HomeMy WebLinkAbout030008_Correspondence and Sludge Application Records_20181129Rosebrock, Melissa From: Rosebrock, Melissa Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 11:36 AM To: 'Aaron Tompkins'; Maggie Evans Cc: Chandler, Rebecca D Subject: RE: [External] Fwd: Send data from MFP12157212 11/28/2018 16:43 Hi again, First, thank you both for your assistance to Edwin. Looking at the number of loads applied.... Edwin has been working pretty hard too. I have a couple questions: 1. The small grain that received waste in October -November 2017.... was this small grain harvested or was it a "cover only" crop? 2. An allowable PAN of 40 for T-1512 F-1 seems awfully low. I know we all have had some concerns about the PAN that the program uses. This was just an observation. 3. On the other hand, an allowable corn PAN of 281 seems unusually high. Again, just an observation. You probably wondered about it too. Might be worth a call to Michael Shepherd requesting an in-depth look at how the program was written. Maybe it is a field slope issue? 4. 1 noticed that the application information was entered onto a Solid 1 form but the individual fields used slurry (SLUR) forms. Not a biggy, but let me know if you need the SLUR 1 form for next time. 5. Haven't checked yet, but was there a waste analysis taken within 60 days of the application events? 6. Did you say that Edwin is working on the yield records for the small grain and corn harvested this year? I will still have to send an NOV for other issues but recordkeeping won't be listed. Again, I appreciate your help. You guys always make our (and Edwin's) job easier. Melissa Melissa Rosebrock Environmental Specialist 11 NC Division of Water Resources NC Department of Environmental Quality Office: 336-776-9699; Mobile: 336-813-7084; Email: melissa.rosebrock(aD-ncdenr.gov Winston-Salem Regional Office 450 W. Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 If you need to report an emergency after normal business hours, please call the Emerengcy Response Center Hotline at 1-800-858-0368. Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Aaron Tompkins <aaron_tompkins@ncsu.edu> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 4:46 PM To: Rosebrock, Melissa <melissa.rosebrock@ncdenr.gov>; Maggie Evans <maevans5@ncsu.edu> Subject: [External] Fwd: Send data from MFP12157212 11/28/2018 16:43 Here is paperwork for joines dairy please let me know if any questions Aaron ray ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: AlleghanyExtension <alleghany.extension@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Nov 28, 2018, 4:44 PM Subject: Send data from MFP12157212 11/28/2018 16:43 To: Aaron Ray <aaron tompkins@ncsu.edu> Scanned from MFP12157212 Date:11/28/2018 16:43 Pages:16 Resolution:200x200 DPI Do Not Reply! FC,.M SLUR.-2' .Sltarry and S►u igp.Application Field Records; Ogle. Form W.'Each Field per Crop Cycle;. Field'# _ Field Size(Wetted Acresj-(Aj �f_�" . Faculty Number Farm, Owner . , -� " Spreader Operator Owner's Address andAddress Ownee!s Phone # Operator's Phor9e;# a From"Animal Waste, MaNtgement Flan I Crop Type- 4 Recommended- PAN , :. ;' Load(ig (fbtaere) = (t3)' Number' Volume-bf Totevblume VOlut*per"Acre Waste'Anafysis; PA,N Applied' '""Nutrient, Source Date: (mmlddryr) of Load`s per F'iettl each Load" (gallons) (galion's) (2) x,(3} (galion's/acre) (4) / (a) PAW* "obl1000 gal) (lblacre);; MY, (5) l lb �r Crop Cycte.Totals:' �Owners,Signaturc, Certi ed Operator (print] " Can be found in operator's manual, fo" "r the spreader; iContact a,local deatee if.yau do 7 aderOperator's Signature O.perator_Certification. No. =towhees