HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000396_Goldsboro 2016 Permit Application_20160720I`:#4i::i:-k;kt:9. i�: :F R-0+-1��; .i-:P;-�-1.:�:f: �-frS�-t:4: City of 9oCds6Oro P.O. Dralver .ii North CaroCina 27533-97oI July 14, 2016 Mike Randall Stormwater Section Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Dear Mr. Randall: i9Y9) 580-43�7 9171 9590 0935 0095 1851 14 The City of Goldsboro is pleased to submit its NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal Application for NPDES Stormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. Also included is the Narrative for the Stormwater Program. if you need any additional information, please contact me or Rama Chittilla at 919-580-4328. Respectfully, a� Guy M. Anderson, PE, CFM City Engineer Enclosures: 1. NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Renewal Application Form 2. Narrative Stormwater Management Program �_..0 201 NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION FORM This application form is for use by Local Governments seeking NPDES stormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A complete application package includes this form and one copy of a Narrative of The Stormwater Management Program. The required Narrative of The Stormwater Management Program is described in Section VII of this form. I. NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, PERMIT NUMBER, AND EXPIRATION DATE Name of Local Government Permit Number Expiration Date City of Goldsboro NCS000396 15 January 2017 II. CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co -permitting) a. Do you intend to co -permit with another regulated public I ❑ Yes ® No b. If yes, name of regulated public entity c. If yes, have legal agreements been finalized ❑ Yes ❑ No between the co-Dermittees? III. RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS (If more than one, attach additional sheets) a. Do you intend that another 20 entity perform one or more IN Yes ❑ No of your permit obligations? b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing • Name of Entity Land Quality Section, NC DEQ • Element they will Construction Site Runoff Control implement • Contact Person William E. Vinson • Contact Address NCDEQ, 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699- 1612 • Contact Telephone 919-707-9220 Number c. Are legal agreements in place to establish ® Yes ❑ No responsibilities? �'� ; Page 1 SWU-264 June 17, 2015 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application IV. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY (OPTIONAL) V. VI. The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member. This delegation must name a specific person, their title/position. Documentation of board action delegating permit authority to this person/position must be provided. a. Name of person to which permit authority has been delegated b. Title/position of person above SIGNING OFFICIAL'S STATEMENT Not applicable Not applicable If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section IV above may sign the official statement below. I certify, under penalty of /a w, that this document and a//attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my know/edge and belief, true, accurate, and comp/ete. lam aware that there are significant Pena/ties for submitting fa/se information, including the possibzz f fines and imprisonment for knowing violations Signature Name Cfiuck Allen Title Mayor Street Address 220 N Center Street PO Box PO Drawer A City Goldsboro State North Carolina Zip 27530 Telephone 919-580-4330 E-Mail c�ll�ln�goldboy®n� . ov LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONTACT INFORMATION Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the stormwater program. a. Name of Contact Person Guy M. Anderson b. Title Director Engineering Department c. Street Address 220 N Center Street d. PO Box PO Drawer A e. City Goldsboro f. State North Carolina g. Zip 27530 h. Telephone Number 919-580-4367 j. E-Mail Address MAnderson@goldsboronc.gov Page 2 SWU-264 June 17, 2015 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application VII. NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Attach one copy of a narrative describing the stormwater management program. The report must be presented in the following order. 1. Population and Estimated Growth Rate 2. Jurisdictional Area 3. Describe Stormwater Conveyance System 4. Estimated Land Use 5. Identify the Receiving Streams 6. Identify TMDLs (if applicable) 7. Identify impaired streams, likely sources, and existing programs that address the impairment (if applicable) 8. List any existing water quality programs 9. Identify and describe any partnerships and/or inter -local agreements 10. Describe any state programs 11. Identify any other entity that the regulated public entity relies on to implement or manage its stormwater program. 12. Identify points of contacts 13. Describe the public education and outreach program 14. Describe the public involvement and participation program. 15. Describe the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program, 16. Describe the post -construction stormwater program Describe practices to inspect and maintain municipally -owned facilities 17. Describe practices to inspect and maintain structural stormwater control devices 18. Describe practices to reduce polluted stormwater runoff from municipally -owned streets, roads, and public parking lots, piped and vegetative conveyances, manholes, cleanouts, drop inlets, and drainage structures. 