HomeMy WebLinkAbout19940999 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19941024State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B, Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr„ RE., Director A XF.47A r4*o AV [D EHNR October 24, 1994 Avery County DEM Project # 94999 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. James Stewart Linville Land Harbor Property HOA FILE COf P.O. Box 160 Linville, N.C. 28646 Dear Mr. Stewart: You have our approval to place fill material in 0.046 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of replacement of a water and sewer line at Linville Land Harbor development, as you described in your application dated 24 October 1994. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2664. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 12 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 30 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 276 1 1-7447. This certification and its conditions arc final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domcy at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, dy st n o ard, Jr. E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files 94999.1 tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper 401 ISSUED ZZ: Mr. Steve Chapin; U.S. Army Corps of ?ryineers Room -? , Grove Arcade E3ulldlnq 37 Battery Park Ave. Asheville, NC 2880:-2714 Dear Mr. Chapin, `;eptember- 23, 1994 RE: Nat.ionw:,de Ferr)i* Application Stre8m Crossing River }follow Road Linville Land Harbor POA Please f I. n,'l .-.I - - c;se:i on *iat 1;M,;I Permit APP. .t oa* ior, for A r ` t? %L N f? ?'E'r w1*t1 an 841 water ITlairl and 1w ewer r^a l aF PI c)X'irr ire; tom: ow try, bridge at River k a 1 n a F? a r r ,vtir• ,..s•, _,,:'.'.,iH ar°r? twoX sneet!? 1owznq -h E- it draw nor Jhowi.' r P an "A Z rr.ore detailed This work is necessi.tte::l because t>vth the water and sewage force ,: A i;^ were was:;ed o_;t. :J:.r i na tale F oo f A .1guS. 16-17 , 1994 , the pipes tr;a : 40r c ? as?;eci r,• bri acne, Because ,.f r.ne ?« werf lc??a .ed d under tt°,Ec l p1Pes at -,ne to j n.? r, r?C:?tCiJtrLli t the downstrE .?r^ ?;r ???? %: !Owed try move b? iji?: t? :.) ?.y y'=? t, E ;. ?c 'l C `iE P_ G!'P.•`' ih?)?:'.l+ i'y C. W:? A .. tr01,- h S will depen'"l t_it '.J!`,t9t -(?i-, .7 r construct .ion f rO; K wF t ind when we begin . - - -- - __ .._JL.2s W LINVILLF- LAS D HARBOR I's S r)i i •? ];!).^, Mr. Chapin P?y? It any further 'Information is needed to take please adviy9. We need this ar.'t10:" as T Ickly as ?ossik'?c?. We thank you for your prompt respc-nse in a:rPr?d; tO t' Si`uatton. ???-r Uux `eery truly yours LINV.II,I.E LANG HARBOR POA Z-?/,James E. Ste?art, p. Manager of C7perations JES/jId Enclosure cc: ms" Stephar;:.e GaadrE?au Ncr th Care l i rim Wti l d l i f e c e?mm:a ss f on Mr. Uouylas G. Knight. President Mr. Harold R. MCCroskey Director for operations Mr. Bobby T. Fi l ckG Ma-ntenance & Utilities Manager DEM. Natiunwide Perm,; kcyuesre(j ai,Or ide Pernn.I N. JOINT F OWNI FOR ?rt?ticlalµ'it1E pe?'dT11L.ti th;it rectuire notification try the Corps of 1;n l gueerrs ti°??