manuaf. - 12/2012406= FdkM SLUR-2 Tftict Field' Size(Wetted Acres)=() Farm Owne Owners Addres,, Owners .Phone ; Crop Type PA5 ;-Nutrient Oatp of Loads each Load' source (mmIddlyr) per Field 1 (gallons)1 Slurry and $luugeApphipation Field Record& f6r-E CyCycle-00h. Field Or Q(bp p Field # Faci lify Number: Spreader Operator a0dAddtess Operators Phone # From Ani.fria.lVaisto, Management Plan' Repornniend6d, PAN, Loading (fbiacre). (B) (4), (5) (6). (7) 18) '(oallons) '(gafi6nsiapre�, PAN" I � (4) fl:A) (lb/1000 gal), Crop Cycle Total Owners Signature Spreader,Oper.a�tors.'Si'gniture Pertified O-peratdrfohrit) Operator Certification No: Can be found in operator's man ual; for the spreader: Contact a, local dealer if you do not have your owners manual: —S - 96r,Waste,,,r�.pn,p§erhentolah'fots�kmOlihg,ftgqUer�ty. Ataminjmyrn,W4s*anaJ d.iyithi660_daysof land ip litatfori events; p ys�i� is required column from: co . lumn (8). fbIloVing,each,,.appii�a�on�event, *"Enter the vale oceiVed...6y-s,6,b"cbng. column, (7 from,,(B). Continue subtracting; 9 'nutr' � Urce (ie, Lagoonl8tofigo Pond 113,,,owr commerical f6rtilizer, dry lifter, etc-), 171 tentso 12120r2006 .,A SLUR.2 Ttact t Field Size(Wetted Acres)=(A: Farm Owner QWherg Address Slurry and &I-gle Application Field Records One form f6r'Eagh, I Field, per Crop Cycle Field Facility Number -and ,Address; Ownet's. Phone# 'OlDeratoft Phone* I' From Animal WasteManagement Plan crop type Recommended PAN Loading,, (lb/acre=,(8) m (2) (3) (4) (5) '(6) (7) MY —Nutrient" Source Date (Mrr6ld r). Number of per Reid "Volume -of- each Lo4d", (gallons) Total -Volume: (gjll0t) Xr (S) Volurnwlper'Acre, (galldhs/a6ra) (4) f(A) WasteArvaWs PWO* 4066 gai),, PAN Applied (Ib/acr6)' (6)x(4/1660 Nitrogen.Balance­' (Ibiacra (B) - M z: oe/ .............. V Crop Cycle Totals, - F Qwoqrs Certified Operator (print) 0 No;,,p0ratqr'C Certification No Can be'f6und. in opLerator's manual for the spreader. Cont6cfa local dealer ifyou. do.not have ,your owners manual, See :your waste management plarli for sampling frequency: Ait's, minimum, waste analysis isrejutred within 6q, day* _of ,janq appliipationavents., —Enter'nutriehUt;,purpo (iei,,,L6goori/Storag!e-'Po,n,d IQ, commerical fertilizer, dry jitter,_etc1_ 12/20/2006 F oll SLUR-2 Slurry, and St ge Application; Field Records. One=Form for Each Field per Crop C, ycle Tract# ` Field # Field.Siz"etted Acres)=(A) Facility Number Farm Oymer, Spreader Qperatpr Qwner's Address and. Address; Owners Phone # 'Operators Phone # From, Anima(`Waste. Management Plan Owners Signature Cerbf;d Operator {print) , " Can, bef6vn,4jn operators manual for the spreader. Contact a local dealer if you. do nol +' See your waste management plan for sampirngfre4uency Ara minimum; waste analy "'Enter ttie value rece" ' -,by subtracting �column;;(7) from (6) Contrnue subtracting'colu "'Enter n6'trien -source (I ' Lagoon/Storage.Pond ID .cornmericalletilizer, dry litter; etc:)[ Spreader Qperatoes:Signature OperatorCertificatioh NO, 12/20f2t]06< i i ;' 't ! 'r ,F.L.4 SLUR-2 i. S larty"ah d' ' _g I S,_e AppfidOtioh Field Redor, Otte Fb&hJor'Each 'Field per Crop, Cycll,6 Field Size(Wetted Acres), --'(A,) F Sic llity'NU m tier, Farr6:Own Spreade-rO ppra or, '2 OWnelevAdd,ressi and Address- Owner's Phone 0 Ql5krato(s Ph' 7. From Anknal Waste NlanagemeniPlan Crop Typo� Recommended PAN' Number VOlumkof TOOV(40)106A,VoluhelpeAd* Waste '(A6)n a s 116d Nft Pg'An Balance""; ""Nutrient N!6 of10 -ekb,'Load* (go'ldnt 'PAN- ilb/acrei (Ib A&e) Source. (Mmiw�/y,r) per gieij- (6ailo, k _640 't'j - (Bi (T) qf LS If I 1 246 `Crap Cycle Owners Signat Spr or Opera r SrG[qot Operator Certification No.. Ctrrbefbuno. in o onpalJoth spreader, to q,4q, Opt h .. V . q, p j dealerjfyo es. manbal., See;your waste management plate for sampling f.requency. Aiaj,,-minimum, waste; analysis is, required,vrihin,,,6,6,d4ys.0f.Lianaapplic�tiorv.events �".",Eht0r'thevIuereceiyedbY subtracting 7): from(B)C6ptnue,*Ubtracfirgwl (0) followingch 'Pli au y ,***Eht& nutrientsource(ie: Lago6njSt(jr0gq,%Pqnq ID 7' "rida I 1,foolizer; dry litter; etc:), 2b06 !