HomeMy WebLinkAbout010010_Assessment of Civil Penalties_20190123l ROY COOPER Governor MCHAEL S. REGAN Seaetary UNDA CULPEPPER DhvcWr NORTH EnvkvnnwROWdLQ y January 23, 2019 CERTIFIED MAIL - #70151520 0000 7838 4887 RETURNRECEIPT REQUESTED George H. Woody Triple W Farms 3545 E. Greensboro Road Snow Camp, NC 27349 Dear Mr. Woody: N C Department of Environmental Quality Received JAN 2 8 201g i! Winston-Salem Regional Office SUBJECT: Assessment of Civil Penalties for Violation(s) of 15A NCAC 2T .0105(e)(2) Farm # 01-0010 Alamance County Enforcement File No. PC-2018-0031 This letter transmits notice of a civil penalty assessed against George H. Woody in the amount of $4500.00, and $972.11 in investigative costs, for a total of $5,472.11. Attached is a copy of the assessment document explaining this penalty. This action was taken under the authority vested in me by delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of -Environment Quality. Any continuing violation(s) maybe the subject of a new enforcement action, including an additional penalty. Within thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must do one of the following: 1. Submit payment of the penalty: Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environmental Quality (do not include waiver form). Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Please submit payment to the attention of- Miressa Garoma Animal Feeding Operations & Ground Water Section Division of Water Resources 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 OR D North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Q 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1636 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 ��� /'� 919.707.9000 1� c 2. Submit unwritten request for remission including a detailed justification for such request: Please be4¢aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below, as they may,_relatertorthe reasoriab'leness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure f0f �eontesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements -contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation and agreement that no factual or legal issues are in dispute. Please prepare a detailed statement that establishes why you believe the civil penalty should be remitted, and submit it to the Division of Water Resources at the address listed below. In determining whether a remission request will be approved, the following factors shall be considered: (1) whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in NCGS 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the violator; (2) whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; (3) whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (4) whether the violator has been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; or (5) whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please note that all evidence presented in support of your request for remission must be submitted in writing. The Director of the Division of Water Resources will review your evidence and inform you of their decision in the matter of your remission request. The response will provide details regarding the case status, directions, for payment, and provision for further appeal of the penalty to the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee). Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the original remission request considered by the Director. Therefore, it is very important that you prepare a complete and thorough statement in support of your request for remission. In order to request remission, you must complete and submit the enclosed "Request for Remission of Civil Penalties, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. The Division of Water Resources also requests that you complete and submit the enclosed "Justification for Remission Request." Both forms should be submitted to the following address: Miressa Garoma Animal Feeding Operations & Ground Water Section Division of Water Resources 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 OR 3. File a petition for an administrative hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings: If you wish to contest any statement in the attached assessment document you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the Office of Administrative Hearings. f j You must file the petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except for official state holidays. The petition may be filed by facsimile (fax) or electronic mail by an attached file (with restrictions) - provided the signed original, one (1) copy and a filing fee (if a filing fee is required by NCGS §15013-23.2) is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings within seven (7) business days following the faxed or electronic transmission. You should contact the Office of Administrative Hearings with all questions regarding the filing fee and/or the details of the filing process. The mailing address and telephone and fax numbers for the Office of Administrative Hearings are as follows: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Tel: (919) 431-3000 Fax: (919) 431-3100 One (1) copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: William F. Lane, General Counsel DEQ 