19. Describe any training programs for municipal staff. Me Describe spill response procedures for those at Municipally Owned and/or Operated Facilities as well as those in the public right-of-way. Page 3 SWU-264 June 17, 2015 NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO 1. Population and Estimated Growth Rate 1.1 Population The population of the City of Goldsboro is 35,434 based on the July 2014 population estimates using the July 2014 Municipal boundaries, from the North Carolina State Demographics Unit, 1.2 Growth Rate The City of Goldsboro had a negative 2.75% (-2.75%) growth rate from the April 2010 census to July 2014. This rate is based on data from the North Carolina State Demographics Unit. 2. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas The ETJ area is 58.9 square miles, and the MS4 Service Area is 29.3 square miles. 3. MS4 Conveyance System The MS4 system consists of ditches, culverts, and underground pipes. Most runoff starts as sheet flow from streets, parking lots, and managed space; or as flow from roof downspouts. The runoff is picked up in ditches and storm sewer inlets, and moves through culverts and underground pipe to the receiving waters. The system is maintained by the Public Works Department, which has a semi-annual maintenance schedule for cleaning up ditches and culverts, and an on -call role when problems in drainage are encountered. The state of maintenance of the system is good overall, although large storms have resulted in localized flooding, particularly in the Stoney Creek sub -basin. 4. Land Use Composition Estimates Residential 47% Commercial 12% Industrial 14% Open Space 27% 5. Receiving Streams (See Table 1) 6. TMDL Identification The MS4 discharges into the Neuse River, which is under a TMDL for nitrogen. There is no Waste Load Allocation (WLA) for Urban Stormwater Runoff. 7. Impaired streams, likely sources, and existing programs None 1 NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO Table 1 Receiving Streams in the Neuse River Basin Receiving Stream Water Quality Use Support Water 303(d) List Stream Name Segment Classification Rating Quality Issues Neuse River Goldsboro C; NSW FS WS intake to Coxes Creek 27-(56) Smith Mill Run Source to WS-IV: NSW FS Little River 27-57-21 Little River Spring Branch WS-IV; NSW FS to .6 mile DS of Smith Will Run 27-57- (20.2) .6 mile DS of WS-IV; FS Smith Will NSW, CA Run to Goldsboro WS intake 27- 57-(21.1) Goldsboro C; NSW FS WS Intake to US Hwy 70 27-57-(21.1) US Hwy 70 DS to 1 mile from US Hwy B; NSW FS 70 27-57- (21.4) 1 mile DS C; NSW FS from US Hwy 70 to Neuse River 27-57- (22) Stoney Creek Source to C; NSW FS Neuse River 27-62 Howell Creek Source to C; NSW NR Stoney Creek 27-624 Reedy Branch Source to C; NSW NR Stoney Creek 27-62-2 2 NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO Billy Branch Source to Stoney Creek 27-62-3 C; NSW NR Big Ditch Source to C; NSW FS Neuse River 27-58 Old Mill Branch Source to C; Sw; NSW NR (Mills Pond) West Bear Creek 27-72-2-1 8. Existing Water Quality Programs The following water quality programs are implemented within the City of Goldsboro: Water Supply Water Shed Program Comprehensive Plan Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) Urban Stormwater Program 9. Partnerships and/or Inter -Local Agreements None 10. State Programs The following water quality programs are implemented by the State within the City of Goldsboro MS4 Service area: Erosion and Sediment Control Program Neuse River Basin NSW Riparian Buffer Program 11. Reliance on Other Government Entity 11.1 Name of Entity Land Quality Section, Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, NC DEQ 11.2 Measure Implemented Construction Site Runoff 11.3 Contact Information W. Vinson, PE, Chief of Land Quality Section Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 276994612 (919)707-9220 11.4 Legal Agreements 3 NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO The North Carolina General Statutes and Administrative Code establish the responsibilities of the state and municipality. 12. Points of Contact for the City of Goldsboro Table 2._ C nntact min on Contact Position Contact Phone Email Name Mayor Chuck (919) 580-4330 Not available Allen City Manager Scott (919) 580-4330 SStevens@goldsboronc.gov Stevens Engineering Marty (919) 5804367 manderson@goldsboronc.gov Director Anderson Public Works Jose (919) 734-8674 jartinez@goldsboronc.gov Director Martinez Public Utilities Karen (919) 735-3329 kbrashear@goldsboronc.gov Director Brashear Planning Director James (919) 5804333 jrowe@goldsboronc.gov Rowe 13. Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts 13.1 Target Pollutant Sources —See Table 3 below (extracted from the 2003 Public Education Action Plan) 13.2 Target Audience —See Table 3 below (extracted from the 2003 Public Education Plan) Table 3 —Major Target Audiences of 2003 Public Education Action Plan and Target Pollutant Sources Pollution Nitrogen IDegal Discharges/ Daily Development Stormwater & Runoff and Re= Target Pollutants (NSW) Illicit Activities development Audience Connections City Staff ✓ ✓ Homeowners ✓ ✓ BHG' Leaders ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Developers/ ✓ ✓ Contractors ✓ .ORG2 ✓ ✓ ✓ General ✓ ✓ Public BTIG =Business, Industry, Institutions, Government. ORG =Civic Organizations and Environmental Groups. 