill ~ f ~ i.,, / ",1 r i 1 7,,,,~ a ,f 1 E ~ r ~ r ;,,!fl 1 PHASE ~ r PHgS - ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ''f` ~ ~ TO E-L'OCATEC ! ~ _ i` ~ ~ ~i~ t E IN THE FIELD E-LOCATED ION CONTROL EROS ~ , - ~ I tii'. ' ~ ~ --A~ PER DIRECT ~ ~ .1 , . PER DIRECTION OF PROJECT MEASURES - ~ ff, ~ EN IGINEER. i ~ t,li~` jfb ~ v ~ ~ ( ATE RIGH f iii ii zr~>r, t hff f?!ji J 1 i ~ ~ (CAVATE RIGHT BANK (AT 2:1) REACH. 50 25 0 50 100 r' " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `,....1 If I`'+'~ a f~:; ~ ALONG THIS RE r = - ~.t ~ ~ f' iiff~ ~ .ONG THIS i , ~ !r ~...i ,~i~~l i'i'i ~'i ii i ~ t i ~ , ; - ~ ~ , t, ~ ~~r;- ~ ~,~,3 ~ - / ~ ~y , r r .i__,,._ , j ! ~ r\ itp ~ ~~'lf SCALE F - , z... „ ~ ~ ~ ~ t t 3. I S , %sL BUCK PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET N0. m 01388 RF-1 m TYPE 1 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL BE PLANTED 10 FT. ON CENTER, RANDOM PROJECT ENGINEER N ~ SPACING, APPROXIMATELY 436 PLANTS PER ACRE. N TYPE 2 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL BE PLANTED 10 FT. ON CENTER, RANDOM SPACING APPROXIMATELY 436 PLANTS PER ACRE. NOTE: TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL BE T PAID FOR AS'TREE AND SHRUB PLANTINGS" TYPE 4 SHALL BE PAID FOR AS "LIVE STAKING" P PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION 1. LOCATE A HEALING-IN SITE IN A SHADY, WELL PROTECTED AREA. 2. EXCAVATED A FLAT BOTTOM TRENCH 12 INCHES DEEP AND PROVIDE DRAINAGE. i i u ~ii u 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 2 inch n Cary, North Carolina 27511 n Phone: 919-483-5488 ENC3INEERINCi fax:919-463-5490 ~i i TYPE II AND _ SEED MIX TYPE II w c7 i o}d} z i Z I- Y QX Q W~ ~ aQ w ~w > w ~ rn 1. INSERT PLANTING BAR 2. REMOVE PLANTING BAR 3. INSERT PLANTING BAR AS SHAOWN AND PULL HANDLE AND PLACESEEDING AT 2 INCHES TOWARD PLANTER TOWARD PLANTER. CORRECT DEPTH. FROM SEEDING. 3. BACKFILL THE TRENCH WITH 2 INCHES OF WELL ROTTED SAWDUST. PLACE A 2 INCH LAYER OF WELL ROTTED SAWDUST AT A SLOPING ANGLE ATONE END OF THE TRENCH. 4: STREAM SEE PLAN SHEETS RF 2 FOR AREAS TO BE PLANTED ' • • ' i • 5 . ,1 Temporary Seed Mix Winter Rye (Fall-Winter), Brown-top Millet (Spring-Summer) TOF TOP OF BENCH TO 1/2 SLOPE (TYPE I) ENHANCED WETLAND TREES AND SHRUBS (TYPE IV) Con 4. PLACE A SINGLE LAYER OF PLANTS SWE Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Swamp Tupelo Nyssa bif/ora Swamp Tupelo Nyssa biflora AGAINST THE SLOPING END SO THAT ove Overcup Oak Quercus lyrata Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum THE ROOT COLLAR IS AT GROUND LEVEL. ~ / RivE SWE River Birch Betula nigra Carolina Ash Fraxinus caro/iniana Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana Parsley-leaf Hawthorne Crataegus marshallii SWE Swamp Red Bay Pecs®a palustris Buttonbush Cephalanihus occidentalis . t. 6. LEAVE COMPATION Iron 4 ' ' 4. PULL HANDLE OF BAR 5. PUSH HANDLE FORWARD Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera RIPARIA ESEED MIX (BOTTOM OF CHANNEL TO Ironwood Carpinus carol~niana 1/2 SLOP HOLE OPEN. WATER TOWARD PLANTER, FIRMING FIRMING SOILATTOP. THOROUGHLY. (SEED MI TYPE I) Common Name Scientific Name r SOIL AT BOTTOM. ' TOF TOP OF BANK TO 1/2 SLOPE (TYPE II) Switch Grass Panicum virgatum Con Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus Common Name Scientific Name Fox Sedges Carex vulplnoidea Sw~ Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii N NOTES. PLA NTI Lau Wai Laurel Oak Quercus laurifolia RIPARIAN SEED MIX (TOP OF BANK AND UPLAND) Water Oak Quercus nigra (Seed Mix Type II) ' SWE Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana Common Name Scientific Name • Wa: Swamp Red Bay Persea palustris Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium ' • : ' PLANTING BAG Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans • : DURING PLANTING, SEEDLINGS • ; • : , ~ : , ' SHALL BE KEPT IN A MOIST Switch Grass Panicum virgatum CANVAS BAG OR SIMILAR we WETLAND VEGETATION PLANTING (TYPE III) CONTAINER TO PREVENT THE Common Name Scientific Name ROOT SYSTEMS FROM DRYING. con 5. PLACE A 2 INCH LAYER OF WEL ROTTED ~ ~ soft Soft Rush Juncus effusus Wool Grass Scirpus cyperinus T OVER THE ROOTS MAINTAINING Woi SAWDUS KBC PLANTING BAR G re Green Arrow-arum Peltandra virginica A SLOPING ANGLE. ~ / PLANTING BAR SHALL HAVE A Bro. Broadleaf Arrowhead Saggitaria latifofia ' Pickerelweed Pontederia cordata BLADE WITH A TRIANGULAR PicN CROSS SECTION, AND SHALL Liza Lizard's Tail Saururus cernuus BE 12 INCHES LONG, Tus li~~ Tussock Sedge Carex stricter • , • . 4 INCHES WIDE AND . • ' • 1 INCH THICK AT CENTER. uvi LIVE STAKING ROOT PRUNING Co r Common Name Scientific Name ALL SEEDLINGS SHALL BE ROOT silk T Silk , • PRUNED, IF NECESSARY, SO THA Silky Dogwood Corpus amomum Silky Willow Salix Sericea ' NO ROOTS EXTEND MORE THAN . 10 INCHES BELOW THE ' ~ ROOT COLLAR. ,4. 1' • VE TAKI N LI .1 TOP OF STREAMBANK • SQUARE CUT TOP 6. REPEAT LAYERS OF PLANTS AND SAWDUST • • 2'-3' BETWEEN STAKES • BUDS FACING UPWARD AS NECESSARY AND WATER THOROUGHLY. • • • 2'-3' BETWEEN STAKES LIVE CUTTING ' TOE OF BANK MIN. 112" DIA ' 18" - 30" LENGTH PLANTING PROCEDURE FOR CONTAINER GROWN TREES AND SHRUBS • ~ • . BOTTOM OF CHANNEL ~ U2 1"DEEP "X" ON BOTTOM OF • ANGLE CUT 30 - 45 DEGREES ROOT BALL 1"DEEP ~ VERTICAL SLICE CROSS-SECTION VIEW OF LIVE STAKING SPECIFICATION LIVE STAKE DETAIL ~ CUT THE CIRCLING ROOTS OF CONTAINER REMOVE THE PLASTIC CONTAINER AND TOP OF TOP OF STREAMBANK ~ GROWN TREES WITH A SHARP UTILITY FILL THE HOLE 314 FULL OF TAMPED SOIL TOP OF ~ STREAMI? ~ KNIFE. MAKE 4 VERTICAL SLICES ON THE STREAMBANK ~ SIDES AND AN "X" ON THE BOTTOM. ALL ~ SLICES SHOUDL BE 1 INCH IN DEPTH ,ry ~ 4" OF MULCH ~ © 4 MINIMUM OF 2 • • . ~ • . ~ • ; , . .:1... : . ; ~ ; PLANT STAKES FROM + • TOP OF BANK TO TOE OF BANK ~ FROM TRUNK 1 1 1. 1. 1 ~c WATER - _ . •1.~ , ~ i.. • 1.. . .•1. • NOTES: TOE OF SL( TOE OF SLOPE .1. .1. .1. 1 1; 1; 1 1 1. STAKES SHOULD BE CUT AND INSTALLED ON THE SAME DAY. 2. DO NOT INSTALL STAKES THAT HAVE BEEN SPLIT. ~ FILL THE REMAINING 1I4 OF THE HOLE UNLESS SOIL IS POORLY DRAINED, 3. STAKES MUST BE INSTALLED 1MTH BUDS POINTING UPWARDS. WITH WATER TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS AND 4. STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO BANK, v ~ LE MOUND SOIL AROUND EDGES OF HOLE 4" SETTLE THE SOIL. FINISH FILLING THE HO TO 6 HIGH. ADD A MINIMUM OF 4 OF ~ WITH SOIL AFTER ALL THE WATER HAS DRAINED 5. STAKES SHOULD BE 112 TO 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND 18" TO 30" LONG. ~»+ti APPROVED MULCHING MATERIAL. KEEP PLAN VIEW OF LIVE STAKING SPECIFICATION 6. STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED LEAVING 115 OF STAKE ABOVE GROUND. ~ MULCH ABOUT 2"FROM THE TRUNK BUCK PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. 0138R RF 2 ~ I v t S , ~ ' A ' PROJECT ENGINEER ~ i A ~ ~'a 1 \ \ \ ~ ~ v ~ _ ~ , I 1 1 \ ~ ~ 1 t ~ ; t . 1 i_..._. 1 ~ `i ' ~ ~ ~ PRELIMINARY PLANS ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ - DO NOT tTSB FOR CONBTRUCTiON ,1 I it 1 , ,1 ~ i ~ } , ~ ~ ,,~1 ~ r l ~ ~ \ I ~ ~ \ \ I I I ~ ~ , r ,1 1 I \ i r i i I ~ I I ~ 4 \ ~ V ~ i i ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t 1 I 1. \ ~ ! 1 1 ,`t ~ t i \ ~ j i \ \ '1. \ t 1 ter . '•*6;f' ' \ i ' ~ 1 t I: \ y ~ } ~ r ~ d r± ~,4 ~ 1 ~ , ~ \ ' f' 1 1 l \ .~+1SRsqu ~ a.n y s T, / , ~ _ ~ 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 :1 \ { ! ~ , u Cary, North Carolina 27511 ~ , ~ ~ ~ \ ~ y , LV ~ Phone: 919.483-5488 \ ~ } 1 ~I ~ \ t ; } aKS t r.;~ • F ~ "1rr s,;~~ ` , + ~ ~ ~ ENGINEEliING Fax: 919.463-5490 i ! \ t J ~ 1 > ~ ~ Z i f r 1 t r,, _ J _ ~ I r l ~ ~ ~,A PHASE BEGINNING STATION ENDING STATION ~ , U ~ : ~ , a' ~ ~ ti F- • r I, r , ! , 1 ,:~t7r6"~k`, I, Ur _ \ Q s, , . ~ ~ , . , ~ 4 18+50 21+00 l 1 i r ' ~ ~ ~ !j ~ ns ~I ! r ~ ~ 1 s~ ~ l~~ Vii`'`. t O 5 21+00 23+50 \ ~ \ In r , + 6 23+50 26+50 t ~ ~ ~,3 :~~r' f i~ I ; ~ 7 REACH TO RECEIVE TWO STRUCTURES t { . N 8 ENHANCED WETLAND y ' t y ~ f1 t " ~~I ~ ~ ' x:71 ~E S ANVT A .r r' , :r`;~ , ~~~'i-° ;1 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti - t i i f- .s 3 ~ ~ , ; , Q ` j ~ TYPE I, TYPE II, AND tom` LIVE STAKING REFORESTATION y ~ ~ , :5 \ ~ , t N \ 1 ti ; ; TYPE III AND TYPE IV ~ ~ r! CUT Li ~ (T`fP / ; I ~ / . ~ - ~ ~ WETLAND REFORESTATION S i. 1 An ~ ? ''ti \ ~ r' ~ ~ 5 ~1 r i ~ ~ 1 i s~ ` ~ t f i 1 ~ ~ i \ { i \ \ f ~ t ~ ~ 'i ~ \ \ i f~ ! ~ \ \ ~ f ; ~ ~ ' \ ! \ ~ ~ \ \ lll~li ? i t ` ; .I i tl. } •1 I ! i ` ~ 1 1 r ~ 1-! ; \ I ( \ 9 \ ti _ ~ !I ~ 0 ~ ; ~ i ~ t ~lyir I ~ 1 ~ "g'r , , t ~ t alt Nf~! I !1 ' ~ 1~ l , ~ ~ ~ \ 1 ~ ~ ; l t xj1~ i j ~ ~ s~ NOTES: r1! } / ~ti ~ 1, i 1. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (OFF-SITE) SHALL 917,' ~ - - t ~ BE BUILT AND MAINTAINED BY OTHERS. 91r( a / ~ ~i ~ ; ~ / 2. FOR PLANT SPECIES, LIST, AND DISTRIBUTION , ' REFER TO SHEET RF-1. / i ~ ~ _ ? ~ ~ \ - - / i .~~J/rte ~ ~rr~%,, rr _ \ ~ i r / f / 1 / r• ~ ~ ~ / / /iC r `w ~ r ~ f ! / `~.rM1 \ i / J ~ ~ f ~ ' ~ / F ~ ~ ~ \ 1 { / / r' J' i / ~ / l~ I i / / ~ ~ ' ~ r r,~ r i F - \ I ' \ ~ ~ J r it ,rrl - - / `i fr ~l) ~ / f ~ J` r /f r- r / ~ / / / i / ~ Y /J/` / / ~ 'C,'t , \ ~ / / / / 111 , . / f / / _ ; r/ / / f / / / / • _ ~ / 1\ J ~ ~ ~ ~ / i / ~ j/ i i /i i ~ ~ ' i Sq AA,, ~ _ _ _ _ p r O /r A ~ V Y . \q ~g> ~ v _ `r~ ~ r,r'f j 1 ~ r i . , , . _ ~ . ;s ~ _ . . ~ - , , ` ~ U~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1?.' - art- ~!1 ~'l ~ , rr .l°J ~ _ - k~ - f ` 1 ~ r. A i , ~i r / \ i _ / 1 / ,I1 _ _ r , , _u,. ? ~ F. s"1~.~ ~ _ ` / i l ~ ~ ~ tl _ J, 1 i 1 ~ /1 f J'"', i / i _ /l f' t. /I ` , / ~ t / / ~ ~ ~ ~ i \ t I f: ~ ,1 ~ f / A i l ~ \ i r~ ~t ' ~ , r i G~ < i t t i r i ~ / f ~ i ~ ! ~ k ' I ~ / } ~p r i' / t 'c i ~ ~ ~ J~ 7 / / ~ 1 1 t ~ ~ ~ , /y t/ ~ i.. 1 I i• I I f !f ~ ~ ~ i Vl ~ % / 'r 'i 111 I ( / r ~ / ~ ~ / ~ 1 ' ! / 1 f ti f / / t 3'~ ; t I r' / t / ~ ~i J i i~ to ~ \ ! ti / ~ \ .r i l ~ < l 1 ~ ~ / r~ 1 ~ i ~1 ~ ti r X13 ~ i ~ ! i' i ~ ' ~ ti r ~ i t t s t ' / t l ~ 'i 1 l~~ + ~t0 ~ ~ f ~ ! ~ I ~ . ~ REFORESTATION /VEGETATION {gam ~ ~ \ ~ ~ t I ~ I ~ _ P TJTNG PLAN LAN _ . _ _ ~ ~ r . Zvi } ~ r'~~ 50 25 0 50 100 JJJ 1 J (r /y-'" , ~ Ji ~ ~ / `i fii,,l :Ili I ~ _ - i i / ~ 3~ l I SCALE ~ + , i'i~ ~ - rte, ~ r~mw~Aq~lu it i ~~.ir~llµ ~ I R~~i , 7 R~~ ~ ~ r arszs avcs ~twicr tt>ra~rc~ Na et~r mru, N0. BRBBTB c~ y PROJECT SITE ~ ` ,y~` r, ~ icy Gr R ` yG0 0~, Cemetery d ~ ,~0 q ,~0~ `~G ~ ~ • i~ ` ~ N J p~ a m ~ e Futch ~+eek J i i ~ ~4 G Q t Q~o'~ Y ~ • p~ S peso ~ • ~ 3 p G c~' 2.p~ S. e r lend ~ h ~ ~ F r. o ~ pt. O 1. Abbey Glen VWa 7 - Pe li~ ~ ~ ~ 3.~p~ot. fl 4. n~Ln, J s• qa ` ` 8. Butler National l.n. 5 7. I nd Gr. S B. Ln. D o`~c0 ~ 6 Cv. N r W u III erv+'+*' ay„..:r .a;•.w xrow .wz. s,...m+ n`E' w'a:.+'aa nip ..w. urx+ o~nn:. ~.I ~ ~ . ~ a. ~ ~ j ' r •M y, Fri" , ~ ~ ~ 1 r r'r f i ~ I ~ w. 1,... 9 ~ 4 t <,i } / t' e /r r'~ f 1~ ~ kp ~t ^u~ ~ ~ / 0 5. / •i' / r. L'. ~ f ~ S ~ eti s'!~ ~}d T' ;1 tj .'Y <.r 1 N ~ `t ~ ~ r / d v r ~ 3 ~ s ~ ~ fF a r. ! ,u' t ~t S, `t 'ACS ~V i P'` ~ j' i r ~ ` h ! ~yi 9~ / a, 8 ~ 1r f i ~ r„i ~ ~ q . ~ ~ i ~t, q ; ,~N f 4' r ~ 4 d,~ r / ~ , ci l 1 ~ °~,y ~ f / ,fit' t ` ~ V I A f t ~ •j ~ f" ~f~ 4i. ~ 9 ~1 i ~ 6 ~ ,i'~ ,r^'' ~ ..f ~ ~r F~ ~'b ~i ~wv t 1,''ti~~C~ lsy~F'RP: KYe. fi/€!; ..r°' i l 'i F a V l ~ ...,...o.