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice, as evidenced by an internal date/time received stamp (not a postmark), will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office for collection of the penalty through a civil action. Please be advised that additional penalties may be assessed for violations that occur after the review period of this assessment. If you have any questions, please contact Miressa D. Garoma at (919) 707-3665. Sinc rely, �. Jon aard, Chief Animal Feeding Operations & Ground Water Section Division of Water Resources ATTACHMENTS cc: nm$�RS? u)l`"/,fatta`cluraents, File # PC-2018-0031 w/ attachments V AFOGWS Central Files w/ attachments Alamance County Health Department 3 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ALAMANCE IN THE MATTER OF GEORGE HAROLD WOODY FOR VIOLATIONS OF CATTLE ) WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ) GENERAL PERMIT AWG200000 ) AND NORTH CAROLINA ) GENERAL STATUE 143-215.1OC ) NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT QUALITY PC-2018-0031 FINDING AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES Acting pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality and the Director of the Division of Water Resources (DWR), I, Jon Risgaard, Chief of the Animal Feeding Operations and Groundwater Protection Section (AFOGWP) of the DWR, make the following: I. FINDINGS OF FACT: A. George H. Woody operates Triple W Farms, a permitted cattle operation owned by George S. Woody Irrevocable Trust. Triple W Farms is located along East Greensboro - Chapel Hill Road in Alamance County. B. Harold G. Woody was issued Certificate of Coverage (COC) AWCO10010 under Cattle Waste Management System General Permit AWG200000 for Triple W Farms on March 11, 2016 effective upon issuance, with, an expiration date of September 30, 2019. Upon completion of the phosphorus loss assessment (PLAT) requirement for Tract No. 30637 (Fields 1-6) a revised COC was issued to Triple W Farms on September 13, 2018 with an expiration date of September 30, 2019. C. Condition I.3. of the -General Permit AWG200000 states in part that "The facilities COC and its CAWMP are hereby incorporated by. reference into this General Permit. The CAWMP must be consistent with all applicable laws, rules, ordinances, and standards (federal, state and local) in effect at the time of siting, design and certification of the facility. Any Violation of the COC or the CAWMP shall be considered a violation of this General Permit." D. The Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) states that waste may not be stockpiled within 100 feet of a well. E. Per the CAWMP, slurry waste from the barn is to be managed by transfer from a catch box under the push off ramp into the waste storage pond via pipe. The waste pond is not designed to receive slurry waste by overland flow. F. Per the CAWMP, parlor waste is to be conveyed from a small (25'x5'x6'), uncovered concrete pit into the waste pond via underground pipe. Observations on June 22, 2018, October 31, 2018 and November 8, 2018 document that the waste is still being_ pumped overhead from the pit into a slurry tank rather than the waste storage pond. 0 G. On June 22, 2018 several hundred gallons of cattle slurry waste was observed flowing downhill from the push off ramp of one of the cattle bams and had accumulated and was stockpiled within 100 feet of a well. During a November 8, 2018 follow-up inspection, slurry waste was still accumulating on the ground and continuing to flow downhill. On November 8, 2018, cattle waste was only 66 feet from a well. H. Condition 111.11. of the General Permit AWG200000 states that "A copy of this General Permit, the facility's COC, certification forms, lessee and landowner agreements, the CAWNIP and copies of all records required by this General Permit and the facility's CAWMP shall be maintained by the Permittee in chronological and legible form for three (3) years. Records include but are not limited to: soil and waste analyses, rain gauge readings, freeboard levels, irrigation and land application event(s), past inspection reports and operational reviews, animal stocking records, records of additional nutrient sources applied (including but not limited to sludges, _unused feedstuff leachate, milk waste, septage and commercial fertilizer), cropping information, waste application equipment testing and calibration, and records of removal of solids to off -site location(s). These records shall be maintained on forms provided or approved by the Division and shall be readily available at the facility (stored at places such as the farm residence, office, outbuildings, etc.) where animal waste management activities are being conducted." I. The June 22, 2018 compliance inspection documents that freeboard records were not being maintained, and the missing records were subsequently updated. A follow-up inspection on October 31, 2018 documents that freeboard records have not been recorded since the June 2018 compliance inspection. Condition V.2. of General Permit AWG200000 states that "The maximum waste level in lagoons/storage ponds shall not exceed that specified in the facility's CAWMP. At a minimum, maximum waste level for lagoons/storage ponds must not exceed the level that provides adequate storage to contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm event plus an additional one (1) foot of structural freeboard except that there shall be no violation of this condition if. (a) there is a storm event more severe than a 25-year, 24-hour event, (b) the Permittee is in compliance with its CAWMP, and (c) there is at least one (1) foot of structural freeboard." K. On June 22, 2018 DWR Winston-Salem Regional Office (WSRO) staff conducted a routine, announced, compliance inspection of the above referenced facility. DWR WSRO documented that the animal waste level in the new waste storage structure was only two inches below the spillway. As -built drawings for the structure indicate that the maximum liquid level (start pump) is 4.75 feet below the spillway. The waste level was observed to be noncompliant during the following inspections as well: July 12, 2018, October 31, 2018, and November 8, 2018. L. Condition No. E11.13. of General Permit AWG100000 states that "The Permittee shall report by telephone to the appropriate Division Regional Office as soon as possible, but in no case more than twenty-four (24) hours following first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following events: (e) Failure to maintain storage capacity in a lagoon/storage pond greater than or equal to that required in Condition V.2. Of this General Permit. (f) Failure to maintain waste level in a lagoon/storage pond below that of the designed structural freeboard (twelve (12) inches from top of dam or as specified in lagoon/storage pond design). Note that this notification is in addition to the report required by Condition III. I3.e above. M. DWR staff did not receive notification of the June 22, 2018 non -compliant animal waste level described above. N. On July 10, 2018, WSRO issued a Notice of Violation/Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) to George H. Woody for violations of the permit. The NOV/NOI was sent Certified Mail and received by Lydia Woody on July 16, 2018. WSRO did not receive Mr. Woody's official response until September 10, 2018. Due to several continuing violations of the initial NOV/NOI, a follow-up NOV/NOI letter was sent Certified Mail on November 13, 2018 with request for a ten (10) day response. The response has not yet been received by WSRO. Various electronic correspondence was also received by WSRO June 27, 2018 through October 3, 2018. O. The cost to the State for the enforcement procedures in this matter totaled $972.11 Based upon the above Findings of Fact, I make the following: II. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: A. George Harold Woody is a "person" within the meaning of N.C.G.S.§ 143-215.6A pursuant to N.C.G.S.§143-212(4). B. A permit for an animal waste management system is required by N.C.G.S.§ 143-215.1. C. The above -cited failure to abide by the CAWMP and permit violated Condition I.3. of General Permit AWG200000. D. The above -cited failure to maintain freeboard records violated Condition II1.11. of General Permit AWG200000. E. The above -cited failure to operate and maintain the liquid level in the lagoon at the level specified in CAWMP violated Condition No. V.2. of General Permit AWG200000. F. The above -cited failure to provide notification to the regional office violated Condition 11I.13. of General Permit AWG200000. G. George Harold Woody may be assessed civil penalties in this matter pursuant to G. S. 143-215.6A(a)(2), which provides that a civil penalty of not more that twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per violation may be assessed against a person who is required but fails to act in accordance with terms, conditions, or requirements of a permit required by G. S. 143-215.1. H. N.C.G.S.§143-215.6A(b) provides that if any failure to act as required by the rules is continuous, a civil penalty of not more than $25,000.00 per violation may be assessed for each day the violation continues. I. The State's enforcement costs in this matter may be assessed against George Harold Woody pursuant to G. S. 143-215.3(a)(9) and G. S. 143B-282.1(b)(8). J. The Chief of the Animal Feeding Operations and Ground Water Protection Section, Division of Water Resources, pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality and the Director of the Division of Water Resources, has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, I make the following: III. DECISION: Accordingly, George Harold Woody is hereby assessed a civil penalty of: $ C C�yo �d For failing to abide by the CAWMP and permit in violation of Condition I.3. of General Permit AWG200000. NOV/NOI was issued on July 10, 2018 and November 13, 2018 for the documented waste being pumped overhead from the pit into a slurry tank rather than the waste storage pond, and slurry waste accumulating on the ground and continuing to flow downhill observed on June 22, 2018, October 31, 2018 and November 8, 2018. $ 1, 000 For violating Condition III.11. of General Permit AWG200000 by failing to maintain freeboard records. Freeboard records have not been recorded since the June 2018 compliance inspection for which NOV/NOI was issued on July 10, 2018 and November 13, 2018. $ l� SUOou For violating Condition No. V.2. of the General Permit AWG200000 for failure to maintain adequate storage capacity in the lagoon/waste pond. The waste level was observed to be noncompliant during July 12, 2018, October 31, 2018, and November 8, 2018 inspections. NOV/NOI was issued July 10, 2018 and November 13, 2018 for this noncompliance events. u� $ For violating Condition No. 111.13. of General Permit AWG200000 for failing to notify DWR of noncompliant animal waste levels in a waste storage structure by telephone to the appropriate Regional Office as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours. $ Ll SO U u U TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY which is percent of the maximum penalty authorized by N.C.G.S.