- _� Diu _ • --Field �Codep �`% � %� �:�o mil! . `= �� ® •�� � ®ISI■WI , * SI soil incorporated (disked);, BR = broadcast (surface appliedy° ** Can-be<found in opera tor's;,manual for the spreader. 'Contact a loda'[de'aler,if you do notrhave.your owner's manual:. ***'Weather Codes (CC lear„PC; Partly Cloudy, Cl Cloudy, R-Rain, S-Snow/Sleet; W,-Windy� 3/14/2003 r r7 Pc—m SUR,2 Field Farm OWhiet owners,A-ddress Owne6 Phone.# Owners, Signature: ` dertified Operator (print) SItitry and - gi Appl ic-atJory. Field Records, Ono Fbftn for Each, Field, per .Crop Qy-ole, Field # Facil ify Number 'Spreader Operator and Address From .,AfifthAIWaste M. "nag(Olord Ol'bil" Can.beLf6tiftc! in opeator. manualfoe t1h1espreader 'C,'jt_att 616d"al deale.r .if, y U-'d 0TIP ,Seeyourwasta°managemenipt3n forsamplingfrequencAtaen! imtomwaste ,pnaly- rEnter the�valuereceivecl b� ,subtractlng columh (7) from (B), Continue subtracting cplU —Enter nutrient sourte:(ie.. LagooiiiShoracge. Pond ID; commerical' fertilizer; dry litter, 4tc.), Spreader 4peratoes-81ignature Operator C`eftlfi4,ti'o',h-,',"No, qouroWner's manual .80 6�4�6fland.160 -gquire,d within, ' - il plidaffioh:eVehts. ),frdmcoiumn7(8) followingeach application event. i1,2/20/2006 FI ,,WSLUR-Z! Slurry,and Sf,"ge.Application Field Records One Form for Each Field per- Crop. -Cycle. Tract# ( Field # S Field' S'ize(Wetted Acres)=(A) Facility Numbei Farm Owger, : ` : = $prpadet Operator Owner's.Address a. and Address Owner's Phone:# _ ,Operator's' Phone# From Animal"Waste Management -Plan Crop Type Recommended PAN Loading (Ili/acre)= (B) l Number Votume Of ' TotatVolume Volume per -Acre Waste;Analysis PAN Applied' ""'" Nutrienf Qat0 of Loads; each Load ' (gallons) (gstlons/acre) PAN" ` (Ib/acre) Source (mm)dd(y�): per Field: (gallons): (2);x (3)' (4) I (A)' (Ib/1Q00 gal) (6) x (5) / 1000 B=.. I ® i F*Wfflffiffl Crop Cycle. Totals:64 47 Owners Signature Spreader 0perators:Signature Certified Qperator. Operator'Certfication'No " Can be,found`, in operator's manua[for, the, spreader, CIbhtact a, local dealer if yqu do not.have your _owner s:manuaI See,yourwaste management,plan forsarnpling,frequency At a mihimuinrw, analysis -is requ1 wnth'in:60 days:of.laridapplication events. "Enter the value received by -subtracting' columh (7) from'(B),. Continue subtracting 6olumn.(7) fro..'m column (8) following each application event.; —Enter nutrient source (ie_. Logoon/Storage Pond ID; commerical fertillzer;`t!ry fitter;; etc .) 1020/20W, ' r a A SLUR4. Tract 4 Field, Sizo(Wetted Actdt) Farm Owner, Owner's Address. Ownees-Ph6n6 # $Iqr-y- and -S.,.jge Application Field Records One Form,for Ea dh Field -per Crop Qy Fiql1d4- Facillty*umber and Address, Operators Phone' From Animal Crop Cycle Tools:. Owners Signature Certifie.d.,Op,dr'tdr (0fid t) • 'Cart be found in operator's manual for the spreader.. Contact local dealer if you do= See your .pji�qfFbqUqnpy� IAt". minimum, W'asI t;eanalyi '"'Enterer the value, receivedby subtiaciing column from ,(8). Continue subtracting: colu '—Enter nutriiBnt,source le., Lagoont8tomge:Pond I . D,,comm :66 - Vfeitilizer, dry litter, etc.etc:}:ca SpreaclorOipe TW�Q/2qo& P�..m SLUR-2 'Slurry and Si.,,iga,,Appli'cati6n Field'Red6rd!