+..,..,., ~.""'.`...o.~ ~-.w._.~..,-..-...`.. ~ ~'w /mar. ,r y / / ~ q 4. 't•''~ „aa it ~ Mi~ ~~..w 1 ~ q @y ,fir" ~ t~s='~..f"' ~ ~ !Q 1 . ~ y~ / ~ WeRWlD ENHANCEMEIR Z ACRES i 1 ~e t 3~ / / Pry ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3~ ~ l ~ ~ CHANNEL STATION 10+00.00 r~ ~ ~ ~ } ~ / TIN ~ ~ ~ 1 u `y BEGIN CONSTRUC 0 ~ ~ .r ~ , ~ g ~ ~ j / / / It k ~ i •i I ~ ~ ~ ~ , 1 ~ ~ ~ i 1 i t _ - /~,or'~ / ~ ' ~ I l ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 ! _ ~ ~ Ted i ~ ~ ~ { t r_ ~ 1' ` ~ / / ~ _ / / ' i l fr I 1 ~ / t • " ~ ~,uL~L"P? i / ~ t ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ - CHANNEL STATION 26+45.77 11 ? ~ i~ I \y/ / ~ ~ I i:s II END CONSTRUCTION 1 ~ ,s ~ ~ ~ ! i 11 ' r _o...---- - - ( ~ ; II ~ i F~ i f y ` ~ ~J ih ..r°' w~ ~ t r ,.>.....,..,.........~J . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~~s ` r ~ ar. ,s'~ r~ ~ NTt ~'fC t I' fi/i"i ii h a~wa~~ T't, E 1 k ~1 ~k ry..~,"v ,jt t 1I ~ ~r § ~ ~ 11 ~ ! ~ 1 i ~ E I ) ~ ~ d i I SHEET 4 I , SHEET 5 I ~4- i?i~ if g 3 ~ o { j ~ ~ t • RO ECT L AT P TA'EAM D A TIKG S EXIS ~ PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: PR E T EN GTH 0 C GI1I~EER ECT LEN ALES SC PHIC GRA 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 EXISTING STREAM TYPE G5c Cary, North Carolina 27511 Phone: 919-463-5488 EXISTING STREAM LENGTH :NGTH = 1646 FEET ~~~Fr~~~~~~~~~ ~ Fax: 919-083-5490 1 0 EXISTING REACH LENGTH 1646 50 25 0 50 0 UUETLAND ENHANCEMENT ARE .NT AREA = 2.0 ACRES BANKFULL XSEC AREA 8.9 PLANS BANKFULL WIDTH 8.2 PRELIMINARY PLANS DOUG J. SMITH DO NOT U8B FOR CONBTRUC~'ION 50 100 WiD RATIO 7.5 50 25 0 PROJECT MANAGER BANKFULL MAX DEPTH 2.3 PROFILE HORIZONTAL LETTING DATE: KEVIN L. TWEEDY PE BANK HEIGHT RATIO 4,1 5 0 5 10 H ENT RATIO 1,2 ENTRENC M PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER NTACT: co CHRIS O'KEEFE PE 0.013 xsw ~ SLO NEW HANOVER COUNTY PROJECT COORDINATOR P.E. PROFILE ERTICAL SIGNATURE: BUCK PROTECT REFERENCE NO. SHEEP NO. l38 2 PROJECT ENGINEER ~gT~l[~ ~~C][$IEA~][ ~~NVIEI~T7C~~I~T~IL ~~~~~lL~ ~7CAN~~IR~ ~l~lE~g]FICI~7CY~N~ N.C. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL pRELIMINARY PLANS THALWEG SILT CHECK DECEMBER 1993 DO NOT U86 POR CONSTRVCTTON TOP OF BANK --III--I I F'-~ I I- SILT FENCE DOUBLE DROP ROCK CROSS VANE 6.06.01 TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE\EXIT -------..o------- WETLAND BOUNDRY 6.60 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP 6.62 SEDIMENT FENCE STEP POOL 6.70.01 TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING Cary, NoN~ Caroline 27611 TEMP. SEDIMENT TRAP BUCK X00 Regency Parkway Suite 200 Pone: 819-463-5488 ffiN6IN Effi RSN6 Faz: 919483-5490 ~~N~~C~gJC~I~N S~~~J]EN~]E 1. The prep 6.06. II~T~D~~ ~]F ~lE~]El~+ ~C~ 2. The 1. The Contractor will use the existing construction access, if available. If a stabilized construction entrance is not available, the contractor shall prepare one in accordancewith NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manus: Temporary Gravel Construction EntrancelExit: 6.06.1 2. The Contractor shall prepare the staging area(s) and stockpile area(s) as shown in the plans. If necessary, erect any safety fences, silt fences, or Barri 3. The ~ TITLE SHEET 4. The 2 BUCK STREAM CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS with INDEX OF SHEETS 5. The SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES are i STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS throu EARTHWORK SUMMARY 6. The CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE onc 3 TYPICAL SECTIONS of th 8. The barriers. Stockpi I e materi al s that wi I I be needed during the i ni ti al stages of construction. 