13.3 Outreach Program 0 NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO In July 2003, the City of Goldsboro began partnership with the Clean Water Education Partnership Program (CWEP) which still goes on today and the County of Wayne, North Carolina in public education and outreach for stormwater management. As a part of the CWEP Program, the City of Goldsboro takes part in a statewide media campaign geared toward television, radio, and print advertising. Based on statistics from CWEP, approximately 40% of the radio market and 60% of the TV market in the City were reached by those media, and the City expects those numbers to continue in future activity. In addition, annually the City holds staff training on pollution prevention and preventing illegal discharges, conducts a technical workshop for developers and engineers, posts stormwater information on its website, and reaches over 11,000 water users by including stormwater information as part of its annual Consumer Confidence Report on the Water Treatment Plant, 14. Public Involvement and Participation 14.1 Public meeting to review and comment on the Stormwater Plan The City of Goldsboro created a Stakeholders Committee in July 2000 to help develop their Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). The Stakeholders Committee consisted of citizens from key sectors of the community, to include business leaders, developers, environmental groups, and the military. The City was also represented on the Committee. The Committee held several meetings, provided input to the development of the SWMP, and reviewed the draft Program before it was submitted to the State for approval. 14.2 Annual Feedback on the Stormwater Management Program At the end of the annual Technical Workshop, the City hosts a short meeting to solicit comments from the engineering and developer community on key aspects of the Stormwater Management Program. 14.3 Volunteer Program/Citizen Participation The City has worked with the Boy Scouts of America on an Ad Hoc basis to education and inform local Scouts and Citizens out, surface water quality and Stormwater. Future activities are planned to get the general public involved in water quality issues. 14.4 Public Hearings Goldsboro has developed three ordinances for Stormwater management. These were the Ordinance to Implement Stormwater Management for New Development, the Ordinance for Illegal Discharge Control, and the Ordinance for the Stormwater Permit. The public was notified of the proposed ordinances and invited to comment. Notification was published in accordance with the established procedures for enacting ordinances within the City of Goldsboro, and the ordinances were discussed and approved by the City Council at a properly scheduled Council Meeting. The City also annually briefs developers and local engineers seeking their input as a Citizen's Advisory Panel on implementation of the Stormwater Management Program. 15. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 15.1 Storm Sewer System Map 5 NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO The City developed their stoimwater map showing all, major outfalls between 2003 and 2008. Staff from the Engineering Department, supported by the Public Works department, traveled approximately 20% of the City's streams and receiving waters each year, locating outfalls. The outfalls were mapped using GPS, and the data was entered into the City's GIS. The GIS Technician maintains all the GIS data on the outfalls and updates are entered into the system as the Engineering Department collects the data. 15.2 Regulatory Mechanism Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), Section 6.6, Illegal Discharge Control prohibits illegal discharges. 15.3 Enforcement The UDO authorizes City Inspectors access to property for the purpose of investigating cit connections and illegal discharges. The UDO provides significant penalties although the thrust of the ordinance is to correct any illicit connection or illegal discharge. City staff undergoes training in identifying and report illegal discharges and illicit connections. 15.4 Detection and Elimination. 15.4.1 Procedure for locating priority areas The City uses dry weather screening and reliance upon citizen reporting through the Hotline or other methods to detect illegal discharges. Police, Fire, and other City Staff are trained in what to look for as they go about their normal duties and know how to report any suspected illicit connections or illegal discharges to the City Engineering for further investigation and action. 15.4.2 Procedures for tracing the source of an illicit discharge If a discharge is suspected, City Staff will track the discharge using a map of the storm sewer system, visual and aural clues, and GPS locators to determine the direction and distance to the source, and then confirm the source by tracking the discharge to the point of origin. 15.4.3 Procedures for removing the source of an illicit discharge Where a responsible party can be identified, they will be asked to remove the source and clean-up any remaining material from the discharge0 ff they fail to remove or eliminate the source or fail to clean-up the discharge, then the City will take action and attempt to collect their costs from the responsible party at a later date. The City will ensure that a licensed company is used to remove or dispose of any hazardous or contaminated material that falls within the City's area of responsibility. 15.4.4 Procedures for evaluating the plan to detect and eliminate illicit discharges The Illicit Connection and Illegal Discharge program is evaluated annually as a part of the Stormwater Management Program Assessment. � 15.5 Non-Stormwater Discharges 0 NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO There are no non-stormwater discharges that have been identified as significant contributors of pollutants to the City's MS4. 