•,,'wir1N nt'rIT11t.S that regL?ire app{iCutiun for SeCHOD 401 tetrtl ncatlon PLEASE PRINT ?1, Owners Name ?2. Owners Addressr Owners Phone ", ,i rn b e r i M ?)m e , . - - - V4 If Applrc9h r hc•rlt s nar..c e, r. c o -Fyo, a tc o f f i: r al ?----- _ , ad clre s s pr,anc n?rtlber - - ? 5 Iruc a t i o n a f u o r k: ;; 1 t, S ; f,?, TA f-i MAP C.ounr. .Er Nearest ' ----- . specific iude road F r ?„ `•-_ -ter'-. `/b Name of Closest S;roarm?R?,c,• 7 RJ ver Basin 13 this pr o f en, i 1 l1C J tf, d I r d -it S G '-? ~ 'r r- ^_ .-..-.?„_,_, _.-??._ -- •...r?.......,., „??. 9, 1c' 35 . h,''.I SA, 1?1?A', t'IZ?' Have a17y Scc:un 4Ci4 per, ;'s hee, - or WS TI, YES ; rr NU l 7 11'c , .'As; rcyuestcl.' t;r ,,;' on lttl' • p cpe t?? ; j If yes, ex.piaun _ r YES () NO ? ! 1 , Number of acres of w a t e r s of :J l: n c ,d i rg ,, eUanas irn;aactt4 by the !,reposed project; "`do nor l Drouned - TOW 1 1 m p ac I ed r - --- _ _. _? r.,, r, CC e) /r .o _- - --- PF F) ?Cl? f nf'Or thn..trJ f 12. 1*b ae[[ri PhOr),J1 propOieV Gl C' I l• E• •,. V l ?. A ! ; r ' iA . ; '`.?....?.wU V V N •1 () -, . 13 Purpose of 14. State reasons uh the taken to minirru2t a: ; ,s a. . rws, to t.ar.,e. C ,dl;c ;rnF,d; C?' AcuandS. Aiso, rio{Q r11G.aTUret7 5. You are rcqu,rc ' io :.unt_ar i m,! (1`hIFS)regtsrclu} tte presence c CU r uera; I habitat in the pe.7m: arr;, tha! ma `_e g e,) 4.1 o'le ', O a4.1a) rrJ o th.r?a tvi tt anrtt nGd s p?c' ?pocie a A oC C• StreitiCa A 1 RESPONSES b) c ^ FKC;'%l -i'I-I'r_ ??? cro t so yES ?.. 1 YoU u: c requ F.:..J TO CORP , rtJ "?]'. 5 S. p ixrtlCti !r? 1I?C , r r ? - FR' ? Kard,n? U,e rcescncc CI` hist,rr: RESPONSE t cS NO ,Y Addiuonu; ?nf(,rTttet,or? require{ by JE:,v1 Jh A. Wedand del;ncat,on map st'u""" . a, If &1'aalahlr, :Cy!fesin' illil idY,!g l:l? ? r ?f)CrI'r L If CIQ?I(If :I;. III +? - Al. tS IJ?-. ,y F(i_ (?CllflCallQn ?,r1C e. ((• ,. - _ ?-, ..,. ,... ._ 1 .., .. S„f,?4S ,_,C?? ,r the r'a.crncw of the U. It a storr,:waicr rr. anayenter: , E What is :an(j '-sr of s rraund?r ,., .. e t, a !ucr,.?'ri 1f 01)piic8t:,C. at s arc ' S Lam; $ C u8C ,,.y1X?Shc ., -- •-l f Signature pv -?r"µo+e,1t4 A64A)T' Date --- ru O d' c P vq ffA y f .r W ?' :iii- -- ` 4 ?_ ???• a w a i r,... ?% t l? t i • i d t A ?y yr, _ 1 1 / It __ t. i •_ • . ? +f ^'.? I!.a y? .. 1? " t 6J 9 1 - I r,1 -74 '1 a 1_ . Fl47. raze -{ I > ? 1 ?., ? ` ??. •a .ii? •tirr tea" .` ? "ter, ? ? • .p.. } 11 `, rc„ ? c !',r i Lk b DEM [D; ACTION ID; thtionWide Pernut Rcquested (Provide Nationwide Perm JOINT Flu Nationwide permits that require notification to the Coups of Engineers Not+innwirlP nerMit6 that require application for Section 401 CertMation PLEASB AINT. ?1, OwnereNrune; Linvi11e_Land V2. Owners Address: ?3, Owners Phone Number (Home % r Prcger v ?h -ers AsSOCiation '_r,vii_e ",C 28646 - (Work): , (704 733-^3 4 ?4. UApplicable: Agent's name or resWlsib;e corporate orfictal, address, phone number; P. 0, !3(-'x 16(), 1- ^`%i 1 i ? ?(r ? S54 F r/ S? Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: A•) r Nearest Town or cov. I--, , , _ .. • " ' , L,,: N Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks. etc. v . 