3. The Contractor shall install a temporary sedim~t trap at the downstrean most location as identified on the plus. 4. The Contractor will use the existing stream crossing, if available. If astream crossing is not avail~le, the contractor shall prepare one in accordance with NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning ~d Design M anual: Temporary Stream Crossing: 6.70.1 5. The Contractor shall install temporary coffer dams and pump around operations for Phase 1 at locations specified on the plans. [Limits of each phase are identified on the erosion control measures plan sheets.] The portion of the channel isolated shall be dewatered ~d the removed water shall flow through a special stilling basin according to project special provisions. 6. The Contractor shall begi n excavation of the stream bank. Excavation shall begi n on the upstream end and work downstream. 7. Once a section of bank has been excavated to design grades, instream structures, matting and plants shall be installed in that section per the direction of the Engineer/Project M anger and the channel made ready to accept flow. 8. The Contractor shall remove the downstream coffer dam, then the upstream coffer dam, and finally the pump around operation, thereby allowing STRUCTURE DETAILS W~ 4 TO 5 PLAN/PROFILE VIEW OF EXISTING STREAM 9. on CONDITIONS AND PROPOSED STREAM DESIGN thec EC-1 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS ~o. rne EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES degr EC-2 EROSION CONTROL PLAN VIEW resh RF-1 VEGETATION SELECTION 11. on PLANTING SPECS dist RF-2 REFORESTATION PLAN VIEW ~ fol lo Galen waken to flow into the completed portion of the chann~. 9. Once a section of new channel is completed and water routed in, the Contractor may begin construction of the ne~ct section (Phases 2 through 7) of the channel beginning again at Step 4. 10. The wetland enhancement area will be planted according to plan in the eighth and final Phase of the project. Depending upon site conditions and the degree of existing disturbance, some minor earthwork may be proposed for the enhanced area. Specifically, existing spoil piles and/or berms may be reshaped to provide a more natural topography and flow regime through the enhanced wetl~d area. 11. Once a stream or w~land work Phase is complete the Contractor will apply temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and mulch to any other areas disturbed during construction. Permanent seeding mixtures shall be applied as shown on the vegetation plan. Temporary sceding shall be applied in all areas susceptible to erosion (i.e. disturbed ditch banks, steep slopes, and spoil areas) such that ground cover is established within 30 working days following complyion of any phase of grading. P~man~t ground cover shall be established for all disturbed areas within 30 working days or 120 calendar days (whichever isshorter) following completion of construction. 12. The by th 13. The 12. The Contractor will install the interpretive sign ~ a location identified by the Project Engineer/Manager. The sign will be provided to the contractor by the client. 13. The Contractor shall insure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site. PHASE BEGINNING STATION ENDING STATION 1 10+pp 13+00 2 13+00 16+00 .~U~~1~~ Jt ~L ill ~1~1 ll ~ 1L ~1C..