§143-215.6A. $J972.11_ Enforcement costs $ ? `I 7oZ I) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Pursuant to N.C.G.S.§143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have taken into account the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the factors set forth at N.C.G.S.§143B-282.I(b), which are: (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; li (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. IV. NOTICE: I reserve the right to assess civil penalties and investigative costs for any continuing violations occurring after the assessment period indicated above. Each day of a continuing violation may be considered a separate violation subject to a maximum $25,000.00 per day penalty. Civil penalties and investigative cost may be assessed for any other rules and statutes for which penalties have not yet been assessed. V. TRANSMITTAL: These Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision shall be transmitted to George Harold Woody in accordance with N.C.G.S.§ 143-215.6(A)(d). (Date) Jo sgaardChief al Feeding Operations and round Water Protection Section Division of Water Resources DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CIVIL PENALTY ASSESSMENT FACTORS Violator: George H. Woody County: Alamance Case Number: PC-2018-0031 Permit Number: AWC010010 ASSESSMENT FACTORS 1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; There was no evidence during the inspection or follow-up visits to suggest that there has been a discharge or overflow into surface waters. While no well water samples have been taken, the stockpiling of waste within 100 feet of a well for the last several years may have polluted the groundwater. The WSRO does . not have evidence to document that there has been harm to public health or private property. 2) The duration and gravity of the violation; Records and follow-up inspections indicate that the freeboard has been noncompliant for several months and that required freeboard records have not been maintained since June 2018. Failure to maintain compliant waste levels was noted in 2015 (prior to becoming permitted). And the failure to properly transfer waste from the parlor pit and the push -off ramp to the waste pond was also noted in a 2015 inspection. jcc;1v,re_ +o nck`, !DwtZ cyP %,-Ake {teals (c,-J. IlC,IS) qua M,� asscsuJ 1 r_- JC+ZfC {JJ_ Ptrk,i NYC nCvl t' rC�r,{J to �p .t r I �,+ trkatJ aJ 6) ire 3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; wS�RU No impacts have been verified. 4) The cost of rectifying the damage; At the time of the first documented noncompliant event (June 22, 2018), and using a commercial hauler charge of one -cent per gallon, it would cost Mr. Woody around $17, 000 to remove enough waste to come into compliance. Commercial haulers often charge two -cents a gallon, however, depending upon the distance traveled. The cost to properly convey waste from the small concrete parlor pit and from the push -off ramp, downhill and into the waste pond, would be a few thousand dollars since the total length of piping would be around 675 feet. This cost would need to be added to the labor charge for busting -up concrete so that one of the pipes could go under the pack barn and for installation of a collection box under the push -off ramp. There is also an unknown labor cost to remove a few thousand gallons and tons of stockpiled waste from under the ramp and from around the well. There would be no cost to maintaining the required records. 5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; There does not appear to be any actual money saved by failing to maintain adequate freeboard. Since a commercial hauler/applicator is most often used, the cost is just delayed until the commercial applicator is available. There is no money saved by not reporting high freeboard. Mr. Woody has, however, saved an unknown amount of money by failing to hire extra staff to keep up with the crop duties so that application fields are readily available for use at the appropriate time. Several thousand dollars have also been saved by not installing the pipes described in No. 4, above. Revising his waste plan to include the permanent use of the concrete parlor pit would not cost anything. If Mr. Woody completes his transition from a dairy to a beef operation, there would be no costs for installing the concrete pit transfer pipe and the push off ramp pipe since they would not be required. If the push off ramp barn continues to be used, however, then there would be costs involved in retrofitting the ramp so that a solid spreader could fit beneath the ramp or a collection box and transfer pipe installed. rev 1.0 - 8.31.09 6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; The regional office believes the violations to have been made willfully. Mr. Woody has been given several warnings, chances, opportunity, extensions, and technical assistance with regards to timely and efficient management of the waste system. Although he has only been permitted since 2016, the WSRO spent several hours with Mr. Woody in December 2017 and June 2018 to provide him with a detailed notebook and forms with which to maintain records. The WSRO does not believe that Mr. Woody has been pro- active in properly maintaining the waste level and that he was physically able to report the noncompliant waste level. 7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and Mr. Woody's history of noncompliance goes back to around 1997. Only the last eight years of violations, enforcements and civil penalty assessments are described below. Fall 2018 — Mr. Woody has established and is maintaining a buffer along the stream as requested. He states his cost was approximately $1,200 for fencing and labor. The waste pond embankment has also been mowed and is being maintained per the permit. Additionally, Mr. Woody has now completed the PLAT assessment previously listed as a violation in the July 2018 NOV/NOI letter. December 2017 - NOV for failure to: 1) maintain several different kinds of animal waste records; 2) abide by the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (not piping parlor waste to certified waste structure and stockpiling waste within 100 feet of a well); 3) complete a PLAT assessment; and 4) properly dispose of dead animals. November 2015 - Settlement Agreement of reduced civil penalty of $3,143.16 for permit condition violations and stream impacts (DV-2015-0012). April 2012 - NOVINOI for the illegal discharge of animal waste from the concrete lot into waters of the State and for operating an animal waste management system without a required permit (NOV-2012-DV- 0096). This Notice lead to a Complaint and Motion for Injunctive Relieffiled September 4, 2012 in Alamance County Superior Court. The Consent Judgment (12 CVS 1864) was signed March 4, 2013 and amended May 29, 2013 requiring Mr. Woody to construct a permanent waste structure and submit a completed and acceptable Permit application by August 1, 2013. June 2011— NOVINOI for operating above the 100-cow threshold without a permit. NOVINOI originated out of Central Office. Mr. Woody was to submit completed permit application or reduce herd to less than 100 cattle. February 2010 - Civil Penalty Assessment of $9, 092.06 for operating an animal waste management system without a required permit and for allowing waste to impact at least 2,800 linear feet of stream (OP-2009-0010). 8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. $972.11 1/-2311j Date J 'sgaard rev 1.0 - 8.31.09 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ALAMANCE IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST GEORGE H. WOODY PERMIT NO. AWC010010 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS FILE NO. PC-2018-0031 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling $5,472.11 for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Resources dated, January 23, 2019, the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalty; .does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further, understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Resources within thirty. (30) days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after thirty (30) days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. This the day of , 2019 Signature :i5"'Ti- TELEPHONE JUSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST APS Case Number: PC-2018-0031 County: Alamance Assessed Party: George H. Woody Permit No.: AWC010010 Amount assessed: $5,472.11 Please use this form when requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request For Remission, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation o Facts " form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and are necessary for the Director to consider in determining your request for remission. Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. By law [NCGS 133-215.6A(f)] remission of a civil penalty may be granted when one or more of the following five factors applies. Please check each factor that you believe applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach, additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civilpenalty assessment factors in NCGS 143B-282. I (b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors are included in the attached penalty matrix and/or listed in the civil penalty assessment document); (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation (i.e., explain the steps that you -took to correct the violation and prevent future occurrences); (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident (i.e., explain why the violation was unavoidable or something you could not prevent or prepare for); (d) the violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (i.e., explain how payment of the civil penalty will prevent you from -performing the activities necessary to achieve compliance). EXPLANATION: \Rem. req.