§ Field Si;t6(Wet!ed Fc Owner Crop Cyclelbtals: One ,Form for Each, Fielqper Crop Cycle Owners, Signature,, C;Ortified., Operator .(0qhQ- Can beJound in, oreratbei manuallbrAhe.spreader., Contact.a local dealer if you do '*'"Enter nutrient souroe,66, F101dt Ridity Number, SPTpad,lof LOperAt9r, Signatute Slur"ry"'and'.Sii-, -j�e Apolfcation Rold R"brcts, 0" Owe Foyl6t.,' Eadh Flield r,cm, C'y "t, I i Fir0'&.Afih"IWW"tb Ma-ftoffil entPtah,' poor'% $j§® Srr OPOo§Jg!VW tin Operator Cerfftafibn No._ perti ed'Oper4br (p"Q, fWWW6 FL A. SLUR4 OWhetv-Sitfriature Certified, Pperator/(print'), Slurry'and'.&,-ge Application Field Records One, Form : for Each Field, per Crop Cycle *'] Can tie found it ooqrator.'smanual fbr,thb,.spreader. C.Ohtaciziloc.ald0alerify6udo no See youtwiste managem4rit plan for sampling frequency,. Ata minimurnivaste an6ly,. "Enter the- Va ue,recereceived - Continue su6ttact'.g,- c.oIui '""Enter nutrient sourc'6:Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry litter; ,etqg) Sprioad& 00,erat6es Signature Pper'WfC 0 tip —No. t have your owners manuai., 121201200S FG.,,A SLUR-2 Tract # Field Size(Wefted Acres),=(A) Farm Owner OWheesAddbess OwnersPhone.4t Owner. Periffied,Ope Can be,found in *'See `yourwaste ,SIUrty and SIL--geAppl One f0rm-Thr Each- F From .Animal icatiOn Field Records field per Crop, Cycle e R016#'— Facility-. Number SPF020er operatlof and Adclrqss'. Ooeeatoe,0 Phbhe'#- MAr4&'itfeht'P lah F6,,M SLUR-2 -Slurry pndSIv.,.ge.,Appliqation' Field Records. 6, Form for Each Field per, rjqpCycle= Field # ield Size,(Wetttd.-Acres)=(Aj 3 3, Facility Number Farm,,Owner; -Spreader Operator Owner's Address ndAddlte" OWpoeg Phoqe,#'- bperafoes Phone*', FrOM W, Anirk! 1; a A Management qem[ent FtOil Crop Type Recommended; PAN U-, Loading (Ibhlacrej, ,rhber' VdItirite;bf' Wbrume Total Vol ume liumeper ve "A WasWjAnalysisr PAN Appfi4d ..*'Nutnent bate of I loa& each Load" "(gallons) lions) (galj§qstaqre) source (rnWddlyr), per Fi#ld (galldns) (2),)C(3) (4) 1, (A) (106ob gal) (0),'k (5) ['1 Opq Crop, Cycle Totais:'� Owners,'Signature,, 'Spreaderqperator's Signature 000rqtor qOrtifidatiph'No. Can be found in operator's. manual forthespreader., Contact aAocal dealer if you do not have yourowners.manual.. 121IM2006, FuKM SLUR 2, I Slurry and St-:,ge Application Field Records Qne.Fornt for Each Field per Gr.op Cycle Tract # Fielc!'# 3 Field Size(Wefted Ades)=(A} d Faculty Number - _.... . Farm Owner' ;'� . :. Spreader, Operator Owner's Address; arld Address Ow ner's Phone # _ Operator's Phone From Animal Waste Management Plan Crop," Type.` Recommended PAN Loading (lb/acre) = (Bj Number Volume-ofl Total Volume Volumeper Acre WasteAAnalysis PAN Applied Nittogeii Balance"` '*`"Nutrient Source , Date (mm/ddtyr) of pet Field each Load" (gallons) (gallons) M x (3);' (gallons/acrej (4)1(A) PAR" 0/1000 gait pb/acre); (6)'x (5) !'10d0; (ID/acre) L,bi L /'� G/. S.' V' �,/ ��I �r� f / I �• Crop Cycle -Totals: r 7 . Owners.Signature:, . Spreader Operator's Signature Certified:'operat4 (print)' operator Certification` No; Can be found in, operator's manual for the. spreader: Contact a localdealer if you do not have your owneft manual: "See your waste management plan forsampling;'freguency At a'minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events; 'Enter theyalue received.by subtracting _column(7) from (6). Continue,subtracting;column (I.) from column (Sj following each applicatiorvevent.. "'.Enter nutrient sourc&(ie: Lagoon/Storage Pond lb, commerical fertiliser„dry litter, etc.) 12J20/200