1 : - River f on 2 Beet cawn$trear ?? er H^. n.; road ;i'% =? d. 't'n:n u:n.ville i.anei F;orhnr ?6, Namc of Closest SLreanVFjver 7. RSver Buie; Cn- $. la this projcat located in a watershed classi_('ied as Trout, SA. K W ?9. Have any Section 444 perm;ts been previously r ut:slcA f ?Rµ' WS 1, or W$ 1?7 YES fltl NO() ui If yet, explain or use on this property? YES NO (k • ?] 1. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed pro'1act; Fiilcd; ? "^'? /o c *^0qr! / Nc,ne Drained: None Flooded; N Excavated: 0' 6 acres Tota) Impacted;_ r '?'6 A r req - v?J t'n4por•tea A* f car b? hq?d darn X12, Descriplion of proposed work (Alt acli LAtiS_ win s Ord P lace a 8" w 11, . a 6" sewagL% force mein bc.. ? ti;E river t:c?d• ? ??- - !.Ilns to be n! out 10 feet a ?t r0xlc;rttc l' 9(J° t+, t .,t.,.•r r „rv, 13, Purpose of proposed work; ' %ln e Sl:,i.l:?r gins ,} a t e r e washed g w out by the Flood f :6-- 1 7 1994, 14, State reasons why the appilc' nt bcl,cves that this activity must be carried out in wetlands, Also, note rrmiures taken to minimize wcUand impacts. 15. You are required to contact the U,S. Fish and Wddbre Service (USFWS (NMFS) regardmg the presence or any Federally listed or prvposcd for Usting c dangerred ornthreatened a piahee or chucal habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YS X ucdt RESPONSES FROM THE USFINS ANF)/aR NM,FS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS, ( , NO 16, You are required to contact the Statc liitituric Preservauun OMccr (SFiPO) regarding p properties in the permit area which n;;r. be Aftcc,cd by 'lie proposcd project? Have you done sol the presence of hrstone RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SFiUI;LD BE FORWAPDED TO CORPS, YES 1 I NO (X ) 17, Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation reap showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the properly, H. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation wa, pei formic,! h, ,, <<,;;s ;rant, MClursc all dlat;t shecLs relevant to the placement of the delineation line D. If a stormwater rrmanagement plan is required for this project, attach copy, E. What is land use of surrounding property? R If applicable, what is proposed ir,cO)od cf sewage disposal? Own is Signature O Av -rHvota J a es E, Stewart, p,E, >1 r,ager Of Operations Linvi:ie Land Harbor POA A6iNT Date 10/24/1994 11:39 71347338323 ? e LAND HARBOR SALES CD o? r.. 1\` a1 , \• C9 4 Vol ?r D = y w .* PA6F_ 06 8 N 4,1 V 141 ? t ?.?5_..? 1 R } yam' ? ? t •a, t // ', ? Y % 07. ` ' ' ? • •-??-?---rte ?y •0 • .. ? PV, 4 J f- e-7 Te, a_ L w U 3 ?n 0 ? a A ? Sti , H ?K Q' ? L x J Qe lz .? L-L T a ?. ?h 'XOddd? ti ?y i ? oZD.v e 00 4 L ? Val A? ?? 1, '1111111111 ;+ ???, a? ?d fs IL 4 `0. ?vi 1 u gY ad A6.0 b _f h V ? ,i',, ,, ? ? , N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH , AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. Box 27687 Ralcigh, N.C. 27611 ErVi rowenta l Sciences Branch FAX (919) 733-9959 % T=COPY TO: FAX NUMBER: _ 70 y - ? 3 J - Z5 -lam FROM: 1 for PHONE: r 1719 73.3 - I'1 ?SC? NO. OF PAGES LNCLUDJN3 THIS SHEET: COMTENTS: