HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000389_Email_20190507Garcia, Lauren V From: Elizabeth M. Wike <ewike@AlpekPolyester.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2019 10:17 AM To: Garcia, Lauren V Cc: James R. Perez; Tony R. Freeman; Sharon S. Frost Subject: FW: [External] DAK Americas Cedar Creek Site and CPR Stormwater Permits Attachments: Benchmarks Ratio nale-20131118.pdf, dwtable20l8.pdf, NCS000389 Permit DRAFT.pdf, Staff Report NCS000534.pdf, Staff Report NCS000389.pdf; Drawing of CC Stormwater Outfalls Revised 2019 04 30.pdf, CC Outfalls-DAK only Rev 2019 05 05.doc e xternal il. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to n Lauren, Thank you for your responses below. DAK would like to make one change to the application: On the east end of the property, there is an area that eroded during Hurricane Florence. We would like to repair the eroded area and establish a new Outfall. The new Outfall will be called E1. It will drain approximately 15 acres. I have attached a revised Storm Sewer Site Plan and a description of the outfall. This outfall will be part of DAK's permit (NCS000389). The area cannot be safely sampled right now. We are in the process of obtaining quotes to rework this area. Because it cannot be sampled currently, and I am not sure of the exact timeline for the work to be done, I would like to request that stormwater sampling for the new Outfall begin in January 2020. DAK does not have any other comments on the either the CPR permit (NCS000534) or the Cedar Creek Site permit (NCS000389) with the revisions you made on April 24. If you have any questions please let me know. Elizabeth Wike Sr. Environmental Engineer DAK Americas LLC "An Alpek Polyester Business" 1205 Culbreth Drive I Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: (910) 371-4498 Cell: (910) 512-4883 Fax: (910) 371-5147 ewike@aIpekpolyester.com www.al pekpolyester.com From: Garcia, Lauren V [mailto:lauren.garcia@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 2:13 PM To: Elizabeth M. Wike Cc: James R. Perez; Tony R. Freeman; Sharon S. Frost Subject: RE: [External] DAK Americas Cedar Creek Site and CPR Stormwater Permits Good morning Elizabeth, Thank you for sending me this monitoring information! Can you explain why outfalls B3, C, D, and E have no recorded flow for 10 consecutive years? If this is really the case, you may want to contact DEMLR Regional Office Staff and ask them to help you reevaluate whether these are actual outfalls. To address the topics of our phone conversation on Tuesday: 1. 1 have revised the DAK America draft to exclude TSS. That monitoring parameter was not included in the 2010 permit and there is no reason to include it as a new parameter at this time. 2. 1 have attached our benchmark rationale and table. You made a really good catch with 1,4 Dioxane. I assumed the 0.4 mg/l that was listed as the benchmark value in the old permit had just been revised to 0.73 mg/l in 2013. Since the receiving water for the permitted facility is a water supply, the concern is for chronic exposure and the original value (0.4 mg/1) came from the EPA Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories Table. I have attached the 2018 edition and updated the permit to reflect this. 3. We don't have "fact sheets" for the permits, but I do have Staff Review and Evaluation Documents, which I have been told are as close as we have to an equivalent. These are also attached. 4. Regarding the removal of BOD, with the limited monitoring data available and with the consistent elevation into Tier II monitoring because of BOD benchmark exceedances in B2, it is extremely unlikely that a case can be made to have this monitoring parameter removed from the permit. However, I am still in contact with the DEMLR Regional Office Staff about this and can keep you updated with their decision. Let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks, Lauren From: Elizabeth M. Wike <ewike@AlpekPolvester.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 5:25 PM To: Garcia, Lauren V <lauren.garcia@ncdenr.gov> Cc: James R. Perez <JPerez@AlpekPolvester.com>; Tony R. Freeman <afreeman@AlpekPolyester.com>; Sharon S. Frost <sfrost@AlpekPolvester.com> Subject: [External] DAK Americas Cedar Creek Site and CPR Stormwater Permits MExternal email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to ��m@nc.gov Lauren, Here are the analytical results for the stormwater permits for 1. DAK Americas Cedar Creek Site NCS000389 2. Clear Path Recycling NCS000534 If you need additional information please let me know. Elizabeth Wilke Sr. Environmental Engineer DAK Americas LLC "An Alpek Polyester Business" 1205 Culbreth Drive I Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: (910) 371-4498 Cell: (910) 512-4883 Fax: (910) 371-5147 ewike@alpekpolVester.com www.alpekpolvester./com This message and its attachments may contain privileged, confidential or copyrighted information property of the sender. The information is intended only for the exclusive use of its intended recipient unless otherwise stated by the sender. Any interception, unauthorized review, forwarding, printing, copying, distributing, or using such information and its attachments is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. 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