~ 3 16+00 18+50 4 18+50 21+00 Item D escription Quantity Unit 5 21+00 23+50 C Mobilization/Demobilization 1 L S 6 23+50 26+50 E 1 Temp Silt Fence 400 L F 7 REACH TO RECEIVE TWO STRUCTURES E2 Filter Fabric, Type 2 N on-W oven 750 SY 8 ENHANCED WETIAND E3 Special Stilling Basin 8 EA E4 Diversion Pum p and System 1 L S F1 Temp Seeding (Rye Grain) 280 LBS F2 Seeding and Mulching 2.15 ACRES ]E~~I1~I~~CIE~ ]E~~$7C~i~~~3I~ ~~TI~M~~~ G Coconut (Coir) Fiber Matting 10,500 SY (IN CUBIC YARI)SD H 1 Excavation, Fill, G rading 1 L S H 2 Site Preparation 1 L S CUT TOTAL LINE STATION TO STATION TOTAL UNDERCUT FILL + % BORROW WASTE 11 Stone Boulders (4' x 3' x 2') 440 TONS u 12 Class 1 Stone, Plain Rip-rap 80 TONS UNCLASS. FUTCH CREEK 10+25.00 26+28.76 2281 0 0 2281 13 ClassA Stone, Plain Rip-rap 45 TONS FUTCH 14 Class6 Stone, Plain Rip-rap 12 TONS 15 #57 Stone 100 TON S J1 Tree and Shrub Plantings 1450 EACH J2 Wetland V egetation Plantings 525 EA C H TOTAL 2281 0 0 2281 K Live Staking 1200 EA C H L Interpretive Sign Installation 1 LS SAY 2300 0 0 2300 GRAND TOTAL p BUCK PROJECT F,EFERENCE N0, SHEET N0. 138 3 PROJECT ENGINEER ,,a i AL PI PRELIMINARY PLANS TOP OF BANK DO NOT EXCAVATE RIGHT BANK DO NOT U86 FOR OONSTRUCTION CLASS 1 STONE, a PLAIN RIP RAP HEADER ROCK FLOW ~ is 0 EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 Phone: 919-463-5488 FOOTER ROCK ENaINEERiNG ~ 2' Fax: 919-463-5490 CLASS A STONE, FILTER FABRIC, TYPE 2 PLAIN RIP RAP SECTION WIO BANKFULL BENCH FLOW PROFILE VIEW TOP OF BANK DO NOT EXCAVATE RIGHT BANK ~ ~ r CLASS 1 STONE, PLAIN RIP RAP %~r ~ \ i. / / ~ R UND VARIES EXISTING G 0 FS ~ r r 2,~ EXISTING GROUND pro IBER MATTI 2 COIR F NG 3• •1 / - i 1 1 FILTER FABRIC ~ ~ r TYPE 2 SECTION WITH BANKFULL BENCH NOTE: ~ r ~ DURING CONSTRUCTION, CORNERS OF DESIGN CHANNEL WILL BE ROUNDED AND A THALWEG IMLL BE SHAPED PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. CROSS SECTION PLAN VIEW D BL P R 113 113 113 BOTTOM BOTTOM BOTTOM WIDTH OF WIDTH OF IDTH OF CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL FLOW VARIES 20° TO 25° 112 TO 213 BANKFULL #57 STONE 1~ STONE BOULDER HEADER ROCK STONE BOULDE STONE BOULDER, HEADER ROCK 1' ' A STREAMBED WATER _._._r„ o E FLOW 4 /o T010% SLOP BACKFILL WITH ON-SITE ALLUVIUM ~ w STREAMBED ;s~¢;~~s,;~~ ~ cw7 A' 0 ELEVATION ~~~M'•"~` Q r ~ Q s.>.;:~ ~ a N ~ ~ ~ a ~ BACKFILL WITH ON-SITE ALLUVIUM 0 ~ ~ BACKWATER i ~ ~ #57 STONE cw ~ ,r P00 ~ PC STONE BOULDER, FOOTER ROCK POOLS EXCAVATED PER FILTER FABRIC, TYPE 2 1' Y ! r Y CLASS 11A STONE MIXTURE, PLAIN RIP RAP z ~ ~ i z DII DIRECTION OF ENGINEER 1_z~ CLASS 11A STONE MIXTURE, PLAIN RIP RAP Q r-- Q m , m FILTER FABRIC, TYPE 2 ~ \w^~ i 6' MINIMUM r STONE BOULDER, FOOTER ROCK ` ~ PROFILE VIEW f SECTION A -A' ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ 6'-8' i ~ ` , ~ ~ p~, ~ ,SCOUR i ~ i ~ ~ ~ POOL I - i i NO GAPS BETWEEN FLOODPLAIN SILL NOTES FOR ALL VANE STRUCTURES: BOULDERS ~ , ` 1. BOULDERS MUST BE AT LEAST 4' x 3' x 2'. POOLS EXCAVATED PER - DIRECTION OF ENGINEER 2. INSTALL FILTER FABRIC, TYPE 2 FOR DRAINAGE BEGINNING AT THE MIDDLE OF THE HEADER ROCKS AND EXTEND DOWNWARD TO THE DEPTH OF THE BOTTOM FOOTER ROCK, AND THEN UPSTREAM TO A MINIMUM OF SU(FEET. 3. DIG A TRENCH BELOW THE BED FOR FOOTER ROCKS AND PLACE FILL ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF VANE ARM, BETWEEN THE ARM AND STREAM BANK. LAN VIEW P 4. START AT BANKFULL AND PLACE FOOTER ROCKS FIRST AND THEN HEADER (TOP) ROCK. 5. CONTINUE WITH~STRUCTURE, FOLLOWING ANGLE AND SLOPE SPECIFICATIONS. 6. USE PLAIN RIP RAP, CLASS 1V~ STONE MIXTURE, PLAIN RIP RAP TO FILL GAPS ON UPSTREAM SIDE r OF BOULDERS, AND #57 STONE TO FILL GAPS ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF CLASS 1U1 STONE MIXTURE, PLAIN RIP RAP. I {"i 7. AFTER ALL STONE HAS BEEN PLACED, FILL IN THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE ~i STRUCTURE WITH COMPACTED ON-SITE ALLUVIUM OR #57 STONE TO THE ELEVATION OF THE TOP OF THE HEADER ROCK. ul T' .`ij .r ..ice. 1 BUCK REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. \ C-... 4. ~ ~ ~ / ' 1 1 1 1 ~ . 01388 4 1 ~ ! / / 1 i., 1 j ~ i i s, W ! 1 ,,a t ~ ~`C..: ~ ~ 1 ! 1~ PROJECT ENGINEER , - ti~•1 1 , ~ ~ t i~ i ~ ~w I I ~ I it ~ ~ti i i'ce' ~ 1 ~ ~ :i i i i 1 i 1 i i i/ ~ ~ 1 , ~ , ~ ~ i i i/ 11 r. i 1 - / 1 ~ ~ t PRELIMINARY PLANS 1 ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION ` ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ , ~ >t i ~ , 1 ~ v~/ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ . 1 ? ~ , ~ 1' E .e~~. ~ , 1 1 ~ / / i I' 'I 1 1 ~t y ~ 1, r I i ~ i ~ f - i i `l'' .r / W t ~ / s '1 , ~ r+ ~w 6 ~ ! ~ - 'v 1 ~ t 1 ~ ~ ~ E f I ~ t ~ , .I 1 ~ ~ VI ( ~ ~ ~ / k ~ ~ ~ 1 'i. . ~ ~ 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 I M ~1 w' , I / t. MI I ~~.L.~/ / ~ Z Nf 1 ~ W,, ~.-i~ ~ ~ W Cary, North Carohna 27511 , k , t W ' I t f ' ~ ~ f W Phone: 919.483-5488 . •;1 P ~ ~ ~ INE (N ~ = EN(~INEERINC~ Fax. g1g-463-5490 I ' t , .1 UTL } ~ I ` S 5 it I i ~ ~ 'i ~ / ;1 ~ ' _ _ ~ _ ~ W ,r - - _ t:^~ ROCK CROSSVANE INVERT I , M1 ' , ` 11" I ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , = STATION AND ELEVATIONS i ! 1 1 t I , ' I f 1' 4 ~ ~ , . , i ; I ! r ~ ~ / ~.;ti,, Station Elevation i 1 ~ _ J 1 ~ ' , ~ s~%~zs 4. li I _ ~ ~~i„. r,,~_ „r;,. fli i ~ ~ i' y~ STATION 10+00.00 ; ~ ' • ! 105.00' ~ ~ ~ ° A t~, J ~ ~ ~ 12+10 29.5 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION t'I ~ _ ' I I . N49 28 51'W f..- i I ! I ~ i . - ii it , iii _ I • ~ U 12+40 28.5 1' I I I ~ I- ox ..III NlY ARY ss ~ ; ~ ~ - , - , I ~ • Q 13+45 26.5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , I t , _ ~ ~ 13+95 2 . ~ ~WIDESA ~ ~ 55 • cry SE s~ , ~ ~ t `t _ _ 0 14+14 24.5 ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ + 14+65 23.5 , ~ o h ~ N 14+85 22.5 tit "•.a ` \ q, ~ ~ 3t.~ , \ s CUT LINE ( 8~ °~fi;', l----_ ~ . ~ I ~ 16+50 21 , I ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 1 + ~ ~ 7 50 19 ~ ~ r - ti~ v~` I 4 + 1 18 95 17 ^.Y ~yS~~..-lam Yom. ~ \ 1 \ I 't I ~ ' ~ t , ~,.r F'- 20+05 16 I l ~ ~ \ ( N ( , I 22+70 14.5 , q= t , 23+80 13.5 i , ' i ' . + _ 25 25 12.5 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ , \ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~I - - \ 'i' ! \ ~ ~ r ~ ~ 'ir ~ \ j + t, I ~1 ~ l : ~ s, I ' '1.. / i ~ I ' t~, I FUTCH CREEK ~ ~ ,t ~ 4 +'1 __y. N' 1 ~ ~ ,1 ~ ~ ~ a -r'~ (5 50 25 0 50 100 -W?~~if~f~ihy--~-_ ` ~ . GREEN f _ ~ - - - - - - -1 ~ s ~1 _ I ~ -1- '"CJ'T~ _ ~ ~ r - - - ~ . SCALE F 1 t i t I ~ _ _ . _ ~ t v _ ~-r - f-t- k I _ i ' _.y..,l_ , a - y. - I, -t~ _ r- _j _ I..I t- I I "k - t ~ _ . _r.,7 7 ' I _ T"'r' t`" ~ I t I i i ~ , I I T t t -.l.i! 1. I T _ , t ' a_ _ .`f"~ _ 1 - } t - '~'-I _ 1.' - ~,+_~--j-- •P- - °t_' 't'~, r , ' .-I ~ ~ j_ r.+ 1- - I -ti-r-i- -f_+ - -f _i r~_,..r - -4,' 7't ~ I.... ~i7 t- ~f-t• f ti.....1 ~ I t T.r ~ ~ , I ~_,._~_..k.... ~ i - I _ ~ , , .}...I,~._ fi._ I-L , r ~ F ,_.P 7 ~ , ~ i ~ I I , , ~ -c ~ _ - . _ _ ~ ~.~7 _ l.~_, 1. ~ 1 -H . . „ ; I~ 1 ~ _L I ' ` - .4. {j lL~I , T"}" T A ..f...,_. _ . ^r r "t-T ~ I I - _ { I -..i. .._.1 r __-I~-'_~ _ _ .rr_,-~c'-.y,.. ~ ~~'`7 t", --t-'r 1 ~'l- t-, L.~ r ' ~ ~ ~ • n- . ,_~i.~.. 1..1_,. ~j ~ f r~_, _r , r.,. L_.4... i..... . . ~ I I . t.. 1 ~-3... } . d- ' I ~ t } ~ - ~T'._i.1.. i .l. i 1- -'-T { ~-'I ! 1.. ~ I - . , +...r..~ .1.,_ .j...3._,_ . a 1 •.r ~ 1 ~ ~ •C "j' ~""Y I f l I r ! i I I { f ! _ 1 ~ _ _ . 1 1 _ I I ~ I , 1 I .I..} _ ~ F 1_ ~ YT_~ _._i-- -7 ri_'_.' _~..*.r. , ~f° I i_ -f•-s-',' T t C I ! f r";' `P~' f ' { j t ~ ~`f 'r ' ! ~ ' 1 ~ ~ _I~...~ ...I_ t, .i ~ +"j" ".Y" i ~ I . 