HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000389_Benchmarks Rationale_20131101NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM Pat McCrory, Governor Director John E. Skvarla, III, Secretary November 1, 2013 To: Stormwater Permitting Program Through: Bradley Bennett, Stormwater Permitting Program Supervisor From: Bethany A. Georgoulias, Stormwater Permitting Program Subject: Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations and Rationale, 2013 Revisions The Stormwater Permitting Program has revised its guidance on stormwater benchmark concentrations. Guidance on these benchmarks was first developed by the Division of Water Quality in 1994 and last revised in August 2007. Stormwater benchmarks are used to make decisions about monitoring in permit development, as well as provide a tool for permittees to evaluate pollution prevention plan effectiveness and respond to possible problems. This guidance is based on a number of sources, including more recent National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (NRWQC). An outline of the rationale and methodology for the current benchmarks is attached, as well as the current Stormwater Benchmark Table. Our Program will revise this table no more frequently than triennially (if necessary), unless major changes or corrections to criteria warrant revision. Ideally, updates will be coordinated with the Division of Water Resource's Triennial Review of N.C. Water Quality Standards. Several metals have been updated to reflect the most recent NRWQC, and other benchmarks have been corrected or revised with more recent toxicity data available from EPA's ECOTOX database and/or other sources. Guidance on nutrients has been revised, and the use of "Non -polar Oil & Grease"/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) by Method 1664 (SGT-HEM) was added, along with discussions on polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Attachments: Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmarks and Sources Table (October 2013) cc: Jeff Manning, Supervisor, DWR Planning Section Connie Brower, DWR Planning Section Cindy A. Moore, DWR Aquatic Toxicology Unit Tom Belnick, DWR NPDES Complex Permitting Unit Supervisor John Hennessy, DWR NPDES Compliance and Expedited Unit Supervisor DEMLR RE, Asheville Regional Office DEMLR RE, Fayetteville Regional Office DEMLR RE, Mooresville Regional Office DEMLR RE, Raleigh Regional Office DEMLR RE, Washington Regional Office DEMLR RE, Wilmington Regional Office DEMLR RE, Winston-Salem Regional Office 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 • Telephone 919-707-9220 / FAX: 919-733-2876 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 • Internet: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir/land-quality An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 2 of 16 NC DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Program: Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document Introduction Stormwater benchmarks are numerical action levels for stormwater monitoring. Benchmarks are not effluent limits. North Carolina's NPDES stormwater permits incorporate benchmarks to provide facilities a tool for assessing the significance of pollutants in stormwater discharges, and the effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs). For the permittee, benchmark concentrations provide a guideline for implementing the facility's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP). Exceedences of the numerical benchmark values are not a violation of the permit. However, benchmark exceedances typically require the permittee to increase monitoring, increase management actions, increase record keeping, and/or install stormwater BMPs in a tiered program. The tiered approach outlines actions the permittee must take in response to analytical results above benchmark concentrations. Not responding to benchmark exceedances as per the permit is a violation of permit conditions. For permit development, monitoring is generally recommended for any parameter identified as a pollutant of concern (either from past measured levels in the discharge or because of the potential for stormwater exposure at the site). Benchmarks should not be applied without best professional judgment (BPJ). In some cases, monitoring without a benchmark or a different benchmark might be more appropriate than what is listed in the table here. The groundwork for these benchmarks and much of the supporting information has been carried over from the Division of Water Quality's original stormwater benchmark guidance (C. Sullins, 1994). However, there have been significant updates to several values and policies over the years. Benchmarks are determined with help from Division of Water Resources' Planning Section. Values are based on a variety of sources, including EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (NRWQC), the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation in 40 CFR 141.11, and NC Surface Water Quality Standards (15A NCAC 02B regulations). When federal or NC water quality regulations do not contain information for a pollutant, benchmarks are calculated per 15A NCAC 213.0200 with peer -reviewed aquatic toxicity data or with an alternate approach. Permit writers should consult with DWR's Planning Section when a benchmark based on limited data is noted. I. Toxicants and Metals Toxicants Because of the sporadic nature of rainfall, acute (short-term) effects are considered when establishing stormwater benchmarks for toxicants. Toxicant benchmarks are equal to one half the Final Acute Value (1/2 FAV) for constituents like arsenic, chromium, cyanide, lead, nickel, and silver. N.C. DENR also uses the 1/2 FAV to set daily maximum wastewater limits for toxicants. The FAV is estimated by a statistical analysis of acute toxicity data and protects 95 percent of the species in the most sensitive genera that has been tested. A safety factor of two is applied for water quality protection purposes. The Stormwater Benchmark and Sources Table shows total recoverable metal and cyanide values. The benchmarks are based on NRWQC dissolved criteria and translated into total for permitting purposes (as required by federal regulations for the NPDES program). Where metal values are hardness -dependent, the benchmark is now based on an assumed hardness of 25 mg/l. The value has dropped from the previous default of 50 mg/1 because DWR's review of ambient hardness data concluded a lower value is more representative of streams of North Carolina. Several of the metals benchmarks are converted from dissolved values into total recoverable with EPA's partition factor and a calculation that assumes a total suspended solids (TSS) concentration of 10 mg/l. Even though the TSS stormwater benchmark is typically much higher, 10 mg/1 assumes a "best case" stormwater discharge with low solids, resulting in a NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 3 of 16 conservative benchmark value for the total recoverable metal. For special cases, the permit writer may consider modifying the variables to calculate a site -specific benchmark. The Division of Water Resources has proposed new dissolved metals water quality standards based on the current NRWQC, but the new standards are not yet adopted. The NPDES wastewater program intends to translate dissolved values into total recoverable metals as described above. Because these values reflect the most recent recommended water quality criteria, and because benchmarks are not effluent limits, the Stormwater Permitting Program will transition to revised metals benchmark values in permits with effective dates beginning in January 2014. Ubiquitous Metals Copper (Cu) is a ubiquitous (prevalent) substance that does not readily bioaccumulate and has a high affinity for organic compounds. Zinc (Zn) is also very prevalent, but has the potential to bioaccumulate [EPA-310-R-95-010]. Historically, these metals have been associated with adverse effects in very few streams in North Carolina, and the sources of contamination in those streams have primarily been non - point. Iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are also ubiquitous substances that have not been associated with many point source discharges from urban areas. To a certain extent, these metals are naturally present in N.C. soils, depending on regional geography. Benchmarks for copper and zinc have been established but should be applied only when the facility's industrial processes, activities, or exposed materials could introduce significant amounts of these metals into the stormwater discharges. The benchmark for iron was removed. We believe that in most cases, a benchmark for iron is not suitable or useful for stormwater discharge monitoring. North Carolina has proposed removing the current water quality standard for iron because of its natural occurrence in soils. A benchmark for manganese has not been set. We believe that samples analyzed for manganese may reflect presence of this compound in the in situ soils, as opposed to its presence in the permitted facility's industrial stormwater. An appropriate manganese benchmark could not be established. Because copper and zinc are so pandemic, in natural soils and in some urban environments, monitoring for them is recommended only when industrial activities or materials have the potential to contribute significant amounts to discharges. In those cases, one or both of these metals may be appropriate indicators of BMP effectiveness (e.g., lapses in good housekeeping) or stormwater contamination, and should be included in the permit. Water quality problems related to these metals in the receiving waters also warrant attention. When monitoring for any ubiquitous metal is required, the default approach is to include the benchmark in the permit, but alternative approaches may be considered. We recognize that acute values for zinc and especially copper are low, and that their toxicity is highly variable (depending on the amount dissolved, which is affected by many factors). Whether because of hardness or other assumptions, there may be instances when benchmarks for these parameters are considered impractical. In such cases, the permit writer may consider site -specific BMPs in lieu of benchmarks for one or more of these parameters. This approach is consistent with 40 CFR §122.44(k)(3), which grants N.C. DENR the authority to use BMPs to control or abate the discharge of pollutants when numeric effluent limitations are infeasible. The permit writer may also consider other options (e.g., Action Level Implementation Policy for Copper and Zinc in NPDES [wastewater] Permits, October 2000). Mercury Because it is extremely toxic and bioaccumulative in its methyl mercury form, mercury (Hg) is a different case. We do not use the 1/2 FAV as the stormwater benchmark for mercury. The benchmark (12 ng/L) is instead taken from the N.C. Water Quality Standard in 15A NCAC 213.0211. While historically we would have expected values to be below detectable level, Method 1631 now makes a mercury detection limit as low as 0.5 ng/L possible. However, the method is expensive, and collection procedures are labor intensive. Because mercury from distant sources is introduced into stormwater and streams by air NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 4 of 16 deposition, it is not reasonable to expect no detects of mercury in every case. Therefore, mercury should only be monitored when there is reason to suspect the activity or materials on site, including local source deposition, could contaminate runoff. Industrial activities should not contribute any mercury to stormwater discharges. II. Volatile Organics Under normal circumstances, organics would not be expected in stormwater discharges. The presence of these compounds may indicate poor management practices. Stormwater can have significant flow velocity and aeration, providing opportunity for organics to volatilize. The presence of organics at concentrations above the detection limit is cause for concern. However, interference commonly associated with stormwater samples may cause false positives in volatile organic testing. Monitoring on an individual basis should be required when industry specific sources of volatile and semi -volatile organics are identified. For some organic compounds, more stringent 1/2 FAVs for stormwater discharges to Trout (Tr) waters have been established based on acute tests with salmonid species. These include phenol and toluene. For benchmarks not already recorded in the attached stormwater benchmarks table, the permit writer should refer to the most recent EPA NRWQC for criterion maximum concentrations (CMC) or consult DWR's Planning Section for further guidance. III. Oxygen Consuming Wastes Biochemical Oxygen Demand There is little documentation available that associates problematic concentrations of dissolved oxygen with stormwater runoff. Therefore, the benchmark for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD - 5 day, or BODs) is based on the Secondary Treatment Regulation specified in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 133 (40 CFR §133). That regulation defines the minimum level of effluent quality attainable by secondary wastewater treatment as 30 mg/1 for the 30-day average of BODs. We do not anticipate that unpolluted stormwater discharges will exceed BODs concentrations in excess of this standard. Chemical Oxygen Demand The benchmark for Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) was set using best professional judgment. Generally, COD is found at levels four times the BODs levels in domestic wastewaters. We do not anticipate that unpolluted stormwater discharges will exceed BODs concentrations in excess of this standard, and so the benchmark for COD is based on four times the BODs benchmark (120 mg/1). Nitrate + Nitrite Nitrogen Nitrate and nitrite nitrogen (NO3 + NO2 as N) is a component of Total Nitrogen (TN) and is not generally monitored. Monitoring may be required when industry -specific sources of these pollutants are identified. The National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (40 CFR §141.11) specifies a maximum contaminant level of 10 mg/1 nitrate (as N). This value is the same as the N.C. water quality standard for water supply (WS) waters in the T15A NCAC 213.0200 rules. The EPA Multi -Sector permit establishes 0.68 mg/1 as the NO3 + NO2 benchmark, based on a median concentration from the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) study in 1983. We feel a value reflecting nitrate levels in urban runoff is not appropriate for industrial sites where nitrates are a potential pollutant source. Therefore, unless a 1/2 FAV for this parameter becomes available, the benchmark remains 10 mg/l. NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 5 of 16 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) The benchmark for TKN ("Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen," or organic nitrogen) is based on an approximate equivalency to secondary treatment of wastewater. The majority of TKN found in stormwater is unlikely to be directly bio-available. Organic nitrogen, in the form of decaying leaves and twigs for example, will exert less demand on in -stream dissolved oxygen (DO) than TKN from domestic wastewater. Furthermore, low DO in receiving streams is rarely attributed to rainfall events. The lack of documented water quality problems, coupled with the sporadic nature of rainfall events, is the basis of a TKN benchmark of 20 mg/l. Ammonia Large amounts of ammonia are not expected in industrial stormwater discharges, and persistent elevated levels may indicate a wastewater issue. Ammonia is normally reported in mg/l of nitrogen (or "as N") and should be specified this way in the permit. Current benchmark values are based on guidance in the EPA Ammonia Criteria 1999 Update Document [EPA-822-R-99-014]. Because ammonia's toxicity is highly dependent upon temperature and pH, refer to the Stormwater Benchmarks and Sources Table for assumptions. Keep in mind that a very small change in pH can dramatically increase or decrease the ammonia concentration which is toxic; therefore, it is important to consider pH when assessing monitoring data. Please consult the Criteria Document and/or DWR's Planning Section staff if there is reason to adjust the ammonia benchmark for a different pH. A more stringent ammonia benchmark based on acute tests with salmonid species is specified for Trout waters. IV. Nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) Monitoring for nutrients may be required if (1) nitrogen and/or phosphorus are associated with the industrial activity or materials stored on site, or (2) if the discharge is to nutrient sensitive waters (NSW) and, either past data show the site to be a significant contributor of nutrients, or no data are available to characterize the contribution. The permit writer should apply best professional judgment in situations where years of data or numerous samples have demonstrated nitrogen or phosphorus levels are consistently below benchmarks. Total Nitrogen (TN) The benchmark for total nitrogen is the sum of the TKN and (nitrate + nitrite) benchmarks: 30 mg/l. Total Phosphorus (TP) The benchmark for total phosphorus (2.0 mg/1) is based on BPJ and consistent with wastewater permit limits imposed on NSW dischargers. V. Inorganics Conductivity This parameter (measured in uS/cm) is a good indicator of inorganic pollutants (salts, minerals, etc.) However, there is no benchmark for conductivity because natural background levels vary widely and reflect the constituents specific to the water in that location. In the NPDES Wastewater Program, conductivity is usually monitored up- and downstream; significant increases will evidence inorganic pollutants in the discharge. If inorganic contamination is expected in the stormwater discharge, the permit writer may consider monitoring conductivity. NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 6 of 16 Chloride The stormwater benchmark for chloride is based on EPA's NRWQC (860 mg/1). Sulfate The stormwater benchmark for sulfate is based on the 1/2 FAV (500 mg/1), derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database. A separate value for water supply watersheds was considered but is no longer applied. A WS benchmark was considered (250 mg/1) because there is a significant cost to remove this compound when water treatment plants treat drinking water for distribution. While a lower value is advantageous for water treatment plants downstream, stormwater benchmarks are based on acute effects to aquatic life when possible. Therefore, unless a special case warrants a more stringent concentration, we believe that 500 mg/1 is a more appropriate benchmark concentration for sulfate. VI. Radioactive Substances Uranium There are several options for assigning a uranium benchmark if necessary. The permit writer should work with the Radiation Protection Section to determine this level. As of March 2007, there is only one facility in North Carolina that manufactures uranium: General Electric in Wilmington. The decision not to include uranium in that facility's NPDES stormwater individual permit is documented in the memorandum from Beverly Hall, Chief Radiation Protection Section to Kelly Johnson on February 28, 2007. Facilities that manufacture uranium are regulated under a license issued by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). The USNRC retains exclusive federal jurisdiction for radioactive materials within the site boundary unless such materials are not directly covered by the USNRC license. Because the radioactive materials that could potentially appear in stormwater runoff are covered by the USNRC license, the site is subject to the requirements of Table 2, Column 2 in Appendix B to 10 CFR §20 under the current facility license. VII. Bacteria Historical perspective: The fecal coliform standards in N.C.'s Water Quality Standards until May 2007 were based on guidance found in Virginia's standard. Virginia removed this standard from its guidance, and this change affected N.C. policy. The N.C. Water Quality Standards referencing fecal coliform for saltwaters were amended on May 1, 2007. This change requires enterococcus rather than fecal coliform as the indicator bacteria for saline waters. There was no change to the freshwater bacteria or shellfish fecal coliform standards in May 2007. Statistical significance of sampling: Data for either indicator must represent a statistically significant geometric mean. Currently most permits require sampling twice per year, but this number of samples does not yield a statistically significant mean. A single high analytical test may represent an anomaly on -site, rather than a problem with the facility's stormwater. The number of samples required for statistically significant results would introduce a burden to permittees. When determining the appropriate analytical sampling, permit writers should consider how the data collected will be used. Will the data serve as appropriate corrective guidance for BMP implementation onsite? Will the data help make decisions about future analytical requirements? If there was a single high test in the previous permitcycle, did that test represent statistically significant data? NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 7 of 16 Risk assessment: Permit writers should consider whether people may be at risk. Is it likely that people are either eating shellfish from the receiving water or are swimming in the receiving water? The Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) Shellfish Sanitation Program aggressively samples many saltwaters (SA and SB) for fecal and enterococcus to protect for shellfish consumption and recreation. The DMF samples only some SC waters for recreational use protection. In addition, the DMF has different Use Classifications than the DWR, and those Use Classifications change regularly (often seasonal). Permit writers should remember that the DMF data are typically available for summer months. Therefore, there is greater risk for human contamination from facilities that drain to either SC or freshwaters not being detected by the DMF sampling. Permit writers should use best professional judgment to decide if the facility will contaminate the receiving water, and balance this possibility against the potential burden of requiring statistically significant testing. Also consider what BMPs may be put in place if the facility detects high bacteria levels. Requiring sampling: If the permit writer determines that the facility should conduct statistically significant testing for bacteria, consider the following potential requirements: Fecal Coliform Guidance for fecal coliform: ➢ Require for freshwaters (B and C) ➢ Benchmark Guidance Value (freshwater): Fecal - 1000 col/100 ml. This value is based on BPJ and was consistent with the maximum (one -sample) threshold specified in Virginia's older Water Quality Standards. The N.C. Water Quality Standard (for all Class C waters, based on human health) says that fecal coliforms shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100ml (MF count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30-day period, nor exceed 400/100ml in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period. We do not consider these values practical for a stormwater benchmark. In addition, the N.C. Standard, 213.0211, specifies that violations of that standard "are expected during rainfall events." The most recent N.C. Water Quality Standard maintains the fecal coliform indicator for freshwaters. If sampling is necessary, monthly sampling is recommended in order to yield statistically significant results. Consider comparing the Benchmark Guidance Value to a geometric mean of at least 10 samples. ➢ N.C.'s fecal coliform Water Quality Standard for SA (shellfishing) waters is 14 col/100 ml. This value is based on a geometric mean as described above. If sampling for bacteria because of SA waters, enterococcus sampling is recommended; however, a permit writer may consider this fecal value (and appropriate sampling) as well. Enterococcus Guidance for enterococcus: ➢ Require for saltwaters (SA, SB, SC) Human Health ➢ Benchmark Guidance Value (saltwater): 500 enterococcus/100 ml. This value was set using EPA's 1986 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria. However, the data supporting this value was collected through non-traditional means. Many people who had been exposed to waters with varying enterococcus levels were interviewed several days after exposure. Though this method was an attempt to determine an appropriate value, North Carolina considers this value to be BPJ. However, this value does represent a single -sample maximum for saltwaters, and so if enterococcus sampling is necessary, comparison to the benchmark may be based on a single sample, rather than by multiple samples to ensure statistical significance. (Note, Rules 15A NCAC 02B .0220 and .0222 were amended on May 1, 2007 to reflect the new standard of 35 enterococci/100 ml, based on a minimum of five samples within any consecutive 30 days.) NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 8 of 16 VIII. Chlorinated and Fluorinated Compounds Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) There are several concerns with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the environment. Arochlors are both a human health concern (0.064 ng/1) and an aquatic life concern (1 ng/L). However, practical quantitation limits (PQLs) are much higher than even aquatic life standards. PQLs are usually at or near 1 µg/L (much higher than the standard). PQLs also change daily within and between labs. These factors make it difficult to establish a numeric benchmark. Therefore, any detection over the PQL is an exceedence of the benchmark. The most sensitive appropriate method should be used. Consult the DWR Planning Section for updates on advances in PCB detection methods and PQLs. Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of over 100 different chemicals. Many PAHs in the environment are from incomplete burning of carbon -containing materials like oil, wood, garbage or coal. PAHs are found in coal tar, crude oil, creosote, roofing tar, blacktop, and mothballs. PAHs are also found at low concentrations in some special-purpose skin creams and antidandruff shampoos that contain coal tars, and a few are used in medicines, dyes, plastics, and pesticides. Benzo(a)pyrene (CAS # 50-32-8) and Benzo(b)fluoranthene (CAS # 205-99-2) are carcinogens and are included in the N.C. water quality standard for total PAHs (.0311 ug/L all waters). However, the DWR has had issues with using human health data for stormwater in the past, and therefore the benchmarks for PAHs listed in the table are based on aquatic life acute standards (1/2 FAVs). VIII. Other Parameters Oil and Grease (O&G) vs. "Non -polar O&G" (or TPH) The traditional Oil & Grease (0&G) benchmark of 30 mg/1 is based on BPJ and reflects typical wastewater limits. Monitoring may be required when industry specific sources of these pollutants are identified and are not limited to petroleum -based hydrocarbons (e.g., animal fats and greases are potential pollutants). Historically, 0&G was the parameter used for many facilities where handling, storage or use of petroleum products is of concern. By definition, 0&G is composed of fatty matter from animal and vegetable sources and hydrocarbons of petroleum origin. Laboratory analysis of "Non -Polar 0&G" with EPA Method 1664 (SGT-HEM) requires the sample to be mixed with a silica gel, or similar substance, to remove polar materials from the sample (typically, fatty materials that are not petroleum based). It is basically a cheaper alternative method to estimating "Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons" (TPH) with a more expensive GC analysis usually used for "TPH." Petroleum hydrocarbons cover a broad family of several hundred chemical compounds that originally come from crude oil such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene, etc. Instead of measuring each compound separately, TPH is a practical monitoring parameter for targeting petroleum contamination. "TPH" or "Non -polar 0&G" with Method 1664 (SGT-HEM) is not meant to replace 0&G as a monitoring parameter. It is available to permit writers as a more -specific parameter at facilities expected to discharge only petroleum -based hydrocarbons. As an example, non -polar O&G could be well -suited to monitor a site that stores bulk fuel oil to fire its boiler, but it would not be as useful as 0&G at a biodiesel production plant that handles both petroleum and non -petroleum based oils. There are some limitations to the non -polar O&G parameter as measured by EPA Method 1664 (SGT-HEM) that the permit writer should understand. Method 1664 is not applicable to measurement of materials that volatilize at temperatures below 85 degrees C. Petroleum fuels from gasoline through No. 2 Fuel Oil may be partially lost in the solvent removal step, and because some crude oils and heavy fuel oils NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 9 of 16 contain significant amounts of materials that are not soluble in n-hexane, recoveries may be low. Motor oils, however, are consistently detected using Method 1664. A 15 mg/L benchmark is consistent with other states' stormwater benchmarks or maximum daily concentration limits for TPH in a grab sample [New Jersey Hot -Mix Asphalt General Permit, Texas Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals General Permit, and Washington Port of Seattle Permit]. We would expect only stormwater discharges with significant oil contamination (ex. concentrated parking lot runoff) to exceed this concentration. Because "TPH" is normally associated with more expensive GC analysis methods at laboratories, we now refer to this parameter in permits specifically as "Method 1664 SGT-HEM (Non -polar O&G)" instead of TPH to reduce confusion. Currently the Division of Water Resources does not certify labs for "TPH" with EPA Method 1664 (SGT-HEM) because the only TPH listed in the Certification Rules is based on GC analysis (gas -range and diesel -range hydrocarbons analysis). Performing Method 1664 with the extra silica gel treatment step is simply considered an option for "O&G" analysis. The technicality is not an impediment because N.C. rules do not require certification for stormwater sample analysis. pH The benchmarks for pH are based on water quality standards for freshwater classes, which specify a pH range of 6.0 - 9.0 standard units. Because pH is often critical to interpreting monitoring data, and because it is a surrogate indicator for problems when other parameters are not monitored directly, the permit writer should always consider including pH whenever analytical monitoring is in the permit. However, in some cases, pH monitoring may not offer extensive benefit. The permit writer should use BPJ when deciding to exclude pH monitoring. Note that NPDES wastewater discharges to saltwaters are typically limited to 6.8 - 8.5 standard units (N.C. Water Quality Standard, T15A NCAC 02B .0220). The permit writer may consider this more restrictive range of benchmarks for saline receiving waters. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) The benchmark for TSS (100 mg/1) reflects a median concentration from the NURP study. While the Stormwater Permitting Program does not use the NURP study value for nitrates, TSS at industrial sites is expected to come from similar sources (parking lots, etc.). In addition, an equivalent secondary wastewater treatment level is established by the wastewater discharge limit of 90 mg/1 for lagoon systems. The lower 50 mg/1 TSS stormwater benchmark for Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HQW), trout (Tr) waters, and primary nursery area (PNA) waters is one half of the standard benchmark. That value was set to flag problems that might be especially detrimental to sensitive waters (which are subject to effluent limitations of 20 mg/1 TSS for HQW and 10 mg/1 TSS for Tr waters in the N.C. Water Quality Standards) and is based on BPJ. Turbidity The benchmark for turbidity varies according to whether receiving waters are lake, trout, or saline waters. The Water Quality Standards specified in the 213.0200 rules serve as benchmarks: 50 NTU, 25 NTU (lakes/reservoirs and saltwaters), and 10 NTU (Tr). However, these levels are in -stream standards. The narrative part of the standard also acknowledges that natural background conditions may be higher. Turbidity is highly variable in stormwater events and can be influenced by run-off up -land of an industrial site. Therefore, this parameter is not commonly included in a stormwater permit unless there are specific concerns. The permit writer should exercise BPJ when considering if and how to include turbidity monitoring. One option is to measure turbidity up- and downstream of the discharge instead, to account for background levels and evaluate contribution by the point source in between. The NPDES general permit for Mining Activities currently includes turbidity monitoring without a benchmark and the language that "The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving water to exceed Water Quality Standards...." (See NCG020000, effective January 1, 2010). NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 10 of 16 IX. Freshwater vs. Water Supply and Saltwater Most of the benchmarks in the attached table are based on fresh water criteria. The permit writer should consider whether any benchmarks should be adjusted specifically for Water Supply (WS) or saline receiving waters. However, staff should keep in mind that human health -based criteria reflect standards for treated drinking water and may not be appropriate for stormwater discharges. For example, the current antimony (Sb) criterion based on human consumption of fish and water is 0.0056 mg/l. This value is suitable for purified drinking water but is too stringent for a stormwater benchmark. Some specific parameters are discussed in this guidance. Many parameters are beyond the scope of this guidance; others may need revision because more recent toxicity data are available, or testing methods have changed. If there is a question about a pollutant of concern, a permit writer should consider how difficult and/or expensive the constituent is to remove in water treatment, potential human health impacts, and whether or not a level based on acute effects to aquatic life is still the most appropriate benchmark in making the decision about what value to use. NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 11 of 16 References: Action Level Policy: 'Implementation of Action Levels for Copper and Zinc in NPDES Permits. " North Carolina Division of Water Quality. October 25, 2000. Available on-line at: httR//www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/ATUwww/Default.html (accessed 5 October 2006). EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project: Profile of the Nonferrous Metals Industry. September 1995. EPA-310-R-95-010. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (2009). U.S. EPA. Available on-line at: httR//water.epa.govlscitechIswguidance/standards/criteria/current/index.cfm (accessed 22 October 2013). N.C. Division of Environmental Management/Water Quality Section Memorandum dated April 12, 1994, from C. Sullins to Regional Water Quality Supervisors with attached draft `Determining Monitoring Requirements for Stormwater Permitting' document (March 31, 1994). NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 12 of 16 NC DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Program Stormwater Benchmarks and Sources Last Revised October 25, 2013 Most values listed in this table represent freshwater values. Permit writers should investigate whether criteria for saltwater and human health (water supply waters) are applicable and would serve as a more appropriate basis for a permit benchmark. Also note that some facilities may have different benchmarks to address unique circumstances. Parameter Benchmark Conc. Units ource Acetone 17 mg/I : FAV (N. Remington, 9/2008). crylamide 28 mg/I 2 FAV (N. Remington, 10/2009). Acrylonitrile 3.8 mg/1 Y2 Lowest Observed Effect Level (LOEL); EPA's 1986 Water Quality Criteria for acrylonitrile Aluminum, total recoverable JW5 mg/I FAV (Final Acute Value); EPA's National Recommended Water �uality Criteria (Acute) for aluminum. Not hardness dependent. Aluminum Sulfate 1.1 mg/I Y2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Ammonium Sulfate 19 mg/I Y2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Ammonia, total as Nitrogen 7.2 mg/I Y2 FAV @pH 8; EPA's 1999 Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria or ammonia Ammonia, total as Nitrogen 5.6 mg/I Y2 FAV @ pH 8; EPA's 1999 Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria (Trout) or ammonia. More stringent to protect trout species. Anthracene 0.005 mg/I /: FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Antimony, total recoverable 0.09 mg/I Y2 FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or antimony (III). Arsenic, total recoverable 0.34 mg/I Y2 FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved arsenic (not hardness dependent), converted to total it In EPA partition translator = 1.0 (revised 2013). Note human health standard is 10 ug/I, but normally would not use that for a tormwater benchmark. Bacteria, enterococcus 500 Entero- - Enterococcus includes: Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus coccus/100 faecium, Enterococcus avium, and Enterococcus gallinarium ml - Require for saltwaters if necessary. See Rationale Document. - This value is based on EPA's 1986 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria. (July 2007, K. Johnson and C. Brower) Based on single sample maximum value. Bacteria, fecal coliform 1000 col/100 ml Require for freshwaters if necessary. See Rationale Document. (June 2007, K. Johnson and C. Brower) - Based on geometric mean of 10'samples/year. See Rationale Document. Benzene 6.7 mg/I /z FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Benzo(a)pyrene (PAH), 2.5 ug/I Y2 FAV (N. Remington, 9/2010) CAS # 50-32-8 0.0025 mg/l Beryllium 0.065 mg/I Y2 FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved beryllium (not hardness dependent), converted to total with EPA partition translator = 1.0 (revised 2013) BODS (Biological Oxygen Demand, 30 mg/I BPJ, Based on Secondary Treatment Regulation (40 CFR 133.03). 5-day) Cadmium 0.003 mg/I Y2 FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved cadmium, calculated with assumed 25 mg/l hardness, and then converted to total with EPA partition translator based on assumed 10 mg/I TSS (revised 2013) NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 13 of 16 Parameter Benchmark Conc. Units Source Cadmium (Trout) 0.002 mg/I % FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved cadmium, calculated with assumed 25 mg/I hardness, and then converted to total with EPA partition translator based on assumed 10 mg/I TSS. More stringent to protect trout species (revised 2013). Chloride 860 mg/I EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, 2006 (Note: There was previously a water supply chloride value. K. Johnson removed it on 12 June 2007 after discussion with C. Brower and J. Dent.) Chlorine, Total Residual (TRC) 28 ug/I % FAV (NC's calculation, not EPA's); See 'Total Residual Chlorine: An 0.028 mg/I Overview of North Carolina's Standard Development' (value from Carns et al., 1978). Chromium (total) N/A mg/I REMOVED. Assume all chromium III in most cases; chromium VI only if suspected source (revised 2013). Chromium III, total recoverable 0.905 mg/L % FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved chromium III, calculated with assumed 25 mg/I hardness, and then converted to total with EPA partition translator based on assumed 10 mg/I TSS (revised 2013). Chromium VI, total recoverable 0.016 mg/I % FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved chromium VI (not hardness dependent), converted to otal with EPA partition translator = 1.0 (revised 2013). Cobalt N/A mg/I No longer use % FAV from 2005 that was based on limited data. There is human health information. Consult DWR Planning Section. COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) 120 mg/I BPJ, Generally found at levels 4 x (BODS) in domestic wastewaters. Copper, total recoverable 0.010 mg/I % FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved copper, calculated with assumed 25 mg/I hardness, and hen converted to total with EPA partition translator based on assumed 10 mg/I TSS (revised 2013). Creosote 0.3 mg/I % EPA's FAV, EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Cresol 4.0 mg/I % FAV, based on p-Cresol (4-methyl phenol) form. Derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (July 2003, J. Wynn). Cyanide 0.02 mg/I % FAV, EPA's 1984 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Cyanide (expressed as free CN) 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1 mg/I % LOEL, EPA's 1980 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for 2,4- Dimethylphenol 1,4-Dioxane 0.73 mg/I In -stream standards for general human health exposures, Class C waters. May not be best benchmark for all permits; consult DWR Planning Section. Dioxin Any Detection - Connie Brower, May 2007. Dioxins are bioaccumulants. Any detection is recognition of a problem. Enterococcus - - See "Bacteria" Ethanol 3,900 mg/L % FAV (Verschueren, Karel. Handbook of Environmental Data on Organic Chemicals. 3rd Ed. 1996.) (March 2007, J. Dent) Ethylene Glycol 8,000 mg/I % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (N. Remington, 9/2010). Correction to previous benchmark. Fecal Coliform (See "Bacteria") - Fluoranthene (PAH), 0.6 ug/I %: FAV (N. Remington, DWQ, 9/2010) CAS #206-44-0 0.0006 mg/I Fluorene (PAH), 0.3 mg/I % FAV (N. Remington, DWQ 9/2010) CAS # 86-73-7 NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 14 of 16 Parameter Benchmark Conc. Units Source Fluoride 6 mg/I % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Aug. 2006) Formaldehyde 0.5 mg/I % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Sept 2005, J. Wynn). Hexamine 25,000 mg/I % FAV derived from PAN Pesticides Database (Dec 2005, J. Wynn). Based on limited data; consult DWR Planning Section. Iron N/A mg/I REMOVED. Ubiquitous in NC soils and current NC Water Quality standard proposed to be removed (revised 2013). Isopropyl Alcohol 4,300 mg/L % FAV (ECOTOX 3/07) (March 2007, J. Dent) Lead, total recoverable 0.075 mg/I % FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved lead, calculated with assumed 25 mg/I hardness, and hen converted to total with EPA partition translator based on assumed 10 mg/I TSS (revised 2013). Magnesium 32 mg/I % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Manganese N/A mg/I No benchmark. See Rationale Document. MBAS (Methylene Blue Active 0.5 mg/I NC Water Quality Standard 15A NCAC 02B .0121 for Water Supply Substances) Systems (WS-1) (aesthetic standard to prevent foaming) Mercury 0.000012 mg/I NC Water Quality Standard 15A NCAC 02B, bioaccumulative (12 ng/L) neurotoxin. Not always appropriate for stormwater benchmark if et deposition influences. Methanol 7,700 mg/L % FAV (ECOTOX 3/07) (March 2007, J. Dent) Methylene Chloride 110 mg/I % FAV (N. Remington, 2/2009). Extremely common lab contaminant; cross-check blanks on lab sheet data if there are hits. Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 1,600 mg/L % FAV ( ECOTOX 1/07) (March 2007, J. Dent) Methyl Methacrylate 96 mg/I % FAV (N. Remington, 2/2009). Molybdenum 510 mg/I /: FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn) Naphthalene 1 mg/I % Lowest Observed Effect Level (LOEL); EPA's 1980 Water Quality Criteria for naphthalene Nickel, total recoverable 0.335 mg/I % FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved nickel, calculated with assumed 25 mg/I hardness, and hen converted to total with EPA partition translator based on assumed 10 mg/I TSS (revised 2013). Nitrate + Nitrite (NO3+NO2) 10 mg/I National Primary Drinking Water Regulation in 40 CFR 141.11 and 15A NCAC 213 for nitrate (Expressed in mg/I of N). Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl (TKN) 20 mg/L BPJ, based on approximate equivalency to secondary treatment of ,wastewater (expressed in mg/I of N). Nitrogen, Total 30 mg/I TKN + Nitrate + Nitrite Benchmarks (Expressed in mg/I of N). Non -polar Oil and Grease, Method 15 mg/I Targets petroleum -based hydrocarbons with silica gel treatment step 1664 SGT-HEM (Estimate of Total and hexane extraction. Value based on review of other states' Petroleum Hydrocarbons, or TPH) maximum daily benchmark concentrations. Equal to one half x [O&G benchmark]. See Rational Document. Oil and Grease 30 mg/I BPJ, Based on wastewater permit limits. Consider "Non -polar 0&G" instead if targeting petroleum hydrocarbons (e.g., vehicle maint.) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) "There shall be no ug/L The aquatic life standard is 0.001 ug/L. The detection limits for discharge of Arochlors 1016, 1221, 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254, 1260, and 1262 are 1 polychlorinated ug/L. Because we cannot quantify PCBs below the detection limit, biphenyl any detection is considered an exceedance of the benchmark. (C. compounds." Brower on 8/2010.) Pentachlorophenol 0.019 mg/I % FAV @ pH 7.8, CIVIC from EPA's 1995 Update to Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Pentachlorophenol NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 15 of 16 Parameter Benchmark Conc. Units Source pH (min, max) 6-9 S.U. Water Quality Standard (Note Swamp waters can be as low as 4.3, but still expect stormwater discharges to fall in neutral range, unless acid rain influence.) Measured in standard units. Phenol (Trout) 4.5 mg/I % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Note — 0.3 mg/L may exhibit an organoleptic effect. (Note: There as previously a non -trout phenol value. K. Johnson removed it on 8 June 2007 after discussion with C. Brower and J. Dent. It had been set from only one data point.) Phosphorous, Total 2 mg/l BPJ, based on wastewater permit limits for NSW waters. Selenium 0.056 mg/I / FAV based on Selenite and 1986 Study on Se impacts in NC. [July 1986; Report No. 86-02: NC Water Quality Standard Documentation: The Freshwater Chemistry and Toxicity of Selenium With Emphasis on its Effects in North Carolina. (Only in print)] Silver, total recoverable 0.0003 mg/I % FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved silver, calculated with assumed 25 mg/I hardness, and hen converted to total with EPA partition translator based on assumed 10 mg/I TSS (revised 2013, typo corrected 1111812013). Sodium 865 mg/l % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Based on limited data; consult DWR Planning Section. Sodium Sulfate 125 mg/I % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Based on limited data; consult DWR Planning Section. Styrene 1.5 mg/I N. Remington, 2/2009 Sulfate 500 mg/l % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Based on limited data; consult DWR Planning Section. (Note: There as previously a water supply value; removed in June 2007 after discussion with C. Brower and J. Dent.) -butyl Alcohol 3,200 mg/L % FAV (ECOTOX 3/07) (J. Dent March 2007) hiram 0.2 ug/l % FAV (N. Remington, 7/2009) 0.002 mg/l Toluene (Non -Trout) 0.055 mg/l From NC 2B Std. (11 ug/1), based on April 1986 DWQ Internal Report: N.0 Dept. N.R.C.D., Division of Environmental Management. No- e ect chronic levels or aquatic toxicit : Organic compounds found near Ashland Chemical Site in Ralei h NC. Toluene (Trout) 0.0018 mg/I From NC 2B Trout Std. (0.36 ug/1), based on April 1986 DWQ Internal Report: N.0 Dept. N.R.C.D., Division of Environmental Management. No -effect chronic levels for aquatic toxicity: Organic compounds found near Ashland Chemical Site in Raleigh, NC. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 15 mg/l Based on review of other states' maximum daily benchmark (TPH) (see also "Non -polar O&G") concentrations. See Rationale Document. Turbidity 50 ntu NC Aquatic Life Standard Turbidity — Lakes and Saltwaters 25 ntu NC Aquatic Life Standard, Lakes/Reservoirs, saltwaters urbidity — Trout 10 ntu NC Aquatic Life Standard, Trout (Tr) waters SS (Total Suspended Solids) 100 mg/I National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) study from 1983. SS — ORW, HQW (incl. Tr, PNA) 50 mg/l Based on one-half the standard benchmark of 100 mg/l. Uranium Facility -Specific mg/l See the Rational Document Vinyl Acetate 9.0 mg/l N. Remington, DWQ, 2/2009. Based on limited data; consult DWR Planning Section. Xylenes, total 6.7 mg/I % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). m-Xylene 8 mg/l % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). o-Xylene 4.03 mg/l % FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). NC DEMLR Stormwater Benchmark Rationale and Guidance Document November 1, 2013 Page 16 of 16 Parameter Benchmark Conc. Units Source p-Xylene 4.2 mg/I /: FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). Zinc, total recoverable 0.126 mg/I Y2 FAV; EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Acute) or dissolved zinc, calculated with assumed 25 mg/I hardness, and hen converted to total with EPA partition translator based on ssumed 10 mg/I TSS (revised 2013).