15.6 Incidental Non-Stormwater Discharges There are no local controls established on incidental non-stormwater discharges. 15.7 Outreach Selected City staff are trained annually on illegal discharges and illicit connections. Periodically the City sends a letter to selected commercial and industrial activities about the issue of illegal discharges. The City's website has information for the public on the Illegal Discharge hotline and how to contact the City to report a problem. Users of the City's solid waste disposal services receive a brochure warning them of improper disposal of waste material. The staff training is noted in the Education Action plan, and the outreach activities are part of the CWEP's radio and television advertising. As part of the pollution prevention/housekeeping measure, annually training is given to select city staff, and this training includes a discussion on prevention of illegal discharges and actions to take should an accident result in an illegal discharge. 15.7 Staff Training Staff training is conducted annually for City staff who are in contact with the public and who are in a position to report illegal discharges and illicit connections. This staff training is also part of the Education Action Plan, 16. Post -Construction Stormwater Management and Municipally Owned Facilities 16.1 Post -Construction Stormwater Program 16.1.1 Regulatory Mechanism Management of post -construction runoff from new development and redevelopment falls under the UDO (Section 6 Stormwater Management for New Development amended to add the requirement for a Stormwater Management Permit) 16.1.2 Operation and Maintenance The Stormwater Management Permit (SWM Permit) is required as part of the UDO. The SWM Permit consists of a Stormwater Management Plan, covenants and deed restrictions, and a Maintenance Agreement. In addition, the City has a program to inspect all BMPs for proper operation and maintenance once a year and has in place a legal framework to correct any problems noted during the inspection. 16.1.3 Prevent or minimize water quality impacts from new development and redevelopment projects The City has a Stormwater Management Program in place under the Neuse River Basin NSW Urban Stormwater Program to minimize water quality impacts. 16.2 Practices to Inspect and Maintain Municipal Facilities 7 NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO 16.2.1 Maintenance and Inspections The City has mapped all outfalls, and during that mapping the City checked for illicit connections and illegal discharges. The City maintains a hotline for citizens to report incidences of illegal discharges. The City has a program to sweep streets and parking lots quarterly. The City picks up yard debris on both a regular basis and when called. Both the Central Maintenance Complex and the Biosolids Facility are subject to weekly, monthly, and semi-annual inspections for pollutants as a part of the their NPDES permits (SWPPP). 16.2.2 Vehicular Operations In regard to vehicle operations, the Public Works Department is responsible for facility and vehicle maintenance for the City of Goldsboro. The Public Works Department operates under standard procedures that include the control of pollutants and the clean-up of any spills of pollutants. The Central Maintenance Complex has a General Industrial Stormwater Discharge Permit and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to control the stormwater discharges from the Complex. The City has two general public parking lots that are swept quarterly to reduce the amount of pollutants that may discharge from those lots. 16.2.3 Waste Disposal Municipal waste is disposed of in accordance with current laws and regulations. The City maintains a Transfer Point where trash and debris is accumulated before being shipped off site. Sludge and other accumulated sediments are either sent to an approved landfill, reused under an approved permit, or recycled at the Biosolids Compost Facility. General debris is sent to an approved landfill, and recyclable materials are picked up by a licensed recycler. 16.2.4 Other Evaluations A Facility and Operations Inventory was completed in January 2007. Part of this inventory was an evaluation of City operations and specific findings and recommendations. This inventory is updated periodically. There are no evaluations of municipal operations' impact on water quality other that what are explicitly described in this permit application. 17. Maintenance/Enforcement: The City of Goldsboro inspects SCMsBMPs (Stormwater Control Measures/Best Management Practices) on an annual basis, and the inspection is performed by the City Engineering Department. The City charges an annual fee of $100.00 for each SCM/BMP inspected. If a problem is noted, the UDO provides for the property owner to correct or rectify,the failing SCM/BMP. If the property owner fails to correct the problem, the City has the legal authority to fix the SCM/BMP and seek repayment from the property owner. 18. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Table 4 List of Departments and Operations Impacted by City O&M NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO Public Works The Cemetery Division is responsible for maintaining the two City cemeteries, Elmwood and Willowdale. The Building Maintenance Division installs and maintains traffic signals, signs, and street markers. The Streets and Storm Sewer Maintenance Division sweeps, repairs and maintains over 149 miles of paved and 5 miles of unpaved city streets and drainage facilities. The Water Distribution and Collection Division is responsible for the installation and maintenance of water and sanitary sewer mains. The Solid Waste Division's major responsibilities are the collection of refuse, recycling products and vegetative yard debris. The Garage Division is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of over 500 City and County vehicles. Public Utilities The Water Treatment Plant has.a current treatment capacity of 12 million gallons per day. The Water Reclamation Facility currently treats wastewater using a biological process to remove pollutants from the water. It has a current treatment capacity of 14.2 million gallons per day (MGD). A Biosolids Composting Facility takes the biosolids from the treatment process and mix it with chipped yard waste to produce compost that can be used in horticultural applications. Forty acres of Constructed Wetlands provides further "polishing" of one million gallons of treated wastewater per day before the water is discharged back into the Neuse River. Parks and Recreation The Goldsboro Recreation and Parks Department operates and maintains 12 parks, three recreation centers, and an 18-hole golf course. Engineering The Engineering Department provides engineering and surveying services necessary for the design and construction of streets, sidewalks, storm drainage lines, water lines, and sanitary sewer lines. Engineering provides inspection services for construction of streets, storm drainage lines, water lines, and sanitary sewer lines within public rights -of - way and new subdivisions to assure conformance with City standards. The department also administers the City's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, Table 5 Industrial Facilities subject to Stormwater Permits Facility General Permit Certificate Number General Maintenance NCG080000 NCG080665 Complex Biosolids Composting NCG110000 NCG110024 Facility NARRATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO 19. Training The City conducts two workshops for City employees on stormwater management. The City staff is targeted in the Public Education Action Plan to receive information on Pollution and Pollutants, and Illegal Discharges. This training is provided annually. The Pollution and Pollutants training is part of the public information measure, but specifically targeted at city staff who conduct activities that may impact water quality. The Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge training is targeted at city staff who are in contact with the public and who may be in a position to observe or discover illicit connections or illegal discharges. 20. Spill Response Procedures 20.1 Both the Central Maintenance Facility and the Biosolids Facility have Spill Prevention and Response Plans as required under their NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permits, and the Central Maintenance Facility, the Water Treatment Facility, and the Water Reclamation Facility have Spill Prevention and Countermeasures Plans as required under 40 CFR 112.7. Any spills that may occur outside of these facilities or which is beyond the capability of the local City personnel will be handled by the Street and Storm Sewers Division of the Public Works Department or the Water Distributions and Collections Division if it involves a sewer spill. If the spill involves hazardous materials or becomes hazardous for any reason, the first responders are the City's Fire Department which is reached through the emergency number of 911. 20.2 Public Works Department 20.2.1 Streets and Storm Sewer Division This division is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of City streets and storm drainage systems. Typical tasks include the repair of pot holes, utility cuts and depressions in streets, sidewalk construction and repair, street sweeping, grading of dirt streets and snow/ice removal from streets and bridges. In addition, Streets and Storms employees are charged with the responsibility for storm drainage pipe installation, open ditch cleaning and maintenance, removal of debris from storm sewer lines, demolition of condemned structures, right-of-way maintenance and mowing, and the mowing of City owned vacant lots. These employees are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to emergencies. During business hours call: 919-734-8674. Emergencies after business hours call: 919-705-6572. 20.2.2 Water Distribution &Collections Formerly called Utility Maintenance, the Water Distribution &Collections Division, is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the City's potable water distribution system and sanitary sewer collection system and is charged with ensuring compliance with numerous stringent state regulations associated with those systems. Typical tasks within this division include the administration of the City's backflow prevention and grease trap programs, water and sewer line repair and maintenance, the installation of water and sewer taps, responding to and cleanup of sewer spills, water valve installation and replacement, water meter installation, repair and maintenance, fire hydrant maintenance and the procurement and warehousing of parts and equipment for other divisions within the public works department. These employees are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to emergencies. To report a water leak or sewer spill call: During Business Hours — 919-739-7437; After Hours Emergencies — 919-705-6572.