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PLACEMENT OF MATTING. Pnore: aiarea-sass METHOD AND ROCK SIZE TO BE DETERMINED TOP OF STREP,MBANK 2. PLACE COIR FIBER MATI7NG ACCORDING TO ~N6INY.DRIN6 ~ Fae: 918-983-5090 MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. IN THE FIELD TO ADDRESS SITE CONDITIONS 3. MATTING STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED IN A DIAMOND SHAPED PATTERN. DEWATERING PUMP TOE OF SLOPE IMPERVIOUS DIKE (SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS) BOTTOM OF CHANNEL TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE PUKE COIR FIBER MATTING IN 8 WCH DEEP TRENCH, STAKE, BACKFILL, AND COMPACT CROSS SECTION VIEW EXISTING CHANNEL 0 Z TREND TRENCH TRENCH 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TOP OF STREAMBANK TOP OF TOP OF- STREnanenNK _1 • 1 1 • I • 1 • 1 I STAKES TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE STREAMI - ~ • • • 1 • 1 • •-'--t----t--- t • • • • • • • • t t • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ COIR FIBER MATTING • ~ ~ , • , • ~ , ~ • • TO BE EXTENDED TO TOE OF BANK 1 • t • 1 1 1 • 1 1 • • PLAN VIEW IMPERVIOUS DIKE (SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS) 2.. PUMP-AROUND PUMP Q~\y RIP RAP INLET TO STABILIZE. METHOD AND ROCK SIZE TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD fV TO ADDRESS SITE CONDITIONS NPICAL MATTING STAKE SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION FOR TYPICAL PUMP AROUND 1. INSTALL SPECIAL STILLING BASIN AT THE DOWNSTREAM SPECIAL STIWNG BASIN END OF THE DESIGNATED PROJECT WORKING AREA. - ~ 2. THE CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL THE PUMP AROUND PUMP AND THE TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES HOSE THAT WILL CONVEY THE BASE FLOW FROM UPSTREAM OF THE WORK SITE TO THE RIP RAPPED OUTLET TO DISSIPATE ENERGY. EXISTING GROUND 3. INSTALL UPSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND BEGIN GRADING ACTIVITIES IN THE CHANNEL WILL BE PERFORMED IN THE DRY. TEMPORARY PUMPING OPERATIONS FOR STREAM DIVERSION. 4. INSTALL THE DOWNSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE. INSTALL PUMPING APPARATUS IF NEEDED IMPERIOUS DIKES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM TO DEWATER THE ENTRAPPED AREA. THE PUMP AND HOSE FOR THIS PURPOSE OF THE PORTION OF CHANNEL THAT WILL BE UNDERGOING CONSTRUCTION. THE STREAM FLOW SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO DEWATER THE WORK AREA. FILTER FABRIC THIS WATER WILL ALSO FLOW INTO A SPECIAL STIWNG BASIN. TYPE 2 WILL BE PUMPED AROUND. WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED IN PHASES AS IDENTIFIED IN E F RM STREAM RESTORATION WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN 15 - 20 FT 5. THE CONTRACTOR WILL P R 0 THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE. THE PUMP SHOULD ADEQUATELY CONVEY - AND FOLLOWING THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE. (SEE SHEET 2) 6. THE CONTRACTOR WILL EXCAVATE ANY ACCUMULATED SILT AND DEWATER BEFORE BASE FLOW (2.5 MAX CFS). THE TEMPORARY IMPERIOUS DIKES WILL BE REMOVED WHEN REMOVAL OF THE IMPERVIOUS DIKE. REMOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKES, PUMPS, AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF EACH WORKING AREA IS COMPLETE. COCONUT (COIR) FIBER MATTING TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE STARTING WITH THE DOWNSTREAM DIKE FIRST. 7. THE CONTRACTOR WILL COMPLETE ALL GRADING AND STABILIZATION IN ONE DAY WILL BE PLACED ON ALL DISTURBED BANKS. WiTHIN THE PUMP AROUND AREA BETWEEN THE IMPERVIOUS DIKES. 8.ONCE THE WORKING AREA IS COMPLETED, REMOVE THE STIWNG BASINS AND STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS WITH SEED AND MULCH. EXCAVATED MATERIAL WILL BE TEMPORARILY STOCKPILED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. SILT , v,, ,ua ~ FENCES WILL BE USED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT MIGRATION TOWARD ~.~x: THE OPEN CHANNELS ON SITE. irs ` _4.; ; , iCa t