HomeMy WebLinkAbout410002_Extension of Sludge Survey_20180611Appendix 1. Lagoon Sludge Survey Form Revised August 2008 A. Farm Permit or DWQ Identification VY, B. La-cion Identification Cz)A C. Person(s) Takingkleasurciment\ _Gr,*_RQ,, L A�& roL. —1 1 D. Date 0I'N1CaAII_CIIIeI1IS z __ 11 S 11�' - I4A,cl '. Me(hods/Dcvices Used lbr Measurcinent of: a. Di 'i "Aiije I -om the. `agoon liquid stllfaCC 10 (Ile top Of'the IavCr: 1). Distvic'e from [Ile lagooll liquid . I'l . a,e:,t0 the bolloill (soil) of [Ile la'_'oon: J�9 c. Thickncs,, of Owsluch-'e liver ifmakuiL, -.-I direct II1CdSLIrCnICIII with "corc.saniffler": F. Lagoon SUrface Area (using dimensions at inside _ i top of bank): (acres) "7io � (.,0 - ­_ (Draw sketch of the lagoon oil I separate sheet. list dimensions. and CaICIIIaIC SLII-I'aCC area. 'nic ia,mon ina)• have been built different than designed, so measurements should be made.) G. Fmilliale number of, Sampling points a. Less than 1_13 acres: Usc IX xI Its nn,lr thatI I '.acrc,. ICIes x 6 'AIII Ina xinlurn ol"-4. (Usim-sketch and LliffleliSiOnS. develop a Lillil"OrIll --rid that has the same number of intcrsmiom, the e estimated 1111111her orsaillIfling, points needed. Number the irim-NeCliOn I)OiIIIS MI the laU0011 grid SO that data recorded al each call he easily matched.) 1-1. COIKIUCI SILKh!C StIlTCV 311d record data On Survey Data Sheet" (Appendix 21). Also, at the location of' the purnp intake. take me.asurement Ot'distance 1'rom liquid surface to top of'sludge la.Ner and record it OH the Data Sheet (lust row); this must be ;it least 2.5, rt. when irrigating. I. At the time ol'the sludge SLII-Vev� also measure ilic di,!imce from tile 11Max I t ­k �iium Uquid Level to the Present Liquid I_CvCI (Ilicasure .11 the lapooll gauge PoIcl: 'j." 1. Determine the distance from the top ol'hank to the MaXiIIILIIII Liquid Leve! __.j.,O (use lagoon marial-lement plan (-it- other lagoon records) K. Determine the distance from the N-laximilin Liquid Level III the "Millillmill Liquid Level (USC 1,120011 Marla"cruent plan or tither lagoon records) t. L. CaICLIIa1O the CliSt-,IIICC from the J)I'CNellt liCILlid .1;LIIT3cL level to the \,lininiuni Liquid 1_0e1 (Item K minus Item 1. asstouillg the I)I-CSCIII liquid ICN-e) is heloW 1110 Ma.Nilonli) IJ(Ilfid LeVCh: M. Record fi-0111 the SILK121C Survey Data'Sheet the distance froillille present liquid surface level III the lagoon hotioni (average for all the measurement points): N. Record from the SILICNIC Survey Data Sheet the clistar`CC from IIIQ ly-C-SCIII fiClUid AllfaCC level to the top (jI'llic SILIke IaVCI_ (average for all the nleasurenlcnt poilit-S (7). Record I"I'0111 the SILK121C Survey Data Sheet the average thickness of the sludge layer: 4f P. Calculate [lie thickiiesx ol'Ille existing Liquid Treatment Zone (Item N minus Item 1,): (r, Q. [I'lleni 0 is greater than Item V. proceed to the Worksheet lor Sludge Volume and Treatment Volume. liAtern 0 is equal to or less than Item P. you do not have to de�,01-1!ne volumes. Q iq DIO �O - I cullioleted bv: Wa Xitc: 7 Print 4ctinlr S iuc Appendix 2. Sludge Survey Data Sheet* Lagoon identification: Sludge Survey Data Sheet � , _ Completed by: ,"cam,#_a�a c _ �-:�'' �, _ Date:„^i Print Warne Signs re �Al Grid Point No. 113istance r5J—(c) from liquid to to of slue Ft. in. surface s ' Ft. tenthki Distance from liquid surface I to lagoon. bottom soil R. & in (Ft. (tenth}hs) (C) minus (BI Thickness of sludge 1 , ,� layer Ft, _in. �Ft. tsnths_L,. _ e �Y U 5 1.3o c, rJ ' I ra �_- r� I { 22 24_ Ott C,yd Faints ar�d co; resQrr_rlUzg slf� F tavr �l�.c��s`ses must he sho•vn or g sketch as=cched ~n tt3i luti E S e�rvEJ riC+a S%tc-E!. Sse�ppendbr 4 for con :rsion}5•orn Mches .c tenths of a foot. 15 00 I y Appendix I. Lagoon Sludge Survey Form Revised August 2008 A. Fill Permit or DWQ Ielentil.icaliutl'.ttt)ther C. Per-son(s) Taki«w- Ni a Lircntcnu D. Date of \ie:tstu'entent> _-_ �— j :. %,I 011ods/Dev ices Used for Neleasuremeni oI: froma-1)is(r,Rui fromlltt I:t_t,im� ,li^qui,l cur(acc to fife litlt itl the >lud-e I:i}'cr--- —_- P t�tittt,-���o h. Dist:�ne roni the IaLvoltt liquid Surf' e�to the bottom (soil) of the c. 1'hii Rhea of the clud_4 Dyer if making a direct nteasurentc«t xvith -core sampler": F. Lagoon Surface Area iusin_ dimensions at Inside top of banki: (:Dear: a Sketch itf the lagoon on it separate sheet. list dIl11C(I>II'1n5, and calculate surface aria. The lalgoon Inav have been built different than designed, so nteasut•entents should lie made.) G. HSIinuue nutuber of sallq,ling poi III a. Less than I.3, acres: Use y (IllIS h. 11'nwre than I. arreS,�_s.__1 tcres x G = + . with niaxinitutl ol,--1. (Using .ketch and dimensions. develop .t Uniiitrnt grid that has the Sainte number of intersections as [Iles estimated mother i±t's:unpling poinl:r needed. Number the intersection points on the. lagoon ,ri(l Su that data recorded at each call he easily nttrlched. ) H. Conduct sludge surrey and record data on "Slud__c Survey Data Sheet" (;Appendix 21. Also. at the Ineation of the puma intake, take measurement of distance front liquid surface to top ol'sludge lit.'cr and record it un the Data Sheet (lasl rot,-); this must he at least 2.5 11. when irri�l-ating. I. At the time ol' the sludge survc•}. ;[ISO nleast I- (lac Ji ?ghee front the tilaxinuuti Liquid Levcl to the. F'rusenl Liquid I_cycl (nrati«rc at the_ J. Determine the distance from the top of hank u, the \-laxinrtun Liquid Level (Ilse lasooli ntana ctncnt plan or other kisoon record,) K. Determine the distance Irutn the \.1axirnum Liquid level to the Niininttuti Liquid t, I (use IaLloorl nianagentem plain or other la!*Dull records) L.. Calculate the distance from the present liquid sut•I:Ice Icvel to the \lillitutun Liquid Level i Item IC IniltuS item 1, assuntin:a the present liquid ICPeI is helot: the \4axinnun Liiluid L.rvrl). VI. Record front the sludge Survey Data Sheet the distance from the present liquid Surface level to the latoon hottont tayerage lorall the Itte:t.urCI1ICnt pointsr. \. RecordTront tite Sludge Surrey Dana Sheet Life di;t utce ii'ittit the itresent liquid Surface IevCI to the top ol'the sludiw layer (average fur :dl the rneasurentcm pninh): O. Record front the Sludee StuA'ev Data Shoei the average thickness Ilithe;lud`c laver: I'. Calculate the 11 ick«esS of the exislin,' Liquid Tre;ilmcm %one (Item N minus Item i.): Q_ 11' Item O is greater than Item P. proceed to the 1Vorksheet for Sludge Volume and Treatment Volume. H Item 0 is -equal to or less than Item P. you do not have to dew.riiitte volumes. r- ( l Jr. Completed hv: Date:( `fir I ' ��-- - -- - -�,-�-<- __...__ Print ,�6'FnuT� s6& irc a Cam:f�� 5 , Appendix b. Mudge Survey Data Sheet* LagyDdentific. '•ton. Sludge Survey Data Sheet-�; Computed b: �,_YS'e�.� Wr'r._��• - Data:,"�i� Prir..t Na as Sign_ ure f ,�, �..��..... ii i�r) } �Cj minus (BI Grid Point No. 'Distance ! from liquid surfacei Cistanca from liquid surface � Thickness of sludge to to of stud s to lagoon botiorn soil) Le er Ft. in, Ft (tenths Ft. & in. Ft. (tenths) Ft. t: in. I Ft tenths) 3 itLA Cn� 101 (I 1 _15: 1 : LI 21 22 �'� ti ;QA Oil,off �,5` 5c,� �, l� - -- hverac ei ,� �` ilsrr d Pai:sis ana co; rant s?rdj��� _xl�rc; - Icrver�ic: n�ssPs must �G sha3vn or. a sketch atrached'o this See A_ppendix 4 for convt5mlon fiwn Anches .c tenths of afoot. 15 COO Z j,ze I I` --'T3 " 3 lo L 13 10 GR m